Kabbalah Ongoing

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Transcript of Kabbalah Ongoing

  • 7/31/2019 Kabbalah Ongoing


    Make this thing happen in exactly the way it is supposed to happen by coming

    through you as you and in connection with everything that is good above. Become a

    part of this flow creatively opening you to its influence and listening for the realms

    of its discovery. There cannot be any other moment in which this takes place than

    this perfect now.

    Thoughts are congruent within themselves offering points of connection much like

    the gears of giant automated factory pressing out thousands of objects each day. In

    the same way you press or engrave thousands of images each day and yet how

    focused are those images? Are they a part of your own central plan for fulfillment or

    simply a part of your passing through without touching the mold letting yourself be

    shaped by outside influences? Direct your attention then to shape the mold.

    The accumulation of abundance has to be filled with the certainty of abundance

    allowing this certainty to follow the pattern of all things that come to be through

    you. As with anything that you have ever focused upon the natural thing is to go

    deeper into this making it happen then on all fronts.

    It is the harmony of the One of Being that allows your thoughts to take place in the

    order in which they have been sent. This order is determined by your particular

    intention. Case in point: You begin to think about something and find yourself

    becoming immersed in that something. At first you are probing the unknown but

    then gradually as things become known you are able to reach a higher plateau.

    Advance along the plain of this plateau by putting aside all other distractions that

    may arise. These distractions are necessary due to the sensitive nature of mind but

    this does not mean you have to listen and follow through on each as it comes

    through. Think of this as a radio station that you tune into recognizing all thechannels that are broadcasting but remaining tuned to just a single channel. It is

    this single channel of which your thoughts begin to emanate from and continuously

    grow stronger so that what you are bringing in now is manifesting itself it higher

    measures of quality the further along you travel.

    The truth is you have to be wise to be aware. The wisdom takes place due to your

    recognition of the events that go on in your life and then being able to pinpoint their

    significance vis a vis the thoughts you were or are thinking. By this time you realize

    that some effects are immediate and others long term.

    You have to be able to move forward in the flowing of your purpose. This is akin tomaking the road ahead of you as you are walking. The phrase, when the student is

    ready the teacher will appear comes to mind. Thoughts live in multiple dimensions.

    They are both a part of time and a part of space as well. Your touching of these

    varying dimensions result in the understandings that take place. This touching is

    really all about your higher connection, which means your connection to the Unity

    that absolutely ties all things together.

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    Strangely enough it your sense of inner touch that places you into contact with this

    unity on a continuous basis so that you may feel its flow and become a perfect

    vehicle for its expression. Listening for all things become the One Thing there in the

    moment as it flows through you.

    You do not need to look for this place of being. It is there residing within youexpressing itself through you. What can you accept about yourself? It is that much

    that you will experience. Wherever your attention is that is where you are

    expressing yourself into being.

    Kabbalah seeks to uncover and make available the observer within Consciousness.

    It does this by providing a map via the Sephiros, and the underlying structure of the

    concepts, which it discusses. Torah is the template for all such discoveries operating

    as channel through which many doorways may be found into this inner world of

    awakening. Our journeys of discovery may compared to an amusement park.

    Imagine an amusement park with a myriad of rides all enticing all fun but there isone ride that surpasses them all. It is the reason why you come to this amusement

    park. This ride contains thrills, chills and excitement beyond compare and when

    you are finished this ride you dream about the next time you will take it again.

    Compare this to finding the One Voice and experiencing all that it has to offer and

    then you realize that life spend anywhere else is simply passing the time waiting for

    that experience of Unity that results when you are listening deeply to the One of

    Being. Therefore the most important aspect that Consciousness offers is the

    direction to which it is taking you. When you are caught up in the flow of that

    direction it is as if you were being carried along following and agreeing within to the

    journey especially and the destination in particular.

    The life of Consciousness is in its flowing which is continuous and everlasting; drop

    in any time you will be welcomed It is in this movement of thought that we canbegin to recognize certain properties such as the jumping of points that are where

    our thoughts take shape in order to provide the feedback loop that strengthens our

    inner awareness of our connection. When you come to witness Consciousness from

    the standpoint of the observer in action then you learn its dance and move in

    concert with the harmony of its flowing.

    The Tree of Life Consciousness that is promoted by Torah and all subsequent

    commentaries all point to this rising up within so that we are actively awakened toour place in the continuum seeking and finding unity with the Creator and opening

    the inner doors to more fully participate in this creative journey within and without.

    In order to insure your active participation you must be given both brush and

    canvas as a means of expressing that, which comes through you. The brush in this

    case is your intention and the canvas is the world upon which the causes placed into

    actions by this metaphorical brush then form themselves into the expressions we

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    see upon the canvas called life. Kabbalah hones Intention through the usage of

    replacement symbolism to organize and strengthen the will which is the agency that

    is our higher connection with the source of all things. In Kabbalah it is Malchus that

    is the canvas that takes the colors of our impressions and gives meanings to them.

