Juniata College Admission Magazine Winter 2012

A Magazine Published by Juniata College Office of Admission Winter ‘12 6 Degrees of Separation I4I Students and Companies Create Lasting Success Hot Topics Courses that Rock our World Fashion From Class to Capstones, Students Get the Job Done in Style One Student’s Ticket to HOLLYWOOD HOLY JUNIATA STUDENT! I’m BATMAN


Juniata College is an independent, co-educational college of liberal arts and sciences founded by members of the Church of the Brethren in 1876. Juniata’s mission is to provide an engaging, personalized educational experience empowering our students to develop the skills, knowledge and values that lead to a fulfilling life of service and ethical leadership in the global community.

Transcript of Juniata College Admission Magazine Winter 2012

A Magazine Published by Juniata College Office of Admission Winter ‘12

6 Degrees of Separation

I4IStudents and Companies Create Lasting Success

Hot TopicsCourses that Rock our World

FashionFrom Class to Capstones, Students Get the Job Done in Style

One Student’s Ticket to HOLLYWOOD





Juniata is published by Juniata College Office of Admission and is a biannual magazine. Please send change of address to: Juniata College, Enrollment Center, 1700 Moore Street, Huntingdon, PA 16652. Juniata College, as an educational institution and employer, values equality of opportunity and diversity. The College is an independent, privately supported co-educational institution committed to providing a liberal arts education to qualified students regardless of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability. Its policies comply with requirements of Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IV of the Education Amendments of 1972, and all other applicable federal, state, and local statutes, regulations and guidelines.


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Juniata College is an independent, co-educational college of liberal arts and sciences founded by members of the Church of the Brethren in 1876. Juniata’s mission is to provide an engaging, personalized educational experience empowering our students to develop the skills, knowledge and values that lead to a fulfilling life of service and ethical leadership in the global community.




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Cover photo: courtesy Andy Waplinger ’12

The Batman and Robin are registered trademarks of D.C. Comics.

2 juniata / Winter ’12

AccountingAnthropologyArt History Arts ProductionBiochemistryBiologyBusiness ChemistryCommunicationCommunication & Conflict Resolution Computer ScienceDigital MediaEarth and Space ScienceEconomicsEducation—pre-K to 4th gradeEducation, Secondary—biology, chemistry,

earth/space science, English, environmental education, French, general science, German, mathematics, physics, social studies, Spanish

Engineering (3-2)*Engineering PhysicsEnglishEntrepreneurshipEnvironmental Economics Environmental Science Environmental StudiesFinanceFrench GeologyGermanHealth CommunicationHistoryHistory & Museum Studies Human Resource Management Information TechnologyInternational Business

International PoliticsInternational StudiesManagementMarketingMathematicsMuseum Studies with Art History Peace & Conflict StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy, Politics & EconomicsPhysicsPoliticsPre-Health Professions—pre-art therapy,

pre-audiology, pre-biotechnology*, pre-chiropractic, pre-cytotechnology*, pre-cytogenetics*, pre-dentistry, pre-genetic counseling, pre-health administration, pre-medical social work, pre-medical technology*, pre-medicine, pre-naturopathic medicine, pre-nursing*, pre-occupational therapy*, pre-optometry, pre-pharmacy*, pre-physical therapy*, pre-physician assistant, pre-podiatry, pre-public health, pre-radiologic sciences, pre-veterinary medicine

Pre-LawProfessional WritingPsychologyReligious StudiesRussianSocial WorkSociologySpanish EducationSpanish/Hispanic CulturesStudio ArtTheatre Performance Undecided/ExploratoryWildlife Conservation

Areas of Study

*Dual degree

Where are we?

You might not believe it when we tell you people wave at one another as they pass on the sidewalk. You might doubt it when we tell you that one night each spring, the physics students are rock stars. You might be skeptical that the prevailing smell

on the breeze at our first big student welcome event is chocolate.

That’s fine. Some things—brownie breezes, the pyrotechnic flair of Physics Phun Night, the jovial thunder of students storming The Arch, the sheer amount of times people wave hello at you—you’ll have to wait to experience until you are a student.

Fortunately, most of what makes Juniata great—the welcoming community, the unusually open and green campus, the personalized attention and support of faculty, staff, and peers committed to your success—is available anytime.

So come visit. Because the best way to decide on Juniata is to see the College for yourself.

In many ways, Juniata’s Program of Emphasis resembles a traditional major—but it’s better. It’s a flexible system in which you are encouraged to combine academic interests to make you more marketable for careers and graduate school. Skills necessary in today’s world include creativity, self-discipline and self-direction. All are developed as you work with two advisers on your POE, whether you choose a designated program or design your own. Discover an interest along the way? Consult with advisers to work it in, while keeping momentum toward graduation.

Genna Welsh Kasun ’06 Editor [email protected]

Michelle Bartol ’84 Dean of Enrollment [email protected]

Ellen Santa Maria ’12 Juniata Associate Writer

Sarah Erdely ’12 Graphic Designer


juniata / Winter ’12 3

juniata / Winter ’12 JUNIATA.EDU


18 Andy Waplinger ’12 not only calls The

Batman and Robin pals, but also hangs with actors from NBC’s show Community.


