JUNE 2020 THE PALM PRESSroyalpalmparkassn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/202006e.pdf ·...

Royal Palm Office (602) 943-5833 Hours and Sales: 8am to 4pm Mon - Fri Closed Sat during summer Sun by appointment Park Emergency (602) 725-4028 2050 W Dunlap Ave, Phoenix AZ 85021 JUNE 2020 THE PALM PRESS Royal Palm Park Association officers for 2020: President - Elaine Violette (602) 677-2502 Vice-Pres - vacant Treasurer - Mary Jane Caraher (602) 678-4630 Secy - Dave Violette (602) 803-5615 Members-at-Large - Gail Brazell (602) 327-8125, Frances Hedrick (602) 881-8704, and Mary McDougale (602) 348-9427 CONTENTS From the Office ..................................... 3 Community Caring ............................... 3 Park Association Items ........................ 4 Clubhouse and Pool Changes ............. 5 June Calendar ....................................... 6 Book Club.............................................. 7 Womens Club....................................... 7 Block Watch Patrol ............................... 8 Women On The Go ............................... 8 Light Up Royal Palm............................. 9 Continental Communities Notices ...... 10 AWorldOfHearts.................................... 11 AWorldOfHearts.................................... 13 Games and Activities ........................... 14 June Birthdays...................................... 14 As The Park Turns ................................ 15-17 Senior Resources ................................. 17 Writers Group ...................................... 18 Puzzle .................................................... 19 The Palm Press Copyright © 2020 Royal Palm Park Association PUZZLE BOX Will be on top of the piano in the Clubhouse through June 17 th so you can drop off your puzzle entries. BLOCK WATCH TEAM MONTHLY MEETING Tuesday, June 2 nd 6PM, Details on page 8. WOMENS CLUB June 10 th and 24 th , 10 am, in Clubhouse NOTICE TO ALL RESIDENTS Continental Communities has modified the previous restrictions and now the Clubhouse and Pool are open, with some new restrictions as posted on the doors. We will have an Association meeting on Saturday, June 20 th , in the Clubhouse. Masks and social distancing will be required. Bingo, Pot Lucks, Breakfasts, and Movie Night will continue to be postponed. Games and other activities are under the control of their organizer. See page 15. Light Up Royal Palm Dusk to Dawn in the month of June Keep your outside lights on from dusk to dawn to help keep Royal Palm safe. Details on pg 9.

Transcript of JUNE 2020 THE PALM PRESSroyalpalmparkassn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/202006e.pdf ·...

Page 1: JUNE 2020 THE PALM PRESSroyalpalmparkassn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/202006e.pdf · 2020-05-21 · Royal Palm Office — (602) 943-5833 Hours and Sales: 8am to 4pm Mon - Fri Closed

Royal Palm Office — (602) 943-5833

Hours and Sales: 8am to 4pm Mon - Fri Closed Sat during summer Sun by appointment

Park Emergency – (602) 725-4028 2050 W Dunlap Ave, Phoenix AZ 85021


Royal Palm Park Association officers for 2020: President - Elaine Violette (602) 677-2502 Vice-Pres - vacant

Treasurer - Mary Jane Caraher (602) 678-4630 Sec’y - Dave Violette (602) 803-5615

Members-at-Large - Gail Brazell (602) 327-8125, Frances Hedrick (602) 881-8704, and Mary McDougale (602) 348-9427

CONTENTS From the Office ..................................... 3 Community Caring ............................... 3 Park Association Items ........................ 4 Clubhouse and Pool Changes ............. 5 June Calendar ....................................... 6 Book Club .............................................. 7 Women’s Club ....................................... 7 Block Watch Patrol ............................... 8 Women On The Go ............................... 8 Light Up Royal Palm ............................. 9 Continental Communities Notices ...... 10 AWorldOfHearts .................................... 11 AWorldOfHearts .................................... 13 Games and Activities ........................... 14 June Birthdays ...................................... 14 As The Park Turns ................................ 15-17 Senior Resources ................................. 17 Writer’s Group ...................................... 18 Puzzle .................................................... 19

The Palm Press Copyright © 2020 Royal Palm Park Association

PUZZLE BOX Will be on top of the piano in the Clubhouse through June 17th so you can drop off your

puzzle entries.


Tuesday, June 2nd 6PM, Details on page 8.

WOMEN’S CLUB June 10th and 24th, 10 am, in Clubhouse


Continental Communities has modified the previous

restrictions and now the Clubhouse and Pool are open, with some new restrictions as

posted on the doors.

We will have an Association meeting on Saturday, June 20th, in the Clubhouse. Masks

and social distancing will be required.

Bingo, Pot Lucks, Breakfasts, and Movie Night will continue to be postponed.

Games and other activities are under the control of their organizer. See page 15.

Light Up Royal Palm Dusk to Dawn

in the month of June Keep your outside lights on from dusk to dawn to help keep Royal Palm safe. Details on pg 9.

Page 2: JUNE 2020 THE PALM PRESSroyalpalmparkassn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/202006e.pdf · 2020-05-21 · Royal Palm Office — (602) 943-5833 Hours and Sales: 8am to 4pm Mon - Fri Closed

2 The Palm Press June


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2602 W. Townley, #9

Phoenix, AZ 85021

(623) 937-3501 or (602) 395-0840





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Page 3: JUNE 2020 THE PALM PRESSroyalpalmparkassn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/202006e.pdf · 2020-05-21 · Royal Palm Office — (602) 943-5833 Hours and Sales: 8am to 4pm Mon - Fri Closed

3 The Palm Press 2020


In case any of you did not get the message that went out via email, social media and so forth…… Due to the current pandemic situation, Continental Commu-nities and Royal Palm MHC have chosen to defer all rent increases until further notice. If a future rent in-crease is decided upon, all residents will be notified and given proper notice well in advance.

