July Shotsuki -...

- Issue No. 563 San Mateo Buddhist Temple August 2016 Your Good Dharma Friend Talks: Rev. Henry Toryo Adams Dancing with Mahamaudgalyayana As a child growing up in Minnesota, my birthday party in July was one of the highlights of summer that I looked forward to each year, along with camping trips to the North Shore of Lake Superior and Fourth of July fireworks. I would eagerly anticipate having all my friends come over to eat cake and ice cream and play on the “slip and slide,” a large plastic sheet that we would spread out on the lawn and wet down with a garden hose. I have wonderful memories of my birthday parties as a child and now I do my best to create those memories for my own children. For our oldest son, summer begins with his birthday party in June and culminates with treats, dancing and staying out late for Obon Odori in August. This year, our San Mateo Buddhist Temple Obon observances will occur with cemetery services and Obon Odori dancing on Saturday, August 13, and our Obon Service at the temple on Sunday, August 14. The Buddhist observance of Obon is inspired by the story of the Buddha’s compassionate teaching to his disciple Mahamaudgalyayana. Mahamaudgalyayana felt deep gratitude toward his loving mother, and after she passed away, he would reflect on how all the things she had done for him continued to bring benefit to his life. As an enlightened disciple of the Buddha, Mahamaudgalyayana had a special ability to see the workings of cause and effect beyond the boundaries of birth and death. On one occasion he used this power to search for his mother throughout the six realms of existence*. At that time, he saw that his mother had fallen into the realm of the hungry ghosts, a state of suffering from unsatisfied desire. Mahamaudgalyayana immediately went to the Buddha to ask what he could do to ease his mother’s suffering. Because there is nothing that we can do directly for a loved one once they have passed away and ceased to dwell in this world, the Buddha advised Mahamaudgalyayana that the best way for him to express the feelings of gratitude he felt for his departed mother would be to practice generosity toward the people he lived with everyday. Mahamaudgalyayana followed the Buddha’s instructions and made a gift of food, clothing and other necessary items to his fellow monks at the conclusion of their rainy season retreat on the fifteenth day of the seventh month. After making this gift, his thoughts turned once again to his mother. Again, he used his special power of vision to seek her out in the various realms of birth and death. He was delighted to see that his mother had been released from suffering in the realm of the hungry ghosts. At that time, we are told that the usually reserved and dignified monk Mahamaudgalyayana was so overjoyed by the power of the Buddha’s teaching to bring about freedom from suffering that he began to leap and dance about without any regard for what others might think of him. This unselfconscious dance of joy serves as the basis for the Obon Odori dancing that we will enjoy at the San Mateo Buddhist Temple on the evening of Saturday, August 13.

Transcript of July Shotsuki -...

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Issue No. 563 San Mateo Buddhist Temple August 2016

Your Good Dharma Friend Talks:Rev. Henry Toryo Adams

Dancing with Mahamaudgalyayana

As a child growing up in Minnesota, my birthday party in July was one of the highlights of summer that I looked forward to each year, along with camping trips to the North Shore of Lake Superior and Fourth of July fireworks. I would eagerly anticipate having all my friends come over to eat cake and ice cream and play on the “slip and slide,” a large plastic sheet that we would spread out on the lawn and wet down with a garden hose. I have wonderful memories of my birthday parties as a child and now I do my best to create those memories for my own children. For our oldest son, summer begins with his birthday party in June and culminates with treats, dancing and staying out late for Obon Odori in August. This year, our San Mateo Buddhist Temple Obon observances will occur with cemetery services and Obon Odori dancing on Saturday, August 13, and our Obon Service at the temple on Sunday, August 14. The Buddhist observance of Obon is inspired by the story of the Buddha’s compassionate teaching to his disciple Mahamaudgalyayana.

