July 8th, 2011



Bi-Lingual English and Punjabi Newspaper for the Fraser Valley

Transcript of July 8th, 2011

  • July 8th, 2011 to July 14th, 2011PAGE 2

    Punjabi Patrika

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    Fraser Health and BC Ambulance Service Team up to Help Heart Attack Patients Fast

    When someone experiences a severe heart attack, a quick medical response can be a matter of life or death. Minutes really do count.

    To deliver the best care pos-sible, Fraser Health and B.C. Ambulance Service have joined forces to provide rapid response helicopter service to airlift critical cardiac patients from the Chilliwack and Fra-ser Canyon areas for treatment at Royal Co-lumbian Hospital the regions trauma and ter-tiary cardiac centre in New Westminster. The Royal Columbian has one of the largest acute myocardial infarct pro-grams in Canada since inception in 2003.

    Until recently, heart at-tack patients from the eastern Fraser Valley were first transported by road to either Fraser Canyon Hospital (FCH) or Chilliwack General Hospital (CGH) before being transferred to Roy-al Columbian Hospital (RCH), where cardiac specialists perform an-gioplasty or other life-saving intervention. However, land transpor-tation in an ambulance to RCH from eastern Fraser Valley communities can take 90 minutes to more than two hours if the roads are congested.

    Now, under a new joint BCAS and Fraser Health program, called the STEMI Launch Proto-col, a helicopter crew can transport a heart at-tack patient from Hope or Chilliwack to RCH in under 30 minutes.

    The protocol includes the participation of a team of on-ground BCAS prima-ry (PCP) and advanced care paramedics (ACP), critical care flight para-medics (CCP), Victoria and Vancouver air dis-patch crews and Helijet Airways.

    Once critical heart attack patients are indentified in the field by BCAS Ad-vanced Care paramedics, Helijet pilots are alerted to rendezvous at air-fields near Fraser Can-yon Hospital in Hope or in Chilliwack. Once in flight, critical care paramedics accompany the patient to administer necessary monitoring and treatment. Mean-while, Royal Columbian Hospital medical crews are notified to prepare to take the patient and receive critical informa-tion about the patients status, including infor-mation from electrocar-diogram (ECG) readings that are taken by para-medics in the field and transmitted directly to RCH. While in flight, the cardiac team can prepare the cathlab suite for the patients arrival.

    Due to Fraser Healths large geographical area, the STEMI launch pro-gram will cut transport time to a fraction while significantly increasing a patients chances of full recovery and survival. The teams fast response can help minimize dam-age to the heart and im-prove outcomes for the

    patient. This means less time spent in the hospital and a better recovery, and it may even mean the difference between life and death for some patients.

    The STEMI Launch Pro-tocol also means that nurses and physicians from FCH and ambu-lance crews who trans-port these patients to RCH will now be away for much shorter time periods, allowing them to be more quickly avail-able to other patients who may need care.

    The STEMI Launch pro-gram started May 25, 2011 and has thus far transported six patients to Royal Columbian for critical cardiac care.

    Fraser Health provides a wide range of integrated health services to the largest and fastest grow-ing population in B.C. The health authority is committed to improving the health of the popula-tion and the quality of life of more than 1.6 million people living in communities from Burnaby to White Rock to Hope.

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    bRitsL kolMbIaf ivwc hfr-monfeIjLz syljL tYks (aYc[ aYs[ tI[) bfry rfey sLumfrI (rIPrNYzm) ho irhf hY. bhuq sfry votrF nU M bYlt pypr zfk rfhIN iml gey hoxgy jF iml jfxgy. kYnyzf postl dI hVqfl kfrn ieh dyrI nfl iml rhy hn. pr hux hVqfl smfpq ho cuwkI hY aqy bI[ sI[ ielYksLn ny rIPrYNzm dI imafd vI do hPqy hor vDf idwqI hY. XfnI ik pihly pRogrfm anusfr 22 julfeI nUM afKrI qfrI sI, bYlt pypr dy kYnyzf ielYksLn qwk phuMcx dI jo hux 5 agsq qwk ho geI hY. ies qrHF rIPrYNzm df sqMbr dy pihly hPqy nqIjf inklygf.

    aYc[ aYs[ tI[ dy hfmIaF aqy ivroDIaF vloN hwk qy ivroD c pUrf pUrf jLor lfieaf jf irhf hY. hfmI ies dy lfB vI igxf rhy hn aqy jykr Auh aYc[ aYs[ tI[ dy hwk ivwc bhuqIaF votF pRfpq krky ijwq jFdy hn qF BivwK ivwc imlx vflIaF shUlqF df ijLkr vI kr rhy hn. ijvyN sInIarjL aqy nfbflgF nUM jo 18 sfl qoN Gwt hn AunHF nUM 175 zflr df cYWk srkfr vloN idwqf jfvygf aqy ijs dI afmdn 40 hjLfr zflr slfnf qoN Gwt hovygI Aus nMU vI 175 zflr dI rfhq imlygI. ies qoN ielfvf aYc[ aYs[ tI[ 2012 qoN ds pRqIsLq hI lfieaf jfeygf. ieh qF iek qrHF nfl votrF nUM lflc hI idwqf jf irhf hY qF ik vwD qoN vwD hmfieq jutfeI jf sky aYc[ aYs[ tI[ dy hwk ivwc. ieh vI dlIl idwqI jf rhI hY ik ies dy ht jfx nfl bjt df Gftf vDygf, aqy jfbF GtxgIaF aqy afriQk ivkfs c KVoq afeygI.

    ivroDI ies nUM Coty ibjLnsF aqy grIb vrg df ivroDI dws rhy hn. AunHF dI dlIl hY ik ies tYks df lfB amIrF aqy vwzy kfrobfrIaF nUM hovygf,vrikMg klfs dI kImq 'qy. ies tYks dI bI[ sI[ ivwc hoxI hux votr Bgvfn dy hwQ ivwc hY.

    rIPrYNzm leI bYlt pypr 'qy jo svfl puwiCaf igaf hY Auh bhuq sfry votrF nUM AulJx c pfAux vflf hY. puwiCaf ieh igaf hY ik kI qusIN aYc[ aYs[ tI[ nUM htf ky jI[ aYs[ tI[ aqy pI[ aYs[ tI[

    lfgU krnf cfhuMdy ho? jo sLbd aMgryjLI dy vrqy gey hn Auh bhuq BulyKf pfAU hn.

    Are you favour of Ex-tinguishing the H. S. T. (Harmonized Sales Tax) and the instaling the P. S. T. (Provincial Sales Tax) in conjunction with the G. S. T. (Goods and Services Tax) nUM Yes jF No qy mfrk krnf hY. jykr qusIN Yes (hF) qy itk krdy ho qF ies df mqlb aYc[ aYs[ tI[ Kqm krn dy hwk ivwc quhfzI vot hY aqy jykr qusIN No (nF) qy itk mfrk krdy ho qF ies df mqlb hY ik bI[ sI[ ivwc aYc[ aYs[ tI[ tYks lwgf rhygf. votrF ny bgYr iksy zr jF lflc dy afpxI mrI nfl "hF" jF "nF" qy mfrk krnf hY.

    ies rIPrYNzm dI imafd ivwc vfDy df ilbirl pfrtI ny vI suafgq kIqf hY aqy aYn[ zI[ pI[ pfrtI ny vI. pr ijs KsIaq ny ies dy ivroD df muwZ bMinHaf sI aqy afpxI sq imhnq krky rIPrYNzm krfAux qwk phuMc igaf. Aus ny ies vfDy df ivroD kIqf hY. so vNYzr jLflm ijs ny ies tYks dy ivroD ivwc eynI vwzI qy ivsLfl lihr KVHI kr idwqI qy ijs dy kfrn hI vyly dy muwK mMqrI kYNbl nUM asqIf dyxf ipaf. awj Aus df afpxf hI votrF 'qy Brosf nhIN irhf lgdf ik jykr do hPqy hor votF dI afKrI qfrI vDf idwqI bI[ sI[ ielYksLn ny qF Ausny ies dy ivroD nUM pRgtfieaf hY. ies jfie vfDy dI mMg aYn[ zI[ pI[ dy nyqf aYzrIn izks ny kIqI sI ikAuNik zfk dI hVqfl kfrn votrF pfs bYlt pypr dyr nfl puwjy hn. so bI[ sI[ ielYksLn ny ieh mMg pRvfn krky TIk hI kIqf hY. hux hr iek votr nUM smyN isr bYlt qF iml hI jfeygf. asIN qF kyvl qy kyvl iehI apIl krFgy ik hr votr afpxy hwk dI vrqoN afpxI mrjLI nfl kry pr vot jrUr pfvy. ieh votrF df jmhUrI hwk hY. jmhUrIaq dI sPlqf dI insLfnI vwD qoN vwD poilMg pRqIisLq nqIjy dI huMdI hY.

    vNYzr jLflm dI dlIl ivwc bhuqf vjLn nhIN hY. Aus df

    kihxf hY ik vDy hoey do hPiqaF dy smyN df DnIaF aqy vwzy kfrobfrIaF nUM hI lfB imlygf. AunHF nUM aYc[ aYs[ tI[ dy hwk ivwc iesLiqhfrbfjLI aqy prc-fr leI hor smF iml igaf jdoN ik AunHF pfs smF qy Dn hY. pr ivroDIaF pfs Dn dI kmI vI hY aqy Auh Qwky hoey vI lgdy hn. ies rIPrYNzm dy hwk ivwc bI[ sI[ ilbirl pfrtI qy AunHF dI srkfr ztI hoeI hY aqy ivroD ivwc aYn zI[ pI[ pfrtI Kuwl ky sfhmxy af geI hY. jdoN ies df ivroD sLurU kIqf sI, vNYzr jLflm ny qF Aus smyN aYn[ zI[ pI[ ny Kuwl ky ies ivroDI lihr df iswDf sfQ nhIN idwqf sI. Aus vyly ies df ivroD iek tYks df ivroD hI sI pr hux ies rIPrYNzm dy muwdy ny rfjsI rMgq PV leI hY. jdoN aYn[ zI[ pI[ nyqf aYzrIn izks ny vrqmfn muwK mMqrI ikRstI klfrk nUM sI ky aYn zbilAU ryzIE vYnkovr 'qy afhmo sfhmxy aYc[ aYs[ tI[ bfry bihs leI vMgfiraf qF ikRstI klfrk ny ies nUM pRvfn nhIN kIqf hflF ik eysy ryzIE stysLn qy Auh host rih cuwkI hY. sLfied ies qrHF bihs c Bfg nf lYxf AunHF dI afdq jF suBfa hovy ikAuNik vYnkovr poieMt grya dI bfeI ielYksLn vyly vI ieh sfry AumIdvfrF dI mIitMg ivwc sLfml nhIN hoeI sI. bhuq sfry lok ies vrqfry nUM Aus dI kmjLorI smJdy hn. rIPrYNzm df nqIjf kuJ vI hovy pr jmhUrI vrqfry ivwc nyqfvF nUM iek plytPfrm qy af ky afhmo sfhmxy hox qoN pfsf nhIN vwtxf cfhIdf.

    so rIPrYNzm df ieh vrqfrf pUrI qrHF rfjsI rUp Dfr igaf hY. ieh lVfeI bI[ sI[ ilbirl qy aYn[ zI[ pI[ dI rih geI hY nf ik vYNzr jLflm dI. ies df nqIjf BivwK ivwc bI[ sI[ dy rfjsI mfhOl nUM pRBfivq krygf.

    asIN votrF nUM iPr apIl krdy hF ik hr iek votr afpxf pivwqr PrjL mMn ky bYlt pypr qy insLfn jrUr lfvy. qF ik voitMg dI pRqIisLq ivwc vfDf hovy. vDI hoeI voitMg pRqIis-Lqqf jmhUrIaq dy Aujly BivwK aqy votrF dI rfjsI cyqnqf dI pRqIk hY.

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    bIqy v I r v f r aYkitMg cI ielYktrol asr krYg jymjL ny kYnyzf post dy vrkrF dI hVqfl kfrn aYc[ aYs[ tI[ bfry rIPrYzm dI afKrI qfrI ivwc do hor hPiqaF df vfDf kr idwqf hY. nvyN aYlfn muqfbk hux 22 julfeI dI bjfey rIPrYzym leI qusIN afpxy vot 5 agsq qk pf skdy ho. ikAuNik lokF pfs kYnyzf postl dI hVqfl kfrn bYlt dyrI nfl phuMc rhy hn. aYn[ zI[ pI[ pfrtI jo aYc[ aYs[ tI[ df ivroD

    kr rhI hY dy lIzr aYzrIn izks ny rIPrYNzm dI afKrI qfrIk ivwc do hPqy df vfDf krn dI mMg kIqI sI.

    ivwq mMqrI kYivn Pflkn ny vI rIPrYNzm leI vDfeI imafd dy vfDy df suafgq kIqf hY. ies bfry ajy ieh qF nhIN ikhf jf skdf ik imafd ivwc ies vfDy df iks nUM lfB hovygf. pr vYNzr jflm ijs ny sB qoN pihlF aYc[ aYs[ tI[ df ivroD sLurU kIqf sI df kihxf hY ik ies vfDy df lfB srkfr aqy vwzy DnfZF aqy ibns mYnF nUM hoeygf ikAuNik

    AunHF nUM do hor hPqy aYc[ aYs[ tI[ dy hwk ivwc prcfr krn df aqy ieiqhfrbfI df mOkf imlygf jdoN ik sfzy pfs bhuq smF pihlF pYsy Kqm ho gey hn. sfzy pfs bhuqy pYsy nhIN Xfd rhy ik 5 imlIan zflr aYc[ aYs[ tI[ dy hmfieqIaF aqy 5 imlIan zflr aYc[ aYs[ tI[ dy ivroDIaF nMU imi-laf sI bI[ sI[ srkfr vloN. pUry bI[ sI[ ivwc XYs dy insLfn aYc[ aYs[ tI[ dy ivroDIaF vloN lfey gey hn. ijs df mqlb hY ik qusIN aYc[ aYs[ tI[ nhIN cfhuMdy.

