juvenile delinquency' IHerat1l: ... The Use of the Jesness Inventory on a Sample of Britisb...

... ..,;... -' ... -- ' , . ", ....... '. b 0" "," ..•.. ...• .... . '",.,;',' "','.",' '< , ." ,.: ,,".", .\ \' . --,:,) If .{J ft" .. -" A Seiec;ted Annota'tedBfbl.iography \.1 I},. .' > Comp:i.ledby. ? I1a . Research l\naljst 'and " Marilyn Gehr,' Research' As,si;tant ty7,,; j sta:. New York 'rh$', '.r.1l,e:New>Y6r!s'St,9,'teLibrarY " , ' ' 1976 , .r::.r Q o «( . 1;) " If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov.

Transcript of juvenile delinquency' IHerat1l: ... The Use of the Jesness Inventory on a Sample of Britisb...

~::. ~.; ... ..,;...




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PROBA~ioNi;Rese~;tch .. -"

A Seiec;ted Annota'tedBfbl.iography



~ .' >

Comp:i.ledby. ? I1a M~ :a~Uowel1

. Research l\naljst 'and "

Marilyn Gehr,' Research' As,si;tant

~!je trniv~p.i ty7,,; j sta:. o~ New York 'rh$', Sta~~ Ed~~at:io~Dep~('rtm~nt

'.r.1l,e:New>Y6r!s'St,9,'teLibrarY " , ' ' I,.'eigisla.thTeRes~arcb.· S~fv:f~ce A1:bany,NewYQ:rk'·,).~2$4~,:M:a,PFh~ 1976

~ , .r::.r



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" '


I' \1



r-"\ , ,

For two months after thec9ver page date of this bibliog;rap9Y, the IIlateria~s cited herein are restricteo to the use of" the Legislature and of State agency offici&lswhose work station "is in Albany.

\\ \)


• C?


G 1.,1.


PR0)34T:ION: 'R"esearch

Part 5 of 5

- ~)

1 AndEmaes, Johannes e '

Punishment and Deterrence o 'Ann Arbor, U'nive:r;sity of MicItigan Press, [19741~ 189 p~




A series of papers by this,.intE:!rnat:i.onallY'~knownanalyst thevaiue oj: deterrentsanctiPns., ':rhe$e essays span,th~ past 20 years and lay th"e, gr6undworR for.analysesthat~o far beyond the "does thispr()gram/wc)l::k?ll'cih which mOst correc:;tional research 1,sba~ed/ ... ",,' ",,' , '

2 ",Beard~ Be,lle.., .... , Juvenile Probation: An AnaJ,yses of the Case Records of' Fiv,e

,dred Children,,' 'New York,~erican Bool<..Co~pany, 1934~,2i9p~


364' B36, 0'

This ana;Ly::;is of case':re¢ord56f:'ProbatioI1e:t:$fr6mth~Bost(>n;' JuveniJ.e,Courtw,~s,reprinted: il1.196,9, and is stil1be:i.ngcited} in juvenile delinquency' IHerat1l:re~' The physical and ,Illental " " conditi,bris'ofthese chil,c1ren,thectiuses,oftheir deliriqu¢r1.cy, and the suc(!ess,' or failure, of act;Lve,treatment .on "probat~ori" are considered .. A thorQugW· an<! :i):luIiii.natil)K study" 0

J '. '.. . •

Becker, Gary, S. andWi11iant M~Landes" ~c:ls. Essays in'the Economics,,::'ofCrime ''and Punishment.' 'New "York, C~lum-bi~ UniVersity,P1=e,ss" 1974., ',268' p.

i; "

~:J ' Q,

-. . "

