JULY EVENTS IN THE SOCIAL WORLD. · , "Xaboe Chautauqua Assembly on the 11th prox: Amost enjoyable...

EVENTS IN THE SOCIAL WORLD. A Season Fruitful iv Happy Weddings— Eugasrement Announcements. THE KNIGHT- CHABOT__AR-.I_.GE. Prominent Features of Society Life at the Ocean and Interior Re- .-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -• sorts—A Private Picnic at Ross . Station Pacific Coast Wed- .'"\u25a0* dings Hall Parties to Take .... Place— Personal Notes. Along, pleasant summer season seems likely . to. fall to the lot of the Coast tills year. July la closing and -yet the town Is "empty." From las.l, .liable watering -"laces, cool mountain- lake Hides. or tented encampments in shady val- leys coma happy murmurs of cntiteiit, ;sind all can share in these Joyous evidences of a common, temporary emancipation from care, toll and Con- ventionality, in ihe city we have been merry ton. especially in weddings and home parlies, as ltn Call, social column day by day baa .re , corded. . Santa Cniz is preparing to welcome the "boy s' el the first Artillery of Sacramento, who iuaug- . rate their annual encampment by the sea next Sunday. Their arrival will be tbe signal lot con- siderable festivity. The visit of the Mystic Siiiitrers, one of the most exclusive orders uu Use Continent, is also a notable cv ut uf the near fu- ture. A distinguished company, including many from this city unit Oakland, will attend the Lake , "Xaboe Chautauqua Assembly on the 11th prox: A most enjoyable entertainment was given at •Harbin Springs on Friday eveulng liudei the auspices of .lite Oiie-Two-Three Club! -.Miss .Qulnn of Sacramento opened the programme wild a piano solo. A donkey party was next in Order, duriug which : Mr. (Jus 11} nun ol ."san Frauds a member of the club, acted as mas- \u25a0ler -ni -eeiem-ruies. The pleasant eveulng con- cluded win. a social dauce. . Among tie habitues cf late observed upon the attractive t> ..i-si at sN.tti t.i Ci i,2. many seeking . .the shade of the ue.w-t'sl fancy— the Japanese iim- \u25a0 liiella—have been " nol-iceo: Mrs. . .Minnie- _. FaiuMvorlU, Miss Clara Faihswo til. Win, Dr. b. Maish.iil, Mis. Luke 1;. if in-,.;,. His, A .-in's,:- . ' \u25a0 .ii:--, SI. "sirence. Miss Sibyl **"Vu_eu*j Mr. and Mis. A. li. Butler of Fresno, Mrs. Colonel Thorn-. as 1". Robt .mil dam-tilers, Mrs. Charles. Laug- biuu. Mis. Colonel Wallace and Miss mi i.tm. - A very pleasant parly, was given at Mr. John LedlOrd's residence in Ymkville on the loin nisi., m liiinur nf Mis- Maggie Funk. Who us King the Misses Hoieuce and Laura Ledfo'rd. TheCiub Frohsinn g.ivo one of. its -ciijoyable- panics last evening at Olympic Assembly Halt . It Was :ss tegular monthly gathering and 'lie jtiiend_nee was quite up tv llie geuuiiil'.expecia- . Hull. A pleasant entertainment will be given this :'evening at Santa Cruz, partly as a farewell part- s I'ig.lo ill and Mi-. Arthur Siiepard and pur-fly . at a ciiiiiplmientary be-nehtlo Miss KHz and Miss Ada Parks ut ibis cliy. . Sim ltafael has teen comparatively quiet ol late.*' ' Anything like a rush or regularity of gaiety seems altogether Incompatible -with . a . reasonable idea 1 1' our midsummer season. (July recently iheic was a. Charity festival and a. big ..hop, ami society is now- resting and talking \u25a0-. about energetic luneeeUings— in future. -Mi. .. liniith"Is arranging fur a base-hall match. Major ..Hammond is Interested iv a ladles' bowling tournament, ai,d even polo has been 'rsetitiorieU. Among the pleas, falls accompli-, however, ' was Ihe irception held la«t Thuisday evening by lit. .ii J Mrs. Sidney 13. Cushlug at her Charming deuce. The form i - assumed was that, of a' . caul party lor married people only,, and a oe- . ' nanus supper was a feature of the agreeable. occasion. *\u25a0".-'\u25a0 Encasement .Xotses. . .The engagement is authoritatively announced of Miss lieorgiana B. Edwards, daughter uf th- bite Capiain William S. Edwards of the Uuit d ' Stales Coast Survey and grand-daughter Qf. the late Surgeon 1). S. Edwards, I* S. X., to 1... : thau uiu g _. Cook, sou of the late Mr. Elisha Cook. The wedding of Miss Georgia L. Scbell. dadgb- ' ter til the i. tie Mi. Xheodoie L. Schcll of this felly, Slid .Mr. Fiaiicl-co Antuues (Juiuiaiaes of Brazil will be solemnized lvParis early in September. Tne yuuug lady has been residing abroad with ; her niulher lor the past four years, Both Mis? Schell and Ms-- Edwards (of lire preceding au- uiriiiii-ei:.' i,: , .tie great-grand-daughters of .Mr. Samuel Woodwoilh, autbui of the "Old Oaken Buc et." Tie marriage of Mr. John 'P. Jackson, son of - Colonel aud Mrs. J. V. Jackson or this city, ami Mi-- Bessie Adams, daughter of th; late Hon, John Adams of Oakland (whose engagement was .recently announced in these columns),, will take place un the lUlli prox ''" -,"" .mi: Interesting particulars of Hie Dargje- Sedgwick wedding have come lo hand .-with the formal Invitations. The ceremony ' -will take I place on the Tib prox., at St. Luke's Church,- at S;3o o'clock in the evening. These will be only me ridesniaid, Miss Allee Livingston. -.The' Key. C L. Miel will officiate, assisted by Key. W. V*. Davis. Ther -will be ho formal receh- titiu, but sli. united pair will receive cotigmthia linns at the Palace Hotel. - 'Hie wedding ol Mr.ltichard flush:, and Miss •Mamie A-Sit-W will lake place at Sl. hose's . C'lUich tits morn at half- past V o'clock. - - - lis- eiiisageuient is announced of Mr. Ellas B. Cohen and Miss Motile Levy, bom of this 'cliy'/ 'lliey will leceive Ihesr friends Sunday, the Md . pi ox"., al the residence of Mr. I*.Levy, 160 Foi- bom streeL . \u0084_._t*?_\-—* The engagement Is announced o! Mr, Felix Gel-ell m Miss Henrietta Davis, both 'of. Mils. cisy. They r ccned their fi fends yesterday at . tie residence of Mr. D. DaMs, 525 Fullon . street. 1he engagement Is announced of Mr. Leopold . Cohen to. Miss line Aaron, bold of tills' city. They williccelve ue.\t Suuday, tile 3d piux., al 22a Hayes -si^tss. '. - '-.' --'• Ihe engagement Is announced of .Miss' Josle' \u25a0 Kblllrl lv -Mi. Samuel Simon, both of. Sau. Francisco. ••\u25a0... '" '"\u25a0 . . \u25a0 The engagement Is announced. of Mr. Samuel. Han is lo Miss Henrietta KChwald. -Theywilt receive their lends next Xunday, the oil prox'.-,. •at liei paißills' residence, 101 l day street. .. The engagement -announced ut MfsS \u25a0 -Lit B.tiiin ot Hits city and -Mr. s.s Klrschuer- of Coluss. The wedding will take place in this city. On Hie 6th prox, •••\u25a0•'\u25a0 .'.*..". .. -ho Ki'.i_lii-Ch»l>-t "»Vi"ddingnt Oililsmti, ' A private wedding of much luterest took piace Saturday noon across ihe'bay. The principal*! were Mr. Hubert Stuart Kulght, a well-kuuwu . young gentleman, and MIsS Henrietta Chabot, eldest daughter of the late liemi Chabot. ' Tue . match, the preliminary engagement to which was almost unsuspected outside the two faun- lies, is very agiecahse tv Mrs. Chabot, upon whose decision, accoidiog to the willof her lase husband, the marriage settlements ut the daugh- ters were made to depend. The ceremony too* place at the handsome home of the bride's mother, corner of Twellth ».ud .Madison streets, Oakland. . Ihe decorations Hi the rooms were simple, at- li-tic and prrtiy. About the nails of ibe diaw- ing tt.om wire tratiiugs of evergreens and ' mi i ssi x. The bay-wludow pi'-enied'a handsome and, invitingappearance, being a feet bower 01. roses, siniiax and other bowers. - A dainty - *" canopy of ferus anil huwers in Hie bav-wtnUow . had been arranged for the bndal party. Promptly at ut un lite sweet siralui of Meii- del-suhii's '" Wedding March" were heard Un to.^huut the buuso, and the bilrta! party Mmi.) came downstairs iv the following oi-erss Mr. Knight and Mrs. (sabi. Mr. Harry Con- verse auo Mrs. Knight, Miss Josephine Chaljnt. . Mr. 11. Maitiu aud Miss Henrietta Cliatjoi. The bride was given away by her uncle, Mr. Martin. The couple v.etc attended by Air. llsiny Con- verse a- groomsman, Mi si Jusephlue Chabot as u.ai.l uf honor, and Ihe Misses Catherine and Cl.ust Chabot as bildesmaids. The ci-ieinouy was peifoimed by Key. C. W. VVeuoie, pastor of .the Ltrtia tan Church, and only the uear tela-, lives of >lie contracting parlies were pieseut. - Hi. and Mis. Knlghl left In the afternoon for St. Helena, wheie they will remain until .Mon- day. lhey willreturn i.) Oakland toolgllt and leave again on Hie a o'clock overland train the same evening, bound lur New York. After re- maininglv New York it few days and visiting Hie principal nouns of lustiest l*,ir, audi Mis. Knight •till sail for Europe uu the -litot August. -. 1 bey willbe accompanied on their visit East and to Europe by Mrs. Keml Chabot, mother of the.btide, aud Mis. Peder Saltier. - '• .... Monterey. -lotes*'- The Country Club's fourth annual shoot duly. came off on Saturday. The coloisof the rival ' teams: wet proudly worn by their various fair .- ' 'hackers," and considerable Interest was taken In the event. The teams were.as follows: \u25a0 lteds— ' A.C.Tubbs. Capiain; Messrs. D. B. Gillette,' s Charles Ju-selyn, R. B. Woodward, D. X. Mur- ' ihv, XX. H. Tubbs, (_ E. Woideu. J. D. Redding. Blues— F. K. Webster, -Captain: Messrs.. E. T. '\u25a0:\u25a0 lies 11. H. Woodwaid, F. I*. Woosler, ; George Civcker, F. W. Tallaut, J. A. Robinson,. Alex lilou. The "Reds" won, and the Aye pr'etiy medals were distributed as follows: The ' . \u25a0rat |.rt;>e went to Mr. Robert Woodward, the « second tv Mr. .Ted K. Webster, the Ihtidlo Mr.- - - Joseph \v. Redding, the fourlh to Mr. Fred W. '.. Tallaut and the Dfth to Mr. W. B. Tubbs.- Mr. . John K. o.t acted as leferee, Mr. Cllntob _. « ardet" as held captain and Secretary Quay as . . time-keeper. Luncheon followed, served ou the -. eiouuds, amid the stiaius of concert selections . by lie mliliar)" band. There was Hie usual dauce . In the evening and sacied . concert yesterday, at ; both which Noah Braudi'a Orchestra officiated admirably. .lor ihe rest, there have been don- •\u25a0 ***_ can drives, dress parade gatherings, tenuis ; and pi lvale parlies Innumerable; aud every day \u25a0 son new divertissement Is evolved among con-' genial sels ol the fashionable woild hero couceu- . \u25a0 irated by common consent. : Vrlvsite I'lcn c at Ross Station. Apleasant private picnic was given yesterday' -. at Ross Station, uear ban Rafael. Among those : present' were: Miss Ell* Dillon, Miss May Brandon. Miss Nellie Crowley, Miss Bella Hol- laud. Miss Katie McUoveru, Miss Alice Dufley, . .Miss Nellie Tlerney,- Miss Mamie Cole, Miss a mic Keuion, Miss Lizzie Harrison. This gen. llemeii piesent were:' Messrs. G. ' Duttey, _. Kenluii, F. McCaliu. li. Hewyer, T. Fiyuu, J. Campbell, F.'Thoinpsbu. A. Jeuiiiug, T. Ca;', o'ns, V. McDennolt aud _. Ryan. A v*;;y enjoyable lime was spent by all present,' , •*""" j?<iS6 Joltings. The San j & , c ggoonp oon CTub, a- society Z?""> Lis remained- Intact since Us organiza- tion, gave a pleasant luncheon at tbe Veudoine on Tuesday by the San Francisco members to those dwelling at Sau Jose. The table decora- tion consisted chit fly of an ai tittle " scattering" arrangement oi sweet peas, which weie much' id* mired. Areunion on the first Tuesday of next July was agreed upon, unanimously in the en- thusiasm deservedly occasioned by the detlchttul affair. Among Hie members are: Mrs. F. S. Chad- bourne, Mis Charles Moses, Mrs- ('. A Norton, Mrs. T. li. Walklugiou, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. If. Chine, Mrs. A. 11. Vail, Mrs. Dr. Potts, Mrs. Dr. Fierce, Mrs. D. M. Campbell, Mrs. S. R. Johu- soii, Mis. J. D. McDougall. Ou Wednesday theie was a pleasant excursion to Howell Lake, near Los Unto*, hi Hie Sauia Cruz Mountain!. Tbuie were plenty of young folks In llie party, and the beautiful drive, some exciting fishing and a delightful lunch inure (hall compensated tor a very eaily start. Tne party consisted of : Mrs. Ada Doie, the Misses Dore, Mrs. Deming, Miss Nellie Boyd, Miss Grace Thome. Miss Mary Bowler, Mayor Rucker, Mr. 1). M. Mun by, Mr. Charles Gilbert, Mr. Howell C. Moore, Mr. Morgan Hill, Mr. Will Manning, Mr. W. L. Hill aud Mr. Waller Thorne. - .. , Mr. Naalee Btnke entertained a small party of friends most delightfully on Monday at Hie country lesideiice of Ihe Misses Nag daugh- ters ol General 11. M. Naglee, uncle of Mr. Burke. The guests were: Miss Nellie Boyd. Miss Grace Thorne and Miss Mary Bowler, ami their escorts. Messrs. Waller Thome, W. F. V". butter Jr. and Frank Willey. liesiues, theie have been several close tennis matches and numerous Informal entertainments, such as ever consplie to tender Hie Garden City Irresistibly attractive to visitors. I'arln-s to Take I'l-ci*. The Young Men's Institute of this city will give a special entertainment next Monday even- ing at the Grand Opera House, and a ball at the Mechanics' Pavilion the following evening. The Catholic Ladies' Aid Society, No. 11, will give then Quarterly entertainment and social at Saratoga Hall on Thursday evening next, lite proceeds will be for ihe benetit of the sisters lv charge of St. Joseph's Home for Incur- ables. Golden West Circle, No. 43. C. O. F.. will give an entertainment and Ice-cream social at Slisels' Building, 3"i O'Farrell slieel, on Tuesday even- ing next. - ZeinUiia Lodge, No. 13, Legion of (he West, will give a public installation and third anulver- saiy party al Uuiuu-square Hall ou Tuesday evening next. (..thiolin.i Castle, No. 1, Knights of Ihe Gulden Eagle, will.give a literal, iy entertainment and social at Uulon-stjuate Hall next Wednesday evening. La Gtippe Club will give Us initial social at Ilium, in'- Hall next Sunday evening. The Minuet Club will gins Its fourth monthly hup al li villi; HallUi-inii to.v evening. The Figs iv Clover Club has Issu-d -Invitations ft"i- its lirst ahulveisary pany, to be held on Friday evening next at Odd Fellows' Hall. si ecial preparations .are being made for the affair, which will comprise several elements oi novelty. Excelsior Lodge, No. 1252, K. and L. of 11., win give then lltlid .anniversary ball, at Odd Fellows' Hall un the Tltt piox. Phoenix Council, .No. 780, A. L. of Honor, will iiosii its regular monthly social and enter- lalnuieut at. Washington Hail, 35 Eddy street, un Wednesday evening next. l'ocsiiunii.is Council, No. 3, Degree of Poca- hontas. 1, O. If..vi.. gives an- entertainment In Ruby Hal . 32U Post street, on ."Holiday even- ing, the _!ii prox. \u25a0 - lite Beulah Club will eutettiiu as usual on Friday evening next at Mission .Music Hall, comer ni Howard ami Twcuty-lirsi streets. Young I. utiles' Institute No. 1 win hold an enteilalumeul; social and presentation next Wednesday evening at living Hall, lot) lost slieel. A complimentary benefit will be tendeied Mr. Chai les E. i.i.tvrv of Hie Del Monies by Ills uumeious li lends as liviug Hall un the 17lh prox. . - The Amoilta.Ciub will give their lirst annual ball at Irving Hall nest Thursday evening. '\u25a0 Ihe i uj.nl- and ions .of Anderson's Acad- etii\ will give a- social at their ball, corner of Seveiuecutn a oi Noe streets, ou i.ex: Salu.day evening, August 2d. Tin- ueCuud party of. the ZlgvZ Social Club willbe glveii at Mission it, era Hall ou the 15th prox. Aical'ra- Circle. No. 58, C. O. F. of A., will grv iheii first, entertainment aud social at St. _eyige"s H.iil Saturday evening, llie 30tu pror. LiiiTleySuei.il Club, _. Ol F. will hoid their tlilui ... v. vei -.ti » t,., uitt li «i,i prox.at the sau Frauclsco Turn \ I'tcin Halt, '323 lurk stteei. Ine second patty oi llie l'eeiless Club will take ice on Friday evening, the -I'd pio.v., al 'Union-square .Halt. The Vigilantes will hold their second session Friday evening, the Bth piox., at .Mission Opera Hall. Liberty Relief Corps, W. K. C, will give a lit- erary and bou-buu paily on the Sib prox. at B'uai B'iith li.t I. I at fie (Hast "\Yerl(llne«. A notable wedding occurred In Llvermore on Thursday last, uniting two of Hie oldest families In the Stale. Miss Christian Alviso, oldest daughter. ol Hon. Valentine Alviso, was married .10 Fiederick V. Chapman of this city, second sou of Hie late Heniy Chapman of Sacramento. The Kidom'.s pareols weie pioneers ol IS4H. The -, bride's great grandfather ---..is a Spanish officer who came to California in 17 7':. while ou llie inositol's side, nei graudfaHiei was ihe late Rob- ert Liveiiiin.c. a pioneer uf 18-2. Last Tuesday Mr. George Zoll and Miss Ida Kobntdi, eldest daugh er of Mr. C. Koboldl, pro prlelor of he Irvloeton Hotel, were quietly married at the Hotel irvlnglon. \u25a0 Alter the cere- mony the happy couide came to Ibis city and de- epened loi Chicago, where Ibey will spend some time; Mr. Tavars and Mi-s Minnie Lose were nulled In marriage last Thursday by Hie Lev. Father l'unenlel at St.- Joseph's Church, Mission Suit Juses. Mr. ami Mis. l.iv.is will te-.oe In Oak- land, where. Mr. Tavars Intends engaging lv business. \u25a0'•--. Society Personals. Mr.and Mrs. Frank P. Wickersbam and Miss Lizzie YYickeishaiu aie at Willows Camp, Bo- lloas. Mr. Frank (1. Newlanda Is at Keno, Nev., after a brief vbit to Cai sou City. Mr. and Mia C. B. Jennings ate summering in the Santa I'm/. Mountains. Mr. and Mis. C. I. Pieiceot Oakland ate stay- ing at Cypress Lawn, Nat County. Dr. Janes llri.tlsvy is visium." Santa Cruz. Mis. T.I. IVI Hams has returned to the city from Kama Cuiz. Lieutenant C M. Perklus of the United States Marine Corps lias received InfoiuiatlOU that he is soou lo be oidered to ihe Lulled Slates steamer Essex. In lerrltt and Colonel Muice.iu aie snl.ouruiug at Santa Cruz. Mrs. T. I". 11. YY'hltelaw and Miss Wmtelaw have i etui ned from a vl-lt to Victoria, I!.C. Mr. Vv111 J. irasiln-i oi Sacramento was in London al last accounts (June 30Hr), and in- tended going from there to Fans and thence lo Carlsbad, Cerinaiiy. lie will return lv California - the latter pari vl August. . Mis-. Mary Tlcheuut, niece or Mis. S. J..Tlche* nor of this- city, lias relumed home alter a three weeks' visit in the ueighborhbud of ltedwood City. - . .Colonel Haymoml came up to this city from Mountain Birr'w recently. . " Mrs. Lils-woiiii, the Misses Ellsworth and .Miss uiace \u25a0CliTshnsin have reiuined home to NiScs after a.' Pleasant .visit of a couple oi weeks at tsaclficlirnve. ..-*ji_j*_.»p Mis. Jerome Madden has gone for a vacation to Alien nigs. ,'-..•* -, sFiisigu Henry K. Beiibam, U.S. N y who lias just-completed a cruise on Hie Chicago ami flu ished' his course as a naval cadet, graduating with honors at Hie naval, academy, arrived at the yaid ou Weduesday ou aflst'to his father, Hear .Admiral A. £. K. Beuham. t'otuinantlaut. Mi. I'anC'isl went to Wtilej \u25a0 Thursday from' ' tills city with a parly iv I lie steam yacht Abulia on a visit to Lieutenant Fillelle of the Adams. Judge J. 11 linalt left for a trip to the Eastern: Stales last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Austin, of Santa Barbara, have arrived here en route Tor Japan, and will probably continue their journey thence round the woild. lliey sail on Thursday next. Mr. I*. J. Coiciuaii lias relumed to the Del Monte. .:';\u25a0.\u25a0 Baron and Baroness Yon Scurosdei will return from Hieir lesldence lv Sau Luis Obispo Couuiy next Friday. miss Nellie Joliffe Is lie guest of Mr. and .Mrs. Fred 1,. Woosler at Del Monte, Miss A. Dougherty is visiting Mrs. Hansom Powell of ilealdsbu.'g. Lieutenant and. Mrs. H. E. Woodland have re- turned, lidine from lieu Lomond. \u25a0Miss Irwin bas returned from a visit to Miss Mac liiiiinirdat Menlo I'atk. ' Mrs. c. Mead baa returned to her home lv Oak- land, altera visit to Nevada Ctiy. Miss' Lizzie' Clarke of Napa will return from Monterey this we k aud take lip her residence here. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Heller (nee Sachs) are lo- cated at the llolel del Coronado. fit Mr. and Mrs. Johu T. Date and Miss Hare are at La Honda. *•-•.-« . Miss Pauline Heine and Miss Bollard have been Spending a pi- as.ml vacation at Bella Vista, Sau Mateo Couuiy: - Miss litt.i li. Love and Miss Lulu C. Leon Idas have relumed from a two weeks' visit lo May- field and 1 1 _li intx.itBay. \u25a0 Mr.- Robert A, Brachvpgel has returned from Chicago, where he has been on business. He will Telurn attain shoitly. "*" Mis. 1-Tank Leslie is coming West on a lectur- ing tour. Professor Andersen Is visiting In Sacramento. - General Nelson A. Miles is slopping a few days st Los Angeles ou his way home from Arizona. Mrs. S. D. Whitney nt Peiaiuma will take a house here and remain lilt her daughter's edu- cation IS finished. ' Mrs. XV. H. L. Haines is still at Santa Cruz. Miss Lizzie Feltou ot tins Southern Pacific road, Oakland.'and Miss M. A.' Sessons lell on Saturday lor Cazadero, wlieie lhey will spend their vacation. . \u25a0- The held of the Methodist Bishops Is a very wide one. Btsbep Fowler is lv California, Bishop Niudeisat ball Lake. Bishop Newman Is lv Japan, Bishop Warren In Denmark. Bishop F'oss Is in Hie Alps arid Bishop Uuist is elsewhere tv Europe. : . _——————_—____ ; SAID IT -FOX A HOAX; Hot tbe (omul--!. Law Stepped 'iv mill . li'-ssi 1 film. Society in Lincoln, Nebr., is somewhat torn ap ever the sensational situation in which Joins Sclmltz, a banilsome and wealthy druggist, finds himself. Several days -ago it was -announced by Scliultz that lie .had married Mrs.. lied ford, a chariiiiri- widow, employed at the Bond Hotel, and he publicly introduced her as his wife. 'The lady was congratulated by nil. her- friends on ber remarkably lucky capture. . fcchultz announced to-day that the mar- riage was all a joke and d hoax, but the lady .will not listen to. this. She admits that there was no marriage ceremony, but since be baa publicly .acknowledged' her as his wife the act constitutes a common law marriage and she Is his wife. She has ap- pealed to the courts to sustain her claim.