05 SECRETS TO OUR SUCCESS Students present with profs at conference

06 GOOOOOAAAAALLLLLLLL Scoring a job in sports management

07 INNOVATIONS FOR INFINITY Students and companies create lasting success

08 PEOPLE WATCHING Juniata’s class of 2015 profile

10 HOT TOPICS Juniata’s favorite and unique classes

14 REACTIONS IN SYNC A look at some of Juniata’s unknown traditions

15 FASHION Juniata College in style

04THE GREAT OUTDOORS Professors take the classroom outdoors


Advice for a Fulbright, from a Fulbright Scholar


A look at some of Juniata’s unknown traditions

16 CONTEST WINNERS Could you be a winner?

17 TOP CHEF Students create the extraordinary

19 SCHOLARSHIPS Recognizing outstanding achievements



16E-textbooks, renting, buying new, or used. See the opinions.


Welcome to this issue, where you will read success stories and get a sneak peak into the lives of students at Juniata College.

Classroom AlfrescoBy Genna Welsh Kasun ’06

The Great Outdoors:

Professor Grace Fala

Professor Ryan Mathur

For more, see the individual department web pages:www.juniata.edu/departments



ASTRONOMYPaul Hickes Observatory


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4 juniata / Winter ’12

Courses: Many in the geology curriculum Professor: Ryan Mathur ’96 On a sunny day: Geologist Mathur and class are observing nearby outcrops

Ryan on Rocks: “Our whole curriculum in geology is based on field work. Seeing and learning hands-on is something that an image will never capture. I have been part of many group projects, and I know that only when you see and experience the scale and true magnitude of earth processes can you conceive of what is in front of you.”

Courses: Astronomy Professor: Matt Beaky On a starry night: Beaky and class are stargazing behind Brumbaugh Academic Center, in and around Juniata’s Paul Hickes Observatory

Matt on Stars: “Too often we accept without question what we hear in the classroom or read in books, without realizing that we are capable of observing those things for ourselves and drawing our own conclusions. In my astronomy class, students are required to participate in naked eye observations of the stars and constellations and learn to use star maps; using binoculars to view celestial objects not visible to the naked eye; and using telescopes to observe star clusters, nebulae and galaxies.”

Courses: Many, but she’s famous for Public Speaking, Interpersonal Communication, Intercultural Communication and Health Communication Professor: Grace Fala In the morning sun: Fala and class fill the amphitheater outside Founders Hall or make a circle in the grass on the campus quad

Speaking of fresh air: “We go outside as often as we can. Why? Because we’re all still kids at heart and we want to play in the sunshine, listen to the birds, dig our feet into the earth and breathe in that fresh air. Students gain a deeper sense of place when exploring the outside. In the fresh air, there’s a sense of, ‘We belong together more because we share a new space called nature—and not Facebook—together.’”

Students Present with Profs at ConferenceBy Genna Welsh Kasun ’06

Classroom Alfresco

Professors travel to conferences all the time. Like sociologists Daniel Welliver and Cynthia Merriwether-DeVries. The two Juniata faculty recently presented research in February at The Eastern Sociological Society Conference in Philadelphia, Pa.

But they aren’t the type to steal all the glory. So they took two Juniata students, Shelleisha Salmon ’11 and Brittany Gregory ’11, along for the ride. Many Juniata students get the opportunity to present their undergraduate research through similar experiences. So, the Juniata Admission Magazine writers asked Professor Welliver why college students should go to conferences and present.

Secrets to Our Success

We had some pretty good discussions on the way to and from the conference. Even walking to dinner on South Street, we saw a huge mural showing (renowned African-American sociologist) W.E.B. Du Bois. With sociologists everything is open to scrutiny. In fact, for a social scientist just walking around Philly is like being in a candy store. I guess the students in natural sciences can leave their research behind when they go out to dinner. Coming back, we now have a shared language that can build another level of discourse in the classroom.

Q: Why is it important to take students to a professional conference?

A: Both Shelleisha and Brittany are graduate school-bound, where they are going to be expected to discuss their work and research. This conference and their poster presentations gave them the experience of meeting other professionals in their field, getting some positive feedback and critiques on their work. They were interacting with an audience that will help them to refine and affirm what they are doing.

Q: How did you and Prof. Merriwether-DeVries prepare them?

A: We did a dry run in the hotel before the poster session, which I think helped them work out any nervousness. It must have worked because Shelleisha talked at length with a professor from Columbia University who was doing similar research. Brittany was so impressive in fielding questions that one professor from Lehigh University asked her to apply to their graduate program.

Q: What did they do there?

A: Shelleisha was showing a poster for her research on “Aging, AIDS and African-American Women,” and Brittany showed a poster on her research, which compares public transportation access in London, England and Baltimore, Md.

Q: Any other surprising learning experiences?


