K S JV^hingtonJ [5 MADDEN DIES I!’pFiiiiioiis nfimii poif...

T H E ■V O L .11,.. N d n n .— European Fl m viii L»TE.FIFifflL|. ' German-lrlsh Crew-Wili Pay Honor to Memory of Floyd ' Bennett;' Thousands in New York Clieer Famous-'A'viatocs (By The Awoctattd VVASIUNOTON. April - 27-The rm r «r the traniall«ntlc plane Ilrrmrn arrived In W«»hlnft«n lo- nljhl- b» train trom Nnv York. They thu* complet<tl the Journey befuii'liy airplane M 1«te. ArnM, qucbec, early today. In an un»ue- ceuful eirort (o reach thh city In time, for '.lie funeral flf noyj I HcnnetL \ ' YORK. April 27 (>?>-\lter a “ tumultous Ihri’C Iiours .which reacheil r ft cllmBx with a frlpnUly ealutc\by - “■Alwurotwb-Qf admlrem, aem\itB* I IrUl). trnnsallamic lllcrs lought refiiRiv f ititc-today-oirirtraiirrorWffsninKtoij; J In that city thuv. will, pay honof to thc memory of PldycJ Bi-nnetl, Norm iwlc filer, who dlt-d while on a mLvilOH , (0 uid thFjn nnil iHio wa« burlctl In ArlluuUai-Uils.aftcriioon.------------■ ------ --- On the way to WaihhiRton from Qusbcc. where Dcnncti died last Wed- « iiciwlny, Uie funeral party paused here *' . whllf New York paid tribute to thc —'incniflry of Its own air hero. Nfl FuneVal SerYlce_:-------------- TIiouMtnds filed reverently Chrouiih three hours before the Journey to • WuhUifiton w u returned. Tlure were p no funeral aervlce* here, only Ihe k mute tribute of bowed heads. Radio ^ , rtatloni broadcaat memorUl proffr«ns, . . nnd Ibe- flaifdrsped catnon;. whkih ^ iKtre the body from the armory to the i railroad sUtloru paued ilODf the z and landed at' Curtiaa Xleld wlUi the occan fllen Jw:t iMfore 2 oQlock, and ^ becauM the landing v\'i» ututnnounccd ' : (GoDtlnued on Pas< two) iraliiiiiiii i •iPiiiHiii; Bela Kun, After Six Years of j Plannina in Russia, Becomel ^ Entangled, in Mcsties of La w . . VIENNA. April 27 (yPt-The nolort- S , OILI Hungarian communist. Bela Kun, » wo* arrested here tod4ji •after havlnB » . KjseiM, f.lK In Russia, whete he « was allegea to have-been ensascd .In h prcparlnB' revolutionary plons to be a put Into effect In foreign countries, tl Ills, arrest hero was. cffccted on the formal charge of entcrlni; Austria un- t) der a false Oerman passport. .How- n . ever, the police.say-bia.rcalrlntenllott ic V.1U to renew his efforts lo stir -up n a revolution In Hungary nnd Inaugurate . -a red regime under iRc tutelage of i Moscow. He moy .possibly later bc charged wjth c rim ^ l conspiracy. . The a«ltator.'«.orrcst causcd a sen- ' satlon In VIenno ahd Qudapest. LarRc ' quantities of communist propoeanda . were seized In his offices, which were camouflaged ns o wholcsoIcdruR con- cerh. T lir dl-wovery of hLi prcsehce here , was due to clevcr dctccUve worl; and t ^Icd to the uncovering ot a widespread subversive orsiAilzatlan. the pbllce al- lege WlUt ramifications throughout Bal- kan sutes. .Bela Kun .’used five dif- ferent transports to rcach Vienna, cleverly choosing this city u ,. lieod> tiuarteni bccause he woa aware of thc swtft and, terrible punishment Unit ^ h rt been Inflicted od his communist f colleagues in Hungary. Since he ls\a Hungarian clUzen, Hungary -could d«- i mand his eitradlUon, but It is bc- S J hcvcd that the Hungariansvwill n o t* care to .have such o dangerous Insur- ]: \ .rccuonut within their borders. They J| •, remember the haVoc he caused during \ months regime In ? 1010, whw 1000 or more of’those hoc- ? tile to him wen>-put to deoth .-' J CONTRACTOR AT DOWNEY L--G 6TS- 60NTRACrT 0"B)C t MALAD-TO,ROYfllQHW^ 5 >' BOIOE, April « m -D im 'o i, tho J highway Jobs, ono In Oneida'county r and one In-Jefferson countyrwere''6I- V ..ifered by one contractor and he was ^ \ Inunedlately awarded one of the Jobs, a It w u announced by tho.,state bureau o of highways todo)-. - Ed • Dnimmle, Downey, Itfoho,-wa* p awarded tl>e conlract,for three miles [! of grading and surfacing on tbe road o between Malad and Roy on his bid ot tSSOl, while swarding of the ocntract t . oh hU hid ot 111.723 tor eight mUes o( C -jtradlng! oa.the road-betweea Hamer p f #wiTMmlrlalf«-~Tm"dererr«i, • The n TBEt } tw i ansctr^wra»nrinnuiiM>i ------ Ii_______ yiBOCtATED 1'IUW.II liers Arrive D l JV^hingtonJ J. THOMAS IlE FU S, Ala- hiiinH, i)ir(tirt:ii(juc fij/ui c iu ' Ami'Tlcan pnlUics and.firrn foe of Ihv New York chicf rsectilhr. " —— ........ = . ou pSiMJEClS-^' hoiaiEFHli i - II! MoNary-Haugen Bill Not Sul- ra ficiently Revised to Meet Ob -|” ? T i^ tio i^ f"C K ie f r Executive, i g WASHINOTON. A pril.n (fl>)-Whllc I - P rddcnl Coolldae reel. IM fU ie Me- NAry-Haugen farm relief bill has not I . been sufficiently rerlsed to meet hlsi !. obJeoUons, detata <4 tht mwsure In: U the house today took th# fom ot lau* i datlon of Prank 0. Lowden. sr a presi- dential candidate wtv> wojiM. aid M- ;Ku]tun. V fc . Tbc • former lUliiOls governor, was characterlMd by RepresentaUve W. E. 1 Huli: RcpubUcihr lUlnoU. oj< a man I"' "w ho. U sincere In all of his state- ments regarding agriculture ond who ‘‘J will give a good aamlnlstratlon to Uie^^, nation." Hull, who defended'the blll,|’^ ‘ dealt mainly upon the abilities of Low- den'and quoted ^freely from Lowden's - . addresses on ogriculture. Pretldent Nol SaUitled ot Tho prcsldenl Is concerned over UieJH^ reports spread obout congr^ that hc | (ConUhued-wrPs*«"Tiro^:^'^isi " In . STINSON CORPORATION i JEFUSes_TO_CONSTRUCT ' ■. , . PLAItE FOR OCEAN HOP r • DETROmJilch.. April 37 (iP)-The Stinson Aircraft corporoUon hos turn- ^ , ed down an order for an olrplan«-(or a transatlantic flight, , from Theo : Rasclw, German avlotrtx. trtuniliig to I her 0 check for 13700 as a deposit on .• • a SUnson-Detrolter plane., officials of . thc cbrporaUon announce today. ... The order aod deposit were refused. ' thc-otflclols said. In'llhe-wlth'Uie on* ' ' nounced policy of Eddie SUnson, pres- I idcnt, who has-taid-be-ls nd^^bulfdlng - i airplanes for transallantie IllghU. iRfloFiiii I CL08E8|18Ti I Ctillean Ambassador to United i Stajjs and-President of Big , Steel. Corporation, Speakers:.. : HOUSTON, Texas. April 27 m- r n nmbossador ' to the United States, and James A. ‘ iTvrreU. president of the United States gietl corporation, were speakers at thc ,. ; ifloslng session of the national foreign trade convention here today. They ; pitched Uielr Ideas of UUn-Ameilcan iTsde on the p\at\e of good b a ta ta and mutual advantag?, and curiously cnoubh, In contrast to 'some oUict speaker*, stripped their talks largely di world accord. International amltv ond sentlmentoLty.• “We wish Uiem peoce." Mr. FaireJl •r •*ald-of:l.#Un5JUniwm-n-papent4d ~ . before the conVehtlori. "unbrQl^en and ’ undUturbed." but hC’ made what he called the frstik’'admission "that our motive U Intensely pracUeal.. We arc > not actuated by tdwUm or altnilsm.- l .Oua_la..-a«tt_ilL_*n_eyjn,.8tTOn«er rellsoee upon Uut basic human desire. I which h u been chiefly responsible for • all world adranee, Uie urge to better ' our own clrcumstsneea of life." • , AmbtstadM Da,Ttla dedated Utot Uio I pronouneed'itrldea 'U>e"tmited States I Is making in LaUn-Atnerlcs la due to muttisi M lf-lntm t, [ W. R. ostUe. ssilstsnt secretary of I told the fstberlng thst the . I Cnlted 8 U t« lo m w lm t intends to ^ protect -Iejttlo»t»::jimoicsa. tov^- .. I menti sbrdSdi^ kvtp.tUe trade door • ftfen for further eipMuloo., . y ^ ' S ONLT ASSOCIATED I \ K S -v-^IN-PA=EBSfH3SHf winis.B liMDlSMIIE Gales of Tornado Force Sweep Across Central Florida and Leave Wreckage in W ake; Rivers Are Rfsing Rapidly. cay The Associated Pro»i ^ATIiANTA. Oa.. April ‘JT-Wlii#- storms, torrential rains nnd flocil?' conllmied their ruvnges In tlu- South today, from Akansas eastward Flordta. A Bineral «orm wlth-wWds uf lot- nado force blew across (he central ; porUon of Florida, wrecking liuJldlnKs. at Inverness, 70 mllfs nbrth .of, Tiimjm, I disrupting cominunlootlon and Ing more thnn a doten towns und viiT^ iBgges. MesKer reports did not. cstnb- llsh whether there *crc ony casiialtlw. Oalnuville and Ocala wm- uinong (lie isolated- toi^ns,. ............. nulldlnii'jn Itiiliw • " ' A amall tornado, wrccked scvernl buildings on thc ^.tfut-'klrts ot Wuv- crc«. while othef Oeorgla towns ro- Rivers otAscutheni Oeorgln. already out ot their-banks, with last.Sumlay’ii torrentlol p in ta il, ti.-cclved m-w vol- umes o( waier and many p\accs tc- portcU-zocord-stages.------------------------ - - Flood CondlUons Forteost Serlou-i ilood condlllons were fore- . cast along the Apalachicola and Clioc- I tawatchvep rivers 'In northwestern , Florida because of mw floods piling . up ou the crest ot /Qie deluge, whlcu already lia» caused irrmendotti-dnm-- . age to the upper v/Heys. Hard rulni - fell throughout tW flooded territcry and communications were down. - . I .The {nhabltajfts of .west BolnbrldKe. j Georgia, on the Flint river were p w ! pared-to evacuate their homos willi * i thp_rU!cr i'rvgn-fpfi^abtgeJlgiil- atftim . ■'nnrt risiiiL' fiirniny ' L j A house was blown through tele- M ” '~TC6«iinued'oh'PhW'TWo) : KELLflpr^PpCE PLIir * CHICAao. Aprll 37 (/J')-War' and 1 mllltarUm -eWefly concerned tlic Na- . tlonal .Ungue-of Wcmcn Voters todny. » the delegates opprovliig Secretary ot ;; State Kellcgg’s plan for cutlawins I f.wtw. and determined upon a itiidy of '' military (raining In schools and col- !eg«i. . - . . • * ■ To Uic swdy of causes cf war; Ui^ league on this next m the liua day of Its convention, added nn mvcstlga- 5 Uion ot the tures for war. 21 Thc wmenvagftln. ns two years ago L.[npprQ.5cibUir:.cntrnnce of ihe_Unlted Istatcs'into the • permanent court of Internallonal JusUce. Tlicy added however, a dccloratl'on for o gcnem' reduction ot expenditures for tlie army and.navy.____ ___________________ [i.. e ■ r - - t 1 - ------ ------------------------ - f " ' I. i ' ------------ ] . . r '• ; ••, ; -I lit I f/M 'vJI VllM l r Mn.1iUiill.^n\>.> r II. r IM^USB^^iyHv^vy 0 ' ' ;)1 s - * ‘ vl\ViW iK RVlCTlfJlltK> - \ 0 PRESS NEWSPAPER JI 4X X S^ DRINKS COFFEE. EATS [ HOT BREAD, VOTES FOR 1 BOURBONS— LIVES LONG ] . I wccu; tii'l vtiic tlil' !>::nocraiic 'w . :ick'-t. 'TliL-. Is the prfs:ri|>ilnij it.; ion- Kivny givrn by Jatni' K. Lcnr <il iflf, this cllv. rlio ynl<‘Kii,y crlihrair'il , ”}' liiN on-' liuadred a..>i'<'1 Hill birth. ll „ . day fiMilvcrMry. no Hull hole and lifjriv. .Uar .sp' tul^ iinicli time '.vork'ni; lit iho CGI Ifiircl-n ot hll son. Jnino:; l.i-ar. . . _lli- i:i IUI nrdrnt radi i l.iii. Iju Thl- cciilonarlan moved to Ore- ' from Kciitin'ky ir. yiMfi nuo.. r ^l “f: D K .-^A YO FINDS | S ., W OM EN RlilN lN G i” ' SH A P E , O F L U G S I'; Ot- ; p ‘ral High-Hcclcd Sboeo Oomp1olcly:ti Change Form of Lower Limbs . ^ of Fairer Sox, S;tj/e Surgeon. , ti' nU LOf> ANOELES. Apr:i oi K-' Wcmi-n «ni Kicrlflclm; itn- .-.hniM-' |ui llio ot Ihtlr Ii'gti oa th\: iilinr iit lilgh ; fi . 'IutI. s 111 till- ojilnionXi Dr. cimrli-,. itl 'M.tVi);'- lumoiw-fui-xccu' -;i;id a" it/ •rnl ttu'iiibi-r o f'th r cilnir If.'.jhin; lils j av- tmiilly at Rih'!i.'>ut,- Mlu- ro- iie.'olfl. O r Mayn i: in i.c;;. An- g: », -.Kckauoii-o:'vaci:cn. - ' u “ l.V -Lodlcs' rei;s o rf trally ;i:i In- , o' .ic.-rMliiB study nt-.'.idiiys." said V tiie' notrd surgeon lodny. "They'rr . loslnK tholr calvcs. Wli.v. these • .P TngllihcBlcd Bhcc3»*'thn"'rt-""WMir- • * liii{ are clioiiglnK compleloly ilic' •> (jj.* shnjw of tliDlr lego. » ern "You know, after w«ichhiK HiPm ing v.Tilklng ou their lilt'll lir.-ET r "j iIl-U mndc ;iu experiment ,snme llna- 1‘ im- - -asa -I tock—seveRl-thirk^eork— *• lllll block-1 and strappod :tii-iii nndur , cry my own hcelr ond'ifitdivalkUi;: cn Ihem — like the Indies do. fi''' "And 7 found thnl" it madp'rny ,, "• _o,.lt.»-»tolul«ly-4mte_Io-oU.^-5 pit,. ■ ^ I miiiim' i' i | " L-le- (ConUnued on Pa«e 1-wo) « FATHER SACRIFICES LIFE MlNOUa. Pnlo ?ln(n county. Texas. I - — AprU-a7-f,!Ki-J.-W.-C.l.(irii.-iiO.-o mer- - III ehiini. .'.acrlflccd hl»-Ulo thLi inom- UN ing In a valn-'cflort lo save his douRliter Gcrtniiic. .^ .fro m burning •• lo di-aUi when their home cniight lire snd from nn oll xfove. S OREGOffsHORT LINE. TO , L,“ ■in°, IMPROVE HOLDINGS iil- I IMOWTF^LIER-VI,CINIT,Y “ Ui^ MONTPEL17.R. IdiJiO. April. 27 (fl>t P day —Ccnstructlon of four mlU-s of addl- ga- Monal clcl^j-lrccfci und other general F ImprovcnK-nls will bc started hero ^ igo wlthtn n few days by the Oregon Short ~ Ited Mnc Tiillriind .rnmpimy, according to , of word received here todoy. Movement led cf (hc Bern hlglr.vriv farther we8t,hn.i ,. :mi been ordered bi- llie county commls- n •my Klonrrs lo permit «f tlie railroad com; b .E:iny_improvcmeni,«;______________ ^ r KK-KK, G ID W ! U//i ^L '^ * y'd? ^ . ... •\ . -O toiU M ,« R IN TWIN FALLS COUI rHHTSiF : ..piiirPLiii I- Idaho Senator to Address Chi- It cago Clubr-Plans lo Speak in; ' West and .East Before Con- , ventlon Tim e in Kansas City. j tUy Tho ABMKlaU-d PrKwl . WASniNOTON. April 27-Beforo llie I HDiiiUtoii - club ot. Chrcngo tomnrrow ' I night. Senator Borah. Republican, 2CI Idaho, will oiK'-n his speaking cam- *^lp!iiKn for a prohlblUon plon* in the , i Rciuibllc'nn ptoUorm to. bo adopted at Ciy: the. .kansa.s City convention In June. .The Idahoan who has Uio endone- o n .. mrni of his own htote for the Republl- ran presidential nomination, will thus ;oii('ii hit tlghc In the home state ot Uie ><■ ' I uno pn-nldcntlal ‘candidate who hui II : fallnl lo aasw'er his prohlblUon qucs- V i tlL'nnalrr-f’ormcr Oovemor . Prank O. a" iLowdj-n. ' Is 1 No Specific Enfa*»menta 1- While he lias mode ho spcclflc en- I- cam-ifienta an y«t. Senaior Boriih plans to makc-fojir or five -more opeeche* i. on Uie prohibition issue In both the d %Vist ond the Ensl between tills Ume rr and llie convention of the Republlcon IH-•• .party on June' 12. > 1 Although-Uu>:scnator.onnounccd.lils ip- Intention to carry the prohibition tight (« (he country before he reccl*^ Uie . (’i'.U«rr.emcnt of Ute party organisation p -; ln-hls-8tote,~Mme' political obMnei* :■ I ri-Karded his s|>cakltig campaign os a double-barrtlcd-opc—m-Uie Interest of ll prohlb'ltlon plank tind hLs owti con- , • dlducy, * Addreitt?* Leadfrs The occTJilon ot his address tomor- ruw nlghl Is the annual dinner of .Uie ton, ontfliilaalion Injhglw estern.met-, Ship some ot .tjic ouUlaridllig imftV (Continjicd on Pnge Two) ^ .w .E r a m i j .1 im lN iM iia lire ^ ■ ' WABHINOTON. Aprll 27 (/Pi-AI . though the sennie finance commlt- ^ tee's *203.000.000 tnx-reductljn bill Ig- nores the nilmlnhtraUon's demand for retention ot (he nutomcblle tax. Pres- JY idem Coolldge L^eody to approve It. Opposition ut Iho prcs'djnt'to the ,m, propoaol of. the coiiiinlltec as well as l,y of the house to wipe out thc 3 per i cent automobile levy developed anah! loday, bul ll was made clear lhat Mi Coolldge realizes It is the province ot , congress to dctcr'mine how the revenue K n t'h'^'id-be-ralw^^ ....... - _ ,hn.s Eor that reajion., the president. Ik nls- nol going to turn agolnst 'the tenatr, 6m- blir'ciraccouni of the -automobile (ox ' repeal. ______ ______________________ : h \ ; y r ^ .'/ U a ^wa . b r u» York TrUiUM. m e ;' WNTT ‘Nation Besto ( Honor on Fl( [5 MADDEN DIES I!’ '’ MARTIS., li. MADDKX. UU- •hi* 111 1 thr hoiar »i /'''/ircnrHttJ- ; jfj; f!rrs mtihlr.iilu ^Irkbi'ii with 1 fdtiil lictirt tittark'. on- t I (lie ^ 3 - TOW .W; ■ ' g uin, - ' nm- - - 9 al '' 'A ne- SB hus u>c J h Ime '• .................. r y ilLLIilSSTSIESil:: lot:—^ ^ -------- ............. ............i, »n- j; Heart Attack Suddenly Ends'j S; Life of, Martin B'. MSddth-^ a t. :C apitoinH~'W a5l)ingtb~n7f, - WAaHiaoTOM. apth 37 (a^-m ot- . v tin B. Madden. IllftiolsVohe of Uie Hc- \ publicon leodcrs In congress, and a t iwwer In the IioiLse of represontatlves, j , . was. stricken .with an acute heart ot*J ... tack todoy and died a few mlutw " ILL The end conte os he sat at h ls.d ^ • In his copKol office, talking «*iUi o \ colleague; ' He' siiddcnl}' placed lils ' 'Al hond over his heart and sank down' lu l mlt- his chain He was removed lo o couch J Ig- In the- room and despite riforta to • for revive him he pawed away wlUiout, ■res- regaining consciousness, Rcpresenta-' c it. tlve Sproul, an Illinois colleague, with I whoin.lic hod-boen-ulklng-. und a few I other Irlends were with .Muddon when ‘p^r hedled. •. • I* «al;! ■■. In ‘cheery -Mood Ml Up to the moment of his death Mr. e ot Madden had been In a cheery mood, enue _ ‘Wort of Mr. • Madden's denth tContim:cd*.on-P»ge-T^ .-------- WESTERN MARY^D IN • ' -WINTER'S-GRIPi-PEACH - - " ^ ANp APPLE crop - hurt ; _______BAI.XIMOItE.ADnUL£Jar^grlEB£^_ by one of the worst-ADrU-snbwilormsi in ita history, western Maryland' to-!t nlghl foced the prospect of having ita ^ ------pesch-tmd-npple-crops-TUlncd-ln nn i Icy blost that completely paroly-zcd ( tmffic lind dlinipted lelcgrapWCOtfi-'t munlc.iOons. ' . il Snow had whirled itself Into small - drifta al HageMtown. ahd Prederlcl: ( and several olher points reported Umt i Uie fall had reached o dep^lis of six t t Inches, with no prospect of a let up, ( . coraiifliGHT :i stmsmsE/ _____ . 1 I * ' More Carloads of Potatoes and | G ralii Move in Three M onths, Than Durinri Period in 1927.1 BOISE.-April-27 f/I»)-An increase' of 0.6 per ccnt in commodity ship- • nicnta from Uie centrol western icrrl- . tory.'os compared with thi^samo per-, lod/lost year was forecast for April.; May and June by the Centrol West-1 cm Shipper*' odvlsory, board, W. L.i Harvey, representoUvc .of the centrol' ofdce bt Uie dlstrtct, said todoy when, he arrived for a conference wlUi Will ' H. Olbson. prcsldenl of the public ' uitlllllcs commlMlon. This territory i includes southern Idaho, Utah, Co!o-_' rado. Wyoming and Nebraska. -I OutaUndlng oMong the. Increases in commodity shfpmcnta cxpected woa- that of potatoes and groin. An fn-T- creose of 123 per cent In potato ship-, nienta wos shown In the report along i with on Increase of 8 1 'per cent in L grain. Potato shlpmenta this quarter r . »cte:-forecaat^ttt_bg-«l70 can os against 2130 cars a ycor ago. A.decrease of 2ft per ccnt In ship- ' menu of.lres^'.Irult was forecast..: i ------------ .. LEAVENWORTH. l^ 'A D rH i7 (;Pl ' -Feor. Uiat prisond^Tal tKe redenl-: penltontlary here would liQure hlm*ls.i b e l i ^ to..have led to tho.suleide of^i Robert OelUnisr. 40, a guard, whpu.l body was found today haitfng Imn*i a' trec on » i«rm 'nlna nifles #ouU»--l ... wesl'of-bare.'.'.-.. . . ' •" tt>e. .DeUlnier dlisppearcd April 8, ' -j: alili ' P R IC E =5 ows Highest loyd Bennett - yV y.,: iM aasaga^aaegu^ ^ pFiiiiioiis nfimii poif mmmmi Pilot of Epic Flights Sleeps in Hill-Siife of Arlington Necropolis Facing Icy Bar- riers o( North; Many tSatlier. • Dy Thc Arjcclated Press) ■“ » WASHINOTON. April 27-Honor* reserved for thasc who achieve high place In servlco under the flog were bestowed In the namc'o; the Amerlcon people today on Kioyd Bennett, novol macliinlst, who- shored wllh Com- mander Byrd thc llrat air flight lo , thc NorUi pole. •' First Amtrlcon to die of Uiat gal- Junt fellowship of 'adventuren of the ■ VkW who have written' Ihelf lUUHU In' worid iilstory during the swUt '* ‘ years Just over. Bennett, was laid lo - his lotig'Mceo’decp mvroin-<lrenehal. " slecp-sloplhg hlll-slde of Arlington na- - tlnnnl-egmpwy tliat looks out tflward the north and the icy. barriers 'th at" ( guard the. pole. '■ . ■•• I)<«lh 'Stflliiea 'Syddenly - ' ■■■ Just a week ago he set out lo carry 'relief to Ciermon and lrlsli comrodei •i9f-the air-fraternity,-stranded-wllh-a ----- ^ icrippled ship after they hod succeed-.-: S ed in spanning Uie AUantic from East-’ lo West. DeoUi came to him through .-loxtiosurcJon that rescue trip. ^ For Uils young knight’ of the new -Ichlvalry-of-Uio air,-alU»ough.humhlo-^— military honors wore __ > oUng rttlc volWys. c ra c k ^ lhrou«b • .. tlic rnln ond cold wind that swept. -- a Uie hillside, paid Itini s saUorly sa- s lute and Uie soft call of-ti bugle put. -Uhn to r’est with “taps." Ughts-ouL for u-soldleiyair-sallors-on-shlp-^iUor*. Many Walt .■Bt-OtSie . '= Dfspl(« a cMwnpour tl>a( irew hesv- * Jer u lime pssied. the roped tsclqniro * abo5l U*-'iSu^•■grave w ta S te d ',.? „ abopt with m e n l^ women for boon {? before the solemn itrAlns of Ute navy' JJ band told Uiot the aviator was com* ll, (CQDllnucd on Page Two) I.' '" . SEiEfiSEME ^ SIERIME ? . Experts.Will jjake Boat Trip . _ _Up.Cany,on to-Determlne.Mln.^— Ti eral Possibilities o fS ^o n .:. i!-. _______ _rr= -------- ^ ------------- 1 - «| aoISE, April 37 (fl.)—A boat trip u p ■- >* lhe Snake river gorge from' Lewiston ' 13 vlll 'be taken by mining engineer* ■n scmetlmp ln“May '16'determine niln- crsl posiUblllUetf of Ute section to be >■ opened up l>y Uie propoeed rallrotd . . . . I from Homestaad. Oregon, to I^wUton. -11 - The engineers. represenUng Idabo. Oregon and Washington wUl leave as It soon as Uie spring nm off la tbe IX sircam raises Uie water level niffU - - . clenUy for Uiem to clear the numer- 'Oils rapids'otfd boulders In Uie can*. ; yen., it- was^ onnounced today by WIU H. olbson. president of Uift public :ullliles commission. About 100 mUes -- of' ihe'channol will-lje corered^ln the ------ E siiney which will consume more than ' a wet-k. . Explore Mining Distrieta. Outprcpplnga 'of -copper' and • low grads gold ore which according to Idr. OllLwn ore known to be In the dls- ,ft Iricl win bo explored In oddlUon to octnc mining dlstrlcta r^ng the route. The rcsulta of Uie s ^ e y will be IS ccmpllcd for presentation before an _ Interstate commerce, commission hear-, f. ing which U expected to be held, scmetlme after July 4 lo LewUtoo’to)" ' detcrmlneNUie.feasibility of buUdlng.' .. Uie UO miles of railroad necessary.-^ connect Uie Oregon Short Lino und . Uie NorUiom Pacific railroads and- , . provide a shorter route between soulb-. • ,j ,em and norUiem Idaho. . ^ rl . CHILD KILLED PONCA CITY. Okla., April 27 O pj- j. One child WM UUed and IItd per- Iii'mhs were Injured when on oxplulcn itcdemolished a-two story frtime apart- ry ment house here shortly before mid- 0^ night. • 2 MARINES prepared to l l" i »-r DEFEiffi CITY AGATliST S; AHACKS BY .SANDINO V inL • MAMAOm, N to a g u i^ 'A p riw a iij;^ J. the dUtrici .wbpre the'force* rebel . cnUng reerat^., tb ^ ^ ^ ^ i^ S.par.ii

Transcript of K S JV^hingtonJ [5 MADDEN DIES I!’pFiiiiioiis nfimii poif...

Page 1: K S JV^hingtonJ [5 MADDEN DIES I!’pFiiiiioiis nfimii poif ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · York Clieer Famous-'A'viatocs (By The Awoctattd VVASIUNOTON. April

T H E■V O L .1 1 ,. . N d n n . —

European Fl

m v i i iL»TE.FIFifflL|.

' German-lrlsh C re w -W ili Pay Honor to Memory of Floyd

' Bennett;' Thousands in New York Clieer Famous-'A'viatocs

(By The A woctattd VVASIUNOTON. April - 27 -T h e

r m r «r the tran iall«n tlc plane Ilrrm rn arrived In W «»hlnft«n lo- nljhl- b» tra in trom Nnv York.They thu* complet<tl the Journey befu ii'liy a irplane M 1«te. ArnM, qucbec, early today. In an un»ue- ceuful eiro rt (o reach th h city In tim e, for '.lie funeral flf n o y j

I HcnnetL \ '

YORK. April 27 (> ?> -\lte r a “ tumultous Ihri’C Iiours .which reacheil r ft cllmBx with a frlpnUly e a lu tc \by -

“ ■Alwurotwb-Qf adm lrem , aem\itB* I IrUl). trnnsallam ic lllcrs lought refiiRiv f

— ititc-today -o irirtra iirro rW ffsn inK to ij; J In tha t city thuv. will, pay honof to

th c memory of PldycJ Bi-nnetl, Norm iwlc filer, who dlt-d w hile on a mLvilOH , (0 uid thFjn nnil iHio wa« burlctl InA rlluuUai-Uils.aftcriioon.------------■------ ---

On the way to W aihhiRton from Qusbcc. where D cnncti died la st W ed- « iiciwlny, Uie funeral party paused here *'

. whllf New York paid tribute to thc —'incniflry of Its own a ir hero.• ■ Nfl FuneVal SerYlce_:--------------

TIiouMtnds filed reverently Chrouiih

three hours before the Journey to •W uhUifiton w u returned. T lu re were pn o funeral aervlce* here, only Ihe kmute tribute of bowed heads. Radio ^

, rtatlon i broadcaat memorUl proffr«ns, .. nnd Ibe- f la ifd rsped ca tnon ;. whkih ^

iKtre the body from th e arm ory to th e i railroad sU tloru p a u e d ilODf th e z

and landed a t ' Curtiaa Xleld wlUi the occan fllen Jw:t iMfore 2 oQlock, and becauM the land ing v\'i» ututnnounccd '

: (GoDtlnued on Pas< tw o)

iraliiiiiiii i•iP iiiH iii;Bela Kun, After Six Years of j

Plannina in Russia, Becomel Entangled, in Mcsties of Law . .

VIENNA. April 27 (yP t-T he nolort- S, OILI H ungarian communist. Bela K un, »

wo* arrested here tod4ji •a fte r havlnB ». KjseiM, f.lK In Russia, whete h e «

was allegea to have-been ensascd .In hprcparlnB' revolutionary plons to be ap u t Into effect In foreign countries, tl

• Ills, arrest he ro was. cffccted on the formal charge of entcrlni; Austria un - t) der a false O erm an passport. .How- n

. ever, the po lice.say-b ia.rcalrln ten llo tt ic• V.1U to renew h is efforts lo s ti r -up n a

revolution In H ungary nnd Inaugurate. - a red regime under iRc tutelage of i

Moscow. He moy .possibly la ter bc charged wjth c r i m ^ l conspiracy.

. The a«ltator.'«.orrcst causcd a sen- ' satlon In VIenno ahd Qudapest. LarRc

' quantities of communist propoeanda . were seized In his offices, which were camouflaged ns o w holcsoIcdruR con-

• cerh.T l i r dl-wovery of hLi prcsehce here ,

was due to clevcr dctccUve worl; and t ^ Ic d to the uncovering o t a widespread

subversive orsiAilzatlan. the pbllce a l­lege WlUt ram ifications throughout B al­kan su te s . .B e la K un .’used five d if­ferent transports to rcach Vienna, cleverly choosing th is city u , . lieod> tiuarteni bccause he woa aware of thc swtft a n d , te rrible punishm ent Unit ^ h r t been Inflicted od his communist f colleagues in Hungary. Since he ls \a H ungarian clUzen, H ungary -could d«- i m and his eitrad lU on, bu t I t is bc- S

J hcvcd th a t th e H ungariansvw ill n o t * care to .have such o dangerous Insur- ]:

\ .rccuonu t w ithin the ir borders. They J| • , remember the haVoc h e caused during \

m onths regime In ? • 1010, w hw 1000 or more of’those hoc- ?

tile to him wen>-put to deot h . - ' J

C O N TR AC TO R A T D O W N E Y “ L - - G 6T S -60N T R A C r T 0" B ) C t

M A L A D - T O ,R O Y f l l Q H W ^ 5>' BOIOE, April « m - D i m 'o i , th o J highway Jobs, ono In O neida'county r and one In-Jefferson countyrw ere ''6 I- V

..ifered by one contractor and he was ^ \ Inunedlately awarded one of th e Jobs, a

It w u announced by tho.,state bureau o of highways todo)-.

- Ed • Dnimmle, Downey, Itfoho,-w a* p awarded tl>e c o n lra c t,fo r th ree miles [! of grading and surfacing on tb e road o between Malad and Roy on h is bid o t tSSOl, while sw arding of the ocntract t

. oh hU hid o t 111.723 tor e ight mUes o( C -jtradlng! o a .th e road-betw eea Hamer p

f #w iT M m lrla lf« -~ T m "dererr« i, • The n


} t w ia n s c t r ^ w r a » n r in n u i iM > i------ Ii_______


liers Arrive Dl JV^hingtonJ

J . THOM AS I l E F U S , Ala- hiiinH, i)ir(tirt:ii(juc fij/u i c iu ' Ami'Tlcan pnlUics a n d .f ir rn foe of Ihv N ew Y ork chicf rs e c t i lh r .

" —— ........ — = . ou

pSiMJEClS-^'h o ia iE F H li— — i - II!MoNary-Haugen Bill Not Sul- ra

ficiently Revised to Meet Ob-|” ? T i ^ t i o i ^ f " C K i e f r Executive, i g

■ WASHINOTON. A p ri l .n (fl>)-Whllc I - P r d d c n l Coolldae reel. IM fU ie Me- NAry-Haugen farm relief bill has not I . been sufficiently rerlsed to meet h ls i !. obJeoUons, de tata <4 t h t m w sure I n : U th e house today took th# f o m o t lau* i da tlon of Prank 0 . Lowden. s r a presi­d en tial candidate wtv> wojiM. a id M- ;K u ] tu n . V fc .

T bc • former lUliiOls governor, was characterlM d by RepresentaUve W. E.

1 H uli: RcpubUcihr lUlnoU. oj< a man I"' " w h o . U sincere In all of his state- m ents regarding agriculture ond who ‘‘J will give a good aam lnlstratlon to Uie^^, nation." Hull, who de fended 'the b lll ,|’ ‘ dealt mainly upon the abilities of Low- d e n 'a n d quoted freely from Lowden's - . addresses on ogriculture.

Pretldent Nol SaU itled otT ho prcsldenl Is concerned over UieJH^

reports spread obout c o n g r ^ th a t hc |

(C o n U h u ed -w rP s* « " T iro ^ :^ '^ is i" In

. S T IN S O N C ORPO RATION i JE F U S e s _ T O _ C O N S T R U C T ' ■. , . P L A ItE FO R O C EA N HOP r

• D E T R O m Jilc h .. April 37 (iP )-T he Stinson Aircraft corporoUon hos tu rn- ^

, ed down an order for an olrplan«-(or■ a transatlantic flight, , from Theo : Rasclw, Germ an avlotrtx. tr tu n il iig toI her 0 check for 13700 as a deposit on .•• a SUnson-Detrolter plane., officials of . thc cbrporaUon a n n o u n ce today. . . .

T he order aod deposit were refused.' thc-otflclols said. In 'llhe-w lth 'U ie on* '' nounced policy of Eddie SUnson, pres- I idcnt, who has-taid-be-ls nd^^bulfdlng - i a irplanes for transallantie IllghU.

iR f lo F ii i i I CL08E8|18TiI Ctillean Ambassador to United i S tajjs and-President of Big ,• Steel. Corporation, Speakers:..

: HOUSTON, Texas. April 27 m - • r n nmbossador' to th e United States, and Jam es A.‘ iTvrreU. president of the United States

g ie tl corporation, were speakers a t thc ,. ; ifloslng session of the national foreign

trad e convention here today. They ; pitched Uielr Ideas of UUn-Ameilcan

iTsde on th e p\at\e of good b a t a t a and mutual advantag?, and curiously cnoubh, In contrast to 'som e oUict speaker*, stripped the ir talks largely • di world accord. International amltv ond s e n t l m e n t o L t y . •

“We wish Uiem peoce." Mr. FaireJl •r •*a ld -o f:l.# U n 5 JU n iw m -n -p ap en t4 d ~. before the conVehtlori. "unbrQl^en and ’ undUturbed." but hC’ made w hat he

called th e frstik’'admission " th a t our motive U Intensely pracUeal.. We arc

> n o t actuated by tdw U m or altnilsm.- l .O ua_la..-a«tt_ilL _*n_eyjn,.8tT O n«er■ rellsoee upon U u t basic hum an desire.I w hich h u been chiefly responsible for• a ll world adranee, Uie urge to better ' o u r own clrcumstsneea of life." •, A m btstadM Da,Ttla dedated Utot Uio I p ronouneed 'itrldea 'U>e"tmited States I Is m aking in LaUn-Atnerlcs la due to

m uttisi M lf - ln tm t ,[ W . R. ostU e. s s ils tsn t secretary of I told the fs tb e rln g th s t the .I Cnlted 8 U t« lo m w l m t intends to p ro tec t - Ie jttlo » t» ::j im o ic sa . to v ^ - . . I m e n ti s b r d S d i ^ kvtp.tU e trade door• ftfen for fu rther e ipM uloo .,

. y ^ '


\ K S- v - ^ I N - P A = E B S f H 3 S H f

w in is .BliMDlSMIIE

G a le s o f T o r n a d o F o r c e S w e e p

A c r o s s C e n t r a l F lo r id a a n d

L e a v e W re c k a g e in W a k e ;

R i v e r s A re R fs in g R a p id ly .

cay The Associated Pro»i ^ATIiANTA. Oa.. April ‘JT -W lii#- storm s, torrential rains nnd flocil?' conllm ied their ruvnges In tlu- South today, from Akansas eastward t» Flordta.

A B ineral « o rm wlth-wWds uf lot- nado force blew across (he central ; porUon of Florida, wrecking liuJldlnKs. a t Inverness, 70 m llfs nbrth .of, Tiimjm, I d isrupting cominunlootlon and Ing more thnn a doten towns und viiT^ iBgges. MesKer reports did not. cstnb- llsh w hether there *crc ony casiialtlw. O alnuville and Ocala wm- uinong (lieisolated- toi^ns,. .............

n u lld ln ii'jn Itiiliw • " 'A amall to rn ad o , wrccked scvernl

buildings on thc .tfut-'klrts ot Wuv- c rc « . while othef Oeorgla towns ro-

Rivers otAscutheni Oeorgln. already out o t their-banks, with last.Sum lay’ii torrentlol p in ta i l , ti.-cclved m-w vol­umes o( waier and many p\accs tc -portcU-zocord-stages.------------------------- -

Flood CondlUons ForteostSerlou-i ilood condlllons were fore- .

cast a long the Apalachicola and Clioc- I tawatchvep rivers 'In no rthw estern

, Florida because of mw floods piling . up ou the crest ot /Qie deluge, whlcu

already lia» caused irrm endo tti-dnm -- . age to the upper v/Heys. Hard rulni - fell throughout tW flooded territcry

and communications were down. - . I .The {nhabltajfts of .west BolnbrldKe.

j Georgia, on t he Flint river were p w ! p a re d -to evacuate their homos willi

* i thp_rU!cr i'rvgn-fpfi^abtg e J lg iil - atftim . ■'nnrt risiiiL' fiirniny ' L

j A house was blown through tele- M ” '~T C 6«iinued 'oh 'PhW 'T W o)

: KELLflpr PpCE PLIir* C H IC A ao. Aprll 37 (/J ')-W ar' and 1 mllltarUm -eWefly concerned t l i c Na- . tlonal .U ngue-of Wcmcn Voters todny.» the delegates opprovliig Secretary ot ;; S tate Kellcgg’s plan for cutlawins I f.wtw. and determined upon a itiidy of'' m ilitary (raining In schools and col-

!eg«i. . - . . •* ■ To Uic sw dy of causes cf war; Ui^

league on this next m the liua day of Its convention, added nn mvcstlga-

5 Uion o t the tu res for war.2 1 Thc w m envagftln. ns two years ago L.[npprQ.5cibUir:.cntrnnce of ihe_Unlted

I s ta tc s 'in to the • permanent court of Internallonal JusUce. Tlicy added however, a dccloratl'on for o gcnem' reduction ot expenditures for tlie army

■ and .navy .____ ___________________ [i..

e ■

r - -t1 - ------ ------------------------ -

f " ' •


i ' ------------] . .

r '•

; • • ,

; ■

■ - I l i t

I f/M'vJI Vll Ml

r Mn.1iUiill.^n\>.>

r I I .r I M ^ U S B ^ ^ i y H v ^ v y

0 ' ' ;)1s - * ‘ v l\V iW i K R V lC T lfJ lltK >

- \


4 X X S ^

D R I N K S C O F F E E . E A T S [


1 ■ B O U R B O N S — L IV E S LONG

] .

I w ccu; t i i 'l vtiic tlil' !>::nocraiic 'w . :ick'-t.

'TliL-. Is the prfs:ri|>ilnij it.; ion- Kivny givrn by J a tn i ' K. Lcnr <il

iflf, this cllv. r l io ynl<‘Kii,y crlihrair'il , ”}' liiN on-' liuadred a ..> i'<'1 Hill b irth . ll „ . day fiMilvcrMry. n o Hull hole and lifjriv . .U ar

.sp' tul^ iinicli tim e '.vork'ni; lit iho CGI Ifiircl-n o t h ll son. Jnino:; l.i-ar.