    . . .

    bIqy idnIN srI dy pRogrY-isv klcr sYNtr ivwc loar myn lYNz dy bilAU byrI AuqpfdkF df iek vwzf ie-kwT hoieaf. ies iekwT ivwc bilAU byrI AuqpfdkF nUM af rhIaF smwisafvF bfry ivcfr crcf hoeI.

    bilAU byrI AuqpfdkF df kihxf hY ik ies Psl qy af rhy vDyry Krcy kfrn ieh Psl lfBdfiek nhIN rhI. so srkfr nUM ies smwisaf

    bfry kuJ krn leI mjbUr krn leI jQybMd hoieaf jfey. so gYrI sMDr bilAU byrI Auqpfdk ny ikhf ik ies mksd leI iek kmytI kfiem kr idwqI geI hY.

    jsvMq isMG irafV aqy divMdr isMG brfV ny vI afpxy ivcfr pRgt kIqy.

    bI[ sI[ dI KyqIbfVI v frq ny bilAU byrI AuqpfdkF nUM gwlbfq leI swdf idwqf hY.

    loar myn lYNz ivwc sB qoN vwD

    bilAU byrI dI Psl huMdI hY.

    ies iKwqy ivwc 650 bilAU

    Auqpfdn hn aqy lgBg

    17000 eykV ivwc bilAU byrI

    dI Psl huMdI hY. bilAU byrI

    AuqpfdkF vloN loarmyn lYNz

    c bilAU byrI dI pYdfvfr

    leI af rhIaF musLklF nUM

    hwl krvfAux leI iewk gruwp

    kfiem kIqf igaf hY.

    sUgr qoN bcx leI afpxy Bojn ivwc 70 pRqIsLq kxk, 20 pRqIsLq Coly, 5 pRqIsLq jON, 5 pRqIsLq myQI dfxf imly afty dI rotI, amrUd, KIrf, mUMgPlI, mUMgI dI dfl, dhIN, lwsI, krylf, jfmx aqy aFv-lf jLrUr sLfiml krnf cfhIdf hY. dUjy pfsy kfrbohfeIzRyts

    aqy pRotIn vflIaF cIjLF dI vrqoN GtfAuxf cMgf rihMdf hY. miTafeI, KMz, mYdy qoN iqafr Bojn, ijLafdf imwTy Pl, suwky myvy, cfh kOPI, afeIs krIm, aflU, arbI, krkMdI aqy cOlF qoN prhy rwiKaf jfxf cMgf hY. KflI pyt nf irhf jfvy aqy pfxI ijLafdf pIqf

    jfvy. kudrqI ielfj pRxflI anusfr hPqy ivwc iek jF do vfr igwlI cfdr srIr duafly Gwto-Gwt awDf GMtf lpyt ky rwKx, sUrjI ikrnF nfl iqafr kIqf pfxI pIx. sUgr dy rogIaF leI inafmq huMdy hn. sB qoN vDIaf gwl lMbI sYr huMdI hY.


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    Slow Down in the Cone ZoneRoadside worker safety awareness campaign

    In the cone zone there isnt much to protect a worker at the side of the road from being seriously injured or killed by a passing vehicle.

    There are thousands of workers in British Columbia that work in

    the cone zone and have had to dodge drivers that do not slow down sufficiently and pay attention when travel-ing through their work zone.

    Roadside workers are extremely vulnerable. Thats why its so im-

    portant that you take extra care in construc-tion zones, said Min-ister of Transportation and Infrastructure Blair Lekstrom. Whenever you approach someone working on or near our roads and highways, please slow down. We

    want all our workers to stay safe, so they can go home to their families at the end of the day.

    A large segment of drivers say that they ad-just driving behaviours when traveling through or past a cone zone, yet there have already been several incidents this season where traffic control workers have been seriously injured.

    But its not just traffic control workers or road construction crews that are at risk. Other work-ers, including municipal workers, landscapers, tow-truck drivers, road-maintenance workers, telecommunications and utility workers, and emergency and enforce-ment personnel, work

    in potentially high-risk environments in close proximity to traffic.

    To make drivers more aware of the dangers, the Work Zone Safe-ty Alliance recently launched the Cone Zone campaign, a road safety initiative that encourages drivers to slow down, pay atten-tion and be respectful when driving near road-side workers.

    The objective of the campaign is to reduce the number of deaths and injuries of workers at the side of the road by increasing aware-

    ness of their vulner-ability in the cone zone.

    In the last ten years, WorkSafeBC reports that 386 workers - typi-cally working in cone zones - were struck by motor vehicles. Of that number, 46 per-cent were classified as serious injuries and 12 resulted in the death of the worker.

    Slow Down. Pay attention in the cone zone. Its as simple as that, says Donna Wilson, WorkSafeBC Vice-President of In-

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    City of Kitchener Flips Switch on Canadas Largest Solar Roof

    The City of Kitchener hosted a ceremony today to celebrate the installation of a 262,000 square foot solar roof on the Kitchener Operations Facility, a major achieve-ment in the Citys plan to become environmentally sustainable.

    The 600 kilowatt installa-tion will allow the City to generate electricity directly from the sun and contribute to the regions electricity grid. This will create enough energy to power 100 homes

    The establishment of the Kitchener Operations Facil-ity included rehabilitating 45 acres of industrial land and upgrading a 300,000 square foot industrial build-ing. Once complete, the facility will have room for approximately 500 city staff, vehicles and equipment, and house various municipal services including road, watermain and sewer main-tenance, snow clearing,

    and parks and woodland services.

    This new solar roof exem-plifies how green technolo-gies can benefit our cities. The roof will provide energy cost effectively and it sup-ports our commitment to the environment, said the Honourable Denis Lebel, Minister of Transport, Infra-structure and Communities. We are pleased to partner with the City of Kitchener in innovative solar power generation.

    Our governments top pri-ority is the economy, which is why we are continuing to implement Canadas Eco-nomic Action Plan, said Harold Albrecht, Member of Parliament for Kitchener-Conestoga. This new facil-ity will streamline service delivery while lowering our ecological footprint, worth-while goals for any major urban centre.

    Infrastructure invest-ments are part of the Mc-

    Guinty governments plan to strengthen communities and create jobs throughout the province, said Brad Duguid, Minister of Energy. By shifting towards clean energy, Kitchener is helping to build a healthy, sustain-able future for our children and grandchildren.

    The new solar roof on the Operations Facility is a win for everyone in our com-munity, said Leeanna Pen-dergast, MPP for Kitchener-Conestoga. The Ontario government is proud to sup-port this clean energy proj-ect, which will protect our environment, and sustain the creation of high-skilled job growth in our region.

    With the largest solar roof installation in Canada, Kitchener demonstrates our commitment to reducing our environmental impact, said Kitchener Mayor Carl Zehr. This federal, provincial, municipal partnership al-

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    pMjfb `c DoKybf pRvfsI BfrqI lfiVaF `qy nkyl kwsx leI PrvrI `c sQfpq kIqf igaf irnl pfsport dqr (afr[ pI[ E[) jlMDr df mihlf ikfieq sYl` hux skfrfqmk nqIjy idKfAux lwgf hY. afpxy ies Auprfly sdkf afr[ pI[ E[ jlMDr ipCly do mhIinaF dOrfn 48 pRvfsI BfrqI lfiVaF dy pf-sport bq kr cuwkf hY. ieh lfVy ieQy kuJ smyN leI CuwtIaF mnfAux afey sn aqy afpxy inwjI suafrQ leI pMjfbI kuVIaF nfl ivafh krn qoN bfad DoKf dy ky vfps ivdy Bwjx dI iqafrI `c sn.

    ies sbMDI jfxkfrI idMidaF jlMDr dy irnl pfsport aPsr qy ieMzIan izPYNs ak-fAUNts srivs (afeI[ zI[ ey[ aYs[) aiDkfrI prnIq isMG ny dwisaf ik afr[ pI[ E[ doafbf Kyqr dy cfr muwK iilHaF jlM-Dr, huiafrpur, nvF ihr qy kpUrQlf dy lokF dIaF pfs-port sbMDI loVF nUM pUrf krdf hY. iafdfqr pRvfsI BfrqI doafbf Kyqr `coN hox kfrn ienHF vwloN kIqI jFdI DoKybfI

    df ikfr vI iesy Kyqr dIaF kuVIaF huMdIaF hn, ies vfsqy aijhIaF pIVq mihlfvF dI smwisafvF suxn leI iewk ikfieq sYWl giTq kIqf igaf sI. KyqrI pfsport aiDkfrI prnIq isMG ny dwisaf ik hux vI 100 aijhIaF ikfieqF sfzy kol jFc pVqfl aDIn hn qy jldI hI ienHF sbMDI Xog kfrvfeI kIqI jfvygI. AunHF dwisaf ik ikfieq dI jFc pVqfl qoN bfad doI nUM iewk kfrn dwso noits jfrI krky asIN Aus df pfsport kby `c lY lYNdy hF qF ik Auh ivdy nf Bwj sky. pfsport bq hox qoN bfad Auh AudoN qwk dy nhIN Cwz skdf jdoN qwk ik mfmlf kfnUMnI ZMg nfl jF afpsI sihmqI nfl hwl nf ho jfvy. pfsport aiDkfrI ny dwisaf ik kfrn dwso noits df shI jvfb nf imlx `qy Bfrq dy sfry hvfeI awizaF nUM iek alrt jfrI kr idwqf jFdf hY aqy jdoN pRvfsI BfrqI lfVf iksy vI hvfeI awzy `qy iemI-gryn awgy afpxf pfsport idKfAuNdf qF Ausy smyN pfsport bq kr ilaf jFdf hY. jykr ies bMdobsq dy bfvjUd iksy

    qrHF doI ivdy Bwjx ivc sPl ho jFdf hY qF asIN ivdyF ivc siQq BfrqI aMbYsI nUM ies sbMDI sUicq kr idMdy hF qy aMbYsI vwloN kys dy afDfr ` qy qurMq doI nUM vfps Bfrq Byj idwqf jFdf hY.

    AunHF dwisaf ik pfsport aYkt dy sYkn 10 (3) qihq jn ihwq ivc aijhy doIaF df kfrn dwso noits qoN bfad pf-sport bq kIqf jf skdf hY. ikfieq dy nfl pIVq mihlf nUM ivafh pRmfx pwqr aYP[ afeI[ afr[ dI kfpI qy afpxy pqI dy nF, jnm qfrI qy pqy sbMDI dsqfvy jmHF krvfAuxy huMdy hn. AunHF dwisaf ik afr[ pI[ E[ vwloN ijlHf ivafh aiD-kfrIaF nUM vI hdfieqF kIqIaF geIaF hn ik aijhy ivafhF df vyrvf afr[ pI[ E[ nUM muhweIaf krvfieaf jfvy. pf-sport aiDkfrI ny dwisaf ik pMjfb dy doafbf Kyqr dy jlM-Dr, huiafrpur qy kpUrQlf ijilHaF ivc qkrIbn 15000 kuVIaF pRvfsI BfrqI lfiVaF qoN DoKf Kf cuwkIaF hn aqy ienHF `coN sB qoN vwD jlMDr ilyH nfl sbMiDq hn.

    DH z

    aYbtsPorz dy myar jfrj pYrI myar dI cox leI afpxI dUsrI pfrI vI Kyzxgy. jfrj pYrI df kihxf hY ik ieh iek idlcsp aqy vgfrF Biraf kMm hY. mYN iek vfr Pyr ies c Bfg lYxf psMd krdf hF. mYnUM ies df kfI qjrbf ho igaf hY aqy sosfietI dIaF vwK vwK kimAuintIaF vloN mYnUM dubfrf cox lVn leI hYrfnI jnk hOslf aqy AuqsLfh iml irhf hY.

    mYnUM afpxy kIqI syvf leI mfx hY aqy mYN afpxy afp nUM dubfrf syvf leI pysL krdf hF.

    - sfbkf skUl trwstI aqy kONslr rih cuwky myar jfrj pYrI ny afiKaf ik AunHF dI pihlI trm ivwc sLurU kIqy gey pRojYktF nUM Auh mukMml krn leI kfhly hn. stIv lyk vftr pRojYkt, jurmF nUM GtfAux leI cuwky kdm aqy istI vloN PryjLr vYlI irjLinl izsitRkt coN istI dI vfpsI dI sMBfvnf muwK pRojYkt hn.

    coxF nvMbr c hoxgIaF, istI coxF dy nfl 31 vftr pRopojl qy rIPrYNzm (rfey sumfrI) vI hovygI.

    $ 284 imlIan dy pRojYkt bfry votrF nUM dwsx df vDIaf mOkf hY ijs qy $ 60 imlIan PYzirl srkfr vwloN PMizMg imlygI.

    PryjLrvYlI irjLinl izsitRkt coN inklxf aY-btsPorz dy kr dfqfvF (tYks dyx vfilaF) leI awCf hY. ies qrHF istI 1 imlIan zflr bcf skdf hY. jfrj pYrI nUM mfx hY ik istI ivwc isvfey mfrU durGtnfvF dy sB iksm dy krfeIm (jurmF) ivwc kmI afeI hY. pihlF aYbtsPorz nUM kYnyzf dI kql rfjDfnI mrzr kYpItl af kYnyzf ikhf jFdf sI, jfrj pYrI ny ikhf ik jy dubfrf cuixaf jfvygf qF aYbtsPorz dI qrwkI XfPqf afriQkqf nUM hor mjLbUq krFgf.

    klIar bruwk/pIar znivly eyrIey ivwc 200 eykV ieMzstrIal lYNz ivkfs leI iblkul iqafr hY. aqy ies dy ivkfs nfl 400 jfbF pYdf hoxgIaF. istI nUM 2010 ivwc iblizMg pRimts leI 200 imlIan zflr imly AunHF ikhf ik AunHF nUM pUrf Brosf hY ik asIN pihly sQfn qy rhy hF ipCly sfl.

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    Aung San Suu Kyi makes first trip since her release

    Burmese pro-democ-racy leader Aung San Suu Kyi is trav-elling outside Rangoon for the first time since her release from house arrest last year. Aung San Suu Kyi is mak-ing the trip to Bagan, an ancient temple city, with one of her sons, Kim Aris, who has described the visit as a holiday.Released without condi-tions, Ms Suu Kyi is in theory free to travel. The government has warned of chaos if she tries to rally public support, and there are fears for her safety. Aung San Suu Kyi plans to visit the birthplace of her famous father, former general and independence leader Aung San. Her son said both he and his mother needed a break. Officials of her party have warned supporters to stay away. They fear a repeat of

    her last trip outside Ran-goon in 2003 when her convoy was ambushed.She was travelling in the north of the country when thugs linked to the then ruling generals attacked her convoy. She just escaped, but was imprisoned for seven years until her release from house arrest last November. Its nerve-racking. We are concerned for her safety, said Soe Aung, with the Bangkok-based Forum for Democracy in Burma.Only last week, the new military-backed govern-ment warned her and her party to cease political ac-tivity. A commentary in a state-run newspaper warned there might be chaos and riots if Aung San Suu Kyi travelled out of town.It is not possible, her col-leagues say, to pretend she

    is an ordinary woman going on holiday. Of course people will fol-low her and want to talk to her, they say. She has kept her visit to Bagan low-key, and was greeted by journalists and what appeared to be plain clothes security men.Her organisation, the Na-tional League for Democ-racy, is keeping the gov-ernment informed of her movements. Separately, in Washington, the second highest-ranking diplomat in the Burmese embassy, Kyaw Win, has defected.Senior military officials are consolidating their grip on power and seeking to stamp out the voices of those seeking democracy, he told Radio Free Asia.He added that the threats against Ms Suu Kyi must be taken seriously.

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    Angling for some family fun? Learn to fish!Give kids a fish, and they might not know much about it except that its cold and slippery. Teach a kid to fish, and youre opening up a whole new window on the great outdoors.

    Thats the basic principle behind Learn to Fish a free program starting this summer that will be open to more children, youth and families than ever before. As part of its 100th anniversary celebrations, BC Parks is providing a grant of $5,000 to support 16 additional sessions at parks in the Okanagan, Kamloops and Vancou-ver Island regions. Prov-incewide, a total of 53 sessions are scheduled through the summer in

    12 provincial parks (see Learn More for details).

