Kameshki_2001_Optimum Design of Nonlinear Steel Frames With Semi-rigid Connections

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  • 7/27/2019 Kameshki_2001_Optimum Design of Nonlinear Steel Frames With Semi-rigid Connections


    Optimum design of nonlinear steel frames with

    semi-rigid connections using a genetic algorithm

    E.S. Kameshki *, M.P. Saka

    Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, University of Bahrain, P.O. Box 32038, Isa Town, Bahrain

    Received 8 October 1999; accepted 22 February 2001


    The realistic modeling of beam-to-column connections plays an important role in the analysis and design of steel

    frames. A genetic algorithm based optimum design method is presented for nonlinear multistorey steel frames with

    semi-rigid connections. The design algorithm obtains a frame with the least weight by selecting appropriate sections

    from a standard set of steel sections such as wide ange sections of AISC or universal sections of British standard. The

    algorithm accounts for the serviceability and strength constraints as specied in BS5950. A nonlinear empirical model is

    used to include the momentrotation relation of beam-to-column connections. Furthermore, the PD eect is also

    accounted for in the analysis and design of the multistorey frame. The eective length factors for columns which are

    exibly connected to beams are obtained from the solution of the nonlinear interaction equation. A number of frames

    with end plate without column stieners are designed to demonstrate the eciency of the algorithm. 2001 Civil-

    Comp Ltd. and Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Structural optimization; Genetic algorithm; Semi-rigid connections; Nonlinear analysis; Steel design; Unbraced frame

    1. Introduction

    The structural response of a steel frame is closely

    related with the behavior of its beam-to-column con-

    nections. The realistic modeling of a steel frame, there-

    fore, requires the use of realistic connection modeling, if

    an accurate response of the frame is desired to be ob-

    tained. It is common engineering practice to assumeeither pinned or a fully rigid connections between beams

    and columns. Experiments, however have shown that

    the actual behavior lies somewhere between these two

    idealized models which makes them exible. Further-

    more, experiments have also shown that when a moment

    is applied to a exible connection, the relation of relative

    beam column rotation is nonlinear. Momentrotation

    curves of various types of connections are shown in Fig.

    1 [1]. The rotational distortion of the connections aects

    the displacements of the frame and brings about redis-

    tribution of moments between columns and beams.

    Thus, in the analysis and design of steel frames beam-

    to-column connections should be modeled as semi-rigid


    The exibility of a connection is dependent on the

    geometric parameters of the elements used in the con-

    nection such as bolt size and dimensions of end plate orangle sections. Extensive research works, experimental

    as well as numerical have been carried out to establish

    momentrotation relationship to be used for predicting

    the actual behavior of the exible connections [26]. As

    a result of these studies several mathematical expressions

    have been proposed which vary from a simple linear

    model to polynomial and power models. These relation-

    ships are used in the modeling of the steel frame con-

    nections and they provide a fairly accurate prediction of

    frame response. Although the problem of analysis of

    steel frames with semi-rigid connections has drawn great

    attention, it is not possible to state the same for the

    design of such frames. In spite of the fact that design

    Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 15931604


    *Corresponding author.

    0045-7949/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Civil-Comp Ltd. and Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    PII: S0 0 4 5 -7 9 4 9 (0 1 )0 0 0 3 5 -9

  • 7/27/2019 Kameshki_2001_Optimum Design of Nonlinear Steel Frames With Semi-rigid Connections


    codes such as AISC-LRFD [7] and BS5950 [8] allows

    the designer to consider partially restrained connections

    in the design of steel frames, no specic guidelines are

    given for the design in these codes. In some of the recent

    research works the design problem of steel frameswith semi-rigid connections is addressed [912]. In all

    these works, mathematical programming techniques

    are used to formulate and obtain the solution of the

    optimum design problem. Due to the discrete nature

    of the programming problem, the solution techniques

    available in mathematical programming are complex,

    require the computation of sensitivities of design con-

    straints and they are not very ecient particularly for

    large size structures. Furthermore, in all the research

    works drift constraints were not considered in the design


    In the present study, a genetic algorithm based op-timum design method is developed for unbraced multi-

