JURNAL KEPENDIDIKAN INTERAKSI Volume 8, Nomor 1, Januari 2013 Tjitra Ramadhani dan Rima Amelia Analysis of Contextual Meaning and Moral Values on Still Not Getting Any Album by Simple Plan 1-13 Wildona zumam dan Faishol Thoha The Problems in Learning Speaking Skill at Eighth Grade Students at MTs of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep 14-23 Chairul Fajar Tafrilyanto Perbandingan Prestasi Belajar Siswa yang Diajar Menggunakan Strategi Think-Talk-Write (TTW) dengan Diajar Menggunakan Strategi Pembelajaran Ekspositori pada Materi Pokok Garis Singgung Lingkaran 24-28 Ika Nuriyanti dan Moh. Hosni The Implementation of Heuristic Strategy on Teaching Reading at Ninth Grade Students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan 29-40 Sri Indriati Hasanah Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik Di Madrasah Tsanawiyah 41-45 Evha Nazalatus Sakdiyah dan Annisa Khairani Makatita An Analysis of Figurative Language in Doo-Woops and Hooligans Album By Bruno Mars 46-66 Ukhti Raudhatul Jannah Analisis Kesalahan Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita pada Materi Aritmetika Sosial di Kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Pademawu 67-70 Mohammad Jufri Perbedaan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Antara Yang Diajar Menggunakan Reciprocal Teaching Dengan Direct Instruction Pada Bahasan Turunan Fungsi SMA Negeri I Pademawu 71-75


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JURNAL KEPENDIDIKAN INTERAKSI Volume 8, Nomor 1, Januari 2013

Tjitra Ramadhani dan Rima Amelia

Analysis of Contextual Meaning and Moral Values on Still Not Getting Any Album by Simple Plan 1-13

Wildona zumam dan Faishol Thoha

The Problems in Learning Speaking Skill at Eighth Grade Students at MTs of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep 14-23

Chairul Fajar Tafrilyanto

Perbandingan Prestasi Belajar Siswa yang Diajar Menggunakan Strategi Think-Talk-Write (TTW) dengan Diajar Menggunakan Strategi Pembelajaran Ekspositori pada Materi Pokok Garis Singgung Lingkaran


Ika Nuriyanti dan Moh. Hosni

The Implementation of Heuristic Strategy on Teaching Reading at Ninth Grade Students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan


Sri Indriati Hasanah

Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik Di Madrasah Tsanawiyah


Evha Nazalatus Sakdiyah dan Annisa Khairani Makatita

An Analysis of Figurative Language in Doo-Woops and Hooligans Album By Bruno Mars


Ukhti Raudhatul Jannah

Analisis Kesalahan Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita pada Materi Aritmetika Sosial di Kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Pademawu


Mohammad Jufri

Perbedaan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Antara Yang Diajar Menggunakan Reciprocal Teaching Dengan Direct Instruction Pada Bahasan Turunan Fungsi SMA Negeri I Pademawu


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Tjitra Ramadhani

Rima Amelia English Department, FKIP, Madura University


Abstract: Song is a literary works which is more understandable and more familiar in human’s life. Actually, song does not only consist of musics and set of lyrics, but also something that give good impression to the listeners in order that the listeners get moral value on it. Simple Plan are one of pop punk band who comes from Canada, they have released 4 album since 2002 up to 2011. Though they are pop punk band, but their song and even the music are easy to listen. It makes their listeners love their songs. Still not getting any is one of the their album, it was released on october, 2004 . In this study, the researcher discusses and explains about the contextual meaning and moral values on that album. Qualitative research is used as research design in this study because, in this study is related to literature which explain this study descriptively to find out the contextual meaning and the moral value on “Still Not Getting Any” album by Simple Plan. This source of this study is taken from Simple Plan songs on Still Not Getting Any that consists of 11 songs, they are; Shut Up !, Welcome, To My Life, Perfect World, Thank You,Me Against The World,Crazy, Jump, Every time, Promise, One and Untitled. As the result the contextual meaning on Still Not Getting Any album by Simple Plan , almost all of the song lyric in this album tells about the problems in the song writer’s life. It also tells about how to be himself to face every situation and problem in his life. Then, the result of moral value found on Still Not Getting Any album by Simple Plan, there are eight kinds moral value, they are; loyalty, bravery, honesty, confidence, respect, forbearance, love and knowledgeable. From 11 songs above confidence, love and bravery that are the most kind of moral value that appearance in that album. At last, after interpretating and analyzing contextual meaning and moral value on this album, the researcher gives conclussion and suggestion. The conclussion is related to the data that has been analyzed and the suggestion is related to how to comprehend the literary work in order to get knowledge particularly which related to the way in analyzing the contextual meaning and the moral value especially in analyzing song. Keywords: Contextual Meaning, Moral Value, Still Not Getting Any Album.


Language is part of human life. Language and people can not be separated. From the statement above, it means that language has important role and it is a prime medium in people’s communication because by using language people can build an interaction with other. In other hands, communication needs language. Besides, people use language to express their feeling, ideas, opinions and their thought. As Brinton and Brinton (2010:2) states “Language give expression to our thought”.

It means that language has function to express the feeling based on people thought. Their thought can be in written or spoken.Writing is more common use to express the feeling especially related to literature.

Literature can not be separated from the language. It caused of people usually use

language to make a literary work. It is human’s expression about their life or experiences, which can be expressed either written or spoken. According to Podis in Amrulloh (2008:2) states “Literature is an art of form that generally means an imaginative writing from which the functional word is created”. There are many examples of literary works, they are poem, short story, songs, novel and other. Based on that example song is a literary work which more understandable and more familiar in human’s life. Quinn (2006:393) states "Song is a term for a type of lyric poem, not necessarily designed to be set to music. It means that song can be orally with music or without music.

As a part of literature, song can entertain the listeners by its music and is performed by singing. Song of course

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consists of lyrics. Song lyric is an arrangement of beautiful, imaginative and meaningful word. It is usually used to express the feeling based on either the writer’s or the other people’s experiences. It also has a powerful emotion that gives impact in listeners’ mind. The impact of song usually makes the listeners feel the story in the song as theirself story and the messages of song give the inspiration for them. Song writer usually creates song related to the love story, social, education and the philosophy of life and even the history of life. The song writer often creates the song either she or he is in pink or blue feeling. Actually, song does not only consist of music and set of lyrics, but also moral value that give good impression to the listeners in order that the listeners does not only get or listen the song but also get something important in it. But, before the listeners know and understand about it all they must understand about the meaning beacuse on the song consists of meaning that can be interpreted by people based on their understanding. There are some types of meaning . But, related to this study, each listeners have diferent understanding and they usually use their own understanding. Their understanding and interpreting of the story in song lyric is called contextual meaning. According to Suryawinata in Sugeng (2013:57) states “ Contextual meaning is meaning that arise from the situation or context where the phrase, sentence or expression are used. In understanding the lyrics, the listeners must understand a whole of the lyrics by finding out the clues. So, they must understand the lyrics based on the clue and sequences of the story of the song. It is also related to moral value in song which has meaning after listening the song, and also needs interpretation to understand the meaning of each line. Moral value is the term that tells about something related to good or bad people’s behavior in life. It is supported by Mutmainnah (2014:52), “Moral values are standards of good and bad, which govern and individual’s behaviour and choices”. Simple Plan songs have moral values and which can be known by listeners, if the people pay attention to listen that song. But, the people get difficulty to understand what

the story tell is of the song, especially in “Still Not Getting Any” album which consist of 11 songs. It was the second album of Simple Plan. This album was released on October 2004. Simple Plan is Pop Punk band that come from Canada. They began their career in group band since 1999. Then, they have known as a famous band since 2002. They have composed 4 albums from 2002 up to 2011. The songs of that album can touch their listeners heart by its beautiful lyrics. Each song in “Still Not Getting Any” album does not only consists of beautiful word, but also has moral value that give good impact for the listeners. But, the listeners do not realize about it. And also the the listeners do not know exactly the meaning, especially the contextual meaning based on their understanding of those song lyrics. Based on those reason above, the researcher focuses her analysis on contextual meaning and moral values of song. The researcher is interested to conduct a study entitled An Analysis of Contextual Meanings and Moral Values on “Still Not Getting Any” album By Simple Plan. RESEARCH METHOD

This study uses descriptive qualitative research method because the object of this study is literature. So, the researcher gives explanation and description about the theories which related to the research and does not use statistical procedure. Besides, the data that analyzed is a written data in word not in numerical data. “Qualitative research involves studies that do not attempt to quantify their results through statistical summary or analysis” (Marczyk, et al 2005:17). By using qualitative method the researcher can observe, identify and get the result scientifically not in numerical data. So, Qualitative research is research which produce information only, the result of the study is in written form which is the subjective data because it is an individual opinion and any more general conclusions are only propositions and not use the numerical data.

Dealing with the explanation above, the researcher tries to analyze song descriptively and tries to find out the contextual meaning and the moral value on

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Ramadhani, Analysis Of Contextual Meaning | 3

“Still Not Getting Any” album by Simple Plan. The researcher collects the data and other information related to this study from some books, journals and even searchs some articles related to the study to support the data that present in this study. In this study the researcher uses observation and documentation. After the researcher collecting the data, then the researcher needs to analyze the data. According to Ary (2009:480), “Data analysis is a process whereby researchers systematically search and arrange their data in order to increase their understanding of the data and to enable them to present what they learned to others”. On other hand, data analysis is a way to manage the data and organize data into categories of basic analysis in order that the researcher can find the theory from the available data.

In analyze the data, the researcher does some steps, they are:

1. Classify the data that had been found and collected. 2. Describe the problem deal with the purpose of the study.

3. Analyze the data based on the theory. 4. Make the conclusion of the study to make the study clear and easier to be


FINDING AND DISCUSSION The reseacher analyzes the data that

have been collected which is the contextual meaning of song lyrics in Still Not Getting Any album by Simple Plan. In this study the contextual is based on the story or context in song lyrics. In each song lyric does not always have many explanations to know the contextual meaning, but there are clues that can support the explanation through the song lyrics. The clues are quotations on song lyrics. In song lyrics , there are many stanzas which have lines. In each line there are pronouns which have meaning contextually. Before determining the contextual meaning of those stanzas. The researcher explains and analyzes words or phrases that are considered which have contextual meaning, So, the researcher finds and uses clues from the song lyric as aid to help the researcher analyzes the contextual meaning on it. The analysis of the contextual meaning related to song lyrics

in Still Not Getting Any album by Simple Plan as follows:

In this song lyric, word “There” refers to the place where songwriter’s friends stay and even life or make a society, “You” refers to songwriter’s friend, it can be known as the songwriter’s friends because in this song ,the songwriter angry and talk rudely to him.

Based on the explanation above, the first stanza tells about the songwriter’s feeling which is angry and tired with all bad attitude of his friends who pretend that they know everything about songwriter, whereever and whenever they are, they always feel better than him, it is shown in the first line until second line below :

“There you go You’re always so right”

The quotation above supported by

the second stanza below, it is shown in the first line until fourth line :

“You think you know What everyone needs You always take time

To criticize me” Based on the quotation above, there

is word “Everyone”, it refers to people in his friends’ life includes songwriter and word “Me” refers to the songwriter.

So from the explanation above, this stanza tells about the songwriter’s friends who always act arrogantly and feel that they know everything than songwriter, it is shown in both of the quotation above . His friends also show all of his mistakes in front of him. This explanation is showed by the quotation below :

“You're always there to point Out my mistakes

And shove them in my face”

The quotation above is supported by :

“You think you're special But I know, and I know

And I know, and we know That you're not”

Based on the quotation

above,”Them” refers to the mistakes that have done by the songwriter, “Special” in

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this song lyrics refers to an attitude of the songwriter’s friends that feels perfect and “We” refers to songwriter and his freinds. From the explanation above, it means that his friends always judge that he is bad person and never doing something good in his life. They considers what they say and judge to him are absolutely right while everything about songwriter is truly wrong.

In the third stanza tells about the songwriter always wrong and can not be better, it is shown in first line until last line on the third stanza below :

“It seems like everyday I make mistakes

I just can't get it right”

Based on the quotation above,”It” refers to the condition when songwriter is always judged wrong by his friends. From explanation above,the songwriter is like always make mistake in his life, while his friends feel better than him.

Then, in the fifth stanza is the answer of songwriter’s anger. Songwriter asks his friends to stop all of their bad attitude to him. The impact of their insult to him, he does not want to hear whatever they say and he also asks them to go away from his life because it is very annoy him. Let see the quotation below:

“So shut up, shut up, shut up

Don't wanna hear it Get out, get out, get out

Get out of my way ”

Based on the quotation above, ”Shut up” refers to songwriter’s command his friends to stop their judgement rudely and after the songwriter realizing about what his said, he is ready to receive every risk. On other hand he is brave to face whatever that will happen to him. Word “It” refers to songwriter’s friends judgementand insult toward him.

Based on the explanation above, the contextual meaning of this lyrics is about the song writer’s anger to his friends who always feel that they are the right one and know everything about him. While they are not perfect enough to judge him. So, whatever the songwriter does, it is always wrong and useless in their point of views. His friends

still give negative judgement to him. Previously, the songwriter only keeps silent although they give him bad treatment. But, at last he lost his patience and do not want to care toward whatever they say.

Each stanza in this song lyrics consist of many lines which has meaning contextually, such as “You” refers to his friends, “No one” refers to no people around him, namely his family. This song lyric tells about the songwriter’s life which always feel alone because nobody can understand him well. It is shown in first stanza. The songwriter asks to the listeners whether they have ever felt like him when. Let see the quotation in the fifth line until eighth line below :

“Do you ever wanna run away?

Do you lock yourself in your room With the radio on turned up so loud

That no one hears you're screaming?”

From the quotation above, it means that the songwriter ever does and asks questions above to his friends. Those are related to the problem he gets or trouble in his life because no one cares about him. It is also shown in the second stanza below that can be supporting explanation about the quotation above :

“No, you don't know what it's like

When nothing feels all right You don't know what it's like

To be like me”

It also supported by the fifth line until the last lines on the third stanzas below :

“To be on the edge of breaking down And no one's there to save you

No, you don't know what it's like Welcome to my life”

Based on the quotation above, both

of the quotation are the answers of the previous question. The songwriter supposes that no one will do as him does if they get problem because people do not understand how about the song writer’s life and do not understand how to be himself to undergoes his life.

The impact of all his painful life, sometimes it makes songwriter hopes that

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Ramadhani, Analysis Of Contextual Meaning | 5

he is someone else. Let see the quotation below :

“Do you wanna be somebody else? Are you sick of feeling so left out?

Are you desperate to find something more Before your life is over?”

Based on the quotation above, it

means that songwriter is very tired with his life, so that he hopes be somebody else that can get what he wants before everything end. It is caused by there are many problems in his life and make him tired to face it by himself.

Then, songwriter also explains that his life and his feeling is not good enough. In this stanza, “No one” refers to song writer’s family,” You” refers to his friends. His family and his friends may be think he is alright. Let see the quotation in the first until third line in seventh stanza below:

“No one ever lied straight to your face

And no one ever stabbed you in the back You might think I'm happy but I'm not

gonna be okay”

It means that his family and his friends truly know and understand him well. Because his family just know him and think he is always alright but actually he is not good enough and they can not understand his heart. His family have hurt songwriter with their carelessness. But they do not realize about it.

Based on the explanation above , the contextual meaning this song lyric is how the song writer shows his life to the other, how hard it is, how pain he is to undergo his life when his family can understand and do not care about him. Perfect World tells about something happen with the songwriter’s feeling. Songwriter feels broken and lost the love from someone special unexpectedly. He feels so hurt and gets difficulty to believe and willing all about his love which his feeling for her is never lost. Actually, he does not want her leaves him. let see the quotation in third line on second stanza below:

It just won’t go away”

Based on the quotation above, “It” refers to the songwriter’s feeling that is not able to erase and forget or let her goes away from his life. He prevents her to go from his life. In the third stanza, tells about the songwriter regrets with the condition in his life at the time. Let see the quotation in the third line until fourth lines :

“In a perfect world This could never happen

In a perfect world You’d still be here”

It means that the condition where the songwriter regrets with situation happens. “You” in this lyric refers to the song writer’s girlfriend. He hopes his girlfriend is still beside him. He feels broken and tries to rearrange the pieces of his heart that have broken. It is shown in the sixth line below :

“ I could just pick up the pieces”

From the quotation above, “I” refers to the song writer, and the word “Pieces” has meaning as song writer’s heart that have broken after he lost the love from his girlfriend. Actually, the song writer thinks that he can do everything and undergoes his life strongly without her. But, his perceptions are wrong, he still remember his girlfriend and can not willing that she was gone and left him. As the quotation below :

“I used to think that I was strong Until the day it all went wrong”

Based on the quotation above, “It” refers to songwriter’s strengh in the condition at that time It means that the song writer tries to be strong and thinks that everything will be alright although the condition of his heart is bad. His perception and his effort is useless. He precisely can not be alright without her. Then, the fifth stanza explains about the hopes of the songwriter, it is shown in first line and second lines bellow:

“I wish that I could bring you back I wish that I could turn back time”

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And supported by third lines on the seventh stanzas bellow :

“I’m still here waiting for you”

Based on the quotations above, “here” refers to the situation where the songwriter does not want to move on his feeling for girlfriend. Songwriter wants his girlfriend comes back and remind all of the memories with him. He will wait her as strong as he can, because he loves her so much. He wants to show his faithfulness to her. he still waits her in the same situation at the first time he waits her. Based on the explanation about this song lyric above, the contextual meaning of this lyric is about the songwriter’s imagination related to his regret of what has happened to him. He imagines that something bad never happen but actually in his real life, it is not like the perfect world in his imagination. Though the girl wont be back to him anymore, he still tries to stand on his heart for her and tries rearrange his heart. He shows his faithfulness by waiting her as much as he is able to do. This song lyric tells about songwriter’s friendship. Songwriter considers that he and his friend will always together. It is shown in the first until second line on the first stanza below :

“I thought that I could always count on you,

I thought that nothing could become between us two”

Based on the quotation above, “I” refers to the songwriter, “You” songwriter’s friend, and “Us” refers to songwriter and his friends. From the quotation above, it means that the songwriter thinks that his friend is the real good friend for him. He always feels that they will be together and nothing happen in his friendship. Unfortunatelly, their friendship are worst. His friend do not act like best friend, they lie to him. The songwriter feels stupid because he never realizes about the lie. It can be interpreted that the lie is so serious so that he lost his trust to his friend. here is the quotation about the explanation above :

“But I was stupid And you broke me down”

The explanation above is supported by the additional quotation below, it shows in second line until third line in the second stanza :

“That best friends can not be trusted, And thank you for lying to me,”

The meaning of “Thank You” in the quotation above is an insult for his friend that has lied. He says thank you because unconciously he has realized that his friend not always honest. It can be expressed as the songwriter’s dissapoinment of his friend. The third stanza tells about the songwriter’s felling that hurt by his friend. It shows in the first line until fifth line on third stanza below :

“I wonder why it always has to hurt, For every lesson that you have to learn.

I won’t forget what you did to me, How you showed me things,

I wish I’d never seen”

Based on the quotation above, “It” refers to the lie that have made by his friend. It means that he feels hurt and dissapointed with his friend attitude which have lied to him, it can be forgotten by the song writer. He hopes that it never happens and he does not want to face it anymore because it is so hurt for him. From the explanation about this song lyric above, actually the contextual meaning of this song lyrics tells about the songwriter’s disappointment of his friend because his friend has lied to him. As the result, the songwriter considers that there is no honesty anymore in their friendship. But, it is too late for the songwriter to know the truth. While, before he thinks that they will be together in every happy and sorrow. In the first stanza tells about the critics of the songwriters toward the people around him who consider that they can guide him to be better. It is shown in quotation below :

“We're not gonna be

Just apart of their game

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Ramadhani, Analysis Of Contextual Meaning | 7

We're not gonna be Just the victims

They're taking our dreams And they tear them apart 'til everyone's the same I've got no place to go

I've got no where to run They love to watch me fall

They think they know it all”

Based on the quotation above, “We” refers to songwriters of this song who have the same problem in life, “Their” refers to their parents, “Them” refers to the songwriters’ dream and “It” refers to what the songwriter needs. From the explanation above,the quotation above tells about songwriters critic how their parents feel that they are the guiding of him to be better. Their parents act like they know what songwriter needs for his life and think that songwriter is nothing . He wants to rebel them because they damage his dream and ask him to be like their parents want. The second stanza, tells about how the parents consider that the songwriter is a trouble maker. But, he will prove that what they think about him are wrong. It is shown in quotation below :

“I'm a nightmare, a disaster That's what they always said I'm a lost cause, not a hero But I'll make it on my own

I've gotta prove them wrong Me against the world

It's me against the world” Based on the quotation above, “that’s“ refers to his parents’s judgement and “It” refers to songwriter’s dream. From the explanation above, the songwriter is considered as the disaster and trouble maker by his parents. They always underestimate with all of he does. In their point of view, he is like a nightmare for them because of he rebels to them related to his parents wants. But, he wants to prove that all of their thinking about him are wrong. In the fourth stanza, the songwriter prevents his parents to control and make him to be like what they want. Here is the quotation that support the explanation above :

“We won't let them change How we feel in our hearts

We're not gonna let them control us We won't let them shove

All their thoughts in our heads And we'll never be like them”

Based on the quotation above, “Them” refers to his parents. From the quotation above, it means that songwriter’s parents control and command him in order that he wants to do what they want. They also try change his thought to be like them. So, the song writer tries to prevent it all. Then, sixth stanza tells about the condition where the songwriter feels tired with all of insult from people around him. It is shown in quotation below :

“Now I'm sick of this waiting So come on and take your shot

You can spit all your insults But nothing you say is gonna change us

You can sit there and judge me Say what you want to We'll never let you in”

In the quotation above “This Waiting” refers to the time when songwriter’s hope about his parent judgement ends,”your shout” refers to his parent’s judgement to make him down. From explanation above, it means that, songwriter feels tired with what they do to him. So, that he asks them to do what they want. The songwriters contend their parents to judge and insult him. Because he does not care about it anymore. Based on the explanation about this lyric above, the contextual meaning of this song lyris is about songwriter contends his parents who always control and over protective to him in order that songwriter will do everything based on their commands. Songwriter wants to prove the insult of people around him who consider that he is a trouble maker are wrong. This song lyric tells about the society that made the song writer feels confused and freak. In the first stanza and the second stanza explain about girl who wants to be perfect instantly. It is showed in quotation below :

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“Tell me what's wrong with society

When everywhere I look, I see Young girls dying to be on TV

They won't stop till they've reached their dreams”

“Diet pills, surgery

Photoshopped pictures in magazines Telling them how they should be

It doesn't make sense to me”

In this song lyric, “Everywhere” refers to the society where the songwriter’s life,“They” refers to young girls in this song lyric, “it” refers to everything that the young girls do. From both of the quotation above, it means that the song writer notices from television, there is a news that tells bout the girl who does surgery and take diet pils to be perfect. She will not stop until she gets what she wants without knowing that there is negative effect for her body. At last that what she does causes het take to dangerous. The third stanza tells about song writer’s question in his mind related to the phenomenon happen.

“Is everybody going crazy? Is anybody gonna save me?

Can anybody tell me what's going on? Tell me what's going on?

If you open your eyes You'll see that something is wrong”

From quotation above, “Everybody” refers to people who are considered acting abnormally based on the songwriter point of view, such as the young girls. It can be known that the songwriter fells confused with the situation in society around him. He wants to show if the young girls realize everything that she does are wrong. Fourth stanza and fifth stanza are related each other, those stanza tells about family that make children forgotten caused by their parents. Let see the quotation below : “I guess things are not how they used to be

There's no more normal families Parents act like enemies

Making kids feel like it's World War III”

“No one cares, no one's there I guess we're all just too damn busy

And money's our first priority It doesn't make sense to me”

Based on the quotation above, “They” refers the parent who always dispute each other therefore their children feel uncomfort with the situation, “We” refers to songwriter and parents of this song. Based on the explanation above, the reason of the disputing each other is because they are so busy with their job. So, there is not enough time to spend the time with family. As the result their children are forgotten and ignored. In the first stanza, songwriter feels bored with his life. He feels nothing special in everyday. It shows in quotation below :

“I dont wanna wake up today Cause everyday's the same

And I'd been waiting so long For things to change I'm sick of this town

Sick of my job Sick of my friends 'cause everyone's jaded

Sick of this place, I wanna break free I'm so frustrated, I just wanna”

Based on the quotation above, “this

change” refers to the new situation of his life in eceryday. It means that the songwriter feels tired to spend the time of his life with the same thing and static. He feels bored with the situation and his friend. There is no something new in his life which make him feels frustated. Therefore he wants to do something that can help him forget his problem a while.

