June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden...

NEWSLETTER ISSUE NO 56 June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui Chodkowski Rally Co-ordinator: Richard Moss Newsletter: Katherine Elliott Web Master Eric Gould [email protected] www.laikaclub.com

Transcript of June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden...

Page 1: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui


ISSUE NO 56June 2016

Chairman: Mark Snowden

Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens

Treasurer: Charles ChodkowskiMembership Secretary: Jacqui ChodkowskiRally Co-ordinator: Richard MossNewsletter: Katherine ElliottWeb Master Eric Gould

[email protected]


Page 2: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui

Welcome to New Members


Chairman’s Chat

I was looking forward to reporting on my annual day trip to Ashbourne for the annual warrantycheck-up and service but of course, things have changed. The van is no longer under Fiatguarantee so the chassis service was done ‘on the doorstep’ as will the MoT NEXT year, sojust the warranty check-up. I did confirm with Peak Leisure that although they were no longerLaika dealers they were still able to do the warranty checks so off I went.

The result was 2 or 3 places of damp to report to be covered by the warranty – no problem –‘When can I book it in?’ ‘You can’t.’ ‘Why not?’ ‘Because we can do the warranty checks butwe can’t do the warranty work!!!’

I never thought the 2 wouldn’t go together so I rang Emm Bees, the new Laika dealer inManchester who were still nearly 300 miles nearer (round trip) than Southdowns in Portsmouth.No deal! They weren’t prepared to do warranty work on vehicles they hadn’t sold!

So, off to Portsmouth it was. Their damp check didn’t get the same readings but there was stillwork to do so it was booked in for the following month for a 2 week holiday on its own inSouthdowns workshop, which, on the positive side meant we had the opportunity to sample theNew Forest for a few days and meet up with friends from the Laika club and on the negativeside, it meant I still had to drive 250 miles to Portsmouth, catch a train home, catch a train back2 weeks later and drive another 250 miles home! I hope Laika owners in the future will be morelocally served? I have just heard that Camper UK in Lincoln are now the third Laika dealerin England so hopefully next years trip will feel less like a round the world tour?

I was pleased that the Laika article in last months MMM asked questions we as a club hadasked and hopefully the publicity will increase sales and in turn, increase our membership? Wewait to see.

I would like to close with a plea to all members, we’ve just returned from a very successful rallyin Northumberland (thanks to Keith and Alma Pitcher for stewarding so proficiently) with 16units. The July, October and Christmas rallies have far fewer subscribers so please contactRichard Moss and/or the stewards if you’re interested (Eric will shortly be looking at the websiteto make it easier for members to sign up for rallies online) The website certainly appears wortha look – 8,000 hits a month recently – thanks Eric. Also, Kath was hoping to include articles of atechnical nature and members recommended campsites in this and future Newsletters but re-sponse has been disappointing – all communications will be gratefully received

Happy motor homing


Page 3: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui


Apps Court Farm Rally 17th March to 21 st March

Well Jim and I enjoyed hosting the first Laika rallyof the year. We were on a field with electric andtoilets!! and showers!!!....bit of a walk to them.The site was next to Sunbury lock on the riverThames and we were within walking distance of apub serving lovely food....always a bonus.We welcomed Jane and Peter Wood to their firstLaika rally and it was a pleasure to meet them andenjoy their company. They enjoyed the rally tooand even found a big rug to take home from thegiant car boot sale on the Sunday. Unfortunatelyon their way home Jane and Peter stopped for arest break on the motorway services and to taketheir dog for a walk before carrying on home butsomehow "lost" the van keys so we're stuck at theservice station. After asking around and numerousphone calls they found them in an outside lockerwith the dog lead, oh. sorry they can tell you thatstory at one of the rally barbies.

Thanks Jane and Peter for coming along in yourLaika the one and only Laika to turn up!!The lovely Futters made a dramatic entrance andentertained....not to mention worried us all bygetting stuck in the mud. Luckily the owners havea big tractor for these type of emergencies andDavid and Wendy were soon pitched up.

After everyone had settled in people went for awalk around....especially those with dogs to exer-cise. Jim and I treated our newest members to ahome cooked meal and would have enjoyed Almaand Keith’s company too but unfortunately Almawas poorly at the last minute and they could not make the rally. Sorry we missed you two....next time. Afteran enjoyable evening with Jane and Peter we retired to bed.

