Juniper Green School Nursery · Juniper Green School Nursery Last term was very busy with our...

Juniper Green School Nursery Last term was very busy with our Scottish Book Week Literacy project in November. We enjoyed reading some of Julia Donaldson’s stories that have been translated into Scots including ’The Gruffalo’s Wean’ , ’The Reiver Rat’ and ’The Room on the Broom’. The children loved ’Whit The Clockleddy Heard’ so much we created our very own farm role play area for the ’fine prize coo’ with large cardboard cut out animals that the children painted. We worked in collaboration with local nurseries on this project and were delighted to welcome children and staff from ’Juniper Green Tots’ private nursery to join us for our special Scottish Storytelling day. The children from both classes thoroughly enjoyed performing in our nativity musical ’Christmas Counts’ in December. They all did such a wonderful job singing, doing the actions and remembering their lines. They performed with such confidence and clearly enjoyed the whole experience. January Nursery News Welcome back! We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new families of the children that have joined us in the afternoon class. The new children are settling very well and the afternoon class have been very welcoming and have played a huge part in helping them feel part of our nursery family.

Transcript of Juniper Green School Nursery · Juniper Green School Nursery Last term was very busy with our...

Page 1: Juniper Green School Nursery · Juniper Green School Nursery Last term was very busy with our Scottish Book Week Literacy project in November. We enjoyed reading some of Julia Donaldson’s

Juniper Green School Nursery

Last term was very busy

with our Scottish Book

Week Literacy project in

November. We enjoyed

reading some of Julia

Donaldson’s stories that

have been translated into

Scots including ’The

Gruffalo’s Wean’ , ’The

Reiver Rat’ and ’The Room on

the Broom’. The children loved ’Whit The Clockleddy Heard’ so much

we created our very own farm role play area for the ’fine prize coo’

with large cardboard cut out

animals that the children

painted. We worked in

collaboration with local nurseries

on this project and were

delighted to welcome children

and staff from ’Juniper Green

Tots’ private nursery to join us

for our special Scottish Storytelling day.

The children from both

classes thoroughly enjoyed

performing in our nativity

musical ’Christmas Counts’

in December. They all did

such a wonderful job

singing, doing the actions

and remembering their

lines. They performed with

such confidence and clearly enjoyed the whole experience.

January Nursery News

Welcome back!

We would like to extend a warm

welcome to our new families of the

children that have joined us in the

afternoon class. The new children

are settling very well and the

afternoon class have been very

welcoming and have played a huge

part in helping them feel part of our

nursery family.

Page 2: Juniper Green School Nursery · Juniper Green School Nursery Last term was very busy with our Scottish Book Week Literacy project in November. We enjoyed reading some of Julia Donaldson’s

PEEP (Parents in Early Education Partnership)

Last term Mrs Wells and Miss

Huxley ran a pre-schooler PEEP

group on Wednesday mornings. The

children, parents, grandparents

and staff had a wonderful time

making musical instruments, sing-

ing, creating clay hedgehogs,

building models together and much more. They have just begun their

next block with ante pre-schooler children on Wednesday afternoons.

If you are interested in the forthcoming groups both for ante-

preschoolers and preschoolers please speak to either Mrs Wells or

Miss Huxley and they would be delighted to give you more information.

It is usually a 5/6 week

block for the last hour

of the nursery session

for parents to play and

learn with their children,

build relationships with

each other and their

peers in a relaxed and

informal setting.

As you know we said a sad farewell to the much loved Mrs Huxley at

Christmas time and wished her well for her retirement. Mrs Jose-

fine Schneidt-Frazer is now working full time and Mrs Sandra Gibb

is part time (Mon, Tues, Wed AM) job sharing with Miss Susan Hux-

ley (Wed PM, Thurs and Fri)

The New Year and


Since our return after

the Christmas holiday

we have already been

making, learning and ex-

ploring so much. Follow-

ing the children’s request to bring the soft play shapes and mats in-

side they have been having such a lot of fun running their very own

soft play café which they named ‘Jungle Jumps!’ The children have

been keen to dress up and adopt the role of various staff and visi-

tors within the soft play café such as the chef, waitress and till op-


Page 3: Juniper Green School Nursery · Juniper Green School Nursery Last term was very busy with our Scottish Book Week Literacy project in November. We enjoyed reading some of Julia Donaldson’s

Numeracy Sacks

We are in the process of creating

and organising numeracy sacks for

the children. These will be sacks

full of resources and games that

the children can take home to play

with their families and help to develop, support and challenge their

learning in numeracy and early mathematics. There will be more in-

formation to follow about this new and exciting initiative.

Applications for delayed entry to primary school—Deferrals

If your child was born between the 1st January and 28th Febru-

ary 2013 then their school place can be delayed until the start of

the next school year and they will be enti-

tled to receive a continued, funded place at

nursery. Applications for delayed entry are

required to be submitted to the City of Ed-

inburgh by March.

Mrs Acheson will be creating a display in

the nursery entrance area providing you

with all the relevant information regarding this process. She will

also be discussing this individually with all the parents of eligible

children before completing the necessary paperwork. If you have

any questions regarding this please do not hesitate to ask Mrs


Important Dates for your Diary

6th-10th February Nursery Come and Play Open Day week – An invita-

tion for parents to come into nursery and play with your

child. Sign up in the nursery entrance area to indicate

which session you are attending.

13th—17th February Mid term holiday. All resume Monday 20th February

Week of 27th Feb-


World Book Day Celebrations

Mon 27th Feb-Wed 1st March Bring in books for a

whole school Book Swap taking place on Thursday 2nd


Friday 3rd March—Dress as your favourite Book

character and bring along the book their character is

from to share at nursery.

Tuesday 7th March


Thursday 9th March


Parent Consultations for ANTE PRE-SCHO0OLER

children. Sign up sheets will be available nearer the

time to choose your time slot.

Weeks of 3rd April-

17th April

Easter Holidays—all resume Tuesday 18th April

Page 4: Juniper Green School Nursery · Juniper Green School Nursery Last term was very busy with our Scottish Book Week Literacy project in November. We enjoyed reading some of Julia Donaldson’s

Late arrival

A member of staff will always

be on the door to welcome

children and parents into

nursery from 8.30-8.45am and

12.20-12.35pm. If you arrive

with your child after this time

we would really appreciate it if

you could go to the school office and a member of the office

team will bring you through to nursery. The nursery staff are

meeting with their colour groups and are needed within the

nursery and it is also in order to maintain the children's safety.

Many thanks we appreciate your co-operation with this.

Get in touch

Finally if there is any-

thing you are unsure of or

have a question about do

not hesitate to speak to a

member of the nursery

staff team. We’re here

to help!

We are always looking to gather your ideas, feedback and sug-

gestions. We have a nursery suggestions box in the entrance

beside the cloakroom and we will always endeavour to take your

suggestions on board.

Many thanks for your continued support,

The Nursery Team