    storey steel frames with semi-rigid beam-to-column

    connections. Lateral displacements in such frames are

    much more than those of rigid frames due to joint

    exibility. The geometric nonlinearity due to PD eect

    is taken into account in the frame analysis. The design

    algorithm obtains the frame with the least weight by

    selecting appropriate sections for the beams and col-

    umns of the frame from the standard set of available

    sections such as universal section of BS standard or wide

    ange section of AISC. The serviceability and combined

    strength constraints are implemented in the design al-

    gorithm as they are described in BS5950.

    2. Discrete optimum design of unbraced steel frames with

    partially restrained connections

    The design of unbraced steel frames necessitates the

    selection of steel sections for its columns and beams

    from a standard steel section tables such that the framesatises the serviceability and strength requirements

    specied by the code of practice while the economy is

    observed in the overall or material cost of the frame.

    Further more, most of the present design codes such as

    AISC and BS5950 allow the designer to carry out a

    simple design, rigid design and semi-rigid design de-

    pending upon the assumptions made for the beam-

    to-column connections. While the rigid joint assumption

    implies that full slope continuity exists between the ad-

    joining members, the simple joint assumption on the

    other hand implies that the beams behave as simply

    supported members. In reality, experimental studieshave shown that all connections exhibit semi-rigid de-

    formation behavior which fall between fully rigid and

    ideally pinned connections. Partially restrained connec-

    tions aect the moment distribution in the beams and

    columns as well as the increase of frame drift. Hence,

    designing steel frames without taking into account

    the eect of joint exibility may lead to uneconomical


    2.1. Design problem

    The discrete optimum design problem of unbracedsteel frame where the minimum weight is taken as the

    objective and the constraints are implemented from

    BS5950 [8] has the following form:

    Minimize Wngr1


    ls 1a

    Subjected to

    dj dj1=hj 6 dju j 1; . . . ; ns 1bdj 6 dju i 1; . . . rd 1c


    Agkpy Mxk

    Mcxk6 1 k 1; . . . ; nc 1d



    Agkpck mMxk

    Mbk6 1 k 1; . . . ; nc 1e

    Mxl6Mcxl l 1; . . . ; nb 1f

    Bbfr6Bcfr r 1; . . . ; nd 1g

    Dut6Dlt t nby 2; . . . ; nj 1h

    Fig. 1. Connections momentrotation curves.

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    where Eq. (1a) denes the weight of frame. mr is the unit

    weight of steel section to be adopted for group r from

    the standard steel section table. tr is the total number of

    members in group r and ng is the total number of groups

    in the frame. ls is the length of member s.

    Eq. (1b) represents the interstorey drift limitationof the multistorey frame. dj and dj1 are the lateral de-ections of two adjacent storey levels and hj is the storey

    height. ns is the total number of storeys in the frame.

    BS5950 limits the horizontal deection of columns due

    to unfactored imposed and wind loads to height of

    column/300 in each storey of a building with more than

    one storey. Eq. (1c) denes the displacement restrictions

    that may be required to be included other than drift

    constraints such as deections in beams. BS5950 limits

    such deections under the unfactored imposed loads to

    span/360, if they carry plaster or other brittle nish. rdis

    the total number of such restricted displacements in theframe.

    Eqs. (1d) and (1e) dene the local capacity and overall

    buckling checks for beam columns. These expressions are

    given in clause 4.8.3 of BS5950 which covers the design of

    compression members with moments. Eq. (1d) insures

    that at the points of greatest bending moment and axial

    load, yielding or local buckling do not take place. Fk and

    Mxk in this equation are the ultimate axial force and the

    ultimate bending moment about the major axis at the

    critical region of member k. Agk is the gross cross sec-

    tional area and py is the design strength of the steel grade

    used for member k. Mcxk is the moment capacity of the

    member about the major axis. BS5950 carries out theoverall buckling check of a beam-column by using either

    the simplied or more exact approach. Eq. (1e) repre-

    sents the simplied approach where m is the equivalent

    uniform moment factor given in Table 18 of the code.

