JULY 4, 2016 - Stone Associationstoneassociation.org/clientimages/23969/june 2016 stone...On July...

STONE TABLET Saved by His grace, joined by His blood, bound by His love and sent by His Word to spread the Good News. *NO JUNE or JULY * EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETNG VOLUME XXXIV Issue 6 DIRECTOR OF MISSIONS: DR. JOE WILES JUNE 2016 HARVEST REPORT May 2016 Baptisms 4 Professions of Faith 1 STONE ASSOCIATION “Churches Working Together” ne As Aletheia Fellowship 2008 Bangham Heights 1966 Baxter First 1957 Bear Creek 1944 Brotherton 1926 Cane Creek 1868 Caney Fork 1813 Cedar Hill 1934 Church on the Hill 1956 Colonial View 1992 Cookeville First 1873 Covenant 2011 Crossroads 2008 Cummins Mill 1987 Dodson Branch 1953 Double Springs 1984 Eastwood 1961 Gainesboro First 1905 Hampton’s Crossroads 1897 Hope In Christ Fellowship 2014 (mission of The River) Iglesia Misonera Salem 2008 Jesus El Buen Pastor 2000 Johnson 1835 Kainos 2015 (mission, Church on the Hill) Midway 1976 Mill Creek 1923 Monterey First 1904 Nash Grove 1912 New Heaven 2013 (mission, FBC, Cookeville) New Home 1898 Poplar Grove 1888 Poplar Springs 1890 Rocky Point 1906 Sand Springs 1875 Scott Avenue 1975 Silver Point 1975 Sonlight 2003 Stevens Street 1947 The River 2002 Trinity 1952 University Heights 1994 VineBranch 2010 Washington Avenue 1959 WestHaven 2002 West View 1940 Wilhite 1928 Woodcliff 1918 Check out our website: www.stoneassociation.org 2016 VBS Date Church Time June 12-16 Cedar Hill June 13-17 Woodcliff (Family Night June 19, 6 PM) 6:00-8:00 PM June 13-17 Poplar Springs June 13-17 Cookeville FBC June 13-17 New Home June 18 Scott Avenue June 19-24 Nash Grove June 20-24 Colonial View 6:00-8:00 PM June 25 Caney Fork June 26-30 University Heights 6:00—8:30 PM July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 (Sunday nights) Westhaven 6:00 PM July 23 Rocky Point 9:00 AM—2:00 PM Alternate Themes: The Ultimate Climb June 15-17 Trinity 6:00-8:30 PM JULY 4, 2016

Transcript of JULY 4, 2016 - Stone Associationstoneassociation.org/clientimages/23969/june 2016 stone...On July...

Page 1: JULY 4, 2016 - Stone Associationstoneassociation.org/clientimages/23969/june 2016 stone...On July 16, 1651, Clarke, along with assistant pastor Obadiah Holmes and layman John Randall,



Saved by His grace, joined by His blood, bound by His love and sent by His Word to spread the Good News.





Baptisms 4

Professions of Faith 1


“Churches Working Together”

ne As

Aletheia Fellowship 2008

Bangham Heights 1966

Baxter First 1957

Bear Creek 1944

Brotherton 1926

Cane Creek 1868

Caney Fork 1813

Cedar Hill 1934

Church on the Hill 1956

Colonial View 1992

Cookeville First 1873

Covenant 2011

Crossroads 2008

Cummins Mill 1987

Dodson Branch 1953

Double Springs 1984

Eastwood 1961

Gainesboro First 1905

Hampton’s Crossroads 1897

Hope In Christ Fellowship 2014 (mission of The River)

Iglesia Misonera Salem 2008

Jesus El Buen Pastor 2000

Johnson 1835

Kainos 2015 (mission, Church on the Hill) Midway 1976

Mill Creek 1923

Monterey First 1904

Nash Grove 1912

New Heaven 2013 (mission, FBC, Cookeville)

