KasV - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home€¦ · of tho rolling deep, for a life ou...

Ifei-- ' L assoc Br?' Fr knowing how to "W""I Mmk- - '."'' Advertise to profit J W" T . jJKgKj. - ' Consult the patrons of I i I- - pPf' , The Evening Bulletin ,. ai J T A fty?; , Vol. IV. No. 799. K Our Scarf News rRHi',. FEET (?& IF! if", w' 1'"' '? K.l B.-i- n - i'j- - m M n i,fr 1m Interesting for those who nre looking for a useful holiday gift. Opening the pick or nil that is best in tlcilom. Never knew equal goodness, 'eept at doublo the price. You'll ugrco with me when you see them. ' Not much choice In Golf shirts we are'now showing. Not a badttylo In the lot. II'h tno kind of picking TOU cnir Fl t course 1 IPrioe, Que Dollar. AT "The KasV Hbtd Street : : WaierlCy BlOCi Agents for Dr. Delmel's Linen-Mes- h Underwear. Heuil for Catalogue. We Make Shirts to Order. H. L GEAR, G.D.BEAR, 811 8nsorao 8t., S. F. 310 King St., U I. GEAR & GEAR lawyers. f&l Francisco audjioiiolulu ,; rf Having offices I'd San Francisco and 4anuluitf J: promptly to all' matter entrtiHeil to 8 In either 'of ald places. D. O-EA- LA.WYBR. Corner of King and Bethel Streets, Second Floor. William A . Henshall, A-ttorhe- y at Law 113 KaaUumanniQtreet. Tele. 663. CHARLES F. PETERSON, -- A.ttornev at Haw and .Notary .Public. Kaahumanu .8treet. W. S. EDINGS, Counsellor at Law, Corner Bethel and King Streets, Honolulu, H. I. GILBERT F.rLITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW XIILO, HAWAII 1 A.. C. WALL, D. D. S DENTIST. New love's Building, Fort Street. TELEPHONE 434. DR. T. MoMILLAN, Ot the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons ot Edinburgh, Etc. Office: Boretanla St, Opposite Hawaiian Hotel. (Dr. Ryder's.) Houks: 9 to 10 a. in., 1 to 3 aud 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone 244. AMBRIOAN Livery and Boarding Stables Corner Merchant tod Richards Bti, LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES rgT Carriage, Surrey and Hack t all bonrs. TBLKl'HONK 4IM. The Evtntny Jhtlhtin, 7ficti,pr niom4r, ' GREAT TRADE POSSIBILITY Presence of Little Yessel that lay Ini- tiate Few Commerce. Brings Southern California Produce to Return with Hawaiian Was at Bloodstained Isle Owners btable In. ft-- 8 Tho little schooner Emma and Louisa, tied up' at Brewer & Go.'s whmf, has a history more inter- esting Ihnn one would expect to find associated with a trading vessel. Tho captain and pari ownor, of the schooner ia Lew. B. Harris. Tbe other owner is Jesso Grant, eon or tho late and, illus trions General Ulysses S. Grant, eighteenth President pf the Unit- ed States. - In his early days Captain Harris was a seafaring man, but abandoned the faHcinn-tinn- s of tho rolling deep, for a life ou 'shore. He became a civil en- gineer of .repute several promin ent works in Southern California allotting to his ability in that line. Bat ho finally got to thinking of his first love, andL with Mr. Grant, whoso home is now in San Diogo, pur chased tho Emma, and Louisa, and sent her guano gathering in tho Gulf of California, which lias many little islands rich in this ammonia-produci- ng compound. The gulf is not always smooth as a mill pond, and the littlo schooner did not got to its home port without losing some riggiug, Although it secured a full' cargo of the.. fertilizer. , Realtors of California news wiU remember the reo-- nt accounts of the killing of two white men, Jobn-o- n and Porter, by the sup ponedly cannibalistic, and undoubt- edly fierce, Indians of T.burou inland, the largest island in the gulf, being about thirty miles long. Johnson and Porter were cur.io hunters, and were Bearcbiug the islands of tho gulf for articles for a curio store in San Diego, It is believed now that Captain Har ritf is'ilie Isst white man 'who saw the unfortunate hunters alive, as his vessel was off Tibnron island at the Bame time their boat was. Captain Harris did not learn of their death until his arrival at San Diego. While the particulars aud date of their fate are not known; and may never be, it is supposed they were killed about the middle of August. There is conjecture ' as to why Johnson and Porter ventured on the island, the Serin tribe of Indians inhabiting it bo iug known to be cruel and un- friendly to all intruders ou their domain. Probably the Indians gave false signs of friendliness. The Emma and Louisa has a carrying capacity of 170 tons, and a net register of 85 tons. She brought cargo of 117 tons of hay, grain, piokled fish nnd fertilizer, coiviguedj to Henry- - Waterhquse & Co., who will sell the goods ou ship's account. The schooner started from San Diego on the evening of November U0, and ar- rived in Honolulu at daylight on the morning of December 21. The boat encountered bad weather j nearly all the way, 'considering which Bho mads very ( good time. Thare wore four passohg ers on the trip, invit'd guests of the captain, D. E. and D. D. La Ruo, Frank Tower and James Russo. Tho first mate, A. A. Henderson, as well as the master. is a civil engineer. Tho schoqiier will tako buck to Sun Diogo a cargo of 'tropical fruits nnd-othe- Cream of Tartar and Soda nothing- - else. Schilling's Best bakiiig pow. hip; powder, li produce, and will probably get away in a week or ten days. The trip of the Emma and Lonisa to Honolulu at this time is in the nature of a modest experi- ment, to ascertain if it would be advisable to attempt to build up a trade between the Hawaiian Isl- ands and Southern California direot. The schooner of itself can do very little, but, if there should develoD a demand, othor sailing vessels, or even steamers, would soon be forthcoming for the service. At this time' there are no idle vessels qn the California const, every available oraft being pressed into the Klondike service. But soon the vessels specially ordered for the Alaskan run will arrivo on the coast, and then as many of them as may be needed can be secured for tho proposed trade. TIIE MYRTLE DANCE. Nothing not Bad Weather ! Feared bjr Promoter!. The subucription-dnnc- e for New Year's eve at the Myttle boatbouse is an assured success provided th weather' will no mar the evening's jileasure. The original Quintet club has been engaged for the occasion, and both vocal and instrumental solos will be rend ered botween intervals of dances. Tho boathna-4- will bo nrettilv decorated, and the committee who has the affair in chargo will spare no pains in makincr tho occasion ooo to be remembered. Members of either of the clubs and their frionds who have not boen approached bv the com mittee and desiring to attend can obtain tickets at Thrum's book i. tore, or from E. ,B. Borger. Fol- lowing are the committees for the,' evening: Reception Percy Lisbman,H A Wilder, D F Thrum, Dr G H Hnddy, Ja-- i W Lloyd. Floor Henry Giles, T P Cum- mins, E B Berger, G F Kluegel; Dr W T Monsarrat, floor man agor. Refreshment J L Holt. KWA STOCKIIOLDKnS. Postpone Action ou the Plan to Iuai New Ntoek. Thero was a largo attendance of stockholders of the Ewa planta tion at this' morning's meeting to consider, tho proposition of a new issue. of stock in the proportion of two Bharas for one, and a very large percentage of. the stock was represented. After some discussion it was dcoided to postpone any further action on the matter for six months. It is understood that the pro ject would have boon dofeatad if pressed to. a vote. m For m Beach Hotel, Wood cutting on tho Dimond place at Waikiki is for the pur-po- so of preparing tho premises for a hundsomo lawn. Tho Ha waiUn hotel people ,ara doing the work and the house thero will in futuro bo thoir seaside nunex. When tho work is completed tho floor will probably be the petti- est and most attractive resort m that quarter. Pure milk aud Frcah Kksm. What is nicer and more refresh-sbin- g than a fresh egg shaken up with pore milk, shavod ico and flavored to suit your taste with fresh syrups; invest 10c. aud try one. Also shako made with pue nilk and any desired flavor Co. Palama GrtoofciiY, Opposite Hallway Depot, King street. TlA- - llai'klrla Warrliouw. Fred JJarrieon has the contract for building tho now Unckfeld waroliouho on tho oHplnundo, Ho will finWIi tint work next week, Tho Ijoiiho will bo u novolly in that thero In not a pit'iie of wood in it, ft will bo n ypry lingo illalr, IN THE HIGHER COURTS Jidge Stanley Signs a 'Decree in tbe Robinson Partition Suit. Lionel Hart Becomes or Age and Bishop Willis Surrenders His Guardianship Ver- dict Against Wm. Henrj. The 'Supremo Court was not in session today. The next sitting will be on Monday morning. In tho case of J. Ealaukoa vs. Wm. Henry on trial before Judgo Stanley aud a mixed jury yester- day, the jury brought in a verdict for.plaiutiff for $150, ouo dissent- ing, after deliberating about an hmr. E. P. Dole, of counsel for defendant, excepted to the verdict and gavo notice of a motion for a new trial. The testimony in the divorce oase of Davis vs. Davis before Judgo Perry is nil in and argu- - mour is now yoiog on. ihocas-- o will bo submitted by tomorrow rao'iiiuu. About ten morn cases on the pro? out Circuit Court calendar remaiu 'to be hoard. Judge Stiiiley his sicrued a dpcroo in tbo psrtition suit of Marki". Kohinson and others vs. Caroline J. Hnbinsnn, requiring Henry Smith, as special com in is sioner, to sell the properly at issue at public auction to the highest bidder and repqrt said sale for connrmauoo wnnin sixty uays. In the matter of the estate of Nancy S. Ellis, deceased, an be.au filed real properly valued at ,$300 and personal effeots at $25. In the mutter of tho guardian- ship of Lionel Hart, now of legal ane, Bishop Alfred Willis has fil'd his final account and petition for f rom further respou sibility as to his ward. The account shows receipts of S305G.-7- 5; disbursements S3153.79; balance due the guardian 897.01 Deputy Marshal Hitchcock cor tifios to service of an order made by Judge Stanley on Awn, of ilona, Hawaii, a bankrupt, re- quiting him to turn over all his property to P. A. Diss, who has been appointed assignee. In the assumpsit case of W. H. Cummings vs. C. J. Holt, the plaintiff, by his attorney A. G. Correa, moves' the Court to hear defendant's motion for n new trial today, or as soon thereafter as it can bo hoard. In tho matter of garudianship ot Jjukela fumoku, a minor, bis brother, Mele Lui Piimoku, noti tions the Court to appoint him guardian of his oerson aud estate. The latter consists of cash iu the hands of E. G. Hitchcock who is willing to turn tho same over as soon as a guardian is appointed Judae Perry will hear the neti tion for letters of administration iu tho estate of John Grace this afternoon. J. A. Magoou for tho petitioner. Tho purposed consolidation of hnrdwnro firms is purely cou- - uiignui on uuucxmiuii ana is n scheme for protection merely against foreign contingent. Royal make tbe food pure, wbolcMmo aod delicious. ItfH. AbfolutclTrur toiu uiMmintnn, Brerrthln In Readlneee for tho Grand Military Bennlon Thle Erealaff, The N. G. H. reunion and camp, firo is tbo leading event on tbe boards for this evening. It will tako place in the shed. The main hall of tho building has boon pro- fusely decorated with flags. Five bibles stretch from tbe front en- trance nearly to the Btage. These will be. looked after tonight by J. VV. Chapman and a score of as- sistants. It is expected that 500 men will attend. A. very few outsido invi talions have been issued. ,Presi dent Dole and members of the Cabinet will bo special guests. C-p- t F. B. McStocker, Wm. H. Hongs, George Stratomeyer, W. 0. Wilder Jr., Goorgo W. Smith, James A. Kenntdy, J. 8. Mortiu, W. It. Sims, H. A. Wilder aud a largo uumbor of others will be nrosent as former mombors of tho R giraent. Acting militiamen must appear in uniform. Former men hers have secured tickets nl headquarters which must bo pre sentcd at the door. vThn choirman- - of tho committeo ofr arrangements, desires that tbe prog am be not announced in advance this afternoon. It mnv bo Btatod, however,' that it is a good one and will be oujoyod. In tue words or ono posted on tho inatlor, "Tho procrnm .will ba on the Hue of, aud equal to, an Opera Houso ontertaiutnent." There will ba 1G numbers, with an iutnr- - miB-aon- . It is exueotod that the end of the program will be reach ed by 11 o'clock. Tho Hawaiian baud orobostra will furnish music. The very best vocal and minB nr.'l talent of the cirjj has been en- listed for the occasion., Honrv Vioira, l'oyo Jccksou. Al. Moore and a half dozen othor favori'es will introduce, specialties. Ynn derveer and Marshall of the Balti more will do a turn, and tbeie will ho some singing by men from the warships. Wm. H. Hoogs will prr-sou- t a high class vocal selec tion. Near the cIobb there wilt bo a woid from President Dole and perhaps ono or two others. There will be no speeches. Lights will go out as soon as the affair in over. m m CENTRAL UNION CHVHC1I. akere Elected and Arranft-nment- a ado tor Annual Meetlair. Tbe annual meeting of tbe membors of Central Union church will bu held on Wednesday even iug, January 12. It will be made a social os well as a business affair. The members will bo seated around tables in tho Sun day school parlors aud whilo tho social program is boing carried out the annual reports will bo roid. At a conforonco of tho church members after the regular mid week meeting last oveuing eight now applications receivea invor ablo consideration. Fivo camo in by letter, two wore by confession of faith and ono was 'by .reaffirm ation. . ' . M m m AUlgator Ualt Photographed. In tbo windows of tho Pacific Hnrdwaro Co. is a photograph of abnat a dozen negro babies iu natural costumo and various pesos. Tho title is "Alligator Bait," and rofers to the special tooth of the alligator for tho littly pickauinny. J. B. Atbertou re ceived tho photo from aproininont Southern Htatoainau. It was taken from lifo by an outerprising firm i of artUts at Knoxvill- -, Terni. ' m liar Nlieollnjr Yentrnluy. Throo silvor and three bronz-bar- s wore umdo iu llio Ileghnental competition yestoiday afternoon, viz,; Liniit. UiH Boh", Coiuiany G, 4!lj Corp. James Malioiwy, G, ' 43; Cnpt. K O. White. Jl, JOj Ed. DnvAUHKlmlle, l),t); Kranz, IC, (l; Hcott, I), iirj. Tomorrow will bu tho lust wnokdtiv Hliooting, Tim cniiijintilloii will con In no nil day on January 'J, and will then eloeo for till yimr, v TO BE A NEW RAILROAD Practically a Renewal of tne Line From Bonolaln toWaiaiae. Large Engines, Heary Ralls, Big Turntables, Commodious Landing, All to Gov ' In at Once. '" Tho Oahn Railway and Land Co. havo planned what will be praotinally a ronewal of tbe line and its machinery for. the coining year. Un the Waianae extension of tho road tho heavy rails iu gen- eral -- use in the States wore origin V ally put down. .Theso are now bo- ing continued on from Ewa mill into town. Tbo heavy rails have already rnobed a point some three miles this Bide of Pearl City. . Tho next improvement will be in the matter of bridges. Every bridge nnd crossing from here to Waiuune is to bo renowed and inado more substantial than ever before When ' tbo crossing is wide or thero is anv lia bility of washes from honvy rams, iiinmcnte stono or woodou foundation will bo put ' in. This work will btgin at once. Another great improvement will ho iu tho speed made by tho trains. To further this scheme ongiueaV more thau doublo tbo lizo of the ones now in use havo already been ordered. The first one bos been placed in servico. Tbe second one lias been lundeu .and will go to work on tho road eary iu.J.aoutary. Ii.is.o'SG;,., tan .engine 'against, 13. and 14 tons for those run heretofore. "? now engiues aDDroach.the of thobO ou the big Ameticau roads, have larga whoels and will attaiu great speed. .i1- -. A further improvement will be in tbe matt r of turntables. Im- -: proved facilities ar uece-sar- y for '' the big engines that will at once V go on. the road. The turntable to bo built iu 'the yard here will measaro GO feet across. A dunl- i- cato of it will be put up at come point down tho road, most likely at Vaiauao. Work on these be well under way early next wepk. 'MO, The last real sohemo for "I- - Bixe will big bettering the railway fioilities will in the of a new wharf landing to.roplace tbe pre-- , sent. Work tbis will to- - k morrow. T.ha wharf proper willv 120 feet long and will M accommodat- e- both or tbe two new scows. The scows were launched iu tho bay this morn ing. Head carpenter Hughes superintended tho work. new landing will accommodate eight, railway cars at a time. It wilt bo bo constructed as to con-Lo- ct with tbe scows. Thus a small train of cars can off on tbo scows in a few minutes aud with very littlo trouble. A very number of minor improvements havo been planped and will be utidsr way course of n week. Wheriall 'the .woik completed, which will be K ,A d;i be bo be uuuui uiioo iuo ran- - .v." will bo as complete a carry.;;', iug arrangement can lonnd any whore. aL Awarded Highest Honors World's Psir. Medal, Midwinter FWr. CREAM BAKING POHDfR A Pure Oripi of TrUr fttviu, 40 YEAP S THE STANDAJM), I m. V !' " A Htomk?.kt. tt'h, ,, ,Smhk:, iU&mMi it jj-- t i u U1 f i ..-- . r Vl ;r :- - m ' c' t . Tbe '' ,-- - driving . a . abape on begin fJ?,,: Tbe backed largo is u uiiiuilis, road - , as be .. v.: Oold Cttm , i v j m