1. PET REMINDERS: In the rules and regulations of the park, it clearly states that you MUST have your pet on a leash when walking it in the park and pick up after it EVERY TIME. The pet ad-dendum of your lease also states that you agree to be respectful of other people’s lots. While the park is a very animal friendly park, understand that not every resident is okay with pets relieving themselves on their lots or causing damage to their property. Please be respectful of other resi-dents, keep your dog on a short enough leash that it is not able to wander onto other’s carports and lots and pick up after your pets throughout the park.

2. OPENING BACK UP. As we work towards get-ting back to more normalcy in our lives, please be aware that as amenities open back up, they will

not go right back to the way they were. Current-ly, only the pool and main clubhouse/social room are reopened with some restrictions. We are working on opening the card room and billiard room but must find a way to do so and still meet social distancing and sanitizing standards. We will notify everyone as soon as those open. There are different hours, occupancy, and rules in place regarding the amenities to follow CDC guidelines. All these new guidelines are posted on the doors and gates leading into the amenities and by entering, you are agreeing to follow them.

3. WEEDS AND WILDFLOWERS. If you have not done so already, make sure all those wild-flowers that have died off are re-moved from your landscape immedi-ately as they do not become a fire haz-ard. As always, any weeds need to be removed regularly.


We need one or two people to head up this program. It consists of being aware in the community of who needs help or being the contact person(s) for re-Quests.

Community Caring can look in on residents who are

shut-in or alone, and coordinate partial food supplies for those in need.

By Laura Layne

For security, keep an outside light on front and back from dusk to dawn or have motion-triggered lights!!

Contact Elaine Violette with questions. (602) 677-2502, [email protected]

Park Phone Numbers: Office: (602) 943-5833 After Hours or Emergency: (602) 725-4028

Email: [email protected]

Remember that we will not be answering the door at the office to accept rent payments and give re-ceipts. Everyone is urged to either pay online or leave their check in the locked rent drop box outside the of-fice door. If you need assistance on how to pay online, call us and we will explain how to go about that. If they are dropping it off and want a receipt, they can write that on the eNvelope and we will get one out to them as soon as possible. If people absolutely want a receipt immediately, they can call the office during nor-mal hours and make their payment by check or debit card over the phone and we can email them a receipt or print one and leave it outside for them to pick up. But again, in an effort to protect you, as well as us, we will not be opening the office door to accept rent payments.

Page 4: JUNE 2020 THE PALM PRESSroyalpalmparkassn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/202006e.pdf · 2020-05-21 · Royal Palm Office — (602) 943-5833 Hours and Sales: 8am to 4pm Mon - Fri Closed

4 The Palm Press June


Association Meetings

We expect to have a monthly Association meeting in June, but we will need to follow the Park rules for social distancing and wearing face masks. If you have questions or concerns pertaining to the Associa-tion please contact a Board member—see the list at the bottom of the front page.

Birthday Bash

We will not hold Birthday Bashes until restaurants can once again seat us in a group, and not subject to social distancing.

Breakfast In The Park

Breakfast In The Park is cancelled until at least September or until the Clubhouse can allow food ser-vice.

Did you know?

The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.


The response to this project has been truly great! We appreciate all the effort and design talent that has been displayed by those participating.

The Office has added another $10 prize, so now there will be two prizes awarded every two weeks. The next will be on May 30th.

The winners on May 16th were Jill Nelson, C74, and Sharon Filyaw, E219.

IMPORTANT: use only sidewalk chalk for marking on sidewalks, driveways, or streets. NoThing perma-nent can be used.

Potluck Dinners

Potluck Dinners are cancelled until the Clubhouse can once again allow food service.


Bingo will tentatively restart in September.

Attendance at Bingo had in recent months dropped below 25 each week, and that is the threshold below which it does not pay to keep it operating. The situa-tion will be reevaluated in the fall.

Movie Night

Movie Night is being indefinitely postponed. In the short term, it will not be held due to our inability to darken the Clubhouse enough to show movies in ear-ly evening.

In the long term, we will start Movie Night again in the fall only if we have someone to volunteer to set up and run the projector and to help select the mov-ies. Contact a Board Member if you want to volun-teer.

Alerts And Reminders

Want to receive community info and alert messages and event reminders via email and/or text message? Contact Dave Violette to sign up, (602) 803-5615 or [email protected]. Forms are availa-ble at D54 until the Office reopens.

Thank You...

To all the folks who decorated their homes and lots with hearts! It brings some excitement to riding around in our community.

And a special Thank You to the “Heart Fairies” who went out of their way to chalk hearts in the sidewalks and streets not their own! I am sure it was a pleasant surprise to the folks who woke up one morning and found those delightful artworks at their lot.

For security, keep an outside light on front and back at night or have motion-triggered lights!!

Thank You...

To Ben and Bill for donating a huge amount of medi-cal supplies and equipment. We have lots of diapers in large sizes and some new equipment. Contact Elaine Violette, D54, (602) 677-2502, if you need some of these.


Now is a good time to go through your recipes and copy off some for our upcoming Royal Palm Cook-book! Get them to O’Dell Keil, D45, or Ginny Brad-shaw, A193. Times a’wasting! We want to produce this for Christmas.

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5 The Palm Press 2020

Outstanding Home of the Month – June 2020

Jay Adatto —O243 A home well deserved to win Outstanding Home of

the Month! The homeowner receives a $25 credit on rent for that

month. Be sure to mention it when paying rent.


Tables and chairs in the Clubhouse have been rear-ranged to satisfy the new social distancing require-ments. Posted maximum capacity is 40 people.

Things To Think About...

