July 2012 NewsletterIf you aren’t contacted by an ARW luncheon representative for your lunch...

ARW is ‘Dark’ during July, August When we hold our monthly meetings they are held at: Briarwood Country Club 135th Avenue & Meeker Blvd - Sun City West, AZ. Registration 10:45a.m.; Lunch / Meeting Begins at 11:30am Note: Thank you for adhering to Briarwood’s dress code of NO JEANS . Reservation Deadline: noon on Friday before the luncheon. Event is for adults only - no children. $17.00 includes lunch menu choices listed below Please make your check payable to ARW, before arriving ; if cash, exact amount preferred; NO CREDIT CARDS Any member cancelling beyond the deadline is expected to pay. Reservation must be received by Friday prior to meeting. If you aren’t contacted by an ARW luncheon representative for your lunch order, please email [email protected] or contact Cheryl Shocklie, 623-773-9698 or Penny Murphy, 623-487-5480. Submitted by Bev Bair, ARW Newsletter Editor [email protected] -- phone: 623.255.5352 July 2012 Newsletter ARW is an organization of Republican Women of various races, ages and creeds who believe in the Republican philosophy of smaller government, less taxation and more personal freedom.

Transcript of July 2012 NewsletterIf you aren’t contacted by an ARW luncheon representative for your lunch...

  • ARW is ‘Dark’ during July, August

    When we hold our monthly meetings they are held at:

    Briarwood Country Club 135th Avenue & Meeker Blvd - Sun City West, AZ.

    Registration – 10:45a.m.; Lunch / Meeting Begins at 11:30am

    Note: Thank you for adhering to Briarwood’s dress code of NO JEANS.

    Reservation Deadline: noon on Friday before the luncheon. Event is for adults only - no children.

    $17.00 includes lunch menu choices listed below Please make your check payable to ARW, before arriving; if cash, exact amount preferred; NO CREDIT CARDS

    Any member cancelling beyond the deadline is expected to pay. Reservation must be received by Friday prior to meeting. If you aren’t contacted by an ARW luncheon representative for your lunch order, please email [email protected]

    or contact Cheryl Shocklie, 623-773-9698 or Penny Murphy, 623-487-5480.

    Submitted by Bev Bair, ARW Newsletter Editor [email protected] -- phone: 623.255.5352

    J u l y 2 012 N ews l et t e r

    ARW is an organization of Republican

    Women of various races, ages and

    creeds who believe in the Republican

    philosophy of smaller government,

    less taxation and more personal


  • A Message From

    President Shirley McFerran

    Page 2

    Hi everyone,

    Since we cannot take a walk unless it is 6:00am, I must assume we are experiencing another “wonderful” Phoenix summer.

    I am sorry I was not able to attend ARW’s first June luncheon meeting. I heard the meeting was a huge success and everyone enjoyed the main Speaker, State Treasurer Doug Ducey and also the other speakers.

    I must admit that when ARW members are called upon to give from the heart, you never fail to perform brilliantly. Pat Pryhuber, our new Caring for America Chair, informed me that she was extremely pleased with the nonperishable food all of you brought. Pat is doing such a great job and look forward to her next project for ARW in September.

    For members who were not able to make the AzFRW Summer meeting, the feedback I received was that it was a huge success. There will be a fall meeting and, if at all possible, do try to make it. There will be information forthcoming as to the exact date and place the meeting will be held. It is such a great learning experience and loads of fun. Unfortunately I was not able to make that meeting but I do look forward to the Fall meeting.

    I sincerely wish all of you a really great summer and look forward to seeing you when the lunch-eons start again in September. Lots of exciting things coming up for the balance of the year, wonderful speakers, introducing new officers, the Christmas party, wow, can hardly wait for the summer to be over just thinking about all the fun activities coming up.

    The Biggest Tax Increase in History: by Jan Martinson, 1st Vice President

    The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Obamacare is an act of deception. It is simply a massive tax in-

    crease. We the American people have been deceived in ways that nobody contemplated. There is NO limit on

    the federal government’s ability to tax. The Internal Revenue Service has just become Barack Obama’s domestic

    army. These are the words of Rush Limbaugh.

