G reetings,H arley O w ners G rou p m em bers. A nother m onth ofwarm w eather in the book s.H ave you noticed itis getting darker each day a little bitearlier? I k ind ofgetdepressed a little once F allstarts as I k now itw illbe getting colder and riding and freezing is notthatm u ch fu n for m e and C arolyn.I think I w illhave to bu y heated gloves and a vestand give ita try. W e have had tons ofgreatrides this year and I am very pleased w ith the tu rn ou tfor ou r events.G etting involved w ith grou p rides is a greatw ay to m eet new friends or getto k now each other better.M em bers often tellm e they don’tcom e on the rides becau se riding in a grou p is nottheir thing.M any have said they are notcom fortable riding w ith those they are notfam iliar w ith. There are protocols to riding in a grou p.Staggered form ations are u sed so a rider can have the best field ofvision in frontofthem .The lead bike or the Road C aptain rides to the leftside ofthe tr affic lane.The nextbike rides to the rightand rear ofthe lead bike.The third bike in form ation w ou ld then ride behind the lead bike w ith a tw o-second gap recom m ended by the N ationalH ighw ay Traffic Safety A dm inistration.F or w hatever reasons,ifa biker is notable to keep u p w ith the bike s in frontofthem ,thatperson shou ld ride in the rear ofthe form ation.Ifa bike experiences m echanicalproblem s or you ju stneed to stop to close a saddlebag,the rear bike in the form ation is called the sw eep and thatperson also stops to see ifthey can assist. O nce the rider w ho had to stop,rejoins the grou p,they join atthe rear in frontofthe sw eep.Itis bad m anners to try to regain the position you started in.M oving back and forth from the rightside to the leftside ofa lane is im proper riding w ith a grou p in staggered form ation.Ifa new rider is uncom fortable riding in a particu lar lane assignm ent,have this w orked ou tw ith the person riding in frontor back ofyou as you leave on you r ride. Adhering to accepted protocolm ethods ofriding in a grou p w illinsu re a safer riding experience. Being com fortable riding in a grou p takes practice.E very second one has to m ake su re they are paying attention so as notto ru n into the person in frontofthem .W e allexpectthe person in back ofu s to do the sam e. Ifyou have any qu estions abou tproper protocols w hile riding in a grou p,ask those w ho have been riding for a long tim e and they willbe able to help you out.They did notgetgood atthis withouta lotofpractice and riding experience. Severalm em bers over the lastyear have asked abou tadvertising for their children’s fu ndraisers, garage sales;bake sales,jew elry parties,etc.Itis the policy ofthe Ju nction C ity H arley O w ners G rou p notto do this as m em bers in the pastw ere irritated w ith the am ou ntofw hatthey referred to as spam in their inbox.W e don’tw antto offend anyone,so please u se other ou tlets to getthe w ord ou tto you r friends ofthese types offu ndraising events.W hatw e can send ou tare item s thatare of directinterestto ou r chapter thatrelate directly to H O G i.e.m eeting notices,H O G Poker Ru ns, H O G dinner rides,H O G notices to the generalm em bership pertaining to a m em ber in need or sym pathy notices,etc. I w antto thank the thirty-three m em bers w ho participated in the Progressive D inner Septem ber 13. Specialthanks to O rin and D ebbie Au ld,D on and L inda Ru sh,and Scottand Bonnie Tem pleton for hosting and opening up their hom es to allofu s w ho attended. This w as a fantastic tu rnou tand ifyou m issed it,you m issed a greattim e. SEPTEM BER 2009 JU N CTION CITY CHAPTER #1508 SPONSORING DEALER City Cycle Sales H oney G rant,G en.M gr. OFFICERS Director Dan Breci brecidj@ m sn.com 785.223.4204 Assistant Director M ike Rhodes m ichael.rhodes@ em barq.com 785.762.4449 Secretary Phyllis Fitzgerald fitzm iss@ yahoo.com 785.238.6320 Treasurer Karen Connell karenconnell232@ yahoo.com 785.762.2937 Road Captain Kevin Connell kevinconnell232@ hotm ail.com 785.762.2937 Safety Don Rush taxiderm @ cox.net 785.238.1236 Ladies of Harley Sue Gwaltney & Claudia Perry sk gk ick @ hotm ail.com 785.307.0157 Webmaster Orin Auld kelcor@ cox.net 785.762.5694 Editor W anda Allen w allen@ k su .edu 785.485.2488 Photographer/Historian Linda Rush sew m anycrafts@ cox.net 785.238.1236 H. O .G. MONTHLY D irecto r’s Repo rt D an Breci (Director’s R eport continued on next page)

Transcript of JUNCTION CITY CHAPTER #1508 SEPTEM BER 2009...

