July 2011 Heathfield

MAGAZINE Heathfield High School ISSUE 9 - 8 July 2011 AVAILABLE TO VIEW ONLINE: www.heathfield.leics.sch.uk As this school year draws to a close, we are sad to say goodbye to our current year 9’s. We will be very sorry to see you go, but wish you all the very best of luck for your future academic career. Have a GREAT summer! We would like to welcome all the year six pupils that will be joining us in September, and it was great to meet them on the two transition days - Thursday 7th & Friday 8th July. Thank you to all the parents who came to the parents evening, if you didn’t get chance to buy a sweatshirt or tie, the school office will be open in the holidays - see back page for dates & times. Year 9 - Goodbye & Good Luck! Welcome Year 6! Sports Day results on page 6


Heathfield Newsletter

Transcript of July 2011 Heathfield

Page 1: July 2011 Heathfield

MAGAZINEHeathfield High School

ISSUE 9 - 8 July 2011

AVAILABLE TO VIEW ONLINE: www.heathfield.leics.sch.uk

As this school year draws to a close, we are sad to say goodbye to our current year 9’s. We will be very sorry to see you go, but wish you all the

very best of luck for your future academic career. Have a GREAT summer!

We would like to welcome all the year six pupils that will be joining us in September, and it was great to meet them on the two transition days - Thursday 7th & Friday 8th July. Thank you to all the parents who came to the parents evening, if you didn’t get chance to buy a sweatshirt or tie, the school office will be open in the holidays - see back page for dates & times.

Year 9 - Goodbye & Good Luck!

Welcome Year 6!

Sports Day results on page 6

Page 2: July 2011 Heathfield


Quiz Night at Heathfield

The annual Quiz Night was a huge success, with everyone having a great time! The winners of the ‘School Owl’, for the second year running, were 9LB, followed by 8GH in 2nd place and 7AS in 3rd.8GH & 8MR drew on the ‘Blockbuster’ round which involved guessing the logo’s and famous peoples names. Commiserations to 8FT who won the booby prize for the lowest score - better luck next year!.Thanks to Mr Jones and Mrs Smith, who took centre stage as the Quiz-masters for the event, and to all who took part to make it such an enjoyable evening.

Year fives from Weavers and year sixes from Townlands Primary School came up to the Art Department for a morning of Felt Making with Ms Prime. The children thoroughly enjoyed this experience and made some great pieces of work.

‘AU REVOIR!’ MRS SMITHC’est la fin d’une excellente carrière pour madame Smith.Après 30 années de bons et loyaux services à Heathfield High School, nous fêterons le départ à la retraite de madame Smith à la fin de ce trimestre le 15 juillet 2011. Le départ à la retraite c’est la fin d’une carrière professionnelle mais aussi, le début d’une autre vie plus calme mais certainement passionnante. Les élèves et le personnel de Heathfield sont reconnaissants pour l’excellent travail accompli durant toutes ces années et n’oublieront jamais son amour du travail bien fait, sa bonne humeur et sa disponibilité. Nous souhaitons à madame Smith tout le bonheur du monde. Bonne retraite ! bien méritée…



MENZFELD!• Now Alice, a carrier bag isn’t going to keep your hair dry in the South American rainforest...!!

Sadly, Alice will be leaving Heathfield at the end of term to travel around South America and New Zealand for two years. The English Department will not be the same without her; we will miss all her funny tales! She will be sadly missed by all her colleagues, and especially by the pupils who have been lucky enough to have her as their teacher; they all speak very highly of her. We wish Alice all the best with her travels and look forward to receiving her blogs – I’m sure there will be some funny tales to tell!

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YEAR NINES READY TO MOVE ONConnexions Leicester Shire has spoken with Year 9 Leicestershire students about their views on the options process they have been through, and how they are feeling about moving to upper school.