Mahamaudgalyayana felt deep gratitude toward his loving mother, and after she passed away, he would reflect on how all the things she had done for him continued to bring benefit to his life. As an enlightened disciple of the Buddha, Mahamaudgalyayana had a special ability to see the workings of cause and effect beyond the boundaries of birth and death. On one occasion he used this power to search for his mother throughout the six realms of existence*. At that time, he saw that his mother had fallen into the realm of the hungry ghosts, a state of suffering from unsatisfied desire.

Mahamaudgalyayana immediately went to the Buddha to ask what he could do to ease his mother’s suffering. Because there is nothing that we can do directly for a loved one once they have passed away and ceased to dwell in this world, the Buddha advised Mahamaudgalyayana that the best way for him to express the feelings of gratitude he felt for his departed mother would be to practice generosity toward the people he lived with everyday. Mahamaudgalyayana followed the Buddha’s instructions and made a gift of food, clothing and other necessary items to his fellow monks at the conclusion of their rainy season retreat on the fifteenth day of the seventh month.

After making this gift, his thoughts turned once again to his mother. Again, he used his special power of vision to seek her out in the various realms of birth and death. He was delighted to see that his mother had been released from suffering in the realm of the hungry ghosts. At that time, we are told that the usually reserved and dignified monk Mahamaudgalyayana was so overjoyed by the power

of the Buddha’s teaching to bring about freedom from suffering that he began to leap and dance about without any regard for what others might think of him. This unselfconscious dance of joy serves as the basis for the Obon Odori dancing that we will enjoy at the San Mateo Buddhist Temple on the evening of Saturday, August 13.

In one version of this story, Mahamaudgalyayana questions the Buddha regarding how his kind mother could have fallen into the realm of the hungry ghosts, the destination of those who fail to practice true generosity. The Buddha explains that while Mahamaudgalyayana’s mother was kind to him, she always restrained her generosity so that she would be able to provide her son with the best things.

I have yet to meet a parent who does not give ultimate preference to their own children. Now that I am a parent myself, I realize all the attention and planning that goes into hosting a successful birthday party. Venues have to be reserved, menus planned, and cakes ordered or baked. In making all these decisions, the preferences of our birthday boy get first priority. Usually we try to teach our children that guests get served first, but when hosting a birthday party, our custom is for the birthday boy or girl to choose the first slice of cake.

Sakyamuni Buddha and the enlightened monks and nuns who have followed his example all left home so that they could seek the path of freedom from karmic bonds. My karmic bonds are too deep to leave home and abandon my bias towards my own family. For this very reason, I find my Dharma home in Shinran’s path of the Nembutsu. Shinran himself married and raised several children with his wife Eshinni. He lived with deep awareness of the karma that bound him to this world, and yet he was confident that the great compassion of the Buddha would carry him to liberation through the Nembutsu. He expresses his joy in the following words:

How joyous I am, realizing as I humbly reflect that my heart and mind stand rooted in the Buddha-ground of the universal Vow, and that my thoughts and feelings flow within the dharma-ocean, which is beyond comprehension.(Collected Works of Shinran, p. 303)

In this season of Obon, we join Mahamaudgalyayana in remembering those who for our sake have taken upon themselves the karmic burden of special concern for us above all others. We join Mahamaudgalyayana and Shinran in the dance of joy at encountering the power of the Buddha’s compassion to bring about liberation for all who bear a heavy burden of karma.

Namo Amida Butsu

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*hells, hungry ghosts, animals, humans, fighting titans, and heavenly beings目犍連尊者と一緒に踊る





そしてお布施をした後、再び天眼を使い、母親を六道の世界の中に探すと、母親が餓鬼道から開放された様子が見えました。すると、普段尊厳でまじめな僧侶だった目犍連尊者は大喜びして、周りの目を気にせず踊りだしました。この時、目犍連尊者がこのように仏様の み教えを喜び、踊りだしたことが今年は 8 月13日の夜に行われる盆踊りの由来だと言





(浄土真宗聖典 浄土文類聚鈔 入出二門偈頌文 現代語版 18頁)お盆の季節に、私たちを優先してくださっていた先亡者の方々を偲んで、どんなに業が深い人でも救ってくださる如来の大悲を喜びながら、目犍連尊者と親鸞聖人と一緒に踊りましょう。南無阿弥陀仏

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Page 4: July Shotsuki - sanmateobuddhisttemple.orgsanmateobuddhisttemple.org/.../uploads/2017/05/2016-08-Aug-NL.docx  · Web viewIt’s not an easy word for me to say but I have been trying.

