June 2015 Newsletter

CJF Ministries® PO Box 345 San Antonio, Texas 78292-0345 God has not forgotten the Jewish people, and neither have we.Telephone (210) 226-0421 Fax (210) 226-2140 E-mail [email protected] OrderLine (800) 926 - 5397 Website www.cjfm.org June 2015 Shalom, Haverim! I trust that this issue of our newsletter finds you well and enjoying the blessings of the Lord. Here at CJF Ministries, we’ve had a blessed and eventful first half of the year. One of the highlights was the installation service in Jerusalem for our new director of international ministries, Efraim Goldstein. Efraim and his wife, Jeannie, moved to Israel in May of 1994 and have been serving the Lord faithfully there ever since. They came to CJF Ministries several years ago from Jews for Jesus, one of our sister ministries in Israel. Efraim’s installation service was held at the Halff House, our headquarters building situated in Mevaseret Tzion, a western suburb of Jerusalem. You’ll find photographs on the enclosed insert. Ministries who sent representatives to the service included Jews for Jesus, Chosen People Ministries, HaGefen Publishers, Israel College of the Bible, Jerusalem Baptist Church, Or HaGalil Congregation (Nahariya), Moody Bible Institute, Olive Tree Congregation (Chicago), Maoz Israel, Nachalat Yeshua Congregation (Beersheva), Sar- El Tours, and a number of others. It was gratifying to see so many of our evangelical Messianic ministries come together in such an amazing demonstration of solidarity. Another notable event, during the first part of this year, was our Israel tour in March. Marcia and I were on our way to Israel to meet our tour group, and we made it as far as London before we were suddenly called back to the States because of a death in the family. But we were told later that the tour went very well and everyone had a great time—and we were pleased to hear that report! Our next tour will be in March of 2017. If you have never been to Israel, I hope you’ll reserve March 13-26 and begin making your plans to go with us. Michael (our son) and I will be leading the tour along with other staff members—and it promises to be an amazing, life-changing experience. Please pray for our pastor’s conference in Minsk, Belarus, this coming September 10-14. It’ll be our fifth FSU conference, and they’re telling us that 200 or so pastors—mainly from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus—will be attending. The theme will be “Israel and the Church in the End Times.” Pray for financial provision (the expenses for a conference like this are many, as you might imagine) and for God’s blessing and anointing as His Word goes forth into the hearts and minds of these preachers. We never take your friendship for granted. We are constantly reminded that your prayers and financial support enable us to continue this outreach “to the Jew first” (Rom. 1:16). So we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for standing with us so faithfully. Yours for the coming Kingdom, Gary Hedrick YET TO COME


Pastors' ConferencePassover ReportNew Director of International MinistriesTrinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) Passover

Transcript of June 2015 Newsletter

Page 1: June 2015 Newsletter

CJF Ministries®PO Box 345 San Antonio, Texas 78292-0345 “God has not forgotten the Jewish people, and neither have we.”

Telephone (210) 226-0421

Fax (210) 226 - 2140

E-mail [email protected]

OrderLine (800) 926 - 5397

Website www.cjfm.org

June 2015

Shalom, Haverim!

I trust that this issue of our newsletter finds you well and enjoying the blessings of the Lord.

Here at CJF Ministries, we’ve had a blessed and eventful first half of the year. One of the highlights was the installation service in Jerusalem for our new director of international ministries, Efraim Goldstein. Efraim and his wife, Jeannie, moved to Israel in May of 1994 and have been serving the Lord faithfully there ever since. They came to CJF Ministries several years ago from Jews for Jesus, one of our sister ministries in Israel.

Efraim’s installation service was held at the Halff House, our headquarters building situated in Mevaseret Tzion, a western suburb of Jerusalem. You’ll find photographs on the enclosed insert. Ministries who sent representatives to the service included Jews for Jesus, Chosen People Ministries, HaGefen Publishers, Israel College of the Bible, Jerusalem Baptist Church, Or HaGalil Congregation (Nahariya), Moody Bible Institute, Olive Tree Congregation (Chicago), Maoz Israel, Nachalat Yeshua Congregation (Beersheva), Sar-El Tours, and a number of others. It was gratifying to see so many of our evangelical Messianic ministries come together in such an amazing demonstration of solidarity.

