Kappa Phi November/December Newsletter

 Kappa Phi News Kappa Phi Chapter, No, 261, Area 9, Carrollton, TX The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Texas State Organization Carrollton-Farmers Branch www.kappaphitexas.weebly.com [email protected] Vol.36, Issue 23 Nov/Dec, 2014 DKG Mission Statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. News Editor; Susan Price 5100 Aztec Dr. The Colony, TX 75056  DKG Vision Statement: Leading women educators impacting education worldwide Kappa Phi December Meeting 1 Date: Thursday, December 4, 201 Time: 6:00 - 8:00 Place: Susan Lindsey’s 2302 Primrose Drive Richardson, TX Grant-in-Aide Silent Auction  MAKE it, BAKE it, GROW it, or just BUY it If you last name begins with A-L bring your favorite holiday Cuisine to share. All Members are encouraged to bring a guest. I NSIDE  T HIS I SSUE   A Meeting info & President’s notes  B Member Focus, Treasure Report & “Tea” photos C Kappa Phi Program & Minutes D Strickland Project & World Fellowship  E  Area 9 and Misc DKG news items. There is a chill in the air, but there is warmth and f riendship at our monthly meetings. I just looked through my pictures from the October meeting and I was so touched by the sharing t hat took place. There were special collections, letters, needlework,  poetry, and even the dress that Sammie wore on her first day of s chool! What a gre at evening. We have six members who are working on a rotating  basis at Strickland Elementary doing lots of copying and laminating. I worked in October and managed to get the copies made w ithout jamming the copier! The teachers were most appreciative   and there were many jobs to do. It has been suggested that we provide goodies for the Strickland staff in January. Great idea! I was thinking that it might also be a good idea to begin a discussion about other ideas that you might have for our involvement at Strickland. We can apply for a grant through ASTEF if we want to enhance our project. It is almost time for our Christmas Auction and Dinner. We will have some guests in attendance   some who have received letters of invitation to participate in Delta Kappa Gamma. It isn’t too late to give Dorothy some names and addresses of people that you would like to have in our society. You don’t have to say or do anything except give her the name an d address of the pers on(s). Dorothy will send a letter to your nominee inviting her to come to our Christmas Auc tion. There will be a n orientation in January so that our guests can learn all about DKG. Remember to be planning what you will bring to our auction. Will it be a fresh loaf of bread, a handmade quilt, a basket of lotions, Christmas ornaments??? I am looking forward to all of the goodies   and I am excited about the opportunity to buy some presents! See you soon! Debbie Notes from the President Notes from the President

Transcript of Kappa Phi November/December Newsletter

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Kappa Phi News Kappa Phi Chapter, No, 261, Area 9, Carrollton, TX

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society InternationalTexas State Organization Carrollton-Farmers Branch 

www.kappaphitexas.weebly.com  [email protected] Vol.36, Issue 23 Nov/Dec, 2014

DKG Mission Statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes

professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.

News Editor; Susan Price 5100 Aztec Dr. The Colony, TX 75056  

DKG Vision Statement: Leading women educators impacting education worldwide 

Kappa Phi December Meeting


Date: Thursday, December 4, 201

Time: 6:00 - 8:00

Place: Susan Lindsey’s 

2302 Primrose Drive

Richardson, TX

Grant-in-Aide Silent Auction

 MAKE it, BAKE it, GROW it, or just

BUY it

If you last name begins with A-L

bring your favorite holiday

Cuisine to share.

All Members are encouraged to

bring a guest. 


 A Meeting info & President’s notes 

B Member Focus, Treasure Report & “Tea” photos 

C Kappa Phi Program & Minutes

D Strickland Project & World Fellowship

 E  Area 9 and Misc DKG news items.

There is a chill in the air, but there iswarmth and friendship at our monthly meetings. I justlooked through my pictures from the October meetingand I was so touched by the sharing that took place.There were special collections, letters, needlework, poetry, and even the dress that Sammie wore on her first

day of school! What a great evening.

We have six members who are working on a rotating basis at Strickland Elementary doing lots of copying andlaminating. I worked in October and managed to get thecopies made without jamming the copier! The teacherswere most appreciative –  and there were many jobs to do.It has been suggested that we provide goodies for theStrickland staff in January. Great idea! I was thinkingthat it might also be a good idea to begin a discussionabout other ideas that you might have for ourinvolvement at Strickland. We can apply for a grantthrough ASTEF if we want to enhance our project.

