Kardinia International College Prospectus



Informationa about Kardinia International College

Transcript of Kardinia International College Prospectus

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Kardinia means ‘sunrise’ or ‘new beginning’ and so this word was chosen in 1996 as apart of the College’s name.

Kardinia International College is a new College developed with modern philosophies and structures designed specifically to educate students to be leaders and productive participants of the 21st Century.

Kardinia International College offers high quality education to boys and girls from Australia and all parts of the world. The College operates classes for both day and overseas homestay students from Kindergarten to Year 12.

The College began on 3 February, 1996 with 31 secondary students and 42 kindergarten children. It has now become a large, well-established and renowned College with a very high demand for student places.

In 2010 the College acquired its own campus in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where Year 9 students can enjoy an eight week self-discovery adventure.

Kardinia International College is also accredited as an International Baccalaureate World School offering both the Primary Years Programme and the Diploma Programme. The Diploma Programme is offered in parallel with the VCE for Years 11 and 12.

The living motto of Kardinia International College‘WISDOM LEADS TO RESPECT AND FRIENDSHIP’is the energising source of all College activity.

The drive for high academic excellence not only serves to give students leading and productive places in the world of the future but also gives rise to a wisdom and understanding that provides a foundation for an all pervasive ethos of respect and friendship. Every single activity within the College, whether it be a matter of discipline, a musical performance, a sporting endeavour or parental relations, has respect and friendship as the foundation stones.

Kardinia International College is unique in the Geelong region as it offers classes from three-year-old Kindergarten right through to Year 12 on the one 52 acre campus.

The College is organised into three sections- The Kindergarten and Pre-School

Centre- The Junior School (Prep to Year 6)- The Senior School (Year 7 to Year


The College aims to fully develop the human person with particular attention given to the growth of the intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical dimensions of each individual.

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Kardinia International College grew from zero to over 1400 students in its first seven years. This makes Kardinia the fastest growing private school in the history of Australia. The College will now maintain an enrolment of 1800 students.

Kardinia is so popular because of four fundamental foundation stones which give rise to a very unique school environment.

Firstly, Kardinia has translated its motto “Wisdom leads to Respect and Friendship” into a living reality. It has established itself as a very friendly place. The atmosphere of respect and friendship where every student feels safe and comfortable at all times is a real feature of the College. This ethos produces a learning environment that is peaceful, gentle and productive for everybody. This quality of Kardinia is strongly sought after by both the local and overseas communities.

Secondly, at Kardinia there is a very strong emphasis on international understanding whereby all students are taught to respect and celebrate all cultures. The majority of students are local students but all students are encouraged to help create a world of harmony, peace and tolerance. The International Baccalaureate Programmes are one part of the endeavor to educate truly Global Citizens. Students are encouraged to join annual trips to Japan,

bi-annual immersion trips to France and the majority of Year 9 students undertake an eight week journey in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This journey and our own campus Kardinia Sum Pun are a special feature of the College.

The third foundation stone is to take each individual student as the prime focus of the learning endeavour. For example, Kardinia is renowned for its “vertical curriculum” whereby every secondary student has an individual timetable which provides a curriculum tailored to the needs and strengths of each individual. This same philosophy pervades every aspect of teaching and learning throughout the whole College.

Fourthly, Kardinia has a very advanced approach to technology and learning. All Senior School students use tablet computers in a complete wireless environment. Internet, intranet services and advanced on-line curriculum materials provide a first class modern learning environment. Similarly, in the Junior School, laptop pods, classroom computers and a full laboratory provide an advanced approach to technology. In the Senior Primary personal Netbooks are provided for every student.

The unique and special learning environment of Kardinia has made the College extremely popular and highly sought after.

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OurC O L L E G E CurriculumKardinia International College regards each learner primarily as an individual with special abilities, skills, needs, interests and goals. Accordingly, our curriculum and learning environment at each level provides programmes designed to accommodate individual aspirations and to ensure that the goal of educating the whole person is achievable.

The experience of our teachers, their specialist expertise and commitment to each student has ensured outstanding results. The College continuously endeavours to be at the forefront of new and effective developments in teaching and learning.

The College offers the very highly acclaimed International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme which encompasses both the Kindergarten/Pre-School and the Junior School.

The central purpose of this Primary Years Programme is to develop Global Citizens who demonstrate the attributes and traits of the Programme’s Student Profile where students are taught to become inquirers, thinkers, communicators, risk-takers and to be knowledgeable, principled, caring, open-minded, well-balanced and reflective.