“Riding on the dragonfly, guests are coming from far away Pure Land!It’s the yearly visit of our guests.

Dragonfly, dragonfly, red dragonfly!Lighting the bonfires and paper lanterns,

We’ll all go out to meet our guests.”Obon no Uta

This is a time when we hear the story of Moggallana, who deeply loved his mother and did whatever he needed to save his mother from the realm of suffering. We sing and dance to “Obon no Uta” but I’ve never understood the words (see translation above). How simple but beautiful the words are, welcoming our loved ones and ancestors who are no longer with us, home again. Observing Obon is a time for each of us to reflect upon our loved ones who have crossed to the Other Shore before us. I often reflect on the precious times I’ve had with my grandparents, aunts, uncles and my father. I often reflect on the happy times I had with each of them. I remember following my grandfather around while he did things around his house and also felt his compassion and love when my cousins left me behind to play in the snow since I was too little. Seeing my sadness, Jichan would stop what he was doing, put me on the sled and pull me around. Although my father was tough, I reflect upon his compassion and love when I had issues. He would see the turmoil I was in and tell me to go and take care of business. I always felt his love and deep inside I knew he would be there whenever I would need him. As I have stated before, I see his smile in my grandson, Tyson. With the passing of our loved ones, we share the great memories of the times we spent with them and how grateful we are that they nurtured us to be what we are today.

So build those memories with your loved ones and friends. Tell them that you love them and give them a hug. It’s not an easy word for me to say but I have been trying. My children are good examples of saying “love you” and are my teachers. I hope that my children and people I cherish know that I love them and that I will always be there for them even though I don’t express it. During Obon, I reflect upon our pioneers I’ve gotten to know and who have since passed. At every Obon, I celebrate the fond memories of our members, ancestors, and especially think about my father. With the birth of my grandchildren, I reflect upon their unconditional love. With the third Grandchild on the way, I see how precious life is and how valuable time is as we do not know how long we have in this world.

Please attend the services at the cemeteries in the morning of August 13th and join us that evening at 7:00pm to dance as we celebrate Obon to commemorate the memories of our loved ones who are

now free from suffering and to celebrate life and memories for the future. The Obon/Hatsubon service is on Sunday,the 14th at 9:30 am. THANK YOU to all for helping and supporting with our bazaar. Due to your hard work, we had another successful bazaar. I know it becomes more difficult each year, but it brings a smile to me when I see those attending having a good time, good food, and especially mingling with friends and our Sangha. The weather was great, there was great fellowship, and fantastic food! I still say we have the best bazaar in the Bay Area and Coast.

TYSON UPDATE: Tyson is attending Day Care every morning now. He needs to be there by 9:30 am now. My duties have changed a bit. Now I go and make him breakfast every morning and get him ready for school so that my daughter can get prepared for work. I have been heating up rice and mixing it with eggs and bits of turkey, making “a sort of” fried rice. He loves fried rice. I also cut up fruit, which he loves. He’s not too wild about this change and sometimes is reluctant to go to school. As I see him grow, his need for me lessens. He is more expressive and is talking more and more in sentences. When he falls, he gets up and says, “I am OK” and when my daughter dropped him off at Day Care, he said good-bye and said, “Have a good day Mommy” and “see you!”

KAIA UPDATE: Kaia will soon be 2. I’ve been going back to see my mom on Mondays lately and my kids and I try to get together. I get to see Kaia more and she calls me Jichan now instead of Grandpa. I guess she hears Tyson call me Jichan so she copies him. I asked her if she wanted to go back with me and she said, “Yes” and said good-bye to everyone. Not sure what she would have done if I drove off with her. I told her didn’t have a car seat for her didn’t care, she still wanted to go. She is more independent than Tyson and a bit more advanced. She’s fun to be with too and her personality is different than Tysons. She and Tyson are like siblings and enjoy seeing each other.