Another notable event, during the first part of this year, was our Israel tour in March. Marcia and I were on our way to Israel to meet our tour group, and we made it as far as London before we were suddenly called back to the States because of a death in the family. But we were told later that the tour went very well and everyone had a great time—and we were pleased to hear that report! Our next tour will be in March of 2017. If you have never been to Israel, I hope you’ll reserve March 13-26 and begin making your plans to go with us. Michael (our son) and I will be leading the tour along with other staff members—and it promises to be an amazing, life-changing experience.

Please pray for our pastor’s conference in Minsk, Belarus, this coming September 10-14. It’ll be our fifth FSU conference, and they’re telling us that 200 or so pastors—mainly from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus—will be attending. The theme will be “Israel and the Church in the End Times.” Pray for financial provision (the expenses for a conference like this are many, as you might imagine) and for God’s blessing and anointing as His Word goes forth into the hearts and minds of these preachers.

We never take your friendship for granted. We are constantly reminded that your prayers and financial support enable us to continue this outreach “to the Jew first” (Rom. 1:16). So we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for standing with us so faithfully.

Yours for the coming Kingdom,

Gary Hedrick


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Every year our missionaries (at home and abroad) conduct many “Messiah in the Passover” presentations. This year, Michelle Beadle led 18 such presentations! And it never ceases to amaze her how God orches-trates introductions and draws specific individuals to each presentation—the saved and the unsaved—both Jewish and Gentile. Some have never been to a “Messiah in the Passover” presentation before; others attend hoping to encourage an unsaved friend or a loved one to come and hear the message.

On the second night of Passover this year, Michelle hosted a Seder in her home. In all, 14 people partici-pated, 11 of whom were Jewish and 3, Gentile. Two of the Jewish people were very new believers, and one of the Gentiles was unsaved.

The true highlight of every Passover season is the joy that Michelle feels seeing people come to faith in Yeshua as a result of her outreach. This year, two children accepted Yeshua as their Savior; at another meeting at a homeless shelter, a young man accepted the Lord; and on Resurrection Sunday, a man who had been attending an Alpha course came to faith! (Alpha students meet weekly to learn the basic tenets of the Christian faith.) Can’t you just hear the angels in Heaven rejoicing?

Messiah in the Passover presentations are a wonderful way to introduce your Jewish (and Gentile) friends to their Redeemer. Won’t you consider scheduling a presentation for your church or your small group next year? It’s never too early to call and schedule one.

To learn more about Michelle’s ministry, as well as the special ministries of other CJFM missionaries, visit our website at cjfm.org.

Passover always presents unique opportunities for our workers to reach Jewish people with the Gospel of Messiah. The following reports from CJFM missionaries demonstrate why this holiday is so special.


This year, approximately 100 people attended the Passover celebration at Beith Shalom in Minsk. Nearly all the attendees were Jewish, and more than ten were visiting for the first time. Our workers had the privilege of presenting the Passover story, while also explaining how Passover points to the atoning death and Resurrection of our Lord, the Messiah.

One of the highlights of this year’s service was a conversation Pastor Gennady Brutzki had with one Jewish woman. After the service, the woman (now in her 50s) shared that when she was born, doctors had not expected her to live. Her Jewish mother was secular and non-practicing, but she had heard about Jesus. In her desperation to save her newborn, the mother vowed to have her baby baptized. As you know, baptism is a very difficult step for any Jewish person (even a secular one), because it is seen as the ultimate act of betrayal to one’s fellow Jews. Jewish people have come to believe that being Jew-ish and believing in Jesus are mutually exclusive. But this mother was desperate; she wanted her baby to live. When the baby began to improve, the woman kept her promise. She had her daughter baptized in an Orthodox Christian church.

