July Newsletter

[1] 64TH REGISTER July 2012 Volume 1 Issue 4


Official newsletter of Division 64 of PNW Key Club

Transcript of July Newsletter

Page 1: July Newsletter


64TH REGISTERJuly 2012Volume 1 Issue 4

Page 2: July Newsletter


SUMMER LOVIN’: WHERE WILL SUMMER 2012 TAKE YOU? Make lasting memories, make strangers into friends, and serve those around you to create the best summer yet! Summer 2012: What will you make out of it?

Hello Division 64 and friends! It’s sad how quickly time flies

when you’re having fun and not worrying about school or grades,

but I can honestly say that I’ve had a spectacular summer so far! I

just got back from Orlando, Florida for the annual International

Convention! I have so many great things to share with you from my

trip, so please take some time to look over my ICON re-cap page.

Where have you gone this summer? California, New York,

Europe? I would love to hear all about it so message me or send me

pictures so that I can put it in our newsletters!

Service over the summer can be difficult. It seems that you

can’t get all your officers together at the same time because of trips

or internships. However, I encourage all of you guys to plan at least

one service event this summer. It doesn’t matter if 5 people show

up; it’s all about the effort you put into helping others. If you do

end up planning an event, I would love to come and help you guys

out! If you need any advice or ideas let me know! I am also

planning a division-wide service project (possibly with another

division also) so keep your eyes out for that facebook event!

I hope that all of you don’t forget the reasons that you’re part

of Key Club. It might be to boost your transcript or be with your

friends, but underneath all that, keep in mind that you’re making a

difference in someone’s life. Don’t ever forget that, even when all

you want to do is forget everything you learned this past year.

Until next time,



In love and service,

Rosaline Jun

Key Clubbers (from left): Victoria

Kong, LOHS VP; Rosaline Jun, Div.64 LtG; Julia

Szeto, PNW Communications



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ICON Re-capInternational Convention 2012 was hosted in Orlando, Florida this year, and it was an awesome experience! I encourage all of you to go next year in Washington DC!

The first couple days were spent going to all the Disneyworld Parks and Universal Studios and Harry Potter World! We were able to spend a lot of time getting to know each other and going on rides together!

The last four days of Orlando were spent with 1700 other high schoolers at the Hilton Hotel! ICON consisted of House of Delegates, caucusing for the new International Board, meet and greets, and workshops!

Congratulations to our very own Calvin Leung and MaryAlice Peng! After hours of caucusing, they got elected as International Trustees! Go PNW!

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Key Leader is from Oct. 5-7 at Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp..... Will you be there?

Key Leader is a weekend experiential leadership

program for today's young leaders. This life-changing

event focuses on service leadership as the first, most

meaningful leadership-development experience. A Key

Leader will learn the most important lesson of

leadership—it comes from helping others succeed.

Participants begin by attending a Key Leader

conference, which is a weekend retreat. Large and small

group workshops, discussions and team-building

activities take place over the course of the weekend.

Students have opportunities to learn leadership skills

that will help them to change their schools,

communities, and world for the better. While exploring

leadership in a whole new way, participants will make

amazing new friends and have experiences they will

never forget. Positive, ongoing interaction with other

Key Leader graduates offers continuing reinforcement,

encouragement and growth of leadership skills.

On the left is the “What is Key Leader?” explanation on

the Key Leader website. It’s basically a conference where

other Key Clubbers from around your area meet to

learn leadership skills, meet new friends, and continue

to build their home clubs.

I’ve only heard amazing things from people I know that

have attended Key Leader. The activities are worthwhile

and fun, the food is great, and you get a lot of time to

bond with other people that live or go to school near


I encourage as many people to go to Key Leader as

possible this year. Prices and transportation can be

discussed at future DCMs, but if you are at all

interested in attending with me and several other

Division 64 Key Clubbers, let me know! Also, check out

the website at www.key-leader.org.

Key Leader

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Whoever emails back the answers to these riddles first will get a prize at the next DCM!

It cannot be seen, it weighs nothing, but when put into a barrel, it makes it lighter. What is it?

You saw me where I never was and where I could not be. And yet within that very place, my face

you often see. What am I?

July DCM

July DCM’s date will be announced this week; keep your eyes out for the Facebook event and encourage all of your members to come! We might be having a joint DCM with another division, so that will be a great chance for you to meet other people!



Key Clubber of the month

Do you have a Key Clubber in your home club that is deserving of a spotlight in the next newsletter? Let me know about it and why they’re so deserving! They’ll get a section in a newsletter and the prestigious title of “KCer of the Month!”

Summer Pictures!

I still want all of your pictures and vacation stories! Especially if you did something involving helping others, please send me stories and pictures so that I can feature you on this newsletter!

Contact Information

Rosaline Jun, Division 64 Lt.G

[email protected]: 503.720.3046 (call/txt anytime)home: 503.635.0024

Find me on Facebook!

Governor Giovanni [email protected]

District Secretary Kelsie [email protected]         

District Treasurer Kenneth [email protected]     

Bulletin Editor Bassel [email protected]