Kamus Inggeris -...


Transcript of Kamus Inggeris -...

Page 1: Kamus Inggeris - myrepositori.pnm.gov.mymyrepositori.pnm.gov.my/bitstream/123456789/2525/1/JB1696_KIng2.pdf · Volume 11 numerous words have been added, which, it is hoped, will make
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The Kamus Inggeris is an attempt to meet the requirements of Indonesian schools and the general reader.

The following dictionaries were used for reference: The Concise Oxford dictionary of current English, 4th edition 1951; Webster's

Collegiate dictionary, 5th edition 1943; lndonesisch- Nederlands Woordenboek door W. J. S. Poerwadarminta en Dr. A. Teeuw; Logat Ketjil bahasa Indonesia oleh W. J . S. Poerwadarminta; Kamoes Istilah I dan II; Pembina Bahasa Indonesia's glossaries of technical terms.

We wish to express our gratitude to Mr. R. Chapman, B. A. (Oxon.), M. A. Lecturer in English at the London School of Economics and Political Science, who kindly read the proofs and offered many valuable suggestions. Acknowledge­ment is also due to Mr. Sudjoko Hudijonoto; Publicity Officer Indonesian Embassy, London, who kindly provided a number of modern Indonesian texts. We have also appreciated the comments made by Prof. Dr. C. Hooykaas, lecture!" at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London and Miss S. Alisjahbana, Cornell University (N.Y.).

London, 1st March, 1953.


Dengan menjusun Kamus Inggeris ini kami mengichtiarkan akan memenuhi kebutuhan sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia dan pembatja umum.

Pilihan kata berdasarkan kamus-kamus jang berikut : The Concise Oxford dictionary of current English 4th edition, 1951; Webst.er's

Collegiate dictionary, 5th edition 1943; Indonesisch-Nederlands Woordcnboek door W. J. S. Poerwadarminta en Dr. A. Teeuw; Logat Ketjil Bahasa Indonesia oleh W. J. S. Poerwadarminta; Kamoes Istilah I dan II dan daftar-daftar istilah di Pembina Bahasa. Indonesia.

Kami sangat berterima kasih kepada tuan R. Chapman, B. A. (Oxon.) .M. A., lektor Bahasa Inggeris pada London School of Economics and Political Science, London. Bantuan beliau bukan banja dengan mengemukakan berbagai andjuran jang berharga tetapi djuga dengan pemeriksaan tjetakan-tjetakan pertjobaan, sangat kami hargakan. Kami djuga berhutang budi terhadap jtb. tn. Sudjoko Hudijonoto, Kepala Bagian Penerangan pada Kedutaan Besar Rcpublik Indonesia di London atas bantuan beliau dengan mengadakan berbagai naskah jang mcngandung ba.hasa Indonesia. moderen.

Djuga. kami utjapkan banjak terima kasih atas kupasan Prof. Dr. C. Hooykaas, lektor School of Oriental and African Studies, London dan nona S. Alisjahbana, Cornell University (N.Y.).

London, 1 .Maret 1953.

Page 4: Kamus Inggeris - myrepositori.pnm.gov.mymyrepositori.pnm.gov.my/bitstream/123456789/2525/1/JB1696_KIng2.pdf · Volume 11 numerous words have been added, which, it is hoped, will make



In this second edition several corrections have been made. Esp!lcially to Volume 11 numerous words have been added, which, it is hoped, will make it more useful.

We shall be grateful for further suggestions and comments by the users of this dictionary.

London, 1 November 1954.


Dalam tjetakan kedua ini beberapa kesalahan telah diperbaiki dan djumlah kata-kata telah diperbanjak, istimewa dalam djilid jg kedua. Haraplah dgn tambahan dan perbaikan ini Kamus Inggeris akau lebih bermanfaat untuk para pemakai.

Dengan senang hati akan kami terima segala peringatan dan teguran.

London, 1 Nopember 1954.

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1. The entries are roots of Indonesian words. Derivatives are to be looked up in the related article; as, for example, for lceadilan, see: adil, for mengerdjalcan, see: kerdja.