    Delivered by the Fresh-water Fisheries Society of BC, Learn to Fish provides instruction in areas such as fish iden-tification, habitat and conservation, proper fish handling and fish-ing regulations plus,

    of course, the opportu-nity to catch your very own fish. All tackle and equipment are provided and lessons are appropri-ate for people of all ages and abilities.

    Since its inception in 2006, the Learn to Fish program has been deliv-ered to more than 55,000

    young British Columbi-ans and their families. Each session typically accommodates about 30 learners, but no one is turned away. Instruc-tors have in some cases worked with groups of 60 and more.

    Learning to fish is an ex-cellent way for children

    and youth to learn about, and develop respect for, our natural environment. By including instruction in areas such as habitat conservation and eth-ics, Learn to Fish helps young British Columbi-ans develop a lifelong attachment to nature and encourages them to spend more time explor-ing the great outdoors.


    Environment Minister Terry Lake

    Expanding the Learn to Fish program gives families one more rea-son to get out and enjoy our BC Parks this sum-mer. Weve removed parking fees, weve in-vested $500,000 into a Community Legacy Program and now were encouraging everyone to come on out and join us

    in celebrating 100 years of BC Parks.

    Quick Facts:

    The Freshwater Fish-eries Society of BC stocks more than 1,000 lakes every year with up to nine million trout, kokanee and char. The work is funded entirely by proceeds from the sale of recreational fish-ing licences.

    There are more than 80 species of freshwa-ter and sea-run native fish in B.C.s lakes and streams.

    In addition to providing recreational opportuni-ties, freshwater fishing contributes nearly half a billion dollars a year to the B.C. economy.

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    iek julfeI 2011 df idn cIn dI kimAUinst pfrtI (sI[ pI[ sI[) dI 90vIN sfl-igrHf df idn hY. ies sfl df jo bfkI ihwsf bcdf hY, Auh pUrf sfl ies 90vIN sfl-igrHf dy sfl dy qOr `qy mnfieaf jfxf hY. awj qoN TIk 90 vrHy pihlF, julfeI 1921 ivc 50 mYNbrF dI iek sinmr afdrk cInI tolI ny juV ky dy ivc kimAUinst pfrtI dI buinafd rwKI sI, ijs dy awj 8 kroV mYNbr hn aqy Auh dunIaF dy sB qoN vwD afbfdI vfly dy df pRfsn

    clf rhI hY. sI[ pI[ sI[ dI pihlI kOmI kFgrs, julfeI 1921 nUM sMGfeI ivKy hoeI sI, ijs ivc Aus smyN dy ienHF 50 pfrtI mYNbrF dy 36 pRqIinDF ny ihwsf ilaf sI. kfmryz mfAujyquMg AunHF ivc fml sn. mfAujyquMg dI agvfeI ivc pfrtI lokF `c qyI nfl vDI-PuwlI qy hrmn ipafrI hoeI aqy afpxI hoNd dy 30 sflF bfad 1949 ivc Aus ny dy ivc iksfnI dI agvfeI ivc sq jwdo-jihd krky ienklfb df afpxf sMklp isry cfVH ilaf.

    60 sflF dOrfn keI AuqrfvF-cVHfvF ivcoN guridaF sI[ pI[ sI[ dI agvfeI ivc awj cIn df zMkf sfry sMsfr ` c vwj irhf hY. awj Auh amrIkf qoN bfad sMsfr df sB qoN vwzf arQcfrf hY qy afpxIaF bxIaF cIF, vsqF aqy hor AupjF bfhr Byjx, ijs nUM aYksport kihMdy hn, ivc Aus df sMsfr ivc ies smyN pihlF nMbr hY. cIF bfhroN mMgvfAux ivc Aus df nMbr amrIkf qoN bfad dUjf hY. ies qoN pqf cldf hY ik cIn df arQcfrf aqy vpfr ikMnf ivfl hY. cIn df kuwl GrylU Auqpfdn jo 1998 ivc 2 lwK 40 hfr kroV Xuafn sI, Auh 2010 ivc vD ky 39 lwK 80 hfr kroV Xuafn ho igaf. ies dy anusfr cIn df sMsfr `c drjf aqy cInI lokF dy rihx-sihx df pwDr qyjI nfl suDr ky Aupr AuiTaf.

    cIn dI kimAUinst pfrtI dI iek hor mhfn pRfpqI dy ivcoN gurbq nUM dUr BjfAuxf hY. 1978 ivc cIn ivc 25 kroV lok grIbI dI hflq vfly sn,

    jdoN ik 2010 ivc ieh igxqI qyI nfl Gt ky 2[68 kroV rih geI. ieh iek bVI quP-fnI sPlqf hY, jdoN ik sMsfr pwDr `qy vyKIey qF iek arb dy lgBg afbfdI BuwKmrI df ikfr hY. BfvyN ivv dIaF keI kimAUinst pfrtIaF nUM ieh trm kuJ EprI lwgy, cIn ies smyN smfjvfdI mMzI arQcfry` dI afpxI isrjI Dfrnf `qy cwl irhf hY aqy Auh ivkfs dy afpxy mfzl ivc qrwkI dIaF bulMdIaF Coh irhf hY. qknIkI, snaqI aqy KyzF dy Kyqr ivc Aus dy ClFgF mfr ivkfs df aflm ieh hY ik Aus ny iqwbq pRFq dy brF jMmy phfVF AuwqoN dI vI ryl clf idwqI hY. ieh sMsfr dI sB qoN AucI ryl pwtVI hY. cIn dy ieMjInIarF ny sI[ pI[ sI[ dI 90vIN vrHy gMZ `qy Aus nUM jo qohf idwqf hY, Auh hY cIn dI rfjDfnI bIijMg qoN cIn dy sB qoN vwzy snaqI qy vpfrk ihr sMGfeI ivcfly 1318 iklomItr dy rUt `qy bulyt ryl gwzIaF clfAuxf. 33 iblIan zflr dI lfgq vflf ieh pRojYkt cfr sflF

    `c pUrf ho ky iqafr hoxf sI, pr pfrtI dI 90vIN vrHygMZ ` qy ieh qohPf Byt krn leI cIn dy suXog ieMjInIarF ny ies nUM iek sfl pihlF hI pUrf krky, ieh qohPf cIn dI kimAUinst pfrtI nUM dy idwqf. igafrF joVy gwzIaF dy AuDroN AuDrI rofnf dOiVaf krngy aqy ieh sr ijhVf pihlF Gwto-Gwt 10 GMitaF `c pUrf huMdf sI, hux pMj GMty qoN vI Gt ky, cfr GMty pMj qflI imMt `c pUrf ho jfieaf krygf. ieh qrwkI vwl nUM qurnf hI nhIN sgoN pulFGF puwtxf hY.

    ies dy nfl hI iek dUjf hor qohf vI ies smyN cIn dy ieMjInIarF ny afpxI ipafrI pfrtI nUM idwqf hY. nzOg pRFq ivc ijaFgjU KfVI dy nyVy smuMdr `qy dunIaF df hux qwk df sB qoN lMmf pul Ausfiraf igaf hY, ies dI lMbfeI sfZy 36 iklomItr hY. ies `qy 2[3 iblIan zflr Krc afey hn. ies nUM cfr sfl dy rIkfrz smyN ivc iqafr kIqf igaf. ies pul nUM vIrvfr vfly idn tYRik

    leI KolH ky iek hor qohf sI[ pI[ sI[ nUM Aus dI 90vIN sfl-igrHf ` qy idwqf igaf hY. ieh cIn `c sI[ pI[ sI[ dI agvfeI `c cwl rhy smfjvfdI infm dIaF brkqF hn, cIn dI dIvfr qF AuQy iek purfxf ieiqhfsk ajUbf hY hI, afDuink Xuwg dI ieMjInIar dI kmfl dy ieh nvyN-nvyN ajUby cIn `c isrjy jf rhy hn. bIijMg ElMipks KyzF ivc hI, ijs sj-Dj nfl bIijMg `c ienHF df AudGftn kIqf igaf sI aqy smfpqI dy jn aMjfm idwqy gey sn, Aus qoN hI sMsfr dy lokF dIaF awKF awzIaF rih geIaF sn. cIn dy iKzfrI, nOjvfn lVky-lVkIaF ny afpxI hr Kyz `c hYrq-aMgy pRdrn krky hux qwk dy ElMipks `c sB qoN vwD son qmgy ijwqdy afey amrIkf dIaF gozxIaF lvf idwqIaF sn. ieh sB cIn ivcly mnuwKqf dy sB qoN vwD kilafxkfrI pRbMD aDIn AuQoN dy lokF aqy iKzfrIaF dI cMgI KfD-Kurfk, suKfvF Ku-guafr mfhOl aqy vDIaf qrbIaq dIaF brkqF hn.

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    : A@C-BGI@ (- )

    , C@ AE - CE@@ , , B@AB

    , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

    Previous Total $2,250,861Alamwala Jasvir (Jessie) $8,500Alamwala Sarwan S & Family $10,000Badesha Pirthi S. $3,500Bains Parminder S $3,500Bajwa Kamalpreet S $1,000Bassi Karnail $3,500Bhandal Baljinder S $3,500Bhatti Harmanjeed $3,500Binning Gurmukh S $3,500Bisla Harji $200Brar Blawant S & Surjit K $3,500Brar Chamkaur & Gurpreet $3,500Brar Malkiat $3,500Brar Rashpal S $3,500Brar Thana S $3,500Chahal Randhir S $3,500Cheema Jasbir S $3,500Cheema Kartar S $3,500

    Cheema Manjit S ( York Home Design) $5,000Chemma Jagtar S $3,500Clair Narinder S $7,000Deol Trucking $3,500Dhaliwal Attar S $500Dhaliwal Bhagwant S Tejinder $3,500Dhaliwal Charanjit S $100Dhami Narang & Co. $5,000Dhillon Nirmal S $3,500Dial Sarwan S $7,000Doad Beant S $3,500Dosanjh Balwinder S $7,000Garden Grove Nursary Aldergrove $5,000Gidda Mohinder S $7,000Gill Avtar Singh (Shaw) $3,500Gill Beant S $3,500Gill Gurmeet S $500Gill Gurminder S & Amarjit $3,500

    Gill hari $7,000Gill Jagdev S $3,500Gill Jagdev S $3,500Gill Nirbhia S $3,500Gill Ravinder S (Robbie) $5,000Gill RS Express Ltd. $7,000Gill Surjit S $3,500Gosal Paramjit S $7,000Grewal Balbir S $3,500Grewal Gurjant S $3,500Grewal Harvinder S $3,500Hayer Gurmit S $5,000Hayer Harbhajan S $5,000Jalan Vipan Dr. $1,000Kailey Ajaib S $3,500Kapoor Kamaldeep S $200Khosa Darshan, Chand $3,500Khosa Gurmeet S $500Kooner Kewal S $3,500Lalri Avtar S $3,500

    Lidhran Sarbjit S $3,500Maharihu Harbhajan S $3,500Mangat Gurcharn S $3,500Mann Pal S $3,500Mann Palwinder (Superstar Roofi ng) $5,000Minhas Satpal S $5,000Minhas Tarsem S $7,000Narang Avtar S. (Langley) $3,500Phangura Tarsen S $15,500Rakhra Kanwardeep S $500Randhawa Rattan S $7,000Sahil Amarjit S $50Saini Sawarn S $3,500Sandhu Daljit S $3,500Sandhu Gurnam S $7,000Sandhu Lakhwinder S $500Sandhu Mohinder S $3,500Sandhu Ranjit s $3,500Shadeva Sanjeev $3,500

    Sidhu Bhupinder S (A Choice Landscap-ing) $8,500Sidhu Harjinder S $3,500Sidhu Jaspinder $3,500Sidhu Jatinder Singh $3,500Sidhu Kartar S (Mahean walla) $12,250Sidhu Kinder & Associates $10,000Sidhu Nirmal S $3,500Sidhu Pargat S $3,500Sidhu Swarn S $7,000Sihota Kuldip S $500Singh Karnail $3,500Singh Salinder S $3,500Soody Harjinder S $100Sran Gurcharn s $3,500Toor Bikker S $3,500Toor Harnam S $3,500Toor Harvinder $3,500Total $2,627,261

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    Canada Day in Abbotsford

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    The ISM non-manufac-turing index indicated that the service sector continued to expand in June, although the pace of growth moderated slightly as the index moved lower to 53.3 from 54.6 in May (a reading above 50

    indicates the sector is gener-ally expanding). The decline in the index in June was slightly larger than market expecta-tions ahead of the report for a decrease to 53.7. In contrast to the headline index, the em-ployment component nudged

    slightly higher as it reached its highest level since February at 54.1 in June.


    The decline in the headline ISM non-manufacturing index in June was concentrated in

    Service Sector Expanded at a More Moderate Pace in June

    two components: new orders and supplier deliveries. The new orders index fell 3.2 points to 53.6 in June to retrace most of last months sizable 4.1 point jump to 56.8. Supplier deliveries fell to 52.0 from 54.0 in May, indicating that firms re-ceived deliveries from suppli-ers at a slightly faster, though still slow, pace than in the previous month. The business activity index was edged mar-ginally lower to 53.4 from 53.6 in May, indicating a relatively stable pace of growth for the third straight month. Growth in service sector jobs picked up slightly in June as the employ-ment index nudged higher to 54.1 from 54.0. With respect to inflationary pressures, the prices paid component plunged to its lowest level since August 2010, dropping to 60.9 from 69.6 in May.

    The decline in the ISM non-manufacturing index in June closes out the quarter in which the index averaged 53.6, in line with the series historical aver-age, although it is down sharp-ly from 58.8 in Q1/11 which represented the highest quar-terly level since Q3/05. This quarterly reading is consistent with the continued expansion

    in this large sector of the U.S. economy despite the range of temporary factors such as high-er food and energy prices that that restrained consumer activ-ity in the quarter. On the jobs front, the slight pickup in the employment sub-index, com-bined with the increase seen in the ISM manufacturing indexs employment gauge, supports our expectation that Fridays payrolls report will show that the private sector added 110K jobs in June. While this pace of job growth is an improve-ment on the disappointing May increase of 83K, it is below the 157K average monthly gain seen year-to-date.


    a.. The ISM manufacturing index declined to 53.3 in June from 54.6 in May, just below market expectations for a 53.7 reading ahead of the report.

    b.. The employment index nudged higher to 54.1 from 54.0 in May.

    c.. The new orders index fell to 53.6 from 56.8 in May. Busi-ness activity slowed modestly to 53.4 in June from 53.6 in the previous month.