() '.... : _ '0' ',\

Res(;!,Circhreport, in the ,fQPJl~9f"~.;;s()l1eCf.,ion:og\readirig$, f91:', ,', ,the National)3urea\i o;6:c,;EqonQ!l1ic~ese'ci'r~'h .. ,VerY,1:':Ltt:Lecolnment" directly. on prooatiollperse,;'Pttt .thechapt~r~"Cr:iIueapdPiln-· ishm~nt; An Economig,:;{\.pproa:~hl 'apd ,"Th~J3~l1avior'.of A~miJ1,istr~ .... tiveOAgenci~::;,nare('.vortl;).t'e/';\dingtot"\~~hei.?='cof?tl.benef~f;: 'appr9~cll' to.thesubje<;!:b.'of<(!C)rr.ef!~io~s.q" , . ' ,:- Q ", ,',' .

'. ;;,"

".~ '.' (\

> ',< --;:,- -- -~

" Research 2

California~ llurl3au Of' Criminal U$tatis~icS" '. Crime and Dedingtiency in. California. Sacramento; ta~yissue) .. .. "

~ o. .'~ .. ,..~.

1965-"- .'

'.~. Statistical:tnformat:l.qJl, ¢ha;l;'ts ~ndgraphs on all apsects of crimit{al and. juvenilE! justice. ,See p48; 1972 :/:or.dis;­

. 'positiOl1sof juvenil~offenders; p 36, 1973 for juvenile


. 7

, .

probation. '.'

II Coune!l onC:d:m:i.n~l Justice. '-'

Criminal Justice System. Sacramento, 1911i, 150 p.'

364 qG153 .,75,-6022 j,.',

Seeppio" 15-,17 'for des,¢t.bip1£;.on aqd $upp6rtin~statistics of the juvenUe probation syst.em. Theprpbationstibsidy. system is

, eXplained "briefly.A.lso see. Tables V-1,2, -13, -14, .,.15, -17 for J\lvenil,e statistics"

o -;J.o

" Californii3... Department of Justice. Bureau of Criminal Statistics. Crifue 'and 'DelinguencyinGaliforhia,1974. Sqcrcunento, 1975~ 49p.

" S364~9794 C929

'Conlprehensiv,e statistics on adult and juvenil,efelony arrest.s.

California. Department pf the' Youth AuthQrity • iA Review of ACCUII1ulat.ed· Research i.nthe Cali.:Eornia Youth Authority~ [SacrC4Uent()], 1974~174, p •.


A summary al1d "e.v:a1uation of r'es,:garchpr()grams urid,~'!'taJq~nby the .Youth Authority since 1958. Of particular interest are the ,sections oncommun:i,ty-based programs which,ine;ludesan ana.lYl:lis of; theP.ropation SUbsidy PrqgrClm, the CprIlIllUn:tty .... T:rea£rt.entProJec;:t,,&nd the Lps Angeles Communitypel;i.l').(:[l~ency ...

1:1. Control, Projec,t.· ' . .

.O&lifornia~):)~pat'.trn'?ni of; the YOUth Autho:l:ity~ , ,[outh SELryJceBureausinCaliforriia;)?:rogr,r:~sReport Number 3, bYE1C1ine'J).t1Xbu:l:)r.~craJ,I1ent/9,:1972~.'13~p.'

- ,







Probation: Research 3




A detailed descl:'iption of Californ;la,lsYouth EierViceBurea~s, from objectives and definitions, throllghadministration, to evaluation. Also, contains the Pre~ideptl? Commiss:i;c)71.ori Youth Service Burea1',1sf sta.!ldards and goals. ,Statistica~ tables ai::eincluded. Varying degrees of succes,swere achieved; report is positive on the whole.

