Jupiter Transits.docx

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  • 8/18/2019 Jupiter Transits.docx



  • 8/18/2019 Jupiter Transits.docx


    Contents JUPITER Transits.......................................................................................................... 5

     JUPITER Conjunct Sun..............................................................................................6

     JUPITER Opposite Sun............................................................................................10

     JUPITER Sextile Sun............................................................................................... 14

     JUPITER Suare Sun............................................................................................... 1!

     JUPITER Trine Sun.................................................................................................. "0

     JUPITER Conjunct #oon......................................................................................... "$

     JUPITER Opposite #oon........................................................................................."%

     JUPITER Sextile #oon.............................................................................................$"

     JUPITER Suare #oon............................................................................................ $6

     JUPITER Trine #oon................................................................................................ 40

     JUPITER Conjunct #ercur&.....................................................................................45

     JUPITER Opposite #ercur&..................................................................................... 4%

     JUPITER Sextile #ercur&........................................................................................ 51

     JUPITER Suare #ercur&........................................................................................ 55

     JUPITER Trine #ercur&............................................................................................5'

     JUPITER Conjunct (enus........................................................................................6$

     JUPITER Opposite (enus........................................................................................ 6% JUPITER Sextile (enus............................................................................................!$

     JUPITER Suare (enus........................................................................................... !!

     JUPITER Trine (enus...............................................................................................%1

     JUPITER Conjunct #ars..........................................................................................%5

     JUPITER Opposite #ars.......................................................................................... %%

     JUPITER Sextile #ars..............................................................................................'"

     JUPITER Suare #ars............................................................................................. '5

     JUPITER Trine #ars.................................................................................................'%

     JUPITER Conjunct Jupiter......................................................................................101

     JUPITER Opposite Jupiter.....................................................................................105

     JUPITER Sextile Jupiter......................................................................................... 10%

     JUPITER Suare Jupiter........................................................................................ 111

     JUPITER Trine Jupiter............................................................................................ 114


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     JUPITER Conjunct Saturn.....................................................................................11!

     JUPITER Opposite Saturn.....................................................................................1"1

     JUPITER Sextile Saturn.........................................................................................1"5

     JUPITER Suare Saturn........................................................................................1"%

     JUPITER Trine Saturn............................................................................................1$"

     JUPITER Conjunct Uranus.....................................................................................1$5

     JUPITER Opposite Uranus.....................................................................................1$'

     JUPITER Sextile Uranus........................................................................................14$

     JUPITER Suare Uranus........................................................................................146

     JUPITER Trine Uranus...........................................................................................150

     JUPITER Conjunct )eptune..................................................................................15$

     JUPITER Opposite )eptune.................................................................................. 15!

     JUPITER Sextile )eptune......................................................................................161

     JUPITER Suare )eptune.....................................................................................165

     JUPITER Trine )eptune.........................................................................................16'

     JUPITER Conjunct Pluto........................................................................................1!$

     JUPITER Opposite Pluto........................................................................................1!%

     JUPITER Sextile Pluto...........................................................................................1%"

     JUPITER Suare Pluto...........................................................................................1%6

     JUPITER Trine Pluto..............................................................................................1'0 JUPITER Conjunct *scen+ant...............................................................................1'4

     JUPITER Opposite *scen+ant............................................................................... 1'6

     JUPITER Sextile *scen+ant...................................................................................1'%

     JUPITER Suare *scen+ant.................................................................................."00

     JUPITER Trine *scen+ant......................................................................................"0"

     JUPITER Conjunct #i+,ea-en..............................................................................."04

     JUPITER Opposite #i+,ea-en..............................................................................."0%

     JUPITER Sextile #i+,ea-en.................................................................................."1"

     JUPITER Suare #i+,ea-en.................................................................................."16

     JUPITER Trine #i+,ea-en.....................................................................................""0

     JUPITER in t,e irst /ouse................................................................................... ""$

     JUPITER in t,e Secon+ /ouse..............................................................................""5

     JUPITER in t,e T,ir+ /ouse..................................................................................""!


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     JUPITER in t,e ourt, /ouse................................................................................""'

     JUPITER in t,e it, /ouse..................................................................................."$1

     JUPITER in t,e Sixt, /ouse.................................................................................."$$

     JUPITER in t,e Se-ent, /ouse............................................................................."$5

     JUPITER in t,e Ei,t, /ouse................................................................................"$!

     JUPITER in t,e )int, /ouse................................................................................."$'

     JUPITER in t,e Tent, /ouse................................................................................."41

     JUPITER in t,e Ele-ent, /ouse............................................................................"4$

     JUPITER in t,e T2elt, /ouse............................................................................... "45


  • 8/18/2019 Jupiter Transits.docx


     JUPITER Transits


  • 8/18/2019 Jupiter Transits.docx


     JUPITER Conjunct Sun

    Jupiter Conjunct Sun

    This is a positive influence all around. This is your kick off for the next 12 year cycle. If yournatal chart or other long term transits speak of serious problems, Jupiter should at leastlighten the load. Youre likely to bring in more cash, opportunities abound, relationships getricher. !specially favored are educational pro"ects and aims, settling disputes, traveladventures and spiritual exploration. The only do#n side is the possibility of overdoing it. Is itmanageable to take on a greater load to get to #here youre going$

    Some more Interpretations of Transit Jupiter Conjunct Sun from our astrology

    reports and readings:

    Transit Jupiter Conjunct Sun

    Your spirits are high at this time, and you feel optimistic, self%confident, generous, and good%natured. You greet life #ith a fresh attitude, and it is easy for you to forget the mistakes of thepast and envision bright ne# avenues for gro#th and fulfillment. In general, this is a positivetime for you, and the sense of fresh exuberance that you feel is largely due to the fact that theastrological influence at #ork no# indicates the beginning of a ne# 12%year cycle. This is a timeof planning and so#ing seeds for ne# pro"ects or a change of lifestyle. It is a good time to starta self%improvement plan such as improving your education or health, and your plan is likely tobenefit you for years to come. &ote, ho#ever, that your optimism and confidence can easily gooverboard, and you tend to overestimate the potential gain that can be derived from a situation.

    'o not let your enthusiasm and optimism incline you to speculate foolishly, s(uander assets, orexaggerate the potential benefits to be derived from your plans.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter )on"unct *un is from the +ife orecast astrology report by -inaonco

    Transit Jupiter Conjunct Sun

     /strologers vie# this aspect as a good karmic return0 no matter #hat is transpiring in s life,rest assured that all #ill be #ell. pportunities for greater kno#ledge or personal advancementthat present themselves no# may not be available next year, and therefore, should not be takenlightly. Travel may be on your sonsdaugthers agenda, or heshe may someho# seek to

    expand hisher goals. 3hile is in a positive mode, heshe may be impatient or less prone toponder practical considerations. !xperience is apt to be hisher teacher no#, but a non%critical#ord to the #ise from a supportive parent is often #ell received.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter )on"unct *un is from the /stro Journey 4arent astrology report by5athy -arcia

    Transit Jupiter Conjunct Sun


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    T/&*ITI&- J64IT! )&J6&)T &/T/+ *6&%%You should feel very good during this transit,both physically and mentally. You are optimistic and may think things #ill go #ell #ithout mucheffort, but be#are lest they slide by #ith nothing to sho# for this positive time. This is thebeginning of a ne# t#elve%year cycle of gro#th in your life. It is a time to expand your activities,initiate ne# pro"ects, and prepare to experience life from a broader perspective. You may be

    able to remove restrictions no# that have impeded your progress in the past. You #ill haveincreased freedom. It is a good time to pursue consciousness raising activities and to expandyour vie# of *elf and ho# you relate to the #orld. The aspect could indicate travel. The onlycaution is extravagance and over%extending your limits. emember that the feelings of #ell%being you feel no# are closer to the truth of #hat you really are than the gloomier feelings thatyou usually experience.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter )on"unct *un is from the 'estiny 7 'ecisions astrology report byiley -ood#in

    Transit Jupiter Conjunct Sun

    6nless there are dire contradictions in other parts of this report, you #ill be feeling very goodno#. 8ake the most of feelings of #ell%being. It is time for you to reach further #ithout beingextravagant. You are at the beginning of a ne# 12 year cycle #here you can broaden the scopeof your influence and improve yourself as #ell as your lifestyle. !xpand your consciousness andyour point of vie#. 8ake plans that are optimistic yet realistic and include specific goals. Includeplans for more education. 9e sure to start some ne# pro"ects no#.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter )on"unct *un is from the uture Trends astrology report by / 8

    Transit Jupiter Conjunct Sun

    Increased confidence can characteri:e this time period. If you have experienced setbacks ofany kind, no# is a time to move for#ard #ith a faith that things should improve. 4lans that youhave conceived often seem more attainable no#, as you tend to perceive yourself and all thatsurrounds you in a positive light. You can embark upon a ne# direction in your life that fulfillsyou, especially if you have lost your #ay or have settled for less than #hat you deserve.)hances taken no# can succeed, but be certain that you seek the best in all that you do. Youhave a tendency to become so #rapped up in yourself that you lose sight of anyone or anythingelse. -enerally, though, this period is advantageous, and the more generosity you display themore likely you get in return. 3hile this cycle offers great abundance, you may scatter yourenergy into many different areas, unless you have a specific focus or set of goals.

