k7;JLJL JLJ .JDJ JLfreiRht s "tamers, one ol which will leave this city on every Tuesday and Friday,...

t U i.i lai etra tee'T coa$ ' ' " x' '' ' '.. ' ..." . - . . . ,.q.-- '-" -- ' -- . ' . .: -- i .' Kif -- vei:i : 5:,: ', - -., t. - '" f .T i wj t;', U ... ! ., J I rsiissiiisss' aiiiassiiB i a.-- a m w .sir if : w r 3 it tt si t ... - n fc. . a W tt , tt k tt ' m m - - - ti C ra 1 a . av Ju Th J urcbai ,ie v! ( m OB LXSB IO OO.VKTTrTTS SUCAKZ. ) Ons Sqaaral day,' a 1 oa . it had 'si insertion S SO " " 1 week, 8 Mi eacb sddit'al square 1 SO " " 2 weeks, . 4M 3 00 " Dily , per mnnam TERMS 4 t $8 00 - - : J- - -i-- JiZ k7; JLJL V. 1L JLJ .JDJ II J : JL 13x JL JL jj JL JL o " " " " " i toon mooth, ths 00 00 - ' " - u 4 SO M . " " t In-Weekl- per annum, '.. 6 00 ; . li 00 6 CO Weekly, pur auoum, 3 00 One IVeekly fur two years, or two Weeklies .2.. ; 26 00 . t ' a jo OS for one year, in mivaure, .... ; t 00 SrNXWABlX AT FLIASTRI. When the Iiaily. or Weekly in to be PUBLISHED DAILY, Till-AYKKKL- XSD AVEEKLY. BY SMITH, CAMP & CO., NO. 16JDEADEEICK STREET. One Sqre, one year, A30 each addajoaal aqaere SI 0 discutitinaed (I'k1 in Atlranre ut the time gubsenbed Written notice must be given to take out and stop ad fr), the subecriber mint order, otlierwiae it will be vertwemenu of yearly advertisers before the year ex. CQiitinucd, at our option, until ul for and Mopped. pires, otherwise w shall charge cil dose.- - . r U not polo, it niuel be paid at llie time of dweonunu ' No con tract of yearly advertisements will be discos, net-.- , r at our option. If the party w good, it will be ' tioued wsiwii pretieus Botice to us, nor will any charge cent until paid. YOL. XII. NASHVILLE, TEiNT., TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1858. .' - SEEIES-N- O. 800: be made for less than en year at Uie yearly rales. " SEW - Rrmituincea by mail, in registered" letters, at our Advertisers exceeding the space contract- ed riek. for will be charged for tho excess, --eer ' JJu5tnc55 (Carl) L.K1J CAHTFJl, C03I3IISSIO N M E It C II A NT S, General Agents ond Collectors, JVo. 94 COMMERCE STHEE1, MOXTOOM Ell Y, A LA I T AVIXU ample Stfirmte, are prepared to receive J 1 make liberal advmjcei 011 CousiKnmeuU when lieMicl. ' . itmiixcmi. Farley, Jury k Co., X. O. - Mailman, Ymi-- , PhlU. Thrill. Wji jj Co., Mobile, Klwua lce.KHq., Baltimore. Juk.;.iii il'.ru, t'- - Moil 1 Her mt liolmcs, Clmrk-miMi- v. I tu. tt. C. Hall. k Robert, do , J.1I.11 ii. Winter, KJ. .Co WattA, lu'lce A: Jacknou,il luiubus, ta. J. C'oiiklin Co., X Voik. r'lHKU, Wbkijo tt Co., SiUtrrd l!i otlieru, do. XaaUville, Ti-u- W. (i. l.mt. uiarC.S-rt- m N. M. Caktkh. J W. A. JOI IN SON & CO., COTTON FACTORS, AND Commission Jlercliairts, 27 CAHONUKIJ-.- STKEtT, m:iv Olll.I'. s. Hep f. II. T. FILMING, i tt . m. TV AND Ornamental Painter, 62 Union Street, NASHVILLE, (Between Cherry and Summer MrOets.) teg-Orde- rs froiu the couulry prompt; y attended to. May SI if R. J. B. U. HAVNKa. II. II. IIAYNES & CO., AOtXTs Kyu T11E Purchase and Sale of Negroes At R. W. PoiK-r'- s old stand, No. a3, Cedar street, fyl ville, 'lm. S. SAliOMOX, minUfAL WATCIl-MARE- R AND JEWELER, x-- m, south makk.et stutlt, namivii.m:, ti:. m:.sm;k, "T .l'U rr tlully aimuiince to the citi-- g of Xahhville, th.it he has p.irn.a- - vJri neui.y located hmwell 118 above, mi l is pre- - M h par- - il Ui exeuu uny work m his line, lie VVl'a uo to rvcerve a liberal llal o ol palrouaKO. 11 U H. WILLIAMS, ATI,A. I A, - of auy Kiii'i 01 ieiuiei-- v rljN.SIf;XMKXi are rusiwcllully lirited. Advances made on all consignments as soon as eceivod in store. c pledxe-- l n'.lto cnp.iK i speculationii m e on Ins ou aceom.t, ll.e above will K.ve hw ixolusivo all ntiou to Hie mt tresis i.l those who may f.ivor hnn with consiKUiiieiiis. dec. IS Jan. 1, lb; lynt JACKSON ADAMS, Broai Street, (WE.ST )K CIIAITANOIMJA I'KTOT,) Lumber Me rc h ants, t Ml Mau.iluclurers of l.rs, .U, Wind, 1 rallies, A Jlouldiufis, Architrave, Mantles, B.ise Boards, I ..rf-r and hn. Weaioer l,..Un.4;, h";'K. KUeUnlrt.tiooa Boxes, and all kinds ol Wod n xe.; lor the iiwue Ui.lsU of lra.no and Brick x, . !T ... ..rv .1.- .- . lotion. trders from the sur- - solicited. All work carel.Hly put up ro-- i ...liu country ... ...a u. be .umiod in .Uiuihuk. 1. primed and w I y 1110 glazed 11 desired. " Xvvslivillc V ivriV. J. C. i a u i i:n , HKALl-.l- t IS f.ninlirr. Shiitrles and Boards. J 7 HAV'K ou Hand aiaihe lot ot Le lar , '..i;.t'A- - and W bi.e ri.M.ni.K, clear W hile l'lUe, Joists, lp- - 1.- - o, ...L- lluof. iilaro enai ,c . , l'unl.ir Pinnules. 1 uav 11VC M.llS Cllll. III? roil.u aim Cellar, 11:10 dressing 1 oiilar . ' and . . one ures.sini; . elio V . . I 1. l linn liuiiie .ia:oi"'-- , iie 1 1.... i,.im."- - all in constant oiHrraumi. 1 can sup- - -- mv ouaut.tv ol Lumber and .Sl.inKl.sat the si it i : " ... ,....1 :.i ilie lowest once lor the h. Leave your orders tor prompt attention UU J. C. li.Viil'K.N, e Lumber Vard, marl .No. Ill Hroauway ! $L J. II. CURRY, Acvt a c v. V u w e v a AM preiuiredto furnish Collin ol every deecr.p-,- I . . . the line Caet to the piameM -- rvant uwllwr UU evcrytum necessary tr ruer-il- J .'ill or . crs lea at my Waio-K.H.m- Sweet next d.-- .r I . the I "' 1 I' L'' ": twnClieriy -- .id Mourner streets, will receive my pro,,.t auenti'.n b, ah day and u,L. 01,t n.n(ii". . ,, ,.uuv a. 11. - styir. Ji ll UJIOVAL. A to H YO W lv 1 r AVE removed their II.H.K Bindery I I if.,i mrr the Tniders' Kink to the 8 con.l story ol the P.UI.Y NKs'f- - Wll.snii liV;itlru'k .1 ii...r .11 aud L'mon sirecls, where we have a spacious room and well prepared to do all work 111 our one. hav e a Hue stock ol Hi auk-lks.- k l a,n.rs,and war-rau- t botn as to work- - our work M suit our customer, not to best ma le llUuk-lkk,aii- are det-rm.u-ed in our work. ... Ulu.e lKok., IIar,.er- - Mazine, nn ,tj.lK-.I- . and well I brounhtfu will be nnudsmnety Old numbers of llaruorfaruamud to ciuu.-- te books. Nov. 'ii dt . ' ' MACHINE WORKS, ni:vaiik,oiiio, 11 ivtrirr iU sivi or STAiiUVlIlk AMI I'OUMBLK STEAM ENGINES. from tare to twenty horso power; Circalar Gata and Malay Saw Mills, complete; Man- ifest and Letter Presses; Locomauva and Cy- linder BoUor,Macauus' Tool, Sfciam Wais-tle- s, Kailroad Jacks, etc., etc. rpilKlKl'orubleliiiijinesarc ej.p.fially a .'.apted 10 X pUataUon uo: belli tamed iroin.oue point I., another and applied to Un esliluij KMiu, gm ihi-- areuiaKiu circular saw iiing coiu.11, ice, Sa-- , mill, that require one hand ie Uuii auy otlu r cire.ii lar null now m use. 1 he-a- re s. li.nk their iiiaclnuo-ry- . te., at M percent, less than List year' prices. A of Manilla lines and scale or prices may be had on application to M- - ssrs. Armstrong &C0. Ko 6, Market swwt, or to the CoUipniiy ' Aeat, C. l. CAMP, at Commercial lloud, mrK-t- f. Xaahvillo, Tenn. k- - m v n. 17 uuawi; C AURI AG E MXITACTI REIi, Spring Hill, Tennessee. subscriber resiKUuliy aniioum e u the pub THE that lie continue to mauutacture ul Uu uld aland, m tprliig Hill, Carriaif, H.u.-tfie- Harness, kc. ,of very ty I and dcrillu,m a i l. tantaud substantial manner and on a favorably term a any otuor luauu. ri.rrr 10 the Stale. He u none biie very bet ,,j, -- .,.1 Hiiiotova uene but the nel akilllul ami -- 1 .Mkinu. Hence, be naUeia hunaolf that his work will compare bmrt favorublo witu the most nui-erX- b Muued out by U10 bel meul in tba West, aud as be ban r.o bi;b rents u. y, ha pra e b h;u no douiit. win ua inuca uwwe wum ,,.r. ..f flLV eL.ltlislmeliU. .... ..r iti.i.ui Mnuir mi't Williamson who dwire'to purchase CarrMge Of U iy,of liio Durst ....1 unoerSM- - wO'kiuansliip, are tuvit- - du - II at the maouUctory ol lU Siibucriber wlitrt Ibey can b suitod. .' Uepau-Hi- j done Ui His b manner an4 on fair mi (iiia X'vVJv Cito inprinir Hill. rhV1itrt r I wish to nun: wcautn.d good eik ami washer, from ANHJIU U year of auo, lor tfte baUuc "if h year- - for whK n 1 will pay liberal priM. ruinuire at m.i.y lMtiiMinvATio.v, urc. J . ... . 1. . .. - T U.III LI debt due u prvTou vj mo jmi ""."! A be c llvcu-- -- I Jouiuwy Cssrt, or X'I time. Una eliall P--"! rppaTpor-ona- ! 'A word tiui a - is utlaMut JK. C M.NAtMV U avielo I Lawrencebiirg 31oney. rVutk Soles t.tr jiwrene-bu- r are Uklug WE in payment of all acoouuu due a aud lot ai rlu" M a,- - w. icortnox cx UCSHKLi Seed kiU for sale by 500 aiarii Ku. !:. Onle.-- e Mrtt Osuaburft und Sheeting. 1 f BAUa 8 and 1UU lu balee 24 melt Ikiggmtf ; 10 bale T- Urrilmgs; it (.part, lorei HHI rumnr Pbeetlngs: Iflm .uaes OMua, -- cC' A.OUU tor TB iUufa;Ur llcuj-ljor- k. rrom 8. M. VKTnN0!I T TO'S Advertisuig Ajency 119 Xabiu Street, Xkw-Yohi- and Xfi. 10 Stale street. Btarroi. P rn urr A punts fur the inobt iiilluenlwl and ki atirriiltinir Commercial uaters both in the L uiUJ'1 and Uie Canada. KICIIAItDSON'S Irish Linens, Damasks, &c, Ac. T public m ill please bear in mind that the CES LINE GH)i'S are alwaja scatea wun uieiuiiBig nature of the lirm, viz , EICHAEDSOIT, EONS & 0WBEK. J. J!l I.I'CKE J. B. I.'X"KE, Amenta, 80 Church tt., near Barclay St., New York. , marl-i3- w ' LIGHTNING LINE. SALI.li; MUST, Corbtt, ITaater. ' U. M. ItlKVAX, Wilier, JIaater. COXXKCTIXO WITH ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAIL ROAD AT CAIRO, FOR CHICAGO AND ALL CITIFY ON THE LAKE SHORE, And Firot Class Steamers for .Memphis and New Orleans, AT ST. 1.0113 WITH THE VAClVltt UAIIaIOA1, And First class Steamers 'or Upper 3Iis.souri, Minnesota, AVisconsin, I oiva, Jvana, N'cliraslia, Utah, New Mrxicu anil California. Pansenji-r- s for any of the above Slates, or way mints, will flirl excellent aeeoiiimo latious, on ap- - phcali'.iu either or tue nhove Hue passenger and freiRht s "tamers, one ol which will leave this city on every Tuesday and Friday, Makine close ronueetmn with Rnilroads and Steamers is iiidieileil above. 1'or Height or pafsiige apply on board or t aorl l- -tf A. HAMILTON', Agent. iUisrcUancotts. Salely, I'liliiy and Beauly. New Enilanil Trare I'ouplin; Company. State IliJtts lor Sale. ttF. are imw exh.biiiiig lii s desirable invention to VV tue pulilie. ilie Pat, nl Trace Coupling is an ar-tic- winch need oniy to hj aefii to he appreciated, and iiiiiveis.i':ly 11 tooted, lls'i s Coupling the Trace Is ittlai'tied to the w Inlll.-tre- in.s(aitaimttLly , ViitlunU Kiitinijlltt h til ls idilK be disconnected by wexdrnt is ft.iviijrr and more duial,tlh iii any uthtr uttiichineut now in use, and ui.iki-- s vhal is so uesuable in a Hue carnage, an rxceittiti JiiiiU, The Couplings are in.iinila t'ired of different materi- als. I10111 toe common liuish to the Jiueii filver pUite, and can be supplied at a Inner ct ill. 111 anj tliinfc' tliat is now usjd lur 1u.1t iirpose,leavuit; a ma. nu lor an pi "l'U. Any person Willi a mode-ral- capital can soon l e.o.z.- - a loi Inuu 111 its ealu. We are pi eji.u e.1 to lui insh the Couplinus, of the dillereut a li s aud costs, ill 1p1a.1l: ties as desired, to lho.-- u omy who p.ii i liase M.ite r.nu. Tue Coupliutis 111 iy be seen at Uie. ollice of the Oim-pau- where a saiie of prices may be obtained and all co.niiiaiiicaUons must he uddre.-seifca- o "THK NKW X(.LAM I KAI K Cut rLINii IDMl'AX V," U.vskknt So. ii UU) .t.itk llotcK, Uonro.v. je'J-- iu l (p. b.) THE CRYSTAL OIL LA3I1, For lUirniiis tle Crystal Oil, Couibiuisg Economy aud Salely. Patent Ri;lit$ fjr States anil Couutics fur Sale. 1 1 M1IS miHi tint invention lor producing the chmprtt X. litjlit in tue world 10 now per tec. tod and olhred to the public. Xumberler otlur attempts liave been made to produce a cheap light, but tt erealleudeil with such inherent nh.jccl.011 as lo destroy their utility and adoption. Hut Hie Crystal I'd Lamp, while II is the ches'St, is both i: and u;oJr ill every pomlion, lu.ikliiK a cir, iciuV;uid UrilluuU II.11110 entirely lri-- e Iroiu M.ii).r. or ior. Iliereis 110 danger troiu explo- sion, bulls firrfrrUy tne under all cireunisliiiic.es. The oil can be. Used lu any place without fear ot soiling the nicest garments. I'ne laiupn are iiify arranged ud pei coiiirolaldi; by the children and dmuc.-l- a, aud s couswui ted thai lli lihl can be varied ill a moment Irom l!i it ol one to eighteen or twenty ordi- nary lamps. While it is free from the disagreeable smell arising Iroiu the Keros.-n- a!id the dauber too use ol the burning llmd, It I found U)ou scientiiic comparison to produce As much Light fur ONE CcNT as Kerosene will for THK KB CENTS, or Barning Fluid will for SIX CENTS, Thus sawn0' hve sixilis of the entire amount now thu price of Lie Limp III about a moiiih. They are .1 lapte I to all situations, making the cheapest and most desirable liIit lor every place lue largest ball or cliurciiea as well a private dwelling. The poloul oil tin lau'p for the different State aud coun tie turougnoul Uie Ciism, with the exclusive sale of the Crystal ml, u. now ullered to the public, preseutin,; a rare opsn luoity lor merchants to secure for them- selves the niou.Kily i.f a uadoeiiUrcly tree from oppo- sition. la:d.iu aio com.ilelo I for the luauuluclure of the laiiijH 1.1 ;r U 'piauiiiics tli.it lucy wul be lurn-isde- J l the p irchasei s of rishi in any style, at such a cost a will yield ail ulmost luc: e.luloua proliL Thesu rights, will bn close off imitie.li.itely , and the lain ana oil delivered as soon as desired. As no Umiw or od will be old t .my b it p.irchasi-- i s of ngUtst all let ler nuikiug tue re.'ie.-- l will not b.- - tiotivj. (.uiiiiuii-ui- . ations a nlrcs.!4 t t:ie -- Crystal Oil Unnp Co." Xo. K.iw, will he promptly alleuded to. CrysUl Oil Lamp "Company No. S Merchants ItOW. BO tola aurK--.'mf- p The 31ountaii City llydr-tue- r- npiitic Institute. lull pai ticinai a adSrem T. CarleUm Crtylo, M. 17OK at Uait-ui- , oa. lulloa is located JoOmilosfrom Allankt, and 4U null Irom Cuatlanooga, on the (ieor- - gia Male iload. lUitou , May 1 , ItM. Ami Oewrptu jiM.,.VayJ may in--im Shelloa's Marble Works ! Church street, next door to Cornelius' Cabuiot-sUo- p INaalivlllr, leiin. wauld iul orm bis mends ftWfv, THEunrtorn;t-- th:it he will con- - ILiji luiiw Um WAUitlJvtH.oLst.ic. mU.icity,l V.-- In shop, next door to Cornelius' Cabiu-- t- CVT shop, ou Cimrcu Mriwl, aud cal.s alvaUou the M s k of , .Isirble .Tlonument, Tombs, etc., A' Inch lie has ou exhilutiou and for s.ile, embracing a ,sreat vars'iy , limabed u Uie newt ujiei u inanm r. tlci I prekiied to manuliu luro ou the shortest notice. ilarble .'I a 11 1 c I i m i every ievnitiou t .fltrLlc liurk, 01 tue llue.--l Auiericau aud Ilal- - urn Marbie. li s woik win, a ueretuiora, oe war- ranted, and his price to su.l the time. jaii U M. L. Mil.l.ni.-- sa vi: .iioni: V a- - kki:i COOl!! OCR oe lie Kit are now in rua linsM,and we earaeak re.iet all who wish U) buy luo during the sn at a uniiorui prae, tt call and supply tUemaelvea with K u is and rt'KisU-- their name a renular pat- rons toereby s.ivo ail advance ou tlu arts lo lu the taller fcrt Uie s asun. Huron .are. I Iw rry sirnrt, next door to tlie llank ol Teuu,.s,'0 ; at il u-- au', rrxut street, and vu Vuriiel ot' taiuiCat add Viu St. eel. C. k H. MARTIX, afr JO--U Uk LA t kVbXclv. TI1E GREATEST Vt)DER OF THE AGE. Camilla 1'rollUc Corn, rjKoiit tlSlj ti out II lo in eai U) Via (ram. A .mail X lot of the seed lor oi by Vt fJJ.