July 2000 - Amazing Facts - Christian Media€¦ ·  · 2014-09-17July 2000. 2 Understanding God...

July 2000

Transcript of July 2000 - Amazing Facts - Christian Media€¦ ·  · 2014-09-17July 2000. 2 Understanding God...

July 2000


Understanding God and the BiblePlease send me Study Guide #10 on the dead.

Thank you very much for your program. It has givenme much help in being able to understand God andthe Bible in a very positive way. I actually know whatthe Scriptures mean now, where-as before I would read somethings and go “Hmmmm …What does this mean?” Thankyou again—and most of all, Ithank God!


Part of the Family of GodThank you, Pastor Batchelor, for shining the light

and love of God into my life. The Millennium ofProphecy seminars enlightened my Christian walkwith Jesus, making me feel like a part of the heavenlyfamily with God.

LYAlberta, Canada

Fascinating and IntriguingYour article “Hath Hell No Fury?” [May 2000 issue]

is incredible. The most controversial topic in theChristian world is made clear in simple and under-standable words. I’ve foundthe analysis given on therich man and Lazarus to beso fascinating and intrigu-ing. Please keep on explain-ing such sensitive butimportant issues.


Wonderful!Today is the first time I have ever heard your pro-

gram. I was driving home tonight and found yourprogram on the radio. I listened all the way homeand even when I came inside my home. I wrote downyour Web address and have been on the Web site nowfor about two hours, reading and listening to every-thing. I love this program. It has answered so manyquestions and taught me so much. I will listen to youon the radio and TV and again on the Web.

DSvia e-mail

Again Active in the ChurchI was “out of the fold” for awhile. Your ministry

influenced my life for good, and I am again active inthe church.



Cover photos by Baron Williams






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Getting Up an Hour EarlierPlease send me your Amazing Facts Inside Report

and Study Guides #9 and #10. I found your programon TV by mistake and now get up an hour earlier towatch and learn. Keep up the great job.


I Would Not Change a ThingI just got this Amazing

Facts magazine today, and Ilove it! It’s good reading. Iwould not change a thing,but maybe you could make itbigger.


Now I Must TeachThank you for allowing my wife and me to partici-

pate in your Bible Correspondence School. Now Iwould like to teach your course in the church I pas-tor. Many changes must be implemented regardingthe Sabbath day and its power. I must teach them asyou have taught us.


Changed My LifeI can’t express how thankful I am for your

Millennium of Prophecy seminar. Those tapes havereally changed my life! Since hearing you teach, Ihave quit smoking, stopped using drugs, and havefelt the urge to be baptized. I also have begun to readthe Bible more and more. Yourlessons have really opened myeyes and helped me to see andappreciate all that the Lord hasdone and is continuing to dofor me.


One of the BestIn March we had the privilege of having John

Quade do a seminar in Hemphill, Texas. He is an out-standing young man, and his presentation was one ofthe best we have attended. His method of presentingis sincere and powerful.






DEBRA J. HICKS A t one time I thought that “losing your mind”was a rare condition triggered by somethingextraordinarily dreadful, like seeing someone

murdered.But today it no longer appears to be the exception

to the rule; in fact, it’s practically the norm! I’mastounded by the lengths to which many people willgo in order to deliberately “lose” their minds. Ask analcoholic why he drinks, and most likely he’ll tell youthat it’s the best way he has found to drown his trou-bles. Ask a drug user why she dishes out hundreds ofdollars a month for crack cocaine, and she’ll admitthat she wants to escape some overwhelming fear orpain. Ask a world champion snowboarder why herisks his life and limbs on formidable white-cappedmountains, and he says it’s because snowboardinggives him a few precious minutes in which his mindis absolutely clear of everything except the task athand.

In an attempt to escape some harsh reality, thou-sands are resorting to drugs, hypnosis, or even sui-cide. However, even those of us who have had senseenough to avoid those self-destructive pitfalls areprobably guilty of another type of mental anarchy.My friend Robert calls it “going unconscious.” It’swhat happens when a person lets his mind wanderwherever it pleases.

You’ve experienced it if you’ve ever been on yourknees and then suddenly realized that instead oftalking to God, you were planning what to do onceyou get to the office. Or if your daughter was tellingyou about her trip to the lake and you “woke up” tothe realization that she just asked you a question andyou weren’t really listening. Or maybe, while the pastor was making an excellent point, you were busytrying to remember whether or not you let out thecat before leaving the house.

I had never spotted the potential danger of “zoningout” until last summer, when Robert challenged agroup of his friends to try monitoring their thoughtsfor a complete day (or even a couple of hours). Whatwe soon began to realize is that by giving our mindsfree reign, we are unwittingly giving Satan anunguarded avenue to our souls. The Bible warns usabout this ever-present danger when it says, “Besober, be vigilant, for your adversary the devil walksabout like a roaring lion, seeking whom he maydevour. Resist him” (1 Peter 5:8-9, NKJV).