Transcript of KasV - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home€¦ · of tho rolling deep, for a life ou...

Page 1: KasV - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home€¦ · of tho rolling deep, for a life ou 'shore. He became a civil en-gineer of.repute several promin ent works in Southern California

Ifei-- ' L assoc

Br?' Fr knowing how to "W""IMmk- - '."'' Advertise to profit J W" T .

jJKgKj. -'

Consult the patrons of I i I--pPf' , The Evening Bulletin ,. ai J T A

fty?; , Vol. IV. No. 799.

K Our Scarf News


FEET(?&IF!if", w'









1m Interesting forthose who nre lookingfor a useful holiday gift.Opening the pickor nil that is bestin tlcilom.Never knew equal goodness,'eept at doublo the price.You'll ugrco with mewhen you see them. '

Not much choice In Golfshirts we are'now showing.Not a badttylo In the lot.II'h tno kind of pickingTOU cnirFl t course 1

IPrioe, Que Dollar.AT

"The KasVHbtd Street : : WaierlCy BlOCi

Agents for Dr. Delmel's Linen-Mes- hUnderwear. Heuil for Catalogue.

We Make Shirts to Order.


811 8nsorao 8t., S. F. 310 King St., U I.

GEAR & GEARlawyers.

f&l Francisco audjioiiolulu

,; rf Having offices I'd San Francisco and4anuluitf J:

promptly to all' matter entrtiHeil to8 In either 'of ald places.

D. O-EA-

LA.WYBR.Corner of King and Bethel Streets,

Second Floor.

William A . Henshall,

A-ttorhe-y at Law

113 KaaUumanniQtreet. Tele. 663.


--A.ttornev at Haw and.Notary .Public.

Kaahumanu .8treet.


Counsellor at Law,Corner Bethel and King Streets,

Honolulu, H. I.




A.. C. WALL, D. D. S

DENTIST.New love's Building, Fort Street.


DR. T. MoMILLAN,Ot the Royal College of Physicians

and Surgeons ot Edinburgh, Etc.

Office: Boretanla St, OppositeHawaiian Hotel. (Dr. Ryder's.)

Houks: 9 to 10 a. in., 1 to 3 aud 7 to8 p. m. Telephone 244.


Livery and Boarding StablesCorner Merchant tod Richards Bti,


rgT Carriage, Surrey and Hack t allbonrs. TBLKl'HONK 4IM.

The Evtntny Jhtlhtin, 7ficti,prniom4r, '


Presence of Little Yessel that lay Ini-

tiate Few Commerce.

Brings Southern California Produce to Return

with Hawaiian Was at Bloodstained

Isle Owners btable In.ft--


Tho little schooner Emma andLouisa, tied up' at Brewer & Go.'swhmf, has a history more inter-esting Ihnn one would expect tofind associated with a tradingvessel. Tho captain and pariownor, of the schooner ia Lew. B.Harris. Tbe other owner is JessoGrant, eon or tho late and, illustrions General Ulysses S. Grant,eighteenth President pf the Unit-ed States. - In his early daysCaptain Harris was a seafaringman, but abandoned the faHcinn-tinn- s

of tho rolling deep, for a lifeou 'shore. He became a civil en-

gineer of .repute several prominent works in Southern Californiaallotting to his ability in thatline. Bat ho finally got tothinking of his first love,andL with Mr. Grant, whosohome is now in San Diogo, purchased tho Emma, and Louisa, andsent her guano gathering in thoGulf of California, which liasmany little islands rich in thisammonia-produci- ng compound.The gulf is not always smooth asa mill pond, and the littloschooner did not got to its homeport without losing some riggiug,Although it secured a full' cargoof the.. fertilizer. ,

Realtors of California news wiUremember the reo-- nt accounts ofthe killing of two white men,Jobn-o- n and Porter, by the supponedly cannibalistic, and undoubt-edly fierce, Indians of T.burouinland, the largest island in thegulf, being about thirty mileslong. Johnson and Porter werecur.io hunters, and were Bearcbiugthe islands of tho gulf for articlesfor a curio store in San Diego, Itis believed now that Captain Harritf is'ilie Isst white man 'who sawthe unfortunate hunters alive, ashis vessel was off Tibnron islandat the Bame time their boat was.Captain Harris did not learn oftheir death until his arrival at SanDiego. While the particularsaud date of their fate are notknown; and may never be, it issupposed they were killedabout the middle of August.There is conjecture ' as towhy Johnson and Porterventured on the island, the Serintribe of Indians inhabiting it boiug known to be cruel and un-friendly to all intruders ou theirdomain. Probably the Indiansgave false signs of friendliness.

The Emma and Louisa has acarrying capacity of 170 tons, anda net register of 85 tons. Shebrought cargo of 117 tons of hay,grain, piokled fish nnd fertilizer,coiviguedj to Henry-- Waterhquse& Co., who will sell the goods ouship's account. The schoonerstarted from San Diego on theevening of November U0, and ar-rived in Honolulu at daylight onthe morning of December 21. Theboat encountered bad weather

j nearly all the way, 'consideringwhich Bho mads very ( goodtime. Thare wore four passohgers on the trip, invit'd guests ofthe captain, D. E. and D. D. LaRuo, Frank Tower and JamesRusso. Tho first mate, A. A.Henderson, as well as the master.is a civil engineer. Tho schoqiierwill tako buck to Sun Diogo acargo of 'tropical fruits nnd-othe-

Cream of Tartar and Sodanothing- - else.

Schilling's Best bakiiig pow.hip; powder,


produce, and will probably getaway in a week or ten days.

The trip of the Emma andLonisa to Honolulu at this time isin the nature of a modest experi-ment, to ascertain if it would beadvisable to attempt to build up atrade between the Hawaiian Isl-ands and Southern Californiadireot. The schooner of itselfcan do very little, but,if there should develoDa demand, othor sailing vessels, oreven steamers, would soon beforthcoming for the service. Atthis time' there are no idle vesselsqn the California const, everyavailable oraft being pressed intothe Klondike service. But soonthe vessels specially ordered forthe Alaskan run will arrivo onthe coast, and then as many ofthem as may be needed can besecured for tho proposed trade.


Nothing not Bad Weather ! Fearedbjr Promoter!.

The subucription-dnnc- e for NewYear's eve at the Myttle boatbouseis an assured success providedth weather' will no mar theevening's jileasure. The originalQuintet club has been engaged forthe occasion, and both vocal andinstrumental solos will be rendered botween intervals of dances.Tho boathna-4- will bo nrettilvdecorated, and the committee whohas the affair in chargo will spareno pains in makincr tho occasionooo to be remembered.

Members of either of theclubs and their frionds who havenot boen approached bv the committee and desiring to attend canobtain tickets at Thrum's booki. tore, or from E. ,B. Borger. Fol-lowing are the committees for the,'evening:

Reception Percy Lisbman,H AWilder, D F Thrum, Dr G HHnddy, Ja-- i W Lloyd.

Floor Henry Giles, T P Cum-mins, E B Berger, G F Kluegel;Dr W T Monsarrat, floor managor.

Refreshment J L Holt.


Postpone Action ou the Plan to IuaiNew Ntoek.

Thero was a largo attendance ofstockholders of the Ewa plantation at this' morning's meeting toconsider, tho proposition of a newissue. of stock in the proportion oftwo Bharas for one, and a verylarge percentage of. the stock wasrepresented.

After some discussion it wasdcoided to postpone any furtheraction on the matter for sixmonths.

It is understood that the project would have boon dofeatad ifpressed to. a vote.


For m Beach Hotel,

Wood cutting on tho Dimondplace at Waikiki is for the pur-po- so

of preparing tho premisesfor a hundsomo lawn. Tho HawaiUn hotel people ,ara doing thework and the house thero willin futuro bo thoir seaside nunex.When tho work is completed thofloor will probably be the petti-est and most attractive resort mthat quarter.

Pure milk aud Frcah Kksm.

What is nicer and more refresh-sbin- g

than a fresh egg shaken upwith pore milk, shavod ico andflavored to suit your taste withfresh syrups; invest 10c. aud tryone. Also shako made with puenilk and any desired flavor Co.

Palama GrtoofciiY,Opposite Hallway Depot, King


TlA- - llai'klrla Warrliouw.Fred JJarrieon has the contract

for building tho now Unckfeldwaroliouho on tho oHplnundo, Howill finWIi tint work next week,Tho Ijoiiho will bo u novolly inthat thero In not a pit'iie of woodin it, ft will bo n ypry lingoillalr,


Jidge Stanley Signs a 'Decree in tbe

Robinson Partition Suit.

Lionel Hart Becomes or Age and Bishop Willis

Surrenders His Guardianship Ver-

dict Against Wm. Henrj.

The 'Supremo Court was not insession today. The next sittingwill be on Monday morning.

In tho case of J. Ealaukoa vs.Wm. Henry on trial before JudgoStanley aud a mixed jury yester-day, the jury brought in a verdictfor.plaiutiff for $150, ouo dissent-ing, after deliberating about anhmr. E. P. Dole, of counsel fordefendant, excepted to the verdictand gavo notice of a motion for anew trial.

The testimony in the divorceoase of Davis vs. Davis beforeJudgo Perry is nil in and argu- -mour is now yoiog on. ihocas--o

will bo submitted by tomorrowrao'iiiuu.

About ten morn cases on thepro? out Circuit Court calendarremaiu 'to be hoard.

Judge Stiiiley his sicrued adpcroo in tbo psrtition suit ofMarki". Kohinson and others vs.Caroline J. Hnbinsnn, requiringHenry Smith, as special com in issioner, to sell the properly at issueat public auction to the highestbidder and repqrt said sale forconnrmauoo wnnin sixty uays.

In the matter of the estate ofNancy S. Ellis, deceased, an

be.au filedreal properly valued at ,$300 andpersonal effeots at $25.

In the mutter of tho guardian-ship of Lionel Hart, now of legalane, Bishop Alfred Willis hasfil'd his final account and petitionfor f rom further respousibility as to his ward. Theaccount shows receipts of S305G.-7- 5;

disbursements S3153.79;balance due the guardian 897.01

Deputy Marshal Hitchcock cortifios to service of an order madeby Judge Stanley on Awn, ofilona, Hawaii, a bankrupt, re-

quiting him to turn over all hisproperty to P. A. Diss, who hasbeen appointed assignee.

In the assumpsit case of W. H.Cummings vs. C. J. Holt, theplaintiff, by his attorney A. G.Correa, moves' the Court to heardefendant's motion for n new trialtoday, or as soon thereafter as itcan bo hoard.

In tho matter of garudianshipot Jjukela fumoku, a minor, bisbrother, Mele Lui Piimoku, notitions the Court to appoint himguardian of his oerson aud estate.The latter consists of cash iu thehands of E. G. Hitchcock who iswilling to turn tho same over assoon as a guardian is appointed

Judae Perry will hear the netition for letters of administrationiu tho estate of John Grace thisafternoon. J. A. Magoou for thopetitioner.

Tho purposed consolidation ofhnrdwnro firms is purely cou- -uiignui on uuucxmiuii ana is nscheme for protection merelyagainst foreign contingent.

Royal make tbe food pure,wbolcMmo aod delicious.



toiu uiMmintnn,

Brerrthln In Readlneee for tho GrandMilitary Bennlon Thle Erealaff,

The N. G. H. reunion and camp,firo is tbo leading event on tbeboards for this evening. It willtako place in the shed. The mainhall of tho building has boon pro-fusely decorated with flags. Fivebibles stretch from tbe front en-

trance nearly to the Btage. Thesewill be. looked after tonight by J.VV. Chapman and a score of as-sistants.

It is expected that 500 men willattend. A. very few outsido invitalions have been issued. ,President Dole and members of theCabinet will bo special guests.C-p- t F. B. McStocker, Wm. H.Hongs, George Stratomeyer, W.0. Wilder Jr., Goorgo W. Smith,James A. Kenntdy, J. 8. Mortiu,W. It. Sims, H. A. Wilder aud alargo uumbor of others will benrosent as former mombors of thoR giraent. Acting militiamenmust appear in uniform. Formermen hers have secured tickets nlheadquarters which must bo presentcd at the door.

vThn choirman- - of tho committeoofr arrangements, desires that tbeprog am be not announced inadvance this afternoon. It mnvbo Btatod, however,' that it is agood one and will be oujoyod. Intue words or ono posted on thoinatlor, "Tho procrnm .will ba onthe Hue of, aud equal to, an OperaHouso ontertaiutnent." Therewill ba 1G numbers, with an iutnr- -

miB-aon- . It is exueotod that theend of the program will be reached by 11 o'clock. Tho Hawaiianbaud orobostra will furnishmusic.

The very best vocal and minBnr.'l talent of the cirjj has been en-listed for the occasion., HonrvVioira, l'oyo Jccksou. Al. Mooreand a half dozen othor favori'eswill introduce, specialties. Ynnderveer and Marshall of the Baltimore will do a turn, and tbeiewill ho some singing by men fromthe warships. Wm. H. Hoogs willprr-sou- t a high class vocal selection. Near the cIobb there wilt boa woid from President Dole andperhaps ono or two others. Therewill be no speeches. Lights willgo out as soon as the affair inover.

m m


akere Elected and Arranft-nment- a

ado tor Annual Meetlair.