-Au- d IIisii KK CO., 31 CV.tar street. i. C. AUNCULS, Uucolu Halt uarl3-li- u CIIIIAP SOlali-LKATIIK- U. 1) 4 C. AMKScN', Sua. 4j aud 17 College iSlreet, Ua - lu suue and li-- r ut, a buavy lot of excel lent Ou Tanned aoie lulhur at a u4,ta per poaad. Call aouu a you wail Uaj lu auy kiud ul leather. . i , C AAUKltsO, Kue. lj aud i; Cotbn.il siUeet. ' Jaari-t- f a iew dour i,ou Urual. UOOiiS WD STATIOAEUY. WK utvtte Uie sueutloa ef KorvouUau4 IraAers guaerally la wur larks ala.k ut , . Scliool H00I1S and Statiouerr. AT WHOLESALE AS 0 RETAIL. At prases wha-- h cannot ud t plea. Our atock ef .UsccUaneoiiH UoukH Isalao lar., sni s adl awl at vry -- mfmfm low praM tM too who uy M Mil Lflm ' J again. I . - "i " "'r0 leaclter wouis ao wen t xanune mmvmmumm eur suck, w Ul (uaku s vaei erra.ujm is M f school. ' ' " ply . ' rmrvDoj m .v.-.i- , Afania.- - t Au(3 iy b LajaderXbuaaquare.Xa-uvui- aj ltcm-l)or- K. From YfcJCHER, OWEN k CO.. General Advertisine .4 i... xiouse, Appiuum jiaiiaing, ab Broadway, ftew-yor- - HANSEN'S PIANOS. piajtos. : PIANOS. PIANOS, 1 PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. AWAKDKD AWAKDKD 1S56. 18&7. ANOTHER TIUU3IPII! r I TiE subscriber respectfullv invites the attention ol X the public, and of purchasers particularly, to the Superior J rrrmium fxanm, Manulactiired by hlru. . A splendid assortment constantly on Imiid. Uur Pianos have received a Premium two years in succession, ls5i and 1.S57, at the Fairs of the Ameri-ca- u Institute, Crystal Palace, in competition with most of the leading manufacturers of New York and lios- - ton, and are unuuei-tinnahl- of the best quality of tone, full, round and brilliant, as well as tin is h and durability, and we Hatter ourselves, by the approval of renowned artists, in venturing to say that our ll- anos stand superior to many others, and equal to any Grand Piano in regard to volume of tone and elasticity of touch, combined with the greatest firmness, which is very rarely met wiUi in other Pianos. We respectfully solicit an examiauUou from strang- ers and friends to convince themselves of the above before purchasing elsewhere. All our llanos are war- ranted. H. HANSE.V, Manufacturer of Piano Fortes, 100 Centre street, aprS-T- iu New York. LIGHT! LIGHT!! 1IGIIT !!! DIETZ& CO., OF IMPROVE!! Kerosene, Camphene, Fluid, and Oil Lamps GAS FIXTURES, l. VARIOUS STY US ASP FINISH. C 11 A X W K L 1 11 H S, XADK TO OKDKK FOR CHCRCIIEP, COLLKCErf, AND PUBLIC BCTLWXG8. No. 13i William Street, near Fulton, New-Yor- frbfi tfy jrr FTTij- - .i C. D. BExSOi BRO.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kim'Is Ml'SICAL ."WERL'HANDISE AXD TIANO FOltTES, IT'IWiM the celebrated manufactory of Crow k New York, and the best Melodeons how used in the Culled Suites, manufactured by George Prince & Co. Attention of th pnblc is called to our largo cata- logue of the latest publications of MuKic, Music-Cook- and Instructors of all kinds. Also our line stock ol Guitars, Violins, Violincellos, und liatijo-String- lu fact, every thing in the Musical Instrument line can be found at ItENSO.VS We 7esM'ctfully invite small country dealers, Teach- ers, and S lmils, to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. P. S. All kinds of Musical Instruments repaired at No. 20 L'uion first door from College. jnuJ5 PIANORiTES Iookin-GlasHe- s, &.c, S.c &c. T K have now in store a lino stick of Pianos. Melodeons. W iniliiw- - fTf Shades, Artists' Materials, etc., and ure 1 JljT'J still in. iniil icturnig Inside tilimlH all kinds of Gilt Works have receutly added largely to our stock of Ornaments Tor JUIrrora, etc. In a word we intend to kkkp up with ths times, please our customers, and induce them to patronise houk in- stead of sending abroad. W. & K. KKKKMAX, feb7 No. i College Street. Fine Pianos at Private Sale. BKNJ. F. SHIKLIiS has now, and will be receiving direct from the manufacturers, a line assortment of the best make ami styles, which we are authorized to sell on the most liberal terms. Ilar8. l!i:M. V. SH1KLHS, Agent. fiurri) Stable's. Hacks Hacks Hacks ! 1IURSES, BUGGIES, BAGGAGE CARS, ic. JK, VKl'LI. supidy of every thiug in the LIVERY line always at the service of citizen aud strangers. I wish to call especial attention to my present slock of EXTRA FIXE HACKS, Whirh are the Uuest ever before uttered here o the ridiug community; and in connection with them I have elegant Horse and excellent drivers. Orders ror II ii ks, siioeld be left at my Stable, just below the t'ost Hnc',n Church street. apr-- lf M. 8. ( OMIM. eve, fcttd Scwanee LircrT Tf Sale Stable, MO. 30, Fit. i sriti:i:r. II. II. HAXJIElt, IMoprietur. rpiIIS old Stable, supplied with the best .a. svoca in iiiu country, continues to iiiruisn HORSES, BIGGIES, CARRIAGES, NLET.WS, And all kiiids U eouveyauce at the sliurtcdl DoUce,ut auy Hour during day or tiight.- - stable i supplied with a number of Box Stab. BJT Xicking and attended o: also, break iog aud training of horses. r Horse boarded bv the day, week or month. Person living adjacent to, and visiting the city, will find marked attention giveu to their slock by leaving t at the Sowauc Suble. aprlJ-- tf LIVERV STAULE. IX7"M. T. WlUGIir ft CO., would respeit- - v v luuy imuiiii ui viui'us "I .abuvitie r . and the public generally, that tlicv have v. ? purchased the well kuowu Livery stable sua lue mca and Qxiiires, formerly occupied by Wm. J. Philips, on Market ntreet, just below the SQaare. We liave Ui ,A rale lot aud box-stall- s Ui accfaimo- - data drovers, aud all our tr lands who mar lavor u with Uiuir patruiiage. Wo phHlge ourselves to give satisfaction in all cat We have a large number of hue Saddle Horse aud Que lluggies to hire at all tmu. The (ac t is, we do uot uitond being surpassed by any Stable in the Southern couulry. Come along aud aeo for yourselve. tlK-l- y WT T WRIGHT CO GIFTS. GIFTS. GIFTS. BOOKSnXV BOOKS! .. . .. - txV rpHE followins U a ht'HhJ IJrof Property which jl. win we given m i iucimwii oi ouias av iue uuir ol SOJe lv Tn United States Baneyolent Sodatjr for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge t . Pat. Eng. Lever tiuld Waltbe. huuung cases, $100 00 Patent Auchor Gold Wale lies, Uiuiluig cases, IS 00 Pateut Cylinder tiold nalciies, bUnUug vases, 60 uu Louie' tiold Wat4'hea, huuting case, . OO Hunting stiver Levers, huuiiug coaoa, 2S 00 Ueuts' CHllforuta Planioud Plus, (set ut Is caret Gold,) - 21M tienls' California iNamond Lepuio, li uu Lam double ease Miniature Lawkuis. lu tw Set of Cameo fins aud I'rops, io oo fioid-stoi- i or cameo Seevo liuttou. S ou tiold rlou or cameo Muds, 4 ou Omts' lioli Pen aud Golj case, large, . - . e uo lalsj' I'en and Gold cose, . . too Silver i'euctls and tio.d, Uireo uUuaion. V ao Silver Peucil aud Gold IVu. X eo liold Uaikets, two gUsars, I So Wal nit Gold R.ii.s, tmf, Sim Lwltra Gold Iheaxt fliu, 2 AO Lads'' Void Lar lrop, Ueuu' Gold Bosout Studs, I 0U Genu' UvdJ sleeve Butwos. SO Ladle' Goid Peuclli, , SO Ladies1 Gold Ring, 1 SO Im.U' IliMoin Piui, 1 So Ladies' Gold K.bbon Pins, I in 1 in S'reach Gold CO d iy Qncks, XS 0O Sua heavy Silver i'.itel CaatiMS, IS O0 stiver 1'latjd table raiona, be.vy, per set S M Tea Sp-nn- ' " 2 SO " " labia Sorks, S UO Ik aide a large ami valuable aairVSMal of miaerUe-a- a arucitNi, toUa naelul aad ertuuueuial, varjruig in value irom Sa unu to Sao. Owe of the above articles will be gives to the por cluwr uf racb book at lite the wcm k hi s4d. Any person by bur warding aa order ur bea., with BMuay eucloaed, aiU rvie aa extia boo and gill li every teu b ., aeidi to cue nrdr by fcxorve. All ordjrs for Ltuuk wdl be prompUy aud impartial ly nlled. . . . - . . . Viae gifts ia aB cases :ll aocompoar the Books Mugie book can be sent tu auy tui by ntaO. Cat-Blo- gu "t iUo book wdl U. seal by uuil w aay enter pua appdcaUon. XH.a of tU fdlowing Bonks toksa at Hank uf , ... - " " - StlUBItlULB- - . NaaHViixa, ; ; LaWkSvcaiBd, mm ImoeiOMi. - v . . , u. c. Biacjt, ' AUBVT FOB IMS UC9STT. ; 01 i Pnet-ofl- lr Roll ting, co nor of Clar aud Cbei ry , Nashvdle, wber. Un U o4 a--4 UkU are eiB ler la erctaB, day and mgUt. teta( :U FOR HIRE, rjV)8 Ute kvUttoe of the pcese.it year, S fuodaeUve X yw Hoy,atMteAbaveiyexrser a4. Tarsus Apply ft Slue uilce--j prod tt H)f)0lfsalc prrj CBaaUsi .WHOLESALE. STAPLE AND FAKCV D R Y G O O D S, I.adiett' Dress Goods, . Uesdr-ma- ds ClotUInjr, ' lists, Hoots and Slioea, 6trav (ioodi, Hardware fc Queens ware. TRABUE B& LUCUSs WE are now receiving our regular stock of every description of Goods as above, to which we re- spectfully call Uie special attention of city and country merchants. Come and look before you purchase. We have also several large lots of almost every desorip turn of Goods consigned to us, which can be bought at great sacrifice for Cash. mar!3-- tf . . . TEABCE LCCCS- - EVANS & C01, , WHOLESALE DEALERS TN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC! Dry Goods, Read j-ma- de Clofliiog, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, EOXNETS, . VAUIETIES, &C, X as v i 11 c, Tennessee, No. 1 NaslivIIIe Inn Block.. WE ARE NOW RECEiriNG AND OPENING OCR Spring Stock of Goods, To an examination of which we wonld call the atten lion of merchants buying in this city. Inducements will be oilered to Cash and prompt Unte buyers. EVANS St CO. IcbUO-ly- il ...... " t7& w. eakin & co., Importers and Wholesale Sealers io D 11 Y GO O DS , No. 48 Public Square. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. WE HAVE COMMENCED RECEIVING 0UK Spring Stock, Which will be complete about the last of this month and to which we will add the LATEST MJVEITIES DrBlXG THE SEASO.M This slock will be found very extensive and will ctn brace our usual variety of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, YARIETIES; AND Ready-Mad- e Clothing. And having been pnrchased at jrreat advantage, under the existing pressure, will be sold low for CASH, or U I'roiupt 3Iercliants on Tinie. r. & v. eakin & o. feblS-- tf professional Carfcs. DOCTORS J. P. Ford pad J. II. fallendcr, Have associated themselves in the practice of 3IEDICINE AND SURGERY. Ono and ItKsiDKvcK, No. 15 South Summer BtrecL N. B. Those indebted to lir. Ford for years pre vious to 1S58 will please call and settle. apr'J-l- m I)R. JOHN W. MORTON, Residence i Cor College and Watkins Avenue, (FOKMEIU.Y UNK STKKKT,) Offlce No. G3 Nortlt Cherry Street. jan2T tf L. M. TE3IPLE, Attorney at li ; w , Ofllco same as Sherilf's Odice, Cherry street, up stairs. WILL practice in all the Courts holden iu Davidson Sumner counties, and will give his individ ual attention to ail business intrusted to his care. ap7 if 1- - fonis. x. r. Callahan, w. h. havhev, fkkd. Lalt trilk Houseman tt SntUk. J. P. CALLAHAN & CO., WHOLESALE DEALEKd IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors, AND RECTIFIED AVHISKT, CIGARS, iC, No. (hi North Ieee, between Washiugtou Avcnne and Vino streets, SAINT LOUIS, MO. may 15-- 1 y AV. l & L. R. SIIRYOCK, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants . j NO. 26 LEVEE ANIi CX1M1IERCIAL STREET, . SAI.T I.OUIS, MO, . flr- j- Solirit orders for the purchase of HEMP, BAG-GIN- R PE, BACC'N, LAI ID, FLotU, WHEAT, CORN, OATS, Ac. 71 r Moll evei-- description of Country Trodnce on Consignment, and Forward Merchandise 'promptly to all pi nut from SI Num. . , TTT R:tvr to Ftsber. WlaJefcS Co. ; R. O'Kane. April 10 6m. . . j . lVe nous V 1 AX, ' I.ATE OF H0CMEMAX A HMITH, Commission and Forvi'nrding MEttCUAXT, Na 9 NORTH SECOND STREET , SAIHT LOUIS, M0. AprniO dawly. jous ecoTT. ru.iuA.v aonrr. viunv e. bcott , SCOTT & II ROTH ERS, Commission and Forwarding .... - Merchants NO. 9 LOCUST STREET, BET. MAIf AND LEVER, ' t ST. I.OI I", MO. S" Particular attention given W the sale of Prod we and fllling orders of every drriin. b ' Rkftthsicrs: McroLaut and Bunks of Nashville. April 10 datriwiy. " i C()PP5r (distilled - Ff, Louis, Na. sff !j. V E L E 15 RAT E I) ' fT7LTTCTnPr 7 ii VI JLJLXK.JJLJs.al JL L 'St. Iouii, Mo .111 it rjtilK asdVrsigiied, sole profiriebirB ef S X snuuta uf Whisky, wouii reH.xiuily taetr (rieud aad eajtuuiers against tue Bamerues us MaW'MIS uf thffae Srell kuue s brauda, . la Bpiirsm arts ie u invariably a seWtose enes puaii4rkmu gitaraniy tae rr"" saisr- - Utnal eaS'e by wttreelvea. tu be freo truta eat obeuxaau tugredteiit. , , ' uxaiTiioLD.il mi ii t o.; ' . 1M aad 1SS Nut to ifccusd street, mpriZ-- tt , Leote. Ms. ! Straw Cutters.' t WE haves tug mUxX uf stAnt Cuuors, Anciais'e, fvrd 'S aad Cemoi Org's I'aii-n- l. I'ne taUur arttrte Snok tne a St wetuiuw at the NaUuual Fair a LtUMviii. akaJiHUjiw LU fjartmarfe ; WILLIAMS & CO., i '" ' (srocrssoRs to iikkmas a blub : At tlie Old Stand. No. 34 Public Square, j ,..-- ' NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. WUOXESAX.E A.U BEX AIL . 1 , . IHCaUEBS IB ' , GUNS, CUTLERY & HARDWARE Jan25 ly FOR C MAINS, Hoes. SjSBBBte4BBBB E IGE TOOLS, ' A XES, v - PaLANBSJ H ATCI1ETS, Anvils,, - t m ; - ; Hope D nawing knives, w AITEItS, AlCERS, Razors, E X CETERA CO xo WILLIAMS & CO., AT lUKKJIA.T'S OLD FTAJTD,! No. 34 Public Square, Nashville, Tennessee, jan25 FOR GUNS and pistOLS, GO TO WILLIAMS Ss. CO.. (KIKKMAN'S 01J) STAND,) NO. 34 PPBMC SQIIAKE, jrn.3 tf. NASHVILLE, TENN. SEW HARDWARE STORE, 4 7 .uarkti street. W. II. 3UNCIIIN, UEALBK 19 ; HARDWARE, CL'TLERV, GCS, TOOLS, ETC. S now opening at his establishment, No. il Market Street, next door t M. Burns', a large and well selected suick or Hard- ware, Cutlery, Guns, etc., which lie intends tillering exceedingly low for 1 cash, or to prompt dealers on short time. Among he leading articles now on hand will be found the fol lowing, viz: Pocket and Table Cutlery. Double and Single Borre Carpeu ters' and Black- smiths' Shi d Guns. Tools. Mill, Cross Cut, and l'itt- - Axes of ererv description Sa ws. aud make. Cotton, Wool, and Horse A large, assortment of locks. Cards. Hinges and Screws. Trace, Halter, Wagon, and i'lush and Square Bolts. !g l Il.llIiK ihovels,Spades and Forks. Hanics and Collars. Jrindstones, Cranks, and Picks and Mattocks. Rollers. Curry-Comb- s aud Horse- - Rides and Pistols, Brushes. janid tf II1LLMAN BROTHERS. IRON DEPOT So. 44 College, and 41 and 43 Market si., Nashville, Tenn. atti fFFER for sale on gixHl terms to cash or prompt V dealers SOU tons of their celebrated t karoual He-- fined Iron. 150 tons well assorted Pittsburg Iron; 60 " hammered Iron including flow Moulds; 60 " best Tennessee Castings; 15 " Cast, Shear. E. St A. R Steel; lono kegs assnrb'd Nails and Spikes, best brand; 200 Cast, Wrought and Steel Plows, all sizes; 200 Sells Wagon and Buggy Axles all sizes. Also, Anvils, Vices, Files, Chains, Axes, Straw Cut ers, Ac. iebl iiloap-- 4 tfounitxs. Claiborne's Machine Works, NASHVILLE, XENN. f I iHE attention of Railroad Companies, Farmers, X Wanulftcturers,anu all persons desirous or purcha- sing ut home good machinery, such as STEAM EN- GINES. CASTINGS, of every descridM.n, GEARING, rAR WHTOSor the most improved patterns, SAW-MILI.