God will rescue His errant children out of the lion’smouth; He knows all too well that we’re no match forSatan. But He also knows that it is possible to ward

the enemy off at the pass, and in this text He sharesthe secret for success. Being “sober” and “vigilant”means remaining completely conscious in order toexercise the power of positive choices.

Something that has really helped me is to make aconscious effort to fill my mind with good thingssuch as of prayer, songs, Scripture, and sermontapes.

This sounds obvious, but you’d be amazed howmuch time you can waste on activities that keep yourmind from turning toward God. For some people, thebiggest time trap is television or movies. For others,it’s reading the newspaper, listening to radio tunes, or

Losing Your Mind?

By giving our minds free reign, we areunwittingly giving Satan an unguarded avenue to our souls.

surfing the Internet. In my family, table games arereally popular and it’s not unusual for us to keep oneor two by the table and play for an hour or so aftersupper. These activities aren’t inherently bad, butthey are destructive if we give them all of our freetime and claim that we’re “too busy” for God.

Once you make a commitment to focus your timeand energy on things that are uplifting (Colossians3:2), God starts to do amazing things in your life!Several years ago I decided to listen to Christianmusic every day of the week—not just on Sabbaths.In fact, I decided to take a break from secular musicaltogether. After two or three weeks, I realized thatGod was bringing certain Scripture songs to mymind all throughout the day, and especially when Ineeded it most. And my first thought in the morningafter I’d awaken would be a song of praise to God.What an exciting way to begin each day!

The Bible says to “Be not overcome of evil, butovercome evil with good” (Romans 12:21). If wedon’t counteract our sinful natures by flooding oursenses with good things, then we’re much more likelyto become Satan’s prey. My favorite “prescription” forholiness is found in Philippians 4:8: “Whatsoeverthings are true, whatsoever things are honest, what-soever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things areof good report; it there be any virtue, and if there beany praise, think on these things.”


An Amazing Fact:While under the influence of a light hypnotic trance, a man who submitted to a scientific

hypnosis experiment was ordered to pick up a glass from the table. Although he was a strong,athletic type, the man could not budge the glass from its position. His most strenuous exertionscould not lift the glass that was light enough for any child to remove.

Why could he not do it? Because the scientists, after placing him in the trance, had told him thatit was impossible to pick up the glass. Because his mind was convinced that it could not be done,his body was unable to carry out the command to lift it. What a dramatic demonstration of the fact that no person can really obey commandments he believes are impossible to perform!


of the law” (1 John 3:4), he had to perfect a plan tomake people look lightly upon breaking the law andalso cause it to appear unobjectionable.

Unfortunately, it is possible to assemble Bible textsthat seem to support the doctrine of spiritual imper-fection. We are assured that all have sinned (Romans3:23), that the carnal mind is enmity against God(Romans 8:7), and that all of our righteousnesses areas filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). But all the verses aboutfailure, sin, and defeat are in reference to the unre-generate experience of a person. There are literallyscores of other texts that describe an opposite expe-rience of total victory and sinless living. In everycase they are referring to the Spirit-filled life of aconverted, committed child of God.

This distinction must always be recognized in thereading of the Scripture. The gospel of Jesus Christ isthe power of God unto salvation. His grace isstronger than all the concentrated forces of evil. Jesuscame to save His people from their sins. In the sixth



DDoes God Require the Impossible?It is probably safe to say that the majority of

Christians today are resigned to falling short of themoral law. In fact, they are quite satisfied that Goddoesn’t expect them to fulfill that law completely,either in the flesh or in the spirit.

The effect of such a teaching is exactly what onewould expect—multitudes of emotionally happy butdisobedient church members who feel that any con-cern about keeping the Ten Commandments is nit-picking and legalistic.

What a delusive strategy of Satan! As the inventorof the doctrine, the evil one is simply supporting hisancient accusation that God was asking too much. Heaccused God of being unfair by requiring somethingthat is impossible.

Think about it for a moment, and the entirescheme begins to make a lot of diabolical sense.Satan knows that sin is the only thing that will keepanyone out of heaven. Since sin is the “transgression

Baron Williams

Equally important is the inspired comment of Paul:“I can do all things through Christ which strength-eneth me” (Philippians 4:13). That little expression“all things” is the key to victory for every one of us. Itincludes power over drugs, immorality, appetite,pride, and every act of sin that would rob us of eter-nal life.

All Things AvailableThe big point here is that when you get the power

of Christ in your life, you have everything else youcould ever desire.“He that spared not his own Son,but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not withhim also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32).There is that term again—“all things.”You will find italso in 2 Peter 1:3: “According as his divine powerhath given unto us all things that pertain unto lifeand godliness ...”

When you put those texts together, an incrediblepicture emerges. By claiming the presence of Christin your life, you also receive everything that Christpossesses. Paul described it this way: “But of him areye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wis-dom, and righteousness, and sanctification, andredemption” (1 Corinthians 1:30).

Here the “all things” are broken down into veryparticular, individualized experiences, and we beginto see that Peter was right in stating that God hasgiven us all things that pertain to godliness.

