K fWW murSSm Tkccs - University of South...

V K A Hoy«1 Hat Trap. They do tell such a good one of our good-natured driver, * Philips, thas wo think it well worth the putting it in print t It appear* that George went to his stable . * last Saturday morning to fodder his horses, and on moving his grain-box, found a nest of some half-a-doren young rats, with the 4old 'un' uuartered.behind it of course he stirred them up at once, and the old rat in her hurry hid in George's unffhispefable*. Not an old rat that tiuie though.for when, in her search for the best hiding place, she reached their most N I roomy portion in tfie rear, George grabbed her with lp* hands, and going home, hanging oti,*4|£^hough something ailed mm, ne opened xne trap and removed his victim, consigning her to the tender mercies of the feline genus, even less tender , 1 than the gripe which heretofore had been J 1 . . her jailor. We do not learn that it is intended to take out a patent for this trap ""l ' . and would recommend it to any of our w * renders who heretofore have found traps . baited with richly seented cheese and 4 Magnetic Powders,' alike ineffectual. ' Duttttlsonville (67.) Telegraph. Agpentleinnn in Woonsocket made a # successful trial of this 'novel trap' on 'I Monday.evening. As he was sitting in Ins vfdoa-house, enjoying a social smoke with a friend, a monstrous rat started from the opposite side of the room, and run up the leg of his pantaloons, inside, impelling our friend to make sundry gvi rations and some not laint screeches, lie however, had thewpresence of mind to grab the varmint as it reached his thigh ; and J * and although the Statutes of this State forbid strangling to death, the deed was accomplished. We reckon our hero would not like to hftvo had his Daguerreotype taken just as the rat was drawn from his unwhisperables T.Woonsocket Patriot. Cube roa Hydrophobia..Mr. James A. Hubbard, of Boone country, Illinois, in a letter to the St. Louis Republican, gives the following receipt:. Eighteen years ago my brother and myself were bitten by a mad dog. A sheep was also bitten at the same time. Among the many cures offered for the little boys, (we wero then ten or twelve years of age,) a friend suggested the following, which he said would cure the bite of a rattlesnake :.Take a root of com- ( . toon upland ash, (generally called the .1 bla^k ash,) peel off the bark, and boil it to a strong decoction. Of this drink freely. Whilst r.»y father was preparing the above, the sheep spoken of began -to be afflicted with hydrophobia. When it had become so fatigued from its distracted state as to be no longer able to stand, my father drenched it with a pint of the ash root does to ascertain whether he could depend upon it as a cure for his sons. Four horses after the drench had been given, to the astonishment of all t _ the gnimal got up and went quietly with * thq* flock to grazing. My brother and f" mysSlf <*>ntinued to take the medicine eight or ten daya.one gill .three timea a day. No effects of tho dreadful posion were ever diaeovercd on either of us. It has been used very successfully in snake bites, to my knowledge. A Lira Passed in Parson.The Bal timore Sun has the following account: "On yesterday morning,a prisoner, named William Lfowns, whs released from the Penitentiary for the seventh time. It appears that he was first convicted of stealing, on the 10th of December, 1823, when but 13 years old, and sent to prison for one year. At the age of 10, (Nor. 22, A 1826,) he was again convicted of steal- S iug, under three indictments, for which he \ was imprisoned 0 years. At the age of 23, (Feb. 15, 1833,) he was convicted of *. atealing ouce more, and sent to the Peniitentary for 4 years. Orfthe0th of June, 1837.a few months after his release. he was couvicted of stealing for the fourth 1 time, and locked up for 2 years. On the 18th of February, 1842, (after having I ' aired himself three years this time,) he L,' was couvicted of stealing for tho fifth time, and ordered to be locked up until V the 8th of April, 1840..On the 10th of October, 1847, (six months after his but release,! be was convicted of stealing for the sixth time, and sentenced to be cooped and caged till the 3d of April, 1850; and J on the 18th' June, 1850, he was found S guilty of being"* common rogue and vagabond," and orderd back to his old quarters for two vcars more, from which he was . turned out for another aring on the 18th II insk Now, whether Billy will keep liirof \ ' self uncaged this time till the dog days, is ' J a matter of exceeding doubt, judging from id his former propensities. It has been near « twenty-nine years since he first entered the penitentiary, and fully twentyfiee of the * twenty-nine years have been spent by him iu the jail ami penitentiary together, arid it may, therefore, be very properly said, that from the age o* thirteen, BillyV home has been enitrely in prison. A question | to be determined is, whether this man U ss consth«t-iooslly a thief or whether, ft from his fondness for his prison home, he only commits small thefts in order to get IV. back again. For the gratificat'on of the y curious, we will state that Billy is a native «/Ra1timAM eitv. is now 44 vesn old. ssJ i represented himself u King addicted to in temperate habile. He ie well bettered ea e prisoner, end ie en excellent weaver, end there ie no donbt, if we bed e House of Refuge for hie reception when he committed hie Riot offence, et the ege of 18, - he would here grown up en honest end indnatrious^fej PeovsenMiM. F. Q. MrrrAO..This gentkwuAn, wfli ktown to this oosa inanity, » now in CltndWBe, delivering e series of lectures on the science of Pheeno Physiology. This ie anew science lately brought w light by the bent of the rnfmofi own wenim fob science nrapoee* Ie Inform the world,thet everything in nature is gorwmedjiy ioma md oolcc, end that ail ool* ore at) mdoetm tm two primitive, ek: black end white; ell the rest being ootnbinslbns of these two. The PVofeasor will probably deliver another lecture tonight, in Spring's Brick Bidding, when mmI where eR who me curious to beer % A Column for Every Body. Arnicas Slavs Tsadk..In spite of tbo laws making this trade piracy, the number of negroes taken from Africa, during the last ten years to Cuba, is aixty-aix thousand, and to Brazil three hundred and twenty-eix thousand. The traffic is still regularly carried on, notwithstanding the utmost vigilance that is exercised by the various British and other cruisers on the coast. Fratricide. . The Louisville Democrat says that a melancholy event occurred in Estill county, Ky.. on the 13th inst. Two brothers, W. H. and Andrew J. Lawrence had an altercation relative to a partition fence. A. J. L. went and got his rifle, came back, and in the presence of four or five persona, shot hir brother while standing on the icnce, me Dan uiKing eneci in trie eye and killing him immediately. Liberality of Slates..A gentleman from Maine, on a visit to Charleston 8. C., writes in the Christian Mirror, that there are five thousand Methodist colored communicants in and near Charleston, and their contributions for benevolent purposes during the year past amount to more than three dollnrs to each member. Singular ElectricPhenomehon..When the shower commenced, yesterday afternoon, each flash of lightning so acted on the wires of the fire alarm that all the bells throughout the city which are included in the circuit struck as powerfully as when operated for an alarm. The phenomena was a singular and beautiful one..Boiton Bee, 23d iml. The Cincinnati Nonpareil mentions a doubtful story, that a party of near 600 Cuban invasionists have been formed in that city and Louisville, and that they are ready to depart at a moment's warning. Seventeen Year Locusts..As was predicated last year, the seventeen year locusts have made their appearance in Connecticut In 1818 and in 1836 their presence on a lot of land aboat fifty roda square, some three miles from the North Glastenbury post office, is chronicled. The woods on that spot are nnwnlk'n witK tKo!a* musln Do Bui wrap knivoa and forks in wooioos; wrap Uimd in good strong brown paper.. SUel is injarad by lying in wools*. Tbs tras distance IwSwsso Now York sad Hon Fraaetsso Is as follows: Froaa Now York to Chagrcss, 2,200 ndlrs; from Cbagroas to Panaw, 84; from Pmmum to Nan Franeiaco, 2,700; total, 4JM niMoo. fnnani ii Mirr .Tbsbill aatahHabiag s branch mint in California having paasod tho Biaota on Wodnooday la at, vMk tbo Hanoi aamlniak, It Mods only 8m FtodWont'a aignotawo to baa aw alow. Mm Partington thinks those will bo smb " Bobby, what in the highest lattitude kn^wn!" wThe highest lattitude known ia that which Bill Jones allows to his feelings when waltzing with our Kate." It is unne-*-. ccssary to add, that Boby was immediately marched off to bed. Some Yankee has invented a new kind of ink, called "The I<ove-Letter Ink," it is a sure protection against all cases of -breach of promise," as the ink fades away, and leaves the sheet blank again fn about four weeks after being written upon. A Good Hit..Among the resolutions introduced into the Women's Rights Con. vention in their recent session ata We t Cheater. Pa., is the following. Legislators are requested to -make note of it:" RzsohtJ, That !