July Newsletter 2011

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Transcript of July Newsletter 2011

Volume 2, Issue 5

July 2011


Visit us on our website at www.oxfordhindutempleproject.org

Page 2 Executive Committee: Chair: Gyan Gopal Vice-Chair: Chinta Kallie Secretary: Sumi Patel Membership Secretary: Ritesh Kapadia Joint Treasurer: DharamRaj Gupta Krishan Dhiman Publicity Officer: Jagruti Bhuva Members: Jiwan Sharma Kashmira Patel Mahesh Gandhi Mukesh Shori Padma Ramachandrappa Suren Ramdoo

Volume 2, Issue 5

Message from the EditorsNamasthe and Greetings to all of you! The second half of 2011 is now here in all its summer time glory and I expect everyone is wondering how January to June flew by so quickly. Its a time for reflection about significant events that occurred in the last 6 months, within our families and communities both here and abroad. What it is we need to focus on for the rest of the year? For us in the OHTCCP, we have accomplished much. We held our monthly communal prayer sessions with support from the Parivaar and organised two major events the Holi Celebration in March and the Summer Mela in June. These are now an important part of our programme of activities and it is necessary here to remind you that some of the main AIMS and OBJECTIVES of OHTCCP that we are working on are as follows: 1. To advance Hindu religion and culture and promote spiritual teaching and observances that serve to enhance understanding of Hinduism 2. To try to acquire premises for a Hindu Temple and a Community Centre to cater for the religious, social and cultural needs and activities of our people 3. To encourage women, children and young people to participate in social and religious events and festivals that also include members of the host community with a view to promoting community cohesion and mutual respect 4. To develop a fund-raising strategy to finance the aim of getting a Temple and a Community Centre. We are pleased to say that your support for us to fulfil these aims has been very encouraging up to now, but it is certainly not enough to acquire anything tangible. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any comments and suggestions that will enable us to achieve our aims to acquire a Mandir and a Community centre in Oxford. Best wishes and Om Shanti! Chinta Kallie Editor Sumi Patel Assistant Editor Vipin Patel Technical Co-ordinator

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COMMUNAL PRAYER MEETINGS 12 JUNE 2011According to Pramodi and Dilip Majithia, who with their children sponsored the June Prayer session, it was a lovely peaceful experience and we thoroughly enjoyed it with several members of our family. Despite the rain, the turn-out was good. We were very happy to have some new bhajans that were sung by Pramodis sister and her friends. They have been very kind in giving us the lyrics to add to our own repertoire. The highlight of the day was a fantastic exhibition of photographs by Bharat Patel which he took of hardworking Indian women who are part of an organisation in Gujarat called SEWA Self-Employed Womens Association. Shaunaka Rishi Das, the Director of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies used these pictures to explain the concept of SEWA in Hindu dharam.

OXFORD FRIENDSHIP WALK FOR PEACEThis event took place on 14 June with c. 700 people walking together from the Jewish Synagogue in Richmond Road, stopping at St Marys Church on High Street and finishing at the mosque in Manzil Way. It was a powerful display of people of all faiths joining together in solidarity to promote unity and peaceful coexistence in Oxford. Proceeds of 856.78 from the street collection went towards purchasing anti-mosquito nets for poverty stricken African families to mark Malaria Day.

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Volume 2, Issue 5

OHTCCP SUMMER MELAThe most amazing display of multi-cultural and international dance, singing and music marked our second Summer Mela on 25 June at Sandhills School, which despite the threat of wind and rain, was a huge success. Kanta Gopal, the chief organiser of the Mela exhibited superhuman qualities in drawing together an array of artists who represented all corners of the globe. She is pictured here with AFROPEAN choir who sang a unique blend of folk, gospel and modern songs Our gratitude and sincere thanks are due to a host of people who contributed in various ways to making the Mela an unforgettable experience for all of us. It is difficult to list all the names and any omission is deeply regretted. Our financial sponsors were as follows: Neil Kensit, Martin Forde. Sandhya and Yudhir Gobindnarain, Hanif of Bar Meze. Hemlata Gandhi, Vinit Patel. Mr Aziz, Nirmala Shori, Joya Bannerji, The Satsang Group. Food, vouchers and equipment: Elias Ahmed of Mirchi Cash and Carry, Aziz Restaurant, Co-op Stores. Sound System: Support Services: MC for the Event: Daniel Buglino. The Oxfordshire Fire Services. Thames Valley Police. Ms Amy Thakurdas.