Professor Grace Fala

Professor Ryan Mathur


Photo: Jeff Bruzee ’14

juniata / Winter ’12 5

“There’s a grassroots interest in sport management,” says Randy Rosenberger, a professor in accounting, business and economics at Juniata, who teaches the course. For the last five years, his class has been filled. Since then, Juniata grads from varying POEs have gone on to management, marketing and coaching careers with the Philadelphia Eagles, colleges and universities including Kenyon and Transylvania, and athletic conferences. “The course provides an examination of industry concerns that aren’t so different from other courses I teach, like Human Resource Management,” Rosenberger says. “For example, not so long ago the National Hockey League lost an entire season to a labor force management issue.” There’s a paper and a textbook for the course, but, for most of the class time, students give presentations on controversial sports topics like performance enhancement drugs, scholarships

By Genna Welsh Kasun ’06

Basing your career on one class is the academic equivalent of a Hail Mary pass. But that hasn’t stopped recent alumni from landing jobs in the industry.


Getting a Job in


Much of the Juniata curriculum hinges on students’ independence. They design their own POEs, pursue topics of their own interest in undergraduate research and undertake independent study courses. But, as with Sport Management, a strong professor is always at center court—be it while a student interns at Juniata Athletics or as they take other courses, like Sports Literature.

For more information on athletics outcomes, check out bit.ly/jcsportsoutcomes


for Division III collegiate athletes, and more. In fact, class discussions often go on for several class periods before losing interest. There’s also a competition, modeled after ESPN’s Around the Horn, that forces students to debate questions that blend fun and business, like “Will Tiger Woods win another major?” For some students, Rosenberger’s course has been a game changer. Kelly Rotan ’10 turned an internship with Pink Zone, a Lady Lions breast cancer benefit game at Penn State Athletics, into a career with the university. “Being on the sidelines at games and creating halftime events is awesome,” Rotan says. “Professor Rosenberger teaches in a way that enables students to get a better understanding of what the real world is really like—and not just in sports.” Recently, Rotan became assistant women’s basketball coach at Yale University. Rosenberger modestly insists that Juniata’s focus on discussion-based courses is the secret to alumni success, adding, “We’ve moved entirely away from lecture.”

6 juniata / Winter ’12

From calculus to capstone experiences, Juniata students grab the gear that gets the job done in style.

Fall & Winter

Photography by : Sungouk Park ‘14 Ara Brancamp ’13 Anastasia Pepelyaeva ’12Daisuke Miyakoshi ’12

Charly Verstraet ’12 Tara Brumbaugh ’14 Hitomi Osaka ’12

Stephanie Steinhauer ’12 Evgeny Grigorash ’12 Christian Gehman ’15 Laura Hess ’11

Akulina Zhenya ’12


juniata / Winter ’12 7

People Watching:

E: So what was your first academic decision that helped prepare you for the Fulbright?

Juniata’s Class

Rebecca Brumbaugh ’15, of Hilton, N.Y., sewed historical costumes from pioneer times as part of her work and volunteerism at Genesee Country Village and Museum as a youth historical interpreter.

Jessica Scales ’15, of Westerly, R.I., helped develop a nonprofit organization that mobilizes Mini Cooper car owners in the northeast to collect and transport toys for terminally ill children in an annual toy run. “MINI’s-Making-A-Difference” was founded in 2003. Since then, more than 8,000 toys and $98,000 have been distributed.

Sophie Chambers ’15, of San Diego, Calif., worked for a year as an intern/volunteer at Lpath Therapeutics, Inc. “At one point, I had to learn to successfully anesthetize mice without killing them or having them wake up in the middle of a procedure,” Sophie recalls. Before working in the lab, Sophie hadn’t found science to be particularly interesting. Now, Sophie is including science classes in her POE. Her ultimate goal is to go into psychiatry or psychological research.

D: As early as my first year, I started going to study abroad fairs. Also, I recognized the importance of gaining international work experience if I wanted to pursue a career in higher education. I applied for Educational Programmes Abroad program in Edinburgh, Scotland. There, I would have an internship experience working at Edinburgh’s Napier University in addition to taking two classes. Juniata’s study abroad office got me hyped to start the application process, and it was all history from there!

E: What was your first step toward winning the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to Montenegro?

D: I knew about Fulbrights because I’d been contacted by Dave Reingold, the chemistry professor in charge of preparing Fulbright applications. I immediately went to my advisers and discussed whether or not this was a good idea. When everyone said, “Go for it!” we narrowed down the application process and were very strategic about every little detail so as to maximize my chances of receiving the scholarship. I even organized a review committee of people who’d studied in Montenegro and Juniata professors from different departments to gather a lot of feedback. Thankfully, they were more than willing to help out.

E: What are your tips for writing a good Fulbright essay?

D: Be creative; be you. A successful Fulbright essay will only be achieved through the process of revision, editing, and constructive feedback. Use concrete sentences, astute organization and vivid word choice.

E: So, where do you go from here?

D: I am currently enrolled as a graduate student at New York University.

E: What makes you so passionate about helping out other Juniata students on their path to success?

D: Juniata provided me the confidence I needed to compete with students from Ivy League universities. I view it as my responsibility to help students go above and beyond. Even in Tirana, Albania, people know Juniata! I was at a conference there, and mentioned Juniata. A woman stood and said that she’d read about Juniata in the Chronicle of Higher Education, as one of the best colleges to work for in the United States. She said, “Please tell me how I can get a job there.”