G reetings, H arley O w ners G rou p m em bers. A nother m onth of w arm w eather in the book s. H ave you noticed it is getting dark er each day a little bit earlier? I k ind of get depressed a little once F all starts as I k now it w ill be getting colder and riding and freezing is not that m u ch fu n for m e and C arolyn. I think I w ill have to bu y heated gloves and a vest and g ive it a try. W e have had tons of great rides this year and I am very pleased w ith the tu rn ou t for ou r events. G etting involved w ith grou p rides is a great w ay to m eet

new friends or get to k now each other better. M em bers often tell m e they don’t com e on the rides becau se riding in a grou p is not their thing. M any have said they are not com fortable riding w ith those they are not fam iliar w ith. There are protocols to riding in a grou p. Stag gered form ations are u sed so a rider can have the best field of vision in front of them . The lead bik e or the Road C aptain rides to the left side of the tr affic lane. The next bik e rides to the rig ht and rear of the lead bik e. The third bik e in form ation w ou ld then ride behind the lead bik e w ith a tw o-second gap recom m ended by the N ational H ig hw ay Traffic Safety A dm inistration. F or w hatever reasons, if a bik er is not able to k eep u p w ith the bik e s in front of them , that person shou ld ride in the rear of the form ation. If a bik e experiences m echanical problem s or you ju st need to stop to close a saddlebag, the rear bik e in the form ation is called the sw eep and that person also stops to see if they can assist. O nce the rider w ho had to stop, rejoins the grou p, they join at the rear in front of the sw eep. It i s bad m anners to try to regain the position you started in. M oving back and forth from the rig ht side to the left side of a lane is im proper riding w ith a grou p in stag gered form ation. If a new rider is u ncom fortable riding in a particu lar lane assignm ent, have this w ork ed ou t w ith the person riding in front or back of you as you leave on you r ride. A dhering to accepted protocol m ethods of riding in a grou p w ill insu re a safer riding experience. Being com fortable riding in a grou p tak es practice. E very second one has to m ak e su re they are paying attention so as not to ru n into the person in front of them . W e all expect the person in back of u s to do the sam e. If you have any qu estions abou t proper protocols w hile riding in a grou p, ask those w ho have been riding for a long tim e and they w ill be able to help you ou t. They did not get good at this w ithou t a lot of practice and riding experience. Several m em bers over the last year have ask ed abou t advertising for their children’s fu ndraisers, garage sales; bak e sales, jew elry parties, etc. It is the policy of the Ju nction C ity H arley O w ners G rou p not to do this as m em bers in the past w ere irritated w ith the am ou nt of w hat they referred to as spam in their inbox. W e don’t w ant to offend anyone, so please u se other ou tlets to get the w ord ou t to you r friends of these types of fu ndraising events. W hat w e can send ou t are item s that are of direct interest to ou r chapter that relate directly to H O G i.e. m eeting notices, H O G Pok er Ru ns, H O G dinner rides, H O G notices to the general m em bership pertaining to a m em ber in need or sym pathy notices, etc.! I w ant to thank the thirty-three m em bers w ho participated in the Progressive D inner Septem ber 13. Special thank s to O rin and D ebbie A u ld, D on and L inda Ru sh, and Scott and Bonnie Tem pleton for hosting and opening u p their hom es to all of u s w ho attended. This w as a fantastic tu rnou t and if you m issed it, you m issed a great tim e.



SPO N S O RIN G DEALER City Cycle Sales H oney G rant, G en. M gr.