It is almost time for our Christmas Auction and Dinner.We will have some guests in attendance –  some who havereceived letters of invitation to participate in Delta KappaGamma. It isn’t too late to give Dorothy some names

and addresses of people that you would like to have in

our society. You don’t have to say or do anything except

give her the name and address of the person(s). Dorothywill send a letter to your nominee inviting her to come toour Christmas Auction. There will be an orientation inJanuary so that our guests can learn all about DKG.

Remember to be planning what you will bring to ourauction. Will it be a fresh loaf of bread, a handmade

quilt, a basket of lotions, Christmas ornaments??? I amlooking forward to all of the goodies –  and I am excitedabout the opportunity to buy some presents!

See you soon!Debbie

Notes from the PresidentNotes from the President

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2 Kappa Phi 

“Since it is impossible for me to

attend the meetings, I thought I owe a valid

reason. My husband has been and still is quite

ill. After being in the hospital for a period of

time, he is now at Signature Pointe Skilled

Nursing Rehab. I am quite tied down with his

care at the present time. I hope at some point

to join you again. I appreciate the news letter

and other means of staying connected.

Thanks Charlotte. 


 In response to a recent email, I received these two notes.

Received a note from Jan Waggoner: She asks for healing prayers for Fred. 

  Please contact Susan Price if you know of a Kappa Phi member who may need a get-

well card, a cheerful note, or a note of congratulations.

  Next Newsletter will be published right after Christmas. Feel free to send in

notes, articles and your NL items shortly after the December meeting.

Calling All Writers 2

Are you writer? Do you aspire to be a writer? Or perhaps you just like to write. I would loveto add articles about the Society, our Chapter, professional or women’s issues, and/or humaninterest stories. Waiting to hear from you.



November9 Vicky Herr

December28 Laura Harbin

29 Dorothy Carroll 

January4 Sarah Eaton25 Sally Saar

Susan Marchus has presented us with a new and wonderfulyearbook. Congratulations on a job well done and thank

you for your hard work. 

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3 Kappa Phi 

With a huge sigh, I have mailed Kappa Phi’s dues and fees for

2014-15. The report contains the names of twenty-two activeand two reserve members. The fees were for Cora McFarlandand World Fellowship. Thank you to everyone for your helpwith this!!

Sadly, I had to report that in addition to Beth Howard andHelen Marsee, Debra Shugart will not be renewing hermembership. I know everyone joins me in feeling this is agreat loss for the chapter. Her move proved to be too great achallenge when traveling home in the evening after ourmeetings. We hope she will visit when she can — especially forthe Christmas Auction meeting.

The mention of that meeting brings to mind the fact that alongwith membership numbers, our coffers have dwindled and wewill need to have an extra successful auction in order tomaintain our financial standing. Mark your calendars, bringauction items and bring a friend. We always have a good time

and what a wonderful way to enter the holiday season.

Pat B



October 31, 2014Balance August 31, 2014 $10,056.24*


Dues for 4 members, $25 donation, $12 wksh 397.00Dues for 3 active and 1 reserve member 305.00

Dues for 3 active & 8.50 World Fellowship 278.90Dues for 3 active members and 1 reserve 305.00

Total Deposits $1,285.90

Available Cash $11,342.14*


#1055 Door Prize for Workshop 17.32

Grant-in-Aid for Victoria Lasater 500.00

DKG Dues 2014-15. 1,3888.60

World Fellowship 82.12

Cora McFarland Scholarship 24.90

Balance August 31, 2013 $9339.20* 

*(Includes $5,786.68 designated for scholarship money)

http://www.alphastatetexas.org/lonestarnews/2014.fall.pdf  Page 3 has a special interest article for Treasurers.

Highlights from “Auctioned Tea”

Smiles More Smiles

Laughter And a serious question or two

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Kappa Phi Programs

Review:Programs should be fifteen to twenty minutes long,

involve members, and try to impact the community in someway. This is what I learned at the Area Workshop. Bymanning a “hospitality” lounge at McLaughin/Strickland in

September, we did all of those things! Our efforts weremuch appreciated by the teachers staying late that evening,including one young man who was in my 5th grade classmany years ago! And some of our members continue tovolunteer with copying and laminating on Tuesdays, tocontinue to show our support. Well done, Kappa Phisisters!

October’s program was an interesting evening of

sharing collections and personal mementos. We learnedabout crocheted blankets, letters from mothers, andelephants and decanters! We learned about Sunday Schoolattendance, Memory Blocks and a special UT professor!Wonderful stories that made our bonds of sisterhood evenstronger.