As a senior balancing field hockey, school and having a life, you would think that applying for the Fulbright Scholarship would be off my radar. Ah, but I’m a bit crazier than that. Luckily, I have a friend who not only applied for the Fulbright, but got it. Dustin Gee ’10, from Lawrenceville, Pa., won a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) to Montenegro. After I got over my jealousy, I decided to pick his brain via Skype for advice. Here’s what he said:

The InsideScoop


participated in community service


Photo: Ellen Santa Maria ’12

Photos courtesy of

Jessica Scales ’15

By: Ellen Santa Maria ’12

8 juniata / Winter ’12

People Watching: Juniata’s Class

We’re not sure yet what your class (be it 2016 or beyond) will look like. But, if you want to know who goes to Juniata, look no further than this year’s freshmen. We present: the Class of 2015, composed of 387 students.

Trevor Stevens ’15, of James Creek, Pa., has called many places home, including Italy, where he attended elementary school. That’s just one reason why Trevor is one of many Juniata freshmen who plan to study abroad in college. “For me, being able to excel in my two years of school in Italy was something to be proud of,” Trevor says. “Working hard to achieve something in a country with a completely different system is incredibly fulfilling.”

Singers ONE in EIGHT sang in a choral group or choir

Travelers 53.5% reported they are SURE they want to study abroad

Future Legislators

ONE in SEVEN served in student government

Top Names 6 6 Alexanders Emilys

of 2015

Aaron Egerter ’15, of Point Pleasant Beach, N.J., is a seafarer. The Dauntless, a fishing boat typically full of tourists, has been in his family for decades and he’s worked as guide, pilot, deck hand and resident expert in the family’s tackle shop throughout the years. On days when the weather is too stormy or the ocean too choppy, he does dock work like changing anchors or doing repairs in the engine room. Aaron plans to get his Captain’s license one day.

Workers 35.9%

worked while inhigh school

Thalia “T.J.” Chance-Chin ’15, of Tampa, Fla., was determined to play field hockey during high school—even though there are no high school field hockey teams in the Sunshine State. So, she played on a co-ed club team with adults. “It’s weird to be playing with people who are my age and all girls, but my teammates are amazing, and they’re also now my new family,” T.J. says.

Jocks 66%

were athletes in high school

By Genna Welsh Kasun ’06


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juniata / Winter ’12 9

Hot Topics: Courses That Rock Our WorldA few of these courses are unique to Juniata. Some are not. Either way, our students describe their favorite

courses at Juniata and why they’re prime bragging fodder to all your friends taking intro classes elsewhere.

The History of God

“The material for this class is

fascinating. I felt as though I was

finally being let in on old secrets. I

learned everything about Christianity

from its beginning to the present. But I

also learned about people in general.”

—Brittany Spayd ’12, Altoona, Pa.

Cinderella“This class is mystically creative! We create our own

Cinderella story, but weave

it throughout an actual time

period in history. We research

and learn so much while dipping

into our creativity. It was a

great journey!”

— Taressa King '12, Huntingdon, Pa.

Climate Change“Global warming is a serious issue that is going to need to be dealt with by my generation. This eye-opening class inspired me to make some changes in my everyday life to decrease my carbon footprint.”

—Andy Wolfe ’12, Carlisle, Pa .

The Kennedys“At any other school, a class about the Kennedy family would simply be ordinary. But, Professor Mahoney was able to add

personal insight into the lives of the Kennedys based on his father’s connection to the family as well as his own personal

research. My favorite part of the course was a simulation exercise: we were able to

reenact important events that occurred during President Kennedy’s time in office.” —Ryan Lockridge ’12,

Trumbull, Conn.

Political and Cultu

ral Modernizations

“What you learn in this c

lass will

open your eyes to view the world in

a whole new light. We discu

ssed child

labor in the cocoa industry, the p

olitics of

breast feeding, the

corn industry in

America and more. We even had mock U.N.

sessions to discus

s the achievem

ent of the

first Millennium Development Goal.

All in all, I learned a to

n of

information that has really

stuck with me.”

—Meg Illig ’13,

Homer City, Pa.

Chinese (levels I through III)

“Chinese is not only an intro level course of

language, but also a learning experience in culture.

There’s a field trip to Chinatown in Washington,

D.C. Taking Chinese opens doors to so many

opportunities, and learning about another country

is very interesting as well.”

—Chau Nguyen ’12, Hanoi, Vietnam

10 juniata / Winter ’12

Hot Topics: Courses That Rock Our WorldA few of these courses are unique to Juniata. Some are not. Either way, our students describe their favorite

courses at Juniata and why they’re prime bragging fodder to all your friends taking intro classes elsewhere.

Sustainable Agriculture

“This class really got me questioning everything about agriculture, from how it is

practiced, to whether or not the food on my table might even be safe to eat. We

visited farms that were completely organic and large operation farms that were

completely industrialized. Then, we discussed our reactions to each.”

—Alex Manwiller ’14, Reading, Pa.

Political and Cultu

ral Modernizations

“What you learn in this c

lass will

open your eyes to view the world in

a whole new light. We discu

ssed child

labor in the cocoa industry, the p

olitics of

breast feeding, the

corn industry in

America and more. We even had mock U.N.

sessions to discus

s the achievem

ent of the

first Millennium Development Goal.