Years passed, and the woman eventually married and had a family of her own. She told Pastor Brutzki, however, that her life had been empty, and that she felt that something important was missing. And then, one Saturday she came to a Baptist church where she found a group of Messianic Jewish people whose company she enjoyed. And last year, she attended a Messianic conference. It was there that she under-stood for the first time what was missing from her life and what it was that she needed most. Not long after that conference, she surrendered her life to God, and in September, she chose to be baptized—in the river! Despite the cold river waters, her heart was on fire for the Lord! Since then, God has radically changed this woman’s life and filled her with joy.

To learn more about Gennady Brutzki, and to support his work in Belarus and the former Soviet republics, visit cjfm.org/gennadyb.

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For many years, Marcos and Deborah Morales have been serving God’s chosen people in Argen-tina through Shabbat meetings and, of course, celebration of the Jewish holidays. Last year in Rosario, a Conservative Jewish man—Herman Speisky, and his son, Lionel, both came to faith in Yeshua the Messiah while attending Shabbat meetings hosted by the Morales family. Before mov-ing to Argentina, Herman had resided for several years in Israel. Since coming to faith in Yeshua, Herman has offered his home in Rosario as a place for Bible study; and this year, he hosted a Pass-over Seder. Marcos and Deborah, who now live in Mendoza, were able to “Skype” Herman and the others at his home, and exchange encouraging words and heartfelt Passover greetings via the Internet. The Speiskys would appreciate your prayers for their many unsaved loved ones. Please pray also for the work of the Lord among the Spanish-speaking Jewish people—especially in Ro-sario and Mendoza.

For more about Marcos Morales, or to support his work in Argentina, visit cjfm.org/marcosm.

Pastor Brutzki and his son (and translator), Paul, enjoy a good laugh with the group on a recent CJFM tour. Pastor Brutzki began his presentation about the ministry in Belarus with good-natured kidding about where to find Belarus on the map. First, of course, one must begin with the right continent! Although tour-goers were literally from around the world and spoke several lan-guages, the joy of the Lord and the unity of the Spirit filled the room.

Above: Please pray for Jewish believers Herman and Lionel Speisky. Left: Marcos stands by as the Seder candles are lit. The ministry in Rosario has been more of a challenge since a gas explosion and fire destroyed the Morales’s apartment building and everything they owned. With God’s help, they are rebuilding both their lives and their ministry in Mendoza City.

Photo by R.A. Higbee

Photos courtesy of the Morales family

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Those familiar with the traditional Passover Seder know that children are tasked with posing four ques-tions, one of which is, “How is this night different from all other nights?” Playing on that question, Robert Weissman titled one of his recent Passover meetings “The Night That Was Different.” Approximately 100 people attended this particular presentation at the 325-year-old Colchester Baptist Church, a congregation with historic ties to the famous 19th-century British preacher and theologian, Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Since most of the attendees had never before witnessed a Passover meeting, Robert began with the origi-nal Passover story described in Exodus 12. After that, he explained how Jewish people observe the Pass-over today, using each element found on the Seder plate. Robert then explained about “the night that was different”—the night that Jesus celebrated the Passover just prior to His betrayal (see Matthew 26).

Robert also preached at an Open Brethren Assembly near Southend (east of central London) on Resur-rection evening. For that meeting, he chose to speak on Jesus’s Crucifixion and Resurrection recorded in John 19 and 20. Only a few days earlier, Robert and his wife had actually visited the Garden Tomb site with a CJFM tour of Israel. That location is believed by some to be near the place of Messiah’s Crucifixion and the garden where Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb was located. Using a model of the Garden Tomb that he purchased on-site in Israel, Robert was able to illustrate the biblical truths recorded in John’s Gospel.

There is indeed something special about the Garden Tomb. Robert’s wife, Rosamund, said, “What came over me is that every word of God proves true—and nowhere was this more apparent and exciting than at the Garden Tomb, where we could see the proximity of the likely sites for the Place of the Skull, the empty tomb, and the garden.”

To learn more about Robert and his work, or to support him financially, visit his page at cjfm.org/robertw.

Photos courtesy of Anthony Lipscomb

Robert used this model of the Garden Tomb to illustrate John’s account of Jesus’s death and burial (see John 19:17, 38-42; and 20:1-7).