- I'UMPA, A:c., Ac, is reccU'ully called to this Dew Establishment now growing up rspidly- on the premibes of the late Nashvdle Manufacturing Company. We intend to carry on the business fully as extensive as before, ami shall soon be ready to take orders for Machinery aud Casting. Vie have already commeuc od s is our blacksmith shop and Boiler yard and shall give Immediate satisfaction to old and new mtmers. We are experienced Mechanics each of us lieraon-all- y auonding to his own deitartmcnt and thus we shall be able to turn out suierior work at lower rates than heretofore done iu this city. We shall warrant every piece of work done at tin Establihmeiit, aud zive promit and personal attention to every order left at our ollUe; thus we hope to give general satisfaction, . and oe patronized by ail iriends or hisne muiiulucture M. JACKER a CO., Clailiorne Machine Works, Nashville, Tenn., .. june7 tr. LAte Vaalivillc Mauf. Co. ' 1 -- r - Removal. rTiHE ttioscriber UkiMi this method of Informing bis X oKl customer and riends and the public general ly , that bo has removed bis Hardware Store from the old stand on Market street, to No. 5J, in the large brick building, lately erected ou Ibe South side uf Broad vL, wnere ne Keep constantly on nana and makes lo or. der the various art: lea embraced In his line of busl-- I ness.. Ho invite especial attention to bis large assort- - menl of t ASTINGa, HOIAXI w W ARE, BRASS, Ice., sec b aa Mantle and Coal Grates, Wagon boxes, plow Mollis. cutters, Mrn-neiier- Mili Crushers, balcony Work and Iron Fencing, CnBee Mills, Tea Kettles, Brass Kettle. I log Irons, Candle Sucks, Ana an almost euuiess variety of ouier arucies-Jan- . 29 tf XNDIIEW H. P. D0RRIS, licllisc Stove Foundry. AT this Foundry I am making Cook-uu- , Pabuw and Hbatij Stovsm. f every variety , Houow.'.Vaiui of all kinds, Andiroua, Sad Iron, and Wane irons of ail kinds. ALSO. Tin, Copper an 4 Sheet Iron Ware, all of wlnrb I propose to sell at wholesale or re tail cheap fur casb or to imncieal tune dealers. rarticuuvr atteuUon paid to Koouug aad buttering. , H. P. lXdUUS, No. tt, College street, Apr. 27 Nashvdle. Tenn-- tf)0lcl5. LOUISVILLE HOTEL, .REBUILT, ' RUFURNISIIED aud OPENED, w OCTOUEH, 18i6. , SEAN, ETESXA1T ft CO Prtrprietorm, - aprlJ-l-ui LoLLlLLE, KY. NATIONAL HOTEL; tt lormwly Fraxli House, CLAItKSVILLE, TENN. e. s r V It It I KM, Vrsprlels rWOlXO taform she Travehsg CwmiBity risitin CUrksvius. that 1 have I urciuued this Hotel, aad have chajigod the JUnL name, a will be seen above, aad 1 intend, to A sauce ly earing tne present year, and shall use every jxeriaio. u taar tae palrmKe of all who will be pteaand to cad os Sue . . . ajli-l- y E. MTR8IEB. the lter.atio.il hotel, IUS BEEX RBCEXTLY REFITTED. ybe Rooms are all Newly Carpeted, Tne Fsraiture sad Beds are SaperTt ' - - And the tbtth CnarpaSe4 Taylor's Celebrated SoJooua, T' ; abb co-n- o vrrrs tbs sura. Here are roeconUaled all lue osafurM sf S kotse, with the laxuneeof apaUce. .; , The' Splendid' Ladle' Iarlr ........ Commaiuls aa li.qualew ... - t ; ,i J. i Yimr or eaoAOWAT -- . , THE IXTfiBJtATIOJf AI, ' is ibe sua oentral ef say of th rtssv ruts Hyrns for baaicMea, r pAveee ef nirer eat, aa--d sr s Ivaakuee S Faason aad tlnaasns oug Sew Vork. . ,XU"HUJ lltSAJsAX. . ; ' " Exchange llank. Notes. XTS save Is vw s Ba ts4 rtase, Sar srslc V V he earner nU take lbs sbrar s4e. JbS-- sT Itoca'g Remedy for Pulmonary and Tubercular Consumption HAVING been appointed sole Agent for the sale of Koca's celebrated Curs roR Cos- - scurnoK, the public will now be put m possession ol one ef the most extraordinary remedies extant for what has heretofore beeu considered sa incurable disease. t bare the more readily undertaken the agency, from the fact of its extreme simplicity being an d appliealum, the action of which is seemingly mi- - raculous,and its having none of those attributes wbkb make up the numerous compounds sow in general use. With the utmost confidence In tbe success of this remedy, which has heretofore been owed in private . practice with great success, as is shown by numerous letters snd certificates, is now ottered to the public. A pamphlet, containing directions, letters from. die. . tinguished individuals, aud documentary evidence from tbe physicians of Uie hospital of Havana, Island "' of Cuba, to ..will accompany the remedy. These speak volumes in its praise, and publicity U only required to render it as as It is buntS-cal- . Address, , JAMES BEES, i , . Role" Agent for the I'nited States, No. 341 Market street, lhiladelphia. Principal Office, 1020 rrrrwAna febll tta 11. Ii. R. HEALTH will, to att cw, follow tbe use of Rad B. R. Remedies. There are none so sick or diseased, so weak, feeble, or crippled with win o, inflrmitk-s- , but taat Kadway's Ready Relier, Re novat uig Resolvent, or Reguhnors, as the nature of the dis ease or sickness may require, will quickly and rapid ly cure. These remedies consist of Rad way's Ready Relief: Rad way's Renovating Resolvent; Rad way's Regulators. Each of these remedies possesses special curative pow- ers over ccrtaiu diseases. Yet there are other diseas- - ' es, wherein their combined medicinal properties are . required; and when thus used, if tbere is sufficient life . and strength within the diseased or dying body to sus- - ! tain their action, Uie patient will live and bo restored to health. ' l'ain. B. R. Relief. ' Acute IHteates, R. R. Relief. lnfUxmjnatnry Diseases Relief and Regvlalnrt. i Malaritnu Viscoses, Relief aud Rexfulalm. Omijestxee lUteates, Relief and ReyvUMn. Serif ulnut IHieaseSj -- Caronic Renovating Resolvant. , IHseaitet, Renoenling Reaolrant, ' Syphilitic IHtease, - . RenemaUng Rehyantt Const it utiunal instates, Retoleent and Regvlattwt Sl-i- n Oisentes, -- A'ervovs Remmating Resultant, IHneanes, Resultant, Relief, Regulator! Infectious Vieaset, Ready Relief if RejuLalors. Constitutional Diseases. Many diseases that alliict humanity are inherited as heir looms from the diseased bodiA-- of sickly sires. Scrofula, Consumption, Syphilis aud Fits, are among the most common of constitutional diseases. Now, we care uot how many generations the seeds of these dis eases may have been established in the system, cor- rupting the blood Railway's Renovating Resolrant will eradicate from the bodies of the afflicted every parti- cle of diseased debits, and till tho veins with new, pure aud healthy bl'iod. Children's Diseases. Radicay's Renovating Resolrant should be bailed as a blessing by every mother, throughout the laud, w hose i n louts are afflicted w ith Sores. Humors, Ac. These bKakuigs out (thus early) are evidence of disease transmitted from the jiareut stock. A few doses ol the Rentmating Resolvent will eradicate every vestigeof Uie disease aud insure Uie child a sound aud healthy body IE. It. K. R. R. K. Rad way's l'.ealy Hi lief for Headaches, whether sick or nervous ; Rheumatism, par- alysis, Lumhugo, Gout, Neuralgia, Tooth ache, Small l'ox. Fevers, Swollen Joints, Khiliey Complaints, St arlet lever, Pains the Liver, Pleurisy, Measles, Heart burn, and Painsofall kinds. Radways Hea- dy Relief will, in a few minutes change Uie miseries you suiter lo Joys of pleasure. R R. R Iludway V Renovating lletulviinl.lor the cure of rhro.iic diseases such as Scrolulousaud Sj t ti 11 it io Complaints, Consumptive and oth- er allectioiis ot the Lungs and Throat, Indu- ration and enlargement of parts. Eruptive and other disease ol the Skin, Nodes, s, Clcers, Ih spepsia, and all other arising from an impure stale of the Mood. R R. R. Radway's Regulators will cure, effectively and sieediy, Costiveuess, Indigestion, In- flammation of the Bowels, Pyspcpsia, Liver Complaint, Diseases of the Heart and Kid. tie) s, Female Coin plaints, Small Pox, Ferers, Measles, Ac. Whenever the system is out of order, a dose of Railway's Regulator will restore it to regularity. No female should be w ithout lueni. R. R. R. Remedies are sold by liruggist everywhere. marlO-lydA- W KADWAY a. CO. R. C. M'NAIRY & CO-- , HAVE received during the iast few weeks large to their summer stock, aud have niauy nuw aud desirable guodsadapted to the present seasou Elegant Double Skirts and Flounces in Silk. Grenedine, Barege. Organdies Trench Jaconets, &c, Ac.I Elegant Bridal Iress'H,iu Silk and IUumou; Goods Tor Traveling Dresses, in great variety; Val. and Point Lace Setts; I J.N en and Piquet do; Lace Mitts, great variety; Kid Gloves, all Biles an. I colors; Elegant Head Ornament; " Fans suable fur the approaching Concerts SERVANTS-W- e have now en baud unusually large shirk of all kinds of plaiu and crkrod Cuttous, fur bouse aud Oeld er'snls. HOUSE FUENISHIHOS. AH widUis Liuvu and Cottou Shevluig Pillow Cotuma, and Linens, all quahtK-s- , lablu laiuask lowvls, Nap. kms, Ax., Ate. CASPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. We have now In store an elegant slock of Velvet, Bruswds, 3 ply and II ply lngrsm 4 arpt-tings- , together with Rug. Matt, DrugpeU, white and colored Straw Matungs.elo We liave ahmihe Urgi-s- t and bualsuirk ul' Oil Clottis, ever brought to tins market, severaj fiat-ter- entirely Dew ami In quality inferior to Done, all of wbk-- we will sell at the very lowest possible trices lor cash, or prompt buyers oa time. DELINQUENTS. . We hope our delinquent frieuda a bo are In arrears previous to 1st of January, lhAS, will not be otfeudod when they find their accounts in the bauds of an oln- - ccr, for we feel Uiat we have been very indulgent, aud eanuot nor will not wait louger. nuyai-L- T . It. C HO AIR i TO. Great Bargains for Cash. rE a'e offering our entire stuck of Staple and Fancy Goods, at very reduced rv es, lor f judt only W A. A J. U, McCLElLAND. Jei--tf Muslins ! Muslins ! "TTE have juat received s large lot of elegant vV French Musluia. with maay other goods, from Auction, WDH.D we are ollenug at greatly xa mrportauun cost. . jei-- lf W. 1.1J.G McCIJ3Uiyn. Linen Goods, stc. WE are otrrelng tbe beat bargains to Irian Un- cus, Table lauens, Towels, Ijnen sud Dotnestie Sbeetmgs, bieeclied sad Bruws iJutuesuca, ever sees iq this market, at je-- u w. A. K J. U. NAUUAMIS. Silks, Bareges and Mantles. UTK will chise out our stock of Faury bilk, Bare, gee, sad sulk and eplique Mautlwa at less tiaa see. W. A J. G. McCLELLANII. N. B Let .vorv oue remember that we eresellinc for Cash only, aud they will get great bargains by calling upoa us. W. A. X 1. U. WotlXLAD, . jea-- tr aeo M and &a Coik-g- e su-rvt- . Elegant Lace Mantles " WEare vwilng,Un nrornlDg, a beautiful uf French aad Cliootilly lj M intlea. aiwA--li . W.X. SAli. McCLUXANIl. Irish. Linens TTE keep tbe best Biake uf Irbtb Linens, rheapet V thaa tber can be bought at any otn--- r kouae. . pr5tf W. A. J. G. MoCUalXN I. . Table Linens. tc w E have lbs best assert meat it Table linens. Napkius, Itoyke's Towebi. sad Teweimg Uoeda. f ever MMrred and at lower pr aa. 4 apr JA-- tr W. A. A i. U. McClXLLANI). , Parasols and Sen Shades l BEALTirll. let ef ParssoU, Sua Shades, asd A. ladie Sua C'ssbtwUss. iuS reeerve4 and fas sals by ..... . mptUt w A. a J. C. McCITLLANn. Fashionable Clothinsr. ttOYHVVAi VatsVlUSOX; 20 VVBUC tSQUAUE, .J v HATK Jest received s ate stock ef Assist Samatt-- r Clothuwi, twn.liin ef mm luetimers Mu, Mareetlk--s and Lai Cuat. Pasts at. 4 Vesta ta greeA vartety. Attn a rwr aire k 4 Fnraubibf Onoam. srbti eolucd Sturvs, Mraoiilee, French sad seabeue boaoaa sturM, ander floUnug nf .very ateatTiptK,.i tad ;'aucy Gloves, OavaU of the Sfeit .1-g- aat KJ is. ' For Custom xluslnesa,' 't save s tne stock 4 CV4bs, raaaiateres aad Trias. BBBwr,ef all kisda, (ki wdl svek uji wub Ue-pe- u A aad swliii at to becxiadles. We bavs aiau s very cbowie etuik of Aaaaoker Ootb) kuj rbie ere miU sett e vary test AwSees. Ti fndarrri, Irth.'IrcJi tml intntion. PH'XNII UttAS CQ3XXT, fsOaAelr. are Tift Bvefwe-- t receive aa't (Ito a. Iters Snr aSasMf WKJKHiririEO.SKUD AMCOsi'i:Nl. ka i ADt.Jttli-- S ty reutre4 kaagtoa, V JVo l"T'.f bWOdiare sad HrsiM. ' TrsriajrA at ptaa f aatar, SKr wwb table ahaasig capaettv T beaMM, will be furcuafejw grstsaV ssly auua st(i atma to MUCLLJ.UST13.T, Peaadeat. wBSAytS-en- w!. JsW.uwiatrasl. - ! 31 cLEAN'S , Strengthening Cordial - AXD BLOOD PIRIFIER, The Greatest Remedy la Ibe t arid I rilHlS CORDIAL Is distilled from a Berry knows ob-- . X Jy te Drsrlf, and chemically combined with some of Uie most valuable medicinal roou, herbs aud barks known to the mind rman, vix: blood root, black ro, wild cherry bark, yellow dock, dandelions, el.ler tlowers, wiUi others, producing the most mtallible remedy for Uie resioiauun of health ever known. It Is atures Own Remedy, Curing diseases by natural laws. When taken. Its bealiug hidueuco is felt coursing through every vein of the body, purifying and accelerating Uie circulation ef Uie blood. It ncntraliscs any bilious matter in toe stomach, and strengUiens the whole organisation. - McLean's Strengthening Cordial will effectually core Liver complaints, Janndlce. Cnronle or Nenrons Debility, Diseases of the . Kidneys, and all diseases arising from ' s Disordered Liver or Stomach. Dyspepsia, Heart bur u, Inward piles. Acidity or Sick Dees of the Stomach, fullness of lilood te the Head dud paiu or swimming in the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, fullness or wt-ig- in the Stomach, sour Erocta tK.ns, t'bokuig or Suffocating feeling when lying down, dryness or yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Night Sweats, inward Fevers, pain in Uie Small of the Back ("host or Side, sudden flushes of beat, Ilepressioa of Spirits, Frightful Dreams, Languor, I)esHndeucy or any Nervous Disease, Sires or Blotches on the Skin, and Fever and Ague (or Chills and Fever.) It wdl also cure diseases of Uie Bladder and Womb, sucb as Seminal Weakness, Incontinence of l'riue,stranguary, Inflammation or Weakness of the Womb or li ladder, Whites. Ao. 'I'liere Is no mistake about It. This Cordial w ill never fad to cure auy ol the above diseases, u taken a er direction on each bottle, in German, English and French. Over tlalf a million of Rottles Have beeu sold during the post six months, aud In no instance baa it failed in giving entire satisfaction. Who Uien will suiter from weakness or debility w hen McLean's Strengthening Cordial will cure you To the Ladies. Do you wish Ut be heaiUiy aud strong f Then go at once and get some of McLean's CordiaL It w ill luvig orate and strengthen your blood to How through every veui, and the rub rosy bloom d health to mount to your cheek again. Every bottle warranted to give an list action For Children. We say to parents, il your children are sickly, pu ny, or althcUd with complaint prevalent among clnl dreu, give tliem a small quantity uf McLean's Cordial, and it will make them heallhy , fat and robust. Del not a moment, try it and you will be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE. Every Country jTl err Ii ant Should not leave the city until he ho procured a sup ply of McLean's Strengthening Cordial. It sells rapid- ly , because it always cures. A liberal discount will be made to liiose who buy to sell again. CAl TK'N Beware uf iiruggist or dealers who may try to palm Usn you some bitter or trash which they call buy cheap, by saying it is Just as good. Avoid such men. Ask for lcla-an'- s Strength- ening Cordial, and take nothing else. It is the only remedy that will purily the blood thoroughly , and at the same time strengthen the system. One tablespoouful taken every morning fist before breakfast, t a certain preventive for Cholera, Chills und Fever, Yellow lever or any prevalent disease. 