Katie & demi audience american hustle

Audience By Katie Weaver & Demi Sims

Transcript of Katie & demi audience american hustle

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By Katie Weaver & Demi Sims

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American Hustle


Article 1: This article is from the US website Variety. It describes the film to be “a sloppy comedy” and ‘a mess’. The writer of American Hustle also wrote ‘The Wolf on Wall Street’ and ‘Silver Linings Playbook’. As much as TWWS and SLP was a delight, the idea for AH did not work.

“Their performances threatened to run away with the movie”

Jennifer Lawrence & Bradley Copper are also in SLP

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Critics review for American Hustle

“Fun, charming” “One of the best films of 2013 “I think this film is fabulous”

“Russell's world view is essentially optimistic and romantic”

“American Hustle is smart, sophisticated and slick. Director David O.Russell has been nominated for the academy award for both last years SLP and ‘The Fighter’ and is bound to earn at least a nod again this year”

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Of those six actors and actresses, Renner is the only newcomer to Russell’s ever-broadening repertory company: Bale and Adams both featured in his boxing film The Fighter, while Lawrence, Cooper and De Niro took the three main roles in Silver Linings Playbook.

“What gives American Hustle its unique, chilli-pepper kick, though, is that the con is all-enveloping. Irv is married to Rosalyn but is sleeping with Sydney, who calls herself Edith and with that identity seduces Richie, who wants to bring down Carmine and Victor, but also Irv. Who can untangle that web, and still tell down from up? The entire United States of America, it seems, is engaged in a game of bluff and counter-bluff, and the moral divide between crime and law enforcement vanishes like a rabbit from a hat.”


English newspaper