On April 8, the SHALOM Student Fellowship (SSF) and CJF Ministries (CJFM) hosted guest speaker Justin Kron, Trinity students, staff, and fami-lies, and visitors from the surrounding communities at Melton Hall. Justin, founder of the Kesher Forum and eXperience Israel, led guests through an interactive Seder that he calls, “The Passover Experience.”

For a complete update visit cjfm.org/resources/newsletter/June-2015.

Photo courtesy of Robert Weissman

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CJFM COMMISSIONS EFRAIM GOLDSTEIN AS NEW DIRECTOR OF INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIESTour-goers on CJFM’s recent spring tour to Israel witnessed the commissioning of Dr. Efraim Goldstein as CJFM’s new Director of International Ministries. The installation service was held Monday, March 23, at the Halff House in Mevaseret, just outside of Jerusalem. Family, friends, and colleagues from several Messianic ministries in Israel were present to share in the time of worship and fellowship.

June 2015


Pastor Alexander Firisuk, a respected leader within the Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists, presented Efraim with a subscription to a Russian language publication to help him reach the many Russian-speaking Jewish people in Israel.

Pastor Gennady Brutzki from Belarus presented the new director with a beautiful wooden plaque citing Deuteronomy 33:29.

One week later, Israelis celebrated Passover. Here, the Jewish believers in Nahariya are joined by their Lebanese Christian counterparts for a Passover celebration at Or Hagalil.

Messianic Israeli pastor, Yossi Ovadia (with mic), is joined in prayer by (from left) Dr. Tim Sigler, CJFM board member, Pastor Rander Draper, and Pastor Dan Strull as they commission Efraim Goldstein for his new responsibilities.

Left: CJFM missionary in Argentina, Marcos Morales, and his wife, Deborah, joined in the evening’s festivities.

Rabbi Larry Goldman prays for Efraim, his wife, Jeannie, and their children.

All photos by R.A. Higbee unless otherwise noted.

Photo courtesy of Efraim Goldstein

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Moody professor and CJFM Scholar-in-Residence, Dr. Tim Sigler, served as master of ceremonies for the evening.

From left: Messianic Israeli attorney, Marvin Kramer, and his wife, Orit, Curt and Linda Nelson, CJFM worker in Israel Ruth Nessim, and Rander and Darlene Draper fellowship indoors. The Kramers also operate a crisis pregnancy center in Haifa.

Dr. Ousmane Soh from Dahra, Senegal, enjoys the buffet and conversation with Steve Holman and Kyle Krall, while Efraim visits with CJFM workers from Belarus and Russia.

CJFM board member, Curt Nelson, reads greetings from Dr. Gary Hedrick, who was unable to attend because of a death in the family.

A trio of Messianic musicians provided music for the evening, and led the group in worship.

Dr. Tim Sigler and CJFM missionary in the UK, Robert Weissman (r), visit during the buffet.

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Passover 2015 at Trinity International University

By Anthony Lipscomb

On April 8, the SHALOM Student Fellowship (SSF) and CJF Ministries (CJFM) hosted guest

speaker Justin Kron, Trinity students, staff, and families, and visitors from the surrounding

communities at Melton Hall. Justin, founder of the Kesher Forum and eXperience Israel, led

guests through an interactive Seder that he calls, “The Passover Experience.”

Traditional Passover Seders follow a particular order of service known in Hebrew as Haggadah

(“the telling”), which is meant to memorialize how in Egypt God had “passed over” the homes of

the people who had marked their doorposts and lintels with the blood of a lamb, thus sparing the

lives of all their firstborn (Exodus 11–12). For Jewish believers in Jesus (Yeshua) the Haggadah

finds special significance in Jesus’ self-sacrifice for all of humanity, and it was through this lens

of Jesus’ saving work that Justin presented the Passover Seder.

After a time of worship led by Brenden Lang (MA OT and Semitic Languages), the Seder

commenced with the lighting of the two festival candles at the head table—the first representing

God’s light illuminating the world, and the second how God’s people bring light into the world.