Every child of Adam needs two things desperate-ly—forgiveness for the past, and power for thefuture. Redemption includes both of them. The ideathat this includes full deliverance from the guilt ofsin, but only partial deliverance from the power ofsin, is a perversion of the gospel. Jesus did not cometo save us from the consequences of sin only, but tosave us from the sin itself. Salvation is not a negativething—not just the absence of something. He didnot come just to take away something (our guilt), butto give us something (victory over sin).

After thoughtfully readingthe entire sixth chapter ofRomans, if you need moreassurance that victory can beyours, read the following:

1 Corinthians 15:57—“Butthanks be to God, whichgiveth us the victory throughour Lord Jesus Christ.”

1 John 5:4—“For whatsoev-er is born of God overcomeththe world: and this is the vic-tory that overcometh theworld, even our faith.”

1 John 3:6—“Whosoeverabideth in him sinneth not:


chapter of Romans, Paul utterly devastates the doc-trine that a believer should keep on falling into sin.

It is true that provision is made for cleansing incase sin is committed, but God’s perfect plan made itpossible for man to overcome every sin and to live alife of perfect obedience through Christ. No secretmeaning or hidden reservation can be found in themyriad of texts that describe the victorious experi-ence of the born-again child of God. And justbecause one may not have grown into that fullness offaith which brings constant victory, he should not,therefore, deny the power of God to give such deliv-erance.

Total Victory PromisedThe Spirit of God seemed to anticipate the struggle

many would pass through in accepting the biblicalassurances of total victory. Consequently the inspiredwriters were moved to use almost fanatical languagein describing the possibilities for overcoming sin.Instead of saying we may be saved, the Bible says wecan be saved “to the uttermost” (Hebrews 7:25).Instead of saying we may conquer, it assures that wecan be “more than conquerors” (Romans 8:37).Instead of being told that we can triumph, we aretold that we may “always ... triumph” (2 Corinthians2:14). Instead of promising whatever we might ask tohelp us in our spiritual battles, the Bible says He willgive us “exceeding abundantly above all that we askor think” (Ephesians 3:20). And the verse just priorto that one clearly guarantees that we may “be filledwith all the fulness of God” (verse 19).

Admittedly, many of these promises are too vastfor our human minds to comprehend fully, but surelythey are intended to impress us with the magnitudeof God’s resources in our behalf. If the languagesounds exaggerated, it is only because we are too fee-ble in faith and too weak in the flesh to believe thatsuch purity and sanctification could ever be fulfilledin us. We tend to trust our feelings quicker than theWord of God.

Is it important to believe the promises exactly asthey read? Yes, because it is only through thosepromises that deliverance can be accomplished.“Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and pre-cious promises: that by these ye might be partakersof the divine nature, having escaped the corruptionthat is in the world through lust” (2 Peter 1:4).

The sequence of victory is plainly marked out inthis fantastic text. By faith in the promise, we becomea partaker of the divine nature, and through thepower of that new nature in us we are able to escapethe corruption of sin. In other words, everythingdepends on the surrender and commitment of one’sself to the indwelling Spirit of Christ.“Without me,”Jesus said,“ye can do nothing” (John 15:5).

4 Steps to GloriousVictory

1. Have faith in the power God has promised (1 Corinthians 15:57).

2. Ask Him for victory over any specific sin (Matthew 7:11).

3. Act with assurance that you have been given victory (Romans 6:11).

4. Make no provision to sin again (Romans 13:14).


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whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither knownhim.”

Let us return for a moment to the analogy of thehypnotized man. He could not physically lift a smallglass from the table because his mind was so fullyconvinced that it couldn’t be done. Has Satan beenable to immobilize the church through the power ofhis hypnotic, lying assertion that obedience isimpossible? It certainly seems so.

The OvercomersTo deny the possibility of total victory over sin is to

rob Jesus of the glory of His mission. He came, theBible says, to destroy the works of the devil. Thoseworks are the works of sin. If no one claimed Hispower to overcome sin completely, the devil’s accusa-tion would be confirmed. The requirements of Godwould be exposed as too difficult to obey.

The book of Revelation identifies the crowningcharacteristic of the redeemed as obedience.“Here isthe patience of the saints: here are they that keep thecommandments of God, and the faith of Jesus”(Revelation 14:12).“And the dragon was wroth withthe woman, and went to make war with the remnantof her seed, which keep the commandments of God,and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation12:17).“Blessed are they that do his commandments,that they may have right to the tree of life, and mayenter in through the gates into the city” (Revelation22:14).

How significant it is that man’s condition forremaining in Eden is also the condition for beingrestored to Eden. Anyone who believes obedience isunimportant should read again the dramatic story ofAdam and Eve. A tiny, physical act of sin led to all thestark tragedy of the past 6,000 years. Those who arerestored to that lost paradise will have demonstratedthat they can be trusted with eternal life. Throughfaithful obedience in the face of death, they will haveproven Satan’s charges to be utterly false. Theirsteadfast loyalty will be an eternal guarantee of thesecurity of God’s restored dominion.