Our December program will be at be the home of SusanLindsey, for our annual auction. We ask all members to bring a guest to help raise funds for our grant-in-aidrecipients! Members whose last names begin with A-L areasked to bring a dish to share on this special evening.

Our January program features a speaker to learn aboutResponsive Education Solutions, a company that hascreated a system of schools that enable parents to choosethe best educational setting for meeting their child’s needs.

It will be held at the Crosby Recreation Center, 1610Crosby Road, Carrollton, 75006. Members whose last

names begin with M-W are asked to bring a dish to share onthis evening. Also on this evening, we will be making someValentines for our teachers at Strickland, so pick up anextra bag of peppermints or gum or chocolate kisses todecorate our Valentines!

Volunteer Opportunity: Tina Flatt is also in charge of theUIL Middle School competition, which will be held on Jan.15, 2015 at Newman Smith High school. She is looking forvolunteers who can judge oral speaking competitions that begin at 5:30 and go to about 7:00. Training and a lightsnack is provided at 5:00, so email her if you’d like to come

and join the energy of middle school UIL! Thanks!

Tina Flatt at dcflatt verizon.net


Minutes for October 2, 2014

The October 2014 meeting of Kappa Phi Chapter of Delta KappaGamma Society International was held at Amore’s Italian

Restaurant, beginning at 5:30, with 12 members present. President

Debbie Moss called the meeting to order; an inspirational momentwas given by Susan Marchus. After dinner was ordered, the

 business meeting continued.

The minutes were approved as published in the Newsletter.

Treasurer Pat Bielamowicz gave the treasurer’s report.She informed us that we have 25 regular members and one reservemember (Nancy Strickland). Of these, 17 have paid their dues. Patreminded us that the deadline for dues is October 31. She alsosuggested that we make a strong effort to bring someone to theDecember auction. State and International dues required for reservemembers are $27.00. Pat proposed that Kappa Phi charge dues of$35.00 for these members. A motion to do so was made andapproved. Debbie suggested that we invite Area IX Coordinator

Michelle Grandinetti to the auction as well.Susan Marchus gave a report on legislation. She handed

out legislator contact sheets and encouraged us to write letters to ourelected officials and stay informed.

Dorothy Carroll spoke about getting to know the Y-generation –  1991 to present –  in order to attract new members.

Tina Flatt proposed that we make Betty Shaw an honorarymember of Kappa Phi. Betty, mother of Kappa Phi member NancyShaheen, has opened her home for many meetings and is a strongsupporter of public education. A motion to do this was made and

 passed. Dorothy Carroll will check on the deadline for doing this,and funding is to be determined.

Susan Price asked us to let her know if we have had anyarticles published We’ve already had two qualify, and we needeight more for a seal of merit. These articles are to contain 250words; Susan will send us eligible categories.

In Vicky Herr’s absence, Barbara reminded those workingat Strickland to get their background checks completed, and shereviewed the schedule with us.

Celeste Craig informed us that the website has beenupdated. The address to access our website iswww.kappaphi,texas.weebly.com. 

Susan Marchus informed us that the yearbook is to becompleted by the end of October.

 Nancy Shaheen took up a collection for GlobalAwareness, reminding us that Delta Kappa Gamma is present in 17countries other than the United States. She gave us a summary ofthe organization and functions of the Global Awareness Committee.

Debbie reminded us that there will be no meeting in

 November, and the Grants-in-Aid auction will be December 4 atSusan Lindsey’s home Program Chair Tina Flatt spoke about the DKG Gallery of

Art as the topic of our program for the evening. In conjunction withthis, members shared items of their creativity and collections.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00.

 ___________________ ____________________________Debbie Moss, President Laura Harbin, Recording Secretary

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Strickland Project…. 

There has been a big uptick in the number ofrequests for copying assistance,

so Tuesdays have become abusy time. Every staff memberI have seen has made a pointto thank us all for helping out.With so many volunteers thisyear, our visits are verymanageable and productive.

Debbie made a suggestion thatwe leave a note with the

completed work stating DKG volunteer wishesthem well etc... Pat came up with prototype for allof us to use. That will help with promotion and anoutreach of personalization.

Thanks to all who are going to help. I think Nancywould approve!


October Meet n Eat

Decisions, decisions


Attached is a letter from the InternationalPresident thanking us for our donation toWorld Fellowship of $82.12. This is themoney that Nancy Shaheen collects from us

and as you can see, it adds up.