    3hatever #ays you seek to improve yourself and to assist others likely #ill make a difference.

    Travel often opens your eyes to a #hole ne# #orld, changing the #ay you perceive yourself.urthering your kno#ledge through study or experience can bring an important understandingthat affects your point of vie# for the better. It #ould be difficult not to learn something thatexpands your hori:ons no#, and if you actively pursue to broaden your outlook, you can benefitimmeasurably. Try to select #hat truly interests you, and follo# #here it leads. 3hile learningmay prove useful, it should only be a means to bring you closer to #hat your heart desires, sothat you can act on your noblest intentions.


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    You may experience greater vitality, and your ability to create tends to flo# more easily no#.Impediments to your self%expression often dissipate, as you can put your imprint on #hateveryou do. If you are naturally self%assured, arrogance occasionally poses a problem, since youlikely have a heightened sense of your self%#orth. &o matter ho# you see yourself, giving toothers can help to balance excessive self%absorption. /lthough it is advantageous to pursueactivities that enhance you in some #ay, e.g. your status, your income, your confidence, youmay prefer to use this time to relax and to en"oy a more introspective existence. 9eing (uiet,allo#ing understanding to manifest, or recuperating from past infirmities can provide all that youneed at this time.

    This period can mark the beginning of a ne# relationship #ith yourself, as you may start a 12%year cycle of personal gro#th. 4ay attention to the choices you make no# since their effectsmay extend beyond the immediate future. ;o#ever, initial enthusiasm may disperse unless youchoose to follo# #hat you truly #ant or at least make the effort to discover your heart$s desire.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter )on"unct *un is from the Theutureminders astrology report by&ick *ymington

    Transit Jupiter Conjunct Sun

    This is a period of expansion, flourishing gro#th, and increased creative po#er. You can alsobegin to sense prophetic glimpses into your future via intuition, dreams, or ne# ideas presentedto you. 4ositive 4otentials< /n overall sense of #ell%being, contentment, and confidence.-ratitude for ones blessings, #ith the desire to share and give from a sense of abundance.*uccess, expansion, and a surge of gro#th in creative, professional, or business endeavors.

    ecognition accompanied by #ider influence and opportunities. inancial and legal matters,commercial endeavors, etc. go #ell. / rene#al of faith in oneself, lifes goodness andpossibilities, grace from above. /#areness of your connection to a longer pattern. / ne# visionfor your life and #hat you #ant to create in the future. 9roadening personal hori:ons andunderstanding through travels or increased education. &egative 4otentials< verextendingoneself due to an overestimation of ones abilities and circumstances. !xtravagance,#astefulness, self%indulgence. -reater tendencies to#ard arrogance, egotism, and an inflatedsense of self%importance and entitlement. / profligate use of ones energies #ith little regard forthe effects upon others. emedies and *uggestions< Take definite action to follo# up on theinspirations and concrete opportunities that you see at this time, but avoid relying too much onyour luck, or betting the ranch on a very risky venture. )heck details. Initiate contact #ith peopleyou admire and respect, such as leaders or masters in the area you are most interested in,

    and=or establish a relationship #ith a promising younger person you can help. /void beingpreachy, moralistic, or a kno#%it%all.>

    This Interpretation of Jupiter )on"unct *un is from the *tar+ight *olutions astrology report by-ina onco


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     JUPITER Opposite Sun

    Jupiter Opposition Sun

    pportunities appear all around you but ho# they #ork out depends on your ability to pull inthe reins0 its easy to over%extend your #allet or exaggerate your vision. Youll have to deal#ith other peoples resentment and anger if you make unrealistic promises that you cannotfulfill. !xamine carefully any proposals before making binding commitments. 4lans that areoverblo#n could prove to be costly. In interpersonal relationships, #atch out for an arrogantattitude that says, ?Ive got all the ans#ers@? that could cause "ust about anyone to be turnedoff.

    Some more Interpretations of Transit Jupiter Opposition Sun from our astrology

    reports and readings:

    Transit Jupiter Opposition Sun

    'uring this time period, you feel like it is time to ?go for the gold?. You #ant to hit the "ackpot,and you may find yourself #alking #ith a little extra spring and bounce and #histling :ippity%doo%dah@ This is, indeed, a time of opportunity and good times. ;o#ever, you also tend to harborunrealistic hopes, exaggerate the possibilities, and lack a sense of realism. Your need forfulfillment and success is strong, and you may splurge, run up a very high bill on your creditcard, or take on a ne# monthly payment in order to obtain the possessions that you #ant.;o#ever, do not let material ac(uisitions be a substitute for the fulfillment derived from personalachievement and success. If you allo# this to happen, you #ill regret your purchases and

    become inclined to feel depressed and empty after your buying spree. You may also find yourmoods s#inging from very high points of enthusiasm and optimism to lo# points of discontentand restlessness. This results from the increased need for success and fulfillment that you feelat this time. If you feel like you are not successful and you see no ne# doors opening for you,then you begin to feel emotionally depressed. ;o#ever, the pep and :est of the astrologicalinfluence at #ork no# #ill not keep you do#n for long, and you bounce back again. This is atime to go after your dreams. Try not to feel disappointed if you do not find a pot of gold at theend of each rainbo#. 9ut keep looking because you certainly do have a little extra good luck onyour side during this time period.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter pposition *un is from the +ife orecast astrology report by -inaonco

    Transit Jupiter Opposition Sun

    3hile any Jupiter=*un contact augurs success, #ith this one, your sonsdaughters ambitionsmay be noble but out of bounds. Your greatest concerns about during this time might not somuch be about #hat hesshes doing or #heres hesshes going, but about ho# hesshesgoing about it. You may not agree #ith himher, but if hesshes set on hisher course, bepatient, experience #ill teach himher to look before heshe leaps. ;eres hoping heshelearns the spiritual keys that open doors to prosperity.


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    This Interpretation of Jupiter pposition *un is from the /stro Journey 4arent astrology reportby 5athy -arcia

    Transit Jupiter Opposition Sun

    T/&*ITI&- J64IT! 44*IT! &/T/+ *6&%%If you can recogni:e the real meaning of thistransit in terms of your o#n life, this can be an extremely productive and gro#th%oriented time, aperiod that #ill al#ays have meaning for you. It is very expansive, and the difficulty #ill be insetting limits and priorities. You #ill be tempted to go after everything you have ever #anted in amaterialistic #ay #ith little regard for others. ;o#ever, material gains #ill leave you empty #henthe transit is over. True expansiveness should be #ithin, and this transit represents a turningpoint from the material to the spiritual, from the out#ard to the in#ard person. You must look forthe solutions #ithin yourself, but it could be easier if you can #ork #ith another person and thinkin terms of mutual gro#th.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter pposition *un is from the 'estiny 7 'ecisions astrology report by

    iley -ood#in

    Transit Jupiter Opposition Sun

    In some #ays this is a check in time. ;o# have you been spending the last A years of your life$3hat are you doing for the next 12 years$ Take stock of yourself. edefine success on youro#n terms and then go for it. It is very important that you get a realistic self%image and developa specific purpose for your life. If you do, other people could no# come to you for advice andcounsel. 8ake sure you give them more facts than opinions. This in not the time to get in overyour head. If you hope that good luck #ill prevail, you could be on the verge of making a famousmistake. n the other hand, #ith effort and planning you could achieve a distinguishedattainment. It could be time to break free from smothering relationships. If youre confused, seek

    distinguished counsel. You yourself do not have all of the ans#ers. utstanding satisfaction cancome from making a ne# balance bet#een your o#n needs and sho#ing a sincere concern forprinciple.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter pposition *un is from the uture Trends astrology report by / 8

    Transit Jupiter Opposition Sun

    pportunities through relationships often characteri:e this time period. The thoroughness ofyour planning and the extent of your foresight likely #ill determine the success of anyundertaking no#, especially involving other people. 4romising more than you can deliver and

    expecting more than is feasible may make it difficult to achieve #hat you #ant. -enerally, youmust make ad"ustments #ith #hat you give and #hat you demand in order to attain your desiredoutcome. ;o#ever, striking a balance bet#een greed and generosity can make you veryprosperous during this cycle.

    ften restlessness accompanies this interval, as you likely seek to broaden your hori:onsthrough travel that offers to refresh the routine of your life. !ngaging in many ne# encounterscan prompt you to make changes in ho# you perceive yourself and ho# you present yourself tothe #orld. If you have been unhappy, then it is possible to explore a variety of experiences to


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    bring greater fulfillment. 9e careful not to grasp at #hatever appears on the hori:on #ithoutexamining the potential conse(uences of your choices. The likelihood of exaggerating the realityof a first impression is strong no#. ;o#ever, taking a step back to recogni:e the truth of anysituation can allo# you to see clearly the path you are to follo# or #here you are to lead.