— St. Louis Republic, : i> - "' -i i-uoert- Plngey, a good farmer near Marshall, hurl his finger with a rusty hayfork the other day and died Wednesday of blood polsoulnc. He left a widow and several children. TDUr-DK-M SUITS.. 'I'OH KIIIK, SUITABLE FOB balls, parties, wedding or receptions, .un reasonable terms, at Original MisfitClothing Parlors, northwest corner Foil and Dupont streets. S-MFATHX. %—————_* _ talked together, you and I: 771 I It was a queenly night In June: If fl/ I Low liuui-the moon in yonder sky, i^u."; And ou your cheek low glanced the moon. Your gentle band was mine to hold; My ill-fed heart began to speak; - And ever, as the tale was tola. Dear friend, the moon was on your check. Old loss that would not let me rest, Old grief that stent, but ever lay A languid load upon my breast. Awoke, and wept themselves away. Up climbed the moon, slow waned the night. And still you bent to hear me speak; 1 drank the comfort of the light In those bright tears upon your cheek. From off mylifethe burdens fall. Still in their grave through tranquil years They rest, those weary sorrows all, . That faded in the light of tears. tIA.NSKK IlASllKllrUK, in Harper's llsi.'.tr. BRIDE MAY'S LITTLE SECRET. r^jf^ you are ciimlng back to your senses; sS""^!^ the crazy month Is at an end and you ___*._ are beginning to see the world as It is. 1 uaie say you don't relish the change, but It is Inevitable, and uo worse for you than for other people." Cyril \. mini smiled, though he reddened a little, too, and Instead of taking Use chair the speaker Indicated lie stood by the mantle-piece looking down upon her. Airs. Macaithy. or "the Major's widow," as ber acquaintances weie in the habit of calling lier, was still, a handsome woman, though upwaid of GO, tall, portly, erect, and by viuueol much shrewdness and an ample income, she contrived to be looked up lo as the most Important member oi her family. "If you mean that as May and I have been mauled nearly five weeks and cannot ntlnrd to make holiday any linger, but must settle down, 1 in my desk, she to. her housekeeping, you are light. But 1 can't see what there was irra- tional in thoroughly enjoying ourselves at the isle oi Wight. The scenery was pretty; ihe weather delicious; we weie in the opeu air all day, walking a- long and as far as we pleased, resting when we weie tired and discovering for ourselves nooks and . chines far mote pictur- esque than the hackneyed ones of the guide- book s." •\u25a0Anil now you must be content with the more prosaic discuveiy that you are mere mortals— that this bride of yours' can be as peevish and cx- travagaut as oilier women." "May will never be either!" said the young man, proudly. "Why do you predict evil. Aunt Penelope? We did not marry imprudently nor hastily; but had known each oilier long enough and well enough to warrant our union. May is a light good girl, and 1will not beat her dispar- aged." "She has a pretty face; and men seldom look further," letoried -Mis. Macaithy. "But sit (lowu; you know 1 bate to see any one fidget. Sit down!" "Thanks; but as your welcome Is not a very kind out' 1 should prefer to call upon you another time." .Now c vim Warren was Mrs. Macaitby's favorite nephew. He never tiuckled to her fur the gifts she would lavish upon those who pleased her; be was never all aid to uphold an opinion that did not agree with hers, and, In- stead of coming to liei tor help when ihe bank- ruptcy and death ol in- lather threw him upon the world he had accepted the first Using thai oil led. and. by Hint of sheer Industry and per- seveiauce, worked his way up lo an excellent position- Sometimes she admired his Independent spirit. Someli n.cs i: vexed her thai he never asked her lor assistance, bill submitted to be looked down upon by his Cousins, I lie Toduuuters— city .people worth a plum aud a half— lather than attempt to emulate them. " Hun', be foolish, Cyril," she added iiioie pla- cably. '-Of com se you louse your lunch by com- ing here this morning, so you must nave some Willi me. 1 have nothing to say against lillie Slay, except that she comes of a bad slock." a- tier mother died at her birth ana her father soon af let ward," observed Cyril, diyly, "1 don't see bow they can have bad much to do with her vntttes in her lotuies." " That's the mischief of It. Now. do help your- sell. This fricassee, is sure to be tasty, lor I went into the kitchen and superintended it. That's the misctiiel ol It, you fooll-h boy. What, neither beer nor wine? Dear, dear, what will these temperance notions bring you to? Con- sumption, at the very least. Tiy this pasty, it is excellent." - That's the mischief of It,"she repeated for the third lime. "Slay was brought uy by the Leitsoms, her mother's lelallves. Hidu't 1 know him when he was a subaltern 111 llie Major's regiment; Idle, reckless, dissolute?" . " -"lease to remember that Captain Lellsuui Is dead," she was reminded. "True; but he has lelt two or three sons. just like himself, aud a widow, who. judging from appearances, is just the helpless dressy doll she was lvher youth." " hey have been very klud to May," said Cyril. "Of course!" Didn't they nave her small property lo liveon? Wont they live on you now that you have taken her to Wife?" " No." he responded firmly. "On this point Slay and 1 0.11110 understand each oilier. She « 111 do what she cau loi .Mis. Lettsom and I will assist the young men In celling respectable em- ploymeul, but nothing mure." "Humph! we shall sec— we shall see! I'm afisiiti you expect tbo much. Aglil accustomed in such sillily ways as they practice—" But Cyril could bear no more. " Aunt i'en," ne cried, angrily, " 1 cannot and will not listen 10 such Insinuations. 11 yon kin May better you would be ashamed of your Injustice." \u25a0\u25a0 Whose fault Is it that I do not know her bet- ter? v. by, yours. Why haven't you biougbi bei in see me.'" Cyril thanked heaven in his heart that he had nut done so 11 nils was lire -ml ol uideallo which Lis un, id tss'le was to be exposed. * " May is loir busy 111 present to pay visits, and. frankly, 1cannot ask yon, as 1Intended doing, to go and see her while you entertain such un* generous suspicions ot her li mil and loyalty to her hu-baud." Heie'a much ado about nothing!" cried Sirs. Macailhy, with ui.ltfied bauds. " Because 1 speak mv miud, as 1 have a right to do." \u25a0s N.t oiie ha- a I tat I to suggest evil of my wife In my Ilea, ing:" he Interrupted. " ell, sit down again and finish your lunch. You win not, you foolish boy. Chill! what a temper you have: 1 pity the pour girl who Will have to cope with It." "Hood morning, aunt l'euelope!" said Cyril stilllv. \u25a0 \u25a0• What, will you go? Yet stay, 1 have some- thing here lor th» biide. 1 suppose 1 must be like oilier people and make her a picseul on lier marriage." Mie pulled open a drawer of her desk and pro- duced from it an exceedingly pretty and valuable Bel of 1 ink coral ornaments set Inhue gold. It was just such si set as May had admired In a jeweler's 111 bond street, and lor a moment' viii Warren plcttued the giillshecstacy with which she would clasp Hie necklet about her while throat, and the bracelets un her rounded aims: But ittler what Mis. Jlacarlhv had said of M ay bow could he lei her wear litem? . "luiir gilt Is like yourself, very handsome," he .-aid; "but you must ltn give me tor saying. that 1 cannot accept It. 1 would not let my wile lav bei self under obligations 10 anyone who calls her ili-umpeied, extravagant aud dishonor- able." \u25a0'You are a fool and a- puppy I" cried auut Penelope, tinning her back to him lvher rage. Wheu she looked luund he was guue. CBAi'T£B 11. AT 'MIS. "Ball a minute before your time. Oh, you dear, punctual teilow !:' cried the bitde, opening the (lour as soon us he swung back Hie gate of the liule lore-court of the tiniest of villas In which Hie newly wedded couple set up bouse keeping. "How Hied yon look 1 bow dusty you aiel if ever I wish for riches it is because you have to work so haid tor me."" May, who was turning over some music, found the piece sb" wanted just then, and sti tick the opening chords, lidshe or did she not hear his remark, and. was it ineiely .his fancy lhal she .blushed and looked contused. When Cyiil' Waireu came home on the morrow ami went upstairs lo wash bis bauds and change bis Coat, ins ii i -s i glance was at the comer where 'be Pad seen Hie boots, They vvete mere, and again lliey bore the traces ol having been worn. "So you have been out to-day." lie said sig- uiticantly as he seated himself at table. There was no mistake now. May was crimson to the brows, aud there was a pause befme she replied: "I went to the linen-draper's to match some ribbon." "And nowhere else?" Again .May hesitated. "1 called at a shoemaker's to Inquire Hie price of slippers. . 1 must have new ones for Mrs. Todliuiiici's soiree." Cyril asked no more questions. She was not answering truly; she was keeping something back. Good heavens 1 could Mis. Macarthy be In the light after all? and was .May— his May- bin beloved, trusted capable, after all, of deceiving him? CHAPTER 111, BXB BUCKET. Lyingawake beside her that night, long after she had fallen asleep, Cyril Warren pondered overtho blight lhal threatened to mar his wedded happiness. He did not blame May for it. He began to think he hail expected too much from liei when he had believed thai she could live Willi such people as the Lellsoiiis without catching the In- fection of their want of principle, their leckless- . uess of their word, their readiness to stoop to justly falsehood and mean evasion. Away from them she was all sweetness and candor. Dining their honeymoon she had not had a secret from hint—why did she prevaricate now'/ The reason might—nay, must be this: the Lett- soms were visiting her dining his absence! or she— always Inclined to think he Judged them harshly—had gone to is.em and was ashamed lo avow it. A trivial circumstance confirmed him In this suspicion. Happening lo waul more change that morning thau he had In his purse, he ap- plied to May. '\u25a0No, don't take It out of your housekeeping money. 1 don't want to inconvenience you; so lei me have ihsu sovereign 1 gave you for your own use. 1 return li In the evening. May bung her bead. She had it not. Then you spent it ou Hie slippers of which you were speaking. Was not that extravagant?" '• They were only seven-aud-sixpence; but I did not buy them after all," she faltered "Aud yet you are penniless. May, you have given that sovereign lo the Lettsomsi ItIs as 1 foreboded; lliey are preying upon you, lv spite of mv prohibit Inn." No, no!" she cried, tearfully, half frightened at his sternness. " Then li.it have you done with your money ?" And. as before, May hung her head and made no reii)v_- Cyril Warren flung out of the house, so angry with her and with those whom he accused ot tempting her to disobey him ihat by the time be reached the city he was racked with a violent headache. '. In yam did be endeavor to go through the usual routine. The -gores swum before his eyes: his baud was so unsteady he could hardly hold the i en, and he looked so 111 that at last the head of the linn espied ills condition and kindly lv* -i-'i-ti on his going home. - IVeliuc as if either the rattle of an omnibus or Ihe jar ol the train would be Intolerable, he de- termined to walk; and as he drew neater the .His i! of Hie metropolis the dull tliiohbiiii! In bis temples begin to subside; the fresher air cooled his binning head, and, though still lan- guid, he felt considerably heller long before he reached the metly suburban road lv which his house was situated. May was at home, but not alone; he could hear her voice behind the caiefully closed blinds of the last-room. lie lieaid her laugh faintly as she made some remark, to which the voice uf a man responded. - Aiiiiiii iin: himself wltb his latch-key, be found hi the entrance' hall Jennie, the maid. She was stooping al Hit' door ol the breaklast-room, ap- parently listening at Hie key-hole. Hlslieice " What are you doing there?" made Hie cirl stall and scream. lie repeated his question; but she shrank back, ber distended eyes fixed on htm lv alaiiu 100 overpowering to allow 01 words. He strode towaid the dour, but ere be could reach it. May, who had heard Jennie's shriek, appeared al It, aud, seeing her htisbauu, 1!,".v toward him. But not 10 throw herself Into bis arms, greet- ing him joyfully. Her st feeling had been as- tonishment at tils early return; her next was tenor, for the auger depicted on his lace was unmistakable. ••Obi forgive me, Cyril; I have been very ltn ,!-ii.I know; bin forgive me i" "What have you been doing yourself?" asked the your husband, when, dinner over, they sat together watching the uiuuu rise over the op- posite houses. " Hiiudieds of things," was Hie laughing re- ply. •" Teaching my llltle maid— she is dteail- lullystupid, bul so good-teiiiueied and willing It's Impossible to scold ber—arranging Hie pli-t- --uies, dusting the rooms, making that pudding yon praised, hemming your new haiidKerclilels, mid learning ihe song you bought me; It is so pretty : shall I sing it to you?'' '1 his done, ami May cosily nestling again be- side her hushsiud, he resumed his questions. " Haven't you louuii it dull?" -\u0084':.' .;\u25a0 " 1 do miss you dieadlully," she confessed, and I niti'ii find myself Watching Hie clock; tint was 100 busy to be dull, iicsides , 1 had visllui s." " Indeed!" " Vis; lite dearest old woman In the world ; she told me she had been your nurse, and 1 made ber slay to lunch, and we talked about you all the lime. Oh! and later In the day 1 had a call f:uui Mr., Mis. aud the Misses T'odhuuier. They came In such a smart catria-C that they created quite a sensation in this quiet road." "Anil fiighii'ued my pour little wife?" ".No. 1 lelt nervous at hist, and the two gills stale at one must rudely, but when Mrs. 1 ml- hunter said she envied me lor having only una servant 10 look alter, and such a quiet, happy home, 1took courage to a«iee with her. 1 am a very lunate you woman." For this she was rewarded Willi a kiss, and there was silence till site raised her head from Cyril's shoulder to say: "1 almost forgot 10 tell you, they left us a card for au evening i any; a the il.tiis.tuie, Miss Julia Todhuuler called ii." "You would like in go to il?" May said "Ye-" and "No" in Hit: same bream. "1could wear my wedding diess, couldn't 1? but " . "You shall go, love," said Cyril,decidedly. It would enable him to trlumnfa over Mis. Macarthy if the lodliuuiers took up his bride, for they lived in considerable style, and even ihe redoubt- able Aunt Pen found it guud policy lev lie civ.I to Ihem. "Give me tlie caul and 1will writeau ac- cet I. nice. Did you have any mmc callers?" \u25a0• No," said May; but it was with such hesita- tion thai he regarded her Inquiringly. But she did nut see 11; Willi her head bent forward she »as playing with Hie lace of her apron, as ifshe nut nut cue lo meet his eyes. Somehow Aunt Penelope's warning flashed Into his mind. Weie ibe Leitsoms Intrudingalready, 111 spue ol Ills having given tliein tv understand pielly plainly that young men who fieipieuied music-halls and billiardsaloons wouid never be welcome at his bouse? "Hailing,"and he Kissed May's foiehead, " I am sony to bo obliged 10 remind yuu thai there must be no Intimacy wuu ibe Leitsoms. They repaid themselves out of your small inoperty ior giving you the shelter til ihelr tuof, so there IS 110 question of gratitude due tv them." May winced a lillie. "I had not forgotten; but I thought we agreed that the subject was a painful one and should not be ill-cussed again? Ii hurls me to have to seem unkind to then mother; she was always go, ni lv me." This was so true tbat Cyril had no answer la make. He would have wlihdiawu Hie embargo •is tar as Mrs. l.tiisum was concerned il 11 had not been for Aunl I'ett's caustic speeches. No; lie could nut have his May classed with such penults, lie had rescued her from their clutches, aud she should have uo move lj do Willi them. He was doubly caressing to ills bride that evening, because he knew he had pained her, and on the morrow he committed the extrav- agance of purchasing her a dozen of gluves in a pielty, fancy bo_, just hi fur a lady's luilel- table. Thiiber he went on tiptoe 10 pjacr* It while she was superintending ibedlshiogof ,1blaiic-nuuge In the kllcueu. ll would be oue ol those ue- Ughllul surprl-es youDg wives appieclate; and alter placing It where it would attract her alleti- - 11011 by-aud-by, be was leaving ibe room when Ins eye It'll upon a pair of walking-boots by the side nt the waidrobc. They were May's, and they had been worn that day, for there was mud— fresh mud uu the shapely heels. II ii .'. ml,l that she had not mentioned having been out:."She always averred thai she would i.uhei luse st walk than have 10 lake It alums, and WOUld Insist on wallingfor him. Bui she was calling him 10 dinner; and In carving a fowl and giving her the details of a great lire thai had occurred In the city he was fully occupied (or tho next half hour. Then 11 was Slav's turn to In talk of the gar- den, on which, with Hie occasional help ol a man, she was effecting Improvements; but still she said utilhlngabout having been out. "Did you do some . shopping tins morning?" ho asked, carelessly. "Oh! uo; 1sent Jennie for the binding of that chair-cover, and woi ked hard 10 finish it. Does It nut lunk veiy nice?" "1thought you hail been nut." I'uiiing ti'i aside, he would have entered the loom locouiloit her companion; but sue clung to him, eiiliealiug that he wuuld hoi degrade her i<i t* another person. . "It Is the liisi nine he lias been heie; llIs, In- deed!" •'And It shall be the last 1" was the stern teply, as, shaking oil her giasp, be strode on. May follow meekly. ny,. litis was not a Lettsoml He found him- self lv Hie presence of a stranger, who, with a bow and a sum k. presented bis card: "MtiNsn.ri: in: Villon, "Professor of DaßCb-8 and Depuituieiit." " It was very silly ot me, 1 know," sobbed May, when Monsieur de Y'tllou, being civilly dis- missed, had taken his departuie, "but 1 Had never learned Io dauce, and wheu you decided that we were to co to .Mrs. loiihiiniei's. my Ig- iioianc \u25a0 troubled me. 1 could nut bear thai you should be ashamed of your little wife, and see her el. her standing by or making clumsy etTuns to Imitate moie turUiuate girls, so I went and saw Ibis professor, and he agreed to give me so many lessons for a guinea. That is how 1 had spent the money you had asked me to refund. I have practiced quadrilles twice wish monsieur's pupils at his house, and 1 can v.ilsc, and had neatly mastered lie scboltlseb when you " " Made a bruie and an Idiot ot myself 1" ex- claimed her husband, clasping lier to his heart. "Oh, my best ol d. tilings, don't hate me, don't despise mo lor it, and I'll be your parluer at your next lesson, and the old lieuclnnan shall teach us together.'* Whu May—now the happiest of'Hie happy— was taking oil her wraps at Mrs. Todliuuiei's, a majestic old lady lv black velvet sailed up to her, nodding approval ut the delicate gray silk, so modestly made, high in the neck and uuorua- meuted save by exquisite point Lice of her uwu making, "You don't know inc. my dear." said the elder matron, as sue saw in» bride blush under her scrutiny. "1 am Major Macaitby's widow, ami a kinswoman of your husband. lainalst"*- when troubled with neuralgia— sucb a disagree- able, slanderous, backbiting old woman, that Cyril veiy properly refused to accept for you a Utile gill 1 wauled (o send by him. He said I did not do you justice, and lie was (pine right ; but since then I've beou lo see Mrs* Letlsum, poor Hung ! Her husband was a siihallein in .Major Macartby's regiment; and she has told me bow shu must nave slink under her tumbles but lor you. I shall assist her suns to emigrate, aud she will come and live with mo as my house- keeper; and. it you are pleased with the arrange- ment, you'll wear the cross old woman's nil!, and make Cyril forgive me," May was 100 pleased lo say tier nay. She went Into Hit) drawing-room on the aim of aunt Pen, with the pink corals clasped on her neck and wrists, She Is still in favour Willi the eccentric giver, and is pioviug herself the most sensible of wives by never having auoiher seciel from her adorlug husband. L. C. A HAD CAT'S BITE. It Would Nut Betas lis Bold Until Drowned by i.- Victim. Mrs. Joseph Kirkbride, a well-known resident of Bristol, has a great fondness lor cats aud keeps a number of them in her house on S */nlu street. Tne other day ono of them went mad, and she put it in her cellar. When she went down to look after It a day or two ago the cat Hew at her and fastened its teeth in Airs. Kirkbride's hand with such violence that she was unable to shake it off. Mrs. Kirkbride cried fur help, but no one came, and, us a last resort she carried the mad animal clinging to her hand to a barrel of water, into which she plunged her arm, holding it there until the cat was drowned. The lady is now suffering from severe pains, which, it is feared, may result fatally. .She is now under the care of a physician.