California. Leg:i.'slatul:'e. Assembly. RuLes COnUnittee, and"Offic,eof Research., _

Preliminary Report on the Costs and Effects dl: the California Crim:" inal:Justice System and Recommendations for ~~gi?lation to Increase Support of Local ;Police and Correc.tionsl'rogt-"f:mts. Sacramento, 1,969. 225p. ~



o S364. 44 ,'q9_1526' c-"


Findings indicate that 'the 'entire spectrum of the cl,"iminal justice system should, be ol:'ganized as·~ne ,entity 'so -tha~ Fed­eral and/\?rState funds couldbe·reallo6\;t.ed at need t08,n " underfund~d or pal:'ticu1arly effective component~Further .," findings: over 60%, of those currently committed to prison could be ret~ined in lessexpensiv::e,localprograins .. ' ',.

10 Davies, Martin.


The Use of the Jesness Inventory on a Sample of Britisb Probationers. 6' f () London, H.M. S.O. 20p. (Home ,",I ice Research Study in the Causes

of Delinquency and Treatment of Offenders, no. 12) " ,

S364.360942 D256 : ';

The Jesness, inventory wei's devised' tomeasUr'e the tendency to ' , qsocial behavior, plus ten other . personality aspeci:s.Briti~,h probationers, age 17-20,aq males, were sampled and the '1:'e­'sult~. com~red to Jesness' Cali£ornia.,,:t~ests and to a si:Unple of BQrstal boys in Brita;in.~e I ' "

, ,1"1

F 0.1 katd , M ~ S~·, et ,:.a,1'. ,. Q

Jmpact •. Intensive M~tched Erobation and Atter-.Care Treatment, vol.. 1 "Design of the Probation Experiment and An Interim Evaluati,on il • ;,

''''''''''tonrlon," H.M. S~O~, 1974. 60, p. (Home Office Resea,rch Studyno o 24) "Q

) ':~ ',', 00~ ORDER ',,' ' ,




, ~ .

, ~ 1

~. '


R.es~arch ' ,l /.{l!

// j


;7 ~ )' /

/ j Fl'ka' d St"" t 1 / ,f' or, .'~ven, ea. ;/. .',

Probation Research.' A p/eliminaryReport" London, H.M. S.D., 1965. 58 p.. (!:lome OfficeR.eseaich StUgy in the Causes of Del~p:quency, artdTtea,tment of Offend erSt no,. 7)

$364.63 F666

Description of the 0plans and progress of the Home' Office Re-,., search Unit I s \probationstudybegun in 1961~Purposeof the studyistoevaluate the-effectiveness of various types of

'trea,tment for .particular types of ' offenders. [Several of the 'reports are arino,!=ated ~lsetqhere in this bibliography.]

Frai2;~r, Robett L$~,et al. '~Incarceration and Adult Felon Probat~on in T_exas:, A Cost C,omparisqn.

'Huntsville, ,Texas~Sam !:louston Stateliniversity, Institute of Con": t(jmporaryCoprections a,nd the Behavioral Sciences, 1973. 123 p. (Criminal Justice Honograph;~ vol •. IV, no. 3)


Examines the possipility'of expanding the present county~ fina1;}Ced proha:t:ion system. Cost of probation 'per person is 8% of the cost of i'ncarceration, but the probation sy~tem is understa£fedand lacks the; needed service capacity. Recom­mends state:; coordinaqon of a.n upgraded county admin~.stration system and, subsidizatiQnof 2/3 of the cost. '

".f4" Glaser, Daniel.,



Routinizing' Evaluation: Getting Feedback on. Effectiveness of ,Crime and Delinquency Programs. Rockville, Md. National. Institute of Ment,al Real,th~ Center to; Studies of Crime' aridDr~tinquency, 1~l73. 202 pe WHEW pub. no. (IlSMJ 73-9123)." , '-,

364.973 G548 74-7139

The difficulty pf evalul:J.ting the effectiveness of various' methods chosen to alter criminal behavior lies in the in-' conclusive. results' of theprogram.s; "and :th!3 ~actthl;lt none are

',readil:vcompara1?le. w.ith other prggrams. Cont.ains. suggestions :I:oragency changes i3.ndre,.str1,lcturing of organizations so that thesE;l,pl:obl~m~c:a!l be alleviated.