/ it be true that it ia wo. man's province to sooth the angry passions and calm the bcMgerant feelings of man, mo know of mo ptaso whore she would Cud a riper harvest awaiting her labor than in the halls of our National and State legislation. A new gold dollar iato be issued from the Philadelphia mint It will be about the size of a ninepence, with a hole in the centre. The present gold dollar is too small for eonveniqnee. Will Rem air in Office..Mr. Webster, at the solicitation of hia friends, it is said, has consented to remain in office until the expiration of President Fillmore's term. He, however, will shortly leave for Marshfield, to spend th« summer months, as has been usual with him for many years. Mr. Graham will continue in office. Gen. Soott, it ia also stated, will not resign unless elected President, and in that event will follow the example of Gen. Taylor, by resigning, to take effect in March. Heavv Betting.-.It in stated that Gen. Lane hits accepted a bet from Mr. Gartland, of Georgia, of 010,000, that Gen. Scott will be elected. We will bet oar old hat that.the man who get* the moat votea.will be elected. 9 Sbbvkd Trap Hiobt..J. P. Smith, who was nnder bond to the amount of 03,000 for rescuing Shodroch, the fugitive slave, has left his bondsmen to pay the bill. A box of Strawberries sold at Boston on Saturday last for |i. Rum is now ealled in Maine "Oxygenated BitveiV'ond is sold as medicine at the shops of the apothecaries. A Washington paper says*."An industrious Mead lately returned from a two yeire' residence in California, bae made twenty tl ousand dollars.in experience, and brought home with him sixty-two cents !" We "go in* for women's rights. Every woman has a right to s husband end a baby. Perditioned be the manswho would deny her the inerilmable blessing of an inalienable privilege! A beggar boy, applying to a lady in Boatoo one day last week, for moony to get a dona of castor oil, was ealled in sad the oil administered gratis, despite his grimmaeea. These are 6JM8 inmates in the alma house, hospitals end asylums of New-York city, besides about UdOinthe prisons. * 4 Cholera in Texas..The cholera is said to bo irwking aad havoc in the vicinity of Rutecsville, Texas. Four wagoners were recently found"<^ad on the road, having died of cholera, with no "bne near them to witness their sufferings and death. Mr. King, the Democratic candidate for the Vice-Presidency, is a bachelor. Mr. Graham, the Whig nominee for the same office, has, it is said, the most agreeable and Accomplished of his counirvwnnipn for wife. Upon that platform, Mr. G. has the advantage of Ma competitor. Drought .Our North Carolina exchanges bring distressing accounts of a prevailing drought in that State. Wells, springs and streams, heretofore perreniel, have gone dry, or nearly so, in many sections, and all the crops are being seriously injured. "Look out dare how vou throw bricks. guess you want to kill dis niggrr," said a fusty black hod carrier the other day, when a large brick fell from a two-story scaffold upon his head, and broke in two without any other damage. Hioh Prick for 8laveb..The Denton (Md.) Journal states that on the 15th ult, there were sold at that place, for cash, a negro man, aged 31 years, for $850 ; a woman aged 18 years, for $600; and a woman aged 17 years and infant, for $660. Camphf.se Accidents..The Providence Journal says: "We still find the record of accidents by the use of burning fluid, almost every day. We do not copy them; for everybody who will take warning is already warned." A Green Old Age..-The Auburn Advertiser chronicles the marriage of Aseph Morse, of Moravia, in Cayug county, a revolutionary soldier, aged 91, to Cynthia Whitaker, of Locke, in the same county, aged 82, a relict of the same glorious pericd. Ho! for Australia..A schooner of 150 tons is to leave Port Stanley, on Lake Erie, for Australia direct, in August. She is to be fitted up in yacht style, and it is deemed that she is quite adequate to the voyage she is to undertake. She will pass through the whole line of Canadian canals. An Irishman who had just landed, said the first bit of meat he ever ate in this country, was "a roasted potatoe, boiled yesterday ; -id if you do not believe me, I can show it ,»you, for I have it in my pocket now." A lady remarked to a printer the other day, that although he might print a kiss, he must never publish it. Boy, you seem to be quite smart.altogether too smart for this school.can you tell me how many aix black beans are!" "Yes, half a dozen." " Well, how many nre half dozen of white beans V " Six." "Tremendous smart boy ! Now tell me how many white beans there are in six black ones!" Half a dozen, ifyou ikin 'em .'** In consequence of this answer the scholar came near being skinned himself. COMMERCIALLATEST DATES. From Liverpool. June 13. From Havre June 14. From Havana June 15. From Charleston July 3. The Market*. Charleston, July 3..Cotton.We continue our former quotations, the market having closed firmly, and with a further upward tendency of prices. 541 bales changed hands at pricec ranging from 7| tq 11 eta. Charleston, June 26.Half-past 1 P.M. Cottos.Sales this morning about 90 bales at 11 cents. Columbia, July 2..Cotton.Our Cotton market to-day was quiet and very firm.prices were full, and the outside figures of yea-. terday were freely paid. 63 bales were sold. at price* ranging from 8fc a 10 7-16 centa. Cotton Statement. There have been received in Charleston during the past week 3,577 bales, (com-S; pouding week last year 3,993 bales.) Exparted In the same time to foreign ports 4r 099 bale* ; coastwise 1,937 bales; making the total exports of the week <M)99 bales ; and leaving on hand a stock of 25,902 bales, inclusive of 4£44 bales on shipboard not cleared, against a stock of 22,687 bales same time last year. The total receipts since our last report amount to 9,093 bales, (against 11,587 bales same week last year;) making a grand total since the 1st September to date of 2,962,465 bales, against 2^278,124 bales the same time last year, and 1,969,402 bales the year previous. The total export* to foreign ports amount to 2^11,542 bales showing on increase of 495A&Q bales from thosu of last year to the same time. The shipments to Northern porta show an increase ot 304,769 bales.. i he stoeK on nana at all the porta is M7,14'J bales less than those of Ust year st the same period. Jfiiuiign. On the 94th »! , by the Res. Win Broitson, Mr. T. V. Walsh, of Camden, to Miss Ellen David, of Homier District 3rif jjs. "SWEET EE EBB It EST." On the 96th sit, st the residence of C. R. sad M. M. Twttty, their infant daughter Ella Blake, after aa illness of 8 weeks, aged IS months sad one week. Her disembodied spirit's flown To aliases sad fields of pure delight; TV* end sorrow are unknown, Bat all is sales, serene sad bright KlHDBBa. G. F. College, N. Chinas M, 1869. la FaMMd District, sa Friday 1Mb alt, sf ehrsaia dysentery, Cbas.0. Williatsow, in Um 90*k jmr af hiaag*. Oa flaalay wwlay. Jaa« 37th, agid S4, Mia. Mamaut Fiakm Havtoi, daughter 4f Um lala Gaa. Fhmi Friiln, ef VirgfaU. aad wt&W Wads Hampion, Jr, W CaUmbia. ^ » la ReaUaglMm Caaaty. N. C., ea Um Md It, tioMR Ram. iftd abaci 66 jnm, N AdluridUt fMWl QawMrUNwU .£» - > 1 # 9 A number of Jewish citirtns of'New* York hare been incorporated into a society "for the purpose of ado-ding surgical and medical aid;comfbrt and protection in sicklied to worth and needy Isralites." They are now raising subscriptions to aid in me erection of a commodious hospital. Mail Arrangements. fa»4en ISall DUE MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND FRIDAY, At 8 o'clock, P. M. DEPARTS TUE8DAY THURSDAY, A 8ATURDAY, At 7 o'clock, A. M. CharlsUe ItKall DUE MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND FRIDAY, At 8 o'clock, P. M. DEP# rg TUESDAY, THURSDAY, A SATURDAY, At 7 o'clock, A. M. C oncord mil DUE THURSDAY, AT 0 P. M. DEPARTS FRIDAY, AT 6 A. M. Wlnsboro' mail. DUE SATURDAY, AT 6 P. M. DDPARTS THURSDAY, AT 4 P. M. Chentcrvllle mail: DUE WEDNESDAY, AT 5 P. M. DEPARTS SATURDAY, AT 1 1 A. M. Chesterfield, C. H. Mail. DUE SATURDAY, AT 10 A. M. DEPARTS TlIRRBDAY, AT 4 A. M. All letters must be deposited by 8 o'olk P. M., to ensure their departure by next mail. T. R. MAOILL, P. M. SPECIAL NOTICES. IW Tho friends of GEORGE McC. WITHERSPOON, Esq., nnnonnce him »s n Candidate to represent this District in the Senate of the next Legislature. fcgT The friends of J. A. STEWMAN announce him aa a Candidate for the office of Clerk of the Court, at the ensuing Election. IdgTThe friends of WM. MeKENNA announce him as a candidate to represent this District in the Senate, at the ensuing election. 