Every Jewish festival begins with the lighting of these two candles, and the concepts they

represent are so clearly captured in Jesus’ words, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12; 9:5)

and “You are the light of the world” (Matt 5:14).

After the lighting of the candles, and with great clarity, Justin guided guests through the

Haggadah and explained what each Seder element means in Jewish tradition and how Jesus was

either anticipated by the elements or how Jesus answers the concerns signified by the elements.

Guests found the integration of Jewish custom with faith in Jesus profoundly edifying.

“The symbolism behind each section and each element of the meal was very encouraging for my

Christian faith... There were so many applicable components to the service. The one that stuck

out to me the most is the ‘bittersweet’ reality of life as a follower of Christ in this fallen world. I

also appreciated the reminder that the Temple is no longer brick and mortar but flesh and bone in

all peoples from all ethnic-groups,” explained Eric Chang (MDiv/MA Mental Health


REACH student Irene Stroms Spejcher shared a similar sentiment, “I had a wonderful time and

learned a lot about the similarities between the Seder Passover Meal and the Lord’s Supper. I

especially appreciated the symbolism regarding the Brechat Haner (Blessing of the Light), the

meaning of the four cups of wine, and the breaking of the Afikomen (Bread of Remembrance). I

pray this becomes an annual event.”

For many in attendance the Passover Experience on the Trinity campus was their first Seder.

“I’ve wanted to experience the Passover Seder for years and finally I was able to participate this

time. Justin’s presentation was so powerful. I really appreciate his applications of each single

symbol of the Seder to the NT and today’s life. I felt there is something special to have a meal

together, comparing to the Lord’s Supper experience as a small part of worship service at

church,” said Ayun Kim (PhD OT).

While for others this was not their first Seder, the Passover Experience succeeded in providing a

profound spiritual and learning experience. “I actually had Seder in China twice and it is

amazing grace to be able to have Seder on the Trinity campus! It is a great blessing to attend the

Seder and it makes us engage with the Passover and really experience it with all our senses and it

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gives us a deeper understanding of the Passover and Jesus’ sacrificial love for the world,” said

international student Donald Wang (MDiv). Justin’s presentation helped Lisa Weathers (Office

of Advancement and University Relations) understand more clearly as a gentile the depth of

what she had experienced as a participant at other Seders. She is grateful for Justin and others

who take the time to bridge the Jewish-Christian experience.

The Passover Experience not only provided spiritual and intellectual stimulus for individual

reflection, it also provided an opportunity for families to spend time growing together in Jesus.

When asked what the Seder meant to him, Arthur Ang (MDiv) reflected, “The Passover is done

as a family, and thus we chose to include our child even though we know it is not easy. Billy (our

toddler) was a bit restless at the beginning because he wanted to just run outside. But, as we

started the feast, he became interested in holding the different items (e.g. cup of grape juice)

while we explained to him their significance. In the end, we were surprised that he even finished

a matzo by himself! We, that is the Protestant church, often compartmentalize and ‘get rid’ of the

kids by separating them from ‘adult ministry.’ The Passover is an excellent ‘family event’ that

integrates our family life with our faith. We hope we’ll continue to do well in teaching him

diligently so that he’ll love Yahweh with all his heart, soul and might (Deut 6).”

A major component of the Seder celebration was the sharing of a traditional Passover meal.

Justin provided the menu and recipes and Trinity’s catering services, led by Lore Swanson, did a

fantastic job preparing and catering the dinner, which featured gefilte fish, matzo ball soup,

roasted chicken, sweet buttered carrots, red roasted potatoes, and strawberry sponge cake.

Needless to say, no one left hungry!

We of the SSF are encouraged by the overwhelmingly enthusiastic response by the Trinity

community to the Passover Experience, and it is our sincere hope that this event may be the start

of many Seders held at Trinity. Our partner in this endeavor, CJFM, which exists to make Jesus

the Messiah known to the Jewish people first and then to the nations (Romans 1:16), provided

generous support, without which this event and its fine quality would not have been possible. We

are deeply grateful for CJFM’s support in helping to share the Jewish heritage of the Christian

faith with the Trinity community.

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