Artists: Tauseef Hanif, Priya and Jasmine, Ujjal and Nyomi, Daniel Buglino, Sapna Shankar and Kala Arpan Dance Academy, Sheetal Sanak, Afropean, Pua Lani, Dipti Thakkar, Ashnah Tribal Dance Group. Workshops and Stalls: Drumming workshop: Boot Camp: Henna Painting: Face-Painting: Paul Eagles Keith Hagar Harsh Gandhi. Alesha Des Raj, Manisha. Clare and friend.

CHEFS SUPREME: providing superb food, sweet and savoury!! Akansha Jain and Aarti Kang, Akansha, Jaswinder Des Raj, Hema Gandhi, Pramodi Majithia, Sumi Patel, Kanta Gopal, Kiran Bhandari, Prabha Ramdoo, Jagruti Bhuva, Shimbo Chand, Nishant and Nupur, Chinta Kallie, Fabiana Simonussi. Suham Aziz. Mujibur Rahman

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Hindu Parivaar 1st Sri Mad Bhagvad Katha in Oxford Saturday 20th August to Sunday 28th August at Sandhills Primary School,Terrett Avenue, OxfordDaily Programme: Saturday 20th

10.00 12.00 - Havan & Pooja Katha in the presence of Ram Bapu Ji. 12.00 18.00 Katha starts by Mathura Das Bapu Ji (nephew of Murari Bapu Ji) 18.00 20.00 there will be Pooja which will end with Priti Bhojan Start at 10.00 and end at 20.00 with Prashad and Priti Bhojan.

Sunday 21st (Ekadashi) and Monday 22nd (Janamasthmi), to Saturday 27th Sunday 28 August

Start at 10.00 with the Havan & Pooja and culminate at 15.00 with the Poorna Ahuti.

OHTCCPs Arrangement for Sri Mad Bhagvad KathaIn order for the week-long celebration to be a success for the Hindu Parivaar, we hope that the following notes will serve as a guide:

We need Individuals/Families as Yajyamans for each day at least 1 family needs to donate a minimum of 151 and they get Tripti (blessings for the souls of family ancestors), Grah Shanti (Peace and blessings ) Prayers for the future Shub Samaya Prarthana We need families and individuals to provide assistance in the preparation of the food every morning and help to serve parshad and bhojan each evening Devotees to bring Fruit/Dried Fruit/Seerah/Karah/Soji Halva as Prashad on any one of the nine days. Mata Murti central in Mandir Families who want to drape Mata Ji with Chuni and make offerings of coconut can get them for a donation of 11. Vrat food will be provided on the Monday Yajyamans 7 families have signed up already.

If you are interested, please contact: Secretary, Sumi Patel (01235-532669) or Treasurer, Dharamraj Gupta on 01865-243910

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Volume 2, Issue 5

Donations & Pledges ReceivedDonations Received: May 2011(repeated to correct errors in the June Issue) Mr. Souren & Mrs. Prabha Ramdoo 201.00 Mr. Mahesh Gandhi 11.00 Mrs. Chinta Kallie 11.00 Mr. Yogi Kumar 5.00 Miss Sandhya Ramdoo 10.00 Dr. Krishan Ramdoo 10.00 Dr. Sandeep Popat 10.00 70000 Mr. Y. Gobindnarayan (for Mela 2011) 101.00 Mr. Neil Kensit 150.00 60000 Mr. Harmesh & Mrs. Neelam Kumar 100.00 50000 Mr. D.P. Gupta 25.00 DilDunyia (Calendar 2011 Sponsorship) 20.00 40000 Thaali/Box Collection 75.18 Total 729.18 30000 Expenditure 125.00 Balance for May 604.1820000 10000 0ug