New Home 1898

Poplar Grove 1888

Poplar Springs 1890

Rocky Point 1906

Sand Springs 1875

Scott Avenue 1975

Silver Point 1975

Sonlight 2003

Stevens Street 1947

The River 2002

Trinity 1952

University Heights 1994

VineBranch 2010

Washington Avenue 1959

WestHaven 2002

West View 1940

Wilhite 1928

Woodcliff 1918

Check out our website: www.stoneassociation.org

2016 VBS Date Church Time June 12-16 Cedar Hill

June 13-17 Woodcliff (Family Night June 19, 6 PM) 6:00-8:00 PM

June 13-17 Poplar Springs

June 13-17 Cookeville FBC

June 13-17 New Home

June 18 Scott Avenue

June 19-24 Nash Grove

June 20-24 Colonial View 6:00-8:00 PM

June 25 Caney Fork

June 26-30 University Heights 6:00—8:30 PM

July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 (Sunday nights) Westhaven 6:00 PM

July 23 Rocky Point 9:00 AM—2:00 PM

Alternate Themes:

The Ultimate Climb

June 15-17 Trinity 6:00-8:30 PM

JULY 4, 2016

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Budget Receipts MAY 2016




Baptist History No. 11-John Clarke

(derived from McBeth, H. L., Baptist Her-

itage, Broadman, 1987, pp 139-141)

In 1652 John Clarke published a book in

England about religious persecution in New

England. It was entitled “Ill Newes from

New England” and was a courageous state-

ment for religious liberty and had a profound

impact in both countries. The book was trig-

gered by an incident of harsh persecution in

Boston. On July 16, 1651, Clarke, along with

assistant pastor Obadiah Holmes and layman

John Randall, made a pastoral visit to the

home of William Witter in Lynn, Massachu-

setts. Witter, who was elderly and nearly

blind, was probably a member of the Newport

church. Clarke apparently preached at his

private residence to several neighbors who

assembled. The three men were arrested,

transferred to the Boston court, tried and duly

condemned, and sentenced to be fined or

publicly whipped.

Clarke took a remark by the governor as an

invitation to debate and readied four princi-

ples that he would uphold: 1) Christ is Lord

of every area of life; 2) baptism should be

reserved for believers only, not infants, and

should be applied by immersion; 3) all be-

lievers, including unordained laymen, may

speak for Christ in the church and out; and, 4)

religious liberty for all is a God-given right.

The Boston ministers proved less eager for

public discussions of these issues than the

governor had intimated, and the debate never


Clarke’s fine of £20 was paid by some un-

known donor, Randall posted bail and was

released, but the more outspoken Holmes was

assessed a fine of £30. An anonymous donor

offered to pay, but Holmes refused and insist-

ed upon taking the beating. After several

weeks in jail, he finally felt the lash on Sep-

tember 5, 1651. Holmes’s hands were tied to

a stake in Boston Commons, he was stripped

to the waist, and the “Whipper” spat upon his

hands and laid the three-corded whip “with

all his strength” thirty times across the back

of Holmes. Before the whipping, friends had

offered Holmes wine, but he said “my resolu-

tion was not to drink wine nor strong drink

until my punishment were over” lest the

world say he was sustained by wine and not

the Spirit. Throughout the whipping Holmes

continued to preach to the crowd. When the

ordeal was over, he said to the magistrates,

“You have struck me as with roses.” (Edwin

S. Gustad, ed., Baptist Piety: The Last Will

and Testament of Obadiah Holmes, pp 22 f).

He later testified that he had long believed

that in the time of trial Christ stood by His

own; now he had confirmed it in his own life.

However, Holmes was so brutally injured that

he was unable to leave Boston for several

weeks, much of that time able to rest only

crouched on elbows and knees. His back

remained a mass of scars the rest of his life.

This incident was related in Clarke’s book

and demonstrated the reality of religious per-

secution in America.