— Philadelphia Record. The Czar has Issued an edict forbidding ap- plause In Russian i beaters. The explosion of bombs in the vicinity of the Czar has made him very sensitive lo noises of all kinds. WHEN BEER IS BEST. The Proper Way to Drink It Is From a Stono Mug. A Connoisseur Tells Ab:ut the Difference in Taste and Flavor of Beer From Glasses and " Steins." * •' Beer in a glass Not for me!" remarked a portly gentleman to a Call reporter last evening, as he stretched himself, dropping down a little in his chair, and, with evident content, sipped tho cool, imported beer from a Munich "stein" with relish and comfort. " My friend, you have a great deal to learn yet about how to drink beer, and so have the majority of people in &an Fran- cisco." "There can't be much difference, surely,' suggested the reporter, "and, besides, the Stone mugs lock clumsier than the glasses." "Oh, well, if you people care for appear- ances, there is no use in talking about real luxury in drinking; none, sir, I tell you. You are spoiled." " But if there is a difference I would like to know it," replied the reporter, who is fond of a glass of cool beer himself on a warm evening in July. \a\f_____\ "Very well, then, I'll tell you something that will surprise you. It was discovered long ago in Munich, the 'beer town,' that the same beer of good quality does not taste as well out of a glass as it does out of the gray stone mug so well known in Bavaria. The difference is remarkable in the taste of one and the same beer served in. these ves- sels. Beer becomes warm more rapidly in the glass than it does in the stone mug, and if the mug is heated by placing it ivhot water there is a total absence of that pe- culiar disparity in taste which presents Itself so strongly between the flavor of the beer in the glass nnd that in the stone mug. OTHER CAUSES OF THE CHANGE. " Recent scientific researches have estab- lished the fact Ihat there are two other causes which enter into bringing about the change in beer in a glass— that is, the pene- trating of the light and dissolving of the glass in the beer. "Fill a glass and a 'stein' with beer from the same keg, set them fur a brief space of time in the sunlight and you will fiud that the beer in the glass has acquired a pecu- liar, disagreeable flavor and smell, while the beer in the 'stein' has remained good and palatable. So you can see how sensitive a liquid is beer. "li has also been found that a disparity in llavur and smell will be established when vessels are placed in a dark, cold cellar, aud what causes this. The material from winch the vessel is constructed. Wherever a test of this kind is made it has been luund that at the expiration of live minutes the taste and smell of the beer in the glass is distinctly and strongly different from that in the gray stone mug. Tin- beer in the glass tastes sharp, thin and tint, while the beer in the stone mug has a sweet, mild, delicate and round taste, ami the difference Increases with the length of time. GLASS IS SWALLOWED. " The notable degeneration uf beer in a glass, even iv a dark, cool cellar, from which the uiiier cunditluns which intiucucu beer unfavorably are excluded, is due to the fact that beer contains a large quantity of carbonic ucid ami this dissolves very rapidly small quantities ol glass. Examina- tions founded on Ibis belief were made and the fact was established that ordinary beer glasses, submerged for fifteen days in lager beer, lost 3% to 10}_ milligrams of their original weight. Thus it has been calcu- lated that a beer-drinker who consumes In one evening two pints of beer swallows at least .0010 to .0026 milligrams of glass. " The ordinary beer glass contains as a rule a quantity of oxide of lead, and there- fore impairs the smell and Savor of beer, because beer dissolves rapidly the glass substance containing lead. The gray-stone mug of Havana, which has been glazed with common suit, is free from lead, and the material from which itIs made is much lis- soluble than glass. When a man drinks beer out of a covered stone mug lor any time he can never again drttik it from it glass, as it would lase brackish nud in- sipid to i in. m BETTER BEER GOBLETS. " But Hits stone mug is nut the best beer goblet, beer tastes finer and more delicate out ol a tin cup, such as Lightlnget of Munich makes; therefore a guud tin cup Is preferable In the "stein." And tlie mug is surpassed by the guld-lined silver mug, which is king of vessels lor the drinking vi beer. Deer served in It discloses strikingly tho delicate quality ifthe beverage, which is lost wholly iv glasses. Any one who willthink the same beer lirst from a gold- lined mug and tli"n from an ordinary beer- glass will instantly recognize the enormous waste anil destruction of the flavor of the beer, to which the beer-drinking public baa been -obliged to submit through the serving of beer in the ordiuitiy glass." The connoisseur turned half around in his chair, lifted the pewter cover of his "stein " and finished the beverage that had reuiuiued cool while he spike. "Ach, that's beer," be exclaimed, as he fiulshed with a smack and a contented "Ali-h-h!" Cot Frightened and Laft. The Iriends of William ilawklns, the boatman who was drowned iv the bay on ."-Saiuiilsiy, were engaged yesterday iv look- ing for John Olsen and Adolph George, the two men who were with Hawkins in the boat when he fell overboard. They want to get their version of just how the accident happened. The search was unsuccessful. The men stayed at No. 1 Eddy street, bat bave not shown up there since they left on Saturday morning. \u25a0 LIST OF LBTTJ-RS Remaining unclaimed in the l'ostonrce at San Fran- cisco on MONDAY, July 28, 1390. •j_- To obtain any or these letters the applicant must call for "Advertised Letters,'* and give the date of the list. If not called for within two weeks lhey willbe scut to the Head-letter Offlce. Abbott, Miss lAltmer, 11 V lAshborne, vv A Mercedes Aluiuuaugh,YY!ll Aiitlercgg, Miss Abbott, Jliss ME | E | Allvliia Abraham, Hans Alves. Mrs A I Aii^ell, Miss Sa- (Urodr, I Ami-It, M J ! rati Adams, Mrs, Anderson, Mrs Appleton, Miss 1917 I Ella 1 Nettle Adklvtson, Mrs Anderson, Miss; Armstrong, Mrs 1577',.:. . | Oeorgle i Lou . Alter, .in- | Anderson, Mrs;Arnistelu, Miss Alexander. <\u25a0 W I Hannorla I Stella Alien, Miss Hat- Anderson, Miss Ashley, Mrs L _ tt,- : l.ma ] Atkins, is Allen, Mrs Hat- j Andersen, Miss lAufeiianger, Jno tlu Olivle I Austin, .1 11 Bacon, xv Allclu Berry, Mrs Mar- Brier,Charles Baes, Carlos garet ISrorklauk, W lliinl Miss Sel" llerttiler, Alhert llrome, a O lid i" C llrooK,Mrs ,1 II Ilaitt-y. Henry * "llertrant, Mrs llros/.t-y. Max Bailey. 11' WW 1 George I. brown, Mrs Ann Baker, Charles lllel. Louts Blisa Baldwin, Miss Kigali, John llroivu, Arthur Anita lllgeloiv,Henri Howen, Arlln iT Baldwin. Miss Ul. Rerstaif, Miss llrown. Miss E Lillian Murine Brown, Geo W Balnea, Henry llitigliaui. Cap- 111-,rvvti, .lames Banks, .lohn C lain John llrown, Mrs. IX Barclay, Miss Kirch, Miss M A Browne, Lewis J Elorenee Bishop, Fold Browne, John V Barker, John lilslea, Mrs lirowiie.Mra.MK Barnard, T— Co I'ran/.tska Brown, Mrs WW Barnard, Mrs YV liltlcl, Joseph Praline, Wm _- Bletz, Carl 11 r.u ii w 1 n Birr, George M Ulleden, Chas L (butcher) Bartlett, Miss Block, Leon M Bryant, (ieo 1" ear j Ilium, Mrs A Bryant. Geo \V liassoe, Peter Blumentbal.Mrs Buck. James Bain it-. Miss Julia Burli,JXV lieorglaiiiia Boartlitian, Sid- Buckley, Dr Beailenknpp, . ney Charley Charles noddy, XVIt Bullock, Miss 8 Beamer A- Son - Bond, Mrs Butikar, Adolph Beance, Eugene Blanch B Beaser, Mrs MM Bouncy. WT Burke. Dr Beck, MrA C Boric, Jules Burke, MISS Ella Becker, John Uosetie, Mrs Burke, MJ Bachiiian.UeoO Mary Burlington, A Begeinanu, J li Bowman, Mrs Burnett, David Belknap. Mlssltla Eleaita Burnliaui, How- lieunett.Mrs EM Bowser, Jacob aid Bennett, Miss Boyd, Mrs Sallies Burns, James Julia Boyer. W E Burr's. - II Benton, CL Boyns, W IS Burt. A XV Berg EH Bradley, 1 C ' Bush, A B Bergen M W Bradley. John II j Bush, Mrs Cora Belgium), JE Brandes, M Bush, Mrs Elljsa- lierlln, Helen M Brandt, Herman I belli Bernard}', JT Branch, John, i Butcher, Arthur Bernstein, M I Kb" st | -Or--.,. Beronlo, Miss !Brcau, Mrs CX! Iluyccns. RYV t.-,1, , Bresuau, Mike : Byrne, Cal Be*;, ent, Charles : Brewen, Geo C ! rues, James t'abansviCfgarCoiChandroii, Aug- Condon, Michael Cain, John -t ust Connolly, Ma- Caler, FE Chase, Miss Iran- tblas Cal Assurance ces Constable; IV n Corporation Chicago Elcctrl- Coutl, Thomas C Cal Portrait Co cal works Conway, Daniel Cal State Insur- Chllson, Henry Cuoley, Earl X ance Company lclirlstensen, An- Cooney, M Caruiln, Mrs drew -Cook* Co Elizabeth Churchill, Sam- Cordell, Miss Cauracy. Jerry | net Lizzie Campbell, Ducan Clarke, YV S Costello, Ernest Campbell. Frank i Tanscy, William Cottier, Bengalis X - Icleary.MissMag- C Campbell MllesE gle Coulon, Miss Campbell, YV D Clerc. Mrs llaoul Lydle "-• Canavsui (Print- Clightou. Mrs Courtney Swlftß (. i Carrie J Cowan, A X CaiiivniiAiiilrevv Coates, Frank Cox, KosewordL Cauavan. 1* Coates, (\u25a0 YV W Caniiiigo.MrsJ W Coe, C M Craig, Mrs J W Carleton, Mar- Coffey, John J ("rail, II J shall--- Cofßu, AW CraneMrsJennle Carr, Mrs Emms Conn, Br X E Cromwell, Thos Carr, Mary Grif- Cohen, Jacob Cronin,Patrick fith Kerry Cohen, Louis Crossly, J A Carrere, Louis Colburn. T _ - Crowe, Mrs M Carson MlssEllza Coin-rove. YV _ Crowe, S Carson, II Colhurst, J It Cmlksnank.W T Casslday Edward Cole, Mrs Erne- cruthers, .-.-Cap- C-Stell, Emily line tain F II Caralllui, A Cole, Mrs II Cuddy, Mrs Kate Ceasar, J 1 Hammond ' Culver, Alex S - Chanibergs, Mrs.Colmai •\u25a0\u25a0•——' I'o.-tnlugs, D 8 - Ella iColllni M""*Ci"f-!iJ:n,_ntlrifcs. ,L eo Chanibergs, Mrs", rlue sjcarran, uratUe X r . Coillnr, F Oslrcvwo, II l) Cbamberlln, Mrs Conua ile, Wil-. C_'.t», AYV Gertrude I ter It iCylp, Wllllun Chostuut, VK J i 1 Dttelk, J W I)Galvez, Josefa Donovan, John lialtev, Mrs An- V llonovan, Mrs,! J nic Denan, Miss Liz- 1 Uowdall. J T Dalln, An.ust zie | Dowdy, W (i Dallam, MtssAn- Deutscber, Mrs liowliiig,Jubn A nic B Dover, Charles S Daper, Daner. Mrs C B Devlin, William Daper, William Daniels &Co Henry Dressier, M Daniels, Samuel ! Ho Youn-.nenry Drake, MlssSuslo Dark, Frank Dickey, Willie Uouer, Michael Darke, Frank Dickinson. Miss Doyle. James Davison, Mrs M Jennie Charles I' Davison, Uth st, Dickson. Mrs, of Dudley, Miss Davis, J I. Oakland Edith Davls.MrsJullaE Dottier, Charles Duff, Mrs Win Davis, M Lewis Dodge.MrsElfza- Dugau, Mrs Davis, Sirs Mar- beth Dulaney, W H garet E Docring. Cbas 8 Dunbar, Henry- Dawson, John Dougherty, Miss Dnulsom, Geo II Day, George 11 Grace Hunuwald, Mat DayJamesllenry Dolau, J C | Irusican, J S Day, Joseph Dole, Eliza M Dunn, G YV Deagan, John Dou.au, Mrs Dunn, John Dc.-ivuu, J _ Minnie E I Dunn, 1" H Deban, J Donnelley, Mrs Dunne, Pete J Deerlng, Mrs Katie Durkln.MrsEllza Katie Donnelly, TC Dyes, Frank Dement, Mrsß A| Donovan, J EarleMrsAllceß Eggertson, Miss Emerson, O Earll, Miss Tilliel Anna Emerson, John Eastland, Jas Elklns.MrsOeoll Erwln.AudrewL Eastou, Miss Ja-.Elstreu, Miss Esfabiuok.Mrs B nte I Luda 11 Ebert, Miss Ku-|_hnore, Johnny |Estherlangley, sauna iLlwert Andrew Ci Mrs Eckels, Mrs W A Elliott A Co, TB Eva Ji Madison Edmonds, II 1 Emerson, Chas Faxon, Mrs Ad- Finn, Jno F Foster, J Ken- dle Fischer, C F uelli Enliven, J Kisser, Julius losier, Built if Fay, John Fischer, Mrs W Fowler, OB Fay,Miss Kate llizgibbous, Ed- ow.er, CD Fay, Miss Maggie ward i-rasst-r, is* Fax, Keub Flocke.P.eluhold|Fretms it. A Feg, Mrs Annie Fog-arty, F II French.JlissEtta let'ity, Jas Foley, John Fried man t_ Ferguson, Chas Foley. Walter Wolff Ferguson, John Fontaine, Emllle Fries, John -Clgusuu, Miss Ford, Miss Mary i ui-hs, IStvits May i Foster. CW Flild, Slastliyo Ferguson, S B | Foster, LA Hilda, Alex liallich, Mickcl (jleschen. Jno Graham, Mrs Gardner, Sirs J Gibson. Miss Lv Manila Gareu, »V 11 Gllcutldy, Jliss Grant, Jl* Garrett, Robert Bridget Gray. Mrs Jno Gstirelsona Co, (llllsou, "Hiss E Gray, 11 A wm (livens, IiA Gray, Jas F Garrison, Miss Cluster, Mrs Mat Greer, Marlon Minnie t.lscnr', Geo Green, (S.W Gamier, A F Golden, Miss Green. Mrs CW Gartner, Henry! Marguerite ' Green MrsF&nny Gately, -N "Golden Gate D Gay. Cbas .Novelty Co Green Ship Mfg Gay,ord.'L If Gorman, W o Co Geiss, Miss Fall- Gossun, Miss [Gregory, YY II ma Goul'lMissLottie Giei.t-kt-T, Tom George, Francis i.uuvd. Master Groube k, John Geriehtcu, Miss Vi luston Edward - 1,, Ikill, 11 Gove, 11 M ISr us, Tom Gcssicr. Karl Graham, DavldsGruart, 11 F Gibtis. Jliss MI'Grant, H A ((run, Hugo Glt.fehlt. wm I I Haas, Martin Harrison, Win II Hobson, Mrs EB Haiiicv, Mr Hart, Miss llochfeld.Minou iia-.'i'.uivi, Miss Hatcher, CM Hock, John Lou ssi Hang, Mrs C lloirmau, Gus . BadseU, Mrs An- Hayes, Mrs Ba- Roland. Miss na chel Maggie Haitian, SC Hayes, Miss A Huiucroft Henry Hall, II Hayes, Mr \u25a0 Hollalnl.CaptGl! Hall, Jacob Naves. H(i Hollll.gsvvorthW Hall, .Visit T iliiyues _ Gilt- 1 Hale, E ll lull liulloway, Elvira Hatpin, JJ Hawkins, A I) H lliiuiii, Louis Hstzeltoii, II 11 Holm, Mrs Dora Hamilton, is X llazzelett, Ed Horn Market Hani ii, Miss Hearst, J F ilurtuu, Mrs FII Elisabeth i* Heath, Frank Hosiord, Henry Hammond. J L Heckmau, 110-s-slns. Win liana. Miss (Jap- llecklograph Co Howe, Mrs Thos auese) ileiu, Fritz Howe, Mr HaticockAlberlT HeiidersoriJacob Howe. -Mis DrAl> Hanley, Miss llenuliig, Thos Unwell. Mrs Ava Mary Ilenrv, i it Hughes, s Handler, Thos Hentzell.N'sttle li Hmiiiui Jr, Thus lliinilley. Mrs Hepburn, FW Hughes, It Miuuitj Herbert, Jesse Hughes, JF Haiitnurc. TYV Herman, Henry Humeri. Miss Hansen, Peter Hess, Frank Annie S Hansen, N Hess. l. Sylvester Hull i Stewart ll. ins, Henry Hewelt,. Sliss ME Humer,Mrsßer- iiiiiisuii, .NTO liibbard, Geo tha Hanson, Win Hickman, Ell- liunilrup. P Hanson, Miss inond S Hunt, Mrs F J 1 sttlltciilvt Higgl— Fred I.Hunter, LA Harcourt, Biggins, General Hunter. Lotta Harcourt, W Edward limner, Jliss L Harding, MA Higblev _Irs.lack Hunter, F YV Harding, YVT lllghley, .Mrs Huntington liar. ins, Frank Elizabeth Nellie Harnett, Mi- L Is Hill, Miss Cassie Husirig, D llvtri l.i;iii, l't-ser I lliMnsiiiu aCo Huston, 11 YV Harrington, Win Hinrichseu, -IB llutch.us.on, Mrs 11 art Is Jr. John . Idenden, Harvey ingrain, Alexan-'lrvine, Wm lglar. Mhs I der IrvliieJamesYVm lug. r5,, 11, Carlos Ingham, Jliss 1X L Cigar Co Ingram, EM | ltusie Jackson, Mr - Jenkins, Mrs l Johnson, Mrslt It Jackson, John A, ice Johnson, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Joaaunesen, In- Rose 1-viiiitle geborg Johnson.Mrs ItF Jacob, B Johauson, VII Johusen, Miss Jajo, Miss Jlollle Jolianson, J I. Jlathllde or Mary Jotmis. Etnli Johnstone, John Jakob, A Johnson, King A- ones. Miss A L James, J S Co Jones, JJ James, Busbrod Johnson A Big- Jones.Mrs James VV gins Joyce, D D .Mrs Mary JuliusonllernabelJurgeits. F Jennings, J J Johnson, Henry [Justin, Miss J Kviint-n r.-hsn, Ji Ketleher, James Kistner, HJ Kviiii merer KmUs Kellen.Jlissßose Kltts, Miss Clara Kane, Mi II 11 Kenny, John Kline. Julius i'arlsou. A J Kenny. Miss Mar- Knlltson. Mr Kaufman, Mrs garet Ivuochelmaun, Lottie Kennedy, Miss | Win Kavanagh, Pat- Katberlne ' Koch, Franklin rick Kennedy, James Koga, II KeacbMrsLoutsa Kerrigan, Mary! Korn, Miss Stlne 11 Kleny, Leonard Korsbercs, Ed- Keating, A C Kllluirg, Smith ward Ktlitrf, F Kimball, T J Korte. H Keller .1- Co, II Kimball, Jlrs Krainni, Bartbel Keller.Jllss Lulu Mary Krans, A Kellev, Mrs A Kinder. John Kretz, Mlss Kellt V.MrsNetta King,Mrs J Kruzuuui, Lena Keltv.MissAiinie King,YV Its Kuuzi., Miss Keily, J Klnslow, JF I.- tta Kelly, Jos II Kirkwood. A Lacompte, MrsA|Lcland, vv YV Livingston, Dr V E l.elo. J E Lambrlck, Mrs _ewser,Wm Lotus. Miss Ella . Mary Lenz, Tl X Loney,- James Lane. Mrs Leslter, Miss Ger- Long, .Mrs Ella A Lane, Miss Clara trmie | Loot t. otto Laudo.'MissHat- Levlnire, Win Loory, Miss 1111- --lle Barly tlrle Lange. August Levy, Miss Addle Love,Miss flattie I.sir-en. Laurllz Levy, A F Love. II I.virst'ii, F 1 Levey, S J Lovejoy; Geo W La Salle, Mrs I Lewis, X J Lowell. Kuful Lillian 'Lewis, .'rank T 'Low-rev. James C Latlustte, II I Lewis. Mrs Klia Luckbardt. Her- Ijiwrv, Helena Lewis, It YV j ma.i D i.aiieu.iii. Fred | Lewis, MrsMMay Ludes. Hermann l.atvter. David .Lirnte'ustadter, \u25a0 : Lund. John Lawrence, Harry JLirtin JLiliiits.Ht'rlrt"rtW Lawtun, Israel Lincoln, James I.yall. Wm Laws, Mr- Ella LUH, B A Lyfortl.M Ls-virv.MlisAiinlr' I. inch, .111 nic F 1.,.. p. Miss KiLlmlherg. John Lyman. Harry Le Clerc, Mine Llngberg,. John Lyucit.lion Jere- -1.e.-liiiisui, .1 L Littler. Dr.1 M ninth Lee. .tallies it I Little, Samuel Lynch. JW l.cc. Frank c Livingston, Miss Lyons, Mrs J F Lelghion, A D | Alice King | Lucas, vv t; Vlsicsitiley, .1 Donald. Miss Melntlre, Caiit Jlc.YUie. Adj | Jessie | Henry (lists JlcDouald.PatkJ Slclutyre, Kobt Miliirnev,Saml I McDonnell, N McKay, YV w McCarthy, li McDougaiUllssF McKinley, Miss McCarthy, Lizzie Hacderrao-, CF Agues I-* '.vleLlwce, Miss McKiuney, Miss Mliii, James _ Kate Elizabeth Co McFartane. YV LJlcKluuey, Miss Mt'Ciinii, Miss |JloFarlan, Mrs I May Mary t G X MeLateble, Jas HcCTay, B W McGler, Miss MeLanghlln, Mil onagliv Alex Lizzie i David It mi, on. i bos 1: m. \u25a0!,, nicy, 811 Mclennan, Jack MeCormlck JasH JlcGivney, Mrs iMcLennao, J—l MeConrt, Miss j Nellie JlcLeod, Jlalcoui Alice MeG wan, Dr JlcJlan, Arthur M.i to A- Web-! Granville McMillan, YVM Iter JlcGrevy, Mrs JlcJlulian, A McDonald, Geo YVm JlcNaniara, Jno Mi'liouald, Miss Ms'lSregor..!auies! MtT'sirlvmU, Miss Katte Mi liro.'sin, Jno ! Sarah McDonald, Juo Mctirogau, Win JlcSJane, Miss McDonald,Jno .McGuinuessTTiosi Helen Usek. AF [Menclnsky.B Jlorey, .Mrs Ma- Jlabll, F Merchant, Miss rlon Matlilai, Jno Elsie Morgan, D W Jladl-aii. Mis Mercer, J -.Morgan, Mrs ji'hma Jlerwlu, Mrs If JI Lizzie Bladdox, C Merrill, Geo It Morrison, J Maesser, Jlarga- Jlescroft. II c Morrison, Alex reiha Metzgcr, Eugen Morrison, J Mayan Augustine Meier, August.. Morrow, Mr Magulre, ('has Meyer, Mrs Ber- Mortens on. B Marks. Mr ilia Jlortluer A. llar- Mahoncy, Miss McverMrslsailor rls Mary E Meyer, GYV Morse, C P Maiden, Andrew Jfcyer.JllssJlary Morse. A 1" Mains, Gen MeyerTLenimen Muss, Mr- Mary . Manning,— Jlyer, Fred Moss, Jlarcbet Jlaiilng, Mrs Myers, Andrew Moss, YV fi Louise Micbelson, 8 ,Mott. Same Manssun, C Micbe, Gustavo M ,1,-, it L_ To Marks As Brown- Milsans, Jno li Tl Mowry, J stein Miller. Elizabeth Miilf, W F Marks, Henrlcb Miller. MrsAunle Slmrahey, Key Marble, JM Miller. EdwCol'e- James Jlarchlnton, .Ar- hrutl t Mulhern, Mrs lliur Miller, D B Jluler, Louise Marott, ("\u25a0 .Mills, Chas A Mullen, Mrs-Mary Mars, F E Miller, II D Mu.vaiiv. II c Marshall, Mrs Miller, Steve l_to!ler. Miss J Fredrick Mslier, Mrs 111 Jlullcr, Joseph Marshall, MrsCV -Miller, vv M Jlunson, J Martin, James 1 Mills, Mrs Sarah Jlusse. Adolph Martin, Mr Mills, Jliss llcUe|Musgrave, Ver- Mvirtlsi. Mrs B JHnto, Win I lion Martin, Jlrs YV11 Sthenic. M A Murphy. Joe' Martin, YVislcr 'Mitchell, Miss Murphy. Mrs lielle ! Bertha Bernard 1) Martin,Lt MV iJloffatt, Henry Murphy, Miss Jlassey, Mrs >' Il Jlouahan.JlrsEl Katie .Matthews Bros— Monro, Mrs Jno , Murphy, Miss Kevlck Moon, C G | Mamie Mathews. David i Moors, 11 .Murphy, Simon- Mat!. Miss Alice j Moore, Mrs Ber- ton A Man, Abe ] tha Murphy, Miss Meehait.ThnsMl'Moore, Miss Ber- Polly Jleinhelt, Kate I tha Murray, P " Melently, 11 Morey, Clark Slurry,Duncan 8 Melius, D E > Naughton, Mrs Neville, Mrs An- Nipper, David Maria - nic Juliana Naylor Son Newman. Nathan Nichols. C Neai, Mrs John Newmsirk, F1" Mchaus, Ed F Nelson, James Newiands, DrltE Sold, Ctrl Nelson, Miss Xewklrk Bros Isorvls, Miss Birdie Scycc,Jllssßcrta Emily Nelson, George L I Norton, John J Nelson, Miss Lois NledhanimerMrs Nylander, Miss Nellson, Lizzie A Mary Edla NesperMrs AnualNikaltl, tl O'Connell, Win, a uglilln, Mrs, Nell, James O'Conner. T Mullle Orland, E U'Conner, Mrs |(ihlson. C A li'Sulllvan, John Thomas tU'Nell. C D iialiorti. ,1 O'Danal, C 0 Miss Kate Ostraskey. Mr O'Donneli, Deulsl F | l'aciflc Cloak £ Peckhaiu, Thorn- Pedersen, Nlel- Sult House as II sen Pacific Humorist Peelman, CE I'lerotte.Captaln Paige, Win B Pcllandiue, Miss - Colllngvvood \u25a0 I'age, Miss X ITcksint, 1. 11 Page, F II Perkins, I'll Play ter, MIssUB Page, w \V Perry, Mrs T Fomfrel, w L Parks, Mrs' Peru Land _ Col- Popper, Fannie Parks, Fred oulzatlon Porter, ll F I'arr, W II Perclval. O C Pratt. Miss Car- Parson, Miss Perrln, Mrs Mm- rle Louis Maggie- nic Pratt, YV p Paulsen, l'alle Petus. Dr Prince, Dlt Plxley, J Peterson, E.I I'rltchard. II FcarlMlssSophie Peterson, Frank Putnam, A Feel, E A Petersen, XV J Qulnn, PD is'issirnstrom. Marie icaluey, Ii W Robinson, Frank Boose, Aug Baudall, Corulcy Robinson, Miss Ross Bros - J \u25a0 Jennie Bosentual.Lonls Rhodes, Mrs Robinson, Major Both. 8 Manilla and Mrs Uonrke, Miss Kichardson, Rub- Both, Joseph Motile crt A Kogers, A ** Rudolph, BMW Richardson, Rogers. MT Buffner, Mrs C P Sarah J Bussell, Miss Rufas, F II Billy, Mrs Katie Nellie Russell, 1! J Riley, Mrs Mary Roier, John 11 Ruinel, Frank Roberts, Mrs J Roma, Miss Car- Russet, Miss NeF Roberts, Mrs L J rto lie Bobbins, Charles | Roops, GSI j : _ _mawpa__m^S Sal- It, Mrs Lin- Shirley & Co Staccy, John na Simon. IF \u25a0- stayner, Mrs CYV Sandeman, T O Simpson, MrsMAlstarb.rti. L M . Sanderson, J W Slmjiton, George. Starke, Harry Savage, James Small, Miss Inez stetlens, Eddy Schick, Max Smith & Angeil iStehunetz. Ed C Schleve, Carl Smith, Andrew stein, 11 11 Sihllitcr, Alex Smith, Brsiinartl Stevens, SHssAl- Schlatipc, Mine F lie _ .