Do twins ever realize that one of them was unplanned?

The chaise longue chairs have been move apart for proper distancing. You’ll find a disinfectant spray bottle and wipes available to clean your area. Please do not remove these from the pool area.

Things To Think About...

If poison is past it expiry date, is it more poi-sonous or is it no longer poisonous?

Page 6: JUNE 2020 THE PALM PRESSroyalpalmparkassn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/202006e.pdf · 2020-05-21 · Royal Palm Office — (602) 943-5833 Hours and Sales: 8am to 4pm Mon - Fri Closed

6 The Palm Press June

Know someone who is sick or in hospital? Leslie Nielsen (602) 708-7754 will send a card on behalf of the community.


As we are opening up during the COVD-19 pandemic there is a lot of uncertainty about what we can do and when. The calendar below shows what would “normally” take place, but this is subject to new rules and re-quirements that can change from week to week. At the time of writing this newsletter, the only items that are certain are the newsletter deadline and newsletter folding. We do plan to have the Association meeting on the 20th, but that can change. Check with the contact person for each group or game or activity (see list on page 15) for specifics about those activities.


1 10am Pool Ex-ercise 6pm Hand & Foot

2 10am Pool Exercise 11am Crafting 2pm Billiards 6:00pm PNP/BW meeting

3 10am Pool Exer-cise Noon Bridge 3pm Bible Study 6pm Mexican Train

4 10am Pool Ex-ercise 10am Bible Study Noon Poker

5 10am Pool Exercise 6pm Karao-ke

6 11am Writers Group 12pm Texas Hold-um 6pm Potluck

7 6pm Marbles/Jokers

8 10am Pool Ex-ercise 6pm Hand & Foot

9 10am Pool Exercise 11am Crafting 11am Women On The Go 2pm Billiards

10 10am Women’s Club Social 10am Pool Exer-cise Noon Bridge 3pm Bible Study 6pm Mexican Train

11 10am Pool Ex-ercise Noon Poker

12 10am Pool Exercise

13 9am Light Up (March) 9:30am Light Up (April) 11am Writers Group 12pm Texas Hold-um

14 6pm Marbles/Jokers

15 10am Pool Ex-ercise 6pm Hand & Foot

16 10am Pool Exercise 11am Crafting 2pm Billiards

17 10am Pool Exer-cise Noon Bridge 3pm Bible Study 6pm Mexican

18 10am Pool Ex-ercise 10am Bible Study Noon Poker

19 10am Pool Exercise 1pm Bunco 6pm Karao-ke

20 10am Park Associa-tion meeting 11am Book Club 12pm Texas Hold-um 5pm Newsletter Deadline

21 Fathers Day 6pm Marbles/Jokers

22 10am Pool Ex-ercise 6pm Hand & Foot

23 10am Pool Exercise 11am Crafting 2pm Billiards

24 10am Women’s Club Social 10am Pool Exer-cise Noon Bridge 3pm Bible Study 6pm Mexican Train

25 10am Pool Ex-ercise Noon Poker

26 9:30am Fold newsletter 10am Pool Exercise

27 11am Writers Group 12pm Texas Hold-um

28 6pm Marbles/Jokers

29 10am Pool Ex-ercise 6pm Hand & Foot

30 10am Pool Exercise 11am Crafting 2pm Billiards

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7 The Palm Press 2020


April/May Meeting Update:

Still practicing social distancing, our book club met on Sonnye’s carport on Saturday April 18th, 2020 to discuss our April book; “1st to Die” by James Patter-son. In attendance were, Sonnye, Shirley, Laurie, Susan, Jackie, and Patti. Members missing were Sil-via, Allison, Elayne, Pam, and Mary.

We had a great time discussing, “1st to Die”. We all liked the story, and the twist at the end, but felt that the ending seemed rushed.

We are embracing our true “murder” book club tendencies, because who doesn’t love a good murder mystery!

***May Meeting cancelled due to inability to get to library for the book. ***


June Meeting Details:

We are thrilled to announce we will be reAding the book, “Genesis” by Robin Cook for our June meet-ing, and we are excited about the idea of a DNA solving, serial killer story!

Blurb: “New York Times-bestselling author Robin Cook takes on the ripped-from-the-headlines topic of harnessing DNA from ancestry websites to catch a killer in this timely and explosive new medical thrill-er.”

Some June Discussion Questions:

1. “Have you registered your DNA with an ancestry

website? Why did you do it? Why wouldn’t you do it?”

2. “Do you think using those type websites is a good idea to try to help police solve crimes? Why or why not?”

3. “How would you react if you were contacted by the police to help them solve a crime?”

4. “Do you think there could be a margin of error where someone could be wrongly convicted? Why or Why not?”


Other officers for the Women’s Club are: Joyce Valenzuela, D35, (602) 373-1733, Vice President; Ingrid Schneider, B179, (562) 343-3348, Secretary; and Frances Hedrick, A198, (602) 881-8704, Treas-urer.

We look forward to meeting our new members and getting together again with our old friends.

The Women's Club will resume meeting in the Club-house now that it is open. Please observe the rules posted at the door.

We hope to see you soon and please bring any ideas you have or would like to see the Women’s Club do for the people of the Park. If you have any questions, please contact Pam Ash, President, R370, (602) 525-2250.

Contact Patti at B-132 or (504) 510-9219 or [email protected] (Notice our new email address)

By Patti Dinsmore

Don’t forget, we tend to have copies we are able to

share (let me know if you want in on the rotation), I have a 20% discount on all books from Barnes and

Noble, or you can check them out at the library. Let me know if you need my discount!