    The only way to get rid of Obama’s healthcare overhaul, is via the ballet box. That is to get rid of

    Obama! The decision makes Obamacare a tax increase that falls primarily on young people and poor people who

    can’t afford it. With Medicaid provisions struck down, government will not be there to help middle and low-

    income families who have to pay a huge percentage of their income for insurance or pay a large fine.

    The only way left to prevent Obamacare from taking effect is to repeal it. And that’s not going to hap-

    pen if we elect the same people to office, who voted for it in the first place. It is not only our mission as Republi-

    can women to vote in a new President but to hold the majority in the house and get the majority back in the

    Senate. We women have got to stand strong and do all that we can to get out the vote and talk to our Independ-

    ent friends. We need signs in our yards and telephone calls to our friends and relatives in our home states to

    make sure they are doing all that they can do to help turn this mess around. Just think, if every Republican lady

    in the USA gave $10.00 to the GOP, we would have more than enough money to counteract the negative ads

    running on TV. I know this has been a long article, but ladies, we have got to do it one more time!


  • Page 3



    The Nominating Committee will be meeting this summer. If you are interested in serving as an officer for Arrowhead Republican Women, please contact one of the committee members.

    All officer positions will be filled, President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President, Sec-retary, Treasurer and 2 Members-at-Large. All positions are for a one year term.

    The job descriptions are listed in your Membership Directory beginning on page 21, Article VI,

    or you may contact any member of the Nominating Committee if you have questions for a more in-depth description. The success of our Club depends on each member; have a great summer,

    The Nominating Committee for 2012

    Barb [email protected], 623-444-8898;

    Karen Hartman, no email, 623-566-3447

    Lois Smith, no email, 623-825-4308

    The AzFRW Summer Meeting in Prescott was wonderful! Our speakers and workshops were all fabulous as were the Silent Auction and club vendors... special thanks to hosting Regions V & VII for a great job!


    The AzFRW Fall State Meeting in Tucson - Sheraton Grant Hotel

    Oct 12-13…(Mark your calendar)

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  • MEMBERSHIP ‘MUSINGS’ FROM 2nd V.P., Lezlee Alexander

    Hello, friends!

    Thanks to all that attended our June meeting, introducing an extension into our ARW year! It was well attended, consistent with our usual meetings, and the program speaker, Mr. Doug Ducey, was very informative. Speaking of informative, what a treat to have political candidates coming to us to tell us about themselves to help us make informed voting decisions! With them lingering for lunch, what an opportunity to ask any questions we may have. This is the kind of stuff where you appreciate being an Arrowhead Republican Woman!

    ARW received two new Members in June – one technically a late renewal to ARW but “new” in the eyes of AzFRW and NFRW. We’re up to 116 in ARW! We have 18 associate memberships and 98 full memberships – congratulations!

    June’s membership prize announcements will be at the September meeting where we’ll thank our member bringing the most guests to the June meeting and for having sponsored the most new mem-bers since March! Our winners didn’t attend the June luncheon, so they’ll be much more properly acknowledged at our next meeting.

    The state membership report received at the Summer AzFRW Meeting was quite interesting. ARW is on track with returning to last year’s membership numbers. Of particular note, we’re doing great in gathering new members! However, we have quite a bit of work to do in retention. Our numbers should improve with the 3rd quarter report that will be sent very shortly, but, based on October through March information (1/2 of the year according to AzFRW and NFRW), we had a 74% return rate. We mostly seem to take our time getting memberships renewed. Your membership “year” runs January 1 – December 31. We begin beating the drums for you to renew early starting in October. The last quarter of our calendar year is actually the first quarter of the Federated year for us to recapture members. You can plan on regular messages going out this fall asking for your renewal!

    Retention brings to mind another important but difficult consideration. Each and every one of you is an important part of our club. YOU help shape the direction of the group – what we support, activities, programs – the works. If you have suggestions of ways to improve ARW, your Executive Board is ALL EARS! Is ARW meeting your needs as a Republican Woman? Are there things you would like to see us consider doing? Is voter registration important to you and we should be “out there” as a group? Is educating our children in Americanism and supporting scholarships the key to our success as Republicans – growing the next generation? Do you want more information about what YOU can do to change the politics and policies of our government? Do you most enjoy hearing our candidates speak and the Programs offered?

    What is ARW to YOU and are we meeting your needs? We want to know. We’re listening! Also, bear in mind, with all of your wonderful suggestions – we’re counting on YOU to make a difference and HELP make your vision a reality. Thanks for being here!