4e Price only SI x r botUe, or six hotile lor So. J. II. MiLKAN, Sole Proprietor of the Xirdml, Also McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment If Prinrijial Dest m Uie corner uf Third and Pine street, St. Iaiiiis, Missouri. sale in Memphis by S Mansfleld c Co., John sou A laiug, and by Ward At Jones, at proprietor's price. For sale in Louisville by RE1J., AIJKiTT A Co., Springer A llro. , and Ray moud A l'attou. McLean9s Volcanic Oil Liniment ! THE P.EST LINIMENT IN THE WoRLDj For 31 an or Reast. Another Remarkable Cure Performed j He-Lea- Volcanic Oil Liniment. ICI2.1 FOIt Y4H KSLLVLS! Thomas Ford, a blacksmith, living Deartassavenue ou 'lentil street, had a horrible running sore on his foot. He tried various lannucnis, Salves, Ac, but could do it no giHKl. He desiuired of ever beuig able to work at his trade again, because he could not bear any weight on but loot; aud hy one Isitlle ol McLcau' Volranic ljuiiueut, he I uow ertcUy cured. Rlieumalism, I'aralysi, Neuralgia, Brumes, Sprlus, S iRne.'S iu Uie Joints or Mus. les, iv.re lliroul, . iugs, IJiru he or Tisilli-a- i he. Wounds, Fresh Cuts, Sores, Burns, Scalds, Pauis, Ac., yield to Uie" niagic'' inlluem a ot lin wonderful ljumieiil. For Horm-- s aud Cattle it is an infallible remedy for Chafes, Galls, Scratches, Cracked Heels, Lulneitoee, Spavin, Sweeny, Splint, Fistula, KruuH'S, Swelliug, Wounus, llatlle Snake Bites, aud various other diseas es which annual are liable to lroui lujuries or aoci dents. Every Country Merchant should obtain a supply ol McLean Volcanic Mil lauuueut. It sell randly be- cause it aia cure. A liberal discount will be made to tuerchauls wbo buy to wdl sgain. UT For aaie by J. II. McLEAN, Prork-lr- , of third and Puis streets, fcu Louw, Missouri; also for sale a above apl4-dtwaw- ly dish:isy, ldk;estiOa, AIIDP.KII sensibility of stouiacb and bowels, with obvious disorder ol Uie di.cUve organs. D nd it attendant ills, such as Jt ii uea , .rxidocac, Vertigo, iHmness if Sight, Itetniitg f the Aemms .System, Hyimchintlria , Jaundice lets if AypUr, H'aMinp if the Strength, flatulence, mitk frequent belching of let ad, VxtuUrd JiisU, Omttipatum and uneasiness nf the Bowels, Ri'liout I unmituf, Hunting sensalum at the pit tf the ataiacA,) tdrer inmplaint, tfpremm utter eating, I'atpttiUtem if (Ac Heart, l'ain. in the j-- tf the Stomach, or lowards tk tight tide, Sallvtrnexs of (Vrmpterian , lieprestvs uf spirits ami irratihility nf temper, tic. Ibtve.ui many cose, dulled Um sk Ul , f ore of the Ih-s- i medial aciiUoners m tbe world, aud auuiy cases have been abandoned a Incurable. lr. J. WILLIAMS, Chemist and Pharamaceutist, after study tug closely Uie pracce of Dr. AtmraaUiy and J. Johastou, lau;laud,and observing tbe feature of tbe disease in all t stage, dui Uiga sojourn in tbeavulbern sod western portions of tlie lulled Slals, here It prevails to greater extent than elsewhere, ocured from South America, certain root asd herbs, f root which be prepared an 'Elixir," which, after eighteen years' use in private rocta-e- , ha provod. llaeU Diure alDcacUMi in the cure of lpepey, than any luedicuie Uiat has ever beea prepared ui auy age or any clime for tbe same purse. - Having submitted it, s tlh as explaDatkia ef It com- ponent, to r Dumber of l'U ncuina ui J'hilailelidiia. a nxnif whom were the lale lr. Jom-pI- i Harlxhortieaod J. C. Mortoa. it baa received their enure approval, aud many of Uur Medical r acuity are now uot only preacrl bing tt for their IiaUenU, but are usuig it theluaelves snriuaially , and tn tueu lauiiie. A a lotiK, H sui quailed, aud it properties are uf so iuvigorating a na ture, that it ut gives whb perfect Safety and success tu the nun teuuvr luuuiu. The "Elixir" Mi v try gradual, but certain to Usee tlou aims the organ of digeetiou. the lucre&aed a. cretiouaof the liter, panoreasaud m'icus membrane of the Uittvach,ard require, thai only -- me dose be taken tnlweoty four hours; fur con ttriund D)Spepsy,eaaly be cured by gradmatlg reiuruig Uie organs of diges-tio- s tos stake. The great suconae tnets ilii la curing toe inn.it aggravated oaeranf 1 y , acrum-oanir- d Butuetime with B bigb grade uf by puclHiodria-Si- , baa eMtablistied Uie ibomS uulMKisdi-- d euoDdesee in Ibe carative prooertie of Wila 'Ehxu-;- ' tn cvrrvoors. tfesi f which, read the following tetimoasU ATTrifTATUlN .We baving used Williams' "Antl Elixir" with the most perfect ut ml action and sucosm, lake great pleasure tia recuuiiueaduig ate all aereotia (uttering with Dypey , a w are fully d it! it most Claimable qualities in restoring the digestive power, removing ail uns and uneaauteas, aud iinruag a bealtliy tune te the wniacb. Jobs K. Penrose, 34 SuuLb Wharves-Cae- Mom, Tscony ; Thomas Allibooe. Preutent of Bank of pens. ylvania;AbuerFbwna, Market street, above Stxtii; Ed- ward IL Kewtoy. Sa. 14 North Wharves; Ms liar 1 Dunn, S'iperuiUuiIeut Mercbauw' KiciisBge; Haasab Styles, Fraukford rd: ilaunaa Webb ZS FUbortst.; U. U. rtperry. No. IS Edward street; Lswr.sos New. Butd,N.M.etastssr-,Pbnadelpbia- ; m. Yard, No. S 11y itaw: Budolpb L'Arni, Ku. 3T Broadway, U. N. Wiuaos, No. IM Uafc--r street, Xew York. Tbs list of name could be exb-Aole- to stiuust asy leagtb, bet Uefnregug vdeeaMtd t:lbcMst. fsmt loey ef H. .V. Uperry, uh mi a'at.ilnenf a rs- - suaaata aa arraif rr to nut. . Dr. J. WiuxAsa lirar tui r HfWea years wnt as t IsS4, I sudVmd se mucb frra l'ep.y,tast 1 biirsssi cs4etr4y fmeLraAed, bk tn n.md aud body, ana stleugtb eriB se weaSwaed lenuM autatteed lo Biy buBKi, sod aiikUig attea dec tue, and it was believed I sever could recover; svaUcsl sst was pes. cured for ate, aad every mean resorted is aitbost say relief, till I eras ad viae lo nee your 'Elixir," sad from I he tune 1 bea lakmg it I grsdsslly improved till I was completely restored lo beatla. Tbe dcearff ol SuBVrtDg I esdored froui l) soeBy 1 caasositssriibe; bat I sis eeaS'test that a about the see of your alia-ir,- " J anooM bs si say grave. I assert that I aolreia-l- y bsbeve your fclixw" ass SaV4 ss frosa sa early Snaih I rotiUaue Bvw bs tbs ear" steal ef si met es erfleat bratt 11. N. MIAUt Y, Ass b, 1A57. ' ' 1104 Nertb Third t. . PbJa. We, the aasersass, Uveksm Mr. H. N. Surry for Bevenal years, aad fevke Ween re is eiiiiaif that hsj asMrtia ess be erfeclly retted oa, and taat we ear. seren ksow that be ha ones Wonderfully r1 4 So biib fresi ths Wink ef Ut grave, and we blwv,a be sassru, snleiy by tbs ass isTHr. WiHuvai"-E:Uir.- r' Ta.ia. J. CaAvtajji, No. lia PtMmnt at. T it t ht, P rr rtrnl. sTitt rs)isis. fsrssuaBy 'siipearM bWore ate.ose of tbs AMer SH of tae city of Pbiladelphu.) It N.Sperry, wbo, being duly attirated. soth ti aa4 say, that tbe fac set torUi la ths sbovs eoruauaie, are Iras ta eve- ry aartaraJar. Swora aad sabacrib tb; ttb dsv of Jsne.lUT. . - . FkiaCRRs; Ma, Alderauia. Tbe -- nxji" at sold M autUessASl sscit, sr six bot- tles tog sA. Iroprb.r( J AttES WnXI VMS. , B., - ' CtwaiiM aad Pair itarulit, : 4 rWsvb SwsaaUl street, rbiladei'is, Ter sale bv ' al tvwrau, arl.le JrTreeMvdaSoa rel f LesVsv baads. af a It to. 1 jus loss t S, ieoev a, bbtbavutf boea awed s abort Uate, I aateaJst bad prKi. aay-- tf B a. CCTTCH. s, s.a 1KA m. AmXa uist reosivod as fse b by 1JU sprlC M . ilcUTT. JHriitfal. Circatcst MciUcalAVondcr ; ; OF Til e AGE!- - .,t ' t co wa jv'jr " VEGETABLE LITIIOATRIPTir. 7 ' ' ' ' - or Friend cf the Human Familj ! aUK world ia challenged to produce a medicine Uiat anorded the same amount of relief to sailer, tag humanity as Cowan's Lnlioutni tic. VUWAtS-- a sUTHOA TRIl'TlC has cured thousands of case of Stone in the Bladder and AjUueys ' CVH AJV'S UTHv.TRll-TI- ha cured' Uie most aggravated cases ot brarel ever scoa, and is Uie ouly certain remedy now known r.r the above dwoaaea. VUWAA-- S UTtlvyiRlPTJC never fails to cure all Uie diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder - ?Z IZLZZT'0'?' - ou tYM'A V Jl LJTH0STR1PTIC is a cortain cure for Cbrenie Uonorrbtra and Gleet tbe UuVV''S lJaiu-SJXat"n- c csres weakness o COryx5 LmiONlRIPTIC has cured the worst cases of Prolapsus Lteri ever known VOWAS SL1THOSTRWT1C is the only aura rem- edy that has soorresftialy cored Barrenness. CfWA-A- ' UTUUMKIVUC will cure tbe worst forms of Dropsy. CC WAX'S UTH0X1RIFT1C will core long stand. Ing cas.- - of strsjture aud remove Venereal Tauitfrom the system. CO H AS S L1TH V. TRIl'TIC is the raly rearedy known for the cure of all sy mjiatheia: oomplaiuis at- tending on Pregaancy, and every female who prorf naiit should at once procure a bottle a sn wishes t toel well, while in that con.liuou CO IV AX'S LJJHOM TRU'TIC is the only jrmcdr ever yet discovered Uiat will relieve Uie paiua or labor and Uie whole female world should rejoice Uiat sucb a discovery has been made whereby thev naveobuineel hf"Ur 10 kt U""a m S'"1 Uud their The most incredulous will be convinced of thes-rea- t eflJcacy of Uie Litb.Hitriptic by reading Uie foUowms: cerUUuttes aud liioae around each boUle; Neab Jackkoji, Madison county, Tenn.'' To all yersoa, afflicted with OrateL MR. J. F. Co, a: Dear ir- -I berebvoeruty tbstia the sui-une- r of the year lhM.a servant' of ni..., a hoy about 19 years of age, wbo bad always before uiis time been stout and or a vigorous constitution, was attacked w,iH graveL A was called whs attended oa him lor several mouths, during which time be crew worse daily, until be wa hcl,des, and 1 be,ve have dud ui a lew days tout M not tewia for a who advised the use of Cowau'a Lnhoutrinuc 1 tll cured alew bottle, the flrt of which gave bi'm reeT aud in a short time he was able lo walk abont and' unally fully recovered ; since which time he bas bad symplom of said disease, and to all appearance is ss heallhy as any servant ou my juuniauou. 1 Uiei a fore recnmend it to all ,H ron. suneru.g under likeiscase, a. on ot the most certain rcmed tuiven under my hand tills August 2Cd,lS57.a ' DANIEL SllELTOV ' JAcasoa, Tenn., Angust 22, 1857. The shove case was perfectly cured by 13 bolUes Uie Lithontrmlicandwa ,,., the worsia if O ravel that ha ever been In this country. I t every lemal. whoex,Wtato becoVi'nttber read Uie lolloping and prolil lU reby ; ,,,. Voiuiviujt, tk.lober. 18ia. ' CowAS-Dearsi- rVou willdo n.e theklid ness U, publ,k, under my certibcle the ot tlml Ibe sutlerlng community may bo have given bu-U- i to nine children, and my ,f. belne ...iracuhKisly saved (a. 1 co.isKlerj niedKia. I cannot iu issues to yon and the public! withhold m testimony Ui iu many virtue. . lns.Ml yoor LKhoutripuc m small iKirtiotn perhaps oiice a day r Bve mouU-- i, w bah o.s.lled the flatuU-u- t sickDe,ol the .louiach Slid whab bad anooyed n.e, to au alaru.inTexnl " Vreguaucie.. When 1 was r1nt fined 1 took about two ?h. a me glakae. fun same luedicuie, wba b gave me easTcr delv cry by a great deal than 1 ever bad before I. this aU, I have seen it tried in one case, and bear frT ni a rest table s.,urc i suotiiereae,tht your LaUion. triotiu wa trind in uii.i ii.i , junta ue w other m at would ui to all n.y sex that luFseiiPU motherT'so expat i u, b. w be witLost your Invaluable nieaaue duru.ri.Vee nancy, d at th. tune ol coiihueuicuT it ha. a marked Umdeocy to relax the mm ''U UUot " n"M;n -- 'tuu.sheura'u,HuTl ihertnyPhyssnsaud M.uade both thi Z i drutay of the W.b.audl now betl. hoaTt than 1 have done ,u u n yea,, and 1 beLe 7, tU aZ ease I entirely removed. Mr, I do Un tliat U.e .uttering of ' sex may be slicviaied if they oVoroonVtbTJ prejudices so aiocb as lo try the UlUoutr."dcTu r tirrtou aiidie to a .. -- .7 'uiiifii. luriner unoa tioa .uhjov t, Uiey cau addre. inu at York vllle, Teiiu. U4JAI1 KNOW, I wa. arssant and . "?'"" -!- NtJW-. fai u couujuied ,n th. 77 sua have roou to behove thetrulHof U.e,?oertI2: I' REV A RED OULY BY tAtsi ' ZshZEV ii;v rnii.vrMiivr. Duflalo Medical Dispensary. Eslablishud t. tt.m n. "yspepaia, General Iiebllity, Ferer ud Ague, Asthma, incipient Con. umptiou, lullrmlties of south and Old Ate. eVe. la Ks? WpCTRY USED. , tte XSm "iai : .. ' "I'v "i uie result of upward of An InstruuMul lor toe cure ol geoiuj Dehllltv e No. turnal Eniuamm., Blor. pro,,IBwd unSna Weakne.., Ac., can be permanenUy c ' torn to twenty days, by Uie use uf sIaiTbSuwi when ued o...mtl with medK-luea- . Young- - Men Tako Particular Botico. m DR. AMOS at SOX t.k. . ed the only ua.-.u- , aiuln, rKStar Uie cure ut S.mm.1 ai . i "iuwB.Hr any disease of tl.a urrvesanT'uis Person. whu.g the . W."' . ooaerv. that the pea;., w,Ui the mnaZHJ!? urnUUon.rtI,, ew Remedies and Quirk Cures. " t VJL AMOS f O.V have iC J.otyen, bn engaged ta s.sxteaaive 11711 of tljeM uehcau coaipbusta, T. are tus oalv l7..l oualilled Phvucbiu. .L ruTer- - VesEuTore. cssos.wtUi s remittance for oTJeaaoa W'liiU-U- U-t itttiz r"'m -- d W Biarls-daw- ly ' ....,' t t ."!.1T The Great English Remedy, " j Thorn's Coin iiid i:trac f'M Copaiba and Santa parilla . , J " ...t.J7T . -- ' TViisiawseisdvBntare iiAmIh.i i Jctt" fl V4 ruf" vt xnl diseases, wfaicb taust! as ealurblesed public render it ' !T '.r1,! luu ugbt u tbiiie.-- - Ubeodsocinieioaiercbaiureuf , 111 Ita . Ill M.l .1 Cn.M .1 . I , . - . saw- - 7 p "m, a i cnurely taste. le-- ., and ca'ue.u unieaaaot seuaauoa totb. h au scsutred the utnuad faun, a, aliu.t eeerTWt , . i -- m. spproved cf, and ssactsW by the faculty of Bieds.., aad rrn ' I - - va. pruaMx. rr. , bv X W i . - 'r Tl ' 7 - - . Limimi " 70? r,,Ui1' hr A- - TABaAST a Co..AgaTi n lied Statos, Oreeawirb Street, New VtTk As lbs shove valuable preparatma Jjaa ten sawa. re.y eoenierieuea Dy unprinciidcd parties la t. siieu niMiee, uie sroarieaur as sdopSMi, ss s seecaa. tea sraioat taipteiltioa oa consumers, s Label of wbab " aao wuira will bs fooaa epoa Hie ooiaaa of esea sot af the ta leaded fur sale la the I uiu-- d etaiw, prevmos. Wast ladies aad aoatb America, CHEMIST. LON DON JOHfU.TARRAtJT NEVy YORK., .T I j i iCSOLE AGENT. " j t mssm . . e-- . At run iur . . . . I . 5.r IS. a A- - -- 11 Tbs staaas aeoead sscb uot wQl also tba alMT' of Proi. aad ef to Cased State agents lewgf aud Iteale.'S will obenrva us urk A.ms. - parSag. tbs llowiu( WSel: - LarusTaxt Carrs,. Tbe hirrea.S eswasatiea - - great deasaad lor Tbura Coaapoaud Extract ef Corel, sa and iWmiwiIU. ii s,iIii.b iiis ar stkejs to saW hatatkos ef ihm ralnable taoduai. Venders are partaatarly waraed of Uo tact, that ihcy auiy ba ' oa W- gwd, aad a-- 4 duue of ay taper aruole ' eairuUtad ta svuretbeur reioAaliua, aud deetroy tbe bsmMs of the aricraal werrsAas. la obviate, wbicb ths aaaacntier (oersr u Jm Tarrast, by wboaa M was Beat latrodeeed lata UM lu-- Stale.) bai7" ba wgaatars to Uos sastaia. Is euu-rfe.- . aoa-- b m forgery. A AAJrae eedors for tbe above artajs wab lu. . touus Sur sbipmest b JtdaM A, TARRANT a fXk. r Kb. m, litweawbA, eoruer c.. ,"m.asipr,""i i i; 7 !"e TiinLfV .r.. oared the the bava tra-- 4 TAtuk tJ v) ii .r i 1 T .'- - ; I J i .1 r'J