Right here we need to pause and consider anobjection that is always brought against those whobelieve in total victory.

It goes something like this: If you believe it is pos-sible to live without sinning, are you able to say thatyour own life is free from sin?

Although the question deserves an answer, itshould be pointed out that the objection is not rele-vant to the issue. If the Bible establishes a truth, itshould be received on the grounds of its inspiredauthority and not on the basis of the messenger’sexperience. If victory over all sin is possible throughChrist, it is true whether the preacher has claimed itor not claimed it. Furthermore, the work of sanctifi-cation is a progressive, lifelong experience and can


never be considered as finished in any given point oftime. Even if one could be unconscious of any knownsin, he could never boast of being sinless.

The claim might also be made that the doctrine ofvictory over sin is highly idealistic and too theologi-cally complicated to be practical. But nothing couldbe further from the truth. Even a child can under-stand the simple faith-transaction of appropriatingthe promises of the Bible. There is not a habit or sinknown to man that cannot be conquered throughfaith.

In the next few minutes you will be able to appreci-ate the beauty of this divine victory plan. You willlearn how to stop smoking, cursing, overeating, gos-siping, or committing any other sin. Let nothing dis-tract you as you proceed to the next few paragraphs.It could be the turning point of your life and meanmore than all the money in the world.

The Secret of VictoryAt the very heart of victory are four simple scrip-

tural steps that any believer may take in claimingGod’s power. Apply the formula to your own prob-lem, and then take the four steps to glorious victory.

First: “But thanks be to God, which giveth us thevictory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinth-ians 15:57). Allow your mind to savor the fantasticmessage of these words. Victory is a gift! We do notearn it by our efforts or deserve it because of anysupposed goodness. The victory will be given to usfreely by Christ. He is the only one who has evergained the victory over Satan, and if we ever possessthe victory, it must come as a gift from Him.

Mighty power is stored within the promise to befulfilled for all who claim it in faith. So few are will-ing to believe that the promised blessing becomestheirs the very moment they believe it!

Baron Williams


God is waiting to honor your faith and to “supplyall your need according to his riches in glory byChrist Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). These assurances areso open-ended and unlimited that our minds arestaggered by them. Why have we been so reluctant toapply for the provisions of grace? Why is it so hard tobelieve that God means exactly what He says? He willkeep every promise.

Our second text says,“If ye then, being evil, knowhow to give good gifts unto your children, how muchmore shall your Father which is in heaven give goodthings to them that ask him?” (Matthew 7:11).

Is it a good thing to ask for victory over tobacco, orany other fleshly or moral evil? Of course it is! So youdon’t even have to ask if it is God’s will! He hasalready told us in the Bible that it is His will todestroy the works of sin and the devil.

Here is the next question. How do we know wehave the victory after we ask Him? Simply becauseHe said we would have it. We know God does not lie.We can believe His promises.

Faith Makes It SoThis brings us to the third text, found in Romans

6:11: “Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be deadindeed unto sin, but alive unto God through JesusChrist our Lord.” The word “reckon” means to believeor to consider it done. The very moment we ask, weshould accept the fact of fulfillment, thank Him forthe gift, and act with assurance that it has been done.No kind of “proof ” feeling or sign should bedemanded or expected. The self-fulfilling power inthe promise is released in response to faith alone.

Do you remember how Peter walked on the water?He asked Jesus if he could step out of the boat ontothe raging sea, and Jesus told Peter to come. But howlong did Peter do the impossible by walking on thewater? The Bible says,“When he saw the wind bois-terous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, hecried, saying, Lord, save me” (Matthew 14:30).

In spite of Christ’s assurance that he could safelywalk on the water, Peter began to doubt the word ofthe Master. That is when he began to sink. As long ashe believed the promise of Jesus and acted in faith,he was safe. When he doubted, he sank.

Like Peter, our faith could weaken. We might needto be reminded of our total dependence upon Hisstrength, but this does not diminish the beautifulplan of God to impart power and victory through“exceeding great and precious promises” of the Bible.Without faith by the receiver, not even God’s promis-es can be appropriated. The limits are clearly definedin the words of Jesus,“According to your faith be itunto you” (Matthew 9:29).

Now, what is the impossible thing as far as you areconcerned? Whatever it is, Christ says,“Come to me. Iwill give you the victory.” As long as you believe that

you have been delivered, you will have the victory. Itis as simple as that.

For some people the deliverance is so dramaticthat they lose even the appetite for the sin. Tobaccoaddicts have sometimes been delivered from thecraving, but this is not the usual way God does it.Usually the desire remains, but in the moment oftemptation, the power to walk past the temptationsprings forth from within. Faith accepts the fact ofdeliverance and constantly claims the victory, whichis in the secure possession of the believer.