. . _ lli- i:i IUI n rd rn t radi i l.iii.Iju Thl- cciilonarlan moved to Ore- ' from Kciitin'ky ir. yiMfi nuo..

r ^l

“f : D K . - ^ A Y O F I N D S |

S . , W O M E N R l i l N l N G i ”

' S H A P E , O F L U G S I ';Ot- ; p‘ral H ig h - H c c l c d S b o e o O o m p 1 o lc ly :ti

C h a n g e F o r m o f L o w e r L im b s . ^ o f F a i r e r S o x , S ;tj/e S u rg e o n . , ti'

nU LOf> ANOELES. Apr:i oiK-' Wcmi-n « n i Kicrlflclm; itn- .-.hniM-' |uillio o t Ih tlr Ii'gti o a th\: iilinr iit lilgh ; fi

. 'Iu tI.s 111 till- ojilnionXi Dr. cimrli-,. itl■ 'M.tVi);'- lum oiw-fui-xccu' -;i;id a " it/

•rnl ttu'iiibi-r o f 't h r cilnir If.'.jhin; lils j av- tmiilly a t R ih'!i.'>u t ,- Mlu-ro- iie.'olfl. O r Mayn i: in i.c;;. An- g: », - .K ckauoii-o :'vaci:cn . - ' u“ l.V -Lodlcs' rei;s o r f trally ;i:i In- , o'

.ic.-rMliiB study nt-.'.idiiys." said V tiie' no trd surgeon lodny. "They'rr

. loslnK tho lr calvcs. Wli.v. these • .P TngllihcBlcd Bhcc3»*'thn"'rt-""WMir- • * liii{ a re clioiiglnK compleloly ilic ' •>

(jj.* ’ shnjw of tliDlr lego. »ern "You know, a fte r w«ichhiK HiPm ing v.Tilklng ou the ir lilt'll lir.-ET r " j iIl-U mndc ;iu experiment ,snme llna- 1‘ im- - - a s a - I tock—seveR l-th irk^eork— *• lllll block-1 and strappod :tii-iii nndur , cry my own h c e lr ond 'ifitd ivalkU i;:

cn Ihem — like the Indies do. f i '' ' "And 7 found thnl" it madp'rny ,, " • _ o , . l t .» - » to l u l« ly - 4 m te _ I o - o U .^ - 5

pit,. ■ I miii‘im'i'i| "

L-le- (ConUnued on Pa«e 1-wo) «


MlNOUa. Pnlo ?ln(n county. Texas. I - — AprU-a7-f,!Ki-J.-W.-C.l.(irii.-iiO.-o mer- - III ehiini. .'.acrlflccd hl»-Ulo thLi inom- UN ing In a va ln -'cflo rt lo save his

douRliter G crtniiic. . ^ . f r o m burning •• lo di-aUi when their home cniight lire

snd from nn oll xfove.

S O R E G O ff s H O R T L IN E . T O , L ,“

■in°, IM P R O V E H O L D IN G S i i l - I■ IM O W T F^L IE R -V I,C IN IT ,Y “

Ui^ MONTPEL17.R. IdiJiO. April. 27 (fl>t P day —Ccnstructlon of four mlU-s of addl-ga- Monal clcl^j-lrccfci und other general F

ImprovcnK-nls will bc started hero ^igo w lth tn n few days by the Oregon Short ~Ited M nc Tiillriind .rnmpimy, according to ,

of word received here todoy. Movementled cf (hc Bern hlglr.vriv farther we8t,hn.i ,.:m i been ordered bi- llie county commls- n•my Klonrrs lo permit «f tlie railroad com; b

.E:iny_improvcmeni,«;______________ ^ r

• K K -K K , G I D W !

U//i L ' ^ * y 'd ?

^ . . . .•\ . - O t o i U M ,«


r H H T S i F: . . p i i i r P L i i i


Idaho Senator to Address Chi- It cago Clubr-Plans lo Speak in; ' West and .East Before Con-

, ventlon Tim e in Kansas City.

“ j tUy Tho ABMKlaU-d PrKwl. W ASniNOTON. April 27-Beforo llie

I HDiiiUtoii - club ot. Chrcngo tomnrrow ' I night. Senator Borah. Republican, 2 C I Idaho, will oiK'-n his speaking cam-

*^lp!iiKn for a prohlblUon plon* in the , i Rciuibllc'nn ptoUorm to. bo adopted a t

C iy : the. .kansa.s City convention In June..The Idahoan who h as Uio endone-

o n . . mrni of his own h tote for the Republl- ran presidential nom ination, will thus

;oii('ii h it tlghc In the home sta te ot Uie ><■' I uno pn-nldcntlal ‘candidate who huiII : fallnl lo aasw'er h is prohlblUon qucs- V i tlL 'nnalrr-f’orm cr O ovem or . Prank O. a " iLowdj-n. 'Is 1 No Specific Enfa*»menta1- While he lias mode ho spcclflc en- I- cam-ifienta an y«t. Senaior Boriih plans

to m akc-fojir o r five -more opeeche* i. on Uie prohibition issue In both the d %Vist ond the E nsl between tills Ume rr and llie convention of the Republlcon IH-•• .party on June ' 12.> 1 Although-Uu>:scnator.onnounccd.lils ip- Intention to carry the prohibition tight

(« (he country before he rec c l* ^ Uie . (’i'.U«rr.emcnt of Ute p a rty organisation

p -; ln -h ls-8 to te ,~M m e ' political obM nei* :■ I ri-Karded his s|>cakltig campaign os a

double-barrtlcd-opc—m-Uie Interest of ll prohlb'ltlon plank tind hLs owti con-

, • dlducy, *Addreitt?* Leadfrs

The occTJilon o t h is address tomor- ruw nlghl Is the annual dinner of .Uie

ton , ontfliilaalion In jh g lw e s te rn .met-,

Ship some ot .tjic ouUlaridllig imftV (Continjicd on Pnge Two)

^ . w . E r a m i j .1

i m l N i M i i alire ■ '

WABHINOTON. Aprll 27 (/Pi-AI . though the sennie finance commlt- ^ tee's *203.000.000 tnx-reductljn bill Ig-

nores the nilm lnhtraU on's demand for retention ot (he nutomcblle tax. Pres-

J Y idem Coolldge L ^ e o d y to approve It.Opposition u t Iho p rc s 'd jn t 'to the

,m , propoaol of. the coiiiinlltec as well as l , y of the house to wipe out thc 3 per “ i cent automobile levy developed anah!

loday, bul ll was made clear lh a t Mi Coolldge realizes It is the province ot

, congress to dctcr'm ine how the revenueK n t 'h '^ 'id -b e - ra lw ^ ^ ....... - _,hn.s Eor th a t rea jion ., th e president. Iknls- no l going to tu rn agolnst 'th e tenatr,6m- b lir 'c irac co u n i of the -automobile (ox' rep e a l.______ ______________________ :

h \ ; y r ^

. ' / U a

wa. br u» Y ork TrUiUM. me;''


‘Nation Besto ( Honor on Fl([5 MADDEN DIES I!’' ’ M A R TIS., li. M ADDKX. UU-•hi* 111 1’ t h r h o i a r » i /'''/ ircn rH ttJ- ; jf j; f ! r r s m tihlr.iilu ^ I r k b i 'i i w ith

1 f d t i i l lic tir t t i t ta rk '.o n - t I

(lie ^ 3 ■ -TOW .W; ■ ' guin, - ' ■nm- - - 9

a l ' ' ' A

n e - S B

hus ”u>c J h

Ime '• .................. r y

ilLLIilSSTSIESil::l o t : — ^ ^ -------- ............. ............i ,» n - j ;

H e a r t A t ta c k S u d d e n ly E n d s ' j

S ; L if e o f , M a r t in B '. M S d d th -^

a t . :C a p ito in H ~ 'W a 5 l) in g tb ~ n 7 f,

- W AaH iaoTO M . a p th 37 (a ^ -m o t- .vtin B. Madden. IllftiolsVohe of Uie Hc- \ publicon leodcrs In congress, and a t iwwer In the IioiLse of represontatlves, j

, . was. stricken .with an acute h eart o t* J . . . tack todoy and died a few mlutw "

ILL The end conte os he sa t a t h l s . d ^ • In h is copKol office, ta lking «*iUi o \ colleague; ' H e' siiddcnl}' placed lils '

'A l hond over his heart and sank down' lu l mlt- his chain He was removed lo o couch J

Ig- In the- room and despite rifo rta to • for revive him he pawed away wlUiout,

■res- regaining consciousness, Rcpresenta-' c it. tlve Sproul, an Illinois colleague, with I

w hoin.lic hod-boen-ulklng-. und a few I other Irlends were with .Muddon when ■‘p^r h e d le d . • . • • I* « a l ; ! ■ ■. In ‘cheery -Mood Ml Up to th e moment of his death Mr.

e ot M adden had been In a cheery mood, enue _ ‘ W ort of Mr. • M adden's denth

tC ontim :cd* .on-P»ge-T ^ .--------

W E S T E R N M A R Y ^ D IN • '

— - W I N T E R 'S - G R I P i - P E A C H - -

" ^ A N p A P P L E c r o p - h u r t ;

_______BA I.X IM O ItE .A D nU L £Jar^grlE B£^_— by one of the worst-ADrU-snbwilormsi

in ita history, western M aryland' to - ! t nlghl foced the prospect of having ita ^

------pesch-tm d-npple-crops-TU lncd-ln nn iIcy blost tha t completely paroly-zcd ( tm ffic lind dlinipted lelcgrapWCOtfi-'t munlc.iOons. ' . il

Snow had whirled itself Into small - drifta a l HageMtown. ahd Prederlcl: ( and several olher points reported Umt i Uie fall had reached o dep^lis of six t

t Inches, w ith no prospect of a let up, (

. coraiifliGHT :is tm s m s E /

_____ . 1I — ■ * '

M o r e C a r lo a d s o f P o t a t o e s a n d |

G r a l i i M ove in T h r e e M o n t h s ,

T h a n D u rin ri P e r io d in 1 9 2 7 .1

B O IS E .-A p ril-27 f/I»)-An inc rease ' of 0.6 per ccnt in com m odity ship- • nicnta from Uie centrol w estern icrrl-

. tory.'os compared w ith thi^sam o per-, lo d /lo s t year was forecast for April.; May and June by the Centrol West-1 cm Shipper*' odvlsory, board, W. L.i Harvey, representoUvc .of th e centrol' ofdce bt Uie dlstrtct, said todoy when, he arrived for a conference wlUi Will ' H. Olbson. prcsldenl of th e public ' u itlllllcs commlMlon. T his territory i includes southern Idaho, U tah, Co!o-_' rado. Wyoming and Nebraska. -I

O utaU ndlng oMong the. Increases in commodity shfpmcnta cxpected woa- th a t of potatoes and groin. An fn-T- creose of 123 per cen t In potato ship-, nienta wos shown In the report along i with on Increase of 8 1 'per cent in L grain. Po tato shlpmenta th is quarter r

. » c te :- fo re c a a t^ tt t_ b g -« l7 0 c a n os against 2130 cars a ycor ago.

A .decrease of 2ft per ccn t In ship- ' m e n u o f.lres^ '.Iru lt was fo recast.. : i

------------ ..LEAVENWORTH. l ^ 'A D r H i7 (;Pl '

- F e o r . Uiat prisond^Tal tKe redenl-: penltontlary here would liQure hlm*ls.i b e l i ^ to..have led to tho.suleide of^i Robert OelUnisr. 40, a guard, w hpu .l body was found today h a i tf n g Im n*i a ' trec on » i« rm 'n lna nifles #ouU»--l

. . . w esl 'o f-b a re .'.'.-.. . . ' •" tt>e. .D eU lnier dlisppearcd April 8, ' -j:

a l i l i' P R IC E =5

ows Highest loyd Bennett -y V y . , : i M a a s a g a ^ a a e g u ^ ^

pFiiiiioiis nfimii poif mmmmi

P i lo t o f E p ic F l ig h ts S l e e p s

in H ill-S iife o f A rl in g to n

N e c ro p o l is F a c in g Ic y B a r ­

r i e r s o ( N o r t h ; M a n y tS a t l ie r .

• Dy Thc Arjcclated Press) ■“» WASHINOTON. April 27-Honor*

reserved for thasc who achieve high place In servlco under the flog were bestowed In the nam c'o ; th e Amerlcon people today on Kioyd Bennett, novol macliinlst, who- shored wllh Com­mander Byrd thc llrat a ir flight lo , thc NorUi pole. •'

First Amtrlcon to die of Uiat gal- J u n t fellowship of 'a dven tu ren of the

■ V kW who have w ritten' Ih e lf lUUHU In ' worid iilstory during the swUt '*

‘ years Just over. Bennett, was laid lo- his lotig'Mceo’ decp m v ro in -< lren e h a l. "

slecp-sloplhg hlll-slde of Arlington n a -- tlnnnl-egm pw y tliat looks ou t tflward

the north and the icy. barriers ' t h a t "

( guard the. pole.'■. ■•• I)<«lh 'Stflliiea 'S yddenly - ' ■■■ Just a week ago h e set ou t lo carry

'relief to Ciermon and lrlsli comrodei• i9f- th e a ir-fra te rn ity ,-stranded -w llh -a----- ^

icrippled ship a fte r they hod succeed-.-:

Sed in spanning Uie AUantic from E ast-’ lo West. DeoUi came to him through . -loxtiosurcJon th a t rescue trip.

^ For Uils young knight’ of the new -Ich lvalry-of-U io air,-alU»ough.humhlo-^—

military honors wore __

> oUng rttlc volWys. c r a c k ^ lhrou«b •.. tlic rnln ond cold wind th a t sw ept. -- a Uie hillside, paid Itini s saUorly sa- s lute and Uie soft call of-ti bugle p u t.

-Uhn to r’est with “taps." Ughts-ouL for u -so ld le iyair-sa llo rs-on -sh lp -^ iU or* . • ■

• Many W alt .■Bt-OtSie . '=Dfspl(« a cMwnpour tl>a( ir e w hesv-

* Jer u lime pssied. th e roped tsc lqn iro* abo5l U * - 'iS u ^ •■ g ra v e w t a S t e d ' , . ? „ abopt with m e n l ^ women for b o o n{? before the solemn itrA lns of Ute n a v y 'JJ band told Uiot the aviator was com* l l , (CQDllnucd on Page Two)I . ' ' " .


. E x p e r t s .W i l l j j a k e B o a t T r ip .

_ _ U p .C a n y ,o n to - D e te r m ln e .M ln .^ —

T i e r a l P o s s ib i l i t i e s o f S ^ o n . : .

i ! - ._______ _ r r = -------- ------------- 1-« | a o IS E , April 37 (fl.)—A boat tr ip u p ■- >* lhe Snake river gorge from' Lewiston '13 v lll 'b e taken by mining engineer*■n scmetlmp ln“M ay ' 16'de term ine niln-

crs l posiUblllUetf of Ute section to be >■ opened up l>y Uie propoeed r a l l r o td . . . .

I from Homestaad. Oregon, to I^wUton.-11 - The engineers. represenUng Idabo.

Oregon and W ashington wUl leave as I t soon as Uie spring n m off la tbe IX sircam raises Uie w ater level niffU - - . clenUy for Uiem to clear th e num er-

'Oils rapids 'o tfd boulders In Uie can*. ; yen., it- was^ onnounced today by WIU H. olbson. president of Uift public

:ullliles commission. About 100 mUes -- ■ o f ' ihe 'channol will-lje corered^ln th e ------

E s iiney which will consume more than ' a wet-k.

. Explore Mining D is tr ie ta .Outprcpplnga 'of -copper' and • low

grads gold ore which according to Idr. OllLwn ore known to be In the d ls- •

,ft Iricl win bo explored In oddlUon to oc tnc mining dlstrlcta r ^ n g the route.

The rcsulta of Uie s ^ e y will be IS ccmpllcd for presentation before an _ Interstate commerce, commission hear-, f . ing which U expected to be held ,

scmetlme after July 4 lo LewUtoo’t o ) " ' detcrmlneN Uie.feasibility of buU dlng.'

. . Uie UO miles of railroad necessary.-^■ connect Uie Oregon S ho rt Lino und .

Uie NorUiom Pacific railroads and - ,. provide a shorter route between sou lb -. •,j ,em and norUiem Idaho. . ^

r l . CHILD KILLEDPONCA CITY. Okla., April 27 O p j- j.

One child WM UUed and IItd per- I ii 'm h s were Injured w hen on oxplulcn itcdem olished a -tw o story frtime apart- ry ment house here shortly before mid- 0 night. •

2 M A R IN E S p r e p a r e d t o l l " i » -r D E F E i f f i C IT Y A G A T liS T

S ; A H A C K S B Y .SA N D IN O VinL

• MA MAOm, N t o a g u i ^ 'A p r i w a i i j ; ^

J . the dUtrici .wbpre the 'fo rce*„ rebel. cnU ng reerat^ ., t b ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^

S . p a r . i i

Page 2: K S JV^hingtonJ [5 MADDEN DIES I!’pFiiiiioiis nfimii poif ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · York Clieer Famous-'A'viatocs (By The Awoctattd VVASIUNOTON. April

r t i t Two__________________ ^

j i y i E i i c i S -JUlISlDEiS^l l i p E i E O■“ Principal Among Complaints

Arc ''Inlatlnn 111 I iniinr I aw.

. Narcotic Act and u'clraijailig.

(Oy TTie A.vccl«t«l P irw ), S A L T L A K E C IT Y , April .2 1 - • Tlilriy-Mvcnl rcsiacnU ol UlaJj were ' nicllclfd 'by the Icc'cral lirand Jury

I during l« probe »htcli cmne to n I ' close lifre todny. Prltiflpal ntnonB

I the charcM are vlolnllon of Uie vn- 7'■■ hlbtUon ■ Ifltr. 't f ie M aral tanl£l«s I l a « , the HnrrUon narcotic acl. ond

cljarccs of using llic n u lls t» dc* fniii'd.

y;i>llo ttio Jury’s acil'iu cn the cvl- •t d e n « from n ffppc-.ii-prohibition-in;

vcstUatlon nnd_tlie rcsuiinnl imllci- m ent of depmy shrrlfrs, it fcdereJ or*

I ■ fleer and n-jiiiicd •'Im.’licr up“ In boot- T - Jor-e lrclcs inciied llic iirtuicst lii- ■ tcrcat. thc'incllclmcnt returned np iin it

Brlsliam Y. Hftrdy. Snll. Lake chair­man and fornier nudllof of thc Na­tional Copper bank, Icr viol,illon r,I thc nntlonnl banklnn K-as clii- grruiest Mirprlsc.

• * . M aik False En(rlr«Hardy's alleged dolnleallou Ims been

shrouded from Keiicml P'ilJ>'c know). cdRC since lasl Nfay. wjien lie is *»-

I Jrffty '^D have tnuile fulM* cnirlcs In lhe N ational Copper comimny Iwoks lo the extent of »23,600.

lhe indlcllne of Dr. W aller E. Mad- ' Ison. 4 0 0 'D. street, former luslMant j couniy physlp.lan. fcr violating llic I Jiarriflon narcaac ael.

---------- T ho—proh lb ltlon-lnvestigallon-oc-c u p l^ BOiuc Mx iiioiiUw bclocc the

} . Branil Jury went Into scMlon and tpe* clnl ORcnUs were sent from San Fran*

- cisco ond WiishlMRUjn in order to Investlgalo. and. If tlielr findings Jus-

------fifre(irfuivc"tftcm-iTr«cnted--by'nnil*ed Stoics Alturhey Cliarles MT3^tor- rls ta the grand Jury. This wai done and more than 70 wltnesaca-nppcar- ed before the ]ury, with tbe result Uiut six conspiracy Indictments were relum ed. ‘ ■

agalnsl five deputy sheriffs and onc former deputy slierlff of S a il Lake couniy. a former federal prohibition offlccr: a former deputy sheriff of SummlO connty ond sc « ra l u h o arc looked upon to bc thc leaders In Salt Lake’s "bpoze" ring. -

Peace Officer Named Ocorge L. ScJiwcltuTr. Cloudc W.

Ro3cnkrantz»and WlUlam Fotci. three BftJt Lake couniy p»ftc o iO co» ,'W W nam ed ' in probably w hat «na the most sensational Indictment of the 37 relum ed by the Juror*. - • '

. The ihrec 'deputy slierlff a re cluirg* 'T ' c<l wllh conspiring w ith Jumcs Lalsc.i.) under sim tlar ini^lclment by Uic last

' Rrand Jury, ona Z. L-. iDoc) Pot*. ten for Oio nurpose o t vloUtlng lhei nollonal Uquor laws........’ '

LaUcs and Poltcn, among the olh- 4* ers named In the ind ic tm ent.. ore. ‘ chargcd n llh entering into ft corisplr* i ___ ney tfl manutftcture_tt’hLAcv nnd .sc ti

- ll o l $8 o ga llon /' .' -i.. •...... John E ^Jlanclcck ond 8 mlU Sul-. ton, thc oilier tw o-8a lt Lake itoputy

-— 'sh eriffs Indicted .for.cow plrocy. ore clutrged .with using the ir offices to p retecU bsoyeggcrs o t Mogna. .Tliey

. ^ re d ian ted with Art Marslr. onc of the nmiip w h w nn»rntlnni worp nl Mogna. accortling lo U}s hid lc im cni..

lU relved SlOO . Charged with toklr'g tlDO (rom

- Patrick Harrlla for -protection." Bert L. Smltli. former depuiy sheriff, was

— indicted under the (cderol code "for no t reporting o low violation.’'

Lo>'»l 'Chrlstonsc, torm er (cderol. prohlblUon officer, tflia indlctcd (or attem pting' to occept o brlbo-for-hU non appcaroncc aa o w ltneu ngalnst

* ' on 'a lleged 'bootlcgcer. > - .Two Indictment were relum ed

ogalnst W. R, Jefford. former deputy sheriff of. Summit cownty, whose a r­rest last f ill by federal oftlccrs sllr-

. red Pork' City. He was charged wlUi conspiracy In onc of the Indlrtm enb. lo whl^i. ll was declared th a t hc sold

I ' a Mark KItfiorc a still. Kilgore wti.\ given Immunity and not named In the

; Indictment. Tlio oUier indictment , —f h a r ^ ' . t h a t November 12.. 1027, hc oc-

ccpttd ISO. from-Angelo Fontano and promised the latter Imm unity from arrest.

Oeorgc C. Sm ith. Bingham, was In*. d l c ( ^ for aMtig the malls for fn«ud. ' Largo am ounu oi hordwarc from a

□Ingham cdncem on F eb ru ary . 1. lOM. were u ld Co have been ob­tained by misrepresenting credit.

In oddlUon lo Uic clmrgc..i a«alnst Hordy. Clarcnce C .'U u b e r , another employee o t. the National Copper bank, o lw was indlctcd f o r . viola* tlon of Uie federal banking laws. Hc Is i ^ l f lc a l ly chargcd wllh (abllv- Ing ' entries In the bank 's accounts and appropriating several ' ihousdnd o t doUoTS to his own use.'

DEVELOP ITALIAN INDUSTRY • •ROME m - / i tcchnlcoJ committee

- haa been oppolnted to study th c 'p o s- i l t tn m e r ’o fo rgon la iU on 'and growth

o t tHo ItaJloa optical Ipdustry ns well . u eo*OrdinoUon o t various lochhlcal

Bnd economic developments In tho op- U d J nod pwctslori tooU-jndu^trlfci^_

* PBOFB88 IONAI1 BTANOAROB - OHZCAOO ( /n -W h e n yeggs blew

' th o a ite o t ft suburbon movie thc* k trs , eaplojres. Ued against tho woU. h e iir t . 'O iw .ih u g * a 7 .to th e 'o th e r :

...... « ir - » o u -< io o t -v i lf '< lrtn ldnr‘o n ' th sjo b ;r u - R i» t » to youf"

}, '' A OLBV O P SOME BOBT } •, J f it/JO flE P H . Mo. CffJ-tBcwo h u n -

In 'L - .d ro d 'a le k d U « tn w e n stolen from » |i!^ .r^ iton jr-:T be 'v> yoeB o te irit-;one« - t h i t h ’S '/th A ^ tb e t t- .ta tn e iw d th s - a lg h t ttefora

■ ••m ita W ^ decU o it,;\ , . •


^..H O T E rM A G N A T l

i ts i i ■ r I

f i ,\ y

»R ' ' '

tr* THE MAN WIIO KOSE Irom tb t po»It- h6lcl proprietor. Edward SI. SlaUer (II* Stallcr !■ Uion n Above «iti» h li Mn.

‘i j i o E A T K T A K E S N O T E D | |

£ | IL L IN O IS S T A T E a M /l ' '! !

I (Cononutg Krofli rage One> .

I aiircad rapidly aboul Ih'e house I wllhln a few minute* Uie house. In

“^ lu i . - . f .itonny legfslatlve tiottlc:. he , Ija/I fwrlJclpaled to r 23 years, nd- jDurncd out o t respect for the "ohlof,” ] a-*, he was called by many of hLi

«s I frli-nrin . .. V ..1- M rrM oddcn was 73 years bt age omi, “ III wax urv ing his twclfih contlnuoits if te rm 'o s 'a reprc-ienlatlve from the tUal

Chicago c o n B re s s lo n o fd u tr lc m ie Is . . survived-by-hlii-wldow-Biid-one-dauRh* - ie ter. Mra. Paul Henderson, wife, of a ,

fo rm v tisjlstonl piwilmosler generol. i I* Body in W ashington j

Moddcn’a body wos taken to his , >1 iVaahlnglnn home where ll will re* , l* m ain un til Sunday. TJien il ^ i ^ i ^ ( r- brought back to the c.ipltol tiM Ic In , le stole between the hours of noon and , r- 2 P. M.. Ill thc chomber of thu house, ill II will be p l i r t r r c n a train fo r.C hi- , rc coRo where on Monday ofteriioon fiin- — ira l'scrv lce-w lll b e lie ld i»l l i i n io m F _^»t-pU i»w lal^ -fl-CliU'.iHc>-Miliurb. •

^ prlatlons commlttcc Mr. Madden was ‘ J® o.pow er'bolh In the work,of the hauri--

nnd In the udmlnW ratlon of thc flsc.tl I , affnfr.-i of the luJlfio .. J n c h yenr ll h ; th e" duly of th a l eommlitee to p m i

<1® upon the annual cxjjcndlture.i o( the , ‘1 federal ttovcrnmerit. toiulling more ]

thati t4.OUO.090.000 dollars. !. A Riadlator of th e (lri.t r.ink, the ,

W. veteran ehalrmnii recently hnd lak tn , ec an aciive pa rt In affairs of the hoii.se. m- H was to Jttm Ihol the odmlnlstratlon he cnlniiiied Icnderslilp In th e .strugp;,’' he to res/iape In the' houM ai}d r.cMlp‘/i , I flood*conlro) bill oppaWd bf'P r«.ildent J.. Coolldge. _ _____ . ‘ ^ '

O P nc iA L 'C H IC A G O fiiiOCKEI) CHICAOO, April 27 Liaj.'-)3fHriaJ

u . Chicago was sliockrd toddf .by the im- f.tpfctfdneia of Ihe death of the

,, slate 's most powerful representollvR lii,l “ ■ ccncrcs?, M artin B. Ma'Qden, clulr*

m an of the appropriations conmilliee. T lie clly council, over which hs oiic?

“ p rcstd -d ,'A op«< l'app rop rla l'c twolu- tlotij. nndW ut ot respect to Mr. Madr

It* den,'adjourned un til Monday. - 1 ly ’Hie city hall will be clos.'d on ‘he i re doy ot his tuncrul a t Hlnsd.'ile, a t . to suburb, onrt the entire council aiui I: ey city departm ent heads will nltend. • of Flags on all •municipal buildings ivcrc in ilf it b a tf mml------H E -------------------------- -

Tlie vncnncy--r.u Uie Republlc.in-'f, Ccket caused by Afadden’/i dea.’h w d i)

,m be (Ulcd by tclccUon by.U ie lkpubli-1 ■rt con committeemen trom ihc tlir«o' ^ words of the district some time bcforf-; . . Novembt#, Hoqi^r K . Oolpln. chalmiiin

of Iho county central “ 'd." I nm shocked by tne report of tin* 1

^ rifatiJTPf c mim m »m »r M) « i in r ~ M n r Moyor Th^ompson. . ’’H c-b as -n o t-b e en '

" n 'w c lp m a n to r some llm c and liLi deaUi morks the passing of another

. Rfeoi American who died In homcia' ^ whllo standing by h is im portant duller ‘ty ra ther ihon protect hlmselt,"

ir- WANTS TO DE 8ENAT0U Ui SALT LAKE CITV, April 27 { .I 'l - l3, Ernest Bamberger, national ttcpubll* lid can commltlecmon to r Utah, today IUl onnounced his candidacy form ic Unlt- he ed SUlc* senate. Only one oilier n t person—J . R. Clark—has tormally on*' e- nounced his candidacy in'tfii* senator-, nd lal race In U tah. M h Clorlc some ttnie im “RO .returned from Mexico where he

had been engaged In Bpeclal service ,j . for A m bw odor Dwight Morrow, id. -------------------- ' ' ■ --------

L I n v e n t o r R e t u r n s

in - FB E D E R lO .nA K O lB Y PAGE;1 ft . i d u e n » k e r and hiTentor of (he U t ' aQtoBMtie' ilolted'w lng.' rM 'am trom n e »■ i h m ntonU u' tnaliM n trip

•b fo td .'; .

- 7- 71— ----------- -



potilJnn ot bellhny io nillllonalre chain Jer (left) i v tlta» -1 ti New VorU. • Mr. son.

i i i i i i r. m i i FEIIUREShe _____.d-

E la b o r a t e S e t s o ( S c e n e r y f o r

3{ t in g f o r C a t i i e d r a i 'C i i o i r .Is _____ •

h* ^— ------------------------------------------ ---a . Junc 0 will be the o|icnlnB dale ol

ll i f Twin I'lills Chnutiiufiui this year, • .lie local committee Iim announced,

Every a ttem pt h x i been made by tlie manaiicment to present an up-\o-the* m1rt«wM'Ws‘«'u^n'iimr.-'tlw.’tln(llnB.i 'ol

w Uie~i!Cjainf/c,'Moii«Biic-ai«l-thcsuJcaJ worlds have been cciiiblneil, in the 102J

•'■i prngrnm. / f 'Unusunl .iccnlc, U;;litlnK and r.iaiilns

; ■ feature:; will be UM'd this yenr which ~ * t l l - n d ( l much to Uip value n^d i w n

f.'.t oC tiic proiirams............... —•~i ni

iv tr c a n u ti oy cnaiiiuiiqua companle.i urc to bo Ufod this Btaion.

“ ‘IC '/i'N lK h; In H nw nir wllh W. V lv ra ’j lijwnllanr, liioluili-;', 11 Ma«e settlnK

*■ -Aitlinut rqunl on the Climiliiuqua pint- ir fnrm. Mi trup inc volcano, un cxqllc

StiuDi Sea muon, jialiiw. UiaUhed hinisi's and a rom sniir ?"•> -viii >•-:

, ■ cme nf the features. Mr. Vlerro. who hcud.s lhe .ccmpany. b considered lo have dime mnre lo populin io Ha- walliCn music In the Unl’.vd StaHr. iliiin any *>thiT une :n;\n. Thu Vltrra.'

, V imvo nol cn’y iilayeil tin; le'sdliw Chautauqua eirciiiu o f Uie £ n u but nlso nhe vaudeville tuiculls in lhal section of tho t.ninlry.

A mcdlcviil ca'.lu-dral li lo bc rcpre- , , w nled and pro’.lde the atmoJ.iihcro f<J

Ull' CathedMl Choli- w hlrh In tlii' ih i’i IJ'’ day ftllracticii. 'llio. cliclr « ill b;

J:c3dc<i by l l IV, D. Toofrj-. urll- ''•ilcnow n dlrectiT of thorn! oriiaiitotlnn! ‘'■•'■fcr Chnutnii<iimle. T«o ria>». Sehrduled *ic? Tlicre will b< two ploys' Uil;; y<'ar “*■ ’T h e PnUy." the ?cc(;nd nl«lit (ei'iturc “*'■ Is Barry Coi;iu-r'.s-the, nuthor 0

■ "ApjilcMiirc'—newisL jilaj'. I t writ len In lyplc.vl Lurry. Conner i.iyle.wlil

, “ plenty of wlJe-rrncks, clever aliuallunj , svllly repailee and clean fun. "A Mcb'

iCjiy^-rlKht, -nichard Oanthotty. Ai '•,J]|'iiiiiisit,'il Uiem?.- brtlllnnl eomody. nm

i iniltiiie IlKhtlni; efleet.n marie It 111 om “J*; o f thc [TTcai plays. I t h i ’-, been playcc

* • well. iw .nil lhe Inrce;"^ ic U lcu ol the Untied Stales.Im celebTitlcs have Been iiiilecled n[j“;lo p c n the Chautauqua. Lon JolnUioi’

^ iKCciler tt'itli Jfctle R«c Tavlor. cimr 7 “ ocierW nnd Im pcspo^tor. whosn nam' I, ' nppi-ars in llie’ liSfetiah’ Cclcbrlt>' Lls

of 1027, have been combined In ifti big pronrani. a ranvllle Jciies, a moun tnlnecr lecturer oflcr the olyle e Abmlinni Lliictiln. has n rw l trea t fo Cl)nutsiiQua-,-;oen In thc form of hi

Ictlure. raiK- Philosophy ■ Qf n Hill Dllly," Thi--"much-n?vdcd-lo*be*dl5

J"* cuMcd .subject, ’‘Crime nnd Criminals, will be ronMdercd by-F rank Travcr;

l'f- criminologist,” c r. Mrs, Joieiihlnc Dominick, who hn

lcclure,i In njl the principal cltlcs r thc Unllod S tates on ’'n e ttc r Dresj nnd ’'Detlcr Ifome.i." will be Uisecon

'*c ofternoon* nltraclltin.Ice The Ccrdoviv Concw tlers.' Includin

Mr. and Mr.s. C ,’Edwartl Clark, wl = a b r otif! of Ihc features of Choutauqu

wiileh m u^c lovcm will upprecloit M r-.and Mr*. CJarJj have ojiiy reccatf returned from Spain nnd brought w It

. them many delightful Spanish song Inslrumcnis and cosliimss.

SHOT PROVES FATAL - KANSAS c r r v . April 37 (/p )-M r

C'sra U’atwjii, 4 0 .'jJ io t. ycslcrdjiy b her husb.ind. A- O, Watson, a rallroa cwlirhman. Jusl a fte r he had flnlnhc paylnR on alimony Installment, die here lodaj'.

, , Watson, wlio Is said tp ’have bcc drinking, escaped and has no t 'b c c uiiprehended. . ’Hie couplc were mal

. rled 10 iu6nih s ago, Tbey h sd tm Reparolcd-sevoml monUt*. and a fi vorce was pending-. •, ' . '

I- Dr. H.R. SmithI . ......“I h a t .Carelul

D en tis t ' ,■* .

H a s rriovod to R o o m 6 X S m llh - R ic o B ld ’* . ' . . . fom N e w P h o n e 4 2 6 . i r t p _________ •__________ • • «


JllflBDIlIllWSlEDBy3 ISENCIpMILS^------ — TtA K a m . Atn lf H . i Tlir>'i JrnTiieii

Camp Fire Q lxli. wlUj m im L aA 'ahp i.4 wcll.'ie«dtT, cbee^rlni'ATtKic doKyea*J leniay. piMnted two lilac bu*Jte*Sm J Iho tchool house lawn. Laler UieyI iilked to Snake river canyon iiortii nII town and prepared’-their supper ^ ^ triie camp style. '

James Wlndlc, uncle <i( Mr. and L Mai. m d Kopp. Is a pollent n l tho p - i T i L l ^ l f s county hospllol. where hc

I A. K. Scott shipped two c ars ofI . catUs to PorUand >Lslcrdoy. Theo-I don* Scolt accompanied the ship*I menu ,I .H ansin ciilppcrs have shlpixd out I} two- cnr* o( cattle and ons o t sheepI Uila week.



tContlnued From Poge Onal

I lurophying the ir c.iivp:.. And you c;tn sec for youru'lf w hat l i ’s

. doing to the ir leir.v" tha in Women a lfo ore wUlnB short*

Mr. cr. occordlng to tlie iloctor,■ "They ride In aii’.niiicblles loo -

____ mueli." he expluliittl, "So no twalking, they gei sliorlcr. And •

P because they're nc’.'.ins sh o r te r ,, .5 . they’re wearing IhiiIut lieel.i. r«1/ Ihey can walJt beMili- their inon.

Ann the higher tiu- heels the i P p mere the ir Ick-s '.jllrr."I L U Ilr. Mnyo depicruied the In* I L U crc.isc In Insanity In ihc United

S taie.vand said I h i - e f f c c i l v c means of ourbliix IukI Jx-eii tnk-

/ on wJien rrs lrtrinv JuimlKratlon 1 0 r I'awn were poJL-.ed. Up predicted ' thn l a cure for i’,inr.'r would bc

S B I- ill.scovered ond p .:!trirll>utc lo the T Interiw U onol Cuiuvl' MIlKri'.w UH-

n menus o( conceiiiriitliiK and co* crdlnatlng the .research work o(

_______ oH-nftUona,------------ - ......................—of "W hnt we need non' Ls-o blood

leal to r concer," he decl.ircd. need! "W hen we discover lhal—and

th e ' 'c iiavcn 'l yet—ll will be thc t l r j t •the* gi'cnt step toward ellinlnatlng lyi.'ol .'caD ccr.*!''. u J c a l -----------. .! ‘ !--------------------- .

rPDlUTELLOElHliEfi‘,'‘'*'1?'! Md&COW. Idaho.- April' ':7 ^ " 'V 'lM a ry McCnbc. Pocatello, won first1..1nu place (or piano ,ln ih“ sU le hlRh

; .-ichool music conlcj; ni the Unl'.'cr-'xollc < Idaho todoy when compcilUon- ic lie d ' ended. Elsie Ellniicr. Moscow, tiedII I.,.;w ith Snyder Walden. Bonners Fer*, who ry. (or second place, and M nrgarct ;d to Hamlllon. Nampa, rccclvcd. third

Ha* 1 place.. Nora Howo was liworded (Irst }tai<-.«, place In tho clnrlnet compctltloii.Itn-AS j • - ' ------------ --------------


ro’fu-j ""<Conllnued F ro m 'P a gB O ne) -

a Hatl.ifled.w-iiii Uio revised "bill, 'He1..11 1‘relieves 'lh a t Iho wiualliaUon tc c ’.h

" ' ’.Mill one of the ohjccllonnble fcaturen■ of the mco-iurc and Uiat thc PcnrtLiaa, 0 bill otherwise fnlLs short of being sat*

.,,,aj. Isfaciory fnrm relict rcgiaiallon. a ture Besides Hull. RepresentaUve. Kct- ir of]cl>am. Michigan Republican, nnd nn w rit-;opponeiit o t lhe bill, todoy described

. wliliihla export debenture p la n -o t_ ta n u , ■Hiin:i.^iel1pf u lilcli.ln- proriosM to Otfcr.aii a Mcb-1subsiltu te ' for thc tee .b ill .durmg iilRlit ii;0!islderallc ir0'riiiiIvnnm cnis;"He'dC* n-M- h - r h m t Uitil-Hip fii’iwntiLrp plnn o tte red . A n |n soilstaclory farm reiieT“ 'J iru tlan r , nnd w llhou t the equnllzallon (ce..

iV/Cd . . .CARRIE.S RUIT IftC H E R --------Inrper • NEW VORK. April 27 (/Pj—O n Uie

basis-of a ruUns handed down In Ills ted tn recent losing suit ogolnsl Jock Demp- nuion. fcy. Jack K tarns, tonrier m anager of n n o * r« f t (? n im n ^ v y w c l« h t champion., ,lo* char- finy cn tcr/d <rult Jn ataic supreme ram p) court ngBhist tlic-ex*tltle holder for >' L is t; J500.000. /ll ifticl / "1 I ................noun* JU liv ACQUITS MEXICAN■le ofl OODEN, Utnh; April 37 (/P )-A Jury a t for here this afternoon oequlttcd. Pascuul Df his OnrcW*C0, Mexieaa. e t n charge ot

Hill* first dbgrce n\;j;dcr n ttc r Pascunl dur- >e-dls- liig his irlal l i ^ confessed to killing Imils," In self-defense. \ •ravers. - j -----------. ■ ■

Nmrs W anl Ads' r«cB ~t)u peo^* you0 hn.s w ls h ja a ttrac t. ' ' lc» of " . ■ •Dresj ' ’ " ----------- - -lecoiid' f

S f i l s ’ Cas JandFR E Say hj’ - . ,■ illroad. . , • ----------

^ SPECIALS FO!■ l f m \ M e a t D o p 't . w ill \

m ar* ' o f V c a l—^ o m e i1 l»ccn ,■a fii‘ Bijlk PM nut 1 A -

BuUcr, lb. ,:........M,.;..;.... A H C ;

Jowl Bicon. ^ l 9 c

I F»ncy OuJt KUt • / 1 0 « ’l l , Shrimps, can .............. j fX V C

« Tall Cana, , / i Q « “ I Sardines .................. 1 5 > C

i ' i i s . ^ s . s . « = . 1 9 c

No, 2 Whltfl-Ctoua^- • ■ - l O r t - s if te d P c u , can

mPAY-MORNING, 'APRHy M a y F T y O u r W a y

RLS'u u e n

til A

< nd I tho




i out I ihecp

M. DE DBOVAT. French tiler, I* re- ;N ported preparing to r n trtns-A ltan* l - p n Tio tU fh i in rctnrn to r Colonel Und*

bersb't W»ii to Paris. Dp DrojnH and L indbrrih twcamt^good triends whil* the U tte r ih w ^ ro a d ,

you - 7"

W I N D S T O R f ^ , R A IN S . . .