In the second stanza, he does something to refresh his mind. He does not care with all around him, he just wants to keep his mind calm down and persuades listeners to be the same as him by forgeting the problem happens. Let see the quotation below :

“Jump! (Jump!) Don't wanna think about tomorrow

(Jump!) I just don't care tonight

I just wanna jump (Jump!) Don't wanna think about my sorrow

Let's go Forget your problems I just wanna jump”

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Based on the quotation above,”Your problem” refers to the songwriter problems. So, from explanation above it means that songwriter tries to suggest himself so that he can forget and move his mind up for a while from the problem he gets. He does not care with what happens in his life. He realizes that he has a problem but he does not want to spend his time by only thinking of something make him feel painful.

Then,in the third stanza tells about the impact of song writer’s boredom. He wants to out of from his responsibility. It is shown in third line until seventh line below:

“To do all the things I wanna do So I'm gonna pack up my bags

I'm never coming back 'Cause the years are passing by

And I'm wasting all my ti-ti-time”

The meaning of “Pack up my back” based on the quotation above, the song writer wants to escape and go away without coming back. He undergoes years by years by waiting the changes of condition around him which is only waste his time. He wants to be free and does everything he wants that is caused by his boredom of everything around him. Based on the explanation above, contextual meaning of this song lyric tells about the situation where the songwriter faces the boredom of his life that make him frustated and tired to face it. So that he wants to do something to forget his problem and be free for a while without thinking anything else, he only wants to be happy. Everytime tells about the deep feeling of the songwriter to someone who always live in the song writer’s heart. In the first stanza tells about the memories between the songwriter and his girlfriend. He remembers the time when he spends the day with her. It shows in the first line until seventh line below :

“It was three AM when you woke me up And we jumped in the car and drove as far

as we could go Just to get away

We talked about our lives Until the sun came up

And now I'm thinking about How I wish I could go back”

Based on the quotation above, “It” refers to time when the songwriter is waken up by his gilfriend and “You” refers to the songwriter’s girlfriend. From the explanation above, it means that the songwriter remembers and misses the memories and everything that have done with his girlfriend before. He hopes can turn back time when she still with him and undergoes the all day long with her. Then, in the second stanza the songwriter is like in the situation where they still together. It is caused by his remind about how she leaves him when he needs her in his life. Here is the quotation about the explanation above :

“Everytime I see your face

Everytime you look my way It's like it all falls into place

Everything feels right Ever since you walked away You left my life in disarray All I want is one more day

It's all I need: one more day with you” Based on the quotation above,word “Everytime” refers to all of momment when songwriter with her, and sentence “It’s like it all falls into place” refers to his memories when he and his girlfriend still together. From explanation above, it means that songwriter remembers all about her well. When imagining her, it looks he feels alright and take him to the time when she left him. It makes him confused and feels empty. Realizing that he is missing her so much, the only one of his hope is meet her and repeat the time as in his memorise. In the third stanza tells about something bad happens in his time when the songwriter is with her. It is shown in quotation below :

“When the car broke down We just kept walkin along

Til we hit this town There was nothing there at all

But that was all okay We spent all our money on stupid things But if I looked back now, I'd probably

give it all away”

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In the quotation above , word “It” refers to songwriter’s money, “there” refers to the town where the songwriter and his girlfriend visit together. From explanation above, it can be interpreted that they are in bad time or bad situation when he goes with her. But, it seems alright because he undergoes the day with his girlfriend. If he can turn back time, he will give all of they have to pay the bad moment before in order that it can be better. Based on the explanation above, the contextual meaning of this lyric is about songwriter’s nostalgia when he is still with his girlfriend. He remembers all of the memories when they undergo the day together whatever happen and whereever they go which are make him so happy. When he imagines and remembers about her, it makes he wants to turn back and do all their habitual activities like before. So, everytimes refers to all the momment and situations when the song writer enjoys the all day with her. After finding out the contextual meaning of the song lyrics on Still Not Getting Any by Simple Plan . Then, the researcher analyzes the data that refers to moral values of the song lyrics on that album. Moral values are standards of good and bad, which govern and individual’s behaviour and choices. Related to moral value, this study is about moral value found on Still Not Getting Any by Simple Plan. There are eleven songs on this album, they are Shut Up ! , Welcome To My Life, Perfect World, Thank You, Me Against The World, Crazy, Jump, Every time, Promise, One,and Untitled . The analysis of moral values of those song lyrics as follows:

In this song lyric the researcher finds two kinds of moral value, that are confidence and bravery. The analysis about those moral value as follows :

kinds of moral value that finds on this song lyric is bravery. It shows in fifth stanza on first line until the last line, let see the quotation below :

“So shut up, shut up, shut up

Don't wanna hear it Get out, get out, get out

Get out of my way

It means that, the songwriter commands his friends to stop their insult toward him, because he has been tired with their insult to him that as habitual. It makes the songwriter annoyed and talks rudely. The impact of his rude words make his friends will angry. When, he realizes about what he said to his friends, so he is ready to receive every risk. On other hand, the songwriter is brave to face whatever happens to him whether his friends will angry or will do something dangerous to him.

In this song lyrics, the researcher also finds this kinds of moral value. It shows in ninth until tenth line on ninth stanza, here the quotation:

You'll never stop me

Nothing you say today Is gonna bring me down”

It means that, the songwriter believes in his own ability that he has ways to against their judgement. He thinks that their judgements can not stop him and make him give up to be better.

From this song lyric, the researcher finds one kind of moral value, that is forbereance, it is shown in third stanza below:

To be hurt To feel lost

To be left out in the dark To be kicked when you're down

To feel like you've been pushed around To be on the edge of breaking down

And no one's there to save you No, you don't know what it's like

Welcome to my life

And supported by this quotation that shows in seventh until ninth line on third stanza:

“You might think I'm happy but I'm not

gonna be okay” Both of that has meaning that the

songwriter still restraints in his life although no one knows about his life. His parents and his friends feel that he is fine, but actually he is not good enough. He does not want to show it, because he thinks useless if they know how about the problem in his life. He tries to handle his problem by himself and

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even shows that is his life to others and consider that no one can be like him.

In this song lyrics loyalty is shown in the third line on seventh stanza, let see the quotation below:

“I’m still here waiting for you”

It means that, the songwriter still

waits his girlfriend as much as he is able to do although his girlfriend has left him away. He waits her in the same situation at the first time when he waits her with the same feeling. He waits her in order to show his faithfulness to her.

In this song lyrics related to his love for his girlfriend. It is shown in the fourth line until sixth line on seventh stanza, here the quotation :

“I wish that I could bring you back I wish that I could turn back time

Cuz I can’t let go I just can’t find my way

Yeah Without you I just can’t find my way”

It means that, he shows how deep

the songwriter’s love to her. He feels confused and feels nothing without her. The songwriter wants to turn back the time as the past time when he is still with her, because she is everything for him. He also hopes she comes back to him because, actually he does not want to let girlfriend leave him and let their relathionship ends.

In this song lyric the researcher finds two kinds of moral value, they are respect and confidence. The explanation of those moral value as follows: The researcher finds this kinds of moral value in this lyric that shows in first line on second stanza, here is the quotation :

“So thank you for showing me, That best friends can not be trusted,

And thank you for lying to me,” It means that, the songwriter seems say thanks to his friends because unconciously his friends have shown that actually their friendship are not perfect enough. There are many lies that have been done by his friends, but he still respect eventhough his friends have lied to him.

This kind of moral value is found in second until fourth line on fifth stanza below :

“You’ll remember me my friend, You’ll be wishing I was there for you. I’ll be the one you’ll miss the most,”

It means that, songwriter sure that

one day his friends will miss him so much because he has left them away and even does not care about them anymore. They will realize and even regret about what they do to him before is absolutely wrong. He is also sure that his friends will hope that he can be there when they need him and want to gathering together like in the past. CONCLUSION

In this study, the researcher analyzes about the contextual meaning on each song lyrics. Contextual meaning is the meaning that arise from the situation or context where the phrase, sentence or expression are used”. Related to the explanation above, the contextual meaning of song lyrics on Still Not Getting Any album by Simple Plan as follows :

1. Shut up tells about the song writer’s anger to his friends who always feel they are the right one and know everything about him. While they are not perfect enough to judge him.

2. Welcome to My Life tells about how the song writer shows his life to the other, how hard it is, how pain he is to undergo his life when his family are not able to understand and care about him.

3. Perfect World refers to the song writer’s imagination related to his regret of what has happened to him.

4. Thank you tells about the song writer’s disappointment of his friends because they have lied to him

5. Me against the world tells about the songwriter against the effort of his parents to change him like they want.

6. Crazy basically is about the protest and critics for society related to the reality which happen on society.

7. Jump tells about the situation where the songwriter faces the boredom of his life that make him frustrated and

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tired to face it. So that he wants to do something to forget his problem and be free for a while without thinking anything else, he only wants to be happy.

8. Every times refers to all the moments and situations when the songwriter enjoys the all day with his girlfriend.

9. Promise tells about how the song writer promises to do everything to pay his mistake in the past time that make his relationship and his girlfriend gone. It also how the song writer assures to his girlfriend that he will treat her better than before.

10. One tells about the critics for the parents who has neglected their children without knowing that actually their children is precious.

11. Untitled (how could this happen to me) tells about the songwriter who gets the complication in his life and he tries to find the right way for solving problem in his life. In his weaknesses, he needs friends who want to be place where he can share the sorrow and even understand about his condition. From the explanation above, almost

all of the song lyrics in that album tells about the problem in the song writer’s life. It seems as the diary of the song writer that tells about his life. Because all of the song lyrics tells about how the songwriter undergoes event by event in his life whatever happens and however he is. It is also express how to be him in facing every situation and problem in his life. After knowing the contextual meaning, the researcher analyzes the moral values of those song. Moral values are standards of good and bad, which govern and individual’s behaviour and choices. There are

eight kinds of moral value they are; loyalty, bravery, honesty, confidence, respect, forbearance, love and knowledgeable. In this album kinds moral value that found are :

1. Shut up have two kinds of moral value, they are bravery and confidence.

2. Welcome to My Life has one kind of moral value, which is forbearance.

3. Perfect World have two kinds of moral value, they are loyalty and love.

4. Thank you have two kinds of moral value, they are respect and confidence.

5. Me against the world have two kinds of moral value, they are confidence and bravery.

6. Crazy is founds has of moral value that is knowledgeable.

7. Jump have one kinds of moral value, that is bravery.

8. Everytime has one kinds of moral value, that is love

9. Promise have two kinds of moral value, they are love and honesty.

10. One have two kinds of moral value, they are forbearance and confidence.

11. Untitled (How Could this Happen to me) has one kind of moral value that is forbearance.

From 11 songs above confidence, love and bravery that are the most kind of moral value that appearance in this album because all of those song in this album tells about the song writer’s life and how the songwriter faces problem in different situation. In every situation the song writer shows how act in appropriate condition. How to brave, how to be believe in his ability and how to love someone by his way. In order that he can be kind man although many people that can not believe him well.

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Wildona zumam Faishol Thoha

English Department, FKIP, Madura University Email :

Abstract: Speaking is one of the important skills in learning English. It is the skill can be used to speak with another people. By learning English specially in speaking skills, people can develop science, technology, culture art, and developmental relation with other nations. The objective of the study namely: the writer wanted to describe the problem students in learning speaking skills, specially in eighth grade students at mts an-najah 1 karduluk pragaan sumenep . This research describe through of qualitative approach with descriptive research In the collecting the data the researcher use some techniques such as observation, interview and documentation. Then the researcher collected the data, the researcher analysis it through the data analyzing procedure as follows: reduction, display, conclusion drawing verification.From the research finding There are eight problems: Feel bored, lazy (low motivation), difficult to understand the material (low basic), difficult to make some conversation (vocabulary limitation), difficult to pronounce the words or sentences, difficult to mastering and understanding the grammar, low motivation, difficult to translate in speaking quickly (vocabulary limitation), shyer. Most of the problems faced are low motivation and shyer. Finally, based on the finding, it is suggested that the English teacher of MTs An-Najah 1 Karduluk pragaaan Sumenep expected to the Teacher should control the students’ activities in speaking skill. And the Teacher tries to find out the good solving problems to students that laziness. Key Terms: speaking skills, students’ problem in learning speaking.

INTRODUCTION Language is an integral part of human behavior. It means that language is an important oneas a means of communication among people and as an interaction with transmit and people around the world or it is a process of communication one onather who receives messages.

As we know that we are living in the world and English language is an international language used as a tool for communication in daily life and also used in academic. In Indonesia, English is a foreign language and formally it is taught in elementary school, junior and high school and also in university. The school would include English as one of their major subjects. It has become an obligatory subject and as one of the subject examined national examination. So, learning English is a necessary for all people in the world especially in Indonesia.

English skills must be mastered by the students because these components must be mastered by students in Indonesia. By learning English, people can develop science, technology, culture art, and developmental

relation with other nations. One of the English language skills that are usually ignored by the students in speaking. The learners find it difficult to speak and some of them still feel shy, nervous, and even they are not able to speak or in other words they are lacking motivation. Speaking is necessary when students continue their study especially on eight grade students at MTs An-Najah 1 Karduluk. They need to improve their speaking ability. In fact some of them take additional subjects such as: courses, tutoring, English clubs to improve their speaking skills.

The previous study was taken by Zainollah (2012), the title “The problems of Teaching English at English Dormitory Palengaan Bata-Bata English Center (BBEC) Mambaul Ulum Bata-Bata Islamic Boarding school Palengaan Pamekasan ” this study focus sed on the problems of teaching English speaking and the result of this study is the first, the problem face by the teacher in teaching speaking is on the setting of speaking program, so the students fell tired, lazy and sleepy. The second, the process of

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teaching and learning uninteresting because the Teacher ignned about teaching and learning method, and the third, the English and Arabic dormitory program in the same place. So that, the programs sometimes runs simultaneously.

Based on the phenomenon above that the researcher wants to knowwhat are THE PROBLEMS IN LEARNING SPEAKING SKILL AT EIGHT GRADE STUDENTS AT MTS OF AN NAJAH 1 KARDULUK SUMENEP.

In this research, the researcher interest in conducting research about this phenomenon because at this school students have different background of their knowledge about English especially in speaking, such as joined in course, English club and etc. so that they cannot improve their speaking skill ability as good as possible and also they have some problems in their learning process especially in speaking.

RESEARCH METHOD In this research, researcher uses descriptive qualitative approach. Qualitative research is an inquiry process of understanding social or human problem based on building a complex, holistic picture, formed with words reporting with detail information and conducted in natural setting(Ary, 2006:11). The researcher uses this approach because this research mainly focuses on students problems in learning speaking.

In Qualitative, the researcher is as a key instrument. Because the researcher can directly interact with the respondent or object of research. Besides that, the researcher is also able to understand the reality. This research conducts at Islamic junior high school of An-Najah 1 Karduluk in the Eighth class. The location of this school is strategies place because it is near with main road. So the researcher can get the data at the school easily. It is a familiar school and looks beautiful and comfortable. The condition around it is conducive to conduct teaching learning process because they are language laboratory, library, etc. The data sources will be got from two sources such as the English teacher and student at eight grade students. The first is from students. The researcher got some information from the English teacher

about the problem of this research based on the interview. Data collecting is one of the processes that are the most strategiesin reasearch, because the first purpose from researchto get valid data. Here are data collections such as interview, documentation and observation. (Sugiono, 2010: 308).

The researcher used interview to get the data from the teacher about student problems in learning speaking, documentation used to proof andcan be result of the research that conducted by the teacher at MTs An-Najah 1 Karduluk. To get the data from students by give them some question related to difficulties in learning speaking.The instruments which used in this research are: An interviewis a conversation between two or more people where question are asked by the interviewer to elicit facts or statements from the interviewee. Interviews are a standard part of journalism and media reporting, but are also employed in many other situations. In this research, the research used interview is one the technique to collect the data. According to susan stainback in sugiono’s book said that interviewing provides the researcher a means to gain a deeper understanding of how the participant interpret a situation or phenomenon. And kinds of interview is structural interview and unstructured interview. In this research, the researcher used an interview as the instrument to get the data about students’ difficulties. As the researcher done to English Teacher of MTs An-Najah 1 Karduluk. And in this research the researcher uses structural interview. Documentation is data collection method about written verbal or document such as book, journal, newspaper, magazine, report achievement, photo, video, disk, artifact monument and other. Sonhaji, bahan bahan kuliah metode penelitian kuantitatif,( Sanhaji UMM press, 1997:89). In this research it is used to support and to complete whether the data from research fields right or not. Documentation here means some document that can support the researcher’s research. The researcher take, student worksheet of, lesson plan of, the form of interview to students, the form of students name list to be documentation in this research. Observation is one of the instrument used by researcher to collect the data from the research field. The researcher

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observes the teacher and students’ activity during teaching learning process.

Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, field notes, and other materials that the researcher accumulate to increase the researcher’s understanding of them and able the research to present what the researcher has discovered to others. After collecting the data the researcher analysis by using descriptive qualitative procedure. Data reductions refer to the process of selecting, simplyfeying, abstracting and transforming the data that appear in write up field notes. Data reduction is a form analysis that final conclution can be drawn and verified. The data that was gathered by the researcher from the field as much as possible. So, the researcher must write up the data. The researcher needs to analysis the data by data reduction. By doing of this activity, the researcher can summarize the data aesily. Based that, researcher also select and focus on the importan data in order to give the clear drawn and make easier the researcher to collect the data again. In this case, after the data was reduced, the researcher displayed the data that the researcher easy to understand to anything that happened and plan to next steps base on the previous understanding. In qualitative research, the researcher presents the data display in short explanation. Flowchat, etc. The most frequent from display data for qualitative data in the past have been narrative text. The importance thing to serve the data in qualitative research in narrative text.

By the data display, it make easier to researcher to understand what happen, plan on the text based on the understanding. FINDING AND DISCUSSION

These data obtained from the research of the problems in learning speaking English at eight grade students at Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 karduluk Sumenep. In this section, the researcher explains about the research result of learning speaking English at eight grade students at Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep. The researcher took the data from outside classroom. Inside the classroom there student’s who were active in learning speaking. There are 17 students at

eight grade of Islamic Junior High school of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep. Steps of Activities

1. Activities Introduction (10 minutes ) English teacher entered the

classroom and say “Assalamualaikum wr,wb”, because at the time it was the first hour (09:15 Am)so the students were still fresh and vibrant , after the teacher sat down and began to roll student at that time there was a student sick she was Ainiyah, after that the English teacher asked the students to read prayer together. Then English teacher give the brainstorming activity by asking learners to mention the various expressions that had to do with the material that would be conveyed. And then the English teacher motivated learners so bold conversing in English in front of the class.

2. Activity Core (60 minutes )

English teacher asked the students to repeat the material taught in the previous week and practiced some Asking for, Giving and Denying information one by one , and also when there are some students that engage learners actively in the learning activities , by telling them to practice conversational available , then discussed new vocabulary , and at that time there was a female student namely Siti Qomariyah she looked sleepy and not listen to what the teacher had said, and then when the teacher stood on a high note he said " Siti Qomariyah quickly grab wudluk or exit class " then Siti Qomariyah exit and the English teacher continuing the learning process.

English teacher asked to the learners to answer of some questions, for example constructed random sentences into coherent conversations, answering questions based on the conversation, and made conversation based on the situation at the end by practicing in front of the class without fear of being wrong.

English teacher gave an example of another situation, and then told the students to create a conversation based on the situation and demonstrating with friends.

3. Closing Activities (10 minutes)

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In this section English teacher give an evaluation, feedback, and assessment based on the work of the students. And then English teacher give value to students who are active in class activities, as well as motivate those less active and more confident.

Reflective Notes

In the process of teaching and learning in the eighth grade at the Islamic junior high school of An–Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep. all of the students seen very spirit during the learning process will take place, but at the time of the English subjects only some students that look so interested to learn if it appears in the calculation of all students who are seventeen ( 17 ) kids only seven students are seen understand the material who given by English teacher, and there are some 0f students with low motivation she is Siti Qomariyah and look not serious or sleepy when the English teacher ask him to take wudluk, he get out of the class quickly, and most of the eight grade students still difficult to read new vocabulary as good as possible it is mean that most of them look difficult how to read a new word or sentences by a right stress, rhythms and also good intonation.

The second step is the researcher takes the data in Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep in the student’s problems in learning speaking English. Here the researcher use structural interview. In this view point, to get the data the researcher got from interview because the students can be unpredictable answer, so that the students are able to answer unhampered and natural.

The activities of speaking subjects, English teacher greets each student using English and gives some warming associated with the material to be a teacher to say, after that the teacher was very discipline in the learning process. If there the students who were not serious in learning speaking, the teacher would give bad score to them.

Hasit S.HI.said that in interview: “he know the condition of his students majority naughty when compared to class VII and IX, and if he was teaching in the eighth grade and when there are students who are not serious or naughty so, he threatened to give

her a bad score because the eighth grade is his home room”.

From the statement above, one of the students at the eighth grade students of Islamic junior high school of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep feel worried to make some troubles. It is supported by Safitri the English student answer in interview said that:“ she do not like the English subject, in addition this studies very difficult to understand, she often feel bored because the teacher is fierce and rarely joked that besides English is the language that too many rules."

But there are some of the mare happy and liked learn English she is Toyyibah as the English student at eight grade of Islamic Junior High school of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview said that: "She really like to learn English because English is an international language so She do not feel worried any more when have to deal with foreigners."

It is supported by sariroh as the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High school of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview said that: “She really liked English especially in speaking subject, because every speaking lesson She do not have to always write to much but only speak because She do not like to write, and then if in the learning process the teacher always said to gives bad grades to student who are not serious in learning”.

It is different with Toyyibah and Sariroh that have problem in learning English especially in speaking subject; she is Arofatul Hasanah as the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High school of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep in interview said that: “Sometimes in the process of teaching and learning English she was difficult to understand the material because I do not know English before, when the material being conveyed by the English teachers and she often annoy his friends, after that the teachers clouded me for not raising me to class IX in addition to the teacher always asked me out of the room".

Sometimes the learning speaking is difficult due to several factors such as the students’ have limited time to learn English in class, and they still do not have enough encouragement to practice English outside the class in order to get familiar with English.

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From the interview with students at eighth grade at Islamic junior high school of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep, here there are some problems that faced by the eighth grade students at Islamic junior high school of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep.

From the statement above, it is supported by the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview. raihani said that: “she do not like English because Learn English is difficult, and then she always difficult to make some conversation or to practice with my friend and also the teacher is burned”.

It is supported too by Safitri as the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview said that: "she felled difficult when learning English, especially my speaking subject because is very difficult to pronounce sentence or word and she do not know how to speak English well and also embarrassed if she had to speak in front of the class."

From the statement above, it is supported by the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview. sulalah said that: "The problem that face by Her in the English subject especially in speaking material is how to understand and mastering the grammar, because the formula must be understood too many.”. Based on the statement above, it is supported by the student at the eighth grade of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview. Sumiati Dewi said that: “She feel speaking is difficult for her even though her English teacher gives the motivation before and after the teaching and learning process. Actually she do not know how to speaking well, because the written and pronounce is different. So, She is lazy to learn speaking in the classroom. But her English teacher always helps her to speak English many times“ Based on the statement above, it is supported by the student at the eighth grade of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview. Fatmasari said that: “A difficult problem in learning English is to remove a shame to

speak English and also how to read the alphabet letters well, which is different from the actual Indonesia though, but She really like when my English teacher ask me to do some examination but she do not knows peak English”.

It is supported too by Nailatul Hasanah as the student at the eighth grade of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview said that: "She fell difficult how to pronounce the sentence or word and how to speak English properly and also embarrassed”.

Based on the statement above, it is supported by the English teacher of the eighth grade at Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview. Hasit S.HI said that: "All of the students in grade eight are female and some of them difficult to manage but they are more power and also most of them tend to shy although in fact they are more capable then others". One of the problems faced by the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep.Qurratul faizah Said in interview: "She faced difficulties in learning English, especially speaking subject is how to understand and interpret sentences that speak English vocabulary quickly while she take a long time to memorize new vocabulary". Based on the statement above, it is supported too by the student at the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview. Ferdiyanti Fajriyatul Jannah that: “Actually she interest to learn English because by English she can speak with tourist but she feel very difficult to understand how to read English sentence or words and she was lazy to memorize new vocabularies". From the statement above, it is supported by Rofiqoh as the student at the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview said that: “She understand to read the text English but sometimes she feel difficult to speak clearly”.