13F" The frieadb-oN^r. W. C. Cauthen announce him to the_ citizens, of Iatncaster District as a candidate to represent them in the House of Representatives in the next Legislature. MR. EDITOR:.Please, announce ColTHOMAS W. HUEY as a suitable candidate to ropreaent this District in the Senate, in the next Legislature, and oblige MANY VOTERS. MR. EDITOR:.Please announce Mr. A. D. BLACKMON, AS a candidate for Clerk of the Court at the next election, and obligo ' MANY VOTERS. K. G. BILLINGS la annoutinced as a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Court at the next election, by . MANY FRIENDS dt SUPPORTERS^ MR. EDITOR:.Please announce J. R CONNELL, Esq., as a Candidate for Tax Collectojr, and oblige MANY VOTERS. MR. EDITOR.Please announce Mr.P.T Hammond as a Candidate for the House of Representatives in the next I,egislature, and oblige MANY VOTERS. MR. EDITOR.Please announce Mr. T. k. uumtob aa a candidate for the House of Represcntativea in the next* Legislature, ami oblige MANY V0TER8. MR. EDITOR:.Please announce JOHN H. ADAMS as a anitable candidate for Clerk of the Court, at the next election, and oblige * MANY VOTERS. tarThe frienda of MARTIN P. CRAWFORD, Esq., announce him as a candidate to represent the District of Lancaster in the House of Representatives at the ensuing election for Members of the legislature. Hf* The friends of P. T. MOB LEY announce him as a Candidate for Tax Collector at the next election. tf 16, MR. EDITOR.Pleaae announce Capt. A. A. linxEBTlK as a i andlOate ror Tax Colleetor of Lancaater District, and oblige many voters. fW The friends of William RownaoN announce Mm aaa candidate for the office ot Clerk of the Court at the next election. Laactiter Dlvbioa, If . SO, ' SONS OF TEMPERANCE, l!ii!«w Sti Rogiim »Vtf kiy MecUugs at U?e Temperance Hall every Saturday Evening, at 8 o'clock. 1. II. BLAIR, June 18. 18 r. 8. NEf HVBRTISItMEXTS. Upper Settalioa flat Reg't, I 0.1 Ifotioo of Tfl option. IN OBEDIENCE TO AN ORDER EMI. inating fnun Brigadier Oeaaral Chandler, an election will be held at the dUfcrant company Muster Grounds, on the Slat July far a Major in the Upper Battallioa to All the vacancy oeaaaloned by the proaootion of Ueat Cel. H. R. Price. The Captains of the Upper KnttaMon are ehtmd with the ox tension of this Older. R. R PRICE, Cot 91st Reg'm't LsnesstssC If], Jely 6th iMi. » 3t. Bwoifc & Xrfurd, ¥7*OR SALE BY r II UABHRLTINE St, HAGI1V8. WHEAT FANS. OERSONS WISHING ANY OP THK JT shoes srtigLs»see hsvsi sop win fmL rzrJl^-s-1 p. f WW ^Wh m murSSm LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the post office at Lancaster C. H., July 1st, 1863. Bailey, James s.t Jones, Edmond Baret, Daniel N., * Johnson, Wm. E., in Burts, Dr. care of Dr. Robert liarkedale, Sam'l, Johnson. Bums. Rebocca M. ' Lany, A. A. Chambers, Joseph Lathan, Misa J. L. Cauthen, John . McCall, W. E. Cole, Miss Jincy R. McAteer, Andrew Cas ton, Dr. W. Mouth rap, Rebecca Doby, J. M. Mason, Dryry Erstridge, James Mathews, Owen rrej,j«iepn ferry, John Frey, Sarah Rice, Jeaae Frost, Hon. Edward Sharp, D. C. Faulkinberry, J. M. Twisty, Hiram Flemming, Archev Try°n ^ Blackmon, Funderburk, L. H. Underwood, J. J. Gawly, Mrs. E. Walkup Israel P. George, D. Wylie, Dr. W. Hammond, Geo. Watta, Mineria Miss Hammond, S. N. Whitaker, Levi Hudson, Wm. Whitaker, Edward L. Hough, John H. * Williams, Joahun Harper, W. 8. u - David, or John. Persons calling for Letters on this list will please say they arc advertised^ THOS. R. MAGILL, P. M. Riw Gents Reward! RANAWAY FROM THE 8UBSRIBER on Friday morning 3d of Jnly, a Bound White Boy, named William F. Avens.. Said boy is about 18 years of age, 6 feet 9 or 10 inches high, hair of a light color, and weighs 160 lbs.; quite a robust looking fellow. He was bound to the Subscriber for the purpose of learning the Carpenter's Business, and nbsconded without cause or provocation. A reward of air cents, (whieh is five cents more than he is worth,) will be paid for his apprehension and delivery at Isincaster C. H , without any thanks. G.H.CALDWELL. July 7 21 3t DRV GOODS & GROCERIES. WOODVILLE STORE, Six Kile* South of Lancaster C. H. MY STORE IS NOW OPEN, AND ready for the accommodation of Customers. I have a fine stock of Goods, and a general assortment; ladies and gentlemen can be accommodated to almost any article of STAPLE* FANCY DRY GOODg HATS, BOOTS <C SHOES. GRO- iMouiiDjr. nnscii. mwui, nonnei»4UM wans Crockery, Stationary, Groceries, Medicines, Broadcloths, Caaaimcros, Caahmeretta Plain aod Fancy Linen*, Brown an< Bleached Goods, ladiea' Dreaa Goods ol every description and quality, of the very latest styles, and almost every article callec for.which we offer at very low prices U suit the times. Our stock has been careful Iv selected from the very beat markets in the United States. Wa return our sincere thanks for Km liberal patronage wa have received; and having purchased the Houses and Ix>t which . we now occupy, thereby making a permanent location in 1 annaater Village, wa hop* by a strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of your patronage. ap ft tns ] T R.fr jTr MMtt OHBAP GOODS A* Bella!«% C. rpHE SUBSCRIBER 0 NOW RBCBV. I i__ t rv.j.i. i JJi-i hb Mock of CHEAP GODlKS, >monfl wMeh arti many wtfcbo to soft the comina MM, wbbh will bo ooM at amah printM cannot fail to giro aatiafaetion. Thooc wonting Goofe will fed it to tMr adran. tngo to mU «rtjr, WAn flto owoy uiut QWtf MtWw aaoooMooi. 0TTMMCnM,to fe*Mfef»*. cMiaitmi »~tf / . ; ! Tkccs ictictibt OUR MOTTO 18 u Quick Sale* and Short Profit*? HAILE & TWITTY Most respectfully invitf the attention of Ldboaaterville, an< I surrounding country, to new ua tirap Drag store, one door south of J. Adiuns' Store, when they can find a welt "elected stock of Dnigc Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs one Perfumery s. Lady's Toilet Powders, Wate Colored Paints and Pencils, Puffs die Fiqp Envelopes and Note Paper, Fine Chew ing Tobacco and Cigars, always on hand Anything in our line, not on hand, will ordered for customers at the shortest notice All the above articles having been pur chased mostly for cash, will be sold lowe than the same article has usually been soli in this place. Call and see that this is m puffin#. fngT* Our Soda Fountain is now in ope ration, and we are prepared to accommodat our customers with Soda Water, Syrupt die. Ice always on hand. Lancasterville, S. C., April 28. 3mo. SARJLERY, TAILORING, &C UBOYMi. HARNESS! HARNESS!! B. A. BUTTON, A-jK mi MANUFACTURER OF CARRIAGE AND WAGON HARNESS BRIDLES, MARTENGALES, MEDICAL BAGS, TRUNKS, WHIPS, And everything belo-.iging to a well regulate HARNESS SHOP. THE Subscriber, having removed hi Harness Establishment to the shop foi merly occupied by Emmons di Button as caeriage shop, one lot below the Coui House on Dunlap street, would respectfull inform the citizens of I>ancaster and sui roundinfi country, that he is now prepared t carry on the Harness business in all its vari ousbranches; having had a thorough exp« rimce in the business, the subscribe would respcctrully solicit the custon of all persons being in want of any thing in his line; and hopes by a strict at tcntion to business, and working nothing bu the best material, to share at least a portioi of the public patronage. All work warran ted. Saddles repaired at short notice. Call and examine, and be convihced tha I can sell Harness or any tiling in the liar ness line as low, according to quality, as cai be bought in Charleston. " D. A. BUTTON, feb 516 6m 3 SADDLE 8L HARNESS Establishment. THE SUBSCRIBER RES pectfully informs the citizens c tins District and elsewhere, that he ha removed from his former stand to the oh stand formerly occupied by F. _K. Brum mett, where he is prepared to carry on th< Saddle and Harness business in all its va rious branches; sueh as Covering an< Padding Saddles, which he will warrant Waggon Harness, Riding Bridles, <fce and will sell as low as can be purchase* elsewhere. l'lease call and examine for vourselva | P. M.'POER. . Lancaster, Feb. 1*2. 