>rt- A N D F L O P O S H O L D IN G

too - G R IP JO N SO U T H L A N D

knd • (Continued From Poge one)

■ graph wirc.s n t Brooksvlllc. F lo r ld n ,^ rn . the gnJe. which ^Jruek lh a t sccUon.■ lie I ’wo persons were Injured ond more

thnn fco.ooo. damage caused by u i„ . norm which Mruek Jackson. Ntols* [" j slpiil, last nlRht.___________


;l« (ConUnued F ^ a Page One) '

™ Ing to the end of hia long lost jo u fn t/ ■ J from Quebec.------- . Above Uie.Bravc.Itself, B_hrown tenl^ fly iind been strctciicd fv arm y com*

rades and along the sides were banked n,i ■ row on row of wreaths, and clusters " , of bright tlowcrs. T he t l « t lo bc sot i,sr, In place wns th a l trom. President and "’8 , Mrs. CoolldRo...............Al the grove,' simple rUcs ■ lo r the

R -- dead-wcre-pronoiinccd by-Re^'.-Ii,-B, Smith. Norfolk, pastor o( thc church of which th e dead aviator was a member. W ith hlm"w’as Sa ilor Chap-

r.fi-T itiin t>iekms. of thc nnvy’. _____h jl I Main Pours Down

(,4>)Lj4 tMrc3l kin of thc dead or th e high (Irst OfflclaU who had come.' -Many siood hiM, oulslde In lhe fustr'Increasing down-

pour, hols off under the deluge, .i l i .r I th rouRhoui lhe ceremony. Thc voices

clfH y '^crc oudlble hardly 10 feet away.

. Behind the clergymen .stood Uic widow. droopliiR on.- Uic. arm of a naval offlccr ns Ihe low-voiced scn,-lce

iirst \vas tom plcted. Over the casket the >»• i:rc.U flog th a t had ' dw ped l l was

htlll hiding the coffin luielf lo the Iiul. held widespread In the hundi nf ciRnt pctiy offlfcrs wiio had bomc

U R E the heavy weight Iq lla place. ’Byrd Among M oum en

A . Back,w llli Ihc mourners stood one__ man who wa.", sayliiR goodbye., to aI He eemradc Into who-e hands miuu'. s 'e e ’ h ‘‘c hud trusted Ills Ufe and all iturefl •Commahdrr. BjTd,r rt ln i conqueror of the pole. ‘

l;:i ' * 'A ' m uttered • commond ’ down tlie * ' hlllsldC' broug^ht rifles -of the escon

to ’'p restn t" when' the lost prayer was said. A momcnl lolcr breech' blociu

‘, , , ‘“ 1 rallied, then th e 's l io rp blast of tlu rifle* rnrw ouL “a r c e limes Uiej to ikw U bta w ^ the^ t hif^’rl- -

^ crcd iiiorer, loyal com rade'and ranked wiU JPW ir 111,. h iiil,i"kao i^p a.-n« jefi nlom

omld the company ol BamtmlS' tl'hl sleep nbout tiits humbly pMccd hert of^peace. , n __

'n Uic At thc Insl. ond as Uic shivering in Ills drenched iiundreds. who had clung ti )cmp- their placc.% lo the end. wcro sirag [cr of giing aw ay .io waiting cars, the wldov a.. ,lo* bent forward to lay lie r own trlbuti preme ol llover» an th c grave. TJien shi 8r for turned and tottering on thc nrm o

her offlccr escort, mnde her way t< the machine U io r 'lw rc ' her b’a-UU;

>f owoy.K Jury --------------------------ascuul IIIGUWAV KTILL I.MPAS.SABLErge o( BOISE. April 27 f>?)-^Tlie Nortl 1 dur- and SouUi hlgh iw ?-in thc New Mead killing ow* section is sUll Impasiable becausi

of the mtid and th a l sectlnn north o New Uebdows was todav \>rdered clos

I* you ed by thc sta te bureau o t highway udUI May 7.

ash Grocery

ESH MEATS1 FOR SA'irUHDAYw ill h five a s p e c ia l p r ic c on a ll c u b 3inc in and G et Y ouns.

9c. LS“l>. . 19c 9c S ’“ :..:::wc 9c .:....m e

........ 20c-I ... . :...30c

9c .....7 ,8c ■9 c : ■ s a * '? . . '" - 15c'

RID 20928 ,

' ■iniintsiiiitiik B O I'W ltltlmQ ' , Cottoh JocflWon nnd member* ot i S — th e Alblan Wnrmal tm r ir .lonL-gRent M — in rB ia hr:n -T W ii:,Pa ib-on-< he ii-*»y-|- X 9 to the “outlaw- tnicfc m eet *p»h!w>td- r a by th e Ooodlng eollegc to be held at* Mb Ooodlng this Qflcnioani*The meet at- o B Ooodlng U open to in m m u als a s well I I H Ob teams. Ooodlng college and prob-1 551 ably the College ot Idnho track team M * will be entered.^ JJiU uT BJoe. Phinip K ing and R alph; M dftm by, t in n e r Twin Falls h 0 school;

H mlle u d . tw o mile M n s .; . ' jH Albion Norm al team will enter■ P a r lth tn d . V ^ r fn tho iOO*}-Qrd ™ dash. Parish In the 330* Young In tho r 440*yard dash, H ansen ' In ^ e mile.

^ Buhler In Uie two m ile ., In the (leld s^ re^ events. W hitney will en ier-U io -shoL .lan* d ijcu i javclln throw s, and Bo>d la iJ"®* Uie f o r m a l hurdler.JT S s Norm al"tc(m i-haii parUcipated

In two meets so (itr th is season, one a pracUce m e tt wllh Durlcy high school

= and tho sub*dlslrict high school meet held a t Burley last week. The Normal

----- runner* made-n good-showing In both5 events. Young stepped thc 440*yard

daah fn 64 Hal and Buhler the mile\N D in S:0».

_ _ B O R A H W IL lT lA U N C H

P R O H I B I T I O N - P L A N K

m oir ■ D H t U E .W fLLIA fO /S

(ConUnued From Pnge One)

lenders of the Middle W est and the e s t country. Senator Boroh left here to-

n igh t fo r Chicago and will return E I ( Monday^ os lie tlnds It impossible to

begin a spcoklng tour a t tills tlmo be*I - cousc 'o t thc pressure o t ofdclnl busl*

ness In Woshlngton. ifnty; , ,, — ~-t ------- -

PLANE C B A 8H E S-T W 0 DEAD ten t MARSHALL, Mo„ Aprtl 37 - (;?*)-

com* Ocorge KrMaifcamaus. 33. Kan&trCity. nkcd MIsalouri. nnd Harold P . Hutcldson, 23 isters New Vork. were killed tonlgnt when c sol an airplane In which Uicy were rid*

and Ing crashed five miles soulh of here, j

' ^

g - " .......<

jiiR h l ^stood | H

b V

,'olces —ly 10 ^ 0 ^ A

Uie j H B f t f l L

^r -lceI th s , ,

1 “iS the Dough- 9r ™ .. i f ^

i . o n s .to a ■ ■ i ^ m B g f f l JU ‘. a . M C p V u B & j

all a K s * m m r nBjTd; M B m m m

i i( the ^ .

i S ^ U y - R n e i i l e x h )

a ii .tv . V o l n h w r / i r Y e u

l e s s < h a n c f l l i cnlonc - ----------------

S a h i r ^: ^ - 2 5 o u n c e s

rlbute ----------------------------- -- -n she • •

‘J m ° " ^ ^ ! l l o n S ; o f P o i i n ^ , l ! s e d

RLENorih tMead* T «

s Aliway: Z

= A C C C^ , I a t this bank gives you

I where service is only r iJ I of our customers.

I pirst Natlb of Twi

c I . ,

c ■-■ mgaasaC~c ;

c I M H H J M i i t W l l i l l H W a W M


I (Contlnuttt PTcm l ^ ,OBa)

the crowd there woa o t p ropo rtion !' easily handled by PfiJlce. Throngs

, goUicred n t ihe Pennsylvania staUon.: however, w hen ll was I w n e d the____

tb -co l l'“ ‘ 'police reserves to pusli on opening for a t ; th e (Her* to make their way to tho elllslaU on m aster's offlcc. I t was • a b - |th o r t Journey, bul a slorfn>’ one.

1 M ajor PItimaurico was cut oft troit., ; his d c rm on tom rade* . • Miss H c r l f j ^

‘’‘‘ •Jimicers •w M -com pJetely-Joil /o r ” *;tlm e. all were JM tlcd,M d'pushed a n ^ ^ .^

■ S T "' i lc tt.- T»le, • dlshcvdlW ,. bu t smiling.

^ r'lA nd the baron’s monocle W'os iUU In . r f f b J P rP y ^ 'lD c h seemed to please him he Immensely.le. At 6;0l Uw train pulled out, the !d fliers waving from the rear platfom i 3L and .UlC crowd cheerlng hysterically.U -------- .

MINER KILLED fd —L!}ADVlLLE,-Colo-_Aprll 27 fyp)-In a atlcm ptlng to dlslcxlge n fall o f tocJ!

o l between two levels of a sha fl Thur- e t m an .TrovoUian..^42._a_ miner, was ,al killed near nere today, •

rd °lie



® L A S T D A Y O F

i U M B A U G H ’ S

s A U ( ? r i O N . S A L E . ..

I _ 3 P . M ; “ "y, ________________ _ _ _ .

. 8 P . M . '1* —

j I I w i i m n j i i i i M i i .

- 7 A e n - i n : t l i e u ( i v e n ■


t a t e _ « M t a r a e r ^ _________

i u F ' B a W H a s Z U s e -

i l 9 i i e r p n ^ b ) a ' n &

i / 0 v e r 3 5 S a « ! re s f t r 2 5 f

9 y X - G o v e r n m e n f c ^ ............

r) U a ' b a n l t i n g c p n n o c t i o n |

r m e a s u r e d b y t h e n e e d s ' |

ional Bank Inn Falls , |

. i .

Page 3: K S JV^hingtonJ [5 MADDEN DIES I!’pFiiiiioiis nfimii poif ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · York Clieer Famous-'A'viatocs (By The Awoctattd VVASIUNOTON. April

- T H E S P= f l l l i S i S * t


T w in F a l l s H o s t to H ig li S c h o o l

A ih lo lc s C o n t e s t i n n l o r P l a c e

• in S t a t e M e e t; I n d ic a t io n s

■ P o in t t o S p e e d y P e r f o r m a n c e

Fourteen track ttnm s u lll arrive In TttJii Fnill thin mornlnit to’ jinrllcliialc iH KwUi cctiirf'. a istrlct truck lind field m it’l lo bc sUtRed » l. Lincoln Ilild thl-H ixftrrnoon iit 3 p. m. qood- Ink'. JiTcimi;, SliMhont'. Hnr.cnnai), ’lurlev. Rupert. Oakley.- Albion. Oan- m tt . nichflPld. Holley. Pllcr, 4Julil mid

, Twin F a iy lire th r whooLi thn l will Iw A r.-prcAcmcd. I»nrildT))itit-H from Hicic \ .'.chool.-. iiiiiiUIicd III Riib-dlstrlci mi-fn

h tld U n w '’k u l O onnolt, aoodlni,’, Uiirloy and Tw in Falls.••Winner.-, of ftrsl nnd second jiln'-o.i in r.nrh cvn il excepl tlic nJny will n» t,i o*Wivcll one- «crk frourto(i.iy for ih(- MjulhiTM 'Wjiho iia-el. Only oni- ii'liiy irain will b<i chosen to rr jm w n t ih h OL-ilrlcl n t ColilwcU.

. ■ AUhoiiRh th e -tlmii niarto n l tIu' ■" • r.uh-dl.-'lrjct meet a t Twin FalLs c.irly V < 'i h u ucvls would Inrtlcnle tlm t Uie iilh- \ IfU-s n'|ire;:i-nUn'{ th is sub-dLitrlcl

’ wniUI win nitrit of the places Uil? nfl- enioiin. tonu’ fnsl n itn nre enf^rctl nnd

____ -U»»Jao<»iwUUa>t— bu . tucn .-- TlM)diishex e.speclally will offer renl com- pi’tlllon with the dope fnvorlnR Smith

JJ. •■'of Filer lo takf^ th tso cvcnl*. Alvord• 'brMw^Kr lapo'iihcud of Sm ith n l the

. .sub-dlsirlct meet bul Sm llh look. Uiefo Uini 'llic mcc.s Uili nrtcmSoii

• will exclU! l ;« n Interest.Kelay Claims A ttcr.l^n

. Tlie hurdle.i 'racc.i a U o , will prove_____ liiicrtiUnu— I h u r m a i i_ o f . D iih t-c u t.

frred J.-om a U d lii: n l ihe Mib-dLitrlct■ iiiffi lllll will no d o n h l 'b e In f lb l

ebf.s cnnillllon th'ji nflernoon and the— n ie --w H l-b c -b rtw e en Roberlaon of

. .I iU i’ Tiiurmfl"—

------- u\ to Tftoy.- Tl\c Brultx*Inucm l the slnte record In (hc sub-

‘ dl.slrlci meet la st M ondly mid Uu* BiiiT Iry rclny team Ls' said to bc almost as faM.

Indlcalloas arc Rood Uial Ihc wea- . tlHT man will lavor Uic. meet nnd of-

tic iiiW 'arc counilnn on a record

♦ < towd. T he cvenLs will s ta r t promptly a t 3 p. ni.

a i r a ' i■PaMi»EUI!

■ T h r e e C a r n iv a l R c c o r d s F a ll

. B e f o r e C h i l l in g R a in T iir n s

. T r a c k i n to M a s s " o f 'iV lQ C l;

FRANKLIN _PIELD., jBliHadcIphln,------A^*rlI37H3v^-dra^j.-'^aln-so.^kcd si.‘t-

wm? tiin i TfcciiV brcaWng pi;«i- ------ -TM?ca. th c n d v an c e Riinrd of n -tioal of

ftihletes opened the th irty-fourth an-■ liifin“ l'.MllisVlvnnin relny carnivnr tQ-

d n y lh 'a combhmilon ot Olympic lesls und rolny charuploiuhlp.s.

----------BcTorc tlie chlllln? ra tn settled Ini^n steady affair And turned thc track Into a mass o t mud, three carnival i'eccrd.i, a ll In the decaUilon. tell un> «ter the impetus ot th e nllncic \iy a field of 18 alUaround &tRr.< from Uie

.IVist, South and Middle WeM. • - T o n y - PlanUtky. ruRKi'd fonker

[ Qeorsctown s la r now reprcienllnu Uic Snlnt Alphoiistis athletic a.uoclnlion of Boston, broke c n c 'o f Uiese mnrk.s. In

£ ( thc sliot pu^ and led th»-decathlon > k briKado a fte r th e completion of tho

Iirsl day's erla l ot five cvcn(«. [ a t " W « U j;j jo y d . «r-Uii*-iuiv«l.«aadwiiy» 7 ' ^ nnd lake Plnnk-sky n . urldlron slnr. j r i.linllcrcd Ihe other twO' dccnthlon ■.m marks when lie set (hc pace In Uiu j ^ » . 100 and 400;nicler racta,

; ' f DETTEIt FOREl*GN MARKET[ LONTX>N (/P )-A denerally Improv- r ed European mnrket for .Atn«rlcan

aRrlcullural products Is In prospect, recent economic sur\’eys Indicate. Some

I , p ro sT cu .l» to be n o ltd in British i trade and Industry. Tlie (lenerally S- high level c t Industrial acllvlty In J cootlnental Europe seems U> !»• sus- J talned.

I WELL-MOXnEREO BADEi HEBER. U tah yp )-B ab y Drue Cylde ■\ has six gninilm oU icr*-* itrand-raoUi-

er and a ffreot-grand'inoUier on her /• mother’s side’, and a (cnnd*tnoUier, yf - ' *two Breat-frand-m oUicrs and a Breat- I Breat-BT?nd-moUiBr to har father's.

- C O M

A rtesian Ifor


Beautiful PI ^ ” Specii


=>0RTS~OI H A v e W r

A P a r t v \ 1 o n •V o o r , Vl W A rrrN fiV ( H A T A N D M ,

- 1 \ W E U 6 0 / ]

i s

; ; j I ........C L U B S ’ S T A N D IN G S

lln * ■ ■ ■ ■> <1- AMKt’.lrA N i . n n i 'Kin, Chib— . - .............w , I„ Pc!,n- Clevclimd ....... i t 4 ,7.iJnd Nc-*- V<irk .. U -3 ,721 be St. Luuli ■ . 7 ■yp I Phlladeljihla , . . 5 ^ 4 ,r.r.a,,l, I WashlnKloti . . . 5 (i .4jr>ng Chlc:ii;o . ii J57

D elroil . . . \ 0 II Jf.1Bo^lllU ............... - \ ®

NATIOV/tl, I.KAC.tlKIZ C lu b - W. L. J>ci.

: C rxk iyn . .............. i 4 , .tnc" ‘ ■Nit; Vork .. _________ 5 .Cl'., I Si, l/« 'ls . '. . .. . — 7 .■>"''iciiicii-in - . n - 8 - ,ftoofly iC liic in n a l l..........................7 7 iOOll-;i»msbuiv!i . - 5 7 .417let jPhllftd-'hihla .............. 4. 0 ' .400tt- BoMon ... :i 0 • J33n d : ■ ---------

iVVCIFIC COAST LEAGUE-------;m -| ClnS*- • • W, L, Prt.Ith 8ml P rn n c i.ico .............. iq 0 ,760)rd)Hol'ytffc«> ................ IS 0 .C;t3hetSucriimfnto— r U ' II ,nco],(. Los An«t'Ie.H .............. 14 11 .ow

MUs)0ll:i', ..... . ...II 13 . r,IlOnklniid . V .................... i n ^ ,400Porlland , . \ . . . ........ .....a 'IG ;mScalllL- • . \ ............ T • 17____

)vc -------y -

iSflPHIliiESllGIfliit« I II U H u L U H . L u L L ulb- ■ • • IIT- '

T h i r d - Y e a r s D e f e a t S e n io r s ,

T- 1 0 to 9 , f o r T o u r n e y H o n o rs ;irdUy W in n e r s W ill M ffe t F a c u lty .

Honors In th e Twin Palls Iilxh .■■chool Inlcr-rlo-is bOM'ball ttfumnmenl Ktru lakvn by thc .sopliomore.s Friday aMcmoon when they dcfcnied the seii-

. . h r s by a score of 10 lo 0 In n kcvc:i - lU Imilnff Rame. Tho victors look the I knd in thc f irs t Innlnss and m aln-

I • inlued- ll IhrouRliout ihi' eontcst.' The oradual<,-s tn'llctl to brln't In a man until the fif lh Inning,

a ll Thrco b.a:» h iu were mndc by R.Campbell. D. Binkley and O. SmlUi of

pg the sophomores. H. McCoy, sopho- jnoro tw lrlcr. fnnned clghi men ond

.j.44w.v.'.d three, while hU brother. C. Mc- Coy. hurler fn r >11I»

— I «|A iiich ttlT he plate mid snvc iwo----- frw -passes'tO T^Irrt.----------------------- X-‘'n . ...jriie.aophnmor6!t -wUl-mcflt-Uie-hltfh i.‘l ' achool faculty nine n l '4 :30 o'clock

Monday aflem oon. The sclicdulc was

order to leave th e city ball park clear ;'*■ to r tho Bruins entrj- In the U tah-

Idaho leaBue w hich will get under way ; soon.'

‘The score: ^iSophotnores AB R H PO A S

val Murphy, c................. 4 2 3 0 0 0in . Campbell, r f ......... ...... 4 1 1 7 0 0

a SV. Sm llh. ns. «.........3 1 1 0 1 3ihe Pnwvllc.- If............, 4 1 1 3 0 0

Blarer. :b ...................... 3 1 0 0 3 2ICT Binkley. 3b ................. 4 2 3 3 0 1Jic O. Smith, r f .* ...........4 0 1 1 0 0of Hall, cf........................4 1 1 '0 0 0In McCoy, p ..................3 1 I 0 10 0

lon ■ _ ^ _•ho Totals ..................... 33 io 13 21 14 6

- Seniors: AB R K PO .A E"V’ C .'M eC oy, p .............„ 5 2 \ V 8 0

Sanger, 2b..................... fi 1 - 1 3 4 iDibble, e. ......... 3 l i 0 i oRatcllffp, If; ............... 4 1 2 0 0 0McClean. m , ,.,............ 4 0 0 0 2 3Mcign. cf.......................4 1 2 1 O U I

... Colbert. 3b................... 4 1 1 0 0 0-an Kair. r f ........................3 1 1 0 0 0

Maxwell, lb .................. 4 1 - 1 7 0 1

Totals • ..................... 30 0 10 la 15 A

*1 FARIlt LABOR INCREASES JS* ATLANTA.'Oa. C ^^L arge increaseji

in th f supply of farm labor are re* poned from tho south Allanilc states. An economic survey by government

Ide authorities shows nearly* all other it- Bcosmphle drvisioai of tho country ler experienced slight Increues In farm *r, Ihte "mtmlh over January. • •a t- ' - - f -----------------------r’fl. SO B SO atofi PO R THE NfeWS.

H E T O - ■ ]

Natatoriumr y o . u r


P ic tiic i G r o u n ^ g

3 & l : R y t e 8 I

S , D A I L Y N E W S , T W I N I

) F A B A Y


I ' W in n c r s . P i le U p ‘ d o m f o r la b l

5 -- L e a d ' in S e n i o r D lv lsio

I E v e n t s in C o m p c l i f io n W il

] ■ E ig h t D i s t r i c t s ’ E n t r a n t s .

— Slaroa .................... - .............................i'Iluhl ........................................................'■

\ U ier .'...........................— . ;- J Twin F'ulln ..........................................;

Pc' llan»eii7.1J Hollh^fr ................................................,727 Wiilowdale ...................................

,r>ria The Maroa d ls trfc t, romped .ow: •4jr. wllh the Twin F a lls comity jjrai

kho o l track-nnd tleld meet a t Flli J'>"! yestc^day'. Eight dlstrlcU w ere con -<08 petlng and Ihq rocc was close n.vll

tutals fcr (he .Junior cvcnfs wen* i< . lalfcUwKh M aroa leading by scvc

poliilJi over Buhl. ,.Jt wna In the m'i •“ 0 lor event* th a t th ^ M n r o a alhloli

piled up a comfortable lead to wi the huKe trophy offered fpr thc wli

, r : ner. The. Uuhl en tran ts had a cwt torlablc lend for sccond place to wl the olher cup offered to conlM iant

\ t , W lnncrj ol 'ih e tlrs t three places I each, event received a ribbon mi

___ m any-yom m liTa mulriThp .ven aboiP r j ' Uw ■ talfKroimds proudly dlsplaylr 7G0 several Irlbbona won In (he varim

events. • ________________,5C0 ■ ' j Trophlf* P rw cnled

Several liimdrcd people were o hnnd to wliness tho events and weull' e r ’tnvored Ihe conte'sUnls m illl lai In the aflemoon w hen a wind slon ,ot imusiinl velocity drove specinlo:

• ,10 th c , .•.iH'lter, of the automobl ^btilldhiK.—All -of. ihe -rum p lng 'evcn

P w ere hrlil In thl:, spacious biilldir n while- the riicea were, held on n i U rjuarler-t;illc truck. ■ .

___ Tho-cuii^werftjprwyjnted lo th e wlrn iiliVK-<ii!*iricw^tMht* cloM> o t the mot

' T but will Dc enRraVcd w ith the wlr . U iier's name bclore birlns lu m e d .m-i

• for permanent possession.The rMiilis:

i-p Jun ior Boyin iK irjiim ii; DOS.SCII. Tw in Fall

tirsi; Van Hook. Hansen, wcom r s . Lconiiril, MQri>a. Uilrd.,, SiandinR ' broad Jump: Johiisoi liy* Buhl. llrsl; Barton. Maroa. secont

Vim Hook. Hansen, llilrd . Riiimiiiir-toTonti Iwrnp; D ixon, TiiAi

ilKli first: Dat'cll'. Twin F a l ls . , (lecom lent Buchanan. Moroa. Uilrd. day Shol |iu l: Klelnkopli. Wlllowdal ;eii- Jlrii; EnKle. Maroa. w cond: Vlckcr e:i- Hollister, third.the Bnsi-bnll throw: EnRle. Mnroa, tIrsi lln- .Shube. Murlnugh, - aecond; Hashh rh e nioto. Filer, third, imn ChlnnlnB: Black. Tw in F a lls .-tlw

Lbhr. I-'iler. second; T eean. M ara R. llilrd,

I of 100 yard dash: Snr^le, Mnrd^, firs iho> Wcl(i;. Twin Fnlls. second: 'C lutnnd Ouhl. tli ird . ' .................... • •Mc> 880 la riL ru n : B uchanan, Alaro opr l»ntT»j)an»el9:^B 'Jh(nK 0narTI5Sn>i iwo mora; Flier, third.-X- ~ ^ 8o yard'Tclay; - M n m r n rs tT B u rtltfh M condj-Fllcr.-Uilrd.,— --.................. -ock Hop. skip nnd Juniju-D ixon. Bul: was t in t : Crockett. Hnnscn, secomI In Hf<r^hhnrper_Marfla. thlrtL-______ _lear -P o le ' vaijji: Van "ITook. Hfihse: ah> tlr.li: Dixon. Biihl, second; UneoL K-ay Filer, third,

50 yard linsh: Wolfe, Twin Pnll f irst; Hashlmolo, F i le r . , secon(

V Z }|nr2hbarger. Mnroa, third.1 0 . Jun ior GlrU• 0 , Shot put: Nlcc, Mnroa, tlrs t; K ra 1 3 Buhl, sccond:' M arshall, Filer, Uih ) 0 Basebal Uirow: H all. Maroa. firs I 2 K rall. Buhl, second; Shaver. Wllloi I 1 dale, Uilrd. . • —I 0 Chinning: Jam erson. Maroa, f in > 0 Williams, M urtaugh, second; Dowi I 0 ing. Filer, U i l r d . , . ; " ' '• — n ig h Jump: Williams. M urtaug I D flrsl; Miller. Buhl, second; OentrV E Maroa, third. ...................I 0 60 yoW dash: R ayburn, IM n PnV I I

l i F s t A ^I 1 _____________________________ __

• SATURI'8 p o u o d H o m e -R e n d e re d

S f L i r d :...............................................tes. 4 p o u n d H o m e -R e n d e re d .

L a r d ................... :...........................itry 2 p o u n d H o m e -R e n d e re d irm L a r d ........................................

A l l o u r m e a y a r e ' c o r

^ ' W e D e l i y e

E i m b e r l ’" I C o m p l e t e - L i n e o { ~

I ■ . S ^ S c e c i ^ i n n g ' j i i

. - ' Write for 'b l i Twenty Yeara In Siii

1 K i m b e r l y P i

“ i ..._ j .A i

N F A L L S , I D A H d . ‘ S A T U R I

7 l i i ( m S i T^•iiiorDeio■ ■■■’ j J i n i E l l i o t t . R o b in S n n th p n w ,

| [ J ^ I H o ld s O p p o n e r .ts lo T h ro e

_ i S in g le s in S e c o n d of S c r ie s .

. IlMtl \Mr' lla-ilnn E.-avi In .11 k lfi In the secirtui nr<»*Ku utloDIC the series here icdny »i;;>,' ii,,. luJiitw . . iHiiiniiwl O rm iiii 'ld an,i \:i.r;, ju :iii-

Vision 10 safeties to win, 9 to n.■ The ! .co n '- f 11. K

■ ,• s ; jI . , llntierli-K Klllo!'. ' i;ir.i Hcnim,-;

O rifiillrld . Morrison nr.'j 'i',i',:or.

KT. I.O tllS 4. CH I('A (;o 2..... *22. CH ICA ao, Aprll 27 (,v. A i\M>.nin

• • !>3 rally In thp sevenlh 1h'I |k<i iiip s ; 35 Lftul'i C ard inals ' to A skluiv

. . 4H over the Cubs In the ir (.;n ;nni; c jh k ..._. 1 nf Ill^ .M-rlrs here lo<lav:

lii ' Till' ACnr.'— n. !t. T. . 16 fit. i/)iiis J ............. 4 in r

U -Clilrawi. ................. • ... H 1» L: lialterlps; Haines »ml O'K.iiTcIl: Illl. !l and imrliicU..

craut' i ** 'I Filer I Y ork-Phlladelplila n r;| Clnrlti- ' c o m - e o i i U s U o:i n^,.(li,. inrcinml d -m \n ..jy 10. I ............. I ,,1 ,

Jlrsi: M lcrer.-Flier, rtfiir.d. Willinm.:. ■e w n- i Miirtaiii:li. thlWl.IhlolPTi jgg jinybiirn. Twin F.ill';,

if lrs t: Miercr, Filer. M-iomi; .MiH.t ,” com i • “ ‘llll-L -.,*1 .uso ynrd rclny: Buhl. l in t ; Jlolllnpr. "tank.. f'llfr- iW*''*-■ces in ) Senior OlrN •:i and I jiigh Jump: H adtnlH i. NJuriaURtr

ilaylng: Heckle, HollUter, third.-■nrloiwj Dnsebal throw : Wa.ssuin, imiil, flr^t;

-1 Lohr, Filer, sccond; Herrlnt;to:i, Mv.- m . ------- ■■;ihlrd,~‘'re o n ' Chlnnlnj/: SudderUu ll;;lli.s:cr. f l i 't . weulh- Moron: second; inillit-l!. imnl.II laiv 1 *l'lrd,storm Cobto. Maraa, lirt*; I 'n -

c tn lorr.'''" !” ' w cond; Crlvp, lUihr, in;i\l. imoblli'l ^ V®'’'* ‘*‘“ 1*' ’'‘‘' ' ’r hr-t;evenu-H nacnfc lt,. Tw in \xr.iilldlnn- M'lmuKlit. th ird . • •'

lOO jw rd: Hndenfeli. Twin Knll’i. f irs t:-U ih r;. P ilcr.-rcconi:-L ?o . • Miir-

I w i n - s f c o n d ; :j!iirtnuifh. third. -• i ■“ '■tr \ Senior Boys '

. HlRh Jump; Jack . Buhl, lirsi; D.iy. , •, 1 ley. Mnroa. '.second; Ailkiu:,. Tv,ln

; Falls, third,- ..S l . i .’ J Bnsebnll throw:. Murphy, Maro.i,

flrsl; Furnsworlli. Bulil, wcond; .O-.- , . 'born. Hnnson, third.- ^ 1. '' Chlnnlim: Ctowmng.- Mnroa, (ir.i:econo. , ghivcr. Biihi, n’'conO; CrUp, - Kilrn_ ' ' third,

nm - Sliot pu t: Crisp. Jllrr. fin.i: Fiirn'i- c c o n a ,, Bill,I. second; Miir;ihy, Maroa,• . . ! third.I il-il-'.’ Standlnft broild Jump: Dounlnn.

Mnroa, Ilrst; Wrtr.lu. Twin F.iUh. ,kcc- ,, . . l o n d : O-sbonic, Hi»nr.*'n,-third, '

^ .h i,i ; fluntmlK high jump; Dayley, Mnroa, first; W hilt.. Flier, sccond; O.'ibome. Hansen, third. -

Wn™- » 0P’ P<ltni.Wirth.aiaruu, MariJa. second;■ r ir^ f Sm ith, Flier, third. ,•rintV vaiili: Dayley'. Maroa. Ilrf.t'ii^mie. s i,riv„_ j3u|,]_ gcconil; Williams, Miir-

: .• taUfrti.' U ilrd;...........-^«h -r»nJ-^ [cm r-T O u;n liiK . iWilroa: first; Bullock, .liulil, sdcond; ‘ W hin.

_ _ „ h , . Filer. .U ilrd .------ ----------------- __________1.1 100 yard dash: Downing. Maroa,

Wiihi I Bullock. lluR I^iW jnd; Beardun, FUci. tWrd,-

I 880 yard relay:':itaroa,- first; Bdlil,E 5 ^ ~ ic c o i5 a rF n £ -r r ih in t ,------------------------r

ru n ;.V an Znfite, Maroa, ' flrat; Stevens. .Murtaiigh, sccond:

Pa jl, Wright. Buhl, .third,

.-T h e M clhodlil Ladlw' Aid will hold cooked focd, candy nnd apron sale nl the Dnlry Store, April 28,—Adv.


i' M U .


1 .:...............$1.19...... ......:... :....59c...... ........................ .................: 3 4 c

c o r r e s p o n d i n g l y l o w p r i c e d

l i v e r — P h o n e 6 3 3 .

■ ■ ■ —' —

p l y N u r s e r i e so { ~ F r u i f r a h d - O r h a m e n t a l -

S t o c k

f i n L a n d s c a p e W o r k , . .............: O u r F r e e C a ta lo g u e 1 S a m e B u e ln e s a a n d L o c a t io n ■' •

P h o n e 4 6 I d a h o


[j j " j L e a d s T h i r d T i m e

ip a w ,

l h r o e | « i " I

c r i e s . f w

^ ' f e y l

c Illlllr; ’ ' . ' txr. ;.-.|'IKi: U'Kiin. veieran rnacli uf tii

I N;i«ul Aradrniy a t Ann.npiitlv Maiy : : land. K (<■ eoarh (lie Olymplr tra i Ai)-rtm! »f hn\tr» nt Am^l^rd.■lm th r ili :hp sv llifrii «u'rr»«lvr time. '

1..I oti .. _____

= E x t r a f n n in n N e e d e d h y G ra d u

.... .. 'a t e s to B r e a k T ic ; M atc l

S ' . ; ; T a k e n h y O n e - P o in t M a rg in

111 iir . rei|iilr'rd by tlic' ren(or iihn' to >cnri' a iiiifp i)hn vlr\or;

r l a U R h r j u n i o r c n l ry ln 'l l i e " :5 w y

intiT-clais bi.'.eu:ill viie.'i nt llic ml . flr^t; Dull park nt 4;H0 o'doi-k Tliiir?/la, Mv.-ia. .ilirrnonn.. At Uiu clo-.e uf Uu- n/nti

■ liinlnif. the score wns lli'd nt U-nl • l l i 't . Tlie juniors b rciuhl In one ru/i li

Ii'i 'il. .ho. tir.il half ot tlu‘. toniji, k liii ll'e‘ jpnlors ni-tlPd twn rims 1« th

■: I 'n - .'I'ccnd hnif, brlnnlrti: them lionor , lii;i-.i. Ior tlie match, I

A. Kempton. ta-.wr t<T :lie /llilrd i- year mull, removed cJj;hl ut liL-. rl ' ' ’vaU by the Irlki’-out route. |/revciit

lm: a'rlm!!!; walk. ,U ._McCoy/Jiurlc • " '“ -|tu r^U H - Kr;«luMf|,.,l3 jm^ f.tlrk

-; D .iy MINOR L E A G U E B A L L

Twin . 1M ,rn , a s s o c i a t io n / ,Maroa, columbtw 3: Mll<vaiil:re ll..1, .O '.- Toleilo 2; Kan;;a!; Clly ^

liidliiiiapQlls 0; MlnnnilMls 3.

- Kilrr;-------- rNTKRSATmS'AI. KKAGHK'AU rUUiVS pMmOHtd; TRU\. 1

F a r n ' i - ________________ _________________Maroa, "■ — ■

m-nlnn. — ' ,,H. ,M'C-

Mnroa, **'borne. |M

lliiirth. W 'econd; B F

Ilrr.t -JIL, >Iiir-

^ I s N o t aMaroa,;arduii,-

Bilhl. _____ ;______ — ------ -------

Maroa, ' - B .iccond: ••B*

II holdsale nt - • .

H i g h

. R e a s (

5 ■ ' t o l

ik ; '

rc l

0 1e d J L

= T I R I

" F r e dho , ' ■ ,

R I L 2 S r l 9 2 S . " ^ ----------------^ ------------

I j i m w. ; G c o rn c .U h lc J f i 'in s . I J l s J o i i r i h

’* , S t r a i g h t G a m e o l S e a s o n ; D e -

, ! I r o i t L o se s h y lO - to - 6 S c o r c .

'■ r-| , - — ■_____________

| j j back into fir;' iiliuo whPn they de- B E Icalc'd IJp'.roU, in in l!. toiliiV,SfJ 11... ■ -H W. K,D D r r n t (! II il*9 l<;!-n,.;;ill<| IU 1C I1(71 i l i . i ' ' ' i ‘i's-. Uillm;;s, llnliuwav. Vnu

■ Inililcr :mil Harnravi'; Utilr, H .iyir Iniiil .M.vall.

•f flic _____ •M aiy-j ST.'I.OUIS 14. WIUTK’ SOX .’i

team I ST. LOUIS, Aprll 27 (,T ,-T ln- SI. 1- (h e ji.c iih IJnmns shiKiCcd haul loilay, mul

I woil Uu'lr second Mrali;lit Riirne from • Oie ChicaRii While Box, 11 tn 5,

E l The s o r e - n , IJ. Erhli;aKi> / r. Ill - ;i

Ht, I.ru l '/ . . . H 13 1 llalti'M ev Connall)'. Cnx, Wlllldiii-

:i:ii, (yxxli'll lin'd Crou\e niul Mc- i n f t - i ^ ’‘“ 'lv /O ra y and SchaiiR,

H f l u llf'/on-N ew Vork gnme postponed I on iJTiiiinl (if ciild wlicaler and I'h ll- adcphia-WuAhlncton. canteiii po^il-

. p.u/ul bi'caiL'ie of rain.■ adu- / ________________

“ iras Ilf 13 SCHOOLS , / ILIETINPOM:lr\orV — ■«— ;- -■- r ; L POCATKLLO. Idalio. April 2 7 -R e p -, . . . I , tr.sentini: '13 hiRli schcol.H l u aih letcs '^ ^ ' '\ l 'i l i" lb H lc lp d f i- In Ih e dbitrlct tracke rfity niei-l which will be hel;l here tom or-ir?/lay row n t llu' University nt Idaho. T lion /n th high uchoi’h which wlli havo reprcsen-M-nll. (atlon m e those, of I’oeatello. F irth ,

ii/i 111 Abrrd-.‘<-n. Tliatcher. Soda Bprlngn.lx\)i]c I'^ivn Hot SprluRs, Blackfoot. American

i tl,L. r ll.H, Montpelier. Moreland. Orace,lonors McCaniiiion nnd Downey.I Winners In the vnrliius evcnti *-IIl, , , , fom ix lr In nn Inter-dlsirlci iiiecl loin in i- [ji, I,,.],I j,,.fp ■{},,.

n* wlnnvrh «f wlilch will pa rllclpa le -Inrvciit- (jie sin;i- romiK-lltlon soon a t M a^ow .liurlcr Idah;., n i r y w llinjiTrnnm red-^vH U'■tick- ,v.lmnTS of Cnlil<yi»lH>nrf-rnAiir-<>-AI.»»»

-------- , NEW BRUNSWICK records every^ Tiiirrsday a t Umbaiffeh's.—Aav.

WANTED -----

- , Choice C ity^Ldan n lG V :.

T vlfl Palls Tllle A A bitrac t C o ;.

U xa J g a r f l m £ l £ o l J i

B ^ a u sf h e s t Q u a l i t y a n d

i s o n a J ) l e P r i c e C c

M a k e Y o u r G n

T i r e O p p o r t u n i t s

a n d

L D F I EE S a n d T '


--------- P ago V/

|C 0 / ( S T L E A G U E R E S P 'i; t 4 ^

■LOS ANOELR8, April 97 ‘(ypV—

NjRhooiIng ovur seven roiw In the n in th ':' InnInK Oakland dMcaicd Los Angelcx, '

: 0 Ttf fl. Ill a ' Irec-hiillnK p m e today. ..I 'Tllc score— ^1. H. E. -

------Osklnnit o u nLos Angeles . . . .1 . ... 0 14 I

f i i ’' “noiteries: coowT'TiTOTJoairwrjffht;—-VU lPc.ters^ynnm gnam and t t« n n « h ----------

Ift. ’> SAN FRANCISCO. Aprll 27 (/?)— •. . The Seals clubbed out iil h iu tcday to

trounce the .Sucrammia Senator*, U-9.~ The sc o re - It, H. E . ■

' lii - _ ;.li'd I tL l

„ PORTLAND. April 1!7 (,? ,-Portton3“ dcriMii-d Hollyv.bfjd. 4 lo 3, licre today.

, Till- sc o re - R. H. H•nn ’Icib'nood . • , • ..... 3 - 7 0

I'oiiUiiid ..............................4 - 7 , 3 . . H aii.rles; Fii!l-r:nn. Rhode.i aild

Ila.'.'ler; AKn.nv. Vrclci and Alm.mllh.

S I .' SRATrLK, April 27 W-,-Overcoming liu l n :.1x-iun’ lead which th r ScaUlc In - r •oni d lain ijilal UP In the early Inning*. '

• ihe-M i'sions. sccn-ti nvo nins In a ■' E. nmih-liiiilnK rnlly lodny to tie the '

- finmt at 7. only to lo.-<;' out when ^1 Krnlde. put oTrr a sinclc lally in tt ie —•

llll- tenth lo win 11 lu 7,\Jc- The ,■-.core- 'R , H. E.' !

Ml.vtnn.1 . 1 ' 33 (jHcrtlllp . • . 8 19 4 ._ i

nerf BatlerlP*; Tciiehont, O m inin, Hoii-se hit- and IVirri'nnl niul .Schmidt;- Dav D il- pon, Nplsi.n, Liidolph. Holllnus a n d -

W hliney. —

S 1.AIHKS OF O. A. IWWill have a cwjktd food .'.ale Satur-

day. Ai'rli la , n l U, Q. Orooery.-Adv.

L O - BABY CHICKS IFrom R f l o \ j r , (

M. G. .C A N A D A . • .h i k -----------•— rn o M T T iff— ; ------- —lor- L» — J —

r n - -----------------------------------------n il,

s T O D A Yice, . ' ,


• r - : X A S T . D A Y - O E - _ _

i - J l M B A U f l H ’g j i ; : -

— A U U n O N "

^ ■ S A L E

= f ,3 P . M .

8 P . M .

^ * 1 ? -

ire Quality I

i d " Very ■ . /■ Combine / reatest ^tyin.,, ,-'- - -

'U B E S | ;• , ■ I

> i n p a j M : |n o N

Page 4: K S JV^hingtonJ [5 MADDEN DIES I!’pFiiiiioiis nfimii poif ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · York Clieer Famous-'A'viatocs (By The Awoctattd VVASIUNOTON. April

H g c f o ^ '


^ . - E v r , u r = z ” r — '5 5Tftree M onih^i------ ------ ------------- lOJ

Entnrcd u «ceandUtoc<-AiiU-matS?r April 9. ie>8, * l Uie-iMelo{(lcc,ft( T u lr Fill*. Iduho. under Uic acl of M#rcii }. I TO. ___

fu'ucd eVcVV’ftiornltit,' rxcrpl M<;»- flay. Twin Foils Nc*» f’liiiii'lunL* Co..