     /chieving perspective on your dreams, your plans, and your o#n truth is a gift of this cycle.3hile you can obtain insight through introspective "ourneys, it is more likely that the test of #hatyou kno# and #hat you have learned #ill occur in your interactions #ith the #orld, as it tends toreflect back to you the ans#ers that you seek. The possibility of a significant breakthrough inyour understanding exists if you remain open.

    'iffering opinions bet#een you and others can cause distress, and the issue of faith may arisein certain relationships during this cycle. You can trust too blindly and find yourself at adisadvantage. If you mistrust, you may forego a re#arding opportunity. /gain, seek tounderstand your opponent or your ally as fully as possible before making any commitments. Inthis #ay you achieve the necessary balance to en"oy the benefits that interactions can present.6se this time to increase your stature and position rather than to diminish it through careless orthoughtless actions. 3ith some attention to detail you can make this a very re#arding timeperiod. 9e alert not to overextend yourself, #hich can cause drain on your resources andenergy, but be ready to perform #hen the conditions are right. +earning #ho and #hat to trust isa useful lesson for this cycle.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter pposition *un is from the Theutureminders astrology report by&ick *ymington

    Transit Jupiter Opposition Sun

    The themes active during this time period are expanding into ne# areas of experience0 #ideningyour sphere of activities and influence, #ith an expanded sense of #hat is possible for you to door achieve0 a gro#th spurt in your creative expression0 and a culmination of past actions andaspirations. 4ositive 4otentials< !xcellent time for professional and social contacts. 8utual helpand=or friendship #ith those at a distance. 9eneficial relationship #ith an authority #ho mayoffer to further your interests or champion your cause. *ense of self%confidence expands,leading to greater #illingness to reach out for the promotion, further education, or an adventureyou may have been #ishing for. / good time to travel. ;eightened vitality and physical #ell%being. 3ider recognition, public appeal. &egative 4otentials< verextending yourself andscattering your life%energies into too many activities. Increased hope and energy can lead you tobelieve you have no limits and perhaps to promise more than is reasonable, or to attempt toomuch. estlessness may propel you to "ump the gun, to buy or sell prematurely #ithout

    checking all the facts, to leap into saying ?yes? too soon. emedies and *uggestions< 9eforemaking any financial or personal commitment, check details and dont minimi:e the actual #orkinvolved. *hare generously, but #isely. 'ont overdo in your gift%giving or personal spending.;elp, encourage, and ackno#ledge as many other people as you can at this time. *pend sometime expressing appreciation to those #ho have helped you in the past.>

    This Interpretation of Jupiter pposition *un is from the *tar+ight *olutions astrology report by-ina onco


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     JUPITER Sextile Sun

    Jupiter Sextile Sun

    6nder this extremely positive influence, good ne#s could come pouring in from manydirections@ Youre likely to receive encouragement related to your future goals. +ifesproblems should find easy solutions. You may benefit from advice from a spiritual teacher, aparent, or older person. This transit is very beneficial for finances. !ven though the goinglooks good, guard against foolish over%optimism. /ll else being e(ual, a great time to travel.

    Some more Interpretations of Transit Jupiter Sextile Sun from our astrology reports

    and readings:

    Transit Jupiter Sextile Sun

    This time period is harmonious and pleasant. elationships are particularly pleasant andproductive no#, and you #ill find that business agreements and partnerships formed no# #orkout very #ell. )ooperation and camaraderie is strong no#, and you may receive a gift or offerfrom someone. This is a #onderful time to simply en"oy life0 you find it easy no# to put any#orries or concerns to the side. You are likely to spend some time #ith friends or take a#eekend vacation and thoroughly en"oy it. ;ave fun@

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *extile *un is from the +ife orecast astrology report by -inaonco

    Transit Jupiter Sextile Sun

    If is struggling #ith a heavy load, this transit should lift it considerably. If hesshes free ofbaggage, heshe may find #inds in hisher sails as opportunities abound for travel, training,schooling and generally for overall self%improvement. 'espite the positive nature of thisinfluence, should guard against foolish overoptimism. / parent, mentor, or significant eldercould benefit himher no# in some fashion.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *extile *un is from the /stro Journey 4arent astrology report by5athy -arcia

    Transit Jupiter Sextile Sun

    T/&*ITI&- J64IT! *!BTI+! &/T/+ *6&%%This is an easy transit #hen life "ust seems toflo#. You are optimistic and confident. You should find that most relationships are on an evenkeel, even those #ith superiors. It is a good time for making plans and thinking ?big?. You cantbother to be angry, but #ill get along #ith people #ho are normally difficult. *ometimes there isunexpected income, and the transit is favorable for most financial efforts.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *extile *un is from the 'estiny 7 'ecisions astrology report by


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    iley -ood#in

    Transit Jupiter Sextile Sun

    3ith any luck you can improve your health and get more "oy out of life. It is time to develop your

    vitality, influence and effectiveness. You can motivate yourself and others no#. In fact you aredue for some recognition. Take some risks. 8ove on #inning propositions that are brought toyour attention. It is a good time to #ork out agreements. 4romote yourself. It is a great time foryou to deal #ith people in po#er. Your luck is very strong no#. Think big. !n"oy the good times.Its a good time for financial transactions. You could even get some unexpected money. Youhave splendid opportunities. !n"oy yourself. ;ave fun. Take a vacation. !ven your guessescould be excellent no#.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *extile *un is from the uture Trends astrology report by / 8

    Transit Jupiter Sextile Sun

    *uccess can come easier during this time period, and you tend to believe in yourself more thanusual. 3hether your self%esteem is naturally high or lo#, you encounter more opportunities thatcan open doors for you. Taking advantage of those opportunities can bring you advancement incertain areas. You often experience greater confidence to assume risk, and taking chances mayoffer a higher probability of #orking in your favor, especially activities that fulfill you rather thanmerely satisfying a craving for material gain.

     /lthough physical #ell%being is an important and desirable outcome of this cycle, you canachieve a broader self%kno#ledge if you so choose, #hich likely is more valuable. 3ith apropensity no# to use your mind and #ith success more available to you, this is an excellenttime to benefit from learning of any kind but particularly for seeking to understand yourselfbetter. *elf%improvement may find little resistance, as you progress more rapidly in your

    development or in the development of an undertaking that is an expression of #ho you are.

    9roadening hori:ons is an essential feature of this period. 3hile activity often increases no#,this is not only a time for action but for understanding, so that you can make better decisions inthe future. If you have a #ealth of experience, then you likely have a clear grasp of thepossibilities before you, permitting you to move for#ard #ith confidence. ;o#ever, this cyclecan serve to increase your kno#ledge by exploring unkno#n areas of existence to you. Thismay happen through travel, study, or #ider contacts generally, #hich enrich your life in #aysthat can give you a more comprehensive vie# of ho# things fit together.

    -enerally, this is a busy period #ith many choices placed before you. ;o#ever, you may preferto use this time to recharge if you have dissipated your resources recently. In this #ay yourestore #hat is lost0 confidence, self%esteem, vitality, creativity. *ince you can find the ans#ersmore readily, seek to discern the reasons behind #hatever you lack, so that you can improveand put yourself in future positions that enhance rather than deplete you.