„ Agues . Smith, Charles Stevens, E W Scbmldeke.Fred Smith, Mrs Em- Stevenson, Fred Scnonwabl, Dr ma Stewart, James Franz Smith, E B Stuart, Mrs Schultz, Miss Smith, Ernest L Georgia Annie - - Smyth, Sirs E Stewart, Mrs Sonws-'s. AB \u25a0' Smith, <1 YV ACo Stocking, Frank Srliwar-tcpii,*.,.". *"»ltb, Miss Bat- Stobaugh, Mrs _ .... . j He - Mvlttle Scott, (leoree- l>utth, Jacob Stollar. E J Sc ."stale Oli Co Uth, N., . stone, Laura May Seward, Henry Smith. Phcebo 8 Storn, Matt . Schanahan. I) Smith. W J Stony ft Isham Shaw. William', Smith. Miss Net- Com Ito _ ex-senator tie ' * Stoud. Mr< Front . Shepard, J E Schneider, Mrs ' street} - Sbepard, Mrs Moille Strong, George Mary - Snedigar, W S Stuttz, .lake E Sherltr. Rev A B snedaka, WII Stumpf.MlssMay Sherwin. Tbe Sogilan, Ntkoia Sugme. llmutiiy Williams Co Spauidlng, Har->ulilvan.tharles Sherwood, Miss vey _ Sunny. ThomasJ Mabel Spafford, J W ft Swans, Mrs WF Shew, Mrs Laura . Co Svenson. Mary F Spain, J S Sweeuburg, Mrs Sbldeler, Harry Spencer.Thomas Sweeney. Mr Shluten, Martin Springer, Maas SwirtftWluslow, Shlot.MlssAnhie Stahme'r, Mrs II . Mrs Shipley. Paul Talbot, JeromeC Tenbel, Andrew: Tnorsen, Mrs Tanner, Giist Tbaeher, George . Anna -„*_," Tate, Mrs | ft Co Tiffany, MrsNW Taylor. Cyrus . Thoinas.Mrs Car- liilson, MrsC M Taylor, George rle iTltus, J Taylor, Miss Ta- Thomas. ft Col Voles, Mrs bitba N Thomas. SB Tripp, Wm R Taylor, Mrs May Thurston, ueaW|Trupal; Miss Ida Udell.MrsMattie v s Mercantile: Upton, Frank A Vlmer,GeoTACo| Agency | Co Valentine,' A _ ' iVance Mrs MiVon Ploeimlor, Vaudenhoute, . t Van Pelt, Mrs [ Otto Chariot i David |Yon Buchholtz, Van Heekesen, Vambar. Miss i Miss Mary DrAJ J Ella I "IVailsworth.n E Weand, Mrs Em- Wllley, Miss Witiii MtssMinna ma i Louisa Walte, Mrs At Weekman. F Williams, Harry Waite.Mrs Geo WleJI, Mrs MO Williams, Dr Walker, Lou Welrlch.l'aul Kobt C Wall, Mrs Thos Weliitlber. J Williamson, Mrs Wood, John I! Z Wenneer, MUeM JO »• Wa ih, Michael Weulwoi'lh.Mls- All us, Albert E . Walters, Mrs F Willis,Miss Car- Laura Werner. OB rle Walters, Miss West, AS Wilson. Charles May Wheeler, FO Wilson. Dell Ward, E S Wheeler.Mrs MG Wilson, F ; Warner, A X White, Alex Wilson, Geo B Warren, BM While, E A Wllson'.MrsGeoß Warren. Mrs EP White, L J . Wilson, W.B Waters. Geo 1) White. WW W llson, Mrs W B Watklns, Miss Whiting, Miss Irt, Rev L L Kosie Jennie Wolff. Arnold Watson, Frank K Wbltforil,Chsi3ll Wood, Asa S Watson, John whitman, James Woods, Rnbi II Webb, Frank R WTckstruin. Gust Wood, HrsWmS Weber, Barry wiedenhaucr. Woodford, Miss Webster, Sal lie J . George Pnifibe " Weaver, Frank ,W11 lard, Geo F Wood, XV lift Lo Weaver, Mrs ! « lilistou, David Wright. Allie' James liliaiusAnuieElWright,D P Weathers, Alt I Young, T Carl j Zeiler. E.l Z-ine. Miss Dolla| Zimmerman Fruit Evaporator LETTRES FRAXCAISES. '. Ban, Anguste |Lagier,Toussalnt|i"oursillle,Gust Barguba, Jit ILadavur c, Mous Pusade, Pierre Coqnard, Batt |Loii|iat, J ll'.ayer, Jules Dsharner, Jerl Tuvln, Ant ITeuthorey Pierre De P.alvcriu, Melius, Louis Viiiemert, Henri Baron .1 I . VOCR IKS UAMF4. Banzet, Em IGI quire, M INaulot.- Blanche Brolon, Jmie I.a Hide, AnnalVlcUler, Marie Deveze, Marie | I LET ERE ITALIAN E. Andreoll, J Curotto, Glus r_taldlnl,*o_sp Baldesarelll, C ' lielnchia, Marie:M-rsrsi, Angelo Bolta, I'ietro Domenlco, Ro- Pet. rano, Jose Brochlnl, Pietro meo Perazzo. Ant Bonavla, Km Franetta, J Qua, -111, fate Capnavvl, O-iva Greece, Franc Rossi, Bartsol - Cavagnaro, Btad-JGuadagnlno, seaiizano, Horn alen Guelmettl, L ISorici. March Cervelll, Felice Lavagettl, U Zeuoni, Ermiuo Compill, J C 1 CARTAS ESPANOLAS. , . •: 7-7 Alvarez, Anton lUutlerez, Eageu lOrplnda, Theod Arinlgo, Jose 'Hernandez, Li- Penis, Teod Bokorquerz, Ed- 1 bard I San Pedro. Hap uartlo iMatlero, Uannel[SaaxA Zabala L CamacbO, Mart in Hanoi, Pat . iSebreros, Fidel. Casio, Silvester 1 I fiE NORAS. Castro, Beatrls (Garcia, Mmc jMoticada, Lav- Felix, Louisa llparaqulrreMarg rlano Fernandez, Eu- Ortiz, Beatnz Paez, Angela l.tii.t l SAMUEL W. BACKUS. Postmaster.' OCI—TS S'li*.A.lii*\ lint*"*, of Report are From Sin FranrNio. Departure of Australian steamer depends outaa English infill. ' ; I SUN ANO Tl"*r*-" TAIi-LK. Id Pacific Standard Time. Compute 1 by Titosttm Tksnknt, Chronometer and Instrument - Maker. 18 Market street. SHIPPING JNTKLI.HiENCK. tor Lot. tjhtjjputi Jnt'Uijt-wt see Eight's' i"a*_ A veil. Sunday, July 27. stmr Coos Pay. Nicholson, 18 hours from Fort Bragg, etc: pass aud. mdse. to Goodall. Perkins A.... ~ ._\u25a0 - Stmr Corona, Hannah. 21 hours from Eureka; Litis, anil iiifl.-e. to Gtiodail. Perkins- A Co. stmr (.viia, Johnson, 25 boon from Humboldt; , 2658 M shincles, to lupins&Collins. stmr Record, Jensen, 20 hours from Westport. 5325 railroad ties, to 1. 1" White. Stmr Gipsy, Pimnmer, 24 hours from Monterey, produce, to Goodall, Perkins A- Go. Stmr Alcazar. Hansen, 13 hours irom Greenwood; 10,540 railroad ties, to L X wiute. Ettinr State of California. Ackley, 60*_ hours rm Portland, via Astoria io-* 4 hours; pass aud mdse, to Goodall, Perkins* Co. Stmr Truckee, 'Crawford, «\u25a0"* hojirsrrom Tilla- mook via Port orford; pass and lumber, to Truck Lumber Co. Stmr Greenwood, ' Fatrserluml. 15 hours from Greenwood; B*4oo railroad tie,, to L E White. \u25a0 Stmr Eureka, Smith, 2 days -"• San Pedro; pass and mdse, to Goodall. Perkins A Co. Br ship Province, Jones, 74 days from Newcastle, NSW; 263- tons coal, to J D Sprockets * Pros. ' Bktn City of Papeete, Bernde, 10 days from Ta- hiti; pass and indue, to J Pliiet.lt Co. Schr Archie and Pontic, lluntin.. 24 hours from Stewarts Point; SO eds bark, to Hlggluu &Collins; .20 cds bark, to Johnson _ Jensen. Scbr Alcalde, Smith, 7 days iroin- Port Discov- ery: 450 M ft lumber, to Par-Hie Pine Lumber Co. Schr Anna, Williams, .'\u25a0- days trom Kahulul; 695 baps sugar, to J i>spreckels A Bros. Scbr Laura Pike, Anderson, 2 days from Hum- boi it; 180 SI ft lumber, to Charles Nelson. \u25a0 Schr Nettle Ssmdborg, Suudborg, 16 hours from Bthlers Point; CO cords wood, 20 cords bark, to Job; sen «v Jensen. Scbr Heliance, Arf, from Point Arena. Oakland direct. ' -. \u25a0• Schr Jennie Grittln. Low. 6 hours trom Point Reyes; 60 bxs butter, etc, to Slutiuo-i,, liowa'sky & Co. {____ 9___ ". Sailed. , „_ - Sitsdat, Jnly 27. - Sttnr Columbia, Bolles. Portland. Stmr Santa Maria. Keanely. San Diego. Stmr Santa Kosa, Alexander, San Diego. India, Merrliusin, i'ort Townsend. li r bark Calllrrhoe, Kowe, Queenstown. BkthSG wilder, Griffith, Honolulu. Brig Courtney Ford, Nielson, Sboalwater Bay. Schr La Gironde. Dickinson, Grays Harbor. Schr Maid of Orleans. -Tfeonor: Bboalwatsf Bay. Schr Ralph .1Long/Jensen, Coqullle Kiver. Schr Cbqullle, Hunter, CoquilleKiver. \u25a0 ' Ki-tiiriieil. Sokdat. July 27. ' Scbr. Monterey, KUnkncr. hence July 29. tor Bon ens Lauding, on account of carrying away slid- - lugjib-boon,and blowingthe inner jibin ribbons. Toleirraiiiiio. ' POINT LOBOS—JuIy 27—10 p. if. - Weather hazy; wind SW, velocity _ miles. •• :'s ' Memoranda* Per Br ship Province— -inly I.— Was In company with a ship supposed to be l'rship Dymoneue; also a white brlgauttue. Per bktn City of Papeete— Stmr Richmond, from New Zetland, due on Jane 1, had not arrived up to Juue 16. Si>.»k*»n. Per Br ship Province-July 28—Lat 38 N. lon 129 W, Br ship Principality, from Sydney for san Diego. Uointtitia Ports. WKSTpOUT— Sailed July 26-*-Sttnr Record, for San Francisco. ' - EUREKA—Arrived July 26— Schr Robert and Minnie, Hence July 18; schr Seveu Sisters, bee July 20; stmr Tillamook, neuce July 24. " " sailed July 28-Stnw C-elia, lor Sau Francisco: stmr silver Spring. -. '...„'\u25a0- : .PORT ANGELES— July 27-Stmr Hay- tlan Republic, hence July '-2. kedondo— ArrivedJuly 27—Stmr South Coast, from FortBragg. VENTURA—Arrived July 27-Sclir Newark, from Bow-en** Landing. SAN I'ICDKO-ArrtvedJuly 27—Schr Mary Gil- bert, from Albion; stmr Jewel, from Caspar. Movement* nf.Tr iii-i itl inti*) Sim ners. NEW. YORK- Arrived July 27-Stmr Umbrla, 'm Liverpool; stmr Libourgogne, from Havre; stmr Chicago. from London.' . **mnof*si.*.inni— NEWPORT— Per Eureka-142 ski corn, 4 bdls- skins. 5 bis lemons. 17 Ins seed. San Pedro— lD bxs lemons. Kedondo— l6 pkgs seed, 5 pkgs simple*. 13 bdl, ginks, 1 tS fittings, 1- Ca siprttsot seed. -.t cs canned goods, 70 bills staves, pktfiheads, 260 hi les. 1 bx' dry goods, 2052 sks barley, 6 bis castings, 13 bdls skins. 30 cans tallow, ti cs yam 1 c_ paint, Ics frames, 2 pkgs mdse. tiueneme— 1 coop chickens. 3cs eggs. . Ventura— bbls ashaiy, 7 bbls tallow. 1 sks rock, 53 sks dried apricot:,. 5 cs eggs, 741 sks corn. 2 eps fowl. r»t»«_i Santa Barbara— 29 bxs oranges,. 14 bxs lemons, 15 sks crawfish. Gaviota— 2 his butter, 7 tildes, 30 b lis dry fish. Port Harford—3 kus -0 bxs buiter, 7bf ri eggs, 8 coops Chickens. 1 do ducks. 4 cs bouts ami shoes, 7 cs cheeks; 2 cs carbons, 1sks colu, 10 cs honey, 1bx ham.' 1bbl whisky. 3 oxs china goods. Santa Cruz Island 122 seal bides, 4 cs seed, 1 bbla -seal oil. 10 chickens. Sin Simeon— 8 hi tirklns 42 bxs butter, 4 bxs seel, 5.8 eggs, 1 1 bis seaweed. " Ca> ucds-*-2 skaabalooes, 5 bis seaweed, 6 bxs seed, 6 cs eggs, 1billdry skins. ]kg 10 ins butter, TAHITI- Per City of l';-pp»*ie-200 Morange*., 40 31cocoanuts, 20 pkgs uid metal, 80 tins desiccated cocoanut, 229 bis cotton, '21 bss fungus, 1 cs dry gds, ' 0 tins vanilla beans.- 6 bxs pearl shells. 30 octaves cognac, 1 cs turtle shells, 1 bx shells, 3 bxs cuava \u25a0 jellies.' \u25a0 EUREKA—Per Corona-50 M shakes, 45 pcs curly redwood, 92B *_ Mshingles; 5 I sks peas, 2 bxs seed, 11 bis leather, 2. bxs saws, 1cs books. 1 cs cigars, 1 woodenware, 320 sks bark, 1 bx apples, 1 bx suoes. 1 bx dry goods, _ tuts type. 1 piano* 9 pkgs window sashes, iv rls leather, :i >3 'lours, 1 -pkg molding, 13 kgs 85 lif bxs butter, 4 i'kgs berries. 8 ; lulls pelts. & I".," Hardware, 1wagon. 13 pkgsexpress. Fields Landing—i It; Mshingles, 12 bis leather, 10 pkgs crockery, 1 sk tails, 1 pkg machinery. 14 sks wool, 168 sks oats. PORTLAND— Per state of Calirornia-138 ski wool. 729 sks oats. 63 18 wheat, 17,12 br do floor, 113 bdls paper, 1422 do palp, 25 tons pig Iron, 111 pkgs scrap iron, 707 billshides and pelts, 133 ski glue sio. k, 2 sks tails, 1 cs apricots. 2- bes apples, 4 bis nose, 2 bis blankets. 4 cr 8 pkgs woolen goods, 6 do machinery, 5 *_\u25a0\u25a0 sewing -machines, 3s do tobacco, 7 do rags, 90 do pails, 22 <<•> covers, 1 CS gloves, 1 CS - bacon.l bl carpet, 16 cs enameline, 1bl straps. '2 sks leather, 1 saw.l cs drugs, tics dry gouds, I cs glass- ware, 103 bbls bottles, 42 barrels. Astoria— soo rs salmon. \u25a0 150 sks oysters, 1 ci clothing. 2 pkgs express, 1337 bdls sbooks, 1 ci labels. FORT BRAGG, ETC—Par Coos Bay—l kg powder, ' 25 .pkgs mdse, 12 bdls iii les. 206 sks bark, 9 cs seed, 3 c eggs, 1 Kg shoes, 1 coop chickens. 1 firkins 16 bxs butter, 2 pkgs express* - SANTA civ /-I". 1 Gipsy— s pkgs samples, 1000 bbls limes, 2 bxs butter. Monterey— 49 bides, 4 bdls pelts, 6 bis drugs, 3 sks 7 bbls* 1mat 37 bxs lish. 3 Sits shark' fins, 1sk peppers, 5 bxs butter, 1bxs cheese, 2 bxs a'jaSoucs, 22 sks seaweed. i.- *-«\u25a0>-' ' Moss Landing—s7 sks potatoes. Pigeon Polut— ll hr bxs butter, 50 drums 39 sks .cheese,- 13 sks seaweed. Amesport— loo potatoes, 2 sks beans, 10 ski cabbages, .1 sk cheese. •'.;• ("iinslsrnetM. Per Coos Bay—Runs', Sanders A Co; Thos A Cox; Mitchell .v. Peterson: Boss A Hewlett; 3 lt Williams; Eveleth &Nash; Wells, Fargo ft Co; Ustermau Redtisb; Wlt Sumner __ Co; '\u25a0 Allison, "dray A oC; Dunham,- Carrtgan A CO: Huntington. Hopkins A Cot i; t' ii'Callagbau ft Bros: Heymau ,v Meyer. - Per City of Papeete- J Ptnet i Co: WiikinsJfe Co; W (i Badger; I _ Thayer; Eugene Thayer; P ti Sa- batie Jit Co. . Per state of California— Allen * Lewis; Moody til Knox; Chr.sty A Wise; Balfour, Guthrie A Co; Thoi Wauoh; lieu II Tay ft Co; etias Harley ft Co; John ZUgenbeln A- Co: S Knsiilanl ._ Co; is .1 Liest A Co; Pacific Paper Co; SP Taylor 4 Co; Will pulp and Paper Co; Kissinger A Co; Cain A- Co: Corb:tt At MLaelay; Brown Bros A Co; W F Rowers; FelgSlh baum A Co; Witt A l-iirscb: MN Holbrook; Wheel- er A Wilson; A Knacket E l'r 'c; L Glove Co: John 1 Cutting Co; Kruse A Enter; Tatum Jt Bo wen; M _ Kohlberg; Esberif. Bacbmstn As Co; Mack As Co; Cal Wire Works; I) App.eion As Co; J Rhine;' P C S 8 Co; Frank Edwards; A I, llalley; L Saroul A Co; O Levy: A Hassett: Weils, Fargo ACo; II Hughes A Co: Morgan Oyster Co; Brown Bros A Co; Clatsop Mill Co; Ii Keefe 4 Co; M B Moraghan. ler Eureka— ll Uutard: W w Montague * Co: Pa« -Spring Mattress Co: D Keefe ft.Co; Thou A Cox; L Scatena ft Co; W 11 Sumner A- Co: E .1 lltitvi'ii; 1, GUdemacher: Whittler, Fuller * Co: Steele A Ja- cobs: llasselt A Bunker.; Dodge, Sweeney A i' 0, .1 M C Govern: Haas Lros; II N Tilten ft Co: Kobter A Frohllng;- Roth, Blum ft Co: Allison,Gray A Co; D Block ,v Co; B Levy -v Co; MTFreitas AC >; Kahn Bros; Boss .ft Hewlett; Getz Bros A- Co; L A Soap Co; John Laws; Dalton Bros; Felling, Henry A Co; Shattuck, Kowalrtky a Co; Wheaton ft Lu'irs: Paul- sell A Earnest : ;c Whitney ftCo:Paraffluel'alnt Co; I>;Tletreman A Co; Smith's. Cash Store; Clayburgh A WaTdeck; Norton, Teller ftCo; Wells, Fargo ft Co: Martin; Feusier A Co; Cahn, Ntckelsburg ft Co: A J 11 liumol ft. Co: Rouse, Anderson ft Co; J Gold- stone: Grangers' Budncss Afra'n; t>Ii Smith ft Co: M Garcia A Co; BrJaJfiain, Hoppe ft Co; C Montgomery A Co: Marshall. Teggart- ft Broersen: H Heckman; .W II Rouse A Co; Buss, Sanders * Co; Win Cluff A Co; Captain. Hall; American Mercantile Union Santa Cruz Island Co. - Per Corona— Preston A MeKfnnon; II G.trthwaite A Co; C A Worth: .1 Neylan; AC Nichols ft Co: E R Stevens; Morris We -It; Annes'ft Co; L Fel^e til ft Co; Murphy, Grant A Co;Cahn, Nlckeisburg ft Co; overland Fr-lght and Transfer Co: It Lund; T II Miner; Tompoc Lumber Co; T Butt L 'rworth; Pacific .Gas imp Co; Brown A Adams: Baker ft Hamilton; Russ, Sanders ft Co:' C. F U'Callaghan ft Bros; B 11 KlttrltlgeA Co; Getz Bros ft' Co.; Witzel ABaker :H ' Raphael ft Co: 0 li Smith ft. Co;' Bisslnger ft Co: _ J Bowen; Hills Bros; Norton, Teller A Co; Tatum A Bo wen; J B W ouster ft Co: Wells-, Fargo ft CO; Wat- - erhouse. 'Lester A Co: lligglns .ft Collins; Steams M!i_ Co: Christy ft Wise. Per Gipsy—Bisslnger ft Co; Levy ft Co; C ABur- gess st Co; Jones ft Co; MI Freitas ft Co; J de Mar- tini; Sherry, Liwrence ft Co; WTiittler. Fuller ft Co; Wetmore Bros: W HRouse ft Co; Getz Bros * Co; CE Whitney A Co; B M Atchlnson A Co;- 11 Cowell ft Co: Dodge, Sweeney-ft Co; 'Phelps, Butler ACo; Sbaltuck.'Kowalsk'yA'.Co; Rlsdon. Caherr a Co:Leg- norn ft Co; Hegler ft Johnson; Getz Bros ft Co; Mar* tluettl A Co, THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, MONDAY, JULY 28. 1890-EIGHT PAGES. 6 ITINATIOX. CM. . ;nrek;t [Sun Pedro l.Jul 1 29, Htl'w'v'A llyI'ikMil. Vie A Pat Sound -lill 29. Hm. lU*M orona Humlioldt ltay..j.Jul 30, !i»« H.lw'/l viiiimeuc V ; ViH|uin:i l'.;iy \u0084.. j.lul SI, Ham >t;aw'll '(Mil « S»nDlei;o Jut 'MA I jßilw'yJ hina China & Japan.. Jnl 81, Hp» 1' vis S of CM, Portland lul Bl*loiUc(Speaf .osAticeiea.. San Poilro I Atii? li. «am ; It.lw'y ImaCtlll Vto & IVt Sound I Au< 3. aM liilw'y I an .105e.... Panama Auk 4,12 M f)lss frezon Furtlaiitl ! Aug 4,lUav Spear " H. W. Miull. V. L.W. H.W. I.W. 5- ?? 11. Small. Uirga Large. | = ? 3 L.W. Small. 7....I H.UI a... 10.1 9.... II.U 0.... 11.5 l. . . o.;» .11-- 1 1.1 liwv l.r. I I I ir I :\u25a0 \u25a0 am 1.05 FU 7.24 m 1.52 AM(S-09[7.1i3 AM '2.03 I'M H.IBFM 2.51 AM5.:- 7.23 AM 3.01PM ».ll I'M it.!! AM5.107.21 AM 3.5!) nt K1.04 fm 4.53 («;,',. 1] PU 4.5.! I'M i()..">.', m 5.19 AM5.1 V 7.19 I'm 5.47 11.43 pa 8.04 AM5.1K.7.18 M ti.Ul-M U.UU li.4'i AM ">. 1 .'T.I7 i. t7. . A Skin of Beauty Is _ Joy Forever. UK. T. FELIX QOIKAI U*S \u2666©Oriental Cream, or Magical Beauti_er» \u25a0 ~'__ iJ j_X___. Removes Tan, Pimple*, .'_% = """ . 'ffrJ? _*_. Freckles, Mtii7i_ti_e* **?<_. *"- __3___s_S *" I and Skin diseases, T__= rv-ss-s- £^Pvw*v"Qj»hd every blemish oo «.\u25a0*_, a_ %&____ 1 1_1 Airs, beauty and do* J.^S;; R-J^^iS injurs ' ''**'' '" '_,<*_ °! TX_.*t_r __xf ltbsisstood th* ~"5 = ____W^sr ' e"W test of tottr _e__a_ -__ __^ Tears: no other A_*^'^__^--^__ :^—____\ \ -* uro *t la prop- yl" f:?^i&sKwS> >"\u25a0**"\u25a0 MS_V ''""\u25a0 name. The _^~7S??J_?£_'££_ ; 'r'i- ' oMstiiijtuls he d siaiii'tttiinn'ilTTiT'isit' 'tsitif ton sa patient): Sayer lain toaiady of tne /lout (on la patient): "As you toll I tcitluse thei/l, I rrrqmtn'iui-iii.urii'.iA's Cream' as the least harm/ul.of all Skin preparations:" On* - bottle wlllTast six months, using lt ><v,t. day. Also l'on-ire Subtile removes superfluous bait without In-surv to the skin. FiiRJJT. HOl'KlNS.rrop'r. 87 Joneast-.N.T. Fo.r sale by all Drug-isti" ami Kane y uoods Dealer! throughout the C . 8., lunula* and Europe., He" beware of Base Imitations. flood Reward •or arrest and proof ,-f any one selling the same. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 tor.O SuMo dp ly \u25a0 THE WEEKLY CALL contains serial - and completa stories, rniscaU laneous . articles by tha best writers,, special articles by * home authors; the news of the coast; the news of the world and all that serves to make a complete family journal, free from objection. $1 25 a year postpaid. HAIR ON THE FACE, NECK; ARMS OR ANY PART OF THE PERSON gSKf^J-Oaj. QUICKLY DISSOLVED AND REMOVED WITH THE NEW SOLUTION IR ."?«OP6H6 4- <H Tl *»0THE 6BOWTH fOBEVEB DESTBOTEO WITHOUT THE SMOHTEST IN)' UK 53 J ' __l •/\u25a0 . insroLonATiow or THE MOST pelicate skim.—MSiOVCRIH BY accident. fF**f_ _/ *____ In CnnoanDM, an incomplete mixture was accidentally spilled on th. *-****C ' \!*n_ rackof the band, and on wanning afterward it was discovered that the hair _Ev" VV . \ A was completely removed. We purchased the new discovery and named it \J w. ( \W 'JIODE-iB. Itis perfectly pure, free from allInjurious substance, and so "7? Vi \v» . simple any one can use it. It acts mildlyhut surely, and you willbe sur- /_ _____J__ r "Prised ana delighted with the results. Apply for a few minute, and the Vyf " __\_\ \u25a0i-i" 6ii\ " * ; * disappear., as if by magic, Ithas no resemblance whatever to any (1 __\'.'___r\_.'l \ other preparation ever used for a like purpose, and no scientific discovery I _e_7___*_?-l'_ \ * Ter attained snch wonderful results. IT CANNOT FAIL. If th. I A-V&i '**->-'/ \ Srowth be light, ono application willremove it permanently, the heavy I / N.'sSlJsy \ »'/\_. \ srowthsuchas the beard or hair onmoles may require two or more appli- I I T__^___k t/ 1 J catlonß before all the roots aro destroyed, all hair willbe removed I \ ILlllV- I.L at eacb application, and without the slightest injuryor unpleasant fi-elinf " \ \*_r^*s_s?J's%sS^i._/ when applied or ever afterward. moi>kn_; electrolysis.*— \ \ /'/^y.KS^^_k__l<^ ficonimMrftrf 6_r allmho ham t..Ud Its m.rit.—Ut.d by people of refinement.^— >•_ A*»'flfwt(--__» l! ' Gentlemen who do not appreciate nature's gift of a beard, will find a /V 7-IJT -CJI V-[ix*#-R» priceless Loon In Modeue, which does away withshaving, Itdissolves anil ft\\ _£**+*- <^-SS_S_n destroy, the life principle of the hair, thereby rendering its future growth l/a\l__ __i_lS\\i___r_a an utter impossibility,and is guaranteed to bens harmless as water to th* i __ __ &II \u25a0 lll\lrai_yf_.skin. Young persona who find an embarr«««ing growthof hair coming, •L'lNrfl ii " \Vi\\\\\ ___* should use jrodene to destroy its growth. Mtkleue sent by mail, in safety, \u0084 Mil M' II ilVv*' mailing cases, postage paid, (securely sealed from observation) on receipt ©f 1.00 per bottle. Send money by letter, with your full address written plainly. Corr-sspondenca twcrediyprivato. Postage stamps received the same ai cash, always mention touk cousTiANOTmi tape. .; LOCAL AND 1 MODENE MANUFACTURING CO.. CINCINNATI, 0.. U. S. A. { CCTTUI3 OCT GENERAL AGENTS [ . MANUFACTURERS OF THE HIGHEST GSSOE HAIR PREPARATIONS*: <A3 ITMAT KOTS " WANTED. J You con reenter .our letter at arm rvat-ajir* and insure Its .at. delivery. I APPEAR Al_*j We Offer SI.OCO FOI AILURE fiR THE SLIQHTEST INJUBY. BVXJRX UOXIXJ- OUAiSsAKTl" _*_)._! m>2U Moeow tipNi; A CHARSVI. It is useless to disguise the fact that a young lady who bas A LOVELY COMPLEXION rossesses a charm against which ho* rival can successfully roiiteiitl who has not the same ad- vantage. Itis therefore a matter of supremo lax- •.\u25a0oi tun c to know that CLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP Is a mver-fnillnc brant of the skin; re- moving from Itevery trace of blemish, whether In the form of -*all«>\. * \u25a0 -*~. freckles or (lislijfur- ii\K blutehi-f*. and thus transforming the 'most repulsive complexion into one of RADIANT BEAUTY. FOX SALE BY DR***<OXSXS Ol£->'KltAl*_,Y Glenn's Sulphur Soap scut by mail fur 30 ' cts. C. _. C-UTTS-TXOir, 115 Fulton street,' "New York. . tolO tf MoFr NO MORE FRECKLES! VSE rnoF. i. iiubkht's MALVINA CREAM LOTION TT IS A I-UKFARATION UNRIVALED FOR ' X BEAUTIFYING the complexion anil an ti-ifallliig remeoy for the removal of l- KECK-ICS. PIMPLES, Moth Patches, Tan. Sunburn. Llver-inoles and Kliigwrrriti ami all scaly eruptions. Try it and be convince-. Take no worthless Imitation Willi like sttiiii lin." name. Insist upon bavins, ",IAI. VINA. If this preparation should fa 1 to answer to tM qualifications as above mentlonevl your money will be refunded. l'rice, 50c tor each. For sale by all druggists^ iuy-4 SuMo 6p ""in **\u25a0 ii a *_ ma it Is a fact universally conceded If II II lj I the a surpasses all other KNMfcrpiANOS A. L. BANCROFI A CO., IM fl If iI A 132 Fost street. i If_ 1 1 V V jsilWoFrMo tt . _^___ ____* ' -fADEOHAIR R-STORED'^y ".\u2666».. __J3 _**_ ____\u25a0 "'\u25a0lcoloranilbeail.ybynß. "ATS' i_t_ I^-_F*B HAIR HEALTH. Keinoves dan-ruff, Bcalphumors. Dot's notrrsaimr-inorlinr'n. Druirttists 6oc mis' KILL ISO-US t__, ,!.,<_,_*. > \u0084.1,,. Vtirr.rvltnl. . fes, ly Mo . . Mamie's Question. One summer day, while little May Was looking at the sky, A cloud of fleecy whiteness Went slowly floating by. "Ob. do come hern, now mamma dear." Cried Mamie lv delight, "And tell me what the angels use To make the clouds so white. "Do the** use SOZODONT, mamma ? For you said, dou't you know That SOZODONT, when Ireely used, Will whiieu like the snow." The Favorite. The most popular American dentifrice of the day Is SOZODONT. .People prefer because lhey have found by experience that It really does do what Is claimed for ii that It Is a genu- ine beautiiici- of the teeth, that it Is, as Its name SOZODONT signifies, a ;true preservative of tbem; that It imparts a pleasant aroma to the breatb, and renders the gums rosy and health- fully firm, Tne favorite among dentifrices. I therefore, is SOZODONT. \u25a0\u25a0ppW_-IH__Mi i'fci**_***.im>*s j' <M*w Mil llli«i_l_BlwffWl ITOM^B-^^^M^^B