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    kuJ sfihqk idmfg afpxI sfrI hXfqI ivwc ieMny hYrfnI-jnk pRfpqIaF BrpUr kfrj kr jFdy hn ik sbMiDq smfj swiBafcfr dy akfsL qy AunHF df nF cMd qfiraF vFg cmkdf rihMdf hY. pusLq-dr-pusLq gwl qurdI jFdI hY. pIV-HIaF afpxy ienHF puriKaF qy mfx krdIaF hn. eydF dI hI mfxXog klmI hsqI sI jsvMq isMG ivrdI, jo isr pMjfbI dI klmI dunIaF c hI nhIN sgoN ihMdI sfihq c vI nfmvrI dy sunihrI mukfm qy ivcr rhI sI.

    jdoN dI ieh dunIaF ies dI hoNd ivwc afeI hY, qd qoN qrHF-qrHF dy ivkfs hoey hn, pr ajy qwk ieh pqf nhIN lwg sikaf ik

    AunHF jlMDr dy hI golzn aYvyinAu ielfky afpxy Gr (nM[ 96) c hI srIr Cwizaf hY. 77 sfl qoN vwD Aumr Bog ky ivrdI sfihb ies sMsfr qoN kUc kr gey hn. af-pxI Aumr c AunHF ny bhuq sMGrsL kIqf hY. Auh sYlP myz mYn sn. idwlI vI rhy. pMjfb dy skUlF, kfljF c vI pVHfieaf. sfihq c vI nF kmfieaf. BfsLf ivBfg pMjfb qy hor keI adfiraF ny AunHF

    df snmfn vI kIqf. ivrdI dy sfihq sMsfr nUM jy smuwcI ijhI idRsLtI nfl dyKIey qF Aus ivwc ieiqhfs-imiQhfs qy smkfl df aijhf sMXog sfhmxy afAuNdf hY ik pVHn vfly nUM iek Kfs iksm dI mf-nisk qswlI imldI hY. ijnHF swjxF ny jsvMq isMG ivrdI dI khfxI KuwlHy afkfsL ivwc pVHI hY, AunHF nUM ielm hovygf ik ivrdI dI adbI qfkq ikMnI sI. 1949 c ivafhy

    ivrdI sfihb kihMdy huMdy sn ik myrI pqnI gurdIp kOr bhuq isafxI, sUJvfn qy suJfE dyx vflI hY. myrI hr khfxI pihlF AuhI pVHdI hY. ivrdI sfihb dIaF do DIaF qy iek puwqr hY. Auh vI kfI pVHy-ilKy hn. poqrf vI kYnyzf c pVHdf hY. so kih skdy hF ik jsvMq isMG ivrdI df sfihq dI dunIaF ivwc nF rihMdI dunIaF qwk rhygf.

    bMdy dI rUh inkl ky jFdI ikwQy hY? kfsL! ikqy ieh ivkfs vI ho igaf huMdf qF hux qwk keI hIry hrn sFBy jfxy sn, pr rwb nUM mMnx vfly afKdy hn ik curfsI lwK jUnF df gyV hY. KYr sfzf iewQy ivsLf ivrdI sfihb bfry hY, jo jUn mhIny dy afKrI idn sfnUM sfiraF nUM srIrk qOr qy Cwz gey hn.

    jsvMq isMG ivrdI dIaF ikqfbF dI igxqI kr lYxI jF rsmI isq kr dyxI kfI nhIN hY. jdoN dy vwD ibmfr hoey sn qy jdoN hosL ivwc sn, AudoN vI AunHF nfl ivcfr-vtFdrf huMdf irhf hY. Auh spwsLt afK idMdy sn ik dyKo jI! ihMdI Bfrq dy pMdrF prdysLF dI rfj BfsLf hY. mYN ihMdI c pMjfbI nfloN ikqy vwD piVHaf jFdf hF, pr mYN pMjfbI ivwc vI pUrI qndyhI nfl ilKdf hF, pr pMjfbI sfihq dI dunIaF df mfhOl hux qMg ijhf hY. afpo-afpxI zPlI hY. afpo-afpxf rfg hY. ieh sB dyK ky inrfsLf huMdI hY. jIhnUM hwQ lfAu, AuhI zMg mfrdf hY, cuwp hI BlI aY ipafry! bs mYN qF

    cuwp krky afpxf kMm krI jfnY, iksy qy kfhdf ros? jd hvf eI Ault cwl rhI hY qF kI krIey?

    asl ivwc jsvMq isMG ivrdI aYsI sLKsIaq sI, ijs df pihlf qy vwzf gux swc bolxf sI. lgBg 1955 qoN ilKxf sLurU krky AunHF ny ihMdI-pMjfbI ivwc lgBg hr sfihq rUp qy sfihq dI hr vMngI qy sfihq rwiKaf qy afpxI sfihq rcnf nUM swc nUM pihl idwqI. iesy krky hI ivrdI sfihb ny afpxI svY-jIvnI nhIN ilKI, ikAuNik AunHF df iKafl sI ik svY-jIvnIaF ilKx vfly bhuq lok JUT boldy hn. hr bMdy dI ijLMdgI ivwc kuJ hoxIaF-hfdsy aijhy huMdy hn, ijnHF nUM Auh ilK nhIN skdf. ies leI jy mYN svY-jIvnI ilKF qy Aus ivwc kuJ gwlF qy prdf pfvF, ieh mYnUM mnUr nhIN. mYN kdI JUT nhIN bol skdf qy nf ilK skdf hF.

    jsvMq isMG ivrdI df jnm 7 meI 1934 eI[ nUM jlMDr c hI hoieaf sI. hux vI

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    Cops for Cancer Tour de Valley Block PartyTradex (Fraser Val-ley Trade & Ex-hibition Centre) proudly hosts the Cops for Cancer Tour de Val-ley Block Party, a new Abbotsford based, fam-ily oriented fundraising event for the BC Cancer Society. The Cops for Cancer event takes place on Saturday, July 16th, 2011.Every fall over one hun-dred members of law en-forcement and emergency services cycle up to two weeks across four areas of British Columbia to sup-port children with cancer and their families. Dona-tions to Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock, Tour de North, Tour de Valley and Tour de Coast are invested in life-saving childhood cancer research and car-ing support services in-cluding the acclaimed summer recreation pro-gram, Camp Goodtimes.

    Bring your family to be entertained by Good for Grapes, the Canadian Band War winners, Valley Voices winners, Alexan-dra Hawse, Irene Luma-vag and Kate Gaulton. Magician Gary Savard. Other family entertain-ment includes a craft zone, climbing wall, bouncy castle, professional 4 x 4 Off Road Racing Drivers with their trucks, the Ab-botsford Police members will be on site with the Anti-gang Hummer and a Police cruiser, BC Am-bulance Service will have Emergency Response ve-hicles on display along with their bike squad.The Central Fraser Val-ley Search & Rescue will provide child safety in-formation. A Bike Deco-rating contest and parade will take place, with the grand prize being a ride to school on the first day in the Anti-gang Hum-mer. Colouring within the

    lines is not require for the colouring contest, colour at the event or check your local paper for the picture to colour.Prizes include a family pass to Agrifair, a car pass to the Abbotsford Air

    Show, a family pass for a VIP Chalet at Air Show, a family pass to Hockey-festBeyond the Pond, Tradex event tickets and much more!Activities are by dona-tion, enjoy a hot dog or

    burger, chips and a pop for $5.00.Photos opportunities by donation with the Cops for Cancer Bike Riders, Abbotsford Police and Emergency Vehicles.

    For further information, access the Tradex website at www.fvtradex.com. Click on Event calendar, click on July 16th for event and contest de-tails.

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    kvFtiln polIitkink XUnIvristI vloN zf: ibwkr isMG nUM 9 jUn 2011 nUM zfktr af lfaj dI af-nryrI izgrI nfl invfijaf igaf hY. XUnIvristI dI sYnt ny Aus nUM ieh avfrz dyx dI isPfrsL zf: lflI vloN sosfietI, Kfs krky sfAUQ eysLIan kimAuintI leI kIqy sosLl vrk vfsqy kIqI hY.

    kYnyzf ivwc afAux qoN pihlF zf: ibwkr isMG lflI srkfrI kflj luiDafxf ivKy sIn-Iar lYkcrfr sn aqy awgoN pVHfeI leI kYnyzf afey sn. mYQymYitks ivwc pI[ aYc[ zI[ izgrI pUrI krn ipwCoN Aus ny 1966 ivwc sskYcvfn XUnI-vristI dy mYQymYitks ivBfg joafien kr ilaf, ijwQy AunHF nUM qurMq qrwkI imlI. 1974 ivwc Auh pUrf pRoPYsr bx

    igaf aqy 1977 ivwc ivBfg df muKI bx igaf. ibwkr isMG lflI df kihxf hY, ik ieQy hr iek vFg sPlqf pRfpq kr ivc mYnUM vI bhuq musLklF afeIaF, mYnUM pqf lwgf ik inrfsLqfvF df vI Pfiedf ho skdf hY, aqy iewk rfh dy bMd hox qy nvIaF idsLfvF sfnUM lwB jFdIaF hn.

    Ausdf tIicMg, rIsrc, mf-str aqy pI[ aYc[ zI[ dy

    ividafrQI dI suprvIXn, sMsfr Br ivwc XUnIvris-tIaF ivwc lYkcr dyx leI swdy qy jfxf aqy kOmI aqy kOmFqrI 150 mYgInF ivwc Cpxf AunHF dy 40 sfl qoN vwD dy sLfndfr akYzimk kYrIar hY. Aus dy Koj qy kolYboryitv kMm ny bhuq sfry dysF ivwc aYjUkysLnl ienstIicAut ivwc ivjLitMg skflr dy qOr qy jfx df mOkf imilaf ijnHF

    z - :

    ivwc astRylIaf cIn, hMgrI, ieMzIaF aqy XUkryn sLfml hn. 1996 qoN afpxI rItfi-ermYNt ipwCoN Auh vfps ibRit kolMbIaf af gey. ibwkr isMG iswiKaf aqy ishq vfsqy bhuq jLordfr apIl krdy hn. ipCly 15 sflF qoN Aus ny nOjvfnF leI ivwidaf dI mh-fnqf, burgF dy Bly leI aqy ishq nfl sbMiDq ivisLaF qy cyqnqf pYdf krn leI ryzIE, tYlIvIjLn qy lYkcrF rfhIN aqy lyK ilK ky sYNkVy vfr afpxIaF pykfrIaF kIqIaF. afpxI pVHfeI leI afpxI mfiek jwdo-jihd nUM Auh Buwly nhIN. 1999 ivwc XU bI[ sI[ dI sYnt leI cuxy jfx qy Ausny ies dIaF keI akYzimk sb kmytIaF qy syvf kIqI. Aus dI hor afrgynfeIjysLnF borzF ijnHF ivwc zYNtl tYknIsLnj dy kflj dy borz, kvFtiln PfAuNzysLn borz, kvFtiln dI kimAuintI XUnIvristI rIs-rc alfieMs pRojYktF, rynboa kimAuintI hYlQ kupyryitv

    dy borz df zfierYktr, bI[ sI[ sYNtr Pfr iclzr aYz-vokysLI aqy srI istI dy Poks afPL isnIarjL sb kmytI dy mYNbr dy qOr qy syvfvF pRdfn kIqIaF. Auh sfAUQ vYnkovr nybrhuz hfAUs aqy snsYt sInIarjL nfl vlMtIar qOr qy syvfvF idwqIaF. burgF dy kOmFqrI sfl nUM mnfAux vflI kmytI dy pYnl sYNtr arlI cfeIlz zIvYplmYNt kmytI dy mYNbr, ijMdgI leI mbUq aDfr bxfAux vfsqy lflI bwicaF leI pRI skUl ivwidaf dy vwzy smrQk hn. sfAUQ eysLIan kimAuintI ivwc iek siqkfr Xog KsIaq zf[ lflI aksr ividafrQIaF aqy sInIarF nUM shfieqf aqy agvfeI idMdy hn. ijhVy AunHF nUM rol mfzl dy qOr qy dyKdy hn. 83 sflf zf[ ibwkr isMG sq imhnqI qy XqnIl, jIvn dy awgy vDx leI swc-mwuc dUsiraF leI AuqsLfh pUrvk pRyrk KsIaq hn.

    vihx roikaf kdy vI nhIN rukdy Zldy pfsy nUM afpy hI vih jFdygwl sux ky sihx dI hwd huMdI hwdoN vwD nf jLulm kdy sih jFdymUrK gwl nf kihx qoN bfJ afAuNdf isafxy bMdy jo gwlF nUM sih jFdyafpy lf ky qy afpy buJf jfvy smJdfr jo dyKdy rih jFdycugl Kor nf cuglIAuN bfJ afAuNdy gwl kihMidaF kihMidaF kih jFdylY ky izgrIaF kMm qoN iPrn ivhly kurfhy pYNidaF pYNidaF pY jFdyKfqr hwkF dI rhy grIb lVdf bMdy qkVy hI kMm lY jFdykuqby vfilaf mMgy qoN hwk nhIN imldy hwk ihwk dy joLr nfl ley jFdy

    jIq isMG rfey


    aslI Cwz ky pMjfb idaF muwidaF nUM gwl sfD dI ikAuN qusIN krn lwgygwl hor sI muwdf iBRsLtfcfrI df ijlHf pwDr qy Drny ikAuN Drn lwgygwl krnI sI kOm dy vfrsLF dI gwl byeImfnf dy hwk dI ikAuN krn lwgyjfvF sdky kOm dy bwbr syLro gwl ikhVI hY ijhVI qoN zrn lwgydyxI mihk sI kOm ny afs rwKI pwqJV dy pwiqaF vFg ikAuN JVn lwgyqfrI lfAuxI sI smuMdroN pfr jfxf suwky smuMdrF ivwc hI ikAuN qusIN qrn lwgyBfeIvfl BfvyN sonUM koeI JUT afKy swq bcn kihky ikAuN jrn lwgypuwCy kuqby vflf kOm dy vfrsLF qoN ibnF ryK qoN myK ikAuN jVn lwgy

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    hr iewk nUM qy bwicaF nU M vI sUrj qoN af rhIaF altrf vfieAulYt ikrnF qoN afpxIaF awKF nUM bcfAux dI loV hY. vYgxI ikrnF (XU[ vI[) altrf vfieAu lYt ikrnF awKF dI bxqr (lYNj aqy rytInf aqy awKF df afnf (zylf) kornIaF nUM nuksfn kr skdIaF hn. QoVy smyN leI sUrj qoN iswDIaF af rhIaF ikrnF aqy snoa jF PrsL qy pY ky prq rhIaF ikrnF awKF dI AuprlI cmVI nUM sfV skdIaF hn ijvyN qyjL Duwp nfl quhfzI cmVI sVH jFdI hY. awKF dy AuprlI cmVI afm qOr qy duwKdfeI huMdI hY pr ieh afrjLI hI huMdI hY.

    lMby smyN vfsqy pYx vflIaF bYNgxI ikrnF awKF nUM bhuq nuksfn kr skdIaF hn. afm qOr qy vwzy aYkslyjLr nfl awKF dy hyTly ihwsy ilz qy asr pYNdf hY. afm qOr qy

    aijhy mfrU asr nfl awKF dI AuprlI qih dI sikn 'qy afm iksm df kYNsr ho jFdf hY. awKF dy icwty Bfg nUM ipMgUey (kuwlf) kihMdy hn aqy ptI-rIgueIam df rMg lfl ho jFdf hY aqy awKF zrfeI ho jFdIaF

    hn. ies qrHF h o j fx n f l

    i e h lflI k o r n I a F vwl PYl jFdI hY ijs nUM ptyrIguiem kihMdy hn. ies qrF pty-rIguiem kornIaF dy kyNdr nyVy phuMc jFdf hY qF ies nfl (vIXfn) dyKx ivwc gVbV ho jFdI hY. ies nUM htfAux leI srjrI jLrUrI ho jFdI hY.

    idn Br snoa, pfxI, PrsL, iewQoN qk ik cmkdfr ibsqry qoN pY rhIaF ilsLkorF afrI qOr qy nuksfn kr skdIaF

    ( ) ?