I -----

• • T ie A*»OclaU<l I’ffi* IJ rxiluMvclj : ' entlUed to th t um fi>r iiubiHrallmi of I an news dH|iatcliri crcditi-il (tn ',l, or

• " n o t olherwiM crrdlied In >li!a Uftiwr, U ld also t/ie loeaJ,ncK-s herein. All tlRliI.i cf rfjniH llcniha’ot ipecltil dlJpalcIiM lirriUi aiii. rc«^vaJ

l/n means Avo-lntwl

Tlie Ncwj Is n mcmn.T of tJie Amllt Burcnu-of.Clici:l;Hl'i:;.H 4i<nii ttlmin lu ll Inrormiiiloti lu m cliciilatlmi m n

■*------tK -o b ta in 'ti iii>on i.i.|'Uc4ai,n. Dc.U ««J iiifurnia'fo* tuiiilUitl JertiJJy upon wflUMi.

' No rcj-Sui.«»:illty i'. lor Uiteari! of uiAolkllcd iii.iii>i.'rtn)b. plit>- tocraphs ur o th rr iiin llrrArticles submlited lur piibilciillnn. will boi.,,used Of dltcrction‘of

• Ui« rdllor. nnd no will Ik- - .W turned u iilm iicc';nii>iiiiivd by nw - ‘ . w tmry.jMstnge, _ — _ _____


PRUDDEN. KING ANU I'ltUDDlCN. , - := \ New York. CIiitnKo. riosfcn, Ban'

rnac tK O .'L oa Angclcy. Si'nitle.

/ rO .'ill’K^ JTH)N

r • ** Bii tiy'bt* |tiUlC crip of foniiK 'lW c frni;'y. It i'l

;■ nn cp ldm lc wIilcU i-siHTlHlly'fttfi'ct.s 1 ch ild ren .' We rciiil of a boy staying

-ownVc for sevciiiy-two liour.i. a cuiipli', cf lads ke’ciilnu a 'k i te Ilyliis contln-

t/ouily loc lu'« day.-i nnd nlHlil.'i,. ot Blrl bouncing n bnll nvo riimisand

------ se v e n -h u n d rn l-tK T -t* m w -o i-ii- i:ir l-sklpplnR a rope flyp.^liuiidrfd Uilriy*

— nvc-^f«8.-g(0i---------- ------------------------nilB im'rt ' 'ur*tliirm~ J.S looTLsirund

■♦■■Tnnd'may'VTrclf.tiicir hpniui lur illiT I t Nliould bc tllicouruRcd by paruit;^ and It nu-ccaury, forbidden.

Ycl lio'w cun i-rown-iips linw Un- face to candcmn children, ulu-li Ur-

■ laltcr ‘-«icri-ly inkt- tliclr cue from, grown-ups? We do nol TCfcr clally to fln|[|X}ic-slUlni! and pniifakr

I callJiff. Arc not ihc children ^n ihclr k fully Inspired by tin; pralstS''of thclr parcnla clven to almost M j cn ay fcul

. . . cf skill or endurance? '


There -l«-icftl proBrcrj towiird anrcc* incnl between lhe Untied HlatM uml Canodft for (he biilUllnB of tlie deep

■ wRlcrwoy froin' Ihc O rcal U ke.i to• l l i c 'a e u . ' RcKcnl exclianBcs bclivi-cn

th c . two KQvernmenti; ehow tliey nre^ [^^Im o st ready for foniial neBOilntlons. ' . ' / l o flx~hd"nivJ3rco.'iU.'e5laWL'',h mu-

j tual rmwq-.lbllltlfa tiiiil rlcliU ond : .p repare the nccesanry . treaty. . ■- '■ . Tliere Is p lS i ip d r im k 'y e ’r r f i n ’lF-

tinniirirni aiul fllaU'.smcn be-

Tcally under way. but ihe whole Uiini;

____ *P|rlt_oj two nations,T lic ijrcateil .c im ac l« ‘'j.^rirr~h.-ive

■■“ DCeiT‘ 'l n Canniiii;' The hoMilUy of Montreal and Quebec h:ui been more effective Uian th a t of New York.' Now C anadian objcctloiu 8crm to be melt-

I InR away. a.i' Canadian financial, bhlp- plnc nnd ixiwer liileresis reullzc th a t

• , Ih c y 's la n a to gain more Uiun they 1 ' !<“ «•

I The cost or lhe project, Includlm; Improvcincnjs alri'ady pcrfectiHl or un- dvr wny iv-hJcJ} art- Mt-cfiwry /u r - f l j f

BCiienie. woulil be nboul elijlii luindn-d I million dollsrs.-dlvlded illnlo^l wiually \ between the Iwo co«nldi-.i, Caiwda jls Incll/i«l to for her im l ol lhe Job, a ll Uie cuiuinicllon work located In Canadian icrrltot-y. Includlni; tlii- W'w Wi'llnnd ililp canal cralln([ onc

. iu n d rcd W (c 6 i . million dullan, and t^ic 81. 'taw rcni-eoectloiw below the intcniallonal boundary. Tlie United Shites then would assume llie dln^ln'^ ol tt Iwenly.-.scvcn fool channcl through tho Inlertwilonal .'.I'cllon. up to tlic hcnd of ihc bke:i. E'.ich w’ould bc credited wllli expenditure:: for work already dcnc. '

Ensipeerlni: ai)d financial problems may ,be'w orked oul onc way or un- oUicr; UiD cucntla l tiling Is the will to ogrcc.'Wiilpb Is now evident. There bhould bo 'no difficulty abom nuaran*

I . .. tecJng boili n a ilo tu 'fu ll rights lu »>! p arU qt,,li}o g reat w'fljera'aj-. regard- less/.o f national sovereignty. T her: buB been no trouble" a lo n j tha t line

‘ l o 'th e p u t . 'o n d need no t be In ihc fu iu tv . . ' •

'• H ere la one of the largest proposal! -fo r constrqsU ve. development In al

. 'j . ..... prwp(BriVy''ot ' a ' cbnttricn t/depcniiri?

-on-'ftleiKjiy 'c ^p e raU o n nnd m ulun Properly vorked obt, I t wll

J , I f e n r t ' o n ^ ^praOtablo to bolli coun' 'b l ^ 'n .no tab le e n u n p le to r th i

«^ '«< M '< < tfv it« IshbA rU neu .betTc«n- iU '

. ' T W r N F A U i S ]

!i!BREVjjTIES500 vislt« lit l’0f#l*lli>-Mr*. ElmerCraw- 3J 5 loid leJt-la^ l cvrnlnR for Pocatello 1,65 '.’.hrri' r.hc will vlsll with friends.

ill «'ilhni^ 'ii?urnonla==rd^*Tm h^^ S?r. .Iny f'Mk a t fJjc nogcTsaii t* will (otiliiicd in Ills home by an aituck of

1 l),iui:lilfr H'UJI V- Mr, and Mrn. Ui'iiry C. fklilirt aru iti ' in r ta l. ' cf n

" (ilni;.;li^(r bnril Tliur.*l.iv. April i;il. »l

elj il n d u i lh m t iiniL .' I'.unii'^l'Fidof of In llu- n-ni-.' r-»rl Jfi:'!''*; T » ln Falls,- c r v.n-. Im nl $5 yc.U'rday by I’ollci' Jiidste

wr. JI. D. Kcad.„<at- ■ - , ■.'"M '. r.Iahr- T tlp -(s (‘na :.t-J . O. nratI7

vic‘ yire>lM.-ni nf lhe Twin Fall.i i:.iu* im trT ru ;'. I'liinpany. rr;iirnrd vc-liTilriy fitjm » few (l:iy.s- biislnrviM l', 111 b'all f-r;vhrl: rr),

V l.lt. Frnm ('.-illfr;jila--F, I>, Oi-1,7 l:nriir, ftiniiiT i.nldcnl nt Twin t ’alls. »■. ]<w ti''l(lliv< in Cnliim itn, - nrrivetl

rrnliiv til V1.-.1I wllli IrK-nil.s In Twin _ Hll!'. in rn'ito to and Iowa.

.C.iutlnnl lo Hnme-••Iliiddy,"- 10* „ vi'iir-iilil .'iJ.i of Mr. and Mra. C. K. ,.lli n.«i:h «lit) '.ui'-.iianifiilly bitlen by a‘of diii: .-Uiaic ,d;iV3 auo lia;. Mnn- born l,c- iTiiiui-d lo hll. l«(l ti.s II rckull of lhe :v- Injury.

— J.l ,1V m il l f{ci(lv_rMl:iji McElfrt-sh Mid 111- <laiii;liii-i, Mrr, (}. W, Hrcwcr. !>-lt vi 'it'Tdiy l(ir ■lli'rrlct, llllnnl.';. to

J. «liU-ti pliic: IlH'v an- a«-ciiaipa'.iy(iv' an (/"■ IxxJ)' f>l U i'lr mft- nnd HjoUicr,

Mi;.. l.i?Jie McElfrri.li, ,

“ U<mir Krom Sriiool—Keiinelli Mcn- .liT.vin, ?on u f Mr, and Mrs, K, N, ffinif.-rirrm. Iia.i ri'tiirnrtl from Scaftlf v.la'ir III- alii'iidi'd the Unlvcrsll'y of

'*■" twfrtii! 1 tu n nini( ■hamr he mnde a l.'.-days tr ip with thc

;t-s univiT-iliy itlrc.club to Ketchikan. Ju- ntau and c tlirr polntn In Alaska,

Ships Caltle—The Carflen Packing n - eoMipany ahlpptd four caMoads'of fat

-I beef cattle from Kimbi-rly lo Tacomn Thuwdriy. O n. t l i y « u n e d.iy A, R.

, acoii of tU ttw H ffiip iie jL iw tL gnrto 'is .o r f i rn io c IT iF Ponland. and Jens WIU

y* cox shlpiwd n • kplcndid carload of •irolMcln rind Jersey dairy slock from


^ Gi r l V—U nrkt r— 1 ^ ^it : tm il. «ll.slrlci .Uirl Ite^crvc .■>ecretar>-,1 , rrlHniMl Frlii.i'.' from CnIlfoniJ.i where

■ rho had i;oiio to i-.tlend n Y. W. C.-'A. coiiterniei- al Karramenio. Followlni:!

In- tliH coiivrntlnii ^hl- w m l lo Aullomar,lR> California, to ailcnd n miTlInK of Uiu,,,, rural cofiitiitm(tira tlcparOnc;iC of. t^ f.1^' Y. W. C. A, ______ ^

d r 8 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 C h i n e s e '

L i v e O u t s i d e C l i i n a» l _____ - — •

.SHAN'o HAI,’. ApiU J3 (,1'i-Ajmroxl- . rt'ialely U,OCO,fiOO Chlne-se arc Uvliw in

foreign counlrleH. accorrtlnB to fic- ure,i of the Nanking ,Kovcrnniiiil bit- rw ii of fori'litii affairs,

Abuiil 'JOO.OUD cf ihu.^e live an An)":.- lc;iii ,wlt, l.'O.roti ol them lii the. Ha-

!«' wnllan ■l.ilatids and thp cun'ln-n-nt :ep U jiltnl 6\>yy\ and 50,00(i in lhe Pliil-

Ipplnrs. where thc C h ln i'o virtiiallv rom rol retail irmle,• Approxlmalely a third of ihu Cl;l-

irc f.cM- living on Ajucrlcan roll cona- i« . ff'’" ' the "rc.Mless a re as ’ In Kouili ;u- ■ ________• -------- ---------------

X J j a y s s C S i a f e z H a s Z Z Z Z i l l - ^ B i g g e s t - S t a t e H o u s e

T ’ AUSTIN. Texas,-April ^8 •,V .-Tlie s — - H r in n r - ’ l iu i ig

ni: hM UlC la ru rn ointc limise. n s The Tj'Xa;; eaiiltol U seven foe:

higlier thnn the nntlonnl rapltol In W ashljision, althouRh l l 'h a s lew floor space, 11 Ll 311 f c e fh l s h . TiM feel'

of loni; nnd aW feel wide. U covers three acre.", of t 'o u n d nnd conlaln.i

rooiiu-Outer walls are of red granite, a

I t- native stone, Tnbllc lamls paid for Ihc capiiol, lhe sta te jelling 3,000,000 niw valued n t •560.000,000, lo flnaiiee' eonjirucllon: wlilch was beaitn In 1082

icy nnd Complclcil four ycnrs laler,

» • N a r r o w B i n d i n g s ■

............S i m u l a t e S t r i p e s '

PARIS, April 28 (/Pi—V r r nirrow Hy bindings hi,colon: tu contrast i.klUi the tia «<iwn or coal, iilvlng tlic c! cct of n . . . narrow Rtrlpc a re .n m o n s l«e .d -u ils

thn i lilentlfy spring costumes. They •«1 hnve Jargely replaced tin y luck.v iie Ap])ni-d bindings of nlmoM unbe> ,nc hevable narrowneiJi charnctcrLuf thc „,i faslilunabk- model. Th'ey are u.«ed to

outline necklines, edge smnll collars and lo call alt,enlloh to the tiers whlcli

ted form entire s'ulru and lial( of (.leevc.i. l„r. Sk irl h e m s ' ure »eldum bound, liow- „olIll' ____________________________________

R E A L E S T A T E T R A N S F E R SFum bhed by the Twto F»Us TtUe

ms and A bstract CompanyUl- , ' ------ •vlll Thurtilay. April 20 -. . . P n lcn t-o tn ie to Jam es O ita Plit.

Aulgncc. NW .nnd SW NE 70-. »''* SE NE 13-0-H.ill! WnrranlyD.—Jam es O. PIU c l ux to

rd - D ..T . Currln8ioh ct ux. *8000, 6E NE ID.. SW NW. part^SE NW 30-10-M,

, " W nrraniy D.—E. L. Orecn c l ux lo Wnllaee W, Craner. MOO. Lol H. block

lhe 12't, BuhK' W arranly JrrJsitf<l U n d

company to Fred E. Williams, J8330, lot 4, lO-lO-lO.' •

all q u it Claim D .-R ; L. Keeler cl ux in d te T . F .'Salm on Rtvcr LanB & W aterin ,- rtm{»n>-. s i ; N t N \ r , r -a ri jf f :------------, ' ...Q uit Claim D .-T w ln - fa lls Salmon

River U n d 6i W ater company to wHl A«her B. WlUon, «1, NE-NW, 21-W-lO. un* Paten t^D nl(cd States to T liom u B. the Carroll, B'.i NW. 11-11*30.

W arranty D.—E. N ,.W hllney c t ux to Clarion R , Holland c l ux. fS&oO.lot.iCt»8ii»'deflnwW „..\ „

------- 1------- ------------------fi DAILY T^EWS, TWIN I


- - l E e d B o a d y,°U If 'ARonuBMoi

|E B r a d d « k ’» D » t M t . ;

•In, F • •• •■f n t I

at > O 9 B u c h P « n i ( « s U r •

ills,- ■ \ t \ B l o i t ^ h r u l r , , ; d!(e I r w l n M y « r s

alh "Viiii iiKi*i li’aU' liiTu nnd get hnrl :ird «I llie m-i UiiimiI* where )’i>Q bcloncifvi ............ Ktop il.li. ililiikliiu of B'lli'i

In I'liiiiiilii. (I's II iiiiid sc'fiemo. D< you til'yuve tliHl nil tacn nre honest II. lln ilviil* sceiai. 10 liej Vou on Kiiulbh nml i-iinnol speak Frcnch

■|j/>vv ij« jT.li'limiTv lionr y o u 'w l i n r • iri-aii--l In Caiiiiilii, c*|H-clnlly after ilii

I'reiii'b are wlilpi'cil ond nn j oiije ,0 IQ. Ilm Kiigllili liliiod la pointed oul In h< K. iiiiii.-(IT Ilow do you koon tlie fev

' n i''rciiili soldlera. onco tlieyro drivoi ■fll fnun ililu plnce. cnn proiecl you frViii lhe tlielr own IndlnntT Why. elilld. ttu

frencli UiciiiselvcJ'wlll bc foriunnii If IJipy wiropo bcins killed l»y iJic Ol taw ns rfli^ffu rons. rou must sr«t Uils fcH jllt^cst and eo tiaek r Ii I i mi —If I can flod tlio Jndlno nnd gc

' ■ tiirougti tlio gntc.*' . , ••■Jf.,joii mnko mo co’ bnck, l slial

iilway.H Fiiiio yoii," sbe pnsslonnlely rc .(]. tu rned ; nnd could Uenujcu hnvu scot N. her tben ho would havo known si" tl f »•(!,» n n-omnii. UcIdtd I co m ttwi) of nn expression b f crcnt tn lser; pnssct

iflT ^ r e f t i i ' i fuce-itniJ-«ti(rtTtilBpcrett':— ;he "And If onythlDB bnppenj to yoi

n i kill myMlf."I bml no pntlcitco wltli licr, or wilt

her fie^. .F a ir Jogcpliluo In old Ales nndi'lii, wlio pllgliled herself to tbi

lusf ol Iho DroniJji, nnd Ibis cjf-wnm , , nil o t llie WItelicB' lienil, were ull of a

rfi7 -p le e c = tilw n y rx h n n g c a b le .- -----------o( " n i help you If I can.” I lold her

om " I 'l 't 1 dciii'l priip'rtc 10 go Into n l lu -------n m- keitlg-tiT lnB -»-uule ii» .i> ou_nh

Jinil wu (timed nnd fuoked st- * 'vbm Um clHiaiir iiorleiuled. TlirnugU Ibc gate, wiilklng IWO by two. cnme «>V' «-ra1 rrciieliinun. Next camo a ,l« n t s tr ln s ot.Ind ian* . IMntlne. wenrln;

-Trcr’palni. led Uiese. n gray lilnnkei thniwn over Ills ebnuldcrB nllbougl

" '-T itC 'd ii; wns very liol. Itehlnd lilii caiiii- tuiplnln Jacobs nnd SblnglN Hit leailc-rs o f tho Delawnre*.,

l a Tim Indians wero wbooplng -nni singing. Tti8 cnuso ol U'o demonstra

>xl- tlnn puxzludnao-m itll I "bcbcld ttu '** body AT n benr. nluiic on a tiale. Ov(>(

''■* the bear’s head was dmpoil n rci! “* «-onf. tnken from some unforMinnlf

Kiijjlisb KOldler. who bad been cnuglv ill', 'n 'lt ills cunjd by Bonio of the cttciny'i i-nt «e.mlii.- • 'u l- " lie Isn’t r l t h tlicml" wblsperei Illy tb(i girl. ‘TlinnU (lod ho Isn’t will

ihe iiil”I b«fl beon lioldJiij: my hrenlli wblli

t wulled, ns liiiil slie, to beliold Ucau vals In llie proccsslcm.

— "Cotno wltli me nnd make tlie fores _ ju iU _rm tn_ ltL jv iic ro you bclonc."

iirye'il. "Tlien 'snci)d*yntlr life hnllni Oft me If you w ill.' Tlie Onondaga,sliouH

‘ ill- near lii'if gn tir'TIiO 'S lnclnjrw opI' d r a w b ln r to lL -

Itiif iiuhmcli I im r.ncM nres.tror. — ^ TTiu— ?.nu|uiiliiiiiTnr- fibiiwiii><'« -frnn oc: liriivo's C re i'li 'nnd Uie MuKklngum In ‘ >rniiii'es fnnn tlic Olilo, nm| 1rofiun[

oor fniin tbe I.eng tl<une. OJItnvayi* iWvcel' ................... I fr«ia ilie norlhiTn mVe'’C” (iii„« ,m from Sii|ierinr, niiif lliimn

(n>in Uie fa l l i of Mi.ntreni nn d n b tiili-sl'in nf l.orelie, fnugbnawaaii

■fpr ....... Uie S(. f.nttTenci7. nful even Al,050 Iial:l from tbo fnr i-n»lern sirrnms, liff.- falleil in ti>i-all!,jbe tnlf llp iro r 082 ItoiiMil l-a<v ol tlie nnondaguK. ,

.......... . slie-whispered, n» 1 hnllelu a .iiiiHlile u'l,. uaie.,

iS h Plunge* lo DeatK '

non LOKNA U A L U N 60k .QO.WEN, da to ih te r of w w U hy-N cw ..»o tli.-,»

1-10. iu n u fa c to re r . who pluncfd U sit s B. l o to her death from a n apoi

m ent fioata window, and be r o ux . and » fiaU-year-old daughter Eto

1500. B « o . l|po yw w f to eom prehtad’t

N FA ILS. IDJfflO, SATURI5 ^ I . “My 'r r le t i l i mnsi not fcave film

' helithd.- ■ - .: ' ‘‘Oo An) I >»ni find Mm nn« t«U

him," Rho whispered. pt*lnR m# a l»t. {Iff.push.'

I > "Me wonia DO! Dndtrstnnd. He li | J nol w tlh-^tt.* « .vp» .-n rT titi1ar— Hb

"h iusi he .lnsld t the stoeknjlc same- , , where.” 1 wns demurring, when ahe* BnvK R little ery and moaned;

• < I "M iller, you've killed M h or ds."• i Bcforo I eoold look aboai 10' leam . whnt hnd prompted itils luinihrlou* ; » p w h an trm ,w at ftooked l)»n>ojfh

r • ; mine ond Caploln lleaiijeu was cenlul- : ) l y 1nvlllng!

^ i . , ’ ^ I’me. nty m e n j..

= f e i m r T T t i r iT ' W!__! Ii’a n good otnan. We wUl hnve lhe

; cniers in wbllo we eat and give u.em« somo brnnrty eb keep thclr lienrts

mJUai. Ii/ffli, O’o trfll Klva Mfno laMI eoiUih>irb ' wlio kilted tbo l« ttr'

i Comc. nionileur. let ns forgel for aJ 1, ■ l*'“‘ ’ho Fjisllsh nre draw-" rC ' '"B ““ '1 **>ow nothing but con-• ‘ 7 ; fldence beforo onr red children. Tlio " ! nnsllahtnaD shall go will, if he “ I will.-tM -'i»J'--U uL .tliiiJ)lnw old .R lrl wna wnlklns'' bncfc. toword tlio rfvcr »(ocJfaclc. aod J" cxtdnlncd;'In h « ' “ Uo spcak i no • French yet. CoB few ' '

'T;Z I chaptT r VII1. the { -unnie | B e a u j 'e u G iv e s a D in n e r)c Oi- ; TJjcr« wcro * fi ot un nf tl 'c i«l>le

**"P ; nnd two empty clmlrs. Onc of tlieie It' me I was reserved for'Ilenuvnls. 1 followed 'i CCI ' IllO cxnmple of tho oiliers on entering

I tbo room and stood my long rllle up “t'all I In Uio com er acarest dm door; but In

>y I Diy belt, ond concealed by Ibe skirlsI s'-'fo 1 nf my hunilns-iliirl. were my nx andII slie I kiilfo. J sa t foclng nn open window flHVili ' (riroiisti whfch the i>nvnc(»i«-»n'>>' iiirpr insscd irnvntcblngus. Tlienil;tit wn* closing ■rt-:— '-n n ra i* W T S i» i!? ^ 'T tT irT tn m r itir t^ ’ you iiio window, wos left oi>*ii. Aboiit ilie

- door tvcrogroupcd various tribal lend- wllh ein, QDii tho two warriors who hnd

Ales- uillcd Uio bcof.0 tbo , I w as seated bciwccn Slcur di> Car-

I (|uovlllo and Btenr de Parlcux. Uenu-1 f n ■ Te'd'tt-iH'lK'flio bead of (lie 'tuWd nml ‘ I fnclna tho opco door. Alter w:e hndI";------ r-mtrmT-rwif-yliio«»..anil fflnf» linil tieen' poured, the coimimiiiliini called forI nre '“ ’iK 'lic ' Umm-wltb ‘- “ ™ ^brnndy .—Ttt'oOaccd-'coatSiwerphrought-w ^i'.-L im iL .-f’’'’'^'* K*'*'** •'®


ivhnf' ) rn tr r . J’Miiiriu- iln-m^'Twiird.II Ihc j Till- ........ . rv.i<;:iiU^ hrii. nit. M>v- ; buing tlm'lnit-llt-('iii:i| s ii |/r ln r i>l ilio , 1i>ng ' otbiT i-nlcfs. nnd n.M. mtil cla*iird bl« >nrlnK \ bnnd nnd asUvd him lo la- M'liied nnd nnket : inko n gliuis of wlm-. Hut 1‘mitlac inugh seldom It t-vt-r departed from liliTrole.I Illm llo w ns nil for ilic red man rfml pn> ^ Iho ferred to remain. MiiudlnB wlilh- bo

Hllcd tiJO flflk'o of.InkTfirt-a-r. lip pivo •and j tbo Imprcsslnii of biivln;: bur nue ili>

nstra- . t-Iro— lo expedite Uiu bestowal of hmi- J the I ora on (lia henr-klllerfL And yri bis Ov(>r I c rnfiy mlnd1iuu»v|-what tliu w hite mi'ff

1 "red i wero tlilnkhijj: tli'nt bis wns lln- ilun. n n n ic j Innnt pcrsnnalliy. lie coulil I'erfurm augbt ) n -tiumblo servli'C beenii'sc II did linnor icmy's ; tn tlic ’recipient.

J 0 /ifif«ln Jnoil'* BJid .Sldfir)-'. iH Dm pereil [ l>clnwnrcr. for wlmm linnlH Ihe gov-

wlUi 1 en ior of I’eiinsylvnnla wmild Soon la.* ’ , oflerlnc a reward of n 'lium lrcd a u l

while j forty pnmids ntilecc, were ouinldo lleau- ] nimuia ibe tlglitlng mc!U Uui hdo not

I lietlevo lliey reseiitod llie gr^-nt Oita- forest 1 wn’fl uulekiicas tiv put lilm«:lf .n lm aj ■1C." 1 1 nml net llie iiioiiiliplcce when be was inling 'noV oc(lffi.'lfio (eaiJcr. Sainv nil) w HiouliTin h n r - fm n lne ■ wna ■ n -itw H M w au u u ^ wopltl- -one-^*bitui»<.UiU«'tKawi;|!lpc to lna««

Ills jthin* for wliotesnlo killings. Mj 1 from vxjicrlciiccB enrly lnuglii me.Umt Uu •from . w hite mi-n,-n»-well-oa-red.-iveri--crUL-l „2„m; ,ln w ar. l-niitlae was n great m nii.li^ rifinols wliaievi-r niclal staiulnnls - il'o Jbilso H ilnd I'lm- And siiiely deceit nml Intrigue inVH, -were- iin>i'i(.i'<l In the Olil wcrld lll^lln^ <'>e(»iv iliU m l leader hK 'am ean nde;it i .n h e III ...................waaii" 'I'll*' lii'nr kllleni cree.lllj bolted ■n Al^ I U'l-lr hraiid,v-nn.l proudly pul nn llielt ims, I ca.v I'oiiiK. alilii.iigb Ihu mom was like iro of IHI oveii.* I’oiitliie drank tuit u jHirtliin

Ilf Ids wine. After Uiu miim-N of tbe hnlled hi-:ir Imd ix-i'ii nppenscd nnd (hi; liiippy

kllhTK bad liiirrlcd oulsfdo to dfspfay • ,tlu -lr Ihii'ry, itic OtinWi chief ri>

= = = malned 111 ^ay: ’’ I . • "SjiM .If oiu'iiiln. eidld of Ihe Freni'h “ ■ KI))£ yiiur )im>iii’r nnd our uncle, il»«

] s-.irererK of Uie poinivatoml linvt ~ 7 1 dreamed <i( a aie<Ili'liiu lodge sel ac

. bUtsIdeililH riHiia." lieiKilnii-d ibrnugt n ,- ' I tho wimi.iw. "The denil tienr Is flu

i l•:DBUst^nrm.r, Ibo drcnm said. In the f}'. medicine lodge. gbnstsMvlll talk, ont

te ll If lhe Kngllab army will hove ih< H ax stuck In lls bead."

lU-jiuJfa. tiitlck to a llllic ony suiter ■ stilfon llllll favored h it crowluu pliiiii

for resitting Itniddnck’s approaeti ■ I rtood up imd nmorouily replied:

"I'onilne. great elilef Of the Ottiiwna | H | your words malio Ouonllo’s bearl warn F l nnd s ’nd. With the rolgbfy I’ontlai W to lend uur i>-d brailiors, thb mcdklm

lodgo gliiiits will' tell bu l onc llilng- P V th a t no nx, hnlf-rcd nnd fial/-Frenc£j ' ' • will (pIlUiJM JiaslU h hcod.. Lc( tbi

brave I'u^aw’.iiMml sel up the mcdl cinc lodge where « e may see tl am hcor 111 voices.-L ?t.lho Bho»ts ot nn

\ ■ ; elrni' wnrrlnrs icll ua hon to deiinij r A th e lingllsb und talje for o u r owo oi<

tlielr bine wogcni o f guns and eluU ; a \ um) fooil. Tell yuor red broilie ri llia • « [ ; ifJnuuffo wfll scad llicm a feeff of braa s^BI dy 10 make Uiclr h w rU .slod."W i i’nnilQc-lumed o^d atflltced from th j i / Tt»um. a dramaUc. Dcnuje^ , » ii)l]edcr|in)y«n(!,t{l)I«tiirbA (brouil

____ U ip j’pvpjipur, iLO_sald tiy US!_____ •/ •‘Meulcurs, there spea^a o n e ’ wlv

some dny will make c re a t trouble fo------^ - w t t i # oofc- W lioeter- holds- tha t nm

r dau- *"•* «’•rit-sUJt king a great sor\’lce. K o» nhlj# the, I s to r . n re puiilnc up tlicIr lodee k l u* ea a p a r t, and inlk." - - , ’

e r ons i find renewed acqualaCiioce «rl(i ■ EliBdt lh e thfeo ofnecra beforo-cntMlMB th ro d 'tn e roo/n and. t ia d .b ^ 'r o w d o kouivn.t


greM qpe^' v r •He il

inme. ahe ,


vo Ihe , . . . ^ ^ 1 U-cm

lifnrts efiiUi IWHr'

fnr a draw-

II con.Tlio . , .



uMo Cliete

Mowed ilcring .

up but InBklrii X

I ? " . '. ' "I MAKE TIM.S OIKT lo the dlsabl 7 "®" bccausc Ihey callrd mc 'm other , provide her sotn whh a home."

lit llie ■ . -.rpBi home." filx yeara ogo In 1 lend. toast to two son.t of the famo

i> hnd American side nnd one on the C

.. .......................... aiL'Ui 111- SI. Tlii'ivf.0 piuigaiit-ainniicred fellow. I'bnu.i o f Mleamlng meat und some K«.i bread were served.

-------OutAlde.ilm window rose' the gulural voices of ilic l-atuwatiau' w lrai,

' fi» (hey dJrcclt’d the erviiJon i>l il J i u s K-ry-loilKO.—snon tborc-wns-nmie

tbe llerce imles o( a'wnV^miiraB"!!

•^ ird . 11^ TlkUi 11; J1.IUUI llfci wi(iTik nn 'gllmpix' stiirk farms dancing mad!III IllO nrminil a war-pust, cneb dancer |iau ed biH big to drive bli< nx 'in io thc wood I ■tl nnd imalomliiie of braining n foe. Fm iiiitba- l>ailign>uiid was Ctve Iivat-Ilf/Kiiing an iTriile. (he .far-off bellowing of Ulnunn U d p ro Tliumlur-cod. giving batllc to bis lr III- b o . memorial cneuiy, Ibo w iler-rerpeti n giivA llenujcu watclicd llie frenr.Ied wn lie ili> flora for a moment nnd slglicd:if b<iii- " If I could Hold Ihcm to tbnl piti ^1 Ills wlK-n I lenil them to battle, 'tlu l mc .0 men’ sleurs, now Hint we have satisfied ui • iliin. ii|i]>L-lllea. I will nsk SCooilcur (lelar I'rfiirm 10 Iell us Obaiit Ibo bnsilllly o f tl linnor woman Allin]iilppa townrd u». .T in

yuu cnn deeidu It tier vlllngc lit tl i)» Dm i«uu(b vt Ibc youKbbiceny Is a mi-nai e gov- tu frani-c. Llcuteuniit 'Ilenuvnls u >011 be ready lias told us somelbliig. hut Mu :d au l kicur Iteland was In Ihe vlllagc Intigi nilHldo tbnn Ilenuvnlii-nnd'tind a most ul do not nltk-nnt-eiperlenee."'

n ita - So, fnr Uio sccond time since cnte iiia'ad Jn g Ibo lo r t ,^ recounted tbu wnmr

ie was saciiem’i refusal of tl i^ 'Y c n e b br IJI w ood the klllUii: n l Ucll-ni>ma ut> 4Utr ..When 1 lutd ren«cii upp^jl-ii i T i ^ "Slcur .te «u"Tlierei'0 ex^Rilly-cflPi «. Mj " It Is'U ma ibat evil nesi was d mt tli>} .slroy(-<l," . i-cruel — lleui.:t!i'!!_ejCH.sparkl_eil. mn. n y "W bai docs s icnr du curiiucvn

Jtiitso 110 asked. 'itrlgne TW"C!lllfCt'Wvilto-proropily replied: (I lw « “ Wc nre fn extremis wKhotif Um I ndejit doek lindlrjs 0 rcsiiiiR plaet sbonld.n

lino of march tnko him to ilie mnu boltc.1 of iho-YoufihloBeny. - Tbo count

n llieir abend ^ his army should be swe ns like cipnii ol Kngllsh alllcf.".H.rtlim Ro iined.i».gIriss.of tfh

*l’“ aod linve: liiippy ■•ueniti to tho fiigllBh Indian

ilf'l'fny 'D eath to Allnaul|ipii 1"A fter llio toast bad been drunk Slw

^ do 1‘nrleux counseled:I rcni'h ..j( „ „„ |,i he | (.115*0. lo gci

"»« the 0 (fnn-n,% the ajlhwoya, lo / BOTO UlC vIlln'KC."

*<■’> “D ' Bcaujeu coueldcred ild i luggcatlt brnugii . / . ■Is flic f.ir a few moments, aiIn tli8 lavlied;

Ik and " l.et'u i. hnve Myn>Ieur lielund'a ii

'" r . o b i t . .m : >8U,«-N' "'J' "■'"f

i pinna ",nroaetL *'ulhins neutral. Tiu-lr miiiibera if

lew. Will'll Uiey llnil tbure 1» hi'il , Miiall fisH-e lit lii.lbiii. Kltli thu l-;n nawns,

I " E ; ; H : II l-..» .n ..l -Il.l-.... u . l l.

bai.v i-iH)ll-Ihi'lr tlgtiil!,-; ,i, |r li. trt m 'h .« *“ “ "y Del'iv.^.r.'. ........1 nni n

L nt i!l, ' ‘■Iitic!“ 'im uu 'n ;il Ili-aiiJ.i'U. tiisgit Z . r n . ' ' ' " ' f ii

Kl"**’ ‘■'»«lly-l.e Ui;.,.w UP hi* be.: ™ " • «»J . .U :

TS hal " I"" '’"[ f b n a ...................... I .11

cjtlallug wunsel *il im f.agHKbmii■UuKit^ls true. .... .. li.a t iinu;

rom tha „ f , |ie ,i„3eDUjeQ Ilm ju g calsibew nir, or llie wulf i>j Hirouib ih^ <}„- \v,_. c!in:i"t t/m'. a sjild, I____tiu r red rniiku, J f tiic Slauua-;n sieile wh» nwny 10 itii,-'^'lo-l.la-mii i;iui-Cnive Ible fo r ..'reek, tlicn we lany ..s,,i.,t in.j,,,' al unD tiie,.lakc trii«>. IimiIhj f„r ilifi mm .Dd u n r Wlibuul llftliig an a \. | niii f.ircc ijft they to bcllci'e tt will in- la-tter ir> Ivmt» ea\ ................ .. luivi, alniK...

•'If Our Ijidy's hiierreWilui oliiiu re wl(6 Jflre u« n \k l« r s m,-r (trirililnck, ll h it th* (nak a t imclf^ing tbe KngUsli U t uiVD.t.o I.cnjii>c will be easier If tjiere bo I

________ _________ ;'i ; . ,7 r ~

>RIL 28, 1928,

i sTA R G iyM m uis'i

lisabtcd American valcratu of (he W orld wot other.’ And It Is the duly of m •mother' t« me.~ So SJme. Em ste ln Sebum au-U dnk ad- Dapler o f .th e I). A. V ». In p rac n tln e h tr itrC aH fom lgrto-dK abtcB war u t eia m as a

In MlnnrapolU llte veterans drank » silent famous sin ter tost In th e war—o n e on the .he G em an .

Ii'ler.;, I l . : ^ ^ .......... U iiiii.ir. I..I f |.,i,.-|. I.Ib illiT i i-iiver, li 'u l> lai.-d ili;il « e Imki-, we

K’xmI I sli.ill ii„.,,. „nr liiiiid.. fnll III wllb.. ilniwltis rmilr-fliiK-f.in Wltlit.m Imv

C gut. . Ilia ll* llubt a ri.ar-giiard .ingn;;i.iiieiil

»(. lhe ■ n ’lviinily j oh. Ihulnti'lcfl—.nir-iiwii-ii!ivrigrx^wiir-hc a problem aB'liieTTtiimilinvo-lmvp-Tn roilre."’ *"^— ■“ "

madly imve. l .im ly wlsb llml 'M onsieur liau!*-; t’..i!invnlH cnal.l. Join ii« ami glve-.bls

ood In vIvW. llo Is n r.int tli.niulilfiil man, Fm .a.].'iUJil. Illic ymirnelf. would speak wlili-

ng ufid «{it iirejtidlcc." . — ' in IbQ It rt'iiiiire.1 irevcnl rounds of wlno lls lm- to r.'Stiire ih tu a iiruper TTillMiMn«m. L-rpeiiL' a I'li'iliieFM nn iiie part of myI w n r two iii'I^UIwir*. uliliinigb nnne nt llic

table .>|k.-iily dlsngrei-d'Wlih hcii‘ii>u 'sI plteh : derli-Iim. Ilal de la I’ariide; who hudII iiics- 1 dniii'.! cMi-nrlnailitn to tbo vlllngc, ed o u t ' wa« vaslly more po|iuJar Uinn I. neau- tlefanif (eii;i« la.'fifl-m of IlfjidVfllg nimle my of the , biu'k feel I'lillly, nnti my gaxo wan.

T h e n ' deri'd frerpieiiily imvanl Uio open nt tlie I'l'ii'f' Aiiil yet when, I aileni|ilcd to iii-nace deride Iuhi wbai 1 slimiMjIii. did ho ills ul- pni bl an aMiciirniue. m j^mrtul re- t M.m* fused I.) w.irk. tl whk ns If my Inlel-Intigcr Hgei.... .... pariiljji-.l. I was keenly

s i bl|{.. cniiKi'liiii'i lit ■ilroiidliitL.lds-un-lval. Iml was la.-aiialile .if |<limalng n itei'.'n«e-

c n te^ ■ Tbi-ii. mr*. n n-lbl wWi In m,» lie.iri ivnman U ai ilm tmoii.lnga lulgiii dlNcnvrr Jbn ll liell irnib iUul iiiaimgr? In Muni: fii<li|nn in c ll-n ir im eni'id him. Tblri. nl eimr!e. was eiiklnu- imt. ba-i'd on I '.-asim. It did sel me If. ■criem '-ui!i!rin '4 '» ti,aii III.. iiin.iuUmi imn ini' 'a s dih' niii'u .rd, Ulrl, I - w.milr-rnl If I Imi.1

bei'ii iili'LTVi'd nlH'n wiilhbig and talk-__ In;: wllb ber. an.l It, vlmul.l I hu ap-i im ln F t> 'T'll'iid"l- >-b-i >H.m.i I).. ticm'to-ftV--

. cm nt. .My onl.v <'iiai.i-iiitlini wns llml llcd : l!eaa]eii was a lu'iiileninn, a n d 'tb a i

Unid- >1'*’ 'U<H«si-ij jii'f ii,> ii'HuWuld,m s n.ll in.|;ml1 lii'r t<i-ni. iinrim-d. mnutb -Tlin-e renialiU'd tlio’-.taiigers nf ibe

:ountry rein-,11 io fniiiidii, l'i<iitliic never lo^ Bwe-pl an ' iiiiporinnlly 10 advaiieo bimsctfl

Ume Ijl- saiv ilun ilic frencb wcro if tflue "hll'iie.1, I iliiiibied bis Inynlty iS 'Iba

flll.'x, l.niikltis iiiiel: to tboso iieeU^ id la n il emivlnrcd

, Jdilrcrl film. The uvciiin'uf rho next k Slcur f*'''' " '‘’f® 1“ cslabliiih' bis never*

cnilliu iLiiitiiliy in ibe l':ngllsli.:o send 'tRiierrH bnd <inlt tbe jlre andlo r t- wiirpM«i llllll wore nnw leaiiing itriv

lei'Hiiel.v by Ihe Hhuliiw. n swift i)hifl- Ecatloo •'’’■I"* dUmried and m.mstroiia-

I.r iiribiled fae.-s. ami n hewllderlnR " " " lieiirlsblnji of nxe.l S'mi'e .if lhe nxei

,, ' , were imlafcil n^l-iJro b e tte r 'foeai|il|f,r tlic w tv ldm ’ sanguinary nm. bltliiii8. ‘As th e snvagcs pa-ssed rlosei to tbe b'till.llns'In passing In review,

. We snw lliein only fmm the ncek up " " (TiiHi Uiv effw l was tliai of .lelnchcil ""h’l ' ll'’nt>''K’"nd bnlililng l<y.

Then tlicre i-tiwMlto srfeefiii slrnlti J • ' of iiuislc I evcr/liearO ltbnugh l l win

' priHlnivd Iiy gullunH. voti-o o f n miisi hideously ftiainlod crj^ iuro. wbt bad coiirealoil iJil augsestlnns of a hti

*’ miin fountennpce by palnllng ids fan ■ “ 7 wllli » iw l f J of circles In hlaelt. n-i

11' theyTiy ears hccau*c he »ang tbroii;li tin

iisiiing u|>eii window tlie lin ipte-refrnhi; a r III* ’'Jte-JjuiiMVfh. iJa-lium.weli." s bead “ 'I bebtiiB lu 'lb tt'W olf cluii. I bfr

long to the WflIf clqn.’".'iKiinm, Surely w ord#-«cre tiever more w«l Id n il' eiime, I felt tbo tlB hlueu.ln ,m y vbesi <bmiiii, give w ay; und 1 JiQCW. Umt •ilnutui

iinmy I’aw. o f ,ih o O nbntlasul'w us 'un Uu bi'iiier, u-enc nnd reotljr to ’ttnnd or fnll win If e j i s me. UcAujeu. too, cauitUt Um simg(.1(1, In nncl _________________^s steal —T hill's no t..a northern ruleo, nni inivi-s' sbawiiw , uur-lx-ul-ljuupc. It somnli bvhold iiiiv n. M ln p , and ycl It U dlffi-i'enl.’ _ m irth ' "■ M w h T 'iiu r’gtrliiB mui'h hPi'd." I foncil sold. 11 luundcd like on Iruqtmir leave unging bis Wolf song.-

Nci't we hail a ,vlc« ol a iMinwn nUiiuld |„u,i tvlio bruiiillshed a wurH-laU .,1

lilrclt. Xho eluh was lulnied red and U n li iiinci- „-na deciimled wl)h brnh>

-!1!LL‘2. .nnll8. ..T lio , nrm hoidlin* iiie..ciiiti

2iine iiNiE.^ J i B p E

E x c a v a t io n R o p o r to d o n . L o ts

o n W liic h F l e l c h c r O il C o m -

I i l a n y W a s R e f u s e d P e r m i t .