6m.1 ! ImoaiM In IHonroe, C. " XTST D- I*ORTICE, respectfully infonr v the citizens of Monroe and surrom ding country, that he has permanently loci ted himself in this place, where he will cai ry on the above business in all its variou branches in Neatness and Style, and at the same time have a due regard t j THE LATEST FASHIONS. \ NT Cutting done at short notice. , Monroe N. C. June 9 3m 18 W^TSJJRLOW CASTOR" ATTORNEY AT LAW AMD SO^IC TOR IV EQUITY. , Attend* the Court* in Jxtncaster, Krrshw f and Adjoining Districts. BF" OFFICE, CAMDEN, 8. C._£3 » J. C. SECREST, Magistrate. uAKCAITU, 8. C. LEATHER! LEATHER!! ' TTrPEK, SOLE, AND IIARNES 5 Leather for aale at extreme low prici f for cash, or exchanged for Hides previous t I M July next i HA88ELTINE A HAGINS, Ag'U. May 11 Smo 14_ , WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A SMART, ACTIVE LAD, ABOIT 16 or 16 year* of age, a* an Apprei tiee to Die Printing Bnaiaeaa. One wh poaaeaaee a good Engliah education, and diapoaed to learn, may have a good aitoi tion by applying aa above. 1 FOR SALE, ' A N EXCEIJJ3NT SETT OF WAGO! HARNESS, which will bo sold ioi for Caah, if applied Cor immediately. | R. 8. BAILEY. f WANTED TO HIRE A NEGRO WOMAN, TO OOOK AN; Waah, and a Girl or Woman to mind child. A fair price will- be paid, anrf wag* i paid monthly. Apply at Una Office. Btoon. i LBS PRIME B/ . Rib* con, for sale lo , by * 10 ' BILLINGS 4 BELK. Iron. Q AAA LBS. IRON FOR SALE LOW for caah, by 10 CURETON 4 MASSKY. rartiouxulk wonoi ! handbill," check * cari ruiTiii Ayiiiilnki) FoMMi Fivpl Wte, tu., wd on Mr. u ekeep «mW 4mm In thi IMi «r liwulmi. or fifeM* at short Mtfe. CERIES, HARDWARE, CT/rLERY, CROCKERY, -SV1DDLERY; CONFECTI ON ARIES, DRUGS d- MEDICINES, (Mineral and Patent :) School Books & Stationery. bobmu, 4c., icc., My goods ftre all new, and well selected to suits II classes, and can be sold low for cash or to approved customers on short time.. Country produce taken in exchange, and I therefore earnestly solicit a share of pnblic patronage. Persons wishing anything in my line, will find it to their interest to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Auto.I have a fine lot of likely (young No. 1) Slaves for sale; and among the number, a first rate Cook, House Servant «tid Seamstress, which I will sell in proportion to the times, for cash or approvea paper on short time. IsmIU-h call if yon wish really to buy some thing fine and nice. Myself or clerk wil take great pleasure in exhibiting our goods and still greater pleasure in packing up fo you.ana what will please you still bettei they are truly Southern, purchased in Bal timorc, a Southern city. ELI C. BISHOP. Woodville, Lancaster Dist, / June 30, 1863. { 31 tf. NOTICE. Havhig disposed of my stock of Dry Goods and Groceries to J. E Cubitus, I take this method of returninf my sincere thanks to the public for th< gone runs patronage which i have receiver from them during the space of time I hav< been entraired in business. T k! CURETON,J». Having purchased the en. tiro stock of Goods belonging to T K. curktow, Jr., I feel disposed to ssy to th< public I am prepared to sell either l)r) Goods 'or Groceries as low, on time, or low er for cash, than any merchant in the u| country. Come gentlemen and examin< my stock before pureturning elsewhere. J. £ cotteton. waxhaw CaKKK.Jane 30. 6t 91 tfotias. . Being anxious to close thi Bushieaa as soon as practicable, w< invite the attention of the public to the see and well-selected stock of Goods on hanc at Pleasant Hill, s. C., which may he had or unusually accommodating terms for cash and on a credit to punctual customers, ai heretofore. A. J. CAUTHEN, > Executor anc J. E. J. BECKHAM. \ Executrix. Pleasant Hill P. On June 30. 91 4t nehtgoods! new goods! WE ARE NOW RECEIVING and opening our stock of Vt SyriBg nmrnrnwrnrr QtMt consisting in*part of the following:.Hats P.. PI.aLI Ut » * « a P LEC1L State of South Carolina. Lancaster District. In the Common Pleas. '' R. C. Potts, i Declaration in ^ vs. V Foreign '* J.D.Gordon, j Attachment. WHEREAS, THE PLAINTIOT DID on the 22th day of April, 1B92, file '' his Declaration against the Defendant who, (as it is said) is absent from and without the minus 01 uus oinie, aad has neither wife nor * attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said Declration might be ser" ved. It is, therefore, ordered that the said ® Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration on or before the 13th day of April which will be in the year of our Lord j One Thousand Eight Hundred snd FiftyThree, otherwise, final and absolute Judg9 ment will then be gircn and awarded ngsins t him. * * H. R. PRICE, c. c. p. Clerks Office, Lancaster C. II., April 13, 1852. ly.qr.no.ll NOTICE. ~ All persons havino demands of any character or grade against Sl* mon Beckham, Esq., late of Lancaster l)is» trict, deceased, are notified to present the same legally attested, nnd all indebted are requested to settle immediately either by cash or note. A. J. CAUTHEN. Qualified Executor. k Pleasant Hill P. O , Ijincaster Dist., ) 3ni May 4th, 1852, $ 14 I, Southern Standard will please copy four times in weekly, and forward bill to Pleasant Hill, P. O. Kn Equity Lancaster Dintrict. inkn rlnl»ow?flA« ^ 8 VS. * Jnmes M. Richardson, Bill for ^ Thomas Richardson, account. Joseph B. Klingle, and relief, and *_ wife Margaret, so-forth. Mary Allen, Cyrus A.Allen &, wife Jane.^ w It appearing to my satisfaction that all the r above named defendants reside without the [i limits of this State. It is ordered, on r. motion of Moore, fo'ieitor for complaiunnts, . that the said defendants do answer, plead, t or demur to the Bill in above case, on or i on or before the 1st day of September. 1852, . otherwise judgment pro confesso, will be ordercd'against each and all of them, t JAMES II. WITHERSPOON, C. E. L. T>. i Commissioner's Office, ) Lancaster, C. H., 8. C., > May 24th, 1852. j Muy 2G 3m. 18 » MI SCE LLANEOfs. " CATAWBA HOUSE, ' On Main-Street, j (A few r<tds Smith <rf the Court Ilouse.) - THE above named House has -iptv j JUL been much enlarged and put JfluL . in thorough repair and furnished anew, J and is now prepared to accomodate all those disposed to give it a call. The subscriber makes no leasts but will simply j say that the Public shall be aceomrr.ndaUmI in e vtyb* not excelled by any Ilnuse j. in the up country. ' J. A. HA.SSELTINK. Lancaster, l'cb 12 tf 1 A CARD. Messrs. g. f. Kennedy, «f Chester, and JAMES M. HURST, formerly one of the proprietors of the Planters' 1S Hotel, Charleston, have leased the Ame- £ riran Hotel, Kikg-street, and would ^ respectfully solicit from their friends and r_ the travelling public a portion of their pat~ ronage. We pledge ourselves tfiat the Sests of the Hotel will receive accomtnotion unsurpassed by any in the city. kennedy & 1iurst. # Charleston, May 19. 6m 15 NOTICE TO FARMERS. Joseph Clark, ~ AT HIS SHOP, SIX MILES SOUTH of Lancaster, on the Land's Ford road, J Makes Cotton Gins, best Cast Stool Saws, at #2 per saw ; the most approved Straw ' 9 Cutters, at #95, cuts with two blades very fast and tine, and easy kept in ohiet; also, all kind of Gun work. Old Gins faithfully repaired. ~ Also.All kinds of Turning Wood or Iron and any Black Smith's work that any eno else cannot do, can be done here. m4t. 17. ESTRAYS. Taken up by the subscriber at his residence, within one mile of S Lands Ford, TWO MULES.one an Iron is Gray Mule, the other a Gray florae Colt, to with marks on. his shoulder. J. M. FAULKNER. .. COTTON GINS. COTTON GINS OF SUPERIOR CONstruction, and of the beat material, at T #9 per Saw, made and warranted by the v Subscriber. Also, Wheat Fans, Thrashing o Machines and Horse Mills, is Old Gins faithfully repairhd. All orders % thankfully received and punctually attended to. R. J. McCRfclGIIT. - ^ Camden, S. C., April 14, 1859. 10.6m. n Caution to Every Body! " A LL PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED AND 1\ Cautioned not to trade for a note given - by mo to John Turner, dated 3d January, 1852, and due 1 st December, 1 Hft'J, for Six ty Dollars. Said note was given for a Horse [) which was unsound at the thne, (hut I did a not know it,) and which Horse died in a fow M days after I got him. I will not pay said note unless compelled by law, and I do not r- believe a jnst law wHl make me pay K, as the horse was unsound to rottenness > stephen wilmams. mil a at mi. n* [ ~ GODErg LADY'S BOOK ONE TEAR, AND r Arthur9* Home Gazette ONE Y*tY, " Will be Bent to any pereoft or persons* on receipt of $4 The < price of the two separately wonld E) be Five Dollars. ' iJKi rocro Me CAT4W&& 0 # *

