June 13 AIMS-PAYROLL 2013 - Indian Railways€¦ · Training Manual Version 1.1. CRIS AIMS-PAYROLL...

CRIS AIMS-PAYROLL 2013 AIMS-PAYROLL June 13 2013 Objective of Payroll module is to maintain Employee Information (personal and job related), Change Data (allowances and recoveries), Leave, Career (Increments, Promotions, Transfer and Pay change), Process Salary and generate all the salary related reports. Training Manual Version 1.1

Transcript of June 13 AIMS-PAYROLL 2013 - Indian Railways€¦ · Training Manual Version 1.1. CRIS AIMS-PAYROLL...

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June 13

2013 Objective of Payroll module is to maintain Employee Information (personal and job related), Change Data (allowances and recoveries), Leave, Career (Increments, Promotions, Transfer and Pay change), Process Salary and generate all the salary related reports.

Training Manual Version 1.1

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Features At A Glance

Employee Data

• Maintenance of Employee Master Data (Personal, Current job details, Appointment details and Pay related)

Change Data

• Maintenance of Allowances and Recoveries (Pay Rate related/ Rule based, Loans related, and other).

Salary Process

• Process of Salary.

• Generation of salary related reports

• Forward processed salary bills to Accounts for passing.


• Posting of Leaves/ absentee.

• Cancellation of leaves.


• Reporting of Transfer, Promotion, Increment and Change of Pay

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Functionalities Covered

Employee Data

Employee Bio-data

Change Data Change Data Entry

Current Month (All Emp.)

BU Wise Running

BU Wise Multiple Allocation

OT Entry

Court Case


Salary Process Salary Process

Salary Report

Leave Leave Posting

Leave Cancel

Career Transfer


Pay Change


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Employee Data Career

Change Data

Salary Process




Enter Employee Information(Personal Info., Current Job Info, etc.)

Entry of Increments, Promotions, Change in Pay & Transfer Cases for Employees

Entry of Earning & Recovery of an Employee(Like Loan, Pay rate, etc.)

Entry of Leaves(Salary Effective Leaves, casual Leaves)

Leave Cancellation etc.

Salary Calculation Process

Salary Report

Forward to Accounts for Bill Passing

Generate Report

Forward to IC

Steps to Prepare Salary for an Employee

Master Salary Process

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Screen is provided to enter or modify all the Personal as well as job related information of the

employee. New employee can be entered in the system also details of existing employee can be


New Employee Entry :-

1. Select New Employee Option If Employee‘s Data To be entered for the first Time. A

small window will be appeared asking for NPS staff or Not. Select YES for NPS staff

else select NO. If YES is selected then another small window will be appeared asking if

16 digit PPAN (PERSONAL PENSION ACCOUNT NUMBER) number is available or

not. If available then select OK else select CANCEL.

2. If the Employee is not a NPS staff (appointment date is earliar to 01-jan-2004), then

Enter 8 Digit Employee No (Allotted PF no.). If employee is a NPS staff and having 16

digits PPAN no then enter that 16 digit Pension Acc No. If employee is a NPS staff and

not having 16 digits PPAN no then enter 8 digits temp Number provided by the admin.

3. Fill all the appointment related details and save.

Employee Data

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4. After saving appointment details rest other tabs Personal, Current Job and Pay related

tabs will display.

5. Fill personal information of the employee and click next button.

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6. Fill Employee’s current job related details e.g. designation, department, station, bill unit



HRA and TA is calculated on the basis of Current Posted Station.

There must be 17 years difference between Appointment Date & Date of Birth of an


Retirement Date is calculated on the basis of entered Birth Date (Date of Birth

mentioned in Appointment Tab.

If Bill unit is in process state no changes can be made.

Salary will be calculated for the employees whose service status is “Serving (Sal)”.

The Following table gives a brief description of Current Job Page:

NB:* Mark indicates Compulsory field.

Fields Description

Subst. Designation* Enter Subst. Designation

Officiating Desig. Enter Officiating Designation.

Working Desig. Enter Working Designation.

Trade Enter Posted Trade

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Parent Dept. Enter Department of Posting

Working Dept.* Enter Working Department

Parent AU Posted Accounting Unit

Working AU* Working Accounting Unit

Parent Office Posted Office

Working Office Working Office

Incentive Category Category of employees for the purpose of calculating incentive


Station* Posted Station

Bill Unit No.* Posted Bill Unit

Employee Status Employee Status Like Permanent ,Temporary etc.

Posting Status Posting status Like Regular, Add-hoc etc.

Service Status* Serving Status Like Serving sal, Transfer Out etc.( only in case of

serving (sal) and serving(stop sal) options ,salary will be calculated)

Service Status Date Effect Date for Service status

If Deputation Out,Where? If one Goes for deputation then Enter Place of Deputation

Tenure Post? Tick Mark in Tenure Post

Tenure Years Enter Tenure Years

8. Click Next Button to go to Pay Related Tab. And fill pay related details of the employee


1. Pay rate is basic pay. i.e. pay in pay band + grade pay of the employee.

2. In TA Combo box ,

First two option (office Tran – not Availing & office transport) both are for

officers who are entitled for the office transport.

