Just Another Book II



One more year has rolled around and we, as a business have gone through many changes. A re-brand, new clients and some changes to our stable of artists to name a few. To celebrate we are bringing out the second edition of our Just Another Book. Much like the first publication, we have featured a selection of artist imagery and gone behind the scenes with each of our talented Just Another Artists to share with you a glimpse into their lives. Not only is the second book an artist resource for our clients and fans alike it's also a fun and informative look at all aspects of Just Another, including the Agency, the Project Space and a number of our curated exhibitions and events.

Transcript of Just Another Book II

What is your secret shame / Weirdest habit? Shaving my shoulders in the shower.

What are the key themes in your Work?Haunting mixed media work with a visual allegory depicting the excess in scientific worship that is common place in todays world.

do you have a favorite item from your studio? My deer head with antlers and my first attempt at taxidermy a small set of bird claws that I have preserved.

What motivates and inspires you?People that live by their own rules and the conviction to stand by their beliefs and anything that is still made by hand.

Where Would you love to see your Work go?Into an airtight time capsule so that people 500 years from now could look at it.

What Would you like to be remembered for?I guess as someone who had the strength to keep pushing regardless of what people said.

if you could collaborate With one artist, living or dead, Who Would it be?It would have to be a sculptor probably Andy Goldsworthy.

apesevensydney, au | joined 02 september 2010

Who Would your dream client be?Maybe one of my favorite musicians like Holly Throsby or Lykke Li.

What has been your favorite moment of 2012?That would have to be my first Solo Show ‘Muliebrity’ at the Just Another Project Space. The show looked amazing and I got to meet lots of new people and my sister flew down as a surprise for the opening.

has being creative ever gotten you in to trouble? if so, hoW?Yes! Sometimes I’m in a perfect creative frame of mind and I’ve forgotten about other responsibilities!

What motivates and inspires you?I’m motivated and inspired by my emotions. I love putting them into my work. My emotions are from my heart and mostly I feel a lot of love in there, inspired by the beauty and loving people in my life. That sounds really cheesy, I know!

Where Would you love to see your Work go?Always to loving homes! I’d love one day that my art is in a text books art student’s use.

bec Winnelmelbourne, au | joined 04 july 2010

tell us a bit about your heroes and hoW they helped shape you?My heroes, Ren and Stimpy creator, John Kricfalusi and Olivia Newton John in Grease. One encouraged me artistically and warped my brain, the other sparked my enthusiasm for high waisted spandex trousers.

What are the key themes in your Work?Anthropomorphism, social circles, escapism, human behavior, Animal behavior, recreational drug use, heavy metal, hip-hop, personality, animal rights issues, nostalgia, humor, environmental issues, bad habits, loneliness, happiness, solitude, time. What is your favorite color and Why?Green. It’s androgynous. it’s the color of plants, vegetables, weed. I associate it with nature. My favorite shade of green is acid green, because it’s got the best of both the green and yellow worlds. It reminds me of lime flavored icy poles. A few years ago, everything lime flavored was replaced by green apple flavor, which is a tragedy if you ask me.

What Would you like to be remembered for?I’d like to be remembered for my remarkable skills in the kitchen and not for my arrogance about said skills.

bridge stehlilondon, uk | joined 06 november 2010

Who Would your dream client be?My dream client would be Disney. It’s a huge stretch, but they are the pinnacle of creativity to me. Perhaps that’s subjective to each person, but everyone’s grown up with their films and I for one borrow and constantly admire the life being brought into these characters and scenes. I love paintings and drawings, but the beauty of animation is the fact it’s so close to being tangible.

What is your secret shame / Weirdest habit?I don’t tell many people this, but I’m secretly a pretty nifty pop and locker. Before I got into art I got very deep into the dance scene. Mostly hip hop, but in my final years of high school I decided to take it up as a subject. We did contemporary dance, jazz and a whole bunch of other things. Needless to say I was terrible at traditional ballet corners, but I was a fiend when it came down to busting the moves. I was an A+ student in dance class, with flow smoother than silk. Now you know.

What is your favorite color and Why?Color features very rarely in my work, so it’s hard to say. In general, I like all colors, but red would have to be my favorite. It seems to be an omnipresent color of authority, dominance and power. The main reason however, is because my favorite Power Ranger was the red ranger; easily the best one out.

elevenmelbourne, au | joined 12 april 2012

What is your secret shame / Weirdest habit?Nothing too weird I don’t think… just a bit of a neat freak.

tell us a bit about your hero’s and hoW they helped shape you?Lots and lots of people I could list here… don’t know where to start. But its friends who are creative that inspire the most. Working with guys like Beastman, Ghostpatrol and Twoone always inspire me to keep evolving in my approach and the outcome of my work.

What are the key themes in your Work?Im still trying to work this one out too! Recently its lots of geometric shapes, things floating, water and magic. I guess its all personal, but still trying to make sense of a lot of it.