Based on the statement above, it is supported by the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview.

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Sariroh said that: “She difficult to pronunciation the new words or sentences”. From the statement above, it is supported too by Siti Qomariyah as the student at the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview said that: "She faced problems in learning English is laziness which always makes me never passion for learning but she do not know how to solve my problem".

Based on the statement above, the English teacher tried to make the students learn English well, but it is hard because the students have low motivation and also low Basic English skill. It is supported by the English teacher in interview said that: “Learn English is difficult, Sometimes he feel difficult to make his students understand how to speak clearly because most of them have low basic English, and sometimes they do not have motivation to know about English, especially in learning speaking subject”.

Based on the interview and observation, the researcher got the data in the field above; the important thing in learning speaking is how to make our students especially in junior high school be spirit and interest to learn English.

From various statements above the researcher can conclude that some of the problems faced by students in learning to speak in the eighth grade are feel bored, lazy (low motivation) there are three students namely Safitri, Sumiati Dewi and Siti Qomariyah, they both often feel lazy when learning English because of laziness so that they see themselves difficulty understanding the teacher to convey the material, while a student named Arofatul Hasanah has difficulties’ in understanding of the teachers convey the material in this case because she has not had a previous basic English, especially at a time in elementary school.

It is difference with Raihani, Rofikoh, Nailatul hasanah, and Sariroh they have difficulty in learning English, especially in speaking material they often find it difficult to speak because their vocabulary is very limited so any lessons they always try to add a new vocabulary or existing materials in the dictionary. In addition there are some students that are Safitri, Ainiyah and Fatmasari who have problems such as

difficulty in pronouncing the word or phrase in the English language besides English is the language L2 to him, they are difficult because they think the writing and reading different ways unlike in Indonesian. And four of the other students are Qurratul Faizah, Toyyibah, Mutmainnah and Syofiatul ummah they have problems in learning English, especially in speaking material that they have not been able to shake the feeling of shame either inside or outside the classroom.

From the interview with students at eighth grade at Islamic junior high school of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep, here there are some solving problems that faced by the eighth grade students at Islamic junior high school of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep.

From the statement above, it is supported by the student at the eighth grade of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview. Ainiyah said that: “When she feel difficult to memories and pronounce some words or sentences, she always read several English texts in her hand book, newspaper and etc”.

It is supported too by Nailatul Hasanah as the student at the eighth grade of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview said that: "When she felled difficult how to pronounce the sentence or word and how to speak English properly and also embarrassed if she fell like this she just try to make her confidence and also looked the dictionary".

From the statement above, it is supported by the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview. Sulalah said that: "The way that she used to make him easier to understand English grammar. She always tries to memorize new vocabulary one by one and test it by writing a sentence or speaking English with his friends”. Based on the statement above, it is supported by the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview. Sumiati Dewi said that: “She solve her problem that way is she try to make her more confidence and spirit than before even though her English teacher always gave her motivation before and after the teaching and learning process “.

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Based on the statement above, it is supported by the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview. Sariroh said that: “The way that she uses to solve her problem is she just try to speaking lonely and reading some English text”. One of the solving problems faced by the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Kaduluk Sumenep Ainiyah Said in interview: "The way that she uses to acquirenew vocabulary that is by listening to the English songs and watch western movies". Based on the statement above, it is supported too by the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 karduluk sumenep answer in interview. Sulalah said that: “The way that she use to make easy her problems that his face is she always watch the movies that speak English". From the statement above, it is supported by Rofiqoh as the student at the eighth grade of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview said that: “The way that she use to solve her problem is she speak with loud voice, because it easy for him to comprehend and make she easy to remember the vocabulary”. From the statement above, it is supported too by Siti Qomaryah as the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview said that: "She faced problems in learning English is laziness which always makes she never passion for learning but she do not know how to solve my problem". From the statement above, it is supported too by Fatmasari as the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview said that: “The way that she use to solve her problem, she try to motivating herself to learn more and reading passages and also open the English dictionary to find the right way of pronunciation”. From the statement above, it is supported too by Mutmainnah as the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview said that: “ She solve her problem by listening the English music “.

From the statement above, it is supported too by Toyyibah as the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 karduluk Sumenep answer in interview said that: “She solve her problem by motivate herself and always try confidence to speak up in front of the class but really it is so difficult for her”.

From the statement above, it is supported too by Syofiatul Ummah as the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep answer in interview said that: “She solve her problem by read some text and she ask to another friend how the way to be confidence to speak up”.

From the statement above, it is supported too bythe eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk sumenep, Arofatul Hasanah answer in interview said that: “When she feel lazy and sleepy to learn English in the class, she always write something in his book because it can make her not sleepy”.

From the statement above, it is supported too bythe eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 karduluk Sumenep, Raihani and Qurratul Faizah answer in interview said that: “They do not know how to solve their problems because every meeting especially in English subject they always felled so sleepy and not spirit”.

From the statements above the researcher can conclude that the solving problems done by the English teacher and the eighth grade students were the first, there are students who named Arofatul Hasanah have a way to solve her problem is when she feels sleepy or lazy to listen the material that given by the teacher, she always write something in his book the goal is not to eliminate bored and sleepiness, while Hasit S.HI as English teachers always give motivation to all students both before and after the learning process implemented, other than that he always threaten not to raise students to nine class that does not always serious during lessons, it was done aiming to give attention to his students are lazy.

In addition to solving the problem above there are several ways in which eighth grade students in helping to overcome the problems in learning English among them

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there are always listening to English music and also watch a western movie, and there are also some of them who memorize new vocabulary everyday and also look up dictionary to know how the right spelling. In the other hand the student at the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep have same problems Based on the observation and interview, the researcher got the data in the field above, There are eighth problems and ten ways that the students used to solved, that faced by the students at the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep.

Speaking in English is one of four language skills: reading, speaking, listening, and writing. This means speaking involves responding and producing by oral. They need to able to speaking English, not only for academic but also for their careers. Speaking can also help the students improve their reading and listening skills.

Speaking is one of the something to express our knowledge that is in our brain or the language which used by someone that combining sound in order to they can communicate, express their felling or answering a question. And Speaking is one the most difficult aspect for students to master. This is hardly surprising when one considers everything that is involved when speaking: idea what to say, language, how to use grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation as well as listening to and reacting to the people the person the speakers are communicating with. The learners need practice to speak because speaking is one of the difficult aspects to express our idea, using grammar and vocabulary.

There are many kind of the problems in learning speaking English, such us low motivation, shining, laziness, limited vocabulary and also difficult to as well as quickly, Actually there are some difficulties in making speaking that have been clearly explained from Douglas Brown theory in chapter II.

The important thing in learning speaking is how to solve our problems when we fell difficult to comprehend the speaking skills. The English teacher must be a good

helping to their students that have problems especially in learning speaking, although the students here have the way how to solve their problem himself. The students in the eighth grade at Islamic junior high school of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep have many problem in learning speaking such us difficult to understand the material, limited vocabulary, laziness, low motivation, and also difficult to pronounce new word and sentences by a good stress, rhythm, and intonation.

In the process of learning speaking English sometimes most of students have some problems, some common negative beliefs or problems Include:

a) English speaking is difficult. b) I am not good at English. c) I am nervous when I speak

English. d) I must speak English

perfectly every time. e) I cannot make mistakes. f) There is only one right

answer. g) I must memorize and follow

all grammar rules. h) People from my country

cannot speak English well. i) It is impossible to speak

English easily and quickly Based on the discussion above, the

researcher can conclude that the speaking the complex activities in learning English material and also the important subject to students especially they are as the second language learners. Most of the solving problems that have by the students at the eighth grade of Islamic junior high school of An-Najah 1 Karduluk Sumenep are they try to motivate themselves and also listens an English music. When the students a good motivation perhaps students can easily to interest learn speaking English and also can make easier to understand the material. However, the motivation that helps to maintain an understanding of the long terms because of emotional motivation and a desire to enjoy the speaking material. And of course the students more confidences to speak up.

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CONCLUSION Speaking is one of the something to

express our knowledge that is in our brain or the language which used by someone that combining sound in order to they can communicate, express their felling or answering a question. And Speaking is one the most difficult aspect for students to master. There are eight problems Feel bored, lazy (low motivation), difficult to understand the material (low basic), difficult to make some conversation (vocabulary limitation), difficult to pronounce the words or sentences, difficult to mastering and understanding the grammar, low motivation, difficult to translate in speaking quickly (vocabulary limitation), shyer. Most of the problems faced are low motivation and shyer. Furthermore, the solving problems that used by the eighth grade students at Islamic junior high school of An-Najah 1

karduluk sumenep are: Write something in book to make not sleepy, reading English text, motivate myself, listening western music, open dictionary, speak with loud voice, watching English movie, speak lonely and read an English text or book, memorized new vocabulary, do not know.

Most of the solving problems that used by the students at the eighth grade of Islamic junior high school of An-Najah 1 karduluk sumenep are they try to motivate themselves and also listen an English music. When the students have a good motivation perhaps students can easily to interest learn speaking English and also can make easier to understand the material. However, the motivation that helps to maintain an understanding of the long terms because of emotional motivation and a desire to enjoy the speaking material and of course students more confidence to speak up.

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Chairul Fajar Tafrilyanto

Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP, Universitas Madura

Alamat Jalan Raya Panglegur 3,5 KM Pamekasan Email: [email protected]

Abtraksi :Kurikulum KTSP lebih menekankan pada keaktifan siswa dibandingkan peran guru. sedangkan realitanya masih banyak siswa yang masih belum belajar sewaktu guru mengajar. Kebanyakan dari siswa tidak menyadari pentingnya mempelajari matematika, mereka masih pasif karena pada umumnya materi yang diajarkan tanpa konstruksi dari siswa. Hal inilah yang akan membuat rendahnya pemahaman siswa dan kemampuan komunikasi siswa yang akan bermuara pada rendahnya prestasi belajar siswa. Sehingga seorang guru harus dapat memilih model atau strategi pembelajaran yang tepat agar tujuan yang diharapkan dari proses pembelajaran dapat tercapai. Alasan inilah yang mendasari peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian tentang Perbandingan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Yang Diajar Menggunakan Strategi Think-Talk-Write (TTW) Dengan Diajar Menggunakan Strategi Pembelajaran Ekspositori Pada Materi Pokok Garis Singgung Lingkaran Kelas VIII SMP. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif dan korelatif karena data yang diperoleh berupa angka dari hasil tes dan dari tes tersebut diteliti perbandingannya.Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas VIII SMPN 2 Pamekasan yang tediri 8 kelas dengan jumlah keseluruhan 289 siswa. Dalam penelitian ini sampel dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik cluster purposive sampling, dengan teknik tersebut terpilih tiga kelas berdasarkan wawancara dengan guru pengajar dan sedangakan peneliti hanya membutuhkan dua kelas, sehingga peneliti menggunakan nilai matematika raport. Pada akhirnyaterpilih kelas VIII-D sebanyak 41 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIII-E sebanyak 40 siswa sebagai kelas kontrol yang sebelumnya telah diuji homogenitas kedua kelas tersebut berdasarkan nilai matematika raport. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa tes essai subjektif (uraian). Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian adalah perbandingan prestasi belajar siswa yang diajar menggunakan Strategi Think – Talk – Write dengan diajar menggunakan Strategi Pembelajan Ekspositori pada materi pokok garis singgung lingkaran.

Kata Kunci : Kurikulum KTSP, Prestasi belajar, Strategi Think – Talk – Write


Pendidikan di Indonesia selalu mengalami perubahan secara signifikan, yang meliputi kualitas guru, sarana dan prasarana pendidikan, manajemen sekolah serta pada kurikulum pendidikannya. Perubahan itu dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan, baik kualitas dalam materi pelajaran, pendidik dan peserta didik. Kurikulum terbaru di Indonesia saat ini adalah Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). KTSP merupakan kurikulum berorientasi pada pencapaian kompetensi.(Sanjaya, 2008 : 127). KTSP membawa perubahan dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Dalam KTSP proses pembelajaran lebih menekankan pada keaktifan siswa dibandingkan dengan peran guru. Guru lebih

berperan sebagai fasilitator, motivator dan dinamisator, sehingga dalam setiap proses pembelajaran guru diharapkan dapat menciptakan pembelajaran yang aktif, kreatif, efektif dan menyenangkan, yang akan bermuara pada peningkatan prestasi belajar peserta didik.(mulyasa, 2007 : 39) Terutama prestasi pada pelajaran matematika yang membutuhkan pemikiran yang kuat dalam pemahamannya. Sedangkan realitanya masih banyak siswa yang masih belum belajar sewaktu guru mengajar. Kebanyakan dari siswa tidak menyadari pentingnya mempelajari matematika, mereka masih pasif karena pada umumnya materi yang diajarkan tanpa konstruksi dari siswa. Hal inilah yang akan membuat rendahnya pemahaman siswa

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dan kemampuan komunikasi siswa yang akan bermuara pada rendahnya prestasi belajar siswa. Sehingga seorang guru harus dapat memilih model atau strategi pembelajaran yang tepat agar tujuan yang diharapkan dari proses pembelajaran dapat tercapai.

Berbagai macam strategi pembelajaran yang salah satunya adalah strategi Think-Talk-Write (TTW). Alur strategi Think-Talk-Write (TTW) dimulai dari keterlibatan siswa dalam berfikir atau berdialog dengan dirinya sendiri setelah proses membaca, selanjutnya berbicara dan membagi ide (sharing) dengan temannya sebelum menulis(Martinis Yamin 2009 : 13). Selain strategi Think-Talk-Write (TTW) terdapat pula strategi pembelajaran konvensional yaitu strategi pembelajaran ekspositori yang sudah biasa diterapkan oleh guru-guru dalam proses pembelajaran khususnya pada pelajaran matematika, dengan strategi ini guru dituntut untuk menceritakan apa yang akan disampaikan pada siswa sedetil-detilnya. Sehingga siswa dapat memahami apa yang disampaikan guru secara menyeluruh.

Satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penggunaan suatu model pembelajaran harus disesuaikan dengan materi yang akan disampaikan oleh seorang guru. Ada beberapa materi pada pembelajaran matematika yang sesuai dengan penggunaan strategi Think-Talk-Write (TTW) dan strategi pembelajaran ekspositori salah satunya adalah materi Garis Singgung Lingkaran yang konsepnya begitu kompleks karena selain menghitung juga berkaitan dengan melukis garis singgung lingkaran yang biasanya masih dirasakan sulit oleh siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Perbandingan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Yang Diajar Menggunakan Strategi Think-Talk-Write (TTW) Dengan Diajar Menggunakan Strategi Pembelajaran Ekspositori Pada Materi Pokok Garis Singgung Lingkaran Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Pamekasan Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011. METODE PENELITIAN

Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif dan korelatif sebab data yang diperoleh berupa angka dari hasil tes dan dari hasil tes tersebut diteliti tentang perbandingan dari prestasi belajar dengan

menggunakan dua strategi pembelajaran yang berbeda. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen yang dilaksanakan pada dua kelas yaitu kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan cluster purposive sampling, yaitu teknik pengambilan sampel dengan cara pertimbangan antar kelompok kelas yang merupakan anggota populasi untuk dipilih menjadi anggota sampel. Pertimbangan, dalam hal ini berdasarkan keterangan dari guru pengajar pada kelas tersebut (kelas sampel). Berdasarkan wawancara ada tiga kelas yang dapat ipilih menjadi sampel, akan tetapi peneliti hanya memerlukan dua kelas untuk dijadikan kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol, sehingga peneliti melakukan uji homegenitas sampel pada tiga kelas yang disarankan. Pada akhirnya terpilih kelas VIII-D sebanyak 41 siswa sebagai kelas yang akan diajar dengan Strategi Pembelajaran Think-Talk-Write (dianggap sebagai kelas eksperimen), dan kelas VIII-E sebanyak 40 siswa sebagai kelas yang akan diajar menggunakan Strategi Pembelajaran Ekspositori (dianggap sebagai kelas kontrol). Dimana tingkat kemampuan siswa antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol relatif sama berdasarkan uji homogenitas.

Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu tes dan dokumentasi. Tes yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa tes essai subjektif, yaitu soal atau pertanyaan yang diajukan pada responden berbentuk uraian (essai), sehingga dengan demikian jawaban yang diinginkan adalah berbentuk uraian bebas. Dalam hal ini tes ada dua yaitu pre tes dan post tes. Untuk dokumentasi dalam penelitian ini diambil dari nilai Matematika raport. Nilai Matematika raport tersebut menggambarkan kemampuan siswa sesungguhnya dari kelas sampel yang sudah terpilih melalui teknik cluster purposive sampling, data dokumentasi digunakan untuk mengetahui kemampuan awal untuk lebih meyakinkan terhadap pengambilan sampel agar hasil penelitian berlaku untuk populasi. Sehingga sebelum diadakan penelitian, data nilai raport matematika dianalisis terlebih dahulu agar diketahui homogenitas untuk mengetahui tidak adanya perbedaan rata-rata prestasi belajar populasi penelitian.. Sebelum instrumen digunakan sebagai alat

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pengumpulan data, instrumen tes perlu diujicobakan terlebih dahulu dengan tujuan mengetahui kelayakan dari soal – soal tes yang dibuat sehingga harus dicari validitas, reliabilitas, tingkat kesukaran dan daya beda, untuk membantu analisis terhadap butir soal yang akan digunakan untuk penelitian, agar mengurangi kesalahan dalam perhitungan, peneliti menggunakan bantuan program SPSS (Statistical Package for Service Solution) 16.0 for Windows. Setelah melakukan uji kelayakan soal langkah selanjutnya melakukan pre test dan post test pada kelas eksperimen dan kleas kontrol. Hasil pre tes digunakan untuk mengetahui rata – rata nilai kemampuan awal pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol sebelum diajar dengan dua strategi pembelajaran yang berbeda, sedangkan hasil dari post tes digunakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar setelah diajar dengan dua strategi yang berbeda pada kelas eksperimen dan kontrol. Dari kedua kelas tersebut dihitung nilai rata – ratanya kemudian dilakukan analisis lebih lanjut.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis inferensial menggunakan uji-t. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan taraf signifikansi � = 0,05 dan dk = �� + �� − 2.


Prestasi belajar adalah hasil yang diperoleh berupa kesan-kesan yang mengakibatkan perubahan dalam diri individu sebagai hasil dari aktivitas dalam belajar. Perubahan yang diharapkan dapat terjadi tidak hanya pada aspek kognitif, tetapi juga pada aspek yang lain yakni aspek afektif dan aspek psikomotor. Prestasi belajar dalam penelitian ini adalah nilai matematika yang diperoleh setelah diajar dengan dua strategi pembelajaran yang berbeda. Dua strategi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah stategi think-talk-write (TTW) dan strategi ekspositori. Suatu strategi pembelajaran yang diharapkan dapat menumbuh kembangkan kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematik siswa adalah strategi think-talk-write (TTW). Strategi yang dasarnya dibangun melalui berpikir, berbicara, dan menulis (Martinis dan Bansu, 2009: 84). Dari pengertian di atas, strategi think-talk-write (TTW) bertumpu pada pengembangan kemampuan berpikir, komunikasi secara

verbal dan komunikasi secara tulisan. Alur kemajuan strategi ini dimulai dari keterlibatan siswa dalam berpikir atau berdialog dengan dirinya sendiri setelah proses membaca, selanjutnya berbicara dan membagi ide (sharing) dengan temannya sebelum menulis. Jadi dalam mengunakan strategi think-talk-write (TTW) guru membagi siswa menjadi beberapa kelompok yang beranggotakan 4 – 5 orang . Pembagian kelompok tersebut lebih efektif jika dilakukan dalam bentuk kelompok yang heterogen.Peranan dan guru dalam mengefektifkan strategi think-talk-write (TTW) adalah (1) mengajukan pertanyaan dan tugas yang mendatangkan keterlibatan, dan menantang siswa berpikir, (2) mendengar secara hati-hati ide siswa, (3) menyuruh siswa mengemukakan ide secara lisan dan tulisan, (4) memutuskan apa yang digali dan dibawa siswa dalam diskusi, (5) memutuskan kapan memberi informasi, mengklarifikasikan persoalan-persoalan, menggunakan model, membimbing dan membiarkan siswa berjuang dengan kesulitan, (6) memonitoring dan menilai partisipasi siswa dalam diskusi, dan memutuskan kapan dan bagaimana mendorong siswa untuk berpartisipasi. Strategi think-talk-write (TTW) diajarkan dengan memperhatikan langkah-langkahnya yaitu (a) Guru membagi teks bacaan berupa Lembar Kerja Siswa yang memuat situasi masalah yang bersifat open ended dan petunjuk serta prosedur pelaksanaannya. (b) Siswa membaca teks dan membuat catatan dari hasil bacaan secara individual, untuk dibawa ke forum diskusi (think). (c) Siswa berinteraksi dan berkolaborasi dengan teman untuk membahas isi catatan (talk). Guru berperan sebagai mediator lingkungan belajar. (d) Siswa mengkonstruksi sendiri pengetahuan sebagai hasil kolaborasi (write).

Sedangkan strategi pembelajaran ekspositori adalah strategi pembelajaran yang menekankan kepada proses penyampaian materi secara verbal dari seorang guru kepada sekelompok siswa dengan maksud agar siswa dapat menguasai materi pelajaran secara optimal (Sanjaya, 2006: 179).Strategi pembelajaran ekspositori merupakan bentuk dari pendekatan pembelajaran yang berorientasi kepada guru (teacher centered approach). Hal ini dikarenakan guru

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Tafrilyanto, Perbandingan Prestasi Belajar Siswa| 27

memegang peran yang sangat dominan. Guru menyampaikan materi pembelajaran secara terstruktur dengan harapan materi tersebut dikuasai siswa dengan baik. Langkah – langkah strategi ekspositori adalah (a) mempersiapkan siswa untuk menerima pelajaran. (b) menyampaikan materi (c) menghubungkan materi pelajaran dengan pengalaman siswa atau dengan hal – hal yang memungkinkan siswa dapat menangkap keterkaitannya dalan struktur pengetahuan yang dimilikinya. (d) Menyimpulkan yaitu tahapan untuk memahami inti (core) dari pelajaran yang telah disajikan. (e) Aplikasi yaitu unjuk kemampuan siswa setelah

mereka menyimak penjelasan guru, sehingga guru dapat mengumpulkan informasi tentang penguasaan dan pemahaman materi oleh siswa. Dua strategi pembelajaran tersebut digunakan untuk mengajarkan materi pokok garis singgung lingkaran dengan sub materi garis singgung lingkaran. Pembelajaran dengan kedua strategi tersebut dilakukan dengan dua kali tatap muka pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Sedangkan pada pertemuan ketiga dilakukan post tes. Dengan soal yang sama dengan pre tes sebelum diajar dengan strategi think-talk-write (TTW) dan strategi ekspositori.

Tabel: Perbandingan Strategi TTW dengan Strategi Pembelajaran Ekspositori

Atas dasar pembahasan komparatif

konsepsional (teoritis) diatas maka dapat peneliti tegaskan bahwa strategi Think-Talk-Write (TTW) lebih baik dalam memotivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran dibandingkan strategi pembelajaran Ekspositori. Akan tetapi strategi Think-Talk-Write (TTW) belum dapat disimpulkan lebih baik daripada strategi pembelajaran berdasarkan prestasi belajar. Kesimpulan tersebut akan diperoleh setelah menganalisis hasil dari post tes pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Pada kelas eksperimen dan kontrol setelah menggunakan teknik cluster proposive sampling untuk memilih sampel dari nilai matematika raport akan diuji berdasarkan analisis varians yang diambil dari nilai raport

matematika sehingga Harga F tabel untuk kesalahan 5% dengan dk pembilang �� −1 = 40 − 1 = 39 dan dk penyebut �� − 1 =41 − 1 = 40 adalah 1,69. Ternyata, 1,198 <

1,69 ��� < ��(�%)� maka varian kelas VIII–D dan VIII–E homogen.