Transcript of K fWW murSSm Tkccs - University of South...


A Hoy«1 Hat Trap.They do tell such a good one of our

good-natured driver, * Philips, thas wothink it well worth the putting it in print

t It appear* that George went to his stable.


last Saturday morning to fodder hishorses, and on moving his grain-box, founda nest of some half-a-doren young rats,with the 4old 'un' uuartered.behind it ofcourse he stirred them up at once, and theold rat in her hurry hid in George's unffhispefable*.Not an old rat that tiuiethough.for when, in her search for thebest hiding place, she reached their most

N I roomy portion in tfie rear, George grabbedher with lp* hands, and going home,hanging oti,*4|£^hough something ailedmm, ne opened xne trap and removed hisvictim, consigning her to the tender merciesof the feline genus, even less tender

, 1 than the gripe which heretofore had beenJ 1 . . her jailor. We do not learn that it is intendedto take out a patent for this trap""l '

. and would recommend it to any of ourw * renders who heretofore have found traps. baited with richly seented cheese and

4 Magnetic Powders,' alike ineffectual.'Duttttlsonville (67.) Telegraph.

Agpentleinnn in Woonsocket made a

# successful trial of this 'novel trap' on

'IMonday.evening. As he was sitting inIns vfdoa-house, enjoying a social smokewith a friend, a monstrous rat startedfrom the opposite side of the room, andrun up the leg of his pantaloons, inside,impelling our friend to make sundry gvirations and some not laint screeches, liehowever, had thewpresence of mind to grabthe varmint as it reached his thigh ; and

J * and although the Statutes of this Stateforbid strangling to death, the deed was

accomplished. We reckon our hero wouldnot like to hftvo had his Daguerreotypetaken just as the rat was drawn from hisunwhisperables T.Woonsocket Patriot.

Cube roa Hydrophobia..Mr. JamesA. Hubbard, of Boone country, Illinois,in a letter to the St. Louis Republican,gives the following receipt:.

Eighteen years ago my brother andmyself were bitten by a mad dog. Asheep was also bitten at the same time.Among the many cures offered for thelittle boys, (we wero then ten or twelveyears of age,) a friend suggested the following,which he said would cure the biteof a rattlesnake :.Take a root of com-

( . toon upland ash, (generally called the.1 bla^k ash,) peel off the bark, and boil it

to a strong decoction. Of this drinkfreely.

Whilst r.»y father was preparing theabove, the sheep spoken of began -to beafflicted with hydrophobia. When it hadbecome so fatigued from its distractedstate as to be no longer able to stand,my father drenched it with a pint of theash root does to ascertain whether hecould depend upon it as a cure for hissons. Four horses after the drench hadbeen given, to the astonishment of all

t_ the gnimal got up and went quietly with* thq* flock to grazing. My brother andf" mysSlf <*>ntinued to take the medicine

eight or ten daya.one gill .threetimea a day. No effects of tho dreadfulposion were ever diaeovercd on eitherof us. It has been used very successfullyin snake bites, to my knowledge.

A Lira Passed in Parson.The Baltimore Sun has the following account:"On yesterday morning,a prisoner, namedWilliam Lfowns, whs released from

the Penitentiary for the seventh time. Itappears that he was first convicted ofstealing, on the 10th of December, 1823,when but 13 years old, and sent to prisonfor one year. At the age of 10, (Nor. 22,

A 1826,) he was again convicted of steal-S iug, under three indictments, for which he\ was imprisoned 0 years. At the age of

23, (Feb. 15, 1833,) he was convicted of*. atealing ouce more, and sent to the Peniitentaryfor 4 years. Orfthe0th of June,

1837.a few months after his release.he was couvicted ofstealing for the fourth

1 time, and locked up for 2 years. On the18th of February, 1842, (after having

I ' aired himself three years this time,) heL,' was couvicted of stealing for tho fifth

time, and ordered to be locked up untilV the 8th of April, 1840..On the 10th of

October, 1847, (six months after his butrelease,! be was convicted of stealing forthe sixth time, and sentenced to be coopedand caged till the 3d of April, 1850; and

J on the 18th' June, 1850, he was foundS guilty of being"* common rogue and vagabond,"and orderd back to his old quartersfor two vcars more, from which he was

. turned out for another aring on the 18thII insk Now, whether Billy will keep liirof\ ' self uncaged this time till the dog days, is' J a matter of exceeding doubt, judging fromid his former propensities. It has been near

« twenty-nine years since he first entered thepenitentiary, and fully twentyfiee of the

* twenty-nine years have been spent by himiu the jail ami penitentiary together, aridit may, therefore, be very properly said,that from the age o* thirteen, BillyV homehas been enitrely in prison. A question

| to be determined is, whether this man

U ss consth«t-iooslly a thief or whether,ft from his fondness for his prison home, he

only commits small thefts in order to getIV. back again. For the gratificat'on of the

y curious, we will state that Billy is a native«/Ra1timAM eitv. is now 44 vesn old. ssJ

i represented himself u King addicted tointemperate habile. He ie well betteredea e prisoner, end ie en excellent weaver,end there ie no donbt, if we bed e Houseof Refuge for hie reception when he committedhie Riot offence, et the ege of 18,

- he would here grown up en honest end

indnatrious^fejPeovsenMiM. F. Q. MrrrAO..This

gentkwuAn, wfli ktown to this oosainanity,» now in CltndWBe, delivering e series oflectures on the science of Pheeno Physiology.This ie anew science lately broughtw light by the bent of the rnfmofi ownwenim fob science nrapoee* Ie Informthe world,thet everything in nature is gorwmedjiyioma md oolcc, end that ail ool*ore at) mdoetm tm two primitive, ek:black end white; ell the rest being ootnbinslbnsof these two. The PVofeasorwill probably deliver another lecture tonight,in Spring's Brick Bidding, whenmmI where eR who me curious to beer


A Column for Every Body.Arnicas Slavs Tsadk..In spite of tbo

laws making this trade piracy, the numberof negroes taken from Africa, during thelast ten years to Cuba, is aixty-aix thousand,and to Brazil three hundred and twenty-eixthousand. The traffic is still regularly carriedon, notwithstanding the utmost vigilancethat is exercised by the various Britishand other cruisers on the coast.

Fratricide.. The Louisville Democratsays that a melancholy event occurred inEstill county, Ky.. on the 13th inst. Twobrothers, W. H. and Andrew J. Lawrencehad an altercation relative to a partitionfence. A. J. L. went and got his rifle, cameback, and in the presence of four or five persona,shot hir brother while standing on theicnce, me Dan uiKing eneci in trie eye andkilling him immediately.

Liberality of Slates..A gentlemanfrom Maine, on a visit to Charleston 8. C.,writes in the Christian Mirror, that there arefive thousand Methodist colored communicantsin and near Charleston, and their contributionsfor benevolent purposes duringthe year past amount to more than threedollnrs to each member.

Singular ElectricPhenomehon..Whenthe shower commenced, yesterday afternoon,each flash of lightning so acted on the wiresof the fire alarm that all the bells throughoutthe city which are included in the circuitstruck as powerfully as when operated foran alarm. The phenomena was a singularand beautiful one..Boiton Bee, 23d iml.