    Mbk is the buckling resistance moment capacity of mem-

    ber k about its major axis computed as explained in

    clause 4.3.7. pck is the compression strength of member k

    which is obtained from the solution of the quadratic

    PerryRobertson equation given in Appendix c.1 of

    BS5950. It is apparent that computation of compression

    strength of a compression member requires its eective

    length. The computation of the eective length of acompression member connected to beams with semi-rigid

    connections is automated and included in the algorithm

    developed. nc in Eq. (1d) represents total number of

    compression members in the frame.

    The constraint (1f) represents the moment capac-

    ity check for the laterally supported beams. Design of

    members in bending is given in clause 4.2 of BS5950. It is

    assumed in this study that slabs in the steel building

    provide sucient lateral restraint for the beams. Mxl in

    Eq. (1f) is the ultimate bending moment in member

    l determined at the critical region. Mcxl is the moment

    capacity of member l which is computed as explained in

    clause 4.2.5 and 4.2.6 of the code.

    The constraint (1g) is required to insure that the steel

    section selected for the column has wider ange width

    than the steel section adopted for the beam. Bbfr and Bcfrare the ange widths of the steel sections used for beam

    and column respectively. This requirement is imposed at

    every joint in the frame where a beam and column meet.nj is the total number of joints in the frame except


    The last constraint (1h) is included to insure that the

    steel sections selected for upper oor columns are not

    wider in depth than that of lower oor columns. nby is

    the number of bays in the frame. Dut and Dlt are the

    depths of the steel section adopted for the upper and

    lower oor columns.

    2.1.1. Section classication

    It is worthwhile mentioning that BS5950 necessitates

    the determination of the classication of the cross sec-

    tion of the steel sections selected for the frame members

    prior to computation of their load capacity of a member

    depending upon whether its cross section is plastic or

    compact or semi-compact or slender.

    2.1.2. Eective column-length factor

    The eective length factor k for the columns in

    an unbraced steel frame with semi-rigid connections is

    determined from the following interaction equation [7,



    B p=k 2 366 GHA GHB

    p=ktan p=k 2

    where GHA and GH

    B are modied relative stiness factors at

    Ath and Bth ends of column and given as:




    A aufEIL


    ; GHB



    B aufEIL



    where subscript b and c denote beam and column re-

    spectively. auf is a coecient which represents the con-

    nection condition. It is equal to 1 for rigid connections

    and computed from the following expression for semi-

    rigid beam end connections.

    auf 1


    0R 4


    R 1









    in which KA and KB are the rotational stiness of the

    semi-rigid connections at the rst and the second ends

    of the beam. Ib and Lb are the moment of inertia and

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    the length of the beam. K is the smaller of KA and KB.The solution of the nonlinear Eq. (2) for k results

    in the eective length factor k for the column in con-


    2.2. Solution by genetic algorithm

    The solution of the optimum design problem given

    from Eqs. (1a)(1f) requires the selection of appropriate

    steel sections from a standard list such that the weight of

    the frame becomes minimum while the constraints are

    satised. This turns the design problem into a discrete

    programming problem. The solution techniques avail-

    able in mathematical programming for obtaining the

    solution of such problems are somewhat cumbersome.

    On the other hand, the genetic algorithms which are

    recent addition to optimization techniques are easy to

    apply and provide eective solutions to discrete opti-mum design problems.

    Genetic algorithms are developed by applying the

    principle of survival of the ttest into a numerical search

    method. They are used as a function optimizers, par-

    ticularly when the variables have discrete values. They

    achieve this by rst selecting an initial population where

    each individual is constructed by bringing together the

    total number of variables respectively in a binary or

    other coded form. These individuals are called articial

    chromosomes and they have a nite length string. The

    binary code for each design variable represents the se-

    quence number of this variable in the discrete set.