Transcript of JULY EVENTS IN THE SOCIAL WORLD. · , "Xaboe Chautauqua Assembly on the 11th prox: Amost enjoyable...

Page 1: JULY EVENTS IN THE SOCIAL WORLD. · , "Xaboe Chautauqua Assembly on the 11th prox: Amost enjoyable entertainment was given at •Harbin Springs on Friday eveulng liudei the auspices

EVENTS IN THE SOCIAL WORLD.A Season Fruitful iv Happy

Weddings— Eugasrement



Prominent Features of Society Lifeat the Ocean and Interior Re-

.-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-• sorts—A Private Picnic at Ross. Station — Pacific Coast Wed-

.'"\u25a0* dings—

Hall Parties to Take

.... Place— Personal Notes.

Along,pleasant summer season seems likely.to. fall to the lot of the Coast tills year. July laclosing and -yet the town Is "empty." Fromlas.l, .liable watering -"laces, cool mountain-lake Hides. or tented encampments in shady val-leys coma happy murmurs of cntiteiit, ;sind all canshare in these Joyous evidences of a common,temporary emancipation from care, toll and Con-ventionality, in ihe city we have been merryton. especially in weddings and home parlies, asltn Call, social column day by day baa .re ,corded. .

Santa Cniz is preparing to welcome the "boy s'el the first Artilleryof Sacramento, who iuaug-

.rate their annual encampment by the sea nextSunday. Their arrival willbe tbesignal lot con-siderable festivity. The visit of the MysticSiiiitrers, one of the most exclusive orders uu UseContinent, is also a notable cv ut uf the near fu-ture.Adistinguished company, including many from

this city unit Oakland, will attend the Lake, "Xaboe Chautauqua Assembly on the 11th prox:

A most enjoyable entertainment was given at•Harbin Springs on Friday eveulng liudei the

auspices of .lite Oiie-Two-Three Club! -.Miss.Qulnn of Sacramento opened the programmewild a piano solo. Adonkey party was next inOrder, duriug which :Mr. (Jus 11} nun ol ."san

Frauds a member of the club, acted as mas-\u25a0ler -ni -eeiem-ruies. The pleasant eveulng con-cluded win. a social dauce.. Among tie habitues cf late observed upon theattractive t> ..i-si at sN.tti t.i Ci i,2. many seeking

..the shade of the ue.w-t'sl fancy— the Japanese iim-\u25a0 liiella—have been

"nol-iceo: Mrs. . .Minnie- _.

FaiuMvorlU, Miss Clara Faihswo til. Win, Dr. b.Maish.iil, Mis. Luke 1;.ifin-,.;,. His, A .-in's,:- . '

\u25a0 .ii:--, SI. "sirence. Miss Sibyl **"Vu_eu*j Mr. andMis. A. li.Butler of Fresno, Mrs. Colonel Thorn-.as 1". Robt .mil dam-tilers, Mrs. Charles. Laug-biuu. Mis. Colonel Wallace and Miss mi i.tm.

•-A very pleasant parly,was given at Mr. John

LedlOrd's residence in Ymkville on the loinnisi., m liiinur nf Mis- Maggie Funk. Who i» usKingthe Misses Hoieuce and Laura Ledfo'rd.

TheCiub Frohsinn g.ivo one of. its -ciijoyable-panics last evening at Olympic Assembly Halt. It Was :ss tegular monthly gathering and 'liejtiiend_nee was quite up tv llie geuuiiil'.expecia- .Hull.

A pleasant entertainment will be given this:'evening at Santa Cruz, partly as a farewell part-s I'ig.lo ill and Mi-.Arthur Siiepard and pur-fly.at a ciiiiiplmientary be-nehtlo Miss KHz and

Miss Ada Parks ut ibis cliy. .Sim ltafael has teen comparatively quiet ol


Anything like a rush or regularity ofgaiety seems altogether Incompatible -with. a. reasonable idea 1 1'our midsummer season. (Julyrecently iheic was a. Charity festival and a.big

..hop, ami society is now- resting and talking\u25a0-. about energetic luneeeUings— in future. -Mi... liniith"Is arranging fur a base-hall match. Major..Hammond is Interested iv a ladles' bowling

tournament, ai,d even polohas been 'rsetitiorieU.Among the pleas, falls accompli-, however, '

was Ihe irception held la«t Thuisday evening bylit..iiJ Mrs. Sidney 13. Cushlug at her Charming

deuce. The form i- assumed was that,of a'.caul party lor married people only,, and a oe- .'nanus supper was a feature of the agreeable.occasion.

*\u25a0".-'\u25a0 Encasement .Xotses...The engagement is authoritatively announcedof Miss lieorgiana B.Edwards, daughter uf th-bite Capiain William S. Edwards of the Uuit d'

Stales Coast Survey and grand-daughter Qf. thelate Surgeon 1). S. Edwards, I* S. X., to 1...:thauuiug _. Cook, sou of the late Mr. ElishaCook.

The weddingof Miss Georgia L.Scbell. dadgb-'

ter til the i.tie Mi. Xheodoie L.Schcll of this felly,Slid .Mr. Fiaiicl-co Antuues (Juiuiaiaes of Brazilwillbe solemnized lvParis early in September.Tne yuuug lady has been residing abroad with

; her niulher lor the past four years, Both Mis?Schell and Ms-- Edwards (of lire preceding au-uiriiiii-ei:.'i,:, .tie great-grand-daughters of .Mr.Samuel Woodwoilh, autbui of the "Old OakenBuc et."

Tie marriage of Mr.John 'P. Jackson, son of-

Colonel aud Mrs. J. V.Jackson or this city, amiMi-- Bessie Adams, daughter of th; late Hon,John Adams of Oakland (whose engagement was

.recently announced in these columns),, will takeplace un the lUlliprox


.mi: Interesting particulars of Hie Dargje-Sedgwick wedding have come lo hand .-with theformal Invitations. The ceremony

'-will take

Iplace on the Tib prox., at St. Luke's Church,- atS;3o o'clock in the evening. These will be onlyme ridesniaid, Miss Allee Livingston. -.The'Key. C L. Miel will officiate, assisted by Key.W. V*. Davis. Ther -will be ho formal receh-titiu, but sli. united pair willreceive cotigmthialinns at the Palace Hotel.-

'Hie wedding ol Mr.ltichard flush:, and Miss•Mamie A-Sit-W will lake place at Sl. hose's. C'lUich tits morn at half- past V o'clock.

- --lis- eiiisageuient is announced ofMr. Ellas B.

Cohen and Miss MotileLevy, bom of this 'cliy'/'lliey willleceive Ihesr friends Sunday, the Md. piox"., al the residence of Mr.I*.Levy, 160 Foi-bom streeL . \u0084_._t*?_\-—*

The engagement Is announced o! Mr,FelixGel-ell m Miss Henrietta Davis, both 'of.Mils.cisy. They r ccned their fifends yesterday at. tie residence of Mr. D. DaMs, 525 Fullon.street.

1he engagement Isannounced of Mr.Leopold .Cohen to. Miss line Aaron, bold of tills' city.They williccelve ue.\t Suuday, tile 3d piux., al22a Hayes -si^tss. '.

-'-.' --'•

Ihe engagement Is announced of .Miss' Josle'\u25a0 Kblllrl lv -Mi. Samuel Simon, both of.Sau.Francisco. ••\u25a0...

'" '"\u25a0 . . \u25a0

The engagement Is announced. of Mr.Samuel.Han is lo Miss Henrietta KChwald. -Theywiltreceive their lends next Xunday, the oil prox'.-,.

•at liei paißills' residence, 101lday street. . .The engagement -announced ut MfsS \u25a0 -Lit

B.tiiin ot Hits city and -Mr. s.s Klrschuer- ofColuss. The wedding will take place in this city.On Hie 6th prox, •••\u25a0•'\u25a0 .'.*.."...-ho Ki'.i_lii-Ch»l>-t"»Vi"ddingnt Oililsmti,'

Aprivate wedding of much luterest took piaceSaturday noon across ihe'bay. The principal*!were Mr.Hubert Stuart Kulght, a well-kuuwu .young gentleman, and MIsS Henrietta Chabot,eldest daughter of the late liemi Chabot.


. match, the preliminary engagement to whichwas almost unsuspected outside the two faun-lies, is very agiecahse tv Mrs. Chabot, uponwhose decision, accoidiog to the willof her lasehusband, the marriage settlements ut the daugh-ters were made todepend.

The ceremony too* place at the handsomehome of the bride's mother, corner of Twellth».ud .Madison streets, Oakland.. Ihedecorations Hi the rooms were simple, at-li-ticand prrtiy. About the nails of ibe diaw-ing tt.om wire tratiiugs of evergreens and'miissi x. The bay-wludow pi'-enied'a handsomeand, invitingappearance, being a feet bower01.roses, siniiax and other bowers. - A dainty -

*"canopy of ferus anil huwers in Hie bav-wtnUow.had been arranged for the bndal party.Promptly at ut un lite sweet siralui of Meii-


Wedding March" were heardUn to.^huut the buuso, and the bilrta! partyMmi.) came downstairs iv the followingoi-erssMr. Knight and Mrs. (sabi. Mr. Harry Con-verse auo Mrs. Knight,Miss Josephine Chaljnt.

. Mr. 11. Maitiu aud Miss Henrietta Cliatjoi. Thebride was given away by her uncle, Mr. Martin.The couple v.etc attended by Air. llsiny Con-verse a- groomsman, Misi Jusephlue Chabot asu.ai.l uf honor, and Ihe Misses Catherine andCl.ust Chabot as bildesmaids. The ci-ieinouy

was peifoimed by Key. C. W. VVeuoie, pastor of.the Ltrtia tan Church, and only the uear tela-,

lives of >lie contracting parlies were pieseut.-

Hi. and Mis. Knlghlleft Inthe afternoon forSt. Helena, wheie they willremain until .Mon-day. lhey willreturn i.) Oakland toolgllt andleave again on Hie a o'clock overland train thesame evening, bound lur New York. Afterre-maininglv New York it few days and visiting Hieprincipal nouns of lustiest l*,ir, audi Mis. Knight•till sail for Europe uu the -litot August.-. 1bey willbe accompanied on their visit Eastand to Europe by Mrs. KemlChabot, mother ofthe.btide, aud Mis. Peder Saltier. -

'• .... Monterey.-lotes*'-The Country Club's fourth annual shoot duly.

came off on Saturday. The coloisof the rival'teams: wet proudly worn by their various fair

.-''hackers," and considerable Interest was taken Inthe event. The teams were.as follows: \u25a0 lteds—'A.C.Tubbs. Capiain; Messrs. D. B. Gillette,'

s Charles Ju-selyn, R. B. Woodward, D. X. Mur-'ihv, XX.H. Tubbs, (_ E. Woideu. J. D.Redding.

• Blues— F.K.• Webster, -Captain: Messrs.. E. T.'\u25a0:\u25a0 lies 11. H. Woodwaid, F. I*. Woosler,; George Civcker, F. W. Tallaut, J. A. Robinson,.

Alex lilou. The "Reds" won, and the Ayepr'etiy medals were distributed as follows: The'. \u25a0rat |.rt;>e went to Mr. Robert Woodward, the« second tv Mr..Ted K.Webster, the IhtidloMr.---Joseph \v. Redding, the fourlh to Mr. Fred W.

'.. Tallaut and the Dfth to Mr. W. B. Tubbs.- Mr.. John K.o.t acted as leferee, Mr. Cllntob _.« ardet" as held captain and Secretary Quay as .. time-keeper. Luncheon followed, served ou the-. eiouuds, amid the stiaius of concert selections. by liemliliar)"band. There was Hie usual dauce. In the evening and sacied .concert yesterday, at;both which Noah Braudi'a Orchestra officiatedadmirably..lor ihe rest, there have been don-

• •\u25a0 ***_can drives, dress parade gatherings, tenuis; and pilvale parlies Innumerable; aud every day\u25a0 son new divertissement Is evolved among con-'genial sels ol the fashionable woild hero couceu-. \u25a0 irated by common consent.: Vrlvsite I'lcn c at Ross Station.

Apleasant private picnic was given yesterday'-. at Ross Station, uear ban Rafael. Among those: present' were: Miss Ell* Dillon, Miss May

Brandon. Miss Nellie Crowley, Miss Bella Hol-laud. Miss Katie McUoveru, Miss Alice Dufley,. .Miss Nellie Tlerney,- Miss Mamie Cole, Missamic Keuion, Miss Lizzie Harrison. This gen.llemeii piesent were:' Messrs. G.'Duttey, _.Kenluii, F. McCaliu. li. Hewyer, T.Fiyuu, J.Campbell, F.'Thoinpsbu. A.Jeuiiiug, T. Ca;',o'ns,V.McDennolt aud _.Ryan. A v*;;y enjoyablelime was spent by all present,'

, •*""" j?<iS6 Joltings.The San j&,c ggoonp oon CTub, a- society

Z?""> Lis remained- Intact since Us organiza-tion, gave a pleasant luncheon at tbe Veudoine

on Tuesday by the San Francisco members to

those dwelling at Sau Jose. The table decora-tion consisted chit flyof an aitittle

"scattering"arrangement oi sweet peas, which weie much' id*mired. Areunion on the first Tuesday of nextJuly was agreed upon, unanimously in the en-thusiasm deservedly occasioned by the detlchttulaffair. Among Hie members are: Mrs. F. S. Chad-bourne, Mis Charles Moses, Mrs- ('. A Norton,Mrs. T. li. Walklugiou, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. If.Chine, Mrs. A. 11. Vail,Mrs. Dr. Potts, Mrs. Dr.Fierce, Mrs. D. M. Campbell, Mrs. S. R. Johu-soii, Mis. J. D. McDougall. •

Ou Wednesday theie was a pleasant excursionto Howell Lake, near Los Unto*, hiHie SauiaCruz Mountain!. Tbuie were plenty of youngfolks In llie party, and the beautiful drive, someexciting fishing and a delightful lunch inure(hall compensated tor a very eaily start. Tneparty consisted of : Mrs. Ada Doie, the MissesDore, Mrs. Deming, Miss Nellie Boyd, MissGrace Thome. Miss Mary Bowler, MayorRucker, Mr.1). M. Mun by, Mr.Charles Gilbert,Mr. Howell C. Moore, Mr. Morgan Hill, Mr.Will Manning, Mr.W. L. Hill aud Mr.WallerThorne.

-.. ,Mr.Naalee Btnke entertained a small party

of friends most delightfully on Monday at Hiecountry lesideiice of Ihe Misses Nag daugh-

ters ol General 11. M. Naglee, uncle of Mr.Burke. The guests were: Miss Nellie Boyd.

Miss Grace Thorne and Miss Mary Bowler, amitheir escorts. Messrs. Waller Thome, W. F.V".butter Jr. and Frank Willey.

liesiues, theie have been several close tennismatches and numerous Informal entertainments,such as ever consplie to tender Hie Garden CityIrresistibly attractive to visitors.

I'arln-s to Take I'l-ci*.The Young Men's Institute of this city will

give a special entertainment next Monday even-ing at the Grand Opera House, and a ball at

the Mechanics' Pavilion the following evening.The Catholic Ladies' Aid Society, No. 11, will

give then Quarterly entertainment and social atSaratoga Hall on Thursday evening next,

lite proceeds will be for ihe benetit of thesisters lvcharge of St. Joseph's Home for Incur-ables.

Golden West Circle, No. 43. C. O. F.. will givean entertainment and Ice-cream social at Slisels'Building,3"iO'Farrell slieel, on Tuesday even-ing next.

-ZeinUiia Lodge, No. 13, Legion of (he West,

willgive a publicinstallation and third anulver-saiy party al Uuiuu-square Hall ou Tuesdayevening next.

(..thiolin.iCastle, No. 1,Knights of Ihe GuldenEagle, will.give a literal,iy entertainment andsocial at Uulon-stjuate Hall next Wednesdayevening.

La Gtippe Club will give Us initial social atIlium,in'- Hall next Sunday evening.

The MinuetClub will gins Its fourth monthlyhup al livilli;HallUi-iniito.v evening.

The Figs ivClover Club has Issu-d -Invitationsft"i- its lirst ahulveisary pany, to be held onFriday evening next at Odd Fellows' Hall.siecial preparations .are being made for theaffair, which will comprise several elements oinovelty.

Excelsior Lodge, No. 1252, K. and L. of 11.,

win give then lltlid .anniversary ball, at OddFellows' Hall un the Tltt piox.

Phoenix Council, .No. 780, A. L. of Honor,will iiosii its regular monthly social and enter-lalnuieut at.Washington Hail, 35 Eddy street,un Wednesday evening next.

l'ocsiiunii.is Council, No. 3, Degree of Poca-hontas. 1, O. If..vi.. gives an- entertainment InRuby Hal . 32U Post street, on ."Holiday even-ing, the _!ii prox. \u25a0

-lite Beulah Club will eutettiiu as usual on

Friday evening next at Mission .Music Hall,comer ni Howard ami Twcuty-lirsi streets.

Young I.utiles' Institute No. 1 win hold anenteilalumeul; social and presentation nextWednesday evening at living Hall, lot) lostslieel.

Acomplimentary benefit will be tendeied Mr.Chai les E. i.i.tvrv of Hie Del Monies by Illsuumeious lilends as liviugHall un the 17lhprox. . - •

The Amoilta.Ciub will give their lirst annualball at Irving Hall nest Thursday evening. '\u25a0

Ihe iuj.nl- and ions .of Anderson's Acad-etii\ will give a- social at their ball, corner ofSeveiuecutn a oi Noe streets, ou i.ex: Salu.dayevening, August 2d.

Tin- ueCuud party of. the ZlgvZ Social Clubwillbe glveii at Mission it,era Hall ou the 15thprox.

Aical'ra- Circle. No. 58, C. O. F. of A.,willgrv iheii first, entertainment aud social at St._eyige"s H.iil Saturday evening, llie 30tu pror.LiiiTleySuei.il Club, _. Ol F. willhoid their

tlilui ... v. vei -.ti» t,., uitt li«i,i prox.at the sauFrauclsco Turn \ I'tcin Halt, '323 lurk stteei.

Ine second patty oi llie l'eeiless Club willtake ice on Friday evening, the -I'd pio.v., al'Union-square .Halt.

The Vigilantes willhold their second sessionFriday evening, the Bth piox., at .Mission OperaHall.

Liberty Relief Corps, W. K.C, will give a lit-erary and bou-buu paily on the Sib prox. atB'uai B'iithli.t I.

Iat fie (Hast "\Yerl(llne«.A notable wedding occurred In Llvermore on

Thursday last, uniting two of Hie oldest familiesIn the Stale. Miss Christian Alviso, oldestdaughter. ol Hon. Valentine Alviso, was married.10 Fiederick V.Chapman of this city, second souof Hie late Heniy Chapman of Sacramento. TheKidom'.s pareols weie pioneers ol IS4H. The-,bride's great grandfather ---..is a Spanish officerwho came to California in 177':. while ou llie

inositol's side, nei graudfaHiei was ihe late Rob-ert Liveiiiin.c. a pioneer uf 18-2.

Last Tuesday Mr.George Zoll and Miss IdaKobntdi, eldest daugh er of Mr. C. Koboldl, proprlelor of he Irvloeton Hotel, were quietlymarried at the Hotel irvlnglon. \u25a0 Alter the cere-mony the happy couide came to Ibis city and de-epened loi Chicago, where Ibey will spend sometime;Mr. Tavars and Mi-s Minnie Lose were nulled

Inmarriage last Thursday by Hie Lev. Fatherl'unenlel at St.- Joseph's Church, Mission Suit

Juses. Mr. ami Mis. l.iv.is will te-.oe InOak-land, where. Mr. Tavars Intends engaging lvbusiness. \u25a0'•--.

Society Personals.Mr.and Mrs. Frank P. Wickersbam and Miss

Lizzie YYickeishaiu aie at Willows Camp, Bo-lloas.

Mr.Frank (1. Newlanda Is at Keno, Nev., aftera brief vbit to Cai sou City.

Mr. and Mia C. B. Jennings ate summering inthe Santa I'm/. Mountains.

Mr. and Mis. C. I.Pieiceot Oakland ate stay-ing at Cypress Lawn, Nat County.

Dr. Janes llri.tlsvyis visium." Santa Cruz.Mis. T.I. IVIHams has returned to the city

from Kama Cuiz.Lieutenant C M. Perklus of the United States

Marine Corps lias received InfoiuiatlOU that heis soou lo be oidered to ihe LulledSlates steamerEssex.

In lerrltt and Colonel Muice.iu aie snl.ouruiugat Santa Cruz.•Mrs. T. I". 11. YY'hltelaw and Miss Wmtelawhave ietuined from a vl-lt to Victoria, I!.C.

Mr. Vv111 J. irasiln-i oi Sacramento was inLondon al last accounts (June 30Hr), and in-

tended going from there to Fans and thence loCarlsbad, Cerinaiiy. lie willreturn lv California- the latter pari vlAugust.. Mis-. Mary Tlcheuut, niece or Mis. S. J..Tlche*nor of this- city, lias relumed home alter a three

weeks' visit in the ueighborhbud of ltedwoodCity. -. .Colonel Haymoml came up to this city fromMountain Birr'w recently. • . "

Mrs. Lils-woiiii,the Misses Ellsworth and .Missuiace \u25a0CliTshnsin have reiuined home to NiScsafter a.' Pleasant .visit of a couple oi weeks attsaclficlirnve. ..-*ji_j*_.»p

Mis. Jerome Madden has gone for a vacationto Alien nigs. ,'-..•* -,sFiisigu Henry K. Beiibam, U.S. Ny who lias

just-completed a cruise on Hie Chicago ami fluished' his course as a naval cadet, graduatingwithhonors at Hie naval,academy, arrived at theyaid ou Weduesday ou aflst'to his father, Hear

.Admiral A. £. K. Beuham. t'otuinantlaut.Mi. I'anC'isl went to Wtilej \u25a0 Thursday from''

tills citywith a parly iv Ilie steam yacht Abuliaon a visit to Lieutenant Fillelle of the Adams.

Judge J. 11 linalt left for a trip to the Eastern:Stales last Thursday.

Mr.and Mrs. N. P. Austin, of Santa Barbara,have arrived here en route Tor Japan, and willprobably continue their journey thence round thewoild. llieysail on Thursday next.

Mr. I*. J. Coiciuaii lias relumed to the DelMonte. .:';\u25a0.\u25a0

Baron and Baroness Yon Scurosdei willreturnfrom Hieir lesldence lv Sau Luis Obispo Couuiynext Friday.

miss Nellie Joliffe Is lie guest of Mr. and .Mrs.Fred 1,. Woosler at Del Monte,

Miss A. Dougherty is visiting Mrs. HansomPowell of ilealdsbu.'g.

Lieutenant and. Mrs.H. E. Woodland have re-turned, lidine fromlieu Lomond.

\u25a0Miss Irwin bas returned from a visit to MissMac liiiiinirdat Menlo I'atk.'

Mrs. c. Mead baa returned to her home lvOak-land,altera visit to Nevada Ctiy.

Miss' Lizzie'Clarke of Napa will return fromMonterey this we k aud take lip her residencehere.

Mr.and Mrs. E. M. Heller (nee Sachs) are lo-cated at the llolel del Coronado.fit Mr. and Mrs. Johu T.Date and Miss Hare areat La Honda. *•-•.-«. Miss Pauline Heine and Miss Bollardhave been Spending a pi- as.ml vacation at BellaVista, Sau Mateo Couuiy:

-Miss litt.ili. Love and Miss Lulu C. LeonIdas

have relumed from a two weeks' visit lo May-field and 1 1_liintx.itBay. \u25a0

Mr.-Robert A,Brachvpgel has returned fromChicago, where he has been on business. HewillTelurn attain shoitly.


Mis. 1-Tank Leslie is coming West on a lectur-ing tour.

Professor Andersen Is visiting In Sacramento.-General Nelson A. Miles is slopping a few days

st Los Angeles ou his way home from Arizona.• Mrs. S. D. Whitney nt Peiaiuma will take ahouse here and remain lilt her daughter's edu-cation IS finished.'

Mrs. XV. H.L.Haines is still at Santa Cruz.Miss Lizzie Feltou ot tins Southern Pacific

road, Oakland.'and Miss M. A.' Sessons lell onSaturday lor Cazadero, wlieie lhey will spendtheir vacation. . •

\u25a0- The held of the Methodist Bishops Is a verywide one. Btsbep Fowler is lvCalifornia, BishopNiudeisat ball Lake. Bishop Newman Is lvJapan, Bishop Warren InDenmark. Bishop F'ossIs in Hie Alpsarid Bishop Uuist is elsewhere tvEurope. :. _——————_—____


Hot tbe (omul--!. Law Stepped 'iv mill. li'-ssi 1 film.Society in Lincoln, Nebr., is somewhat

torn ap ever the sensational situation inwhich Joins Sclmltz, a banilsome andwealthy druggist, finds himself.

Several days -ago it was -announced byScliultz that lie .had married Mrs.. lied ford,a chariiiiri- widow, employed at the BondHotel, and he publicly introduced her ashis wife. 'The lady was congratulated bynil.her- friends on ber remarkably luckycapture.. fcchultz announced to-day that the mar-riage was all a joke and d hoax, but thelady .will not listen to. this. She admits thatthere was no marriage ceremony, but sincebe baa publicly .acknowledged' her as hiswife the act constitutes a common lawmarriage and she Is his wife. She has ap-pealed to the courts to sustain her claim.—St. Louis Republic, :

i>- "' —


i-uoert- Plngey, a good farmer near Marshall,hurl his finger with a rusty hayfork the otherday and died Wednesday of blood polsoulnc. Heleft a widow and several children.

TDUr-DK-M SUITS.. 'I'OH KIIIK, SUITABLE FOBballs, parties, weddingor receptions, .unreasonableterms, at OriginalMisfitClothing Parlors, northwestcorner Foiland Dupont streets.


_ talked together, you and I:771IItwas a queenly night InJune:If fl/ILow liuui-the moon in yonder sky,i^u."; "« And ou your cheek low glanced the


Your gentle band was mine to hold;Myill-fedheart began to speak;

-And ever, as the tale was tola.

Dear friend, the moon was on your check.

Old loss that would not let me rest,Old grief that stent, but ever lay

A languid load upon my breast.Awoke, and wept themselves away.

Up climbed the moon, slow waned the night.And stillyou bent to hear me speak;

1drank the comfort of the lightInthose bright tears upon your cheek.

From off mylifethe burdens fall.Still intheir grave through tranquil years

They rest, those weary sorrows all,. That faded in the light of tears.tIA.NSKK IlASllKllrUK,inHarper's llsi.'.tr.


r^jf^ you are ciimlng back to your senses;sS""^!^ the crazy month Is at an end and you

___*._ are beginning to see the world as It is.1 uaie say you don't relish the change, but Itis Inevitable, and uo worse for you than forother people."