Berdasarkan nilai post tes yang telah diperoleh, kemudian dihitung rata – ratanya untuk dilakukananalisis data sehinggaharga ������� sebesar -7,96

selanjutnya peneliti konsultasikan dengan ������ . Dengan menggunakan uji dua pihak dengan taraf signifikan 5% dan dk= (41+40 – 2) = 79, maka diperoleh ������ = 1,99. Dari dua nilai tersebut tampak bahwa – 7,96 < 1,99 akan tetapi untuk – 1,99 < – 7,96 (tidak

Strategi TTW StrategiEkspositori

1. Peserta didik berperan aktif dalam proses pembelajaran,mulai dari tahap berpikir, berbicara, danmenulis

2. Prinsip komunikasi verbal diterapkan oleh siswa selaku penyampai pesan

3. Pengetahuan dibangun oleh konstruksi siswa dari hasil bacaan, diskusi, dan tulisan

4. Kemampuan didasarkan atas hasil bacaan, diskusi, dan tulisan

5. Tujuan akhir pembelajaran adalah kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematik siswa

6. Keberhasilan pembelajaran dilihat mulai dari proses dan hasil belajar (tes)

7. Interaksi dominan antar siswa

1. Peserta didik berperan pasif sebagai penerima informasi

2. Prinsip komunikasi verbal diterapkan guru selaku penyampai pesan

3. Pengetahuan didapat dari guru tanpa konstruksi siswa

4. Kemampuan diperoleh melalui latihan

5. Tujuan akhir pembelajaran adalah penguasaan materi pelajaran

6. Keberhasilan pembelajaran dilihat hanya

dari hasil tes 7. Interaksi dominan antara siswa dengan


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memenuhi) sehingga yang memenuhi adalah

– 7,96 < –1,99 �������� ≤ −������� .

Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Prestasi belajar siswa yang diajar menggunakan strategiThink-Talk-Write (TTW) lebih baik dibandingkan yang diajar menggunakan strategi pembelajaran ekspositori pada materi pokok GarisS inggung Lingkaran kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 pamekasan tahun pelajaran 2010/2011


Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan temuan selama penelitian, diperoleh, diperoleh ������� = −7,96 dan berdasarkan

tabel dengan dk = 79 diperoleh harga ������ = 1,99. Dari dua nilai tersebut tampak bahwa ������� ≤ −������ yaitu −7,96 <

−1,99 . Sehingga dapat penulis simpulkan bahwa Prestasi belajar siswa yang diajar menggunakan strategi Think-Talk-Write (TTW) lebih baik dibandingkan yang diajar menggunakan strategi pembelajaran ekspositori pada materi pokok Garis

Singgung Lingkaran kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 pamekasan tahun pelajaran 2010/2011 SARAN

Proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan Strategi Think-Talk-Write (TTW) dan Ekspositori yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini nantinya diharapkan akan memberikan manfaat. Untuk itu peneliti memberikan saran sebagai berikut : 1. Dengan mengacu pada hasil penelitian

yang dilakukan, peneliti menganjurkan Strategi Pembelajaran Think-Talk-Write dan Ekspositori diterapkan dalam proses belajar dan pengajaran Matematika.

2. Bagi semua pihak yang ingin menerapkan Strategi Pembelajaran Think-Talk-Write dan Ekspositori, hendaknya dipahami terlebih dahulu langkah-langkah dan materi apa yang sesuai dengan strategi tersebut.

3. Bagi pembaca dirasa perlu untuk mengadakan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk memperkuat teori yang telah ada

DAFTAR PUSTAKA Mulyasa. 2007. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan

Pendidikan. Bandung : PT Remaja Rosda karya

Rochaety, Ety. 2009. Metodologi Penelitian

Bisnis (Dengan Aplikasi SPSS). Jakarta : Mitra Wacana Media

Sanjaya, Wina. 2008. Kurikulum Dan

Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada

Yamin, Martinis dan Bansu I. Ansari. 2009.

Taktik Mengembangkan Kemampuan Individual Siswa. Ciputat: Gaung Persada Press

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Ika Nuriyanti Moh. Hosni

English Department, FKIP, Madura University Email :

Abstract: The teaching reading which is carried out by English teacher at the ninth grade appeared some problems. The learning result which is achieved by students in teaching reading is low, both on process or result aspects. From the process aspect, the students have low interest and motivation in teaching reading which is carried out by English teacher. No spirit for students to scrutinize the teacher’s explanation when the teaching reading is done. From the result aspect, the students cannot practice of learning reading result well. The students cannot read truly and exactly, either the dialogue or English text. Many students carried out many mistakes when they were reading dialogue or English text. To overcome the problems mentioned, the English teacher at MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan applied heuristic strategy in teaching reading. Through the implementation of heuristic strategy, it is expected that students can participate in teaching reading actively, such as listening to the teacher’s explanation and asking some questions when they find out difficulties. Beside that, the students could find out the difficulties faced in teaching reading and try to solve them by their own ability autonomously or asked to English teacher or other friends. There are two research focuses to be study in this reseach, they are: 1) what are kinds of heuristic strategy used in teaching reading at the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan?, and 2) how is the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading at the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan? This research is purpose to describe: 1) the kinds of heuristic strategy used in teaching reading at the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan, 2) the the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading at the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan.This research is designed by using qualitative approach. The data sources of this study are the English teacher and the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan. The research instruments used are observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis is used in this research is descriptive. The research result shows that 1) the kinds of heuristic strategy used of teaching reading the ninth grade students at MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan is constructivism and inquiry model, and 2) the implementation of heuristic strategy of teaching reading the ninth grade students through the steps are (a) the preparation step, and (b) the implementation step. On preparation step, the English teacher are designing the planning of the implementation of heuristic strategy, designing observation sheet, giving opportunity to students to present their working result, and making evaluation instrument will be used to evaluate the students’ working result. On the implementation step, the English teacher are dividing learning group, giving worksheet, giving the subject materials will be solved by students, asking the students to present their working result in front of the class, and carrying out evaluation on the students’ working result. Key Word: teaching reading, heuristic strategy


The standard competence of English subject at MTs based on Curriculum 2006 is trying to increase of knowledge, use of language, and implant of positive attitude for students on English. Therefore, the teaching English is directed to increase the students’ communicating ability in English, orally or written (Departemen Agama RI, 2006: 2)

In order that the students can

communicate in English, the teaching English does not contain the knowledge of language, or students are demanded to master the knowledge of language. The teaching English, beside increasing the use of language, it is also increasing the thinking and enlarges the perception of ability, especially related to real life of students.

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Similarly, students can connect and apply the learning English result in daily life.

To increase the teaching English quality, it is needed the teaching that has oriention on teaching strategy that can increase students learning result, giving chance to students to build their knowledge. This teaching is very important for students, because the principle of teaching is mental working actively, it is not the teaching from teacher passively. The teacher trainsgives support, trains, and gives defiance thinking to students only.

In MTs curriculum 2006 is explained that the teaching English contains four domain skills, namely (1) listening, (2) speaking, (3) reading, and (4) writing. From four skills mentioned, the teaching reading is made focus of this research. The teaching reading can not be separated from the other aspects, for instance listening, speaking, and writing. Therefore, English teacher must involve four skills in implementing the teaching English, in order to students achieve good learning English result.

In increasing students’ four language skills, English teacher must carry out the teaching English well by involving the teaching components, such as mastering of subject materials will be conveyed to students, choosing and using of teaching media truly, using of learning sources, and evaluating of students learning result. In addition, English teacher must show skill in teaching English in order that going on effectively. Some skills for the teacher in teaching are (1) establishing set, (2) etablishing appropriate frame of reference, (3) achieving closure, (4) recognizing and obtaining attending behavior, (5) providing feedback, (6) employing rewards and punishment (reinforcement), (7) controlling of participation, (8) redudancy and repetition, (9) illustrating and using of example, (10) asking questions (basic), (11) the use of divergent questions, (12) the use of higher order questions, (13) the use of probing questions, (14) students – initiated questions, (15) completeness of communication, (16) varying the stimulus situation, (17) lecturing, precuing, (18) classroom managements and discipline, (19) guiding small group discussion, (20) small group teaching and individualized instruction, and (21) guiding

discovery learning and fostering creativity (Richard and Rendandya, 2005: 156).

Beside that, English teacher needs to choose the teaching strategy effectively. The teaching strategy is the way of teacher applies the teaching activities effectively and efficiently in order that makes interaction among the students with the teaching components to reach of teaching goals (Amin, 2001: 132).

One of the teaching strategies that can be chosen and carried out by English teacher in teaching reading is heuristic strategy. According to Michalewicz and David (2000: 2), heuristic strategy is that looking for and processing the message (the subject matter) are the students. The teacher is making of the students’ learning advisor. Similarly, the students must be efforts to know and find out the problems faced by using their knowledge and experiences that have been had before. While English teacher is giving facility on learning activity will be carried out by students and support to solve the problems faced by them.

The heuristic strategy has advantages on students’ learning reading, that is the students will be formed positive attitude time by time, such as creative, critical, innovative, believe on themselves, opened, and stand alone (Michalewicz and David, 2000: 23). Their formed of positive attitude on the students will reach achievement optimally.

In teaching reading, the implementation of heuristic strategy is very important on students learning activity. In this way, the students’ motivation will grow well. The students will try to find out the problems faced by their selves’ skills. Beside that, the students will obtain of good learning result, especially in teaching reading.

The teaching reading is one of four language skills aspect must be achieved by students in learning English, included for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan. However, the teaching reading which is carried out by English teacher at the ninth grade appeared some problems. The learning result which is achieved by students in teaching reading is low, both on process or result aspects. From the process aspect, the students have low interest and motivation in teaching reading which is carried out by English teacher.

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Nuriyanti, The Implementation of Heuristic Strategy| 31

When the teaching reading is in process, the students do not have high interest and motivation. By other words, the students have a certain passive attitude in teaching reading. No spirit for students to scrutinize the teacher’s explanation when the teaching reading is done. From the result aspect, the students cannot practice of learning reading result well. Based on the observation result that the writer carries out at ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan showed that the students cannot read truly and exactly, both the dialogue or English text. Many students carried out many mistakes when they were reading dialogue or English text.

To overcome the promblems mentioned, the English teacher at MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan makes some efforts to increase the students learning result, especially on teaching reading in order to be better. One effort is made by the English teacher for the ninth grade students is implementing of heuristic strategy in teaching reading. Through the implementation of heuristic strategy, it is expected that students can participate in teaching reading actively, such as listening to the teacher’s explanation and asking some questions when they find out difficulties. Beside that, through the implementation of heuristic strategy, the students could find out the difficulties faced in teaching reading and try to solve them by their own ability autonomously or asked to English teacher or other friends.

The activeness of students in implementation of heuristic strategy, such as listening, asking some questions, and finding out the difficulties and then solving them are very important for students in teaching reading. Through the activeness of students in teaching reading mentioned will increase the students’ reading ability on English texts truly and exactly. Thereby, the students can obtain good learning reading result, namely the students can read the English texts truly and exactlty.

Based on the problems mentioned, the writer is interested to carry out the research at MTs. Riyadul Ulum by the title: “The Implementation of Heuristic Strategy in Teaching Reading at the Ninth Grade Student

of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan”.


This research is designed by using qualitative approach. Robert Bogdan and Taylor, 1993: 30) said that qualitative research is research procedure, which produces the descriptive data in form of oral and written words and behaviors of the people observed.

The qualitative research based on natural background as intaction, rely on human being as the research instrument, use the qualitative method, and analyze of data inductively (Moleong, 2001: 27). The writer uses qualitative approach because of the following reasons (1) this research uses human being, that is the writer as instrument, (2) the data is collected in form of statements and action, and (3) data analysis uses the inductive conclusion. The qualitative research is used because the writer wants to describe the kinds of heuristic strategy used in teaching reading at the ninth grade students, and the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading at the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan.

Research area is a place chosen by the writer to do the research. In determining of research area will be made place of research, the writer must consider substantive theory; go to the field to see the reality in the field. Limitation of geography and practice, such as time, cost, and power is need to be made consideration in determining of research area (Moleong, 2001: 25).

The chosen of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan as research area by considering, (1) the teaching reading result is low, so that the English teacher applies heuristic strategy to increase the students’ reading ability, (2) there is a well cooperation from the English teacher in carrying out of research, (3) the location is strategic, easy to be reached through on foot and various of vehicles. Thereby, that will make easier of writer in carrying out of research and collecting of data.

The research instruments used in this research are observation, interview, and documentation. From the research instruments mentioned can be explained as

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follows: Observation is observing and noting process to the indications is observed systematically (Hadi, 1993: 136). The form of observation is used in this research is systematic observation, where the compasses of observation has been prepared by the writer before. The observation is carried to the English teacher and the students. In this research, observation is used to see preparing the implemention of heuristic strategy in teaching reading, the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading, the role of teacher in teaching, the students learning motivation, and the students interest in working the tasks. Interview is a dialogue that carried out for getting information from the interviewee (Arikunto, 2002: 206). This research uses the structured interview, namely the framework of interview has prapared before.

The data will be collected is the kinds of heuristic strategy used in teaching reading at the ninth grade students, and the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading at the ninth grade students. Documentation is one of the techniques is used to obtain the data from documents and written materials (Arikunto, 2002: 208). The documentation is used to collect of data about the teacher’s preparation in teaching reading (lesson plan), and the students’ reading achievement.

Data analysis is regulating and organizing process of data into a category and unity of data. The data is analyzed in this research is interview, observation, and documentation data. According to Robert Bogdan and Bilking (in Arifin, 1996: 84), data analysis is tracking and organizing process systematically of the interview and observation transcript collected to increase of understanding the materials in order be able presented to other people.

Data analysis technique is used in this research is descriptive, that is giving predicate to the variables are researched appropriately based on real condition (Arikunto, 2006: 153). The steps of data analysis are (1) reducing of data, (2) displying of data, and (3) verifying and concluding. Reducing of data is used to choose the important data in supporting the research result, and then throw the data which is not important, particularly related

with the kinds of heuristic strategy used in teaching reading at the ninth grade students, and the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading at the ninth grade students. Displaying of data is used to perform of data obtained in the field appropriate the research focus, includes the kinds of heuristic strategy used in teaching reading at the ninth grade students, and the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading at the ninth grade students. Verifying and concluding are used to check up the completeness and the truth of data has been collected and then taken conclusion suitable with the problems which are researched.

After the data is analyzed, then the data is interpreted. In interpreting the data, the writer uses own interpreting and direct to the research result. In this way, the writer expresses the research result by using own language appropriate by the data collected. From the interpreting result mentioned, and then taken the conclusion.


The research finding about the kinds of heuristic strategy used in teaching reading at the ninth grade students, and the implementation of heuristic strategy of teaching reading the ninth grade students can be expressed as follows: The implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading which is carried out by English teacher for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan has the purpose on how the teaching reading mentioned going on effectively, whether from the teaching reading process aspect or from the teaching reading result aspect. From the teaching reading process aspect, the teaching reading is expected can grow the students’ learning interest and spirit. By learning interest and spirit mentioned, the students are expected to reach good achievement in teaching reading. From the teaching reading result aspect, the teaching reading can take good comprehension on the subject materials for the students, so that they get high score and reach learning mastery.

Related with the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan, Syamsul

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Arifin, the English teacher at MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan explained as follows: The main purpose will be reached from the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading at the ninth grade students is to create effectively of the teaching reading, whether from the process aspect or from the teaching result aspect. Thereby, the students can learn with high interest and spirit, and similarly the students get good achievement in teaching reading, namely they can read the texts or dialogue truly and exactly. In applying heuristic strategy at the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan, the English teacher chooses the kinds of heuristic strategy that will be used in teaching reading. That has done in order that the teaching reading activity can give good result on the students’ learning reading activity.

The kinds of heusristic strategy are used by English teacher in teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan, furthermore Syamsul Arifin said as follows: The kind of heuristic strategy is used in teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan are constructivism and inquiry model. The two kinds of heuristic strategy mentioned are used by English teacher with expectation that the students can learn zealously and high spirit, then they get good learning result, namely the subject materials can be understood well by students and then they get high score

The English teacher uses constructivism model in teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan, because the teaching reading is dominated by teacher, while the students are passive in teaching reading. Constructivism explains that the students construct or create the knowledge by trying to give meaning on knowledge appropriate with their experiences. The knowledge is not stable, because the knowledge is created by human being and they experience the new experiences constantly, so the knowledge is never stable. So, the comprehension which is gotten by human being always tentative and incomplete. The human being’s

comprehension will be deeper and stronger if we examined through the new experiences.

Through the use of constructivism in teaching reading, the students are expected to construct their knowledge time by time and then enlarge other aspects. The students must construct the knowledge and give meaning through the real experience. Therefore, the students must be trained to solve the problems and find out something that is useful for themselves. The students must construct the knowledge in their minds. The students must find out and transform the complex information to the other situation. The teacher will not be able to give all knowledge to the students. Therefore, the teaching reading must be carried out to be constructed process and it does not receive the knowledge.

In applying the contructivism model in teaching reading, the English teacher facilitates the teaching reading. The interview result with Syamsul Arifin can be expressed as follows: In applying the constructivism model in teaching reading for the ninth grade students, the English teacher carries out it by the way (a) making the knowledge meaningful and relevant for the students, (b) giving opportunity to the students to find out and apply their ideas, and (c) realizing the students to apply their strategy in learning. That ways are carried out by English teacher in order that the teaching reading can be reached optimally.

Beside that, the English teacher uses inquiry model in teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan. Inquiry means that knowledge and skill which is gotten by students do not remember the result of the fact series, but they find out by themselves. Therefore, the English teacher designs the teaching reading refers to find out activity for the students. That means the students must be active in learning and participate in teaching reading. The implementation of inquiry model in teaching reading are carried out by English teacher as follows: The steps of the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan are (a) giving the problems will be solved by the students, (b) asking the students to observe the problems, (c) asking

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the students to analyze the problems, and (d) asking the students to read their analysis result in front of the class. The steps mentioned are carried out by English teacher suitable with the teaching reading purposes will be reached.

The kinds of heuristic strategy which includes contructivism and inquiry in teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan is also expressed by Fahrur Rozi Fuadi, the ninth grade students. The data obtained through interview with the students mentioned can be expressed as follows: In teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan, the English teacher used the heuristic strategy in form of the constructivism and inquiry model. Both form mentioned are used by English teacher to increase the students’ reading ability appropriate their knowledge have been had previously. Thereby, the students can build their knowledge and experience in solving the problems faced.

Both heuristic strategy forms are used by English teacher in teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan as expressed by the two data sources mentioned which is suitable with observation result when the teaching reading is going on. The observasion result mentioned can be expressed as follows: When the teaching reading is going on, the English teacher applied the heuristic strategy in form of the constructivism and inquiry model. The English teacher looked directing the students to construct their knowledge and experience, and then tried to find out the problems to be solved. The students listened to the English teacher’s explanation actively and work the tasks seriously and highly spirited.

Based on the interview and observation result, the research finding showed that the English teacher applied heuristic strategy in teaching reading at the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan. The kinds of heuristic strategy which are used by English teacher in teaching reading are constructivism and inquiry model. Constructivism is the teaching model emphasizes how the students can contruct

their knowledge through experiences themselves. While inquiry is the teaching model emphasize how the students can solve and find out the problems faced appropriate with their ability.

The English teacher carried out many efforts to increase the teaching reading result for the eighth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan. Through the efforts mentioned, the teaching reading can be reached optimally, whether from the teaching reading process aspect or from the teaching reading result aspect. From the teaching reading process aspect, the teaching reading can increase the students’ interest and motivation, so that they can participate in reading activity. Thereby, the students obtain good result in reading. From the teaching reading result apsect, the students can understand well on teaching reading materials, or the students get high score in reading.

One effort which is carried out by English teacher in increasing the teaching reading result for the ninth grade students is through the implementation of heuristic strategy. In applying of heuristic strategy in teaching reading, the English teacher at MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan carries out of preparations, such as the subject materials will be solved by students, worksheets, the class presentation, and evaluation will be used. The preparations are carried out by English teacher in applying heuristic strategy in teaching reading at the ninth grade students, Syamsul Arifin, the English teacher expressed as follows: The preparations are carried out by English teacher in applying heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students are includes (a) designing lesson plan, (b) designing observation sheets, (c) dividing learning groups, (d) giving opportunity to the students from each group to present their working result, and (e) carrying out evaluation on the students’ working result. The preparations mentioned is planning which must be made in applying heuristic strategy to students.

Based on the interview result mentioned can be taken conclusion that the English teacher has carried out good preparations in applying heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students

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of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan. That means that the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading can be reached well. Thereby, the teaching reading materials which are solved together by each learning groups can be understood by students. The preparations are carried out by English teacher in applying heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan such as the statement of Syamsul Arifin mentioned is suitable with the documentation data as follows: The preparations are made by English teacher in documentation form that related with the implementation of heuristic strategy includes making lesson plan, making observation sheets, and making evaluation instrument will be used to evaluate of students’ working result.

After the preparations are made by English teacher in applying heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students, then the English teacher at MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan carried out the teaching reading appropriate to the planning has been made before. The steps of the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students, Syamsul Arifin expressed as follows: The steps of the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students are (a) dividing learning group of the students consist of 4 students for each learning group, (b) giving working sheets to the students, (c) giving problems or subject materials will be solved by the students, namely the text about ”The Blake’s Trip to Indonesia”, (d) asking the students to present their working result in front of the class, and (e) carrying out evaluation on working result of each group, whether individually or groups.

On other opportunity, the writer makes interview with Ahmad Munawwirul Fuad, the ninth grade student of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan. Related to the steps of the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading which is carried out by English teacher for the ninth grade students, the student mentioned expressed as follows: The steps of the implementation of heuristic strategy which is

carried out by English teacher in teaching reading for the ninth grade students are (a) dividing learning group of the students, (b) giving work sheets to the students, (c) giving the subject materials will be solved by each group, that is about ”The Blake’s Trip to Indonesia”, (d) asking each learning group to present their working result in front of the class, and (e) evaluating the working result of each student, whether individually or group.

In order that the student can cooperate well in solving the problems faced in their learning group, such as sharing opinion, repairing wrong responses, and asking one and each others, the membership of students on each learning group taken from students have different ability. For example, there are students who have high ability, middle, and low ability, so that they inform one another in solving the problems. Related to taking the group members in the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading, furthermore Syamsul Arifin expressed as follows: The taking of the membership of each group in the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading is taken from each of student who has different ability. In learning group memberships mentioned is taken from students who have high ability, middle, and low ability. Through taking from each student has different ability mentioned mean in order to they cooperate one another in solving the problems, so that they understand on the problems solved.

The statement of Syamsul Arifin is also supported by the statement of Ulfatul Hasanah, the ninth grade student of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan. The data collected through interviewing with the students can be expressed as follows: In taking the members of learning groups in the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading at the ninth grade students, the English teacher takes students from the different ability. That means the membership of the students on each group consist of the students have high ability, middle, and low ability. That case means in order that the students cooperate and exchange opinions one and each others in solving the problems are given by English teacher.

In the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading, the students

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carry out many activities with other students in their groups. While the English teacher functions as facilitator, namely directs and give guidance on students’ learning, learning difficulties, and the activities are carried out in teaching reading. Syamsul Arifin, the English teacher of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan who has applied heuristic strategy in teaching reading also functions as facilitator. Related to the role of English teacher in the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the eighth grade mentioned, Syamsul Arifin said as follows: In the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the eighth grade students, the English teacher functions as facilitator. That means the English teacher gives facility on learning activity will be carried out by the students, gives direction and guidance to the students, particularly on learning difficulties are faced by students. The English teacher gives spirit and motivation to each learning group of the students to cooperate actively with other friends in solving the problems.

In order that the students on each learning group can know about their involvement with other group members, the English teacher asks the students on each learning group to present their working result in front of the class. All students on each learning group asked to play actively one and each others in reading their working result, and answer the questions which are conveyed by other groups. That case carried out to know about being active or not active of the students with their group members, especially after finishing the tasks given by English teacher.

The next, the working result of each learning groups of the students related to the tasks which are given by English teacher, every learning groups of the students asked their responsibility. That means the English teacher asks every learning groups to present their working result in front of the class. The data of interview result collected through interviewing Syamsul Arifin can be expressed as follows: To know the involvement and the unity of the students on each learning group, the English teacher has observation on each learning group when doing the tasks. Beside that, after the students on each learning groups finish the tasks the

teaching reading, every learning group was asked to present their working result in front of the class. Through this presentation can be known the students’ involvement with other friends on each their learning group.

The statement of Syamsul Arifin mentioned suitable with the data that obtained through observation activity. The data of observation result related to the involvement of the students in their learning group in solving the problems can be expressed as follows: When English teacher gives the tasks that must be done by students, he carries out observation on their involvement and cooperation. Beside that, after each learning group finished the tasks as the result together, the English teacher looked to ask each learning group of the students to present working result in front of the class. That matter is a necessity that must be carried out by each learning group.