Ha,rt~· Ian~ Factors Relatingt:o Reconviction Among Young Dublin Er~bationers. (lreli!.nd) EconoIl\ic and So~ia.l Research, InEltitute, 1974. 124· p.


(\ ~



• •


I)'· r;"

Probation: Re$earch 5




19 '~ . '

D •

Hawryluk,Al~. . .',' .' 1reatnient Strategies for .Juvenile Delinguent's: A survey (.6£ qu+:~Emt:. ~

. andExpe1l7:iIl1entalProgram~ and T.\1eir Implicati6ns. :Ch:tc:agol:Ame'rj;~ah judicatt~r;e Society, 1971. '.29 'p_ (Rep9rt4f34') q . r ' .

.'f.' (j "-

Ss347.99'73 qA.514 .jr~ ;)t/ "i2l :I,

. Emphaf;lisis.onrehabilitatibn and comratirtitY-based't-reatment. t\ Coyers .. ·the Ca1iforni~' Youth' Project, . ~.he . Denver non.,.,r.esidentj.al. . facilities program, Newark l sEssexf:Le;lds . experiment,ando~}1ers.~' ConcludesthateJCfierim,entat1.onwi th ngn.,.ptmitive, probat1-onary .. type correctionshasJ;lot expo~ed thecOIDmuid:ty 1:;p danger. In. 0

addition, . recidivism rates have gone down." . "r ". ". ""," ""~ ,


Hood, Roger and Richard Spar~_s. "'. '. '" . ' " Key Tssuesin Crim:i.nolog,Ya NewYork~ ~cGraw~lliH, 1970..256 p.G· (:\ <inclUdes bibli{)graphy)"


St.munari~'es research onei,.ght specific areas .. in the. field of criminology,qraws(!onelUsiol1S, ~nd Jndi,cates ri~ed for fUl:"\' ther study. SeeespeciaHy' Chapter 6, "Assess.ing the Effect·1

iveneSsdf }?Un;j.shment· an~Treatme;nt~I'w.h~~hgiye;s~tatist4.cal comp13 .. ;risons:'hetweei1,~proba.tioll, '. incarceration and .other.t;ypes of trelltllient, and which also discusfl,~S some problems 'iit de'-,: tenninin~ .standards of effectiveness. '. '. . '., ~


Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency .. '(anY·issue)

", "', ~\. ". ,-' . '

Published semi-apnual1y .by the Natibnal Council "o~;;Cr.imeapc1 Delinquen<:"y.. Occasionall1rticles7onc?erni"gg probation..'"

Kuehn ,Lowe 11 L. An' Evaluation .of the Cal:Lfdrnia 'Probation Slio'S1dYP.:rbgra'Ih. Arbor, Mich .. , Vnl.versity . MiGrofi1m.s , 1973~209p. . ..

-' ,y;.-;. LEGI ~·R.EFc;

" . f) " {) 0 ' -." "

Anexamina.tion drda,t,a .c(:m~erning the, program by : ",)" ~,:I ': '; i' "" " . tl r

techpiquesandf:r:om. severfll: per,f;lpectives,g . Findings :'are' the deGlineis n()tEmtireh':du~tq theProbat~On,StlP.~,±dy.pr()g:tam.

' .. ~ommi t~el1t rates,; ha;(i.been,,?ecIiJ1.~,pg~1:l: ~p\n¢. ar,e,as"l?ef{);re' .tEe .,progtcmipeganandother~:l,del'yrelated?fact:ors~. s~c'li~aspo~Un '. latiori grpwth ,andqha):iges"Jllcr~me' rat~Jl,hav:e:),!aJle:E\ee.9t'61:r

toe :quantity pfcommitments" ' .

r,. "


: .• ~-' <:"j.;

{ _ )2:;1


,!" ;

-<~'.-;--o-;-~~ -o--.,_.----;-:--,------:-~


'f "

t'';robatio'ri: ReseaJ.;'ch 6


2l ., .