Table of affixes:

Prefixes: ber-me- (with or without nasal) memper-dJ-ter-ke-pe- (with or without nasal) per-

Suffixes: -an -kan -I

Examples: ber-, .bermaksud, seo: maksud; ber---a.n, berdekatan, see: dekat;

me-, me-kan, me-1, with or without intermediate nasal according to the following rules:

a. Initial h, g, k or vowel require the intermediate nasal ng; hitung - menghitung[kan] gunting - menggunting karang - mengarang (note: k

usul ikut

drops out) - mengusul - mengikut[i];

b. Initial b and p require intermediate m; bajar pahat

- membajar - memahat (note : p drops


c. Initial t, d, tJ, dl require intermediate n· t~lis - menulis[i] (note: t drops


dapat tjutji djahit

- mendapat[kan] - mentjutji - mendjahit;

d. Initial s requires intermediate nJ; sapu- menjapu (note: s drops out)

e. Other initials require no inter­mediate sound; rokok - merokok lawan - melawan njanji - menjanji nanti - menanti waris - mewariskan;

memper-, memper-kan, memper-1; memperluas, see: luas memperba.iki, see: baik mempertahankan, see: tab an

dl-, dl-kan, dl-1; dibajar, see: bajar dibantui, see: ban tu dibutuhkan, see: butuh;

ter-tersebut, tcrtjetak,


see: sebut see: tjetak;

kehidjauan, see: hidjau kemakmuran, see: makmur;

pe- (with or without intermediate nasal). pe- (with or without intermediate nasal)

-an, per-an;

for rules of intermediate nasals see: me-; pengatjara, pelomba, pengembangan, pelemparan, perdjalanan,

see: atjara see: lomba see: kembang see : lempar see: djalan

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2. The use of the swung-dash (-) is different from its use in Part I. It represents the entry if no derivatives have as yet been dealth with. In all other eases it stands for the last-mentioned derivative. As, for example, in dJatuh, - sakil stands for djatuh sakit, but after mendjatuhlcan has been taken up, - hukum stands for mendjatuhkan hukum.

3. The dash (-) is used to represent a previous English word as for example in pengadilan, court of justice (-of law) stands for: court of justice, court of law.

4. Round brackets indicate an alternative to the previous word. Square brackets indicate a possible addition or supplement to the previous word or rendering. For examples see Explanatory Notes Part I, 2 and 3.

5. Spaced words in round brackets supply additional information; for examples see Explanatory Notes Part I, 4.

6. Abbreviations used: a. p. fig. intr. k. 0. lit.

7. Pronunciation. Vowels:

a person figurative intransitive a kind of literal

Musl. o. s. s. th. (v.) tr.

Muslim oneself something transitive (verb).

a in open syllables (baru, kuda) like a in army; in closed syllables (dekat, ikan) like the vowel in: ah;

e is mute like the e in: open (benar, lelah); e either like a in able (tape, Mja),

or like ai in air (memang, heran); i like ee in feet (ikan, ibu); o approaches the sound of o in cloth (kotor, roti); u like oo in foot (bunga, kuda); ai like i in fine ( selesai); au approaches the sound of o in doum (engkau);

Consonants: b initial b like English b (baru),

final b like p in keep (wadjib); eh like Scottish eh in loch ( ehasiat); d initial d like English d ( dekat);

final d like t in cat (murid, abad); dj like a combination of d and the sound of y in you (djalan, medja); k initial k like k in keep but without aspiration (kabar), final k is a glottal

stop (anak, masuk); ng like ng in swing (lengan, batang); ngg like ng in finger and linger (bangga); nj like ni in spaniel (njanji, banjak); ti like a combination of t and the y in you (tjari, tjin-tjin).

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1. Kepala fasal ialah katadasar Indonesia. Katadjadian (katabentukan) hendaklah ditjari dalam fasal jang bersangkutan, misalnja, akan mentjari lceadilan, liha.t: adil; akan mentjari mengerdjalcan, lihatlah: kerdja.

2. Pemakaian tanda - dalam bagian 11 ini menjimpang daripada pemakaiannja dalam bagian I. Jang dinjatakan ialah kepala fasal djika belum ada katadjadian jang disebut dalam fasal itu. Djika ada maka tanda - menjatakan katadjadian jan~ disebut belakangan, misalnja dengan kata dJatuh, - sakit ialah djatuh saktt, tetapi kalau telah disebut katadjadiannja mendjatuhlcan maka - hukum ialah mendjatuhkan hukum.

3. Tanda - dipakai untuk menjatakan kata Inggeris jang disebut belakangan, misalnja dalam fasal pengadllan, court of justice,(- of law) ialah: court of justice, court of law.

4. Kata-kata diantara tanda kurung biasa menjatakan bahwa kata itu boleh dipakai sebagai pengganti kata jang tersebut belakangan. Tanda kurung bersiku menjatakan bahwa kata-kata jang diantaranja boh\h dipakai sebagai tambahan. Beberapa, umpama telah diberikan dalam petundjuk bagian I, 2 dan 3.