    This cycle brings many opportunities for experiences that assist in the reali:ation of #hat is bestfor you. It can also offer a deeper appreciation of #hat it means to give. 9eing generous not onlyfinancially but also #ith all your talents can make such a difference not only in the lives of othersbut especially your o#n. 9eneficence during this time period likely #ill re#ard you beyond the


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    measure of your o#n giving.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *extile *un is from the Theutureminders astrology report by &ick*ymington

    Transit Jupiter Sextile Sun

     / sense of flo# and ease characteri:es this time period. elationships of all kinds flourish no#,in part due to greater openness and tolerance on your end. If there are areas of your life thathave been difficult, you can begin to resolve them. /sk others to help you, as they are especially#illing to do so. 4ositive 4otentials< / favorable time for any business transactions, legalmatters, and coming to mutually satisfying agreements. / very positive response to any publicpresentation, social gathering or group effort you undertake. -ifts come from unexpected

    sources and past generosity is repaid. /n opportunity to travel leading to an expanded net#orkof friends and allies, furthering educational or professional aims, and=or material benefits.)ommunity involvement brings good fortune. &egative 4otentials< +etting opportunities slip bybecause its easier to relax and "ust be. emedies and *uggestions< )irculate, reach out, getback in touch #ith people you havent heard from in a #hile, seek out others you may havebeen hesitant to contact previously. If you have given up on a particular dream or avenue, tryonce more. C*end that manuscript out, make that phone call.D *urprisingly positive results cancome your #ay #ith a bit of effort on your part.>

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *extile *un is from the *tar+ight *olutions astrology report by -inaonco


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     JUPITER Square Sun

    Jupiter Square Sun

    This transit #ill test your level of self%kno#ledge, self%discipline and self%restraint. pportunitymay come your #ay, but if caught off guard you could blo# your chance for success@ /voidgetting caught up in the illusion that life and its problems #ill someho# solve themselves#ithout a defined effort and intent. Its easy to blo# your cash. 9alance the big picture #iththe details and youll prosper.

    Some more Interpretations of Transit Jupiter Square Sun from our astrology reports

    and readings:

    Transit Jupiter Square Sun

    'aily chores and details are annoying to you no#. Your eye is on greener pastures. *uddenlyyou feel dissatisfied #ith your lot in life or #ith possessions or people that did not bother youbefore. Your aspirations soar during this time period. This can spur you to discover #ays ofimproving your life and career. You are also more #illing to take risks and speculate. Your luck isbetter than usual no#, but your inclination to be overly optimistic is even greater@ )onse(uently,you are likely to overshoot the mark, push for #hat you #ant too hard, and be seen by others asbeing rather arrogant and self%centered. In short, you should certainly spread your #ings duringthis time period and seek out ne# opportunities for gro#th and advancement, but try to curb #ildand unrealistic ideas of #hat benefits can accrue. 3ith a little care and attention to detail, youcan, indeed, help turn the corner, bringing yourself a step closer to your goals.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *(uare *un is from the +ife orecast astrology report by -inaonco

    Transit Jupiter Square Sun

    pportunities abound for , but to succeed, and to eliminate unnecessary stress, hellshellhave to ac(uire a sense of #hen to pull in the reins. verdoing, overspending, over committing,overeating, overloading hisher schedule, etc. the danger is in the ?overs.? !xperience #illsho# himher soon enough #hat heshe can and cannot accomplish. 8ean#hile, it #ouldnthurt for you to play ?the angels advocate,? helping himher map out hisher choices #isely,rather than impulsively.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *(uare *un is from the /stro Journey 4arent astrology report by5athy -arcia

    Transit Jupiter Square Sun

    T/&*ITI&- J64IT! *E6/! &/T/+ *6&%%9asically, this aspect is a test of your disciplineand self%restraint. It can provide a chance for real gro#th and expanded opportunities, but you


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    have to kno# precisely #here you are and #hat your real needs are in order to take advantageof it. There can be a feeling that luck #ill provide all you need, and=or there could betremendous ego inflation and excessive pride. This is due to the feelings of expanded self%confidence, #hich need to be controlled and reality%based. You can accomplish "ust aboutanything you #ant to under this transit, but you must kno# #here and #hen to stop.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *(uare *un is from the 'estiny 7 'ecisions astrology report byiley -ood#in

    Transit Jupiter Square Sun

    ight no# you are challenged to en"oy some social climbing. It is also time for you to strive after#ealth and po#er. Turn your dissatisfaction into a drive for something better. 9e ready to backup your #ords #ith specific plans and immediate actions. 'evelop more confidence andenthusiasm. 9e careful not to be too extravagant. You could find yourself in conflict #ith the la#.If youre not #orking on your goals, then you could be gaining #eight. ne #ay or another, yourself%discipline #ill be tested. 'epending upon ho# much control you sho#, you #ill either be

    getting in over your head or pulling yourself up to a ne#er, higher level. 4ossibly, you #ill learnho# much is too much by taking on more than you can handle. 5no# your limits and thenexpand them "ust a bit. *pur yourself to do more and be better.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *(uare *un is from the uture Trends astrology report by / 8

    Transit Jupiter Square Sun

    *elf%assurance can increase during this time period, although it is possible situations test yourconfidence. If you have planned reasonably and #ith care, outcomes likely match yourexpectations. ;o#ever, you have a tendency to exceed prudent limits, placing yourself inpositions that can "eopardi:e promises made. ne lesson that this cycle presents is learning

    proportion in your appetite for #hat you #ant and in your generosity for #hat you plan to deliverto others. !xaggerated pride can place you in circumstances that humble you, although youoften have difficulty seeing the discrepancy bet#een your opinion and the facts. If you exercisediscretion, then you can experience a favorable result in all that you do. *till, the conclusion youdesire may prove challenging to obtain. ;o#ever, such a challenge likely provides a very#orth#hile experience that expands your understanding of yourself and #hat you seek.

    Issues of trust possibly arise, as situations may challenge your beliefs and provoke you toreconsider #hat you have kno#n to be true. Travel can offer adventures that change the #ayyou see yourself, and exposure to different #ays of thinking can cause you to (uestion #hat youhave accepted. You can gro# immeasurably if you include a broader vision into your presentpoint of vie# by embracing the risk that different encounters may confer.

    This generally is an excellent time to express yourself in a variety of creative activities, and youcan access a #ealth of talent and resources at your disposal. / #illingness to put yourself outinto the #orld can compel you to take chances. /lthough not all risks #ork in your favor, you canachieve a re#arding payoff from your efforts. It may be monetary or it may be a fuller a#arenessof your ability to create and to demonstrate the truth of your being.


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    3hatever path you travel, this period can place you in circumstances that alert you to theexcesses of yourself. To best use this time, attempt to learn from #hatever situations you face,as they give you an opportunity to understand the importance of the right balance in all that youdo. -iving too much can be as unhelpful as making unreasonable demands "ust asoverconfidence can be as detrimental as a lack of self%assurance. The lesson no# is to enhance#hat is lacking and to diminish #hat is overfull so that you reach a point of e(uilibrium thatconstantly changes.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *(uare *un is from the Theutureminders astrology report by &ick*ymington

    Transit Jupiter Square Sun

    )hallenging limitations and stretching beyond them is a focus at this time. You find yourselfaiming for greater freedom and self%expression. 4ositive 4otentials< eeling encouraged and

    empo#ered. ;igh vitality. &e# hope or a ne# vision for #hat you can create in the future.pening ne# channels for self%expression, personal influence or affluence. &egative 4otentials<estlessness0 severe discontent #ith circumstances that are Cor that you presently feel #ill beDtoo small or confining, accompanied by a tendency to go #ay out on a limb financially,professionally, or other#ise. 3anting more, bigger, better and=or living for the future #ithoutattending sufficiently to the in%bet#een steps. 4remature or ill%considered business transactions,or financial decisions. 9iting off more than you can che#. Trouble #ith or dissatisfaction indealing #ith the legal system, the government, or bureaucracy. 9eing overly generous, inflatedexpectations, #astefulness. emedies and *uggestions< 6se tact, discretion, and self%restraint#hen presenting yourself, your #ork, or your plans. Your enthusiasm and good intentions canbe conveyed #ithout making exaggerated claims or promises. )onversely, dont let greed or#ishful thinking obscure your discrimination #hen presented #ith an opportunity. 4ut a#ay your

    credit cards. Try to settle disputes fairly, and out of court. If youre beginning a ne# sport oroutdoor activity, dont try to impress. 6se common sense and be moderate. !n"oy yourself onthe slopes, on the playing field, or #herever, but dont overdo it. +isten to other people and avoidbeing ostentatious or preachy. 9e a learner as #ell as a teacher.>

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *(uare *un is from the *tar+ight *olutions astrology report by-ina onco


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     JUPITER Trine Sun

    Jupiter Trine Sun

    6nder this extremely positive influence, good ne#s could come pouring in from manydirections@ Youre likely to receive encouragement related to your future goals. +ifesproblems should find easy solutions. You may benefit from advice from a spiritual teacher, aparent, or older person. This transit is very beneficial for finances. !ven though the goinglooks good, guard against foolish over%optimism. /ll else being e(ual, a great time to travel.