The Cincinnati Nonpareil mentions a

doubtful story, that a party of near 600 Cubaninvasionists have been formed in thatcity and Louisville, and that they are readyto depart at a moment's warning.Seventeen Year Locusts..As was predicatedlast year, the seventeen year locusts

have made their appearance in ConnecticutIn 1818 and in 1836 their presence on a lotof land aboat fifty roda square, some threemiles from the North Glastenbury post office,is chronicled. The woods on that spot arennwnlk'n witK tKo!a* musln

Do Bui wrap knivoa and forks in wooioos;wrap Uimd in good strong brown paper..SUel is injarad by lying in wools*.Tbs tras distance IwSwsso Now York sad

Hon Fraaetsso Is as follows: Froaa NowYork to Chagrcss, 2,200 ndlrs; from Cbagroasto Panaw, 84; from Pmmum to NanFraneiaco, 2,700; total, 4JM niMoo.

fnnani ii Mirr .Tbsbill aatahHabiags branch mint in California having paasodtho Biaota on Wodnooday laat, vMk tboHanoi aamlniak, It Mods only 8m FtodWont'aaignotawo to baa aw alow.Mm Partington thinks those will bo smb

" Bobby, what in the highest lattitudekn^wn!" wThe highest lattitude known iathat which Bill Jones allows to his feelingswhen waltzing with our Kate." It is unne-*-.ccssary to add, that Boby was immediatelymarched off to bed.Some Yankee has invented a new kind of

ink, called "The I<ove-Letter Ink," it is a

sure protection against all cases of -breachof promise," as the ink fades away, andleaves the sheet blank again fn about fourweeks after being written upon.A Good Hit..Among the resolutions

introduced into the Women's Rights Con.vention in their recent session ata We tCheater. Pa., is the following. Legislatorsare requested to -make note of it:"

RzsohtJ, That !/ it be true that it ia wo.man's province to sooth the angry passionsand calm the bcMgerant feelings of man,mo know of mo ptaso whore she would Cuda riper harvest awaiting her labor than in thehalls of our National and State legislation.A new gold dollar iato be issued from the

Philadelphia mint It will be about thesize of a ninepence, with a hole in the centre.The present gold dollar is too small for eonveniqnee.Will Remair in Office..Mr. Webster,

at the solicitation of hia friends, it is said,has consented to remain in office until theexpiration of President Fillmore's term. He,however, will shortly leave for Marshfield, tospend th« summer months, as has been usualwith him for many years. Mr. Graham willcontinue in office. Gen. Soott, it ia also stated,will not resign unless elected President,and in that event will follow the example ofGen. Taylor, by resigning, to take effect inMarch.Heavv Betting.-.It in stated that Gen.

Lane hits accepted a bet from Mr. Gartland,of Georgia, of 010,000, that Gen. Scott willbe elected.We will bet oar old hat that.the man

who get* the moat votea.will be elected.9

Sbbvkd Trap Hiobt..J. P. Smith, whowas nnder bond to the amount of 03,000 forrescuing Shodroch, the fugitive slave, hasleft his bondsmen to pay the bill.A box of Strawberries sold at Boston on

Saturday last for |i.Rum is now ealled in Maine "Oxygenated

BitveiV'ond is sold as medicine at the shopsof the apothecaries.A Washington paper says*."An industriousMead lately returned from a two

yeire' residence in California, bae madetwenty tl ousand dollars.in experience, andbrought home with him sixty-two cents !"

We "go in* for women's rights. Everywoman has a right to s husband end a baby.Perditioned be the manswho would deny herthe inerilmable blessing of an inalienableprivilege!A beggar boy, applying to a lady in Boatooone day last week, for moony to get a

dona of castor oil, was ealled in sad the oiladministered gratis, despite his grimmaeea.

These are 6JM8 inmates in the alma house,hospitals end asylums of New-York city, besidesabout UdOinthe prisons.



Cholera in Texas..The cholera is saidto bo irwking aad havoc in the vicinity ofRutecsville, Texas. Four wagoners were

recently found"<^ad on the road, having diedofcholera, with no "bne near them to witnesstheir sufferings and death.

Mr. King, the Democratic candidate forthe Vice-Presidency, is a bachelor. Mr.Graham, the Whig nominee for the sameoffice, has, it is said, the most agreeable andAccomplished of his counirvwnnipn forwife. Upon that platform, Mr. G. has theadvantage of Ma competitor.Drought .Our North Carolina exchanges

bring distressing accounts of a prevailingdrought in that State. Wells, springs andstreams, heretofore perreniel, have gone dry,or nearly so, in many sections, and all thecrops are being seriously injured."Look out dare how vou throw bricks.

guess you want to kill dis niggrr," said afusty black hod carrier the other day, whena large brick fell from a two-story scaffoldupon his head, and broke in two without anyother damage.Hioh Prick for 8laveb..The Denton

(Md.) Journal states that on the 15th ult,there were sold at that place, for cash, a negroman, aged 31 years, for $850 ; a woman

aged 18 years, for $600; and a woman aged17 years and infant, for $660.Camphf.se Accidents..The Providence

Journal says: "We still find the record ofaccidents by the use of burning fluid, almostevery day. We do not copy them; foreverybody who will take warning is alreadywarned."A Green Old Age..-The Auburn Advertiserchronicles the marriage of Aseph

Morse, of Moravia, in Cayug county, a revolutionarysoldier, aged 91, to Cynthia Whitaker,of Locke, in the same county, aged 82,a relict of the same glorious pericd.Ho! for Australia..A schooner of 150

tons is to leave Port Stanley, on Lake Erie,for Australia direct, in August. She is tobe fitted up in yacht style, and it is deemedthat she is quite adequate to the voyage sheis to undertake. She will pass through thewhole line of Canadian canals.An Irishman who had just landed, said the

first bit of meat he ever ate in this country,was "a roasted potatoe, boiled yesterday ;-id if you do not believe me, I can show it,»you, for I have it in my pocket now."A lady remarked to a printer the other

day, that although he might print a kiss, hemust never publish it.

Boy, you seem to be quite smart.altogethertoo smart for this school.can youtell me how many aix black beans are!""Yes, half a dozen."" Well, how many nre half dozen of white

beans V" Six.""Tremendous smart boy ! Now tell me

how many white beans there are in six blackones!"

Half a dozen, ifyou ikin 'em .'**In consequence of this answer the scholar

came near being skinned himself.

COMMERCIALLATESTDATES.From Liverpool. June 13.From Havre June 14.From Havana June 15.From Charleston July 3.

The Market*.

Charleston, July 3..Cotton.We continueour former quotations, the markethaving closed firmly, and with a further upwardtendency of prices. 541 bales changedhands at pricec ranging from 7| tq 11 eta.

Charleston, June 26.Half-past 1 P.M.Cottos.Sales this morning about 90 balesat 11 cents.

Columbia, July 2..Cotton.Our Cottonmarket to-day was quiet and very firm.priceswere full, and the outside figures ofyea-.terday were freely paid. 63 bales were sold.at price* ranging from 8fc a 10 7-16 centa.

Cotton Statement.There have been received in Charleston

during the past week 3,577 bales, (com-S;pouding week last year 3,993 bales.) ExpartedIn the same time to foreign ports 4r099 bale* ; coastwise 1,937 bales; makingthe total exports of the week <M)99 bales ;and leaving on hand a stock of 25,902 bales,inclusive of 4£44 bales on shipboard notcleared, against a stock of 22,687 bales sametime last year.The total receipts since our last report

amount to 9,093 bales, (against 11,587 balessame week last year;) making a grand totalsince the 1st September to date of 2,962,465bales, against 2^278,124 bales the same timelast year, and 1,969,402 bales the year previous.The total export* to foreign ports amount

to 2^11,542 bales showing on increase of495A&Q bales from thosu of last year to thesame time. The shipments to Northernporta show an increase ot 304,769 bales..i he stoeK on nana at all the porta is M7,14'Jbales less than those of Ust year st thesame period.

Jfiiuiign.On the 94th »! , by the Res. Win Broitson,Mr. T. V. Walsh, of Camden, to Miss

Ellen David, of Homier District

3rif jjs."SWEET EE EBB It EST."

On the 96th sit, st the residence of C. R.sad M. M. Twttty, their infant daughterElla Blake, after aa illness of 8 weeks,aged IS months sad one week.Her disembodied spirit's flownTo aliases sad fields of pure delight;

TV* end sorrow are unknown,Bat all is sales, serene sad bright

KlHDBBa.G. F. College, N. Chinas M, 1869.la FaMMd District, sa Friday 1Mb alt,

sf ehrsaia dysentery, Cbas.0. Williatsow,in Um 90*k jmr af hiaag*.Oa flaalay wwlay. Jaa« 37th, agid S4,

Mia. Mamaut Fiakm Havtoi, daughter4f Um lala Gaa. Fhmi Friiln, ef VirgfaU.aad wt&W Wads Hampion, Jr,W CaUmbia. ^


la ReaUaglMm Caaaty. N. C., ea Um MdIt, tioMR Ram. iftd abaci 66 jnm,N AdluridUt fMWl QawMrUNwU

.£» ->




A number of Jewish citirtns of'New*York hare been incorporated into a society"for the purpose of ado-ding surgical andmedical aid;comfbrt and protection in sickliedto worth and needy Isralites." Theyare now raising subscriptions to aid inme erection of a commodious hospital.

Mail Arrangements.fa»4en ISall





At 7 o'clock, A. M.


Wlnsboro' mail.DUE SATURDAY, AT 6 P. M.


Chentcrvllle mail:DUE WEDNESDAY, AT 5 P. M.DEPARTS SATURDAY, AT 1 1 A. M.

Chesterfield, C. H. Mail.DUE SATURDAY, AT 10 A. M.


All letters must be deposited by 8 o'olkP. M., to ensure their departure by nextmail.



WITHERSPOON, Esq., nnnonnce him »s n

Candidate to represent this District in theSenate of the next Legislature.

fcgT The friends of J. A. STEWMANannounce him aa a Candidate for the officeof Clerk of the Court, at the ensuing Election.IdgTThe friends of WM. MeKENNA

announce him as a candidate to representthis District in the Senate, at the ensuingelection.