    : z hn. pr quhfzy kornIaF qy duKdfiek jln huMdI hY. nklI tIarjL (hMJU) aqy TMzk hI jln nUM Gtf skdI hY.

    blrz (iKlrI) ingfh jF njLfr krky hI lYNj pfey jFdy

    hn. ieh vrqfrf afm qOr qy Aumr nfl hI huMdf hY.

    pr bYgxI ikrnF ies vrqfry nUM vDf idMdIaF hn.

    mfkUlf awKF dy rtIny df sUKm Bfg hY jo ivXn jF nr nUM kyN-drq krn leI Mumyvfr hY. jy ieh Gtx lg pvy qF njLr nUM TIk kyNdr ivwc rwKxf musLkl ho jFdf hY. altrf vfieAulYt ikrnF qoN Duwp jF bdlvfeI vfly smyN dOrfn nuksfn qoN bcfAux leI Du wp vflIaF aYnkF vrqx dI isPfrsL kIqI jFdI hY. ijnHF nfl 99 qoN 100 pRqIsLq XU[vI-ey aqy XU vI-bI ikrnF qoN bcfAu hY.

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    RBC Indicates Canadian Manufacturing Growth Moderated in June T h e J u n e R B C M a n u f a c t u r i n g Purchasing Managers Index for Canada Indicated That Output in the Sector Continued to Grow Though at a Slower Pace Relative to May.

    The RBC PMI Index for June of 52.8 remained above the break-even reading of 50 which indicated that output in the manufacturing sector continued to rise. However, the June in-dex was down from 54.8 last month indi-cating a slowing in the pace of growth in the sector.


    Considering some of the individual com-ponents of the overall index, new orders grew

    once again in June with a reading of 52.1 for this sub-component. However, this was down from the 54.8 recorded in May sug-gesting a moderation in the pace of growth. Re-spondents to the survey flagged some weaken-ing in global demand. This was also evident in new export orders index which indicated declining export orders in June with an index reading of 48.8 com-pared to 52.3 in May. Firms indicated the weakness was largely due to a strong Cana-dian dollar and weak demand particularly from the U.S.

    A pattern of slowing growth was also evi-dent in the output in-dex which dropped to 51.8 in June from 53.7

    in May and the em-ployment index which dropped to 52..5 from 54.9 over the same pe-riod. Breaking the pat-tern of a slowing in the pace of growth, the stock of purchases index, which repre-sents manufacturers inventory of inputs, rose to 51.9 from 50.2 in May. This reportedly reflected manufacturers trying to get ahead of rising input costs and longer delivery times by suppliers. The lat-ter was confirmed by the sub-index for sup-plier delivery times which remained below 50 at 43.5. However, the deterioration less-ened slightly from the 40.6 recorded in May.. The input price index confirmed rising input costs with a June read-

    ing well above 50 at 64.9. However this was down from 70.2 in May and the recent peak in April of 75.9 suggest-ing that, though these prices are still rising, the pace of increase is moderating.

    The RBC PMI is also calculated on a regional basis for Ontario, Que-bec, Alberta/British Columbia and the Rest of Canada. Encourag-ingly each region indi-cated continued rising manufacturing output in June with the stron-gest gains evident in Alberta/British Colum-bia at 54.4 followed by the Rest of Canada at 53.7, Ontario at 51.6 and Quebec at 50.6. However, in every re-gion this represented a slowing in growth relative to May with the

    drop most pronounced in Quebec which had a previous months read-ing of 53.7.

    Continued growth in manufacturing activity in June is encouraging though this is clearly tempered by the slow-ing in the pace of ac-tivity relative to May. Supply-chain problems in the motor vehicle sector, reflecting the impact of the Japa-nese earthquake and tsunami, are viewed as having weighed on activity in April and May though this was expected to start to be unwound in June. The PMI report implied that weakness emanating from the U.S. may po-tentially be providing an offset. However, given our view that both U.S. activity and

    motor vehicle produc-tion should strengthen over the second half of this year, this should prevent the slowing trend in the RBC PMI index from persisting.


    a.. The overall RBC PMI for June indicated that manufacturing ac-tivity continued to rise in the month though at a slower pace relative to May

    b.. This slowing trend was mirrored in a sim-ilar pattern for new orders, output and em-ployment

    c.. On a regional basis, growth in manufactur-ing continued in all regions in June though at a slower pace relative to May.

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    lows us to effectively re-use existing industrial lands, get people working, and en-hance our service delivery. said Mayor Carl Zehr. At the same time we are being environmentally respon-sible, budget conscious and proactive. It is a win-win-win situation.

    The governments of Canada and Ontario and the City of Kitchener have each com-mitted approximately $1.37

    million toward eligible costs for the installation of the Kitchener Operations Fa-cility solar roof. The total eligible cost for the roof project is $4.1 million.

    The governments of Canada and Ontario and the City of Kitchener have each com-mitted approximately $4.7 million toward eligible costs for improvements to the Kitchener Operations Facil-ity. The total eligible cost for

    the facility project is $14 million.

    Federal funding for these projects comes from the Government of Canadas $4-billion Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, which is providing funding to over 4,100 infrastructure projects across the country.

    Over the last couple of months, Ontario had an in-crease of 38,000 jobs and the unemployment rate declined to 7.9 per cent.

    contd from page 7

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    idlr f j j y r y vflf nOjvfn inkilaf. ijs sfrf aOKf kMm jyry nfl sMBfl ilaf. jsvMq dI lfsL nUM sfiraF rl juV ky pMdrF sYktr vfly Aus dy Gr lY aFdf. nyVy qyVy dy irsLqydfrF qy snyhIaF nUM Pon KVkfey gey. do ZfeI GMty ivwc hI qIh cflI mrd jLnfnIaF juV gey mYN mn hI mn jsvMq nUM AulFBy dyeI jf irhf sF. qUM mYnUM ieAuN Dwky Kfx leI ikAuN Cwz geI? qUM qF myrI sLkqI sI, nroeI soc, hux KVkdy hwzF nfl ikvyN jIvFgf? Auhdy sfry irsLqydfrF ivwc iekwlf ho ky rih igaf sF. qyry nfl qF sfry sn, hux koeI vI nhIN. myrIaF BuwbF inkl geIaF myrf qF rwb hI ruws igaf, ijs qy Brosf sI.

    soc dI bONdlI hflq ivwc mYnUM koeI pqf nf lwgf, kdoN Aus nUM nuhfieaf qy isivaF nUM lY jfx dI iqafrI kr leI. myrI nIvIN, mYnUM DrqI inGfr rhI sI. pr mYN qyrI arQI nUM moZy cuwkI jf irhf sF. qyrI rUh myrI gYr-hfjLrI ivwc AuzfrI mfr geI sI. hor Jwt qwk srIr vI suafh ho jfvygf. qYnUM ikwQoN BflFgf? myrI iPr Buwb inkl geI. qyrI suafh nUM pivwqr BbUqI

    smJ ky ipMzy mlFgf. ieAuN ivlkdI afqmF nUM sLFqI af jfvygI? nhIN, kdy nhIN. qpdI ryq qy mYnUM swsI bxf ky Cwz geI ey. cYn qF qUM nfl lY geI eyN. bfkI qF qVPidaF vylf ibqfAuxf ey. jy qUM kfhlI ny jfxf sI, Gwto Gwt mYnUM qF AuzIk lYNdI, mYN qF qyry koloN CuwtI lY ky igaf sF. aMdroN ivroD bol ipaf. qusIN kI kr lYNdy? vwzy vwzy avqfrF pYgMbrF ny kI kr ilaf. hoxI dI bFh koeI nhIN PV sikaf.

    kMvl, hux qU M hoxI dy qmfsLy hor vyK:-

    rwj nf koeI jIivaf, kUVy Brvfsy.

    mnf, jIxf koeI nhIN irhf, mn nUM hoVy aY, Dwky aY, QoVHy, dy lY, bhuqy dy lY. afKr nUM arQI qF pYxf hI aY. asIN mfn BUmI af gey, icqf pihloN hI iqafr kIqI hoeI sI.

    fmoI ny ipafrI jsvMq nUM icqf AuWqy itkfa id-wqf. hux qUM sV jfvygI? hfie rwbf! hmysLf leI? Pyr kdy nhIN imlyNgI? kI eyhI ijLMdgI df aMq hY? hws ky imlo, hwQ ivwc hwQ pf ky Aumr df kuJ sr qih kro, iPr hmysLf leI ivwCV jfvo? hfie myiraf jLflm rwbf! hmysLf leI ivwCV jfE? hjLfr lfhnq ies ijLMdgI qy. kuJ smyN leI lok judf ho igaF nUM Xfd rwKxgy, iPr Auh vI DUV ivwc DUV ho jfxgy.

    icqf nUM sIKF dI inwkI ijhI qIlI ny Gs ky awg pYdf kIqI. iPr suwky Gfh ivwcoN AuWTI lft ny suwkIaF lwkVF nUM BfjVF pf idwqIaF. syk sfzy vwl moh krky viDaf, pr asIN sfry ipCFh ht gey. kIrqnI jwQy ny sLbd Aucfiraf.

    prfnI ikaf qyrf, ikaf myrf.

    bfby nfnk ny sfrI ijLMdgI jPr jfl ky kuJ qwq inKfry. pr mnuwK hfly vI cfnx dI QF aMnHy aMnyHr ivwc Dwky KfeI jf irhf ey. mnuwK sUKm ivcfrF df hfxI ikAuN nhIN bxdf? ijLMdgI qF swc qy kUV dy ivroDfBfs dI lVfeI aY. lVfeI qF jLrUr aY, pr ieh sfriQk ZMg nfl ikAu N nhIN lVI jFdI? sfriQk hoeI Bfvafqmf sMqusLtI ikAuN mihsUs nhIN krdI. sLfied ies nUM hI puriKaF mukqI nF idwqf hY. pr sV rhI jsvMq, mYN qyry nfl ijLMdgI df vwzf svrg mfixaf hY. sfnUM sfzIaF BuwlF ny judf kIqf, hflfq ny jF aYry gYry rwb ny? ijhVf kdy iksy nUM imilaf hI nhIN. klpnf dy GoVy svfr, hr mn afqmf qy jLor iDfxy kbjLf krI bYTf hY. pr awj KUMno KUMn hoeI rUh nUM ikvyN Drvfs dyvF. ies gwl dI vI kI

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    grMtI hY, mr jfx ipwCoN sfrIaF fhF pUrIaF ho jfxgIaF. ieh sB izwgdy mn nUM KVHf rwKx leI hoVy aY.

    kIrqn sohly dy pfT ipwCoN sMgqF ardfs leI Klo geIaF. jsvMq nUM gurU crnF ivwc invfs dyx dI mMg kIqI geI. Eey Bly loko! AuhdI rUh nUM myry ibnF ikvyN cYn imlygf? jo hY eI nhIN, Aus awgy ar-dfsF krdy ho. quhfzy kol nf XkIn hY qy nf eImfn. afp surKrU ikvyN hovogy? dUijaF dy qrn qfrn dI jLfmnI Brdy ho. qyrI sfzI bws aYnI hI sFJ sI.

    nhIN! mYN cIkxf cfhuMdf sI, myrI sFJ nhIN muwkI, mYN hfly Auhdy hukmF dI pflxf krnI hY.

    asIN sfry nIvIN pfeI, pM-drF sYktr dy Gr dy vwzy kmry ivwc ivCfeIaF drI-aF qy af bYTy. kuJ burg jsvMq dy svwC kMmF dI sLlfGf krdy rhy. AuhdI zfktrI sUJ qy ilKIaF

    ikqfbF dIaF isqF qy imwTbolVy suBfa dI pRsMsf ivwc pey hoey sn. Aus dI syvf Bfvnf df qF aMq hI koeI nhIN sI. mYnUM Auh sfrIaF gwlF PUl qy byarQ lwg rhIaF sn. myrf afpf burI qrHF bycYn qy AuGiVaf hoieaf sI. mYN idlrfj nUM sihj nfl afiKaf,

    mYnUM ieh sB Eprf lwg irhf hY?

    nhIN. Aus dIaF awKF bymOkf khI gwl kfrn mYnUM GUrdIaF jfpIaF. Blky kIrqpur qoN iswDy eI cly jfxf.

    mYnUM Aus dI isafxI gwl Bfa geI. sLfm Zl rhI sI. mYN gurdvfry af bYTf. rihrfs df pfT suixaf qy mwQf tyk ky bfhr af igaf. ikwQy gufrF Jwt sfeIaF vflI gwl sI. pqf nhIN ikwDr nUM quiraf igaf, bs quiraf igaf. zfloN lwQy pwqy vFg, aMnHyrf sMGxf huMdy qwk avfrf iPrdf irhf. jI c afvy,

    koeI vfkkfr nf imly. mYN jsvMq nfl aglIaF ipClIaF ikMnIaF hI gwlF dohrf mfrIaF. ds vwjdy nUM Gr afieaf qy dIvfn qy pY igaf, ijs qoN pfsf lYNdI jsvMq izwgI sI. rUpI ny rotI vflI QfI ilaf rwKI, mYN isr Pyrf idwqf.

    nhIN KfDI jfxI. kihky mYN cwup vwt leI. bVI hI bycYnI ivwc rfq gujLfrI. svyry AuWT ky bldy isvy df iewk cwkr lfieaf. ijLMdgI ny sfzy nfl aYnf vwzf mKOl ikAuN kIqf? dvfeIaF, tIky, hflfq qy mOq sfry eI byvf ho gey? iks nfl kIjy dosqI, sB jwg clxhfr. ijhVf bfbf aYnf kuJ jfxdf sI, jLrUr Aus nfl hI aijhy Bfxy vrqy hoxgy. anuBv dI prpwkqf ibnf aYnI vwzI soJI af hI nhIN skdI. myry anuBv ny hI avfrgI dy gyVy lfAuxy sLurU kr idwqy.

    idn Zldy nfl asIN Puwl cugx qur pey. awg buJ-

    fAux dy bfvjUd hfly vI BK rhI sI. Puwl lfl tfkI ivwc bMnH ky asIN kIrqpur nUM gwzIaF iswDIaF kr leIaF. kIrqpur qoN Aury hI iek vfhvf nflf vg irhf sI. mYN idlrfj qy jsvMq dy Coty Brf nUM rok ilaf. asIN vgdy svwC pfxI dy iknfry af bYTy. kIrqn sohly df pfT kIqf. pqf nhIN, zfktr sfihb ny suixaf ik nhIN. pr asF rsm jLrUr pUrI kr idwqI. Puwl ndI roVH ky agFh dyg jf krvfeI. ipMz nUM qurn qoN pihlF idlrfj ny Xfd krv-fieaf, Bog qy jLrUr pu-wjxf hY.

    lY Bog mYN ikvyN Buwl skdf aF. mYN ipMz vI Bog pfAuxf hY.

    asIN EQy vI afvFgy. jsvMq dy Brf ny pUry idl nfl hfmI BrI.

    ipMz phuMicaf qF agvfV qy BfeIcfrf juVy bYTy sn. Auh hoeI bIqI puwC rhy sn. mYN ibmfrI bfry sB

    kuJ dwsdf irhf. iek jfxkfr rfmdfsIey BfeI ny afiKaf,

    bs jI, hwQF dI aYnI suwcI zfktr nhIN hoxI, tIkf lfAuxf hI nhIN, dvfeI nklI hoxI, Jt moV GwlxI. Eh! mF dI DI jI jI krdI qur geI.

    lok Aus dIaF isqF kr rhy sn qy mYN sux sux JUrI jf irhf sF. hfAuky hfr nfl mn afK irhf sI,

    nhIN lwBxy lfl guafcy, imwtI nf Prol jogIaf!

    zf[ jsvMq df Bog pMdrF sYktr dy gurdvfry pY igaf. kwlH df cMzIgVH afieaf sF. aYDr EDr iPrdy ny idn gujLfr idwqf. iksy nUM vI imlx leI jI nhIN kr irhf sI. iksy nUM kI kihMdf, myrf irhf eI kuJ nhIN. myrf lfl lwKF df Koh ilaf dysLF vfilE, kOzI Gfty vflI jfvy nf shfrI. idl

    dy drd dI iksy nUM kI prvfh? mU Mh mulfhjL y vfly anykF sn. jsvMq dy drd ipafr nfl Biraf pft pYxf cfhuMdf sF. pr idl df jfnI koeI nhIN sI, ijs kol idl df drd Pol skdf. Bog ipwCoN lMgr vrqdf irhf. mYN idlrfj dy kMn vlyl pf ky EQoN inkl afieaf. zrfeIvr ny gwzI qor leI. myry kMnF ivwc rfgI BfeIaF dI sLbd afvfjL gUMj rhI sI: pRfnI afieaf lfhf lYx. ikhVf lfhf? myrf qF irhf eI kuJ nhIN. cYrI df suwkf pwqr, vf muhfxy AuWizaf jf irhf aF. nf mMjLl df pqf, nf Tfhr itkfxf. afAux qoN pihlF aKMz pfT dIaF qfrIF dws afieaf sF. ipMz df Bog sfiraF dI shUlq leI aYqvfr df rwiKaf sI. gwzI pUrI rqfr nfl BwjdI smyN nUM CUhx df Xqn kr rhI sI. mYN afpxIaF avfrf socF ivwc BfAuNdf iPrdf sF.