~ W hp the r th e F irtchrr Oil c om pany"

ago by tw m fBim’ Lily um iitlhw as ....• Ilei* 8U bJpct-ln'm unie|pal,.affji:J*l-.clr?-

c lfT T iist'evening, followlnit aUtcmcnt that ntis MTflvatlnB on lot*

■ opposite thc Reed a parlm enu on 8 ho- sh.-;ne street exit. n i»n which jwrmls- slon hod bcc:i refu.ied ^^ondBy n lcht to Uia Fletclicr company to Install a ur> v(c! aKitlon. -

H ad Heard uf Move CommiMloner j . E. White of thc |xt-

lic? depnrtm c.ns JCH. tiiitt, he hadJ5«»n} of th e w cnva llon .-Jn lhe-event— tha t lls u lllm ate purpaw should prove

. violBth'c of th e clly ordinance prop*r • steps would tw taken, on thc other '

hnnd. should no ordinance bc violated . thc cltj- «-ouJd no t Ittlerlcrc. He did •

nol iK-rsonally know Uml the excava­tion WO.S being done by the Plelchor. comiKiny.

•itiiu scs to Cnnnrrt • R, A, Johnson- mim ascr of the Flet- clicr Company here rcfu-'icd lo cnm- - m ent on Uie sltimtloii- Asked 11 the rompany expected to pu t I n 'a ser^'lce station, he implied thn l lie had titrthlng to- any. Askcil If it- were nol a fact . lh a t t,he company was excavallng on the lot.', fo r some reaw n. he relier-

I atcd h la refu.ml to comment, •I ’Jir ordijm nfc uiidcr whlcli reJu.i;i1

j,jp lo g ram the permli to the r'.ctctier

Uni sed ycara ago undrr which rclUial wST*' th - made j 'h e n the Contluenlal Oil" com-

p a iy neked n l>ernjl£ to InjInJ ti stfl- Ucn wUliin 600 feet of thc Wa.-ihlngton school. The Fletcher ix rm li was rc-

' l.l fused bccausc the council took thc ,ve staiTd th a t It violated nn ordinance-

llh. passed boine m ontlu offct u n h is tha t i„j,, p a rt of UlC clly.eiil ~ r ~ —

^ h d Aho - r « - .-4tt(.\IiLa I 'ju ia U b ine l tlnginrem,

eur Idaho S u tc Automobile Aisociatlon .his Uulletin Compiled From Reiwfls m n,. S tate Uureau of Htghways. .fill. ------------------------LJ__________________

Id.-tAn-.^foHtana filghtray _ 'Ino , Idaho F a lls nortli to Moniana line. «m. Improved sccllons good. 'Unimproved niv sections t.ilr.(lie Idaho Central Illcbway

Closed.I,ml Old Oreeon Trail

Prom Portland , Oregon, ecsi to Ida- *',V ho line 'tfood. Piiycfld ' l o Parma.

Notu.-. nnd Caldwell cood. Wclscr " 'y to Payette goad. Caldwell to Uolw ■nn. via Nampa, paved to Nft:npa. Nampa pen to M eridian de lo iir . In la ir shape.

10 M erid ian .to noise dclour civcf.g.-avcl ho road. Rough.' Caldwell to RolfC via re- S tar, fair to gt.ir, B tar lo H oly pav- l[>l. cd. East frum Boise io Mmmtain „ |v Heme, Glena-i Ferry, King Hiil, Uh.vi, l,„'|...lJaa'aan|i(i,...DiihK .Twill l-'nlb. Burley • , and American Palls am} Pocalello .

; ■ gccd wllli cxcepl7on of nnmn lou^e i;ravel- Pocatcllo lo Montpelier i:o<><l,

"" M ontpelier to .W yoming line lalr.' Seme locjc gravei;

To Eftimelt - If- T u rn n o r th one- mile ciis't of auir.T nu-H ltK ld^in^fiilf^H ow ,-.............. . ................rm.V -------------N u U u S ld e IHchway .'•-alk-. —aoodlng to Wendell and Jerome..,' Ilf), good. Jerom e 'to . a ie i i , ; IfnlcKoii,

-^>ftUli-RUl)^*'l-;ltSld-Dec!or«OOd:--------------lini . Kawtoetli H lfhnay —tini------Ely—Wftuaita . I n Tn-ln INill.; n . l r - -inM -t® Jerom e fair. Jerome

lo SliM honc good- Shoahofic to HulltX . . via T im m erm an Hill good ,.exccpt

rough J n spola- Shoshone to Unlley lo« via Richfield ;jDor to Plcabo, Plcabo otf! to Hailey good. Hallcy lo Kclchum cro good. Qnle'na sum m it closed, S ian- iba Icy to -* trh a» |^ fa lr . dhalll* to Sal-

■mpn good. Bitlmoti to MonUna line, su b m it dosed. - . ,

H»*t • ond Houlh lliih«ray ’ ’Frcn i'W clser to Slarkcy Hot Springs

fa ir . Slitrkcy H ot Spring to New ond Meadows closed. New Meadoivu lo

Riggins clojcd for 13 miles. Balance ' r ' lair. Rigftlns lo tew uton , -Moscow , "ll* nnd H arvard fair. Horvard lo Enilda ""*• nnd S an ta passable,. Santa to within ring seven mllea of S t. Maries heavy go- . ixe . Ing. Balance dialance to 'S l . Maries ex- good. S t. Marlc« fo HnrrJ.ion nlno nm. mllea erusliej^rock nurfaclng. bilance user d ir t road, *4Pry*"WUBh.'..H,irrlson to luw Cceur d'A lene, scveml .m ilts tnrUi

grnded, poor. Coeur d’Alene to Santf- ,1 ‘1 point, 10 miles surfaced, balancc dlr(.-

B andpolnt to Donners Perry good. ,»i,. Bonners Perry to Porl~Hni good. Bon-

ner» P e rry to EasipQii fair." “i Payette ta k e s lllthw.-,y" " Clwicd nortli of Banks, wbo Yello'wstone Park Highway hli- • Closed .north of Ashton.

faco __________-red . 1 '■

I In bimsK-d nf R badge of Kiiiiiil:.!>kja (0 *liiiw tliu imi:i bad sein’d a w.iunded eiieiii.v by Ibi- anu nnd Im.l held him. Ttir.i'C of Uie fealhem In Itls hair were tmttliecl, flvlileiiclns lie find klllc(^ u m l.,

”*■ iM-nlpe.l ns many hip*, nml tbero ««ro other feiilbent iiiianlclied. hi'iili'alinghu ba.I Huilped w.|rrlnri sla........ liU................. IIS. f n r nfler UT^IimTherm

, i ' ; fasliinii <ir,couiillng' cm ii.fo iir feuiii- viiii

ench .,-humy sln ln -o n e by tho m ad . whu mn.lc tba kill, nnc hy the man.

— _ wli(i took Uiu sculp, nnd nnu l.y euclio f the tw o men who mlglit-uaslst. I'!__Uie Bcnlidiig. .T Jd i fclhiw remiilnud -

’U'-' lii-fnre th e windiiw limg cnaiigli to.' ' ■t-liunt.'in n ti*r««Vy i - « l < ' c V 7 " ‘ ’"A n eiiBli! reiilhcr I see: u uravo I

Imvo om jih t. A wnlf I K e ; a wolf I 1" ''^ have cniiglit.'" . ^ '

riiial , .;^udnlbued ia 'n S S IS iS j , ^

Cllltl --sU D SO R iB E "F O R lraE 'N B W S .

Page 5: K S JV^hingtonJ [5 MADDEN DIES I!’pFiiiiioiis nfimii poif ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · York Clieer Famous-'A'viatocs (By The Awoctattd VVASIUNOTON. April

i T ; '

n F U i s s

, Advancement in Raftk Granlei to 14 Boys; 14 Merit Awardi

■ GivcnvHanSenTroopPrcsen

• ronrlccn •^■In FbUk

TCCin FMls high Khool irymnMliiii Friday nlHl't- ’

. • spoiita ttlio TKclVfd ktcond da* bnditcs wcro: Raymond •OIa*«ow. Al tred K>'kcn«ft». Dllly DyKert, Olvl McCarlcy and Dovld FU . a ll of Trooi No, 11: Robert Oecr and David Lanit boUi or Troop No, 7: Isoac 8Jler?ar

• T>oop No. 3; Charles Dallcy: Robcr Durk. Jam es O lenn. Tliom ai Kendai: N or\lllc R«yDold.%and CInrcncoHushci

--------^flll of Tnw |) No;"35."Hanjen."" 'j . .• * The lolIowlnB tn^rlt nward.i wer

....... . ..n>ade:---r_ ---------- -------- . -Salety flr*t: Drj-aril Wall. .J a m r

T-.i->-on. Reynold Elrod, and Bill. , Dcnilllcr.

C Oftiiilnrfhlp: Dryanl Wall and Hill ^ Pfnilllrr.

Clvlr-i: n ry an t Wall m l mily He . miller.

• Cnn>oniry: Riilph Lcl(tlitoa and U s JIl- Mmpliy.

Cm ttwork In wood: Raljih Lcli<liloi ami L'‘slte Muriiliy.

I ljn d lc rif t : Rftlpii Elrod.Firemnnshlp: JnmM LelRhton.T lir cniirt of honor was held iitule

llie illrtcllnn of thc chalminn. W. t . Snitlh. a.'f.lsted hy Uev. O. L. Kcndai:

H anrrn, nnd Paul R. Taber. W. E Nixon U yrcrfltflQ- of th^^^c^rt. ^

cpciilni? cxercLw antIJJIarcnce Nye o th e cIo.ilnK. Howard JTerrl-ih was bus Itr . Rev. A. O. Pearson of Ihc Pre.i

: hylerlnn church'announced the.«;hurcl• f.er\'lce foi* tlic opirnTnic day of Doyt

week hen* next Sunday. About 1ft scoiil.1 altentl«1 thc session of Hi court la s t rtlRlit. " ;

Z j i m s l e S

FIL E n. April 2 7 -F lli;t rural-IflKl chool';; M'lio)an>hlp honor roll for. th

ircotitl f ts wcfk.% jx 'rlod of thc secom :;i-;m'*ur-lia2 bi-en announced aa fol

---------lii'.vs-;'-.........ncrilcrr— Theltnn _ Barton— Blind;

.U iubivat. .lonny W aller. Owen Millet Flrm'r Parroll. Lum Sharp, Hcrmai

, -£ Hllflltcr. Ina Slerer, Herman Van f Zanie,

f « Junior.'*—Ralph Ilo itetlcr. Viola.Eb er^olc. Elna Kneser. .Harry beiwellei Jnyne Knnls. V ln;lnla Snyder. Pedi shnnk. Robert B.trton, Harold Blnke h'y. J'or H arshbarsc r Marvfh Shear h iir

aopl.nm cre^-H arry Wlkon. Mildre Cobt), I 'niiuiin Clark. Viola Slatei H<'lfii never. Chri.itoplicl. Ann M ae. Dli-hl. Zelln Stbbctt. Myrtl Urown'. kcne Sliarp. KenuJt Alllsoi Rali'iRh navLi.

1‘rrj.hnicn—Virgil Le.weK • MaU 1 Joliiu>on. W lhna Lincoln. Lawrenc I KiObJlfiHch. H arriet DwIrIiI, Ooroth

Ooode. Miio’ D. niHiner, Lcland Oroui EstlKT iDavLs, N adlnr HaRler. Ployi Orlevc. Raymond Shank. ItH' Blake

! ley. Rosa MostJcy.- - :___ A U -wlxwl-HHrry-W lbom-Vlnrtl'tes

iit'ls. MnbM Johnson. Thelma P arlo i - Wilma Llneoln.-U w rencc Kalbflelscl

— . R hoda-B arbezat, Mildred Cobb. Har j r ie t Dwight. D om lhv Ooode. Tnimnt — r rrc ia r lu J c a iu '-W a l lc r . Owen Miller,

, PE R R IN E -M . D, Broadhunit am n-lfe, S a lt Lake; Lc.iler C, Sewell. Pay

V ‘ e tte: A. Urdakp. JarbldRc; C. W. Crow L* der, Idaho Falls; CIcvc Groome. wlf ^ > nnd rhild , Caldwell; John L.-Serlbnei s ’ I 8eatile: L, W. Suhr and wife. Esthe A f M. Suhr.. O real Palls; H. Gaulln, W

'C . Qoddiinl, C. E. Mead. Jarbldge; K ' H arl, Clly: E. J . PourhI. San Fran

■ F ,cl.seo; Rev. Paul Roberts and famllj .• f M to EmlljL rin e . L. L. Dlbba, Boise

Mrs. -E dna W trt. Rogers. Arkansas / J O w rgc D. Weed, New York; Na I'Y O clbonl and wife, Kalamaioo.

I nOGERSON—Leo W alfort. NetI York; Marlon T . Ciftrry, S a lt LakeI Cliarlcn Sm ith,. B o ise ;-& M. Stom1 SI. Louis; Tom Hoskot and wlftI Dobe; Mr. and Mrs. It, W. .Dundai1 S a lt Lake; A, R, Merbuda and wlf<2 H . D. Merbuda. Spokane; I/. D. Raedci H Boise; P . w . Aust, ScatUe; P. D. Don fl nelly, Boteo; Mrs. W. E. Dunn, Berth: S y fc rry .. itagorson; J . w . Bettcndorl « B u rle ji e M. D unn. Don WaketlelC ^ H. n. Tanner, Orouse Creek, Utah a Mildred M ckcrton, Jerom e; J . H. Gal3 lachcr. S a lt Lake; W. P . U nkford . 1

N. OLwn. Spokane; G, T . Redmar Raymond Ifanlcli, Boise; H arn- Noh. M urtaughr John 0 . Penn, Buhl

. W. W. Nixon, R upert; o . O . McRlli L. 0 . B ugbey OontactTW WterTRBBi Kimberly; W. E. Ocum. Rogerson.

P A R K -J . A . . Schmidt; Boise; j L . Coolt. GratlK; John Davison, Port land: f . J . Orsell. San P^incbco R. n . M arrtn. San Francisco; B. A D ahlln. S a lt Lake: C. E. Brpwn. Bp& kanc; II. V. Page, Bolso; J. N . Oreeh field, BulSi6; P. P. O ran t. S a lt Lake

____ p . B. Cn«grnvn. Iy>s nn;Mrs. B. T. Blnnlnnton, S a lt Lake W. W. W ayman. Vftller; W. L. Starei

• - baujK. P oca te llo r-W .-a -W alkw -lin twile, Boise; P . R, Benson, S a lt L ak^ Mr. and Mre, A. A. Flint'. 8an Diego Mr. a n d Mrs. A. O .'H arro a , Ogden

'A . J. A u s le y an d lomlly, Casper.

% Naw» W ant Ad# reacb Uto poopl# yoi

- ' ■ TWIN EALI^.

Attempt Cutti |T Addict’s ^ 1

I f|^iiB).Dj4i«Lsu(tijin)»KkUcAiirI rtbuk*d I)|* tM (U » of Nt* j

l e d tloni la Jormally anaounelnfVI IndniMndont prp tran t (or toter* rds national action to curb tratno In

6 ( lt o 'he r fjarcotlci.Ccmlnf on Ui« svs of t in el»v>iHh

w g |v c o m m lt tw on opium. B o c r tta r /c f

■-t»tl>utOT-«-iOT«~aHoiiai step In tho lun> world war a ra ln it dangerous drucs.

KHloffs's procrnm wa* ouUlneil In :laui ^ gcnainr Bmoot of Utah.A |‘ e lutrnian of tli« 8enat« llnanc*

commltlto. It rcam m ii Xnifrluin alUslane* «o tha alms of Th* Ilaeu*

'opium convention otM 12 and chld«i . th* Icneu*, commute* for lli r»-

pent»d fallur* to approv* a draitlc hes] profrom. . .

to t M uloni a t C«n*va In l»:« and i s : i tnok no pffectly* atepi toward m llxation of Tho Hasn* altn». K»1*

3,lly tcKB declared that. larEely aa a mat- ' ler ot lolf-UoranM aealnst smue*

Wly ' r 'ln c opfnuiont. tli* United StaK'i hai> iinitrrinlipn «a up a> o rld*

Ue> wUc ■yiicni o t co-arera(lvo eiplun* as*? ni;nlii»t Ullclt drug ihlprtjenl*.

Us* Tlm movement w iu BOcrttlV lnl« tiatfil- hu t D w m t'c r , airermerits alrfinly liava W n concluded wllh Grpai rrltn ln . Kmnro and Oermany. and tlis <iii<-)iilon Is under. nrsoKa*

. (lon wUli fQuricsn other nations. In- y cluJlnc Jniian. Turkey, IVlslum.

I'lall Swltsrrlnnd and JuR0*Slavla. • . e ] KelloRB Inierprets Tlio Jlasue

alma to be th.xf use of coca derlva‘ -tlic. .. tivus ah.lll ^a_ ^EjdlX rciitrlcted lo e of '. '" ’medical ana ■clcntltlo puriioao*. Ho' )UR> recalled tha t tlia American delega* re.v (Ion to the I92B Genova conference irch withdrew b e ca u irU Waa "forced lo

th* conclusion''" th a t tli* project tliero belnc framed did not confonn to thU Idea)

B I g b u r c b . S e r v i c e s

iroly communlly u l 8:00 a. m. Church cchool“ a t 0:15 a. in. M om lns DTvycr, confirmation am

sennon u t 11:00 a. m, - R t. Rev. Mid. dlelon S> Barnwell. D, D.. will con.

'S”,'* f inn ft class anti preach o t thl.i scr. fol-

Qn Tue.tdoy. May I. th e Twin Fall;

Tho first sc.«lon will be from' 3:00 t- 6:00 p. m. D inner will bc s w c d It thc Parish hall a t C o y tx k . Thc scc'

_ end si;R3lon will coitTimc from 0:00 u P * 10:30. p. m. .All thc jnlnU tcrs In tin '‘f” .' deanery jvlll be present, nntl delcffale; I ” * from all the parishes and missions

Also, thc bLihop will bc present, ant Rev, Mc.«m. Ashworlh df Payetle

. Newman of Glejjns Ferry. Kean anc ArcJiclcacoii Sloy of Poealello.

irllc Phsibyleriaii Churchson. A. O. Peamon. Mlnliilcr

P:ir. a . III..—Sunday r.Hiool. abel H;Q? a, m.—MoniliiK worship, -T in ence Boy Scouts of Tw in FalLn will bc Uk I llty Ritests n t ttiLi sen'Icc, T hc Ncout oall ■out, w’lll be Riven and n rccognlllon of lh( loyd natlohnl flat; will bc p a rt of the scr. \ke- ’Ice. Mr. Pearson will speak.cspcclall]

lo the yountt Rentlemen (jn the subjccl :a^i.-in-BroUi«f»-W h(»-Dlfforcd," • Tlu

•lot), anthem will bc I^lplln8•lI "Rcces. ijch, slona l> '. • , * .In r- >t^l8 a. m.—Jun io r C hristian En- Tinn dcttvor will me e t.- _ . ,

“ flTSo“ p." 'mJ—ivenlD ft—wohlilp.'. .Tlit Rev. John T . Morris of Burley will de.

Uw Home to Uic chu rch ." T his is r , un ion 'scm ce.'

iS F irs t Christian Church10:00 a. m .-B lbl(! echtooL Frank

Slack, director. C. C. Curtis, presld- n n j lnR-. .^TOon. sloo* by im to r a t gcneml

11:00 a . m.—Communion and scr* _,f*. mon. Theme, "H eartj o n ^ lrc ." Wcr*

ner RlpUiigcr of Buhl will sing a sole a t Uw r<rvlec. "The Shepherd." H r

y. RIpllnRcr began Ills musical studies , u ' unijcr Uic. InstrucUon of Mra. Dygerl L n ' some years aRo andi'a lnc^ -U icu -hai

■ continued in • this line y lith Q .Uni- .I.*'.' verslty of Idaho, where h f w i s chosen

as soloist fo r tho glee club.Union service In evcnlna a t Preatiy-

^ tcrlan church when Rev. J . T . Morris • of Burley will opcak.

C hristian Endeavor o l usual hour, Ac- 8:30.

’ Bapllamal scrvlco following moming scrvlce.

J j j Midweek scrvlce W ednctday, B:00 vlfc! P- ” *• ,

Methodist EpUcopal rtha Rov. H. O. Humphrey. Pasior lort, Sunday school. 0:4S a. m. E. L. leld, Ashton, supcrlnlendcnl. u>h: Sermon by th e pastor. 11:00 a. m, 3ttl* Subject. "Christ's Measure of Orcat- 1. 'E. ness," The Odd Fellows and Rebekalis nan. will aUend this ren'lce as a body.

W. Pipe organ mu-tlc played bv Mrs. 0 . H, uhl; Slliison. Chortis tflolr, orUhein.

_ Epworth lA’aiiun devotional scn’Ice In «cr, Uio church narlor.-: a t 7:00 p. ni,

Union scn ico a t the Prribylcrlan churcli a l 8:00 p. m. Sermon by Uio

<!• Rov. John MorrU of Burley, Idaho, o rt- ’ —.

FIn t'B a p U it A., Bev. E. C, Barton, Pasior

>po* Bible school. D-.43 a. m .. Lionel Dean, !cn» director.ike: 'M orning worship, l l - a . m. The .wr- aad v io e -w iu -b e -d lre c lc d by the pastor, Ike; Special music by»tho 'sen ior clwlr. • la i- B._Y. p , u ,.Ju n io r .a a d - In tc h n o d l' and a i ^ w n r ih c e l fo r sludy and devo- ik « Uon a t 6 :i5 p .. m. /« o : Evening aervlco will be n t 8;Q0 p. m,

B iennon lk 'flT tih ren In Chrlil SSp T h ird Avenue East

you , .L .:.A ..BcU ei.,.Pa8t{rr Sunday school, 10:00 &. m., '

& D A I L Y N E W S , T W I N I

Aiiig i)rug^ npply atiSourceit- '

i l i -

I in :ali'

cAncued«ire- ,■tic


SRC, O I ' ST..\TI. K P.I.l.O fiG :

US- In order lo pr«»jni lh* al>u«» of >tei Oieio product*, ll i« nccess-ir)- to rlJ . *xorclio tonun l o v tr ih o production un- of raw optuln in sucli a nmnticr l.hsi 1. ther* will b* no surplus avairnbl* Inl- for non-medical and non-srlentlrle iriti purt«sf*.rlih Ktlloes's new undcrlnhlns Is '» ,ny. arranB* for the ■diftcl eschanc® of tla'.' InformaUon”. between world cap- In- lUili “rclaltng. to persons and or- • um. RBBltadons encnfied In ihe llllcll

Inlernatlotjnl Irn'tnc." Such ex- sue chanipf would ho between the >;a' lva‘ rlou* exluUiiR orB-'nUallon* i n upI (0 for llio coiilrul uf th* dnineslle"Ho" trame. ......... ........................ .........•ga* The move U Inspired by Increas- mce Ing tvldenco of growhiR smugsUnk* •II lo operaUoni lo the Unlied States, as ■Jecl delected by \roasury olllalal* In lh* onn tnforcement of tha Harrison anU-

- tiarcoilo acf.

1 MornlnR worship. 10:00 a. W. •. YounR people's meeting. 7:30 p. n

'O I Evening worship, 8:00 p. mT =^:zrprSV'6rriHtcUnjrrwcdnTOdBy^cvcnli

' " r x :v.lll hav'i' charRC of bolh m om lns a

: evcnlrr: scri-icc.'. in the Absence of l and n-Riil.ir'^iailor.

Mid- ■ , ■ —:—con- Cliiirrh of th r .Naurene

Corner Tlilrd Ave. nnd T h ird St. I _ ,, I’aul Worce.'li.T. Pastor

-Sunday .wliool, 10:00 a. m.I MornlnR'worship. II o'clock.

« ’ N. Y. 1>. D„ 7:00 p, m.&’am;clUUc M'H'lce. 6 o'clock.

; I'rnycr McrllnR. Wednesday, 8

1 t h e " ~ 1 _ _Jules '* c h rh lla n Kclencc Chureh

, IGO NInUi Avenue East, yclle ■■B'’A’rlu!iUnK Punishm ent'' la I

-nd o f Ihc Lcs&n-Sermon Inc1iurche.H nf Christ Sclentlsla.

I XJolden Tcxl; O alatI.m i: 6:1. "Drcl ren. If (t mail bc overtake* In a fai ye which arc spiritual, restore such unc in the sp irit ot meekness; cc >ldprlrti: Utysilf, lest Uiou also

■ Thc ii'inptrd."! Uie Hi,t,ii;iy scr\'Itcs arc licld a t 11:00 oalh ni,

f Uic aimdiiy schoo l' for puii!l.i under ser- years .of brc Is n l 10:00 n. in.

clally The Wednesday cvenlnu mccUitg. Bjecl. which ti^sUiilonlcs of ClirUUan Sclec The healing a rc given. Is a t 8 .o’clock.

cces- ____ _____ •The klm beriy M elhodlst C liarth

B ert A,-Powell, Pasior . * - -.10;00-ft,-m —Simday cchool,-B .--•rne Taytor,--supcrlntcndcnt:------ -J O 'J • 11:00 u. i i i . - tTracftlns by Uio.pt

7:00 p. in.—I^w orth Lcdauc. '8 :0 0 p. m.—Prcachlng by Uic post ■'Our Boys."

ta n k ---------esid- ^ Imm anuel LuUierann e m l ............. • 500 Third West - —

M, H,-ZaBCl, pasior Mr* Jubilate Sunday. •

nrcr. Sunday school a t 10.Divine worship and preaching m

. vice bcRlnnlng a t 11. Sermon Uteit udles ^*l'«*<!f>ous Ways ol Ood.” Oi

A dmlnlsimtlon of/(olV baptism li mediately a fte r - the/»c4 o n .

St; B d in» r? rc# flio llc ^ Rev. Renil s . K ^ W n B B to rN

Masses Sunday 0 and^18:30 a. ui orris Mass week days 8 a. m.

Masses holy days 0:30 and 8 a . m. lour. Holy hou r Bunday 7:30 p. m.

IIlRh school Bible class Tucsd nlng evenings.

8:00 rvThe M elhpdUt Ladles' Aid will hi tpoktd food, candy oad apron tale the Dairy Store, ^ p r ll 28.-Adv.

:. L.'


“ ■ j L o / ' " ' - . " ”I P U / On tbe


rrlan' Uto I H

It)can, r

I n t e l j A i ' P B I O E S Ai*tor’ , IB I • i i : ‘r t S V / ~ V ' r k f- lit ^nulbvAi)^lod l' 1—H I - ------HjP.m . j i - n ' ^li .


IIHESIEi WOMEN i - ; j ,S E 8 S jto3 . C o u n ty K e a it l i iV ursc a n d C lin -

I in f o r .C l i i ld r e n F ig u re in

I G e n e ra l D is c u s s io n ,.________ _

B miliT.. Anril a 7 -R u m l flllb^ of Uic

g le n ^ disn iilllEriWJIl .Bl ll,i iiiilii i.R.i

r Rram grven by' th e d lfJrti-n r clubs, H ' Mrs. W. J. Durke of the Kvtrywoman’s ■ . 'c lub of, Castleford prcslditl nnd th r 9 'm ocllnc opened w ith llu' .MiikIhr of I l"AmvrIea’' followed' by the tcadliiR ot I :lhc ,cll\b litany. Mrs. Jolin Thomas. H ; president of Uie Evcrj’woiniiii's club. S Iravc a bflef rcp6rt of the ycar'il ac> y 'uvufes and 's lih llar reporti'ttv ri' given

by pn'.ildi’nls of n il olher cliitu ri'prc* fcnled. Miss Mary Van Uiicnoii of Ihc

- • ------ jalenslon departm ent of iho ktato unU■ vcrsllv Rave an Interestliv; ner.oimt -ol

r ; • • the worlt of the deparinic.nl. Mr^. Uoy- • •• & ’itavcf-Tw ln-Fftll» , pr<‘--ldenl of-the

eoimty rum l fedcm tlon nf chibi. spoke nf on Uie advanUiges of fe<l>’railon. Mrs to Frank Chandler san#. "When My Slilr )i, Comes SallltiK lloin*’ 'ntul Mm. Coj B, jrjtnR. "Lay My Head Bem-ath n Rose.'

. M M Barbara Thorans of CaMlefnrtl jrend a pn|)rr on better Imnio*.' Oeii-

. ,r rn i . dLwu.’Alon of eniplovinpiil of f ‘county health nurse nnd clinic tot

'® ; chlldrcn of pre-school ot:c w.tj taken I tip ^ M rs . Macftbec and Mr<. Deloj McOulre played piano so1<w and Mr.i

■ j C. B. Sikes Rave a liumomiis reading :li -’My AllmenU."X- Sunnyalde Social Clulia ' Tlie Sunnyslde Social rluh nii'iTtiPs-ip day afternoon w ith M r i Dcir .Siraw- le ser wllh Mrs. Barney WriRlu a.-L<l.«lns............ hosiess. - FourU on.. members, wid. sb, RtiesU were present. Roll call wa i ans­

wered d-lth th c nami- of lavorlU *• ■ trees. Mrs. Joe Baxter nnd .Mrs. Frank

“ Thalclicr gave readings n n d .ln ar" • apron contest Mra. Ooodman' 'wor

flr*t'prlw* and Mr*. McUroom wor I second. Mrs. Jam es Wilson won tlrsi

- - ; p rlt^ In Uie con test 'on triTs, Thc nexi

‘Mrr. L. M, Spenccr with Mrs. I'crrj p. m. ; Howard asslsUng.

.„i Giulav K un*c..w ho It valient If !Vcnlni.-tiiP-gt7-vnlcnUiie'n'hti;.iiiis| m Wiii- — - . , l» l |.-L H -lm n ro v ln g -^ c -w ^ ta lx ti-U

;nR and • r u h , u t h . dauRhier ol Mr. nnt • of the .Mrs. Oeorge C. U ’th, who lm:; Ix-cr

.crUlcally 111 In a ,Twin Fiilb hw.pllnl lha.1 rclurned home,

t I M to Sabina .R oos of O aricil, Indl. S t No bccnme the bride 'I'titsdny o:

Janies Dlvclfilss, con of Mr, and Mrs ’B, II. Dlvclbl'.-'i. pioneer ti-jld'.’nis ,oi ilhc W wi End. The young cou;)l( ' tvi-iT married -at Uie Bapllsl pirsonagt

J 1 In Twin Falls by Rcv..E. 0 . Barton ant m' fl.go will make thulr home on a ranch wcsi

' oi town.

DEATHSla the ■ -------In oil ,D A V L E Y -E dw nrtl Dayley. 1«. wi

^of Mr. nnd Mrs. J . N. Dnylej’. ranch- "B rcth - 'e ra Hvhi? one mile iiuiili and one rnllc a fault, wesl of-,Filer, tiled shortly a/lcr_ 11 mch an o'cluck-lasL nlR lii-ul ihc county ti'eit- s; con- eral liasplial a-n a ri'sult of 'hijiirle: tlso bc sustained In nn aiiiiimobllc accldeni

,u t Filer lasl Wednesday hrxni; Tin 11:00 a, biiy'falled to rcRiiln con^iotunc3.s aflcj

the accident. Tlii! body lies a l ,ilu ider 20 ' Orossman funcml iiarlors,

'• I -------------------------M A S T E R O F W A S H IN G T O N

! L • g r a n g e - t o V iS iT iDAHCin rth ' " .......... — — ___ ________

EOPN. April -J7-A, srOo-ss. maslfi - B - S . WasliliiKlon Mate cn ttu tc-on- i' ' 1 tour of Idaho durlnc llie comlnj 1C. M S .' month, will be necompanlcd by HuRl; nn-nn^-Spfoittr-Idalio-tllrcclor .of the I^dei^l

, • cclved by gmniie members l ie n ^ Ar- nostar raiiKcmcnts use beliiR mnde f o r Ihelt * ■ Vbli In Jerom e county.

TBY NEW I.OC O M OTIV R/........LEEDS (/P)—EaKliiecrs arc cxpcrl-

nicnllng wlUi n eoinblnallon slcan’ and Internal combustion locomo^vc foi use on British m llro a a j : 'T h o loco-

themp* n»otlvc. doublc-actlns,.dan be n m or „ g .n " s ic a m a t all.speeds, wlih excess heai

■from products of combusUon asslsllnj sm -Im -^n producing steam In Uie boiler. Thi

• boiler Is hcal« l by oll burners, an t thc steam Rcnemled Is used for sUirt- Ing thc combustion engine.


j m \ ^ P O a r S M O W H . N. H. ( /P j-S er- ■ g h u i t ^ m a s Qftu{iyr;i. Medford. Ma.s-

rucjday eachuselU^ |»llcciimn. doesn't - gue.-i: a t distances, Ke explained In courl here lh a t hc meuiuros them wlUi Icci

III hold Just 124 Inchcs long,


nthe Scneu ^

'■I S a “ SK A TIN G U q H P W A C K S” 1 M

P a r n m d u n t ..\ New.s ’ .

IS A T T H E / ' ■ B _ _

J R D A Y M O R N I N G , A P R I I

H S c i o n o f Q l d H i c k o r y

IUI—^ *■1 m r : . M A

h W l . '

Clin* e in

I i w r ' 1 ^

of the

clubs, M B

theIng .J ^ n


ac> ' i . . , ;

o f 'th e ANnilEW JACKSON. IV. of Los Ar:«) uni* - Jc te* .'g rea t grandson of_.O encrunt -of Andrew Jaeksan, will unveil tl, Itov bron»e sU tue #f “Old Hickory” Iof-tlM^ W a»hlng to tt_ .A prlI-13 .. .rrc sldc isiioke Coolldge anti Oovemor Henry 1

\ Horton of Trnnptsee will speak. TlV siitti monument I* a gift of Tennessee is. Cox "Olamond Joe" Esposito. .Rose." ■

lie for mSFypSFORBicadlng. ' ~ —

EDEN. April 27—Prcllinftiary p lat I Tues- are being made here for the organ .Straw- lu tlo n of a brass band. T la ' villas

council has appropriated tome of tl: w a n s - ‘" “I W l o ju tsL it-w ith 'the -ln ltla l-cs avorltc l>en’>t’. Additional funds f>'c to t Frank raised the coming week «'hen som In an form of entertainm ent will be slas

r 'w on ed. A number of former bandsnie n won have sisnlflcd their wllhngncss to lot ■1 first ‘a horn oncc ihorc. A prospccth 1C next membcr.^hlp j j f a t lea.M 18 muslclar nine of Is avaUble. Tlie b.ind. If oninnlui

I’crry ts lo uc sponsored by UICVlllltll council from funds for tmalntcnant

lent In provided to a g real exicni by lev. - Wm - -Weekly conc e r ts -a r r-b c ln r^ p la n o e ken to JoC-Uie. .coming' summer montlis.

r. and Tw Tor rnil^-kiiiu- M.-110111 Tur in n r. iK-cn O'ars a l the annual election hcl tv.pital. Salurdo}’. A tax levy of seven mil

wn.-; also voted lo m aintain the scliO' , Indl- Ihe comliiR year.]«j- of Several moro cam of cerllfled Gc: id Mrs, -'eed potatoes have been unloaded lici ’nls .of the past week and more cars arc 1 coti|)lc arrive the coming wjck. At least K

'sona'gc ears of certified ^eetl will have ber ion and shipped here from thc AshttflT cout :h west try U ilc^prlng by the middle of tl

eo m ln 8 ^ « |e th r~ A -number of grov ers arc A n tin g thla week. Mo plantings uij! Ihe Rural variety.

Mrs. J. C. K nott ollended the rcRi lar meeting uf thc Dixon Porcn Teacher association last Monday cvi

' "r nliiR and jis,il.itc* wlUi thc InslAlIlt of Uic new officers, Mrs, K nott al; made a talk on some dt the prol lems ot Utu Parcnt-Tcaclicr os.i( cinllon orgiinlr-Hlon.

i.iju ri^ The Etlcii Boy Scouts' baseball' icui ,• -rkr Haiclton Scout

, team a t HozeUon next. Sunday aftci “ **V," noon. The two U ao« played Vi

Sunday a t Eden and Eden lads emert ed with urc short end of on 8 lo .scorc. Tlic boys plon to rcvcnw tl

ON Sunday. ~


masler Funcrol-irrvlccS will bc held hero-I . nn o the third ward eliapt;! T uesday,. Mi coming i- Mrs, MufV Allll UiuiMlln-Ftrilt

Hiii-ii ^ )<° d s ta r 'm o lh e r who died i\t hi J e d i^ l rcsldeftce in SBrlngiiilor-Uta h ^ a t tl

K l ic l r ' - s n o w s HANDlWOItK / LEIPSIC, G ermany — Ante

Lang, lmpc.raonator ot .ChrUt a t U: ? / Obcrammergau Paslon ploys, exhibit* * hand-shapctS caramlca a t the s tr e cxpcrl* la lr here,, and said no sells m a t

steam to Chicago departm ent stores.,lvc fort loco* ~ 'run on

i sffl. and

I - A ‘D e lic io u s D e s s e r t

■ '^ t h a t ’s < ^ D for You/

H ScKc Idl-well for ticsxn.H ' any meal, any occasion.. I t 'sH olkV4)-t appropriate.H I Delicious, beauliful. ]cll-■ ' a/aayt jells Of//. I t’s■ -li^ tltru l, lo o . Doctors m -■ .■■■-tm m tiii/It ._______________H ^.V our Btoccr lias U in six’B fruit (laxon; T^';Letauifny■ for a chan|>c. i.«ok for the■ KEI> Imx anti rcip.fcnbcr (he

I - 'i p -


R I L , 2 8 . 192 8,

" I sociEinmi MBS% . y i tw ib y

^ Pboot IM ''.t 'l ' ________________________■

Mrs, Jack Tliorp was hostcis to thc Luncheon cjub Friday aflemoon

3 a t her homo on Hsyburn uvcmue. D Luncheon was sServed a t one o'clock, H . ' tlte Rucsls-belnrTTOted a t two tables V ' ‘ clecoratcd with prach blossoms andr f i - i i^ i i i” Mi Ul' fiiru(k!tiiiiinB l i m a I* . i us well as thc menu featuring a color ' • combination of yellow and pink, In

Read The iwnvs'w

■ ■ ' Mrs. It.' H. IletLsirom cntertahiM ■ I the T. S, S, club Friday afternoon al H H her home on Eleventh avenue cast,

Tlie usual social time wlU) conver- snilon and needlcwor|t passed the

■ W hour.s ple.viantly and Uie liostc.ss serv- » ed refre.shnients to nine, members and M An- guest, Mrs. II. L. Elll.s.iencml . .. .............._ ___ _

Members of the Scrlbbler.V club Z , , , ‘ , were i-ntcrlnlned Tliursday evening a t “ ' “ " ‘ 'thc-hom c-of-M rT.-H an^- Smock.-Mnt.

I'rank Wilson, thc president, pre*■ 1' sided over (He business session and

Mrs. Smock, progmm chairman for the month, -made arrangements for

s s s a the next mecHng wtitch will be held a t the home of M l« KoUierlne Blllng*

- - «m. An Interestlite-. skcteh of the life and works of Hamlin O arland

. was given by Mrs,. Ethel Gmy. Mrs. m u n Lyons, Mrs. H arr)' Smock andiH llU EllUiKfion submitted poems tor

crillctem. At thc elosc of the eve­ning thc hatl^ss served refreshments.

Mrs. D. T, Groves. nssLsted by Miss ^ Mnybelle Esillng, entertained wllh a

vlllaRc pretty .shower Tliuntday evening for of th e her sister. Mr*. Carl Slvcr, an Aprll al-cx-- iM ido— A -color-*chen»-ot pluk.-ycl*.10 bc while, was carried oul In

Uie dccomtlons for the rooms ond the some rcfreslimcnts featured t h c s a m e fling* jhndcs. Miniature parosols In pink

dsnien ^nd ycllon' wcro given os tavors. A ;o iTOt Cupid's jwnd held the shower gifts w ctivc Vfiiici, om Jjy tho gucslslcloiis of ijonor. Contests ond gomes were

thp diversion. Tlio.te’ present In ad- filtloii to Mrs, Slver were Mrs. ,Max

:nanec ______________________________ ’■’ levy, — -------- -----

hs^___ A f l 1

-.get-what j,FE when'ptni 1 Shreddgrow-M osl _

:r. T h is .IS th c on i; ™ “ - S h re d d e d W h e a l p a d

a Jc iv ilh 1 2 'la rg e h ii W li.w c u iu , 12 fu ll o u n e c j .11 also


* ■ ■Scouts'. ------ ' • .after*

i V»st

- C e iiilM arai iS A TTI[\t h e r <a t th c -

S u uh ubc ; p o u n d .... 1 3 ^

t f t h S I Y vnnK L e g 'O A , ' ‘ ' iibitcd P o r k RoaBt«, lb .......stre e t ' ..............

B e s t C u U B e e f P o t O A « R onflt« , 11)................. ^ l / C

R o u n d nm l S i r - O Q / »■ lo in S to iik s , lb ...... ^ O C

S h o u ld e r SteiikH,

k H A C O N A N D H A M P R^ . I I O M E ’D R E S S K D H IC N S— 1 W , O F F , p e :

I -V ( a I h o C om iileU ‘. .L iii(‘ F r u i t s , W ‘ c h e a p n.s I l i i i i G ra d e F

I M P O l

■ ' W c hnve n o t m a d e n n y J in d a lt o u r M e a ts u r c I

t, ■ w ay.s l i n n d le d - b y u.s— j’» , 1 h a n d le « a m e in o u r Saii'iI > ^ x p e r ie n c e d M e a t C u l te

'» S v h y ta k e chanccH o n th■' y o u r m e a l w h en , y o u ' ki- — ----------- f ro m uH? T h e r t n s i i ' l b t

y _ in " '^ B I5 p ra y '“c o i ih tc r . 0I® ’ to y o u r in s p e c t io n a t n i

^ F R E E ' - D E L IV E R Y — A-OG - ' — ........... . ...................