    Page 4

  • Page 5

    Arrowhead Republican Women


    Briarwood Country Club -- June 12, 2012

    Call to Order: Jan Martinson, 1st Vice President, called the meeting to order at 11:30 A.M.

    Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance: Chaplain Gayle Salter gave the Invocation and Arizona State Treasurer Doug Ducey led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

    President McFerran: Jan Martinson announced that President McFerran is absent because of medical problems. It is the duty of the 1st Vice President to perform the duties of the President in her absence.

    Welcome: Jan welcomed the guests who introduced themselves.

    2nd Vice President/Membership: Lezlee Alexander, 2nd VP and Membership Chairman, reported 96 active mem-bers and 18 associate members.

    Minutes: The minutes of April 11, 2012 were approved as published.

    Treasurer: In a written report Treasurer Judi Bourd reported a bank balance of $6,343.98 as of May 31, 2012. To be reimbursed for the AzFRW State Meeting she requested a copy of the submitted registration form.

    Candidates: The following candidates gave brief presentations.

    Arizona Senator Judy Burges

    Phil Lovas- Rep LD 22

    Jeanette DeBriel-Rep LD22,

    David Livingston-Rep LD22

    Jean McGrath-County Board of Supervisors,

    Tracy Livingston-Peoria School Board

    Speaker: Arizona State Treasurer Doug Ducey

    Nominating Committee: Barbara Grosskopf, Karen Hartman and Lois Smith were elected to serve on the Nomi-nating Committee for the 2013 officers.

    Jan Martinson reported she is working on the speaker for September. She is trying to book Governor Brewer for November to install our new officers for 2013.


    Pat Pryhuber is the new Caring for America Chairman.

    The Newsletter will be published in July and August.

    Keep track of your volunteer hours during the summer months.

    Jan Martinson will carry the proxy for President McFerran at the State meeting in Prescott,

    and also will be selling jewelry, First Aid Kits, tote bags, etc.

    Adjourn: 1:30 P.M.

    Submitted by Jan Hermsmeuer


  • Page 6

    Lesko Legislative Update

    Hello Ladies,

    My family has moved to Peoria because the Independent Redistricting Commission cut me out of my old district by 6 blocks. When it gets cooler, I'll have to invite you ladies to my new place. It is north of Cactus and just west of 67th Ave. It has a great back yard for a party!

    I am deeply disappointed about the Obamacare ruling by the Supreme Court. I feel like we just keep losing our Country a little bit at a time. Although it would be easy to sit around and be depressed, we need to really start working hard for Romney. I am more concerned than ever what the next 4 years will look like with an Obama Presidency.

    It is clearer and clearer that the Obama administration wants to eventually make illegals citizens in order to vote for him and other Democrats. Recently, Obama bypassed Congress and chose to ignore immigration law by dictating that young illegals could stay in the Country legally. Before that, he and Napolitano determined without Congressional approval, that only illegals with other criminal charges would be pursued and deported. The federal government is even suing us over Arizona's law that requires ID when registering to vote. If you remember, this was a voter initiative passed by a vast majority of Arizonans and has been working well. We can not let this man stay in power.

    Lastly, I have two Democrat opponents in my race for re-election and I could use your help. I have already heard one of them, Carol Lokare, attack me on a radio program and claim some totally inaccurate things. My opponents are using Clean Election funding. I am not. Please send contributions payable to Re-Elect Debbie Lesko to P.O. Box 6693 Glendale, AZ 85312. I'd greatly appreciate it!

    Thank you,

    House Majority Whip Debbie Lesko State Representative, New Legislative District 21

  • Other Arizona Republican Party meetings:

    Legislative District 22 - Contact: www.azld4gop.org or Eric Morganl [email protected]. Republi-can General meeting held every third Monday, at 6:30 PM, Union Hills Country Club, 9845 W. Union Hills, Sun City. Legislative District 21 - Meets every 3rd Thursday at 7pm Plaza Del Rio Community Center, 13215 N. 94th Dr., Peoria 85381. Contact Lisa Gray 623-322-5101, [email protected], www.ld9.org. Legislative District 12 - Meets 2nd Monday of mo., 6pm social, Wigwam, 300 W. Wigwam Blvd, Litchfield Park 85340. Contact Rhonda King 623-640-3742, [email protected].