    A genetic algorithm initiates a search for nding theoptimum in a discrete space by rst selecting a number

    of individuals randomly and collecting them together

    to constitute the initial population. It then makes use

    of four operators to generate a new population. These

    operators are selection, mating, crossover and mutation.

    A detailed explanation of these operators is given in

    Refs. [1318]. Among these, the crossover operator is

    probably the one which plays an important role in the

    production of the new generation. There are several

    types of crossover operators such as single point, two

    point, multipoint, uniform and variable to variable

    crossover. It is shown that two or three point crossoverperforms much better among the multipoint crossover

    techniques [17]. In the detailed study carried out in Ref.

    [19] on the evaluation of crossover techniques it was

    shown that direct design variable exchange produced the

    best solutions in the test problems considered.

    The genetic algorithm works on a population of in-

    dividuals instead of single solution. The population is

    obtained at the beginning of the computations by col-

    lecting the individuals randomly. Those individuals in

    the population who are t are then selected for mating.

    This selection is carried out according to a tness cri-

    teria. In order to establish a tness criterion, it is nec-

    essary to transform the constrained design problem of

    (1) into an unconstrained one. This is achieved by using

    a penalty function. There are dierent types of penalty

    functions used in conjunction with genetic algorithm

    such as linear double segment, linear multiple segment

    and quadratic penalty functions [15,16]. In this study the

    transformation is based on the violation of normalizedconstraints as suggested in Ref. [20]. The normalized

    form of the design constraints given in Eqs. (1a)(1h) are

    expressed as follows:

    gi di= diu 16 0 i 1; . . . ; rd 6a

    gj dj dj1= hjdiu 16 0 j 1; . . . ; ns 6b

    gk FkAgkpy



    16 0 k 1; . . . ; nc 6c


    gk FkAgkpck



    16 0 k 1; . . . ; nc 6d

    gl Mxl=Mcxl 16 0 l 1; . . . ; nb 6e

    gr Bbfr=Bcfr 16 0 r 1; . . . ; nj 6f

    gt Dut=Dlt 16 0 t nby 2; . . . ; nj 6g

    The unconstrained function P is then constructed

    P W 12




    where W is the objective function given in Eq. (1a), C

    is a constant to be selected depending on the prob-

    lem and mt is a violation constant computed as in the


    if gt > 0 then mt gtif gt6 0 then mt gt


    where t varies from 1 to m which is the total number

    of constraints. The expression for tness is selected as

    Ft Pmax Pmin Pt 9where Ft is the tness of the individual t, Pmax and Pminare the maximum and minimum values of the uncon-

    strained function of (7) for the entire population. Pt is

    the value of the same function for the individual t only.

    The tness factor for each individual is then calculated

    as Ft=Fav; where Fav is the mean tness of the entirepopulation. Individuals are then selected according to

    their tness factor, coupled randomly. The crossover

    operator is applied and o-springs are produced to ob-

    tain a new population. The details of selection, crossover

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    and mutation are explained in Ref. [18] and are not re-

    peated here.

    3. Analysis of steel frames with semi-rigid connections

    A genetic algorithm moves from one generation to

    another until either a certain individual dominates the

    population or a predetermined number of generations is

    reached. It is apparent that during the computation of

    the tness factor for each individual the evaluation of

    constraints is required. This in turn necessitates the

    analysis of the frame in order to update its structural

    response under the external loads. In the analysis of steel

    frames with semi-rigid connections, the eect of con-

    nection exibility is modeled by attaching rotational

    springs with stiness moduli Ka and Kb to the rst and

    second ends of a member as shown in Fig. 2.The nonlinear stiness matrix of member iwith semi-

    rigid restraints at the ends in global coordinates has the

    following form:


    a ...

    b d ...

    c1 e1 f1..


    a b c1 ... ab d e1 ..


    b d

    c2 e2 f2 ...