Cyril \.mini smiled, though he reddened alittle, too, and Instead of taking Use chair thespeaker Indicated lie stood by the mantle-piecelooking down upon her. Airs. Macaithy. or"the Major's widow," as ber acquaintancesweie in the habit of calling lier, was still, a

handsome woman, though upwaid of GO, tall,portly,erect, and by viuueol much shrewdnessand an ample income, she contrived to be lookedup lo as the most Important member oi herfamily.

"Ifyou mean that as May and Ihave beenmauled nearly five weeks and cannot ntlnrd tomake holiday any linger, but must settle down,

1 in my desk, she to.her housekeeping, you arelight. But 1 can't see what there was irra-

tional in thoroughly enjoying ourselves at theisle oi Wight. The scenery was pretty; iheweather delicious; we weie in the opeu air allday, walking a- long and as far as we pleased,resting when we weie tired and discovering forourselves nooks and . chines far mote pictur-

esque than the hackneyed ones of the guide-book s."

•\u25a0Anil now you must be content with the moreprosaic discuveiy that you are mere mortals—that this bride of yours'can be as peevish and cx-travagaut as oilier women."

"May will never be either!" said the youngman, proudly. "Why do you predict evil. AuntPenelope? We did not marry imprudently norhastily; but had known each oilier long enough

and well enough to warrant our union. May isa lightgood girl, and 1willnot beat her dispar-

aged.""She has a pretty face; and men seldom look

further," letoried -Mis. Macaithy. "But sit(lowu; you know 1 bate to see any one fidget.

Sit down!""Thanks; but as your welcome Is not a very

kind out' 1should prefer tocall upon youanothertime."

.Now c vim Warren was Mrs. Macaitby'sfavorite nephew. He never tiuckled to herfur the gifts she would lavish upon those whopleased her; be was never allaid to uphold anopinion that did not agree with hers, and, In-stead of coming to liei tor help when ihe bank-ruptcy and death ol in- lather threw him uponthe world he had accepted the first Using thaioil led. and. by Hint of sheer Industry and per-seveiauce, worked his way up lo an excellentposition-

Sometimes she admired his Independent spirit.Someli n.cs i:vexed her thai he never asked herlor assistance, bill submitted to be looked downupon by his Cousins, Ilie Toduuuters— city .peopleworth a plumaud a half— lather than attempt to

emulate them."Hun', be foolish, Cyril,"she added iiioie pla-cably. '-Of com se you louse your lunch by com-inghere this morning, so you must nave someWillime. 1 have nothing to say against lillieSlay, except that she comes of a bad slock."• a- tiermother died at her birth ana her fathersoon aflet ward," observed Cyril, diyly,"1don'tsee bow they can have bad much to do with hervntttes inher lotuies.""That's the mischief of It. Now. do help your-sell. This fricassee, is sure to be tasty, lor Iwent into the kitchen and superintended it.That's the misctiiel olIt, you fooll-h boy. What,neither beer nor wine? Dear, dear, what willthese temperance notions bring you to? Con-sumption, at the very least. Tiy this pasty, it is

excellent."-That's the mischief of It,"she repeated for

the third lime. "Slay was brought uy by theLeitsoms, her mother's lelallves. Hidu't 1know him when he was a subaltern 111 llieMajor's regiment; Idle, reckless, dissolute?". "

-"lease toremember that Captain Lellsuui Isdead," she was reminded.

"True; but he has lelt two or three sons. justlike himself, aud a widow, who. judging fromappearances, is just the helpless dressy doll shewas lvher youth.""

hey have been very klud to May," saidCyril.

"Of course!" Didn't they nave her smallproperty lo liveon? Wont they live on younowthat you have taken her to Wife?""No." he responded firmly. "On this pointSlay and 1 0.11110 understand each oilier. She« 111 do what she cau loi .Mis. Lettsom and Iwillassist the young men Incelling respectable em-ploymeul,but nothing mure."

"Humph! we shall sec— we shall see! I'mafisiiti you expect tbo much. Aglilaccustomedin such sillilyways as they practice—"But Cyril could bear no more."

Aunt i'en," ne cried, angrily,"1cannot and

will not listen 10 such Insinuations. 11 yonkin May better you would be ashamed ofyourInjustice."

\u25a0\u25a0 Whose fault Is it that Ido not know her bet-ter? v.by, yours. Why haven't you biougbi

bei in see me.'"Cyril thanked heaven in his heart that he had

nut done so 11 nils was lire -ml ol uideallo whichLis un,id tss'le was to be exposed.

*"May is loir busy 111 present to pay visits, and.

frankly,1cannot ask yon, as 1Intended doing,to go and see her while you entertain such un*generous suspicions ot her limil and loyalty toher hu-baud."

Heie'a much ado about nothing!" cried Sirs.Macailhy, with ui.ltfied bauds.

"Because 1

speak mv miud, as 1 have a right to do."\u25a0s N.t oiie ha- a ItatIto suggest evilof my wife

Inmy Ilea, ing:" he Interrupted." ell, sit down again and finish your lunch.You win not, you foolish boy. Chill! what atemper you have: 1 pity the pour girl who Willhave to cope with It."

"Hood morning, aunt l'euelope!" said Cyrilstilllv.

\u25a0 \u25a0• What, willyou go? Yet stay, 1 have some-thing here lor th» biide. 1 suppose 1must belike oilier people and make her a picseul on liermarriage."

Mie pulledopen a drawer of her desk and pro-

duced from it an exceedingly pretty and valuableBel of 1ink coral ornaments set Inhue gold.

It was just such si set as May had admired Ina jeweler's 111 bond street, and lor a moment'

viii Warren plcttued the giillshecstacy withwhich she would clasp Hie necklet about herwhile throat, and the bracelets un her roundedaims: But ittler what Mis. Jlacarlhv had saidof M ay bow could he lei her wear litem?. "luiir gilt Is like yourself, very handsome,"he .-aid; "but you must ltn give me tor saying.that 1 cannot accept It. 1 would not let my wilelav bei self under obligations 10 anyone who calls

her ili-umpeied, extravagant aud dishonor-able."

\u25a0'You are a fool and a- puppy I"cried auutPenelope, tinning her back to him lvher rage.Wheu she looked luund he was guue.

CBAi'T£B 11.AT 'MIS.

"Ball a minute before your time. Oh, youdear, punctual teilow !:' cried the bitde, openingthe (lour as soon us he swung back Hie gate ofthe liule lore-court of the tiniest of villas Inwhich Hie newly wedded couple set up bousekeeping. "How Hied yon look 1 bow dusty youaiel ifever Iwish for riches itis because youhave to work so haid tor me.""

May, who was turning over some music, foundthe piece sb" wanted just then, and sti tick theopening chords, lidshe or did she not hear hisremark, and. was it ineiely.his fancy lhal she.blushed and looked contused.

When Cyiil'Waireu came home on the morrowami went upstairs lowash bis bauds and changebis Coat, ins iii-s i glance was at the comer where'be Pad seen Hie boots, They vvete mere, andagain llieybore the traces ol having been worn.

"So you have been out to-day." lie said sig-uiticantly as he seated himself at table.

There was no mistake now. May was crimsonto the brows, aud there was a pause befme shereplied:"Iwent to the linen-draper's to match some

ribbon.""And nowhere else?"Again .May hesitated."1called at a shoemaker's to Inquire Hie price

of slippers. .1 must have new ones for Mrs.Todliuiiici's soiree."

Cyril asked no more questions. She was notanswering truly; she was keeping somethingback. Good heavens 1 could Mis. Macarthy beIn the lightafter all? and was .May—his May-bin beloved, trusted capable, after all, ofdeceiving him?


Lyingawake beside her that night, long aftershe had fallen asleep, Cyril Warren ponderedovertho blight lhal threatened to mar his weddedhappiness.

He did not blame May for it. He began tothink he hail expected too much from liei whenhe had believed thai she could live Willi suchpeople as the Lellsoiiis without catching the In-fection of their want of principle, their leckless-.uess of their word, their readiness to stoop tojustly falsehood and mean evasion. Away fromthem she was all sweetness and candor. Diningtheir honeymoon she had not had a secret fromhint—whydid she prevaricate now'/

The reason might—nay, must be this: the Lett-soms were visiting her dining his absence! orshe— always Inclined to think he Judged themharshly—had gone to is.em and was ashamed loavow it.

Atrivial circumstance confirmed him In thissuspicion. Happening lo waul more changethat morning thau he had In his purse, he ap-plied to May.

'\u25a0No, don't take It out of your housekeepingmoney. 1don't want to inconvenience you; soleime have ihsu sovereign 1 gave you for yourown use. 1 return liIn the evening.

May bung her bead. She had itnot.Then you spent it ou Hieslippers of which

you were speaking. Was not that extravagant?"'• They were only seven-aud-sixpence; but I

did not buy them after all," she faltered"Aud yet you are penniless. May, you have

given that sovereign lo the Lettsomsi ItIs as 1foreboded; llieyare preying upon you, lvspiteof mv prohibitInn."

No,no!" she cried, tearfully, half frightenedat his sternness."

Then li.ithave you done with your money ?"And. as before, May hung her head and made

no reii)v_-Cyril Warren flung out of the house, so angry

with her and with those whom he accused ottempting her to disobey him ihat by the time bereached the city he was racked with a violentheadache.

'. Inyam did be endeavor to go through the

usual routine. The -gores swum before his eyes:his baud was so unsteady he could hardly holdthe ien, and he looked so 111 that at last the headof the linn espied ills condition and kindly lv*-i-'i-tion his going home. -

IVeliuc as if either the rattle of an omnibus orIhe jar ol the train would be Intolerable, he de-termined to walk; and as he drew neater the.His i! of Hie metropolis the dull tliiohbiiii!Inbis temples begin to subside; the fresher aircooled his binning head, and, though still lan-guid,he felt considerably heller long before hereached the metly suburban road lv which hishouse was situated.

May was at home, but not alone; he could hearher voice behind the caiefully closed blinds ofthe last-room. lie lieaid her laugh faintlyas she made some remark, to which the voice ufa man responded.-

Aiiiiiiiiin:himself wltb his latch-key, be foundhi the entrance' hall Jennie, the maid. She wasstooping al Hit' door ol the breaklast-room, ap-parently listening at Hie key-hole.


What are you doing there?" madeHie cirl stall and scream.

lie repeated his question; but she shrankback, ber distended eyes fixed on htm lvalaiiu100 overpowering to allow 01 words.

He strode towaid the dour, but ere be couldreach it. May, who had heard Jennie's shriek,appeared al It, aud, seeing her htisbauu, 1!,".vtoward him.

But not 10 throw herself Into bis arms, greet-ing him joyfully. Her st feeling had been as-tonishment at tils early return; her next wastenor, for the auger depicted on his lace wasunmistakable.

••Obi forgive me, Cyril; Ihave been veryltn ,!-ii.Iknow; bin forgive me i"

"What have you been doing yourself?"asked the your husband, when, dinner over, theysat together watching the uiuuu rise over the op-posite houses."

Hiiudieds of things," was Hie laughing re-ply. •"Teaching my llltle maid— she is dteail-lullystupid, bul so good-teiiiueied and willingIt's Impossible to scold ber—arranging Hie pli-t---uies, dusting the rooms, making that puddingyon praised, hemming your new haiidKerclilels,mid learning ihe song you bought me; It is sopretty :shall Ising it to you?''

'1 his done, ami May cosily nestling again be-side her hushsiud, he resumed his questions."Haven't you louuii it dull?" -\u0084':.' .;\u25a0"1 do miss you dieadlully," she confessed,and Initi'ii find myself Watching Hie clock; tintwas 100 busy to be dull, iicsides ,1had vislluis.""

Indeed!"" Vis;lite dearest old woman In the world;shetold me she had been your nurse, and 1 made berslay to lunch, and we talked about you all thelime. Oh! and later Inthe day 1 had a call f:uuiMr., Mis. aud the Misses T'odhuuier. Theycame Insuch a smart catria-C that they createdquite a sensation in this quiet road."

"Anil fiighii'ued my pour little wife?"".No. 1 lelt nervous at hist, and the two gills

stale at one must rudely, but when Mrs. 1ml-hunter said she envied me lor having only unaservant 10 look alter, and such a quiet, happyhome, 1took courage to a«iee with her. 1 am avery lunate you woman."

For this she was rewarded Willi a kiss, andthere was silence till site raised her head fromCyril's shoulder to say:

"1almost forgot 10 tell you, they left us a cardfor au evening iany; a the il.tiis.tuie, Miss JuliaTodhuuler called ii."

"You would like ingo to il?"May said "Ye-"and "No" in Hit: same bream."1could wear my wedding diess, couldn't 1?


. "You shall go, love," said Cyril,decidedly. Itwould enable him to trlumnfa over Mis.Macarthyif the lodliuuiers took up his bride, for theylived in considerable style, and even ihe redoubt-able Aunt Pen found itguud policy lev lie civ.ItoIhem. "Give me tlie caul and 1will writeau ac-cet I.nice. Did you have any mmc callers?"

\u25a0• No," said May; but it was with such hesita-tion thai he regarded her Inquiringly. But shedid nut see 11; Williher head bent forward she»as playing withHie lace of her apron, as ifshenut nut cue lo meet his eyes.

Somehow Aunt Penelope's warning flashed Intohis mind. Weie ibe Leitsoms Intrudingalready,111 spue ol Ills having given tliein tv understandpielly plainlythat young men who fieipieuiedmusic-halls and billiardsaloons wouid never bewelcome at his bouse?"Hailing,"and he Kissed May's foiehead,


am sony to bo obliged 10 remind yuu thai theremust be no Intimacy wuu ibe Leitsoms. Theyrepaid themselves out of your small inoperty iorgiving you the shelter til ihelr tuof, so there IS110 question of gratitude due tv them."

May winced a lillie."Ihad not forgotten; but Ithought we agreed

that the subject was a painful one and shouldnot be ill-cussed again? Iihurls me to have toseem unkind to then mother; she was alwaysgo, ni lv me."

This was so true tbat Cyril had no answer lamake. He would have wlihdiawu Hie embargo•is tar as Mrs. l.tiisum was concerned il 11 hadnotbeen for Aunl I'ett's caustic speeches.

No; lie could nut have his May classed withsuch penults, lie had rescued her from theirclutches, aud she should have uo move ljdoWilli them.

He was doubly caressing to ills bride thatevening, because he knew he had pained her,and on the morrow he committed the extrav-agance of purchasing her a dozen of gluves ina pielty, fancy bo_, just hi fur a lady's luilel-table.

Thiiber he went on tiptoe 10 pjacr* Itwhile shewas superintending ibedlshiogof ,1blaiic-nuugeInthe kllcueu. llwould be oue ol those ue-Ughllulsurprl-es youDg wives appieclate; andalter placing It where it would attract her alleti--

11011 by-aud-by, be was leaving ibe room whenIns eye It'llupon a pair of walking-boots by theside nt the waidrobc.

They were May's, and they had been worn thatday, for there was mud— fresh mud uu theshapely heels.

IIii.'. ml,l that she had not mentioned havingbeen out:."She always averred thai she wouldi.uhei luse st walk than have 10 lake It alums,and WOUld Insist on wallingfor him.

Bui she was calling him 10 dinner; and Incarving a fowland giving her the details of agreat lirethai had occurred In the city he wasfullyoccupied (or tho next half hour.

Then 11 was Slav's turn to In talk of the gar-den, on which, with Hie occasional help ol a man,she was effecting Improvements; but still shesaid utilhlngabout having been out.

"Didyou do some . shopping tins morning?"ho asked, carelessly.

"Oh! uo; 1sent Jennie for the binding of thatchair-cover, and woiked hard 10 finish it. DoesIt nut lunk veiy nice?"

"1thought you hail been nut."I'uiiing ti'i aside, he would have entered the

loom locouiloit her companion; but sue clungto him, eiiliealiug that he wuuld hoi degrade her

i<it* another person.. "ItIs the liisi nine he lias been heie; llIs, In-deed!"

•'And It shall be the last 1" was the sternteply, as, shaking oil her giasp, be strode on.May follow meekly.

ny,. litis was not a Lettsoml He found him-self lv Hie presence of a stranger, who, with abow and a sum k. presented bis card:

"MtiNsn.ri: in: Villon,"Professor of DaßCb-8 and Depuituieiit.""It was very silly ot me, 1 know," sobbed

May, when Monsieur de Y'tllou, being civillydis-missed, had taken his departuie, "but 1 Hadnever learned Io dauce, and wheu you decidedthat we were to co to .Mrs. loiihiiniei's. my Ig-iioianc \u25a0 troubled me. 1could nut bear thai youshould be ashamed of your little wife, and seeher el.her standing by or making clumsy etTunsto Imitate moie turUiuate girls, so Iwent andsaw Ibis professor, and he agreed to give me somany lessons for a guinea. That is how 1 hadspent the money you had asked me to refund. Ihave practiced quadrilles twice wish monsieur'spupils at his house, and 1 can v.ilsc, and hadneatly mastered lie scboltlseb when you


Made a bruie and an Idiot ot myself1" ex-claimed her husband, clasping lier to his heart."Oh, my best ol d.tilings, don't hate me, don'tdespise mo lor it, and I'llbe your parluer atyour next lesson, and the old lieuclnnan shallteach us together.'*

Whu May—now the happiest of'Hie happy—was taking oil her wraps at Mrs. Todliuuiei's, amajestic old lady lvblack velvet sailed up to her,nodding approval ut the delicate gray silk, somodestly made, high in the neck and uuorua-meuted save by exquisite point Lice of her uwumaking,

"You don't know inc. my dear." said theelder matron, as sue saw in» bride blush underher scrutiny. "1 am Major Macaitby's widow,ami a kinswoman ofyour husband. lainalst"*-when troubled with neuralgia— sucb a disagree-able, slanderous, backbiting old woman, thatCyril veiy properly refused to accept foryou aUtile gill1 wauled (o send by him. He said Idid not do you justice, and lie was (pine right;but since then I've beou lo see Mrs* Letlsum,poor Hung ! Her husband was a siihallein in.Major Macartby's regiment; and she has told mebow shu must nave slink under her tumbles butlor you. Ishall assist her suns to emigrate, audshe will come and live with mo as my house-keeper; and. it you are pleased with the arrange-ment, you'll wear the cross old woman's nil!,and make Cyril forgive me,"

May was 100 pleased lo say tier nay. She wentInto Hit) drawing-room on the aim of aunt Pen,with the pink corals clasped on her neck andwrists, She Is still in favour Willi the eccentricgiver, and is pioviug herself the most sensible ofwives by never having auoiher seciel from heradorlug husband. L. C.

A HAD CAT'S BITE.It Would Nut Betas lis Bold Until

Drowned by i.- Victim.Mrs. Joseph Kirkbride, a well-known

resident of Bristol, has a great fondnesslor cats aud keeps a number of them in herhouse on S */nlu street. Tne other day onoof them went mad, and she put it in hercellar. When she went down to look afterIta day or two ago the cat Hew at her andfastened its teeth in Airs. Kirkbride's handwith such violence that she was unable toshake it off. Mrs. Kirkbride cried fur help,but no one came, and, us a last resort shecarried the mad animal clinging to her handto a barrel of water, into which she plungedher arm, holding it there until the cat wasdrowned.

The lady is now suffering from severepains, which, it is feared, may result fatally..She is now under the care of a physician.—Philadelphia Record.

The Czar has Issued an edict forbidding ap-plause In Russian ibeaters. The explosion ofbombs in the vicinityof the Czar has made himvery sensitive lonoises of all kinds.


The Proper Way to Drink ItIsFrom a Stono Mug.

A Connoisseur Tells Ab:ut the Difference in

Taste and Flavor of Beer FromGlasses and

"Steins." *

•'Beer ina glass Not for me!" remarkeda portly gentleman to a Call reporter lastevening, as he stretched himself, droppingdown a little in his chair, and, withevidentcontent, sipped tho cool, imported beer froma Munich "stein" with relish and comfort."My friend, you have a great deal tolearn yet about how to drink beer, and sohave the majority of people in &an Fran-cisco."

"There can't be much difference, surely,'suggested the reporter, "and, besides, theStone mugs lock clumsier than the glasses."

"Oh, well, ifyou people care for appear-ances, there is no use in talking about realluxury in drinking; none, sir, Itell you.You are spoiled.""

But if there is a difference Iwould liketo know it," replied the reporter, who isfond of a glass of cool beer himself on awarm evening inJuly. \a\f_____\

"Very well, then, I'lltell you somethingthat will surprise you. Itwas discoveredlong ago in Munich, the 'beer town,' thatthe same beer of good quality does not taste

as well out of a glass as it does out of thegray stone mug so well known in Bavaria.The difference is remarkable in the taste ofone and the same beer served in. these ves-sels. Beer becomes warm more rapidly inthe glass than it does in the stone mug, andif the mug is heated by placing it ivhotwater there is a total absence of that pe-

culiar disparity in taste which presents

Itself so strongly between the flavor of thebeer in the glass nnd that in the stone mug.

OTHER CAUSES OF THE CHANGE."Recent scientific researches have estab-

lished the fact Ihat there are two othercauses which enter into bringing about thechange in beer ina glass— that is, the pene-trating of the light and dissolving of theglass in the beer.

"Filla glass and a 'stein' with beer fromthe same keg, set them fur a brief space oftime in the sunlight and you will fiud thatthe beer in the glass has acquired a pecu-liar, disagreeable flavorand smell, while thebeer in the 'stein' has remained good andpalatable. So you can see how sensitive aliquid is beer.

"lihas also been found that a disparityin llavur and smell willbe established whenvessels are placed in a dark, cold cellar,aud what causes this. The material fromwinch the vessel is constructed. Wherevera test of this kind is made ithas been luundthat at the expiration of live minutes thetaste and smell of the beer in the glass isdistinctly and strongly different from thatin the gray stone mug. Tin- beer in theglass tastes sharp, thin and tint, while thebeer in the stone mug has a sweet, mild,delicate and round taste, ami the differenceIncreases with the length of time.

GLASS IS SWALLOWED."The notable degeneration uf beer in a

glass, even iv a dark, cool cellar, fromwhich the uiiier cunditluns which intiucucubeer unfavorably are excluded, is due to thefact that beer contains a large quantity ofcarbonic ucid ami this • dissolves veryrapidly small quantities ol glass. Examina-tions founded on Ibis belief were made andthe fact was established that ordinary beerglasses, submerged for fifteen days in lagerbeer, lost 3% to 10}_ milligrams of theiroriginal weight. Thus it has been calcu-lated that a beer-drinker who consumes Inone evening two pints of beer swallows atleast .0010 to .0026 milligrams of glass."

The ordinary beer glass contains as arule a quantity of oxide of lead, and there-fore impairs the smell and Savor of beer,

because beer dissolves rapidly the glasssubstance containing lead. The gray-stonemug of Havana, which has been glazedwith common suit, is free from lead, andthe material from which itIs made is muchlis- soluble than glass. When a mandrinks beer out of a covered stone mug lorany time he can never again drttik it fromitglass, as it would lase brackish nud in-sipid to iin. m

BETTER BEER GOBLETS."But Hits stone mug is nut the best beer

goblet, beer tastes finer and more delicateout ol a tin cup, such as Lightlnget ofMunich makes; therefore a guud tin cup Ispreferable In the "stein." And tlie mug issurpassed by the guld-lined silver mug,which is king of vessels lor the drinking vibeer. Deer served in Itdiscloses strikinglytho delicate quality ifthe beverage, whichis lost wholly iv glasses. Any one whowillthink the same beer lirst from a gold-lined mug and tli"n from an ordinary beer-glass willinstantly recognize the enormouswaste anil destruction of the flavor of thebeer, to which the beer-drinking public baabeen -obliged to submit through the servingof beer in the ordiuitiy glass."

The connoisseur turned half around inhis chair, lifted the pewter cover of his"stein

"and finished the beverage that had

reuiuiued cool while he spike. "Ach, that'sbeer," be exclaimed, as he fiulshed with asmack and a contented "Ali-h-h!"

Cot Frightened and Laft.The Iriends of William ilawklns, the

boatman who was drowned iv the bay on."-Saiuiilsiy, were engaged yesterday iv look-ing for John Olsen and Adolph George, thetwo men who were with Hawkins in theboat when he fell overboard. They wantto get their version of just how the accidenthappened. The search was unsuccessful.The men stayed at No. 1 Eddy street, batbave not shown up there since they lefton Saturday morning. \u25a0

LIST OF LBTTJ-RSRemaining unclaimed in the l'ostonrce at San Fran-cisco on MONDAY,July 28, 1390.