I C e n t r a l- j ■ ■■ ......... .PHONES

" Clark. M n.I O ravft. n ui F t r e W fUntf, MIU -Utttfc' HtthW tWW> MIm Ella Hcldleff tn d M lu M iy b cU l. . 'i

KsiUni. - ■ ^;'.-

“ '" U « . i*. £ ,"U im itiU . Uinidoioi. t a d TT Mra, L. 0 . Petcfion-werfl K oiteaai. to -

_ Uie Biddy Bid Brtdf* club #1 U tt “ 10 home of the Utter, PrIdoy o l t c n e m , ' ‘ on Twelve, perwjns were. present. T tb M •J , w v e tJecoraW .-’rlth,, centeiplfcea of .u ' Jonquils. Mra. JAVina Coleman wm [f , awarded tho p r l^ for high iuore ood n j Mra. -V; c , Ballontyne for low a c w .

lor — ----------. ■ ■ “ ■I I r ftrn ia' B i « r := = 3 * s = =

“ ! F a m o u s T r a d i n g P o s t n ' t o l 3 R e b u i l t f o r F i l m

md O n e 'o f ihe mast pcrfect M tUngrT ever constructed for the filming of a ' nioUon'picture was bulil a t ih tM e U 0r _ _ Gdldwyn-Mayer stiidlo aurlng the

mb making o f "Row-Marie." Uic »c r«n a t \e rs lon of the famous miulMl ptov _

Int. wlitch wns prucnted on the stage by ire* A rthur Ilammerslelii. ;tnd T h is sctUng was an exact dupllcat«t for of old Post Duray which was bulK 100 for y e a n ago in Western Canada when :. iclrt th e Hudson Bay company had iradlnjt '

posts linked across Uie North Ameri^can.conUncni.-.. —--- ---------------------- f-----

T h e setting conslsu of Uie poslotfc^., general slore. chureh, tavem. dan tic '

h all, a number of small sltops a t^ two blocks ot cottages which wcro In- hobltcd by the^ principal setUcrs. 7

* \ While pa rt of Uie action was Illrn*Its, p j nbout this post.hundreds of thi^ll*

■ hlg scenes were filmed along Ilss Penther and Merced rivers and In Vo* '" , Q sen ille National nark. f ->*(or Jo a n Cmwford haa the UUe ro u of ,-jI Ute film play, which Is coming 8im- rcl*. day to t he Idaho theatre, ond J imiea

I M urm ynui* the leading male ronvmllo ' role. The picture was produced for

Metro-Qoldwyn.M aycr by LuclenlHub- bord and Uie cast also Includes House • Peters, Glbsfln Oowland, G eorge,C oop-' ‘ er. Polly Moran, Creighton Ualal Ger- tm d e Astor, H arry Orlbbons. /Uonel

i« i Bclmore, William Orlnmond and i '■ere dozen others, ,


y o u wantII order '

irketSptiGialsR D A Y

F = | = « i v t e w v « « « k F f | ^ = . / p o u n d .....y ................“ i t F W , .

‘ -’ '- 'S h o lild d r P o r k ‘ '. ' J S t e a k , lb ................ l o C

8* lb . p n ll O u r ( g - | A C> ' F a n c y L ard .! ..

. M o r r c U ’8 F a n c y P r id e

: 25c .27c.; •

P R I C E H A L F O R W H O L E — D R A W N , H E A D A N D F E E T .? E R P O U N D

35c %ts , V uK ct«b le .i n n d G ro c e r ie s tuj V 3 F o o d S t u f f s C a n B c S o ld .

O R T A N T -ly s p e c ia l buy.s f o r th is S a le •e th e j a m e h ig h q u a l i ty al* ’I— 'a n d w c w ill c o n tin u e t o n n 'i ^ r y M a rk e t . H a n d le d b y I t e r s . “ '• 's ',

• . ' i' , ■ •,• ■‘J:th c -m o B t p a r t i c u l a r p a r t .o f k n o \v y o u u ro c a fo .b u y lW jf . , • ' ly;

l o t t o h i e a t b c ro re y o u se tt i t ,, ^

O u r e n t i r e ,M a r k o t f 8 l o p e n ' 'v ; ^ ^ n n j t im e 4 A r o

- A N Y W H E B E ; - . - i N i 4 : e l T Y i | H

I M a t k m

Page 6: K S JV^hingtonJ [5 MADDEN DIES I!’pFiiiiioiis nfimii poif ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · York Clieer Famous-'A'viatocs (By The Awoctattd VVASIUNOTON. April

--------P f tg f lB G T --------

P I CROP REPORTS - . : 4 0 0 J i m

■ B ig E x p o r t B u s in e s s a n d S u r -

p r i s t O v c r B u lg e a t L iv e rp o o l

- 'C o m b in e d to C a u s e R a is e ;

CHICAQO. April 27 tv»r» iu i a l m a s ^ tlverM- rrm. rni ill-

• a t u f f r ^ l i »U cniiiDiii^

iitR. ^iiropcnn- ical: Ai ti.ftM,*000 buiiJicls o fN o rih Aiiicrl-.Tii wluiiL today for prmiiii! rliliuiicm. utul li1i;h- rst (Ultifu-.loiis jr 'l llili !r;i-o:i wi-f- touches by iiviiri' IM M Chl-

; cago deUv»rlr;i ivln-.i:.I Clr.slnK [irlrcj f{>r u-tv,- ', ’ifrt' v.,'ri', ttronR, 3 \ c l a H '.c net lilKhi'r. uHh

■ corn >.jC to -yr l„ Ic ii|>, .ml ! .]ni'.v- |- Infr =.C to lf> r-c« nd^.ilin-, mul

provision'* vnrjtiii; (rrm .'k- ilcrlitir lo --------r rD S T onT i'^ ----- -----------

Drlay In Sfntlni:RrjMirls of iltl.iy ,lo ;-ijrliii: Avlu:ai.

iiectllns Wtli Mnufi iiikI imrlli ot 'i tu '' Cnnndlnii L:;iiiulary ii'lih-U iod.ij- let tlip bulllsli rff.T t of

; wlnUs and tominin-il l.u-i; nt mji-,- f i j r t . where n c c t lc a - i i r t ! i : . u-inicr- M t fionlhwt'sl i.iid v ,- ( . Jl'-.ldi"

. I rw u u-ciT ,f(irfcj.''i m ,iiir;il nnrt . a Iciidim: rxpiTi iflirrmnlud Uiat the Jrt-.V ot u-fi;-!: arrc.iKV iti u'cstern nnd nonlm-PMiTii Uimxi.', -tnis wMoii would Iw {iiliy ii'i [HT m i; . On top of Mith ndvii-r., Wusliinijicii offlclnl rPpori.s ;,;iui wwli! Miimiic-.

I hnd 'bevn ovcr>i-cuiiii>t><l 'u iJ r>-'iiiin'- I ments iindcr-f.siiiiiaioi; • Cunndinn I exporlftbic Miriiliit in ;i. nli-nltir I).'-’

/ , 'InR tw ; tim ti tn cnn-; .1 :i;ui ixvti ;i:- fliimcil.

W liral— Opcti lll l l l Uiif Closi*-------- Mny ....v . i f io 'j ic.i^T~n'V “ i f , j ' "

jidy ......... ICO jra ir,!)|, \r.v.• Sept............iS7'i i m ISA', jr,!)\ •

_ C a rn ~ . . 1May .......... to e .. |0 7 ^ lOfi''; io 7 \July .......... lOtC'. I l l lOfl’. iin -.Scpl............ 100’, 111 JOO'i 11(1'.O a l w -Mov ■ ■ /n v nr.v - n t i —July (old) 56’t 6 7 \ . r>7-\July incwl 57% 58’, OT'.J RB'-i

N(>r a ' littrd no , ' i ' iii ir ilK ^spring « .0 5 'i to 8V.0-1!;. .• Corn: No, 2 mlxtxl 11.10; No. 2 ycl- row JM O '; to

Oivts: No, a while 7ilc to 7nc: No ;i CS7ic to 71‘.e .

Rye none,Dnrlcy 05e lo J1.D8.Tlmolhy sfwl tt.it). 'Clover seed IIOJIO lo $2050.

OMAHA <S«AIN - OM AHA ../lirt! :!7 M ')-W Iim (; No

1 hard tl.no to J U J ; No. 2 li;>rd II-B O lo l l . i’S; No, :? linrd $1.50 lo $1.81; No. 1 mUed $1.31; No. J mix-

' i 'd $1,50. >Corn: No. I white 51.02: No. .1 while

$1.01: No. U'hllu $J: No. 1 yplUnv $l.05'ir 10 $1.00; No. 2 yi.Olow ll,o:., to $ l,05m No, J ycllo-.v $1,01 loj

_ $l,Oi>‘ : NO. 2 mixed. $ lJJ lii: No. 3 I mixed $1.0iVi.

Oats: No. 2 white 04 'jc to 64i;f- - No.. 3 while 6<c. ' .

I rO H T M N D CRAINP PORTLAND. April. 27 ( ,ri-W huia I BDB hard while Jl.04: no ffw h iu -

I1.M; w estern while 5I.M: norih ivlti- 1 • ■ icr. Kcslem re d '$ l ,« ; northem rprltii;

' Today's car recelpl.i: vhieat 38; flour 11; com 3; o.ii.s i ; hay 2.

■TO tEnO 'S EEDA prll.-g? )/|-,-C lailng

j W heat: Casn; No. 2 riM $2.1B lo $2.18. 0

I to $1.14l.i. .............. I ^, Oals: Cash; No. 2 white 7-1’ .c lo

70^jc.1 ,■ ... R y e :, <Jft.sh: No. 'u .si.Ja.1 Olover..H'«l; Caih: ««.75: Octobcr f $17.70) ^1 Casli: Im ported; $!3.7S n.il;td.

T imothy: CaaJi; Miy s i i s -De<^bM-$2.G0 bid.

OMAHA MVfSTOCK I OMAHA. April .27 ( /[ 'i-C a ii’i': Ri--

celpts 1800: culviM, 200; .>’..!uxh;.-y (ilcera nnd she work arilv.>, srrmix i?> 15c higher: vcal; ;.:runi

I bulls weak;- MocIcoi'k iukI tmh- ' { fcarcc. steady; fed .sii lln«s $11.7S-$13; Unlll -.tv,-;!,$13J5; heifers nior.flw slTiTir7.'(- vn-,v'.i $8.50-$10; CUiter.1 ;i:';r.-S7.3n; n fin -lr'l top veals $12; few c i2.r fcedra $11J0.J12.2o. I

Sheep: RecHpi.^ 10.•• • steady;-'biill( fed rllppM ;;v-Vr-'

' ORc eS>95 paund is.tiU;'vooled lamb.< W7J5-$I

. lif l; sales CuJlfornla Kprltiit lr.inL’-..H>R;d grade onc cnr torteil 4o ht-. d $I8.>9’

two cars sorted ipo ho.-irt $18.75; nnt . car $18.75: soricd 75 head ftvcr.nu

weight around 70 pound oil's to fcfcler buyer $15: no choico t \m incluili'U'

Hcjrs: Becclpla 13,000; tiendy lo lOc lower; top $10.25 on 100-225 Pound weights; bulk 180-230 pound Itshb nnd butchers » l0.10-$i0i s ; bulk 230-250

. pound wclshU $10-110.10; • 2.sn-lo&pound bulchera $0.75,-$10; 3M-3M pound big weights S0,05>!9.75. .

BAN FI:A ^C ISC 0 J-IVKSTOCK SAN . PBAI.-CI8CO., April 27 (/}>,-

' -Hoga: Rw elpls 100; holdovers loo- load 175 pound hold-

<W fiP>tebttisl:n .i $ ll.l0 : laic 'nnirs- ’ day 160 pound Callfom las $10,00.

• CatUc: RucclpU 50: steady; lo a l Jiear

[• « l ; load 1300 pound, $10.75; oUicr 1 . grades absen t: sho stock absent; uood I hel/OT Quotable $0 to $9J0: good . . , -COW W.25.V) M.75;- lat*-Tue»dfly- load

- load COO pousda (8.10; c u ttc n $3 to * 5 ^ .C a l re * :-B a c d p U . Jionoi-*‘cliolce

' vealers quoted i l s o s . ' i. S b e q i: B ecelptj, sho rn b u b 100; —- ’holdovers : S 7 6 ; m a k : choice spring

; I ta b a Quoted a round 116, scarce: bulk tfrvivjpnUj lim bs ' m edliuh to good grade;

aorta tnedium .to good Umbs to b « - w e ls h e d 'la te r ; ewci


»»- / N O U 't i eG o iM Q T O e e

T O T /V K Fir* C.ONAr. kiMCt or^

• 1 /V. *TP.lP VM\TW O'; )0l ' ' \ Tv-U'’}

V *'''T ' ' ’O U ? .

; i : i . ' j r . ’

0,-111 M f l t tM B jB S i ^h- i itP M M M B itI H j y ffi

llh '

ml I '

m a r k e t s a i a g l a n c e.;!!•

■ NRV.' ^■cm K.W |>l•il 27 U*) - ! c r ' -a :c c S r : K tn’n!:: <.’"ti’'>Hu'»*.''d <i!i-'

ll) ' • ;■V.l Tli'tid-i: :5 t£il - ;.)irni].;^Uvc_l.i'.tlc.-.

...... c v '- v i i ''- '- y itm : ru.-r-'[Is line, fm nc nml lire Jilclirr; ym

;i'i Ciiitnii: UlnluT; iinfnvorable 'I-. -.vi’fttlicr.

liva-; Inu).' ‘ illltii;. in . ' c' dIIw ; SU'adv; i:iin>|wnn .-.up-

CIUCACIO:W heat; Smrniri larKo export

SI* .'ale,-;.___ _______--------- c rr lT ra r ra d y ; pr.'iiu-tloiin tmialj-^ r: rfcHpL;.\ • ■ Calllo! Ea.sy.

; ■ Hm;,-.:J^teinly.—

CHICAGO l.1Ti:ST0CK CH ICA O O,J\prll 27 Ro-

*;•' rrlp is 21,000; mirvfti: nnnind slMdy ^ I'tiii •riiu’i;,diiy';. avm iTi'r-lirliv-llijurf

f.i;d piKf. a iilv c lOf-ir.c- h);;|jer: .Hpm-— ir-«-hl!Tnpr;-t.'i.-fl“ *i!r'l>:-l(l-fm‘-n lrM t; .... -"n.-tin «T l-l.L ,^.r> .-nr--= |jl ! ‘l>-lllCTHl'Wt-T^7T7;T7-rm''u.l3m-pnTTW:T •tr*sii,70 to 200-2.'W) ixmiitU 510■n to $10.C5,,|: ■ CaCllc: lU-ciihi’v 'Jnofl.- ra lv r. I'non-

Hi'crji niitl.yi'atliniM :;leady; shu stoi-li •Mi-adv lo W'.v with TlUirsdiiy's 16i--

■ 25c Crrlliu'; hc-.s: r.i.'CT.s $U.40:l'Ji;0. l.'iOO pounds $1:1.2:. to SU.7:.; 1100- I.iuo pounds yn .j:- to 5M.75: ted yi-nr- liriiw h’ood and I'liuic-i- 7M-W0 |H)midi 512.7.'. 10 $13,7.1; iii-ll<-rn BM. pounds diiwil $ l2/.0 1(1 $M; cott.s koo<1 mid vti.-irc! fll.'.’d 10 Sil,;.'.: nillcr:, trt-tr-

,, t7.Mj; viMlcrn mill: li-d 510.50 lo JHf.n- i.J rli.i-i:prh,iitia fw dtr'; a ll wul«liti $ lliO lu<• .Sltccp: n i'cd p ix OOnO; fat lambs and

Micrp iifiiv.:; unevenly strmn: lo 25c t(- hiiiher; fccdinit mid Mie.iriiu,' uv M'lircr; liimk^ riw I atiil ciiulci- P2 j', jiDundii diiivn $I.'i.ur. to 517.10; iiiiilium l„l$15 to OUI; ttt ll and cr.nim^iii $12 tc;3 $l.'>: medium to choice D2-I0U poimd;

IU to $in7;ii; n v o medium lo eliolce p, 150 iioundii down $7.50 ttrsio.-

T W IN F A L L S M A RK ETS 'U- The«i« p ricff a re obtained dallyII- a t 4 o'clnrk In the nftrrnnnn and

“n r r o Intended to . c o w onljr theAvrrase nf prlcm . W iere certain

9| ilrnler* -fot , s h i r t perlixls offer piore Uian th e (juoled n^lees no rffo rt Is m ade lo Include sueh quotations. <)uo(allons atV offered

IS— LifTHr aa it Piilfffl_lo nmdurff« and should nel be aecrnted as rcflrctine ezlrcme* ot H ther h l |bor low tirlrr<.____________ __________

i j i a . . . - I . -‘p . - n a - t f t - r m j u f tn ------------ --'I liu Tiviji l-'alls marxei* yesterday

woro aa follown:M vnlnck

J 110R.S.... ...! . _ v U -u ,. * ..„ f8iio.:I,li-J>t lic.tvy hoi:» ; ............. *..,.$7.50lleX-.y H o g s . ........................... ': . . . .$ 0 Qii

TT OOV.-S—rn:;-:r-.T7-;.-:7r.— .:;;-.,'....r.,-«.i0lO$0J0II.'lfrrs .........00 to $7.WSiecrs .......................... .........$fli0lo$0.00Vcal cnlve« ................____ « .0 0 lo $8,i'(i

,, Yc.-irllni: l*:unb.t.............. ..............$B.Ot'lAnAi ......- ............................... -410.0U

la I'onltry.,..jHc.ivy hens. 4'-- lbs. oncl tip.....'......21c

. jl.lu tii hens, imdiir <‘r - lb;;...............IBcj l.<(;!iorn;,. lli'iw ............. •• • • . . t.‘<c

'r.v:.i>;prltnt«.-.', fo b ro d . .. 21r

:ul|L’a;.oni'. No'. 1 .................... -..-t8CCapom. No. 2 ........... - .....................ticH;ip:. ..........................• ...................... _..l»c

'"■I'lurkey:. No.” I .............. - ..............2(Tc‘;-!lT;irl;.'y5. No. 2 ................................12c

Tiirkcy.v old . loir.s .................,‘, .......17e"'! Or.-..L- ........................... :...... ...........IO0

Dtick.i .........;____ _____________ ™ 10c• D«lry

JJuitcrfat. .VA-CCI .............................3!)cnuttc rfa i. .............................................3Cc

'Of X■R* (cash) .................... ...........- ........ IBcnd (locnl store) ............. ................. 20c'na SutaS-V Pholesile!50 Cane .......... ......... .'._____ - — .......$7J0100 Decl ------------------------- ■_.,..... ._ ;..»7J0IM I'otato**

No. 1 RilMcLn....................................... 7.1cNo, 2 Ruw cts ...................................... 40c

ik n n s- O rc at N ortlie rn ................«7JVlto»T,50Kl; W ltfs t sa d Mill Fe<4 'd - DIcklow Wheal, • No.; i o r bettor $1,47 •s- roderallo ri'"w heat.N o,2orbeller. $1.44

Uran. cwt.......... ............... .................$1.60a r Bran. 600 lb. lota,..L,'............. .........$1J5T r 's t e ^ - fooclr^OO-lbsr-.'.rrr.-:,'.........icr Slock food, 500 lb.- lots ............,..,$1.75od V Reta il M e aod Lemons, do ten -------------- _40cnridM cad Oranges, do ie n -----------------35eto70cto Potatoes, 13 l b s . _______^ _ _ ___25cce Carrots.. lb .. ’ - - .................I Cabbage .......... ........................ ............acl

10; Lettuce, b e a d , lOflandiaHong Celery ----- _______________«.18cto25cilk Spln ich . l b . .............. ...........................lOc:e; Pre«aeebs P u tt4sr -r>fnch) ________________ 40ed B uitcr Ut jamery) .............. . ,. .—....450■ BOS -------------------- ----------------------309

.s UAILy jMKWS, t w i n t


G \ • f \\J\AKI D 'O \

or^ ____ - \ '

2'^ '’-’ V i r \ S r r ^ y - r -, , .1 A t u . r ; u o \ r \ r

I u ® As . ! • .


NfT.V YOHK. Al'HI-^? t/l>j-apccu= •.lion for lht>\ndv;inr(; r.m no: li: •d;v'-i Mock n in r k r L ^ in .v nddlUon- '1 i: 'iiii'.'i cV:i.'lied thruufili (o tinv hl){l:

lo r Ihc j-r.’ir. n r ?o.-n.’fT. or n wliirli r m ns h l^ li a.i 15 polnt-s

I roi.ii .rull-1 CIO" Ml Ilic- -i.noh.noo-siiuri' c ' mrirk lii rr ', ',11' lllirU'i'liUi tune llU:

yi',ir, wUli the iirKer -IC mltiuicH l»‘- ilr.d Ih r iiiii;l:>'t III thc rluM-.

'* P.ctcnilnn of Ihr - r i ic r rcn l U’dls. •niini n itc hy lla- New York fedfrn •-•.M'rvi- Ixitik. the rehitlvolv small in-

t Tfiwe of $15;iU3,GOO in hro'crrr.' loan! -utd the ap|i.irt'ii( nuioonicnl nn i-a;.l-

. _ -fll Inml; .lliii' pnii::i'l!il.-Ulmi-:_[>rQl.-l<l.I' -d the bai-ki;Voiind for the advaneo

-alllnif of aboul *25-.000,{H10 In-lonnr . ---nd the rillKht stlffcnhiK In commcr-

_ 'i:»l pnp-r rale?! .were illsreftnrdcfl bj ipernlor.i tor lhe iidvnnro who ai:nlt; iieccfHlcd In atlractliiK i» lnri;t- public

-a llo .ln ,.' - , j . . ------------------- ------. Openin'! prices hi th r rnllroad i;roui;

" "f'tp, e w r n l ly around the h!«licu; i l 'ih e clay. New York CciiiraUopen- - ft -n t 109, Iho hl^hc.st price In l l '

— lia -—- iiiinlia,.~.-<— TO— mr— 0T7'Inlnn Piiririe l•ro•i^ed 203 tor Iho tlrM •tiiic Ilnce 1010 nnd then drrppcd iv.wk u \ 2on {<ir i_M iw ll lr.»ttilonnl

35: ChliMi:o. NorthweUcrn. Chi-.ielt -:n'o :ii;:l Alton, common und prefcr- 6i-. rc'di Clilci.«.t O n'nt We;uoni co:nmon uo- l*emi.sylvanln, N o r l h i - r n ftatltte DO- Sr.niiMrnrunllwii>* unci Wheo.lnc ami »>■- l-.kr- Erie jircfcrred al.'O rcnrhed new ■I'J' hiicii ifrmiiid.md '■hari-i-chniiKc'd hiim!:; In tro-

mi'iiiliiiis voluuio. blocks of r>noo to 32.* 5(|, - O'l shiires appi'nritu: nn the lapo at I'rn fro<iin-nt Inli-rvul;.. Standard Oil ol

Me-.v York. SlnelntfT' the three Pan- .A inerlfan-l;iiitc'. itoVnI DuU-h. .Toxa?'

ijjd .,,,,1 Pacific Uiii-A 'Trusi. Tidewater nrefotrcd. r*anh.in<llV. Loulslaiui. rit-rcc Oil. cotnnlcn . a iu t pri'forre-l. nnd Plercc Ptt'rcileHMi-iilNsdvanccd 10 nesUjlRli.trround. ^

Id-' 'Revival of sir.'iitiih nnd ucllvliy hi .let. th e New Yurk luih’lu ulll'llk-s v.w

Jjasrd cn iincnnfirmcrcl Ttpon^-.ot an ^ curly nnnoiinccmenl of-consolldallon

p b n i. Cr.n';olidaiod Oa;; soared near­ly 10 poliU.% to a n tw poak a t 167% but lost nbcui ;i 'i poln'.i of Its Kahi o:j rcallrhiK,. HrooUlyn i:dl.son Jiimp-

i i-d 0'.: piilni'i to ai5 nnd then re- * acictt 10 2(;o’;. •(I Cftsi- Thrr.shinR ran up 12 polnl; f In 2D2. Adatnr, E xpre«, AUi.i Chali0 mem. American Dank Note, American ) tCxiiri'.-'.i, American Inlornatlonnl1___Anifrlcun Smtff. ClT^rysler, Curtis.-! Aor- a _ .-u ii .ry , D u ,m ill , nn!firff...A’ito y i i : s G .m t.il C.iblc. a rtiem l Motors. In- 1) dian Motorcycle, Inlcrnniloiial lla r- __ ve'-tiT. Ludjun^Rli-cl_X<r-frnry

' 'T l/_ M l« n a n a. Sio'el Prcditrw, pro- Jay terrc-cl. National Tea. Po.iliim Com-

pnnv. United Slate.'? Cast Iron Pipe , ;i?;| Vlotor Talkln? M ndilnc. convoft- UO. -|iretci'rertr-«ll w U l'4 U ..J2 pohiu

lUtli.T. ■ .‘Oil Det.-i«r.ro and Kud.non duplicate:! >-50 r^-t'Trtai-r. prtce o f -2-10 - a n d - th e r f-'’- bnke 2 i :- \ , rloslns u t 210 ffli' i '-00 net nt 7 polnl.i. L^ht^h .Vnlloj

drgorrd frnm 110 to 101 imd r.illlrc ■•Ot' In i<«. o lt 4 polnta not.>-0« Hr.ivhic.v-. ,)f lhe mollon plctun

fi'.ircs M.i:. clue lo fiellhif; Insplrc'd bj 2lc niuii.iin.-.'in.ii! ilinl a mill cliarcitv •HC rc:ii-i);r.'.rv- In refirrln l of tnidc, htu I-'C (•(■I'll itvf.uileil a g a ln 't 12 of Ihc

l."n:c-.l. !lii.mliu’.y ir . . . .1iJiJA<'ci> I-'’ " '’'- le vihlrli v.cro rc.ictlonary early In llu

^Mvri-k on anniuincrnvinA of elunrc.i-

-'fc / • MONKV ' . • .12,C NEW YORK. A;)rll 27 liT’l-C a l 17c inijitoy kt';ady; nil leans 5; c la iln i bli IOc 5; time loans firm; mlxctd colja'era lOc CO-OO dnys 5; 4--C m onths 5; prinn

nier.-antlle paper 4 'j lo 4 'j . —— - 3!>c Uahkrrs’ accepunces'unchanged.3Cc --------me l.niL R T Y UOND.S20c' ‘ NEW VORK. April 1* (/P)—Lll>ert;

-. bonds closed: ..UO 31. s .............. .......:.................. $101,8UO r i i t 4 '. s .........................................$103J

Third- 4>.H....................................... $100.87.1c t ’u'ifth 4 '.R ....... ..........................$102J!40c Trca.siiry 4 'l s .......... ..................$114.^

T fc.m ry. 4s .................r............. $100.21r.50 .TrfiTMio- 3 'i s .......... ............. i lp 7 J

Trca.'.ury 3 » ;s - ..................... ..... .<»1«!y1.47 - . -------- -1.44 HAK KILVRIt1.60 NEW YORK. April 27 (>?»—B ar *111J5 ver 58. , ___


Mc Biillerfat 44c.7ne Onions: Oreen 05c lo 75c lug: Atu 2j . trallan Browns $3.25 to. >3.80; yello' j g 43 to $3.35; Coachella W hites $1.60-1. ..;$ l.7 5 lugs; $3i)o to $3.15 cra te; 7e1lo«

vo »a.8s.PoUtoes: Stockton; $1.75 to 0 2

? r ' cwt; W ashington Gems «1 to $1.35 new stock' local O am eU 3c to 4c lb. iancy « 4 c lb.; whlto 3c to 4c lb.

^ P o u lt^ : Broilers 80e to 38c: yinini roosters, and pulleU 45c to 48c;-lien

30c 34c to 3U ; (iukeys n o m l^ .

• - , • >■

g t 'A L l j j . l U A H ( : ) , S A ' T g R I


JU K T ■ V .IH ta 'G 'O 'W ■■, r , . ( VOUP. M1MD7 VC, 0 0 ■'/C V ? ; -I |A1K10V:0

' J . \ -XV-.lLOOO DUtvAM'y -rr-T . „ , '< O U 'U e U Q L O lM

_ . ' \ O O ’V o ts j .U S .

p ---------------- -

^ - - • J

ll* m CTm BS

St.T .\H .......... .............. 'NEW YORK. Ai>iil 27 i/P>—Tlie |

K E T law sintar market -.va.-. ea:iU-r today..;ipct priCf-K dcnhiuiir I-IC of a i

o c c iis jl" " '' ''OiHlmt'd itiicral o ffe rln rs ;of nearby-supplir-,-an.l only llmltiHl!

Itio,,. demand. Sales « i ' f 34,D00 bans o fj Cubaii iirV w rt 'a ! wlille 19,000 •

. bajiB nf Porio Rlc-o due nn M ondnv' ( int-s. w o>j>«ia^ai 4.m. Isli-irc /7\n ea-sler ton'* In ihc sixit markel

{«•. to rcne-A-ed ia'IIIiik pr.-.'.siire I n .r a w 1 fu j'.ir liiiures uiul prti-es wen- o n a -•

u'dls- m arkfi oifticd unchsnned■drrnl '■ lower iiiulc;' May llqulda-

tlon, prdtnolcti by the Ksiiancc of 50 ]n..n, Jinllci,^' and sellltii: by liou.-,e.i w itli ,

I . trado and Cuban eotmecllojis. Som e; -ovid- " f ihe !>elllng was ihoug»lt to bn-' •anco "iiiiltiil purrharc,i in ihe'^Rpot . m ar- ,

ket, but ntu-r rhowltiK net lo.wes o f i imcrl’ - on nollee iiyillion partial |.f, i-allle; followed - on -eovcrhiK. T he: ni-nlti unchuiw d lo 2 polnLi n o t ;jii'bllc cxcypt Oclnber whlcli wart fcur

polnis Inwer. Apjiroxlmuic Niles 54.-' :ioo tons. M ny ''f loV nr ztKt:- Ju ly r

i:roui> Hcpl<-mber. r a ? ; necember 2.M ;- January 2.82; March 2.74.

liU gftr^w ltT idrm n^-w cn*;

rjj'i price', were imchitiHcd nt SH5 to j.{ipcd »;camil.ii< d. ; |Aonnl • • 'Chi- • CHICAGO PIIODUCE'

refer- CHICAGO. April 27 (,?)—B u t te r ;}imon. Lower; recelpta 05.^0. tubs: creamery iwltle. cx trw 44Uc: *landards_ 44.s; e x tra '■ and flr.it-i 43c lo 4 3 'jc ; tir.'is 42c lo 42i-ic :,

new .'cconds 41c lo 4l'-.c.ERfis; HlKher; recelpw 27.775 ew es; \

trc- firsts 28c lo 28‘-k-; ordinary flrst.s.D 32.- 20i-;C lo 27''jc: storaRo p.icked extra.sl

Bt 31 'ic; fln.ts 30-\c.ill ot Poultry; /Mlvc, .Meady: receipt:!!pan - threo cars; fowls 25c lo 2Cc: b io l l - ;roxa^i ers 35c to -12c: turkey;.' 20e t-j 30.-:: 'water roailcm ICc; ducks 20c lo 24c: :i|irln>{:’it-ree ducks 30e; cev-.nc ICc,

nnd Polatoes: Rcoolpls 82 ears; on track10 213; totnl United .flia les 'Jilpnii-iiu

«43: old stock* trading slow; m ar-... ket steady; Wisconsin w cked Round

W hltci mtJitly SI.75 to S1.U5; fancy,, ' p Khado • hlRher: Mlnnesoln sacked‘,,.,n Rcund -rnn ies $1.00 tp $1.05; Idahonear- niis icts M.75 W '»130. necord-16'i '. ‘"K to quality; stock trading only....I'li fair, mnrket steady: Texas wcked

,,n,n. T111.M Triumphs mostly $4.75 to $4^0;I ordinary S4.:'0, • . „ '

• , . . I.OS ANGELES rR Q D U C E 'LOS ANOELES. April £3 l4»)-Pro-

^ chce cxclia:iRo receipts:,ric.in S u i te r ; (rJ.80Q pounds: cheese 55.-

OM poundi. l lu ltcr in ^l^k^_48c,^ •

,} 'l ' cr.se count 241 mediums 22c : sm alb• lEcI,fir....

■ p c w io i~Hf5ih>r§'"7"to 1 s po u n a rcom ’

Pipe nnchanscd.

DKNVKR SHEEP DENVER. Atirll 27 (fl>)-Sheep: Be-

, , colp:s 2309; lambs active, fully steady; figh t lo.’.d3 i.‘i to 100 pound fed wool-

fflr u packers’ $17.21.

ll()ST0jr>V 0t>Lailtrci QOSTON, April 37 (/P i-M ore act- , , ivo demand for fine wools Is ennbl-

. li'u dealrr;i to clcwe out some odd lots oi the uld w.7.1'. Including, both iirad-

I „ ! ''‘1 orl!;ln;'l bag lines, Tho m ar-• * kot 1.1 st'.-idy on fine w ools,'even

beginning 10 come ; ' ■ in. ar, 'the saU-;. of new wooU are ' • u'jtni; kcviiitiR pace w ith the rcceipl,-!.

for no lartie Qiianllllfis a re ccmlnu ^ I l’l a:; yel. Qnotfttlons on medium

I v.Tob ond new wools are f.bout keep- 11:15 p :r? v.-uii lhe receipts, for no

- ‘.jjlarEC qtianiltiM .-vre coming In as yet.: Qiiotctlons on medium wools nre

hp.j.ls'-rciiKlhenlnif. inquiry being perr.i.ncnt prime 1=“ “’ “'" '‘''S' '°* -

T ‘ LOS AS'(;EI.K8 l i v e s t o c k ■ LO-'I ANts.aii'? . April 27 { ;p )-c a t-

■ lie : Receipt-, 100;'n o siccrs oHered; ll>erty -'I’e stock !>ioady; c a r medium 809

pound cra.vi cows $8^ 5; .o th e r she101.8 bend and small lots $1 .103.3 *8.S0; all cutters $4 to $0,25. Calves:100.8 Receipts . 0: meady; p a rt load 271 102J3 wclRhls $13J5.J 14,23 **o«»: Rccelpui 1200; acllve, steady 100.20 to 10c lo'K'er; top $11.85; bulk 140 ,1P7J to aio.pound bu tchers ,llU O 10 <ll.e5:_ :1«i7'‘ mixed otferlnRs Including' l 3 8 " t^ r td

Callfomlas down to $10.50.Sheep: necelpts 150; load mllk

ir sll- loi^'bs Jii:;t nrrlved; p a rt load m e­dium 73 pound springers th a t a r -

— « im l= la te ycsiorday 114; medium to . Choice shom ewes Quoted $7.

(/P)— - 'METALS

Alls- NEW YORK. AprU 37 (/P)-O opper irellow; steady; electrolytic spot and lu tu rejO -to U U ........... .......rellow Iron: Quiet; unchanged.

' T tn steady; spot U 3; tutu re '$S 1£0. «a.3S Lead: steady; spot New Y ork $0.10;

$1.39; East St. Louis $0. i ic lb.; Zinc: steady; B u t S t. to u ts spot

and future $5',S0 to 19,88. young AnUmony $10.

I BOBSORliE Fo r TH*-wn»».



)W M O .i V O U BE \ , \ 'M T I F*eL-L.A«&. I

L O IM C / ■ M O W . ^U S .

- _ _ j J W


i ' ; ; - FOR WOOL i s h e a l t h yTllllHl! --------- — - - .................. ..........;s o f . BOSTON. April 27 (.«>)—Tlio Com- 19,000- me.-ciol Uulletin tomorrov^ wlll'say: indnv ' "TJjoro Ji moro buslne.-a U-lni; done

I In the easiern .w.iboord mnrkets, a rket ■ iliQiiRh occasionally a t sllghl conce.s- .- led r h n " -in-pHr.^ o n ilie whole the '.raw 1 mnrket appears very healthy, liow- on-s- ever. In lhe we.rt p r itts a re .Inily

inRcd niainulned. wllh an advancing len- uldtt- dency on medium wools In thcVbrlRht of 50 '^ool stales. \ ,w itli I -Then! Is evidently a b e l te r 'd e -

Som c: matui In tlic Roods market botli toi a bn-' mi-;i's nnd women's wear lines. _0.o.^ m a r - , ertjmenl's award bf over half-mllilon » o f I yard# m ounce clolh helpful, i r tla li "The forelRn m arkets keep fairly

T heisicody . Bradford Is it b ll Ihoro nct^ » n o li ive. Primary marketji a rc iienerally four inactlvc.54 .- ' "Mohair Is slow of sale but prices

J iiiy rn re firmly malntalnesl everywhere 2.M; both here nnd abroad. •

' . " n ie rail and water shipm ents ol ..y^fre-ttool-from - B oslon_Iroin_Jnnu.iry t. ^•n,T^.92H:-to-Anril-20.-ll>28.-inclusiverwoVf

5 lo j l ^ ’u**n» a-Jiiu priiod la.'it ycafI [T he receipts froin January t. -1£I28. : 1 to April 20, 1028/Inclusive, wt-ro 82,-

'tH;5.S')0 pounds aKulnxt 08.1-'.4.200 fot llh(!-samfl-}Hirlod la sl year."

S QfiotatlonsTlie Commercial Bulletin will pub-

Ilsh lhe 'followlnB wool quotation: ^ 'Itomorro-*':

I Dnmeiilc:!!Lses;, Ohio and Penn-.5Ti'aiila fleeces: Do- flrsl.s ia,„L. unwashed 48c to 40c; ha lf blood •Mras cQ,„i,j„p 5(ic 10 sjj.. thrce-i-ightli.‘

, . blood combliii:: 52c to 53c; quartc: cf'PW : bloo<l coinblni! f.2c to 53cr. '’’‘0“ * ■ MlehlRan and New York flcocos;

Dolalne unwnihcd 44e to ISe; hall 'l'f»>‘t blood combing 48c to 40c; three-

elghu blood combing 51c to 52c; quar- track i,,p c6mblng 52c to 53c,:i(-iiui WLscon.'lln, Mls.iourl nnd averaitc m a r- ^cw EnRlnnd; H alf -blocd 4P: lo 47c: tound tiirecclahtfl blood 51c; quarter-blood “ 2 s ic 1= S2S.. ■ ■ ■ I

Scoured basis: X‘““j io Texas; Pine-1« months (selctllc^i

$1.15 to $1.18: oflne clRhi monlhi

California: Northern $1.12 lo $1.15; ” -®y- middle county $1.05 to $1.08; sou th ­

ern C3tf to 05c.OrcRon: Fine and P. M. staple $l.l£

t o '$1,78; fine and P. M, clothing $1 -P ro - {0 { 103; valley No. l. $l to $1.07, '

■ Territory:■ Montana and-slm ilor: Pl'ne stnpl«

choice $1,17 to $1.20; hnlf blood-conib- ing $1.12 to $1,15; thrce-elghts bloo<!

J* J»i'(!t)iiibUi>i- t i l iT^g r o s r i i im i uit' biuw " 'tt lb cwnijinB 05c lo $1.

__£uUcd; nelalnn S1.20-lo-a iJ2;-A AJU rar JJ ,5 ,1 Jg. ^ ,1 jg$ l,is : A supers $1,05 to $1,10.

Mohairs:' Oood original U&g Texas nprlng 70( lo 75c: Texas kid BSc to OOc;* good

• original bng Arizona nnd New Mex- Ico ooc to CSc; original bag .averatti 12 monlhs Oregon 65c to 07c.

Graded stocks: P in t- combing 89( to 00c; good carding fiSo to OOc.

“« * ■ IDAHO rOT.^TOESnnW- TDAlfO' PALLS. April 37 (Markel ‘“f * Newa Scr\'lce),— Shlpmcnl.s Wednea-

g raa - dny:^Colo, 10, Pla. 100, Idnho 171 Maine 104. Mich. 4(1, Minn. 70. Ore

even (] Texas 41, W ash. 22, Wise. 30, to- come united- S lates 704; C anada 8.‘ Idalio flhlpmenLs Wednesday 171;:elpw. (Q .vjiiihcm Callfor-imlnti 2_ Idaho-U tah diversions 34; seed

shipments 7. Passed. Cheyenne and keep- Denver 03. O m aha to Chicago 20.

Shipping point InformaUon:* >®‘- Idaho Palls (Wednesday)—HuullnRs

moderate; dem and and trading rather isicn i market dull nnd slljhtly weak­

er. Carloads f. 0. b, casli traek: , RusseU, No. 1. BSc to 90c; No. 2, 45c ^ . to MC. Combinations 65c lo 70c.

Wagonloads cash lo growers: R uj. oufwelghl: mostly

I COc to 05c. Thursday momlng: De- *^2 mand and trading slow. Too few

repcrrtejinc- establish m ar-

‘ r * “ i n Palls - Haullnss decreasing, teady <l“ 'l “ ntJ I 140 . . j ( ^ ..........

T. S e e d P o t a t o e s■ a r - -m _____.— ____

Wo hnve 200 sacks Cob- , biers, 200 sacks Rurals nnd

2000 8ncKa_RuBae.a-yet-tO' m5r« place. AU flno seed (trown T . .n t ,S n lin o n _ c lty , Idaho.B l » ■ ™ '‘- ■

«•“ !' . JPadfic.Fruit & Produce Co.

L. j y R N E R -

RIL 2 8 . 1 9 2 8 .