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“Declaration from employee” option is selected then TA is given to the

employee as per the employee station and grade pay.

The Following table gives a brief description of Pay Related Page:

NB: * Mark indicates Compulsory field.

Fields Description

If MACP Tick mark if MACP

If Med Decategorised Tick mark if Med De-categorized

GradePay* Select Grade Pay

PayBand* Select Pay Band

PayRate (Rs.)* Enter Pay Rate (in Rupees)(Pay in Pay band + Grade pay)

Bank Code* Select Bank Code if self cheque then bank code is ‘000000000’

Account No.* Enter Account Number

Payment Mode * Select Payment Mode

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If Physically Handicapped? Tick Mark if Physically Handicapped (TA amount will be

double w.r.t. Normal employees)

Handicap Nature Select Handicap Nature

Handicap Percent Enter Handicap Percent

Transport Allowance* Select Transport mode

Accommodation* Select Accommodation mode

Date of Increment* Enter Date of Increment

9. Click Save Button.

This module is used to enter allowances and recoveries of the employee.

1. Click Add Button to Add more Rows.

2. Click Save Button to Save data.

3. No changes is allowed if the bill unit of the employee is in processed state.

Change Data

Steps for Change Data Entry:

Click on Change Data Entry Link in the Menu.

System displays the following screen.

Select Emp no. from Popup list.

System will Populate Emp Details and Displays on the page

Select EDCODE from Popup list in Tabs to Change Data.

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1. For Current Month Only

Screen to enter or modify Earnings and Deductions of the employee effective only for the

Current month. To delete click on Delete Check box. Click SAVE to save data.

2. For Continuous Months

Screen to enter or modify Earnings and Deductions of the employee effective for the certain

period. Entries can be deleted from the same tab only if entered in the current month, To close

the earnings and deduction entered earlier to current month, for an employee click Close Check

Box. If “To Date” Column has future date then that Earnings or Deductions will carry forward

to that date and then stops automatically. Reference number must be different to enter same

earning and deduction.

3. Rule based and Pay Rate Related

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Screen to enter or modify Pay Rate Related or Rule based Earnings and Deductions (Like Pay,

DA, HRA, PF, NPS, GIS, Magazine Allw etc.). If “To Date” Column has future date then that

earning or recovery will carry forward to that date and then stops automatically. System

automatically calculates amount at the time of salary process as per the rule for the earning and

deductions against the employee.


For the recovery of NPS employee appointment date should be later to 1 Jan 2004 &

valid employee pension account no. must be filled in Employee Bio-data.

PF recovery automatically stops for all the employee whose Retirement date is within

next 3 months.

4. Loan

Screen to enter or modify Loan Related earnings and deductions. If any entry is filled by mistake

then that entry can be deleted from the same tab by clicking on Delete Check box in a current

month only, to close the previous Loan two other pages are provided (Stop Society Loan & Stop

Other Loan).

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Click SAVE button to save all the entered data.

Following are two Screens which are used to Stop running Loans for the employee.

Stop Society Bank Loan

This Screen only shows the Society related Loans for the employee. To stop the Loan Click

on Stop Checkbox to Stop Loan.

Stop Other Than Society Loan

Screen shows all the loans other than society related for the Employee (Like Advance PF,

Advance against Festival etc.). Click on Stop Checkbox and SAVE to Stop Loan.

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Posting Of Earning and Deduction for All Employees

Screen to enter earning and deduction for a number of employees of a bill unit. This entry will be

effective only for the current month.

Select Bill Unit and Earning Code. Employee Details will be displayed. User has to Enter

Amount Field and Reference No if any.

NDA, NHA and Earning Deduction For Running Employees

Screen to enter earning and deduction which are specific for running employees of a bill

unit. Night duty allowance and national holiday allowance also can be entered for running as

well as non-running employees. This entry will be effective only for the current month.

Select Bill Unit, Employee Details will be displayed. User has to Enter UNITS.

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Allocation Entry

Screen to enter default allocation of the bill unit and allocation for the employee. User has to

Select Bill Unit, Employee Details of the bill unit will be displayed.Sum of all allocated

Percentage must be 100. Default allocation of the bill unit will be applicable for all the

employees whose allocation is not specified

In New Entry Details section Click on Button (Enter Estimation and Allocation) for a particular

employee a new page will appear for allocation purpose according to Percentage.

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Court Case

If Any Employee is involved in Court Case and if Court Orders to deduct fixed amount from

Employee Salary to Credit the Opposite Party Account then this Screen is used. Code of this

type of Recovery is RJ (Recovery Against Judiciary) which to be enter first in Change Data

Tabs accordingly and the open the link of “Court Case” in “Misc Prog” From Menu to enter

the Party Name & his Payment Details (From Which Name Cheque will Print).