Transcript of k7;JLJL JLJ .JDJ JLfreiRht s "tamers, one ol which will leave this city on every Tuesday and Friday,...

Page 1: k7;JLJL JLJ .JDJ JLfreiRht s "tamers, one ol which will leave this city on every Tuesday and Friday, Makine close ronueetmn with Rnilroads and Steamers is iiidieileil above. 1'or Height





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Ons Sqaaral day,' a 1 oa . it had 'si insertion S SO" " 1 week, 8 Mi eacb sddit'al square 1 SO" " 2 weeks, . 4 M 3 00

"Dily , per mnnam


t$8 00 - - : J-- -i--

JiZ k7; JLJL V. 1L JLJ .JDJ II J : JL 13x JL JL jj JL JL o """

"" i


ths 0000 -

'"- u


. " "tIn-Weekl- per annum, '.. 6 00 ; . li 00 6 COWeekly, pur auoum, 3 00One IVeekly fur two years, or two Weeklies .2.. ; 26 00 . t ' a jo OS

for one year, in mivaure, .... ; t 00 SrNXWABlX AT FLIASTRI.When the Iiaily. or Weekly in to be PUBLISHED DAILY, Till-AYKKKL- XSD AVEEKLY. BY SMITH, CAMP & CO., NO. 16JDEADEEICK STREET. One Sqre, one year, A30 each addajoaal aqaere SI 0

discutitinaed (I'k1 in Atlranre ut the time gubsenbed Written notice must be given to take out and stop adfr), the subecriber mint order, otlierwiae it will be vertwemenu of yearly advertisers before the year ex.CQiitinucd, at our option, until ul for and Mopped. pires, otherwise w shall charge cil dose.-- . rU not polo, it niuel be paid at llie time of dweonunu ' No con tract of yearly advertisements will be discos,

net-.- , r at our option. If the party w good, it will be ' tioued wsiwii pretieus Botice to us, nor will any chargecent until paid. YOL. XII. NASHVILLE, TEiNT., TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1858. .'

- SEEIES-N- O. 800: be made for less than en year at Uie yearly rales." SEW -Rrmituincea by mail, in registered" letters, at our Advertisers exceeding the space contract-edriek. for will be charged for tho excess, --eer '

JJu5tnc55 (Carl)


General Agents ond Collectors,JVo. 94 COMMERCE STHEE1, MOXTOOM Ell Y, A LA

I T AVIXU ample Stfirmte, are prepared to receiveJ 1 make liberal advmjcei 011 CousiKnmeuU whenlieMicl. ' .

itmiixcmi.Farley, Jury k Co., X. O. - Mailman, Ymi-- , PhlU.Thrill. Wji jj Co., Mobile, Klwua lce.KHq., Baltimore.Juk.;.iii il'.ru, t'- - Moil 1 Her mt liolmcs, Clmrk-miMi-

v. I tu. tt. C.Hall. k Robert, do , J.1I.11 ii. Winter, KJ. .CoWattA, lu'lce A: Jacknou,il luiubus, ta.J. C'oiiklin Co., X Voik. r'lHKU, Wbkijo tt Co.,SiUtrrd l!i otlieru, do. XaaUville, Ti-u-

W. (i. l.mt.uiarC.S-rt- m N. M. Caktkh. J



Commission Jlercliairts,27 CAHONUKIJ-.- STKEtT,

m:iv Olll.I'. s.Hep f.

II. T. FILMING,i tt . m. TV


Ornamental Painter,62 Union Street, NASHVILLE,

(Between Cherry and Summer MrOets.)

teg-Orde-rs froiu the couulry prompt; y attended to.May SI if

R. J.B. U. HAVNKa.


Purchase and Sale of NegroesAt R. W. PoiK-r'- s old stand, No. a3, Cedar street,

fyl ville, 'lm.S. SAliOMOX,


x-- m, south makk.et stutlt,namivii.m:, ti:. m:.sm;k,

"T .l'U rr tlully aimuiince to the citi--

g of Xahhville, th.it he has p.irn.a- - vJrineui.y located hmwell 118 above, mi l is pre- - M hpar- - il Ui exeuu uny work m his line, lie VVl'auo to rvcerve a liberal llal o ol palrouaKO.

11 U


ATI,A. I A, -of auy Kiii'i 01 ieiuiei-- v

rljN.SIf;XMKXi are rusiwcllully lirited.Advances made on all consignments as soon as

eceivod in store.c pledxe-- l n'.lto cnp.iK i speculationii m

e on Ins ou aceom.t, ll.e above will K.ve hw

ixolusivo all ntiou to Hie mt tresis i.l those who may

f.ivor hnn with consiKUiiieiiis. dec. ISJan. 1, lb; lynt



Lumber Me rc h ants,t Ml Mau.iluclurers of l.rs, .U, Wind, 1 rallies,

A Jlouldiufis, Architrave, Mantles, B.ise Boards, I

..rf-r and hn.Weaioer l,..Un.4;, h";'K.KUeUnlrt.tiooa Boxes, and all kinds ol Wodn xe.; lor the iiwue Ui.lsU of lra.no and Brickx, . !T ... ..rv .1.- .- . lotion. trders from the sur- -

solicited. All work carel.Hly put upro-- i ...liu country... ...a u. be .umiod in .Uiuihuk. 1. primed and

w I y 1110glazed 11 desired. "

Xvvslivillc V ivriV.

J. C. i a u i i:n ,HKALl-.l- t IS

f.ninlirr. Shiitrles and Boards.J 7

HAV'K ou Hand aiaihe lot ot Le lar , '..i;.t'A- - andW bi.e ri.M.ni.K, clear W hile l'lUe, Joists, lp- -

1.- - o, ...L- lluof. iilaro enai , c . ,

l'unl.ir Pinnules. 1 uav 11VC M.llS Cllll. III? roil.u aimCellar, 11:10 dressing 1 oiilar .' and. .

one ures.sini;.

elioV . . I

1. l linn liuiiie .ia:oi"'-- , iie1 1.... i,.im."- - all in constant oiHrraumi. 1 can sup- -

-- mv ouaut.tv ol Lumber and .Sl.inKl.sat the si iti : " ... ,....1 :.i ilie lowest once lor the h.

Leave your orders tor prompt attention UU

J. C. li.Viil'K.N,e Lumber Vard,

marl .No. Ill Hroauway

! $L

J. II. CURRY,Acvt a c v.V u w e v a

AM preiuiredto furnish Collin ol every deecr.p-,-

I . . . the line Caet to the piameM -- rvant

uwllwr UU evcrytum necessary tr ruer-il- J

.'ill or . crs lea at my Waio-K.H.m-

Sweet next d.-- .r I . the I "' 1 I' L'' ":twnClieriy -- .id Mourner streets, will receive my

pro,,.t auenti'.n b, ah day and u,L.01,tn.n(ii". . ,, ,.uuva. 11. -

styir. Ji

ll UJIOVAL.A to H Y O W lv1 r AVE removed their II.H.K BinderyI I if.,i mrr the Tniders' Kink to

the 8 con.l story ol the P.UI.Y NKs'f- -Wll.sniiliV;itlru'k.1 ii...r .11

aud L'mon sirecls, where we have a spacious room and

well prepared to do all work 111 our one.hav e a Hue stock ol Hi auk-lks.- k l a,n.rs,and war-rau- t

botn as to work- -

our work M suit our customer,

not tobest ma le llUuk-lkk,aii- are det-rm.u-ed

in our work. ...Ulu.e lKok., IIar,.er- - Mazine, nn ,tj.lK-.I-.

and well I

brounhtfu will be nnudsmnetyOld numbers of llaruorfaruamud to ciuu.-- te books.

Nov. 'ii dt . ' '

MACHINE WORKS,ni:vaiik,oiiio,

11 ivtrirr iU sivi or


from tare to twenty horso power; CircalarGata and Malay Saw Mills, complete; Man-

ifest and Letter Presses; Locomauva and Cy-

linder BoUor,Macauus' Tool, Sfciam Wais-tle- s,

Kailroad Jacks, etc., etc.rpilKlKl'orubleliiiijinesarc ej.p.fially a .'.apted 10

X pUataUon uo: belli tamed iroin.ouepoint I., another and applied to Un esliluij KMiu, gm

ihi-- areuiaKiu circular sawiiing coiu.11, ice, Sa-- ,

mill, that require one hand ie Uuii auy otlu r cire.ii

lar null now m use. 1 he-a- re s. li.nk their iiiaclnuo-ry- .

te., at M percent, less than List year' prices.A of Manilla lines and scale or prices

may be had on application to M- - ssrs. Armstrong &C0.

Ko 6, Market swwt, or to the CoUipniiy ' Aeat,C. l. CAMP, at Commercial lloud,

mrK-t- f. Xaahvillo, Tenn.

k-- m v

n. 17 uuawi;C AURI AG E MXITACTI REIi,

Spring Hill, Tennessee.subscriber resiKUuliy aniioum e u the pub

THE that lie continue to mauutacture ul Uu uldaland, m tprliig Hill, Carriaif, H.u.-tfie- Harness, kc. ,of

very ty I and dcrillu,m a i l. tantaud substantialmanner and on a favorably term a any otuor luauu.ri.rrr 10 the Stale. He u none biie very bet,,j, -- .,.1 Hiiiotova uene but the nel akilllul ami

-- 1 .Mkinu. Hence, be naUeia hunaolf

that his work will compare bmrt favorublo witu themost nui-erX- b Muued out by U10 belmeul in tba West, aud as be ban r.o bi;b rents u. y,ha pra e b h;u no douiit. win ua inuca uwwe wum

,,.r. ..f flLV eL.ltlislmeliU..... ..r iti.i.ui Mnuir mi't Williamson who

dwire'to purchase CarrMge Of U iy,of liio Durst....1 unoerSM-- wO'kiuansliip, are tuvit- -

d u - II at the maouUctory ol lU Siibucriber wlitrtIbey can b suitod. .'

Uepau-Hi-j done Ui His b manner an4 on fairmi (iiia X'vVJv Cito

inprinir Hill. rhV1itrt r

I wish to nun:wcautn.d good eik ami washer, from

ANHJIU U year of auo, lor tfte baUuc "if hyear- - for whK n 1 will pay liberal priM. ruinuire at

m.i.y lMtiiMinvATio.v, urc.J . ... . 1. . .. - T U.III

LI debt due u prvTou vj mo jmi ""."!A be c llvcu-- -- I Jouiuwy Cssrt, orX'I time. Una eliall

P--"!rppaTpor-ona- ! 'A word

tiui a - is utlaMutJK. C M.NAtMV Uavielo I

Lawrencebiirg 31oney.rVutk Soles t.trjiwrene-bu- rare UklugWEin payment of all acoouuu due a aud lot airlu" M a,- -

w. icortnox cxUCSHKLi Seed kiU for sale by500

aiarii Ku. !:. Onle.--e Mrtt

Osuaburft und Sheeting.1 f BAUa 8 and

1UU lu balee 24 melt Ikiggmtf ;

10 bale T- Urrilmgs;it (.part, lorei HHI rumnr Pbeetlngs:

Iflm.uaes OMua, -- cC'A.OUU tor TB iUufa;Ur

llcuj-ljor- k.

rrom 8. M. VKTnN0!I T TO'S Advertisuig Ajency119 Xabiu Street, Xkw-Yohi-

and Xfi. 10 Stale street. Btarroi.P rn urr A punts fur the inobt iiilluenlwl andki atirriiltinir Commercial uaters both in the

L uiUJ'1 and Uie Canada.

KICIIAItDSON'SIrish Linens, Damasks, &c, Ac.

T public m ill please bear in mind that the CESLINE GH)i'S are alwaja scatea wun uieiuiiBig

nature of the lirm, viz ,EICHAEDSOIT, EONS & 0WBEK.

J. J!l I.I'CKE J. B. I.'X"KE, Amenta,80 Church tt., near Barclay St., New York.

, marl-i3- w '


SALI.li; MUST, Corbtt, ITaater.' U. M. ItlKVAX, Wilier, JIaater.




And Firot Class Steamers for

.Memphis and New Orleans,AT ST. 1.0113 WITH THE

VAClVltt UAIIaIOA1,And First class Steamers 'or Upper


AVisconsin,I oiva,

Jvana, N'cliraslia, Utah, NewMrxicu anil California.

Pansenji-r- s for any of the above Slates, or waymints, will flirl excellent aeeoiiimo latious, on ap- -

phcali'.iu either or tue nhove Hue passenger andfreiRht s "tamers, one ol which will leave this city onevery

Tuesday and Friday,Makine close ronueetmn with Rnilroads and Steamersis iiidieileil above. 1'or Height or pafsiige apply onboard or t

aorl l- -tf A. HAMILTON', Agent.


Salely, I'liliiy and Beauly.

New Enilanil Trare I'ouplin; Company.

State IliJtts lor Sale.ttF. are imw exh.biiiiig lii s desirable invention toVV tue pulilie. ilie Pat, nl Trace Coupling is an ar-tic-

winch need oniy to hj aefii to he appreciated,and iiiiiveis.i':ly 11 tooted, lls'i s Coupling the TraceIs ittlai'tied to the w Inlll.-tre- in.s(aitaimttLly , ViitlunUKiitinijlltt h til ls idilK be disconnected by wexdrntis ft.iviijrr and more duial,tlh iii any uthtr uttiichineutnow in use, and ui.iki-- s vhal is so uesuable in a Huecarnage, an rxceittiti JiiiiU,

The Couplings are in.iinila t'ired of different materi-als. I10111 toe common liuish to the Jiueii filver pUite,and can be supplied at a Inner ct ill. 111 anj tliinfc' tliat isnow usjd lur 1u.1t iirpose,leavuit; a ma. nu lor an

pi "l'U. Any person Willi a mode-ral- capital cansoon l e.o.z.- - a loi Inuu 111 its ealu.

We are pi eji.u e.1 to lui insh the Couplinus, of thedillereut a li s aud costs, ill 1p1a.1l: ties as desired, tolho.-- u omy who p.ii i liase M.ite r.nu.

Tue Coupliutis 111 iy be seen at Uie. ollice of the Oim-pau-

where a saiie of prices may be obtained andall co.niiiaiiicaUons must he uddre.-seifca- o "THK NKW

X(.LAM I KAI K Cut rLINii IDMl'AX V," U.vskkntSo. ii UU) .t.itk llotcK, Uonro.v.

je'J-- iu l (p. b.)

THE CRYSTAL OIL LA3I1,For lUirniiis tle Crystal Oil,

Couibiuisg Economy aud Salely.

Patent Ri;lit$ fjr States anil Couutics fur Sale.

1 1 M1IS miHi tint invention lor producing the chmprttX. litjlit in tue world 10 now per tec. tod and olhred to

the public. Xumberler otlur attempts liave beenmade to produce a cheap light, but tt erealleudeil withsuch inherent nh.jccl.011 as lo destroy their utility andadoption. Hut Hie Crystal I'd Lamp, while II is theches'St, is both i: and u;oJr ill every pomlion,lu.ikliiK a cir, iciuV;uid UrilluuU II.11110 entirely lri-- e

Iroiu M.ii).r. or ior. Iliereis 110 danger troiu explo-sion, bulls firrfrrUy tne under all cireunisliiiic.es. Theoil can be. Used lu any place without fear ot soiling thenicest garments. I'ne laiupn are iiify arranged udpei coiiirolaldi; by the children and dmuc.-l- a,

aud s couswui ted thai lli lihl can be varied ill amoment Irom l!i it ol one to eighteen or twenty ordi-nary lamps. While it is free from the disagreeablesmell arising Iroiu the Keros.-n- a!id the dauber

too use ol the burning llmd, It I found U)ouscientiiic comparison to produce

As much Light fur ONE CcNT as Kerosene willfor THK KB CENTS, or Barning Fluid willfor SIX CENTS,

Thus sawn0' hve sixilis of the entire amount nowthu price of Lie Limp III about a moiiih.

They are .1 lapte I to all situations, making the cheapestand most desirable liIit lor every place lue largestball or cliurciiea as well a private dwelling. Thepoloul oil tin lau'p for the different State aud countie turougnoul Uie Ciism, with the exclusive sale ofthe Crystal ml, u. now ullered to the public, preseutin,;a rare opsn luoity lor merchants to secure for them-

selves the niou.Kily i.f a uadoeiiUrcly tree from oppo-sition. la:d.iu aio com.ilelo I for the luauuluclureof the laiiijH 1.1 ;r U 'piauiiiics tli.it lucy wul be lurn-isde- J

l the p irchasei s of rishi in any style, at sucha cost a will yield ail ulmost luc: e.luloua proliL Thesurights, will bn close off imitie.li.itely , and the lainana oil delivered as soon as desired. As no Umiw orod will be old t .my b it p.irchasi-- i s of ngUtst all letler nuikiug tue re.'ie.--l will not b.- - tiotivj. (.uiiiiuii-ui- .

ations a nlrcs.!4 t t:ie -- Crystal Oil Unnp Co." Xo.K.iw, will he promptly alleuded to.