All in all, I learned a to

n of

information that has really

stuck with me.”

—Meg Illig ’13,

Homer City, Pa. Young Adult Literature

“Professor Carol Peters always teaches one of the first three Harry Potter books and, while she picks half of the books, the class chooses the other half. While the reading may appear to be lighter than that of traditional English courses, you have to think critically about the content of the books and why each should or should not be considered literature.” —Dani Gaisior ’12, McVeytown, Pa.

Sports Literature“Professor Mathur really brought to

light exactly how sports mirrors major

political movements that face our

country. We were actively discussing

and defending our opinions using

a variety of sources we had already

read. The class was filled with people

who were passionate about sports, and

this lead to great discussions that

continued outside of the classroom

as well.” —Evan Beatty ’12, Hershey, Pa.

Bookmaking“The bookmaking room is open all night, and there’s a good reason for that. It was a lot of hard work. However, the art by the students in bookmaking was really beautiful and creative. There was a lot of outside-the-box thinking, and we learned how to use books to make other three-dimensional objects of art.” —Laura Bitely ’14, Independence, W.Va.

Yoga Studies“My favorite part of this course was the final paper. We were able to choose any topic relating to yoga so I was able to tie in my POE and write on the topic, ‘Yoga and Elementary Education.’ It was very interesting to tie two very different topics together into ideas I can use.”

—Brittany V. Danel ’12, Stoystown, Pa.

By Genna Welsh Kasun ’06Photo: Sungouk Park ’14

juniata / Winter ’12 11

There’s something about traditions that can turn a group of strangers into close friends

in just minutes. Think Times Square on New Year’s Eve as the ball drops, or meal time

with family and friends to celebrate a holiday. Now think Juniata. Maybe you’ve

heard about such campus-wide traditions as Mountain Day, Pigroast and Storming

of the Arch. Now think even smaller: Juniata has a ton of little-known traditions that, according to our students, almost everyone has experienced—often recalled as their fondest memories of their alma mater.

Ellen Santa Maria ’12, Wallingford, Pa.

ofLittle-Known Traditions Memories are Made From

Rites Passage:Ph




ee ’1

4By: Ellen Santa Maria ’12

12 juniata / Winter ’12

Shacka-what? Shackathon. Step one, you build a makeshift shelter out of cardboard boxes. Step two, you get in the box. Step three, you stay there all night in front of Juniata’s Ellis Hall to raise awareness about homelessness. Sounds simple, right? That’s because it is. Rebecca Strohm, a junior from Rochester, N.Y., explains, “Every year, always on a cold night in fall semester, Habitat for Humanity builds small structures out of cardboard boxes and duct tape to sleep in for the night.” Caitlin Davies, a senior from St. Paul, Minn., told me why it’s so significant to her. “It’s special because it reminds students how fortunate we all are to be here. As we are going to class all bundled up, there are others who have to sleep outside in the cold,” she said. Altruism and hanging out with friends? Sounds like good fun to me.

The CliffsWithin a day of being here on campus, I’d heard about “the cliffs.” At first, it seemed to be a really ominous place—somewhere I’d not venture on my own. Good thing a big part of visiting the cliffs is romance. I won’t speak on my own experiences in this respect, but senior Mike Kraft of York, Pa., will. “I took a date to the cliffs and saw beautiful skies and three shooting stars. It was a bit frightening walking there in the dark,” he said. The gorgeous view of the mountains, river and train tracks make for a perfect setting to sit with your sweetheart and talk about, well, anything really. It’s so pretty up there that even in silence, the landscape speaks volumes.

Lunch at Standing Stone A group of friends sat together on the quad discussing food before lunch. I took the opportunity to ask them about one of the tastiest little-known traditions: heading off campus to Standing Stone Coffee Company.

Located just a few blocks from campus, Standing Stone is a student favorite for its paninis, coffee and breakfast foods.

When parents and family come to visit, most students ask to go to Standing Stone as a treat. Molly Snyder, a senior from State College, Pa., said, “Mozzarella and tomato sandwiches just keep bringing me back.” Janelle Howard ’13 from Mechanicsburg, Pa., adds, “The Montana Mountain Climbers are delicious.” In case you were wondering, that’s a Panini, too. Regardless of why you go, Standing Stone is a must-see—or rather, taste—at least once before graduating.

Standing Stone is a café and roastery that was founded by Juniata alum Greg Anderson ’00.

By: Ellen Santa Maria ’12

juniata / Winter ’12 13

Points of View on Undergraduate Research and Fellowships

Why are Juniata students good researchers? Why bring them into your Harvard lab?Greg: J.C. students are very, very bright, enthusiastic and great fun to have in the lab. Their educational experience at Juniata prior to coming to my lab is second to none, and I should know, as I have had other undergrads

in my lab, early on in my career. It is always easier for Juniata students to understand what we are doing in the lab from day one. I’ve been bringing J.C. students into my lab since 1995, and I’ve had more than 15 Juniata students over that time as summer fellows or even have hired them full-time as technicians in my lab.