WHAT’s HIS/HER NAME UPDATE: My other daughter, Alyson, is doing fine with her pregnancy. The baby is healthy and growing. They still don’t want to know if the baby is a she or he. We’ll see in November/December.

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As always, thanks to all of you for your continued support of our temple. Domo arigato.

Gokurousama... in gassho

Victor Iwamura門徒総代より お寺のみなさまへ

お盆が近づき、目連尊者のお話を聞く季節になりました。 お釈迦様のお弟子の一人であった、目連尊者が、亡き母が餓鬼道に落ちていることを知り、母を必死に救おうとするお話です。 お盆の法要の際に歌う、とんぼに乗ってご先祖様が。。。。。。という「お盆の唄」の意味を知ったとき、美しい言葉に感動しました。 お盆は、私たちより先にお浄土へ渡った方々を偲ぶ機会です。 私は、祖父母や、叔父、叔母、父との楽しかった日々を、思い出すことがよくあります。 いつも祖父について回って、いろんなことをしました。 いとこたちが、小さかった私をおいてきぼりにして雪遊びをしているのを見て泣いていると、祖父がやりかけの仕事を放って、私をそりに乗せて、雪の中を引っ張ってくれました。 父はとても厳しい人でしたが、私がなにかに困っていると、必ず、自分で解決しろと言って背中を押してくれました。 いつも父がいてくれると思うだけで、父の愛を感じ、安心できました。 以前言ったかもしれませんが、タイソンの笑顔は、私の父のそれとそっくりなのです。 懐かしい日々を思い出すと、感謝の気持ちがあふれてきます。 

家族、友人、みなさんの人生にかけがえの無い人たちとの思い出づくりを怠らないでください。 そして、愛を、言葉や態度で示しましょう。 子供たちは、いつもアイラブユーと言ってくれますが、私はあまり愛情を表現するのが得意ではないので、努力するようにしています。 私は、彼らに、私がどれほど大事に思っているか、知っていてほしいと思います。 お盆にあたり、すでに亡くなられたお寺のパイオニアの方々のことを思い出します。 亡くなった家族、特に父のことを、思います。 私にも孫ができ、彼らの無償の愛に感謝します。 三人目の孫がもうすぐ生まれるにつけても、命の尊さ、そして、一緒に過ごせる日々の尊さを感じるのです。 

各墓地でのおつとめは、13日の朝にあります。 そして、夜はお盆踊りです。 ぜひみなさんお誘いあわせの上、御参加ください。 盂蘭盆会は、14日 午前 9 時半です。 

お寺のこと - バザーでお手伝い下さった方、本当にありがとうございました。 天候にも恵まれ、盛況に終えることができました。 楽しそうに食べたり、話した

りしているみんなを見て、私も笑顔になりました。 何度も言うようですが、私たちのお寺のバザーは、ベイエリア近辺のお寺のなかでも最高だと思います。

タイソンの近況 - タイソンは毎日デイケアに行きます。 9 時半までに行かなくてはならないので、私の仕事も変わりました。 朝、娘が仕事にいく準備をする間、私はタイソンの朝ごはんを作り、デイケアに行く用意をするのです。 ごはんを温めて、卵とターキーを入れて、ちょっとした炒めご飯を作ります。 好きなフルーツも切って出します。 タイソンは、デイケアに毎日通うことがあまり好きではないようで、嫌がることもあります。 大きくなるにつれて、だんだん私を必要とすることも少なくなってきています。おしゃべりも上手で、文章で話します。 転んだら、すぐに起き上がり、自分で「大丈夫」と言って立ち上がります。 娘がデイケアに降ろす時には、「じゃあね、マミー、よい一日を!」 と言うのです。 カイアの近況 -もうすぐ二歳です。 最近は月曜日には母に会いにいくようにしているので、息子夫婦とも会うようにしています。 最近、カイアは、グランパではなく、「じいちゃん」と呼ぶようになりました。タイソンがじいちゃんと呼ぶので、まねたのかもしれません。 この前、じいちゃんと一緒にサンマテオに行くかと聞いたら、行くと言うのでびっくりしました。 本当に連れて行ったらどうなったでしょうか。 あわてて、じいちゃんの車にはカーシートがないからこの次にしようと言ったのですが、まだ行きたいと言っていました。 タイソンよりずっと自立していて、性格も違い、一緒にいてとても楽しいです。  タイソンとカイアは仲が良く、兄弟のように遊んでいます。 