    Some more Interpretations of Transit Jupiter Trine Sun from our astrology reports

    and readings:

    Transit Jupiter Trine Sun

    &o# is the time to un#ind, relax, and en"oy yourself. This is a good time to travel or vacation.!ven if you do not vacation at this time, you are likely to find that you en"oy life more. +ife is lessstressful, and you are much less annoyed by inconveniences or difficult personalities than youusually are. You take a more relaxed and creative approach to life no#, and you are likely totake the time to en"oy a hobby or activity that you have not made enough room for in your life.+et this inclination gro# and develop during this time period and, most importantly, see if youcan sustain it after this astrological influence is over. This is a good time for invigorating, but notoverly strenuous, outdoor activity. Your health is robust no#, and this can be a good time forre"uvenation. /ctivities like golf, s#imming, or hiking are very en"oyable no#.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter Trine *un is from the +ife orecast astrology report by -ina onco

    Transit Jupiter Trine Sun

    If is struggling #ith a heavy load, this transit should lift it considerably. If hesshes free ofbaggage, heshe may find #inds in hisher sails as opportunities abound for travel, training,schooling and generally for overall self%improvement. 'espite the positive nature of thisinfluence, should guard against foolish overoptimism. / parent, mentor, or significant eldercould benefit himher no# in some fashion.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter Trine *un is from the /stro Journey 4arent astrology report by5athy -arcia

    Transit Jupiter Trine Sun

    T/&*ITI&- J64IT! TI&! &/T/+ *6&%%The ancient astrologers called this a lucky transit. /ctually, it gives you a positive frame of mind #hich is at the root of most successes. It is a goodtime to reflect on your life and revie# your goals. You are able to visuali:e the big picture, andcan begin #orking to#ard your ideals, #hich are likely to be high under this transit. You can#ork harmoniously #ith others at this time, but you #ill be more inclined to sit back, en"oy it and


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    do nothing. / good time for financial matters, but also, for inner gro#th. Travel could beindicated.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter Trine *un is from the 'estiny 7 'ecisions astrology report by iley-ood#in

    Transit Jupiter Trine Sun

    You #ill be meeting more #ealthy people, healthy people and people higher up the social ladder than yourself. It is a good time for you to restore your health. 3ith "ust a little bit of honest effortyou can no# attract more #ealth, fame and po#er. Your creative po#er is very strong no#.*plendid opportunities are #ithin your reach. 8oney matters and travel go #ell no#. -et up andgo for them. Its a great time for a vacation, especially one that features outdoor activities. /lso,your sense of humor is being brought into prominence.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter Trine *un is from the uture Trends astrology report by / 8

    Transit Jupiter Trine Sun

    -enerally, this period provides an abundance of positive experiences, although not necessarilyfrom the external #orld. The gift that you can receive often sho#s itself as an inner confidenceor sense of #ell%being that can sustain you no matter #hat the outer circumstances demand. Ifyour activities are progressing #ell, then this time tends to reinforce the best of #hat you aredoing. If you have been struggling on a daily basis, then you can discover a (uiet peace thatallo#s you to maintain an inner faith despite #hat troubles you.

    ;o#ever, external re#ards are likely as #ell, since you have the capacity to dra# benefits intoyour life. You tend to play a passive role in #hatever you ac(uire because you may lack thedrive or ambition to make things happens on your o#n, at least at this time. 4ast efforts can

    bring fulfillment, but you are unlikely to take bold initiatives no#. *hould you marshal the energyto move for#ard you typically find the path effortless to tread, and obstacles may disperserelatively easily. *eeking #ays to improve yourself can bring significant results, but an absenceof problems, or the perception that your life is as it should be for no#, often prevents you fromderiving maximum personal gain from this cycle.

    -enerosity can play a significant role for you, as the possibility exists to achieve a broaderunderstanding of #hat you have to offer. This can mean that your talents become moreaccessible for you to recogni:e and to demonstrate. /gain, this often manifests as a sub"ectivereali:ation, but to the extent you employ your abilities and bring them out into the #orld, youprovide a genuine contribution. This is an excellent time to assist others in #hatever #aypossible since you have access to a greater #ealth of resources than usual. It$s not that theseresources suddenly appear, although at times that happens, but it is more likely that you havegreater trust, #hich encourages you to see the best in yourself and to accept others.

     /lthough this cycle normally lacks decisive action, you can use it to gather strength and to planstrategies for future implementation. 9uilding vitality may serve to re"uvenate your being. Travelusually provides en"oyment, and trips generally are very successful. They can bring #elcomerelief from the stress of life #hile expanding your kno#ledge in some important #ay. *imilarly,exploring ideas and furthering your learning through various studies often comes #ith great


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    ease and likely #ill bring you satisfaction.

    &o matter #hat you gain from this time period, and you very likely #ill prosper in some #ay,seek to express yourself in a manner that conveys the truth of #ho you are. If you don$t kno##hat that is, then spend these days seeking to discover it. Your pursuit can pay off in the future.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter Trine *un is from the Theutureminders astrology report by &ick*ymington


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     JUPITER Conjunct Moon

    Jupiter Conjunct Moon

    You could receive deep insights into your o#n feelings and inner, spiritual nature during thiscycle. / time #hen support and recognition could come from family. If need be, this is apositive time to move, relocate or rearrange your space. Your greatest danger lies in actingimpulsively #ithout considering the conse(uences of your actions. /n acute sense of "usticebrings out a natural bent for settling disputes and for mediating conflicts. /ll else being e(ual,you should receive the cash you need, especially for school or travel. Youd make a greathost at any party@

    Some more Interpretations of Transit Jupiter Conjunct Moon from our astrology

    reports and readings:

    Transit Jupiter Conjunct Moon

    'uring this time period you are more tolerant, forgiving, and generous than usual. You feel goodabout yourself and are usually in a cheerful mood. 'omestic life and family matters areparticularly important to you no#, and you are likely to spend a great deal of time #ith family andclose friends. You may also decide to make some kind of home improvement % perhaps fixing upor expanding your home, or landscaping. You could move to a larger home or to a place #hereyou feel happier and more at home. The nurturing side of you is highlighted, and you en"oyhelping others, cooking, and baking. If you are trying to keep your #eight do#n, then thisastrological influence #ill bring one un#elcome tendency< eating too much, especially of rich

    foods. Try not to go overboard on goodies. n the other hand, dont try to go to the oppositeextreme either0 crash diets or fasting is not likely to #ork out #ell for you at this time.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter )on"unct 8oon is from the +ife orecast astrology report by -inaonco

    Transit Jupiter Conjunct Moon

    *ince Jupiters the good guy of the :odiac, and the 8oon represents 8om and homelife, thiscombinations augurs #ell for improving, enhancing or expanding the dimensions of srelationship #ith hisher mom and=or family. &evertheless, hesshes gro#n no#. ;ave youtaught himher to rely on hisher o#n spiritual guidance or is heshe overly dependent on

    your #isdom$ !ven if s steeped in studies or busy traveling, youre likely to have plenty ofcontact. / basic sense of #ell%being makes it difficult at times to be patient or to think abouttomorro#. If you find it lacking, perhaps you might lend a measuring rod of common sense andright proportion.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter )on"unct 8oon is from the /stro Journey 4arent astrology reportby 5athy -arcia


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    Transit Jupiter Conjunct Moon

    T/&*ITI&- J64IT! )&J6&)T 8&%%This a very positive transit. You feel emotionallyfree and very much in touch #ith your feelings. You also can understand and empathi:e #ith thefeelings of others. You #ill be generous #ith other people, as #ell as yourself. Yourpsychological understanding is clear regarding #ho you are, #hat you are, and #hat brought

    you to #here you are. You may #ant to spend time #ith old friends and family, and if you area#ay from home, you may #ant to go there. You need to #atch diet for possible #eight gain.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter )on"unct 8oon is from the 'estiny 7 'ecisions astrology report byiley -ood#in

    Transit Jupiter Conjunct Moon

    You are likely to feel extra kind and benevolent no#. Youre likely to meet ne# people and en"oysome extra rich living. You could become engaged or married no#. Youre at the start of a ne#12 year cycle of social conscience and #ould do #ell to get together #ith some like minded folk

    and make plans to improve your community and your neighborhood. Its a great time to expandyour home and sense of domestic tran(uility. or example, you may #ant to improve yourkitchen, basement or even add a fountain, pool and landscaping to your yard. You may no#move to a larger home. !ither #ay, create more space for economics, politics and religion inyour home. This is a favorable time to get in touch #ith positive feelings and make peace in thefamily. /nyone #ho is a maternal figure #ill tend to be extra helpful no#. ne #ay or anotheryour home and family life #ill improve. 8ake your favorite recipes. Just try to stay a#ay fromfatty foods.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter )on"unct 8oon is from the uture Trends astrology report by / 8