'Le:rman, Paulo "'. <,

Community Treatment and Social ,Control:> A Critici:j.l Analysis of ,Juyehile Correctional Policy. Ghicago, University of Chicago Pre,ss, 19750 254 cp. (includes bibliography) (Sttidiesin Crime,.and Jus'"' .tic'e) .

LEGts REF " a

Thorough analy~is of theCalifo';rnia'Treatment Project and the l?robatio.nSubsidy Program, drawn from official, documents. pl\1s pup1ishedand unpublished research studies.. .Conclllsion is' tha,t these programs ~remore cQstlyarid no: more e;ffective t;han traditionalprogrruns. A further .conc lusion is that theProba­tion Subsidy 'Program has 'resulted iIiJ..onger instit'''utional stays. l!it.~the state level, .;I,nd greater use of detention at the local ~evel, . contrary tporils1nal intent.


. .

Lipton"Dougla.s,et. ale . ···TheEffectiveness of' Correctional Measures; A; Survey of Treatment

Evcilu,ation Studies.N. y.., Pra~ger,1975 .. i35p. (includes' bib-liog~aph;y + 'indices) (j

364.6 L767 75-l5896

This study was. undertaken atC',th~ request .ofct:he NY'8 Governor's 'Committee on Criminal Offenders and t-las supported by State funds. It is e.p"exhallstive eV.!3.1uation of .reports of"prog';raIlls usirigk,nown pd.fuinal'-rehabll:itation te~1:miques; drawn from. thousands of studies •. Mat~rial ,<?n .prooation is found through­Ollt" ,

Missouri. ·Division'of Public Health and Welfare.


Missouri Juvenile Gou-vt Statistics 1~73~ Jefferson City, [?19741~ 33 p.. (Resel;lI'ch Report~'i~0.29)('

8364.52 1'167858

Pata. wllsgathered from Missouri's 43 juvenile cqurts;a 15% . ~ .increase· incas.es was expa'l;',ienced between 1972 and 1973. Of

th~c;:as.~s r~ferredc.: to ju,venHecourt, 17~9% ~ere place(;lon " probation. ~. ..' \)

Neithercutt ,~ .. G.,!?!: ale ' . . Case Load Size and Difference in Prob.!3.tion/Pa.role Perfprmarice. Da.vis,,' Cai:i.f.; NceD Research Center, 1973). 4~~.p. . (m:Lmeo) .

-I, .;::,


(J. (\ (\




• G'·








Probation: ' Research I; , ,.~O" "

24 "New York (Stct4e~. 'Pivisiono£ CL:iminat Just'ice Services.




New York State FelonyPrccessing, Quarterly Reporto,"Albany;' September, ' 1973':':".. , 0 . , , ,

LEGIS REF . '~~'l .0 u'

" Ccntains statistic!;; cn the use of"prcbstion;sta,tewide, N~w Ycrk, City', suburban NewYcrk City, andupstate..Dataisgivtm ,fcr drug cffenses separately frcm data, cn,ctherfe16nies~

:1'" •

'", '\)'"

, , New. Ycrk (State) • Supreme Court~

Agencies2 PublicandVolunta:iy; Involved in tlieOp¢rat:i.()ncftne C()urts' in' the City cfNewYcrk; A Re,pcrtBreprired bytheSub""Conimittee cn Liaiscn With PupUc andP:rivate Agetl'cies of the DepartlTIfmtal ' " teescf the Appe~Tlate Divi'siqns,First and Seccrid DepartItl,erits" New YC;l;'k, 1972 .. , 375 p~+ appendices.