Tbe annual meeting of tbemembors of Central Union churchwill bu held on Wednesday eveniug, January 12. It will be madea social os well as a businessaffair. The members will boseated around tables in tho Sunday school parlors aud whilo thosocial program is boing carriedout the annual reports will boroid.

At a conforonco of tho churchmembers after the regular midweek meeting last oveuing eightnow applications receivea invorablo consideration. Fivo camo inby letter, two wore by confessionof faith and ono was 'by .reaffirmation. . '

. M m m

AUlgator Ualt Photographed.

In tbo windows of tho PacificHnrdwaro Co. is a photograph ofabnat a dozen negro babies iunatural costumo and variouspesos. Tho title is "AlligatorBait," and rofers to the specialtooth of the alligator for tho littlypickauinny. J. B. Atbertou received tho photo from aproininontSouthern Htatoainau. It was takenfrom lifo by an outerprising firm i

of artUts at Knoxvill- -, Terni. '


liar Nlieollnjr Yentrnluy.

Throo silvor and three bronz-bar- s

wore umdo iu llio Ileghnentalcompetition yestoiday afternoon,viz,; Liniit. UiH Boh", CoiuianyG, 4!lj Corp. James Malioiwy, G, '

43; Cnpt. K O. White. Jl, JOj Ed.DnvAUHKlmlle, l),t); Kranz, IC, (l;Hcott, I), iirj. Tomorrow will butho lust wnokdtiv Hliooting, Timcniiijintilloii will con In no nil dayon January 'J, and will then eloeofor till yimr,



Practically a Renewal of tne Line From

Bonolaln toWaiaiae.

Large Engines, Heary Ralls, Big Turntables,

Commodious Landing, All to Gov

'In at Once. '"

Tho Oahn Railway and LandCo. havo planned what will bepraotinally a ronewal of tbe lineand its machinery for. the coiningyear. Un the Waianae extensionof tho road tho heavy rails iu gen-eral --use in the States wore origin V

ally put down. .Theso are now bo-

ing continued on from Ewa millinto town. Tbo heavy rails havealready rnobed a point some threemiles this Bide of Pearl City. .

Tho next improvement will bein the matter of bridges. Everybridge nnd crossing from here toWaiuune is to bo renowed andinado more substantial than everbefore When ' tbo crossing iswide or thero is anv liability of washes fromhonvy rams, iiinmcnte stonoor woodou foundation will bo put '

in. This work will btgin at once.Another great improvement will

ho iu tho speed made by tho trains.To further this scheme ongiueaVmore thau doublo tbo lizo of theones now in use havo already beenordered. The first one bos beenplaced in servico. Tbe secondone lias been lundeu .andwill go to work on thoroad eary iu.J.aoutary. Ii.is.o'SG;,.,tan .engine 'against, 13. and 14 tonsfor those run heretofore. "?now engiues aDDroach.the ofthobO ou the big Ameticau roads,have larga whoels and willattaiu great speed. .i1- -.

A further improvement will bein tbe matt r of turntables. Im- -:proved facilities ar uece-sar- y for ''the big engines that will at once V

go on. the road. The turntable tobo built iu 'the yard here willmeasaro GO feet across. A dunl- i-cato of it will be put up at comepoint down tho road, most likelyat Vaiauao. Work on thesebe well under way early nextwepk. 'MO,

The last real sohemo for "I- -



bigbettering the railway fioilitieswill in the of a newwharf landing to.roplace tbe pre-- ,sent. Work tbis will to- - kmorrow. T.ha wharf proper willv

120 feet long and will Maccommodat- e- both or tbe twonew scows. The scows werelaunched iu tho bay this morning. Head carpenter Hughessuperintended tho work.new landing will accommodateeight, railway cars at a time. Itwilt bo bo constructed as to con-Lo- ct

with tbe scows. Thus asmall train of cars canoff on tbo scows in a few minutesaud with very littlo trouble.

A very number of minorimprovements havo been planpedand will be utidsr waycourse of n week. Wheriall 'the.woik completed, which will be







uuuui uiioo iuo ran- - .v."will bo as complete a carry.;;',

iug arrangement can lonndany whore. aL

AwardedHighest Honors World's Psir.

Medal, Midwinter FWr.



A Pure Oripi of TrUr fttviu,40 YEAP S THE STANDAJM),

Im. V !' " A Htomk?.kt. tt'h, ,, ,Smhk:, iU&mMi it jj-- t i u



..-- .



:- -

m' c'




driving .




on beginfJ?,,:




isu uiiiuilis,

road -,as be .. v.:



, i

v j


Page 2: KasV - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home€¦ · of tho rolling deep, for a life ou 'shore. He became a civil en-gineer of.repute several promin ent works in Southern California







Holiday Goods!

One Suit only in each Pattern.

3fo7-s- t

in Colored and Black Suitings.

Table Linen.A largo lino of Choicd Linen arrived by the "Australia."

Portieresin every Style and Shade; choice Goods and Patterns.

,TiA"fcle Coverin Tapestry and Chenille; all Siaes and Patterns.

XirerL IINTaplatiris.A largo lino of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Napkins.

mite Our Sale Lasts Bit Three WeeKs Longer.

J. J. EGAN,Fort

Fresli Hay, Grain and Feed


Constantly on Hand and NewStocK Arriving.We are prepared to furnish



California Feed Company

TelcDhone 131.



.Ivory WareCarTodGlovo Boxe. Card

Cases, Handkerchief Boxen,

.Lacquer WareIu Elegant Cabinets, Handker-chief am! Uoxch.

:Silver WareId Most Beautiful Designs, Kleg-antl- y


Crockery WareSilk Embroidered Screens,Porcelains Vases,Rattan Chairs,Grass Cloth,Crepe Sil

4Wing WoTai & Co.214 Nuuanu Street.


223 Merchant Et HoubUIu,

lietvreea I'ort Alalu'U,

fl'KMH'HONH 731

'fTht IlulUtin, 75 eti.jxrtinonth,

TsranK imphV

730, 1897.

J '



I I I,


t '



Queen .Street


A Lot of Extra Large Males


Driving Horses

They May be Seen at Rice's Stable,School Street.

j Communications In regard tothu annio may bo left at the OfUeo ofH. WaterhouHO & Co.

782-t- f

For Sale.

Tf - .!.!. IlU1.I1IU H..I..JKIUPC Wlill ll uvtliiMMlin, .ni .witdining-roo- Iinthroom with patentW. C. and bath tub, pantry, kitchenand stables, on vineyard hi reel, mnui-bi- o

fur business man; 6 minute walkfrom Uiwn.

For further particular, apply loWhU A. V. PEAK A 00.

For Sale.

Thu und l''ur allure of a tint-cliiH- n

Hotel, II vu niliiuliV walk fromthu post ollU'o, CoinplrU'ly furiiUhnl,I'imucmIuii glvttii liimieilUlely. ttreryroom at pri'smit occupied, Vttr parti'uuluri Hpply nt tliii livi.i.WHN OlVco,

771-l- f


At any time by the aid of our Dry Roller









Concerning Treatment of Tuberculosis

in Various States.

Bow the Great Statd of Pennsylvania Is

Effectually Getting IRd of the

Tbo quostiou of the liability oftbo Etato for cattle condemned fortuberculoma is one of the manyimportant issues tbat will hnve tobe met by tbo coming Legislature.Consequently anything that willthrow ligbt ou tbo subject byBbowiug bow tbo issue lias beenmet elsewhoro will be of sppcialintorotit just at this limo.

This papor is indebted to Dr.V. T. MoiiBnrrat for a copy of

tbe December number of tbeAmeiicau Veterinary Review,which contniuH nmouij other in-

teresting matter n report of tbeproceedings of the hotui auiiutlmeeting of tbo Pennsylvania SiHt"Veteiiuary Medicaltogether with valuablo reportsroad nt tbe meeting.

From the repoit of tbe commit-tee on legislation it is learnedthat the greut difficulty encoun-tered by tlio Stuto Live StockSanitary Bonr.l iu its efforts todoal with tun' unpr-ssio- andprevention of tuberculosis in tbopnst year wus bow to prevout the

from boiau introduced ouby cat lo br light from

oilier Stated or counties fordairy or breeding purposes. Thisban been mot by tbe passage ofa law providing tbat cattlo cominginto tlio State for dairy or bleediug purposes mutt uudero thetuborculiu test before udmist-ion- .

The law is enforced by tbo LiveStock Sanitary -- Board and tbepenalty is a Quo of 850 for eachinfiingoraeut, which may in eludennpiisonment. Another measure1him been passed appropriating$15,000 to be expended in the in-

vestigation of iufectious and contueious diseases. Tbe value ofthe live ekick interests of Pounslvani'i aggregates approximate)S125.000.000. The annual loss pustainod through contagious diseasesi euorraous, hihI is expt eased inmillions. The obj-- ot of this meaHuro is to lessen tfieso treat lossesby provoulinn of the plagues thatpiouui'G tnera, nu' tno parucuiarDiiruose is to prevent tuberculosisBut bow? It h propoHKLwitlithis nppropriatou as a basis, tontu ly these great problems

aod to determinouuder what causes and conditionsinfectious and contagious diseasearo Bprend

The report of tbo committee onsanitary hCience and police con-

tains much valuable informationand tbat portion quoted bolow willrepay careful rei.diug :

"There nro seynil. plans of control woik concoininu tuberculosisihnt have been tiied in severalStts.

let. Inhpction of all cattlo inlie State as in MasrachuBotta,

This is being auauuoneJ on ac-

count of its unpopularity with thefarmers and dairymen.

2 1. Inepoction here and theroas tbe disease jh reported to exist.This is without method, and ofvery limited good.

3d. Under direction of StateBoards of Health, as in Now YorkSlate. It is a boultb incisure concorning peoplo and unpopu-lar with farmeis.

4th. Under direction of StateLivo Stock Sauitary Boards, as inPennsylvania

"The State Live Stock SanitaryBoard of Penusylvinia consists offour inorubers Uovernor, raecre-ta- iy

of Agriculture, Dairy andPood Commissioner, and StatoVeterinarian nil State employeesreceive no pay for serviugon tbo Sauitary Board. Tbomot bod of work is as follows:

1st. Application for iunpeetionwhich ii a contract, binding the

cntllo-owner- tn in get-tiii- u'

rid of tbo disease and thedisinfootion of premises.

2d . Iuhpocton dono at espouseof the Stnto.

!)d. Cattle appraised aud killed,

4th. Premises disinfected."All those ,wlioao property ia

l)ocniiiin uoiinunind by tuliprou-loi)i- 4

can uvnil tliHiiiHelvi'H of thotoprovlflioiiH, nml pot rid o( tlioiMbuum), nndriToivc fair rumuucrn

Colitliiued nil Tlill'd 1'iW.


Water Notice

In accordnnco with Section 1 ofChapter XXVI of tho laws of 1880:

All persons holding water pri-vileges or tboso pnying waterrBtes, are hereby notitied that thowater rates for the term endingJuno 30, 1898, will be duo andpayab'o at tbe office of the Hono-lulu "Water Works, on the 1st dayof January, 1898.

All such rates remaining un-

paid for 6ftoi n dayB after thoynro duo will bo subjoot to an addi-tional 10 per cout.

All privileges upon which ratesremniu unpaid February 15, 1898,(30 days nftnr becoming delin-quent) ore liable to PU'peusionwithout further notice.

Rates aro payable nt the officeof the Witor Works in tbo Kapuniwa Bui'ding.

ANDREW BROWN,Sup'lHmolulu Wafcr Work.Honolulu, H, I , Doc. 17, 1897.

789-1- 2t

Certificate of the Minister of the Inter-

ior in re Bank of Hawaii, Limited.

I, JAMKS A. KINO. Minister of tboInterior of tho Republic of liawnll, dohereby CERTIFY that In accordnncowith the requirements of Section 12.Chapter XXIII of the Session Laws of1884, the same being an " Act to pro-vide for tbo Incorporation of BankingCompanies," I hnve examined Into thocondition of tho "BANK OF HA-WAII, LIMITED," a coriKmitlonformed under mild Act and located Intbe City of Honolulu and I am satis-fied that the said Corporation has ful-ly complied with tho provisions re-quired by said Act, to bo compiledwith before commencing tbe biiHiucssof Banking, and tbe said corporation,tho "Baiik of Hawaii, Limited," Ishereby authorized to comuicnco busi-ness.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto placed my band aud OfficialSeal this 23rd day of December, A.D.,1897.

(Signed) J. A. KING,704-2I- U Minister of the Interior.

A New Consignment



GOOdS J.slS3K18&.

Plain and.'Fanoya,

Uy the Piece and by tho Ynrd. Aluo

Black Cashmeres, Leccos,

Serges, Etc., Etc, Etc.,

Will bo Closed Out at LowPrices by


Mse Lands To Be Leasefl !

Tho Truatecs of the B. P. Bishop Em-tn- tn

nffi;r for leano for 21 years, dealr- -

niilo lotn of land suitable for cofleeirrmvlnir. Iii the Ahuiiuan of Keel,Kona. Hawaii, nt a rontnl varyingfrom 51 to $5 per acre. The loU havebeen laid out by W. A. Wall, Sur-veyor, and vary In hIzo from flvoacres to ninety-eig- ht acres. Applica-tion for information may bo made toA. C. Lovekln, Chief Clerk, at thoEstate Ofllcc, adJolnlngBlsliopVBank;or to J. D. Purls, Kunoopoo, Kona,Agent for tlio Bishop Kstato for theDistrict of Kona; who will show nilapplicants tho maps of tho lots thatIndicate tho location ami size of biinio.nml tlw form of lcaso. Tho leases willbo sold at public auction to tlio onooirurlng tlio highest bonus for tholease. Further notice will bo givenus to date of sale.

Honolulu, Doc. J6, 1897. 788-l- ni

Bottled Wines for XmasCASES OF 1 DOZEN EACH.

Madeira, Olaret,Fort, Riesling,

Slierry, Hook.S, AlHO ftBBOrti'U CftHCB COI- 1-

tninlnu Bovornl or all of tho abovevnriotioH,

GONSALVES & CO.,7M) 5!w Queen RlriTl.

JU'enhnj HuUttln 7Se jxr vwnth,

W The The The

Best Rest.There aro two kind of inrsapnrina: The best and the

reet. The trouble Is thoy look allka. And when, the teatdrew Hko the' best who'e to tell them apart? Well, "the treeis known by its fruit" That's an old test and a safe one.And the toller tho treo the deeper the root That'i anothertct What's the root, tho record of these samparlllat f The,one with tho deepest root Is Ayor's. Tho ono with the tlehestfruit ; that, too, U Aycr's. Ayer'a Sarsaparllla ha a record ofhalf a century of cures; a rocord of many medals and awards-culmin- ating

in tho medal of tho Chicago World's Fair, which,admitting Aycr's Sarsaparllla as tho best shut Its doors againsttlio rest That was gioatcr honor than tho medal, to bo tho onlySarsaparllla admitted ns an exhibit ct tho World's Fair. . If youwant to get tho best sarsaparllla of your drugclst 'hcro'a anInfallible, rulo : Ask for the best and you'll got Ayer'a. Askfor Ayer'a and you'll get the best

Hollister Drug




Silver Smoking Sets,Silver Match Boxes,

And Mnny Things Prized by Smokers.

ttS Cigars which woManila and tho United States.

tiCS13' Thcso aro what your gentlemen friends wouldlike for a Christmas gift.