Next day we had a lovely walk down to Hampton court along the river about 2 1/2 miles. We had a walkaround the grounds and a bit of Bushy park and had a bite to eat at the palace before heading back to thelocal pub to sus it out. We also had an enjoyable meal in there later that evening.

The next day Jim and I had to go to a lovely cream tea to celebrate my aunts 90th birthday and Pete Elliotttook a group on a walk to the river Wey at Weybridge and found even more pubs to eat and drink in.

On the Sunday we had a coffee morning and said goodbye to two vans and some of us looked around the carboot sale that they have in the field next door. Later some of us decided to have a meal in the pub again andvery nice it was too.

Monday came all too soon and we made our way out and on our way home in convoy at about 10.am.....wehad to wait for the vans because we did not want to risk sinking in the grass.Thank you all for coming it waslovely to see you all and hope to see you again soon.

Page 4: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui


Mini Rally with a Great Heart

Kings Lynn Rally Report April 2016

This was a re-visit of this site for the Club but a first forthose attending which only numbered 4 motorhomes, butthey say that small is beautiful and we made it such anexperience by interacting cohesively and doing most thingstogether.The site has a new toilet block which was of a comfortablestandard, the owners were friendly and helpfulgiving us some ideas of things to do which was detailed in afolder for our exclusive use.As our Vice Chairman had to cancel due to family commit-ments and our Chairman also only the day prior to the startdate, we decided to fill the breach between us.Thursday

Meet and greet in the awning as the weather wasquite kind and Ruth provided drinks and wecollectively planned our campaign to amuse ourselves.The weather forecast was not good however.Friday

With the help of our bus passes we visited Kings Lynnas the bus stop was immediately adjacent to the siteand in the evening we moved over to the luxury ofJacqui and Charles awning and had fish and chipsupper delivered by the local shop as the weather hadnow deteriorated.Saturday

We made further use of the pass by visiting Swafham also on the bus route, it was market day and we sawsome interesting curiosity shops. In the evening we ate at Middleton’s restaurant at Middleton on advice ofWendy and David using local knowledge and theconvenience of their taxi service. This was luxury dining asthe meat was provided by the Restaurant’s own butcher’sshop. Satisfied with the result of their recommendationWendy and David invited us all for drinks in their Palace justto round off an interesting and successful day.Sunday

By this time we were getting used to our mode of traveland reached yet again for the passes to catch the CoastalHopper bus travelling as far as Wells next the Sea wherethe main party walked 4 miles by coastal and woodlandwalks to Holkham where we all met up for lunch andreturned on the same route through Burnham, Hunstantonand Heacham. Alma and Keith hosted us for drinks after teaand we left site on Monday morning.What is the future?

Initially we were a bit disappointed with the low turnout, but we decided to make a success out of it!In spite of cooler April weather overall we considered ourselves fortunate to have enjoyed seasonal weather,an excellent site and good company all at a very reasonable cost.Perhaps we have to be prepared for a lower turnout with reduced membership but there is nothing wrong

with the heart of the Club and I look forward to the next Rally at Alnwick which will be better attended as we

had to close bookings on it!

Page 5: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui


Dunstan Hill CCC site, Embleton, near Alnwick, Northumberland

May 2016

When we arrived at the site a couple of days be-fore and found it shrouded in thick fog, memoriesof the very wet Whitby rally four years ago sprangto mind. Fortunately by Monday when most peo-ple arrived the weather turned bright and sunnyand remained so, albeit with a cooling wind, formost of the five days.

Our thanks go to Geoff who, on Tuesday, arrangeda circular walk to Craister, a small village a fewmiles away, famous for its kipper smoking. Also atCraister there was a stall selling hot kipper or hag-gis rolls which several members sampled and en-joyed to various degrees.

Our bus passes came in handy when quite a few of us visited other nearby towns - Alnwick, Berwick andSeahouses. Unfortunately the wind was abit too gusty to take the boat trip to theFarne Islands to see the Artic Terns andPuffins but we hope that can be anothertime.

On Wednesday evening, The DunstanburghCastle hotel was our venue for a meal whicheveryoneenjoyed. Friday evening the answers to thequiz were given out and the winners wereJane and Peter Wood. Thanks to everyonewho took part.

Saturday we all packed up and went our dif-ferent ways.

Keith and I would like to thank everyone forcoming especially those who discoveredthat civilizationexists north of the Wash.