Church May Total

Aletheia $ 15.00 $ 60.00

Bangham Heights $ 325.00 $ 1,625.00

Baxter, First $ 60.00 $ 300.00

Bear Creek $ 50.00 $ 250.00

Brotherton $ - $ -

Cane Creek $ 55.80 $ 343.00

Caney Fork $ 862.57 $ 5,019.05

Cedar Hill $ 100.00 $ 500.00

Church on the Hill $ 50.00 $ 350.00

Colonial View $ 388.00 $ 2,001.00

Cookeville, First $ 1,135.74 $ 6,035.85

Covenant $ - $ 100.00

Crossroads Community $ - $ 188.41

Cummins Mill $ - $ -

Dodson's Branch $ 100.00 $ 500.00

Double Springs $ - $ 331.23

Eastwood $ 150.00 $ 165.00

Gainesboro, First $ 116.25 $ 752.51

Hamptons Crossroads $ 300.00 $ 750.00

Hope in Christ Fellowsp. $ 131.24 $ 699.44

Iglesia Misonera Salem $ - $ -

Jesus El Buen Pastor $ 237.72 $ 1,148.37

Johnson $ - $ -

Midway $ 20.00 $ 80.00

Mill Creek $ - $ 793.00

Monterey, First $ - $ 400.00

Nash Grove $ - $ 1,225.52

New Heaven $ 50.00 $ 250.00

New Home $ 257.00 $ 1,221.00

Poplar Grove $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00

Poplar Springs $ 101.94 $ 621.21

Rocky Point $ - $ 970.08

Sand Springs $ 50.00 $ 250.00

Scott Avenue $ - $ -

Silver Point $ 250.00 $ 625.00

Sonlight $ - $ -

Stevens Street $ 166.67 $ 833.35

The River $ 200.00 $ 1,000.00

Trinity $ 100.00 $ 500.00

University Heights $ 454.04 $ 1,748.45

VineBranch $ 526.00 $ 2,024.00

Washington Avenue $ 265.00 $ 1,325.00

West Haven $ - $ 200.00

West View $ 50.00 $ 250.00

Wilhite $ - $ 264.00

Woodcliff $ 100.00 $ 400.00

TN Baptist Convention $ 782.00 $ 3,910.00

Other Budget receipts $ 676.00 $ 2,768.00

Total $ 8,625.97 $ 43,777.47

Church Giving Only $ 7,167.97 $ 37,099.47

Checkbook balance 4/30/16 $ 2,820.12

Expendable all sources $ 8,983.12

Expenditures April $ 8,560.15

Checkbook balance 5/31/16 $ 3,243.09

It’s that time of the year when we try to

get missions, VBS, church activities in be-

fore school begins, and other things of like

nature. I hope that vacation is also a part of

your planning. All of us need some US

time to effectively serve the Lord with our

best. I think that it means we need to take

time for ourselves and our families in the

middle of all the work in which we are in-


As we know, the commission of Jesus was

to reach our communities, our area, our

state, our nation and around the world. That

commission is found in Matthew 28:18-20.

Your association is here to help us do that.

We can draw strength from each other and

assistance in our hard times. The Southern

Baptist Convention helps us reach

around the world along with other mission

opportunities we may find. The Tennessee

Baptist Convention helps us to reach our

state and around the world as well. Stone

Association reaches out beyond our area

and our counties. I am afraid that some-

times we are so busy looking outward, that

we miss the needs at home. It should not be

one or the other, but both.

So the question we need to answer is

whether your association is important to

your church and its ministry. Next month I

will again share what our mission is and ask

that you truly pray about where you and

your church fit into the ministry of your


Joe Wiles, DoM

Where Falls the Rain?

If the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain;

In Tennessee it lands on my elbow.

As it seeps through skin and bone

And makes my body groan with old arthritis.

But still I won’t complain

Rather say now “Come on Rain”.

Because if you must know—

It helps my garden grow.