    Here is here it works going through the Ten Sephiros now using this analogy of

    brush and canvas.

    Keep in mind that as we go through these Sephiros we are speaking about

    Consciousness in its various aspects and that on the most basic level Consciousness

    is defining as what we both thinking in the moment and what we will be thinking in

    the moments to come. And so we begin with Keter, the crown of the Tree of Life.

    Keter is the highest of the Sephiros directly connected to source. In our terms here

    it is how you hold the brush that allows your freedom to create in any way you

    choose. When you hold the brush in a certain way you are able to then translate

    what comes from above into what you are planning to place upon the canvas.

    Therefore the first operation of Keter to make a sketch of the image that source issending through to you. This sketch is called Chokmah or Wisdom.

    Chokmah takes the image and engraves it upon the canvas sans color simply

    outlining it making the right determinations for what is to come using broad strokes

    but also setting up the spaces where the details will naturally flow into being. This

    is the first step in the transference of the image from above to below. Now within

    those spaces set up by Chokmah we find the details coming into play. These details

    are Binah located directly across from Chokmah on the Tree of Life.

    Within Binah there begins the work up of every detail conceived of thus far and the

    reflection of the engraving that began in Chokmah. An idea may only be seen interms of its reflections. Here these reflections are becoming self aware in that their

    purpose is clear and their direction inevitable. The energy of Binah is all

    encompassing in that it retains the engravings of Chokmah while at the same time

    transforming then making them ready for their active phase of being symbolized by

    Chesed the first of the six midot called Zeir Anpin (Chesed, Gevurah, Tipheres,

    Netzach, Hod and Yesod).

    Chesed represents the transformation of emotion that has come through Binah. The

    thoughts are grooved now and have become interrelated in such a way as to

    produce the quality of Mercy or Kindness. This is the unrestricted flow of thought

    allowed to seek its own level. Thought knowing itself now recognizes its ownabundance and seeks to share this abundance unremittingly. The natural check to

    this abundance comes about through the energy center called Gevurah which acts to

    restrict the abundance to the specific engravings that have come through Binah.

    Gevurah called Strength or Judgment then is the counter to Chesed all the while

    keeping the thoughts focused on the objective sent from above. Gevurah may be

    likened to a road through a mountain where only certain vehicles may pass through.

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    It does not restrict passage completely but only allows through that which fits in the

    context of the overall reflected picture emanating ultimately from Keter.


    The mind takes on the appearance of the thoughtful approach of unity through its

    piecing together of the various disparate pictures that are presented throughout

    each moment. Thoughts flow together much like molecules of water. Individualthoughts make up the overall stream while the broad picture that presents itself is

    full of substance and complexity. What we have then are the different ways in which

    mind interacts within itself. Once you become aware of these processes you will

    begin to recognize the flavor of in accordance with the movements that taking place.

    Chesed and Gevurah represent the operations of expansion and contraction. Were

    either process to overwhelm the other the system would be inefficient causing

    chaos however what happens is something else entirely. The energy of Chesed is

    placed on top Gevurah much like a carrier wave occurs in electronics. After all

    Gevurah acts to restrict and would not come into play were it not for the

    expansiveness of Chesed. These seemingly opposite flows are then harmonized bythe awakening of the next step in the Sephiros that are awakened being Tipheres.

    Tipheres represents a unique place in the unity. It represents stasis. The

    expansiveness of Chesed and the restriction of Gevurah have been transformed into

    the expression filled energy that raises and reaffirms the divine purpose prior to

    sending it on its way through to Netzach and Hod.

    Be mindful that every step along the way involves a specific type of transformation.

    These transformations are indicative of the name of the particular Sephiros we are

    discussing. Now because Tipheres is one of the central Sephiros (the others being

    Keter, Daas, Yesod, and Malchus) its transformations are not simply right to left orup or down but are also radiated in a diagonal and a somewhat spherical fashion.

    This is because the energy here is gathering much as a battery will recharge itself

    while simultaneously giving off its charge. This gives Tipheres and those other

    central Sephiros some rather unique properties.

    Unique to Tipheres is its association with the divine name YKVK. In Torah this name

    first appears here

    Genesis 2: 4 These are the generations of the heaven and of the earth when they

    were created, in the day that the LORD God made earth and heaven.

    The Name appears at first in conjunction with Elokim and is translated as Lord

    being presented as Hashem-Elokim. In this case the composite name does not

    represent two separate deities but rather shows for the first time the dual aspects of

    Hashem working through Elokim. In the context of our study with Tipheres then it

    is Chesed and Gevurah that joined together to work through this central Sephirah.

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