June 2019 Volume 66, Issue 6 Page1 Worship on Sundays at ... · June 2019 Volume 66, Issue 6 Page1...

June 2019 Volume 66, Issue 6 Page1 Worship on Sundays at 10:30 AM A Time of Transition Six years ago Pastor Eric began his ministry here at First Church. It has been a great six years but as is the custom with itinerant pastors, it is time for him to leave us for another church. Sunday, June 30 th will be Eric’s last day as he prepares to move to Aldersgate UMC in Urbandale. On the 30 th after worship we will have a potluck and a short program to recognize Eric and thank him for his leadership. We hope you will be able to attend. As usual please bring a dish to share and your own table service. The church will provide the drinks. Saying goodbye is never easy but it is important. On Sunday, July 7 th we will welcome our new pastor, Rev. Edgar Solis. Edgar is coming to First Church from Chicago where he has been attending seminary. We are very excited for him as on Sunday, June 9 th at Annual Conference, he will be ordained in the United Methodist Church. Edgar will not be preaching on his first Sunday but he will be presiding at Holy Communion. After worship we will have a reception in Fellowship Hall to welcome him and Laura and wish them well as they begin their ministry here at First. As a welcome/ordination gift we will be presenting him with a stole. If you would like to help purchase this gift, please write a check and put stole in the memo line. If you prefer to give cash be sure to write stole on the envelope. Change is sometimes difficult but we are working hard to make the transition as smooth as possible. We wish Eric all the best as he prepares to lead a new congregation and we are excited to welcome Edgar. Christine

Transcript of June 2019 Volume 66, Issue 6 Page1 Worship on Sundays at ... · June 2019 Volume 66, Issue 6 Page1...

June 2019 Volume 66, Issue 6 Page1 Worship on Sundays at 10:30 AM

A Time of Transition

Six years ago Pastor Eric began his ministry here at First Church. It has been a great six years but as is the custom with itinerant pastors, it is time for him to leave us for another church. Sunday, June 30th will be Eric’s last day as he prepares to move to Aldersgate UMC in Urbandale.

On the 30th after worship we will have a potluck and a short program to recognize Eric and thank him for his leadership. We hope you will be able to attend. As usual please bring a dish to share and your own table service. The church will provide the drinks. Saying goodbye is never easy but it is important.

On Sunday, July 7th we will welcome our new pastor, Rev. Edgar Solis. Edgar is coming to First Church from Chicago where he has been attending seminary. We are very excited for him as on Sunday, June 9th at Annual Conference, he will be ordained in the United Methodist Church.

Edgar will not be preaching on his first Sunday but he will be presiding at Holy Communion. After worship we will have a reception in Fellowship Hall to welcome him and Laura and wish them well as they begin their ministry here at First. As a welcome/ordination gift we will be presenting him with a stole. If you would like to help purchase this gift, please write a check and put stole in the memo line. If you prefer to give cash be sure to write stole on the envelope.

Change is sometimes difficult but we are working hard to make the transition as smooth as possible. We wish Eric all the best as he prepares to lead a new congregation and we are excited to welcome Edgar.


2 - THE LIGHT June 2019

Worship Volunteers Ushers for June Ned Johnson & Craig Strayer (Head Ushers) Junella Schultz, Josh & Will Sadler Delvin Sadler (Balcony) June 2 Reception Desk Ann Herteen Greeters David & Betty Stout Information Desk David & Betty Stout June 9 Reception Desk Volunteer Still Needed – Contact the Church Greeters Don & Trudy Gurnsey Information Desk Tiffany & Alan Bomer June 16 Reception Desk Lucille Nichols Greeters Dean & Sally Hosfelt Information Desk Ann Herteen June 23 Reception Desk Tiffany & Alan Bomer Greeters Tom & Donna Gruis Information Desk Tom Gruis June 30 Reception Desk Volunteer Still Needed Greeters Lesley Gesaman, John & Kari Walker Information Desk Tiffany Bomer

Music can both soothe our souls and make them soar. Whether it be the sound of voices, bells or the organ, music is an important part of our worship. Over the summer our choirs (Chancel and Whitechapel Chimes) will be taking a well-deserved break. We want to thank them for their hours of practice and their leadership in worship. A big thanks also goes to Tin-Shi for all of the planning, preparation and direction. Watch for opportunities to provide music this summer by singing in the Summer Choir or ringing bells. Dates will be placed on the website and in the bulletin. Everyone is welcome!

3 - THE LIGHT June 2019

Church Friendships Some of my first memories and friends were made in Sunday School and by attending church with my parents each week. I looked forward to talking with these older friends each and every week. From their actions and words, I learned a great deal and have gained wisdom beyond my years. Joining the bell choir while in high school helped me to build even more friendships within the church. Each Thursday night we all came together to practice our songs – but also to laugh, have snacks, and make jokes. By participating in bell choir I made friends with people who I never would have otherwise. From the after-church lunches to the end of season get together these people have become great friends to share life with! If you are looking for a new friend or source of laughter, consider joining the choir!!