CrysUl Oil Lamp "Company No. S MerchantsItOW. BO tola aurK--.'mf- p

The 31ountaii City llydr-tue- r-

npiitic Institute.lull pai ticinai a adSrem T. CarleUm Crtylo, M.

17OK at Uait-ui- , oa. lulloa is located JoOmilosfromAllankt, and 4U null Irom Cuatlanooga, on the (ieor- -

gia Male iload. lUitou , May 1 , ItM. Ami OewrptujiM.,.VayJ may in--im

Shelloa's Marble Works !

Church street, next door to Cornelius' Cabuiot-sUo- p

INaalivlllr, leiin.wauld iul orm bis mends ftWfv,THEunrtorn;t-- th:it he will con- - ILiji

luiiw Um WAUitlJvtH.oLst.ic. mU.icity,l V.--In shop, next door to Cornelius' Cabiu-- t- CVTshop, ou Cimrcu Mriwl, aud cal.s alvaUouthe M s k of ,

.Isirble .Tlonument, Tombs, etc.,A' Inch lie has ou exhilutiou and for s.ile, embracing a,sreat vars'iy , limabed u Uie newt ujiei u inanm r.tlci I prekiied to manuliu luro ou the shortest notice.ilarble .'I a 11 1 c I i m i every ievnitiou t

.fltrLlc liurk, 01 tue llue.--l Auiericau aud Ilal- -

urn Marbie. li s woik win, a ueretuiora, oe war-ranted, and his price to su.l the time.

jaii U M. L. Mil.l.ni.--

sa vi: .iioni: V a-- kki:i COOl!!OCR oe lie Kit are now in rua linsM,and we earaeak

re.iet all who wish U) buy luo during thesn at a uniiorui prae, t t call and supply tUemaelveawith K u is and rt'KisU-- their name a renular pat-rons toereby s.ivo ail advance ou tlu arts lo lu thetaller fcrt Uie s asun.

Huron .are. I Iw rry sirnrt, next door to tlie llankol Teuu,.s,'0 ; at il u-- au', rrxut street, and vuVuriiel ot' taiuiCat add Viu St. eel.

C. k H. MARTIX,afr JO--U Uk LA t kVbXclv.


Camilla 1'rollUc Corn,rjKoiit tlSlj ti out II lo in eai U) Via (ram. A .mailX lot of the seed lor oi by

Vt fJJ.-Au- d IIisii KK CO., 31 CV.tar street.i. C. AUNCULS, Uucolu Halt

uarl3-li- u


1) 4 C. AMKScN', Sua. 4j aud 17 College iSlreet,Ua - lu suue and li-- r ut, a buavy lot of excel

lent Ou Tanned aoie lulhur at a u4,ta per poaad.Call aouu a you wail Uaj lu auy kiud ul leather.

. i , C AAUKltsO,Kue. lj aud i; Cotbn.il siUeet. '

Jaari-t-f a iew dour i,ou Urual.

UOOiiS WD STATIOAEUY.WK utvtte Uie sueutloa ef KorvouUau4 IraAers

guaerally la wur larks ala.k ut , .

Scliool H00I1S and Statiouerr.AT WHOLESALE AS 0 RETAIL.

At prases wha-- h cannot ud t plea. Our atock ef.UsccUaneoiiH UoukH

Isalao lar., sni s adl awl at vry -- mfmfmlow praM tM too who uy M Mil Lflm ' Jagain. I . - "i " "'r0leaclter wouis ao wen t xanune mmvmmummeur suck, w Ul (uaku s vaei erra.ujm is M fschool. ' ' "ply . 'rmrvDoj m .v.-.i-, Afania.- - t

Au(3 iy b LajaderXbuaaquare.Xa-uvui- aj

ltcm-l)or- K.

From YfcJCHER, OWEN k CO.. General Advertisine.4 i... xiouse, Appiuum jiaiiaing, ab Broadway,

ftew-yor- -

HANSEN'S PIANOS.piajtos. :




ANOTHER TIUU3IPII!r I TiE subscriber respectfullv invites the attention olX the public, and of purchasers particularly, to the

Superior J rrrmium fxanm, Manulactiired by hlru. . Asplendid assortment constantly on Imiid.

Uur Pianos have received a Premium two years insuccession, ls5i and 1.S57, at the Fairs of the Ameri-ca- u

Institute, Crystal Palace, in competition with mostof the leading manufacturers of New York and lios- -

ton, and are unuuei-tinnahl- of the best quality oftone, full, round and brilliant, as well as tin is h anddurability, and we Hatter ourselves, by the approvalof renowned artists, in venturing to say that our ll-anos stand superior to many others, and equal to anyGrand Piano in regard to volume of tone and elasticityof touch, combined with the greatest firmness, whichis very rarely met wiUi in other Pianos.

We respectfully solicit an examiauUou from strang-ers and friends to convince themselves of the abovebefore purchasing elsewhere. All our llanos are war-ranted. H. HANSE.V,

Manufacturer of Piano Fortes, 100 Centre street,aprS-T- iu New York.



Kerosene, Camphene, Fluid, and Oil Lamps




No. 13i William Street, near Fulton, New-Yor-

frbfi tfy

jrrFTTij- - .i

C. D. BExSOi BRO..Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kim'Is


IT'IWiM the celebrated manufactory of Crow kNew York, and the best Melodeons how

used in the Culled Suites, manufactured by GeorgePrince & Co.

Attention of th pnblc is called to our largo cata-logue of the latest publications of MuKic, Music-Cook-

and Instructors of all kinds. Also our line stock olGuitars, Violins, Violincellos, und liatijo-String- lufact, every thing in the Musical Instrument line can befound at ItENSO.VS

We 7esM'ctfully invite small country dealers, Teach-ers, and S lmils, to give us a call before purchasingelsewhere.

P. S. All kinds of Musical Instruments repaired atNo. 20 L'uion first door from College. jnuJ5

PIANORiTESIookin-GlasHe- s, &.c, S.c &c.T K have now in store a lino stick

of Pianos. Melodeons. W iniliiw- - fTfShades, Artists' Materials, etc., and ure 1 JljT'Jstill in. iniil icturnig Inside tilimlH allkinds of Gilt Works have receutly added largely toour stock of

Ornaments Tor JUIrrora, etc.In a word we intend to kkkp up with ths times, pleaseour customers, and induce them to patronise houk in-

stead of sending abroad. W. & K. KKKKMAX,feb7 No. i College Street.

Fine Pianos at Private Sale.BKNJ. F. SHIKLIiS has now, and will be receiving

direct from the manufacturers, a lineassortment of the best make ami styles, which we areauthorized to sell on the most liberal terms.

Ilar8. l!i:M. V. SH1KLHS, Agent.

fiurri) Stable's.

Hacks Hacks Hacks !


VKl'LI. supidy of every thiug in the LIVERYline always at the service of citizen aud

strangers. I wish to call especial attention to mypresent slock of

EXTRA FIXE HACKS,Whirh are the Uuest ever before uttered here o theridiug community; and in connection with them I haveelegant Horse and excellent drivers. Orders rorII ii ks, siioeld be left at my Stable, just below thet'ost Hnc',n Church street.

apr-- lf M. 8. ( OMIM.

eve, fcttdScwanee LircrT Tf Sale Stable,

MO. 30, Fit. i sriti:i:r.II. II. HAXJIElt, IMoprietur.rpiIIS old Stable, supplied with the best.a. svoca in iiiu country, continues to iiiruisn

HORSES, BIGGIES, CARRIAGES, NLET.WS,And all kiiids U eouveyauce at the sliurtcdl DoUce,utauy Hour during day or tiight.- -

stable i supplied with a number of BoxStab.

BJT Xicking and attended o: also, breakiog aud training of horses.

r Horse boarded bv the day, week or month.Person living adjacent to, and visiting the city, willfind marked attention giveu to their slock by leavingt at the Sowauc Suble. aprlJ-- tf

LIVERV STAULE.IX7"M. T. WlUGIir ft CO., would respeit- -

v v luuy imuiiii ui viui'us "I .abuvitie r .

and the public generally, that tlicv have v. ?purchased the well kuowu Livery stable sua lue mcaand Qxiiires, formerly occupied by Wm. J. Philips, onMarket ntreet, just below the SQaare.

We liave Ui ,A rale lot aud box-stall- s Ui accfaimo- -data drovers, aud all our tr lands who mar lavor uwith Uiuir patruiiage.

Wo phHlge ourselves to give satisfaction in all catWe have a large number of hue Saddle Horse aud

Que lluggies to hire at all tmu.The (ac t is, we do uot uitond being surpassed by any

Stable in the Southern couulry. Come along aud aeofor yourselve.



.. . .. - txVrpHE followins U a ht'HhJ IJrof Property whichjl. win we given m i iucimwii oi ouias av iue uuir

ol SOJe lvTn United States Baneyolent Sodatjr for the

Diffusion of Useful Knowledge t .

Pat. Eng. Lever tiuld Waltbe. huuung cases, $100 00Patent Auchor Gold Wale lies, Uiuiluig cases, IS 00Pateut Cylinder tiold nalciies, bUnUug vases, 60 uuLouie' tiold Wat4'hea, huuting case, . OO

Hunting stiver Levers, huuiiug coaoa, 2S 00Ueuts' CHllforuta Planioud Plus, (set ut Is caret

Gold,) - 21Mtienls' California iNamond Lepuio, li uuLam double ease Miniature Lawkuis. lu twSet of Cameo fins aud I'rops, io oofioid-stoi- i or cameo Seevo liuttou. S outiold rlou or cameo Muds, 4 ouOmts' lioli Pen aud Golj case, large, . - . e uolalsj' I'en and Gold cose, . . tooSilver i'euctls and tio.d, Uireo uUuaion. V aoSilver Peucil aud Gold IVu. X eoliold Uaikets, two gUsars, I SoWal nit Gold R.ii.s, tmf, SimLwltra Gold Iheaxt fliu, 2 AO

Lads'' Void Lar lrop,Ueuu' Gold Bosout Studs, I 0UGenu' UvdJ sleeve Butwos. SO

Ladle' Goid Peuclli, , SOLadies1 Gold Ring, 1 SOIm.U' IliMoin Piui, 1 SoLadies' Gold K.bbon Pins, I in1 in S'reach Gold CO d iy Qncks, XS 0OSua heavy Silver i'.itel CaatiMS, IS O0stiver 1'latjd table raiona, be.vy, per set S M

Tea Sp-nn- ' " 2 SO" " labia Sorks, S UOIk aide a large ami valuable aairVSMal of miaerUe-a- a

arucitNi, toUa naelul aad ertuuueuial, varjruig invalue irom Sa unu to Sao.

Owe of the above articles will be gives to the porcluwr uf racb book at lite the wcm k hi s4d.

Any person by bur warding aa order ur bea., withBMuay eucloaed, aiU rvie aa extia boo and gill

li every teu b ., aeidi to cue nrdr by fcxorve.All ordjrs for Ltuuk wdl be prompUy aud impartial

ly nlled. . . . - . . .Viae gifts ia aB cases :ll aocompoar the BooksMugie book can be sent tu auy tui by ntaO. Cat-Blo- gu

"t iUo book wdl U. seal by uuil w aay enterpua appdcaUon.XH.a of tU fdlowing Bonks toksa at

Hank uf , ... -" "- StlUBItlULB- -

. NaaHViixa, ;;

LaWkSvcaiBd,mm ImoeiOMi. - v

. . , u. c. Biacjt,' AUBVT FOB IMS UC9STT. ;

01 i Pnet-ofl- lr Roll ting, co nor of Clar aud Cbei ry ,Nashvdle, wber. Un U o4 a--4 UkU are eiB ler laerctaB, day and mgUt. teta(

:U FOR HIRE,rjV)8 Ute kvUttoe of the pcese.it year, S fuodaeUveX yw Hoy,atMteAbaveiyexrser a4. Tarsus

Apply ft Slue uilce--jprod tt

H)f)0lfsalc prrj CBaaUsi


D R Y G O O D S,I.adiett' Dress Goods, .

Uesdr-ma- ds ClotUInjr, '

lists, Hoots and Slioea,6trav (ioodi,

Hardware fc Queens ware.


WE are now receiving our regular stock of everydescription of Goods as above, to which we re-

spectfully call Uie special attention of city and countrymerchants. Come and look before you purchase. Wehave also several large lots of almost every desoripturn of Goods consigned to us, which can be bought atgreat sacrifice for Cash.

mar!3-- tf . . . TEABCE LCCCS- -


FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC!Dry Goods, Read j-ma- de Clofliiog,


. VAUIETIES, &C,X a s v i 1 1 c, Tennessee,


Spring Stock of Goods,To an examination of which we wonld call the attenlion of merchants buying in this city.

Inducements will be oilered to Cash and prompt Untebuyers. EVANS St CO.

IcbUO-ly- il ...... "

t7& w. eakin & co.,Importers and Wholesale Sealers io

D 11 Y GO O DS ,No. 48 Public Square.



Spring Stock,Which will be complete about the last of this month

and to which we will add the


This slock will be found very extensive and will ctnbrace our usual variety of

Foreign and DomesticDRY GOODS, YARIETIES;


Ready-Mad- e Clothing.And having been pnrchased at jrreat advantage, underthe existing pressure, will be sold low for CASH, or U

I'roiupt 3Iercliants on Tinie.r. & v. eakin & o.

feblS-- tf

professional Carfcs.


J. P. Ford pad J. II. fallendcr,Have associated themselves in the practice of

3IEDICINE AND SURGERY.Ono and ItKsiDKvcK, No. 15 South Summer BtrecL

N. B. Those indebted to lir. Ford for years previous to 1S58 will please call and settle. apr'J-l- m

I)R. JOHN W. MORTON,Residence i Cor College and Watkins Avenue,


Offlce No. G3 Nortlt Cherry Street.jan2T tf

L. M. TE3IPLE,Attorney at li ; w ,Ofllco same as Sherilf's Odice, Cherry street, up stairs.

WILL practice in all the Courts holden iu DavidsonSumner counties, and will give his individ

ual attention to ail business intrusted to his care.ap7 if

1- - fonis.x. r. Callahan, w. h. havhev, fkkd.

Lalt trilk Houseman tt SntUk.


Foreign and Domestic Liquors,AND

RECTIFIED AVHISKT, CIGARS, iC,No. (hi North Ieee, between Washiugtou Avcnne

and Vino streets,SAINT LOUIS, MO.

may 15-- 1 y


Forwarding Merchants. j NO. 26 LEVEE ANIi CX1M1IERCIAL STREET,


flr-j- Solirit orders for the purchase of HEMP, BAG-GIN-


71 r Moll evei-- description of Country Trodnce onConsignment, and Forward Merchandise 'promptly toall pi nut from SI Num. . ,

TTT R:tvr to Ftsber. WlaJefcS Co. ; R. O'Kane.April 10 6m. . . j .

lVe nous V 1 AX, '


Commission and Forvi'nrdingMEttCUAXT,


AprniO dawly.

jous ecoTT. ru.iuA.v aonrr. viunv e. bcott, SCOTT & II ROTH ERS,

Commission and Forwarding.... - MerchantsNO. 9 LOCUST STREET, BET. MAIf AND LEVER,' t ST. I.OI I", MO.S" Particular attention given W the sale of Prod we

and fllling orders of every drriin. b' Rkftthsicrs: McroLaut and Bunks of Nashville.April 10 datriwiy. " i


-Ff, Louis, Na. sff

!j. V E L E 15 RAT E I) '


'St. Iouii, Mo.111 it

rjtilK asdVrsigiied, sole profiriebirB ef SX snuuta uf Whisky, wouii reH.xiuily

taetr (rieud aad eajtuuiers against tue Bamerues usMaW'MIS uf thffae Srell kuue s brauda,. la Bpiirsm arts ie u invariably a seWtose enespuaii4rkmu gitaraniy tae rr"" saisr- -

Utnal eaS'e by wttreelvea. tu be freo truta eat obeuxaautugredteiit. , ,

' uxaiTiioLD.il mi ii t o.; '

. 1M aad 1SS Nut to ifccusd street,mpriZ-- tt , Leote. Ms.

! Straw Cutters.' t

WE haves tug mUxX uf stAnt Cuuors, Anciais'e,fvrd 'S aad Cemoi Org's I'aii-n- l. I'ne taUur

arttrte Snok tne a St wetuiuw at the NaUuual Fair aLtUMviii. akaJiHUjiw LU


; WILLIAMS & CO.,i '" ' (srocrssoRs to iikkmas a blub: At tlie Old Stand. No. 34 Public Square,j ,..-- ' NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE.







H ATCI1ETS,Anvils,, -tm ; -

; HopeD nawing knives,w AITEItS,




No. 34 Public Square, Nashville, Tennessee,jan25


GUNS and pistOLS,GO TO



SEW HARDWARE STORE,4 7 .uarkti street.


; HARDWARE, CL'TLERV, GCS, TOOLS, ETC.S now opening at his establishment, No. il

Market Street, next door t M. Burns', alarge and well selected suick or Hard-ware, Cutlery, Guns, etc., which lieintends tillering exceedingly low for

1 cash, or to prompt dealers on short time. Amonghe leading articles now on hand will be found the fol

lowing, viz:Pocket and Table Cutlery. Double and Single BorreCarpeu ters' and Black-

smiths'Shi d Guns.

Tools. Mill, Cross Cut, and l'itt- -

Axes of ererv description Sa ws.aud make. Cotton, Wool, and Horse

A large, assortment of locks. Cards.Hinges and Screws. Trace, Halter, Wagon, andi'lush and Square Bolts. !g l Il.llIiKihovels,Spades and Forks. Hanics and Collars.Jrindstones, Cranks, and Picks and Mattocks.

Rollers. Curry-Comb- s aud Horse- -

Rides and Pistols, Brushes.janid tf


IRON DEPOTSo. 44 College, and 41 and 43 Market si.,

Nashville, Tenn.

attifFFER for sale on gixHl terms to cash or promptV dealers SOU tons of their celebrated t karoual He--fined Iron.

150 tons well assorted Pittsburg Iron;60 " hammered Iron including flow Moulds;60 " best Tennessee Castings;15 " Cast, Shear. E. St A. R Steel;

lono kegs assnrb'd Nails and Spikes, best brand;200 Cast, Wrought and Steel Plows, all sizes;200 Sells Wagon and Buggy Axles all sizes.