名前はなあに? - アリソンは安定期に入り、元気にしています。お腹の赤ちゃんも元気だそうです 性別は聞かないそうですので、産まれるまで楽しみです。  11 月か12月に出産予定です。     いつも、お寺の運営にご協力くださり、本当にありがとうございます。 ドウモアリガトウ! ゴクロウサマ。

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合掌、サンマテオ仏教会 門徒総代 岩村ビクター

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Temple Acknowledgements

July Shotsuki28 Families; $1440.00 Total donation

Bratton, Takako & CharlesHamai, LucyHamamoto, Kiyomi & KiyokoKajikami, EikoKohara, Naohiro & TaekoKohara, Takao & MiyokoLee familyMaemura, YugiMiyashita, Ikue

Mukai, MichiOhara, MasafumiOmai, JamesSaiki, Toshinori & KeikoSasano, KyokoShimoide, Ted & YumikoShimono, SakaeSuruki, Shuji & RyukoSuzuki, Yas & Midori

Takao, ReikoTakei, SadakoTaoka, WesleyTorigoe, Eric & GayleTsuyuki, KeikoUyeda, Yoko & DonYamanaka, Katsumi & YuriyeYasuda, Pat & StevenYoshida, Masayo & Mitsuo

Memorial DonationsHamamoto, Max & Sumiye $25.00 in memory of Chiyeko OkadaKodakari, Kazuyo & Roy $10.00 in memory of Chiyeko OkadaNakamura, Linda & Greg $500.00 in memory of Amy Nakamura, Hisayo & Richard KogaOtonari, Tak & family $200.00 hoji serviceOkita, Charles & Norma $100.00 in memory of Kiyo Okita & Kenge TakahashiSasano family $500.00 service for Akira SasanoTakeda, Warren $100.00 in memory of Akira Sasano

Special DonationsCassman, June $251.00 honorarium for weddingHamamoto, Kiyomi & Kiyoko $100.00 Special donation in honor of June & Pravin weddingMurai, Doris $12.00 Special donation Stamp ClubTao, Frank $100.00 in appreciation for including mother in ceremonies


The Monthly Shotsuki (Memorial) Service will be held on Sunday, August 7th at 10:30 am.

Shotsuki (Memorial) Service for the following:

Arimura, Mrs Kiku Nekotani, Janice Takako Suruki, Mrs HanaChang, Yoshie Fujino Nekotani, Teruo Ted Takao, NobuoDaikoku, Mrs Tomo Nekotani, Weston Takemori, BobFuruya, Masazo Nekotani, Yoshiye Takeshita, KenjiHigashi, Mrs Etsuko Niiyama, Shigeru Tsuda, TetsuyaHiraki, Yasuko Noda, Yokichi Uota, BeckyHori, Takuji Obata, Takizo Uota, KenIkeda, Shizue Obata Mrs Wai Uota, MitsuyukiImamura, Steve K Ogawa, Howard Uota, YokoIshida, Mrs Teru Oka, Mrs Rie Wakai, MayKawahara, Sakaye Ohara, Shigeyuki Yamane, KenKitagawa, Mrs Kaoru Pavao, Junko Yamanouchi, YoshikoNakada, Mrs Tsuru Shirogane, Katsu

Special Services should be held for the following intervals:Year of Death2015201420102004

Special Serviceprior to 1 yearprior to 3 Yearsprior to 7 Yearsprior to 13 Years

Year of Death2000191119841967

Special Serviceprior to 17 yearsprior to 25 Yearsprior to 33 Yearsprior to 50 Years

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Kumamoto Prefecture in Japan was struck by two devastating 7+ magnitude earthquakes and numerous aftershocks since April 14, 2016. The Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) extends our thoughts of concern and sincere condolences to those whose lives have been affected by this tragedy.