The Senior School provides a unique learning environment for its students through a complete vertical curriculum. This curriculum consists of a very large set of approximately 250 different semester units from which students choose an individualised course of study suited particularly to their ability levels, their interests and needs. Every unit has equal status, value and time allocation.

Students, parents and teaching staff develop an individual curriculum for each student by selecting a set of units.

These units are set at seven levels of difficulty: Level A to Level E, followed by VCE and IB Diploma units. The huge array of units covers all curriculum areas including English, Japanese, French, Mathematics, Humanities, Science, Art, Graphics, Photography, Media, Information Technology, Physical Education, Music, Dance, Drama, Robotics, Electronics and Technology in wood, plastics, jewellery and food.

The vertical curriculum offers some very important advantages as students are able to progress at a rate which is appropriate to their ability in each of their subjects. Very able students can fast track units, whilst for other students there is the opportunity to take courses which allow extra time for consolidation at a more basic level. In practice, some students will complete the IB Diploma or the VCE in five years, most in six and others in seven years.

An extensive range of VCE and IB subjects is available.

Formal assessment and reporting are integral parts of our educational process. Parent/Teacher interviews are also conducted twice during the year.

The emphasis at every level is on academic rigour and the College is renowned for the outstanding results achieved in the Year 12 examinations each year.

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Opportunities F O R CO-CURRICULAR Activities


Complementing the academic programme is a diversity of co-curricular activities.

SPORT:All students take part in a sport afternoon each week. There is no compulsory after-school sport but the College does enter a large range of sporting teams in a variety of competitions. Students are encouraged to become involved in different sports and join one of our teams.

Some of the sporting opportunities available to students include:athletics, badminton, baseball, basketball, cricket, cross-country running, fencing, football, gymnastics, hockey, horse-riding, netball, sailing, surfing, rowing, soccer, softball, squash, swimming, table-tennis, tennis, ten-pin bowling, volleyball, judo and karate.

CAMPS AND EXCURSIONS:Camps and excursions are an integral part of the programme at all year levels to foster self-reliance, social interdependence and concern for others as well as providing valuable leadership opportunities. All levels have a variety of curriculum-based excursions which are provided for all students.

In addition, there are a number of camps organised for Middle and Senior Primary students. Senior students entering their first year of secondary education go on a compulsory orientation camp early in the school year. Secondary students also attend a compulsory outdoor education camp, whilst students in the senior years have the opportunity to attend a leadership camp.There is also the opportunity for

Senior School students to travel to Chiang Mai, Japan and France.

THE PERFORMING AND VISUAL ARTSAn education in the areas of visual art, music and drama is invaluable in the development of the whole person. Students learn to perceive, judge and value what they come to know through their senses.

Music plays an important part in the life of the College in many different ways. At Kardinia International College, aside from classroom music, all students have the opportunity to participate in intensive instrumental music lessons and to receive the support that comes from sharing these activities with highly skilled teachers and like-minded students. Students in all levels are able to study voice and a huge range of musical instruments including: piano, cello, violin, guitar, saxophone, drums, clarinet, trombone, double bass, flute and many more.

Many students also choose to sing in the school choirs, rehearse with the orchestra or small ensembles for one of the many high standard public appearances which the Kardinia musicians make throughout the year.

Through public speaking, drama and debating, students learn to express themselves with assurance. The House Music and Drama Competitions and the College Dramatic and Musical Productions enable students to display and develop talents.

The House Debating Competitions and the College Debating Teams provide opportunities for students to become very accomplished in public speaking.

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The College endeavours to give to all students a deep and lasting international understanding.

Internationalism pervades the whole curriculum with particular emphasis provided by the International Baccalaureate Programmes. Specific units in the Senior School such as “International Cuisine”, “Asian Studies”, “International Art”, “International Studies”, provide further elements of the International Programme.

In the Senior School a number of International Immersion Programmes are available for students:

THE CHIANG MAI EXPERIENCE AT THE KARDINIA SUM PUN CAMPUSYear 9 students have the opportunity to spend a term in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This unique programme is designed as an intensive “self-discovery journey” which involves a very exciting suite of challenging and thought-provoking experiences. The Kardinia Sum Pun campus is a full resort with a swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, recreation hall, tennis/basketball court etc. Five groups of 24 students are able to participate in this programme each year.

THE JAPAN TRIPGroups of senior students are able to enjoy a four week immersion programme visiting our sister school at the foot of Mount Fuji in Gotemba. Students attend school, have various sightseeing opportunities and live with homestay families.

THE FRENCH IMMERSION TRIPEvery second year a group of students studying French are able to participate in a seven week intensive immersion programme attending a French School and living in a homestay environment.