The final step to victory is described in our fourthtext, Romans 13:14.“But put ye on the Lord JesusChrist, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfilthe lusts thereof.” So strong is the confidence in theappropriated power of God that no consideration isgiven to falling under the power of that sin again.Under the old “trying” plan, provision was made tofail in most cases. Cigarettes were placed on a shelf,and the smoker said to himself,“I’m going to trynever to smoke again, but if I don’t make it, I knowwhere they are.” However, under the “trusting” plan,we have no reason to fear failure on the grounds ofhuman weakness. Victory does not depend on ourstrength, but on God’s power. We might fail, but Hecannot fail. Cigarettes are thrown away. All plans thatmight involve any degree of compromise are aban-doned.

There it is, friend, in all of its simplicity. It works! Ifyou are willing to be delivered, it works. Nothing willhelp the one who is not willing to give up the sin. Butif you want it, it is there. Victory, power, deliver-ance—just reach out in faith and it is yours. Believeit and claim it this very moment. God wants you tobe free.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article has been condensedfrom the book Is It Possible to Live Without Sinning?written by Amazing Facts founder Joe Crews.

Amazing Facts SellsBooks and Tapes on This Subject

The Surrender of SelfBook by Joe Crews. 75 cents eachIs It Possible to Live Without Sinning?Book by Joe Crews. 75 cents eachConquering Inner Space—The Last FrontierOn video or audio tape by Doug Batchelor.$3.00 each audio; $14.95 each video The OvercomersOn video or audio tape by Doug Batchelor.$3.00 each audio; $14.95 each video

Add $3.00 per order for shipping and handling.California residents must add 7.25 percent sales tax.

From the InsideFrom the InsideFrom the InsideFrom the InsideAnnie Kjaer Is Assistant Director forAmazing Facts College of Evangelism

Annie Kjaer begins her new position as assistantdirector of the Amazing Facts College of Evangelism

on July 1. Already she has beenworking closely with GaryGibbs, the director of the col-lege, to schedule teachers and todevelop the curriculum.

Once the College ofEvangelism begins its first ses-sion on August 6, Annie will

teach a vast array of courses, work closely with stu-dents, and coordinate the evangelism classes andoutreach ministries.

For the past 10 months, she has been in New YorkCity to nurture newly baptized members and tocoordinate the follow-up programs for NET NewYork ’99. In Manhattan she organized two follow-upevangelistic seminars, coordinated the work of fourBible workers, and helped plant a new congregation.

A Bible worker for six years, Annie has energized25 churches with her enthusiasm for soul-winning.She worked extensively in South Dakota, Illinois,California, Kansas, and New York and helped onshort-term projects in about 10 other states. Forthree years she assisted with 20 evangelistic meet-ings while traveling with her parents, Kim and JudyKjaer, who have been part of the Amazing Factsevangelistic team since 1993.

Rob Long to Coordinate Outreach for the College of Evangelism

Rob Long is joining Amazing Facts on July 16 asoutreach coordinator for the College of Evangelism.

He will teach several coursesand plans to be involved in allphases of the students’ learningexperience.

Rob has a wealth of experi-ence in evangelism. He has beena literature evangelist, pastor,and conference evangelist. Most

recently he pastored a two-church district in south-eastern Pennsylvania and led a team that started anew church group in Doylestown in the spring of1999. Nearly a decade ago he assisted Gary Gibbs,who is now the ministry’s assistant director, with aspecial project in Montgomery, Ala., and he alsoworked with former Amazing Facts Evangelist RobertWagley.

Rob’s wife, Christine, is a full-time homemaker andmom to their two daughters, 2-year-old Abby and 1-year-old Sara. She also enjoys giving cooking andnutrition seminars.

Amazing Facts College of Evangelism Recruits Jason Morgan as Instructor

As an instructor and outreach assistant for the newAmazing Facts College of Evangelism, Jason Morganwill teach several courses and will work personally

with students as they put thesoul-winning principles learnedin class into practice in real-world evangelism.

Since completing his training,Jason has traveled to Texas,California, New York, andVirginia, helping Amazing Facts

evangelists during their crusades.While doing Bible work in Sacramento last spring,

he met Misty Parks, who was attending the AmazingFacts Field School of Evangelism. They were marriedin August of 1999 and are expecting their first child.

Although he was raised in the church, Jason sayshe was not converted until three years ago. He hadtried to fill the void in his life with achievements inthe Texas State Bodybuilding Championships, butnothing clicked until he saw videotapes of a crusadeconducted by Joe Crews, the founder of AmazingFacts. Soon afterward he found his passion and truecalling in public evangelism.

This Fall Doug Batchelor Will Hold First Sacramento Seminar in Six Years

On October 6, Pastor Doug Batchelor will launch anarea-wide evangelistic seminar—his first live seriesin six years for the Sacramento area. The meetingsare being sponsored by the Sacramento CentralChurch, where he is senior pastor.

Students attending the Amazing Facts College ofEvangelism, a four-month program that begins inAugust, will be involved in the series from beginningto end. The meetings will give them a unique oppor-tunity to see how advertising and media program-ming can work hand-in-hand to promote a series.