    c2 e2 g




    in which

    a EAL

    cos2 a 12EIL3

    fx1 /5 sin2 a

    b EAL


    L3 fx1 /5

    cos a sin a



    L sin2 a


    L3 f

    x1 /

    5 cos2 a

    c1 6EIL2

    fx2 /2 sin a

    c2 6EIL2

    fx3 /2 sin a

    e1 6EIL2

    fx2 /2 cos a

    e2 6EIL2

    fx3 /2 cos a

    f1 4EIL

    fx4 /3



    L fx5


    g 4EIL

    fx6 /4


    where Eis the modulus of elasticity, A, I, L and a are the

    area, the moment of inertia, the length and the direction

    cosine of the member respectively. The eects of the

    exible connections are included in the stiness matrix

    by modifying the stiness terms of rigid frame member

    through the use of fx1, fx2, fx3, fx4, fx5, and fx6. These

    coecients are given in [22] as:






    fx2 Ka Kb 2=KKfx3 Kb Ka 2=KKfx4 Ka Kb 3=KKfx5 Ka Kb=KKfx6 Kb Ka 3=KK

    KK KaKb 4Ka Kb 12


    where Ka and Kb are the stiness moduli of the exible

    connections at the ends of the member. The eect of

    axial forces on the deformed shape of the member are

    included in the stiness matrix by using stability func-

    tions of/2, /3, /4, and /5. These functions are derivedFig. 2. Semi-rigid plane frame member. (a) End forces and end

    displacements and (b) end rotations.

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    in Ref. [21] and used in the optimum design of unbraced

    rigid frames [23]. They have the following form:

    /1 b cotb; /2 b2=3 3/1/3 3/2 /1=4; /4 3/2 /1=2/5 /1/2



    b 0:5p qp ; q Fl=Pcr Fll2= p2EI in which Fl is the axial force in the member, and Pcr is the

    Euler critical load for a pin-ended member of the same

    length and stiness of the member.

    3.1. Determination of Ka and Kb

    The stiness moduli Ka and Kb of the exible con-nections are determined by considering nonlinear con-

    nection behavior. There are several mathematical

    models to describe the Mhr relationship obtained by

    tting a curve to experimental data [6]. Among these the

    polynomial model proposed by Frye and Morris [3] is

    adopted in this study due to its easy implementation.

    This model is represented by an odd power polynomial

    of the form

    hr c1 KM 1 c2 KM 3 c3 KM 5 14

    where K is the standardization constant which dependsupon connection type and geometry; and c1; c2 and c3are the curve tting constants. The values of these

    constants are given in Ref. [6] for dierent types of

    connections. The rotational stiness Ka and Kb of the

    springs at the ends of the member are calculated as a

    tangent stiness using the nonlinear standardized func-

    tion given in Eq. (14). This is simply achieved by rst

    computing the exibility of the connection as dhr=dM.The stiness of the connection is then obtained as a re-

    ciprocal of the exibility calculated for a certain value of

    a moment, if the connection is loaded [6]. The stiness of

    the connection is taken as its initial stiness, if the

    connection is unloaded as shown in Fig. 3.

    3.2. PD eect

    Analysis of steel frames with semi-rigid connections

    yields an increase in lateral displacements. This in turn

    makes it necessary to consider the eect of axial forces in

    the structural response of the frame. The nonlinear

    stiness matrix which accounts for this eect through

    the use of stability functions is shown in Eqs. (10), (11)

    and (13). The algorithm utilized to account for PD

    eects is given in detail in Refs. [21,23] and it has the

    following steps:

    1. Assume the axial forces in members to be zero ini-


    2. Setup the overall stiness matrix, analyze the frame

    under the external loads, obtain joint displacements

    and member end forces.

    3. Use the axial forces found for the members, calculate

    the corresponding stability functions.

    4. Repeat the steps from 2 until the dierence between

    two successive sets of axial forces is smaller than a

    specic tolerance.