What do Juniata students actually do in your lab? What was Erin’s project?Each student is given an individual project, as if they were a graduate student. The projects are tailored so that most of the data can be done

within 10-12 weeks. Erin was working on a new project in our lab that was just funded by the National Institutes of Health. She was looking at part of the innate immune system in mediating coagulation.

What was it like when she found out she had been awarded the APS fellowship? My lab has a strong track record of getting these fellowships for Juniata students. The award helps students when they apply for graduate and/or medical school, as they can show that they competed against others in the U.S. and won based on their ability to write, conduct scientific studies and present themselves to others.

Did you research as an undergraduate and, if so, what did you research? Absolutely. I did research one summer that I was at Juniata, and I researched at Armed Forces Institute of Pathology another summer.

Your supervisor was Dr. Gregory Stahl ’84. What was he like? Erin: I learned quickly that Dr. Stahl prefers to be called Greg. Greg was a great mentor. He was always approachable, laid back and interested in my wellbeing.

What from Juniata prepared you for your internship with Greg and what do you think will prep you for the APS fellowship?My professors teach students how to attack problems, mesh new and previously known concepts, and to draw from different disciplines to solve problems. The courses in chemistry, biology and physics were definitely assets, but knowing how to learn was essential.

What do you actually do in Greg’s lab? What was your project?My project involved using blood from human donors, assessing platelet aggregation, and plotting the data in a meaningful way. To prepare, I read journal articles and obtained some basic training in small animal handling and surgery.

What will you do in the APS fellowship?The APS fellowship supported my research by granting a stipend to cover the cost of living in Boston over the summer. It will also provide a travel grant so that I can attend the Experimental Biology Conference and submit a poster of my research in April. I feel prepared though—I’ve had to give oral presentations, write abstracts and present data in a meaningful way in my lab courses at Juniata.

What’s your POE and why do you study that specific field?My POE is biochemistry with a secondary emphasis in German. I like the complexity, the technology and the challenge of finding out new things. Germany has a number of productive research institutions like the U.S. and I would love to conduct biomedical research there for at least part of my career.

Erin McClure ’12 was awarded an American Physiology Society Fellowship in the summer of 2011. Dr. Gregory Stahl ’84 not only suggested she apply for the APS award, but also served as her mentor for an internship in his Harvard lab. Erin and Greg share their stories of the internship and fellowship with Juniata Admission Magazine writers.


Reactions in Sync

By Genna Welsh Kasun ’06

Dr. Gregory Stahl ’84 mentored Erin McClure ’12—both as she applied for the APS Fellowship and during her internship in his Harvard lab.

Photos courtesy of Erin McClure ’12 and Greg Stahl ’8414 juniata / Winter ’12

Reactions in Sync


n many campuses, computer science majors look vaguely like Napoleon Dynamite. But at Juniata, most information technology,

computer science and business students are more comparable to Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs fame. And one course is leading the revolution.

Juniata’s Innovations for Industry, or “I4I,” course is famous for taking hands-on learning to a new level. In a span of three semesters, students are placed on teams, which collectively tackle the challenges of real world clients, like comScore, iContact and Verizon, from whom they sometimes get more than just a short-term experience.

Goehring is in his third semester of working on a team tasked with redesigning an interface for insurance agents who sell Mutual Benefit Insurance, a company that has hired some of its I4I students in the past. Those students-turned-professionals have used their careers at Mutual Benefit to gain leadership and flexibility, all thanks to original I4I projects.

Students and Companies Create Lasting Success

“An IT or computer science degree can become obsolete in only a few years as technologies change, so the most important lesson for a technology professional is to know how to learn as you work,” Goehring says. “Many students come into an I4I project with little training on the software or systems they need to use, but they figure it out and gain vital experience in the process.”

And what they figure out is incredible. Bill Thomas, professor of information technology and computer science, co-teaches the course with Marlene Burkhardt, professor of IT and business. Thomas adds that students typically learn server administration, network administration, database management, Web development and programming as well as four to five coding languages.

But students aren’t the only beneficiaries. In addition to getting a solution from their students, some companies, or clients, find the projects fulfilling.

“Often, these clients put more in than they get out,” Thomas says. “Our clients want not only a product but an opportunity to mentor these students.”

Clients for this semester also include comScore and Altoona Regional Health System.


“Students at Juniata have landed jobs straight out of college when the job ads insisted that ‘two to three years experience is required,’” Steven Goehring ’12 says. “The reason? They’ve already had two years experience from taking I4I.”

forBy Genna Welsh Kasun ’06


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RentingOne option that’s really heating up at Juniata is renting. You pay a fraction of the cost for owning the text, and you just return it at the end of your semester. The only frustration? When the texts have already been highlighted and by someone else. “But it can definitely be worth it for the price,” says Katie Shedlock, a junior from McLean, Va.

E-BooksFor the tech-savvy student, sometimes abandoning hard-copy books altogether is the best option. Brian Aungst, a junior from Millerstown, Pa., says, “I really prefer buying e-books and using them either on my computer or tablet because they’re not only cheaper, but I find them easier to study with. You can highlight and add notes just like a regular book, but you also have a search bar to help you find specific words or phrases in-text that makes studying a lot less of a burden.” Plus, carrying just your laptop or your iPad/tablet around is a lot lighter than a bunch of books.