Joe Wiles

Page 3: JULY 4, 2016 - Stone Associationstoneassociation.org/clientimages/23969/june 2016 stone...On July 16, 1651, Clarke, along with assistant pastor Obadiah Holmes and layman John Randall,

From time to time churches need someone to

supply or an Interim Pastor and do not

know who to call. The following men have

indicated their willingness to supply (some as

Interim Pastor) and would appreciate an

opportunity to serve.*

“I charge thee therefore before God, and the

Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick

and the dead at his appearing and his

kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in

season, out of season; reprove, rebuke,

exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”

2 Timothy 4:1-2

*The local church will be responsible for

verification of individual credentials and/or


Available Pulpit Supply

Jeff Amonett

Charles Anderson

Danny Ashburn

Bill Barenkamp

Steven Barlow

Tony Bartlett

Gary Bowman

Jason Cohoon

Ken Coots

John Davis

Keith Emrich

Frank C. Favia, Sr.

Benny Fields

Wayne Gantt

Charles Gibbs

Burt Handschin

Robert Haynes

Jim Highland

Philip Hutchings

Bob Jett

Steven Jones

Robert Little

Christian Lomax

Justin Martin

Mark Miller

Joe Morgan

Chuck Overton

Brian Parker

Greg Perlongo

Richard Petty

Mark Phillips

Carl Scarlett

Gene Schmid

Timothy Selmas

Nathan Thomason

James Trivette

Bryan Vaughn

Keith Weatherly

Derik Zooashkiyani

931-864-3553, 397-5007















526-6477, 544-1334



803-295-6819 local





















Use Your Talents for the Lord!

Pianist Needed ...

West View


Bear Creek

Cookeville Rescue Mission

(contact 931-979-3904 Larry Self)

Accompanists (guitar, pianist, etc.) needed ...

Monterey FBC

These positions may be paid, volunteer,

part time or fulltime. But, all are rewarding.


If you would prefer to

receive your Stone Tab-

let by email, please send

us your email address.

“Flock of Ages”

If you like the old hymns and music you

might not have heard in a great while, you will

really like this group from FBC, Cookeville.

They want to share their musical talents for

the Lord. They also have pianists in the group

who would be available to serve a smaller


Contact: Allen Atkins @931-544-1435 for

AM, PM, or special occasions.

Col. Hugh X. Lewis

Poet Laureate of Christian Country Music

Presents The “Christian Country Story”

One man show offers Classic Christian

Songs and stories about these songs.

His songs, poems, recitations, Christian

Humor, and testimony will entertain, inform

and minister to audiences of all ages.

615-883-0086 Kingdom Come Records

GA/GIRL’S CAMP: June 13-16

Pre-registration cards are available at

the Stone Association Office.

Each camper should bring play clothes,

sleeping bag/blankets, pillow, something

for swimming and some canteen money.

Also, toilet articles.

Cost: $60.00 per camper

Contact information if you have ques-

tions: Amanda Dyer 239-9708

RA/BOY’s CAMP: Update

Registered 34 boys

Mission Trip to India

September 8-18, 2016

We have 6 openings.

Contact Steve Farris at [email protected]

for more information.

Page 4: JULY 4, 2016 - Stone Associationstoneassociation.org/clientimages/23969/june 2016 stone...On July 16, 1651, Clarke, along with assistant pastor Obadiah Holmes and layman John Randall,



•June 11th, Saturday, 11a.m. to 3p.m., the

Youth Ministries will host a fundraiser to

help support a trip to the Chattanooga Aquarium

in July. Fried fish dinners will be sold. The day

will offer family fun, games and a silent auc-


•June 15th – 17th, Wednesday through Friday,

Vacation Bible School (ages 2 through adult),

6 – 8:30p.m. nightly. The Ultimate Climb is

the theme with the motto, Hiking Up to Meet

God (Exodus 34:2b).