Page 6: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui


Rosemarie Rees

with regret

It is with deep regret we report the passing on of our dear friend Rosemarie (Rose) of Haydn andRose. Rose was loved by all who knew her, a person who always greeted you with a smile and put every-one at ease. She was an enthusiastic motor caravanner, liked adventure and she enjoyed Laika Clubrallies. Haydn and Rose's first rally with the Club was to Morocco in 2011 and this was followed byCartmel, Puy du Fou, Whitney, Edingley, and Ironbridge. Unfortunately cancer revisited Rose. She foughta brave and positive battle for 5 years, but her condition and treatment put paid to further caravanningtrips. Sadly missed by her family and all her friends, for whom she has provided many fond memories.

A personal note

One evening when Haydn and Rose visited us I mentioned that the Laika Club were organising arally to Morocco, to which Rose exclaimed “Count us in, can we come?” Until that point wife Myfanwywas not very enthusiastic but in the event it was a fantastic rally and the welcome we had from the Clubmembers was heartwarming.(Myf and myself had only attended one rally many years before, using it asa convenient stop-off in Knutsford on our way to Aberdeen). R&H weren't even members then but theycontinued with rallying to Cartmel, Puy du Fou, Whitney, Edingley, and Ironbridge. In fact it is because oftheir enthusiastic report about Brian's rally at Puy du Fou that we're going there this year.

Rose loved their motorhome (so long as Haydn made sure the tank was filled for her shower!), and shetook to their travels with enthusiasm. We've had several trips with them and they would also take tripsto Europe with Myf's sister Sian and husband Brian. It is since the Morocco trip we've got to know moremembers although we got to know a few of the stalwarts at that rally in Knutsford – know them betternow! We thank them too for keeping the Club going. For anyone who hasn't rallied with the Club, if youdo, I can guarantee you'll have a warm welcome, no obligations but very likely to have the chance to walkor cycle and of course an evening meal in a local eatery.

Thank you Club, and thank you Rose for being such a good friend.Doug Harries.

Rose & Myfanwy

The club has sent a donation inmemory of Rose to GOLAU which is

a cancer fund for thechemotherapy service in Swansea.

Page 7: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui


Email sent to rally stewards

Hi Denise and Jim

Just to thank you for making our first Laika Club rally so enjoyable – a pity the same cannot besaid about the journey home but more of that later!

From arriving at the gate to your cheery greeting and Jim running across the field to direct us,through to our departure on Monday morning, we can honestly say that we enjoyed it all and thatyou were perfect hosts. We were able to visit Hampton Court, a long-held wish, enjoy some lovelyhome cooking and meals out and get answers to at least some of our questions about toilets, dump-ing water and other motor-homing matters! Our fellow campers were also good company and welook forward to meeting you all at future rallies.

However the journey home was not entirely incident free! All went well with Peter’s student visit(next to the Brooklands motor museum) and we made an early stop at Newport Pagnell services.After walking Nina and enjoying a lovely home brew (it tastes so much better when you are notpaying motorway prices!) we prepared to continue our journey. The only problem was that thekeys were nowhere to be found. After ½ hour searching everywhere in the van the only answer wecould come up with was that we had left them in the door when returning after using the facilitiesand that someone had stolen them.

We went back into the services searching every grass verge, had an announcement made about lostkeys, searched every bin in the services, enlisted the help of 2 very kind members of staff from theWaitrose outlet etc. but all to no avail.

We phoned youngest daughter (no surprise that it went straight to answer machine) and anotherdaughter who said that she would collect the spares from home and bring them down – about 150miles each way. We phoned our insurers – theft of keys in these circumstances not covered. Wephoned our bank as we have “free” breakdown cover with our account – loss of keys not covered.However they said they would get a key company to contact us.

As you can probably imagine by this time (1 hour in) Jane was not too happy, in fact a full scalenervous breakdown or homicide was looming!

Then for some reason I thought of another place to look – marine toilets were obviously on mymind because I decided that the theft had been a malicious prank and that the thief had obviouslypushed the keys up the large outlet pipe from the toilet. This required our trusty lamp for a full in-vestigation.

On opening the lamp cupboard I found not only the lamp but also the dog lead and the missingkeys. I had obviously unlocked the door and unleashed Nina at the same time and put lead andkeys in the one cupboard that we hadn’t searched. At that very moment the key people phoned andsaid that it would cost £330 for them to come out with a replacement.