6. Kata-kata diantara tanda kurung biasa jang ditjetak djarang gunanja member keterangan. Beberapa umpama terdapat dalam petundjuk bagian, I, 4.

6. Kependekan jang dipakai dalam bagian 11:

a. p. fig. intr. k. 0.


a person figurative intransitive a kind of literal

Musl. o. s. s. t. (v.) tr.

Muslim oneself something transitive (verb).

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A abad, century;- pertengahan, middle ages. abadl, eternal; mengabadikan, to perpetu-ate, immortalize; keabadian, eternity.

abadlat, eternity. abah-abah, rigging; harness. abal, mengabaikan, to neglect, disregard; terabai, neglected; pengabai, . careless, casual, indifferent.

abang. [elder] brother; (term of ad­dress:) mate; you.

abdl, servant, subordinate, slave; mengab­di [kepada], to serve with; mengabdikan diri kepada, to serve, enter service; devote oneself to; pengabdian, submis­sion; devotion.

abdJad, alphabet; menurut -, alphabeti­cal[ly]; mengabdjadkan, to arrange al­phabetically.

absah, valid, legal, legitimate; mengab­sahkan, to legalize, endorse, approve of; pengabsahan, approval.

abs6s, abscess. abu, dust; abu-abuan, grey[ ish] ; perabuan, ashtray.

achlr, end, last; berachir[kan], to close with, conclude with; mengachiri, to end, finish; achirnia, at last, in the end; terachir, last; achiran, end; suffix.

achlrat, the here-after; dunia achirat, for ever.

achlrulkalam, in conclusion; to wind up with, conclude.

achlak, character. achll, see ahli. ada, to be; there is (are); to be present; to exist; adalah, 1 once upon a time; 2 to bo (as a copula); adapun, 1 as for; 2 well; now (introductory word); ada­ada sadja, always something else; seada­adanja, to take pot luck; berada, 1( = ada) to be present; to live; 2 well-to-do; well­off; mengada-ada, 1 to make up; to in­dulge in fancies; to talk nonsense; 2 to be pretentious; mengadakan, to create, effect, organize, cause, make,· carry on; - pidato, to make a speech ; keadaan, situ­ation; state of things; position ; dalam -

PINO·WITTIIiRHANS, Kamu1 ltt(l(l~, 11.

baik, in good condition; - gojah, unreli­able situation; - jang tak dilcetahui, unforeseen circumstances.

&dab, refined, well-bred, cultivated; good manners; beradab, polite, well-mannered; keadaban, good breeding, refinement; peradaoan, culture, civilization.

adakala[ nJa ], sometimes. adan (azan) call to prayer. adang, mengadang-[adang]i, to hold up, waylay; pengadangan, ambush; penga­dang, 1 obstacle; 2 highwayman.

adanJa, demikianflah] adanja, this is all (at the end of an argument or book).

adas, fennel; aniseed. adat, custom[ ary]; tradition; - istiadat, customsandusages; hukum -,customary law; tahu -, to have good manners; beradat, traditional, customary.

adegan, adekan, act [of a play]. adem, cool. adlk, 1 younger brother or sister (also used to address sister or wife); lil'na adik-beradik, [we are] five children; adik sepupu, younger cousin.

adll, just, impartial; mengadili, to admi­nister the law; to arbitrate; keadilan, justice; right; ketidak-adilan, injustice; pengadilan, 1 court of justice (-of law); ~tentara, court martial; 2 administration of justice; 3 session, trial; peradilan, justice.

adlnda, 1 younger brother or sister (for­mal); 2 my love (address).

adlpatl, viceroy; governor. adjalb, 1 miraculous, wonderful; 2 amazed; mengadjaibkan, to amaze; amazing; keadjaiban, Iniracle, marvel.

adjak, mengadjalc[lcan], 1 to invite; 2 to urge [on] ; to incite.

adJal, 1 life-span; term; 2 death; end; sampai adjalnja, to die ; menghadap'i adjalnja, to be dying.

adjar, beladjar, to learn; to study; menga­djar [i], mengadjarkan, to teach; mempe­ladjari, to study (v. tr.); peladjaran,

Page 10: Kamus Inggeris - myrepositori.pnm.gov.mymyrepositori.pnm.gov.my/bitstream/123456789/2525/1/JB1696_KIng2.pdf · Volume 11 numerous words have been added, which, it is hoped, will make