UsedNormally, the word “used” carries a bad connotation. This time though, “used” translates to “cheaper.” Many students are choosing to buy used texts to save money. The only concern? Quality control. Senior Sarah Erdely from Perryopolis, Pa., explains, “If I can buy it used, I will because it’s much cheaper and it’s not a huge difference in quality between used and new.” Plus, if the book has already been highlighted, sometimes that’s a clue as to what to really focus on while studying.

NewThis is obviously the most expensive option, unless you have a specific purpose in mind for the text. When you’re buying new, you’re guaranteed quality. “If it’s a book that I know I want for the future, or one that will be relevant for my career, I’ll buy it new,” says Holly Brandes, a senior from State College, Pa. Sometimes, dishing out some extra dough is worth it in the long run when it comes to textbooks you’ll use on and off for the rest of your career.

Borrowing Are you a friendly person? Can you be friendly enough to convince a friend to let you borrow a textbook for a semester? That’s what many students choose to do for textbooks instead of buying them. Kelly O’Shea, a senior from Delran, N.J., is a big fan of this textbook option. She says, “When I realized how expensive it can be to buy or rent books, I said to myself, ‘Self, there’s got to be a better way.’ Borrowing textbooks from friends. Economically, it’s the cheapest way; plus, you not only get the book, but you get helpful tips and advice from people who’ve already taken the course”. Smart thinking, Kel.


Let’s Hit the Books

Price, convenience, and quality are all things you think about when it comes to choosing a college. So why not think of textbooks in the same way? It’s hard to define how much you’ll spend on textbooks in any given semester in college, but we’ve scrounged around and found the best tips for getting some heavy reading for a not-so-heavy cost.

The Best Textbook Options

Juniata’s market research expert recently sent an electronic survey about this very magazine to 9,000 readers. Two lucky winners, Heather MacNeill (above) and Devon Carman won a $100 Amazon gift card and a

$50 iTunes gift card, respectively.

By Ellen Santa Maria ’12

Do you have a favorite article from this issue? Are we missing

something you’d like to hear more about? Email Genna Kasun, editor, at [email protected].

2 Lucky


16 juniata / Winter ’12

Meet John Hill ’12. He’s a football player from Pennington, N.J.—so the man needs his food. For athletes who need extra fuel for amped-up intensity on the field, John has figured out a way to keep any sports star happy. He made what he calls “makeshift ranch gumbo.” Don’t be scared off too quickly; he assures you it’s worth the risk. “Usually students will get something like rice and some chicken or beef. Some times we crave a little more kick than what most students can handle. I mix the meat and rice together. Then I go over to the salad bar and add ranch dressing. It gives the food a little more buzz in your taste buds,” he says.

Angelica Molinari ’12, from Sayville, N.Y., is proudly Italian—so it’s hard to impress her with pizza. She prefers to handle it herself by taking a regular bagel from the breakfast line and turning it into a blast from the past: the pizza bagel. She says, “making a pizza bagel isn’t difficult at all. The first step is to get a bagel and toast it. Then, head over to the pizza line where you spread either tomato or cheese sauce on the bagel halves. After you put the sauce on the bagel, just ask the kindly pizza attendant to bake it.” If you want to spice it up a bit, grab veggies from the salad bar, or some meats from the deli line, and make your own supreme pizza bagel.

When I interviewed Tori Lecuit ’12 from Speonk, N.J., I felt like she was channeling my mother—or maybe Elvis. Her Peanut Butter Banana Panini seemed to be the perfect source of comfort food in Baker. Plus, it’s fun to make because you get to use the panini maker. Tori explains, “Take two pieces of bread and spread an enjoyable amount of peanut butter evenly over each side. Then, slice up a banana into little discs. Put them in between the pieces of bread. All you have to do after that is spray the bread with non-stick spray and throw it in the panini press.” Perfect for those rainy days when you just want to stay in bed—but instead you choose to go to Baker to eat.

Ordinary Students Create the Extraordinary

TOP CHEFBaker Refractory is Juniata’s grub hub: with a fully-stocked salad bar, a deli sandwich line, cereal galore, a grill line, a classic line for traditional dinner meals, and an ice cream bar, you could say that Baker keeps everyone coming back for seconds, thirds, and sometimes fourths. Students frequenting Baker often are just as creative as the menu. I talked to five Juniata students who have taken Baker up a notch to meet their own personal needs. So prep your taste buds and chow down on the ultimate student-made Baker concoctions.




By Ellen Santa Maria ’12Photos: Sungouk Park ‘14

Certain traditions are too lovable to ever let go, and the “dino” egg is certainly among these. Shauna Deschenes ’12, from Duncannon, Pa., on the Juniata field hockey team, was taught how to make it from a former player. Ever since, the team has been passing down the recipe so field hockey players can master it and impress their friends. Shauna has been kind enough to share the secret with us, but mastering the technique takes practice, she says. It’s made of vanilla ice cream, melted peanut butter, and crushed-up Special K cereal. Still deterred by the “dino egg” title? Didn’t think so. “Different flavors of ice cream and types of cereal can be substituted,” says Shauna. “All you have to do is crush the Special K in one bowl, heat up the peanut butter in a microwave in another bowl, and slap a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a third bowl. Then, just pour the peanut butter over the vanilla ice cream, and add the cereal. Use an empty bowl to cover the bowl of ingredients, and press the bowls tightly together. Make a circular motion with the bowls until the concoction has formed a solid egg shape,” explains Shauna. As a member of the team, I’ve tried to make a dino egg several times, and it never comes out looking like an egg; Shauna’s does every time. It’s a hard technique to master, but oh so worth it.