Directcry, ccmpiled by ques,ticnnaitesurv~y,()£periptleral "s,;y's~, tem cf justice'~ ,;agencies. "PUrpcse cf ~Sumy!,,~as; tcid'enti:f;yand desc:ribe th,e aglencies; idei:i't.ify vprob lema-;efii; ,suggest":remeqies,i and cpen up ccmmunicatj.qns;\find tcdetlerm1net;he extent'anc;:1com"", plexity cf the~;eagencief:lt interactio,p"wfththe courts in New York"City.


SUrv~Y' taken to, identify un,met nleeds. :F~ndingswere t:h8.t emplcy""" , m~ntandper$ciial,,:probl,~m ccunselingw~;t:'earea$whli;lre'J~be most" , 0

a~~istancewasneeded5 . Pllggest,' reallccationc:f re$qurces,~nd. st:1'\.engthened diagncsispf.cffender needs.. ",

Reckle's's, W~1,4e~' ,C~ " :!j' ,

AmericanCrini1nolcgy;, New'Direct:i.()rl'se Wew,'Ycrk" A~p;t.eton~Ce~~4ry",: Crcfts,: 1973. ,,487.'po ,firtcludes,b:ihlicgr<:l,phy) II;? ,




~' .

:;. ,


, ,

- 1i. IJ


;".- ,

, prJl)ation: Research 8

statistical and, indepth" Covers all aspects"of the c,riminal justice systemificlllding' probation, . diversion, and the ,"outputil~ q ...

n 28Ren:Z:agliC!:~ Guy~ (,


. 29

Evaluation of the ~ntep.§J'ye Diagnostic Uni.t,. St. Louis County Juveni'le ·Cour,t. C~n:'bondale, lU., Southern Ill;i.noisUniversity, Rehabilitation Instftutc;!, 1974. - 1St .. +ae?,endices.<ndmeo e ) ..


Descr;iption OfCi. program that providesintensivet'):"eatment ,to se­'verely disturbedchi1,dren. placed on probation. A positive result 1'1SSSeen in the alleviation of f~iiy probletnsanareduced ip­v.o1 vement inseriou,~ delinquency. , ' JIowever, no significant change in recidivism rates was perceived~ A longer period of follow-up evaltlat;i.on . is needed to d!;:\termine the true value of the program.


'. -+';::::-,~\ ()

Rumney, J~y andJ oseph P. MUn;jhy. , . Probation and Social Adjustment., New Brunswi~k, .sity Press, 1952 (Reprinted in 1968)'" 285p~


N. J. Rutgers Univer-


,Reports the results pf a study of 1000 probationers made in 1948-49, elev:en years after probation began. l'uFPose of the eva1uatiQn was to determine the ,effectiveness of probation va. imp}:isonmentin three ar~as: impact on the offender,sa£etyo£ the public; and cost ... With regard fo the findings on the pro­bation serVice, it is interesting to note that the weaknesses

, pOintec;l out in 'this 19'52 "report ·ar~ the same or close1ysim;par to the weaknesses Under" consideration in current literature.


30 GThe San Francisco l)ro i ect]


" J3erkeley, University of California, School of Criminol~gy. (13 voh)

364.6$:~C614 73-8192

Res.til~'s of this. l'O-year,r-old stUdy are still being cited in cut-­;rent literature. It is a Wide-:ranging resear':!hproje~:dr?pro-:, bation, supported by a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health and made in collaboration with the U. S" Proba-tion' Office, Northern District of Cl:i.lifornia: ., "

, See: no. 1 "k Npn. Technical Description of ,the San Francisco' Eroject ll , 196.5,16 eo·' ,. \,

no. 2 "Three Hundred Presentence Report Recommendations", 1? p~ .,"

,;no .. A IIF'ederal Pl:'obationE~rsand Prisoners:,$tatutory ,J Sentellcing A.lternaHves li ,1965, 74 -e. ".

~ ,.. , " ,

I) l:1 -


{~J v


\\ •



() . .)

• Q


, , n Probation :VResearch






no. S

\1)! no. 6



1\ no.

no. S

no. 9

" nb. 10 \~,

nO Q 11

no. 12

no. 1;3

Simon, Frances.H.