O FFICERS Director D an Breci brecidj@ m sn.com 7 85.223.4204

Assistant Director M ike Rhodes m ichael.rhodes@ em barq.com 7 85.7 62.4449

Secretary Phyllis Fitzgerald fitzm iss@ yahoo.com 7 85.238.6320

Treasurer K aren Con n ell k arenconnell232@ yahoo.com 7 85.7 62.2937

Road Captain Kevin Con n ell k evinconnell232@ hotm ail.com 7 85.7 62.2937

Safety D on Ru sh taxiderm @ cox.net 7 85.238.1236

Ladies of Harley Su e G w altn ey & C lau dia Perry sk g k ick @ hotm ail.com 7 85.307 .0157

Webmaster O rin Au ld k elcor@ cox.net 7 85.7 62.5694

Editor W an da A llen w allen@ k su .edu 7 85.485.2488

Photographer/Historian Lin da Ru sh sew m anycrafts@ cox.net 7 85.238.1236

H.O .G. M ON THLY D irecto r’s Repo rt D an Breci

(D irector’s R eport con tin u ed on n ext page)


2009 CAL E N D AR:


7 – L abor D ay

13 – Progressive dinner

14 – H .O .G . m eetings

22 – A u tu m n Beg ins


3 – F am ily D ay

12 – H .O .G . m eetings

31 – H allow een


1 – D aylig ht-Saving Tim e E nds

3 – E lection D ay

8 – Toy Ru n

9 – H .O .G . m eetings

11 – Veterans D ay

26 – Thank sg iving


7 – Pearl H arbor D ay

14 – H .O .G . m eetings

21 – W inter Beg ins

25 – C hristm as

31 – N ew Year’s eve

(M in u tes con tin u ed on n ext page)

M in u tes from Septem b er 14, 2009 A m om ent of prayer/silence for ou r past friends and soldiers serving stateside and overseas. Special thou g hts go ou t to Jeanne Saddler w hose m other recently passed aw ay and for W ayne Jaeck e w hose dau g hter M elanie recently passed aw ay. The Pledge of A lleg iance w as led by Jim K ebble. A w arm w elcom e w as g iven to all visitors and g u ests w ho attended the Ju nction C ity C hapter H arley O w ners G rou p #1508. N ew visitors inclu ded

Vern M acintosh w ho u sed to be a m em ber som e tim e ago. Birthdays for Septem ber inclu ded: Steve Sm ith 9/1, Steve D reyer 9/2, D avid E ck art 9/6, Todd Schreiner 9/6, M arion A bbick 9/11, M arcu s H am m ond 9/11, A ndy K azar 9/11, E lizabeth K rau se 9/11, L inda Sem ple 9/13, O rin A u ld 9/ 15, D avid C onner 9/16, M arcu s M cC u rdy 9/17 , Jam es W ebb 9/18, A nniversaries for Septem ber inclu ded: C hristian and Barb Sm ith – 9/14, 13 years E ddie and W anda A llen – 9/4, 37 years Ronnie and C arla Scheller – 45 years The door prize and the 50/50 w as w on by D avid E ck el. C ongratu lations. O f the $34 D avid w on, he donated $19 back to the clu b. Thank you . Below is a listing of som e of the u pcom ing events and m ail that ou r clu b has received. You w ill als o find at C ity Cycle Sales on the front table as you w alk into the show room , a notebook that has additional inform ation on the u pcom ing events and also any others that m ay have com e in. Thank you note from C ecil and Patty A sk a Thank you from the A m erican H eart A ssociation Thank you card from C hu ck and Pat O lm stead Received a new C hapter F lag from H O G G eary C ou nty Senior C itizen’s C enter requ esting volu nteers for their H om ebou nd M eal Program . D arlene F u ller M ission F u nd F ort H ays H og C hapter sent u s their Septem ber 2009 new sletter Pony E xpress Ride - Sept. 15-24 St. Joseph, M O . to Sacram ento, C A PO W /M IA Recognition D ay Sept. 18 H eritage Park 6 p.m . Pok er Ru n for Tracey O ltm anns Sept. 19 W hite C ity Ride 4 H ope Bik e Rally Sept. 19 E llinw ood G randview Plaza C ity W ide G arage Sale Sept. 19 8 a.m .-3 p.m . Salina H arley M D A Pok er Ru n Sept. 20 N oon K enw ood Park H H S A fter Prom Pok er Ru n Sept. 26 H erington

M in u tes Phyllis F itzgerald— secretary

If you have not heard, W ayne’s dau g hter, M elanie N ett died last m onth. If you have not been by C ity Cycle Sales lately, stop in and say H i to W ayne and H oney and the rest of the staff. I have never m et a bu nch of nicer folk s in any bu siness that I have ever dealt w ith, and I’m su re m ost of you all feel the sam e. F am ily D ay and H ig hw ay C lean-u p are u pcom ing events, so don’t think you w on’t have another chance to see you r fellow friends and riders before the snow sets in and the w ind chill is below zer o. O r does that not happen this early in K ansas? I believe w e had a great ice storm in Ju nction C ity o n H allow een nig ht 1993. Ride safe, bu ck le u p, and if you happen to drop you r bik e in C ity Cycle Sales park ing lot, m ak e su re you r friends are arou nd so you don’t get the Bozo aw ard.