Fortunately Jane reacted with a hug and a kiss rather than pushing my head down the aforemen-tioned marine toilet! Needless to say we didn’t stop again before arriving safely home.

I suspect that this little adventure might be a subject of conversation at Laika rallies for years tocome!

However all’s well that ends well and our thanks again for your kindness – we look forward tomeeting up again at future rallies.

Peter and Jane

Page 8: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui


Well it’s happened, don’t know how, not my fault a few years ago I was in my mid 50’sand now I have re-

ceived the 90 day notice (D46P form) from the DVLA informing me that my driving licence is shortly due for

renewal at the age of 70. Where does the time go….

My virgin 1970’s paper licence finally has to go. If I used the D46P form (no medical) I would not retain my

C1/D1 entitlement and my new photo licence would have the 3.5t weight restriction. It may be of interest to

some that you do retain your BE category. These facts I’m sure are well known. Decided to opt for retention

and send for the D2/D4 pack which includes information booklets. D4 form Medical examination report for a

Group 2 (lorry or bus) licence form, for those that have not seen it, can be downloaded and used. I found it

useful to download to see what it contained. (Sending for D4 means you get all 8 pages joined together) I

doubt you would be sent a D4 form which is out of date but it is date conscious and cannot be 18 months out

of date. (date bottom corner Page1 - mine was 11/15) You have to sign the D4 (page 8) at the time of the

Medical Assessment. The D2 form which is similar to the D46P, contains the same compartment for a pass-

port style photograph which means it cannot be printed/downloaded hence having to send for it. This it the

form which enables the request to retain your C1/D1 categories. It’s mandatory a completed D4 (signed by a

doctor and or optician) accompanies this form.

Useful websites:

forms.dft.gov.uk/order-dvla-forms (list of forms - you tick D2/D4 pack)

www.gov.uk/photo-for-passports (size guidance)

www.gov.uk/driving-eyesight-rules (Snellen standards explained)



driversmedicals.com (excellent service)

campingandcaravaningclub.co.uk (driving/licence details)

My renewal coincided with my biannual visit to Supersavers. This revealed although I met the Sellen stand-

ard for Group 1 I just failed the standard required for Group 2. The above eyesight web site is really worth a

read . To meet the standard I now have two pairs of specs, don’t wear them both at the same time (It’s an EU

requirement). My prescription required a (+1) magnification. (I believe you can go much higher but the limit

for driving is +8)

Unhappy with my GP’s invoiced fee (£150) for the Medical assessment of the D4, particularly as I had already

obtained the Vision assessment from SpecSavers. (page 2 of D4). Contacted the same facility Richard Moss

used driversmedicals.com They have currently 66 venues throughout the UK and one is in Taunton my home

town. Cost £58 incl. vat of which they donate £5 to charity.

This facility is used extensively by Bus, Lorry, drivers who require a D4. I was in and out in 15 minutes. Fortu-

nately in my case NO to all the questions (page 3 - 6 D4). The brief sequence of physical and vision exercises

that followed not demanding, respiratory (deep breathing) stethoscope checked back and front all good as

was my BP. Driver Medicals require you to pay for your appointment on booking. I cancelled my GP’s ap-

pointment. The administration appeared surprised at my alternative booking and price, hopefully it will be

even more years before I need to see my GP.

Made a copy of my completed forms, (D2 & D4) and my paper licence. (no fee) Originals sent first class regis-

tered post to the DVLA at 14:15pm Thursday 5th May 2016. My new photo Licence arrived Friday 13th May

2016. (wow 7 days) To avoid possible delays the post code for the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA),

SWANSEA. address differs depending on which form you use. The D46P goes to SA99 1AA and the D2/D4

goes to SA99 1BR.

Another missive concerning renewal of Driving License at 70!

Page 9: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui


My experience with SpecSavers & Drivers Medicals was first class and would recommend each. The service

from the DVLA outstanding.

My outgoing ancient paper licence had just the two categories - A & E.

New photo licence - AM/A/B1/B/C1/D1/BE/C1E/D1E/fklnpq

French Aires

We know that many members shun the use of French Motorhome Aires thinking them unsafe, noisy or just“not for them” without the full facilities of a proper campsite. Well, here are a few Motorhome Aires that weused last year and would recommend. They are all in the south of France, have widely different locations andstyles. All have fresh water and waste disposal.Charles Chodkowski

ANNOT - Just off the N202 60km north west of Nice.