HOLLISTER & CO.,Corner Port &

What Better Christmas Present


Telephone 228. FORT &


to tool


, Oi 480,

8. W.


Co. Agents.


import direct from Havana,

Merchant Streets.



KING ST8. P. O. Box 322.

-- r.O.BOX US


TcLEfHOIfl 478,

L Corner King arid Nan.anu tit,



U rV

The Manufacturing Harness Co.


Groceries, Provisions and FeeiNew Goods BeoeWed by Xrery fsoket from the Eastern BUtoa and Europe,

7BBSH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMERAll Orders faithfully attended and Good DeUrered any

Part the OHy FBEE

turn) OmoaasEAHT OOBNEB


Prop.LEDEltEB, X

Houaokoonora wishing to buy NEW or FIRST-CLAS-S

SECOND-HAN- D FURNITUREn Boilroora Bets, Bldoboardu, Wordrobos, Tablos, Olinlrs, I

Boxes, Mont BufoH, Mnrbletop Bowl Wnahatandfl, Bod Ldunges,MoRquUo Nots, Htovos, TIonRliiR Lamps, "Writing Desks, Book Oaeei,;ountorfl, etc, oto., will snvo mnuoy by buying at tlio I, X. L,, oor-l- er

Nuuuuu und King Htrouts.

tar American nnd Hawaiian Fluga nil eizos Hold olioupor thnufuHlorn rioos,

mvciti. s.tii a mi to.Um J&A4&r ,,j,mk riMMmm.. , muuM '' r S

Page 3: KasV - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home€¦ · of tho rolling deep, for a life ou 'shore. He became a civil en-gineer of.repute several promin ent works in Southern California

'Vr' '2'?ri ' -- ' ' 'to awW, JiylP"t?mmmmmm.w?mm7immnw vv' '"WjP V9


rAT?1 tmta!?t?tfJT,mJrfXlt-v- . ,-- , ,,. rJ&YMHfa,JL5. DECEMBER 30, 1897.

Ki,.t uwW

i,,W- -

Glaus Bmoxxts. Wk. Q. Iswnt.

Clayppeckelfi uo.

At BA.HCErs., . .HONOtUtU u. x.

.0mhrmtUeo Agnl-tK- M Nmtxba Bui oBak Tbiboiboo.


Sak Fiuworsoo The Nerada Bnk of 8m"ranclaco. " c

LoiCDtm-'-Th- e Union Bank of London, Ltd.Ntw Yoas American Exchange National

Bank.Chicago Merchant National Bank.Paris Comptolr National d'Eicompt de

Parle.Birlir Dretdner Bank:Homokoko ahd Yokohaha Hongkong A

Shanghai Banking Corporation.Naw Zialamo axd AvaTXAUA Bank of New

Zealand..Victoria akd Vakcoutir Bank ol British

North. America.

Transact a Qntnl Bantiiu ul Exchange BunasDepolsta Itecelfed. Loana mado 'on Ap- -

Security. Commercial and TravelerredlU leaned. BUla of Exchange bought


P. O. J0RB8. 1. A. JOHM

The Hawaiian


Investment Co.

Stock BrokersAND

Fire Insurance Agents.

Anyone wishing to eithorbuyov sell Stocks or Bonds would dowell to givo us h call.

We Imvh Safe Deposit Boxes ofseveral sizes lor rent eithor by themonth or your it very reasonablerates. Mni-y- , jewelry, aud valu-

able deposited in tno ofthese boxes will be petfeotly safefrom burglars and fire.

gW Miiiny to loan on approved security.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany.

Cor Alakea & Halekauwila 8U. ,' t -

I an a Urge assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates given for bouse wir-t-ne

and Eloctrical plants.i

Murine Wiring a Bpeoialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,82-t- d Manager.

Established 1853


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesof the world.

Pioneer Building and'Loan Association.

- Assets July, 1897, $118,708.25.

Money Loaned on Approved Seoarity.A Savings Bank for Monthly Deposits.House Built on tho Monthly Installment

Plan.Fifteenth Series of Stock now open.

For farther particulars apply to

A. V. GBAB, Secretary.Chamber of Comineroa Rooms.Office hours. 12:30 1:30 PiM. 873-t- f


Paper Hanger ahd Decorator

Island Orders attendod to with dispatoh.All work carefully and promptly

EfOrrioKt 'Smith street, with SamuelKabolookalanl Pna. Besidenoei Palamn.


No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement of RealEatato and Furniture,

LAI SING KEE,Dealer in

Bath Tubi, Kitchen Utensils,'

Tinware, Lamps, Etc,PLUUIIINU A Hl'HOfAlry,

Mo, tU Nuiuuti Hirwl, 716-fl-

The baking powderthat dotes,the riiost workto the cent.

Schillings jBestztyour grocers.

Tge Yokohama specie Bank;LIMRXD.

Snbsoribed Capital, s ten 12,000,000Paid Dp Capital Ten 7,600,000BeserveFnnd .....Yen 6,464,600


BRANCHES AND AQEN0IE3.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

Ban Francisoo, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Transacts a General Banking and Ex-

change BusinessAgency Yokohama Spetle Bunk

New RepnUllc Building. Ill King St, Honoimu.

S. KICHEI, '(Japan)

Sign Painter & Paper Hanger

j 133 Nuuanu venue, Honolulu,H.I.

S. IWASHITA,Watchma- - Gold & Sil-ke- r,

jfeifl versmith.

No. 417 Nuuanu street, next to Love'sBakery.

3T Cheapest in Town J&

SING CHAN CO. jv f rti near Miuiiake.

Telephone 945. P. O. Box 222.

Tinware, Glassware,China ware; Hardware,

Stoves anil H U!ie Furnishing Articledol all kinds. --

We are prepared to do

First-cla- ss Plnmliing anil Tinsmitliing742 3m

NEW STORE.Imported Dry Goods, English, American

and Chinese.

Dress Maki.is a Specialty.Low l'rlces to suit the times

jy Come in and see oar New Stock andStore.

WingHingLoyNuuann near Hotel street, oppotlte W. W,

Ahina,TELEPHONE 157.

nf Tbls Arm was foraterlr known a"Shna Lor," Fort street.

Yee Sing TieLargsWicketLK1LP34feMharLaChairsof theLatest

' Styles'..AND..

FurnitureOf all kinds.

Fort Street, opp. Club Stables


HAVING ESTABLISHED A MODERNplant for hulling, polishing and assortingcoffee, we are prepared to buy and cleanooffea in the parchment.


OF Apply to

w H. HACKFELD fc CO . Ltd.

The Honolulu Sanitarium1082 King Street,

A Quiet, Homelike I'laoe, when TrainedKnraeii, Mamus, "Swedish Movement,"Baths. Elect Hnltv aud l'hrilfal Trainlnpnay be obtained,

J. UH, 0, L. (HllVIN,TeUyUooe 030, iM Ubarue,

vV U'.uaer s

, suamsniD w

TIME TABLE.0. Ij. WIGHT, Prei. S. B. ROSE, Bee.

Capt. J. A. KING, PortSupt

Stmr. KINAU.'CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. m., toaehingaiLahaina, Haalaea Bay and Miikena thimine day; Mahukotw. Kawaihaennd LaupHUoehoe tho following day, arriving attlilo the same evening,


I Friday Dec. 81

Returning, will leave Uilo at 1 o'cloolp. M., touchlug at Laupuhoehoe, Mahukona and KawaiUno smo day) Makonn.

t&AtitAli ItAV anil r.afilnn t.a f1fAMtM...mm .uH.un uv IUIIUHIU,day; arriving at Honolulu the afternoon!.' ucxmiijr auu crtuuvs.

Win cll at Pohoibi, Puna.MKn Wrelaht mill lu. m.a.Ia ...0 a.m. on day of sailing. ,


VVill Iaava Hnnnlnln 'PtiAatfaw ai ft m

touching at KahuiuL Hana, Hamoa anr

uouuiuiu ouuuuv uiuraings.mil cau m. wuu, Kaupo, on aeoond tri

)l eaon month.'No Praloht will tut MaaIa.4 ttm

4 r. M. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right Umake changes in the time of departure anarrival of its steamers without notioe an-- t

will not be responsible for any oonsr(nences arislnfr therefrom.

Consignees must be at the Landings ureceive their Freight; this Company wilnot hold itself responsible for freight aftetIt has been landed.

Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsible

(or Money or Valuables of passengerunless placed In the oaro of Pursers.

PaHaengers are requested to purchasitickets before embarking. Those failing U

do so will bo subject to an additionalcharge of twenty-liv- e per oent.


m. ' W I " aW VBk ' aV

o.m S S3 sa va .

I 2lllP Fit liiifU8 y t

-- r.a. a- - .. rj srnirsa B. : o3 1 1

--w .a8 " a f vw sf1 !!Z " Pi ti - 4

fsn ii




Five Chairs First -- Class Workmen.

Paoheoo & Fernandas,1'roprlftnrH,

For Sale

Nun- - lliulu.', Ilium' iiiul Hmlillaiihi'iI only n fir llnu'ri; m) VoiiivMiiiii lunlii'ii Id muIiIIu uittl lnunr.Apply to

.1, A. Hiri'l'lillKIKIil).778-t- f iU I'liimliiui Hlavl,


Continued from Second l'ujje.

lion for Cflttln fminrl iliaiinaarl nmldestroyed. Therefore, tho workreceives me active co operation otthe farraere, and resulla in muchpermftnent good to tho State.Disease is being puppreesod: insome places rapidly in otberdslowly, and without interferencewith the live stock aud dairy intorr-sti- . Incro-iso- confidence iaciven to consumers of dairy-pr- oducts bb well as moats. Tbo publie is bpiug cdurntfd in the meansto be used to prevent the spreadof the disease.

"Up to the end of last fiscalyear, Juno 1, 1897, expendituresfor cattle amounted to S43.47G.50Amount paid for inspections$8291.99. Inspections cost leesthan 17 per cout. Cattle-owuoi- s

recoive 83 cents on evory dollsrexpended for tesU and for cattlekilled. Moro than 10,000 hi adhavo been tested with tubercu-lin. Less tliHn 20 per cont ofthoflo found tuberculqua. Theseare herds that wero thought infectod beforo tested. Many breed,ing-her- have beeu put on asan-lnr- basis

"EverythiiiK seems to be working satiffiictiirily and thore seemsto be no reason for a change ofmethod. Tho work is enforcedWith ltldumnnr. And onrmnrviiliamand pipmiucs tofteo the herdsfrom thirtdtructive diHeHse without orpnliuo lilnrm. Pnrtinnn ntthe Stite that, lens than one yearngo, wore in oit'er Hostility, andUOlilloni'd llm Hlinitnrv Itnnrrl tistop what they calll-- the whole

slaughter of hords ou themrfpgth of t';o tuberculin test, arenow perf-otl- v reconciled, and nrcooperiiting with the authoritioa

.1 1 11iu n goou ana Huro worK.


At Idiat the Caar Allows Him to VliltIII. lilrthplaer.

Ado'ph Kutner is a wealthyHebrew resident of California,and an Auieiicau citizen, who waslattt spring refused permission bythe Russian government to isitIo!,un, hU old home. He desired

to' see the tomb's of bis father andmother and erect a monumont totheir memory, also, it is said, ondow an ins'itutiou for tho allevia-tion of suffer inc. Lately, throughthe fnerpctiootlicers of Senator P. rkin-- , tho United Slates Minister ntSt.Pet'rsiiurghas secured perm ission for Mr. Kuiuer to spoud nmouth in his nativo city and takehis own time for going there. Inconnection with this cas, it is annouueed that there will bo nocessation of offorls, on tho part ofthe State Dopartment at Wish-ingto- n,

to induce tho Ruoniangovernment to eraut permissionto American citizens of Jewishbirth to travel in Russia.

The Handball Tournama.t.

Jarrett defeated Fettes for therubber in the handball tourna- -mont at tho Y. M. 0. A. yesterdayafternoon. This loaves Oheok,Dr. G. W. Burger b nud Jarrett forthe finals. Tho laBt two will playtin's afternoon. If Jurrelt lose,Cheek aud Burgess will be leftalone for tho groat windup tomor-row- .

These men are consideredto bo tho beEt handball players intho Islands ami the contest botween them will undoubtedly bocloso and exciting.

The portrait of little CarmenYida iu Kiuu Bros.' window is afair sample of tho portrait workthis firm is doing.

Me.aiiuiiiGu' Homo, corner Hotelaud Nuuauu streptn, lodging byday, week or month Terms: 26and 50 cents per night. 1, undSI 20 ner week.

You niiuht uek your doctorabout the good qualitios of RainierBeer. It is absolutely pure andthoroforo recommouded for familyuse, Phono 783.

Drop in to tho rear ot Wright'sshop, (513 Fort street, mid bco whattho Oahu CarriHgo Repositoryliave just rtcolvnl tx bktna W WDimond in tho way of buggiPB,phaotons, hnrneH, etc. "

Vietures bv tho fnllnwinu well- -

known artist, mu uow on exhibi.tion mill ealo at King Bros,' NuwKloro Rooms, Hotel si reel; IIuuoI'iHlior, Titviirnlor, Ktrouu. HIU-li-ooe-

HutitliiiiBoii, Bitriiliold, A,Wutilio mid othorH,h cliolco cnlluolloii of wntnr eolnrw

and pAHleU,


The Remington Typewriter




HSTliisis tho Highest""'"





Oceanic Steamship Company

TIME TABLE.The Fine Passengor Steamers of This Line Will Arrive at and'

Leave This Port as Hereunder.

From San Franolsco:AUSTRALIA Jan. 4MOANA.: Jan. 13AUSTRALIA Feb. 1



Posshilk Awaiid, ranking

H. &Dealers.

In connection with tho sailing of tho above steamers, the Agentsare prepared to iBBne, to intending passengers, coupon throughtickets by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points in theUnited States, and from Now York by any steamship lino to allEuropean ports.

For further particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Limited, ;General Airents Oceanic S. S. Co. si"



For San Franoisco: '



0 WAWmm




Natural Medical Spring Water,for Indigestion, Liver Compluiut, Diseases ef the Kidney - 14

Bladder, Skin Eruptions, Etc., Etc V vf

Benson, omim 06 kjo., mfawuiuer run, uuu



Since We Must Eat to Live, LeFs Have the 'Best.

Just Orened XJp anLnvoice of . . .

lofifiiLujiq' Bisf Tevs'. 'JniMOlfi'plNrl OK i I

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,rtnitii iiihm nrrtr niuiun nniimindLHILLI11b5 Dt5l DAMIlb rUWUtH.

Qtvetheui a trial. Money baok you don't like Also, jnat reeeived

Choice Block Butter, Kita Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hams, Crackers aud Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc!

Ghas. Hustace,212 Kiny street, next to tho Arlingti

Malm OBee Jelepbone No. 03. T, O, llox No, 322 IlmnrU Ofllce Telephone Mo,

Oahu Lumber and Building Co., Ld.Lumber Xnehautg, Contractori & Bulldirt .