Submitted by Katie Broman

SUMMER CHOIR: June 2, July 7, August 11, and September 1 Summer Choir will rehearse at 9:30 AM and sing at the 10:30 AM worship service on that same Sunday. NO AUDITION REQUIRED. Friends and families are welcome. Music, coffee and continental breakfast will be provided. SUMMER BELLS: June 16, July 21, and August 18 Summer Bells will rehearse at 9:00 AM and play at the 10:30 AM worship service on that same Sunday. Ringers of all ages, all levels are welcome. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. Call Tin-Shi at 244-6209. Music, coffee and continental breakfast will be provided.

4 - THE LIGHT June 2019

AMOS Learning by Jacque Coulson

Since I retired, I have been slow to say “yes” to requests for help. However, the one constant pressure on my heart has been to learn more about justice issues. I was already aware of the AMOS organization that has been in Des Moines for over 20 years and that FUMC was a member. More recently another AMOS chapter has been established in Ankeny (where I now live) and that chapter had prioritized mental health issues, through which I became involved. I attended AMOS training in April. For others who may not know much about AMOS, here are the basics from their website along with my additions in parenthesis. If you wish, more information is available on their website, https://www.amosiowa.org or on Facebook. 1. AMOS is an affiliate of the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), the nation's oldest and

largest professional organizing network. (As such, it provides guidance and expertise to non-profit groups, including churches.)

2. IAF provides consultation, leadership training, and the services of an experienced professional organizer. AMOS is governed by a Central Leadership Team comprised of voting members of each of our member organizations. (Wanda Wendt and Eloise Cranke are our representatives on the leadership team.)

3. AMOS is a volunteer leader-led organization, locally controlled, and owned and operated by members organizations, such as FUMC. (In other words, we, as members, hire an executive director to keep the group organized and functioning effectively.)

4. The budget for AMOS is raised from the dues of its member organizations, fundraisers, and individual support. AMOS does not accept government funding.

5. Membership in AMOS is open to any organization who shares our values and our mission to make central Iowa a place that works for all.

6. Through face-to-face, one-on-one meetings, AMOS members build relationships between members of our communities. This process avoids divisions such as race, religion, and socioeconomic status, and at the same time, discovers the passions and concerns that unite us all.

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7. Once those passions and concerns are identified, the member volunteers work together to act publicly, bringing the power of organized people to decision makers to implement the AMOS agenda. Through this process, hundreds of people enter public life and claim responsibility for their future here in central Iowa.

Since I have returned to regular worship at FUMC, I find several new faces I want to get to know better. Of course, I also want to re-acquaint myself with old friends! Don’t be surprised if, in the near future, I ask to meet with you to make your acquaintance as well as to discuss the main passions and concerns in your life. Are you worried about financial security? Condition of the streets? Are you angry about crime in your neighborhood? Racial profiling? Poverty? Criminal justice? Any and all areas that affect you and your family are possibilities for research and potential action. (The purpose of this interaction is not to put pressure on you to become actively involved, but rather to learn what issues are important to you.) I believe it is God’s timing that brings me back to my home church at a time of transition so I can join all of you in meeting our new pastor and sharing our exciting future together!

Jacque Coulson

As the school year winds down so does our Children’s Sunday School program. May 26th was the last day for our children’s programming but Children’s Church will continue through the summer. I want to take this opportunity to thank Shirley Christoffersen and Laurie Hoskins for all of their work with the children of First Church. They love what they do and it shows. If you see them, please thank them for their faithfulness in teaching about God’s love to the youngest of our members. They are a blessing! Mark your calendars as Children’s Sunday School will resume on September 8th.

6 - THE LIGHT June 2019

In June, 2012, First Church voted to be a reconciling congregation and adopted the

following statement which appears on our bulletins and our website:

First United Methodist Church, at the top of 10th Street in downtown Des Moines, strives to love others as Christ loves us and, in doing so, to be the Body of Christ in word and deed. As the Body of Christ, we welcome all of God's children, knowing that each is created in the image of God. We welcome people of all gender identities, sexual orientations, ages, races, ethnicities, family configurations, and physical and mental capabilities to join us in full participation as we come together to worship God and then go out to share God's love in the world around us.

We are celebrating our 7th anniversary of this event on Sunday, June 16. On that day we will have rainbow stoles and rainbow ribbons available for worshippers to wear to show their support. Our celebration will continue with cake at after-church coffee. Another opportunity we have to celebrate diversity is to march in Des Moines' annual Gay Pride Parade which will take place the afternoon of Sunday, June 9. First Church will join Walnut Hills UMC for this event. If you are interested in marching in this parade, please email Christy Brown, a member of Walnut Hills UMC, at [email protected].