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Ellen Santa Maria ’12


can’t help thinking sometimes that people

go to college for the wrong reasons. Whether it’s to find your future spouse, to continue playing a sport, or even just to avoid the “real world,” I’ve talked to enough students my age to know that college isn’t always about academics. But Andy Waplinger, a senior from Dallastown, Pa., has the right idea. He takes his academics seriously, and his professional experiences too. Where has his hard work gotten him? Hollywood. No joke.



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SCENEEnter Andy Waplinger, a self-proclaimed photographer and cinematographer. Enter Nathan Wagoner, Andy’s digital media professor. Wagoner has an old buddy, Mike

Trim ’76, who happens to operate a camera on the set of Weeds. Trim was coming to campus to lecture about show business, and Wagoner let Andy know all about it.



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The plot takes a twist when, after the lecture, Trim’s flight back out to L.A. gets switched from State College to

Harrisburg. Andy took the opportunity to give Trim a ride. “We got to chat about his past career. When we arrived at Harrisburg, he told me that he’d look for an internship for me out in LA.”



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Sure enough, come Summer 2011, Trim has an internship lined up for Andy. And who wouldn’t take that opportunity on

the spot? So he hopped on a plane and made for the Promised Land: Hollywood. Andy had found himself as an intern on the set of Weeds, working behind the camera. “I became good friends with the camera guys, Adam Tsang and George Montejano, who were actually interns on Weeds in the two years before me,” he said.



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SCENESoon enough, Andy finds himself fixing Weeds star Mary-Louise Parker’s laptop. He even exchanged hellos with Community actors Donald Glover and Gillian Jacobs.

Not bad for a summer internship, right?



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SCENEBack at Juniata, Andy’s been keeping busy in his last year,” Wagoner has made sure of that. Not only this, but one of Wagoner’s professors from his time at Juniata will be coming to

guest lecture. He’s Bruce Davis ’65, former Executive Director of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. No big deal. Andy’s looking forward to meeting him. Maybe he’ll need a ride to the airport too.



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After graduation, Andy plans to move right back out to L.A. and get his post-college professional career started as a camera

operator. Within 10 years, Andy aims to be a director of photography. “The location, the work, and the people are absolutely amazing. I can’t wait to be back there, doing what I love.” And, cut. Looks like we have a wrap.







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By: Ellen Santa Maria ’12

18 juniata / Winter ’12

Learn more about Juniata Scholarships by contacting your Enrollment Counselor. See list of counselors at www.juniata.edu/admission/counselors/index.html or contact the financial planning office at 814-641-3142.

Juniata offers an array of competitive scholarships that recognize the outstanding achievements of incoming students without regard to financial

need. Academic Scholarships at Juniata reward students who do well academically, but also contribute to their school and community by getting involved. For most scholarships at Juniata, all you have to do is apply to be considered!

Think You Won’t Get Scholarships At Juniata? Think Again!

Steven Strutt ’13

Juniata Scholarships Ph



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The Distinguished Scholars Awards present opportunities for students who have achieved National Merit, National Hispanic Recognition or National Achievement Finalist status as determined by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. One will earn the W. Clay & Kathryn H. Burkholder Scholarship, valued at over $175,000 over four years, which covers all tuition, room and board, fees and books. Others are eligible for Ronald L. Cherry or Richard M. Simpson Scholarships, valued at over $130,000 over four years, which cover full tuition. Candidates will be interviewed. Those selected must submit official notification of finalist status and indicate Juniata as their final choice college.

James Quinter Scholarships, valued at $80,000 over four years ($20,000 per year), honor the College’s first president. Students whose cumulative GPA is 3.75 or better and who receive at least a 1320 (M+V)/30 ACT Composite or better are eligible for consideration.

Calvert Ellis Scholarships, valued at up to $68,000 over four years (up to $17,000 per year), honor the president who led Juniata in the post-World War II era. These scholarships range from $10,000 to $17,000 per year and are determined by a review of the student’s academic, extracurricular and community achievements.

Counselor Recommended Awards—Heritage and Ray Day Scholarships, valued between $2,000 and $8,000 per year—are awarded to students who show commitment to academic excellence, leadership and community service that culminate in a level of understanding among diverse groups.

Scan here to

find out more.JC

James Quinter Scholar





By: Ellen Santa Maria ’12

juniata / Winter ’12 19

Enrollment Center1700 Moore StreetHuntingdon, PA 16652-2196www.juniata.edu

Violain Jurie, international student, France

Alison Rihs ’11, wildlife conservation

Nora Davidson ’12, historyElaina Robins ’12, art and art history




To check out more photo contest entries and winners, visit the Juniata College photo contest pool on Flickr.