    Transit Jupiter Conjunct Moon

    J64IT! )&J6&)T 8& I&T!&*ITY< A 'uring this time your feelings are exalted,enlarged and expanded so that in a sense you could become a bit theatrical. This astrologicalaspect generates great emotional and psychic sensibility0 your feelings #ill be very ideali:edand even brotherly. You #ill #ant much more from your family and, at the same time, #ill feelmore protected by it. This transit could produce a very positive and lucky event in relationship toyour family, it may be that of your parents, or your o#n in case you are married. Thisharmonious vibration could help to #ork out long standing problems that no# can be correctedand thoroughly solved. /part from that, a member of your family or perhaps you yourself mayrise a step on the social level, #hich #ill also benefit the other family members. ;o#ever, it isimportant to try to moderate or cut excessive family expenses, since too much optimism ands(uandering on superfluous things could exist in the family bosom. To a degree it also could be

    the fact that your family #ill have the need to underline and present itself #ith a goodappearance socially. ;o#ever, #anting to maintain this social image at all cost could generatefuture problems due to a decrease in the economic resources. Your personal feelings to#ardyour loved ones tend to be very protective no#. ;o#ever, try not to fall into excessive parenting,as you tend to be too concerned about the problems of the other members of your family. Youhave to understand that they also have to learn from experience, and preferable give them goodadvice, but #ithout continuously letting it intervene #ith your life. There is a possibility ofestablishing emotional ties to a person of a different race, country, culture or region, perhaps by


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    letter, due to a fortuitous encounter or on a trip. &o# you are more sensitive to things of culturalcharacter, that is to say, you #ill like attending acts or musical, pictorial and poetical events ormeetings in #hich an environment of sensibility and an appreciation of culture and beautyexists. Your inner emotions #ill be so strong that there #ill be a need to control them a little soyou #ont become too attached or excessively dependent on your loved ones. 'uring this periodyou #ill have a great need of protecting, and e(ually of being protected. undamentally, you are

    going to seek a balance bet#een your personal freedom and the need you have to be #ith yourloved ones. You #ill #ant to organi:e social events, amuse yourself or have sentimental contact#ith your loved ones, doing everything possible to encourage the interrelationship bet#een thepeople you love and protect. 3ith respect to romantic relationships, this is a good time toestablish a courtship, get married, go on a second or third ?honey moon?, take a pleasure trip#ith your companion or attend social, cultural or artistic events. You #ill feel ne# emotions, beoptimistic, open, exonerating and very vital, and at the same time you #ill be able to expressyour feelings freely. If you previously have been a shy person concerning your emotionalcommunication, you no# #ill note that you are much more confident and intimate #ith yourloved one. You #ill be able to confer and express your emotions in a respectful and happy #ay.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter )on"unct 8oon is from the +ove 7 omance astrology report by

    8 Finiegra

    Transit Jupiter Conjunct Moon

    This is a time period #hen you can initiate improvements in many areas of your personal life,especially regarding your home and your family. 4roblems #ith parents or children usuallybecome less stressful no#, and if you apply yourself to family issues, you can heal long%standing pain. 3hether family matters concern you or not, you tend to feel more positive andoptimistic, as those close to you often sho# their support, #hile you can give a much neededboost to those #ho need you. You have a greater capacity to give and to receive, so try to allo#e(ual time for both. If you lack positive reinforcement, seek it, as you likely find it no#.

    This is an excellent time to enhance your personal space in #ays that can make you feel better.3hether it is your living or #orking environment, you can use this time to make additions andimprovements that can elevate your attitude. If you have considered purchasing real estate or ahome, this often is one of the best times for you to buy, because you probably #ill like #hat youget. /lso, making a move during this period can bring you a living situation more favorable thanthe one previously.

    If you seek success #ith the public, you may attain it no#. !ven if you don$t vie for #idespreadapproval, you usually increase your contacts #ith people during this time. !ntertaining,especially at home, can appeal to you, and you likely create an atmosphere #here en"oymentcomes easily and that earns praise from your guests. If you tend to live in a shell, this is a good

    time to get out, since you generally experience approval from others. 4ursuing an active sociallife can cause you to overcommit, although you probably en"oy every minute of it.

    3hile this time period generally is favorable, you can overreact to events and to people aroundyou, as excessive praise sometimes is as unpleasant to you and to those near you as excessivecriticism. 'isplaying measured responses to stimulating encounters may prove difficult0 dietingtends to lack resolve. inding a balance in your life often is a challenge.


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    This cycle can mark the beginning of a ne# #ay to relate to all #ho are close to you, especiallyto the important #omen in your life. /t the same time you can initiate changes in the #ay youfeel that produce beneficial effects for you personally. )reating situations to enhance yourcomfort and #ell%being can bring contentment, if you take the steps to manifest them. !ven ifyou do nothing, you should experience less friction in your daily life. ;o#ever to maximi:e thebenefit of this occasion, try to make improvements in areas of your life that may bring you agreater sense of belonging and security, as the choices you make no# to nourish yourself andothers often have a long%term effect.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter )on"unct 8oon is from the Theutureminders astrology report by&ick *ymington

    Transit Jupiter Conjunct Moon

    &o matter #hat is happening around you at this time you feel #onderful. / sense of #ell%being,

    emotional generosity, and positive expectation permeates this time period. There is anexpanded sense of nurture and support from, and emotional connection #ith, others. This canbe a positive ne# beginning in your family life. eunions and reconciliations are likely becauseof your openness and #illingness to forgive and to let go of petty differences. ;ome comfort isimportant to you no# and you may invest in improvements, enrichments, or the expansion ofyour home. 4ositive 4otentials< Improved relationships #ith parents, children, and extendedfamily members. / more open, #elcoming, inclusive attitude to#ard people in general. Trust inthe universe, -od, or life to provide for your needs. &ot needing to guard or hoard #hat youhave0 expecting more to flo# to you. /ble to handle difficulties #ith more ease, humor, balance,and perspective. !motional optimism. &egative 4otentials< !xcesses in spending, givinggrandiose gifts #hich you cannot afford Cto yourself or othersD. ?+iving it up? too much.!xcessive indulgence in alcohol or food, especially fat%laden foods. CThis #ill only happen if you

    already have a problem #ith overeating, drinking or spending.D +a:iness or #anting to avoidhard #ork. emedies and *uggestions< /ct on those charitable impulses to reach out to andshare #ith and include those outside your family circle. If you tend to overspend on credit, use abuddy system. *et a limit for yourself, and once youve reached it, hand your credit cards overto your buddy % at least until this cycle has passed. !n"oy this time and remember that ho# youare feeling about life=others=yourself no# is more accurate and closer to the truth than in timesof doubt.>

    This Interpretation of Jupiter )on"unct 8oon is from the *tar+ight *olutions astrology report by-ina onco


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     JUPITER Opposite Moon

    Jupiter Opposition Moon

     /n adventuresome time, but #orking your plans to fit your budget may be hard. 9e sureyouve got the cash to cover the costs@ +essons in giving and taking may be on this yearsagenda. Youre feeling so generous, but ho# much is it really #ise to give$ 'epending onhand%outs leads to mental la:iness. 9e ready to deal #ith problems related to moving,traveling, and studying.

    Some more Interpretations of Transit Jupiter Opposition Moon from our astrology

    reports and readings:

    Transit Jupiter Opposition Moon

    You express good #ill more openly than usual no#. You are eager to lend a helping hand andare very generous. 8ore than likely, you #ill make charitable donations or spend time helpingsomeone #ho can use your assistance. You find it very easy to overlook traits in others thatirritate you at other times. Your helpful, cheerful attitude hits a harmonious chord #ith others,and you find that friends and ac(uaintances reciprocate #ith help and assistance. This is a time#hen you are able to effectively communicate because you are able to express positive feelingseffectively and empathi:e #ith others. Your increased sense of good #ill and helpfulness alsocauses you to feel upset about cruelty, neglect, and indifference on the part of others. You mayfind yourself becoming very outspoken about human rights issues and the needs of thedisadvantaged. You may also become angry or fed up #ith any family member #ho fails to

    demonstrate #armth and consideration for other family members.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter pposition 8oon is from the +ife orecast astrology report by -inaonco

    Transit Jupiter Opposition Moon

    Jupiter brings adventure, unforgettable encounters, and a certain measure of good fortune.&evertheless, over doing, overspending, over committing, overindulging, etc. can sometimescreate huge problems if not foreseen. !ven being overly popular can become burdensome.eligious and=or cultural pre"udices, should they emerge no#, often have their roots in the homeand family. If is relocating, hellshell avoid a lot of hassles by planning the move #ell.