Uootb, Bahs, Paints, Olln, Bnlldor Hardware, "Wall Papem andMailing, mo, iuaniiliioiuni ah m miiimimg,

Offloe, Ielto, KlnR'trwl, UrMiicUOIIlco uml I'lunlnH Mill, KImlletltil ilrMU, luiuur tarna, iwtca ami inIns wtlU (). It', ft Ii, U), U, H, ruu IliruiixU

rn t VTiae tUllona,







Main comernr wowi. nraio iraea

our yariU U, R, wbarf atii) ibt yart !VM

i i&& r titt . mk 'flsV. M JW &'

A w ' IMl













n, it,U



Page 4: KasV - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home€¦ · of tho rolling deep, for a life ou 'shore. He became a civil en-gineer of.repute several promin ent works in Southern California

IP n





iv T

ir '

Evening Bulletin,A. V. GEAR, - - - IfcmaaK.MIEL LQSAS, - - Sdlicr.

THURSDAY, DEO. 30, 1897.

Much Ihs boeu said abroad, anda I it tip hore, with no littlo factdeveloped iu illustration, regarding the iniluoDcc of tho bicyclo inpolitics. Not in the struggle forparty success and resultant positions to workers, but in tho etrjving for claimed riuhts and privi-leges as n newly Hrison element,on the ptrt of thono who havetaken up thin fasciualiuglntter dnymode of locomotion. Tho ambitionto become letognmd in tliin re-

gard is quite legitininto and, inono noteworthy nsprct, l'lcly toBubserve tho pulilie goo(t quiteimportantly. In fact, results arosaid to havo already boeu achievedin this rt gnrd of uo mean extentelsewhere, while fomo port oforganisation to tho samo endhas boeniuitiat d even hore. Boferenco will readily be understoodto be to the agitation for good roadswhore they aro bad, and betteronis where they are but fairlytolerable. The wbeoling fratemity in the United Stateshave proved their possessionof considerable influence, in thatns well n- - more wolfish lines ofeffort. There is another side totho question, however, which isthat of the general public interests.This has regard to the regulationof bicyclo traffic upon ttroots androads. Towns having municipalgovernment do not, with wieoheads leading, have long to waitlor action on tue matter, it is asimplo matter to have an ordin-ance passed making the necessaryregulations to bo enforced by thepolice. The recourse here has tobo to a bien uial meeting of the Legislaturo. That fact kept in view,it would not bo just to say thatHonolulu is behindhand for itspaucity of regulative law uponbicycling. The traffic has verygreatly increased even sincethe latest legislative session. It has now arrived at astago when the Minister of thoInterior should be authorized toproclaim rules frdm time to time,as may bo found necessary, for itsregulation as tho same authoritycontrols the traffic o' carriages forhire, espressos, otc. Instancesaro daily abounding of the neees

sitv ot sucn legislation, iet asingle day's obcoivatiou here suffice. Yesterday afternoon a young

,lady on a whcol, ridiug but tdow- -attempted to pass through a

narrow .space between a pile ofbuilding matoiial and a movingtramcar. .Something throw herDioycie oui 01. iih uireuuou

nand into collision with th'e

''Vcar. Fortunately tho car'.was rounding a curve

and in vory alow motion, else a, most lamentable accident might'rbave to be recordt-d-. In this cate

the error of judgment of thewhcol rider was but Blight, but itstarted a conversation betweenthree passengers on tbo car, reveal ing a whole chapter of

'narrow escapes and disregard ofthe most ordinary precaution.Namely: A lady and gentlemonwore standing on a corner awaiting a car, when a lady bicyclistscorched round tho corner brushing tho clothes of her fellow woman. When tho wheel struck thecar traok,so swiftly was it speeding,tho rider W8B thrown violently intotbe mud for it was muddy ground.One of tho speakers bad boen somaddened ut tbe narrow escapebe had sustained from a scorcher

ion the sidewalk, a few oveningsbefore, that ho hurled bis cane attho rider with such true aim dh toknock him out of saddle, HeAlso one (old of a spoainl policemnn nrnrly riding down n untitle

,Biau on tbo Hidoivnlk. Stillmother hud IiIh clothesbruHhed by ii little girl

scorcher on tho sidewalk. Aytiuug man yesterday rodo down a

alighting from a streetcar, nod this is an exceedinglycommon danger. Cyclists run athigh speed iu a line parallel andclose to tho track, oftenkeeping up conversationswith passcngors in cars. Aprominent citizen said this morn-ing that if horseback riders wontas fust as many bicyclists theywould be promptly arrested. Now,in proposing that this evil shouldbo abated by law, it is not for amoment intended to divido thecommunity into two contending factious. Most of therespectable people on wbeols willdesiro to see the roform broughtabout as speedily ns possible.Their own Bafety is iuvolved intho queatiooj perhaps morethan that of pedestriansor people in carriages. Atall events Honolulu must bebrought up to date with citiesolsewhere in regard to bicycletraffic. Some towns have amongrules on this subject one requir-ing a cyclist to dismount and leadhis machine in crowded thoroughfares. Wo havo tbe night lightrule, but need one for bell alarms.It is not enough to carry bells,their proper use must be enforced.

Oar Fort street contemporarygrows quite dictatorial about thattree in Vineyard street. It readstbe law to the Minister of tho In-

terior, roquiriug the removal ofany tree that "shall obstruct thestreet." Also, the law givingauthority to tbe Minister to per-mit the planting of trees withinsidewalks. The law clearly givestbe Minister discretion to decidewhether a tree obstructs tbe street.'That" tree does not obstruct thestreet in tbo opinion of competentjudges, ns there is an ample car-riage way on either Bide 'of it.Drivers should have no more rinkiu pissing it than hundreds ofthem wantonly take in roundingcurbstone corners some of themwith hideous electric poles intiiem. Given the lighting the streetis entitled to. and the tree isno menace to coachman or cjcli-- twith bend to a void running amuckat everything in siobt. On theoccasion of a somi public fnnoralprocession lntely, "that" Nreeproved a great comfort to manyladies and children, who under itsboughs had shade while th-- y

awaited the passing of the cortege.Heside-- i being discretionary withthe Minister the provision quotedby the Star may alno betaken as purely directory.Ho should therefore uot allowhimself to be driven by clamor inthe matter until the most amplediHCU6sinn bring out tbe fact ofwhere tbe preponderance of pub-lic opinion rests. As has boen re-

marked to the Bulletin, the Starmitiht find a better causo for statutory oitation in the law requir-ing tbe Minister to have namesot streets put up at tueir corners.Probably the Minister has goodreason for not having carriedout this law no nionoy for tbopurpose or discretion allowed asto time and method of doing thowork. Uut the point is this thatif one goes burrowing in thostatutes, for fhe purpose of fiud-iu- g

instructions to the Executive,he will find much matoriil moremandatory to tho Minister thananything bearing on tbo fato of"that" troa. A olorgymnu, in cou- -

vorsation with the writor thismorning, initiated reference to thissubjoot by riuiculiug thedeadaotbeing made agaioBt this uuiquoornament of Vinoyard streot. Hecited tho case of a Now Englundcity where, in its early day), hocitizens with dear esthetic) provision laid out tho principal htrrutunusually wide mid pluntoil n rowof otitis dowu tint middle, Whentho town grow to goodly cityostato tlio dity fulhorH proposed

EVENING BDLLETIN, DECEMBER 80, 1897." ? ,.', .

to eliminate the trees, but tho citizens would not brook such van-

dalism and the end of it was a curbnnd walk wore laid on oithor side.

Tho featuro thereforo remains asono of the city's prettiest attrac.tions. Paris and othor groat cities,in their steady progress of widen

iug streets and making ampler Bir

spaces and sbado, plant treesalong tho median lino of theirnoblo avonues and boulevards. Itwas largely with this fact in mindthat the Bulletin hailed wbhpleasure tho small beginning to-

ward natural beautification of ourfstreets mnde in improving Vino- -yard street. There was no idea

that so ranch boat would have

beou geuerated against the um-

brageous object, but it is to be

hoped that "that" tree may bo

saved from being the "burning"matter the Star desires.

The Oliver Typewriter is pro.uounced by experts, tbe best maohino iu tbe world. It has manyvaluable features, which have tobe soon in ordor to be appreciated.The Oliver can be seen at the

office of A. V. Gear, No. 210King street. "

fincly Jopi65December 21, 1897.-- ,


There is yet time before theholidays for us to call attentionto a few novelties just receivedfrom the Coast and whichwill make very acceptable pre-


is something new which mustbe seen to be appreciated, hora fit of the blues, reverses inlove or business this littlecamera is a sure cure. With ityou can get barrels of fun andoceans ot laughter all for JScents.

SILVER TEA BALLS afenew to this market. Theyare simply round perforatedreceptacles for tea. Touch Hspring, fill the ball with teaand drop it into a cup of boil-ing water and you have a deli-cious cup of tea in a couple ofminutes penectiy strained andbeautifully fresh.

CHILDREN'S SETS, con-sisting of knife, fork and spoon,are always acceptable We havesomething new in this line,silver fork and spoon andpearl-handl- ed knife, very handsome and very cheap. ,

We have iust opened outsome new patterns in SILVERBERRY andCREAMSPOONS,also very cheap.

Among other things suitablefor gifts we have Double Car-ving Sets, Elegant BedroomToilet Sets, handsome novel-ties in lamps and shades,onyx tables, etc.

THEHawaiian Hardware Co,


NO. 307 FORT STREET,Opposite SpreckebV Bank.


f UUttUUlj Ul

AT 3 O'CLOCK 1. M.

LECTURE: " Unconsecrated Service,

tbe Peril of the Church."

. Adiulcslon FltRK.


Dividend Notice.

Qimrtuily Dividend Is due andnaval to the Htoeklmldors of Wlliter's HtcaiiiMlili) Company. Limited,

H. H. IIOHK,Hcorolary.

Honolulu, Dou, i(), 1807. 7im.lt



Onli'tii 'JStiH Merchant ftruol. Cump-bu- ll

Itlnak, rcur of J, 0, CurUiruollluu,1', 0, ilox U4U.

Don't Runwith tlio idea tlmt you can import a voliiclo. of anykind chonpor tlian we can hoII it to you. 3for in-

stance wo offer a

CANOPY TOP BUGGYLamps, Curtains and Apron

Genuine RUBBER TRIMMED HAR-NESS made of best English Leather


A Strong . Well-mad- e Turri-iiml- or


Carriage andClub Stables Block, 1 Door


Out All toThat's "what wabooks. Corao inis nearly out

And WU1



in a few days more. With the coming of tbe NewYear, you will want ono of our .A-F- t OSL"

Only a few more left.

HawaiianTelephone 190. ;

a1 1 ns no 11

"It Tales Tears to Bolt


Another truth is that you can buv acheap wheel from 840 to $50, butwhy should you do so, when you canbuy one made by the KE INGTONCOMPANY for $85?

If You Wantbicycle supplies of any kind, como

To KillPlover or Ducks, use. our shot-gu- n

never fails.

Pacific Cycle &



complete with $100- -

- -



Harness Houseabovo Stables' Entrance.

Pieceshavo done with prices on boundand see for yourself. The old year


Mw .,Merchant Street.

111 a TMDp a Business


to us.'

' ,i

ammunition, It

Fofy Street.

Manufacturing Co,Bmldirig,






If so, we can comfort you by fitting you with a pairof Up-to-d- ate shoos, and Up-to-d- ate prices.

Does Your Roy Stub His Toe?Well, it Is you buy clumsy "" Bhoes '

for bim. liring him in to us, and we will Qt himproperly, and it won't cost any moro,

A. E. MURPHY & CO.At 805 Hotel St Arlington Blook.





.)im A

,r-- i






We now offer their Brandsof Flours as follows:


DAYTON,iv apt

C, & a,OLYMPIC and




mm up town


Recovering rom Its successful sea-son with SANTA CLAUS prepared,

usual, with lino assoitmoiit of

Staple and Fancy Stationery,

Stock Sizes Blankbooks,or specials made to order.

Office Sundries, Calendars and Diarlts



finest in quullty and variety.

Miscellaneous Booksfew of the Inexpensive line left.

8" We havo excellent facilities frbinding Magazines, Periodicals, Pap-ers, etc., In tho latest approved styhn.

Hawaiian Annuals for 1898


Subscriptions to Periodicals

for tho coming year. are appropri-ate provisions for every olllqo andhomo throughout tho land. Allorders given prompt and carefulattention,

Hie,, l)iv,Mruwurt UliR'ii K,(rtBlre(((

p. ,

i WXJ m




&'. .



- -

, f

,1 l' J


' .




Isas a





, , ,



a "

.v 1' ...





a- -

i- -






Thos. 1 Thrum; tHlATJONKII,

Miiiiiii LMm


Page 5: KasV - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home€¦ · of tho rolling deep, for a life ou 'shore. He became a civil en-gineer of.repute several promin ent works in Southern California



13. E. Dillingham is still laidup with grip.

Tho pchooli will reopen at 9Vclock Monday morning.

Happy NewYear cards at theGoldon Rule" J3azaar, 31G Fortstreet. ' '

- Borgor'a orchestra will play forthe Regimental camp fire thisevening..

0. Conley will reooivo a set ofrubber tiro wheels' by the barkAndrew Woloh.

Superintendent G.'B. Reynoldsleft for the L'per Settlement;yes

vterday morning.,

' It has been dooidod to Riveover tho postponed New YearVeve dauco eutirely.

J. T. Lund advortisea bicyclesfor rent, s"lo or repair. Ho han-

dles tin "EldiiW ". ,

Sweet yoantbiofedratrthe H.B.invitt'H couopariaop and deflecompetition. Try i;.

Land and incidental majorswere discussed nt a hoit Ciibiuotspesion this morn inc.

Inspector Eeliipio reports 85,-7- 08

fish received and examined atiika public marknt last week.

The reserved noats for tae Oy- -aero bicycle races are sellingidly at Wail, Nichols Cj.buI Isatibere has a fine lot of

bfcken and nnltroken Californiaaud Hawaiian mules for sale.

Wilder's Steamship Company,Limited, announce a quarterlydividend as now due and payable.

Schumao has three specialoffers in his tiotico in tod ay 'hissue, which aro worth looking up

Thp annual meeting of theSailorB' Home society willbe helilat 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Leis, cut flowers and floral pieces,furnished on xhort notice and delivered. Mrs. A. L King. .Tele-phone 394.

The Golden Rule Bazaar adver-tises blank book and, office supplies and a big line of schoolnecoHBaries.

Central Union church choirUl ,meet Friday afternoon at

.j. ..Jslock in the, church-instea-

of Saturday.ant Dunbar, mount--

natrol. oerf.c'ed his appealinais morning ana win ogui mucase ugmuBi unu.' Chas. K, Hopkins is now preparel. to give Guitar Lrssous.For ftirtlier piirticulars call atWall. Nichols Co.

After December the Siren, MlVanderveer's npicy little navlnanor. will oh isuen tice amonth, about the 10; h aud 25th'.

Investment G tier cent Gov'tbonds f.ir sale; iiitnioat payable ingold particularsinquire at the 'uolden Ivulo uazaar.