Churches in cities where Amazing Facts televisionand/or radio programs are broadcast often reportthat a number of their guests during an evangelisticseries responded favorably to advertising becausethey were already familiar with the Amazing Factsname.



servant-leaders, not dictators or despots. ConsiderMoses’ family. Amram and Jochebed had three chil-dren: Miriam, Aaron, and Moses. All three wereprophets. Their sons both served as priests, butMiriam did not. She was a prophetess, but not apriest. She led the women in prophetic songs and inteaching.

You read about Anna in thetemple (Luke 2:36-37) andDeborah as a prophetess and ajudge in Israel (Judges 4:4), butyou never read of women offer-ing a sacrifice. In the Bible, apriest is a male role because itsymbolizes Jesus, our HighPriest. A similar distinction wasmade for the Passover sacrifice.The Israelites were instructedto take a male lamb because itwas a symbol for Christ.

God has distinctions in thefamily and in roles within thefamily. I don’t think these sexu-al identities evaporate whenpeople walk through the doors of the church. It is anextension of the individual family unit.

There’s a lot of Scripture to support this: Ephesians5:23-25; 1 Timothy 2:12; Titus 1:6; and 1 Corinthians11:3-16, for example. I could indiscriminately giveyou piles of Scripture on this, but instead I encourageyou to send for my article “Unisex in Jesus,” in whichI’ve given a longer, more thorough explanation.

Who was Melchizedek?Melchizedek is a king/priest who appears briefly in

Genesis 14:18-20. Abraham was on his way backfrom a war with the kings of the north when hestopped to give tithe to the king of Salem. Althoughthe Bible doesn’t tell us much about him, we knowthat Melchizedek was a servant of the true God. Thecity of Salem later was known as Jerusalem.

In the New Testament, Paul tells us thatMelchizedek is a symbol for Christ, because he sud-denly appears on the scene and then he disappears.There’s no lineage to tell us where he came from; thisis like Christ, who is without beginning or end andwho is our High Priest and King of the NewJerusalem.

Is there anything wrong with jumpingand clapping in church?

The Bible tells us that all things should be done“decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40). Youhave to ask yourself,“What would Jesus do? Whatwould the angels do?” If you can’t picture Jesusjumping up and down in church, then I would ques-tion whether it was God’s Spirit prompting someoneto do it.

I can picture Christians rejoicing. I think the Jewsrejoiced as Jesus rode down the hill on the donkey,and they shouted “hosanna.” There is a time andplace for rejoicing and clapping, but I don’t think it isin the sanctuary during formal worship. If the musicis taking control of us, then it may not be the appro-priate music.

There is sometimes a very thin line between themusic of rejoicing and the music of the world. Wehave to be very careful. I’ve seen a lot of churches inwhich that line is crossed, in my opinion. If you’d likemore information on this topic, I would recommendreading the book Notes on Music by Louis Torres,which is sold by Amazing Facts.

When in doubt, do the safe thing. If you’re ques-tioning whether or not a certain activity is appropri-ate for glorifying God, then don’t do it.

What does the Bible say about womenas elders or preachers?

God made men and women as equal creatures. I donot believe there is any distinction between men andwomen in their value to God and their accessibilityto salvation. They’re both perfectly equal.

Furthermore, God ministers through both menand women. You read in the Bible both about menand women teaching and preaching, in the capacityof prophets and evangelists, or giving Bible studiesas did Priscilla with her husband, Aquila (Acts18:26).

However, there is no example in the Bible of awoman serving in the capacity of priest, pastor, orelder.

When Jesus chose the twelve apostles, I do notbelieve He was accommodating the traditions of theday when He selected only men. Several offices havea uniquely male symbolism. For example, the menwere to be the priests of their families. That means

Tune in to Pastor Batchelor’s live

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Answers Live, onSunday evenings.

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Amazing Facts Sellsa Book on This Subject

Prove All Things:A Response to Women in MinistryMercedes H. Dyer, PhD. $14.95 eachAn in-depth look at the debate overwomen’s ordination as currentlybeing studied in the Seventh-dayAdventist Church. Research andtestimonies from 15 different authors provideanswers to questions posed by advocates of theordination of women as pastors and elders.

Add $3.00 per order for shipping and handling.California residents must add 7.25 percent sales tax.


the Navajo Indians and home to a large population ofApache, Zuni, and Hopi Indians.

Since several of the church members live up to 60miles away, only a limited number were able to helpout nightly in the crusade. One member, brother BenSaiz, brought his RV and camped at the church onthe nights of the crusade so that he could help out.He was a valuable team member in many ways. Heand Sam Hubbard constructed the baptisty as direct-ed by Pastor Simmons. A special thanks goes to themand to each member of the Gallup All NationsChurch whose commitment and dedication helped tomake the crusade a success!

On October 24, 1999, the Amazing Facts ProphecySeminar began at the Best Western Inn and Suites inWest Gallup with a little more than 200 visitors. Themajority of those in attendance were NativeAmericans. They came night after night with a thirstfor Bible truth.