Most students have prepared really well by visiting the upper schools and attending options events put on by their school. Options booklets produced by schools were well thumbed as the students decided which subjects to select. Many had also read general information from the Connexions website, and 62% had looked into future career ideas too by searching online or asking people in the know.

The support families give in making options decisions was clearly very important - parents being seen as the number one help in discussing choices. The second most useful thing, according to students was visiting upper schools.

Many were excited about upper school and felt ready to go. Some understandably felt scared or nervous, and some are expecting a challenge. Nearly half the students said they found the options difficult to choose between, and a third found them confusing – they are aware that their enjoyment of their education depends on making the right decisions. Happily, the vast majority do feel confident that they’ve now made the best options choices for them, and none of them think they’ve made a bad choice.

Teachers, careers coordinators, advisers and families have done a great job in supporting Year 9s through this time.

To get to grips with studying at the next level young people could look at study tips from Connexions:www.connexions-leics.org/1834/Study-tips.html

For future career ideas check out Connexions’ information and links to reliable websites for different occupations: www.connexions-leics.org/1807/Job-types.html

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Food Technology &

Our next event is Heathfields First Junior Master Chef of which 10 of our Year 7 and 8 students will be participating in. We look forward to the results. Thank you to all parents for your support with ingredients which enables your youngsters to participate so enthusiastically in the Food Technology lessons.

Yr 9 Jewellery Project

Design and Technology CAD/CAM Projects

Well done to all the students who have produced brilliant work in Food Technology this year.

The Year 9 Celebration Products have been of an excellent standard as can be seen!

Design Technology YR 9 jewellery project

YEARBOOK DESIGN COMPETITIONThank you to all students who did a design, the winner was Eve Pigou of 9CC and runner -up was Curtis Jeffries 9CC. Students who have ordered a yearbook - these are ready for collection from Reprographics! ...there are some spares, so hurry, bring £3.50 to Mrs Macfarlane to get a copy!

Tom Goodluck Commemorative Bench

The bench was unveiled by Darren Clarke, an ex-pupil of Heathfield who had organised the memorial.

School NurseWe have a new school nurse, Sarah Fenwick who will be starting after half term. Sarah will be coming into school on a weekly basis running a ‘drop-in’ session for students.

Janice Hackett

Design & Technology CAD/CAM Projects

Year 9 Jewellery Project

Design at Heathfield!

Yr 9 Jewellery Project

Design and Technology CAD/CAM Projects

Page 5: July 2011 Heathfield


Yr 9 Jewellery Project

Design and Technology CAD/CAM ProjectsDesign Technology YR 9 jewellery project

YEARBOOK DESIGN COMPETITIONThank you to all students who did a design, the winner was Eve Pigou of 9CC and runner -up was Curtis Jeffries 9CC. Students who have ordered a yearbook - these are ready for collection from Reprographics! ...there are some spares, so hurry, bring £3.50 to Mrs Macfarlane to get a copy!

Tom Goodluck Commemorative Bench

The bench was unveiled by Darren Clarke, an ex-pupil of Heathfield who had organised the memorial.

School NurseWe have a new school nurse, Sarah Fenwick who will be starting after half term. Sarah will be coming into school on a weekly basis running a ‘drop-in’ session for students.

Janice Hackett

Design & Technology CAD/CAM Projects

Year 9 Jewellery Project

Design at Heathfield!

Yr 9 Jewellery Project

Design and Technology CAD/CAM Projects

Page 6: July 2011 Heathfield


Heathfield Sports Day 2011

Well done to all who took part in the Annual Sports Day. Here are the results:

FOOTBALL TOURNAMENTWell done to Year 7 girls who were runners-up, Year 7 boys missed out on qualifying for the semi-finals on goal difference and Year 8 who reached the semi-finals in the Hinckley and North Warwickshire 8 A-Side football tournament.

ws...Sports News...Sports News...Sp Athletics: Gemma Broomfield qualified to represent Leics & Rutland at the All England School Championships on 1st-2nd July. Gemma ran in the 4 x 100m Relay. The team finished 3rd, qualifying for the final the following day. Unfortunately they just missed out on the bronze and finished 4th. She also managed a sub 13 secs for 100m!! Swimming: Chloe Sparrow competed at the County Competition in June and got a National qualifying time for breastroke which means she can compete in National Championships in July!!Boxing: Bradie Perkins has been selected to box in an international competition at Alexander Palace!! Well Done Everyone!!