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Another Resurrection After praising God for our Risen Lord in April, May brings another resurrection of sorts: Meal Ministry! We want to regenerate a meal ministry to show how our church cares for our church family in times of transition or struggle. To make it easy, we will use an online service called “Take Them a Meal”. Here is how it works:

1. Those who are willing to occasionally prepare or purchase food volunteer to have

their names placed on an email or phone list. 2. When a need is identified, the coordinator for this service will send an email to

everyone on the list, explaining the situation and including a link to click. 3. The link opens a meal schedule of possible meal times, along with other

pertinent information. 4. The food donor chooses a convenient time and signs up with a menu idea and

contact information. (If no time is workable, then the donor is free to pass.) 5. There will be reminder emails as the time for delivery gets close. 6. Those who don’t have computer access can volunteer by calling the church office

or coordinator directly. 7. The food is delivered to the home or other designated drop off site at the agreed

upon time. Watch for the church bulletin for your chance to be part of this resurrected ministry!

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With the updating of our website, we also have EMAIL CHANGES. Please change the following addresses so we can continue to receive your emails!

Christine Anders

[email protected] old email: [email protected]

Duane Harris [email protected]

old email: [email protected]

Michelle Mathews [email protected]

old email: [email protected]

Email addresses for Pastor, Lisa Karen, and CCYC

remain the same.

1001 Pleasant Street

Des Moines, IA 50309

(515) 244-6209


The Light








Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


10:00 AM Mabaan Bible Study– Room 103 LL

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Communion, Food

Pantry Sunday 9:30 AM Choir Practice 10:30 AM Worship 12:30 PM Mabaan

Worship 3:00 PM Meal Prep -

Kitchen 6:30 PM FUMC serves

Central IA Shelter – 1420 Mulberry St.

10:30 AM Mabaan Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

3:15 PM CCYC Tutoring – CR1

10:30 AM Mabaan Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

10:30 AM Mabaan Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

11:30 AM Theology of the Ordinary – CR1

3:15 PM CCYC Tutoring – CR1

10:30 AM Mabaan

Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

7:00 PM Foxhall AA

Iowa Annual Conference 10:30 AM Mabaan Prayer

Group – Room 103 LL 6:00 PM Mabaan Women’s

Worship – LL #103

Iowa Annual Conference

10:00 AM Mabaan

Bible Study– Room 103 LL

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Iowa Annual Conference 10:30 AM Worship 12:30 PM Mabaan


Iowa Annual Conference

10:30 AM Mabaan

Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

3:15 PM CCYC Tutoring – CR1

Iowa Annual Conference

9:00 AM Staff Mtg 10:30 AM Mabaan

Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

6:00 PM CCYC Meeting – CR 1

6:30 PM Capitol City AA

10:30 AM Mabaan Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

11:30 AM Theology of the Ordinary – CR1

3:15 PM CCYC Tutoring – CR1

10:30 AM Mabaan Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

6:30 PM Outreach

Meeting – CR1 7:00 PM Foxhall AA

10:30 AM Mabaan Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

6:00 PM Mabaan Women’s Worship – LL #103

10:00 AM Mabaan Bible Study– Room 103 LL

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 9:00 AM Bell Practice 10:30 AM Worship 12:30 PM Mabaan


10:30 AM Mabaan Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

3:15 PM CCYC Tutoring – CR1


10:30 AM Mabaan Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

10:30 AM Mabaan Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

11:30 AM Theology of the Ordinary – CR1

3:15 PM CCYC Tutoring – CR1

LIGHT Articles Due 10:30 AM Mabaan

Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

7:00 PM Foxhall AA

10:30 AM Mabaan Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

1:30 – 7:00 PM Trinity Meal Preparations - Kitchen

4:45 PM FUMC serves at Trinity (CFUM Supper Club)- 1548 8th St, DM

6:00 PM Mabaan Women’s Worship – LL #103

10:00 AM Mabaan Bible Study– Room 103 LL

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 10:30 AM Worship with

Baby Dedication 12:00 PM Reception in

Gymnasium 12:30 PM Mabaan


10:00 AM Meal Prep -


10:30 AM Mabaan

Prayer Group

12 – FUMC serves at

Connection Café,

815 High St., DM

3:15 PM CCYC Tutoring – CR1

5:00 PM Finance Mtg 6:00 PM Church


9:00 AM Staff Mtg 10:30 AM Mabaan

Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

10:30 AM Mabaan Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

11:30 AM Theology of the Ordinary – CR1

3:15 PM CCYC Tutoring – CR1

10:30 AM Mabaan Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

7:00 PM Foxhall AA

10:30 AM Mabaan Prayer Group – Room 103 LL

6:00 PM Mabaan Women’s Worship – LL #103

10:00 AM Mabaan Bible Study– Room 103 LL


10:30 AM Worship 12:00 PM Farewell

Potluck for Pastor Eric 12:30 PM Mabaan


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