    During these iterations the determinant of the overallstiness matrix is calculated and loss of stability is

    checked. If the convergence in the axial forces is ob-

    tained without loss of stability, the joint displacements

    and member forces obtained in this nonlinear response

    are used in the computation of tness values for this

    individual. It should be pointed out that in this algo-

    rithm the design load is not applied incrementally in the

    nonlinear analysis. Instead it is applied immediately and

    iterations are carried out at this load. It should also

    be noted that during the nonlinear analysis the xed

    end moments change from one iteration to another due

    to rotational springs attached at the end of beams. Themodied xed end moments are calculated by taking

    into account the eect of exible end connection for a

    frame member which is loaded as described in Ref. [2].

    4. Optimum design procedure

    The optimum design algorithm developed for steel

    frames with semi-rigid connections and based on genetic

    algorithm consists of the following steps:

    1. An initial population which consists of 50 individuals

    is constructed randomly.

    Fig. 3. Momentrotation behavior of semi-rigid connection.

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    2. For each individual decoding is carried out and steel

    sections adopted for the design variables from the

    standard steel section table are identied.

    3. The nonlinear analysis of the frame is carried out

    under the applied loads for these sections by account-

    ing for nonlinear behavior of the semi-rigid connec-tions and PD eect.

    4. The joint displacements and member forces obtained

    from the nonlinear analysis are used to calculate the

    values of normalized constraints and unconstrained

    function P from Eqs. (6a)(6g) and (7) for each indi-


    5. Fitness value and tness factor are computed for each

    individual and depending on their tness factor indi-

    viduals are copied into mating pool.

    6. Individuals are coupled randomly and reproduction

    operator is applied using two point cross sites and

    the value of 0.8 for probability of crossover. Twoo-springs are generated from each couple and a

    new population is obtained.

    7. Mutation is applied to the new population with the

    probability value of 0.001.

    8. The initial population is replaced with the new popu-

    lation and steps 1 to 7 are repeated until the same in-

    dividual dominates 80% of the new population or

    preselected number of generations is reached. The t-

    test individual of all the generations represents the

    best solution.

    In order to insure that the best individual of each

    generation is not destroyed from one generation to an-

    other elitist strategy is followed in the design algorithm.

    At each generation, among the individuals which satisfy

    all the design constraints, the one with minimum weight

    is stored and compared with the similar individual of the

    next generation. If the new one is heavier than the old

    one, there is then a loss of good genetic material. This

    Fig. 4. End plate connection without column stieners.

    Fig. 5. Three-storey, two-bay steel frame.

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    situation is rectied by replacing the individual having

    the lowest tness of the current generation with the

    previous individual. In this way the loss of good indi-

    viduals during the generations is prevented.

    5. Design examples

    The design algorithm presented is used to design two

    unbraced steel frames with semi-rigid connections. The

    modulus of elasticity was 210 kN/mm2 in both examples.

    It is assumed that beam-to-column connections are

    made using end plate with no column stieners as shown

    in Fig. 4. The curve tting and standardization constants

    of Mhr polynomial relationship shown in Eq. (14) for

    end plates without column stieners are given in Ref. [6]


    c1 1:83 103; c2 1:04 104;c3 1:24 108


    k d2:4g t0:4p d1:5b 15

    where dg and tp are shown in Fig. 4 and db is the dia-

    meter of the bolt used in the connection. In the ex-

    amples considered the thickness of end plate is selected

    as 12 mm. The value of dg is calculated depending upon

    Table 1

    Optimum design of three-storey, two-bay steel frame

    Group no. Member type Steel section designation

    Linear frame analysis Nonlinear frame analysis

    Rigid connection Semi-rigid con-nection Rigid connection Semi-rigid con-nection

    1 Column W30X90 W21X50 W24X55 W21X73

    2 Column W18X55 W18X35 W21X73 W21X73

    3 Column W10X33 W18X35 W18X40 W6X15

    4 Column W24X68 W27X84 W21X50 W24X68

    5 Column W18X55 W24X55 W16X36 W18X35

    6 Column W14X34 W18X46 W12X40 W18X35

    7 Beam W12X26 W18X35 W18X35 W16X26

    Total weight (kg) 4217.40 4230.00 4434.00 3938.10

    Top storey sway (cm) (allowable 3:66 cm) 1.32 0.39 0.96 1.20Maximum interstorey drift (cm)

    (allowable 1:22 cm)0.59 0.21 0.48 0.52

    Maximum interaction ratio 1.00 1.00 0.73 0.84

    Fig. 6. Design history of the three-storey, two-bay steel frame.