(D irector’s R eport con tin u ed from previou s page)


K ou ntry K latter Sept. 26-27 E nterprise F all F estival Parade 2 p.m . Ju nction C ity H O G F am ily D ay O ct. 3 O k lahom a State Rally O ct. 8-10 Ponca C ity, O K W om en’s H ealth E xpo & L u ncheon O ct. 10 JC M u nicipal Bldg. 8 a.m .-3 p.m . 6 th A nnu al Ju nction F u nction O ct. 22 M arriott Social & D inner K State H om ecom ing Parade O ct. 23 Ju nction C ity H O G Toy Ru n N ov. 8 K S State Rally - Ju ne 3-5, 2010 L iberal, K S O ld B u sin ess: The M anhattan H ig h School football team has requ ested u s and ou r bik es at their hom e gam es. The dat es w e are riding arou nd the stadiu m are: Sept. 18!Seam an vs. M anhattan Sept.!25!Topek a W est vs. M anhattan O ct.!!!16!!Topek a H ig h vs. M anhattan O ct.!!30!!Ju nction C ity vs. M anhattan K evin C onnell gave an u pdate on the recent rides that have occu rred du ring the last m onth. Som e of the places the H arley O w ners G rou p have visited inclu de: C assoday, E l D orado, M D A ride, K .C . H arley F actory, Progressive D inner ride, L eavenw orth and Salina. K evin continu es in conju nction w ith the L O H to plan rides. If you have any su g gestions on a ride, ju st le t K evin now. L inda Sem ple gave u s an u pdate on the su ccess of ou r M D A F u nd Raiser. L inda thank ed everyone w ho he lped to m ak e it a su ccess. W e raised over $7 300 for M D A this year. M att from the K ansas C ity M D A , w as so im pressed and happy w ith ou r efforts and has spok en hig hly of ou r grou p in K ansas C ity. D ave Baldw in w as the big w inner, raising $2001 dollars, O rin an d D eb A u ld raised over $600 and Ju dy Padgett raised over $500. Thank you all. O u r big gest fu ndraiser w as the hog raffle, alone w e raised over $3000 in raffle tick ets. W e need to g ive Pat A u stin a big thank s for his involvem ent in getting u s the hogs, tak ing them to be p rocessed and delivering them to the w inners. Thank you Pat. The L adies of H arley sponsored Progressive D inner w as a big su ccess as w ell. There w ere 23 bik es an d 35 people w ho participated in the dinner ride. Thank you to D on and L inda Ru sh, O rin and D eb A u ld, Scott and Bonnie Tem pleton for the u se of their hom es. Thank you to K evin and K aren C onnell and Barb Blythe for assisting in the food preparation. N ew B u sin ess: O ct 3, is ou r F am ily D ay and plans are being m ade. The festivities w ill be held at C ity Cycle Sales . A ll m em bers present voted to allocate $300 to be u sed to bu y m eats and condim ents. M em bers are ask ed to bring side dishes. Start tim e fo r F am ily D ay is still being discu ssed, it w ill be either 3 or 4 p.m . Prior to the F am ily D ay activities, K evin C onnell and Bryan Spu rlock are planning a ride to K ansas C ity to attend Ralph W ayne’s Back yard N ationals (vintage bik es). They expect to be back arou nd 3 p.m . O n Su nday, O ct 4, Scott Tem pleton is planning a ride to Sm olan, K S for lu nch or dinner at the Sm olan School Restau rant. The H ig hw ay C lean U p day w ill be discu ssed at the O ct 12 m eeting. O fficers R eports: M ik e - A ssistant D irector, took a head cou nt for Tym e O u t L ou nge and facilitated the Bozo aw ard nom inations. There w ere three nom inations for Bozo. Tam m y Redondo nom inated her hu sband for having the w rong k eys for a car that he w as su pposed to be p ick ing u p for a soldier. H e realized that after he look ed at the vehicle reg istration. A ndres Redondo nom inated Tam m y for look ing for her m otorcycle gloves w hile on the M D A ru n. O ne of t he gloves w as laying on the lu g gage rack and the other w as stu ck to the Velcro on her helm et. K evin C onnell w as nom inated for getting the grou p lost fou r tim es on the recent trip to L eavenw orth K ansas. A nd, the w inner w as: A ndres Redondo. K aren – Treasu rer, w e have a balance of $931.22 before a cou ple of bills that she w as g iven this eve ning. Phyllis – Secretary, nothing to report. Su e and C lau dia - L adies of H arley, they w ill continu e to plan som e rides in conju nction w ith K evin C onnell. K evin - Road C aptain, continu ing to plan rides. D on- Safety, Be carefu l, Be safe, and Tak e care w hen ou t riding you r bik es, becau se w e w ant you bac k . These tw o-w ord phrases cau se u s to be a little m ore alert w hen w e go ou t on a ride on ou r bik es. O rin – W ebm aster, continu e to tu rn in you r m ileage. L inda – Photographer, nothing to report. W anda – E ditor, nothing to report. The m eeting w as adjou rned at 8:05 p.m . The next m eeting is M onday, O ct. 12. L adies of H arley starts at 6:30 p.m . and the general m eeting at 7 p.m .