By Pam Ash

June 20th, 2020 11am to 12pm (Patti’s: Lot B-132 )

July 18th, 2020 11am to 12pm

(To be determined)

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8 The Palm Press June

See something? Say something! Call 9-1-1 first if an emergency. Call Crime Stop-pers (602) 262-6151 for non-emergency crime re-




This informal group goes out to lunch several times a year. All women in the Park are invited to go.

The next outing will be when restaurants are open again and can seat our group together. Stay tuned for

more information in future newsletters.

Check with Karen Egbert for future activities. (602) 418-4842.

Volunteers Wanted

Our PNP-Block Watch group could use some volun-teers to do patrol in the Park. You must go through the Phoenix Police PNP Training to be certified to do patrol, but that will only consist of three video ses-sions, as far as we know now. Performing community patrols is a very satisfying service for our residents. We often get thanks from residents as we pass by their homes on patrol! You can patrol on foot, using a golf cart or bicycle, or using a car or truck.

Contact if any questions or concerns: [email protected]

Our Block Watch/Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol pro-gram actively continues. We have volunteers on pa-trol in the Park at many time during the early morn-ing, daytime, and evening hours. Their job is to be the eyes and ears of our community and to show their presence to outsiders.

We think that having Block Watchers on patrol helps to discourage vandals or thieves from coming into our community.

Our Block Watch patrollers also can alert residents to potential problems such as bikes left unlocked, golf cart or vehicle lights left on at night, sheds left open, and similar situations.

If our grant application is funded by the City our pa-trollers will have some recognition apparel and equipment that will help them stand out as patrollers and make the program even more successful.

Those patrolling appreciate the kind words and en-couragement we get from residents while we are on patrol. Many stop us to tell us they feel more safe with the patrols going on and encourage us to keep it up. (We will!)

Grant Status

You’ve heard about a grant having been applied for from the 2020 Neighborhood Block Watch Grant Program with the City of Phoenix. The previoUs leader had submitted the application and it is being processed. As far as we know at this time, the grant will be approved.

We are making arrangements to switch from the pre-vious applicants to different people being responsible so the grant can move forward.

We will let you know how the process goes and give more grant details as they get approved. Grant funds will be available for the 2020 fiscal year that starts in July 2020.

From their web site: “The NBWGP provides an op-portunity to enhance the safety and quality of life in our city through empowerment of community groups… to prevent and reduce crime in the commu-nity…. to detect, deter, and/or delay crime through educating individuals and communities to work to-gether to solve problems…. to develop a sense of ownership for their neighborhoods.. and teach crime prevention and safety techniques.” For more infor-mation go to https://www.phoenix.gov/policesite/Pages/policenbwgrant.aspx.

Things To Think About...

Intentionally losing a game of rock-paper-scissors is just as hard as trying to win!

Things To Think About...

If you replace “W” with “T” in “What, Where, and When”, you get the answer to each of them.

Page 9: JUNE 2020 THE PALM PRESSroyalpalmparkassn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/202006e.pdf · 2020-05-21 · Royal Palm Office — (602) 943-5833 Hours and Sales: 8am to 4pm Mon - Fri Closed

9 The Palm Press 2020

We All Get Old In The End...

Of course I talk to myself; sometimes I need expert advice.


We want to thank everyone who participated in April’s “Light Up Royal Palm Solar Style” Contest.

With Summer quickly approaching, and so many of our residents planning on heading out for the hot Summer months, we were encouraged by everyone

who reached out to us about putting up solar lights to keep their property, and their neighborhoods, protect-ed over the Summer.

During the month of April we installed several lights

around Royal Palm….way to light it up!

March and April winners will get their coffee and donuts on June 13th, 2020. March (Lower D) winner will be from 9:00am to 9:30am and April’s (See Be-

low) winner will be from 9:30am to 10:00am. Check out your street that day to find us out there with cof-

fee and donuts!

It is not too late to do your part to help light up your street in June, so go ahead and reach out to us for your solar lights. Help us keep our streets lIt, and

your property safe, while you are out traveling. To-gether, we can keep Royal Palm safe for everyone!

Now, without further ado, the “Light Up Royal Palm Solar Style” winner for April is………..

“Street: Lower B”….Congratulations, you had 71%

of your houses lit up with Solar Lights…AMAZING!

By Patti and Bob Dinsmore

Individual Street Results:

Street A: 8/34 = 24%

Street B (Upper): 6 /34 = 18%

Street B (Lower): 15/21 = 71%

Street C (Upper): 9/31 = 29%

Street C (Lower): 4/23 = 17%

Street D (Upper): 18/37 = 49%

Street D (Lower): 6/23 = 26%

Street E: 4/13 = 31%

Street F: 3/11 = 27%

Street H (RV): 0/3 = 0%

Street I (RV): 0/3 = 0%

Street J (RV): 0/3 = 0%

Street K (RV): 1/6 = 17%

Street L: 2/10 = 20%

Street M: 5/10 = 50%

Street N: 2/10 = 20%

Street O (Upper): 1 /11 =9%

Street O (RV): 0/7 = 0%

Street P (RV): 7/11 = 63%

Street Q (RV): 1/9 = 11%

Street R (Upper ): 4/40 = 10%

Street R (RV): 5/17 = 29%

Don’t forget that next month, June, we will continue doing our “Light Up Royal Palm Dusk to Dawn” contest! Keep your lights on from dusk to dawn. Get your solar lights before you leave and help keep our community safe and well-lit while you are gone!

***May’s contest winner will be announced in July, along with June’s winner, due to the fact we hadn’t tallied the light numbers before this article went to press.***

Contact Bob and Patti Dinsmore at 504-577-3025, stop by Lot B132 or email us at [email protected] Don’t for-get, installation is free!

For security, keep an outside light on front and back from dusk to dawn or have motion-triggered lights!!

We All Get Old In The End...

