Karl Kautsky - Ultra-Imperialism

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Transcript of Karl Kautsky - Ultra-Imperialism

  • 7/30/2019 Karl Kautsky - Ultra-Imperialism


    From Die Neue Zeit, September 1914.

    Copied with thanks from the Website endpage.com.

    Marked up byEinde OCallaghanfor the Marxists Internet Archive.

    The article below was complete several weeks before the outbreak of the War It was intended for out number

    which was to have greeted the planned Congress of the International. Like so much else this Congress has

    been brought to nothing by the events of the last days. Yet although purely theoretical in nature, the article

    has not lost its relevance to the practice which it sought to help explain. We publish the article, with the

    omission of passages which related to the International Congress and the addition of some considerations

    on the war.Editorial NoteDie Neue Zeit, September 11th, 1914.

    We have seen that the undisturbed advance of the process of production presupposes that the different

    branches of production all produce in the correct proportion. Yet it is also evident that within the capitalist

    mode of production there is a constant drive towards the violation of this proportion, because within a

    specific zone the capitalist mode of production tends to develop much more quickly in the industrial than in

    the agricultural sector. On the one hand, this is an important reason for the periodic crises which constantly

    grip the industrial sector, and which thereby restore the correct proportion between the different branches of

    production. On the other hand, the growing ability of capitalist industry to expand constantly increases the

    pressure to extend the agricultural zone that provides industry not only with foodstuffs and raw materials,

    but also with customers. Since the importance of the agrarian zones to industry is a dual one, the

    disproportion between industry and agriculture may also be expressed in two ways. Firstly, the outlets for

    industrial products in the agrarian zones may not grow so fast as industrial production; this appears as

    overproduction. Secondly, agriculture may not provide the quantities of foodstuffs and raw materials needed

    for the rapid growth of industrial production; this takes the form of dearth. These two phenomena may seem

    mutually exclusive, but in fact they are closely inter-related insofar as they derive from the disproportion

    between industrial and agricultural production, and not from other causes such as fluctuations in gold output

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    or changes in the power situation of producers vis--vis consumers through cartels, commercial policies or

    fiscal policies.

    One of the two phenomena, dearth or overproduction, may easily pass over into the other, because they both

    derive from the disproportion in question. An increase in prices always foreshadows the beginning of a

    crisis, although this emerges as over-production and brings with it a price collapse. On the other hand, the

    constant drive of the industrialized capitalist countries to extend the agricultural zones involved in trade

    relations with them, takes the most varied forms. Given that this drive is one of the very conditions of the

    existence of capitalism, it is still far from proven that any one of these forms is an indispensable necessity for

    the capitalist mode of production.

    One particular form of this tendency is imperialism. Another form preceded it: free trade. Half a century ago,

    free trade was seen as the last word of capitalism, just as imperialism is today. Free trade came to dominate

    because of the superiority of Englands capitalist industry. Great Britains aim was that she should become

    the workshop of the world, and hence that the world should become an agrarian zone which would buy

    Englands industrial products and provide her with foodstuffs and raw materials in exchange. Free trade was

    the most important means whereby this agricultural zone could be expanded continuously in accordance with

    the needs of English industry, and all sides were supposed to profit therefrom. In fact, the landowners of the

    countries which exported their products to England were as inveterate free-traders as Englands


    But this sweet dream of international harmony quickly came to an end. As a rule, industrial zones

    overmaster and dominate agrarian zones. This was true earlier of the city vis--vis the countryside, and it is

    now true of the industrial State vis--vis an agrarian State. A State which remains agrarian decays politically

    and usually economically, too, and loses its autonomy in both respects. Hence efforts to maintain or win

    national independence or autonomy necessarily generate within the overall cycle of international capitalist

    circulation the struggle for an autonomous heavy industry, which must under present conditions be a

    capitalist one. The development of outlets for foreign industrial products in the agrarian State itself creates a

    series of preconditions for this. It destroys the internal pre-capitalist industry, thereby releasing a large

    quantity of labour power which is at the disposal of capital as wage labour. These workers emigrate to other

    States with growing industry if they can find no employment in their home country, but would prefer to

    remain at home if the construction of a capitalist industry allowed them to. Foreign capital itself flows into

    the agrarian country, first to open it by building railways, and then in order to develop its raw-materials

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    production, which includes not only agriculture, but also extractive industries mining. The possibility of

    adding other capitalist enterprises to these grows. It then depends primarily on the political power of the

    State whether an autonomous capitalist industry develops. At first it was the areas of Western Europe and the

    Eastern USA which developed from agrarian States into industrial States, in opposition to English industry.

