
Neptune By Katia


Neptune By Katia 165 and a half years ago on September 23, 1846 a man named Johann Gottfried Galle became the first man to see Neptune. Through his telescope Neptune looked like a dim light in the the sky about the size of a piece of sugar. 2 Neptune is 2.63 billion miles away from Earth. That’s really far! 3 Neptune has mystery rings that orbit this planet. The 5 rings are chunks of ice and rock that were parts of old moons. 2 American men solved the mystery of the bright parts of the rings. 4

Transcript of Katia-Neptune-3


By Katia

Who Found Neptune

165 and a half years ago on September 23, 1846 a man named Johann Gottfried Galle became the first man to see Neptune. Through his telescope Neptune looked like a dim light in the the sky about the size of a piece of sugar.


How Far Away Is Neptune From Earth?

Neptune is 2.63 billion miles away from Earth. That’s really far!


Mystery Rings Neptune has mystery rings that orbit this planet. The 5 rings are chunks of ice and rock that were parts of old moons. 2 American men solved the mystery of the bright parts of the rings.


Neptune’s Moons

Neptune has 13 moons. One of the moons name is Triton. It is the biggest moon.


Neptune’s Storms

There were 3 storms on Neptune’s surface , The Scooter, Dark Spot 2, and The Great Big Dark Spot. The biggest one of all is The Great Big Dark Spot, it was about the size of our Planet Earth!


Neptune’s Gasses

Neptune is made of 3 gasses, helium, hydrogen, and methane. Methane makes Neptune’s color blue.


Neptune’s Axis

Neptune’s axis is not that different from Earth’s axis, but it rotates in 18 hours 12 minutes instead of 24 hours. It takes 16.8 years to travel around the Sun.


Who Went To See Neptune?

The Voyager 2 space craft was launched on Aug 20, 1977 and it reached Neptune on Aug 24, 1984 so, Voyager 2 space craft took about 12 years to reach Neptune. When the Voyager 2 space craft went past Neptune, we learned a lot of these cool facts and got a lot of these cool pictures.


Sources Slide number:

http://wkiri.com/comphist/2011/10/alternate-history-discovery-of-neptune/ http://astrobob.areavoices.com/2010/08/18/chillin-with-the-blue-orb/ http://www.berlin-sciences.com/en/facts/history-of-science-in-berlin/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discovery_of_Neptune http://www.guangxiedu.net/157/origin-of-solar-system.html http://discovermagazine.com/2000/sep/cover http://www.seasky.org/skygallery/skygallery_01_24.html http://www.wingmakers.co.nz/universe/solar_system/Neptune.html http://discovermagazine.com/2000/sep/cover http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neptune http://library.thinkquest.org/26220/solarsystems/neptune.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/space/solarsystem/space_missions/voyager_program


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.