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    pfTkF ny puwiCaf (hor bhuqy pu wCxf cfhuMdy hoxgy pr sMprk nhIN kr sky) ik, kI asIN BfrqI, pwCmI kOmF nfloN kmjLor hF ik Auh bhuq qrwkI kr gey asIN pCVdy hI gey?

    svfl sDfrn nhIN qy nf hI ies df jvfb sfDfrn hY. bhuqy pVHy-ilKy vI AunHF prM-prfvF nUM pRvfn nhIN krdy ijnHF krky dwKxI-pUrbI dysLF dy lok pwCmI dysLF qoN pCV gey. pr ieiqhfs bVf jLflm hY, ieh kOmF dy hwzIN ricaf rihMdf hY qy iehdy pRBfvF df pqf vI nhIN lwgdf. BfvyN ieh vI scfeI hY ik bdldy hflfq dy pRBfv hr kOm dy suBfa nUM pRBfvq krdy hn pr jo suBfa sdIaF dy ieiqhfs ny hwzIN rcf idwqf hY, Auh acyq hI pRBfvq krdf rihMdf hY. ies nUM kuJ Tos qwQF rfhIN smiJaf jf skdf hY.

    Bfrq ivwc afrIey kdoN afey (kuJ kihMdy hn ik Auh bfhroN afey, Bfrq dy jwdI vsnIk sn) pr ieiqhfskfr ies qwQ qy sihmq hn ik pfik-sqfn dy pwCmI ielfikaF ivwc, hVwpf qy mhMjodVo afid dy ielfikaF ivwc jo vI lok vsdy sn, AunHF dy rihx df pRmfx awj qoN iqMn, sfZy iqMn hjLfr sfl pihlF df imldf hY, Bfv iskMdr dy hmly qoN hjLfr ku sfl pihlF df. ieh ielfkf bhuq AupjfAU sI. cMgIaF PslF vI huMdIaF sn qy jMglF c Gfh-brUt bhuq afm sI. diraf bfrF mhIny vgdy rihMdy sn. duwD-iGE ies leI afm sI (jo awj vI pMjfb dy lokF dI sr-voqm Kurfk mMnI jFdI hY) ik gAUaF jMgl qy Gfh-brUt nfl rwj ky jFdIaF qy fm svyry duwD coa ky rwjvF duwD-iGAu KfDf-pIqf jf skdf sI. bhuq imhnq-muswLkq dI loV nhIN sI. PslF leI KyqF dI

    vhfeI-ibjfeI qy rfKI AuWqy sfl ivwcoN isr do-iqMn mhIny kMm krky bfkI sfrf smF lok ivhly rihMdy. aijhy smfj dy bwuDImfn diraf ivwc iesLnfn krky, sMGxy rwuKF dI CFvyN bYT ky DrqI qy afkfsL df rhws smJx leI socdy rihMdy.

    aijhy suKfvyN mfhOl kfrn (kudrq dI imhr kfrn) Aus smyN dy bwuDIjIvIaF ny jIvn dy mUl-afDfr smJx dI koisLsL kIqI. iesy kfrn vyd, AupinsLd qy sLfsqr rcy gey. soc smJ bhuq ivksq hoeI. iehdf Tos pRmfx ieh hY ik ienHF bwuDImfnF dy rcy jF sMklq kIqy Gt-sLfsqrF (jIvn dy rhws nUM smJx dy Cy isDFq) ivwc pfqMjl irsLI ny jIvn dy kyvl do qwq dwsy-idRsL qy idRsLtf. dUsry pMj irsLI munIaF ny ies qoN vwKry (vIh qoN vI vDyry) qwq dwsy. iksy nUM shI mMinaf jfey-muwK svfl ieh nhIN. svfl afpo-

    afpxI bwuDI anusfr jIvn df rhws jfxn dy XqnF df hY.

    iesy rmxIk iwqy qy kudrq dIaF imhrF vfly ielfky qoN, ieh lok gMgf dy iknfry awgy vDdy gey. smirDI hor vDdI geI. eIsvI sMn dy sLurUafqI smyN aMdr rfjy mhfrfjy qy afm lok suK-rihxy hu Mdy gey. iskMdr qoN bfad keI hor hmlfvr vI afAuNdy rhy. BfrqI lokF nUM vrxf rm anusfr cfr vrxF ivwcoN isr kwqrIaF nUM XuwD-ivwidaf c inpuMn hox df aiDkfr imilaf, bfkI iqMn jfqIaF nUM sLsqr ivwidaf df aiD-kfr nf hox kfrn pors qoN lY ky 1947 qk BfrqI lok hmysLf Coty-Coty hmlfvrF qoN hfrdy rhy (kfrn do hI sn, iek XuwD nIqI dI Gft qy dUjf kudrq dI imhr kfrn suwK BogI hoxf).

    pr dUjy pfsy pwCm dy lok aiqaMq srd mOsm ivwc

    jIvn ibqfAux kfrn, sq jfn huMdy gey. XUrp dy dysLF ivwc srd ivwc diraf jMm jFdy sn. sB rwuK bUty hi-rafvl srdI kfrn swuk sV jFdI. ieMnI TMZ ivwc ijAux leI bVIaF musLklF pYdf ho jFdIaF. dirafvF dy Auqly ihwsy qy jMmI br nUM BMn ky hyToN pfxI kwZxf pYNdf sI. Aus ivwcoN mwCIaF lwB ky BuwK imtfAuxI pYNdI sI. ijhVy dysL smuMdr dy kMiZaF nfl lgdy sn, AunHF ny ijAuNdy rihx leI smuMdrF df sr sLurU kIqf qy Pyr bfhrlIaF DrqIaF qk phuMcy qy pCVy hoey dysLF dI aMDI-rXiq nUM gulfm bxf ky ijMnf vI luwt skdy sn, rwj ky luwitaf. akih ulm kIqy.

    aijhf mMdf hfl hI arb dysLF df irhf. ryigsqfn dI ijLMdgI iksy pwKoN vI suKfvIN nhIN huMdI. ikDry vI kudrq imhrbfn nhIN sI. dUr-dUr qk pfxI nhIN sI imldf. bhuq QoVHI DrqI huMdI ijwQy lok ByzF-

    bwkrIaF cfr ky qy AunHF dI AuWn dy glIcy afid bxf ky durfzy ielfikaF ivwc vyc ky gujfrf krdy sn. AUTF qy lMmf sr sOKf nhIN sI huMdf.

    ieh qwQ vI idlcsp hY ik dunIaF dy do DrmF df ivkfs lgBg ieko (nyVly) ielfikaF ivwc hoieaf qy ieh hoey Drm (iesfeI qy ieslfm) pfxI AuWqy qyl vFg PYl gey. eysLIaf dy vDyry mulkF ivwc pihlF ieslfm PYilaf qy Aus qoN mgroN ienHF koloN eysLIaf qy arIkf dy lgBg sfry ielfky iesfeI Drm dy pYrokfr XUrp dy goi-raF ny Koh ley. ienHF dovyN iK-wiqaF ivwc kudrq dI kropI df isLkfr hoey ielfky ivwc rihx vfly lok bhuq sq jfn bx cuwky sn. ijAuNdy rihx leI

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    kudrq dI kropI (aiqaMq kiTn qy mMdy hflfq) ny ienHF ivwc ijAuNdy rihx leI, srIrF qy idmfgF df ieMnf ivkfs kIqf ik bfbr, Bfrq vrgy dysL AuWqy hmlf krn leI isr vIh-pMJI hjLfr POjI lY ky afieaf, pr aMgryjLF dy afAux qk iqMn sdIaF Aus dI aOlfd ny kroVF BfrqIaF qy rfj kIqf. Pyr 6-7 sO rfijaF dIaF afpo-ivclIaF lV-feIaF nfl brbfd hoeI XuwD-sLkqI nUM isr iek lwK qoN Gwt aMgryjLF ny iswDy-aiswDy ZMgF nfl kroVF BfrqIaF nUM psLUaF vFg bxfeI rwiKaf (Bfrq dI afjLfdI isr kFgrs jF hor pfrtIaF dy aMdolnF nfl hI nhIN sI afeI, dUsry sMsfr-XuwD kfrn ihtlr dIaF POjF ny aMgryjLF dI XwuD kqI qy dunIaf dy bhuqy dysLF nUM gulfm rwKx leI rfj pRbMD dI smrwQf hI qbfh kr idwqI sI. kfrn ieh vI sn ik kolMbs dy amrIkf lwBx ipwCoN, eysLIaf dy dysL vI aTfrvIN AunHIvIN sdI ivwc gulfmI qoN qMg af ky sucyq hox lwg pey sn. (pr ajLfdI dI iswiKaf vI pwCmI dysLF qoN leI

    imsfl vjoN Bfrq dI gdr lihr dI sLurUafq vI kYnyzf qy amrIkf qoN pRBfvq sI).

    Bfrq, arb dysL qy XUrp dy ieiqhfs ivwc sB qoN vwzf Prk ieho sI ik mnuwK dy ijAuNdy rihx leI ijMnf vI vDyry sMGrsL krnf ipaf, Ausy kfrn AunHF iKwiqaF dy lok sq jfn huMdy gey. afpxy ksLt-dfiek hflfq kfrn hI AunHF ny ryigsqfn pfr kIqy qy smuMdr hMGfly aqy Bfrq vrgy dysLF dy lokF ny sOKy hflfq ivwc isr nhfa-Do ky duwD-iGE Kf-pI ky suwK-rihxIaF kOmF nUM gulfm bxf ilaf.

    ieh vI scfeI hY ik vkq bdlx nfl gulfm kOmF nUM hosL afeI qy AunHF ny vI ijAuNdy rihx leI Xqn krny sLurU kIqy. pr aijhIaF kOmF vI pCVIaF hoeIaF hn ikAuNik afDuink Xuwg df sfrf ivi-gafn, XuwD-sLkqI qy rfj pRbMD dy sB ZMg-qrIky XUrp dIaF kOmF ny hI ivksq kIqy, pCVIaF (qy suwK rihxIaF) kOmF ny jo kuJ iswiKaf qy smirDI dy sfDn pYdf kIqy

    Auh sfry XUrp dIaF kOmF qoN iswKy. kudrqI hY ik Ausqfd, sLigrd nfloN hmysLf vDyry isafxf qy qyjL idmfg huMdf hY. jy asIN afpxy hI dysL dI imsfl leIey qF sfzI POj dI pUrI bxqr awj vI Auh hY jo aMgryjL isKf ky gey. vrdIaF qoN hiQafrF qy tryinMg qk sB kuJ aMgryjLF dI dyx hn (afjLfdI qoN pi-hlF ijhVy BfrqI brqfnIaf pVH ky afAuNdy sn AunHF nUM ieMglYNz irtrn kih ky sB qoN iewjLqdfr qy isafxy ikhf jFdf sI). ivwidak pRbMD, vpfr qy AudXog df hr ZMg, jF asIN aMgryjLF qoN iswiKaf hY jF XUrpIan kOmF qoN, afDuink ZMg dy hiQafr, jMgI jhfjL qy hYlIkfptr qk jF XUrp dy dysLF qoN rIddy hF jF AunHF dI qknflojI vrq ky bxfAuNdy hF.

    sB qoN vwzf BulyKf asIN jf sfzy vrgy hor eysLIafeI dysLF dy bwuDIjIvIaF ny jo jfixaf (jF soicaf( hY Auh ieho hY ik sMsfr iek ipMz bx cuwikaf hY. ivsLvIkrn (globlfeIjysLn) ies BulyKy

    df dUjf nF hY. ieh Brm AunHF hI XUrpIan dysLF ny PYlfieaf hY jo pihlF sfnUM gulfm bxf ky iswDy luwtdy-mfrdy rhy, hux hr afDuink Kyqr c ivkfs dy nF qy bfjLfrvfd rfhIN, guwJy ZMgF nfl luwtx lwgy hoey hn. afjLfdI dy mKOty ivwc lukI bfjfLrvfdI dI gulfmI nUM afpxy pCVy ieiqhfs qy kmjoLrIaF kfrn sfzy nyqf, pfrIaF ieho smJI jFdy hn ik kloblfeInjyLsn hI sfzy ivkfs df afDfr hn. pr scfeI ieh hY ik asIN awj AunHF XUrpIan kOmF dy aiswDy gulfm hF, ijnHF dy pihlF iswDy gulfm sF.

    svfl kOmF dy Prk qoN sLurU kIqf pr bhuqIaF dlIlF XUrpIan kOmF dIaF idwqIaF hn. ieslfm df vI ijLkr afieaf ik AunHF nUM ryigsqfnF dIaF musLklF ny sq jfn bxf idwqf, qdy Auh ieslfm dy afrMB hox qoN iqMn-cfr sdIaF aMdr hI, Bfrq qy eysLIaf dy dysLF AuWqy Cf gey. (Bfrq dy isMD ielfky ivwc, swqvIN sdI ivwc hI AunHF dy hmly sLurU ho gey sn).