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    the standard steel section adopted for the beam. During

    the design process the bolt diameter to be used in the

    connection is computed from the design of the connec-

    tion according to clause 6.3 of BS5950 for bending

    moment and shear considering grade 8.8 of ordinary

    bolts. With this information, the nonlinear expression(14) can easily be used to obtain the stiness of the

    exible connection for any particular value of a bending


    In the design examples considered, rst British stan-

    dard sections given in Ref. [25] were used. The sections

    for beams were selected from the universal beam sec-

    tions varying from 914 419 388 UB to 254 107 28 UB and the sections for columns were adoptedfrom the set varying from 356 406 634 UC to152 152 23 UC. It was noticed that these sets ofsections were able to provide optimum solutions for

    small size steel frames, but unable to provide any solu-tion for moderate or large size frames due to their limi-

    ted total number in the set, particularly when semi-rigid

    connections were considered for beam-to-column con-

    nections. This diculty was overcome by replacing

    British standard steel sections with that of American

    wide ange sections [7], which are used for both beams

    and columns. This has increased the total number of

    available sections from 96 to 512 providing much greater

    exibility for the algorithm to reach even a lighter frame

    than the case of using British sections. The steel grade of

    A36 is considered for wide ange sections.

    5.1. Three-storey, two-bay frame

    A three-storey, two-bay frame is designed with rigid

    and semi-rigid connections considering linear and non-

    linear (PD eect) frame behavior. Fig. 5 shows the

    frame conguration, dimensions, loading, numbering of

    joints and grouping of members. The frame is taken

    from [26] where it was used to demonstrate the eect of

    semi-rigid connections in the analysis of steel frames.

    The allowable interstorey drift was 1.219 cm and al-

    lowable sway of the top storey was 3.65 cm as specied

    by the code.The optimum results after 400 generations are pre-

    sented in Table 1. For each case, 10 dierent designs

    were performed and those reported in the table are the

    lightest among 10 runs and they are obtained for the

    seed value equal to six. In the case where the PD eect

    is not considered in the frame analysis, a linear modeling

    was used to represent the semi-rigid connection. In this

    modeling, the initial stiness of the connection is utilized

    throughout the analysis. The initial stiness of the beam-

    to-column connection adopted in this study is close to

    the rigid connection. This is why when PD eect is not

    considered, minimum weights obtained for both rigid

    and semi-rigid frames turn out to be almost the same. It

    is apparent from Table 1 that in both cases ultimate

    strength constraints but not the drift constraints were

    dominant in the design problem. While the maximum

    interaction ratio was equal to 1.0 in rigid and semi-rigid

    Fig. 7. Ten-storey, one-bay steel frame.

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    optimum frame, the drift values were below their al-

    lowable limits.

    The design history of generations for the optimum

    nonlinear frame with semi-rigid connections given in

    Table 1 is shown in Fig. 6. It is apparent that after 120

    generations the minimum weight almost remains thesame. This veries that selection of the terminal genera-

    tion number of 400 is reasonable.

    In the case where the PD eect is considered in the

    frame analysis, the semi-rigid frame is 11% lighter than

    the rigid frame. In this case neither the ultimate strength

    nor the drift constraints are active in the design problem.

    Instead the size limitations govern the selection of sec-

    tions for the frame members. However, Table 1 shows

    that semi-rigid optimum frame has 25% larger drift.

    Another interesting result obtained is that conside-

    ration ofPD eect in the design of rigid frame generates

    5% heavier frame while it causes 7% lighter frame insemi-rigid modeling. It is clear that in the rigid frame

    consideration of PD eect yields heavier frame. How-

    ever the same was not observed for the semi-rigid frame.