(M in u tes con tin u ed from previou s page)


Let’s Ask Bu bba Bu bba— resident expert Dear Bubba: Can you give me any serious tips on riding this time of year? 

Signed: Want the 411. D ear 411: I do not claim to be an expert bu t I w ill offer you som e of m y riding advice from over the years.! D o not tak e these as the gospel bu t a general ru le of thu m b. This tim e of the year can be a very beau tifu l tim e of the year to ride.! The season is ju st starting to tu rn a little cooler bu t w ith that som etim es com es m ore rain and som e other specific hazards. W hen it does rain slow dow w nnnnn.! You r bik e can hydro-plane ju st lik e a 4-w heeler can bu t w hen you do it on tw o w heels it is a really cheap thrill.! If you feel you r back w heel start to slide im m ediately left off of the throttle.! D o not panic and brak e at this tim e.! A s long as you r front w heel is going straig ht you r back w heel w ill fo llow in the sam e

line.! If you do have to brak e do so that you do not leave you r self any room other than to do a pan ic stop.! A BS, if you r have it, w ill help you from lock ing u p the brak es. O ther things to w atch ou t for are leaves on the road.! They in them selves can be very slippery espec ially w hen w et.! They can also cover other hazards su ch as potholes.! Avoid them if at all possible. If you are going for an extended ride aw ay from hom e tak e som e w arm clothes and or rain gear w ith yo u .! N o m atter w hat the tem peratu re is w hen you leave you never k now w hen the w eather w ill change and in this part of the co u ntry it can change very qu ick ly. W hen riding in the rain avoid pu ddles of w ater if possible.! You do not k now if it is ju st a pu ddle or if it is a six inch hole w aiting to sw allow you r tire.! The rain can also m ak e the road extrem ely slick .! The first 10-15 m inu tes of a m oderate rain or longer for a slow rain can be the m ost hazardou s as the m oistu re tends to m ix w ith the oil and other flu ids that have leak e d from the vehicles and m ak e it lik e ice.! L ook ahead for rainbow colored spots w hich are an indication of m oistu re m ixed w ith oil.! Be v ery carefu l at intersections not only w hen tu rning bu t stopping as w ell.! You need to be cau tiou s w hen you pu t you r feet dow n at a stop! a s you boots can slip on the w et pavem ent as w ell.! O ne m ore thing abou t riding in cold and or w et w eather it can qu ick ly drain you r energ y as you tend to shiver w hen cold and start feeling achy in you r extrem ities.! F or this reason tak e break s m ore often and get w arm ed back u p.! If you r e xtrem ities are starting to go nu m b then you r reaction sk ills w ill dim inish and m ak e you m ore su sceptible to an accident. It can be fu n riding in the fall and early w inter ju st rem em ber that it tak es a little bit m ore thou ght. If you have m ore qu estions abou t this type of riding ask you r Safety O fficer for m ore info. Signed: Bu bba

Tech Tip D ean M izes— service m anager T his is som ething I hear a few tim es a m onth, ‘’ W hen I let go of the handlebars, the bik e does this or that!” T hey w ill say the bik e pu lls to one side or the bars shak e. I f you call H arley- D avidson they w ill tell you not to let go of the bars!!! S o w e w ill not w ork on the bik e and then tell the cu stom er to ride it and let go of the bars and see how it feels. O ff the record, I do let go of the bars to see w hat happens and m ost of the tim e I can help the problem go aw ay. J u st rem em ber that no w here in the ow ners m anu al is it w ritten that this bik e is to be operated w ith you r hands off the handlebars.