    Sun City West Republican Club- President Ray Rodes 623-214-4873- 1st Saturday of each month, 8 AM-10AM, Quail Room of the Foundation Building, 14465 RH Johnson Blvd., will hold July and August meet-ings. Sun City Grand Republican Interest Group - Meets fourth Saturday of each month, 9AM, Chaparral Ctr.. Pima Rm. Their email is [email protected]. Contact President Ralph Wirebaugh - 623-584-3898.

    Sun City Republican Club - Meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm, Sundial Recreation Center,

    14810 N. 103rd Ave. Contact Lisa Gray, 623.322.5101, [email protected] www.SunCityGOPClub.com

    NFRW National Convention: Desert Ridge Marriott - Phoenix, AZ. Year - 2015 AzFRW Fall Meeting - Sheraton Grant Hotel, Tucson - October 12/13

    For the latest Arizona Federation of Republican Women (AzFRW) Information, award forms, information club newsletters, event photos,

    candidate profiles:

    For National Political Briefing as well as other information, log onto

    National Federation of Republican Women’s web site:

    County Republican Party: 623-977-4532

    State Republican Party: 602– 957-7770

    If you ever are concerned about or want to know the details of any par-

    ticular bill you can find out at Thomas.loc.gov and get the information.

    Web site Wisdom &

    Meeting Opportunities







    Page 7

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  • Just One State, this is only one State; what an eye opener!

    From the Los Angeles Times Newspaper

    1. 40% of all workers in Los Angeles County ( Los Ange-les County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are

    predominantly illegal aliens working without a green card.

    2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for

    illegal aliens. 3. 75% of people on the most-wanted list in Los Angeles

    are illegal aliens. 4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to ille-gal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid

    for by taxpayers.

    5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

    6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

    7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border. ]

    8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

    9. 21 radio stations in Los Angeles are Spanish speaking.

    10. In Los Angeles County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish. (There are 10.2 million people in Los Angeles County .) (All 10 of the above statements are from the Los Angeles Times)

    Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare. Over 70% of the United States ' annual population growth (and over 90% of California , Florida , and New York ) results from immigration. 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

    We are a bunch of fools for letting this continue!

    HOW CAN YOU HELP? Pass this information on to at least two other people. 100 would be even better.

    Page 8


    President Shirley McFerran 623.322.9336 [email protected]

    1st V.P. Jan Martinson (Programs) 623.546.3753 [email protected]

    2nd V.P. Lezlee Alexander (Membership 602.354.5224 [email protected]

    3rd V.P. Bonnie Hochberg (Ways & Means) 623.547.6776 [email protected]

    Secretary Jan Hermsmeyer 623.584.6309 [email protected]

    Treasurer Judi Bourd 623.433.9449 [email protected]

    Mem./Lrg. Bev Bair 623.255.5352 [email protected]

    Mem./Lrg. Kathy Gans 602.792.5802 [email protected]

    Mem./Lrg. Irene Parker 623.328.7560 [email protected]


    Achievement Awards Jan Hermsmeyer 623.584.6309 [email protected]

    Americanism Pat Pryhuber 623-884-7220 [email protected]

    ARW Auditor Marilyn Sage 623.975.1792 [email protected]

    Budget Committee Pat Lutes 623.584.7326 [email protected]

    By-laws Committee Jan Hermsmeyer 623.584.6309 [email protected]

    Campaign Annette McHugh 602.670.7124 [email protected]

    Caring For America Pat Pryhuber 623-884-7220 [email protected]

    Chaplain Gayle Salter 623.975.0353 [email protected]

    Correspd. Secretary Judy Blackburn 623.544.4348 [email protected]

    50/50 Drawing Lois Smith 623.825.4308

    Historian/Photos Dora Sextro 623.214.3959 [email protected]

    Legislation Debbie Lesko 623.878.9761 [email protected]

    Literacy Annette McHugh 623.670.7124 [email protected]

    Luncheons/ Cheryl Shocklie 623.773.9698 [email protected]

    Reservations Penny Murphy 623.487.5480 [email protected]

    Newsletter Editor Bev Bair 623.255.5352 [email protected]

    Parliamentarian Jan Hermsmeyer 623.584.6309 [email protected]

    Publicity Frosty Taylor 928.684.1221 [email protected]

    Page 9

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