Lovely woodland setting and short walk into smalltown which has a market and shops. We found theTourist Office very helpful and gave us details (inEnglish) of very pleasant woodland walks throughchestnut woods, ancient settlements and views ofsurrounding countryside.

DURFORT - North of Castelnaudry leave the D622 at

Revel on the D85 signed Durfort.

This Aire is a short walk into this peaceful villagewhere the café acts as the Tourist Office. A 100 yearsago this village was renowned for its copperware anda guided walk (available from the TO) has plaquesillustrating scenes from the early 20th century. For theenergetic there is a signed hillside walk.

LABASTIDE D’ARMAGNAC - East of Mont-de-Marsan

leave the D933N at St Justin signed Labastide


This Aire is just outside this medieval village, it is likestepping back in time, it seems little has changed in200 years. The Tourist Office has details of two 6 milelocal walks and there are also cycle routes along quietlanes. The TO has free and fast wifi.

STE CROIX DE VERDON - On the north west shore of

the lake at the end of Verdon Gorge.

Aire is just on edge of beautifully restored village(mostly now holiday homes) Tourist Office with free24hr wifi and a supermarket open till the end ofSeptember. The big attraction is the lakeside beachand fresh-water swimming – quite warm late summerearly autumn.


leaving the D612 when signed.

A bit like a car park but all pitches are marked andeach has its own water and electricity supply. There isa security barrier and a code is given when a pitch isbooked using the credit machine outside the site. Ashort walk or cycle ride into town for fresh bread orthe supermarket. The attractions here are the cycleroutes (map from Maries Office) as far as Sete andbeyond in one direction and Montpellier in the other,you can also cycle to the beach on tracks throughfresh water lakes with flocks of flamingos.

All these aires can be found in the “All the Aires of France” book from Vicarious books but they are easy to find

and well signed.

Page 10: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui

Before and After the Northumberland Rally

You have probably heard the term “Munro Bashing” this is attempting toclimb all the peaks in Scotland listed as over 914 metres. So whilst planningour trip north to attend the club rally at Dunstan Hill, Alnwick I penciled in afew Munros. But my Munros did not require climbing or even much walkingfor that matter.

Moving on, I Munroed the National Railway Museum at Shildon south ofDurham. The parking area could cope with any size of motorhome and thisand entry is free. The approach is a bit worrying along a rutted road withderelict sites either side but once there the museum building is new andimpressive with gabion walls (large pebbles in wire cages). It is large andhouses a remarkable collection of trains and carriages however thepresentation is rather dull and lacks the sparkle that would engage areluctant visitor.

Next on my list was “Beamish – The Living Museum of the North”. Parking here was free and well managed.They clearly have many visits from motorhomes and direct you to an appropriate space. There is an entry feeto pay but it is worth it in my view. Also as well the age concession rate members of the Caravan Club can claima further 15% discount making it my bargain visit. You can spend the whole day at this interesting livingmuseum – enthusiastic people in period costume man mostof the exhibits. There are vintage buses, trams and horsedrawn coaches to take you around the very large site.

Moving north of the border but not as far as real Munrocountry took me to Falkirk and its famed “Wheel”. Thisrotating boatlift raises canal boats between the Union canaland the Forth & Clyde canal. There is ample parking formotorhomes and you can even overnight there though it hasno facilities and there is a fee to pay. To look around theWheel is free and the visitor centre has toilets, café and theinevitable gift shop. It is here you can buy tickets to ride thelift in a trip boat. It is not a white-knuckle ride though. Thedesign and engineering makes lifting you and 500 tonnes up

and down 24m a serene if slightly disappointing experiencebut the view from the top is good.

Not far (4 miles or so along the canal path) is the other ofmy Falkirk Munros – the Kelpies. The two sculptures ofhorse heads stand 30m tall and were designed by AndyScott. They stand in the Helix Park next to the Forth & Clydecanal and represent the heritage of Scotland’s workingheavy horses. I am not sure about parking as we cycledfrom the Wheel to the Helix but parking does seem to bewell provided for in this new facility.

Lastly an afterthought Munro, as we were stopping in Ayr avisit to the Robert (Rabbie) Burns birthplace museum wascalled for. Parking is free and ample but not formotorhomes. You have either to cross over a couple of car

The Angel of the North

The Falkirk Wheel

The Kelpies


Page 11: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui

spaces or risk the wrath of the coach divers who take noprisoners. For your entry fee you can also visit his birthplace,the gardens which look lovely, the Brigs of Ayr (the oldbridge) and the Poets walk with my favourite – the“wee timorous beastie”.