Gone are the days when girls used to cook like their mothers. Now they drink like their fathers.

Page 10: JUNE 2020 THE PALM PRESSroyalpalmparkassn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/202006e.pdf · 2020-05-21 · Royal Palm Office — (602) 943-5833 Hours and Sales: 8am to 4pm Mon - Fri Closed

10 The Palm Press June

At noon on Thursday, May 14th, the pool and the main clubhouse/social room ONLY will reopen. Un-til further notice, the pool hours will be 9am to 8pm to allow for us to properly sanitize and set things up in the morning and evening each day. These areas are ONLY open to residents of the park. No guests are allowed to accompany ANY resident in these are-as until further notice. The CDC Guidelines and so-cial distancing of 6 ft between people must still be practiced to the best of everyone’s ability. You will notice that the pool furniture will be set up a little differently to adhere to distancing restrictions. Resi-dents are required to wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth to enter the clubhouse/social room building. There will be signs posted on all gates and doors leading into these areas before we open them on May 14th stating the guidelines that need to be fol-lowed. By entering these areas, residents are agree-ing to follow these guidelines. We will be making random checks in these areas. However, we truly don’t want to have to police behavior as we are all adults here. So we hope that everyone is responsible and acts in a manner that is safe for themselves and their fellow residents. No reservations for parties or large gatherings where 6 ft of social distance cannot be practiced will be allowed at the current time. As always no food, glass containers or alcohol is EVER allowed in the pool area. For the time being, no food is to be served to others in the clubhouse as well to ensure proper safety. All surfaces in the social room will be sanitized each night by our staff. You will notice bottles of disinfectant and paper towels in these areas and we ask that you spray and wipe down surfaces when you are done. Please DO NOT re-

move these bottles from their locations. We also urge everyone to still wash their hands thoroughly as often as possible, avoid touching your face and carry hand sanitizer with you. We are trying to acquire hand sanitizer, but as most of you know it is in short supply right now, so bring your own or wash hands often.

We are working with our attorneys and corporate as to opening the card and rec room, as well as the of-fice. The way they are set up currently, there is no way to maintain proper social distancing in these are-as. Folks cannot really play cards a safe distance from each other sitting at those smaller tables and there is not enough room to space out the exercise equipment or pool tables 6 feet. I assure you we are working hard to make the opening of those rooms happen soon and we will let everyone know when they are available for use. In the meantime, residents can play cards in the clubhouse and possibly push together two long tables so that everyone has room to spread out. Again, everyone MUST be wearing a mask.

We may have to make adjustments to these guide-lines as we go along and learn. This is new to all of us and we are all having to learn and adapt as we go along. We appreciate everyone’s patience during these unusual times and thank everyone in advance for their cooperation and respectful behavior as we begin to open Royal Palm back up.

Laura Layne Community Manager/ Sales & Leasing

Dear Royal Palm Residents:

With the country continuing to face challenges with the prevention and treatment of the coronavirus, we understand and sympathize with our residents who will or have been financially impacted by COVID-19.

In an effort to assist and help alleviate a small part of the burden this Pandemic may have caused, Conti-nental Communities along with Royal Palm MHC will be deferring all rent increases until further no-tice. If a future rent increase is decided upon by man-

agement, all residents will be notified and given proper notice well in advance.

We hope this message finds you healthy and safe.

Best Regards,

Sherry Saxon Operations Manager 2015 Spring Road, Suite 600 Oak Brook, IL 60523 Ph. (630) 645-8109 Fax (630) 625-0310

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11 The Palm Press 2020

Just a few from around the Park.

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12 The Palm Press June

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13 The Palm Press 2020

Residents are encouraged to display arrangements of hearts at the front of their property. This can be in front windows or on the house. Using sidewalk chalk to draw hearts on the front sidewalk, driveway, or street is also permissible, but no permanent markings can be placed in those locations.

Two $10 prizes will be awarded every two weeks for out-standing displays. These will be determined by independent judges. One prize is offered by the Park Association, the oth-er by the Office. The next judging will be on May 30th.

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14 The Palm Press June


Dora Shatto—3 Caren Bailis—5

Brenda Colbath—9 Nellie Celaya—10

Bobbi Williams—11 Ben Myers—17


Sponsored by the Royal Palm Park Association and residents

Please call contact person before attending card games due to space limitations.

SUN 6 pm Marbles and Jokers. Contact John Koch (602) 663-3531

MON-FRI 10 am Pool Exercise—In Pool - Contact Gail Brazell (602) 327-8125

MON 6 pm Hand & Foot—Contact Mary Jane Caraher (602) 678-4630 - requires 6 peo-ple – we need people to sign up as substitutes or to make a 2nd table.

1st, 3rd FRI 6 pm Karaoke—In Clubhouse

TUES 11 am-3 pm Crafts—In Clubhouse - Contact Chris Nugent (708) 516-5247

TUES 2 pm Billiards

1st TUES 6 pm Block Watch/PNP meeting in Clubhouse.

2nd WED 4th WED

10 am 10 am

Women’s Club—Regular meetings. Contact person -- Pam Ash (602) 525-2250.

WED Noon Bridge—cost $1 -- beginners welcome, we play for fun, not serious!!! Call Joyce Valenzuela if you want to learn Bridge (602) 373-1733.