Our Finances

June 2011 Mr. Dilip & Mrs. Pramodi Majithia 201.00 Mr. Harmesh & Mrs. Neelam Kumar 100.00 Mr. D.P. Gupta 25.00 Mr. Yogi Kumar (Monthly DD) 5.00 DilDunyia (Calendar 2011Sponsorship) 20.00 Mr. Vidyanand Baree 20.00 Mr. Suresh Savajiani 11.00 Mrs. Shilpa Bhatt 10.00 Mrs. Kanta Gopal 11.00 Mrs. Chinta Kallie 11.00 Mr. Souren & Mrs. Prabha Ramdoo 20.00 Thaali/Box Collection 136.19 670.00 Donations Collected by Yogi Kumar Ji Mr. S. Amirataseelam 90.00 Mr. V.P. Seth 20.00 110.00 Mela 2011 Contributions Nisa Local, Abingdon Road, Oxford 35.00 Bar Meze Restaurant, Headington 100.00 Mr. Martin Forde (Baby Love, Cowley) 120.00 355.00 Total 1135.19 Expenditure 264.54 Balance for June 870.65




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Volume 2, Issue 5

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The Bhagvad Gita (11) Chapter 4

Jai Shri KrishnaThe 4th Chapter is called the Jnaanaa-Yoga meaning the Yoga of light and knowledge. Continuing from Chapter 3, it illustrates how knowledge is attained through Karma. It asks for understanding that the power within us (body and mind) is the Atmaan (the Soul). The Soul can only be perceived through work (Karma), worship (Bhakti), meditation (Dhyaana) and by losing ones selfishness (the ego). Verses 1: In the first verse, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that it was he who revealed the everlasting truth to the sun god, Vivaasvan, and he, in turn, passed it on to his son, Manu, and his son, Ikshvaaku who was a king and a saint, who got this knowledge from his father. Verses 2 and 3: Lord Krishna explains how this truth was passed on from father to son each a King and a Saint, until it was lost over time with human beings getting too engrossed in ego. So Lord Krishna is revealing this knowledge to Arjuna because of his love for the Lord. Verse 4: Being confused Arjuna says to the Lord The sun was born before you. So, what do you mean when you say you revealed the Truth to Vivaasvan? Verses 5-7: It is now that Lord Krishna reveals his true nature to Arjuna . The Lord explains the concept of re-incarnation. All human beings have had many births and deaths just as the Lord himself; whereas we forget our earlier lives the Lord Krishna does not. He says I am unborn and everlasting and I am in total control of everything including of my own nature. I manifest on earth whenever evil has taken control and righteousness is weak Verses 8-10: Lord Krishna says that he is born for the salvation of good men and the destruction of those who are evil. And those human beings who know of me as God come into me when they leave their body. This is how one can end the cycle of birth and death; break free from desire, fear and hate; be purified by the fire of light and knowledge. In short, the Aatmaan can join the ParamAatmaan (achieve Mokshaa through knowledge of the Lord). Verses 11-12: In these verses it is explained that if one gets to the Lord by whatever means, the Lord rewards them; the paths to the Lord being many and varied. Those that lust for power on earth are devotees of false gods only. Such people seek only success and wealth in this world. Gyan Gopal

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Volume 2, Issue 5

THOUGHT FOR THE MONTHEvery man has got his own mental world, His own mode of thinking, His own ways of understanding things, and his own ways of acting. Just as the face and voice of every man differs from those of another man, The mode of thinking and understanding also differs. One should be in tune with mental vibrations or thought vibrations of the other Man Then only one man can easily understand another man. (Swami Sivananda)

Future Events

Raksha Bandhan August 13 OHTCCP Communal Prayer Session 14 August Indian Independence Day August 15 Oxford Indian Union Celebration of Indian Independence Day August 20 Shrimad Bhagvad Katha Saturday 20 August to Sunday 28 August Janamashtmi 22 August

Students of the Kala Arpan School of Oriental Dance performing the Bhangra at Summer Mela

One-and-all having fun in Paul Eagles' Drumming Workshop at Summer Mela