Also, Anvils, Vices, Files, Chains, Axes, Straw Cuters, Ac. iebl iiloap-- 4


Claiborne's Machine Works,NASHVILLE, XENN.

f I iHE attention of Railroad Companies, Farmers,X Wanulftcturers,anu all persons desirous or purcha-

sing ut home good machinery, such as STEAM EN-

GINES. CASTINGS, of every descridM.n, GEARING,rAR WHTOSor the most improved patterns, SAW-MILI.-

I'UMPA, A:c., Ac, is reccU'ully called to thisDew Establishment now growing up rspidly- on thepremibes of the late Nashvdle Manufacturing Company.We intend to carry on the business fully as extensiveas before, ami shall soon be ready to take orders forMachinery aud Casting. Vie have already commeucod s is our blacksmith shop and Boiler yardand shall give Immediate satisfaction to old and newmtmers.

We are experienced Mechanics each of us lieraon-all- y

auonding to his own deitartmcnt and thus weshall be able to turn out suierior work at lower ratesthan heretofore done iu this city. We shall warrantevery piece of work done at tin Establihmeiit, audzive promit and personal attention to every order leftat our ollUe; thus we hope to give general satisfaction,

. and oe patronized by ail iriends or hisne muiiuluctureM. JACKER a CO.,

Clailiorne Machine Works, Nashville, Tenn.,.. june7 tr. LAte Vaalivillc Mauf. Co.' 1 --r -

Removal.rTiHE ttioscriber UkiMi this method of Informing bisX oKl customer and riends and the public general

ly , that bo has removed bis Hardware Store from theold stand on Market street, to No. 5J, in the large brickbuilding, lately erected ou Ibe South side uf Broad vL,wnere ne Keep constantly on nana and makes lo or.der the various art: lea embraced In his line of busl-- Iness.. Ho invite especial attention to bis large assort--menl of t ASTINGa, HOIAXI w W ARE, BRASS, Ice., secbaa Mantle and Coal Grates, Wagon boxes, plow Mollis.

cutters, Mrn-neiier- MiliCrushers, balcony Work and Iron Fencing, CnBee Mills,Tea Kettles, Brass Kettle. I log Irons, Candle Sucks,Ana an almost euuiess variety of ouier arucies-Jan- .


H. P. D0RRIS,licllisc Stove Foundry.AT this Foundry I am making Cook-uu- ,

Pabuw and Hbatij Stovsm.f every variety , Houow.'.Vaiui of all

kinds, Andiroua, Sad Iron, and Waneirons of ail kinds.

ALSO. Tin, Copper an 4 Sheet IronWare, all of wlnrb I propose to sell at wholesale or retail cheap fur casb or to imncieal tune dealers.

rarticuuvr atteuUon paid to Koouug aad buttering., H. P. lXdUUS, No. tt, College street,

Apr. 27 Nashvdle. Tenn--




SEAN, ETESXA1T ft CO Prtrprietorm, -

aprlJ-l-ui LoLLlLLE, KY.

NATIONAL HOTEL;tt lormwly Fraxli House,

CLAItKSVILLE, TENN.e. s r V It It I KM, VrsprlelsrWOlXO taform she Travehsg CwmiBity

risitin CUrksvius. that 1 have Iurciuued this Hotel, aad have chajigod the JUnL

name, a will be seen above, aad 1 intend, toA sauce ly earing tne present year, and shall use everyjxeriaio. u taar tae palrmKe of all who will bepteaand to cad os Sue . .

. ajli-l-y E. MTR8IEB.

the lter.atio.il hotel,

IUS BEEX RBCEXTLY REFITTED.ybe Rooms are all Newly Carpeted,

Tne Fsraiture sad Beds are SaperTt'- - And the tbtth CnarpaSe4

Taylor's Celebrated SoJooua,T' ; abb co-n- o vrrrs tbs sura.

Here are roeconUaled all lue osafurM sf S kotse,with the laxuneeof apaUce. .; ,

The' Splendid' Ladle' Iarlr........Commaiuls aa li.qualew... - t ; ,i J.

i Yimr or eaoAOWAT -- . ,

THE IXTfiBJtATIOJf AI, 'is ibe sua oentral ef say of th rtssv ruts Hyrnsfor baaicMea, r pAveee ef nirer eat, aa--d srs Ivaakuee S Faason aad tlnaasnsoug Sew Vork. . ,XU"HUJ lltSAJsAX. . ;

' " Exchange llank. Notes.XTS save Is vw s Ba ts4 rtase, Sar srslc

V V he earner nU take lbs sbrar s4e.JbS-- sT

Itoca'g Remedy for Pulmonaryand Tubercular Consumption

HAVING been appointed sole Agent for the sale ofKoca's celebrated Curs roR Cos- -

scurnoK, the public will now be put m possession olone ef the most extraordinary remedies extant forwhat has heretofore beeu considered sa incurabledisease.

t bare the more readily undertaken the agency,from the fact of its extreme simplicity being an d

appliealum, the action of which is seemingly mi- -

raculous,and its having none of those attributes wbkbmake up the numerous compounds sow in generaluse.

With the utmost confidence In tbe success of thisremedy, which has heretofore been owed in private .

practice with great success, as is shown by numerousletters snd certificates, is now ottered to the public.

A pamphlet, containing directions, letters from. die. .tinguished individuals, aud documentary evidencefrom tbe physicians of Uie hospital of Havana, Island "'of Cuba, to ..will accompany the remedy.

These speak volumes in its praise, and publicity Uonly required to render it as as It is buntS-cal- .

Address, , JAMES BEES, i , .

Role" Agent for the I'nited States,No. 341 Market street, lhiladelphia.

Principal Office, 1020 rrrrwAna febll tta

11. Ii. R.HEALTH will, to att cw, follow tbe use of Rad

B. R. Remedies. There are none so sickor diseased, so weak, feeble, or crippled with win o,inflrmitk-s- , but taat Kadway's Ready Relier, Re novatuig Resolvent, or Reguhnors, as the nature of the disease or sickness may require, will quickly and rapidly cure.

These remedies consist of Rad way's Ready Relief:Rad way's Renovating Resolvent; Rad way's Regulators.Each of these remedies possesses special curative pow-ers over ccrtaiu diseases. Yet there are other diseas- - '

es, wherein their combined medicinal properties are .required; and when thus used, if tbere is sufficient life .

and strength within the diseased or dying body to sus- - !

tain their action, Uie patient will live and bo restoredto health. '

l'ain. B. R. Relief. 'Acute IHteates, R. R. Relief.lnfUxmjnatnry Diseases Relief and Regvlalnrt. i

Malaritnu Viscoses, Relief aud Rexfulalm.Omijestxee lUteates, Relief and ReyvUMn.Serifulnut IHieaseSj --

CaronicRenovating Resolvant. ,

IHseaitet, Renoenling Reaolrant, 'Syphilitic IHtease, - . RenemaUng RehyanttConst it utiunal instates, Retoleent and RegvlattwtSl-i- n Oisentes, --

A'ervovsRemmating Resultant,

IHneanes, Resultant, Relief, Regulator!Infectious Vieaset, Ready Relief if RejuLalors.

Constitutional Diseases.Many diseases that alliict humanity are inherited as

heir looms from the diseased bodiA-- of sickly sires.Scrofula, Consumption, Syphilis aud Fits, are amongthe most common of constitutional diseases. Now, wecare uot how many generations the seeds of these diseases may have been established in the system, cor-rupting the blood Railway's Renovating Resolrant willeradicate from the bodies of the afflicted every parti-cle of diseased debits, and till tho veins with new,pure aud healthy bl'iod.

Children's Diseases.Radicay's Renovating Resolrant should be bailed as a

blessing by every mother, throughout the laud, w hosei n louts are afflicted w ith Sores. Humors, Ac. ThesebKakuigs out (thus early) are evidence of diseasetransmitted from the jiareut stock. A few doses ol theRentmating Resolvent will eradicate every vestigeof Uiedisease aud insure Uie child a sound aud healthy body

IE. It. K.R. R. K. Rad way's l'.ealy Hi lief for Headaches,

whether sick or nervous ; Rheumatism, par-alysis, Lumhugo, Gout, Neuralgia, Toothache, Small l'ox. Fevers, Swollen Joints,Khiliey Complaints, St arlet lever, Pains

the Liver, Pleurisy, Measles, Heartburn, and Painsofall kinds. Radways Hea-dy Relief will, in a few minutes change Uiemiseries you suiter lo Joys of pleasure.

R R. R Iludway V Renovating lletulviinl.lor the cureof rhro.iic diseases such as ScrolulousaudSj t ti 11 it io Complaints, Consumptive and oth-er allectioiis ot the Lungs and Throat, Indu-ration and enlargement of parts. Eruptiveand other disease ol the Skin, Nodes, s,

Clcers, Ih spepsia, and all otherarising from an impure stale of the

Mood.R R. R. Radway's Regulators will cure, effectively

and sieediy, Costiveuess, Indigestion, In-

flammation of the Bowels, Pyspcpsia, LiverComplaint, Diseases of the Heart and Kid.tie) s, Female Coin plaints, Small Pox, Ferers,Measles, Ac. Whenever the system is outof order, a dose of Railway's Regulator willrestore it to regularity. No female shouldbe w ithout lueni.

R. R. R. Remedies are sold by liruggist everywhere.marlO-lydA- W KADWAY a. CO.

R. C. M'NAIRY & CO-- ,

HAVE received during the iast few weeks largeto their summer stock, aud have niauy

nuw aud desirable guodsadapted to the present seasouElegant Double Skirts and Flounces in



Trench Jaconets, &c, Ac.IElegant Bridal Iress'H,iu Silk and IUumou;Goods Tor Traveling Dresses, in great variety;Val. and Point Lace Setts;I J.N en and Piquet do;Lace Mitts, great variety;Kid Gloves, all Biles an. I colors;Elegant Head Ornament;

" Fans suable fur the approaching ConcertsSERVANTS-W- e

have now en baud unusually large shirk of allkinds of plaiu and crkrod Cuttous, fur bouse aud Oelder'snls.

HOUSE FUENISHIHOS.AH widUis Liuvu and Cottou Shevluig Pillow Cotuma,

and Linens, all quahtK-s- , lablu laiuask lowvls, Nap.kms, Ax., Ate.

CASPETS AND OIL CLOTHS.We have now In store an elegant slock of Velvet,

Bruswds, 3 ply and II ply lngrsm 4 arpt-tings-, together

with Rug. Matt, DrugpeU, white and colored StrawMatungs.elo We liave ahmihe Urgi-s- t and bualsuirkul' Oil Clottis, ever brought to tins market, severaj fiat-ter-

entirely Dew ami In quality inferior to Done,all of wbk-- we will sell at the very lowest possibletrices lor cash, or prompt buyers oa time.

DELINQUENTS.. We hope our delinquent frieuda a bo are In arrears

previous to 1st of January, lhAS, will not be otfeudodwhen they find their accounts in the bauds of an oln- -

ccr, for we feel Uiat we have been very indulgent, audeanuot nor will not wait louger.

nuyai-L- T . It. C HO AIR i TO.

Great Bargains for Cash.rE a'e offering our entire stuck of Staple and

Fancy Goods, at very reduced rv es, lor fjudtonly W A. A J. U, McCLElLAND.


Muslins ! Muslins !"TTE have juat received s large lot of elegant

v V French Musluia. with maay other goods, fromAuction, WDH.D we are ollenug at greatly xamrportauun cost. .

jei-- lf W. 1.1J.G McCIJ3Uiyn.

Linen Goods, stc.WE are otrrelng tbe beat bargains to Irian Un-

cus, Table lauens, Towels, Ijnen sud DotnestieSbeetmgs, bieeclied sad Bruws iJutuesuca, ever seesiq this market, at

je-- u w. A. K J. U. NAUUAMIS.

Silks, Bareges and Mantles.UTK will chise out our stock of Faury bilk, Bare,

gee, sad sulk and eplique Mautlwa at less tiaasee. W. A J. G. McCLELLANII.N. B Let .vorv oue remember that we eresellinc

for Cash only, aud they will get great bargains bycalling upoa us. W. A. X 1. U. WotlXLAD, .

jea-- tr aeo M and &a Coik-g- e su-rvt- .

Elegant Lace Mantles "

WEare vwilng,Un nrornlDg, a beautifuluf French aad Cliootilly lj M intlea.

aiwA--li . W.X. SAli. McCLUXANIl.

Irish. LinensTTE keep tbe best Biake uf Irbtb Linens, rheapet

V thaa tber can be bought at any otn--- r kouae. .

pr5tf W. A. J. G. MoCUalXN I. .

Table Linens. tcwE have lbs best assertmeat it Table linens.

Napkius, Itoyke's Towebi. sad Teweimg Uoeda. fever MMrred and at lower pr aa. 4

apr JA--tr W. A. A i. U. McClXLLANI). ,

Parasols and Sen Shadesl BEALTirll. let ef ParssoU, Sua Shades, asdA. ladie Sua C'ssbtwUss. iuS reeerve4 and fas

sals by ..... .

mptUt w A. a J. C. McCITLLANn.

Fashionable Clothinsr.ttOYHVVAi VatsVlUSOX;

20 VVBUC tSQUAUE, .J vHATK Jest received s ate stock ef Assist

Samatt-- r Clothuwi, twn.liin ef mmluetimers Mu, Mareetlk--s and Lai Cuat.Pasts at. 4 Vesta ta greeA vartety.

Attn a rwr aire k 4 Fnraubibf Onoam. srbtieolucd Sturvs, Mraoiilee, French sad seabeueboaoaa sturM, ander floUnug nf .very ateatTiptK,.itad ;'aucy Gloves, OavaU of the Sfeit .1-g- aat KJ is.

' For Custom xluslnesa,''t save s tne stock 4 CV4bs, raaaiateres aad Trias.

BBBwr,ef all kisda, (ki wdl svek uji wub Ue-pe- u

A aad swliii at to becxiadles.We bavs aiau s very cbowie etuik of Aaaaoker Ootb)

kuj rbie ere miU sett e vary test AwSees.

Ti fndarrri, Irth.'IrcJi tml intntion.PH'XNII UttAS CQ3XXT, fsOaAelr. areTift Bvefwe-- t receive aa't (Ito a. Iters Snr

aSasMf WKJKHiririEO.SKUD AMCOsi'i:Nl.ka i ADt.Jttli-- S ty reutre4 kaagtoa, V

JVo l"T'.f bWOdiare sad HrsiM.' TrsriajrA at ptaa f aatar, SKr wwb table

ahaasig capaettv T beaMM, will be furcuafejw grstsaVssly auua st(i atma to

MUCLLJ.UST13.T, Peaadeat.wBSAytS-en- w!. JsW.uwiatrasl.

- ! 31 cLEAN'S ,

Strengthening Cordial -

AXD BLOOD PIRIFIER,The Greatest Remedy la Ibe t arid IrilHlS CORDIAL Is distilled from a Berry knows ob-- .X Jy te Drsrlf, and chemically combined with some

of Uie most valuable medicinal roou, herbs aud barksknown to the mind rman, vix: blood root, blackro, wild cherry bark, yellow dock, dandelions,

el.ler tlowers, wiUi others, producing themost mtallible remedy for Uie resioiauun of healthever known.

It Is atures Own Remedy,Curing diseases by natural laws. When taken. Itsbealiug hidueuco is felt coursing through every veinof the body, purifying and accelerating Uie circulationef Uie blood. It ncntraliscs any bilious matter in toestomach, and strengUiens the whole organisation.

- McLean's Strengthening Cordial will effectually coreLiver complaints, Janndlce.Cnronle or Nenrons Debility, Diseases of the

. Kidneys, and all diseases arising from' s Disordered Liver or Stomach.

Dyspepsia, Heart bur u, Inward piles. Acidity or SickDees of the Stomach, fullness of lilood te the Headdud paiu or swimming in the Head, Palpitation of theHeart, fullness or wt-ig- in the Stomach, sour EroctatK.ns, t'bokuig or Suffocating feeling when lying down,dryness or yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, NightSweats, inward Fevers, pain in Uie Small of the Back("host or Side, sudden flushes of beat, Ilepressioa ofSpirits, Frightful Dreams, Languor, I)esHndeucy orany Nervous Disease, Sires or Blotches on the Skin,and Fever and Ague (or Chills and Fever.) It wdlalso cure diseases of Uie Bladder and Womb, sucb asSeminal Weakness, Incontinence of l'riue,stranguary,Inflammation or Weakness of the Womb or li ladder,Whites. Ao.

'I'liere Is no mistake about It.This Cordial w ill never fad to cure auy ol the abovediseases, u taken a er direction on each bottle, inGerman, English and French.

Over tlalf a million of RottlesHave beeu sold during the post six months, aud In noinstance baa it failed in giving entire satisfaction.Who Uien will suiter from weakness or debility w henMcLean's Strengthening Cordial will cure you

To the Ladies.Do you wish Ut be heaiUiy aud strong f Then go at

once and get some of McLean's CordiaL It w ill luvigorate and strengthen your blood to How through everyveui, and the rub rosy bloom d health to mount toyour cheek again. Every bottle warranted to givean listaction

For Children.We say to parents, il your children are sickly, pu

ny, or althcUd with complaint prevalent among clnldreu, give tliem a small quantity uf McLean's Cordial,and it will make them heallhy , fat and robust. Delnot a moment, try it and you will be convinced.


Every Country jTl err Ii antShould not leave the city until he ho procured a supply of McLean's Strengthening Cordial. It sells rapid-ly , because it always cures. A liberal discount willbe made to liiose who buy to sell again.

CAl TK'N Beware uf iiruggist or dealers who maytry to palm Usn you some bitter or trashwhich they call buy cheap, by saying it is Just asgood. Avoid such men. Ask for lcla-an'- s Strength-ening Cordial, and take nothing else. It is the onlyremedy that will purily the blood thoroughly , and atthe same time strengthen the system.

One tablespoouful taken every morning fist beforebreakfast, t a certain preventive for Cholera, Chillsund Fever, Yellow lever or any prevalent disease.

4e Price only SI x r botUe, or six hotile lor So.J. II. MiLKAN,

Sole Proprietor of the Xirdml,Also McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment

If Prinrijial Dest m Uie corner uf Third andPine street, St. Iaiiiis, Missouri.

sale in Memphis by S Mansfleld c Co., Johnsou A laiug, and by Ward At Jones, at proprietor'sprice.

For sale in Louisville by RE1J., AIJKiTT A Co.,Springer A llro. , and Ray moud A l'attou.