WED 3 pm Bible Study with Pastor Wilson—Contact Pearl Parsons (304) 590-5787

WED 6 pm Mexican Train—Contact John Koch (602) 663-3531

1st, 3rd THU 10:00 am Bible Study with Bette Cooley. Contact Cheryl Ringer (219) 863-1199

THU Noon Dealer Choice Poker—$5 buy in. Contact Joyce Valenzuela (602) 373-1733

3rd FRI 1 pm Bunco—Contact Mitzi Wrona ()

THU 6 pm Bingo— Elaine Violette (602) 677-2502

1st, 3rd SAT 2nd, 4th SAT

8 am 9 am

Writers Club—Contact Patti Dinsmore (504) 510-9219

2nd SAT 9 am Book Club—Contact Patti Dinsmore (504) 510-9219

2nd SAT 6 pm Potluck—Contact Mary McDougale (602) 348-9427

3rd SAT 10:00 am Park Association meeting—Contact Elaine Violette (602) 677-2502

SAT 12 pm Texas Hold-um. Contact Bill Schuling (602) 370-7366

1 c Milk, or a little less 1 2/3 c Vanilla ice cream 1 lg pkg Instant chocolate

pudding 2 or 3 scoops Whipped cream

Beat milk, ice cream, and chocolate pudding for 10 minutes. Then fold in whipped cream. Set in refrigerator for 1½ hours and top with whipped cream.

Jay Adatto—18 Sonnie Tincher—19 Elliot Whatley—22

Jill Nelson—24 Allen Egbert—25

Michael Proto—17




Norman Thurston

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15 The Palm Press 2020

As The Park Turns: “The Case of the Monkey Bread Mix-Up”

Jo and Bunny were setting things up on Sadie’s car-port for their weekly writer’s meeting when Sadie

pulled up in her golf cart.

Turning around, Jo placed her hands on her hips and said, “You would think that between the three of us, you would get back to your own house the fastest.”

Bunny laughed, put the coffee cake on the table. and

added, “Yeah, did you get lost on your way home? I mean, it’s been 20 minutes since you dropped both of us off at our houses.”

Sadie chuckled, grabbed the step ladder off the back

of her golf cart, and said, “I was here first, but only stayed long enough grab to this,”; holding the step ladder up in the air for them to see.

Bunny, with a twinkle in her eyes said, “A step lad-der? For what? You’re almost 6 feet tall!”

Making her best ‘hardy har har’ face, Sadie put the

ladder away, in the shed out back, before continuing with her story.

“I was heading home, after dropping both of you off after our trip to the police station, when I saw a cou-

ple of people standing around the recycling bin; you know, the big one down by the RV storage.”

Jo and Bunny both nodded; still confused.

“I thought I saw Fay crying, so I weNt over there, but when I pulled up, I realized she was laughing.”

“Laughing? Why?” Jo asked, pouring herself a cup of


“Apparently Gary, her husband, was throwing some recycling away for his brother when he saw his broth-er’s bed sheets roll out of the box and into the recy-

cling bin.”

“Ugh!” Jo said.

“Well, as soon as Gary saw the sheets go into the re-cycling bin, and before Fay could stop him, he stepped onto the back of the golf cart and hopped in

to retrieve the sheets.”

“He probably shouldn’t have done that!” Bunny ex-claimed.

“Agreed, and according to his wife, he didn’t have an ‘escape’ plan in mind when he jumped in, so he was

unable to get back out!” Sadie said.

“There he was,” Sadie continued, “chest deep in a recycling bin, arms resting on the edge, laughing his head off!”

Bunny and Jo laughed. Bunny said, “So you came to

get a step ladder to help him get back out?”

Sadie nodded. “Of course, it took a little longer than I expected. By the time I got back with the step ladder, there was a crowd.”

“Oh, that mustn’t have been good.” Bunny said with

a laugh.

“No, it wasn’t. He had 3 people laughing, 2 people taking pictures, and 2 other people telling him differ-ent ways to get out of the recycling bin. It was a ri-ot!” Sadie exclaimed.

“Did you manage to get a picture before you helped

him out?” Jo asked hopefully.

“No, I didn’t have my phone on me.”

“That’s too bad.” Bunny said, “I would love to have seen that!”

“I didn’t get a picture” Sadie replied, pausing for ef-fect, “but his wife got a picture and she said she’ll

have it on Facebook within the hour!”

Opening her computer, and setting down her piece of raspberry coffee cake, Sadie started the meeting.

“Well, as was evident from our visit to the police sta-tion today, they don’t think there was anything

‘suspicious’ about Bertie’s death and that she died from natural causes.”

Angrily, Bunny said, “I know! It’s like, just because we live in a retirement community that everyone ex-

pects us to die.”

“Yeah,” Jo joined in, “I mean Sadie, look at your Freddie. He bikes 10-20 miles a day and looks 15 years younger than he is.”

Sadie nodded.

“Yet,” Jo continued, “if anything happened to him,

they would just say, ‘Well, he was getting up there in

(Continued on page 16)

By The Royal Palm Writers Group Part 3 of 5

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16 The Palm Press June

years’. I mean, he is in better shape than half of those paramedics we see in here twice a day.”

Sadie, again, nodded in agreement.

“I still can’t believe it was Bertie, in Edith’s house.” Bunny said.

“I know,” Sadie agreed, “I thought they had had a

falling out when Bertie went to Beatrice’s 80th birth-day party last month.”

“Yeah, that was a night to remember!” Bunny ex-claimed.

“I still have no idea how someone managed to T.P.

Beatrices’ house with everyone inside!” Jo added.

“You should have seen Beatrice’s face after she went outside to have a smoke; she never saw the toilet pa-per.” Bunny snorted. “One minute she was just stand-ing on the porch smoking and flirting with Joel, and

the next, she had set a toilet papered bush on fire when she flicked her cigarette into the yard!”

“We didn’t get to see the fire start, but we sure got to see it end when all of those firetrucks came blaring

through the front gate!” Sadie added.

“Beatrice was standing thEre yelling at Edith, accus-ing her of toilet papering her house, when we showed up.” Jo said.