What fuels you to keep creating?Deadlines! And the freedom of being able to make things that I like, and not really giving a shit if nobody else does. I do it for me and if you don’t like it, well I don’t mind!

What is it you are you searching for via your creative pursuit?The meaning of Life! Ha ha!

gary seaman

adelaide, au | joined 16 september 2010

What has been your favorite moment of 2012?Living in Berlin for a couple of months has definitely been the highlight of the year for me. Opened my mind in a whole lot of ways to a new way of living and what possible in the creative world.

tell us What you are up to at the moment?Finishing up a few months of travel around Europe and New York, taking plenty of photos and getting inspiration towards my next exhibition.

What is your favorite color and Why?Black, it’s timeless.

do you have a favorite item from your studio?My Xacto knife has been with me since the beginning, plenty of hours with that in hand!

favorite country / city you’ve visited? place you most Want to visit?Berlin is the place for me. Will most likely be the German representative for Just Another Agency in the next couple of years.

kirpymelbourne, au | joined 04 july 2010

Who Would your dream client be?Doing concept design for Laika Entertainment would totally rock my socks. It would be great to give something back to the people who have creatively inspired me for so many years.

What is your favorite color and Why?I can’t seem to shy away from Aqua. A lot of my illustrations this year have some cool tones incorporated, even when I try not to.

favorite country / city you’ve visited? place you most Want to visit?Japan is one of my favorite places in the world. My eyes were on fire from overstimulation. There was so much to look at, and take in, that it gave me the biggest surge of inspiration. I was drawing for three solid days once I came home.

if you could collaborate With one artist, living or dead, Who Would it be?Definitely working with the creative geniuses behind Ghostshrimp studios. They tell so many stories with the zany artworks they produce.

lauren carneybrisbane, au | joined 04 july 2010

What is your secret shame / Weirdest habit?I am incredibly clumsy. Tell me to walk through a door and without fail, I will walk into the door frame. Countless bruises.

tell us a bit about your heroes and hoW they helped shape you?Whether brief encounters or lasting years, my heroes continue to be the everyday people who come into my life and share their stories with me, tell me how to be a better person or push me outside of my own modesties.

What is your favorite color and Why?I love high contrast — the absence and full presence of color, also known as black and white. Compositions that succeed with these simple forms will always be able to transcend any trend or fad.

do you have a favorite item from your studio?In my Melbourne studio ... my fierce red Olivetti Valentine typewriter.

What Would you like to be remembered for?I’d like to be remembered for my light punches to the arms and my sincere hugs.

leisha murakimelbourne, au | joined 07 august 2011

Who Would your dream client be?My dream client would be a time travelling dinosaur trainer looking to launch a line of riding gear and reptile saddles featuring collaborative works from artists throughout the ages.

What has been your favorite moment of 2012?Having my work displayed on those huge digital billboards in Times Square New York was a dream come true.

What are the key themes in your Work?I was introduced to the concept of art as a tool for psychological diagnosis when I was 7 years old. Even then I loved the idea that the things you create can hold deeper truths than you can consciously express. Emotion and states of being. Integrating the grotesque with the beautiful to create something at once unsettling and alluring.

do you have a favorite item from your studioMy easel, which I rescued from the roadside during council cleanup. A little handyman loving and it’s been in steady use ever since.

if you could collaborate With one artist, living or dead, Who Would it be?Dante Gabriel Rossetti or Alphonse Mucha.

rebecca murphysydney, au | joined 11 august 2010

tell us a bit about your heroes and hoW they helped shape you?They kept me fed on a balanced and portioned diet of wisdom and hard truths whilst running me through the gauntlet of experience. This has kept me fighting fit.

a little background; hoW did you get into What you’re doing?I used to work in tattoo shops and went back to school to do illustration to become a better artist for my tattoo apprenticeship. I ended up opening a gallery and selling artwork and just kept my brushes out and my machines packed away..accidentally.

What motivates and inspires you?Hard to say really…music, any day to day event or experience, people, fresh warm air and the sun. Sometimes beer helps too.

What does a typical day involve for you?I don’t have typical days.

if you could collaborate With one artist, living or dead, Who Would it be?Easy! Dr. Seuss of course.

searmelbourne, au | joined 27 july 2010

Who Would your dream client be? Marvel Comics.

What has been your favorite moment of 2012? Working for Marvel Comics.

tell us What you are up to at the moment? Working on a number of large scale public murals that I hope will lead to working on even larger scale public art murals!

What are the key themes in your Work? Everything 80’s always, graffiti, typography, great composition and a lot of balls.

What Would you like to be remembered for? Pushing my personal boundaries, achieving my many goals, following my heart, and not succumbing to bullshit trends ;) you know.. What’s hot and what’s not? Who cares as long as your having fun right?! But mostly, STYLE.

What is it you are you searching for via your creative pursuit? The thirst of knowledge via my endless pursuit for Style.

sirummelbourne, au | joined 04 july 2010