    ieslfmI dysL BfvyN pwCmI dysLF qoN, afDuink KyqrF ivwc pCV gey pr awj vI Auh sq jfn hn. hux imsr qoN sLurU hoeI bgfvq lgBg jMgl dI awg vFg bhuqy arb dysLF ivwc PYl rhI hY. ilbIaf df izktytr gwdfPI aiVaf hoieaf hY pr AuhdI hkUmq nUM qbfh krn leI amrIkf qy nfto dy dysL Dwky nfl hI Auhdy itkfxy qbfh krn lwg pey hn. afm bMdy nUM ies guMJl dI smJ nhIN afAuNdI ik XUrpI dysL acfnk gwdfPI dy ilf ikAuN ho gey? pr ieh koeI guMJl nhIN. ierfk AuWqy amrIkI hmilaF qy swdfm husYn nUM PFsI cfVHn df kfrn Aus dysL dy qyl dI luwt sI. ieho kfrn ilbIaf qy hor arb dysLF AuWqy hmilaF df hY. jdoN ilbIaf dy bfgI lok, hOlI-hOlI gwdfPI dI hkUmq nUM hrf rhy hn qF suBfivk hY ik Auh qyl dy KUh vI afpxy kbjLy ivwc kr rhy hn. XUrp qy amrIkf nUM qyl dI sB qoN vwD loV hY. ies leI ijhVy vI lok qyl dy KUhF qy kfbjL hoxgy XUrp qy amrIkf AunHF dI shfieqf krygf.

    kOmF dy ikrdfr, AunHF dI sLkqI arfmpRsqI jF sq jfn hox dy kfrn awj vI kfiem hn. BfvyN AunHF df rUp purfxy smyN vflf nhIN irhf pr mfniskqf dy afDfr awj vI kfiem hn. ieh guMJldfr smwisaf nUM jy smJ vI ilaf jfvy qF vI Prk nhIN pYNdf. pCVy (suK rihxy) dysL dI qy sKq-jfn kOmF dI mfniskqf sLfied iewkvIN sdI ivwc kuJ bdl sky ikAuNik ieh lok aijhIaF musLklF-musIbqF ivwc iGrdy jf rhy hn ik afpxI mfniskqf nUM bdly ibnF qy hwQ pYr mfry ibnF AunHF df vjUd hI qry ivwc pY jfxf hY.

    svfl ieko hY ijAuNdy rihx dI pRivrqI. iesy aDIn hmysLF mnuwK ijAuNdy rihx leI af-pxy srIr qy idmfg dI vrqoN krdf irhf hY qy jdoN qk iehdf vjUd kfiem hY, AuhnUM ijAuNdy rihx leI hr Xqn krnf pvygf. ieho iek goJ hY ijs nUM smJy ibnF sMsfr ivwc vfpr rhIaF qbdIlIaF qy GtnfvF nUM nhIN smiJaf jf skdf.

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    mY cMzIgVH nyVy Irk-pur nUM vsidaf qy kYnyzf amrIkf dI sImf AuWqy siQq hfeIzr alfskf nUM AujVidaf qwikaf hY. myrI swjrI ivdy Xfqrf ny ieh lIlHf hor vI Aujfgr kr idwqI hY. Bfrq-pfik vMz smy Irkpur iek iqrfhy moV qoN vwD kuJ nhI sI. ieh moV kyvl do bMidaf nUM roI idMdf sI. AunHf ivcoN iek ivakqI sfeIklf nUM pMkcr lfAuNdf sI qy dUjf bws awzy dy rfhIaf nUM cfh iplfAux df DMdf krdf sI. dovy rnfrQI sn. JMg qoN AujV ky afey pnfhgIr. Auh mubfrkpur qoN cwl ky afAuNdy sn. rPIAUjI kYp qoN Gwgr ndI nUM rylvy pul rfhIN pfr krky. awj vflf pul qf bhuq bfad dIaf gwlf hn. ienHf swTf sflf ivc Aus iqrfhy moV ny bhu-mMlI iemfrqf, irfrtf qy mYirj pYlysf df ijhVf awj vflf rUp Dfiraf hY, Auh afpf sB ny vyiKaf hY.

    hfeIzr-alfskf dI kh-fxI AultI hY. awj BUqvfVf bixaf ieh ksbf 50 sfl pihlf amrIkf dy 49 vy rfj alfskf df Guwg vsdf afKrI ihr sI, ijhVf ibRit kolMbIaf (kYnyzf) dy sImf pfrly stIvrt ksby qoN do mIl dI dUrI AuWqy sI. AuNJ dovy ksby, jOVy bwicaf vfg juVvy hI sn. AunHF dI afriQkqf iek-dUjy Auqy inrBr sI. hfeIzr dy vsnIk tfeIm, iswkf, skUl qy CuwtIaf kYnyzf vfly hI vrqdy sn. AunHf df afpxf koeI kYlMzr nhI sI. kyvl hfeIzr dy zfkGr ivc amrIkn zflr dI loV pYdI sI. ies dy bfhr vflIaf pwbf, rfbKfinaf, hotlf, rYstorYtf, bYkf, bwsf, bwGIaf, dukfnf qy kfhvf Grf ivc kYnyzIan zflr hI cldf sI. iksy sYlfnI nUM puils shfieqf dI loV pYdI qf Pon kIiqaf kYny-zIan mfAuNitz puils hfr

    ho jfdI sI. ieQy tYlIPon koz vI alfskf vflf 907 nhI, sgo tYrys vflf 205 lgdf sI. mY hfeIzr ksby dy sfry rMg qwky hn, pihlf afpxy kvI imwqr rivMdr rvI dIaf dfsqfnf rfhI qy Aus qoN ipwCoN rvI kol phuMcy AunHf mihmfnf rfhI, ijnHf ivc sMq isMG syKoN, gurmyl iswDU, qyjvMq igwl, iekivMdr qy hux vflI PyrI dOrfn rGbIr isMG qy drjnf dosq imwqr fiml hn. bfrf-cOdf vrHy pihlf mYnUM qy myrI pqnI surjIq nUM ieh nfry idKfAux vflf vI rivMdr rvI hI sI. rvI inAU afieaf ivc pUry 27 sfl afidvfsI bwicaf nUM pVHfAuNdf irhf hY. Aus df hfeIzr ivc iswkf cldf sI. Auh kdy-kdfeI afpxy mihmfnf nUM amrIkn vIy qoN ibnf vI lY vVdf sI. jy swc puwCo qf myrI swjrI PyrI smy vI myry pfs-port `qy AuDr jfx df vIf nhI sI lwgf hoieaf.

    ibRit kolMbIaf dy stIvrt qy amrIkf dy hfeIzr ksby dI sfJ dIaf qMdf vI Gwt idlcsp nhIN. hfeIzr ivc rfb df diraf vgdf sI qy stIvrt ivc sony df. Bfvy sonf 1896 ivc lwiBaf pr ies qoN kmfeI krn df DMdf AudoN sLurU hoieaf jdoN 1902 ivc ieQy do stIvrt Brfvf ny prvy kIqf. AunHf dI dyK-ryK ivc bfhro afey qskr son BrI imwtI dy QYly pYsIiPk sfgr AuWqoN byVIaf rfhI vI iljfdy rhy qy qYr ky vI. sfgr ivc zuwbx dIaf vfrdfqf vI hoeIaf pr sony dy

    lflc ny sB nUM kMm lfeI rwiKaf. sMn 1924 qoN 1950 qwk df smf ies DMdy df sunihrI kfl sI. ipClI sdI dy pMjfhivaf ivc cMzIgVH nUM rfjDfnI aYlfny jfx nfl Irkpur df ivkfs sLurU hoi-eaf qy ieDr hfeIzr df ivnf, ijhVf ik 1956 ivc AuWkf hI Twp ho igaf.

    rivMdr rvI qy myry vrgy Aus dy mihmfn AujfVy vwl vDdy hfeIzr dy cmdId gvfh hn, Aus qoN pihlf vflIaf rMg-rlIaf qy rOxkf dy nhI. rOxk df somf ieDr df sonf sI qy EDr df dfrU. dovf joVy ihrf dy vsnIk eyDr df sonf puwtx leI AuDr dI dfrU pI ky afAuNdy sn. iek dMd kQf anusfr iek kfmf afpxf pflqU kuwqf ies leI afpxy nfl rwKdf sI ik Aus ny AuDro KrIdI dfrU dI boql iek lMmI rwsI rfhI kuwqy dy pty nfl bMnHI huMdI sI, ijhVI kstm vfilaf dI nr nhI sI pYdI. jy awj Irkpur ivc aMqf dI gihmf gihmI hY qf hfeIzr alfskf ivwc aMqf dI AujfV. bYkf, hotl, motl qy rYstorYt bMd hn. kyvl glyIar ien nfa dI pwb KuwlHdI hY qy Auh vI rsm pUrqI leI. vIh-pMJI Grf ivc cflI-pMjfh bMdy rihMdy hn. AunHf ivc vI mrd Gwt hn qy mihlfvf vwD.


    asI AunHf dy hfAuky qy hfvy suxy hn. Auh sfry Aus sflfnf smfgm dI AuzIk ivc hn, ijhVf Bly idnf dI Xfd ivc mnfieaf jfdf hY. awj Irk-pur hirafxvIaf, pMjfbIaf qy ihmfclIaf df Guwg vsdf ihr hY qy hfeIzr alfskf, amrIkf, kYnyzf qy rUs dy Au-jfVy df ibMb. amrIkf dy ies 49 vy rfj nUM amrIkf vfsIaf ny rUs dy fr qoN 1867 ivc kOzIaf dy Bfa KrIidaf sI. 72 lwK zflrf ivc.

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    Fast, powerful computing

    resources open research doorsUpgraded high-performance com-puting (HPC) systems with mas-sive memory and exceptional speed are being launched at two British Columbia universities. This will give re-searchers the tools to solve problems that have previously been beyond their reach.

    Nearly $17 million has been invested through the Compute Canada / WestGrid project toward upgrades at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and Simon Fra-ser University (SFU), with contributions from the Government of Canada through the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), as well as the B.C. Knowledge De-velopment Fund, SFU, UBC, Dell and HP.

    The work being supported by this infra-structure covers a wide range of fields that focus on computational challenges and big data projects, such as those mapping out the genetic composition of individual disease strains. These resources will also enable local academics to collaborate on international research endeavours, includ-ing the Large Hadron Collider in Europe.

    By investing another $9.4 million in West-Grid from our B.C. Knowledge Develop-ment Fund, were helping create a super-fast, super-powerful computing platform to support world-class B.C. innovation, said Harry Bloy, MLA for Burnaby-Lougheed. Our researchers will use it to tackle com-plex problems, including climate change, early detection of Alzheimers, and other things that affect B.C. families, while creat-ing jobs by driving the provinces knowl-edge economy.

    The expanded computational tools include an HP system at UBC, called Orcinus, and the Dell HPC system at SFU, called Buga-boo. Orcinus provides 928 compute nodes containing 9,600 cores (processors that read and execute program instructions), 19.2 TB of memory and 0.5 PB of storage capacity (equivalent to 250 billion pages of standard printed text). It also offers a theoretical computational performance of more than 90 TeraFLOPS, meaning it enables trillions of calculations to be performed every second.

    Big science requires the latest and most robust tools, and the Compute Canada/WestGrid investment not only provides our researchers with the resources they need to tackle complex scientific investigations, but it will help attract international col-laborations and the brightest minds around the world to B.C. and Canada, says John Hepburn, UBCs vice president research and international.

    For Joerg Bohlmann and Colette Breuil, professors at UBC (the Michael Smith laboratories and faculty of forestry), these computational resources are important for their genomics investigations into the mountain pine beetle epidemic, as part of the Tria project. Genomes of fungi and beetles are several tens to hundreds of mil-lion bases long, says Breuil. Assembling and analyzing them requires terabytes of storage and large memory nodes. Greater computing resources and powers are abso-lutely essential to harness the full benefits of these projects.

    At SFU, the Bugaboo platform offers 414 compute nodes containing over 4,300 cores, nearly 9 TB of memory and 2.4 PB of storage capacity (enough space to store the content of nearly every academic research library in the USA). This effec-tively doubles the sites available storage, and triples its computing power. Such an efficient system will allow researchers to contribute to large-scale computational projects, such as ATLAS, an experiment within the Large Hadron Collider that is investigating particle physics in order to discover the nature of the universe.

    The key to international collaboration is rapid data collection and communication, said Mario Pinto, SFUs vice president, research. Investment in the Compute Canada/WestGrid initiative will provide the necessary portals for the exchange of information in such diverse domains as particle physics, tracking epidemics in

    infectious diseases using bioinformatics, mapping genetic and epigenetic factors in chronic diseases, and studying degenerative neurological disorders with neuroinformat-ics. In all of these endeavours, collabora-tion assisted by electronic data storage and exchange is a critical component.

    One such beneficiary of the Bugaboo up-grade is Jack Chen, an associate professor in the department of molecular biology and biochemistry at SFU. WestGrid is a criti-cal platform for our genomics research on pathogens, which aims to identify genomic variations that define disease conditions [particularly malaria], said Chen. The volume of genomic sequences is large and beyond the power of normal computers to process, but with WestGrid, we have been able to expand our sequencing and analysis work.

    Todays launch is a powerful example of what can be achieved when various stakeholders come together as partners, said Gilles G. Patry, president and CEO of the CFI. These installations will further enhance Canadas capacity to effectively compete in the global technology arena.

    The resource upgrades at SFU and UBC complement an $8 million investment into HPC systems at the University of Victoria made through Compute Canada, WestGrid, CFI, IBM and the Government of B.C. in February, 2010.

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    Australias New South Wales police get new burka powers

    Police in Austra-lias New South Wales state have been given more powers to re-move burkas and other face coverings to identify crime suspects. Anyone who refuses to show their face could now be jailed for up to a year or face a heavy fine.

    The move follows the recent case of a Muslim woman who was acquitted after a judge ruled her Is-lamic veil made a positive identification impossible.

    Islamic leaders in the state said they were comfortable with the new measure.However, civil liberty groups expressed concern that the police were being given powers they did not need.Clarity and certaintyThe government of Austra-lias most populous state approved the changes at a meeting late on Monday.

    I dont care whether a person is wearing a mo-torcycle helmet, a burka, niqab, face veil or anything else, the police should be allowed to require those people to make their iden-tification clear, Premier Barry OFarrell said.He added: I have every re-spect for various religions and beliefs but when it comes to enforcing the law the police should be given adequate powers to make a clear identification.

    Anyone in New South Wales who refuses to re-move their face cover-ing could now be fined A$5,500 (3,672, $5,882) or put in prison for a year.State police welcomed the change, saying it would provide clarity and cer-tainty for both the public and for police officers.

    The Islamic Council of New South Wales said it ac-cepted the move, while the Muslim Womens Associa-tion said it had no problem

    if police handled the issue sensitively, including the deployment of female po-lice officers.

    The changes come after the high-profile case of Carnita Matthews, who last year was sentenced to six months in prison for falsely accusing a policeman of trying to forcibly remove her burka during a random breath test.But she won on appeal after a judge ruled that the prosecution could not prove she had made the false complaint because officers were not able to see her face. State police previously had the power to request the removal of face veils while investigating serious offences, but not on more routine matters.The Western Australian state government is now also considering introduc-ing similar legislation, the BBCs Phil Mercer in Syd-ney reports.