Bunny added, “Everyone wanted to see what all the

commotion was about. Just after we got there, Bertie came out of Beatrice’s house and it looked like Edith had been stabbed in the back!”

“I know,” Sadie said. “Edith just turned her electric

chair around and headed back to her house.”

Jo nodded, “Leaving poor Bertie to chase after her; apologizing the whole way.”

“I don’t know if I would say she “chased” after her.” Bunny interjected, “I mean, Edith’s cart was low on

charge, so it was more like Bertie walked quickly alongside Edith.”

“True,” Sadie laughed. “If Edith had had a full charge on that wheelchair, she would have left Bertie in her


(Continued from page 15) Everyone laughed, remembering the scene of Bertie walking alongside of Edith apologizing, while Edith

kept trying to run over Bertie’s toes.

“So, what is our plan, now that we know the cops aren’t take this thing seriously enough?” Jo asked.

“I’ve been thinking about that,” Sadie said. “I mean, we know that Bertie was found slumped over, in the

chair, with a piece of monkey bread in her lap and a spilled cup of coffee on the floor by her feet.”

“Right,” Bunny added, “And we know that Edith had been gone for 4 days visiting her sister in Flagstaff.”

“True,” Sadie continued, “The police have agreed to

send the cake and the coffee off to the lab but won’t do anything until the test results come back.”

“That could be months!” Jo said, frustrated.

“And that is if they come back at all,” Bunny added. “Do you know how many tests just lay around in labs waiting to get tested?”

Bunny had worked in a lab years ago, so she knew

what she was talking about.

“And” Bunny continued, “we could have another murder on our hands before we ever find out who killed Bertie!”

“So, what’s the plan?” Jo asked.

“I was thinking we need to do some sleuthing on our

own.” Sadie said with a grin.

“Sleuthing?” Bunny asked.

“What do you mean?” Jo added.

“What do you think about us doing some surveillance around the park? You know, we could set up some listening devices, tap some people’s phones, inter-

view people, maybe even test some of the bread and spilled coffee on the floor ourselves.”

Puzzled, Jo asked, “And how do you suggest we go about doing that?”

“Yeah, we don’t have anything to test. No cake, no

coffee.” Bunny interjected.

Grinning, Sadie pulled two Ziplock bags out of her bag; one holding something that looked a lot like a

(Continued on page 17)

As The Park Turns: “The Case of the Monkey Bread Mix-Up”

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17 The Palm Press 2020


The Fountain of Youth was sought after by many an explorer in the 1500s and 1600s. The search covered

most of the Caribbean and eventually the story placed the miraculous waters in Florida, where to this day you can visit the “Fountain of Youth Archeologi-

cal Park” in lovely St. Augustine and even take home your own “Fountain of Youth” bottled water.

If only it were that easy. I personally feel pretty in-ept in this new world of technology, filled with

words that make no sense. A byte, or worse yet a gi-gabyte? RAMS and Russians apparently tracking our every move? I can handle my iPhone pretty well but

will always be mystified by things like 3-D printers and, as much as I adore my Grandchildren, I am not going to learn how to play Fortnite with them. I’m savvy enough find a YouTube video when I need to

learn how to do, well, just about anything, but I also know my limitations. Passwords are a problem. Finding files I’ve saved on my computer makes me

want to scream, and autofill just makes me nervous.

But is the reason for my ineptitude, which I probably could have conquered a decade ago (except for Fort-nite!) really due my mind not being as sharp due to

aging, or have things just gotten so impossibly techie that it’s impossible to keep up? It seems so easy for one of my children to fix the glitch in my iPad or ex-

plain how to use the Alexa I was given, (something I would have never purchased for myself). Alexa and I have learned to live with each other despite my sus-

picion that she is keeping track of every move I make and I do enjoy the fact that I can listen to all

the lovely books on the Audible program she offers, but I am watching her and will unplug her the minute I hear her speaking Russian or whispering my debit

card to anyone.

There are certainly things we’ve discovered online that have made our lives immeasurably easier though. Online banking, checking the weather, maps

and googling, crossword puzzle “helpers”, even if I’m a little ashamed when I use it. With a little pa-tience, I’ve conquered Uber and Lyft and use those

seRvices often. I buy my groceries online and by the number of delivery trucks I see around here we’re all pretty comfortable with using Amazon.

By Allison Hawley

Contact Allison at (602) 334-6328 or [email protected]

piece of monkey bread and another with some liquid that looked a lot like coffee.

“How did you….” Bunny paused, “…never mind.” She had known Sadie long enough to not ask ques-


Jo said, “That’s great Sadie, but how do we test that?”

(Continued from page 16) “Yeah,” Bunny added, “Not to mention, where are we going to get lab test kits, surveillance equipment,

and phone tapping devices?”

Jo laughed, “It’s not like there is an ‘FBI’s R Us’ down the street!”

“True, but there is….” Sadie said with a grin, as she turned her computer around so they could both see

her screen, “….Amazon!”

See something? Say something! Call 9-1-1 first if an emergency. Call Crime Stoppers (602) 262-6151 for non-emergency crime reporting

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18 The Palm Press June

A Prayer

When this is over, may we never again take for granted a handshake with a stranger, full shelves at the store, conversations with neigh-bors, a crowded theater, Friday night out, the taste of communication, a routine checkup, the school rush each morning, coffee with a friend, the stadium roaring, each deep breath, a boring Tuesday, life itself.

When this ends, may we find that we have be-come more like the people we wanted to be, we were called to be, we hoped to be, and may we stay that way.

Better for each other because of the worst.