13F" The frieadb-oN^r. W. C. Cauthenannounce him to the_ citizens, of IatncasterDistrict as a candidate to represent them inthe House of Representatives in the nextLegislature.MR. EDITOR:.Please, announce ColTHOMASW. HUEY as a suitable candidateto ropreaent this District in the Senate,

in the next Legislature, and obligeMANY VOTERS.

MR. EDITOR:.Please announce Mr.A. D. BLACKMON, AS a candidate for Clerkof the Court at the next election, and obligo


K. G. BILLINGS la annoutinced as

a candidate for the office of Clerk of theCourt at the next election, by


CONNELL, Esq., as a Candidate for TaxCollectojr, and oblige

MANY VOTERS.MR. EDITOR.Please announce Mr.P.T

Hammond as a Candidate for the House ofRepresentatives in the next I,egislature, andoblige MANY VOTERS.

MR. EDITOR.Please announce Mr. T.k. uumtob aa a candidate for the Houseof Represcntativea in the next* Legislature,ami oblige MANY V0TER8.

MR. EDITOR:.Please announce JOHNH. ADAMS as a anitable candidate forClerk of the Court, at the next election, andoblige * MANY VOTERS.

tarThe frienda ofMARTIN P. CRAWFORD,Esq., announce him as a candidate torepresent the District of Lancaster in theHouse of Representatives at the ensuingelection for Members of the legislature.Hf* The friends of P. T. MOBLEY announcehim as a Candidate for Tax Collector

at the next election. tf16,MR. EDITOR.Pleaae announce Capt.

A. A. linxEBTlK as a i andlOate ror Tax Colleetorof Lancaater District, and obligemany voters.

fW The friends of William RownaoNannounce Mm aaa candidate for the office otClerk of the Court at the next election.

Laactiter Dlvbioa, If . SO,' SONS OF TEMPERANCE,

l!ii!«w Sti Rogiim »Vtfkiy MecUugs at U?eTemperance Hall every Saturday Evening,at 8 o'clock. 1. II. BLAIR,

June 18. 18 r. 8.

NEf HVBRTISItMEXTS.Upper Settalioa flat Reg't, I 0.1

Ifotioo of Tfloption.IN OBEDIENCE TO AN ORDER EMI.

inating fnun Brigadier Oeaaral Chandler,an election will be held at the dUfcrant companyMuster Grounds, on the Slat July fara Major in the Upper Battallioa to All thevacancy oeaaaloned by the proaootion ofUeat Cel. H. R. Price.The Captains of the Upper KnttaMon are

ehtmd with the oxtension of this Older.R. R PRICE, Cot 91st Reg'm't

LsnesstssC If], Jely 6th iMi. » 3t.

Bwoifc & Xrfurd,¥7*OR SALE BYr II UABHRLTINE St, HAGI1V8.

WHEAT FANS.OERSONS WISHING ANY OP THKJT shoes srtigLs»see hsvsi sopwin fmLrzrJl^-s-1




Remaining in the post officeat Lancaster C. H., July 1st, 1863.

Bailey, James s.t Jones, EdmondBaret, Daniel N., * Johnson, Wm. E., inBurts, Dr. care of Dr. Robertliarkedale, Sam'l, Johnson.Bums. Rebocca M. ' Lany, A. A.Chambers, Joseph Lathan, Misa J. L.Cauthen, John . McCall, W. E.Cole, Miss Jincy R. McAteer, AndrewCaston, Dr. W. Mouthrap, RebeccaDoby, J. M. Mason, DryryErstridge, James Mathews, Owenrrej,j«iepn ferry, JohnFrey, Sarah Rice, JeaaeFrost, Hon. Edward Sharp, D. C.Faulkinberry, J. M. Twisty, HiramFlemming, Archev Try°n ^ Blackmon,Funderburk, L. H. Underwood, J. J.Gawly, Mrs. E. Walkup Israel P.George, D. Wylie, Dr. W.Hammond, Geo. Watta, Mineria MissHammond, S. N. Whitaker, LeviHudson, Wm. Whitaker, Edward L.Hough, John H. * Williams, JoahunHarper, W. 8. u - David, or John.

Persons calling for Letters on this list willplease say they arc advertised^

THOS. R. MAGILL, P. M.Riw Gents Reward!

RANAWAY FROM THE 8UBSRIBERon Friday morning 3d of Jnly, a BoundWhite Boy, named William F. Avens..

Said boy is about 18 years of age, 6 feet 9or 10 inches high, hair of a light color, andweighs 160 lbs.; quite a robust looking fellow.He was bound to the Subscriber for thepurpose of learning the Carpenter's Business,and nbsconded without cause or provocation.A reward of air cents, (whieh is five centsmore than he is worth,) will be paid for hisapprehension and delivery at Isincaster C. H ,without any thanks. G.H.CALDWELL.

July 7 213t


MY STORE IS NOW OPEN, ANDready for the accommodation of Customers.I have a fine stock of Goods, and

a general assortment; ladies and gentlemencan be accommodated to almost any article ofSTAPLE* FANCYDRY GOODgHATS, BOOTS <C SHOES. GRO-

iMouiiDjr. nnscii. mwui, nonnei»4UMwans Crockery, Stationary, Groceries, Medicines,Broadcloths, Caaaimcros, CaahmerettaPlain aod Fancy Linen*, Brown an<Bleached Goods, ladiea' Dreaa Goods olevery description and quality, of the verylatest styles, and almost every article callecfor.which we offer at very low prices Usuit the times. Our stock has been carefulIv selected from the very beat markets inthe United States.Wa return our sincere thanks for Km

liberal patronage wa have received; and havingpurchased the Houses and Ix>t which. we now occupy, thereby making a permanentlocation in 1 annaater Village, wa hop*by a strict attention to business, to merit acontinuance ofyour patronage.ap ft tns ] T R.fr jTr MMttOHBAP GOODS

A* Bella!«% C.rpHESUBSCRIBER0 NOW RBCBV.I i__ t rv.j.i. i JJi-i

hb Mock of CHEAP GODlKS, >monflwMeh arti many wtfcbo to soft the cominaMM, wbbh will bo ooM at amah printMcannot fail to giro aatiafaetion. Thoocwonting Goofe will fed it to tMr adran.tngo to mU «rtjr, WAn flto owoy uiutQWtf MtWw aaoooMooi.0TTMMCnM,to fe*Mfef»*.

cMiaitmi»~tf / . ;


Tkccs ictictibtOUR MOTTO 18

u Quick Sale* and Short Profit*?HAILE & TWITTYMost respectfully invitf

the attention of Ldboaaterville, an<I surrounding country, tonewua tirap Drag store,

one door south of J. Adiuns' Store, whenthey can find a welt "elected stock of DnigcMedicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs one

Perfumerys. Lady's Toilet Powders, WateColored Paints and Pencils, Puffs dieFiqp Envelopes and Note Paper, Fine Chewing Tobacco and Cigars, always on handAnything in our line, not on hand, will l»ordered for customers at the shortest notice

All the above articles having been purchased mostly for cash, will be sold lowethan the same article has usually been soliin this place. Call and see that this is m

puffin#.fngT* Our Soda Fountain is now in operation, and we are prepared to accommodat

our customers with Soda Water, Syruptdie. Ice always on hand.Lancasterville, S. C., April 28. 3mo.



And everything belo-.iging to a well regulateHARNESS SHOP.

THE Subscriber, having removed hiHarness Establishment to the shop foi

merly occupied by Emmons di Button as

caeriage shop, one lot below the CouiHouse on Dunlap street, would respectfullinform the citizens of I>ancaster and suiroundinfi country, that he is now prepared tcarry on the Harness business in all its variousbranches; having had a thorough exp«rimce in the business, the subscribewould respcctrully solicit the custonof all persons being in want of anything in his line; and hopes by a strict attcntion to business, and working nothing buthe best material, to share at least a portioiof the public patronage. All work warranted. Saddles repaired at short notice.

Call and examine, and be convihced thaI can sell Harness or anytiling in the liarness line as low, according to quality, as caibe bought in Charleston."

D. A. BUTTON,feb 516 6m3


pectfully informs the citizens ctins District and elsewhere, that he haremoved from his former stand to the ohstand formerly occupied by F. _K. Brummett, where he is prepared to carry on th<Saddle and Harness business in all its various branches; sueh as Covering an<

Padding Saddles, which he will warrantWaggon Harness, Riding Bridles, <fceand will sell as low as can be purchase*elsewhere.

l'lease call and examine for vourselva| P. M.'POER.. Lancaster, Feb. 1*2. 6m.1

! ImoaiMIn IHonroe, C.