If you need further information on any of the attractionsmentioned then Mr. Google is your friend - they all havewebsites.

The wee timorous beastie(s)


7th to 11th

4 nights

Burton Hill C and C


See further on for

details, deposit of £10



10th to 24thTuscany


See further on for

details. Deposit



13th to 17th

4 nights

Willowbank Holiday


See further on for



1st to 5th

(4 nights)

AGM/Christmas Rally

Teversal C CC site


See further on for

Details. £20 deposit


We could do with some more support forour July rally at Malmesbury.

We have 8 units booked for our Tuscanyrally and visit to the Laika factory. There

is limited time left to book before finalnumbers are forwarded to the sites and the

factory. If you would like to go pleasecontact Mark Snowden ASAP



Page 12: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui

September Rally Tuscany/Laika Factory Visit

At the time of going to print 8 members have shown enough interest in the Rally to pay the £50deposit. I know this is high but I am anticipating that additional members might show an interest nearer thetime.I have provisionally booked 8 pitches at 2 campsites from the 2016 ACSI book:-

10th – 17th September 2016.Camping Molino A Fuoco – a coastal campsite 20k south of Livorno with extensive facilities and variousnearby places to visit if desired. Pitches are small (larger ones available for a surcharge) but at 17 Euros pernight you can’t have everything! More information on page 659 in the ACSI book – Part 217th -24th September 2016.

Troghi/Firenze – a campsite 20k S.E. of Florence with a ‘beautiful swimming pool, a well maintained toiletblock and a bus stop at the gates that takes you into the city centre’. This site will allow us easy access forour factory visit on 22nd September and will cost 19 Euros per night. More information on page 658 in theACSI book – Part 2.

The plan is to close the Rally on the 24th but as always, there is the opportunity to visit other areas ofFrance/Italy/ Slovenia/Croatia etc either before/after the Rally officially starts/closes.

I am waiting to hear from both campsites re deposits/payment etc and will keep members up to date assoon as I have any more details.

I would obviously like to know from anyone else who might be interested in joining the Rally so please

get in touch as soon as possible so I can confirm numbers when requested

July: Malmesbury, Thursday 7�� to Monday 11�� July 2016

Burton Hill Caravan and Camping

MalmesburySN16 0EH

A friendly camping park on the edge of the beautiful market town of Malmesbury, Wiltshire. This is astunning riverside location, 10 minute walk along the river Avon to this thriving market town. Malmesbury,the oldest borough in England, is a bustling medieval market town with shops, supermarket, pubs andrestaurants. Why not visit the 12�� Century Abbey and Abbey House Gardens?

Facilities: grass field, level and clearly marked, shower and toilet block including family and disable facilities,28 hook up points, wash up and laundry area, recycling. Dogs welcome. Price without hook up is £15 for 2persons, hook up extra £3.



Page 13: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui

Christmas Rally and AGM 2014

December: Teversal, Thursday 1st to Monday 5th December (4 nights)

Teversal Camping and Caravanning Club SiteSilverhill LaneTeversalNottsNG17 3JJ

The venue for our annual meeting and the club AGM has easy access to the M1 and other main routes,( CCC Big Sites Book). It is set in six acres on the outskirts of Nottingham. Derbyshire is just over the borderand there are regular bus services to the surrounding towns of Chesterfield and Sutton in Ashfield. There areseveral walks around the Country park opposite the site and further afield for the more energetic.

This is a return visit for the club and a local venue for us. We were most impressed with the site, thewelcome and help from the franchisees and the toilet block is to die for!! The local pub, the venue for ourmeal and the Scout Hut next door where we will hold our welcome meeting and AGM, are a short walk downthe road.

The cost is £16.80/night including electric, 20 pitches have been booked, deposits for 13 have been received.The Christmas meal (which was excellent last time) will be round the £20 mark. The program is still in theplanning but the meet and greet will be on Thursday so do try to arrive on this day.

October: Southport, Thursday 13 to Monday 17 October 2016

Willowbank Holiday Park,Willowbank Coastal RoadAinsdaleSouthportPR8 3ST01704 571566

5 miles from centre of Southport, 5 minute walk to bus stop to Southport and Liverpool. Within walkingdistance of National Trust and Sefton coastline. Walking and cycling facilities Member has checked it outSparrowhawk Venue has reasonable meals and bar within reach. Shop nearby.