We are stronger together.

~~~Laura Kelly Fonucci

Optional Definitions


Something other people have....similar to my character lines.


It’s time to present Part 3 of the new series, “As the Park Turns: The Case of the Monkey Bread Mix-Up!” You have provided some amazing feedback, a few new storylines, and an incredibly positive re-sponse to this story! We are having so much fun plan-ning and writing it, and are thrilled you are enjoying reading it.

The two questions we keep getting are, “Who’s in the house, if it’s not Edith?” and “Who’s the murderer?” Well the first question is easy enough, the person in the house is…..(you have to go check out the story in this newsletter to find the answer to that question) and the murderer is…..(not going to tell you yet…stay tuned!).

Monkey Bread is one of my favorite desserts so I hope you enjoyed the monkey bread recipe! We would love to hear stories of anyone who tried to make the monkey breAd at home…how did it turn out? But more importantly…why didn’t you share?

Out of respect for social distancing, we will be meet-ing in the community room to allow us to keep a safe distance between us while still being able to get to-gether to work on our writing. I will have extension cords and hand sanitizer for everyone! Everyone is welcome!

“Critique” Meeting Dates and Times:

June 6th from 11am to 12pm (Community Room)

June 30th from 11am to 12pm (Lot B132)

“Free Write” Meeting Dates and


June 13th from 11am to 12pm (Community Room)

(No writer’s meeting on June 20th due to the Book Club Meeting).

Writing Prompts….in case you need inspiration… (Remember, these are only here to help inspire you or help you move past writer’s block. We are always looking forward to reading work you have been working on yourself!)

1. Write about two people seeing each other for the first time.

2. Write a story or poem that starts with the word “hello” or other greeting.

3. Write about putting together the pieces of puz-zles.

4. Write about a recipe for something abstract, such as a feeling.

5. Think of the life of a stray cat or dog and write about that.

If you are interested in having your work critiqued, or would be willing to critique other people’s work, we would love to have you join us!

Please reach out to me with your work to be cri-tiqued, or let me know you want to help critique, at the contacts below.

Contact Patti at B-132 or (504) 510-9219 or [email protected]

By Patti Dinsmore

Know someone who is sick or in hospital?

Leslie Nielsen (602) 708-7754 will send a card on behalf of the community.

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19 The Palm Press 2020

Hidden Letter Scramble Winner

Mary Jane Caraher was the May winner. The answer was



This game involves searching through this newsletter and finding the letters in the articles (not the ads) where a single uppercase letter is in the middle of the word, not at the front. These letters will also be in bold face. An example might look like this word: subsCribe (but this one does not count). Collect as many such letters

as there as spaces in the entry form below then unscramble the letters to form a phrase and write the unscram-



The 10-letter, one-word, answer is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

FULL NAME AND LOT NUMBER - ______________________________________________



Plumbing, Electrical, Kitchen, Bath Remodeling. Tile and laminate flooring. I also do installing of security doors, locks, deadbolts, rekeying of locks, and cutting general keys. I am very handy in almost everything! Call Wayne Moderson, F-293, (602) 545-9737.

Perhaps we should all read our Rules and Regulations once a year! It’s so easy to

forget how our lives are regulated.


Occasionally someone in the Park needs handyman services but they cannot afford to hire a professional. If you have electrical, mechanical, plumbing, car-pentry, or general fixit skills and would be willing to volunteer for short tasks, please contact Pam Ash (602) 525-2250 to be put on the contact list. You would not be expected to pay for materials and you would be welcome to turn down any task you feel is too much for a volunteer to handle.

Park Phone Numbers: Office: (602) 943-5833 After Hours or Emergency: (602) 725-4028

Email: [email protected]

Concrete deck support piers. Have 20 or more.

Goldie at A188, (602) 583-8254.


Optional Definitions


Cutting money in half without damaging the paper.

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20 The Palm Press June

All articles and/or event information should either be hand delivered or e-mailed to Dave Violette by 5pm on the third Saturday of the month. Contact him at Lot D54 or phone (602) 803-5615 or email [email protected]

To ADVERTISE item(s) for sale and/or services include name, space,

and phone number. Submit all ads by 5pm on the Tuesday after the third Saturday of the month with payment to Royal Palm Park Association to Dave Violette, 2050 W Dunlap Ave Lot D54, Phoenix AZ 85021, phone 602+803-5615, or email [email protected]


The Royal Palm Park Association (The Palm Press Newsletter) is NOT responsible for any companies or their employees that you may let into your home. The Royal Palm Park Association (The Palm Press Newsletter) does not endorse any advertised products, services, or companies, nor any of the claims made by the advertisers.

Business card $7/month / $9 color

Line ad (limit 50 words) $2/month

Line ad w/image s/a Business card

Full page $40/month / $55 color

Half page $25/month / $31 color

Qtr page $15/month / $20 color

‘Royal Palm Com-

ADVERTISING Help the Planet!

Please recycle Aluminum, Card-board*, Paper*, Magazines, and Plastics. They all go in the same

bins now

* Cardboard and paper that has been in contact with food is not recyclable!

THESE PLASTICS Please break down cardboard boxes so

they take less space

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21 The Palm Press 2020

Page 22: JUNE 2020 THE PALM PRESSroyalpalmparkassn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/202006e.pdf · 2020-05-21 · Royal Palm Office — (602) 943-5833 Hours and Sales: 8am to 4pm Mon - Fri Closed



Charley Laman, Lawyer, AZ Bar No. 024265

Call: (602) 717-5326

Email: [email protected]

Experienced estates and estate planning attorney with over 40 years of legal experience. Practical estate plans, including Wills; Trusts; Special Needs Trust; Powers of Attorney, financial and medical; Living Wills; Beneficiary Deeds; Other Beneficiary Designation Documents. We specialize in probate avoidance.

Call for a free consultation. I will meet you at your residence. All document preparation fees are flat rates.

For security, keep an outside light on front and back from dusk to dawn or have motion-triggered lights!!