Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

Kanban Task Manager helps you visualize the work with Outlook tasks and makes it easy to see how different projects proceed. The traditional Kanban board uses cards, but moving it into Outlook gives you everything in the computer, and nothing is lost. On top of that the developers of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions have added several useful features: Drag and drop tasks within or between phases or lanes. Color code tasks by project Filter tasks by project, priority and/or a custom parameter. Display of tasks for multiple projects in one kanban board. Possibility to create swim lanes. A reading pane gives more info about the task than the short text visible on the card. Support for inline images and bold and italic formatting in the task body (Outlook 2010 and above). WIP limits give a warning when there are too many tasks. Zoom in and out on the kanban board. Convert e-mails into tasks. Open button in the mail view to open the corresponding task. Excel reports. This slideshow shows the Single version for Outlook. There is also a workgroup version for SharePoint and a workgroup version for Outlook . Welcome to the show! Peter Kalmström CEO, kalmstrom.com Business Solutions Kanban Task Manager Single‒ Introduction Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and above www.kalmstrom.com


Kanban board in Outlook for single users. Drag and drop color coded Outlook tasks between phases as projects proceed. Filter for project or priority. Excel reports. Extra field can be added.

Transcript of Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

Page 1: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

Kanban Task Manager helps you visualize the work with Outlook tasks and makes it easy to see how different projects proceed.

The traditional Kanban board uses cards, but moving it into Outlook gives you everything in the computer, and nothing is lost. On top of that the developers of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions have added several useful features:

Drag and drop tasks within or between phases or lanes. Color code tasks by project Filter tasks by project, priority and/or a custom parameter. Display of tasks for multiple projects in one kanban board. Possibility to create swim lanes. A reading pane gives more info about the task than the short text visible on the

card. Support for inline images and bold and italic formatting in the task body

(Outlook 2010 and above). WIP limits give a warning when there are too many tasks. Zoom in and out on the kanban board. Convert e-mails into tasks. Open button in the mail view to open the corresponding task. Excel reports.

This slideshow shows the Single version for Outlook. There is also a workgroup version for SharePoint and a workgroup version for Outlook.

Welcome to the show!Peter KalmströmCEO, kalmstrom.com Business Solutions

Kanban Task Manager Single‒ Introduction

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

Page 2: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

Kanban Task Manager ‒ The Outlook Mail View

Create a new Kanban Task Manager task via the New Items button when in the Outlook Mail view.

The Kanban Task Manager ribbon group has four buttons:

Shortcut to the Kanban Task Manager folder in the Task view.

Configure Kanban Task Manager for your team.

Create Kanban Task Manager Excel reports.

Convert the selected e-mail into a task on the kanban board.

Page 3: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

Show all projects, or filter by project or priority.

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

Kanban Task Manager ‒ The kanban board

Drag to resize.

The Close icon may either delete the task or move it to a specified


Page 4: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

Kanban Task Manager ‒ The kanban board

Right click a task to see the details pane.

Instant Search of task subjects and bodies.

The tasks may be dragged and dropped with the mouse within or between the phases and lanes. You can also move

tasks with Ctrl + arrow keys, and if you have a touch screen you can use a finger.

Page 5: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

www.kalmstrom.com Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and above

When you use lanes and default status as phase, there will be two dropdowns.

Kanban Task Manager uses standard Outlook tasks. We have just added 1-4 dropdowns.

Select your values, and otherwise treat the task just as a normal Outlook task.

Phases in the work process are by default defined with the Outlook Status values.

Kanban Task Manager ‒ The Task

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Kanban Task Manager ‒ The Task

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

Uncheck this box in the settings, if you want to use your own phase names instead of the Status names. The custom field is also created in the

settings, refer to slide 14.

Here a custom field is added, and custom phase names are used instead of the default Status.

Page 7: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

So far you have seen the most important features of Kanban Task Manager.

The configuration of Kanban Task Manager is handled via the Configure button in the Kanban Task Manager ribbon group in Outlook. Let’s continue!

Kanban Task Manager ‒ Configure

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

Page 8: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

Tasks are automatically color coded for project.

Kanban Task Manager ‒ Coloring

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

The default colors can be change into any color in the RGB range.

Page 9: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

Write or paste into the grid.

Kanban Task Manager ‒ Project Settings

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

Hide projects from the kanban board.

The DateTimePicker gives correct dates for Start and Completed.

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The phases are common for all projects.

Set phase order. When the order of one phase is changed, the remaining phases are adjusted automatically.

Kanban Task Manager ‒ Phase Settings

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

Let the Close button on the kanban card move the task to this phase instead of deleting.

Hide a phase from the kanban board. It will still be

shown in the statistics.

Page 11: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

Kanban Task Manager ‒ WIP Limits

The “Work in Progress” limit can be set for each

phase and lane.This lane has too

many tasks.

This phase has too many tasks.

Page 12: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

www.kalmstrom.com Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and above

Kanban Task Manager ‒ Lane Settings

Write or paste the lane names here. If you prefer to NOT use lanes, just

leave this grid empty.

Define the order of the lanes, from top to bottom.

Page 13: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

www.kalmstrom.com Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and above

Decide if e-mails converted into tasks should open automatically or not, or if Kanban Task

Manager should ask every time.

Check this box if priority should be shown on the visualized tasks on the

kanban board.

Kanban Task Manager ‒ Other Settings

Page 14: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

Kanban Task Manager ‒ Other Settings

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

When a name is entered in the Extra field, a new tab will be shown in the

settings, where you can add the values for this custom field.

These values can be selected in a dropdown in the task, and you can filter the tasks by it in the kanban


Filter by the new parameter.

Page 15: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

Kanban Task Manager ‒ Export to Excel

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

Kanban Task Manager gives several statistics reports that are exported to an Excel sheet:

Number of Tasks per Project Number of Tasks per Phase Time spent per Phase % Completed Tasks per Phase

When lanes are used, there are also reports for: Number of Tasks per Lane Time spent per Lane Status of Tasks per Lane % Completed Tasks per Lane Overdue status of Tasks per Lane.

And when a custom field is used, there is a report on the number of tasks for each value of that field.

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Pivot and graph representations of the


Links to reports. Lanes are used here.

Kanban Task Manager ‒ Excel Reports

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

Page 17: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

You may sort, filter, drill and add more fields for

extended info.

Kanban Task Manager Excel Reports ‒ Pivot Table

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

Page 18: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

Each report also has a graph presentation. Changes in the pivot

will be reflected in the graph and vice versa.

Kanban Task Manager Excel Reports ‒ Default Graph Style

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and abovewww.kalmstrom.com

The reports may be printed, saved as .pdf and studied with all the

features of Excel.

Page 19: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

Kanban Task Manager Excel Reports ‒ Custom Graph Style


Change the graphs as you like

with the Excel tools.

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and above

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The first tab shows all the task data in the database. Use it to create your own reports.

Kanban Task Manager Excel Reports ‒ Custom Reports

Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and above

Page 21: Kanban Task Manager Single Slideshow

Thank you for watching this slide show!

You will find more information about Kanban Task Manager Single at www.kalmstrom.com.

There you may download the full version of the software and evaluate it for 30 days before you decide if you want to use it. I recommend you to also download the manual, which has detailed information about settings, configuration and usage and a full description of how to install and upgrade Kanban Task Manager Single. On the kalmstrom.com website you will also find video demonstrations on Kanban Task Manager Single, as well as subscription information.

Kanban Task Manager Single ‒ More info

www.kalmstrom.com Kanban Task Manager Single works with Microsoft Office 2007 and above