    )ompassion enriches care and understanding #hile maudlin sentimentality and misplacedsympathy can do more harm than good.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter pposition 8oon is from the /stro Journey 4arent astrology reportby 5athy -arcia

    Transit Jupiter Opposition Moon


  • 8/18/2019 Jupiter Transits.docx


    T/&*ITI&- J64IT! 44*IT! &/T/+ 8&%%eelings and emotions play an importantpart in your life during this transit, and relationships built upon feelings and emotions becomeextremely important. The aspect usually brings positive #arm feelings #ithin yourself and fromothers. You can be emotionally generous and giving, and relationships you have been buildingup for years may begin to produce results. You can no# decide very clearly #hich ones are#orth#hile and #hich are not. The negative side of the aspect, ho#ever, can be self%indulgence

    and lack of discipline. You could become demanding in personal relationships, #ithout giving inreturn. In this transit, moderation is the key#ord.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter pposition 8oon is from the 'estiny 7 'ecisions astrology reportby iley -ood#in

    Transit Jupiter Opposition Moon

    9e guarded against negligence and #astefulness. /nything in excess could be dangerous no#.8ake a ne# balance bet#een your need for financial security #ith your sense of adventure.;ave fun #ith folks #ho share your sense of humor. This is a time to let some people get closer

    and to push others a#ay. ind a partner #ho is pleasant to be #ith and #ho is enthusiastic. /ltogether you #ill be feeling more charity, good#ill and generosity than usual. Youll #ant to behelpful. 'o something extra nice for children. Just try to help those #ho #ant to helpthemselves, not those #ho #ant to take and are "ust looking for a handout.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter pposition 8oon is from the uture Trends astrology report by / 8

    Transit Jupiter Opposition Moon

    J64IT! 44*ITI& 8& I&T!&*ITY< G This astrological aspect generates greatemotional capacity. /t given times you may become very sentimental, or #ill express youremotions in a very visible and theatrical #ay. You are very family oriented no# and have a great

    sense of responsibility to#ard your loved ones, such as the members of your paternal family oryour con"ugal family. You #ant to protect, benefit and advise your family, but this should not becarried to the extreme, since you have to understand that they also have to learn from their o#nexperiences. /t the same time, curiously, you #ill also need the protection of your family, sinceyou #ill be especially demanding and needy of affection and fondness. There is an innerstruggle bet#een your need for affection on one hand, and your :eal for freedom andindependence on the other. 'ont go to the extreme of becoming excessively attached to yourfamily, or to the other extreme of becoming too independent. This #ont help to maintain yourbalance, and beginning to vacillate from one to the other #ill end in feeling a bit confused. If youare taking on the responsibility of handling resources on behalf of your family, be especiallycareful, since you could make #rong calculations and may s(uander to a degree. /t the sametime, it is possible that your family no# is excessively concerned about shining socially, #hich

    could lead to spending too much on holidays, social events and luxury items. It is advisable to(uietly talk about the short and long term ob"ectives of the family. If the family doesnt #orktogether, it is possible that the common resources diminish. The father has to be in agreement#ith the mother and the children have to "oin mutually, other#ise you could be burdened #ithcommitments that have not been discussed decisively or conscientiously. Try not to get intomental states, such as susceptibility, excessive parenting, attachments, sentimental rebellion, or any other condition that #ill not be harmonious and balanced. You no# tend to be very idealisticand have great expectations of your loved ones, but should not simply base your illusions on


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    romanticism that is out of proportion. It is preferable to talk #ith your loved one in anexonerating, opened and trusting #ay, stating clearly #hat you expect from him=her. In this #ay,your companion #ill kno# your expectations and thus can improve his=her #ays. /t the sametime, it tells the other person #hat you think and strengthens your relationship, other#ise youare likely to adopt passive or comfortable attitudes.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter pposition 8oon is from the +ove 7 omance astrology report by 8 Finiegra

    Transit Jupiter Opposition Moon

     /lthough this cycle may cause some strain in ho# you react, especially to#ards others, you cangain a deeper appreciation for #hat stimulates your behavior in certain situations. You have atendency to overreact to other people, and you may encounter those #ho may seem excessivein some #ay. 3hile your buttons tend to get pushed rather easily no#, you also can exhibit realenthusiasm for #hat pleases you. 'uring this time period neutrality is sometimes impossible,and others likely dra# you out in many different #ays. 9ecause of an eagerness to interact, you

    can use this time to become clearer on #hat you like and dislike.

    amily matters often assume importance no#. !n"oyable experiences together can allo# forgreater closeness. If you have pressing family problems, you have an opportunity to understandbetter the issues among you, although flare%ups occasionally occur prior to any insight. Thetendency exists to overemphasi:e family concerns no matter ho# #ell or ho# poorly youinteract. You can achieve reconciliation #ith parents and as a parent you may better understandyour role, since the capacity to let go of the past may allo# a greater openness to the presentand the future. *eek to recogni:e and to ackno#ledge #hat is positive in your family experienceand to improve #hat is lacking.

    You typically become overextended in #hat you promise or give to others, and negative feelings

    may reach exaggerated proportions. )ertain reali:ations about your personal life can promptyou to make changes, perhaps as a reaction to get a#ay or as a step to#ards something better.

     /lthough making a move may compel you, rearranging the contents of your living environmentfor a fresh look often is satisfying enough. Improvements to your personal space can reflect amore optimistic outlook that may manifest no#. If you en"oy a lot of activity around the home,this period can provide increased social interactions, although you likely feel more restless thanusual. Try to allo# the best of you to shine through, #hile seeing the best in those close to you.

    9y being affirmative in your responses to life you may gain considerable assistance from peopleno#, especially close ties. !ven if you have difficulty being enthusiastic, you may find yourneeds more easily fulfilled. /t the same time, you can demonstrate much appreciated support tothose #ho may struggle or #ho in some #ay lack #hat you have. ;o#ever, it is important to

    give and to receive in proportion to #hat is re(uired, as you may deplete your resources orac(uire more than is necessary. 9alance and efficiency are important lessons for this particulartime period.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter pposition 8oon is from the Theutureminders astrology report by&ick *ymington

    Transit Jupiter Opposition Moon


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     JUPITER Sextile Moon

    Jupiter Sextile Moon

     /n upbeat attitude magneti:es supportive people to your side. This influence improves yourhome life. amily vacations are fun. / good time to visit schools. You might spending sometime #ith younger kids. amily members might help you get the cash you need. Youll benefitby taking advantage of travel and educational or cultural opportunities that open up duringthis cycle.

    Some more Interpretations of Transit Jupiter Sextile Moon from our astrology

    reports and readings:

    Transit Jupiter Sextile Moon

    Your ability to communicate in a #arm, understanding manner during this time period isespecially strong. You have a knack for picking up on others concerns and interests andeffectively sharing helpful advice and a compassionate understanding of others needs. If youare having a difficult time #ith a family member, co%#orker, or friend, this is an excellent time toclear up any misunderstandings and develop a much better rapport. This is a positive, en"oyabletime for you. You feel good about yourself and are able to share your feelings #ith relative ease.Your friends are "ust as helpful to you as you are to them, and you find that they reallyappreciate you and take an interest in your #elfare. /greements or contracts that are #ritten orsigned at this time #ork out #ell, especially if they relate directly to your personal or domesticlife.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *extile 8oon is from the +ife orecast astrology report by -inaonco

    Transit Jupiter Sextile Moon

     /ha@ 6nder this not so emphatic but #elcome, influence, family harmony is usually improved.3ho kno#s #hats happening in your o#n chart, but, hey, cash in on s good karma and makethe most of it@ 3elcome the fun times, en"oyable chats, sharing and caring and other sprinklesof "oy . 9eyond that, educational and cultural opportunities arise to broaden s vista.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *extile 8oon is from the /stro Journey 4arent astrology report by

    5athy -arcia

    Transit Jupiter Sextile Moon

    T/&*ITI&- J64IT! *!BTI+! &/T/+ 8&%%This is a ?feel%good? transit. You are optimisticand positive about life in general and about yourself in particular. You #ill #ant to share thesefeelings #ith everyone, and your caring and nurturing instincts #ill be out front. /ll experiences#ill seem to have more depth, and that ongoing search of lifes mysteries is supported at this


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    time. / good time for spiritual and emotional gro#th.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *extile 8oon is from the 'estiny 7 'ecisions astrology report byiley -ood#in

    Transit Jupiter Sextile Moon

    It is a great time for you to carry out any large scale enterprise. You can no# become muchmore productive, realistic and achievement oriented. Your positive thoughts, #ords and deedsno# can insure the financial security of your family later. Your intuition is good no#. Your luck#ill be increasing especially in regards to your family and your business. You could be in thepublic spotlight no#. Think richer thoughts and live a richer life. !xpand your compassion. 'osomething for the protection and care of children. / consultation #ith a female attorney couldprove to be very helpful. It is a good time to reach an agreement and sign a contract.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *extile 8oon is from the uture Trends astrology report by / 8