On 8undav next, at 3 o'olook W.H. Vauce will lemure at Harmonhall oil "Uucons-Ajrate- 8eivico,the Frril of the Church. Ailniis-tio- n

free.For lowest prices, best quali

ties, polite attention and promptdelivery, try the New GroceryStore, J. Hutchings, 627 Fortstreet. Tel. 358. "

Goods remaining in the NativeSons' storo, Kiug and Alakeastreets, after January 1. will be

ld at Morgan's auction rooms fork. fhat they will bring.J Tho best place to buy Oxfordlteaoher's Bibles with refeionoes

in full,, Testaments audsalms in large print 'elegantly

bound is at the Golden RuleBazaar.

Tom Wright has recently remodeled the lanai of his Waikikipremises and put on an extr-- i

story, which will giyo four largorooms and onable him to accom-modate inoro tourists

Tho Pacifio Hardware Companyadvertise Hygionio Rofrigoratoreas recommended by the medicalprofession. Tie latest styles oflamps direct from the factory arojust boing opened nut.

The barkontino W. H. Dimondlias arrived with a now stook ofbuggies, phaetons, eto., for theOaliu Carriage Repository. Callin at (113 Fort street, roar of W.W.Wright's, and oxaraino thorn.

Iu the polico court this morn-i- ti

Aiitouo l'aoheco was fluod 915nt'i 83.30 coMb for nssnult midImtlory on MrH. LmllulT, For nttlinlliir offouHu nyituist Mr, luil-lo- ff

Parker Lowia wuu lit) oil 110and liotta,


Ilolllatur'a Drugstore Entered Throughm Trnmom I.ntt Night.

The Hollistor Drug Company'sstoro on Fort streot was burglar-ized in a most daring manner cn

12 and 4 o'clock last night.About 120 in cash from the

counter tills, 100 cigars and a halfdozen bottles of perfumery werestolen. '

The rcruarkablo part of theaffair is that tho burglar wontthrough the half open transomover the front door, some 10 fostfrom the floor. He was ovidentlyassisted by nn accomplice, asthere is nothing on tho side ofthe door to hold on to with oitberfeet or uiukIb.

On th" insido n proj-otin- g

hino st 'd the thief iu alight-ing upon the floor and in gettingout Hgiiin. The Irick was cleverly

Besides the ii-- k

of heiug otptured by the" polic,tho burglar took hairbroudtlichances of smashing thetransom and arousinu thoneighborhood or of breaking biniiwo neck.

Nicely furnished rooms at thePopular Houbc, 154 Fort street,from tl.OO per week up.

Window aud door cranes,-- cieens and easels just received atSing Bros ', Hotel street.

Ouo never tires of pictures.They mao tho best kind of prevent for Xmas. King Bros., Hotelstreet. "

Going Home? It's a good placeto go o especially if there's a casi if chdioioiiH Rainier Beer on h nd.Phono 783 when your supplyruns short.

It will pay you to look up whatIt montioned by tho Oaliu Carriage.Repository as to their new stockof nuiiities, phaetons, etc., just rceivod per bktnu W. W. Dimond,613 Fort street, rear of Wright'sCarriage Factory.


Exeoutive Notice.

The President will hold a State de-ception at the Executive Building onNow Year's day, at which the follow-ing officials and their ladies will he re-

ceived hi the order named:At 11 A. M. The President will re-

ceive the members of tho Cabinet andtho Diplomatic Corps.

At 11:10 The Chief Justice, tho As-

sociate Justices of the Supreme Court,tho President of tho Senate; Senators,Speaker of tho Houao of Representa-tives, Representatives and Councillorsof State. '

At 11:20 Tho Consular Corps.At 11:25 Tho Admiral and Start;

Captains and Officers of tho UnitedStates Naval vessels In port.

At 11:35 Circuit Judges, Officers oftho National Guard of Hawaii.

At 11:45-- Tho Marshal and Offico.sof the Polico and Government Officials.

At 11:55 Reception of Citizens,which will terminate at 12:30 p. in.

Tho President will ho assisted byAirs. Bole and the ladies of tho Cabi-


. Minister of .Foreign AflalrM.Foreign Office, December 30, 1807.

709-- 2t

Coflee Lanfls To Be Leasefl !

The Trustees of tho B. P. Hlshon'Es-tnt- o

oiler for lease for 21 years, desir-able lots of .land suitable for cofleegrowing, lu the Ahupuaa of. Keel,Kona. Hawaii, at. a rental varyingfrom $1 to.Jxincr acre. The lots havebeen laid but by W. A. Wall, Sur-veyor, and vary in sizo from liveacres to ninety-eig- ht acres. Applica-tion for information may bo made toA. C. Lovulcin, Chief Clerk, at thoEstate Office, iicljolnlngBlHliop's Hunk;or to J. I). Paris, Nupoonoo, Komi,Agent for the Bishop Estate for thoDistrict of Kona; who will show allapplicants the maps of the lots thatindicate tho location and size of same,and the form of lease. Tho leases willbe sold at public auction to tho oneofl'erlng tho highest bonus for thelease. Further notice will be givenus to date of sale.

Honolulu, Dee. 10, 1607. 788--1 m

Bottled Wines for XmasCASES OF 1 DOZEN EACH.

Madeira., Olaret,Fort, Riesling,

Slierry, Hook,VflQu Also assorted cases non-tuini- iig

sovurul or all of tho ubovovarieties,

GONSALVES & CO,,7MIUW (Jiieen Hlrm't.

r,'--4- n ..iii 1'mj'j

,.' J V -



LLLiBBfllir' 1


Mr. Bookkeeper:

We want to see you. Wehave' some flno new Book-

keeping Stock Just In. Seeour line and get Ouit PmcKSfirst. Wo will save you mo-ney. Tho largest assortmentof, Office Stationery to selectfrom.

Tour Honey Savers !

Wall, Nichols Co

Proprietors- -



Blank Books,Memorandum Books,Lottor Copying Books,lteiiorter,'s Note Books,Time Books,Collection, Books,Miscellaneous Books by Popular

Authors,Picture Books for Children,

The Book of BooksIn Great Variety and

FINE STATIONERYFor Business and Social Correspond-


School Tablet,Composition and Exercise Books,Copy Books, School Supplies,Etc., Kto., Etc.


Golden Rule Bazaar,316 Forb Street.

MULESFor Sale.







littnlmj llulhtln 7fle per month.





Could anyone wish for a nicerand more to present thana Kodak ? Our trado in this linelast year convinced us that theygenerally filled the bill and inconsequence we have prepared forthis year's trado.

All Kinds and Sizes

For the. littlo one a KOMBI at$3.60 a little gem.

For tho youth or young girl aFALCON NO. 2 at 85.00 worth$7.60.

For the more advanced persona NO. 2 BULLET at $10.00nover fails to please.

For anyone even tho mrst expert a NO. 4 CARTRIDGE KO-DAK will satisfy and is in itself aperfect Kodak. Price $25.00.

Stuparich Photo Albums

Wo aro carrying a full line ofPhotographic Albums in stylesand prices varying.

Velox, a new Sensitised Printing iraper 'producing beautifulblack and white effects, just re-ceived.

Photographic goods arrive freshby each steamer.

Hollisfer Drug Co.

i V- -1

As itjvoro veryiiient of

'A '

J2j W

Holiday GoodsA.T

N. S. SACHS'520 Fort Street, .HLonolulti:

An immense assortment select from

A VQiWM Prices.

Irish Point Squares and Scarfswith small tidies to match.

Hand Run Black Laco Scarfs,Silk Hose, Real Lace Handkerchiefs,Purses, Hand Bags, Kid Gloves.

Embroideredthe largest assortment, bast qualities andtho Lowest Prices.

Latest Novelties in Neck Wearhandsomely embroidered.

Linen Tea Cloths and Table Runners,Fine Napkins, Drawn Work Doylies,Lace Curtains, Lace Bed Sets,

Ladies' Parasols, Men's Silk UmbrellasGents' Handkerchiefs, Gents' Neck Wear,Infants' Cashmere Cloaks, Children's. Capes,Latest in Boys' Cloth Caps.

ChoiceA fine assortment of

Children's Trimmed HatsSuitable for the Holidays.

Did You ForgetSome One



Last Wquito likely you did so, lot remind you that whilo wo

busy soiling last wook v,'a still have hand largo assort- -


Fancy Articles and Toys

Wo aro busy straightening vp our storo after our big ChristmasSale's, so avo cannot givo any dotails-thi- s Aveek, but in general waywill say that our stock of

Staple and Fancy Dry Goods

'.0111111118 the sameaiid is worth your attention and mspection.y.

".. ' ;


: :


in usa






No, 10 Fort Stroot.

cji .t ky - U.h ,'W ,Jk M '

;.? lira






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Page 6: KasV - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home€¦ · of tho rolling deep, for a life ou 'shore. He became a civil en-gineer of.repute several promin ent works in Southern California

rr jr7 tK7 ' r "7-v-r- pw SIBWMMJli yc r,t,

" "' - ,, T, rV ' .A? ,""' iMT"'-Z-r

It 4,6 V rv- - ' ' . Evening bulletin, jdeoe'mbeb, 30. 1897. . .,."I


;- -


I. :



Awarding of Contracts the Principal

Business of the Day.

Kilters at tke Uper Settleaeot Aootber Hew

.Doctor Drug Dealers Warned

About Selling Poisons.

President Smith said no meet-

ing of tbo Board of Healthy wouldUtivo been held yesterday bat forU10 neeossity of awarding con-(raa- ti

tor supplies.After reading tho minutes of

last raeoting nnd the routine re-

ports, the recommendatioa of theBoard of Medical Examiners thatDr. Tracy be given a liconso togractiao medicine was adopted.

A letter from tbo Interior De-

partment notified tho Board thata circular letter had beeu Bent toall druggists, calling their atten-tion to the law logurdiug tho saloof poisons.

Tho annual bitch of complaintsfrom tho leper settlement, rpsuiting ironi n meeting, otlepers, was receivtjl. Iu brinfthey want a ney hospital;to have wood sold at tho Btoro; tobo allowed to oxchanuo a propor-tion of poi for tea aud eofToo; auincroaso in tho amount of paiaiand sugar supplied; h cesspool3ug at the Baldwin Home; a storefor the calo of tobacco and notionset Kalawao; the rcmmnlof Am-

brose Htfcliiii'on as da'imty supCriuteudent, and Hiiothor physi-cian at the srttlomeut.

These mod-s- t demauds weretnootly reTorre.t to Siip-rint- fn

dent IteynoUU and the othors toDr. Oliv.r.

Dr. M B. Stone of Cali nrniaapplied for u position uuder tUoBoard, and tho secretary was in-

structed to send him the usualnotification that preference woa'dbe Kiven to residents of the Isl-ands.

Contracts for supplies wereawarded us below:


Lumber Allen & Robinson.NMils-Cas- 'le & Cooke, Ltd.Boiled Oil T H Davies & Co.,

.Ltd.Whito Lead Castle fe Cooko,

Ltd.Turpontine T H Davies & Co.,

"Ltd.Cement II Haokfeld & Co.,

LtdLime E B Adams.Galvanized Pipo E O Hall &

8on.Rice W L Hopper.Bread Loye's Bakery.Flour No award.Sugar H Hackfold & Co, Ltd.Baking Powder McOhesney &

Sons.Salmon T H Davies & Co,

Ltd.Bar Soap JMcChesnoy & Sons.Matches H May fe Co.Coarse Salt J T Watorhouse.Kerosene Oil McCheauey &

tfons.Coal Allen & Robinson.Hay California Feed Co.Bran Onion Feed Co.Oats Allen & Robinson.


Beef Motropoli Ian Meat Co.. Fresh Bread Love's Bakery.

Medium Bread Love's Bakery.Jieaus J T WnWnouse.Royal baking Powder Mc-Ches-

fe Sons.Brooms Costle & Cooke, Ltd.Coffee Leis & Co.i'lour Castle & Cooko, Ltd.Onions H May & Co.Potatoes H May & Co.

.? Porfe H May & Co.' P.Lw V,' L Hopper.

Sugar H Hacktold & Co, Ltd.

" Salmon McChesuoy fc Sons.Tea Lewis & Co.Cannod Tomatoes H Haok-

feld fc Co, Ltd. . tWood Paul Isei.borg.

to runciiABK.

Hides F F Porter.Tallow McOhesney & Sons.

' Juat lletwf.. You mill Mt.fTho best place to get your ton-sori- al

work done is at the CriterionBarbor Shop. Tho long apd val-ua- blo

experience of tho artists inchargo is a guarantee of strictlyhigh class work. Fort, abovoHotol street.

The G. B. has tho best bread intown. Try it.


Caiits ail Painters

nnd all who use Laddersto call nnd examine,and be convinced thatthe

Bent Rung Ladders and

to Ladders.ore the lightest, strong-est nnd mnxt reasonablein price of any on thomarket


Lewers & Cooke.

Art PortraitsClifsnoy W. Ewlng, a lending iHr-tui- ll

painter of Sun Friinclncio, Isnow In Honolulu nnd eonncutud withour studio. His work hero Is ulruud;

On Exhibitionnnd admired by nil who nee. It.Water color nnd Cniyon portraiturefrom llfesl.o to miniatures. A spe-cialty Is made 6f painting on Ivorymid porcelain. Out your

Sweetheart's Picture.

on your watch dial, or that 6t anyloved one. Photographing Iry tholatest (science, with special regard topoiing nnd grouping, ntlll waken

niiura the ,

Best Place.At the old Htaud in Koit utieet.


Turkeys ! Turkeys !


Alive, Dressed or Roasted,


Chickens, Ducks and

Sucking Pigs


Centrai ltd Market,

Nuuanu flfcreet.Lcnvo Your Orders Early.

BOX. Call nnd see us on Xmas Eve.

Teleplione 1 04.




Suit- -

(ot di





We Just received




thing for

r J

HotelWaverley Building.

Telephone P. O. Box




Guaranteed. a left.

1 1

231 King St., Arlington Hotel.

Book and JobMtirclmnt 1


Largo Quilts $2 to 2.50Whito Turkish Towelling

Largo Colored Bed Spreads $2Largo Colored Terry Quilts :...., ., 2.50

Ostrich Peathers, all eolors (. .23 cents to conts eachBaby Ribbon 10 yards 10 cents

llibbon in all Shades and all "Widths at Cost .

Whito and cents yardTine Whito Dress Linen to 35 cents yard

.' $2.50 upCream Tablo Damask 58 inches 35 conts, CO inches 40 contsChecso Cloth, all colors 14 yards $1

72 inches '. . . . $1.23 yardfrom $1 dozen up

Turkish Towels way down pricesinches "White Sheeting 15 conts

72 inches "Whito Shooting 18 centsPino Woolen Blankets $5 upLadies' Union Suits in Whito and Drab, $1.75 tho suit to closo out.

Brown and Whito Cotton cheaper than tho cheapest ,

IMon's Heavy Woolen Shirts 75 contsLadies' Shirt Waists'. : cents

j. t:STREET.

Hawaiian FertilizingCOMPANY

Is prepared furnish

Nitrate of Sodafertilizing.

In Quantities to.Orders golioltod fatal

Hvorj iF. COOKE. Minasor.