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

 Austin, Texas 78767-1589 USA Fax: +1 (512) 478-3961P.O. BOX 1589 Toll-Free (USA & CAN): +1 (888) 762-4685The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Tel: +1 (512) 478-5748

 November 06, 2014

Texas Kappa Phi2101 Columbia DrDKG MembersRichardson, TX 75081-3208

Dear DKG Members,The DKG Society International greatly appreciates the$82.12 contribution you made on October 31, 2014.We value your generosity and commitment to theWorld Fellowship Fund. World Fellowships areawarded to non-member women educators who are

continuing their education. Thank you for yoursupport.

 Although we appreciate contributions from chaptersand state organizations, we want to remind you thatdonations from individual members may be eligible for

a tax deduction within the United States and othercountries.

Sincerely,Lyn Babb Schmid, Ed. D.2014-2016 International PresidentThe Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

“ This fund is a 501(c)(3) in the United States. No goods or services were received forthis donation.”  

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The Lone Star News

The online only Fall 2014 Lone Star News is ready foryour reading enjoyment. Looks great! Copy/ paste / read:http://www.alphastatetexas.org/lonestarnews/2014.fall.pdf  

In the midst of shrinking memberships look for the

article on a brand new Chapter, Mu Omega. Or if that’stoo tame, the lead story is about modern day slavery.Scroll through and check out chapters helping schools inGuatemala, the Piggy Posse and ASTEF project stipendsawards. (We could apply for one of those.) 

DKG NEWS Nov/Dec 2014There is going to be a new publication and youcould help name it. It will be a collegial magazineand will have practical tips, as well as reviews ofeducational materials and technology. More info onthis or for an electronic issue click/paste the link:https://www.dkg.org/content/dkg-news-novdec-2014 

Pages 6 & 8 have articles on strengthening membership.

The Delta Kappa Gamma BulletinDid you have a favorite article from the Fall 2014Edition? How about “Embarking on the TenureJourney at Age 50”? I personally began myadventure as a Secondary Special Ed Teacher theyear I turned 50 (SSP). What might your story be?

 Next Two Meetings

Dec. 4th Grant in Aide Auction @ S Lindsey’s & Jan. 8th Responsive Education Solutions @ Crosby Rec Center

Graphics- Microsoft

From your AC, November 2014

Living in Texas, we are surrounded andenticed by the delectable flavors and aromas of barbecue, chili, and the variety of herbs and spicesthat have traveled across our borders. Even thoughwe enjoy a regular dose of these savory delights, fallstill excites us with a luscious montage of seasonalscents and tastes. As an AC I enjoy the privilege of

attending chapter meetings. Not only do I get to partake of delectable dishes, but I also get to participate in meetings and programs that have beenseasoned with spicy activities that satisfy the palate(interests) of members. These flavorful (relevant)meetings and programs entice members to participate with zest and gusto and to return monthlyfor more helpings.

The aroma and zing of full-flavoredmeetings and programs satiate the palate and whetthe appetite for courses to come. The culinary

challenge is finding the right mixture of seasoningsthat can convert bland to tasty, dull to delicious.Chapters that have mastered this balance invigoratemembers’ involvement and entice potential membersto join the feast. It is amazing what a pinch of thisor that can do to create a savory blend of interestingand relevant, thus creating a meal for all to savor.

What’s in your program pantry that can create adelectable experience? Extract it and watch forsmiling faces.

Zestfully yours,

And a Happy Thanksgiving,

Michelle GrandinettiArea 9 [email protected]

What is Constant Contact?

Constant Contact is a monthly online

update about ASTEF activities. The updateincludes a report from the ASTEF BoardPresident, links to resources, and informationabout the state convention as well as the otherinformation about ASTEF.

The upcoming Constant Contact willinclude a link to a survey for the next RoadScholar trip and suggestions for the ASTEFFebruary focus.

If you would like to be on the mailinglist please contact Shirley Owens –  [email protected] or go to www.astef.org (Alpha State Texas Educational Foundation)

ASTEF members may apply for a TSO state 

scholarship; participate in leadership eventssponsored by ASTEF; and apply for a chapterproject stipend. 

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October Sharing

Pat’s Anniversary Quilt Celeste’s Stained Glass Creations 

Sammie’s School Dress  Laura’s Texas Pride  Barbara’s grand collections 

Myrtle Shares some of her history Debbie’s Aspens Hanging Laughter and a good time shared by all!More October photos to be added to the Kappa Phi Web Page.

1.Graphics courtesy of Microsoft Word non-commercial use graphics.

2. Photos courtesy of Susan Price