    Transit Jupiter Sextile Moon

    J64IT! *!BTI+! 8& I&T!&*ITY< H / harmonious aspect of transiting Jupiter to 8oonexpands your family relationships. This astrological vibration brings very positive andharmonious energies that #ill benefit your paternal household as #ell as your con"ugal family incase you are married. undamentally, you #ill be more open, optimistic, generous andaffectionate #ith the members of your family. If you have children, you #ill be more mothering,good%natured and very vital in your relationship to them. 9riefly, this harmonious influenceincreases the (uality of your romantic and family relationships in general, above all, because thepeople involved in the relationship no# are more receptive and able to take things morephilosophically. /ll this supports greater happiness, strengthens your emotional ties, and bringsthe possibility of en"oying ne# experiences, conversing about interesting topics, and agreeing

    more on matters that relate to the #hole family. You no# tend to ideali:e your romanticrelationships more, and can see beyond #hat you only have glimpsed before. If a smallsusceptibility or emotional problem arises, you are able to surpass it (uickly thanks to yourkindness and spirit of generosity. That is to say, you have an understanding attitude, commonsense, are #ise and very respectful. You #ill find that almost any family situation, relationship tochildren, romance, courtship or marriage can be solved #ithout great difficulties or burdens. Thisastrological aspect helps to transcend above emotional susceptibilities and permits you to bemost optimistic, positive and vital. If you are not involved #ith anyone, this is a good time toestablish a lasting and interesting relationship, probably on a trip or in a different place. If youare engaged, you could make important decisions about future accomplishments and setting upa household together during this period. /lso, this astrological position is ideal to get married,because it may enormously facilitate the achievement of material resources and the necessary

    family support to take that step. If you are married, you #ill be able to expand your household,improve your bases, and delve into emotional ties of mutual understanding. You also #ill havegreater support from your o#n family to reali:e plans of expansion in your professional life. Ifyou count on the help of your family, you #ill receive the most important support in yourpersonal path.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *extile 8oon is from the +ove 7 omance astrology report by 8Finiegra


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    Transit Jupiter Sextile Moon

    This period can make it easier to experience #hat is positive, as you tend to seek the best foryourself and for others, and fortunate situations likely arise that assist you personally.6nderstanding ho# you feel and ho# those close to you feel can improve your relationships,

    especially #ith your intimate companions. You typically gain much appreciated insight into the#orkings of your family and your mother in particular, if such a need exists. !ven if yourpersonal life has fe# difficulties, you should use this time to broaden your a#areness of thosearound you, and you can #ork to become more considerate of others$ needs, as you gain abetter appreciation of your o#n.

    You can achieve a greater a#areness into the habitual responses that you make throughoutyour day and throughout your life. If you tend to react blindly to certain situations, you maydiscover the reasons #hy. If you are apt to overreact or underreact, you may learn ho# toexpress your feelings in a more balanced #ay, #hile recogni:ing #hen it is appropriate to letthem out in full force or shy a#ay from making an impression. pportunities for you to give oftensurface, #hich can allo# you to improve your responses to those in need, especially if

    generosity is difficult for you. /t the same time, others may #ant to support you in some #ay,#hich can better your capacity to receive, particularly if depending on others bothers you.

    The essence of this cycle is to balance #hat is extreme and to strengthen #hat is #eak in thoseareas of your personal life #hich most re(uire #ork. ;o#ever, you must make some effort toproduce results, other#ise this period is merely pleasant #ith fe#er personal problems thanusual. 3hat makes this time useful is #hatever issues you may have #ith yourself, your family,or even the public usually become easier to resolve, as attempts to learn from past CandpresentD behaviors likely get results.

    Increased sensitivity often manifests #here you can sho# greater receptivity to everyone andeverything around you. 3hatever areas of your life are closed, this time offers the possibility to

    open them up again, if you so desire. You may have the occasion to demonstrate an inclusiveand forgiving nature, #hich brings you closer to those aspects or people of your life that havebecome ignored or estranged over the months and years. This is a time to move for#ard, #hileresolving past issues since you have the capacity to learn more easily from missteps along your 

     "ourney through life.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *extile 8oon is from the Theutureminders astrology report by&ick *ymington

    Transit Jupiter Sextile Moon

     / spirit of cooperation or "oining%#ith for mutual benefit, pervades this time period. /nycommunity%oriented events, gatherings, or group activities you are involved #ith are satisfyingand fruitful. You have excellent rapport #ith others at this time and both your personal and yourpublic or business life are positively affected. riendship is very important to you no#, and if youhave been neglecting that part of your life, no# is the time to reverse that. &urturing andinvesting in friendships #ill be #ell #orth the effort. 4ositive 4otentials< !motional generosity,


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    good #ill and openness #ith others increases. eunions or reconciliations #ith family membersor friends. ;ealing or easing difficulties in a close relationship is possible if you take theinitiative. ;appy ?for no reason?. &egative 4otentials< There are fe# negatives associated #iththis cycle, other than simply not taking the many opportunities to en"oy and share #ith peoplethat are available to you no#. emedies and *uggestions< This is a time to en"oy and rene#your spirit. 9alance social and play activities #ith some time to reflect, replenish, and rene#

    yourself. This is a good time to travel for recreation, also.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *extile 8oon is from the *tar+ight *olutions astrology report by-ina onco


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     JUPITER Square Moon

    Jupiter Square Moon

    You may feel good in a certain place but opportunity may take you else#here. *tep back abit from your situation and consider potential conse(uences before deciding #hat to do.

     /cting on a #him may not get you #here you #ant to go. Indulging in the munchies or getting#asted does not solve any problems. You can deal #ith it@

    Some more Interpretations of Transit Jupiter Square Moon from our astrologyreports and readings:

    Transit Jupiter Square Moon

    'uring this time period you insist on having more time to en"oy the company of friends andfamily. / family get%together is likely at this time. Your disposition is cheerful, outgoing, and#arm, and you have a #onderful time sharing feelings and interests #ith others. This is a time#hen you can break do#n a communication barrier or feeling of distance #ith a person that youfeel you cannot get close to. If you have been feeling lonely or #ish you had more friends, this isan excellent time to get out of your house and meet ne# people. Join a club or attend a meetingor social event0 you #ill meet people #hose company you really en"oy and be glad you #ent.You need to expand your circle of friends a little no# and break out of some old habits that arekeeping you caught in a rut. Your interest in en"oying yourself and having a good time is likely toextend to food as #ell, and you may put on a fe# pounds. f course, it is not healthful to gooverboard on rich foods and s#eets. n the other hand, dieting at this time is likely to be

    unsuccessful and this is not a good time to be on a strict #eight%reducing program.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *(uare 8oon is from the +ife orecast astrology report by -inaonco

    Transit Jupiter Square Moon

    Jupiters basic good vibes mask the problems resulting from impulsive, extravagant or lethargicchoices Cor non%choicesD. !ncourage to do hisher home#ork and research the optionsbefore, lets say, buying a car or signing a rental agreement. / little dietary restraint goes a long#ay. 3e all need to remember to practice #hat #e preach, especially parents. &evertheless, ifneed be, discuss #ith any intentional or unintentional insincerity. Truth delivered #ith humor

    often is easier to hear.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *(uare 8oon is from the /stro Journey 4arent astrology report by5athy -arcia

    Transit Jupiter Square Moon

    T/&*ITI&- J64IT! *E6/! &/T/+ 8&%%There is often a need to confront the


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    unconscious areas of the psyche during this transit and it can bring uncomfortable events fromthe past to your attention. This can be an opportunity to heal those emotional #ounds. Inrelationships, there can be a conflict bet#een the desire to be close and the desire to be free.Try to avoid becoming trapped by your emotions by cultivating a sense of detachment, #hile atthe same time confronting the unpleasant and subconscious aspects of yourself. Your sense of

     "ustice is extremely high at this time, and you #ill feel outrage at anyone or anything you

    perceive to be unfair. /gain, you need to be sub"ective and detach yourself from unreasonableor unhealthy acting out as a result of your sense of fair play. Try to be an observer in thesesituations and learn from practicing patience.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *(uare 8oon is from the 'estiny 7 'ecisions astrology report byiley -ood#in

    Transit Jupiter Square Moon

    'uring this time you could experience marital differences, religious or legal conflicts andproblems due to #astefulness and irresponsible spending. To #ard off these hassles, it is a

    good idea for you to attune yourself ecologically, both internally and externally. 9reak a#ay fromhabits that keep you a#ay from people. This is not the time for social isolation, it is a time tointerrelate #ith lots of ne# people. *ome sort of ma"or family event is no# probable. Youre alsofeeling nostalgic. It #ill be a challenge for you to stick to your diet no#. h #ell, eat less of the?bad stuff? and more of the very best. Tap into your emotional po#er. 8ake some realistic plansto develop your self, your talents, your abilities and your earning po#er. nce you find the rightteaching or philosophy to live by, your fate #ill improve considerably.

    This Interpretation of Jupiter *(uare 8oon is from the uture Trends astrology report