THE REGULAR THING,my store, wliero the

3EST CUSTOM WORKla douo repairing and workboth. I'lna, rluga, bracelet", watch-making,

H. G.BIART, - 404iFortSt.





Few Days

Elegant Snrtings

tho very

Chidstaias Presents.

n;os &

The St. Tailors,




Warner SpecialsAt $45.00.

VST Only (cw

nnd flnnDi

Honolulu Cyclcry,opp


PrinterStreot, Honolulu, H.

Over NowBOonopany'jfjook my



Tucking Pulling 2530

Silk Umbrellas

Embroidery EoltNapkins




last steamer




Club Stables,Limited.FORT STREET,

Telephone 477


Breaking HorsesA BPECIAITY.

Finest Turnouts in City.

Wagonettes and SurriesWith Careful Driven atways on



13k. TELEPHONE 319. 3Stand: Cor. Union nnd Hotel Hts.


John Noft,Importers and Dealers la


Steel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 King Street.

J. S. Walker,

Real - Estate - Broker


rimciAL Anvr.Dealer inReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.Has for Sale, and Lease b

Liberal Torms. fr .t8AUE.

1. SHonsesand IxjUonNnnannstreeU.between Viueyard and Sobool streets.

2 l ,"ir?e Lot ou Nunhnn stroet, be-tween Vineyard and Bohool stroets.

3. Large Lot, Mitkiki stieet, fenced. 221feet ftontuge. t

4. Lnt on Klnan treet between AlariJand Kaplolani Btreets 140 feet frontage, y5. Lot on Lnnalilo street between AlauU

and Ilnokfeld stretts T6. 3 large Lota on Prospect street. Vl. ineunildttigknownasThoiuus'BloJowucb uuu umuruoizig o (rouica; 8tc

8. Itice Land at Walttane. Koolan.9. Lot on corner of Heuln and Keeau.

iflokn street . between restdenoe o( W. A.Howtn nd lot o( W. M. Giffard, havinafrontage on Uenln stro-- t 260 (cot.

.'? .tLo,,l6 ',rf' 7 B,,h Uon,'e. KaUa,WulRikl road.

1 1. Half Acre Lot In Hilo Town,


1. 3 Cottages at Old Walklkt.2. Store and Dwelling, comer Wvlllt

and Nnnann, ready tor oconpanoy.3. lot corner Merchant and Bicbards


Properties Managed, Collec- -tio'. of Rents. T.nnno IXnm- -t'ated nnd Advnnces made onKetl Estate.

JOHN S WALKER,Spreckels Block, Honolulu.P. O. Box. 339. 'el. 331,

J. T. lundjIpractical , Machinist'

Nickel and Bronze Electro-Platin- g.

Bicycle Repairing In all Its Branches.GENERAL REPAIRING AND RENTING.

Fort street, Honolulu, II. I., Oppo-site Club Stable.



IN TAILORING GOODSI hnvoj ust secured the servIccH of nNew Cutter and Tailors-Am- i


GOO KZM,iJHm 210 Nuunnu Street.

To My Patrons and the Public.

TTaviliff rnnnvornrl tmm t""O " w a.vi a. a wiu UIT U" 1

cent illneBB, I cira npnin prepared')to do all kinds of Tinsmith and1Plumbing work as ueretofore.tfTlmnkinR you for past favors, I '

resnectfullv solicit n cnntiminnoaof the eamo.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.I- - Tel. 814.

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merchant Btreet.


12 Ohtnesn fJniilt TTIfntn vl.. K

each :"B '"1 Surrey in fine order; price $200.House and Lot, 75x168 ., on No. 71

Jonug street; parlor, 3 bedrooai, kitchendining-roo- etc.

Great Reduotlon in Priceof Salt. '

,T,ue undoraliineil Is prepared to fur1l

or In tmgi, at from $0 00 to I0.00 per

J- - x DOW6BTT.Honolulu, Oct. 10, 1697." 76J--


.j ikuiMif--"mum m&W - i d&iA

Page 7: KasV - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home€¦ · of tho rolling deep, for a life ou 'shore. He became a civil en-gineer of.repute several promin ent works in Southern California


W. G. Irwin & Go.Limited. '

Agents for.'7 Western Sugar Refinery Co. of Ban

v Franolsoo. lBaldwin LoooniotWe Works o( Phlln- -

dslphla, Fenn.. U. 8, A.Newell UnWersal Mill Oo. (National' Cane Shredder), New York, O. B. A.

N.Ohlandt & Go's Chemical Fertilisers.Alex Giom & Sons, high grade fertil-

izers for Cane and Coffee.;Heeds Steam Pipe Covering

AlsoOffer for SaleParafflno Paint fVs P & B PatnU nnd

Puperaj Lucol eind Linseed oils, rawami boiled.

Indarine. (a cold water paiat) in whiteand colore.

Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Lime andBrieks.

lilJFJH and miRKIHpUpCE AEflT.


England Mutual Life Insurance Co.. of Boston.

jna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(I.IMITKD).

Wm. G. Irwin, President and Manage!Clans Spreokels, - nt

W. M. Giffnrd, - Secretary and TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter, - - Auditor

wlv FactorsAHD

Commission Agents.AQKNT8 OF TBI




-- Queen street, Honolulu, 11.1

AGENTS. FORralltn A jrteultur! Company, Onomea aacai

y, Honomu sngar wmpji t......ompny. Wlhe Sugar Company. Make,orapany, HaleakalaTlanch Company, KaRanch- .- FliWiV Lloe San Franclac..

i... RfM(M A ro'a Line of BoatoiPackeu!--Aee- nl Borton Board of UnderwriterAgents Philadelphia Board of Underwrtlera

list or omcKBs I

V 0 Jones, President Uoorge H Bobertsou,Itanageri E F Bishop, Treasurer and Sec-

retary j Col. W F Allon, Auditor; 0 M Cooke,

H Waterhouse, A W Carter, Direotors.

W. C ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & DealersIHI

REALSTATEy We will Bny or Sell Beal Estate in

all parts of thegronp.EjT We will tiell Properties on


Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on car line an.d.'?n PAI JjAMA HU&JJ near rurauaun

Ihese Lots are VeryJTlBUta

Cheap and Bold

on Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near the cHy,and

other Properties tor saie.BRUCE, WARING & CO.,

Dealers In liota and Lands,312 Fort Street, near Kin

TixwnosneOT. P.O. Box 821



Oor. Fort and Qneon Streets, Honolulu.


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

Inropean and American Dry Goods

'" Fort and Queen BtreeU.


'Dealers in Lumbor and Coaland Building Materials of illkinds.

Queen Street, Honolnln.


Just Like Gold Coin.

For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood the testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of the listamong the medicines that areso essential to keep at hand inthe homo.

It is not a now fangle remedynor do tho proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revelation 01 tno mgreaicnts mat en-

ter into the manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

It is perfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few" doses will certainly civo relief. You cannotafford to be without a bottlein the house.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton the system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

tST The now 35c. size con-

tains over doublo the quantityof the 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agents for the Islands.



The celebrated EnterpribkBeeu on Draught and inBottles .




225 Queen street, Honolnln,

Ik Washington Feed Co,

Just received ex bark "MarthaDavis" a fresh Jot of

Hay and Feed Stuffs


Corner Fort $ Queen Sts.

h. my CO.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 517 Fort St.,Honolnin

.lnbnnr W P.O. Rj 4"


Contractor and Builder,

Offices and Store fitted up andEstimates gtren on


ty Office and Shop: No. 019 Fort street,adjoining W. W. Wright's Carriage Shop.

A GOOD THING4 u s--- o

Ohia, Algeroba and Fine Firewooc

Out and Split (ready for the Btore).Also,



At Lowest Prices, deliTered to any part otthe City. ,


31 Queen Btreet.

The Elite lee Cream ParlonlOS HOTEL STREETS,

Cakes and Candies, VFine Ice Cream.

Oar Establishment is the Finest KesortIn the City, Oall and see us. Open till 11

o'clook r. m.

A.I- M,&i&; 4&fr-Zt- i

P? '


Wo havo received now andlargo additions to our Btock of

Fine Irani Liquors

in anticipation ofyour require-ments for tho Holidays. Justto hand

Pommery Sec Cliaoipap


Champ ague

also a small and select stock of

Still and 'Sparkling Hock fl Moselle,

European Fine Forts and Sherries,

Etc., Etc., Etc.



Tel 46 Merchant Street.

Beaver - LunchROOMS.

H. .1. NOLTE, Proprietor

FheBest Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAX ALL BOCBB.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAT8 ON HAND.

OCCIDENTAL HOTEL,Conirr Kimk unci Alaht--a Htreeta,

Honolulu, H. IMrs. Gas Frolioese. Proprietress,

Rooms Eimuite. it Hlnjjle, with orwlthdui Boanl, $5.60 per week ami iin,

a conliuK to requirement utthe guests.

The only Promenade Roof Ganieuto the ally. Call uutl examine the preml-e- s evnry comfort gnaranteed. Hottud cold bitha.

MRH. OUS FROBOE3E,P O Box 475. Teleplioue 664


"XV. ICxo-va- , - - - 2PropFer Day .777771 . . , 100

t'be Best ot Attendanoe. the Best Bitaa'ion and the Finest Mealf in tliio Oitt


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Fort Street.

Carriage BuilderAND BXFAIBBB.

Slackemithing in All ItiBranehii.

V. AV. WRIGHT, Proprietor.8nooessor to O. West)


Mm Stock of Dry Goods

Will le Closed Qut Below CostWithin One Month.

.H CHEW,418Nuuanuatiect.

Oppoaito Love' Bakery, 773 lm

Consoliilatcd Soda Water Co., 1A

Esplanade,,Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu

HOLLISTER cfc CO.,Asonta.

Hawaiian Soda Works,. Factory: Sunny South.

Patent Safety Bottles; Screw Stopper


For Kent.Lawn Mowers for rent cheap. Tele-

phone 852. Repairing anil EnamelingFurniture of all kinds. Lawn Mowersand Garden Hose a specialty. Promptnexn 1m our watchword.

750-t- f N. F. BUReESS.


DECEMBER 80, 1897.



Order In TThUh People an Kietled toArrive New Year's Day.

Tho order of President Dole'sstate reception on Saturday wasgot out yesterday afternoon. MrsDole and a number of ladica willassist tho President. The recop-ti- on

will begin at 11 o'clock andwill last until 12:30. Followingwill be the order:

11 s. m. Members of the Cabi-net and Diplomatic Corps.

11:10 a. m. Supreme Court, theSenate, House aod Council ofState.Nll:20 a. m Consular Corps.

11:25 a. m. Admiral and StaffBnd Naval Officers iu port.

11:35 a. m. Circuit Judaea andMilitary OflicorB.

11 '.45 a. m. Marshnl,PolicoandGovernment Officials.

11:55 a. m. tu 12:30 p.


Dny Union Hcrvltn nnil Hubjrrli MuhtNparate Darotlonaj,

The couj. rogations of the Cen-tral Union, Methodist and Chris-tian cliuicbos will hold union

nt 11 a. m. in the Y. M.O. A, Hall. The loaders and thotopics nro ns follows:

aionuHV Humiliation and Confession. Mr. Coleman.

lusaav1 Tho Uhureh Univer-sal, Rev. T D.Garvin.

Wednesday The Family. College, School, Mr. Ripley.

Thursday Foreign Missions,Rev. J. M. Lewis.

Friday Homo Mi-sion- s, Rev,O. H. Qulick.

Services will be held each evening at 7:30 in (he several churches.

Harm-day- ' Ball Uame.

The Charity ball game at Ma-ki- ki

will begin at 3:30 Saturdayafternoon. Through tho kindnessof tho Minister of ForeignAffairs, the band will play betwt-o- inuinpti. The teams willline up like this:Wilder Team. Moore Team.Mxyne p LemonWilder c DavisWillis , ..lb R. FahaaAUn Jonest . .2i. MooreGorge Clark.. 3b MahukaLishman ss LuahiwaHolt ..If DuncnuKiley of BowerEaauoi rf Hausman

nnbbr Carrlaire Whirl Tirra.In the al'8-nc- of Mr. Chas. J.

"WaUh, apout for the Rubber Tire"Wheel Gompauy of San Franoisco,his hUKiiiesn will bo attended toby W. W. "Wriglit. G13 Fort street,opposite Olub Stables, who isprt-part- d to quote pricen, otc.This tire is the bpst one in ufo onthe CoaHt, and is highly recom-inefid- ed

by all who have uBed it.LCall at CIS Fort street for information as to puces, etc.

About Cjrclomern Track.Cyclomen ttnck in tho bet t

possible con'itiou for 8alurlaynight's races. It is hard and assmooth ax tho floor of a dauce hall.The race will hegio at 8 o'clocksharp Mr. Clement will

. engageeither tbo Kamohauioha glee clubor (Quintet club to f uruixu music.There is a very Ptroni demand fortho former. As the Eamehamobaasing only, the Gyeloraere peoplemay decide to have both clubs.

Mr. Fiaher'a Icurr,Mr. Fidhor's addrt-s- s at tho Y.

M. O. A. thin evening will be tomembers and officers of- - the insti-tution. To them be will speak ofi lie work of llio Intercollegiate.Federation and point out a lino ofduties for the local branch. Thelecture will begin at 7:30.

For a nice clean sba've drop inat the "Elite Rarber Shop, ingBtreet, near Alakea.

Tennis players should not failo inspect the tennis goods just

received by Pacific Cycle &Mauufactoring Co. Everything nowand fresh.

Remember that tho host place togot your. Xeqrb turkoy ana fruitsof all kinds is at Camarinos'California Fruit market, cornerEiug and Alakea streets. Tele-phone 378.

City Carriago Co., J, 8. And-rad- e,

manager. If you want ahack with good horse and care-ful driver ring up Telephone 113,corner of Fort and Merchantstrode. Hack at all hours.

inir. .'.'.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaMaaaaaMMaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im, v tvMIH

u 1PM

Try Our New

In Lightness and Strength not surpassed by any other brandy




Of bothEnglishAndAmericanMako.

in the market.


Cane Knife 'mTHE BRACED:

iii 1 wmm,mmsmlmBmlB


Sheet Brass, Zinc, Lead; Galvanized BucketDiflferentiaLPulleys, Coil Chain, Fence Wire, .t I

Window Glass, Faints and Oils. ""


Hardware and Commission Merchants.

H. HACKFELD & GO.Limited.

-- Importers and



Plantation Supplies. X

201 to

aim insprct

H.Office :

ift'.v'V-- J

Bar Iron,

Caustic Soda,'


Ba Twine,

Be ing,

m- -

Dealers in- -

215 Fort Street.

tooIMCo-nagfex- .





The City Furniture Store'Another lot thoeo

Artistic Reed Chairs,Rockers, Tables, Etc.,0

Just received in tlmn for. the Holidays at the CITY FURNITURE STORE,Love Balldlnir. 631 638 Fort Htreet

(jail tnera oeiore






Honolulu Undertaking Co.

ED. A. WILLIAMS, F. D : : iWPJlTho Only Fully Equipped, Complete and EXCLUSIVELYUNDERTAKING Establishment on tho Islands. Every-thing New and of the Latest and Most Improved Styles.

ESxxi.lbetlxxxlngr.MiHiiiA Specialty! No Bungling! No Failures!