The class presentation for each learning group on working result which has been done by the students together is the proces series in implementation of heuristic strategy. That is very important to be carried out by English teacher to know the involvement and cooperation of each student in their learning groups. Beside that, as the series of the implementation of heuristic strategy, the English teacher need to do evaluation on students’ working result, whether individually or groups.

The English teacher at MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan is also evaluating on working result of learning group of the students. The data collected through interviewing Syamsul Arifin related to the evaluation of working result of the students’ learning group can be expressed as follows: As the process series of the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students, one of activity is carried out by English teacher is making evaluation on working result of learning group, whether carried out individually or groups. Through the evaluation mentioned expected can know the students’ mastery on the problems that solved together with their learning group members.

In order that the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading to be effective, that is giving optimal result,

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whether on process aspect or on teaching reading result aspect, the English teacher at MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan carried out some efforts. Among the efforts which are carried out by English teacher to be effectively the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade studens, Syamsul Arifin said as follows: The efforts which are carried out by English teacher to create the success the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students are (a) motivating the students to exchange opinions that related with the tasks will be done by each learning group, (b) giving opportunity to the students to express their opinions suitable with the knowledge they have, (c) helping the difficulties are faced by the students, and (d) giving opportunity to the students to ask when there are difficulties, whether on the friends in their learning group or on the teacher. The efforts are carried out by English at MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan as interviewing excerption mentioned is meant to make the impelemetation of heuristic strategy to be effective in teaching reading. Thereby, the teaching reading takes place and reaches an optimal result, whether on process aspect or on teaching result aspect.

In creating the implementation of heuristic strategy effectively in teaching reading at the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan, the English teacher always motivates the students on each learning group to exchange opinions related with the tasks will be done. Through the exchange opinions mentioned, the students on each learning group expected to understand well on the tasks worked. Not the students having high ability that having good mastery only, but all the students on each learning group. Through the exchange opinions mentioned, the implementation of heuristic strategy to be smooth and effective.

The other effort which is carried by English teacher in creating the implementation of heuristic strategy effectively in teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan is giving large opportunity to the students to express their opinions suitable with the knowledge that they have. In this way, the English teacher

gives large freedom to the students on each learning group to express their opinions suitable with ability that they have. By this way, the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students will be smooth and effective.

The next effort which is carried out by the English teacher in creating the implementation of heuristic strategy effectively in teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan is helping the students’ difficulties. That is carried out by English teacher in order that the students on each learning group freed from the difficulties, so that they can do the tasks seriously with their learning group members.

Beside that, the other effort which is carried out by the English teacher in creating the implementation of heuristic strategy effectively in teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan is giving opportunity to the students to ask when they find out the difficulties, whether to their friends in their learning group or to the teacher. That is carried out by the English teacher in order that the students on each learning group can understand well on the tasks will be done. Giving opportunity mentioned means to plant good mastery and to avoid every student on each learning group from the difficulties. When the students freed from the difficulties faced in teaching reading through the implementation of heuristic strategy, then the students will do the tasks seriously.

The effectiveness of the implementation of heuristic strategy is the main purpose will be reached by English teacher in teaching reading. About the criteria of the implementation of heuristic strategy to be said effective, Syamsul Arifin, the English teacher expressed as follows: The implementation of heuristic strategy to be said effective in teaching reading when fulfill two aspects, namely (a) the students have high spirit and interest in teaching reading, and (b) the teaching reading materials can be understood by students well. Here is the success criteria of teaching reading through the implementation of heuristic strategy. Contrary, if just one aspect reached, for instnace on process aspect, or on result

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aspect, so the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading said that is not sucsess yet.

Based on interview result mentioned can be taken conclusion that the effectiveness of teaching reading showed by high spirit from the students in teaching reading. So, high spirit from the students is measure the effectiveness of the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading. On other opportunity, the writer makes interview with Ahmad Munawwirul Fuad, the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan. Related to his involvement with other students in his learning group when solving the problems or the tasks are given by English teacher, he expressed as follows: When English teacher gives the tasks, all the students help and cooperate one and each others in solving or doing the tasks on each their learning group. Beside that, among the students have exchange opinions about the tasks or the problems solved. When there are other friends do not understand on the tasks mentioned, then through the exchange opinions mentioned can make the students more and more understand on the tasks or the problems solved.

High spirit that is created in form of cooperate and exchange opinions among the students on each learning group in teaching reading through the implementation of heuristic strategy as said Ahmad Munawwirul Fuad mentioned is true. The data that collected through observation can be expressed as follows: When the students doing the tasks are given by English teacher in teaching reading with their learning group, looked the students enthusiastic in doing the tasks on each their learning group mentioned. Among the students cooperate and exchange opinions one and each others in solving the problems done. When there are other friends do not understand on the tasks, the other friends explain them.

The effectiveness of the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading from the process aspect which is showed by high learning spirit from the students as interview and observation result mentioned need to be carried out by English teacher. That is very important because in teaching reading activity, the

students many carry out activities, while the English teacher functions as facilitator, namely directing and helping the students’ activity and learning difficulties faced by them.

The effectiveness of the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading beside can be watched from teaching process aspect, that is also can watched from teaching result aspect. In this way, the teaching reading materials are conveyed by English teacher through the implementation of heuristic strategy can be understood well by students.

Related to the effectiveness of the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan from the teaching result aspect, Syamsul Arifin expressed that the teaching materials can be understood by the students. The data obtained through interviewing activity mentioned can be expressed as follows: The implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students said effective from the teaching result aspect when the teaching reading materials can be understood well by the students on each their learning group. So, the teaching reading materials mentioned can be understood easily by all the students on each their learning group. By other words, the implementation of heuristic strategy can take mastery learning for the students in teaching reading.

From the interview result mentioned can be taken conclusion that the implementation of heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students of MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan from the teaching result aspect can be said effective. In this context, the teaching reading materials which are done by the students together in their learning group can be understood easily by students, especially in reading the texts given by English teacher.

Based on interview, observation, and documentation result, the finding research showed that the English teacher at MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan has applied heuristic strategy in teaching reading for the ninth grade students. The steps of the implementation of heuristic

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strategy in teaching reading can be classified two parts, namely (a) the preparation step, and (b) the implementation step. On preparation step, the activities are carried out by the English teacher are designing the planning of the implementation of heuristic strategy, designing observation sheet, giving opportunity to students from each group to present their working result, and making evaluation instrument will be used to evaluate the students’ working result. On the implementation step, the activities are carried out by English teacher are dividing learning group contains 4 students for the each learning group, giving worksheet, giving the problems or the subject materials will be solved by the students, asking the students on each learning group to present their working result in front of the class, and carrying out evaluation on the students’ working result on each learning group, whether individually or group.


The kinds of heuristic strategy used in of teaching reading of the ninth grade students at MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan are constructivism and inquiry model. Constructivism is the teaching model emphasizes how the students can

contruct their knowledge through experiences themselves. While inquiry is the teaching model emphasize on how the students can solve and find out the problems faced appropriate with their ability.

The implementation of heuristic strategy of teaching reading the ninth grade students at MTs. Riyadul Ulum Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan through the steps are (a) the preparation step, and (b) the implementation step. On preparation step, the activities are carried out by English teacher are designing the planning of the implementation of heuristic strategy, designing observation sheet, giving opportunity to students from each group to present their working result, and making evaluation instrument will be used to evaluate the students’ working result. On the implementation step, the activities are carried out by English teacher are dividing group contains of 4 students for the each learning group, giving worksheet, giving the problems or the subject materials will be solved by students, asking the students on each learning group to present their working result in front of the class, and carrying out evaluation on the students’ working result on each learning group, whether individually or group.

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Sri indriati Hasanah

Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP, Universitas Madura Alamat Jalan Raya Panglegur 3,5 KM Pamekasan

Email: [email protected]

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik yang baik untuk materi bangun ruang sisi datar dan untuk mengetahui keefektifan Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik bernuansa islami untuk mengajarkan bangun ruang sisi datar di MTs Al-Falah. Adapun Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik bernuansa islami yang baik pada materi bangun ruang sisi datar. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dihasilkan meliputi: (a) rencana pembelajaran, (b) buku guru, (c) lembar kegiatan siswa, dan (d) tes hasil belajar valid, reliabel dan Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik bernuansa islami efektif untuk mengajarkan bangun ruang sisi datar di kelas VIII MTs. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh: (a) aktifitas siswa: efektif, (b), kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran: baik (c) respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran: positif. dan (d) ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal: 90 % siswa tuntas belajar individual Kata kunci : Realistik, Islami


Pemerintah kabupaten Pamekasan mulai berbenah dalam rangka memperbaiki dan meningkatkan mutu pendidikan pada umumnya terutama mengubah persepsi terdapat sebagian masyarakat yang mempunyai persepsi kurang positif terhadap pentingnya pendidikan umum, sebagian masyarakat masih beranggapan bahwa pendidikan umum hanya berkaitan dengan masalah duniawi karena itu dipandang masih tidak lebih penting daripada pendidikan keagamaan yang dianggap berkaitan dengan persoalan agama, hal ini sesuai dengan salah satu point yang terdapat di restra pendidikan kabupaen pamekasan 2009-2014

Dari permasalahan tersebut diperlukan suatu upaya dalam mengatasinya salah satunya dengan mengaitkan pembelajaran dengan inti dari permasalahan di atas yaitu mengaitkan nilai-nilai ajaran agama dengan pendidikan umum terutama pelajaran yang dianggap sulit oleh siswa yaitu pelajaran matematika. Adapun pendekatan secara teori dianggap cocok dengan permasalahan diatas yaitu dengan Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik. Pembelajaran matematika dengan pendekatan realistik memanfatkan masalah kontekstual yang mudah difahami siswa kemudian siswa diberi kesempatan seluas-luasnya untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang diberikan

secara mandiri sesuai dengan pengetahuan awal yang dimilikinya. Kegiatan ini mengandung arti bahwa siswa diberi kesempatan untuk mendeskripsikan, menginterpretasi dan mencari strategi yang sesuai.

Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik keaktifan siswa lebih diutamakan, guru hanya berperan sebagai fasilitator. Siswa bebas mengeluarkan idenya, mengkomunikasikan ide-idenya satu sama lain. Guru membantu siswa (secara terbatas) untuk membandingkan ide-ide itu dan membimbing mereka mengambil keputusan tentang ide mana yang paling tepat, efisien dan mudah dipahami oleh mereka. Dalam kaitannya dengan matematika sebagai aktivitas manusia maka siswa telah diberi kesempatan seluas-luasnya untuk menemukan kembali ide dan konsep matematika secara mandiri sebagai akibat dari pengalaman siswa dalam berinteraksi dengan masalah kontekstual. Setelah pembentukan dan menemukan konsep-konsep matematika, siswa menggunakannya untuk menyelesaikan masalah kontekstual sebagai aplikasi untuk memperkuat pemahaman konsep pada dunia nyata

Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut di atas maka penulis berkeinginan kuat untuk menemukan suatu perangkat pembelajaran

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dengan memperhatikan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pemerintah pamekasan yaitu perangkat pembelajaran yang mengaitkan nilai-nilai ajaran Islam, sesuai dengan Al-quran dan Hadits sehingga diharapkan dengan perangkat pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kehidupan sehari-hari mereka dapat mengubah persepsi sebagian masyarakat di Kabupaten Pamekasan berubah terutama bagi siswa.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik yang baik untuk materi bangun ruang sisi datar dan untuk mengetahui keefektifan Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik bernuansa islami untuk mengajarkan bangun ruang sisi datar di MTs Al-Falah. METODE PENELITIAN Jenis dan Prosedur Penelitian Dengan mengacu pada tujuan penelitian, maka penelitian ini dikategorikan sebagai penelitian eksperimen semu yang diawali dengan pengembangan perangkat. Penelitian pengembangan yang dimaksud adalah penelitian yang dilakukan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang meliputi RPP, LKS, Buku siswa, Buku guru dan tes hasil belajar. Populasi penelitian adalah semua siswa kelas VIII MTs Al-Falah Pamekasan, sampel penelitian dipilih 1 kelas secar acak untuk ditetapkan menjadi kelas ujicoba perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik, hal ini untuk menjawab rumusan masalah ke dua. Prosedur Pengembangan perangkat Pembelajaran Model pengembangan yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini adalah modifikasi dari model 4-D Thiagarajan, dkk.(1974). Model 4-D dipiih karena sistimatis dan cocok untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran, namun dalam penelitian ini peneliti melakukan modifikasi terhadap model 4-D. Tahap-tahap yang dilalui hanya tahap pendefisian (define), perancangan (design), dan pengembangan (develop). Modifikasi model 4-D untuk

pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini disajikan dalam gambar I HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Deskripsi Hasil Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Setelah dilakukan analisis materi, tugas dan spesifikasi indikator pencapaian hasil belajar, selanjutnya disusun perangkat pembelajaran berupa RPP, LKS, BG, dan Tes Hasisl Belajar yang disebut Draft I. Penilaian validasi ahli dilakukan untuk melihat validitas pembelajaran, isi dan bahasa yang mencakup semua perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan. Hasil penilaian para ahli digunakan sebagai dasar untuk melakukan revisi dan penyempurnaan terhadap perangkat pembelajaran. Perangkat pembelajaran hasil revisi berdasarkan masukan dari validator ini selanjutnya diujicobakan di kelas VIII A MTs Al-Falah. Selama pembelajaran berlangsung dilakukan pengamatan terhadap aktifitas siswa dengan menggunakan lembar observasi aktivitas siswa, dan pengamatan guru dalam dalam mengelola pembelajaran menggunakan lembar observasi aktivitas siswa, dan pengamatan kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran menggunakan lembar observasi pengelolaan pembelajaran. Pengamatan dilakukan oleh masing-masing pengamat untuk setiap kali pertemuan, pengamat mengamati aktifitas siswa selama pembelajaran dan mengamati guru mengelola pembelajaran. Sedangkan peneliti sekaligus berperan sebagai pengamat umum yang mengamati semua aktifitas di kelas selama pembelajaran berlangsung.

Berdasarkan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model 4-D yang telah dimodifikasi, dihasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika realistik bernuansa ialmai yang baik untuk materi bangun ruang sisi datar di kelas VIII MTs. Al Mujtama’ sehingga dapat digunakan dan untuk melihat keefektifan. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dihasilkan meliputi Rencana Pembelajaran (RP), Buku Guru (BG), Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS), dan Tes Hasil Belajar (THB)

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Hasanah, Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran| 43


: urutan pelaksanaan : kegiatan

Gambar 1. Modifikasi Model Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran dari Model 4-D

Analisis Hulu-hilir

Analisis Siswa

Analisis Konsep Analisis Tugas

Spesifikasi Indikator Hasil Belajar

Pemilihan Media

Pemilihan Format

Perancangan Awal Perangkat Pembelajaran

Draft I Validasi Ahli

Analisis Revisi Draft II

Uji Coba

Analisis Draft IV







Analisis Revisi Draft III

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Analisis Deskriptif Setelah dihasilkan perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik yang baik kemudian akan dilihat keefektifan, Draft yang dihasilkan tersebut dieksperimenkan di kelas VIII-B. Hasil penelitian yang dianalisis secara deskripif adalah data aktivitas siswa selama pembelajaran, kemampuan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran, respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran realistik serta hasil belajar siswa. Hasil dari pengematan terhadap aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran setiap kali pertemuan selama tiga kali tatap muka berada pada kriteria waktu ideal yang di tetapkan, sehingga dapat dapat disimpulkan bahwa aktivitas siswa efektif. Hasil pengamatan mengenai kemampuan guru dalam mengelola Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik menunjukkan bahwa dari tiga kali pertemuan termasuk dalam kategori baik. Hasil angket siswa lebih dari 80% siswa senang dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik bernuansa islami siswa senang terhadap setap komponen Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik bernuasa islami, dengan demikian espon siswa terhadap komponen Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik bernuansa islami adalah positif. Dari penilaian hasil belajar dilakukan melalui tes hasil belajar lebih dari 85 % tuntas yaitu 90% siswa tuntas dalam pembelajan. Adapun pencapaian kefektifan Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik Bernuansa islami dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut : Tabel No

Aspek Kategori Ket Kesimpulan

1 Aktivitas siswa Efektif Efektif

2 Kemampuan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran


3 Respon siswa Positif 4 Ketuntasan Belajar

secara Klasikal Tuntas


Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut :

1. Berdasarkan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model 4-D (four D Model) yang telah dimodifikasi, dihasilkan perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik bernuansa islami yang baik pada materi bangun ruang sisi datar. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dihasilkan meliputi: (a) rencana pembelajaran, (b) buku guru, (c) lembar kegiatan siswa, dan (d) tes hasil belajar valid dan realibel.

2. Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik efektif untuk mengajarkan bangun ruang sisi datar di kelas VIII MTs. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh: (a) aktifitas siswa: efektif, (b), kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran: baik (c) respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran: positif. dan (d) ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal: 90 % siswa tuntas belajar individual

SARAN 1. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dihasilkan

masih perlu diujicobakan di sekolah-sekolah yang lain agar diperoleh perangkat pembelajaran yang benar-benar baik.

2. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dihasilkan perlu di eksperimenkan sehingga dapat dilihat apakah hasil belajar dengan menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran yang dihasilkan yaitu PMR bernuansa islami lebih baik dengan PMR konvensional maupun metode pembelajaran yang lain.

DAFTAR PUSTAKA Gravemeijer, K. 1994. Developing Realistic

Mathematics Education. Utrecht: Freudenthal Institut. Netherland.

Hasanah, Sri Indriati 2006. Pembelajaran

Matematika Realistik di Lingkungan

Madrasah. Makalah Kongres dan konferensi Matematika. Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Johar, Rohmah. 2006. Meningkatkan Daya Juang dan Hasil Belajar Siswa di Aceh Melalui Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik Bernuansa Islami. Makalah Kongres dan konferensi Matematika. Universitas Negeri Semarang

Soedjadi, R. 1999-2000. Kiat Pendidikan

Matematika di Indonesia. Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi. Depdikbud Jakarta.

Soedjadi, R. 2001. Pemanfaatan Realitas dan

Lingkungan Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika. Makalah Seminar Nasional. FMIPA Unesa Surabaya.

Suwarsono, St. 2001. Pembelajaran Matematika di Indonesia dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (Pentingnya Proses Belajar yang Aktif, Konstruktif dalam Pembelajaran Matematika). Makalah Seminar Nasional. FMIPA Unesa Surabaya.

Thiagarajan, S., Semmel, D.S., dan Semmel,

M.I. 1974. Intructional Development for Training Teachers of Exceptional Children. Minnesota: University of Minnesota.

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Evha Nazalatus Sakdiyah Annisa Khairani Makatita

English Department, FKIP, Madura University Email : [email protected]

Abstract: Song is part of literary terms which is literature using style of language or metaphor. Doo-Woops and Hooligans Album has many style of language and the meaning in literal and contextual meaning. This song is famous because those songs in this album is easy to listening, has characteristic on his voice, the lyrics which are known about the event happens to teenagers life now days. This research is using Christina Arvius and Sugeng theories. The result of this research shows that the songs in this album have 10 figurative of language; there are metaphor, personification, simile, hyperbole, oxymoron, alliteration, metonymy, synecdoche, zeugma and parallelism. This album basically tells about love with kinds of problems like happiest feeling compliment the songwriter’s girlfriend, propose to marry the songwriter’s girlfriend and others. Next, sadness feelings are the song writer waiting for a woman who is loved by him, the song which is describe the songwriter feeling when he is cheated by his girlfriend until his girlfriend leaves him and he want to her back. Another theme is about a friendship and the songwriter activities. At last, the researcher gives conclussion and suggestion. The conclussion is related to the data that has been analyzed and the suggestion is related to how to comprehend the literary work especially song, what to do in studying literature, and how to analyze figurative of language in song. Keywords: Figurative Language, Song lyric, Doo-Woops and Hooligans Album, Literal

Meaning, Contextual meaning


Language is a way used in communication to connect someone to others. According to Harley (2004:6), “Language lets us see into other people’s minds, and lets other people see into ours”. It means that we can see people’s idea based on their point of view. The authors usually describe or express their expression of feeling, ideas and situation which is happening in life to make other people know and understand what they feel in writing of literature.

According to Hartiningsih (2002: 2) “Literature cannot be separated from language”. Literature is a way to communicate something from the person to another. It is good to describe and help us understand about author’s experience or imagination for example when someone is broken heart, it is an event of life that occurs in real people’s life which gives the inspirations of the author to create literary work. Reading literature offers the readers unexpected experience. Unexpected experience means imagination with real emotion to know what the authors feel. Readers can get extra knowledge by

reading literature. It is supported by Mustofa (2005: 4) that “Knowledge feed our minds, literature feeds our hearts”. It means that we learn to feel what others feel about certain things and we learn to appreciate what others appreciate. This is way for readers to feel and increase the enjoyment of reading literature.

Zubaidah (2012:11) states that, “Literature is classified into three major parts: prose, poetry and drama”. Prose is a writing or expression in the form of language that has no formal structure like everyday speech. Prose itself is usually inspired from the description of facts or the discussion of ideas. Poetry is a writing about imaginations or experiences expressed through meaning, sound and rhythmic to raise an emotional response. Drama is a story meant to be acted then represented in performance as the mixture of prose and poetry. In this study the researcher only focuses on analyzing song. According to Little (1985: 174), “Tradition names five main forms of lyrical poetry are the song lyric, the sonnet, the ode, the elegy and the idyll”. It shows that song is part of poetry. The researcher prefers to analyze poetry

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rather than drama and prose because poetry has made by authors’ emotional, experience, thinking and their interpretation, structure of words and expression of feeling in written. The other reason is because poetry contains the personal feeling of the authors in describing something. For example, beautiful scenery in beach when sun goes down.

“Zubaidah (ibid: 12) states that “Poetry itself has two types namely narrative and lyric”. Narrative poetry refers to poems that tells a story which is written in poetry for example ballads and epic. Lyric poetry is to express thought and feeling of the poet based on the authors’ feeling at the moment. Lyric poetry does not tell a story which describes characters and action, but it refers to reader directly, describes the authors’ feeling, thought and perceptions. The only one example of lyric poetry is song. Song is a piece of music with words that usually sung by the singer. It is one way to appreciate the one’s idea that will be known by others. Quinn (2006:393) states, “Song is a term for a type of lyric poem, not necessarily designed to be set to music”. In the reality, song is usually accompanied by music as the collaboration between writers and composer. Composer makes a nice tone for hearing while the writers create the song lyrics with beautiful words for example “I want to see the painting of romance deep in her heart”, this sentence means a boyfriend who is falling in love with his girlfriend and he wants to know how deeps his girlfriend’s love. This example makes the listener searches their interpretation of the beautiful words and tries to understand the meaning of it. Songs also can be applied in teaching English because by using song, students understand more to analyze beautiful words in learning literature. Sometimes the students feel bored to analyze other kind of poetry, for example: poem, but by songs the students can comprehend the meaning of beautiful words because they do not only read the lyric but also listen to the music of that song. It means that they can enjoy nice tone in the songs that help them to get motivation to analyze those beautiful words in song. Beautiful words of the song consist of literature terms like metaphor, simile and others. They are called figure of speech or figurative language.

In the Sharndama and Suleiman (2013:2), “Figures of speech refer to the mode of expression in which words are employed to connote something other than the literal or conceptual meaning”. Figure of speech is the use of words that go beyond their ordinary meaning. It means that readers use their perceptions and their own interpretation to figure out the writer's meaning. It is important because it gives readers a nice sense of imagery when they listen to songs. For example lyric “Just the way you are” in Doo Wops and Hooligans album by Bruno Mars. “When I see your face there’s not a thing that I would change” This is an example of synecdoche because your face means a whole of her body or everything on her. Doo Wops and Hooligans was the first album of Bruno Mars. He named his first album by Doo Wops and Hooligans because he was inspired by hearing his father played this kind of music when he was a child. He thought that doo-wops like a women, it means that no tricks to get a soul mate or couple, except a beautiful melody, a beautiful voice and praise. Hooligans are like the guys. So this album tells about women and men want to make an intimate relationship. This album describes two sides of Bruno Mars that he is young and simple guy beside that he is also romantic person to prove that he can praise and make a woman feels so perfect in his eyes for example “Just The Way You Are” lyric “she is so beautiful and I tell her everyday”. It is tells about his amazement to his girlfriend and he always praises her everyday to show his love.