    They imposed protective tariffs against English free trade; and instead of the world division of labour

    between the English industrial workshop and the agricultural production of all other zones which was

    Englands aim, they proposed that the great industrial States divide those zones of the world that still

    remained free, as long as the latter could not resist them. England reacted to this. This was the beginning of


    Imperialism was particularly encouraged by the system of capital export to the agrarian zones which

    emerged at the same time. The growth of industry in the capitalist States today is so fast that a sufficient

    expansion of the market can no longer be achieved by the methods that had been employed up to the 1870s.

    Till then, the primitive means of transport which existed in the agrarian zones sufficed, particularly the

    waterways which had hitherto been the only possible form of large-scale transport of foodstuffs and raw

    materials. For railways had been constructed almost exclusively in highly industrialized and heavily

    populated zones. Now, however, they became the way to open up thinly populated agrarian zones, making it

    possible to take their products to the market, but also to increase their population and production.

    But these zones did not possess the means to plan railways themselves. The capital necessary for this and the

    directing labour force were provided by the industrial nations. They advanced the capital, thereby raising

    their exports of railway materials and increasing the ability of the newly opened areas to buy the industrial

    products of the capitalist nations with foodstuffs and raw materials. Thus the material interchange between

    agriculture and industry greatly increased. But if a railway in the wilderness is to be a profitable business, if

    it is even to be possible, if it is to obtain the labour power necessary for its construction and the security

    necessary for its operational demands, there must be a State authority strong and ruthless enough to defend

    the interests of the foreign capitalists and even to yield blindly to their interests.

    Naturally, this is best supplied by the State power of these capitalists themselves. The same is true of bids for

    the possibility of mining richer ores or raising the production of commercial crops such as cotton by the

    construction of vast irrigation works undertakings which are also made possible only by the export of

    capital from the capitalist countries. Hence as the drive for increasing capital export from the industrial

    States to the agrarian zones of the world grows, so too does the tendency to subjugate these zones under their

    State power.

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    There was another significant moment to this: the effects of capital exports on the agrarian zones to which

    they are directed may be very different. We have already pointed out how badly off the agrarian countries

    are in this respect, and how they must aspire to become industrial countries, in the interests of their own

    prosperity or even autonomy. In an agrarian State with the strength to protect its autonomy, the capital it

    imports will be used not only for the construction of railways, but also for the development of its own

    industriesas in the USA or Russia. In such circumstances capital exports from the old capitalist States only

    further the latters own industrial exports temporarily. Ultimately they cripple them, simply by fostering

    strong economic competition in the agrarian zone. The desire to hinder this is another motive for the

    capitalist states to subject the agrarian zones, directlyas coloniesor indirectlyas spheres of influence,

    in order to prevent them from developing their own industry and to force them to restrict themselves entirely

    to agricultural production.

    These are the principal roots of imperialism, which has replaced free trade. Does it represent the last possible

    phenomenal form of capitalist world policy, or is another still possible? In other words, does imperialism

    offer the only remaining possible form in which to expand the exchange between industry and agriculture

    within capitalism? This is the basic question.

    There can be no doubt that the construction of railways, the exploitation of mines, the increased production

    of raw materials and foodstuffs in the agrarian countries has become a life-necessity for capitalism. The

    capitalist class is as little likely to commit suicide as to renounce it, and the same is true of all the bourgeois

    parties Rule over the agrarian zones and the reduction of their populations to slaves with no rights is too

    closely bound up with this tendency for any of the bourgeois parties to sincerely oppose these things. The

    subjugation of these zones will only come to an end when either their populations or the proletariat of the

    industrialized capitalist countries have grown strong enough to throw off the capitalist yoke. This side of

    imperialism can only be overcome by socialism.

    But imperialism has another side. The tendency towards the occupation and subjugation of the agrarian

    zones has produced sharp contradictions between the industrialized capitalist States, with the result that the

    arms race which was previously only a race for land armaments has now also become naval arms race, and

    that the long prophesied World War has now become a fact. Is this side of imperialism, too, a necessity for

    the continued existence of capitalism, one that can only be overcome with capitalism itself?

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    There is no economic necessity for continuing the arms race after the World War, even from the standpoint

    of the capitalist class itself, with the exception of at most certain armaments interests. On the contrary, the

    capitalist economy is seriously threatened precisely by the contradictions between its States. Every far-

    sighted capitalist today must call on his fellows: capitalists of all countries, unite ! For, first of all, there is

    the growing opposition of the more developed of the agrarian zones, which threatens not just one or other of

    the imperialist States, but all of them together. This is true of the awakening of Eastern Asia and India as

    well as of the Pan-Islamic movement in the Near East and North Africa.