OBON LANTERN ~ In MemoryFor OBON, the Temple will be hanging Chochins (lanterns) in memory of those who have passed away. If you would like to sponsor an Obon Lantern, please contact the temple by August 1.

On a lantern your family name will be posted as shown above and we will hang them during our Obon Odori on August 13 and Obon Service on August 14. The lanterns are limited in quantity so they will be offered on a first come first served basis.

We are asking for a minimum of $20 donation for each lantern.

Please provide: Your name & tel .

email: .

Name on Banner (& if you know the Kanji, please include too.) .

2016 SUMMER TERAKOYA @ SMBT 7/25 ~ 7/29

Our summer camp program, Summer Terakoya @ SMBT is happening again at the end of July. We will welcome 20 students & 2 high school volunteers this year! Please support the program in our temple by buying Terakoya original cute T-shirts and tote bags. They will be sold at Obon-odori! (or contact Yuko Suruki @ [email protected])

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2016 SMBT BWA Excursion on Saturday, August 20, 2016The Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front / National Historical Park, Richmond, CA

Did you know during WWII, Richmond was one of the busiest cities in the US to build ships? You will be amazed and inspired by the history. We will also have an opportunity to watch a documentary film, “Blossoms & Thorns” about the WWII experiences of Japanese American flower growers in Richmond. Mrs. Flora Ninomiya from Contra Costa JACL will join us as a docent. Lunch will be at “Assemble” restaurant, right next to the Bay. It will be a fun day for all. We hope you can join! 2016 BWA excursion has no age requirement and is open to everyone. Husbands, children, grandchildren, and friends are all welcome. Limited seats. Please sign up today!

みなさんは、対岸のリッチモンドが、第二次世界大戦中、造船でとても栄えたことをご存じですか? 男性が戦場へ行き、残された女性たちは、一致団結して国を守りました。この博物館では、その歴史の一部に触れることができます。また、当日は、ニノミヤフローラさんをお迎えし、リッチモンドの日系花農家の太平洋戦争中の収容所での体験のドキュメンタリー短編映画を観ます。 昼食は、海辺にある倉庫を改造して作った素敵なレストラン‘アセンブル’で、いただきます。 今年の遠足は、行先がカジノではないので、年齢制限はありません。 ご主人、お子様、お孫さん、お友達も歓迎です。皆さんの参加をお待ちしています。人数制限がありますので、お申込みはお早目に!

$22 per person ($ 16 per person for children 12 & under) includes transportation and lunch. Please be at the Temple by 9:00 AM. We will return around 3:30 PM.Contact Yuko Suruki @ 650-372-5581 or 415-377-6959 email [email protected] if you have any questions.

------------------- Return this portion to sign up! RSVP by 7/30. First come First served. Limited Seats. ----------------------


PHONE: _____________________ CELL PHONE: __________________Email: __________________________

LUNCH (circle one) : Chicken Wrap 100% angus beef Hamburger Kids Menu (Grilled Cheese Sandwich)only for children 12 & under

Please make a check payable to SMBT-BWA and mail to: San Mateo Buddhist Temple BWA2 South Claremont St., San Mateo, CA 94401

Emergency contact: _________________________________ Phone :_____________________________


Kumamoto Prefecture in Japan was struck by two devastating 7+ magnitude earthquakes and numerous aftershocks since April 14, 2016. The Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) extends our thoughts of concern and sincere condolences to those whose lives have been affected by this tragedy.


Found a ring and an ear ring during Bento sales clean up. Know anyone who lost them

contact Victor: (650) 863-6256