Evangelist Steve DeLong emphasized the Bible andthe Bible only as our authority, and the peopleresponded to the clear and dynamic preaching ofGod’s Word. Steve’s wife, Sue, handled the registra-tion and nearly everything behind the scenes. Theirson, Trent, gave a beautiful concert on the secondnight of the meetings that was greatly appreciatedand helped to significantly swell the crowd.


A series of Amazing Facts evangelistic meetingshad been scheduled for the fall of 1999 inGallup, N.M. However, no pastor was available

to help the church prepare for this major event.So in January 1999, the Texico Conference asked

Gladstone Simmons and his wife, Hondina, to takeon part-time pastoral duties at the Gallup All NationsChurch. For Pastor Simmons, this would be in addi-tion to his regular duties as the conference educationsuperintendent. Believe it or not, he was willing!

Several things needed to be done in preparation forthe crusade. First, the church needed to makearrangements for a meeting hall, since a meetingthat begins in a neutral hall rather than in a churchtypically attracts three to four times as many visi-tors. Next, members needed to sell the old churchproperty, install a parking lot on the new property,and construct a temporary baptistry in HoganCenter (the building where they meet for church).Last but not least, they had to carry out their part ofthe preparation work, organize for the actual cru-sade, and prepare mentally for the fact that thechurch would never be the same again!

During the two to three years prior to the crusade,this congregation’s average Sabbath attendance was10-25 individuals, including about six NativeAmericans. Gallup is the national headquarters for



Never the Same Again!Native Americans in New Mexico Embrace the Gospel

Photos courtesy ofPastor Gladstone Simmons

So many people were baptized during the Amazing Facts Prophecy Seminar in Gallup, N.M., that it was impossible to fit them all intoa single photograph! By the end of Evangelist Steve DeLong’s seminar, 77 individuals had been baptized into the family of God. Five others were baptized this year, and several people are currently taking Bible studies.


Pastor Gladstone Simmons rejoices with new member Clinton Begay just afterhis baptism. The joy of seeing so many people accept God’s glorious gift ofsalvation is what prompted Pastor Simmons to accept part-time pastoral dutiesat the Gallup All Nations Church in addition to his regular duties as the TexicoConference education superintendent.

When the meetings moved from the Best Westernto Hogan Center, chairs were set up in every availablespace. More than 100 people crowded into an areadesigned for 70 at best (if you squeezed them intight)! The Lord blessed, and people kept coming.

On November 20, the first eight persons were bap-tized. By November 27, there had been 72 precioussouls baptized, with one rebaptism and one profes-sion of faith. Included in that number were medicalprofessionals, university professors, college teachers,construction workers, bankers, housewives, universi-ty and college students, a Pentecostal minister, aretired police officer, a social worker, and the wife ofthe Navajo Indian chief. Praise the Lord for what Hehas done in the community of Gallup and the sur-rounding area!

People drove to the meetings from up to 100 milesaway. Literature was in high demand, and the churchhad to place additional orders because the suppliesthat were on hand ran out. On December 4, PastorSimmons began a follow-up seminar to help groundthe new members and to bring in others.

At a special meeting on Wednesday, November 24,it was thrilling to hear the newly baptized members(there are 83 to date—with many more to follow) tellhow the Lord had brought joy and peace to theirhearts for the first time in their lives.

Jewelry is very dear to most Native Americans, asmany of them make a living by making and sellingit. Yet when they heard and saw what the Bible said,the jewelry totally disappeared.

Jesus changed many lives during this seminar.Several couples, after learning from the Bible thatjust living together is not acceptable to God, nowplan to marry and then be baptized.

One of the new members and his wife, Donald andGloria Ray, work for a propane company and havealready begun to help the church get the best dis-counts possible on propane gas. Several have madespecial commitments regarding Sabbath, and theLord honored their faith. Although willing to puttheir jobs on the line, they did not lose their jobs.Praise the Lord!

The congregation’s plans for the future include putting up a new building that will accommodateSabbath-morning attendance, which multiplied sixtimes in just five weeks. The church will also contin-ue providing the numerous Bible studies that havebeen requested and baptize those who are stillpreparing for that important step in their lives, assoon as they are ready.

Since no pastor was found to take over for PastorSimmons as the crusade was coming to a close, heand his wife were asked to consider staying on as thepastoral team of the Gallup district. It was a struggle,but they decided to stay.

Special thanks goes to the General Conference andthe North American Division for allocating a portionof the mission offering to benefit the NorthAmerican Division directly for Native Americanwork. The cost of the evangelistic meetings was cov-ered by those special appropriated funds. Gratitudealso goes to Jim Stevens, president of the TexicoConference, for his vision of what God would do inGallup if His people would do their part and getinvolved.

Last but not least, says Pastor Simmons, a specialthanks goes to Amazing Facts for providing ourworld church with such quality evangelism.

Dedicated church members gave Hogan Center a facelift before the meetingsbegan by installing a new parking lot, landscaping the property, and making amyriad of improvements. Now Pastor Simmons says the building is too small tocomfortably hold everyone who comes to worship there on Sabbath mornings.