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    ierfk ivc burI qr H F hfr jfx qoN bfad hux amrIkf dI agfinsqfn ivc burI qrHF hfr ho rhI hY, pRMqU agfinsqfn ivc hfr amrIkf dIaF korIaf, vIaqnfm, lfAus, kMbozIaf aqy ierfk ivc hoeIaF hfrF nfloN vwKrI sfbq hovygI, ikAuNik ies hfr nfl amrIkn Xuwg aqy pwCmI pRblqf dy Xuwg df aMq ho jfvygf. agfinsqfn ivc afpxI hfr mMn lYx aqy agfinsqfn qfilbfn nUM sONpx nfl amrIkf ieh svIkfr kr irhf hY ik hux amrIkf bfkI sMsfr ` qy afpxI mrI nhIN Tos skdf. agfinsqfn ivc hfr hI sovIaq XUnIan dy Zih jfx df kfrn bxI, pRMqU donF mhF kqIaF dy Zih jfx ivc bhuq Prk hY. sovIaq XUnIan dy Zih jfx qoN ipwCoN rUs iPr iek ivv kqI vjoN AuBr ipaf hY, pUiqn dI sucwjI agvfeI hyT rUs ny kfI hwd qwk afpxf guaficaf vwkfr iPr hfsl kr ilaf hY, pRMqU amrIkf nfl aijhf kuJ vfprn vflf nhIN hY aqy amrIkf lgfqfr rsUK guafAuNdf jfvygf aqy ies sdI dy mwD ivc pUrI qrHF hfIey `qy phuMc jfvygf. amrIkf dI hflq purfqn romn sfmrfj aqy

    afDuink ibRit sfmrfj vflI hI hovygI. ies sdI dy mwD ivc amrIkf ies qrHF df ho jfvygf, ijvyN awj df ieMglYNz aqy ietlI hn jo ivv kqIaF vjoN pUrI qrHF hfIey `qy phuMc cuwky hn.BfvyN ik ieiqhfs dIaF ikqfbF ivc iliKaf hY ik amrIkf dI nINh afdI, BrfqrI Bfv aqy brfbrqf `qy rwKI geI sI. pRMqU swc qF ieh hY ik amrIkf df aDfr nslvfd aqy hMkfr dy QMmHF `qy itikaf. amrIkf iek ivv kqI ikvyN bixaf? afid-vfsIaF dIaF mInF Koh ky, kfly lokF dy hwdoN vwD ox aqy mYksIko nUM hrf ky Aus dy ielfky nUM afpxy ivc imlf lYx krky. amrIkn afid-vfsIaF dIaF mInF DoKy nfl Koh leIaF geIaF, nfbrfbrqf vflIaF sMDIaF AunHF `qy Tos ky AunHF dIaF mInF KohIaF geIaF. arIkx lokF nUM afDuink Xuwg ivc gulfm bxfieaf igaf, jdoN ik bfkI df sMsfr kfI smF pihlF gulfmI dI pRQf nUM iqafg cuwkf sI. mYksIko nUM hrf ky Aus df bhuq sfrf ielfkf amrIkf ny afpxy ivc imlf ilaf. awj amrIkf df sfrf pwCmI kMZf aqy dwKx-pwCmI ielfkf iksy vyly mYksIko df ihwsf huMdf sI. afpxf

    ieMnf vwzf ihwsf guaf ky awj vI mYksIko dy lok amrIkf nUM mhfn bxfAux ivc afpxf ihwsf pf rhy hn. Auh amrIkf leI hwdoN vwD ssqI mdUr kqI gYr kfnUMnI afvfsIaF dy rUp ivc pRdfn krdy hn. ies nfl amrIkf dI KyqI aqy PlF dI pYdfvfr kIqI jFdI hY. Auh vpfrk adfiraF aqy GrF dI sPfeI vrgy ssqI Aujrq vfly kMm krdy hn, ijnHF nUM krn leI gory kfmy lwBxy bhuq mukl hn.nslvfd qoN ielfvf hMkfr vI amrIkn sfmrfj df vwzf QMm hY. BfvyN ik ieiqhfsk qwQ ies gwl dI putI nhIN krdy. pRMqU iPr vI amrIkI ieh hI mMnI jf rhy hn ik Auh sMsfr dy sB qoN mhfn lok hn. ies hMkfr kfrn Auh dUjIaF swiBafqfvF aqy dUjy dyF dy lokF df siqkfr nhIN krdy aqy AunHF nUM af-pxy nfloN GtIaf smJdy hn. BfrqI rfjdUqF nfl kIqy gey dur-ivvhfr qoN hI ies qwQ dI putI ho jFdI hY, purfqn si-maF qoN hI ieh prMprf clI af rhI hY ik rfjdUqF df siqkfr hoxf cfhIdf hY. AunHF nUM srkfrI prfhuxy smiJaf jFdf hY aqy AunHF nfl inmr aqy siqkfr vflf ivvhfr kIqf jFdf hY. pRMqU

    BfrqI rfjdUqF nfl bhuq hI GtIaf aqy byiewqI krn vflf ivvhfr kIqf igaf hY. pihlF BfrqI aMbYszr mIrf kumfr aqy XUnfeIitz nYnl ivc BfrqI aMbYszr hrdIp isMG purI nUM surwiKaf krmcfrIaF vwloN hvfeI awizaF `qy pryfn kIqf igaf. iPr iek rfjdUq dI lVkI nfl bhuq hI flmfnf aqy gYr-mnuwKI ivvhfr kIqf igaf. hux inAUXfrk ivc iek hor BfrqI rfjdUq pRBU idafl `qy iek byqukf mukwdmf kIqf igaf hY, pr vfrI amrIkn pRfsn vwloN ienHF rfjdUqF dIaF ikfieqF dUr krn leI kuJ nhIN kIqf igaf. ieQoN qwk ik amrIkF ivc mukwdimaF df svfl hY, Auh sB nUM pqf hY ik 90 pRqIq qoN vwD mukwdmy isr jldI qoN jldI, iafdf qoN iafdf pYsf bxfAux dy lflc nfl hI kIqy jFdy hn. iPr vI amrIkI pRfsn aijhy hoCy mukwdmy rokx leI kuJ nhIN krdf, sgoN iek qrHF nfl lokF nUM aijhy mukwdmy krn leI Auqfihq krdf hY. vkIl ieh kihMdy hn ik jy qusIN mukwdmf hfr gey qF quhfzf koeI nuksfn nhIN qy koeI Krcf nhIN aqy jy qusIN mukwdmf ijwq gey qF asIN imlx vflI rkm ivcoN kuJ ihwsf lY lvFgy.

    BfrqI rfjdUqF nUM amrIkf ivc pryfn krn dy mfmly AunHIN dyr Kqm nhIN hoxgy, ijMnI dyr Bfrq amrIkI rfjdUqF nUM AunHF dI hI kOVI dvfeI df suafd nhIN cKf idMdf. Bfrq ivc amrIkn rfjdUq ies qrHF df ivvhfr krdy hn, ijvyN ik Auh afpxI nvbsqI ivc rfjy-mhfrfjy hox. Auh BfrqIaF nfl hMkfr aqy siqkfr rihq vqIry nfl py afAuNdy hn. ieQy hI bs nhIN, Auh Bfrq dy aMdrUnI mfmilaF ivc dKl dyxf afpxf hwk smJdy hn. BfvyN ik rfjdUqF dI pRMprf ivc aijhf krn dI sq mnfhI hY. Bfrq nUM AunHF nUM AunHF df aslI sQfn Xfd krvfAuxf cfhIdf hY. AunHF dy Bfrq ivc Kuwly qOr `qy GuMmx-iPrn `qy pfbMdI lfAuxI cfhIdI hY aqy AunHF nUM aMbYsI qoN bfhr jfx leI ivy mnUrI lYxf lfmI kr dyxf cfhIdf hY. jo Auh BfrqI siQqI qy koeI ibafn idMdy hn jF itwpxI krdy hn qF AunHF nUM qurMq iewQoN cldf krnf cfhIdf hY. mYnUM XkIn hY ik jy Bfrq aijhy kdm cuwkdf hY qF amrIknF df BfrqI rfjdUqF nfl slUk bdl jfvygf. Bfrq nUM ieh Xfd rwKxf cfhIdf hY ik awj amrIkf nUM Bfrq dI, Bfrq nUM amrIkf dI loV nfloN iafdf loV

    z .

    hY, ikAuNik amrIkf Bfrq nUM cIn awgy kurbfnI df bwkrf bxfAuxf cfhuMdf hY. amrIkf cfhuMdf hY ik Bfrq Aus dI cIn nfl lVfeI lVy. Bfrq nUM aijhf krn dI amrIkf koloN bhuq vwzI kImq hfsl krn df hwk hY.jy amrIkf nslvfd aqy hMkfr nhIN Cwzdf qF Aus dI hflq ieMglYNz aqy ietlI nfloN ikqy vwD mfVI hovygI. amrIkf nUM qIsry ivv XuwD df sfhmxf krnf pY skdf hY. ierfk aqy agfin-sqfn ivc hfrF ieh ds cuwkIaF hn ik qIsry ivv XuwD ivc amrIkf dI hfr XkInI hY. GrylU qOr ` qy amrIkf nUM iek qbfhkuMn nslI XuwD df sfhmxf krnf pY skdf hY. ieh kihxf aiqkQnI nhIN hovygf ik amrIkf qF hI bc skdf hY, jy ieh nslvfd aqy hMkfr Cwz dyvy aqy afpxI bhu-swiBafcfrI scfeI nUM svIkfr kr lvy. hux qwk amrIkf ny afpxy bhu-swiBafcfr, scfeI nUM svIkfr nhIN kIqf. amrIkf hux qwk afpxI iviBMnqf aqy bhu-swiBafcfrI scfeI nUM afpxI sB qoN vwzI dyxdfrI smJ irhf hY, pRMqU amrIkf qF hI bc skdf hY, jy Auh ies nUM afpxI sB qoN vwzI sMpqI smJx lwg pey.

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    aksr sfzy lok nfc BMgVy dI aKIrlI bolI huMdI hY ik ieh myrf pMjfb bylIE, ieh myrf pMjfb qy Aus qoN bfad pMzfl qfVIaF nfl gUMj AuWTdf hY pr awj-kwlH ijhVf pMjfb sfzIaF awKF sfhmxy vwsdf hY Aus qoN asIN awKF nhIN Pyr skdy. afE sfzy rMgly pMjfb dy iPwky pYNdy rMgF qy iewk pMCI Jfq mfrIey.

    rMg brMgI sLrfb, rMg brMgy kYpsUl, golIaF, smYk qy kokIn ny nOjvfnF dy ichiraF dI lflI Koh leI qy ienHF nisLaF dI Kfqr Auh CotIaF-motIaF corIaF krn, luwtF-KohF aqy BIK mMgx leI mjLbUr ho gey. hr rojL aKLbfrF c nsyVI aOlfd nUM bydKl krn jF nsLy leI Gr qoN pYsy nf imlx krky hwiqaf jF afqm hwiqaf dIaF KLbrF sfzy rMgly pMjfb dy rMg iPwky pYx dI gvfhI BrdIaF ny. skUlF, kfljF qy hostlF

    nyiVEN ijMnIaF dvfeIaF dIaF sLIsLIaF qy KflI pwqy imldy ny, sLfied Eny iksy hspqfl ny-iVEN nf iml skx. iewk burg ny myry kol afpxy poiqaF dy nsLyVI hox df ikwsf suxfieaf. jdoN mYN rokQfm bfry puwiCaf qF burg ny hAukf Brdy hoey ikhf, puwq nisLaF qoN aOlfd nUM ikvyN rokIey, awj-kwlH duwD lYx vfsqy Gr qoN dUr jfxf pYNdf hY pr smYk, BuwkI qy sLrfb qF Tykydfr Gr hI PVf jFdy ny. skUlF-kfljF dIaF styjF AuWqy lwqF qy afieEzYks lf ky BMgVf pfAuNdy muMzy qy dMdF nfl GVy dI QF qy kuwjy cuwk ky igwDf pfAuNdIaF muitafrF nUM dyK ky sihjy hI aMdfjLf lfieaf jf skdY ik sfzy dysL dI jvfnI ikwDr jf rhI hY. ieh nhIN ho skdf ik srkfrF nUM ienHF nisLaF dI KwulyH afm ivkrI bfry pqf nf hovy pr qusIN afp hI soco ik sLrfb, BuwkI qy aIm

    dy gwPy vMz ky pvfeIaF hoeIaF votF nfl bxIaF srkfrF qoN kI AumId kr skdy hF? AunHF nUM qF afpxy joVF-qoVF qy iksy dy pRDfn jF cyar mYn bxn qy lwzU vMzx qoN ivhl nhIN imldI. dUjy pfsy pIx vfly jLihrIly pfxIaF krky ipMzF dy ipMz kYNsr, polIE, aMghIx, kflf pIlIaf qy hor gMBIr ibmfrIaF dy isLkfr ho rhy hn. sfzIaF awKF sfhmxy sfzf pMjfb hI-rosLImf df rUp Dfrn krdf jf irhf hY. bhuq sfry ipMzF c lgBg hr Gr c iksy nf iksy ibmfrI dy mrIjL bwcy, aOrqF qy burg mMijaF nfl juVy pey hn. ipMzF c jf ky qF ies qrHF lwgdY ijvyN qusIN iksy hspqfl dy aYmrjYNsI vfrz ivwc af gey hovy. awDy qoN vwD pMjfb dy gwBrUaF dy srU ijhy kwd, cOVIaF CfqIaF qy zOy jLihrIlIaF spryaF qy di-rafvF dI Byt cVH gey. pRdUsLx

    kMtrol borz dy kfF aqy sYNplF muqfbk pMjfb df pfxI aMimRq vrgf idKfieaf jFdf hY pr svfl ieh hY ik iPr nihrF, dirafvF qy nlikaF c jLihr kOx qy ikwQy Gol irhf hY? Gwgr pwtI, mfnsf, qlvMzI sfbo qy PfijLlkf ielfky dy lokF df kihxf hY ik ijhVf pfxI Auh hr rojL pINdy hn, pRdUsLx borz vfly Aus pfxI nfl nhf ky hI idKf dyx qF Auh afpxIaF ibmfrIaF nUM iksmq jF rwb dI dyx smJ lYxgy.

    iksfnF dI hflq bfry hux qwk bhuq kuJ iliKaf-ikhf jf cuwikaf hY pr gwl AuhI hY ik, pMcF df ikhf isr mwQy prnflf AuWQy df AuWQy. srkfrF dI gwl qF dUr krjLy dI mfr krky iksfnF dIaF KudkusLIaF nUM qF hux mIzIaf vI KLbr nhIN mMndf. jY jvfn, jY iksfn dy nfary qF hux iksy

    trflI qy ilKy vI nhIN njLr afAuNdy, blik dUr vkq dIaF hnyrIaF c guMm ho gey jfpdy hn. aslI KyzF sfzy hwQoN Kuws geIaF. hfkI sfzI hirafxf Koh ky lY igaf qy jy[ sI[ tI[ imwl dI Puwtbfl tIm Kqm ho geI. sfzy pwly bws rfjnIqk KyzF h