•j_-To obtain any or these letters the applicantmust call for "Advertised Letters,'* and give thedate of the list. If not called for withintwo weeks

lhey willbe scut to the Head-letter Offlce.Abbott, Miss lAltmer, 11 V lAshborne, vv A

Mercedes Aluiuuaugh,YY!llAiitlercgg, MissAbbott, Jliss ME| E | AllvliiaAbraham, Hans Alves. Mrs A IAii^ell,Miss Sa-

(Urodr, IAmi-It,M J ! ratiAdams, Mrs, Anderson, Mrs Appleton, Miss

1917 I Ella 1 NettleAdklvtson, Mrs

•Anderson, Miss;Armstrong, Mrs

1577',.:. . | Oeorgle i Lou .Alter,.in- |Anderson, Mrs;Arnistelu, MissAlexander. <\u25a0 W I Hannorla IStellaAlien,Miss Hat- Anderson, Miss Ashley, Mrs L _

tt,- : l.ma ]Atkins, isAllen,Mrs Hat- jAndersen, Miss lAufeiianger, Jno

tlu Olivle IAustin, .1 11Bacon, xv Allclu Berry,Mrs Mar- Brier,CharlesBaes, Carlos garet ISrorklauk, Wlliinl Miss Sel" llerttiler, Alhert llrome, a O

lid i" C llrooK,Mrs ,1 IIIlaitt-y. Henry

*"llertrant, Mrs llros/.t-y. MaxBailey.11' WW 1 George I. brown, Mrs AnnBaker, Charles lllel. Louts BlisaBaldwin, Miss Kigali,John llroivu,Arthur

Anita lllgeloiv,Henri Howen, ArllniTBaldwin. Miss Ul.Rerstaif, Miss llrown. Miss E

Lillian Murine Brown, Geo WBalnea, Henry llitigliaui.Cap- 111-,rvvti, .lamesBanks, .lohn C lainJohn llrown, Mrs.IXBarclay, Miss Kirch,Miss M A Browne, Lewis J

Elorenee Bishop, Fold Browne, John VBarker, John lilslea, Mrs lirowiie.Mra.MKBarnard, T— Co I'ran/.tska Brown, Mrs WWBarnard, Mrs YV liltlcl,Joseph Praline, Wm

_- Bletz, Carl 11 r.u iiw 1nBirr, George M Ulleden, Chas L (butcher)Bartlett, Miss Block,Leon M Bryant, (ieo 1"

ear j Ilium,Mrs A Bryant. Geo \Vliassoe, Peter Blumentbal.Mrs Buck. JamesBain it-. Miss Julia Burli,JXV

lieorglaiiiia Boartlitian, Sid- Buckley, DrBeailenknpp, . ney Charley

Charles noddy, XVIt Bullock, Miss 8Beamer A- Son

- Bond, Mrs Butikar, AdolphBeance, Eugene Blanch BBeaser, Mrs MM Bouncy. WT Burke. DrBeck, MrA C Boric, Jules Burke, MISS EllaBecker, John Uosetie, Mrs Burke,MJBachiiian.UeoO Mary Burlington,ABegeinanu, J liBowman, Mrs Burnett, DavidBelknap.Mlssltla Eleaita Burnliaui, How-lieunett.Mrs EM Bowser, Jacob aidBennett, Miss Boyd, Mrs Sallies Burns, James

Julia Boyer. W E Burr's.-II

Benton, CL Boyns, W IS Burt.A XV

Berg EH Bradley, 1 C'Bush, A B

Bergen M W Bradley. John IIjBush, Mrs CoraBelgium),JE Brandes, M Bush, Mrs Elljsa-lierlln,Helen M Brandt, Herman I belliBernard}', JT Branch, John, iButcher, ArthurBernstein, M I Kb" st | -Or--.,.Beronlo, Miss !Brcau, Mrs CX!Iluyccns. RYV •

t.-,1, ,Bresuau, Mike :Byrne, CalBe*;,ent, Charles :Brewen, Geo C ! rues, Jamest'abansviCfgarCoiChandroii, Aug- Condon, MichaelCain,John -t ust Connolly, Ma-Caler, FE Chase,Miss Iran- tblasCal Assurance ces Constable; IV n

Corporation Chicago Elcctrl- Coutl, Thomas C

Cal Portrait Co cal works Conway, DanielCal State Insur- Chllson, Henry Cuoley, Earl X

ance Company lclirlstensen, An- Cooney, MCaruiln, Mrs drew -Cook* Co

Elizabeth Churchill, Sam- Cordell, MissCauracy. Jerry | net LizzieCampbell, Ducan Clarke, YVS Costello, ErnestCampbell. Frank iTanscy, William Cottier,Bengalis

X - Icleary.MissMag- CCampbell MllesE gle Coulon, MissCampbell, YV D Clerc. Mrsllaoul Lydle "-•Canavsui (Print- Clightou. Mrs Courtney Swlftß

(. i Carrie J Cowan, A X

CaiiivniiAiiilrevv Coates, Frank Cox, KosewordLCauavan. 1* Coates, (\u25a0 YV WCaniiiigo.MrsJ W Coe, C M Craig, MrsJ WCarleton, Mar- Coffey, John J ("rail,IIJ

shall--- Cofßu, AW CraneMrsJennleCarr, Mrs Emms Conn, Br X E Cromwell, ThosCarr, Mary Grif- Cohen, Jacob Cronin,Patrick

fithKerry Cohen, Louis Crossly, J ACarrere, Louis Colburn. T

_ -Crowe, Mrs M

Carson MlssEllza Coin-rove. YV _ Crowe, SCarson, II Colhurst, J It Cmlksnank.W TCasslday Edward Cole, Mrs Erne- cruthers, .-.-Cap-C-Stell, Emily line tain F IICaralllui, A Cole, Mrs II Cuddy, Mrs KateCeasar, J 1 Hammond

'Culver, Alex S

-Chanibergs, Mrs.Colmai •\u25a0\u25a0•——' I'o.-tnlugs, D 8-

Ella iColllni M""*Ci"f-!iJ:n,_ntlrifcs. ,LeoChanibergs, Mrs", rlue sjcarran, uratUe

Xr . Coillnr, F Oslrcvwo, IIl)Cbamberlln, Mrs Conua ile, Wil-. C_'.t», AYV

Gertrude I ter It iCylp, WllllunChostuut, VK J i

1 Dttelk, J W I)Galvez, Josefa Donovan, Johnlialtev,Mrs An- V llonovan, Mrs,!J

nic Denan, Miss Liz-1Uowdall. JTDalln, An.ust zie |Dowdy, W (i

Dallam, MtssAn- Deutscber, Mrs liowliiig,JubnAnic B Dover, Charles S Daper,

Daner. Mrs C B Devlin, William Daper, WilliamDaniels &Co Henry Dressier, M• •Daniels, Samuel !Ho Youn-.nenry Drake, MlssSusloDark, Frank Dickey, Willie Uouer, MichaelDarke, Frank Dickinson. Miss Doyle. JamesDavison, Mrs M Jennie Charles I'Davison, Uth st,Dickson. Mrs, of Dudley, MissDavis,J I. Oakland EdithDavls.MrsJullaE Dottier, Charles Duff,Mrs WinDavis, M Lewis Dodge.MrsElfza- Dugau, MrsDavis, Sirs Mar- beth Dulaney, WH

garet E Docring. Cbas 8 Dunbar, Henry-Dawson, John Dougherty, Miss Dnulsom, Geo IIDay, George 11 Grace Hunuwald, MatDayJamesllenry Dolau, J C |Irusican, J SDay, Joseph Dole, Eliza M Dunn, G YVDeagan, John Dou.au, Mrs Dunn, JohnDc.-ivuu, J _ Minnie E IDunn, 1" HDeban, J Donnelley, Mrs Dunne, Pete JDeerlng, Mrs Katie Durkln.MrsEllza

Katie Donnelly, TC Dyes, FrankDement, Mrsß A|Donovan, JEarleMrsAllceß Eggertson, Miss Emerson, OEarll,Miss Tilliel Anna Emerson, JohnEastland, Jas Elklns.MrsOeoll Erwln.AudrewLEastou, Miss Ja-.Elstreu, Miss Esfabiuok.Mrs B

nte I Luda 11Ebert, Miss Ku-|_hnore, Johnny |Estherlangley,

sauna iLlwertAndrew Ci MrsEckels, Mrs W A ElliottA Co, TB Eva Ji MadisonEdmonds, II 1Emerson, ChasFaxon, Mrs Ad- Finn, Jno F Foster, J Ken-

dle Fischer, C F uelliEnliven, J Kisser, Julius losier, Built ifFay, John Fischer, Mrs W Fowler, OBFay,Miss Kate llizgibbous,Ed- ow.er, CDFay,MissMaggie ward i-rasst-r, is*Fax,Keub Flocke.P.eluhold|Fretms it. AFeg, Mrs Annie Fog-arty, F II French.JlissEttalet'ity,Jas Foley, John Fried man t_

Ferguson, Chas Foley. Walter WolffFerguson, John Fontaine, Emllle Fries, John-Clgusuu, Miss Ford, Miss Mary iui-hs, IStvits

May iFoster. CW Flild, SlastliyoFerguson, S B |Foster, LA Hilda,Alexliallich, Mickcl (jleschen. Jno Graham, MrsGardner, Sirs J Gibson. Miss Lv ManilaGareu, »V 11 Gllcutldy, Jliss Grant, Jl*Garrett, Robert Bridget Gray. Mrs JnoGstirelsona Co, (llllsou, "Hiss E Gray,11 A

wm (livens, IiA Gray, Jas FGarrison, Miss Cluster, Mrs Mat Greer, Marlon

Minnie t.lscnr', Geo Green, (S.WGamier, A F Golden, Miss Green. Mrs CWGartner, Henry! Marguerite

'Green MrsF&nny

Gately, -N "Golden Gate DGay. Cbas .Novelty Co Green Ship MfgGay,ord.'L If Gorman, W o CoGeiss, Miss Fall- Gossun, Miss [Gregory, YYII

ma Goul'lMissLottie Giei.t-kt-T, TomGeorge, Francis i.uuvd. Master Groube k, JohnGeriehtcu, Miss Viluston Edward

-1,, Ikill,11 Gove, 11 M ISr us, TomGcssicr. Karl Graham, DavldsGruart, 11 FGibtis. Jliss MI'Grant, H A ((run, HugoGlt.fehlt. wm I IHaas, Martin Harrison, Win IIHobson, Mrs EBHaiiicv,Mr Hart, Miss llochfeld.Minouiia-.'i'.uivi, Miss Hatcher, CM Hock,John

Loussi Hang, Mrs C lloirmau, Gus .BadseU, MrsAn- Hayes, Mrs Ba- Roland. Miss

na chel MaggieHaitian, SC Hayes, Miss A Huiucroft HenryHall,II Hayes, Mr \u25a0 Hollalnl.CaptGl!Hall, Jacob Naves. H(i Hollll.gsvvorthWHall,.Visit T iliiyues

_Gilt- 1

Hale, E ll lull liulloway,ElviraHatpin, J J Hawkins, A I) Hlliiuiii,Louis Hstzeltoii, II11 Holm,Mrs DoraHamilton, is X llazzelett, Ed HornMarketHani ii, Miss Hearst, J F ilurtuu,Mrs FII

Elisabeth i* Heath, Frank Hosiord, HenryHammond. J L Heckmau, 110-s-slns. Win

liana. Miss (Jap- llecklograph Co Howe, Mrs Thosauese) ileiu,Fritz Howe, Mr

HaticockAlberlT HeiidersoriJacob Howe. -MisDrAl>Hanley, Miss llenuliig,Thos Unwell. Mrs Ava

Mary Ilenrv,iit Hughes, sHandler, Thos Hentzell.N'sttle liHmiiiui Jr,Thuslliinilley.Mrs Hepburn, FW Hughes, It

Miuuitj Herbert, Jesse Hughes, JFHaiitnurc. TYV Herman, Henry Humeri. MissHansen, Peter Hess, Frank Annie SHansen, N Hess. l.Sylvester Hull iStewartll.ins, Henry Hewelt,.Sliss ME Humer,Mrsßer-iiiiiisuii,.NTO liibbard, Geo thaHanson, Win Hickman, Ell- liunilrup.PHanson, Miss inond S Hunt, Mrs FJ

1sttlltciilvt Higgl— Fred I.Hunter, LAHarcourt, Biggins, General Hunter. LottaHarcourt, W Edward limner, Jliss LHarding, M A Higblev _Irs.lack Hunter, F YVHarding, YVT lllghley, .Mrs Huntingtonliar.ins, Frank Elizabeth NellieHarnett, Mi-L Is Hill,Miss Cassie Husirig,Dllvtril.i;iii, l't-ser IlliMnsiiiuaCo Huston, 11 YVHarrington, Win Hinrichseu, -IB llutch.us.on, Mrs11art Is Jr. John.Idenden, Harvey ingrain, Alexan-'lrvine, Wmlglar. Mhs Ider IrvliieJamesYVmlug. r5,,11, Carlos Ingham, Jliss 1X L Cigar CoIngram,EM | ltusieJackson, Mr

-Jenkins, Mrs lJohnson, MrsltIt

Jackson, John A,ice Johnson, MrsJackson, Mrs Joaaunesen, In- Rose

1-viiiitle geborg Johnson.Mrs ItFJacob, B Johauson, VII Johusen, MissJajo, Miss Jlollle Jolianson, J I. Jlathllde

or Mary Jotmis. Etnli Johnstone, JohnJakob, A Johnson, KingA- ones. Miss A LJames, J S Co Jones, J JJames, Busbrod Johnson A Big-Jones.Mrs James

VV gins Joyce, DD.Mrs Mary JuliusonllernabelJurgeits. F

Jennings, J J Johnson, Henry [Justin, Miss JKviint-nr.-hsn, Ji Ketleher, James Kistner, HJKviiiimerer KmUs Kellen.Jlissßose Kltts, Miss ClaraKane, MiII11 Kenny,John Kline. Juliusi'arlsou. A J Kenny.Miss Mar- Knlltson. MrKaufman, Mrs garet Ivuochelmaun,

Lottie Kennedy, Miss | WinKavanagh, Pat- Katberlne 'Koch, Franklin

rick Kennedy, James Koga, IIKeacbMrsLoutsa Kerrigan, Mary!Korn, Miss Stlne

11 Kleny, Leonard Korsbercs, Ed-Keating, A C Kllluirg,Smith wardKtlitrf,F Kimball, TJ Korte. HKeller .1- Co, II Kimball, Jlrs Krainni, BartbelKeller.Jllss Lulu Mary Krans, AKellev, Mrs A Kinder. John Kretz, MlssKellt V.MrsNetta King,MrsJ Kruzuuui, LenaKeltv.MissAiinie King,YV Its Kuuzi., MissKeily,J Klnslow, JF I.- ttaKelly,Jos II Kirkwood. ALacompte, MrsA|Lcland, vv YV• Livingston, DrV

E l.elo. J ELambrlck, Mrs _ewser,Wm Lotus. Miss Ella .

Mary Lenz, Tl X Loney,- JamesLane. Mrs Leslter,Miss Ger- Long, .Mrs Ella ALane, Miss Clara trmie |Loot t. ottoLaudo.'MissHat- Levlnire, Win Loory, Miss 1111-

--lle Barly tlrleLange. August Levy,Miss Addle Love,Miss flattieI.sir-en. Laurllz Levy, A F Love. III.virst'ii, F 1Levey, S J Lovejoy; Geo WLa Salle, Mrs ILewis, X J Lowell. Kuful

Lillian 'Lewis, .'rank T 'Low-rev. James CLatlustte, II ILewis. Mrs Klia Luckbardt. Her-Ijiwrv,Helena Lewis, ItYV j ma.i Di.aiieu.iii. Fred |Lewis, MrsMMay Ludes. Hermannl.atvter. David .Lirnte'ustadter, \u25a0:Lund. JohnLawrence, Harry JLirtin JLiliiits.Ht'rlrt"rtWLawtun, Israel Lincoln, James I.yall.WmLaws, Mr-Ella LUH, B A Lyfortl.MLs-virv.MlisAiinlr' I.inch,.111 nic F1.,.. p. Miss KiLlmlherg. John Lyman. HarryLe Clerc, Mine Llngberg,. John Lyucit.lionJere--1.e.-liiiisui, .1 L Littler.Dr.1 M ninthLee. .tallies it ILittle,Samuel Lynch.JWl.cc. Frank c Livingston, Miss Lyons, Mrs J FLelghion, A D | Alice King |Lucas, vv t;

Vlsicsitiley, .1 Donald. Miss Melntlre, CaiitJlc.YUie. Adj | Jessie | Henry

(lists JlcDouald.PatkJ Slclutyre, KobtMiliirnev,Saml IMcDonnell, N McKay, YV wMcCarthy, li McDougaiUllssF McKinley, MissMcCarthy, Lizzie Hacderrao-, CF Agues

I-* '.vleLlwce, Miss McKiuney, MissMliii,James

_Kate Elizabeth

Co McFartane. YV LJlcKluuey, MissMt'Ciinii, Miss |JloFarlan, Mrs I May

Mary t G X MeLateble, JasHcCTay, B W McGler, Miss MeLanghlln,Milonagliv Alex Lizzie i David Itmi,on. ibos 1: m. \u25a0!,, nicy, 811 Mclennan, JackMeCormlck JasH JlcGivney, Mrs iMcLennao, J—lMeConrt, Miss j Nellie JlcLeod, Jlalcoui

Alice MeG wan, Dr JlcJlan, ArthurM.ito A-Web-! Granville McMillan,YVM

Iter JlcGrevy, Mrs JlcJlulian, AMcDonald, Geo YVm JlcNaniara, JnoMi'liouald, Miss Ms'lSregor..!auies! MtT'sirlvmU,Miss

Katte Miliro.'sin, Jno ! SarahMcDonald, Juo Mctirogau, Win JlcSJane, MissMcDonald,Jno .McGuinuessTTiosi Helen

Usek. AF [Menclnsky.B Jlorey, .Mrs Ma-Jlabll, F Merchant, Miss rlonMatlilai, Jno Elsie Morgan, D WJladl-aii. Mis Mercer, J -.Morgan, Mrs

ji'hma Jlerwlu, Mrs IfJI LizzieBladdox, C Merrill,Geo It Morrison, JMaesser, Jlarga- Jlescroft. IIc Morrison, Alex

reiha Metzgcr, Eugen Morrison, JMayanAugustine Meier, August.. Morrow, MrMagulre, ('has Meyer, Mrs Ber- Mortens on. BMarks. Mr ilia Jlortluer A. llar-Mahoncy, Miss McverMrslsailor rls

MaryE Meyer, GYV Morse, C PMaiden, Andrew Jfcyer.JllssJlary Morse. A 1"Mains, Gen MeyerTLenimen Muss, Mr-Mary .Manning,— Jlyer, Fred Moss, Jlarcbet

•Jlaiilng, Mrs Myers, Andrew Moss, YV fiLouise Micbelson, 8 ,Mott. Same

Manssun, C Micbe, Gustavo M ,1,-, itL_ ToMarks As Brown- Milsans, Jno liTlMowry,J

stein Miller. Elizabeth Miilf,W FMarks,Henrlcb Miller.MrsAunle Slmrahey, KeyMarble, JM Miller.EdwCol'e- JamesJlarchlnton, .Ar- hrutl t Mulhern, Mrs

lliur Miller,DB Jluler, LouiseMarott, ("\u25a0 .Mills,Chas A Mullen,Mrs-MaryMars, F E Miller,IID Mu.vaiiv. IIcMarshall, Mrs Miller,Steve l_to!ler. Miss J

Fredrick Mslier, Mrs 111 Jlullcr, JosephMarshall, MrsCV -Miller, vv M Jlunson, JMartin,James 1Mills,Mrs Sarah Jlusse. AdolphMartin, Mr Mills,Jliss llcUe|Musgrave, Ver-Mvirtlsi. Mrs B JHnto, Win I lionMartin, Jlrs YV 11 Sthenic. M A Murphy. Joe'Martin,YVislcr 'Mitchell, Miss Murphy. Mrs

lielle ! Bertha Bernard 1)

Martin,Lt MV iJloffatt, Henry Murphy, MissJlassey, Mrs >' IlJlouahan.JlrsEl Katie.Matthews Bros— Monro, Mrs Jno ,Murphy, Miss

Kevlck Moon, C G | MamieMathews. David iMoors, 11 .Murphy, Simon-Mat!. Miss Alice jMoore, Mrs Ber- ton AMan, Abe ] tha Murphy, MissMeehait.ThnsMl'Moore, Miss Ber- PollyJleinhelt, Kate I tha Murray, P

"Melently,11 Morey, Clark Slurry,Duncan 8Melius,DE >Naughton, Mrs Neville,Mrs An- Nipper, David

Maria - nic JulianaNaylor Son Newman. Nathan Nichols. CNeai, Mrs John Newmsirk, F1" Mchaus, Ed FNelson, James Newiands, DrltE Sold, CtrlNelson, Miss Xewklrk Bros Isorvls, Miss

Birdie Scycc,Jllssßcrta EmilyNelson, George L INorton, John JNelson,Miss Lois NledhanimerMrs Nylander, MissNellson, Lizzie A Mary EdlaNesperMrs AnualNikaltl, tlO'Connell, Win, auglilln, Mrs, Nell, JamesO'Conner. T Mullle Orland, EU'Conner, Mrs |(ihlson. C A li'Sulllvan, John

Thomas tU'Nell. C D iialiorti.,1O'Danal, C 0 Miss Kate Ostraskey. MrO'Donneli, Deulsl F |l'aciflc Cloak £ Peckhaiu, Thorn- Pedersen, Nlel-

Sult House as II senPacific Humorist Peelman, CE I'lerotte.CaptalnPaige, Win B Pcllandiue, Miss

-Colllngvvood \u25a0

I'age, Miss X ITcksint, 1. 11Page, F II Perkins, I'll Play ter, MIssUBPage, w \V Perry, Mrs T Fomfrel, w LParks, Mrs' Peru Land

_Col- Popper, Fannie

Parks, Fred oulzatlon Porter, llFI'arr, W II Perclval. O C Pratt. Miss Car-Parson, Miss Perrln, Mrs Mm- rle Louis

Maggie- nic Pratt, YV pPaulsen, l'alle Petus. Dr Prince, DltPlxley,J Peterson, E.I I'rltchard. IIFcarlMlssSophie Peterson, Frank Putnam, AFeel, E A Petersen, XV JQulnn, PD is'issirnstrom. Marieicaluey, IiW Robinson, Frank Boose, AugBaudall, Corulcy Robinson, Miss Ross Bros- J \u25a0 • Jennie Bosentual.LonlsRhodes, Mrs Robinson, Major Both. 8

Manilla and Mrs Uonrke, MissKichardson, Rub- Both, Joseph Motile

crt A Kogers, A** Rudolph, BMWRichardson, Rogers. MT Buffner, Mrs C PSarah J Bussell, Miss Rufas, F II

Billy,Mrs Katie Nellie Russell, 1! JRiley,Mrs Mary Roier, John 11 Ruinel, FrankRoberts, Mrs J Roma, Miss Car- Russet, Miss NeFRoberts, MrsLJ rto lieBobbins, Charles |Roops, GSI j:_ _mawpa__m^SSal- It,Mrs Lin- Shirley & Co Staccy, John

na Simon. IF \u25a0- stayner, Mrs CYVSandeman, T O Simpson, MrsMAlstarb.rti. LM .Sanderson, J W Slmjiton, George. Starke, HarrySavage, James Small, Miss Inez stetlens, EddySchick, Max Smith & Angeil iStehunetz. Ed CSchleve, Carl Smith, Andrew stein, 11 11Sihllitcr, Alex Smith, Brsiinartl Stevens, SHssAl-Schlatipc, Mine F lie _ .„

Agues . Smith, Charles Stevens, E WScbmldeke.Fred Smith, Mrs Em- Stevenson, FredScnonwabl, Dr ma Stewart, James

Franz Smith, E B Stuart, MrsSchultz, Miss Smith, Ernest L Georgia

Annie- -

Smyth, Sirs E Stewart, MrsSonws-'s. AB \u25a0' Smith, <1 YV ACo Stocking, FrankSrliwar-tcpii,*.,.". *"»ltb, Miss Bat- Stobaugh, Mrs_ .... . j He

- MvlttleScott, (leoree- l>utth, Jacob Stollar. E J

Sc ."stale Oli Co Uth, N., . stone, LauraMay

Seward, Henry Smith. Phcebo 8 Storn, Matt .Schanahan. I) Smith. W J Stony ft IshamShaw. William', Smith. Miss Net- • Com Ito _

ex-senator tie' * Stoud. Mr<Front.

Shepard, J E Schneider, Mrs'


Sbepard, Mrs Moille Strong, George


Snedigar, W S Stuttz, .lake ESherltr. Rev AB snedaka, WII Stumpf.MlssMaySherwin. Tbe Sogilan, Ntkoia Sugme. llmutiiy

Williams Co Spauidlng, Har->ulilvan.tharlesSherwood, Miss vey _ Sunny. ThomasJ

Mabel Spafford, J W ft Swans, Mrs WFShew, MrsLaura . Co Svenson. Mary

F Spain, J S Sweeuburg, MrsSbldeler, Harry Spencer.Thomas Sweeney. MrShluten, Martin Springer, Maas SwirtftWluslow,Shlot.MlssAnhie Stahme'r, Mrs II.MrsShipley. PaulTalbot, JeromeC Tenbel, Andrew: Tnorsen, MrsTanner, Giist Tbaeher, George . Anna -„*_,"Tate, Mrs | ft Co Tiffany, MrsNWTaylor. Cyrus .Thoinas.Mrs Car- liilson, MrsC MTaylor, George rle iTltus,JTaylor, Miss Ta- Thomas. ft Col Voles, Mrs

bitba N Thomas. SB Tripp, Wm RTaylor, Mrs May Thurston, ueaW|Trupal; Miss IdaUdell.MrsMattie v s Mercantile: Upton, Frank AVlmer,GeoTACo| Agency | CoValentine,' A _ '

iVance Mrs MiVon Ploeimlor,Vaudenhoute, . t VanPelt, Mrs [ Otto

Chariot i David |Yon Buchholtz,Van Heekesen, Vambar. Miss iMiss Mary

DrAJ J Ella I"IVailsworth.n E Weand, MrsEm- Wllley, MissWitiiiMtssMinna ma i LouisaWalte, MrsAt Weekman. F Williams, HarryWaite.Mrs Geo WleJI, Mrs MO Williams, DrWalker, Lou Welrlch.l'aul Kobt CWall, Mrs Thos Weliitlber. J Williamson, MrsWood, John I!Z Wenneer, MUeM JO »•Wa ih,Michael Weulwoi'lh.Mls- Allus, Albert E.Walters, Mrs F Willis,Miss Car-

Laura Werner. OB rleWalters, Miss West, AS Wilson. Charles

May Wheeler, FO Wilson. DellWard, E S Wheeler.Mrs MG Wilson, F ;Warner, A X White, Alex Wilson, Geo BWarren, BM While, EA Wllson'.MrsGeoßWarren. Mrs E P White, LJ . Wilson, W.BWaters. Geo 1) White. W W W llson,Mrs W BWatklns, Miss Whiting, Miss Irt, Rev LL

Kosie Jennie Wolff.ArnoldWatson, Frank K Wbltforil,Chsi3ll Wood, Asa SWatson, John whitman, James Woods, Rnbi IIWebb, Frank R WTckstruin. Gust Wood, HrsWmSWeber, Barry wiedenhaucr. Woodford, MissWebster, Sal lieJ . George Pnifibe

"Weaver, Frank ,W11lard, Geo F Wood, XV liftLoWeaver, Mrs !« lilistou,David Wright. Allie'

James liliaiusAnuieElWright,D PWeathers, Alt IYoung, T Carl jZeiler. E.l Z-ine. Miss Dolla|Zimmerman Fruit Evaporator

LETTRES FRAXCAISES. '.Ban, Anguste |Lagier,Toussalnt|i"oursillle,GustBarguba, Jit ILadavur c,Mous Pusade, PierreCoqnard, Batt |Loii|iat, J ll'.ayer, JulesDsharner, Jerl Tuvln, Ant ITeuthorey PierreDe P.alvcriu, Melius, Louis Viiiemert, Henri

Baron .1 I.VOCR IKS UAMF4.