•June 26th, Sunday, Tr inity will celebrate our

annual Homecoming. Following morning wor-

ship and dinner, Rev. Michael M. Alley, Sr. of

Prosperity MBC, Auburntown, TN, will bring

the 3 p.m. message, with music rendered by his

church choir.

•June 29th – July 1st, Wednesday through Fri-

day, our Women’s Missionary Society will

host Family and Friends praise and worship

programs, 7 p.m. nightly.

An open invitation awaits you at Trinity.

Come and help us uplift the name of our Lord

and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Our pastor is Rev. Earl Dirkson


We had 9 young men go to RA Camp and 7

young ladies go to GA Camp. What a wonder-

ful, enriching time they had of learning about

Jesus, missions and getting along with each

other! Our VBS will begin on June 26 and end

on June 30.

Our pastor is Rev. Troy Brachey.


We had a wonderful service on Mother’s Day

by recognizing our mothers, having a baby dedi-

cation, and observing the Mother’s Day Offer-

ing for the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home.

In June, we will begin to invite our communi-

ty to our VBS in July. We will observe the

Father’s Day Offering for the Tennessee Baptist

Adults Homes.

Our VBS will be held on each Sunday night in

July starting at 6:00 PM.

Our pastor is Rev. Bryan Hickey


In May we began the month with a communi-

ty Tent Revival with Silver Point Baptist

Church. The WMU collected enough money to

send 4 youth to the Lighthouse Christian Sum-

mer Camp.

Saturday, May 14, our Brotherhood guys gave

our playground a “do over”. It was ready just in

time for VBS, May 23-27.

We averaged 61 nightly with 25 children hear-

ing the Word. Our directors were Bro. Tim &

Julie Miles and Susan Hogg.

We appreciate their hard work. We had a great

time with “Submerged” and that little yellow

submarine. We are praying for our fellow asso-

ciational churches in VBS.

We mourn the loss of one of our faithful

church members since 1959, Deacon Howard


Our pastor is Rev. Tim Miles


We are looking forward to all the summer

activities this year with RA & GA camp, VBS,

picnics and cookouts.

The Food & Faith Pantry served 29 families,

prepared 30 boxes of food and had 12 workers in

May. The pantry is open the first and third

Thursday of each month from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

The Prayer Card Ministry sent out 163 cards of

encouragement in May.

We collected $1,206.93 for the TBC Chil-

dren’s Homes on Mother’s Day. We will be

collecting a special offering for the Tennessee

Baptist Adult Homes on Father’s Day. During

the month of July we will be collecting house-

hold, adult hygiene, child personal care, supplies

& linens, food pantry needs and emergency

clothes closet items for the Genesis House.

We had a great turn out for our Memorial Day

picnic on Sunday, May 29. You are invited to

our Independence Day picnic with fireworks on

Sunday, July 3, at 6:30 p.m. at the church. The

church will supply the hamburgers and hot dogs.

Bring any picnic side dish along with a lawn

chair or blanket to sit on during the fireworks.

Please, be in prayer for guidance for our

church and the pastoral search committee.

Our interim pastor is Rev. Bryant Owens.


We will have a benefit for Clay Sherrell on

June 18, 2016 with a yard/bake sale and conces-

sions beginning at 7:00 AM until noon. At 6:30

PM there will be a Gospel Singing featuring the

Short Family. Everyone is invited to attend and

support Clay!

In July we will be celebrating Friend and Fam-

ily Day on July 17. We are planning a great day

of fellowship and fun. Everyone is invited!

We have a PRAISE. There was 1 profession

of faith in May. We ask for your prayers as we

continue to grow and work for the LORD!

Our pastor is Rev. Walt Phillips


We had 14 young men at RA Camp and the

girls are preparing for GA Camp. We will have

VBS later and we are still collecting for our

missions emphasis partners. The roof is nearly

complete on our new building and we are hoping

to be moved in by sometime in September.

Our pastor is Rev. Steven Thornton.