^ ■ '« \ 1 ' ‘- / L nN O R Q IE O \\> ' -i > \ ^ -;vA

VAE ■ 0 5 3 V iS h l t / .VvJl

/ I - ' ; -7 \ W iM -U . /

= = —

b H H ^

weak, ‘ carlond.1 f. o, b.> ca.ih track- Ru.-.sets. No. I, IWi lo OO.:, rrh iirs -

R T day i: No. 2 40c to ftOe.T H Y Tolecmphic informnllon'frniiv-T1mr> ^ n l day mornUiRV nw rk o U

‘ ' ' Chlcr.'c'ii-^ArTivf'd.-l'^la. ■ 1, fdaho 28.Mimi. 13,-Mont. I, W iw. n . Idnho dl-

' ' versions 5, O n irnck 235 tarii in- done cJiidiiiff tro J tr r r- 'O ld s to rk : rkets. inodcr.Mc, deiimnd a n d IraciuiR .-ilnw. nces- markel -weak. •IVjek sales, c.arloii oni-

the I weii;lit: Idaho ltu;i.sel:i. No, t $1.70 now- io $l.t>5. tiU illllCllUK Jl.S»-<u i l . j j r

Port W orth — Arrived, Idaho Ji. '-‘'*1 Texas 3, Divcrt.'d 18. On iMcU 30

;TlRht unbroken . c a rs ,, fiuppllo.H heavy, do- , ' m nnd Ccry .slow. nm r|fct w.-ak, C.ir-

de- lot sale.', la outside painls. Fort' 1 foi' W orlh baUs: Idaho Itur.ils, parlly,0 .0. ^ y-ftd^tl,.Dne c a r gl .OS.________________

Kansas C liy -A rrlved . Colo. 3. Idaho' , , , 37. Minn. 4. N. D. t. .U u h 1. Tcxtu '.“ 'r y -I. W ash -.-l . . D iverted fro:ti team

'*';{* tracks 27. On track 51 .iinbrckcn curs. ;rally supplies moderate, dem and slow, m ar­

ket ra ther dnll. T raek liale.';. carlcu-s jrices Invoice wcl;;ht: I ilaho Ru.-i:ipt--;. So. (hero, 2 ._tw o car:i S1.2-V Carlut, rales lo

. nuhlde |wlnis. Kansa.s City ba..:';: Idaho Ravol.-i. No, 1. $1.05 In iiio..Uj-..SLCi_tiUJ 70, P.-.rtly ,:r.\.|e<l,

gOI«in«Cl»t-‘< si-'*'* Ni>. 2.j

, 'p2®j 1 St. l,Gu;;-.Stipiilir.i Jicavy ,.d r;n ir 'd ] 1 v.\li-hviy v.rnker. i-.ih-i

Wo Jobbers; Idaho Hnf.sri-;. No. l. $2.70 to 5150. partly f;rad:'d $1.41.

mib salr.i, carlcui ln'.';ilcc wolshi:iw ranesdny). Idaho llu '.-eis. .partly

° .' graded, cne r.: 51.40. ,Philadelphia — Fi'.;ppl(es modcralo,

; Dc- demand slow. t!iark..'t .weaker. SaK i blood -0 Jobber;.: Idaho Ru;..si;i«. No. t. Khtlis sacked per cwt. S2.-10 to 52.50; pi-r tnrtcr JlO-lb. sack 52.50 to $2.C5; iH'r 120-lb.

sack. $a.G5 10 $2.80.Tcos; A tlanta—Supplies innd'.-i-aie. denund

half slow, market steady, Iduho-Wi'.ihlitK- hrcc- lon RuMcrl;i, No. 1, nw -ily $2.75, few quar- $2,65. Partly Braded $2.25 i!j 52.5U.

m astly$225 to $2.40. iS'.iles lo Jnb- eroite bers.i' 47c: Ln,i Anrtelcr,—Arrived, Calif, 2, Idaho b l c ^ I, On trnel; n unbniken car:, m-v- ;

( en broken. Dem and llmllrtl,--liiarkcl / n dull. Track sales, ciirlof. ont'.v<-ie;n:

idoixo RuMcts. NO. I, one car $lil5i onths two cnr-i. ftoin cold storace $1.05,

C O U RT D IR EC T S VER D IC T$1.16 BURLEY. April 27—I n d l'lrlcl courl

here Thursday, ju d g e W. A, Babcock '■ Instructed*U ie Jury lo bring In a

, verdlcl fo f the pla ln lltf, in thn c?.\~ itnplc of Albert 'Binder aitnliBt Blnlr «n»b- b ro th e r! . 'n fB 'w as n ea.se whorelii-lhe-

plniniltf-M lcd for a deficiency JitdR-men: lollowhui li lui'tClOWre------------

. A Jury w as'seeurcd ancl n irlal be-in in in ' the "ease o f '.T . J. 'Peterson

aBnlnst Niel'ion and Wulker. a Milt .arising from damage nlloRCd done to furniture of .-the Mohawk hotel

g ( ^ Mlied for ren t due th e dofcnchnl.i.

W anl Ads n 'a ah thc-people yo» croR'! wish to a itraat.

t B S c ------ -------------- -

iaiket \ A fA J mt^nes- W m B

c p - M PA w n in g ' s e a s o n i s I ic ro ,

Iiings D 'u r in tr t h i s c o ld s p o il w c w: a ther ' o r d e r s t a l f c u '. ' • L a r f f r 'c c l o c t i eeak- doslgU H . W o c a n in n k c a i ! '*45c r o q u ir c m o n tB ,

"Z: . ■ ,FRED F)(»t>y O p p o s i to ? l r o S t a t i o n

few .

islng. ^

^ Nbtice tos a c c o u n t o f m a r k o

r _ _____ ' f o l l o w i n a - p r i c e

I s ■ H e a v y H e n s ............

S " L i g h t H e n s ...............

0 ... -------------^ L e g h o r n H e n s

Meridian I•PHON

T M - 'm o t . r - - ‘ - .^ O & T .Q O tW O . . . V ” ;TVAUOl^CjVA A. , '. L ;o e p R s s s i o w _____, C v ,v v iw io A p Q E c e o e ^ '

e o O ^ A , ' ip i. v o o ■ VAJ^sMT >T O

i T o d ^ c e o v

G b ^ c » V o kW f PW \G H . ___

S i i 5 i i rp.IJflClflJir INSTILSin- ' DIXON. April 27-N ow ofliccrs.iveri!';e.; Ia.:.'i)u</ a t . Kic ra.-i/Jar /iiallfi'ir n! iw. Hie Dixon Pap 'n t-T eaclirr iiviuciatlon III- MMidnv fvcnliiir. rcjllowlni: ln:.ta!1a- .70 llc-n hi rlia r;;e-nf the pr..il p.eridcnl,^

45, Moi'-: r.u- j> f llP ^ id apDolnicd tlu fol- 3[)!lc.vin!; f.n her loinnilttc"-:,: Pn';:ram.

Jc . Mrs. D. O. Prerm an. .Mrs. . qordoit ,ir. j Muriihy. Mm . a , D .-Palm er; refre.'^h- o fljn iL iil. Mrs. Roy ElIoti-A-ocK:, Mi.<. L, [ ly jC , Ycrk, -Mrs. O. D, I'rcemun; niein-

ber,'i!ilp,-Mr!'- H enry BuHChhorn, 'IMm; ^ .{jA'Hmni,'JjL ’a - i u cC T ii5 i> irnu mys. - -• ' . Jiill.i i»ro-,vn, Mr.-<. I)i:wut Lahue. M n.. I A. O. V.-snH-;;.- IJurinK the-p^oRram ' hour." Mrs, J. C. K nott of Eden k'ave

■ an hitero.-illni: lulk on the needs of .a ’ '* I'a renl-Teaelier nx.'.oclntlon. She .spohc

o t the deniand for co-operalion In all ' ornanl'uitions and- cltcd the excellent . I'xampin of -UcnniarU.'*_Miccw.<,-Mrf;,— Kitoti ;.iaied lh a l the rUrfit fon iraof'reereaili?r! play.H! an ln ip o r ;a n t_ p m ___

I l!)—‘h r^ rnp 'jrinT nr^W ^A —uillcI and “-|,„ i;tr ilici tho Parcnt-Teaclier orjran-

r.d |i-d lo ilie sclukib. Mr.s, u u y Dlxcii h"i r-.-il il rii'D rf " 'I - the Cp'ifre.-.n* of

1. Parent.'; and Teacher.i held rcccntly .41. a i I'ocalello and was Jiblc to give til: lo lu-r onianlw ilon a number of vul- lly ii.»hk- P'-.ni'i. O ther m im V rs .ui lhe

:i.'o,T..in woro; Two nnmbtr.i by the ito, iMxMi' V^iitiR People's orchc-.stra; n .Kl •.■teal .-in!o ii; M17. CeorKe Preetnaii,

t . -areoiniianletl bviAlUs FIntcnee Cooper.,)i-r and a local duel by .MLvt Mable York .11), ;'.ud Ml<; Ada tieeley witli Ml;;a Hi'len

f;.‘eley tu the piano, iln - last ml^el- iiid year will bc held InIK-'cw T ‘i" So-.'onlh D.iy Advenilst ;;cliool ,5ij. I el'fi'-'l hM v.wl: duo 10 lhe 111- ib- nf.'M l'f tn - I 'achc r and all iJ ie 'pu -

plls v.-jih Infineiiiii-. Mls.i He.-.ter j,Q P.-'< iaan .iraelier w;is able lo rcliirn ■

!.•> Ih t w.irk - Monday morning, ul.w \ the in.iitirlly of the pupils. ■ \

n : T.-:: ntirdl^-k ha.s men employed ' th is w eti inm inK-ln a n eavly swlato r:'op. Mr, Burdick has been very '.iuri”'-rn! In Krijwlni; potn(ben and'- li:'.', a larno ncreace lo p l a n l^ th ls '

Ml.';-: Alnia- Ferl.i, follnwlns a m - iirl r:r,;;-i utiu'-k of appcndicltl.", wa.i op- • x k cr,.:r;l on Monday .aV-'ihu Twin Falls

a hospital, and In reported outof dan!,!'--r. Z___

"'*■ Mr;i. E. Andrcw.n nnd Mr3.'.-Julla •' e- -JwrTn have been retained by the

'C!iiit;i: j c i ' j . , be^ _ A ;_ |h i-_ ic lloo l_c lecU aa_5aU ird iiy— Wl a fierncjn J. R. Seeley re-elected n it for, a three yoar lerm. TliP patrons >nc \o ie .l.fo r nine m onths .school nml for •, .tel ili3 len mill lax k-v.i, ^

--------------------------Tlie Methodist Ladles' Aid '.''111

'Oil ^jnked'/ood. candy nnd. apro:t sale I W B •he Dairy Klore. April 20,—Adv, , ■

^ ^ ■

Av J JI t

P . 1 - / B T

), b u t c o ld w c t i l h c r c o n tin u e a , w ill m a lco s p o c ia l p H c c s o n a ll ' . ..

> c t io i r " o f - ^ t r l p c d - T j jn tc r i a l8 - a n d a n a w n in g ^ p r o p e r ly f o r y o u r

F O S S C O . ,. P h M o 7 B - W .

0 Farmersk e t s w e a r e q u o t i n g t h e

i c e . s o n i j q u l t r y ; ,

- ........ -21c..............-.......... 18c

P r o d u c e - C o .

O N E 1 7 5 ,.

Page 7: K S JV^hingtonJ [5 MADDEN DIES I!’pFiiiiioiis nfimii poif ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · York Clieer Famous-'A'viatocs (By The Awoctattd VVASIUNOTON. April

F U i H W ;

ClUb.-Wimien EnlisUalstaace of Boy ScQUts in Planting Ornamental Slirabs.

^ «p ,it w - .T h f garden 7 b. |

by Uie Boy BcoUU uhuut • ^ thc direction of ru ip h yuclccy. K out-

S iiy rin ^ nround thg - tia n d -C A rtar day.I . Mr. and Mr*. Al T luuell of T » ln ? Fnltj ftro parent* of a »on bom J Monday, April 23, a t a p rivate sanl- ' •- tartum. Mrs. BubcII w m formerly 1 . MlM Helen K la a of Filer.^ E. M. M a;)ln ll recorerlns from ? n rc:en l Illness.■: The P(wt M itron i club m e t Thurs- j_< lnv nflijrnw n_tU JuM rB _IL -JC .-D U .. - 1“ lincl'iam lo r a buslncjs anti social I seuion.I Mrx-. Ocorgo A ntliom '. entertained |i Z . T ^ rs d a y afternoon f l t t i a pahy . f h o n O A her daughter U llte on her f nlnoPDlrthda>-'Jinnlver»or>\ Games y were enjoyed and lunch ,wn.i iscoed. i Mr. and Mr*. Clyde Dudley, former ^ .F l le r rcsldcnlfl., but now llvlnc In '

Twin FalU arc parcnta of- a dauehter- \[ born April 18. |I M n. C .. H. Harper is visiting a t l • Nnmp.1. ■ <

Mr. lind Mni. Earl M urray return* i t rd WcdncMlny frotn Maclc H ot SprlnRs -i \ where they took the m ineral J»th.i; i: ^ ■ M n * II Ill' ll ii'rrii ' ~}; bcd fa jifw lth rheumatism Is reported f J; Ilw ch hetler.t Mri,. A. E. Bcholten Is on Uic 8ick .S Hit.- , ., -Chnrlos Dodeii L i .o l Maijlc Hot :

S p r in g s thU weclt. j' The Fl‘Cr Woman's- club held__im '•■ Annual Wedncsflfty^nftcrnoun': at thc M. E. church basem ent. I t ki WM preceded by a tureen lurfcheon{ RcrvfU cnfetcrlft style. Plfthy-tw o f1 women attended the luncheon. Of-! fleers e le c ts for the coming year 'I were: President. Mrs. O . C, Davis: ■■I vice presiden t,. Mrs. E5. s . - * L n H m r^U M C rctary^-M rsrC .-srM cC lealT I ireas. :

.urer, Mrs, A. A. Newberry. A pro-gram _»a3j g iv e n _ in c lu d ^ _ a -ta llc -b y -i

"TT.“ iE . Musser on C ulture of -tlie K ndonna UJy,” r»-o soJas by.U n X

-ClBlre ^ ^ m ila n end ^ j o c n l ^ p O T . ip

• The nex t meetlnB of the Filer ‘T Woman’s club will be a M other’s day - nnd Music week event on May 0, i All motlters of thc community ore In- vltod lo bc Ruc.«a ot the club. n e t . .C Mr. Powell of Kimberly will deliver (i an address 'n nd there will be special 1 music. ■ J

O. H. S h ea re^ 'ahd W, D . OlllU re- :lurned Tliursday froh i. an> auto trip ,

X tn various points In Oregon.■ Pren M oorc.'poultry specfalUt. gave . I nil intcrcatln« talk a t PlTer Klwanls -| I club lunchcon Tuesday. • ' I I R. E. D roaard . Twin P a lls ccjunty L K nRciu. alr.o gove an Interesting talk S . c n "W hy I . a Counly .AgenL" He \U u t l l n r d m any of the du ties Incum- J

bent on the otfice. such o s ccrUfJca- 1(- .tlnn , of Kcorf crops, ctc. • T lie -F ile r n-it-Klwniils club .took consldcrabta In- I!-:,^tcre.M in Uic International convention - '.^p.lo bc held o l Bcalile in Ju n e and it I f 'M s iwjslble several ot th e members -t'i: will a ttend . L»'s • . I^ N E W -H E Y B U R N BRIftBE | ^ 1 : .- « 0 W '0 P E N 'T O TRAFFICfV;- . . _____________ I:

BURLEY. April 3 7 -T rn tf lc b now f iJ :p cm iltle d over Uie new Heybum ' ..Vj;brldge a n d ' farmers arc laktnft nd* f .-■tl vantage of thc onnartunltv. - •

’fh ls structure was.billlt by thC -sU V -j \ : f .t a cou of-oriHmd-«t8:000.- I t Is sub- -.titanUaHy built of tim ber, supported i

■ofl crcoiioted i)ile Ircstlcs__ lU ft-iloor. t~ T n g Is of laminated low by six lum - r — te r . se t on edge and carrlcd by 0 b r n

20-lnch Douglas fire stringers. . The \ flooring Li protected'- by n gravel*

. , butumen wearing surface. Two ve- h ides can pas* on Ih e -n cw bjldge, '

■jS n t any point, whereas on the" old i » bridge bu t one vehlclc ' a t a time :■ could procccd In opposite directions. li | , .T h c to ta l length ot bridge und ap- 1 I proacliesr.liC about 900 tcet.I T hcrcare now five* bridges spanning

8nako river within th e Minidoka I project, and a sixth Is to bo con- r structed n l Frenchman's Islnnd.

i . TURKISH AIR PILO TSr DUYUKDERE,- T u r k e y (/W^Tlte n Itallnn a ir mail line w hich operates■ bi-weekly (rom Brindisi to tills Con* ! r - sU ntiiiopla suburb will repfaco Ital* ,

lan pilots nnd mechanics w ith T urk- I I Isli.

i rmOPlHllMS | ‘I » » T ij iu iA r , J i r i u i . a i

W I IM IM m IB 1 ■«» giK K irci- w m i M .

n ;3 0 « -M u slc . 1■ U :i3& -.F ann Talks.

lJ:(» .-M uslc . • . Li::1 8 -L o c a l MarkeU. • •’12:ao-C urren t News llcB ij. i a ;« - W e a lb e i Reports.

• 1:00—A unt Stfflmy T alk t, ltl»~M u»lo, t

' etO EIlocyclw . T w b i i r a C s 'n ^ '

,8:DC —South Sen Islandera,. ‘

o io o -M o d lte m n e u u . <7:00:7-Uiue.0rchi»trfc----------------1...........7;3ft—’Twin Pairs ot H armony. i

. S ;M -In tc rnallona l Lions Club, ^ :0 0 -D a n cc Musle, .■ I

r ^ K A . F K tsbsrth S l U W KUocydM T w la F a lli Tt—

<:|Jh :U lU e Sym phony.-'-:------ ’ _

I > T W m P A L L S D i

f J ______1" - ^ ______• =

f \ Wr K i t I

, f' l \ 'H WJ \ V O W

■ 6:00—tr. of Plitnburgh Talk. . p:: 6:15—Radio Club; Fcaiures. tl

6:00—Feature Program. dl7;00—Phlleo Hour; ....... ...................

r -------------------Z l -------------------------- , b]WLS. C h la r o m s M eten

I Wft KllocyclM Twtn ^ H m >

3;C0-SiJpj)crtx» Progrodi. • ?f,0:0% €crai> Bock:; Jack nnd Jcun.

-0 ;3» -B arh Dance i5 'v hoursi. .ia :00-Ponulnr._______________________^..........--------------- , .. Itl

. WDAf. K ansas CUy H e len' 110 Kilocycles T v la FaUs Time m

»i . . ' .......... . I Al2 :0 0 -S ta r’s String Trio.&:00-School or Uic Atr. ci

.0:00—Feature. II,.7 :00-Phllco Hour. •-ff ;T O = in tc m a tio n iirtio iirc iiin :--------- »10:'16-« lg h th ttw k s. — - x ot

I WCCO. Btlnneap«Us*S. F. 40S2 M et I ,I TtomiocTcles TiHo F»Us Time (

i6 :15—D inner Concert. 'B :00 -P caturc.--- '--------- . *7 :0 0 -P hnca Hour. . . , ,8 :00—In lc m n tio n a rU o i^ Club. _

-0:oo?5Dftncc.PTOBramr_, ' '

q ; ^ P F 6 C R a t > .:- ■ n - f « 3 . n m w 7c t a ----- tw la Palls ‘M nfrP -

0:00-Fealure .7:00—Phllco Hour. t8:00—In ternallonal Lloan Cltib.

•V-KOA. D enver ‘C M M eter*]I KO K llocycla T w tn Time

5:00—H aw aiian: Dancc.7:00—Sunday Sehool Lesion. 8 :00-ln tem aU ona l Lions Club, P,0:00—Dance Music (2 hours).

j E n . Los Angelet 4S8JS M eten | irI MO KUocyelea T u la FaUs Time J ti;

^0:30—Soprano and Plnno.7 ;00-Q uurto t; U ons Club. ' '0:00—RCA Hour. ^

10:00-Phllco Hour. '!11:00—co n ce rt Orchestra. ’13:00-M ldnlght Frolic.______________ _j!

I K N X Los Anceles S30J) W eten 1 “ .JM>.Snooyeietf Tw in Falls' T im e |

. 8 :00-C harlcs W. Hamp, Jl8;30-Playgoera Club. r0 :00-P e a tu re . *; 0:30—Mr. a n d M n .

10:00-Pcature . tI l:0 0 -D an c e. "

\ K G O . ^ a U a ^ U t.4 M eten i f 780 Kltocyde* . T w in Falls Time

- « r tt^ T S IE S : ^

0:00-RC A Hour. “10:00-Phlleo. Hour.I l :00-T roc#dereans. •13:00—D ance. _ . . - j j

1 KGW. Pe rtlaod 4 9 U M eten 1 - I eiO^OoorcIef .^T w la FaUs Ttme

7:00-D lnner Concert. ■ ■ ' jii8:00—Lions Club. , . ' di0:0O-RCA Rour. • ■ di

10:00-Phllco Hour. • • mll:0 0 -S a tu rd a y Night Dance. si

K PO. 8 a a Fraaclsoo I710 Kfloeyclwi F a lls U m e | p:

3 :« - P l a y by Play. Baseball. ' n6:00-Chlldrcn'H Hour. i>7:00—Reologue. , • • V

, 8 :0 0 -U o n s Club. d I 0:00-N B C Program.

’ i KJB, SestU e S48.6 H e te n 1 -1 880 KDeerclee Twta FaUs T im e -

7:3(>—D inner Mailc.8:30—Musical Progriims.0:OO^Dance Music,

- • ' 'd' L t ( ^ A p V E R T IS E M E N T S °

AKOTtlER SUM.MONS- (| In Uie D lslrlct Court, of thc Eleventh «

Judicial D istrict of Ihe S tate o( n Idaho In and for thc County of Twin tl

. Falls. TL. T. W right nnd George Easley, g,

P lalnllifs. ei

Fred J . Couk and Cor.t Couk. husband Eand wife: Charle.s F. Schnalc. nnd jj Susan Schnalc. hu.sbnii(t und wKe:Tom Carpenter and O tto Hanson •*falso known as O tto Hansen), De* ,■lendants . . o’i-ne tjU ie of Idnho scnd.i grcctlnKS „

to Fred Couk and' Cora Couk. huk- ^band and wife: Charles F. Schnnlc °and Susan Scbaale, husband and wife: p Tom C aipen ler and O tto Man.|ion' lolso known as O tto Hnnscn), thq, nbovcnamed defendants.-------- — :--------.

You a re hereby notUied th a l n com* -j.

DAILY NEWS. TV'IN F*/5 = B = = = e = = = =

' ' : r

........... ................ ......................... ’• I

TO M A V r ) h BAW. H x / ; H

:CG\V4V4m(a TO / ’ V BI

_ p lolnt-lxas.bccn Illed against you in th r D istrict Court of Uie-Elcvrntli Ju- dic ln l. dUtrlct of thc HWte of Idndo. im in d for the County o! Twin I'nlis. by the bImvc. nnmed plnlntlffs. nnd

’ . you are hereby dlrrctcd to appear oiidj plead to Ihc said eomplalnl wlUim i

I twenty dftys at the wr\'lce ot liils (lUmmoni: and you a te lurtiier iioti- tied thn l unlcM you so uppcrtr nuil plead to sal(T comptuUil within the time herein jpecilied the p latntftt will

- -lii.Irimmil. ginHnt VOii m nmvcd Itl .'.aid' coiiiplalnt. •

'r ills 1.1 an action to forccloi.e 'a mortguRC covtTlng lol B7 of the Fir;;'. Addition lo 'I'Win Palls IlelRlits S ub­division. accordinK lo Uie p lat thereof i cn record I n /h e office a t Uic County Recorder of .saliTTwln FnlLs Counly. ,W ltneM >my hand and Uie seal o(

- the-an ld-D istrtel-G ourlrtlils 'aO th dayot April, 1028. -

^ HSEAL) h a r r y c . p a r s o n s .) Clerk.

Bv HUGH O. BOONE.V ■ Depuli’,H arry DenMt, attorney for plaintiffs,

residing In Twin- Palls. Idaho. • • — ANOniER-SUiinTONS

In the Dlstakt Courl c t the Eleventh- -J iid lc ln l-D ia rio t—o f-U iH -S ta lo -c t-

- Idaho In nnd for the County.of-Twln1 Palln.£ ljl ia r le iZ liIE R n ^ > ^ )i.tl-? ln th 1 tr tr . •r aiiiipJiUiJ. limbAiiJ lllld wl fni ^ a l iK

tiffs, Y

Tom Carpenlcr and O tto Hnnsen,■ nLio known as C lio Hnnson) and the unknown heirs nnd devisees of Prank T.. Lewis, decca.wd, defend­ants.

•Tlic State ol Idaho sends grcctlngft lo liic ubovc named dcfcndant^i.

You nre hereby notlfk'd thn t a com­plaint Ims been filed against j-ou In the DUtrict Court of Uie FJevenlh-Ju-

- diclnl dlslrlcl of U io^ tA tc ot. Id t^ o ,1 in niul for the County of Twin Pnlls.I by the nbove imnied- plaintlff.V, nnd

J ynu nre hereby directed lo appear and ptend to tiie said coinplnlnt w ithin (wenty days of the ser\’lee ot this summon.s; nnd you nre furUier no ti­fied lha t un icu you so nppcar nml DlMd tu sn ld . complaint w ithin thc lime herein specified the p laintiff will

J take judunieni n 'lalnsl you as prayed

Iln said complaint.'riilii IS an action to quirt Ilie title

J in thc Dlalntiffs to thc rollowinr: dc- tcribcd property siluntc In 'Tw in Pall.i Cimiity. Waho, to-wH: LoLi 0. 10, 11, i:». 13. X 4 , 10, 20, 21, 22. 20,1 28 .' r . 33 ,' 31 35, 41. 43. 43.1 « . 411. 50. a:', 57. 74, 7.1 nird 7S In 'I^i-in.,Fall» • Heighls Subdivision, .(iccorcniig to the plnl thereof on rcc-

conli-r of snid Twin FnlLs coitnty. - 'W ltncss'm y hnnd-aiid tIu i-M al-of

_ said district court,-44iis 30th day of- ^ r u , ------------


By.H U aU -O ..DO O N E.- • JJeputy.

. JInrry Briiolt. nttornev for jilalnUffs,■ .rc.sldlng In Twin ’nliB, Idaho..-

TO ALL DOO OWNERS • ' J . Licenses on all dog.i should bo paid

' prior to-, Mny I; Anyone h iirbo rln ifa dcg Is liable for the license fee on Uie dog,.nnd la linble lo ri tme If the tee U not paid prior to May 1. No ex ten­sion of time will bo riven. Neither

, wtll tlie City Olflclals collect the dogs,I bu t UiG owners o t the dogs will be

p rosuuted if Uio (ec Is not paid.J Anyone liavlng a dog tha l they do

no l wish to keep mny huvc it 'o is* I> ^ d of by delivering li m 209 N. W ashington St. (or Iho fee o t one dollar.

n . E. LEIGHTON, Chief of' Police.

.“ .liO T IC e 'T O 'tR E o iT O K li ' “ J In the Probate Court o t 'rwln P a lb

County, S tate o t Idnho.’In th c M atter o t Uis Estnte ^ 't lc b rg c

I. Adams, Deceased.Notice is Hereby given l>y th c un-

’ derslgned, executrix of thc estate of Oeorge I. A dana, deccosetl, to tlie creditors ot and all pckiuiih hnvlng

- claims against Uie snld deceased, lo tlio them w llh, the necessary vouclifrs w llhln six m onU is'alter the first pub-

H llcaUon o t this notice, In thc office of. In the clerk of the P ro ta te Court o(

Tw in PalU County,, Idaho, or exhibit »• such claim, wlUi U it necessary vouch­

ers. w ithin six mo&Uis a (te r the first publication o f Uila noUce to thc said

3 exeouUU, a t Uie law office-of O. O. Hall, over Olos' Book Store. 123 W est

Twin Palls, Idaho, which said office the undersigned selects as her placo

y; o (-b u s ln ew -tn -a ll-n iB ttc rs 'to n n c « ed estate o t George I. Adams,

'? LEONORA P, ADARTBT"‘i ExeetilriK of th e estate of George I.II Adnms. deceased..!. _ D n M .JW d . I lrs t published at- T a in n* ’ ***» O. C. Hnll. attorney (er executrix.

^ A R R A N T CALL ^. To Whom I t May Concern:

, Currcnt c x p ^ w arrants Ko. • 3141 , to 2768, Inclusive, will be p < ^ upon , presentaUon o t this office. In tere st ' ceases May OUr, 1038,1 • 0 , J . HARJ*.U -N. . County.-aveasurer;

f * A i , L S . I D A H O , . g A T U R P j

T H E G U M P S - R H

\ 0 « K - K R E \ ^-------- OOVHU \HTQ T \\C '

.tiR r CiOObB H A . DR ■ y

u cMiw / I

i W A N T i Sa n d ;.......................... '--------------------------------------Uiin I ...................... ........llils .' --------------------- ' p

OKE CEKT PER W o r d S • PER- IN S ^ R T IO fr- ‘

lycd J

J . ' f AU W ant Ads a l l n and ac lhe s a d - (

iB ■ ■jn ly — — •— '' ■ i;

FOR S A L E -LIV E S T O C K j,PIGS FOR SA LE-3^. E A S ? ;\\’AT- |

Phone Ma-u -ii? -^* -.— \ PIQ 3 fO R ’ sALE. JA M Pi KEKOAN. f

ulY 3 wiles yitlth l'j_w ci> >’< Klmberiy. !iffsi FOR SALE-SILVER DL.\CK I 'O X '" • — - puiis and proven breeders. 13o;: l i ‘>l. , — Tv-’lJi-^alls. - _ _ ^ - v:n th e w e s WITH FEURUAnV LAMUS *'

ror-tM cr-pnone-BO-cr-TCO.*- J.-TJ. ' Rllehie, •

. . . . . ------------ - — -i o i s i 5ma-fRA L-^ 3 'F R A p Q R - e t:)\V^r~ a

2000 yearling" ewes: -lo ranch .\ ycarlitiK cw^s. Also twi-s miHi tsen, enrly lambs, Wanfod, shet'ii and ture close- in, wllh net Icnce. J. D.J of Ritchie. •fW lW ’TOO; '563-.-------f

J ' ■ " ~ tB U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S ^

‘ M ilTlNEiiY 'A N irLA D TEs'w EAniNO ^u*!' npparel shop, nice bU-Miu-s;'. Kplcn-

f ^ i ‘ did location. Fnr infnrmatioi'. ad* *nnd DerStcll.'Jcroine. Id.iho, I-and ----------------------------------f

FO R S A U t O R T R A Q E „ i

nml TRADE--410USE IN PORTLAND. * tj,c Ore.. for ^ ’in f'ail.s properly. 4 « tt-ijj rooms, cement ba.'^enirni. r.lnl:. to:lr!. £

\yed R«*. eleelrlclty. Vnlue J1200, .lol:n V.McConnell. Box 5?. T«lii Pnlls. j

title — ;r-,T ------------------------ .----- :— •)■

« ii , SITUATIONS W A N TED .,, 11, --------------------------------

■■S' WOMAN WANTS WORK BY HOUR,, 1 Phone C72-NR. nfi<T 5 o’clock.L I , MU3. m o ix Te smTz e r . f .iX rsit-

nlty nursing. Phone 4B7-R.4.' rc- YOliNO MAN w a n ts” JOU OS ’

- ' far iw fut biinitii i r, wa^muil cum iii!, "*1-of lialI--mllo--w»U>-of-Kmiil.--------------------- -' u f P O S m O N AS-^ildU gEKEEPER 'lJY '

- —f*vutdltJBed widow, rlenn and rella*-. ble. .A d d tS r n to f - a lxari;

E .- ' -PO R S A L c — F U R N IT U R E | .

___ GOLD SEAL RUGS. 100 TCf PICIC' Irom amL-soUl on ra.iy prfymeuls, )

pa id Swcel’a Slore. The Oold Seal Slore.TOR BALIJ-RANGi: ETERNAL IN

“ 1® flrsl cla;a conrtllion: also bnby car- ) rlace. Phone 220-w, •

f " : 1 * R S A L ^ S n i b L E M AJESTIC t rongc. In flrsl" c t o condlUon. At 1

l« A lw rd U Motfg store, -_____________ iG O Ld s e a l R U ds. NOT A FEW.

f do ' bul the most completo clock In ;hc 1 ,dla. slato. Sweet’s Store. ' _ ' J ) N. FOR -SALE"-^'SPIN-DRY SAVAOE one wnshlng maclilne. used IH - year,

g o ^ ns w w , Cnll f i l 8 * i3 ._ ^ 3 PIJ^YER PIANO ' i n e x c e l l e n t -

CC. condition, benutifiil w alnut cns<', > ~ ~ H')U] rolls nnd bench. W arberi; Trajw-^

V E L bU R 'L l^ N O ROOM-leBT ANd I tfrSe "■(Jllier'KoctI furniture will be sold nl

* Hollenbeck and Sulilvnn sale yard S a t- .un - ■___________________________ ■ ’

e of PO R SALE-WAI.NUT BOOKCASE, 'ilic ' oak desk, radio t.nble, -whltu dre.isrr. ’

.vlng chiffonier nnd bed: rhlld’s Ivory bi\l,I, to high chnir and iiur.-.ery ch'alr; ull In ' liifrs R » d condition. Phone 180-W. 142Dj)ub- Poplar nve._______________________:e of, POR SALE. VICTROLA. MAHOGANY 1 t o( cabinet style with records; cheap, h lb lt a r will exchange (or furniture. Also , uch- Burpee strlnglet.s girden Iwani, SOc n ] first pound. Mrs, J. W. Moore. P h o n j .said 5 ^ R * 4 ;______ _____ ' ' ■______

O- PIANO BARGAINS. RARE TRADE IN ' W est bargains in uprlgtit.'*. g raads u d 1 y or players: standord in.ikes. • 'Some ;

new. Sold nnywherc.. -E asy terms, place W rite loday. flaldwin Plano Co.. 1 |»6 ,Mted c»llfom la st„- Dcnvcr,-Colo.-:------------)-:ams, ___ ._______ ^

LOST . - ' " ' i:ra .in LO ST -T IR E AND RIM IN T W IN .

Falls Wedncxlav; Goodyear tlrc i ^ ' 34x4. ■ Reivard tor re tu rn to News;

ofdee. • • - I— • LOtiT—VIOLIN IN UAUB'UVlwetsN-^;

Fnlrfield and Twin Falls.' o r Twin ‘ PalU and Albion. Phone 1333.- • Be- ,

3141 ward. _ . . ] ' ' ' •upon LOST^^Ib l XCK- p a t e n t - LEATHER , erest suitcase between T kJo Pa lls end '

: BlUs. ConUlns la d ies 'a n d . cliUdrcn's ] . . cloUilnlt. 'Phone H. C. Myers, Tourist! '(sr;-;..liotei.. • ' ••


^ I G H T I S R I G H T

V- - W ’ v!NtSV4 V ■\ I W N N tK "r K n x HEW /

. FOV .»AOVATH^-vi{ v jK f tD u o a e 'uKi

/ ^ m t R K t E - \ i v j > 7 \ ^ 0 a y t N FPW 7

“ F O R - S A L E - R E A L .E S T A T E ,■

ii 'o i’S K 'i x j i r ^ 'E K ~ 5 9 ~ i > r o 'A v kncirth._

KOIl“S.M,b:' O il TIIADE—210 ACRES rcllnctiil.shiiu-m. W rlle Box 403,

iiuhl. Idaiio.I-'OK SALK Olt ••I'RADE. ’HVO it)-

1 iicrc tr.iit;; >;i Yrlm. WusiiliiKton. 27— liiili-, ;.()Uth cl Tticiinia. One mile ti> r liti;li i.c.litxil. oncd clover niul beiry

liiiul. ivatcr Inr lrrlK.-»tlim If-tirrd n l. —~ Partly imtwovcd. no sUiiniis. Will tnke AT- In i:ni,d cnr nr p ropm y here ut $4000.

W. C. Ccix._Rupert Idaho. _IAN. FO il'SALR OR TRADE-IIAVE FINE eriy. irrlRiiie.l 60 acres (no iiiiprovvments)

'nTiil clear (e.xcepi $ l l0f) water bonds unpaid) ut AMiiiK, Idnho. ipartly In

“ ’‘;_tlmi)!iiy) wiiicii will trade on a *5000 • -• valuation for somcUiIng nearer Bli.w

Vtus city or country p i ^-_ -p -c r ty -o r 's r ll ' easy ‘tonnsr or'ThalvwiVu

Venii Dltl«„ Portland: B. vVw&rw3rtt!

:h- . - ....................... . . . . . .............Hi ' - ■ . "J ; " ' . . 'M IS C E L L A N E O U S .

MARCELLING 50e^PIIO N K 417. 421 ----- *32i! _" CURTAINS CAUEKULLY W A S lfm r c uml 'trctchcd, 25c and U5c u p.ilr.

.P l io n e HUa-W. ' —jI^Q PLA‘STIiUiN'a~AND STUCCO WORK

dene by day or contract. Sclh Cus* Jer,, I'hnue UW,KALSOMINING. PAINTING AND PA-

___ per tii im m ;. P . A, Rowan, 227 fith■fieM-wt_:_Phniic 3_82-J._ - J INSURANCE-^AUtOMOBILE IN SU lf

anec, ull covcntgcs. Prom pt claim ,ND. scrvlcc. Phone ICO. 'T w in PnlU TlUe . 4 gt A bstract Co.. Ltd ,111"'. C U 3 ‘i ;0 'M E 'l tS O F W ASIUNo'toN

'■ Nursery comp.my' wjinUng expert planting'* done, e-aU.'Ttty E. Newton.

— *ph’jne 302*J.

, ^ -K A Y I'OI.ISH -Fnr d t^ i in i ; and iiolishlng fum l-

lUR, t'lfc . uiiiomQl)ile:i, hardAt>od floors,• - ;-’as:;, cU-

f i v e I'Ot.NT STO ttB ' ■ ( Formerly known, ns 0 -K Furniture

O N - - ______ ____________________________nni!,' ------ ---------------------- : ........______ i.-

— W f i i y T K = ^ i n i S C E L U « E ^ ^ ^


;W ANTl;u‘:iU K E ir“ F t l 'l tN T T i r R ; I Sweet's Store. Phone 1205._______— W ATiY ED -llO USK CLEA NIN G BY

the hour. Phone 072*NM .'WANTED — OLD CltiP PL E p OR

re. _ dead horses. Half mile ca it, ?4 north IN W nlers coriKr.

car- W A N T E D -.Y O U R 'P A i^N G , KAL* _ ' somlnlng, und pu|ier hnnglng. Por

m e es\imntcs call G. E- Kunkls. PJidno At 1513-W.

___ WANTED - LAWN M ( 3 W ^ ‘-.T O•EW. grind. Will call (or- and deliver.

;hc Phone 504. Moore’s Repair Shop. 344 M ain nvc. w uth.

AGE W AN TEb--S6M EdNL t o GROW year, nbout CO acres of Kacdcn beans, good

>'leldiin;.vorielj-; seed furnUhed. Phone ENT a ja - j, N. O, Hall, Mgr. Alfred J, CIL-,.-, Brown Si-ed Co,jjjjj- 7. ------------


S a t - ________ ____ _____________________ ,W A N T E D -G m i. FOR GENERAL

ARE, _liou5Cwnrk. Cidl_1322j_____________i-iser. WANTE'D-.MEN I'O it SPECIALTYbi\l, sdllnL'.. A |.ply_« Wrlrtit'8_;______ ^

11 ‘n w a n t e d ^ n'e a t a p p e a r i n g g i r l Wllli ^oda tountniu experience. Box

11. carc N.ews, '■ \ANY WE“ HAVE QPENINO IN CENTRAL »cap, Idaho for f.vo reliable men with Al«o c:,rs. Reference required. Fuller Oc a Brush Co.. Boise. Idaho, h o n j T E A Clliflis FOR REGULAR AND------emergency posillons. Y e r g e n s e nE IN Tcachcrs' Agency, 314 West Ccntcr St.,

( f d Pocatcllo, Idnlio, Olive May Jooes, t*»c Manager,

srms. •, -------;


lUshod aponnienc. B uonO ov Ap»n- ments. and avo

^ f r e i — - F O R S A L E - :.............

’ F R U IT S , V E G E T A B L E S

^ ‘d e l i c i o u s ‘‘a p p l e s ’ PO B 'SALE. 81 B e- ^ a ncl »l J5 per bushe l Phone 637-J-U .

jg r a beetSi • honey, dill pidtliea. ,E . e !nii5 Cm btrcc. Phone 615;J-3.

tu rU tr per tack,^l«»4cr-Hot, 4 mile north, - H ; eost^^trwn W aslilngton s c h o o f '

IL-28, 1928.

H(K>I OUT V HND N fE V J W i U ^ « ^ P

•^OU STM>.'T VOUR TU6'f4 CAN \ S ^ V

\ V*V\^>4 NOU 'S 'T M ,H ‘WOW ^0\J CAW


/ V0\J

K , ^ B t. CDNtR5^^\0V lf»

if i r W » e c o R O » >

Emmf E jF O R S A L E - ^ S C E L L A N E O U S

L vk CHOICE UAYl-xrR‘ 8 A L E V l0 .~ a r r -te ri Iteiil E'tntC;____________ .

SHEEP SALT/7SC SACK. KINNEY 403. warehou.se, or K in u e y 'U p Town

Ftore., 'U ; PAIN I’, P l ^ R PAINT, QUART 83c.; whit* lead 14c; 'lirisefd $1 g n l Dla-e iry m ond Hardware Co.____________'tini. FOR—9A t:R '* ftf tO B —REED-^BABV ^ inkoi bugb'y In gooil condlUon.- Phone 1 iOOO. 785*J or cnll a t 711 3rd ave. norUi.

F O R ' SALE-CO TON HAY. FIRST, « second, third clover. See Emost

Enieriion. 5 ^ miles cast W ashington ischool o jrA d d lso n ^ y e ,___^ . ; .j

5000 E D ^ E l i o d o , A G ^ FOR LA-r- l»i.-;e I^ry Arsenate of Lead, (or spray , I , i v «m terinU. Call phone 060-W, P . O. ‘

Bo!(-7&4.— 304-2nd-aTC.-north.— :----------FiUm E R S,-.R A N C llE IiS .-E TC .;_SE E J

tuU, Wlleux a t the Idaho Jtink House

purpojc.':...pnly l lc 'p e r tool: also can - : vns (or dnm.v 152 Second ave. sotith. Phone 040. _ '

421 ■

, a ip ilr. PARM W AN S. er,._SW p< t t OO. 1 = ^ I O N E Y ' ’lo ’ io A N , r o f l T O REAL 1c ilsl ______ ___ __________________

LlONEYsPOR STRAIGHT LOANS ON • X>f . m odera’.houses lo..TwtB Falla. Ar- (jil, thur.L . Swim i i C a

_ C r iV LO AN S^W E - w a n t ' DESIRA- ‘ UR- -l3li! loans on rcsIdcnce or business' . lalm property.. Best rates, pronyjt servlcc. nU f Twin P n f ts jm ie St AbstracT Co.. L td .