Cost £17.40 including hardstanding electric and all facilities £1.50 booking fee per booking

We haven’t had an October meet for a while so if interested book early to avoid disappointment


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18th to 23rd

5 nights

Ambleside Aire

Millers Field


See further on for

details, full details in

later edition


June Three centre Rally in


July Greenhills Holiday

Park, near Bakewell

September Orchard Caravan




October Riverside Caravan


Stratford upon Avon

December Barnstones Cand C


Great Bourton

Near Banbury

2017Some Suggestions and one definate!

Suggestion -Gower Penninsular,middle of May

Need ideas - south - hopefully



Page 15: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui

Keeping in Touch

This, the club newsletter, is the principal means of communication with club members but constraintssuch as cost and time means it is only issued three or four times a year. Though the club web sitewas first created so that non-members could find and contact the club it has however evolved, asinternet use has widened, so that it now not only supports the newsletter with items of interest butalso provides a more or less instant route for communication with the membership. (seewww.laikaclub.com)The web site did have one failing and that was you had to log on frequently to check for updates tothe content. Not something most people are likely to do as the content normally only changes slowly.To overcome the need to check for changes an email based notification App called ChangeDetectionhas been added to the web site. Look for the box at the head of the home page entitled “Monitor thispage”. If you click on OK you will be taken to a web page where after entering your email addressyou can set how often you will be notified etc. Then in future if the home page of the club websitechanges you will be sent an email.

Monitorthis page

enter email

ChangeDetection undertake to keep your details private and not to send you unsolicited emails orspam. I have used the system for a couple of months now and not had any problems. So give it try, itis free and if you do not find it to your liking you can unsubscribe easily.

Eric Gould

it's private

ok It’s private

Powered byChange detection

2017 Rally program so far

On the previous page we have the outline of a rally program for 2017. We still have to fill gaps especiallyMarch and volunteers to steward these rallies would be nice.

Our April rally is booked, it is on a green field site with water, toilet disposal but no electricity. £10/nightand the field is for our use only and we can go up to 24 units. The BIG plus for this site is that it is only a 3minute walk from Ambleside town with buses to other parts of the Lake district. Full details in futureeditions but if you love the Lake district register your interest now.

In communication with the site for our July rally, the date will be before the school holidays start - have abreak away before Grandparent duties kick in. We have been to this site twice before and each time therally has been well attended. The site is one mile walk from Bakewell which is a vibrant Derbyshire town inlovely countryside.

We are planning ahead as sites get booked up earlier as more and more people are taking tomotor homing/caravanning.


Page 16: June newsletter 2016 for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · June 2016 Chairman: Mark Snowden Vice Chairman :Gill Stevens Treasurer: Charles Chodkowski Membership Secretary: Jacqui

The information and opinions in this newsletter are those of the contact name or names given. The Laika Club ofGreat Britain does not necessarily agree with nor endorse their comments and/or views. It is a totally independentClub, governed by its constitution giving no preference to any Publication, Dealer or other club. This however, doesnot prevent, with Committee approval, the fostering of mutually beneficial relations.

Please, please let the rally stewards know as soon as possible if you have to cancel and make surewhen you book that they have got correct email addresses and mobile phone numbers in case theyhave to contact you.


HumourHere we go again!

The Irish have the lowest stress rate because they do not take medical terminology seriously

Artery The study of paintings Medical Staff A Doctor’s caneBarium What doctors do when patients die Morbid A higher offerBenign What you be, after you be eight Nitrates Rates of pay for working at nightCaesarian A neighbourhood in Rome Nose I knew itSection Outpatient A person who has faintedCat scan Searching for Kitty Pelvis Second cousin to ElvisCauterize Made eye contact Post operative A letter carrierColic Sheep dog Recovery room Place to do upholsteryComa A punctuation mark Rectum Nearly killed himDilate To live long Secretion Hiding somethingEnema Not a friend Seizure Roman EmperorFester Quicker than someone else Tablet A small tableFibula A small lie Terminal illness Getting sick at the airportImpotent Distinguished, well known Tumour One plus one moreLabour Getting hurt at work Urine Opposite of ‘you’re out’

Port Isaac, Cornwall

(Last year’s rally)

No offence Geoff and Ann - we love the Irish.