Our VBS is scheduled for June 20-24 from 6-

8 p.m. with the theme “Submerged”.

We were pleased to welcome one new mem-

ber to our congregation in May by statement.

Several of our members have been working

hard on making a new directory for our church.

It should be finished soon.

Our church will host the Caravan Singers for

our fifth Sunday singing in July. Join us.

Our pastor is Rev. Marc Burnett


*We are hosting Sports Camp June 27-July 1

at Upperman High School 5:00-8:15 PM each

evening. We are very grateful for our partners

from Eastwood Baptist, New Home Baptist,

Pistole Baptist, Poplar Grove Baptist , Vine-

Branch Community, and New Beginning Assem-

bly! Please pray for this week of outreach, and

if you are still interested in enrolling campers

Ages 4-12, contact our church at 858-5433.

Our pastor is Rev. Rick Burnett

DODSON BRANCH We praise the Lord for four people following the

Bible in the way of "believer's baptism" during

May. Our pastor had Jordan Allen helping him

during the baptisms. We had another

encouraging message from Bro. Roy Allen during

the morning worship service May 15th. He and his

wife Jeanette, daughter Sarah, and toddler aged

grandson Rex Kibbler were visiting from

Ooltewah, Tennessee. Our Vacation Bible School

was June 5-9. We had inspiring songs, Bible les-

sons, and crab sandwiches accompanied with cavi-

ar, barnacles, seaweed salad, and ocean water

punch during our fellowship time in the 'Dive-In

Diner' the first night of VBS. The B-I-B-L-E, yes

that is the book for me! We are expecting good

blessings this week! Everyone is invited to a spe-

cial singing service with Wilburn and Wilburn

on Sunday, July 17 at 6:00 PM. Elaine Wilburn

may be singing with them. Mark your calendar and

join us. We recognize our fathers on Sunday, June

19th. What a responsibility and blessing for all

fathers given to you by God to love and direct your

child/children in the ways of righteousness. Sum-

mer will officially arrive June 20th. Seasons were

set for us in the book of Genesis. We are still sup-

porting Dr. Franklin Graham's Prayer Decision

Tour America 2016. Tennessee has the largest

number in attendance for the Nashville Prayer

Rally than any state. This is even more than Texas

and California. We ask everyone to continue to

pray for our Country and each other.

Our Pastor is Rev. Jim E. Phillips.

EASTWOOD Welcome to summer! School is dismissed for a

few weeks and families are planning outings and

vacations. It's a fun time of year. On June 25th, our

youth will have a Children's Water Fun Party and,

on June 30th,we will be involved with the VBS

Sports Camp. Our 5th Sunday singing was held on

Memorial Day weekend, followed by a watermelon

fellowship. We have more outings planned.

We try to stay grounded by remembering that

we owe everything to God and give Him thanks.

Sometimes we fail to express our gratitude but we

are mindful of His grace and remember that He

never goes on vacation or takes a day off! He's

always there, 24-7! So, take a few moments every

day to simply thank Him for our blessings.

We welcome our Interim Pastor Rev. Marvin

“Keith” Pryor, Jr. and his wife, Stacy.

We celebrated the high school graduation of

Ms. Heidi Anderson. In early June, two of our

members, Tim and Maribeth McPherson, renewed

their marriage vows. Our joyous celebrations were

intermingled with various medical concerns for our

membership and their families. We continue to lift

those concerns to the Lord in prayer.

We collected a “Mother's Day Offering” to

benefit the TBC Children's Homes and exceeded

our initial goal. Special contributions toward these

offerings were made in memory of June Grimstad

Smith, Shelby Hatley, and Chastine Sloan.

We will host a Revival on June 22-24 at 7:00

PM, with special music and messages delivered by

Rev. Herb Leftwich, Evangelist. Our doors are

open to all and we anticipate that everyone will

receive a spiritual blessing. Plan on joining us.