Following Screen Shows Entry of Recovery:

Now, Following Screen shows Entry of Party Name.

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In Above Screen, Delete Button is used to Delete Party Name only or Edit Party Name, deletion

from this screen will not stop the recovery to stop recovery Close it from Change Data from


This Module is used for Bill Unit wise salary Process.

Salary Process

Steps for Salary Process:

Click to Salary Process Link in menu.

Select Bill Unit from List.

Initially Bill Status is INITIALISED,After Clicking Process,Bill Status will be changed to PROCESSED.

Click Reset for Resetting the Bill Status from PROCESSED state to INITIALISED state.

Click Forward_to_IC for forwarding the bill to IC

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For selected Billunit, Process Error & Biodata Entry Error can also be checked or analyze.


Select Bill Unit and respective report, the press Generate button to generate the respective


Leave Posting

Select Employee no. from popup and System will display the Details of employee.

For filling details of an employee regarding leave can be filled in following steps:


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SCREEN shows above procedure for doing entry of an Employee:-


This Screen shows that after selecting L.H.A.P, then Select the Commute FLAG value i.e. YES

(Double of the leave will be deleted) or NO (Leave amount will be deducted from Salary ).

Steps for Leave Posting :

First SELECT the leave type from the list .

Fill the date in FROM DATE column on which the leave will start and fill the date in TO DATE column on which the leave will stop.

System will automatically Display the number of DAYS of leave.

SELECT the reason for which the leave is being taken in REASON column.

Fill the date on which the application is given by an employee in APP DATE column.

For more enteries, click upon ADD MORE ROWS button,otherwise SAVE the entry. Current entry can be deleted by clicking upon DEL checkbox.

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SUSPENSION: - For those days on which an Employee is Suspended his/her Salary is

calculated as per the suspension percentage. Below Screen shows the Suspension leave

according to percentage.

Cancellation Of Leave

This Screen is provided to Cancel any Leave already Entered.

Enter the Employee No. and System will display the details of an Employee and the previous

leaves taken by an Employee. Details of previous Leaves shows the Type of Leave, the Date

on which Leave is taken in which Half and the Reason of Leave. Screen shows the previous

Leaves of an employee and to Cancel the entry click upon the SELECT .A new Screen will


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Now by clicking on Del, Leave Entry can be Deleted and confirm the deletion by clicking on


There are various activities covered in this module

Transfer (Transfer In, Transfer Out).

Increment (Basic Pay Increment, Effective date of Increment)

Pay Change



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Transfer screen is for transferring the employees. Following are two types of transfer pages:

Transfer In

Following screen shows the names of Transferred employees from some other division of same


To enter the transferred employees new details click on Entry Button (shown in above screen).

Already filled details of transferred employee are from his/her previous unit or division. Click

Save to save data.

Steps for Career Maintainence:

Click to Career Link in menu

Click on the Link among the menu of left side of the screen

Select Transfer Link for any transfer case of an employee

Select Increment Link for giving Increments to employees

Select Pay Change Link to Change the Basic pay for an Employee

Select Promotion Link to promote the Employee

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To Confirm the Saved Data Click on the Confirm Button (shown in first screen). Same

Screen will open with all filled values, click Save to confirm the Employees Details.

In case of, Other Railway Transfer Out no Employee Name is shown in Transfer In list.

Transfer Out

Following screen shows the transferring the employee from one unit to other unit. Pink

columns are already filled details of employee and white columns are for “where to transfer”

details. Click Save to Transfer out the employee.


To Confirm the Saved Data Click on the Confirm link from left side menu. Same Screen

will open with all filled values, click Save to confirm the Employees Details for


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In case of, Deputation Transfer Type in “Transfer To” column there is no combo box,

user have to enter the value in this column.


Increment for all the employees are applicable only in the month of july. So according to

salary paid in the month of June system calculates increment and displayes in the screen.

User may postpone the increment or change the increment amount in the month of july.

There are two buttons provided for respective purpose.

Change of Increment Amount :

In following screen, all information are displayed of an employee. Now, to apply increment

through Pay replace only “New Basic” column with new amount & click Save to reflect the


Postpone Increment:

In following screen, all information are displayed of an employee. Now, to differ increment date

“Postponed Date” column with that date from which increment should be given to employee &

click Save to reflect the changes.

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Change of Pay

To change the basic pay of an employee following screens are used. Click Change Pay button

to change basic pay.

In this screen, Change are made. Enter “New Basic” field & “Effective Date” column on

basis of these two information a particular employee’s pay will change.

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This screen is for promotion purpose. Current details of employee are displayed, user have to

enter “New Designation” & “New Grade Pay” to set New Pay Rate Automatically of

Promoted Employee.

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