McLean9s Volcanic Oil Liniment !THE P.EST LINIMENT IN THE WoRLDj

For 31 an or Reast.Another Remarkable Cure Performed j He-Lea-

Volcanic Oil Liniment.ICI2.1 FOIt Y4H KSLLVLS!

Thomas Ford, a blacksmith, living Deartassavenueou 'lentil street, had a horrible running sore on hisfoot. He tried various lannucnis, Salves, Ac, butcould do it no giHKl. He desiuired of ever beuig ableto work at his trade again, because he could not bearany weight on but loot; aud hy one Isitlle ol McLcau'Volranic ljuiiueut, he I uow ertcUy cured.

Rlieumalism, I'aralysi, Neuralgia, Brumes, Sprlus,S iRne.'S iu Uie Joints or Mus. les, iv.re lliroul, .

iugs, IJiru he or Tisilli-a- i he. Wounds, Fresh Cuts,Sores, Burns, Scalds, Pauis, Ac., yield to Uie" niagic''inlluem a ot lin wonderful ljumieiil.

For Horm-- s aud Cattle it is an infallible remedy forChafes, Galls, Scratches, Cracked Heels, Lulneitoee,Spavin, Sweeny, Splint, Fistula, KruuH'S, Swelliug,Wounus, llatlle Snake Bites, aud various other diseases which annual are liable to lroui lujuries or aocidents.

Every Country Merchant should obtain a supply olMcLean Volcanic Mil lauuueut. It sell randly be-cause it aia cure.

A liberal discount will be made to tuerchauls wbobuy to wdl sgain.

UT For aaie by J. II. McLEAN, Prork-lr-,

of third and Puis streets, fcu Louw, Missouri; also forsale a above apl4-dtwaw- ly

dish:isy, ldk;estiOa,AIIDP.KII sensibility of stouiacb and bowels,

with obvious disorder ol Uie di.cUveorgans.

D nd it attendant ills, such asJt ii uea , .rxidocac,Vertigo, iHmness if Sight,Itetniitg f the Aemms .System,Hyimchintlria , Jaundicelets if AypUr,H'aMinp if the Strength,flatulence, mitk frequent belching of letad,VxtuUrd JiisU,Omttipatum and uneasiness nf the Bowels,Ri'liout I unmituf,Hunting sensalum at the pit tf the ataiacA,)tdrer inmplaint,tfpremm utter eating,I'atpttiUtem if (Ac Heart,l'ain. in the j-- tf the Stomach, or lowards tk tight

tide,Sallvtrnexs of (Vrmpterian ,lieprestvs uf spirits ami irratihility nf temper, tic.

Ibtve.ui many cose, dulled Um sk Ul , f ore of theIh-s- i medial aciiUoners m tbe world, aud auuiy caseshave been abandoned a Incurable.

lr. J. WILLIAMS, Chemist and Pharamaceutist, afterstudy tug closely Uie pracce of Dr. AtmraaUiy and J.Johastou, lau;laud,and observing tbe feature of tbedisease in all t stage, dui Uiga sojourn in tbeavulbernsod western portions of tlie lulled Slals, here Itprevails to greater extent than elsewhere, ocuredfrom South America, certain root asd herbs, frootwhich be prepared an 'Elixir," which, after eighteenyears' use in private rocta-e- , ha provod. llaeU DiurealDcacUMi in the cure of lpepey, than any luedicuieUiat has ever beea prepared ui auy age or any climefor tbe same purse. -

Having submitted it, s tlh as explaDatkia ef It com-ponent, to r Dumber of l'U ncuina ui J'hilailelidiia. anxnif whom were the lale lr. Jom-pI- i HarlxhortieaodJ. C. Mortoa. it baa received their enure approval, audmany of Uur Medical r acuity are now uot only preacrlbing tt for their IiaUenU, but are usuig it theluaelvessnriuaially , and tn tueu lauiiie. A a lotiK, H suiquailed, aud it properties are uf so iuvigorating a nature, that it ut gives whb perfect Safety and success tuthe nun teuuvr luuuiu.

The "Elixir" Mi v try gradual, but certain to Useetlou aims the organ of digeetiou. the lucre&aed a.cretiouaof the liter, panoreasaud m'icus membrane ofthe Uittvach,ard require, thai only --me dose be takentnlweoty four hours; fur con ttriund D)Spepsy,eaalybe cured by gradmatlg reiuruig Uie organs of diges-tio- s

tos stake. The great suconae tnets ilii lacuring toe inn.it aggravated oaeranf 1 y , acrum-oanir- d

Butuetime with B bigb grade uf by puclHiodria-Si- ,baa eMtablistied Uie ibomS uulMKisdi-- d euoDdesee in

Ibe carative prooertie of Wila 'Ehxu-;- ' tn cvrrvoors.tfesi f which, read the following tetimoasU

ATTrifTATUlN .We baving used Williams' "AntlElixir" with the most perfect ut ml action and

sucosm, lake great pleasure tia recuuiiueaduig ate allaereotia (uttering with Dypey , a w are fully d

it! it most Claimable qualities in restoring thedigestive power, removing ail uns and uneaauteas,aud iinruag a bealtliy tune te the wniacb.

Jobs K. Penrose, 34 SuuLb Wharves-Cae- Mom,Tscony ; Thomas Allibooe. Preutent of Bank of pens.ylvania;AbuerFbwna, Market street, above Stxtii; Ed-

ward IL Kewtoy. Sa. 14 North Wharves; Ms liar1

Dunn, S'iperuiUuiIeut Mercbauw' KiciisBge; HaasabStyles, Fraukford rd: ilaunaa Webb ZS FUbortst.;U. U. rtperry. No. IS Edward street; Lswr.sos New.Butd,N.M.etastssr-,Pbnadelpbia- ; m. Yard,No. S 11y itaw: Budolpb L'Arni, Ku. 3T Broadway,U. N. Wiuaos, No. IM Uafc--r street, Xew York.

Tbs list of name could be exb-Aole- to stiuust asyleagtb, bet Uefnregug vdeeaMtd t:lbcMst.fsmt loey ef H. .V. Uperry, uh mi a'at.ilnenf a rs--

suaaata aa arraif rr to nut.. Dr. J. WiuxAsa lirar tui r HfWea years wntas t IsS4, I sudVmd se mucb frra l'ep.y,tast 1

biirsssi cs4etr4y fmeLraAed, bk tn n.md aud body,ana stleugtb eriB se weaSwaed lenuM autatteed loBiy buBKi, sod aiikUig attea dec tue, and it wasbelieved I sever could recover; svaUcsl sst was pes.cured for ate, aad every mean resorted is aitbostsay relief, till I eras ad viae lo nee your 'Elixir," sadfrom Ihe tune 1 bea lakmg it I grsdsslly improvedtill I was completely restored lo beatla. Tbe dcearff olSuBVrtDg I esdored froui l) soeBy 1 caasositssriibe;bat I sis eeaS'test that a about the see of your alia-ir,- "

J anooM bs si say grave. I assert that I aolreia-l- y

bsbeve your fclixw" ass SaV4 ss frosa sa earlySnaih I rotiUaue Bvw bs tbs ear" steal ef si met eserfleat bratt 11. N. MIAUt Y,

Ass b, 1A57. ' ' 1104 Nertb Third t. . PbJa.We, the aasersass, Uveksm Mr. H. N. Surry

for Bevenal years, aad fevke Ween re is eiiiiaif that hsjasMrtia ess be erfeclly retted oa, and taat we ear.seren ksow that be ha ones Wonderfully r1 4 So

biib fresi ths Wink ef Ut grave, and we blwv,abe sassru, snleiy by tbs ass isTHr. WiHuvai"-E:Uir.- r'

Ta.ia. J. CaAvtajji, No. lia PtMmnt at.T it t ht, P rr rtrnl. sTitt rs)isis.

fsrssuaBy 'siipearM bWore ate.ose of tbs AMerSH of tae city of Pbiladelphu.) It N.Sperry, wbo,being duly attirated. soth ti aa4 say, that tbefac set torUi la ths sbovs eoruauaie, are Iras ta eve-ry aartaraJar.

Swora aad sabacrib tb; ttb dsv of Jsne.lUT.. - . FkiaCRRs; Ma, Alderauia.Tbe -- nxji" at sold M autUessASl sscit, sr six bot-

tles tog sA.Iroprb.r( J AttES WnXI VMS. , B., -

' CtwaiiM aad Pair itarulit,: 4 rWsvb SwsaaUl street, rbiladei'is,Ter sale bv 'al tvwrau, arl.le

JrTreeMvdaSoa rel f LesVsv baads. af aIt to. 1 jus loss t S, ieoeva, bbtbavutf boea awed s abort Uate, I aateaJst

bad prKi.aay-- tf B a. CCTTCH.

s, s.a1KA m. AmXa uist reosivod as fse b by1JU sprlC M . ilcUTT.


Circatcst MciUcalAVondcr; ; OF Til e AGE!- - .,t

't co wa jv'jr "

VEGETABLE LITIIOATRIPTir.7' ' ' '- orFriend cf the Human Familj !aUK world ia challenged to produce a medicine Uiatanorded the same amount of relief to sailer,tag humanity as Cowan's Lnlioutni tic.

VUWAtS-- a sUTHOA TRIl'TlC has cured thousandsof case of Stone in the Bladder and AjUueys' CVH AJV'S UTHv.TRll-TI- ha cured' Uie mostaggravated cases ot brarel ever scoa, and is Uie oulycertain remedy now known r.r the above dwoaaea.

VUWAA-- S UTtlvyiRlPTJC never fails to cureall Uie diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder -

?ZIZLZZT'0'?' - ou

tYM'A V Jl LJTH0STR1PTIC is a cortain cure forCbrenie Uonorrbtra and Gleet

tbe UuVV''S lJaiu-SJXat"n-c csres weakness o

COryx5 LmiONlRIPTIC has cured the worstcases of Prolapsus Lteri ever knownVOWAS SL1THOSTRWT1C is the only aura rem-edy that has soorresftialy cored Barrenness.CfWA-A- ' UTUUMKIVUC will cure tbe worstforms of Dropsy.CC WAX'S UTH0X1RIFT1C will core long stand.Ing cas.- - of strsjture aud remove Venereal Tauitfromthe system.CO H AS S L1TH V. TRIl'TIC is the raly rearedyknown for the cure of all sy mjiatheia: oomplaiuis at-tending on Pregaancy, and every female who prorfnaiit should at once procure a bottle a sn wishes ttoel well, while in that con.liuouCO IVAX'S LJJHOM TRU'TIC is the only jrmcdrever yet discovered Uiat will relieve Uie paiua or laborand Uie whole female world should rejoice Uiat sucb adiscovery has been made whereby thev naveobuineel

hf"Ur 10 kt U""a m S'"1 Uud theirThe most incredulous will be convinced of thes-rea- t

eflJcacy of Uie Litb.Hitriptic by reading Uie foUowms:cerUUuttes aud liioae around each boUle;

Neab Jackkoji, Madison county, Tenn.''To all yersoa, afflicted with OrateL

MR. J. F. Co, a: Dear ir- -I berebvoeruty tbstiathe sui-une- r of the year lhM.a servant' of ni..., a hoyabout 19 years of age, wbo bad always before uiis timebeen stout and or a vigorous constitution, was attackedw,iH graveL A was called whs attended oahim lor several mouths, during which time be crewworse daily, until be wa hcl,des, and 1 be,vehave dud ui a lew days tout M not tewia for awho advised the use of Cowau'a Lnhoutrinuc 1 tllcured alew bottle, the flrt of which gave bi'm reeTaud in a short time he was able lo walk abont and'unally fully recovered ; since which time he bas badsymplom of said disease, and to all appearance is ssheallhy as any servant ou my juuniauou. 1 Uiei afore recnmend it to all ,H ron. suneru.g underlikeiscase, a. on ot the most certain rcmed

tuiven under my hand tills August 2Cd,lS57.a 'DANIEL SllELTOV '

JAcasoa, Tenn., Angust 22, 1857.The shove case was perfectly cured by 13 bolUesUie Lithontrmlicandwa ,,., the worsia ifO ravel that ha ever been In this country.

I t every lemal. whoex,Wtato becoVi'nttberread Uie lolloping and prolil lU reby ;,,,. Voiuiviujt, tk.lober. 18ia. '

CowAS-Dearsi- rVou willdo n.e theklidness U, publ,k, under my certibcle the ottlml Ibe sutlerlng community may bohave given bu-U- i to nine children, and my ,f. belne...iracuhKisly saved (a. 1 co.isKlerj niedKia.I cannot iu issues to yon and the public! withhold mtestimony Ui iu many virtue. .lns.Ml yoor LKhoutripuc m small iKirtiotn perhapsoiice a day r Bve mouU-- i, w bah o.s.lledthe flatuU-u- t sickDe,ol the .louiach Slidwhab bad anooyed n.e, to au alaru.inTexnl

" Vreguaucie.. When 1 was r1ntfined 1 took about two ?h.a me glakae. funsame luedicuie, wba b gave me easTcr delvcry by a great deal than 1 ever bad before I.this aU, I have seen it tried in one case, and bear frT nia rest table s.,urc i suotiiereae,tht your LaUion.triotiu wa trind in uii.i ii.i, junta ue w other m at

would ui to all n.y sex thatluFseiiPU

motherT'soexpat i u, b.w be witLost your Invaluable nieaaue duru.ri.Veenancy, d at th. tune ol coiihueuicuTit ha. a marked Umdeocy to relax the


''U UUot " n"M;n -- 'tuu.sheura'u,HuTlihertnyPhyssnsaud M.uade both thi Z idrutay of the W.b.audl now betl. hoaTtthan 1 have done ,u u n yea,, and 1 beLe7, tU aZease I entirely removed.

Mr, I do Un tliat U.e .uttering of 'sex may be slicviaied if they oVoroonVtbTJprejudices so aiocb as lo try the UlUoutr."dcTu rtirrtou aiidie to a ..

-- .7 'uiiifii. luriner unoa tioa.uhjov t, Uiey cau addre. inu at York vllle, Teiiu.U4JAI1 KNOW,

I wa. arssant and . "?'"" -!- NtJW-.fai u couujuied ,n th. 77sua have roou to behove thetrulHof U.e,?oertI2:


ZshZEVii;v rnii.vrMiivr.

Duflalo Medical Dispensary.Eslablishud t. tt.m n.

"yspepaia, General Iiebllity, Fererud Ague, Asthma, incipient Con.umptiou, lullrmlties of south andOld Ate. eVe.

la Ks? WpCTRY USED. ,

tte XSm "iai :

.. ' "I'v "i uie result of upward of

An InstruuMul lor toe cure ol geoiuj Dehllltv eNo. turnal Eniuamm., Blor. pro,,IBwd unSnaWeakne.., Ac., can be permanenUy c '

torn to twenty days, by Uie use uf sIaiTbSuwiwhen ued o...mtl with medK-luea- .Young- - Men Tako Particular Botico.

mDR. AMOS at SOX t.k. .

ed the only ua.-.u- , aiuln, rKStarUie cure ut S.mm.1 ai. i "iuwB.Hr any disease of tl.a


Person. whu.g the .W."' .ooaerv. that the pea;., w,Ui the mnaZHJ!?urnUUon.rtI,,

ew Remedies and Quirk Cures. " t

VJL AMOS f O.V have iC J.otyen,bn engaged ta s.sxteaaive 11711of tljeM uehcau coaipbusta,T.are tus oalv l7..loualilled Phvucbiu. .L

ruTer-- VesEuTore.cssos.wtUi s remittance foroTJeaaoa W'liiU-U- U-t

itttiz r"'m -- dWBiarls-daw- ly '....,' t t


The Great English Remedy, " jThorn's Coin iiid i:trac f'M

Copaiba and Santa parilla . , J "...t.J7T . -- 'TViisiawseisdvBntare iiAmIh.i i

Jctt" fl V4 ruf" vt xnl diseases, wfaicb taust!as ealurblesed public render it '

!T '.r1,! luu ugbt u tbiiie.-- -

Ubeodsocinieioaiercbaiureuf ,111 Ita . Ill M.l .1 Cn.M .1 . I , . - .

saw- -7 p "m, a i cnurely taste.le--., and ca'ue.u unieaaaot seuaauoa totb.h au scsutred the utnuad faun, a, aliu.t eeerTWt , . i

--m. spproved cf, andssactsW by the faculty of Bieds.., aad rrn ' I- - va. pruaMx. rr. ,bv X W i . - 'r Tl' 7 - - . Limimi "70? r,,Ui1' hr A- - TABaAST a Co..AgaTin lied Statos, Oreeawirb Street, New VtTkAs lbs shove valuable preparatma Jjaa ten sawa.re.y eoenierieuea Dy unprinciidcd parties la

t. siieu niMiee, uie sroarieaur as sdopSMi, ss s seecaa.tea sraioat taipteiltioa oa consumers, s Label of wbab" aao wuira will bs fooaaepoa Hie ooiaaa of esea sot af theta leaded fur sale la the I uiu-- d etaiw,prevmos. Wast ladies aad aoatb America,



.T I j iiCSOLE AGENT." j

t mssm . .e--. At run iur

. . . .I . 5.r IS. a

A-- -- 11Tbs staaas aeoead sscb uot wQl also tba alMT'

of Proi. aad ef to Cased State agentslewgf aud Iteale.'S will obenrva us urk A.ms. -

parSag. tbs llowiu( WSel: -

LarusTaxt Carrs,. Tbe hirrea.S eswasatiea - -great deasaad lor Tbura Coaapoaud Extract ef Corel,sa and iWmiwiIU. ii s,iIii.b iiis ar stkejsto saW hatatkos ef ihm ralnable taoduai. Vendersare partaatarly waraed of Uo tact, that ihcy auiy ba '

oa W- gwd, aad a--4 duue of ay taper aruole 'eairuUtad ta svuretbeur reioAaliua, aud deetroy tbebsmMs of the aricraal werrsAas. la obviate, wbicbths aaaacntier (oersr u Jm Tarrast, by wboaaM was Beat latrodeeed lata UM lu-- Stale.) bai7"ba wgaatars to Uos sastaia. Is euu-rfe.- .aoa-- b m forgery. A

AAJrae eedors for tbe above artajs wab lu. .touus Sur sbipmest b

JtdaM A, TARRANT a fXk. rKb. m, litweawbA, eoruer c..






TiinLfV .r.. oared






v) ii.r




.'- -



J i.1