    This is due to the fact that in the optimum frame it was

    size constraint, which govern the design not strength or

    drift limitations. It was noticed that ve linear analyses

    were required to obtain the nonlinear response of the

    frame in the case of exible connection modeling.

    5.2. Ten-storey, one-bay frame

    The ten-storey, one-bay frame of Fig. 7 is also de-signed using the algorithm presented. The frame con-

    guration dimensions, loading, joint numbering and

    member grouping is shown in the gure. This frame is

    designed with and without considering PD eect to-

    gether with rigid and semi-rigid connection modeling.

    The allowable interstorey drift was 1.22 cm while the top

    storey sway was limited to 12.5 cm.The optimum frames obtained after 400 generations

    for each case are shown in Table 2. The variation of

    weight for nonlinear frame with semi-rigid connections

    against number of generations during the optimum de-

    sign process is shown in Fig. 8. Each case designed 10

    times, each time using dierent seed value and the

    lightest among these obtained for the seed value of 4 is

    reported in the table.

    In the case where PD eect is not considered semi-

    rigid connection modeling results in 16% lighter frame.

    In both rigid and semi-rigid case ultimate strength

    constraints are dominant in the design. Intermediatedrift and top storey sway of the frame are well below

    their upper limits. When PD eect is considered, semi-

    rigid frame becomes 15% lighter than the rigid frame.

    Once again, it is the ultimate strength constraint, which

    decides the sections for frame members. While these

    constraints are at their upper limits of 1 for number of

    members in the frame, both drift constraints were well

    below the allowable limits. It is noticed that in the case

    of rigid frame, the nonlinear response is obtained after

    two to three linear analysis while in the semi-rigid frame

    7 to 8 linear analysis are required to reach the nonlinear

    behavior of the frame. It is also interesting to notice that

    consideration of PD eect in the frame analysis yields16% and 15% lighter frames in both cases.

    Table 2

    Optimum design of ten-storey, one-bay steel frame

    Group no. Member type Steel section designation

    Linear frame analysis Nonlinear frame analysis

    Rigid connection Semi-rigid con-


    Rigid connection Semi-rigid con-


    1 Column W40X167 W36X182 W40X192 W36X1822 Column W36X182 W33X118 W36X182 W33X118

    3 Column W36X182 W30X108 W36X280 W33X118

    4 Column W30X108 W27X84 W36X182 W27X84

    5 Column W21X166 W21X111 W24X104 W14X82

    6 Beam W30X90 W24X68 W24X68 W33X118

    7 Beam W24X68 W27X84 W30X90 W30X108

    8 Beam W21X73 W27X84 W18X86 W21X93

    9 Beam W21X83 W12X45 W18X55 W21X50

    Total weight (kg) 28607.00 23971.00 31788.00 26963.00

    Top storey sway (cm) (allowable 12:5 cm) 0.77 0.36 0.63 1.03Maximum interstorey drift (cm)


    1:22 cm)

    0.24 0.11 0.21 0.44

    Maximum interaction ratio 0.97 0.96 0.91 0.91

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    6. Summary and conclusions

    A genetic algorithm based optimum design method is

    presented for nonlinear steel frames with semi-rigid

    connections. Design examples are included to demon-

    strate the eect of connection exibility and geometric

    nonlinearity in the design of steel frames.

    It is noticed from the design examples that semi-rigid

    connection modeling produces lighter frames. Connec-

    tion exibility aects the distribution of forces in the

    frame and causes increase in the drift of the frame. This

    in turn necessitates the consideration of PD eect in the

    frame analysis. It required ve to eight iterations in the

    design examples considered to obtain the nonlinear re-

    sponse of frame which clearly indicates the signicance

    of geometric nonlinearity in the design of semi-rigid steel

    frames. It is also noticed that consideration ofPD eect

    yields a heavier frame in the case of semi-rigid as well as

    rigid frame.


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