M ONKY-TO LOAN ON PARM 0 » i i roK-*—gjjy property. Some p r i^ t* money ^pcr* la Buma ot from ISOO to 85000 now o a i

hnnd. Jrrlgaled Lands. Comptmy, Bo*'<■1 Perrlne, 118 Blioslione s t west.FARM LO AN S-N O COMMISSION,

nl- no delay. T > ln PaUs TlUe 61 Ab* =ir», s tm et C a , Ltd. ■ ______

o u r ’ TE)^ YEAR FARM LOAN O P- j fcrs th e best of Interesl' rates nnd i

rcjiaym cnl privllcgea. No cash com* 1 n~iii*inn,--IiOt*cli At WllHnmi, -------------

— T T n T T J F m m c T T T n r r T m F ■*ffc ------ aadilestrabfe-farm -loan.—I 't h l n l r l t -U m U)o best (arm loan proposlUon ever ol-

f e n d oa-tlM .T w la .r6 lU -trac t -.U wUl • w >0!; <? ijge ma ttfOfe-piaqi n f yoor

R E . .. I

F O R R E N T — F U R nI s H E D - ,

^ R W M FO R RENT. 1 ^ 0 ^ 7 2 1 0 . _ ROOM f o r ' RENT. Piione 'OOp-j.. ■ I

r .- ,- MODERN ROOM FOR RENT, PHONE |417 .0B J 2nd west, _____________ 1

rtoQB i.lG liT ■ HOUfJEKEEPING .. J100M 3 .to r renL 014 Main north. c

7 t o R E N T -R O O M r d'ENTlXMAN J Iv c r ' Preferred. • Phcnc 1213J. ‘ 344 SjROOM, » « : e-ROOM MODERN,

- >40. A, N. Long. Phone 45, . ioW ROOM FOR RENT—O Epn’LEIbiEN , good preferred. 248 3rd ave. hctUiV-;— \ , hnn-3 BEDROOM TOR RENT; OENTtE4 i J , men preferred, _ Phone 1433-W, '

BEDROOM FO R RENT: SUITABLE ------Ior ono or tu-o. PJjone 1503 a f ta i) R ■» P J S ;________ _ 1 _____________ 1 . i

PO R REN T-NICELY FURNISHED ligh t houskeeping rooms: also s le e p - '.

— Ing p o rch -and garage.- 411 4 lh ave;RAL n o r t h ^ _________________ _____________ FO R RE N T -M A Y I, THREE ROOMLTY (um U hcd. apartm en t,. downstairr. :

C all evenlnfts. 415 3rd nvc. north. URL Phone 484-W. 1 Box • , , __ ______

- A F O R S A L E - P O U L T R Y a n d

, . e g g s

FO R S A L fi-R . I, RED HATCHING s e n OTS, Phone 517*R.3.—_St., r o R S A L ^ B A R R m R O C k HA'TCU* ones. Ing eggs. Phone 5 1 8 - J - 3 .______

. FO R SALE^RHODE ISLAND S'CT*TC* tlnga-hetis. Inquire Phone 73.T § POR-SALB-BOOKEYE-INOUBATOR.— ' lU -egg capaolty. 'P a trick Wynn.■jnt* Phone 617-R-3. ________ •^ FO R SALE — STANDARD BRED

Barred RoeJc eggs to r hatching, B. = W . CoUlns. Route 8. T w in-Pa lU ..........

ered H anson stra in Leghorn b ^ y ehkks, blood tasted. $13 per IM ; ^ Rhode Is land Reds. |U per .buR-

:.'81 dred.- 'W e -also d o —etiBtom hatoblaffi j .U , H ens eggs .$4 per tray ; turkey eggs

<0 per t r a y ." I im b a to r capacity I V ^ 000 eggs. n i t f ^ 'Q a a U t y 'Batctaery.•. ^ Phone ev en in g 6 4 ^ .

r T i . . ■ .orth, . New* W ivit Ads reach the peopla 70a '• i t t o to 'fc ttta akr 'V . . ;

______\ . ' -. ■ P a t *

W T e * 't O ^ T T O W Q 'W l P U T K N N T - '

k T O < itT AVSr W 4V COIM *■

A H AT - / ,y ' ■ -


B E I 5l i l i C Mn l.V

PROFESSIONAL .______ _____ __________________ '

e W. L. O U N N -U w O ftleea-R oeou t- SmlUi-Hlea B uilding.____ '

It aaiUTrust. Bkig. Pkooe 6. ' n oT o , u A L U -b m ' Dlo»‘ b o A e t i A ~

j o i O T t t n i E m f l ^ U w y e r r a i m'■ T rust Bidg. Phone 936-W.I SW E B L K irrS tV B fcn fiP IE aw -ffiB S r

-.JdahoJ»ow erlnulM !ng_______________ ___

g — — : j u S I N E S 8 ..

m r a o w G tA S S -W ln d s h le ^ ciM> na t work. Moon’s Shog. Ptiomi'g .

P L V f t ^ Q

nOMB FL D iW IM a * HKATINO 0 0- New location. 139. t r d a n . . ta U

Phone 383.1 BALLANfyWg PLtlM BU iO * f l i A P ,

lo g C a For beating tntibUa. FttOM


a'u tc T 'IN S U R ^ C E . " a i r ' c o v e r ^«■ Real Estate. Phcne 374. - -


^ R O Z I E R TRAN9FEB c a Pboo* M .-------17 CraUng. atornge a ad U barty OoaL o w W e t o T T B i w i f i i r A N D T W - >* age C a Coal a n d . wood. P b o u l a. f f S i c u o U l i t X N s r t t f » m U B S4, -G a rb ag e hauled daUy. Phooa 101.


’• MODERN W O o b n ^ 'o F u meets In J , O. O. V. ball erery Moood

and (ourth Monday. '» ll---- TiT»i —

« ■ - f p R :S A l J - S E E D S“ FOR—SALE— H N E SraANTOEW Y— —

~ i L slk^ Phone W 7‘* T 'U l - ^ r ■ ■ rc t i i r i ' l P T E I T DICKLOW ,WHEAT.

baled bay and Glsbe chick leed- a t ■- Farmers Store. Phone «8S-W.- FOR SALE—100 SACKS IRISH COB-

bier potatoes, (nun certltleit seed.. Phone 47, Kimberly, o r write JohnE Boisch. ______ __________ • ____ .

FOR 8ALE>-160 SACKS SEED SPUDS 3 ..flr..j^'puld let them out on sh a re s . . ,

one fcr two, 3 miles souUi. ».i west 'K> Irom Burley comvr, Buhl. Phone

a30-Rt4, Henry H. H urst. .5 FOR SALE-YELLOW DENT 8BBD.

corn, ' 1037 crop. F rank - Sachaa , ~ 7 ' t; Btihl. Route 1, o r 4 miles west, 3U ” miles south ot S. W. com er o( Flier.^ Phone Bulil. 324-J-12.

f FOR R E N T -F A R M S_ TOR R E ^ a -B E A w " ^ D S J ^ I A ^ f • o melon land in canyon. P h tne 3U.

FOR S A LE-A U T O M O B ILE S . VT. TOR SA LE-TO R D TOURINO. For ," h ; quick sale a t 105, Splendid condl* - .,

^ n . Phone 858.___________ ; v


- BEPEFFEO^ Experts—men t n i n ^ '( o r th is spe* V '- cUl worit-hBTB Inspected ere tr; •

»* p a ri p ( ou t Used .C a n aad b a nPlaee4 IhOT la perfect cendlUen.

r* That's th e a sn ra n c e y e a n t w bm , ;-v T oa'bajf iro m tB. ,■ ,V v.!', „i-;

R. m e ^K o sh .L lg b t .B ii ..^edan- ' ? '. ' n. 1W7 N ash -U cb t .81*' B f t f i i r ' " ' " ’_ l m N ash L ight Sbe Coaeh ' . : ,< 33 im -N a a h 'M c U u M V lctetia Z. t lM N a ih ;7 -p a is e a g tt 'S edaa i / ::

2 L i1- IkK CtaerroIet Coapa ^

£ f e s s r r r - - 1

Page 8: K S JV^hingtonJ [5 MADDEN DIES I!’pFiiiiioiis nfimii poif ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · York Clieer Famous-'A'viatocs (By The Awoctattd VVASIUNOTON. April

I H T f i

~-f,S.0Gl.iE08t o ' i i n ty - W i d e - O rg a n iz a t io n in

S e s s io n H e r e D e c la re s J o r , _

'S '^ - N O T J t^ tm d - e h a r i t i e s - e iM f i f i t t ^

• ...j^ nclPKtitPvio iliP Twla Fulls coiiniy:

wtJfaiV itft)clall8ii fi'itirt<Tly co;;fcr- cntrp licrc. S;iliirtlav dcrjilril to iiuike «iir»*-‘ys till- Irrrspi-cilve commuliU lies « llh rni'.iirjl to iVOliiqiipncy nnd “ forlAl ncoils’. Rpportc. wilt iji? mi»rto'|fti»*r ll;(‘ Iii'Xt quarterly confrrrnec In July..

Till- ri.s/orlatluii v>oiU un rccoril na U• -TnW intfcnrnrcpnipnfD f-ldQno'K Rteril-'

Iration law; ri'iiiri\l clonrlnu nncl r<n{-. lMrniton-(if county charity cnHm; o m - '

■ plnymuif of u ' county liCiillli n t.r« r" nnil ina!ntrii;mcc of a rlillUrcn'.t clinic in coiinrcLlim wiili Uio counly lulr. -—

Onjimlzcd ilirpc monlhs ngo, the n s - ’ _- -«nclBLlu;i o l iu l ^ - o f rvMrcuintallvci Ci

clmrcliM, womcn'n clubs ni*d RmnitV crrfunlMlloiM throuKlinut thp. fouolry.

------•nii- 'm M ln s 'h c .i rd " B nimilx'r o f i ''• tnlk.'i oiitl muMcaMiumbiT* imd odopt-

tx: n cdiislltutlwi nnd hy-bws. A sur­vey f-f *<^»1 n w !s and nt dclliniucncv . Ihrouilliom Uu- comity will bc takivi ,

• hy tlie„dolcHnti-.i or Hi(* utJlllniwl socliillon^ nnd ulll be ri'ixirfctl nl tiv qunrtrrly mecllnB In July. p„

Tlic.' n-.rclliii; v.t.i callcd to order by ..' Mrs. W. J . nurkc of Huhl. prc.iklcnt

of till! or,!r.;iliatlon iit 10 o'clock yes- Irrtlsy iiio.rnlnn Iti Ihe IJaptl.sl Diu>- Itnlow. Tlii-rc wna communlly (.InuhiK. „ , Invocation 'by ‘Uov. E. C. Barton, mid thirnprnrnirmtmTTrof-thp-prrxidcni. .

Si>rriti% on In illrrnU ■ roiAt the noon limclieon’ni ihe floRcr- Jec

»o;i ho ld . M. C. Wnre. cnuiiiy commls- lie sloiHT. dL'cusscd the question of Ind l-:ten Kcni ixMr and pointed oul thn l ihe dec welfare Qniuiilzallon couli\ elve assla l-, / mice to Ihc counly board lii M vem ljw h \royii. Community slnBliiK was led b y : wa;

’ M ia VIolo Evf.nJi with Miss M argnrel;ot —Hcleh?n- Hs-Hccomiwiil^t, - - • . I

In the .u li';rnoon folIowlnR -com* lu‘l munliy rl.i^mij nnd nn Invocntloii byjnnJ llov. C. C. CitrtU of the ChrLitlnn 1 of

—dm rcli. talKs WMe-m«de-by-»r.-P.-W r-ow; MftcMunlis of »uR!. on Slcrilbatton: ;cor Mrs. R. O. McCaU- o f ' Clitloford on!Lel

Sjp cn ’Ufd school iilny: and M n . 1. E .; nni oilyn of Twin Fulls on Uie itcnfml thc subjccl c f xupcr%-lslon' of plays of I children. .A resolution com m lltee-for in f( the ' day cotnposcd'of'Mm<-Roy. ^Cvtuu.i tic:

Mrs. a . H. Erblnnd and Dr. M nc-; prt Manu.1 WX1 appotiilcd. ' Rre

Mrs. Rturfieon McCoy save vocnl | tat numberx nnd led community FlnRlng the a l IhU niL-etlns. Iwci

D lnnrr M wlliw •• - j * In the cvMilnB n l ihe noffcrfiontK®'

hotel dinner, talk.i .were made by Judue ,O. P. Duvall Ull dcllnQUCUcy. by A sher; n . WlLion. nirniber of Uie stato board of educoUon cn Uie 81. Anthony in -i d iu lrla l schotd. mid by EilMru L otlle|B. Scholl of thc SalvnUon Army, o n ' I I those ncedlns aid. Judge Duvall made [ M a number of si!«!:est)on8 regnrdlnK lm-1 provement In handling Juveniles and 1 i cfpeclally opiwsed thc Idea of leaving I n p em aiien t court record ogalnsl ihem I when delinquent. Mr. Wilson lold of

- th e acUvltles nild high standing of the a t . Anihenj- rchool and of Uie sehool .

..fo r .dqaf;,and,blLnil..nV„abodln(f and asked cooperation In Improving the ^

■ml tUlll“ ^ e lP d lk u M i'd clearance lUt method^ wc;

In tpeaU ng of tho clearing house < resolution lid o p t^ by the meeting nnd the reason fdr Its adoption. Enilgn

—Schell m id th a t In some way the lin- . p i ta lo n - h a i i n o n e . ({Ctva'd tlini the

pcopie, of Twin Falla were “eftsy." Many camc here durlng-Uie busy seh- son nnd worked, bu t did ho t have a ‘" t chance lo earn enough lo keep Uteni p ' over w lnlff. ■ These people really ^

—KiiiTcd to work. Olhem caine In la ter ^ w llh an Idea of .-iecurlng 'help and mnny pf Uiest did nol wnni to labor,

MLu Edna Qrnluun led commun- j„Y Ity singing with Mrs. Qeorge West-

.. colt tt» accompanist. Tw/p - . . . , . 8lerlll*qtlon_I» Urged «.I \ Urging sterlliiatlon of the unfit.

D r. Me^^anus. declaring Urat OiSmT q^, ' Uils step no l be taken "we m'u* betome «<MV(^l>ed In a moronic cloud, mote

oa iruc llve lhan thc Gothic hortjej which over-run and devastated th » -.j, Roman empire." -Fevble-mlndedneas «», lia.<i liicreaied during the yenrs Inter- r . i venlng between 1910 nnd 1037 more than 80 \xr ccnl. More than W per cen t of the bo>-» called to the colors •] during the- grenl war were mentally below p o r . Wc ndmll Uiat the meninl jd , tcatP employed were m llier stiff but, „.ii c^-cn nt U ul. ll seems theV should liave shown bcller results. .I s Uiat ^ enough lo cnusc one to pousv and con- M Alder w hether we are drifting? Can you Imagluc w hai 11 ma>- meoasliortly?

"Mental dcllniiuenls aro Increasing so rapidly tho t the time is f u t ap- proachlrtg when they will out-number

' UiB normal, and tho cos't of caring for Uiem will .bo so great th a t we cannot bear the burden." the Speaker nssertod. ■

■■ Scope of A‘cU*JUes- -. i 'T h e scopc of ncUrtUcs of tho or-

KonlaUon la Indletktcd by Uie com­m ittees • proTlded for In Ute consUtu­tlon nnd.hy-laws. The following chair-


Same thrifty variety we plant on o u r ow n 'trtick 'farm , also pansy and aster planta. Gar> den and flower seeds, several

- .klnds-of-early-seed-potutoes,- > n d oil kinds of home grown fn ii ts and vesetablea in their seasoai ^

; P U B L i q M A K K E T

■ ..................

! Will i e j i l l i s 1

■ f M l i

■”1 b rt •«»»»• reakon Pap« llk n fori : romjiany, lo r.imc is l.pfsuw thfv . »

^ti>y>.'o tnln Iip diin'l have I'l Ink '-"" ''■ ' jr J i

IBllTEiSfPlE li siSoFiiTia

.... ............ ------------------- . . • i bci{! ■ I br.;Capital Punishment Favored

t . . mnNew Fom m : Club Will Hpld Parly: Members Buy Books.

-------- I V,Slrlctcr cnforfPini'iil uf. Uip ciipluil | ci'.n

punlfhniojil laws w.is uplii'UI by tlir i ni'x iMiijQrlty’ of Ull' mcmlKTs of thc Nrw j o t . Fonim. Twin Pnlls hlj:h school delinf.-1 Oct club, nl a mcellnR In th r hiRh .-.rlinnl < Idu building Friday cvriiinK-' AlthouKh lhe |" '* ” ' abolltlonlsis prcsrnird stronit nr^u-1 b< si mcnl.1 for Uiolr sldi- nf the qitcslloii.: rlrl. ui'ticml opinion nf the club mrmhcr.H' brfavored cjiplial punlslluicW..!_________J.i'lJJ

Cotuldemble nniu-scniviit wn.i nr- roui>rd by a comic debate on the sub- c Jecl. "Resolved; T hat E\-e D idn 't Know rf Her Apple*." ' All ^pecche.i wrrc m* nmi trmporoneou.1. T lic ncKuUve won t l^ lp n ll decUlon. •. |k i<

An April fool siKlllng nia(cK. Iny him which a ll w ords 'w ere spelled bacl^^iMni ward, clo.wd tbe entertalnm cnl dlvlslao. ju n of {he progmm. • . ' u . Discussion of U i^ -e liib -pa rtjr- lo -b r nnd held on May 3 n l thc home of'-How— ard Wlscmnn tool^ up n (jri’tucr p.irt Ja'cl of Uie 'biislneM iic.vslon wlilch pre- Joh om letl—tl>e—urogram.— A - commiUee >ciiv com poied 'of Hownrd Wfsiviinn, Huih r ilr Lelser nnd Mnry Alice D lticr wm- a nnmi'd. -to provide rcfre.ihmcnl.s Ior nry thc jwrty, ; ■ . ' Full

Under n new ruling ROvernliiK socliit .ciii; nffnlrs for high school clubs and .soclrri Ucs. .some fnculty member m usl be jfiu l preieni a l aH KfitherlnR.i of these I liar Rroup.1. The club votetl th a t nn Invl-: a tatlon bc-cxtended to four members ot FlU' thc foeiilly to nlleiid the pnrty nexl Fai: week. Orr

Following n dlsciuslon In regard to Cnt paymcnl for debate books ordered by iis: lhi> club; It was voted ihx l ihc Indl- Bul vldual members buy these l>ook«-raUuT b thnn th a t ihe prlcc of the volumes b<- end taken from the club treasury. Rhi

'-------------------------- It&t


--------- * cTwo hundred persons partook of a

family dinner In thc b.v;emeni df the MelhodlsV m uwhltft' Wcw members nnd th r lr frlciiiLnwere guests of Uie'congrejtalionrr------------

There was a ji orchcAlra concert , with Dr. R. A. P a rro tt ns dIreWftr.' O rrin Boone and MUs n d c : ' Parrott. entran ts - tn the rccent miislcnl con- teat~lff 'Pocatello; oave hiiinbcr!i. Mr. "'®' Boone on the cello and MIh Pnrroll on Uie violin. FolIowlnR Uie dinner there wns a social hour durltw which ' ' everybody goj. ncqualnlcd wllh e\-ery. “* ' body else. .

men were appointed: Program . Mrs. “ A. C. Rutherford, Twin Falls; public i * information. Rev. Jam es Millar. Buhl; social Ber\lcc. 'W r8. Pred J. Walters. Twin Falls; public service. Mra. Oeorge £. Erblnnd. Twin Falls: recrRHlon, amusement and nupervlsed play.’ Rev.Bert A. Powell, K lmberiy; Amerlcnnl- ration. Mrs. C. B. Pccblcr. Buhl: saf­ety, Mra. M. L. Powell. .Twin PalU: C0urtC!?y, Mrs. Tom Porks. Twin FalU: re«i!ilUons.'.Enalgn Schell. 'Twin Palls; school plaj'srounds. Mrs. . I t O. Mc­Call. CosUeford. Chairm en on parlia­mentary d rill’ and causes and curc of war will be se lectni laler. ’

Ttie meeUng closed U Uh a ' brief vocal fflualcal program n t the hlgfi' school auditorium by A. Wilton Peel:,WlUl M n . Peck as accompanist.


^ Pineapple Cream Sherbet

35c QT..— ^At the'Fountain—

T he B e s t S h e rb e t in Idaho

ip N lYA t The. Poppy183 Shoshone Nb.



- ........ ' 1

Twin Fjlls WinS Third Place; " ' “ JliCSchOoIS^Kr Uoniist; |

j-Evenlsf-Wclor^-lo-Jer^me. -

,i. FJIrV liiKli 'cliD-il cnmnii+cioi r til- j; . Iilrnis wun (!ir .■.iiu-dlMrlci coinmprflut i!

'h .Iil in tlir lix-al lil:Ii ichool (. Il'r ld iy iificTiif 'ii. Tl!" M H -s were.: p |F llrr. flrsl. :ii) jviim.M BuhJ, fccond,

•[3ri, uml Twin I'l.iu. ihlnl. 32. The n <,tlirr Uiri'f riiiriints in the co;ilr.'>t

I wi re jy rn , H an 'rn nml Klnibi'rly. j, •|f<rTenly-flvr-st«driilR-f'lmiX'l'Hl, -Mtm |Orivcr ArmslronR.' Twin FalU high .;| I.'.cIkhjI t'limiiirrclal lii.'itniclor. was )(iro n tfs tm n n rn rrr .-• • , .................... - ci Evrlil.1 iV'-rr lirld In lVl)C<i,TillnB, jbi'i{IJmlnK ntid advniirrd. ,'horthn‘nd, p [ b r.;liiiili^ lllld nclvnncrd; bookkerp- ii im i:. apililic. in'nmaii-hlp and com- g 'in rir la l nrillim r!lr. All o f Ihc rlx ii Illinois did noi roinpetr in each cvriii 1 u x t complete commeretal ciiurr!i;.i nri.'!-- nol (iJfrn-d by llir entire nilmbcr. o

WlMiicrH Kilter DM ricl 5 lw l ';

I V/lHJifT.i o / }r:itcrt}ay',\ ruDlrxlj ii'lIJ j . rr.irr th r d i;trtcl ron irst u l Je rom e: iiii'Xi Frldny. Miiy ■!. WlnnliiK paper:; | , [or J h l s ^ i r r t will b" .'rtil lo H. C.

I O c«i;In\ Mate iiianaKrr. U nlvenity nf , 1 lilahii. Koiitlicni lliaiu'li. r«catell<i. jwlirre they will b r coiupnrrd wltli tln' ilx'St paix'r; from tlir o lhrr throe d ls t - 'j . ' :rlrl;i of the Mate. Slale award.t wHljt- Ibr mnde only In lyp.'wrlllnR..i.liori* ,! liniid„and bookkceplii;:. . j,

C ^ te ^ t ite^ulli Aiim’unrrd Conte.vyresulLs’; .rieRlnnliig tyix'wrltim!; Twin Fa ll', Ii

; first; Buhl, second; Filer, third . Twin 'F nlU team: Dorothy KlrKinan, Oweii--^ iK w fer, Marjorie nbrlliw. In'dlvUlual jlimiors:' Lucy IIoi-sli. Klmbi'rl.v. 5S.13; Mnrjorlc EbcllnR. Twin Falls, 50.U; JimiV Ennis. Filer,

Bi-RlniilnR' sliorlhaiid: Twfn F.111 nnd-Biihl-tiett-fnr-first-iilim -w lili u v . ^nrngcs of 90.3:!, Twin P.iHs Jack Nuneinaker. Ruby Cl:>y. JS^le | Jolmwni'. Individual lio tio rsy 'u tiby i j>' C l iW ,- T tt ln -F a lU .- O a :- . i : i ia ^ c s a r , ,- J Fllrr. 08M! NU a'W mn. iiuirTTlH,.-

Advanced typewrlllng; Twin F alK ™ flrsl: Fllrr. second; .n u liT Uilrd. T-^'in FiilU learn; Jnck Nunemaker. Ruby ^

iCliiy. Lols StrouK. Individual honors; ^ 'ja c k .Nunemnker, Twin Pnlls. r.O.Hl: llliiby Cl.iy. Twin l-'allj. 0fl,0(i: Rhod.i “I Ilarbciat. Filer. 01.14. j■. Advnnci'd Miortlmiid; Buhl, flr-.t;. Filer. r«o iid ; Twin Fall*: third. Twin 1 Falls leftin: Vera I5anu‘-s, Emily Potter, | C Ornce D om rav. Individual .lionorii; p Cnthri'n Allen. Huhl. first; Rhiida U llsrberjil. Flier, M'foti'l; Ella Zneli, Buhl, tlilrd. s.

BookkeepliiR; n ie r. Ilrst; Etlrn. s'-e- I ni ond: Uuhl. llilnl. Individual lum ori:;i?t Rhoda BarbfWil. Filer, first; l l i r l i in tl; It&rton, Filer, i.econd; .^ llve r .Mrli;.', jni Twin Fnlls. third. - , rj

Sp<'l!lii3; Vlntll LeueU. X k r , fln.l;<^ii Thomas lllll.'H a iw n : iecond l^ fli;rne vl Holler. Filer, lliird, ' Ik...tV iim arjh lri- Eunice Ever, firsf: 'lit O lad js Loivry. Becomi. Myrtle Thur- M ' main. Ihlrd. all or Bulil. |»e

Commercial a rithm etic Kither H un t.} • Buhl, and L u ra^ hn rii . Filer, lied for i:i first plAce: Helen Hunter. Buhl, s e e - ic t

-------------- [C(lr m v r r n ( tv s rAH A rnitTE.^----- [ _

PARIS i;P )-F m nce U Inyliig In-tli lliousnnds of parachutes fur airmen. | o; Tliey cosl nbout $155 apiece. Maiiyj ore mnde of bnlloon cloth Idfi frcm > war* dajy

------------------------- IKjn il» SAVES A LIFE | In

WAKEFIF.LD, Mass. l4>)-;Dco|) mud G In a street . !»vcd liltle Jo.'efili R yan 's! to life when a wngoii nm ovur h lin ...H c jk i m c re l^ o l his face.triuddy. ' 'l e t

i i s s i e d 'Xm u x n ie d A l f . T n» ^ / i d 3 X , 3 A d 4 s S i i £'S lidk s>K <!iJien’d i f t j •’

/ I p

OneFrieidTelkhder -

The Choicesand th c la rg es t va rie ty to choo;

th e Lo\


S P E C I A L 1

sr.'...!?..!!".!:...20cShoulder Veal Sleakj, 2 2 c

Shoulder Potk, ■ ‘ 'pound . 1 4 C

pound ..............................2 2 c

■ • • ______2 5 c

Independem123 M ain N o rth

■ r


R ‘ F O R E C A S T 'ro ii TO DA Y :' t ’nw l- .1 Ued w(Ut local rsllxi: cooler. '

—Siriililly' lower femperaliires prc^ vailed here Friday, The maximum

. io i- th o day~w #»-gl,-w hlcli-was-Ju*t- — • cne deurcc lower lhan on Thurwlay,

Thc minimum wlU 31 degrees, or iwo p . dcsree.i cooler lhan the duy before,

Fimernl scn lce i . Ior Mrs, Sad i* .'*'• Him iiihrry. wife «if ihe late W. W , , 'l“l HL'iniilirey, nnd ploii';rr .school le v h - of« ' r r 'Cf Tw in Pall--, Ai re held In 81. set'<•: Edwnrd'.'. CaUiolic church a t 0 o'clock ne111- Kriihiy mol^ninn, F.iUier R e m l. S. dli■le Ke>;-er had rlinri;r of Um ixrvlcc. . pU ■•'>t In h u funeral addrerji, FaUicr ne ly- K r>n'r asked ihnt ihi- living remem- eoi ^ l> e r-llit* -deu (l-iii- th rlr-jirayo rs ._ Hc Ta Kh iipckc very highly oC the courage and cai os loynlty of Um <lrivaM'd. bolh In |il- j- cneer daj-s n n d - • Ourlng--lh«>-rp-. lot

iRi conl years* of hrr-illnrr.1. M n.-H um - t: r id, phrey wns netivr in cimreh work, a l- est P- le iid in c . i,ervlcM every Sunday, nl- Mr

tlintiBh a l ilm rs :.iir «a:i scarcely Able lor :lx 10 walk thc di'.!;inir Irom her home hei n i l to thc church, f

Mrs.- D .-K -Rrt-ni - w aji-ln -c liargo to ­ot the inii.sle, Mr , H. C, McOulre me ;a:ii; two M)Io>, -,snn ii Voice'' nnd fur '- iv a c f , ’Perlect I'r..c-r," H. I., Mac- 7

'L cchlan naiig'e .s ;t .miIo. "T racli~SfF wil j... i f>"*rray.“ Mrs, It»-;;an played Bee- :;ca ~ thov.'ii’.s "FiiiifMl ,March,"

The Roynl.*^vf;:h'J<iri took ctiarge i \ |. fif ’th r burial ;er,ii-r and read the Pj ' ■ lodge's rliiialistlr ccrrmniiy, Pall bcor- I L ' j r r ; . v.ere; Franl; \V.ii:iirr, Tliomas

. 0-*rii'i. John Har:, .Ii>hii E, Davies. '"(KiiK -nn W ahl anil H, T. Hamilton.* —

In term en t. w.ia ui T'vin F a lb ceme- .— . trrj-. • C

---------------------------- dep

1,. N E W B O O K S P L A C E D , S

5 . ^ ON LIB R A R Y S H E L V E S ™“

1. Thp rnllonlnn tirw liook.i'liavc hcpn JJSl: a- added to the T-A-rn Fall:i public U-

brf’ ry: w-.FlBiJan - High Thur.'Jdny. Durlln- Z z

^r-j»95J?:.Cru-Hade. Hynie:_.Red Rust, „ < ta t in c n ; a in g e r Ella. Hurston: Wei-10 I come Home. Mllirr; T lir Jury, Phlll- = jy ipott;;': Oreene .Murder Ca.se, Van^ 1 n ine; Wlnter»iiion:i. W t^o le : -Miss -^row n-of-X r-V rO .^O iiiieiilie in ih-F lum - •I,' beiiu Jln’i. apearmaii. ’I,j N on-Flcllon—Yriir .iIoney’.s Worth, y. Chn.se; A Melhodii.i Snlnt. Asbury:

Safnrl. Johnson: Christ of the Round J. Table, Jones; AuiDbloffraphy of a ^ Uujliiess Woman, MiieDnuRall; Drlft-

In;: Rnnds of Parly f>oliUc.s. Under- I wojd. .

J! j C O U N T Y A G E fIT A D D R E S S E S - I

i G R A N G E ON C O -O P E R A T IO N <II, ■ ----- . ■ 'f

H. E. Brofianl.^'county anrlculfiral• - 1 nuent, nddre.w cL .Uie ’rw ln l-'alls *-:i::i?rant:c n t itfl meetliiK la.st night In ,11 the Buslnesji and Profcfislon.il W.i-

j men's club room on thc subject nf eo- [.rperallon of the fom icr .and the state •

l;^ in lv c rslly ihmuRh lln extension le r- fle vice,, Hc iittjed the co-operntlve mnr- I

Iki-tltiR p’a n .n s n m e a y of aiding the t r: 'IilTihcr''lfvaispoi3lfft'W'iiU_produce andr- . Mock a t .prlcc.s ndTOnlngcous to him- f'

self. , tit. -M rs. J . W. Burke. Buhl, rave n tnlk 1>r I iirRlng co-eperntlon between ihe farm- . fJ:• ic r .and - Uie'enimty-aBrlcuMHntKniierit. T

[coi-in^' fa ir nex t fa^we^re^^^ ~ J

i l l 't i e Ayotte gave a piano duel n l the ] i n, opening of thc prcgr.-fm. * / S

P A v S E V lL L E .’^'Ark,*' (/}>"w hen i tnone of her tliree brothers t « k up . 1

I Inw n. Iheir father d e s lre i^ ,£ l20ra fliid 'G am brel of Ozark Knlned/^dmUslon LI's to thl' bar. Mow she Is Ufc flrsl Ar- HIc kaii,sas woman a d m lU ^ lo /etlerol " J

' coun 'pnicilce. 9 f

■. “ Y o u c a n ’t b l a m e IST l i m . M e a t f r o m . I n d e - [ |

p e n d e n t M e a t ' M a r k e t ]

m a l t e s e v e r y m e a l R

s e e m l i k e a . b i r t h d a ^ . r f

p a r t y . ” U

est of- Meats j:h o o se f ro m a t Pri<M!.s T h n t A re [j

Low c-st. 11

U R - S A T U R D A Y I

L P R I C E S : r

Ham burscr Slcok, • - | f? _ (Jpound ....... ........ ........ . I O C _All .Pork Sausage,. 1 C «pouiid , ................. I O C

..S1.35 n' ............ 7 0 c ^

------- Home Cured Hama.---------- O C A . - fipound ..................... ......... : - " p G |Mild Curcd Bacon, ' O K a

- -p o u n d ...tttt:.---.-.—,.^_-,t. ^ D C — - j j

intMeatCo. iP h o n e s 162— 168 , J,

■ - ' l3


F A U g j j ^ q . SATURDA

i i i i i i i ] ' -liTLiS PUllS TO ii jp ira p E iiE i"■ P r o p o s e s E s t a b l i s h m e h t o l T o - i f

Jl*> ' ,w , .W illlnm V arney o r . O g d « ir -o w w r-r h - of a Utah canncr}' which for two 31. stnrWns past has purehascd nntl can- ‘ ck ned cherrle,s crown In tho Ywln Falls , S. diatriet. ha.', under consldemtlon .a I . plan for c.^isblhlilng a u in a to ran - |

ler nery a t .Twin FnlU Ihls season, iie- n - cornldng to word reeelvetl by B. O.I{c T aylor,-local-rcptescnU iU vc—of—Uio-- lid cannery.ll- Aiuurnnce iliat ‘iO to 75 acres-of P-. tomatoes M,oiild-bs grow n-horu Ihls -. n- t:t!ion U a prime -cfiulrem cnt for ,, it- rstablUhment'. of the propaied plant, j ll- Mr. V arner slated. I f U h'ls opin- ‘ lie lon lh a t the crop should be planted J lie here from M.iy 1 lo H>. .

Mr, Variipy sunted Uiat he hopes ' go to -com o—u»_Twltu F a lls_eaily—.icxt *: re m onlh lo dLicusa th e proposition id further wltli Iho growers. _c- T he u la h cutiner>'. It was stnleri.IF w iir bt- in the m u rk c l-a g a in this e- iieason for Tv.’ln t ’all.s cherrlM ,

E PIE S i r a TO- ISUEjTUfllES H s■ Dr. C."‘W ntlinK criora, nead oi tiie 'Adepartm ent of iilan t pathology of the nuniversity of Idaho, was here yester- siday cotisiilllng w>th R.' E. Brassard, a

3 county aRrlcuKuntl agent. wlU) a view itof establUhIng tem porary plots near wUila .city for thc study of pathological ti

I dn'olopmcnw like matnlc In beans. TThe Work here will be In charge of h

, W aited Pierce, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. H '■ Jnmes Pierre of. Berner, who Is a.ssUt-jJ unt lo-Dr;-Huiigerfqrd^-_ . - --------------I - ---------- ' ■ - _

[ ! | P u t I w o1* [ v] A l i t t l e m e n ta l a r i t h m e t i c

t,'.* f i n m u < :liT )B tte r v a lu e s . T<

^ th o e n o rm o u s p u r c baB iu g

!* W l $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 '. a'lI fJ t h e - r e s u l t i s u n e q t ia l e d ^

. U p r ic e s . ~

lie 1 ^ .

Banans'rS I ij G o l d e n r i p e , f i r n

■J' ' f | 4 , p o u n d s 2

I Pineapi(M l B r o k e n s l i c e s f o r l i f I p i i c k e d f i ' o m f i i - m i ^ L a r p e N o , 2V-> 1

i ^I I t f cans ti

I BlackberSolid pack, Oregon0 ries; jrallon, c

1 -

A .' Peach(W S e l e c t e d i i p e f r u i t p

M h a l v e d ; p a l l o n

I ■ 55cIU ■ ,

■ / _,Catsu](M l -’— D e l - M o n t e , p i n W

- j I — -------- 2 . - b o t t l e s — 3

j | ' T W I N F A L L S . . .


• . , ._______'

' f u n e r a l S E R V IC E S H E L D D J FO R TW O -M O NTH S O L D B O Y UI I F u n e n l services (or John A rthur '

' sw th ion ,'jr„ 'tw o -m onU u-o ld son o(I Mr. and Mrs. J; A. Swenson, were

held Dt 3 o’clock Friday afternoon r T n 't h e T J l l t e r D a iJsa ln ts-ch u rch u n -I ► ' der th e direction 3 f BUhop Roy Wootl.- « ' L-r*P«* ll « » '* * » • B -M .-O ueavam l-Ic-O rrc li

klrkm an. Twin PalU stake president. 'J e tse W. RIchlns offered the opening

. i prayer and A rthur Jnrmon ihe clto-1 jn 0 ‘ I ing prayer.' i X,

•'Thoueh Deepening TrlaU." "S om e-1. ;f i^ tlm o. tiomcwhere" and "Oh, My P n - jn ,

w T ^ u , ; - . ...... ... "Pall bearers were four boys: Car-

Ifr. fr-P h illip s . John Wells,. ArUiuf Bab- bel and Lyle P ricc.' Interm ent wa.<i In o, Twin P a ll« em ct< ry .

? ^ - f l P F H - F O I l . N E l ( T l l l "of _____ „ A f a meeting Thursday afternoon.

the Phllophllos club of th c T w 'n i r „ PalU high school O irl Reserves elect- L ^ ed officers,for nexl school year. E dith m ‘ r l^ H h -w ll l-M t.a s club president-.D Ul * ycnr. Bcmlce Long was chosen vlcc-

president, Mercl Echrem was clected “ . . secretary and Thelm a E eh rc m rtre a iv ■

urer. Edllh Lelh. Bernice U n g and Fcm W lrth will be delegates lo Uic sujtim rr ram p a t Payelte Jakes.


ESevcnleen mcmoers of thc J . O. Y. club. Twin PalU’ high school frcsh- mon and sophomore G irl Reserves _ Jtroup, nccqnlpnnl(.rt hv MIm B iilh .

;ic Arlandcr dnd Miss H arriet ThrocU- lie merlon, club spoasors, w ent on a r - short hike to Rock Creek canyon d, after school Friday. A short, bus- IW lnes.1 Eculnn was held. G roup songs, nr welni-rs and marshmollows were fca- a l tu rc s ,o f thc en iertalnm ent program.IS. Tlie arrangem ents commlttcc waa Ber- o t nice ‘O ttem an. Virginia Adams anil ra. Helen Whltscll. ' it-— -8U B 3CRIBE-FO R -TH S-N EW B .-----^

0 and Two Te t i c w ill e h o v / w h y S a f e w a y / S te

. T o th e W e s t ’s f l n o a t - f o o d d i s t r i b u

l i u s p o w e r o f m o r e t h a n ' 1 2 0 0 s to i

)\ a n d th c m o s t e c o n o m ic a l k n o w n m<

d a b i l i ty to s e l l t h c h iK h e s t q u a l i ty

t t a s ^ Tom' i r m f i - u i t — N o ^ - 2 V - t i n , s ,

25c ft "- •• - Q - c a i

p p l e g p

m r f p e l r a i t . ' N o . 2 V , t i n s I/, t i n s — i t y — F n

53c 3 c a i

Tjrries-------D n B l a c k b e r -

^ o a n s 4 ,

Strinilies . ; ' N o , 2 t i n s , .

i t p e e l e d a n d 4 • c a i

o n c a n s

r ■ : , Ci' H i l l ’s R e c

u p i b t i

n t “ b o t t l e 5 -------------- . - X — I b . - t i

J 9 c ..........., - : 2 . i M r

‘ ' ' ' f -

1L 28.1928. •

iElRiGLEdnLr , ELEGI Ni OFflGiS:

t Officers for Uio school year W 2a-» ,•Iwere elected by th e , Dluc Tnanglo T c h itiT irT rir« M n g -a ftc r-8 c n o o l-T n n n ::~ — Jday In the club room. K ath ryn Lar- ned w u elected president. M argaret

' Rlchers, .vice president,- and Helen j Taylor, secrctarj-. R u th Brueggc-

_i^msnn nnrt Marv Alice D lller tied for...........

1 Thirteen’ delegate* and five alter-. .tnolM to th c summ er cainp. a t Pay.

Lelier. Dorothy Evans. Dorcas Chris- ' teson, H dcn White, K athryn U m e d .WargarcV-lUehtra..:'MorJorie_Olnn?lon,_____Rulh Seol. Mary Allcc D ltler, Bculc Koehler. Inez Cedcrbunj knd Mary easy. -Alteniales are Bcmlce D il- ter, Barbara Sanger, Ellccn W ork­man. Flora,H ayden and Esther S h ip - mon,

• - 7,-O rE A K U T S,-N O -pAY .DAKAR (/p)-ShortaKC of the pea­

nu t crop in Senegalese A frlca-is-cx< pected to affec t adversely ih o coun­try's purchasing powe^ thU year. Ex­cessive rains causcd cxlcnslve losses in the crop through mold and tno sliortagc is M tU riated 'al aoo.W* tons.- “v

X ' T O D A Y .

' I S T H E

L A S T D A Y O F ^

. U M B A U G H ^

— T « f e r i e i f — —

■ ■ B A L E

3P.M .“ ■■'■'8 P.M....


Fogether jS t o r e s 'c o n s i a t e n t l y o f f e r | j] ,ib u t in s o r g a n iz a t io n a d d . L i to rc s , a n n u a l s a l e s o x - H

m o th o d o f o p e r a t i n g a n d L

ity fo o d s a t th c l o w e s t J '

i n a t Q £ s _ _ _ z ! t

n ??- h r r m H r a —___

i n P u r e e O

; a n s . 5 9 C . .. |

p i n a c h

n s , M a x i m u m q u a l - .......[ H i ri’r e e f r o m R r i t X

: a n s . 5 9 c ' | J

P e a ^ ■ I 1t i n s , E a r l y J u n e I j f ) '

: a n s , . 4 9 C ■ 1 1 •

t i g B e a n s . |

i s . C u t W a x B e a n s ^

c a n s 4 9 c ' I

ilofteel e d C a n b r a n d — i '

t i n n I

- t i n -----------5 0 C ~ ^ - . m ---------

t i n 9 8 c - ■ ' I .

.■ B U H L ' H ;;