U n cle Sco tt’s Chro m e Co rn er Scott Tem pleton— parts m anager C heck ou t Scott’s C hrom e C orner in next m onth’s new sletter. M eanw hile, stop in to see Scott at C ity Cycle Sales to see w hat’s new in the parts departm ent.


M ost m otorcycle problem s are cau sed by the nu t that connects the handlebars to the saddle.! ~A u thor U nk now n

F ou r w heels m ove the body.! Tw o w heels m ove the sou l.! ~A u thor U nk now n

M idnig ht bu gs taste best.! ~A u thor U nk now n

H arley

C ity Cycle Sales, Inc. has som e new staff m em bers. !L isette is in clothing and cam e from a store in C olorado. A lso, w e have Benjam in in service w ho has been to school and com es fu lly qu alified. W e are lu ck y to find tw o great people to join ou r fam ily at C ity Cycle Sales. The w eather has been cool and m otorcycles are m oving. !C om e in and see ou r 2010s, and check on ou r great finance program . Jeff or K erry can help you and get the rig ht paym ent or answ er any qu estions. W e have rack s of new stu ff. C om e by and let K at or L isette help you . . . life is good.

A W o rd fro m o u r Spo n so r H oney G rant— general m anager

I’m com piling a list of diners, cafes, restau rants that w e can all u se as a resou rce for ride destin ations. L et’s exclu de chains or franchises. W e w ant to k now abou t the places you have already visited and can recom m end to others. I w ill assu m e all destinations have paved roads. If not please say so in you r su bm issions. Som e folk s m ay not w ant to ride on u npaved roads no m atter how good the food. If you don’t k now the exact address, hou rs, etc. ju st g ive m e anything you k now and I’ll try to rese arch the rest. You r personal com m ents w ill help w ith answ ering any qu estions. If several people su g gest the sam e pl ace I w ill edit appropriately to fit.

E m ail, call or talk to m e at fu tu re m eetings abou t you r recom m endations. I’ll list a new location ea ch m onth in the new sletter as long as I continu e to get su g gestions. H igh N oon Saloon , 206 C hoctaw St.., L eavenw orth, K S 66048 913-682-487 6 O pen: D aily at 11 a.m . D ining room closes 9 p.m . M on.-Sat., 8 p.m . Su n. w w w.thehig hnoon.com M iles from C ity Cycle Sales: 128 m iles “20 + members took a gorgeous, scenic ride on Labor Day. High Noon didn’t get the message to expect us but accommodated us pretty quickly. A huge variety on the menu, good service and no complaints about the food were heard at the table.” C lau dia Perry & Pat O lm stead

Oh, by the w ay . . . W anda A llen— editor


JAN U ARY 2009

O u r friendly staff w ork s hard to bu ild qu ality relationships w ith ou r cu stom ers. W e not only w ant you to feel com fortable doing bu siness w ith u s, w e also w ant you to w alk aw ay feeling great abou t you r experience w ith C ity Cycle Sales Inc.

At City Cycle S a les

Service F red: service w riter D ean: lead m echanic D J: m echanic Rick : m echanic C hris: m echanic Benjam in: m echanic

Fin a n ce K erry, Jeff U .

B ookkeepin g D ee

In ven tory L arry

Pa rts & Accessories Scott: parts & accessories m gr. D on: parts tech Ray: parts tech

M otorcloth es & Helm ets K athi, L isette

S a les H oney, Jeff M ., K erry, Jeff U .

City Cycle S a les Spon sorin g D ealer

H on ey G ran t, G en . M gr.

1021 G olden b elt Blvd. Ju n ction City, KS 66441

785.238.3411 or toll free 1.877.600.1983

W in ter H ou rs: M on .-Fri. 9-5:30 p.m . Sat. 9 a.m .-4 p.m .

W e’re on the W eb ! See u s at:

w w w .citycyclesalesin c.com