" XTST D- I*ORTICE, respectfully infonrv the citizens of Monroe and surrom

ding country, that he has permanently locited himself in this place, where he will cai

ry on the above business in all its varioubranches in

Neatness and Style,and at the same time have a due regard t

j THE LATEST FASHIONS.\ NT Cutting done at short notice., Monroe N. C. June 9 3m 18


TOR IV EQUITY., Attend* the Court* in Jxtncaster, Krrshw

fand Adjoining Districts.BF" OFFICE, CAMDEN, 8. C._£3

» J. C. SECREST,Magistrate.


LEATHER! LEATHER!!' TTrPEK, SOLE, AND IIARNES5 Leather for aale at extreme low pricif for cash, or exchanged for Hides previous tI M July nexti HA88ELTINE A HAGINS, Ag'U.May 11 Smo 14_, WANTED IMMEDIATELY.A SMART, ACTIVE LAD, ABOIT

16 or 16 year* of age, a* an Appreitiee to Die Printing Bnaiaeaa. One whpoaaeaaee a good Engliah education, anddiapoaed to learn, may have a good aitoition by applying aa above.


HARNESS, which will bo sold ioifor Caah, if applied Cor immediately.

| R. 8. BAILEY.


Waah, and a Girl or Woman to mindchild. A fair price will- be paid, anrf wag*

i paid monthly. Apply at Una Office.

Btoon.i LBS PRIME B/

.Rib* con, for sale lo, by * 10 ' BILLINGS 4 BELK.


for caah, by10 CURETON 4 MASSKY.


! handbill," check * cariruiTiii

Ayiiiilnki) FoMMi FivplWte, tu., wd on Mr. u ekeep«mW

4mm In thi IMi «r liwulmi.

or fifeM* at short Mtfe.


(Mineral and Patent :)School Books& Stationery.

bobmu, 4c., icc.,My goods ftre all new, and well selected tosuits II classes, and can be sold low for cashor to approved customers on short time..Country produce taken in exchange, and Itherefore earnestly solicit a share of pnblicpatronage. Persons wishing anything inmy line, will find it to their interest to calland examine my stock before purchasingelsewhere.Auto.I have a fine lot of likely (youngNo. 1) Slaves for sale; and among the number,a first rate Cook, House Servant «tid

Seamstress, which I will sell in proportionto the times, for cash or approvea paper onshort time.

IsmIU-h call if yon wish really to buy something fine and nice. Myself or clerk wiltake great pleasure in exhibiting our goodsand still greater pleasure in packing up foyou.ana what will please you still betteithey are truly Southern, purchased in Baltimorc, a Southern city.

ELI C. BISHOP.Woodville, Lancaster Dist, /

June 30, 1863. { 31 tf.

NOTICE.Havhig disposed of my stock

of Dry Goods and Groceries to J. ECubitus, I take this method of returninfmy sincere thanks to the public for th<goneruns patronage which i have receiverfrom them during the space of time I hav<been entraired in business.

T k! CURETON,J».Having purchased the en.

tiro stock of Goods belonging to TK. curktow, Jr., I feel disposed to ssy to th<public I am prepared to sell either l)r)Goods 'or Groceries as low, on time, or lower for cash, than any merchant in the u|country. Come gentlemen and examin<my stock before pureturning elsewhere.

J. £ cotteton.waxhaw CaKKK.Jane 30. 6t 91

tfotias. .

Being anxious to close thiBushieaa as soon as practicable, w<

invite the attention of the public to the seeand well-selected stock of Goods on hancat Pleasant Hill, s. C., which may he had orunusually accommodating terms for cashand on a credit to punctual customers, aiheretofore.

A. J. CAUTHEN, > Executor ancJ. E. J. BECKHAM. \ Executrix.

Pleasant Hill P. On June 30. 91 4t

nehtgoods! new goods!r« WE ARE NOW RECEIVING

and opening our stock of VtSyriBg nmrnrnwrnrr QtMtconsisting in*part of the following:.HatsP.. PI.aLI Ut » * « a w»

P LEC1LState of South Carolina.

Lancaster District.In the Common Pleas.

'' R. C. Potts, i Declaration in^ vs. V Foreign '*J.D.Gordon, j Attachment.

WHEREAS, THE PLAINTIOT DIDon the 22th day of April, 1B92, file'' his Declaration against the Defendant who,(as it is said) is absent from and without the

minus 01 uus oinie, aad has neither wife nor* attorney known within the same, upon whom

a copy of the said Declration might be ser"ved. It is, therefore, ordered that the said® Defendant do appear and plead to the saiddeclaration on or before the 13th day ofApril which will be in the year of our Lord

j One Thousand Eight Hundred snd FiftyThree,otherwise, final and absolute Judg9ment will then be gircn and awarded ngsins thim. * *

H. R. PRICE, c. c. p.Clerks Office, Lancaster C. II.,

April 13, 1852. ly.qr.no.llNOTICE.


All persons havino demandsof any character or grade against Sl*mon Beckham, Esq., late of Lancaster l)is»

trict, deceased, are notified to present thesame legally attested, nnd all indebted arerequested to settle immediately either by cashor note.

A. J. CAUTHEN.Qualified Executor.

k Pleasant Hill P. O , Ijincaster Dist., ) 3niMay 4th, 1852, $ 14

I, Southern Standard will please copyfour times in weekly, and forward bill toPleasant Hill, P. O.

Kn Equity Lancaster Dintrict.inkn rlnl»ow?flA« ^



Jnmes M. Richardson, Bill for^ Thomas Richardson, account.

Joseph B. Klingle, and relief, and*_ wife Margaret, so-forth.

Mary Allen,Cyrus A.Allen &, wife Jane.^

w It appearing to my satisfaction that all ther above named defendants reside without the[i limits of this State. It is ordered, onr. motion of Moore, fo'ieitor for complaiunnts,. that the said defendants do answer, plead,t or demur to the Bill in above case, on ori on or before the 1st day ofSeptember. 1852,. otherwise judgment pro confesso, will be

ordercd'against each and all of them,t JAMES II. WITHERSPOON,

C. E. L. T>.i Commissioner's Office, )Lancaster, C. H., 8. C., >

May 24th, 1852. j Muy 2G 3m. 18


On Main-Street,j (A few r<tds Smith <rf the Court Ilouse.)- THE above named House has -iptvj JUL been much enlarged and put JfluL. in thorough repair and furnished anew,J and is now prepared to accomodate all

those disposed to give it a call. The subscribermakes no leasts but will simplyj say that the Public shall be aceomrr.ndaUmIin e vtyb* not excelled by any Ilnusej. in the up country.


J. A. HA.SSELTINK.Lancaster, l'cb 12 tf1

A CARD.Messrs. g. f. Kennedy, «f Chester,and JAMES M. HURST, formerlyone of the proprietors of the Planters'

1S Hotel, Charleston, have leased the Ame- £riran Hotel, Kikg-street, and would^ respectfully solicit from their friends andr_

the travelling public a portion of their pat~ronage. We pledge ourselves tfiat the

Sests of the Hotel will receive accomtnotionunsurpassed by any in the city.kennedy & 1iurst.

# Charleston, May 19. 6m 15



AT HIS SHOP, SIX MILES SOUTHof Lancaster, on the Land's Ford road,

J Makes Cotton Gins, best Cast Stool Saws,at #2 per saw ; the most approved Straw '

9 Cutters, at #95, cuts with two blades veryfast and tine, and easy kept in ohiet; also,all kind of Gun work. Old Gins faithfullyrepaired.

~ Also.All kinds of Turning Wood or Ironand any Black Smith's work that any enoelse cannot do, can be done here. m4t. 17.

ESTRAYS.Taken up by the subscriber

at his residence, within one mile ofS Lands Ford, TWO MULES.one an Ironis Gray Mule, the other a Gray florae Colt,to with marks on. his shoulder.


.. COTTON GINS.COTTON GINS OF SUPERIOR CONstruction,and of the beat material, at

T #9 per Saw, made and warranted by thev Subscriber. Also, Wheat Fans, Thrashingo Machines and Horse Mills,is Old Gins faithfully repairhd. All orders% thankfully received and punctually attended

to. R. J. McCRfclGIIT.-

^Camden, S. C., April 14, 1859. 10.6m.

n Caution to Every Body!" A LL PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED AND

1\ Cautioned not to trade for a note given- by mo to John Turner, dated 3d January,

1852, and due 1 st December, 1 Hft'J, for Sixty Dollars. Said note was given for a Horse

[) which was unsound at the thne, (hut I dida not know it,) and which Horse died in a fowM days after I got him. I will not pay said

note unless compelled by law, and I do notr- believe a jnst law wHl make me pay K, as

the horse was unsound to rottenness >

stephen wilmams.mil a at mi. n*

[ ~


r Arthur9* Home GazetteONE Y*tY,

" Will be Bent to any pereoft or

persons* on receipt of $4 The< price ofthe two separately wonldE) be Five Dollars.

' iJKi rocro Me CAT4W&&

0 # *