NOTE: Mr. Ed. Williams, is a Graduate of Clark's Sohool ofPerfect Embalming, by which process tho body rotuins its naturrf!appoarunce for years.

JM- B- Office and Parlors: 514 and 51G Fort St., near Hote,.Telephone 179. Residence and Night Telephone 815.

lV,-,.- . ,n,... .. '.:? ,. ..


ilitt. ','.- '.',ii MUMl.'MtMifimf'dKk it,

t . .




it is

: :

' 4 v.







J "-


i r .

. i




re '4


Page 8: KasV - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home€¦ · of tho rolling deep, for a life ou 'shore. He became a civil en-gineer of.repute several promin ent works in Southern California



Re' ''K!' V'K.

r? ,






' u.

. ,


' i


A Knowledge of

One's Business,

'Ts AhviiVH

A Man Who Knows Nothing of Shoes is Incom-

petent to Sell Them

We Are Legitimate Shoe Men !

The Originators of Popular" Prices.


E. J. Mnnrnt & J. S. Lynch, ManaRers, 420 and 420 Fort street,Corner of Hotel street.

A Lady Said To Us:

"This is tlio only place wlioro I can always

get shoos which suit mo in overy way." .

That's tho point exactly; the slioo storo that is

worth tho most to yon is the storo Avhcro yon can

always lo perfectly satisfied with whatever you get

,, with tho fit, with tho price, with everything.'

The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,

jgn of the Big Shoe. Fort Street.


Essontial. sr

B. I.



Just received, another largo lot ot

.v )




Best Guava Wood CHARCOAL

WSyWfi can furnish you by the bag or 100 bags on a mom-ents notrce, as we have this article to barn and we intend toiave it burned.

Forges, Tailors, and other Irons to do the burning in,, all to4e had at

'E. d! HALL & SOtof


Hygienic RefrigeratorsRecommenced ,by the.Modicul Profession. See

sample in tho

Pacific Hardware Co. s Window-- LATEST STYLES OF LAMPS

, ' " ' Just from the Factory. ,

u. '. 2T,ow Goods Now Being Opened!

'' Irnpydvet,! Aluminum Cane

Bulletin; 75c. Per Month



A Big Sugar Fleet Ready to Sail Oat


Crulur KtimilM to the Okhotsk Set-Ca- rgaw

from Kauai Plantations Notau

Goes to Labalna.

Claudino from Hilo tomorrow.Njoctoen sailing vcssols are in

port.All the mills are grinding on

Kauai.Eight thousand bags of sugar

on Itauai.Tuo Fresno sailel in ballast for

the Sound this week.Tho schooner Emma and Louisa

is for sale, price' $5000, no bidders.

Pioneer mill at Labnina isgrinding out 50 tons of sugardaily.

Hough weather is reported ontbo Kauai coast and in thechannel.

The steamer James Mnkee willnot leave for Kapaa until ni'xtMonday.

'I ho Noeau is loading for La-ham- a,

Houokaa atd Kukuihaeleto sail tomorrow noon.

The steamors Kilauea Hoa audLehua aro expected from Hiloand Hamakua noxt Sunday.

Tho fun from Honolulu to NewY rk bv sailing voxels i about8300. TIih Tiifie Sturbuek caniccnmuioilate a few wlio may wi-t-

to iravel ihut way.Every vesel (bat can pos-ibl- y

do on will nail out of tbe harbortomorrow to avoid tbe sugar tuxesin I l i port. Tho barks AlbeitMini Archer, suunoueis W H Tabhot aud Transit, biiguntine W GIrwiu, (hid birkfnii e WH Di-tuo- iid

will all rail for Snn Frau-cic- co

witb sugar cargoes.Tlioro is boiuo talk of ponding

tbe old man of war ITaimiloa, lowlying in Rotten How ucht tbePihraaikt, to Okhotsk " Sea Ibissummer on a 'fishing; expedition,now that tbe scheme bns fd'euthrough to take her to.tbe Klon-dike, 'fhero is big jmoney in it.Tbo Kaim'ihm could hrinn nbout

iiOO tons of sailed cadti-- h to thisport which would meot with aready sale.

A Huifitr Cargo for 'Frltco.Tbe schooner W . H Talbot

cleared nt tho custom. bousn thismoiniug for San Francisco witb acaro .of 1475 tons of sugar,ry3.fi.ifi l)AfTB1 'Hlned nt W9.r9,2Hud shipped by the following: Wii Irwin & Cii from Kilauea plantatum 304 tons. Makaweli pKntalion 316 tous, Hutchiubon planta-tion 370 tons aud from V KnudsenjKauai 100 tons; M S Grinbaum;trom Kahuku plantation 844 tons;

itsplantation and Meier and Ki useKauai J 41 tons. Tim cargo is

c uislgnnd to J D Spreckeh &Bros Co, M 8 Griubaum & Coaud Williams, Ditnond & Co.


Per. stmr Waialeale fr.ibi Hanamaulu .When wo reached Eleelewe found no sugar in the ware-house. Canain'Parkor nrocecdedto Waimea, where we oloanedtbemouti Iteturnod to Eloele andtook everything and then wentand filled up in Hauaraanlu.

heavyfrom sufficient

Eloolo.lying oil Kilauea it is

to work on account of' 'heavy


For Maui ports, per stmr He-lo- ne,

Deo,2!)- -G P RevH Kitcat, Rev W Ault, Fer-rei-ra,

Miss Brown, Mrs Gay,Abel Misa Robertsoh,Miss W T Robinson,wife and 3 children.


From Hanamaulu. tfer stmrJames Makoe-rGpo;Khjogu- h

Mlmtrrl Alionnl Flairshlp.

minstrel tho Baltimorenoxt, eyening will befor tbe benefit of the officers ofthe warships port and invitedguests frpm cily. stagebeing erected deck today fortuo aiinir. Moat programgiveii in tho Opera HouseChristmas night will bo repeated.

.. , .i. f' i.'M


Diamond Hcnd Signal Station, Deo30, 1 p m Weatbor clear, windllgbt N E.


Steamers duo and to sail tomorrowand for tbo noxt six days aro as fol-lows:


Stiamsiis. From. Ddi.Claudlne Hilo Deo 31

Jau 1

HclencMaul it 2W G Hall-Ka- uai Jan 2Australia-S- an Francisco Jan 4Doric San Francisco- - Jan 4Alameda Sydnoy - Jan 0

OrfAKlStiambrs. For. Sails.Mauna Loa Konu , Deo 31Mokolll Molokal Jan 3W G Hall-Kr- fual Jan 4Klimu--HIIo- .. Jan 4Doric Yokobama Jan 4Claudino Kabulul Jan 4Alameda San Francisco Jan 0


Stnir Nocau, Pcdcrson, 7 brs fromLabalna, 4730 bags of sugar for ,11Hnckfold & Co.

Stnir James Makcc, Tullctt, 11 lirafrom Ilaiiainaiilii, 2500 bags of sugarfor Huckfold & Co.

Stmr Walalcale, Parker, 12 lioursfrom Hannmaulu, 1717 sks sugar forF A Scbacfor & Co, 1852 sks sugar forH Haokfold & Co.

Stmr Kauai, llrubn, 13 hours fromlMaknwell. 4411 bags sugar to Win UIrwin & Co, 2000 bags (KBM) sugar toH Hackfeld & Co, 705 bags (G&lt)sugar to Wuterhouso & Co.


Schr W H Talbot. Rlulun. for SanFrancisco.


Stmr J A Cuinnilns: Suarle. for Ko- -olau.

Schr Mllle Morris, for Koolau.

tiik Tuur.ncui.i tkht.

Vrterlnnry Maurnxlnr Denounceii a.The-mr-y

front Honolulu.

Eyidentjy roferrinf an inter-view published in the Bulletin,tlio American Veterinary Reviewfor Decembor contains tbe follow-

ing:"A check Bought to be placed

upon tho testing of cattlo wilbtuberculin ' in Honolulu by acharge that the epidemic of dysen-tery now affecting thu pnople oftbat city is duo to the tuberculiuinjected iuto tho milk cows by thelocal'inspectors, and tbe author ofthe charges makes the assertion that its use bas beenabandoned in Germany, forthe reason that it poisons the

'system and renders tlio milk unfitfor consumption. our ly theveterinarians of tlmt country havehad euQiciont evidence of thfalsity of such assertions throughtbo pages of iho Review andother sources to effectually denyand nrove that the milk fromtested cows suffered deteriora


Illdt Wore Too lllBh.

Tho real reason for postponingimprovements to the. police

'station that the cost of tbework, as shown by tbo tenders,will be much greater tban wasestimated by the Government.was calculated that iho work couldbe done at a figure considerably

(lower, and some members of theCabinet still believe that can.At any rat t tbe. time between now

The Anchor.

P. T. Ryan still continues incharge of' the Anchor "and is ablyassisted by William Oarlylo. Attbe Anchor, Seattle beer ondraught can always be had as wellas the best brands of whiskies',etc, John Dewar'sScotch whisky. full stock ofother liquors, wines, etc., kepton band also.

Kroogor Fianos,sweetest in tone,Jos. W. Uorgstrom, sole agent, cash

installments. atG; West's, Maeonio Temple. Of- -

hoe at lhrnm's uook store. Tun-ing and. repairing. tST


Home uicycloB are dear any.'price, but if you want tho veryhost wheels at bargain figures ca (1

on Pearson & Hobron of the Hawaiiau Cycle and ManufacturingCompany, opposite Lowers &Cooke's on Fort street.

te HitckMil & Co from Kekalmi'tion in purity from such a

Weather is very iu tho ant t meeting the Leaisla-clmnn- el

with heavy' nwoll turo will be to airivo atduo-N- . accompanied' witli njuallH lbp facts and to ..permit tbo pre-- ,of ureatxoveiity. The Jklikuhala pamtion of a tangible recom-i- s

ai Stinreaubou is mondalion.where


Wilder; VMrs


Tho onSaturday

inthe A is

onof the


Mokolll-Molo- kul












or Warerooma





A Leasehold For Sale.

At a very low llgurc, 1500 acres ofland In tho District of North Kona;158 are subleased to rcsponslblo par-ties at a good rental; 200 acres areplanted with coffee, In good condition,from 2i to 4J years old; 60 acres aro Inold coflV-0- , and all of tho remaining1,100 acres aro suitable for tho plant-ing of coflVc.

Tho party purchasing will only beliable for tho taxes on Improvementson the property, no rental to bo paid.

This Is a splendid chance for a partywith the ncccHwiry capital to innkoan investment that Is suro to bring alarge return on the money Invested,as you have In tills tract all climatesand elevations suitable for ull kindsof cotil'c.

For further particulars, apply to

Geo, McDougall & Sons,

Kullim, North Kona, Hawaii.P. O. Box 3. 71)8-l- m


-- AT-

Cyclomere Park,Saturday, Jan. 1, 1898,

Commencing at 8 o'clock p, in.

Admission, 25 cents.Admission and Grand Stand. 50

cents.Box scats on sulo at "Wall, Nichols

Company. 70Q-- 5t

Poundmaster's Notice.Nolle In hereby giv.-t- i that the aid

tuvl described helovv . bn Ininoui.ded lti the GiwernuiHiit P.m. d a(Mahjkl, Kona, Island of Oahu, andunlet) the pouud tees alid iiamuueHre Kooner aiisfled will b" ro'd

at Public Auction, al 12 o'clock noun,--U TURD AY, Jii. 8, 1898, at theabove pound:

P1 Bay Horse branded H on tho

right hind quarter, white spots on

also on tlio nose, two right feet on tlioion wniio anu tuo other two root ontlio right black.

K. KEKUENE,Puiiii'inia-iter- .

Honolulu, Oahu, Deo. 27, 1887.707 3t.




Fort St., Opp. Club Stables. Tel 398.I1 M - I...

Notice.We havo assumed all tho assets and

liabilities of tlio lirm of H. Hackfeld& Co. as of September 1, 1897, andshall carry on all tlio business W saidlirm. The following gentlemen havobeen elected to sorvo as Otliccrs of thoCompany, viz.:

Mr. Paul Isenhcrg PresidentMr,'J. F. IIaekfcld.;vioo-PrcBlden- tMr. Win. Wolters, ,.DlrectorMr. Ed. Sulir DirectorMr. H. A. Isenborg SecretaryMr. C. Bohso .'....TreasurerMr. W. Pfotonhauer Auditor

H. HACKFELD & CO., LiMiTun.Honolulu, Dec. 29, 1897. 708-l- w

For Sale or Rent.Houso and Lot No. 225 Punchnowl

street, near King. House contains10 rooms, kitchen, pantry and bathroom; largo lunals and largo lot. With-in live minutes walk , of. Post oillco.For particulars call at house or atEnterprise Mill. 786-l- m

To All Whom It Hay Cwcern.

Notice Is horeby given that Mr.Kanayo Tosawa has been appointedAgent of the Yokohama Specie Bank,Ltd., In the Hawaiian Islands in thoplace and stead of Kotaro'TJeta.

Yokohama Si'kcik Bank, Ltd.Deo.,(, 1897. 700-- at

Investment.A good opportunity for Investing In

a well established business. Willbear the strictest Investigation. Canbe heard of by addressing "It, T."700-t- f Buu.nriN'Oftlce.











DooMe Tel. No. 240.j







LEWIS & CO. i(BimtlV l.vrr i...,.. ......... .. (

. 1 "v"' Jiuuui'IJNU KAT,io.iu.i-HJajlSINTK- HERE,


108 KING STBEET.t. .1. Walleii Manaokh.



Naw Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry



Mefoopolifan NJe&fi Co

Telephone 45.

Tbe Bank of Hawaii, tiiiteAt a moetins of tho Tncornorators of

Tho Bunk of Hawaii, Ltd., held In Ho--nuiuiu, uucuinuor it, i'J7, it was Voleilto accept tho Charter granted by theMinister of the Interior.

Tho following olllcurs havo oeenelected to serve or tho llrst yean

President P. C. JonesVice-Preside- J. H. AthortouCashlor Elwln A. JonesSecretary C. H. Cooko

All,ofwhoin aro Ex-olllc- lo Directors.iiikkctohs:

II. Wuterhousc.' T. Mav. C RnsMe.F.' W. Macfarluno, E. D. Tenney.

Auditor GocrgoR. CarterO. H. COOKE,

Secretary.Honolulu, Decomber 24, lb97.

; -704-l- m

J.A.FAELA,208 Hotel Street,


ALL KINDS .OF SUITSfrom $10 to (18.

Money relumed if vou are not.suuouru. an, worK guarauteeu.

J. S. WALKER, ",


Royal Insurance Compuny.Allianoe Assninnce Conjpany.Alllanoe Marino and General AwnranM

Company,Ban Life Aflsnrauoe Compuny ot Oui'sia.Wilhelmaof Madgeburglniinranee Con

pany. j.Scottish Union and National IntnranM

Company,ttoom U Bpreckcla Block, Ronolaln, H. I.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society'

'Of the United State for the HawaiianIslands.

Orrwi Merchant street, Honoralm

For (Rent.-

Houso containing four rooms, wUhkitchen, pantry and storeroom. Pre-mises on Lillha street opiioslto Ktui- -'

kinl. Immediate pbHsesMlon given.For terms apply fo W. O. Parke,

i.u,iwiiuiii;ci ui v. CrelglitonJMerehunt street.



' i