Bruno Mars or Pete Gene Hernandez was born on October 8, 1985. He is an American singer-songwriter and musician from Honolulu Hawaii. His first debut is collaboration in “Nothin’ On You” song has make the listener more interest with his voice than the main singer B.O.B and this single makes everyone knows Bruno Mars. After that he released first Album Doo-Woops and Hooligans Album with single "Just the Way You are". It was released as the album's official lead single on July 19, 2010. It topped the Billboard Hot 100, having sold over 5.3 million copies. Followed by his other songs like Grenade, Count on Me, The Lazy Song and Marry You become topped in

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48 | INTERAKSI , Volume 8, N0 1. Januari 2013, hlm 46-66

billboard to after the release. To prove his success in music career in this album he has collaboration with Damian Marley, son of Bob Marley in Liquor Store Blues song. By the successfulness of this album, he got a various appreciation like platinum gold indeed diamond on every country. Not only that, he recorded the song to soundtrack of the romantic popular movie “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn” with entitled “It Will Rain”. Next, Grammy awards 53 on February 14, 2011 he got his first appreciations in category of the best pop male and this is to prove his talent for his credibility in world of music industry.

The listener only know that song has many beautiful words without knows kinds of figurative language in those songs especially in Doo-Woops and Hooligans Album by Bruno Mars. The fact, the listeners only knows every song used hyperbole. Then, the listeners can interpret many meaning of those song by their interpretation.

By the statement above, it means that album of Bruno Mars is famous because his single in first album entitled Just The Way You Are and other songs has stolen attention of the music listeners and the researcher chooses the songs from this album in this study to find the figure of speeches are used and the meaning of the songs. Based on the reasons above that researcher is interested in conducting research on the use of figurative language in song by title An Analysis of Figurative Language in “Doo Wops and Hooligans Album” by Bruno Mars.


This research uses descriptive qualitative, because the researcher only focuses on study literature especially in describing or identifying the kinds of figurative language then analyzes the literal and contextual meaning from Doo-Woops and Hooligans album by Bruno Mars. Descriptive qualitative research deals with data that are in the form of words or pictures rather than numbers and statistics. According to Ary (2010: 485), “All qualitative analysis involves attempts to comprehend the phenomenon under study, synthesize information and explain relationships, theorize about how and why the relationships appear as they do, and reconnect the new

knowledge with what is already known”. Qualitative means that it is not related with numeric data but all the answers are shown by a number of theories that the researcher can find in the book. So, qualitative research in this research is a procedure that results in descriptive of subjective data in written, to create clear description on factual and accurate data or phenomena being structurally.The Object of this study is focused on figurative language in Doo Wops and Hooligans Album by Bruno Mars. Sources of the data in this research are Doo Wops and Hooligans Album by Bruno Mars, it consist of 10 songs. The data of this research are in the form of word, phrase and each sentence in each line or stanza in Bruno Mars song’s. To support this source, the researcher uses some other references books, journal of international or online access from internet that has close relation with this research. The researcher collects the data from some related literature references. The data are obtained from library and online either in the form of book or pdf file. The steps to collect the data are:

1. The researcher collects songs from Doo Wops and Hooligans Album by Bruno Mars

2. Listening the song 3. Reading the lyric of the song

repeatedly 4. Identifying sentences that have

figurative language found in each lyrics of those songs.

5. Make a note based on identified from the lyric.

6. Classifying those words based on kinds of figurative language.

7. Classifying kinds of figurative language that have been found into kinds of meaning.

After the researcher collect the data then the researcher needs to analysis the data. Data analysis is a process of systematically, organizing and arranging to get useful information. According to Given (2008:186), “Data analysis are verbal if the majority of what is being analyzed is words”. It means that the word which is analyzed are the words

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that have figurative language in the Doo Wops and Hooligans album.

The steps of analyzing data as follows:

1. Classifying figurative language based on the lyric.

2. Identifying kinds of figurative language based on the theories

3. Interpreting the meaning based on literal and contextual from the lyric by translating.

4. Make a conclusion based on figurative language in song lyric.

FINDING AND DISCUSSION The songwriter writes the song used figurative languages to get an interest from the listeners that make the beautiful and more attractive lyric of the song, for example alliteration. Based on theory, alliteration is a figure of speech that repetition happens in the same consonant sound at the beginning of words. Then, finding out the figurative of language of the song lyrics on that album, the researcher analyzes the data which have figurative of language. Then the researcher explains and analyzes words or phrases that are considered have literal and contextual meaning.

So, related to figurative of language there are ten songs found in this album. There are Just the Way You Are, Talking to The Moon, Our First Time, The Lazy Song, The Other Side, Runaway Baby, Grenade, Marry You, Count on Me and The Liquor Store Blues. The analysis of those songs lyric discussed as follows: Just the way you are, is a song which tells about a man who really loves his girlfriend and he feels that there is no beautiful woman like her. Although she does not feel confident but the man always assures her with many compliments and talks she is a perfect woman. In this song kind of figurative languages which have been found namely: Alliteration, Hyperbole, Oxymoron and Synecdoche. Let see the quotation.

Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars

look like they're not shinin'

Her hair, her hair falls perfectly

without her tryin' She's so beautiful

And I tell her everyday

Yeah, I know, I

know when I compliment her, she won't believe

me And it's so, it's so sad to think that

she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me do I look

okay? In first and second stanza, the

words which are in underlined included in alliteration. Because in those word they are repetition of consonant word e.g: know-know, to make emphasize that he does not want to see the change in her girlfriend and he repeatedly tells how perfect she is Literally in the sentence “Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her tryin'”, the songwriter describes the beauty of her girlfriend hair which make her look so beautiful for him. In the first stanza it tells contextually about the beauty of songwriter’s girlfriend he praises his girlfriend that her eyes and her hair are so beautiful and no others which is able to compare.

Then, in second stanza literally in the sentence “Yeah I know I know”, the songwriter asserts that he really knows about his girlfriend respond related to his compliment to her. In the sentence “it’s so it’s so”, literally it also tells about the songwriter asserts that related to her feeling to word his girlfriend respond. Contextually the second stanza describes about sad feeling of songwriter who always compliments his girlfriend but she never trusts it.

Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she'd let

me Her laugh her

laugh, she hates but I think it's so

sexy She's so beautiful

And I tell her everyday

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50 | INTERAKSI , Volume 8, N0 1. Januari 2013, hlm 46-66

Oh, you know, you know, you know I'd never

ask you to change If perfect's what you're searching for, then just stay

the same So don't even

bother asking if you look okay

You know I'll say

In the fifth and sixth stanza especially in underlined words, it is included in alliteration because there are repetitions of consonant word as assertion for e.g: her-her. Literally in the sentence “Her lips her lips”, the songwriter tells about what he can do to his girlfriend lips. Then in the sentence “Her laugh her laugh”, it tells literally about the way of laughing of songwriter’s girlfriend that he loved.

For sixth stanza especially in sentence “You know you know”, it tells literally that his girlfriend truly know the songwriter likes everything of her without asking her to make changes. Contextually the songwriter want his girlfriend still be the same as what he like of herself without change anything.

Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars

look like they're not shinin'

Her hair, her hair falls perfectly

without her tryin' She's so beautiful

And I tell her everyday

In the first stanza especially in the

underlined sentence, it is included hyperbole because this sentences seemed it exaggerate that the shinning eyes of the songwriter girlfriend is more beautiful than the shining star. While literally in the fact somebody eyes cannot shine as the stars do. Then contextually, it basically tells about the beauty of the songwriter’s girlfriend eyes which cannot be compared the beauty of stars.

And when you smile The whole world stops and

stares for awhile 'Cause girl, you're amazing

Just the way you are

Fourth stanza in underlined sentence is included in hyperbole because it is impossible the world can stop for staring at the girl. Contextually, it tells how beautiful the girl faces so that make every people who encounter her want to stop for noticing her face.

Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment

her, she won't believe me

And it's so, it's so sad to think that she don't

see what I see But every time she asks me do I look

okay? In underlined sentence of second

sentence of second stanza is included in oxymoron because there is contradictory of word to make an artistic effect. In the second stanza literally tells there is different opinion between the songwriter’s and his girlfriend. Then contextually it is about the disappointment of songwriter to his girlfriend who never trusts his compliment. He always loves his girlfriend just the way she is, but his girlfriend is always not sure about it.

When I see your face There's not a thing that I would

change 'Cause you're amazing Just the way you are

In the underlined sentence of fourth

stanza is included in synecdoche because the word “face”, means part of the girl’s body which refers to the whole of her body. Literally, the face refers to the girl’s face which is always seen by the songwriter. Contextually, by looking at the girl’s face it has been perfect enough for songwriter so that he does not want her change anything in her face. Talking to the moon tells about man’s sad feeling because he must break his relationship with his girl friend. He talks to

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the moon how deep his love for her but it does not give a good result and he always tries everyday to prove his love. In this song kind of figurative language which have been found namely: Hyperbole, Personification, Metonymy, Simile and Oxymoron. They are explained as follows:

I know you're somewhere out there

Somewhere far away I want you back I want you back

My neighbors think I'm crazy

But they don't understand You're all I have You're all I have

In the first stanza especially in

underlined sentences, it is included in hyperbole because it is impossible that he only has her in his life as his girlfriend. Literally, it tells the loss feeling because the songwriter girlfriend leaves him away and he wants her comes back. Then all of people around him think that he is crazy, because wishes an impossible thing.

Contextually, the sentence “You’re all I have” describes the songwriter sadness and he feels like a poor man in the world because his girlfriend has been gone away and she never comes back. In his life, there is nobody who can understand him well and the girl is the only one whom he has felt comfort with. But unfortunately she goes away and he realizes that she is the only one he has. But he feels that his girlfriend will come back to him although there is no one wants to believe it.

At night when the stars light up my room

I sit by myself Talking to the Moon

Try to get to You In hopes you're on the other side

Talking to me too Or Am I a fool who sits alone

Talking to the moon Second stanza especially in first

underlined sentence is hyperbole because it is impossible that the stars light is enough to bright his room. Literally means that when

the night has come the stars will looks so bright. Contextually, it tells that night time comes he can looking too much stars and it means there is no cloudy in the sky.

In sentence “Talking to the moon” include in hyperbole because it is impossible that human talk to the moon as if it can understand what he says. While literally the fact the moon is not human that can speak or make conversation with human. Contextually, it tells about songwriters feeling that the moon is someone who can understand and know what he wants now.

I'm feeling like I'm famous The talk of the town

They say I've gone mad

Yeah I've gone mad

But they don't know what I know Cause when the sun goes down

someone's talking back Yeah

They're talking back Third stanza especially in underlined

sentence in second line, it is included in personification because it shows an expression which makes the non humans do likes a human that the town can talk to someone. Literally, the fact town cannot speak like human do. Next, contextually it tells about people in town talk about his strange activities and the songwriter does not care of it because he still hopes and feel that his girlfriend do the same thing.

An underlined sentence in seventh line is included in oxymoron because there is a contradictory of words to make an artistic effect. Literally tells that there is different opinion between the songwriter and the people around of him in his place. Contextually, it tells about nobody wants to understand about the songwriters hopes feeling at this time and what he is doing when the night. So the songwriter sure, that someday what he does everyday have a good result.

I'm feeling like I'm famous

The talk of the town They say

I've gone mad Yeah

I've gone mad

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But they don't know what I know Cause when the sun goes down

someone's talking back Yeah

They're talking back Third stanza especially in underlined

sentence “I’m Famous”, include in metonymy because it describes something indirectly of thing. Then it is asserted with “Like” word, it includes in simile which is shows the compared are used to show the name of things in their literal terms, that makes this sentence has two figure of speech. Literally, I am famous means that the songwriter is a famous person and everybody in town knows who he is. Contextually, it tells about the popularity of the songwriter has the same like an artist who is told by people in town. Actually he is not artist but he becomes famous because of his strange activity, talking to the moon. Our first time tells about couple in the room and wants to make a love. This song describes about the songwriter experience and his feeling when he does it. In this song kind of figurative language which have been found namely: Metonymy, Alliteration, Metaphor, Simile and Hyperbole. Let see the quotation:

Don't it feel good babe Don't it feel good baaby

Cause, it's so brand new babe It's so brand new baaby

And now now here we are (here we are) In this big old empty room

Staring at each other Who's gonna make the first move? Been doing our thing for a minute And now both our hearts are in it

The only place to go, is all the way (ah, whoo)

First stanza in third line, especially in underlined sentence included in metonymy because it describes something indirectly by using substitution for it is name. Literally in the fact brand new is the last released of product and that product has not found in the world. While contextually it means that the underlined words means a virgin or first experience of the songwriter for making love.

Don't it feel good babe Don't it feel good baaby

Cause, it's so brand new babe It's so brand new baaby

And now now here we are (here we are) In this big old empty room

Staring at each other Who's gonna make the first move? Been doing our thing for a minute And now both our hearts are in it

The only place to go, is all the way (ah, whoo)

First stanza in underlined words included in alliteration because in those words is repetition of consonant word to emphasize something important e.g: now-now. Literally the songwriter describes the song writer and his girlfriend together now in particular room. Contextually, in underlined sentence tells about the songwriter’s happiest feeling because they can feel first experience that once in their lifetime.

Is that alright? Is that okay?

Girl, No need to be nervous Cause, I, got, you, all, night

Don't you worry about a thing (no no no)

Just go with it, go with it, go with it (and I will go real)

Slow with it, slow with it It's our first time

Go with it, go with it, go with it (and I will go real)

Slow with it, slow with it It's our first time

In the third and fourth stanza in the

sentences which is in underlined words are included in alliteration because there are repetition of consonant word which is used by the songwriter’s to make emphasize that he is believes that his girlfriend has do the making love so well e.g: slow-slow.

Literally it tells about how the songwriter said to his girlfriend to believe him. Then contextually, it describes the worries feeling of his girlfriend about her first time make love but the songwriter’s assure and assert her to not worry with repetition that he can understand what she is feel now.

In fourth stanza sentence “Just go with it just go with it go with it”, literally tells about the songwriter asking to his girlfriend that they can make a love now.

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Sakdiyah, An Analysis of Figurative Language| 53

Contextually it describes a passion for the song writer’s girlfriend to use this good chance for making love now.

Then in sentence “Slow with it, slow with it,” the songwriter tells about what the songwriter enjoy their moment in first experience of making love. Literally tells about the songwriter give an instruction to not hurry when making love. Contextually, it shows their spirit for making love do not make they are hurry so they must enjoy every moment to make impression for their first time.

Clothes are not required, for what we got planned

Ooo girl you're my desire, your wish is my command

Treat you like a princess, oooh girl you're so delicious

Like ice cream on a sunny day Gonna eat you before you melt away (babe)

Fifth stanza especially in underlined,

are metaphor because the songwriter considers it is amazing in the first time experience of their wish on making love. In sentence “You’re my desire” literally tells that the song writer needs his girlfriend. Contextually, it describes about this time has the songwriter’s passion in making love with his girlfriend to make it real that they has planned before.

In sentence “Your wish is my command”, literally it tells that the songwriter waiting his girlfriend command to do something. Contextually, it basically tells that the songwriter want to know what his girlfriend wants. So, the songwriter is waiting give a clue to make her this time.

Clothes are not required, for what we got planned

Ooo girl you're my desire, your wish is my command

Treat you like a princess, oooh girl you're so delicious

Like ice cream on a sunny day Gonna eat you before you melt away (babe)

Fifth stanza especially in underlined

line sentence “you’re so delicious” included in hyperbole because it is impossible that people is delicious like a food. Contextually,

it tells that the songwriter satisfy feeling at the time.

Clothes are not required, for what we got planned

Ooo girl you're my desire, your wish is my command

Treat you like a princess, oooh girl you're so delicious

Like ice cream on a sunny day Gonna eat you before you melt away (babe)

Fifth stanza in the underlined

sentences, are included as simile because both use the word “like” to give an effect the two concrete things have similarity. In the sentence “Treat you like a princess,” literally the princess means an honorable girl who is always treated well. Then contextually, it tells that at the meantime the songwriter makes love with the girl, he does it as what the girl wants. He also tries to make the girl happy with what they do together. Then in the sentence, “Like ice cream on a sunny day” contextually it means the songwriter wants to make love with her before his girl friend passion disappears. The lazy song tells about when songwriter feels lazy or what he is going to do in holiday and he decides to spend his day without doing anything at home. For the first he makes it comfortable lying on the bed stares the fan and turns on the television then chooses MTV hopes to find his favorite song or teaching him about doggie dance, so he can be like his friend. In this song kind of figurative language which have been found namely: Metonymy, Synecdoche and Alliteration

I'll be lounging on the couch, Just chillin' in my snuggie

Click to MTV, so they can teach me how to doggie

'Cause in my castle I'm the freaking man I might mess around, and get my college

degree I bet my old man will be so proud of me But sorry pops, you'll just have to wait

Haha Third and fourth stanza especially in

underlined sentence is included in metonymy because the songwriter describes by changing name with an abstract terms. Third stanza

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describes his activity in lazy time. “My castle” literally, it means castle is a fortified residence, where a prince or nobleman living. Contextually, the songwriter tells that his room in house is power area which used for him to do anything or plan the exciting activities without being criticized by others. “I’m freaking man” literally tells about someone who has weakness or been considered a fool person. Contextually, it tells the songwriter realizes that his attitude in house is bad. So, it makes the members of family annoyed by him.

Fourth stanza tells about the songwriter is a bad guy and make people around hate him and he promises to change his bad attitude. Then to prove it, he wants to study hard to pass his study. “My college degree” literally, it means bachelor degree from university. Contextually, it tells the songwriter remembers that laziness is not right and promises to pass his study and gets title of academic too.

In sentence “my old man”, it is include in synecdoche because there is term to express something that the songwriter’s parents. Literally, an informal term for father. Contextually, it tells about the songwriter who promises to make his parents especially his father believes that he can make them proud of him for being diligent. But, the songwriter asks his father that studying hard can be done tomorrow and he must wait it.

No, I ain't gonna comb my hair 'Cause I ain't going anywhere

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I'll just strut in my birthday suit And let everything hang loose Twelfth stanza especially underlined

words is included in alliteration because in that words there are a repetition of consonant word. To emphasize and show his refusal of grooming when he is in home. Literally, it tells about the songwriter refuses to do something which is hated by him. Contextually, he says “no” repeatedly to show that he does not want to go anywhere. So, he must not give a best appearance to make people amazement him in his lazy time. The other side tells about the songwriter who still waits for his beloved woman. He is serious and makes sure about

the relationship with the girl. So, he will wait her until the woman is ready to accept him. In this song kind of figurative language which have been found namely: Simile, Alliteration, Hyperbole and Metonymy. Let see the quotation:

Truth of the matter is I'm complicated

You're as straight as they come You go 'bout your day baby

while I hide from the sun It's better if you don't understand

Cause you won’t know what it's like Till you try

You know I've been waiting on the other side

and you, all you gotta do is cross the line

I could wait a whole life time but you just gotta decide

You know I I've been waiting on the other,

waiting on the other side First stanza especially in underlined

sentence is included in simile because the songwriter compares the woman with the problem and there is the use of word “as” to give an effect that the two things have similiarity.

Literally “you” refers to the woman whom the songwriter waiting, she is a causing factor who can make him gets problems. Contextually, the sentence describes about the songwriter’s feeling which at the time he feels complicated and confused. When the songwriter’s beloved woman comes to his life then the problem is appear too and he must face it.

If they say life's a dream call this insomnia

Cause this ain't Wonderland it damn sure ain't Narnia

And once you cross the line you can't change your mind

Yeah I'm a monster but I'm no Frankenstein

And quite frankly I've been feeling insane in between

my eyes I really can’t explain what I feel

inside If you knew what I was you's would

run and hide

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Many have tried to go into the night cross over the line and come back

alive But that's the price we pay when we

living on the other side Third stanza especially in underlined

sentence include in metaphor because it is describing the songwriter’s bad characteristic. Literally, it tells that the songwriter has physical characteristic like a monster. Contextually, it describes about the songwriter’s characteristic, that he realizes that he has bad attitude like a monster.

Truth of the matter is I'm complicated

You're as straight as they come You go 'bout your day baby

while I hide from the sun It's better if you don't understand

Cause you won’t know what it's like Till you try

You know I've been waiting on the other side

and you, all you gotta do is cross the line

I could wait a whole life time but you just gotta decide

You know I I've been waiting on the other,

waiting on the other side

First stanza at the last line in underline words, it is included in alliteration because in that words there is repetition of consonant word. Here the songwriter proves that he is really serious with the relationship, he hopes the woman feels as same as he does. Literally it tells that the songwriter wants to wait the girl in some places by the reason because she has done something. Contextually, it describes of songwriter’s seriousness and he want to do anything to get the woman who loved by him like waiting her until she is ready to accept him.

Truth of the matter is I'm

complicated You're as straight as they come

You go 'bout your day baby while I hide from the sun

It's better if you don't understand Cause you won’t know what it's like

Till you try

You know I've been waiting on the other side

and you, all you gotta do is cross the line

I could wait a whole life time but you just gotta decide

You know I I've been waiting on the other,

waiting on the other side

First stanza in underline sentence is included in hyperbole because the songwriter want to show how love he is to his girlfriend. Its aim is to emphasize and prove he want to do anything in the real situation so he uses overstatement sentence to make an artistic effect. In sentence “While I hide from the sun”, it is impossible a person can hide and avoid of sunlight. Contextually, it describes the songwriter try to hiding from all of people

In sentence “I could wait a whole life time”, literally it tells that the songwriter can wait the girl as long as the life time he has. Contextually, it describes that he is ready to wait her as long as the life time, although it is an impossible thing to be done.

We would live forever Who could ask for more

You could die if you wanted But baby what for

It's better if you don't understand And you won't know what it's like

Till you try

Second stanza is included in hyperbole because humans cannot live forever as what they want to do. Contextually, it means the songwriter wants to spend his life with the girl forever and he believes that he can make her happy. The songwriter does not care what people say about him, honestly she can follow to change like him but he thinks useless for her.

If they say life's a dream call this insomnia

Cause this ain't Wonderland it damn sure ain't Narnia

And once you cross the line you can't change your mind

Yeah I'm a monster but I'm no Frankenstein

And quite frankly I've been feeling insane in between

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my eyes I really can’t explain what I feel

inside If you knew what I was you's would

run and hide Many have tried to go into the night cross over the line and come back

alive But that's the price we pay when we

living on the other side

Third stanza especially in underlined sentence is included in hyperbole because it is impossible make life easier like a dream. Contextually, it tells about the effect when the woman is serious to follow the songwriter’s way of life that is not like her dream. If she has decided something she cannot change her decision anymore. There is something happens after she chooses that decision and she will get the effect of it.

If they say life's a dream call this insomnia

Cause this ain't Wonderland it damn sure ain't Narnia

And once you cross the line you can't change your mind

Yeah I'm a monster but I'm no Frankenstein

And quite frankly I've been feeling insane in between

my eyes I really can’t explain what I feel

inside If you knew what I was you's would

run and hide Many have tried to go into the night cross over the line and come back

alive But that's the price we pay when we

living on the other side

Third stanza especially in italic sentence is included in oxymoron because there is a contradictory of words to make an artistic effect. The songwriter tells about his characteristic and he compared it with the dangerous thing like monster and Frankenstein. Literally, monster is abnormally large and powerful creature. Then, Frankenstein is a monster that made up from the body parts and organs of the dead, by Dr. Frankenstein himself. The songwriter

describes that he is a monster but not make his girl friend feels afraid like Frankenstein’s physical appearance. Contextually, it describes the characteristic of the songwriter is like a monster but he is not Frankenstein which makes someone fear. The songwriter tells his body like usual human not like Frankenstein which has scariest face and dangerous for the woman who loved by him.

Then, underlined sentence is included in metonymy because it describes about something indirectly by using a substitution for its name. It shows the songwriter’s way to back on his real life. Literally, night means the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside. Contextually, it tells about the songwriter’s willing who wants back to his past life because he does not comfort with his life now.

Runaway babe is song tells about the songwriter who wants to comeback with his girlfriend again. In this song kind of figurative language which have been found namely: Simile and Hyperbole. Let’s see the quotation.

So easy to forget All of the little things we do

Like callin' for no reason Just to say the words: "Baby, I love

you."." I know lately (lately) I've been busy (busy)

But a second doesn't go by without you crossin' my mind

It's been so long (so long) Since we had time (had time)

Let's take a day and make everything right

Just take my hand, fall in love with me again

First stanza especially underline

sentenced is simile because there is the use of word “like” to give an effect the two concrete things have similarity. Literally, it tells about everything that the songwriter does with his girlfriend is easy to forget and no impressive. Contextually, the songwriter is easy to forget her and moment with his girlfriend like calling or greeting to his friend.