Banzet, Em IGIquire, M INaulot.- BlancheBrolon, Jmie I.a Hide, AnnalVlcUler, MarieDeveze, Marie | I

LET ERE ITALIANE.Andreoll, J Curotto, Glus r_taldlnl,*o_spBaldesarelll, C ' lielnchia, Marie:M-rsrsi, AngeloBolta, I'ietro Domenlco, Ro- Pet. rano, JoseBrochlnl, Pietro meo Perazzo. AntBonavla, Km Franetta, J Qua, -111, fateCapnavvl, O-iva Greece, Franc Rossi, Bartsol

-Cavagnaro, Btad-JGuadagnlno, '£ seaiizano, Horn

alen Guelmettl, L ISorici.MarchCervelll, Felice Lavagettl, U Zeuoni, ErmiuoCompill,J C 1

CARTAS ESPANOLAS. ,. •: 7-7Alvarez, Anton lUutlerez, Eageu lOrplnda, TheodArinlgo,Jose 'Hernandez, Li- Penis, TeodBokorquerz, Ed- 1 bardI San Pedro. Hap

uartlo iMatlero, Uannel[SaaxA Zabala LCamacbO, Mart in Hanoi,Pat . iSebreros, Fidel.Casio, Silvester 1 I

fiENORAS.Castro, Beatrls (Garcia, Mmc jMoticada, Lav-Felix,Louisa llparaqulrreMarg rlanoFernandez, Eu- Ortiz, Beatnz Paez, Angela

l.tii.t lSAMUEL W. BACKUS. Postmaster.'

OCI—TS S'li*.A.lii*\

lint*"*,of Report are From Sin FranrNio.

Departure of Australian steamer depends outaaEnglish infill.


SUN ANO Tl"*r*-" TAIi-LK.

Id Pacific Standard Time. Compute 1 by TitosttmTksnknt, Chronometer and Instrument

-Maker. 18 Market street.


tor Lot. tjhtjjputiJnt'Uijt-wt see Eight's' i"a*_

A veil.Sunday, July 27.

stmr Coos Pay. Nicholson, 18 hours from FortBragg, etc: pass aud. mdse. to Goodall. PerkinsA.... ~


Stmr Corona, Hannah. 21 hours from Eureka;Litis,anil iiifl.-e. to Gtiodail. Perkins- A Co.

stmr (.viia, Johnson, 25 boon from Humboldt;,2658 M shincles, tolupins&Collins.

stmr Record, Jensen, 20 hours from Westport.5325 railroad ties, to 1. 1" White.

Stmr Gipsy, Pimnmer, 24 hours from Monterey,produce, to Goodall, Perkins A- Go.

Stmr Alcazar. Hansen, 13 hours irom Greenwood;10,540 railroad ties, to L Xwiute.

Ettinr State of California. Ackley, 60*_ hours rmPortland, via Astoria io-*4 hours; pass aud mdse, toGoodall, Perkins* Co.

Stmr Truckee, 'Crawford, «\u25a0"* hojirsrrom Tilla-mook via Port orford; pass and lumber, to TruckLumber Co.

Stmr Greenwood,'

Fatrserluml. 15 hours fromGreenwood; B*4oo railroad tie,, to L E White.

\u25a0 Stmr Eureka, Smith, 2» 2 days -"• San Pedro; passand mdse, to Goodall. Perkins A Co.

Brship Province, Jones, 74 days from Newcastle,NSW;263- tons coal, to J D Sprockets *Pros.


Bktn City of Papeete, Bernde, 10 days from Ta-hiti;pass and indue, to J Pliiet.lt Co.

Schr Archie and Pontic, lluntin..24 hours fromStewarts Point; SO eds bark, to Hlggluu&Collins;

.20 cds bark, to Johnson _ Jensen.Scbr Alcalde, Smith, 7 days iroin-Port Discov-

ery: 450 Mftlumber, to Par-Hie Pine Lumber Co.Schr Anna, Williams, .'\u25a0- days trom Kahulul;

695 baps sugar, to J i>spreckels A Bros.Scbr Laura Pike, Anderson, 2 days from Hum-

boi it;180 SI ft lumber, to Charles Nelson. \u25a0

Schr Nettle Ssmdborg, Suudborg, 16 hours fromBthlers Point; CO cords wood, 20 cords bark, toJob; sen «v Jensen.

Scbr Heliance, Arf, from Point Arena. Oaklanddirect.

' -. \u25a0•

Schr Jennie Grittln. Low. 6 hours trom PointReyes; 60 bxs butter, etc, to Slutiuo-i,, liowa'sky &Co. {____ 9___

". Sailed. , „_-Sitsdat, Jnly 27.- Sttnr Columbia, Bolles. Portland.

Stmr Santa Maria.Keanely. San Diego.Stmr Santa Kosa, Alexander, San Diego.

India, Merrliusin, i'ort Townsend.lir bark Calllrrhoe, Kowe, Queenstown.BkthSG wilder, Griffith, Honolulu.Brig Courtney Ford, Nielson, Sboalwater Bay.Schr LaGironde. Dickinson, Grays Harbor.Schr Maid of Orleans. -Tfeonor: Bboalwatsf Bay.Schr Ralph .1Long/Jensen, CoqullleKiver.Schr Cbqullle,Hunter, CoquilleKiver. \u25a0

' Ki-tiiriieil.Sokdat. July 27.'

Scbr. Monterey, KUnkncr. hence July 29. torBon ens Lauding,on account of carrying away slid--lugjib-boon,and blowingthe inner jibin ribbons.


POINT LOBOS—JuIy 27—10 p. if.-Weather

hazy; wind SW, velocity _ miles. • •• :'s'

Memoranda*Per Br shipProvince— -inly I.—Was In company

with a ship supposed to be l'rship Dymoneue; alsoa white brlgauttue.

Per bktn City of Papeete— Stmr Richmond, fromNew Zetland, due onJane 1,had not arrived up toJuue 16. •

Si>.»k*»n.Per Br ship Province-July 28—Lat 38 N. lon 129

W,Brship Principality, from Sydney forsan Diego.Uointtitia Ports.

WKSTpOUT— Sailed July 26-*-Sttnr Record, forSan Francisco.

' -EUREKA—Arrived July 26— Schr Robert and

Minnie, Hence July 18; schr Seveu Sisters, bee July20; stmr Tillamook, neuce July 24. " "

sailed July 28-Stnw C-elia, lor Sau Francisco:stmr silver Spring. -. '...„'\u25a0- :

—.PORT ANGELES— July 27-Stmr Hay-

tlan Republic, hence July '-2.kedondo— ArrivedJuly 27—Stmr South Coast,

from FortBragg.• VENTURA—Arrived July 27-Sclir Newark, fromBow-en** Landing.

SAN I'ICDKO-ArrtvedJuly 27—Schr Mary Gil-bert, from Albion; stmr Jewel, from Caspar.

Movement* nf.Tr iii-iitlinti*) Sim ners.NEW. YORK-ArrivedJuly 27-Stmr Umbrla, 'm

Liverpool; stmr Libourgogne, from Havre; stmrChicago. from London.' .

**mnof*si.*.inni—NEWPORT— Per Eureka-142 ski corn, 4 bdls-

skins. 5bis lemons. 17 Ins seed.San Pedro— lD bxs lemons.Kedondo— l6 pkgs seed, 5 pkgs simple*. 13 bdl,

ginks, 1 tS fittings, 1- Ca siprttsot seed. -.t cs cannedgoods, 70 bills staves, pktfiheads, 260 hiles. 1 bx'dry goods, 2052 sks barley, 6 bis castings, 13 bdlsskins. 30 cans tallow, tics yam 1 c_ paint, Icsframes, 2 pkgs mdse.

tiueneme— 1 coop chickens. 3cs eggs. .Ventura— bbls ashaiy, 7 bbls tallow. 1 sks rock,

53 sks dried apricot:,. 5 cs eggs, 741 sks corn. 2 epsfowl. r»t»«_i

Santa Barbara— 29 bxs oranges,. 14 bxs lemons, 15sks crawfish.

Gaviota— 2 his butter, 7 tildes, 30 b lis dry fish.Port Harford—3kus -0 bxs buiter, 7bf rieggs, 8

coops Chickens. 1do ducks. 4 cs bouts ami shoes, 7cs cheeks; 2cs carbons, 1sks colu, 10 cs honey, 1bxham.' 1bbl whisky.3oxs china goods.

Santa Cruz Island—

122 seal bides, 4 cs seed, 1bbla-seal oil.10 chickens.

Sin Simeon— 8 hi tirklns 42 bxs butter, 4 bxs seel,5.8 eggs, 11bis seaweed."

Ca> ucds-*-2 skaabalooes, 5 bis seaweed, 6 bxs seed,6cs eggs, 1billdry skins. ]kg 10 ins butter,

TAHITI-Per City of l';-pp»*ie-200 Morange*., 4031cocoanuts, 20 pkgs uid metal, 80 tins desiccatedcocoanut, 229 bis cotton, '21 bss fungus, 1cs dry gds,

'0 tins vanilla beans.- 6 bxs pearl shells. 30 octavescognac, 1cs turtle shells, 1 bx shells, 3 bxs cuava

\u25a0 jellies.' \u25a0

EUREKA—Per Corona-50 Mshakes, 45 pcs curlyredwood, 92B *_ Mshingles; 5Isks peas, 2 bxs seed,11 bis leather, 2.bxs saws, 1cs books. 1 cs cigars, 1woodenware, 320 sks bark, 1bx apples, 1 bx suoes.1 bx dry goods,

_ tuts type. 1piano* 9 pkgs windowsashes, ivrls leather, :i>3 'lours, 1 -pkg molding, 13kgs 85 lif bxs butter, 4 i'kgs berries. 8 ;lulls pelts. &I".," Hardware, 1wagon. 13 pkgsexpress.

Fields Landing—iIt;Mshingles, 12 bis leather, 10pkgs crockery, 1sk tails, 1 pkg machinery. 14 skswool, 168 sks oats.

PORTLAND—Per state of Calirornia-138 skiwool. 729 sks oats. 63 18 wheat, 17,12 brdo floor,113 bdls paper, 1422 do palp, 25 tons pig Iron, 111pkgs scrap iron,707 billshides and pelts, 133 skiglue sio. k,2 sks tails, 1cs apricots. 2- bes apples, 4bis nose, 2 bis blankets. 4cr 8 pkgs woolen goods, 6do machinery, 5 *_\u25a0\u25a0 sewing -machines, 3s do tobacco,7 do rags, 90 do pails, 22 <<•> covers, 1 CS gloves, 1 CS-bacon.l bl carpet, 16 cs enameline, 1bl straps. '2 sksleather, 1 saw.l csdrugs, tics dry gouds, Ics glass-ware, 103 bbls bottles, 42 barrels.

Astoria— soo rs salmon. \u25a0 150 sks oysters, 1 ciclothing. 2 pkgs express, •1337 bdls sbooks, 1cilabels.

FORT BRAGG, ETC—Par Coos Bay—lkgpowder,'25 .pkgs mdse, 12 bdls iiiles. 206 sks bark, 9 cs seed,3 c eggs, 1 Kg shoes, 1 coop chickens. 1 firkins 16bxs butter, 2 pkgs express*- SANTA civ /-I".1 Gipsy—s pkgs samples, 1000bbls limes, 2 bxs butter.

Monterey— 49 bides, 4 bdls pelts, 6 bis drugs, 3sks 7 bbls*1mat 37 bxs lish. 3 Sits shark' fins, 1skpeppers, 5 bxs butter, 1bxs cheese, 2 bxs a'jaSoucs,22 sks seaweed.

—i.- *-«\u25a0>-''

Moss Landing—s7 sks potatoes.Pigeon Polut— llhr bxs butter, 50 drums 39 sks

.cheese,- 13 sks seaweed.Amesport— loo potatoes, 2 sks beans, 10 ski

cabbages, .1 sk cheese. •'.;•("iinslsrnetM. •

Per Coos Bay— Runs', Sanders A Co; Thos A Cox;Mitchell .v. Peterson: Boss A Hewlett; 3ltWilliams;Eveleth &Nash; Wells, Fargo ft Co; Ustermau

—Redtisb; Wlt Sumner

__ Co; '\u25a0 Allison, "dray A oC;Dunham,- Carrtgan ACO: Huntington. Hopkins ACoti;t'ii'Callagbau ft Bros: Heymau ,v Meyer.

-Per Cityof Papeete- J Ptnet iCo: WiikinsJfe Co;

W (iBadger; I_ Thayer; Eugene Thayer; P ti Sa-batie Jit Co. . •

Per state ofCalifornia— Allen *Lewis; Moody tilKnox;Chr.sty A Wise; Balfour, Guthrie A Co; ThoiWauoh; lieu IITay ft Co; etias Harley ft Co; JohnZUgenbeln A- Co: S Knsiilanl ._ Co; is .1Liest A Co;Pacific Paper Co; SP Taylor 4 Co; Will pulp andPaper Co; Kissinger A Co; Cain A- Co: Corb:tt AtMLaelay; Brown Bros A Co; W F Rowers; FelgSlhbaum A Co; Witt A l-iirscb: MN Holbrook; Wheel-er A Wilson; A Knacket E l'r 'c; LGlove Co: John1Cutting Co; Kruse A Enter; Tatum Jt Bowen; M _Kohlberg; Esberif. Bacbmstn As Co; Mack As Co; CalWire Works; I)App.eion As Co; J Rhine;' P C S 8Co; Frank Edwards; AI,llalley; L Saroul A Co; OLevy: A Hassett: Weils, Fargo ACo; IIHughes ACo: Morgan Oyster Co; Brown Bros A Co; ClatsopMillCo; IiKeefe 4 Co; MB Moraghan.

ler Eureka— llUutard: W w Montague *Co: Pa«-Spring Mattress Co: D Keefe ft.Co; Thou A Cox; LScatena ft Co; W 11 Sumner A- Co: E .1 lltitvi'ii;1,

GUdemacher: Whittler, Fuller *Co: Steele A Ja-cobs: llasselt A Bunker.; Dodge, Sweeney A i'0,.1 MC Govern: Haas Lros; IIN Tilten ft Co: Kobter AFrohllng;- Roth, Blum ft Co: Allison,Gray A Co; DBlock ,v Co; B Levy -v Co; MTFreitas AC >; KahnBros; Boss .ftHewlett; Getz Bros A- Co; L A SoapCo; John Laws; Dalton Bros; Felling,Henry ACo;Shattuck, Kowalrtkya Co; Wheaton ft Lu'irs: Paul-sell A Earnest :;c Whitney ftCo:Paraffluel'alnt Co;I>;Tletreman ACo; Smith's. Cash Store; Clayburgh AWaTdeck; Norton, Teller ftCo; Wells, Fargo ft Co:Martin; Feusier A Co; Cahn, Ntckelsburg ftCo: A J11 liumol ft. Co: Rouse, Anderson ft Co; J Gold-stone: Grangers' Budncss Afra'n;t>IiSmith ft Co: MGarcia A Co; BrJaJfiain, Hoppe ft Co; C MontgomeryA Co: Marshall. Teggart- ftBroersen: H Heckman;

.W IIRouse A Co; Buss, Sanders *Co; Win CluffACo; Captain. Hall; American Mercantile UnionSanta Cruz IslandCo.-

Per Corona— Preston A MeKfnnon; IIG.trthwaiteA Co; C A Worth: .1 Neylan;AC Nichols ft Co: E RStevens; Morris We -It; Annes'ft Co; LFel^e tilft Co; Murphy,Grant A Co;Cahn, Nlckeisburg ft Co;overland Fr-lght and Transfer Co: It Lund; T IIMiner; Tompoc Lumber Co; T ButtL'rworth; Pacific.Gas imp Co; Brown A Adams: Baker ftHamilton;Russ, Sanders ftCo:' C. F U'Callaghan ft Bros; B 11KlttrltlgeA Co; Getz Bros ft'Co.; Witzel ABaker :H


Raphael ft Co: 0liSmith ft.Co;' Bisslnger ftCo: _JBowen; Hills Bros; Norton, Teller A Co; Tatum ABowen; J B W ouster ft Co: Wells-, Fargo ft CO; Wat--erhouse. 'Lester A Co: lligglns.ft Collins; SteamsM!i_ Co: Christy ft Wise.

Per Gipsy—Bisslnger ft Co; Levy ft Co; C ABur-gess st Co; Jones ftCo; MIFreitas ft Co; J de Mar-tini;Sherry, Liwrence ft Co; WTiittler. Fuller ftCo;Wetmore Bros: W HRouse ft Co; Getz Bros *Co;CE Whitney A Co; B MAtchlnson A Co;- 11 Cowellft Co: Dodge, Sweeney-ft Co; 'Phelps, Butler ACo;Sbaltuck.'Kowalsk'yA'.Co; Rlsdon. Caherr a Co:Leg-norn ft Co; Hegler ft Johnson; Getz Bros ft Co; Mar*tluettl A Co,


ITINATIOX. CM. .;nrek;t [Sun Pedro l.Jul 129, Htl'w'v'AllyI'ikMil.Vie A Pat Sound -lill29. Hm. lU*Morona Humlioldt ltay..j.Jul 30, !i»« H.lw'/lviiiimeuc V ;ViH|uin:il'.;iy\u0084..j.lul SI, Ham >t;aw'll'(Mil« S»nDlei;o Jut 'MAI jßilw'yJhina China & Japan.. Jnl 81, Hp» 1' vis S

of CM, Portland lul Bl*loiUc(Speaf.osAticeiea.. San Poilro IAtii? li.«am ;It.lw'yImaCtlll Vto & IVtSound IAu< 3. aM liilw'yIan .105e.... Panama Auk 4,12 M f)lssfrezon Furtlaiitl !Aug 4,lUav Spear



V. L.W. H.W. I.W. 5- ??11. Small. Uirga Large. |= ? 3


7....I H.UIa... 10.19.... II.U0....11.5l... o.;»

.11-- 1 1.1liwv l.r.

I I I ir I:\u25a0 \u25a0

am 1.05 FU 7.24 m 1.52 AM(S-09[7.1i3AM '2.03 I'M H.IBFM 2.51 AM5.:- 7.23AM 3.01PM ».ll I'M it.!! AM5.107.21AM 3.5!) nt K1.04 fm 4.53 («;,',. 1]

PU 4.5.! I'M i()..">.',m 5.19 AM5.1V7.19I'm 5.47 P« 11.43 pa 8.04 AM5.1K.7.18M ti.Ul-M U.UU li.4'i AM">.1 .'T.I7



. A Skin of Beauty Is_


\u2666©Oriental Cream, or Magical Beauti_er»\u25a0~'__ iJ j_X___. Removes Tan, Pimple*,

.'_% =""" .'ffrJ? _*_. Freckles, Mtii7i_ti_e***?<_. *"- __3___s_S *"Iand Skin diseases,T__= rv-ss-s- £^Pvw*v"Qj»hd every blemish oo«.\u25a0*_, a_ %&____ 11_1 Airs, beauty and do*J.^S;; R-J^^iS injurs ' ''**'' '"'_,<*_ °! TX_.*t_r __xf ltbsisstood th*

~"5 = ____W^sr 'e"W test of tottr

_e__a_ -__ __^ Tears: no other

A_*^'^__^--^__:^—____\ \ -*uro *tla prop-

yl"f:?^i&sKwS>>"\u25a0**"\u25a0 MS_V ''""\u25a0 name. The_^~7S??J_?£_'££_ ;'r'i-

'oMstiiijtulshe d

siaiii'tttiinn'ilTTiT'isit' 'tsitif ton sa patient):Sayer

lain toaiady of tne /lout (on lapatient): "As youtoll Itcitluse thei/l,Irrrqmtn'iui-iii.urii'.iA's Cream'as the least harm/ul.of all Skin preparations:" On*-bottle wlllTast six months, using lt><v,t. day. Alsol'on-ire Subtile removes superfluous bait withoutIn-surv to the skin.FiiRJJT. HOl'KlNS.rrop'r. 87 Joneast-.N.T.

Fo.r sale byall Drug-isti" ami Kane y uoods Dealer!throughout the C.8., lunula*and Europe.,

He" beware of Base Imitations. flood Reward•or arrest and proof ,-f any one selling the same.

\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 tor.O SuMo dp ly \u25a0

THE WEEKLY CALL contains serial-and completa stories, rniscaU

laneous .articles by tha best

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from objection. $1 25 a year




J' __l •/\u25a0 . insroLonATiow or THE MOST pelicate skim.—MSiOVCRIH BY accident.

fF**f_ _/ *____ InCnnoanDM, an incomplete mixture was accidentally spilled on th.*-****C

'\!*n_ rackof the band, and on wanning afterward itwas discovered that the hair

_Ev" VV . \A was completely removed. We purchased the new discovery and named it\J w. • ( \W 'JIODE-iB. Itis perfectly pure, free from allInjurioussubstance, and so"7? Vi \v» . simple any one can use it. Itacts mildlyhut surely, and you willbe sur-

/_ _____J__ r "Prised ana delighted with the results. Apply fora few minute, and the

Vyf" __\_\\u25a0i-i" 6ii\ " *;* disappear., as if bymagic, Ithas no resemblance whatever to any

(1 __\'.'___r\_.'l \ other preparation ever used for a like purpose, and no scientific discovery

I _e_7___*_?-l'_ \ *Ter attained snch wonderful results. ITCANNOT FAIL. Ifth.I A-V&i'**->-'/ \ Srowth be light,ono application willremove it permanently, the heavyI / N.'sSlJsy \»'/\_. \ srowthsuchas the beard or hair onmoles may require two or more appli-I I T__^___k t/ 1 J catlonß before all theroots aro destroyed, allhair willbe removedI \ ILlllV- I.L at eacb application, and without the slightest injuryor unpleasant fi-elinf"\ \*_r^*s_s?J's%sS^i._/ when applied orever afterward.

—moi>kn_; electrolysis.*—

\ \ /'/^y.KS^^_k__l<^—

ficonimMrftrf 6_r allmho ham t..UdIts m.rit.—Ut.d by people ofrefinement.^—>•_ A*»'flfwt(--__»l!' Gentlemen who do not appreciate nature's giftof abeard, willfind a/V 7-IJT

-—CJI V-[ix*#-R» priceless Loon InModeue, which does away withshaving, Itdissolves anil

ft\\_£**+*- <^-SS_S_n destroy, the lifeprincipleof the hair, thereby rendering its future growthl/a\l__ __i_lS\\i___r_a an utter impossibility,and is guaranteed to bens harmless as water to th*

i__ __ &II\u25a0 lll\lrai_yf_.skin. Young persona who find an embarr«««ing growthof hair coming,


\Vi\\\\\ ___* should use jrodene to destroy its growth. Mtkleue sent by mail,insafety,\u0084

MilM' IIilVv*' mailing cases, postage paid, (securely sealed fromobservation) on receipt©f 1.00 per bottle. Send money byletter, withyour fulladdress written plainly. Corr-sspondencatwcrediyprivato. Postage stamps received the same aicash, alwaysmention touk cousTiANOTmi tape..;• • LOCAL AND 1 MODENE MANUFACTURING CO.. CINCINNATI,0.. U.S.A.{ CCTTUI3 OCTGENERAL AGENTS[. MANUFACTURERS OF THE HIGHEST GSSOE HAIR PREPARATIONS*: <A3 ITMATKOTS"

WANTED. J You con reenter .our letter at arm rvat-ajir* and insure Its .at. delivery.IAPPEAR Al_*jWe Offer SI.OCO FOI AILURE fiR THE SLIQHTEST INJUBY. BVXJRX UOXIXJ-OUAiSsAKTl" _*_)._!

m>2U Moeow tipNi;

A CHARSVI.Itis useless to disguise the fact that a young lady

who bas

A LOVELY COMPLEXIONrossesses a charm against which •ho* rival cansuccessfully roiiteiitl who has not the same ad-vantage. Itis therefore amatter of supremo lax-•.\u25a0oi tun c to know that

CLENN'SSULPHUR SOAPIs a mver-fnillnc brant of the skin; re-moving from Itevery trace of blemish, whether Inthe form of -*all«>\. * \u25a0 -*~. freckles or (lislijfur-

ii\K blutehi-f*. and thus transforming the 'mostrepulsive complexion into one of


Glenn's Sulphur Soap scut by mail fur 30'

cts. C. _. C-UTTS-TXOir, 115 Fulton street,'"New York.. tolO tfMoFr •

NO MORE FRECKLES!VSE rnoF. i.iiubkht's



X BEAUTIFYINGthe complexion anil an ti-ifallliigremeoy for the removal of l-KECK-ICS. PIMPLES,

•Moth Patches, Tan. Sunburn. Llver-inoles andKliigwrrritiami all scaly eruptions. Try it and beconvince-. Take no worthless Imitation Willi likesttiiii lin." name. Insist upon bavins, ",IAI.VINA.Ifthis preparation should fa 1 to answer to tM

qualifications as above mentlonevl your money willbe refunded. l'rice, 50c tor each. For sale by alldruggists^ iuy-4 SuMo 6p ""in

**\u25a0iia *_ ma itIs a fact universally concededIfIIIIljI the a surpasses all otherKNMfcrpiANOSA.L. BANCROFI A CO., IMflIfiIA

132 Fost street. iIf_11VVjsilWoFrMo tt ._^___ ____* '

-fADEOHAIRR-STORED'^y ".\u2666»..__J3 _**_ ____\u25a0 "'\u25a0lcoloranilbeail.ybynß. "ATS'i_t_ I^-_F*B HAIR HEALTH. Keinoves dan-ruff,

Bcalphumors. Dot's notrrsaimr-inorlinr'n. Druirttists 6ocmis' KILLISO-US t__, ,!.,<_,_*. >„\u0084.1,,. Vtirr.rvltnl.

. fes, lyMo . .

Mamie's Question.One summer day, while little May

Was looking at the sky,Acloud of fleecy whiteness

Went slowly floating by.

"Ob. do come hern, now mamma dear."Cried Mamie lvdelight,

"And tell me what the angels useTo make the clouds so white.

"Do the** use SOZODONT, mamma ?For you said, dou't you know

That SOZODONT, when Ireely used,Will whiieu like the snow."

The Favorite.

The most popular American dentifrice of theday Is SOZODONT. .People prefer becauselhey have found by experience that It really

does do what Is claimed for ii that It Is a genu-ine beautiiici- of the teeth, that itIs, as Its nameSOZODONT signifies, a ;true preservative oftbem; that It imparts a pleasant aroma to thebreatb, and renders the gums rosy and health-fully firm, Tne favorite among dentifrices.

Itherefore, is SOZODONT.\u25a0 \u25a0ppW_-IH__Mi i'fci**_***.im>*s j' <M*w Milllli«i_l_BlwffWl ITOM^B-^^^M^^B