Sports Tutor Groups of the Year:7AC, 8MR,

9CC(boys) & 9DL(girls).Well Done!

Overall winners from each year: 9DL, 8MR & 7AC2nd place: 9SS, 8VS, & 7EC 3rd place: 9AM, 8RH & 7TW

Special Achievement Awards go to:Year 9: Olivia Ensor (9SS), Jack Henly (9DL)

Year 8: Chahine Kalifa (8MR), Daniel Mann (8MR), Tom Evans (8VS)

Year 7: Chloe Sparrow (7AC), Fern Neale (7EC), Jack Purkiss (7AS).

Westfield Athletics Results:Year 9 Girls: 1st - 100m. 2nd - Long Jump, 200m & Relay. 3rd - Discus.

Year 9 Boys: 1st - 800m.

Year 8 Girls: 1st - Discus & 200m. 2nd - Long Jump, Shot Putt, 800m & Relay. 3rd - 100m.

Year 8 Boys: 1st - High Jump, 100m, 400m & 800m. 2nd - Javelin & Hurdles. 3rd - Relay.

Year 7 Girls: 1st - Shoy Putt. 2nd - 100m & Hurdles. 3rd - Javelin & 300m.

Year 7 Boys: 1st - 400m. 2nd - Long Jump, Shot Putt & 100m.

Thanks to everyone who took part and represented the school, well done!

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Well Done ...to the 3 pupils have achielved 100% attendance for all three years at Heathfield! - Curtis Jeffries, Sian Coley and

Callum Orton all from 9CC.

...to all 161* students who have attended every day of the Summer Term so far!

and the 25* students who have attended the whole year so far...keep it up!*All will receive a 100% attendance certificate and be entered into a prize draw to win vouchers.

Outstanding Attendance!

Back in December 2010, 7EC completed a sponsored Table Tennis event to help raise monies towards the £2,000 that Pat needed to be able to compete at Table Tennis at the Special Olympics in Athens from June 25th to July 4th 2011. Pat is 17 years old and was born with problems with the left side of his body. When he was six he developed severe epilepsy, often having seizures continually all day. After all sorts of medication and several visits to and stays at Great Ormond Street Hospital, Pat was offered a Hemispherectomy operation and had brain surgery in July 2004, disconnecting one side of the brain from the other and removing the damage. It was a great success and he is now seizure free. However, Pat now has a visual impairment caused by the operation and has learning difficulties caused by the many years of epilepsy.

On Saturday morning (2nd July) Mrs Coley received a text message to say that Pat had won the GOLD MEDAL!! 7EC are hoping that Pat will be able to come into Heathfield before the end of term to show them his gold medal. Well done Pat!

Year 7

7ECYear 8

8RHYear 8

8RCYear 9


Best attending Tutor Groups for 2011...

Page 8: July 2011 Heathfield

JULY4th Year 9 Transition wk.27th Year 6 Intake Day 1 & Parents Evening 8th Year 6 Intake Day 211th Rewards Trips13th Awards Evening15th Break up for SummerSEPTEMBER1st Back to School!

Diary / Whats-On

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WANTED FOR THE ART DEPARTMENTDo you have any of the following?Wool, sewing threads, old buttons,

ribbons any bits of haberdashery for applique work in Textiles.

Please hand in to Mrs Prime in Art, Thank you.

School Office Holiday Opening Hours

18th-22nd July - 9am-12pm15th-19th Aug - 9am-12pm



From Thursday 1st September the cost of a school meal will

be £2.20.Please ensure you put enough

money onto your card.