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So let's runaway for the day! And I'll give everything in this

moment And I promise to make everyday just

like today

Fourth stanza especially in underlined sentence is simile because both the use of word “like” to give an effect the two concrete things have similarity. Literally, the songwriter will do the things like that day. Contextually, it tells about the songwriter promises to his girlfriend. He promises to treat his girlfriend every day like today.

Let's runaway to the place where love first found us

Let's runaway for the day, don't need anyone around us

When everything in love gets so complicated

It only takes a day to change it What I have to say, can't wait

All I need is a day So let's runaway

(Let's runaway, just for the day) Runaway Runaway

Fourth stanza especially in

underlined sentence is included in zeugma because consists of two words that have literal and metaphorical meaning, “runaway to the place” means the song writer running to visit some places. “Where love first found us” a place when the song writer find a love. Contextually, it describes the songwriter for while wants to invite his girlfriend to run from their world and go to memorize place when they meet for the first time.

Girl, you've been so patient

Spendin' nights alone and not complainin'

But I'll make it up to you And I promise today

I won't keep you waitin' (oh-oh-oh) Please give me (oh-oh-oh) this one

chance To remind you of everything we

have I won't give up

I'm too much in love

And I want you to know that Just take my hand, fall in love with

me again

So let’s runaway for the day! And I’ll give everything in this

moment And I promise to make everyday just

like today

Third stanza and fourth stanza especially in underlined sentence is included as hyperbole because it uses an overstatement words to make the songwriter girlfriend trust him again. In third stanza “To remind you of everything we have” it is impossible the songwriter can remember everything that he does. Contextually, the songwriter tries to remember what his girlfriend has done. The songwriter never gives up for getting her love again and he just wants to she knows that he really loves her.

Fourth stanza “And I’ll give everything in this moment”, the songwriter wants to give everything to his girlfriend although it is impossible. Contextually, describes that the songwriter wants to do everything now to pay everything has passed and makes his girlfriend more happy than before.

Grenade is about a man’s sacrifice to his girlfriend that the songwriter wants to do anything to get her. But he feels disappointed because he knows his girlfriend cheats with other guy. In this song kind of figurative language which have been found namely: Parallelism, Alliteration, Oxymoron, Hyperbole and Synecdoche. Let see the quotation:

Easy come, easy go, that's just how

you live Oh, take, take, take it all but you

never give Should've known you was trouble

from the first kiss Had your eyes wide open, why were

they open?

First stanza especially in underlined is sentence included in parallelism because it has similar structure in words and the meaning makes them balanced each other. Literally, it is an idioms that has meaning

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that everything which comes easily, it will go away easily too. Contextually, it describes the songwriter’s girlfriend comes easily in his life. Too easily leave with no respect to him and without thinking of his painful feeling that is caused by her.

Easy come, easy go, that's just how

you live Oh, take, take, take it all but you

never give Should've known you was trouble

from the first kiss Had your eyes wide open, why were

they open?

First stanza in underlined consonant words is included in alliteration because there is repetition of consonant word, to emphasize about the songwriter’s disappointment because his girlfriend never respects him. Contextually, it tells that his girlfriend only wants to take everything he has without giving him she has too.

I would go through all this

pain Take a bullet straight through

my brain Yes, I would die for you, baby

But you won't do the same No, no, no, no

Fourth stanza in underlined words is

included in alliteration because it has repetition of consonant word. Literally it tells that the songwriter does not believe her girlfriend again. Contextually, the songwriter feels broken heart after he realizes that all of his sacrifice is useless and his girlfriend never respects for it. So, he does not want to believe her anymore.

Black, black, black and blue, beat me

'til I'm numb Tell the devil I said 'hey' when you

get back to where you're from Mad woman, bad woman, that's just

what you are, yeah You'll smile in my face then rip the

brakes out my car

Fifth stanzas in underlined words are included in alliteration because there is

repetition of consonant word. “Black, black, black and blue beat” it literally means over hit never stop. Contextually it describes the songwriter gets too much hit caused by someone who has affair with his girlfriend. The songwriter is bruise and he does not feel the pain anymore.

In “mad woman bad woman” literally the songwriter’s girlfriend has bad characteristic. Contextually, he describes that his girlfriend is a naughty girl that she does anything to get what she want without thinking every pain and impacts that are caused by her.

No, you won't do the same You wouldn't do the same

Ooh, you never do the same No, no, no, no

Eighth stanza especially in

underlined words is alliteration because there is repetition of consonant word “No no no no”. Literally it means the songwriter does not want come back to his girlfriend again after her betrayal to him. Contextually, it describes how hurt the songwriter that is caused by his girlfriend cheated. He does every his the best thing for her but she never replies his love. So, he trusts that she never does the same thing like he does.

Easy come, easy go, that's just how you

live Oh, take, take, take it all but you never

give Should've known you was trouble from

the first kiss Had your eyes wide open, why were they


Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash

You tossed it in the trash, you did To give me all your love is all I ever asked

'Cause what you don't understand is

First and second stanza especially in underlined sentence is included in oxymoron because there is a contradiction of words to make an artistic effect that everything he does his girlfriend never respect it. In fifth stanza “take it all but you never gives.” Literally, it tells that there are different things from the songwriter and his girlfriend does.

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Contextually, it is the songwriter’s disappointed feeling that it is too late for him to regret that his girlfriend never loves him. His girlfriend only takes what he gives but she does not give anything.

Sixth stanza especially in underlined sentence, literally it tells everything which is given by the songwriter is tossing in the trash. Then contextually, it is about he will do anything and everything to keep his girlfriend’s happiness, however she thinks it is useless and not enough for her.

Black, black, black and blue, beat me

'til I'm numb Tell the devil I said 'hey' when you

get back to where you're from Mad woman, bad woman, that's just

what you are, yeah You'll smile in my face then rip the

brakes out my car If my body was on fire

Ooh, you'd watch me burn down in flames You said you loved me, you're a liar

'Cause you never, ever, ever did, baby

Fifth and sixth stanza especially in underlined sentence are included in oxymoron because has contradictory meaning one to another to make an artistic effect that the songwriter’s girlfriend has two meanings for him. Literally, it refers to his girlfriend’s smile because she has been succeeded to make he gets an accident. Contextually, the songwriter feels happy because her smiles for him, but he does not know that his girlfriend plans a bad thing for him. Finally, he is conscious and he feels disappointment.

Sixth stanza especially in underlined sentence, there is different feelings in her mouth and mind. Contextually, the songwriter has known that his girlfriend was a liar, he does not believe his girlfriend anymore. Although, she says love again it still cannot change his mind because he knows that she lies.

I’d catch the grenade for ya Throw my hand on a blade for ya I’d jump in front of a train for ya I would go through all this pain

Take a bullet straight through my brain Yes, I would die for you

But you won’t do the same

Third and fourth stanza include in

hyperbole because it is impossible for the songwriter to do so. This aims to express that he never plays the relationship with his girlfriend and he uses exaggerate words to prove that he is really loves her. “I’d catch grenade for ya”, Throw my hand on a blade for ya”, literally it tells that the songwriter wants to catch the grenade to safe his girlfriend. Contextually, it tells about his prove to safe his girlfriend. “I’d jump in front of a train for ya” literally tells the songwriter wants to jump pass the train for her. Contextually, if the songwriter’s girlfriend wants to know his prove to make sure her, like jump to the train he wants to do.

Fourth stanza, “I would go through this pain” it is impossible because that someone cannot change pain of another people. Contextually, it tells about the songwriter’s pain because his sacrifice to prove his love. “Take a bullet straight through to my brain” “Yes I would die for you baby” literally tells there is impossible for someone want to die. Contextually, it describes about his willing dies for but his girlfriend does not do the same thing. So, in fourth stanza describes the songwriter is saying that he loves this girl so much that he will kill or put himself to danger for the girl he loves but the girl does not feel the same.

If my body was on fire

Ooh, you'd watch me burn down in flames

You said you loved me, you're a liar 'Cause you never, ever, ever did,


Sixth stanza especially in underlined sentence it is impossible that someone can see the songwriter anger. Literally, it tells about that the statement of the songwriter’s body is getting hot. Contextually, it is about the songwriter’s feeling that he is really angry with his girlfriend, so he describes that his body has been burn by fire of anger. He does not want to change his mind to love his girlfriend again.

Black, black, black and blue, beat me 'til I'm numb

Tell the devil I said 'hey' when you get back to where you're from

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Mad woman, bad woman, that's just what you are, yeah

You'll smile in my face then rip the brakes out my car

Fifth stanza especially in underlined sentence is included in synecdoche because there is term to express something that the songwriter is hit caused by his girlfriend affair. Literally, it tells about the effect of someone beating. Contextually, between the songwriter and men who affairs with his girlfriend are fighting he gets too much beat until he does not feel hurt again.

Fifth stanza especially in italic sentence because it describes about something indirectly by using a substitution for its name. “The devil” literally it tells about a cruel wicked and inhuman person. Contextually, it means a man who have affair with his girlfriend. “Mad woman, bad woman” literally, mad woman is a woman who appears to be insane and bad woman is a woman who is thoroughly disliked. Contextually, it tells that the songwriter that his girlfriend has bad characteristic.

Marry you is tells about the man asks the girl to get married with him. He thinks why do we not just get married? It is because he loves the girl at this moment. He wants to spend the rest of his life with her. In this song kind of figurative language which have been found namely: Simile, Alliteration, Metonymy and Zeugma. Let see the quotation:

It's a beautiful night

We're looking for something dumb to do Hey baby,

I think I wanna marry you

First stanza especially in underlined sentence includes in similer because the songwriter amazement describe the beautiful night based on his point of view. Literally, it describes a night with too much star and there are no cloudy skies. Contextually, it describes about the songwriter feeling that beautiful night is when he is together with his girlfriend.

Well I know this little chapel on the

boulevard we can go

No one will know Come on girl

Who cares if we're trashed got a pocket full of cash we can blow

Shots of patron And it's on girl

Third stanza especially in underlined

included in metaphor because the songwriter describes his happy feeling when he ask to his girlfriend to marry now. Contextually, it tells about so fun it cannot describes with every words that the songwriter can marry his girlfriend.

I'll go get a ring let the choir bells sing like

oooh, So whatcha wanna do?

Let's just run girl If we wake up and you wanna break up that's

cool No, I won't blame you;

It was fun girl

Fifth stanza especially in underlined sentence included in metaphor almost same like third stanza it is describes about the songwriter feeling happy and marry is exciting. Contextually, he does not want to care of anything and thinking about marry they will lead a party and drink without limit to celebrate their wedding party.

Don't say no, no, no, no-no;

Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah; And we'll go, go, go, go-go

If you're ready, like I'm ready

Fourth stanzas especially in underlined words are included in alliteration to emphasize the songwriter’s willing to his girlfriend to accept his propose to marry with him e.g: yeah-yeah. Contextually, the songwriter want to his girlfriend agree with his idea to get marry now without any doubt and refuses

I'll go get a ring let the choir bells sing like

oooh, So whatcha wanna do?

Let's just run girl If we wake up and you wanna break up that's


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Sakdiyah, An Analysis of Figurative Language| 61

No, I won't blame you It was fun girl

Fifth stanza in underlined sentence

include in metonymy because it is substitutes the name of a thing for the name of something else with which it is somehow connected or similar to another substitutes itself for the original. Literally it is the songwriter plan about the wedding. Contextually, ring and coir are pictures view of the traditional marriage. So, it means that he still hold the marriage tradition to make his wedding is impressive.

At italic sentence includes in zeugma because consists of two words that have literal and metaphorical meaning, “wake up” means they come to be conscious from alcohol and “break up” means they talk about divorce even before wedding it is no problem. Contextually, the songwriter tells that when his girlfriend is bored with their marriage she can say to break. The songwriter does not blame and show that it is not her fault but it is his fault. Because now he just views that marriage is fun.

This song tells about the meaning of friendship, the friend in need is a friend indeed. It means that we can say that a true friend is someone that do not leave his friends when he is sick, bankrupt or drug addicted however they become annoying. In this song kind of figurative languages which have been found namely: Metaphor, Parallelism, Hyperbole, Metonymy, Simile, Alliteration and Oxymoron. Let see the quotation:

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea

I'll sail the world to find you If you ever find yourself lost in the

dark and you can't see I'll be the light to guide you

First stanza especially in underlined

sentence includes in metaphor because the songwriter describes about his friends’ confused feeling which is caused by the problem. Literally, it tells that the songwriter is lost in the sea and he does not know the way to come back home. Contextually, when the songwriter’s friend feels so confused and

he thinks there is no way to solve the problem.

At italic sentence includes in parallelism because it has similar structure in words and the meaning makes them balance each other to make emphasis on his friend’s problem . Literally, the songwriter is in dark room and he cannot see everything around him. Contextually, when the songwriter’s friend has no idea and does not find the way to out from his problem.

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea

I'll sail the world to find you If you ever find yourself lost in the

dark and you can't see I'll be the light to guide you

First stanza especially in underlined

sentence includes in hyperbole because it is impossible for the songwriter to find his friend in the sea by himself. But contextually it tells that the songwriter wants to help his friends to solve his problem together.

If you're tossin' and you're turnin and you just can't fall asleep I'll sing a song beside you

And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me

Every day I will remind you

Fourth stanza especially in underlined sentence is hyperbole too because it is impossible that the songwriter is just thinking about his friend. So, contextually it means that he is a good friend for the songwriter and the songwriter feels that he is a real friend.

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea

I'll sail the world to find you If you ever find yourself lost in the

dark and you can't see I'll be the light to guide you

First stanza especially in underlined

word includes in metonymy because it substitutes the name of a thing for the name of something else with which it is somehow connected or similar to another substitutes itself for the original. Literally, the songwriter brings something which has

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62 | INTERAKSI , Volume 8, N0 1. Januari 2013, hlm 46-66

lights to bright the dark room. Contextually, it describes that the songwriter will come to his friends and accompanies him then, shows the one way to get out the problem.

You can count on me like 1, 2, 3 I'll be there

And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4, 3, 2

And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends are

supposed to do oh yeah ooooooh, oooohhh yeah yeah

Third stanza especially in underlined

sentences includes in simile because both of them use the word “like” to give an effect the two concrete things have similarity. Literally it tells about the number. Contextually, it tells that the songwriter’s friend can call him easier like count a number and the songwriter will be in their side to help and support his friend. It is repeatedly in third line especially in underlined sentences it has same meaning too like first line, that when the songwriter needs his friend. So, that’s why friends are very important and the true friends surely want to help each other.

If you're tossin' and you're turnin and you just can't fall asleep I'll sing a song beside you

And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me

Every day I will remind you

Fourth stanza especially in underlined words includes in alliteration to emphasize the songwriter’s friend’s feeling when the problems have come to his life. Literally, the songwriter’s friend cannot sleep. Contextually, the songwriter’s friends feels confused that he has problem which makes he cannot feel calm because something disturbs his minds.

If you're tossin' and you're turnin and you just can't fall asleep I'll sing a song beside you

And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me

Every day I will remind you

Third stanza especially in underlined sentences include in oxymoron there is a contradiction of words to make an artistic effect, to make sure the songwriter’s friend that he does not forget his friends. Literally, it tells that the songwriter never leaves his friends alone. Contextually, when his friend has problem, the songwriter makes his friend calm and tries to entertain, eliminates the burden in his mind by this song that he is a true friend.

Liquor store blues tells about

someone who is enjoying in liquor store. He feels so bored with his life and drinks too much an alcoholic drink then he spends the night in liquor store. In this song kind of figurative language which have been found namely: Synecdoche, Hyperbole, Metonymy, Zeugma and Simile. Let see the quotation:

Standing at this liquor store Whiskey coming through my pores Feeling like I run this whole block

Lotto tickets and cheap beer That's why you can catch me here

Trying scratch my way up to the top First stanza especially in underlined

word includes in synecdoche because there is a term to expresses or shows another name of something. Literally, liquor is a kind of alcoholic drink that has a higher alcohol degree. Contextually, it describes that the songwriter spends his night in the bar.

Me and my guitar tonight, singing to

the city lights Trying live on more than what I got Cause '68 Citrus ain't gonna pay the

rent So I'll be out here til they call the

cops Fourth stanza especially in

underlined sentence includes in synecdoche because there is a term to expresses or shows another name of something. Literally, “Citrus ‘68” is a kind of alcoholic drink that has higher degree. Contextually, it tells the songwriter still confused and compared that alcohol did not solve the problem in his life.

Standing at this liquor store Whiskey coming through my pores Feeling like I run this whole block

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Lotto tickets and cheap beer That's why you can catch me here

Trying scratch my way up to the top

First stanza especially in underlined sentence is includes in hyperbole because it is impossible the whiskey absorb to the songwriter skin. Contextually, the songwriter has drunk too much and feeling like alcohol in his body and he can smell it.

I'll take one shot for my pain One drag for my sorrow

Get messed up today, I'll be ok tomorrow

Third stanza especially in underlined

sentence is hyperbole because it is impossible that the alcohol drinks recover the songwriter’s pain. Contextually, it means that the songwriter feels alcohol which is drunk can recover his pain in life and can solve his problem.

Because my job got me going nowhere

So I ain't got a thing to lose Take me to a place where I don't care This is me and my liquor store blues Second stanza especially in

underlined sentence includes metonymy because there is substitution of the name of a thing for the name of something else with which it is somehow connected or similar to another substitutes itself for the original. Literally,” liquor store blues” tells it is song which blues genre and entitled liquor store. Contextually, that the songwriter in bar and he is bored with his life. So, he decides to spend the nights in the bar is place where nobody cares of who he is and sing a song.

Me and my guitar tonight, singing to the city lights

Trying live on more than what I got Cause '68 Citrus ain't gonna pay the

rent So I'll be out here til they call the

cops Fourth stanza especially in

underlined sentence is included in metonymy because there is substitution of the name of a thing for the name of something else with which it is somehow connected or similar to another substitutes itself for the original.

Literally, it means that “city lights” is a lamp in the road. Contextually, it describes about a night.

Here come Junior Gong I'm flying high like superman

And thinking that I run the whole block

I don’t know if it's just because Pineapple kush between my jaws Has got me feeling like I'm on top

Feeling like I would stand up to the cops

And stand up to the bigger heads because the whole all them are sap

And then fly make no drop Enough get to youth cannot escape the


Fifth stanza especially in underlined sentence is metonymy because there is substitution of the name of a thing for the name of something else with which it is somehow connected or similar to another substitutes itself for the original. “Has got me feeling like I’m on top” literally means the songwriter feels that he is a famous person. Contextually, it is just happy feeling of the songwriter’s friends because he is drinking alcoholic drink. Literally “bigger heads”, is a person which has a big head. Contextually, it describes about Bigger heads” means an arrogant person. So, all of arrogant people will be afraid of him and they always speak unimportant things.

Me and my guitar tonight, singing to

the city lights Trying live on more than what I got Cause '68 Citrus ain't gonna pay the

rent So I'll be out here til they call the


Fourth stanza especially in underlined sentence is zeugma that consists of two words that have literal and metaphorical meaning. “me” means the songwriter, “my guitar” means the songwriter is the player of music instrumental which is played by plucking. Contextually, when the songwriter is unconscious because by alcohol drink. He can feel happy and sad. It means that the

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64 | INTERAKSI , Volume 8, N0 1. Januari 2013, hlm 46-66

songwriter calms down himself. Tonight is the time for the songwriter to entertain everybody in the city.

Standing at this liquor store

Whiskey coming through my pores Feeling like I run this whole block

Lotto tickets and cheap beer That's why you can catch me here

Trying scratch my way up to the top First stanza especially in underlined

sentence is simile because both of them use the word “like” Literally, it tells that the songwriter has been running the whole of the block around the bar. Contextually, it describes the happiest feeling which comes from the influence of the songwriter’s alcoholic drink and he feels that he is an owner of some blocks near the bar.

Here come Junior Gong

I'm flying high like superman And thinking that I run the whole

block I don’t know if it's just because

Pineapple kush between my jaws Has got me feeling like I'm on top

Feeling like I would stand up to the cops

And stand up to the bigger heads because the whole all them are sap

And then fly make no drop Enough get to youth cannot escape the


Fifth stanza especially in underlined sentences is simile because both use the word “like”. “I’m flying high like superman” literally the songwriter cannot fly higher like superman does. Contextually, it describes that the songwriter’s friends feel happy because alcohol drink.

CONCLUSION After analyzing the figurative

language, literal and contextual meaning in the Doo-Woops and Hooligans album by Bruno Mars, the researcher states the conclusion below: In this research, the researcher classifies figurative language in lyrics and identifies figurative of language based on theories, then the researcher analyze about the literal and contextual meaning of figurative language on each lyric. Almost all of the lyric tell about friendship or especially the meaning of friendship and love story in life which are related to happy and sad story of love. For example the sad story is when the songwriter feels broken heart because he is left away by his girlfriend. Then, the happy story is when the songwriter always wants to compliment his girlfriend. But, dominantly the lyric tells about sad story in different problem. It is also tells about the songwriter’s story in his life like in the laziest time and when he spent night in bar. After knowing the figurative of language, the researcher analyzes the literal and contextul meaning song which is including in figurative of language. In this album, the researcher find kinds of figurative of language, they are; tropes and scheme. Tropes consist of: metaphor, oxymoron, personification, hyperbole, simile, metonymy, synecdoche and zeugma. Scheme they are alliteration, onomatopoeia, parallelism and chiasmus. Hyperbole is the most kind of figurative of language that appears in this song. Because actually all of song in this lyrics use those figurative of language to make an artistic effect which is useful to explain the songwriter happiness or sadness related to describe a moment that happens in life which become an inspiration are wrote by him.

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Ukhti Raudhatul Jannah Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP, Universitas Madura

Alamat Jalan Raya Panglegur 3,5 KM Pamekasan Email: [email protected]

Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas VII-B SMPN 2 Pademawu karena sebagian besar siswa masih merasa kesulitan dalam memecahkan masalah aritmetika sosial yang berupa soal cerita yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa. Sehingga mengakibatkan rendahnya perolehan nilai ulangan pada materi ini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dimana peneliti ingin mendapatkan informasi yang akurat dan faktual tentang kesalahan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah yang berupa soal cerita pada materi aritmetika sosial. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ada 4 jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Pademawu yaitu : Kesalahan Konsep, Kesalahan Menginterpretasi Bahasa, Kesalahan Prosedur, dan Kesalahan Teknis. Prosentase untuk tiap-tiap jenis kesalahan yaitu, kesalahan konsep (8,28%), kesalahan menginterpretasi bahasa (30,06%), kesalahan prosedur (52,45%), dan kesalahan teknis (9,20%). Dari prosentase kesalahan dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita pada materi aritmetika sosial, kesalahan terbesar yang dilakukan siswa adalah pada tahap kesalahan prosedur. Kata Kunci : Analisis Kesalahan, Soal Cerita, Aritmetika Sosial


Proses pembelajaran melibatkan peran guru, bahan belajar, dan lingkungan kondusif yang sengaja diciptakan. Pembelajaran merupakan upaya penataan lingkungan yang memberi nuansa agar program belajar tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal. Peristiwa belajar yang disertai proses pembelajaran akan lebih terarah dan terkendali dari pada belajar karena pengalaman semata-mata. Keterarahan dan keterkendalian ini menuntut proses pembelajaran untuk menghadirkan pembelajar, atau guru atau bahan belajar (Suherman, 1992:2).

Matematika sebagai salah satu bidang studi yang diajarkan di sekolah merupakan cabang ilmu yang spesifik. Berbeda dengan ilmu pengetahuan lain, matematika tidak mempelajari objek – objek yang secara langsung dapat ditangkap oleh indra manusia. Substansi matematika adalah benda – benda konkret yang bersifat abstrak. Objek matematika adalah fakta, konsep, operasi, dan prinsip yang kesemuannya itu berperan dalam membentuk proses berfikir matematis, dengan salah satu cirinya adanya penalaran yang logis, sehingga matematika relatif dianggap lebih sulit, karena

dibutuhkan konsistensi dalam mempeajarinya. Hal ini menjadi salah satu penyebab kesulitan siswa dalam mempelajari matematika.