IiPre,$entence Report ,Reco~ertdatiollsl:indnemogr.aphic Data, '1966,92 -8. . . . Q


',Pa:tolees e.ndMandatpty Releases:Pemogr.aphicDatal'~ 1:966','62~. '.,,,

IIDecision-tnaldrig and tIie Probation Officer: The Etresentence'Report Recommendationll, .1966,l.9-t.

< 0 , -_

liThe Minimum 'SUpervision Caseload: 'APrelimina:ry Evaluation"~ 1.966; 46'f3. '

liThe I Idea. 1 t Supervision Caselbad:A PJ;eliminary Evaluafion" , 1966, 39..l. . .', , (/

HAn Aftervi'ew of Supervision ~'tlW Re~el'\rch D,e-sign" ,1:966,30 -8. , .' . '

liThe Intensive Supervision Caseload: APl;'eHinin- ;~ ary'Eva..luation ", 1967, 40.e.

"ClassiUcation Criteria' for Establishing Case-lQadcModelsH ,1967~1:4..e.. . ' . ~j

IIThe·Impact.of SuperviScJop: Officer and Offender \/. Assessll1ent" ~1967 ,,9~~.

Prediction Methods in . .friminology; including a prediction study of young men on probation.,London,{)H.M. S~,f)., 1971. 233 p. ' (Ho~e Office Research Studies, no. 7)

364~2 S594 73-988· Ji

A somewhat technical repot'tf qJl:i:..te a bit o:E,the space is used to exple.inthe wpat and why. of pred'.tction studies,. Contains. $ho1:t reviews of m~ny p'revio'Us studies, mostfroril theU. So

Slott, I 'I'Vi ng and Williaml'1. Spre.Ghe,r Cost Effectiveness andC'riminal,3ustice" MewYerk, AmeiicanSoGiety of MechanicalEngine~'):s, 1971.],e. "(71-WAlMgt:"4)

~ " .:/


Sugge13tions for ways in whiGh'systemsanalysis can he 1J.se.<;l to make Grime ul,lprofitiJ,ple;;J and obtainthe:ll1osteffe¢tiv~lLse of .criminal justice' funds" Gene:rally concerns tbe pretrial segment ".' of thegystem, . buf:t:be.'ideasqn iesource allocation land cost"",····· effectiveness a1:8 .apPlic~b~e to anyp.o1:tion.

• ' '. '. 1 • _,'"

SocialSc:i.t=!nc~Research C01J.ric:i18 Ce~tertorCoordiI1a:tioti ,; SQciallndicators. ," ' ;

'. , Social Indicato1:s:t 1973;. AReviewSym:posiuIn~Roxann ,A~ 'Wa,shing.tofl, 1974. '.a7p.



Probat;ion: Research 10

35 U . .

The symposium reviewed.§Qcial Indicators, 1973, published by the U. S.O:J;fice of Management and Budget. The reviews contain some material on offenders andrehabilitationll plus data on cornpa-r:isc>ns with other countries~ ,



~. Administrative Office of the United Sta"tes Courts. Federal Offenders in United States District Gourts.. Washipgton, 1975. [288 p.]

8365.973 U46$

Format of the series is revamped with thi"s report :'1 data is c;om­piled for each distl','ict court. Statistics includ~;pro1)ation and are broken down by type of offense, type. of s~:ntence; and by sex~ age, and pdor record.

S. Fedel','a1 Judicial Center. The Second Circuit Sentencing Study: A Report to the cqudges 0# the Secona Circpit." Washington, Government Printing Offi<~e, 1974. 54 p. + appendices.


A disparity study of sentences for "paper defendants". Gives some insight in,tothe use and variability of presentence re­ports and of th,¢ effect of the sentencing recommendations and. alternatives presented by the Probation Office.