    This upsurge is accompanied by the growing opposition of the proletariat of the industrial countries against

    every new increase of their tax burden. Even before the War, it was clear that since the Balkan War the arms

    race and the costs of colonial expansion had reached a level that threatened the rapid increases of capital

    accumulation and thereby capital export, i.e., the basis of imperialism itself. Industrial accumulation at home

    still advances continuously, thanks to technical progress. But capital no longer rushes into export. This is

    visible in the fact that even in peacetime the European States had difficulties in covering their own loans.

    The rates of interest they were forced to grant rose. This is revealed, for example, by the average market

    prices of:

    3 % German

    National Loans


    3 % French


    1905 89 99

    1910 85 97

    1912 80 92

    Mid 1914 77 83

    After the War, this trend will not get better, but worse, if the arms race and its demands on the capital market

    continue to grow.

    Imperialism is thus digging its own grave. From a means to develop capitalism, it is becoming a hindrance to

    it. Nevertheless, capitalism need not yet be at the end of the line. From the purely economic standpoint, it

    can continue to develop so long as the growing industries of the capitalist countries can induce a

    corresponding expansion of agricultural production. This gets more and more difficult, of course, as the

    annual growth of world industry increases and still unopened agrarian zones become fewer and fewer. So

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    long as this limit has not been reached, capitalism may be wrecked on the reef of the rising political

    opposition of the proletariat, but it need not come to an end in economic collapse.

    On the other hand, just such an economic bankruptcy would occur prematurely as a result of continuing the

    present policy of imperialism. This policy of imperialism therefore cannot be continued much longer. Of

    course, if the present policy of imperialism were indispensable to the maintenance of the capitalist mode of

    production, then the factors I have referred to might make no lasting impression on the ruling class, and

    would not induce them to lend a different direction to their imperialist tendencies. But this change will be

    possible if imperialism, the striving of every great capitalist State to extend its own colonial empire in

    opposition to all the other empires of the same kind, represents only one among various modes of expansion

    of capitalism.

    What Marx said of capitalism can also be applied to imperialism: monopoly creates competition and

    competition monopoly. The frantic competition of giant firms, giant banks and multi-millionaires obliged the

    great financial groups, who were absorbing the small ones, to think up the notion of the cartel. In the same

    way, the result of the World War between the great imperialist powers may be a federation of the strongest,

    who renounce their arms race.

    Hence from the purely economic standpoint it is not impossible that capitalism may still Jive through

    another phase, the translation of cartellization into foreign policy: a phase of ultra-imperialism, which of

    course we must struggle against as energetically as we do against imperialism, but whose perils lie in another

    direction, not in that of the arms race and the threat to world peace.

    The above exposition was completed before Austria surprised us with her ultimatum to Serbia. Austrias

    conflict with Serbia did not arise purely from imperialist tendencies. In Eastern Europe, nationalism is still a

    revolutionary motive force, and the present conflict between Austria and Serbia has nationalist as well as

    imperialist roots. Austria tried to implement an imperialist policy by annexing Bosnia and threatening to

    include Albania in its sphere of influence. This aroused the nationalist opposition of Serbia, which feels

    threatened by Austria and is now a danger to the existence of Austria on its own account.

    The World War did not come about because imperialism was a necessity for Austria, but because by its own

    structure it endangered itself with its own imperialism. Imperialism could only have powered an internally

    homogeneous State which attaches to itself agrarian zones far beneath it culturally. But here, a nationallydivided, half-slavic State wished to pursue imperialism at the expense of a slavic neighbour whose culture is

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    of the same origins as the culture of the neighbouring regions of its opponent. Of course, this policy could

    only have such unexpected and vast consequences because of the contradictions and discord which

    imperialism has created between the other great Powers. All the consequences ripening in the womb of the

    present World War have not yet seen the light. Its outcome may still be that the imperialist tendencies and

    the arms race accelerate at firstin which case, the subsequent peace will be no more than a short armistice.

    From the purely economic standpoint, however, there is nothing further to prevent this violent explosion

    finally replacing imperialism by a holy alliance of the imperialists. The longer the War lasts, the more it

    exhausts all tile participants and makes them recoil from an early repetition of armed conflict, the nearer we

    come to this last solution, however unlikely it may seem at the moment.