Permasalahan matematika yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan nyata biasanya dituangkan melalui soal-soal berbentuk cerita (verbal). Menurut Abidia (1989:10), soal cerita adalah soal yang disajikan dalam bentuk cerita pendek. Cerita yang diungkapkan dapat merupakan masalah kehidupan sehari-hari atau masalah lainnya. Bobot masalah yang diungkapkan akan mempengaruhi panjang pendeknya cerita tersebut. Makin besar bobot masalah yang diungkapkan, memungkinkan semakin panjang cerita yang disajikan.

Ruang lingkup materi atau bahan kajian matematika yang diajarkan dan dipelajari oleh siswa SMP salah satunya adalah aritmetika sosial. Aritmetika sosial merupakan materi yang sangat erat hubungannya dengan kehidupan siswa. Akan tetapi dalam proses analisisnya, sebagian besar siswa kelas VIIB SMP Negeri 2 Pademawu masih merasa kesulitan dalam memecahkan masalah aritmetika sosial yang berupa soal cerita yang berhubungan dengan

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kehidupan sehari-hari siswa. Sehingga mengakibatkan rendahnya perolehan nilai ulangan pada materi ini.

Jenis-jenis kesalahan biasanya yang banyak dilakukan siswa pada saat memecahkan masalah meliputi : Kesalahan konsep yaitu kesalahan dalam menggunakan rumus, Kesalahan interpretasi bahasa yaitu kesalahan menterjemahkan bahasa umum ke model matematika, Kesalahan tekhnis yaitu kesalahan dalam penghitungan, kesalahan prosedur yaitu ketidakhierarkisan langkah-langkah,dan Kesalahan hasil yaitu kesalahan dalam menyimpulkan hasil. Untuk itu, peneliti ingin mengetahui dan menganaisis jenis-jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa SMP Negeri 2 Pademawu dalam menyelesaikan masalah aritmetika sosial agar nantinya siswa mampu memecahkan masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang berhubungan dengan aritmetika sosial.

Berdasarkan hal di atas, maka tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah: Untuk mengetahui secara jelas tentang bentuk-bentuk kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah dalam bentuk soal cerita dan mengetahui besarnya prosentase dari masing-masing bentuk kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita pada materi aritmetika sosial di kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Pademawu. METODE PENELITIAN

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yaitu suatu metode penelitian yang dilakukan untuk memberikan gambaran yang lebih detail mengenai suatu gejala atau fenomena (Prasetyo, 2005 : 42). Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan secara sistematik dan akurat fakta dan karakteristik mengenai populasi atau mengenai bidang tertentu. Penelitian ini berusaha menggambarkan situasi atau kejadian. Data yang dikumpulkan semata-mata bersifat deskriptif sehingga tidak bermaksud mencari penjelasan, menguji hipotesis, membuat prediksi maupun mempelajari implikasi. Penelitian ini menekankan pada pengumpulan data, menyusun data, analisis data, dan interpretasi data.

Jadi dalam penelitian ini peneliti ingin mendapatkan informasi yang akurat dan faktual tentang kesalahan siswa kelas

VIIB SMP Negeri 2 Pademawu dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal cerita pada materi aritmetika sosial yang mana jenis-jenis kesalahan ini dilihat dari hasil tes yang diberikan pada siswa kelas VIIB SMP Negeri 2 Pademawu.

PEMBAHASAN Soal Cerita Matematika

Soal cerita matematika adalah soal-soal matematika yang dipaparkan dengan kata-kata yang disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga membentuk suatu cerita yang dapat dimengerti dan ditanggapi secara sistematis oleh siswa. Soal cerita masih merupakan persoalan yang sulit bagi sebagian besar siswa. Para tenaga pendidik, secara umum menyatakan bahwa sebagian besar siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita. Para tenaga pendidik dan anak didik secara umum mengakui adanya kesulitan dalam soal-soal cerita (Sakdiyah, 2007 :19).

Pada dasarnya suatu soal dikatakan sulit oleh siswa disebabkan oleh kesalahan siswa dalam menganalisis soal-soal yang diberikan oleh guru. Setiap kegiatan belajar matematika yang tersusun dan terencana dengan baik akan mencakup penggunaan konsep dan keterampilan matematika secara luas dengan memperhatikan pokok bahasan yang telah dipelajari, khususnya jika mempelajari soal matematika yang berbentuk soal cerita. Langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan soal bentuk cerita yaitu : menentukan hal yang diketahui dalam soal, menentukan hal yang ditanyakan dalam soal, membuat model/kalimat matematika (rumus), melakukan perhitungan (menyelesaikan kalimat matematika), dan menuliskan jawaban akhir sesuai dengan permintaan soal. Kesalahan Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Matematika

Jenis-jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa menurut Moovsholvilt (dalam Sadikin, 2003:09) diantaranya : a. Kesalahan Konsep, kesalahan dalam

menggunakan rumus definisi. b. Kesalahan menginterpretasi bahasa,

kesalahan menterjemahkan dari bahasa umum ke model matematika.

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c. Kesalahan Teknis, kesalahan dalam penghitungan dan manipulasi operasi penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, pembagian, perpangkatan dan penarikan akar.

d. Kesalahan Prosedur, ketidakhierarkisan langkah-langkah dalam menyelesaikan masalah atau kesalahan dalam memasukkan data.

e. Kesalahan hasil, kesalahan dalam menyimpulkan hasil.

Sesuai dengan masalah pada penelitian ini, maka kategori kesalahan yang dipakai hanya terdiri dari empat kategori, antara lain: a. Kesalahan konsep b. Kesalahan menginterpretasi bahasa c. Kesalahan teknis d. Kesalahan prosedur

Secara umum faktor-faktor penyebab kesalahan dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika adalah sebagai berikut: a. Faktor Belajar Siswa b. Faktor Guru c. Faktor Buku Panduan/acuan HASIL Analisis Data Hasil Tes

Pada bagian ini peneliti akan menyajikan perhitungan besarnya prosentase dari masing-masing bentuk kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah soal cerita pada materi aritmetika sosial di kelas VIIB.

Tabel 1 Rekapitulasi Jumlah Kesalahan Siswa

dalam Menyelesaikan Soal-Soal Tes No

Soal Kategori Kesalahan


1 6 34 24 4 68 2 4 28 22 9 63 3 3 20 43 9 75 4 2 13 64 5 84 5 12 3 18 3 36

F 27 98 171 30 N = 326

Keterangan: KK = Kesalahan Konsep KM = Kesalahan menginterpretasi bahasa KP = Kesalahan Prosedur KT = Kesalahan Teknis JKS = Jumlah Kesalahan Tiap Soal

F = Frekuensi kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa per kategori N = Jumlah kesalahan seluruh kategori Dengan menggunakan rumus

prosentase biasa P = N

F x 100 % dimana P

adalah angka prosentase, kita dapat menghitung besarnya prosentase masing-masing kategori kesalahan, antara lain: 1. Kesalahan Konsep

Prosentase untuk kategori kesalahan konsep, dimana F = 27 dan N = 326,

maka: P = 326

27 x 100% = 8,28%

2. Kesalahan Menginterpretasi Bahasa Prosentase untuk kategori kesalahan dalam menginterpretasi bahasa, dimana F

= 98 dan N = 326, maka: P = 326

98 x

100% = 30,06% 3. Kesalahan Prosedur

Prosentase untuk kategori kesalahan prosedur, dimana F =171 dan N= 326,

maka: P = 326

171 x 100% = 52,45%

4. Kesalahan Teknis Prosentase untuk kategori kesalahan teknis, dimana F = 30 dan N = 326,

maka: P = 326

30 x 100% = 9,20%

KESIMPULAN Dari analisis data tentang kesalahan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah berupa soal cerita tentang aritmetika sosial di SMP Negeri 2 Pademawu disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1. Ada 4 jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan

oleh siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Pademawu yaitu : Kesalahan Konsep, Kesalahan Menginterpretasi Bahasa, Kesalahan Prosedur, dan Kesalahan Teknis.

2. Adapun besar prosentase untuk tiap-tiap jenis kesalahan yaitu, kesalahan konsep sebesar 8,28%, kesalahan menginterpretasi bahasa sebesar 30,06%, kesalahan prosedur sebesar 52,45%, dan kesalahan teknis sebesar 9,20%. Dari prosentase kesalahan dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita pada materi

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aritmetika sosial, kesalahan terbesar yang dilakukan siswa adalah pada tahap kesalahan prosedur.

SARAN-SARAN a. Masalah yang berupa soal cerita

hendaknya berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa agar siswa tahu manfaat materi matematika dalam kehidupannya

b. Guru hendaknya dapat mencegah atau paling tidak meminimalisasi terjadinya kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita yaitu dengan

cara memberikan beberapa contoh, dan banyak memberikan latihan soal.

c. Guru hendaknya memperhatikan betul setiap kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita dan memberikan solusi terhadap kesalahan tersebut. Karena jika kesalahan tersebut dibiarkan, maka siswa akan menganggap pekerjaannya sudah benar, sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan siswa akan melakukan kesalahan yang sama dimasa mendatang atau bahkan lebih fatal dari kesalahan sebelumya.

DAFTAR PUSTAKA Prasetyo, Bambang & Miftahul, Lina. 2005.

Metode Penelitian Kualitatif: Teori dan Aplikasi. PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. Jakarta.

Sadikin. 2003. Identifikasi dan Upaya

Mengatasi Kesalahan Siswa dalam

Menyelesaikan operasi Pecahan Siswa kelas ID MTsN Ponorogo Tahun Ajaran 2002/2003. Malang : Universitas Islam Malang

Suherman, Erman, dkk. 1992. Strategi

Belajar Mengajar Matematika. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka.

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Mohammad Jufri Guru Matematika SMAN I Pademawu


Abstrak : Sejauh ini matematika selalu dipandang sebagai mata pelajaran yang sulit untuk dipahami sehingga kurang diminati oleh sebagian besar siswa yang akan menimbulkan rendahnya prestasi belajar. Hal tersebut dapat dipengaruhi oleh strategi pembelajaran yang sering digunakan di sekolah yang umumnya cenderung teoritik atau berpusat pada guru seperti Direct Instruction. Dimana pengetahuan yang diperoleh tergantung pada kemampuan guru dan pengetahuan tersebut mudah dilupakan. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya penggunaan strategi/ pendekatan lain yang dapat menimbulkan minat belajar siswa, khususnya pada pelajaran matematika seperti Reciprocal Teaching. dimana pengetahuan yang diperoleh lebih dipahami dan tahan lama. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Pademawu dengan sampel sebanyak 70 siswa dari jumlah populasi 107 siswa. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik cluster ramdom sampling dengan cara undian dan undian pertama terambil kelas XI IPA 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas XI IPA 2 sebagai kelas kontrol. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian eksperimen. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan tes dimana hasil tes tersebut kemudian dianalisis untuk membuktikan ada tidaknya perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa yang menggunakan Reciprocal Teaching dengan yang menggunakan Direct Instruction. Setelah data terkumpul, selanjutnya dilakukan pengolahan data. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan analisis uji-t dengan dk = 68 dan taraf signifikan 5%, diperoleh ttabel = 1,997 serta thitung =3,309 atau thitung > ttabel. Maka hipotesis kerja (H1) diterima dan hipotesis nol (H0) ditolak. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa antara yang diajar menggunakan Reciprocal Teaching dengan prestasi belajar siswa yang diajar menggunakan Direct Instruction pada pokok bahasan turunan fungsi kelas XI SMAN 1 Pademawu Pamekasan Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012. Kata kunci : Reciprocal Teaching (pengajaran terbalik), Direct Intruction (pengajaran langsung).


Masalah yang sering ditemui dalam proses pembelajaran Matematika pada umumnya siswa beranggapan bahwa Matematika adalah mata pelajaran yang paling sulit jika dibandingkan dengan mata pelajaran yang lain. Anggapan tersebut dapat mempengaruhi mental siswa yang dapat mengurangi minat belajar terhadap mata pelajaran Matematika.

Oleh sebab itu, guru harus memiliki strategi agar anak didik dapat belajar secara efektif dan efisien yang seharusnya diimbangi oleh penggunaan metode mengajar, sehingga berbagai metode dan pendekatan pembelajaran yang sesuai diharapkan akan dirasakan manfaatnya oleh para peserta didik disemua jenjang pendidikan. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan pendapatnya Djamarah bahwa metode

mempunyai andil yang cukup besar dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar (2006:3).

Selama ini proses pembelajaran matematika umumnya masih berpusat pada guru yang masih menggunakan metode ceramah seperti Direct Instruction (Pengajaran Langsung). Arends (dalam Trianto, 2009:41) menyatakan bahwa Direct Instruction adalah salah satu pendekatan mengajar yang dirancang khusus untuk menunjang proses belajar siswa yang berkaitan dengan pengetahuan deklaratif dan pengetahuan prosedural yang terstruktur dengan baik yang dapat diajarkan dengan pola kegiatan yang bertahap, selangkah demi selangkah.

Reciprocal Teaching (Pengajaran Terbalik) adalah pendekatan konstruktivis yang berdasar pada prinsip-prinsip

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pembuatan/pengajuan pertanyaan, dimana keterampilan metakognitif diajarkan melalui pengajaran langsung dan pemodelan oleh guru untuk memperbaiki kinerja membaca siswa yang membaca pemahamannya rendah (Nur dan Wikandari dalam Trianto, 2009:173). Pengajaran Terbalik ini mengajarkan siswa empat macam strategi pemahaman yaitu: meringkas, mengajukan pertanyaan, klarifikasi dan prediksi yang bertujuan untuk memberikan teknik atau strategi pada siswa agar penguasaan konsep suatu pokok bahasan Matematika dapat dicapai dengan baik.

Kenyataan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak peserta didik yang merasa kesulitan untuk memahami materi turunan, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan soal – soal cerita. Selain itu penerapan dari materi turunan tidak hanya dalam bidang matematika saja melainkan dalam bidang lainpun dapat diterapkan sehingga merupakan suatu keharusan bagi siswa untuk dapat menguasainya.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa antara yang diajar menggunakan Reciprocal Teaching dengan prestasi belajar siswa yang diajar menggunakan Direct Instruction pada pokok bahasan turunan fungsi kelas XI SMAN 1 Pademawu Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012. MEODE PENELITIAN

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mencari perbedaan antara kelompok eksperimen yang diberi perlakuan khusus dengan kelompok kontrol yang tidak diberi perlakuan khusus.

Penentuan sampel dalam penelitian ini dipilih dengan teknik cluster random sampling dengan cara undian. Sesuai kesepakatan pada saat penelitian, maka undian yang keluar pertama dijadikan sampel kelas eksperimen yaitu XI IPA 1 (kelas yang diajar menggunakan pendekatan reciprocal teaching) sebanyak 36 siswa dan undian kedua dijadikan sampel kelas kontrol yaitu XI IPA 2 (kelas yang diajar menggunakan Direct Instruction sebanyak 34 siswa. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dengan lembar tes.

Sebelum dilakukan penelitian, diperlukan uji coba terhadap instrumen

penelitian di mana uji coba instrumen dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 3 Pamekasan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui layak tidaknya tes diberikan dengan menggunakan: validitas tes, reliabilitas tes, daya beda dan tingkat kesukaran.

Salah satu proyeksi akhir dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh data hasil penelitian. Dari data yang diperoleh dari penelitian yaitu hasil tes akhir yang diberikan kepada siswa kelas XI IPA 1 dan kelas XI IPA 2 SMAN 1 Pademawu, kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan analisis statistik yakni Uji-t. Namun sebelum pengujian hipotesis perlu diadakan pengujian model distribusi normal (normalitas) dan uji homogenitas.

Pengujian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa antara yang diajar menggunakan Reciprocal Teaching dengan prestasi belajar siswa yang diajar menggunakan Direct Instruction pokok bahasan turunan kelas XI SMAN 1 Pademawu Pamekasan tahun pelajaran 2011/2012 berdasarkan hasil tes yang telah dilakukan, sehingga dapat menunjukkan apakah hipotesis yang diajukan diterima atau ditolak. PEMBAHASAN Prestasi Belajar

Prestasi adalah hasil dari suatu kegiatan yang telah dikerjakan, diciptakan, baik secara individual maupun kelompok. Prestasi ini tidak pernah dihasilkan selama seseorang tidak melakukan suatu kegiatan. Dalam kenyataan, untuk mendapatkan prestasi tidak semudah yang dibayangkan, tetapi penuh perjuangan dengan berbagai tantangan yang harus dihadapi untuk mencapainya. Hanya dengan keuletan dan optimis dirilah yang dapat membantu untuk mencapainya. Oleh karena itu wajarlah pencapaian prestasi itu harus dengan jalan keuletan kerja ( Djamarah, 1994 : 19)

Sedangkan belajar adalah suatu aktivitas yang dilakukan secara sadar untuk mendapatk an sejumlah kesan dari bahan yang telah dipelajari. Hasil dari aktivitas belajar terjadilah perubahan dalam diri individu. Sebaliknya, bila tidak terjadi perubahan dalam diri individu, maka belajar dikatakan tidak berhasil. Belajar adalah suatu aktivitas yang sadar akan tujuan. Tujuan dalam belajar adalah terjadinya suatu

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perubahan dalam diri individu. Perubahan dalam arti menuju ke perkembangan pribadi individu seutuhnya ( Djamarah, 1994 : 21)

Dari beberapa pendapat diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa prestasi adalah hasil yang diperoleh dari suatu aktivitas, sedangkan belajar adalah suatu proses yang mengakibatkan perubahan dalam diri individu, yakni perubahan tingkah laku. Dengan demikian, dapat diambil pengertian yang cukup sederhana mengenai hal ini. Prestasi belajar adalah hasil yang diperoleh dari suatu aktivitas yang mengakibatkan perubahan dalam diri individu.

Reciprocal Teaching (Pengajaran Terbalik)

Reciprocal Teaching (Pengajaran Terbalik) merupakan satu pendekatan terhadap pengajaran siswa akan strategi-strategi belajar. Reciprocal Teaching (Pengajaran Terbalik) adalah pendekatan konstruktivis yang berdasar pada prinsip-prinsip pembuatan/pengajuan pertanyaan, dimana keterampilan-keterampilan metakognitif diajarkan melalui pengajaran langsung dan pemodelan oleh guru untuk memperbaiki kinerja membaca siswa yang membaca pemahamannya rendah (Nur dan Wikandari, 2000:16).

Pengajaran terbalik terutama dikembangkan untuk membantu guru menggunakan dialog-dialog belajar yang bersifat kerja sama untuk mengajarkan pemahaman bacaan secara mandiri di kelas. Melalui Pengajaran Terbalik siswa diajarkan empat strategi pemahaman pengaturan diri spesifik, yaitu perangkuman, pengajuan pertanyaan, pengklarifikasian, dan prediksi. Penggunaan pendekatan ini dipilih karena bebarapa sebab,yaitu:

a. Merupakan kegiatan yang secara rutin digunakan pembaca;

b. Meningkatkan pemahaman maupun memberi pembaca peluang untuk memantau pemahaman sendiri; dan

c. Sangat mendukung dialog bersifat kerja sama (diskusi).

Prosedur pengajaran terbalik dilakukan pertama-tama dengan guru menugaskan siswa membaca bacaan dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil, kemudian guru memodelkan empat keterampilan (mengajukan pertanyaan

yang bisa diajukan yaitu merangkum bacaan, mengklarifikasi poin-poin yang sulit, berat ataupun salah, dan meramalkan apa yang akan ditulis pada bagian bacaan berikutnya) Nur dalam (Trianto,2009:173).

Selanjutnya guru menunjuk seorang siswa untuk menggantikan peranannya sebagai guru dan bertindak sebagai pemimpin diskusi dalam kelompok tersebut, dan guru beralih peran dalam kelompok tersebut sebagai motivator, mediator, pelatih, dan memberi dukungan, umpan balik, serta semangat bagi siswa. Secara bertahap dan berangsur-angsur guru mengalihkan tanggung jawab pengajaran yang lebih banyak kepada siswa dalam kelompok, serta membantu memonitor berpikir dan strategi yang digunakan. Strategi yang digunakan siswa pada penelitian ini strategi Tanya jawab dan ceramah.

Direct Instruction (Pengajaran Langsung)

Model pengajaran langsung adalah salah satu pendekatan mengajar yang dirancang khusus untuk menunjang proses belajar siswa yang berkaitan dengan pengetahuan deklaratif dan pengetahuan prosedural yang terstruktur dengan baik yang dapat diajarkan dengan pola kegiatan yang bertahap, selangkah demi selangkah Arends (dalam Trianto, 2009: 41)

Sedangkan menurut Kardi (dalam Trianto, 2009:43) model pengajaran langsung dapat berbentuk ceramah, demonstrasi, pelatihan, atau praktik, dan kerja kelompok. Sintaks Direct Instruction (Pengajaran Langsung)

Menurut Kardi dan Nur (dalam Trianto, 2009:43) sintaks model pengajaran langsung sebagai berikut.

Fase Peran Guru

Fase 1 Menyanpaikan

tujuan Dan

mempersiapkan siswa

Guru menjelaskan TPK, menginformasikan latar belakang pelajaran , pentingnya pelajaran , mempersiapkan siswa untuk belajar.

Fase 2 Mendemonstrasikan pengetahuan

dan keterampilan

Guru mendemonstrasikan keterampi lan dengan benar , atau

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74 | INTERAKSI , Volume 8, N0 1. Januari 2013, hlm 71-75

menyajikan informasi tahap demi tahap.

Fase 3 Membimbing


Guru merencanakan dan memberi bimbingan pelatihan awal.

Fase 4 Mengecek

pemahaman dan memberikan umpan balik

Mengecek apakah siswa telah berhasil melakukan tugas dengan baik , memberi umpan balik.

Fase 5 Memberikan

kesempatan untuk pelatihan lanjutan

dan penerapan

Guru mempersiapkan kesempatan melakukan pelatihan lanjutan, dengan perhatian khusus pada penerapan kepada situasi lebih komplek dan kehidupan sehari – hari.

Berdasarkan uraian diatas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa:

Reciprocal Teaching

Direct Instruction

1. Siswa yang menjelaskan materi pembelajaran artinya siswa yang berperan aktif dalam proses pembelajaran

2. Pengetahuan yang diperoleh lebih dipahami dan tahan lama

3. Tindakan atau perilaku dibangun atas kesadaran diri sendiri

1. Guru yang menjelaskan materi pembelajaran artinya siswa masih bersifat pasif

2. Pengetahuan yang diperoleh cenderung mudah dilupakan

3. Tindakan atau perilaku didasarkan oleh faktor diluar dirinya


Dengan thitung = 3,309 selanjutnya penulis konsultasikan dengan ttabel. Dengan dk = (36 + 34 – 2) = 68 diperoleh ttabel pada taraf signifikan 5% adalah 1,997. Dari nilai tersebut tampak bahwa 3,309 > 1,997. Hal ini berarti bahwa H1 diterima dan H0 ditolak. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan: Ada perbedaan

prestasi belajar siswa antara yang diajar menggunakan Reciprocal Teaching dengan prestasi belajar siswa yang diajar menggunakan Direct Instruction pada pokok bahasan turunan fungsi kelas XI SMAN 1 Pademawu Pamekasan Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012


Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan penelitian yang telah dilakukan di SMAN 1 Pademawu tahun pelajaran 2011 / 2012 sebagaimana telah diuraikan pada bab sebelumnya, diperoleh rata-rata prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas XI IPA 1 sebesar 61,889 dan rata-rata prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas XI IPA 2 sebesar 53,618. Dari data tersebut dapat diketahui harga thitung = 3,309 dan berdasarkan tabel dengan dk = (36 + 34 – 2) = 68, pada taraf signifiksan 5% diperoleh harga ttabel = 1,997 dan Artinya thitung > tkritis, maka hipotesis nol (H0) ditolak dan hipotesis kerja (H1) diterima. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam penelitian ini :Ada perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa antara yang diajar menggunakan Reciprocal Teaching dengan prestasi belajar siswa yang diajar menggunakan Direct Instruction pada pokok bahasan turunan fungsi kelas XI SMAN 1 Pademawu Pamekasan Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012


Proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan Reciprocal Teaching yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini nantinya diharapkan akan memberikan manfaat.Untuk itu peneliti memberikan saran sebagai berikut : 1. Bagi mahasiswa matematika yang

nantinya akan menjadi guru matematika dan ingin menggunakan Reciprocal Teaching dalam pembelajarannya, hendaknya dipahami terlebih dahulu tentang langkah-langkah Reciprocal Teaching dan materi apa saja yang sekiranya sesuai dengan pendekatan tersebut.

2. Bagi peserta didik, hendaknya lebih aktif lagi dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran sehingga mampu mengkonstruksi pengetahuannya sendiri

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