'u ~ I)

36 U. S. Law Enforcement Administration and U. S. Bureau of the Census. Historical' Statistics on Expenditure and E:mpl_o,Y1!!ent;. for the Criminal Justice System; 1971 to 1973. Washington, Government Printing Of­fice, 197?~ 100. (LEAA: SD-EE no. 6 , Census:GSS no. 73)


First in a ~eries. Data are extracted from other, more detaH-ed,'reports. Covers: police., the judiciary, ~,egal "services;

o prosecution,indigent defense, correction,' and "other". Infor-mation on probation is included in the se:ction on cOl:;rections.

U" S,. National. Criminal. Justice, Information and StatisticsService~ "SourcehookofCt"iminal Justice 8tat.istics ,1973, by Michael ~iildelang,

.et: al.Washington, Government Printing Office, 1974. 49'9p.

SR364 . £8824 1973

Annual publication; 1974 is on order; '1975 is not yetlpublisged. tTom:p:i,lat:i;onof material available from a wide spectrumof';'

o .0 •

~ ... ,



-o •


_ -. - ---.r'!'

Probation: Research 11

38 . "


publications •. , Focus is nationwide, but ,on State and loc.al data rather than Federal. Subjects covered include f:lystem character.;, istics, jud;J.cial processing, and persolls under cOlZrectional l)

"", ':1

supervision.. " c;.'

u •. , S. National ~rim;inal Justice Reference Service. Adult Probation and Parole. Washington:l 1976. 1.51-6 •


IBM printout, 176 items with abstracts.


Veloo, K. V. w The Outcome of P:t;'obation for Juwenile O.f!enders in Singap"o!~~ i~ 'National Youth Leadership,:'frairting0Institute, May, 197Z. l05-9.



Examines the results of pr6batio~ during the probationary period .and during the post-prQbati9fi period of 536 juvenile offenders who Wet'e on probation 1961,.1962.. Shows a success rate. of 80.4% during the period of sUpervision; this drops off to 56.9%for a follow-up time of 7-9 years."

40 Wilkins, Leslie. d

Evaluation ~1?(1:~!tal MeaSUres. New York, Ra.ndom HoUse~\ 196~.. 177 p. (includes index)


An examination of the problems of eyaluatingthe effectiveness of various types of penal·sanctidns.. .

41 .' Wisconsin. Corrections Divisipn. Planning, Development and Research Buteau." . (,

1973 Probation and Parole ,Terminations. .t1ad'ison, 1975,. 2~ p'. (Statistical BuB.etin C.,.56)



Latest in a f:ltatistica.l,inforrnation series which ~:t"eaks dpw'n in-< formation pn the clients supervised, by a wi<,te;ariety of,~,,!=con6~~c and social indicators. '.,. . .

/.' .' . . " (j)





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Th~prQgram, fOF both adults and juveniles, h~s an:over/illl $uccess rate of· 75 .. 80% for adults, 67-70% for juvenilese With both groups, nonwhites have anappreci.ably higher success rate •

. Racial cfiff~rences between offender and volunteef"has l~tt1eor no effect on the otit~ome;. inner city volunteers havE:' a higher s.ucCess rate with the probationers.


43WO~)(I,. Artll.l,lrLewis. , ])ev,:i1ant Behavior. and Cont.rol Strategies.' Le~ington, Ma,ss., Lex­

•.. iri1rt't8n:)1974~210 p. (incl.bibliogr,aphy) ~.


. ' 301.62 .. W873 75-3308

,~~0 .', . Anex&[email protected] .crime and other type(i of. tlnaC~E:ptab1e be-havior. pons:i,ders the role of law, th~ inherent possib:UHies and lirqitations for deterrertce,· ~rid a,n evaluation of curl;'e,nt

.' rehabilitation policies. Contains brief analyses and some compari.sons of many studies on the Causes ofc,rime and on the "curesH , both proposed and in effects



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