Kanye West is probably not one of your favorite · Kanye West is probably not one of your favorite...

Kanye West is probably not one of your favorite singer/song writers, but he is a well known and followed celebrity for a large part of our warped world. Kanye has made millions promoting vile and perverse ideals. He has been openly anti God and anti Christian morals. His music has been perverse. He is married to Kim Kar- dashian, whose family has also garnered much public attention for less than halesome reasons. These and many other reasons make it a shock to hear him proclaim that he had recently became a “born again Christian.” At a recent appearance Kanye said,” " I want to let you know that I am not here for your entertainment this after- noon," West told the crowd. " We are here to spread the gospel.” He added. " I am a recent convert. It means I recently got saved within this year." Kanye has put his money where his mouth is by retiring from secular music in order to produce music that lifts up the Lord. He has been in a regular Bible Study with his conservative Christian Pastor, Adam Ty- son for months now and has had Adam present the Gos- pel at a series of Sunday events across the country. I do not know if Kanye is for real, but I do know God will save anyone who will come to Him in repentance and faith. I encourage you to pray for Kanye and His family. Do not be surprised if he does some things inconsistent with our beliefs. Remember he is a new convert and as such he needs our prayerful support. He is living proof that our Lord can accomplish great things. In time, Kanye could have a great impact on the same perverse world he promoted. As you pray that Kanye will draw closer to Jesus and help save this fallen world, pray that you will do the same. Know that the same Jesus that saved you and me can save anyone and perhaps we need to use Kanye’s conversion as an encouragement to be bolder in our personal witness. Thankful that Jesus saves,

Transcript of Kanye West is probably not one of your favorite · Kanye West is probably not one of your favorite...

Page 1: Kanye West is probably not one of your favorite · Kanye West is probably not one of your favorite singer/song writers, but he is a well known and followed celebrity for a large part

Kanye West is probably not one of your favorite singer/song writers, but he is a well known and followed celebrity for a large part of our warped world. Kanye has made millions promoting vile and perverse ideals. He has been openly anti God and anti Christian morals. His music has been perverse. He is married to Kim Kar-dashian, whose family has also garnered much public attention for less than halesome reasons. These and many other reasons make it a shock to hear him proclaim that he had recently became a “born again Christian.” At a recent appearance Kanye said,” " I want to let you know that I am not here for your entertainment this after-noon," West told the crowd. " We are here to spread the gospel.” He added. " I am a recent convert. It means I recently got saved within this year." Kanye has put his money where his mouth is by retiring from secular music in order to produce music that lifts up the Lord. He has been in a regular Bible Study with his conservative Christian Pastor, Adam Ty-son for months now and has had Adam present the Gos-pel at a series of Sunday events across the country. I do not know if Kanye is for real, but I do know God will save anyone who will come to Him in repentance and faith. I encourage you to pray for Kanye and His family. Do not be surprised if he does some things inconsistent with our beliefs. Remember he is a new convert and as such he needs our prayerful support. He is living proof that our Lord can accomplish great things. In time, Kanye could have a great impact on the same perverse world he promoted. As you pray that Kanye will draw closer to Jesus and help save this fallen world, pray that you will do the same. Know that the same Jesus that saved you and me can save anyone and perhaps we need to use Kanye’s conversion as an encouragement to be bolder in our personal witness. Thankful that Jesus saves,

Page 2: Kanye West is probably not one of your favorite · Kanye West is probably not one of your favorite singer/song writers, but he is a well known and followed celebrity for a large part

6:30 PM

Everyone has something to be thankful for, including the opportunity to see the next day. We are blessed in this country and in our lives by God. As we continue through November into Thanksgiving, take some time in prayer thanking God for what He has given you because at one point in time, we prayed for the things we have now.

Here are some important dates to remember for Christmas music:

Sunday, December 8th Children’s Christmas music, 6:00pm

Sunday, December 15th Adult Christmas music, 6:00pm

These two evenings are just some of the great things we look forward to every year in church. My prayer is you will be able to attend and God will speak to you through the words and music of each song.

- Jake

Sunday, November 24th

AM: The Lord Our God

May the Peace of God

Thank you sincerely for sharing our sorrow. Your thoughtfulness is appreciate and will always be


The Hull Family