T H E International P R O G R A M

International P R O G R A M M E S

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FacilitKardinia International College is situated on 52 acres of spacious grounds with a large number of lawns, sporting ovals and well-developed gardens. It is the setting for a most impressive array of first class facilities.The College is currently engaged in a huge long-term building programme with new buildings and facilities being constructed every year.

Kardinia International College facilities include:• The Assembly Hall• The 1560 seat Amphitheatre• The Auditorium• The Gymnasium• The Kindergarten/Pre-School Centre• The Lower Primary Centre• The Upper Primary Centre•TheJuniorSchoolMulti-MediaCentre• The Senior School• The Learning Resource Centre• The School of Performing Arts• Eight Modern Science Laboratories• The Art/Technology/Electronics Centre• Wood, Jewellery and Plastics Studios• The Photography Dark Room• The Video Editing Suite• The Food Technology Centre• The Careers Centre• Six Ovals and Six Tennis Courts• Parent Meeting Rooms• Centrepoint Cafe• KatsumataCentre - Theatre and

Gymnasium Complex

Kardinia Sum Pun facilities include:• Six Accommodation Buildings • A Swimming Pool • A Floodlit Tennis/Basketball Court • AJacuzzi • A Sauna • ARecreation Hall• Kitchen •Dining Hall•Classroom


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• Parents wishing to enrol their children at Kardinia International College should complete an Application for Enrolment Form (which can be downloaded from the website) and forward it to:

The RegistrarKardinia International CollegeP.O. Box 17Geelong, Victoria. 3220.Australia.

• The College will receipt Application for Enrolment Forms with a letter.

• The application will be processed prior to the child beginning at Kardinia International College. For all Senior School applications, this will involve a review of school reports and an interview, one year before.

• If accepted into the College, a letter of offer will be sent. To confirm the place, a written acceptance must be completed and returned accompanied by a deposit of $350 for Prep to Year 12 students or $200 for Kindergarten and Pre-School students. This deposit is fully credited towards fees when the student begins. If the place of enrolment is not taken, the deposit is non-refundable except in exceptional circumstances.

• PleaseseetheKardiniaInternationalCollege website for further details on all aspects of our programme.


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F U RT H E R Information

John Goodfellow, Principal

Mr Katsumata, Founder

THE BOARDMr Yoshimaro Katsumata purchased the buildings, facilities and resources of the Morongo Girls’ College in the middle of 1995. He established Kardinia International College as an incorporated non-profit entity with a Board of Directors in September 1995. The College is governed by policies approved by The Board.

In 2008, The College Board purchased the site from Mr Katsumata.

Board members bring a diversity of talent and their vision for the College helps encourage its development and growth.

The inaugural Principal, Mr John Goodfellow, is also a member of The Board and is responsible for the appointment of staff, the educational programme and the daily running of the College.

OUT OF SCHOOL HOURS CAREOut of school hours care is available for students from 3.20pm – 6.00 pm each school day.

BUSESKardinia International College runs its own fleet of buses from widespread areas such as the Surfcoast, Bellarine Peninsula, Lara, Hoppers Crossing, Werribee, Colac, Anakie, Altona and the Greater Geelong District. Some students also use our buses in conjunction with other bus services.

SCHOLARSHIPSThe following Scholarships are offered.Academic Scholarships: for students entering Year 7.Music Scholarships: for students entering all levels of the Senior School. The Scholarship exams in both areas are held at the beginning of each year. Please contact the College for further details.

PARENT INVOLVEMENTKardinia International College has a clear policy of welcoming and involving parents in every dimension of College life. Parents are very welcome to share their time and expertise with classroom and subject teachers. In order to facilitate parent involvement, three parent boards have been set up. The primary goal of each of these boards is to be a means of inviting parents to be partners with the staff of the College to develop high quality programmes and experiences for the students.The Education Board aims to involve parents in supporting, assisting, discussing and making recommendations regarding the learning programmes in the College – some of these learning programmes will be for the parent community.The Community Board aims to create a real sense of community among staff, students and parents.The Development Board aims to conduct activities for raising funds for the provision of extra educational resources for the students.

MEDICAL CENTREKardinia International College has two qualified nurses on staff. The treatment of minor injuries or illness will be carried out at the Medical Centre. Parents (or an emergency contact person) will be contacted if a child becomes too ill to stay at school.

THE KATSUMATA CENTRE In July 2010, The Katsumata Center was opened as a permanent tribute to our founders Mr and Mrs Katsumata. The College will forever be enormously grateful for their wisdom and unbelievable generosity.

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