We'd love to have you. Don't Be So Open Minded

That Your Brains Fall Out!

Our Interim Pastor is Rev. Keith Pryor.

Page 5: JULY 4, 2016 - Stone Associationstoneassociation.org/clientimages/23969/june 2016 stone...On July 16, 1651, Clarke, along with assistant pastor Obadiah Holmes and layman John Randall,



On Saturday, August 27, Cookeville will

Host a community outreach event called

“Convoy of Hope.” This event will take

place at the fairgrounds 10:00-2:00 on that day,

giving our churches a great chance to work to-

gether to share the love of Jesus. Volunteers

can serve in (at least) the following ways:


*Bagging/carrying groceries

*Sizing and distributing shoes

*Prayer and evangelism

*Financial support

*Set up on Friday, August 26

*Feeding/caring for other workers

*Inviting community members to attend

*Clean up at the end of the event

All volunteers need to register at

www.convoyofhope.org/Cookeville as soon as

possible. If you would like more information

about your role in this event, contact Rick Bur-

nett at 252-3096, the Stone Association Office

at 526-4655, or Trinity Assembly at 537-9830.

And remember that together we can do more for

the Kingdom...and for our community!

Rick Burnett, Chairman

Missions Development Committee

Putnam County Fairgrounds 155 Fairgrounds Street Cookeville, TN 38501 GATES OPEN 10:00AM Rain or Shine • While Supplies Last� All are Welcome • No I.D. Required More details to come…..

Church Secretary or Church Clerk ATTENTION!! If you have not picked up your FREE ANNUALS and CALENDARS, please do so in

the very near future. These are excellent resources as the Annual contains addresses and phone numbers of our church leaders. As well as the Book

of Reports, Constitution and By-Laws for Stone Association, and a historical list.

“Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus”

(Isaiah 52:7)

Thursday, August 25 at 6:30 PM

Washington Avenue (chapel)

Featuring: Nancy Knowlton, Director

Crisis Pregnancy Center

Special music, display tables, Come experi-

ence ways we can be the hands and feet of

Jesus! Our mission project—diapers and

wipes for the Crisis Pregnancy Center.

Please bring them with you.

Sponsored by Stone Association WMU

Attention Bible Drill Leaders: New mater ials for 2017 Bible Drills are available at Lifeway. Get Star ted!

Contact Pam Boswell @ 260-5902 Complete information on “How To” available on TBC website under “children”.

August 13August 13

Mt. Juliet, Victory Baptist Church

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US Postage


Cookeville, TN

Permit No. 79


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 12 13 8:00 AM Call to

Prayer at West View

Happy Birthday!

Rev Marvin Pryor Jr

14 15 16 17 18



Baptist Men’s Day


8:00 AM A Call to

Prayer at West View

21 22 23

Happy Birthday!

Dr. Jon Nelms

24 25


Homecoming: Trinity


8:00 AM A call to

prayer at West View

Happy Birthday! Jere-

my Flatt

28 29 30 JULY 1 2

3 Church Anniversary

dates: Rev. Billy

Haney, Cummins Mill

(1981) & Rev. Earl

Dirkson, Trinity 1991)



(Stone Association

office closed)

5 6 7

Happy Birthday!

Rev. Billy Haney

8 9


Happy Birthday! Rev.

Russell G. Flatt


8:00 AM A Call to

Prayer at West View

12 13 14 15 16

JUNE / JULY 2016



Mailing Address: PO BOX 455, COOKEVILLE, TN 38503

Physical Address: 25 W. Broad Street, Suite 3, Cookeville, TN 38501

TELEPHONE: (931) 526-4655, FAX: 525-6074

E-MAIL: [email protected]


Return Service Requested



GA/GIRLS CAMP at Sandy Stone Camp—June 13-16

SPORTS CAMP - Upperman HS and Prescott South - June 27—July 1

Association Mission Trip to Langley, Kentucky—July 3-9