Some time later, a young man walked into hisbasement room, dropping his backpack on the floorand shaking snow from his long hair. Not in themood to study, he got up and walked over to his CDcollection. He fingered through CDs of the RollingStones, AC/DC, Van Halen, and others. But instead ofgrabbing some music, he picked up a videotapecalled A New Revelation.

“It’s been awhile, but I guess I’ll watch Dad’s tape,”Michael said aloud. He listened as Doug Batchelortalked about Jesus from the book of Revelation.When the tape ended, the young man got down onhis knees, and for the first time, Michael cried as heprayed.

Later that evening, he heard people start to arriveupstairs. Amid the laughter and shouts he heardsomeone yell downstairs,“Hey Michael! We’re startin’to party. Ya ready?”

Michael’s shoes crunched in the snow as he walkedcloser to the Sabbathkeeping church in Fort Dodge.He entered the front door and took off his sun-glasses. Sitting alone in a pew near the back of thechurch, he pulled off his leather coat and listenedintently to the sermon.

Smiles, handshakes, and questions welcomed himafter the service. He explained to the church mem-bers that for a couple of years he had been watchingsome videos on Revelation by a guy named Doug

Ayoung man took off his slacks and pulled onhis swimming trunks. For a moment hepaused, then a crooked smile flashed across

his face as he glanced around at his surroundings.Pictures of Jesus hung on the walls. Voices weresinging while the organ played in the next room.Shaking his head slightly in disbelief, he slipped thelong blue robe over his head.

A young pastor named Jean Ross, who had beenhumming along with the music, helped the youngman up the steps. A broad smile appeared on Jean’slips and was reflected in his eyes.

“Well, Michael, are you ready?” asked the pastor.Michael lifted his head and looked at Jean. He

returned the smile and said,“Yeah, I’m ready.” Thenboth men stepped down into the warm water of thebaptismal tank.

Michael’s father, Lowell Halfhill, worked as abanker and insurance agent in the small town ofMingo, Iowa. Years earlier he had purchased a satel-lite dish for his family. One afternoon Lowell easedback into his favorite chair and flipped through hun-

dreds of TV channels.He had been actively

involved in the MingoMethodist church for manyyears, so when he cameacross a channel with apreacher giving a sermon,he stopped to listen. Thispreacher, whose name isDoug Batchelor, was conducting a series called A New Revelation. Lowelllistened as Pastor Dougtalked about the visions ofRevelation.

After watching a fewmore programs in theseries, Lowell showed themto his son, Michael.Skeptically, Michaelwatched a few of the shows.He was amazed. Neverbefore had he heard theseteachings. For the first timein his life, Michael began tohave an interest in studyingthe Bible.



Man in the MirrorA Young Deejay Is Transformed After Watching Videos

When Michael’s father, Lowell Halfhill, showedhim Doug Batchelor’s programs, he respondedfirst with skepticism, then with amazement. Forthe first time in his life, the young man becameinterested in reading the Bible for himself.

Six years ago, Michael Halfhill was a rock ’n’ rolldeejay who thought the best way to have a “goodtime” was by drinking and partying with his friends.Then one day, after watching an Amazing Factsvideotape, he knelt in this basement apartment andpoured out his heart to Jesus.��




Batchelor. They smiled knowingly. He said he hadjust looked up the address of the church and wantedto check it out.

An energetic lady asked for his name again.“I workat the radio station here in town,” he told her,“andthere my name is Michael Young. But my real nameis Michael Halfhill.”

She said,“Well, our pastor isn’t here this week, butyou’ll have to come back and hear him. His name isJean Ross, and he’s a great speaker.”

“Okay. You’ll be seeing more of me,” he promised.

A young couple sat close together on a couch. Theystared out the window at the lush green grass. Cloudsdrifted by in the blue sky. Long moments passedwithout either expressing a word.

Finally, the young girl spoke.“I just don’t knowabout this,” she told her fiancé.

“I don’t know either,” Michael answered.“Everything’s upside-down. I don’t know how longI’ll have this job or even if I want to keep being adeejay. Going back to college seems crazy, and I neverthought I’d want to do this. I just feel that we shouldlook into it. And maybe, if we’re meant to, then He’llhelp us do it. I’m not afraid of trying. Will you comewith me to Lincoln, so we can take a look at UnionCollege?”

Jeanette looked at Michael. She remembered hisrecent proposal at the beach and his baptism justtwo months earlier. She remembered how proud shehad been of him and thought about all the changesshe’d witnessed in him and in herself. Again her eyesmet his, and she nodded ever so slightly.“Okay. Let’sgo to Lincoln and see what happens.”

Michael stood looking at his reflection in a mirror.Today he was to preach his first sermon. He stared atthe short hair, glasses, clean-shaven face, and darkblue suit. He actually looked like a pastor.

The image in his mind faded and was replaced by adifferent, yet familiar picture. It was the figure of ayoung man wearing rose-tinted sunglasses, torn bluejean shorts, and a faded black rock ’n’ roll T-shirt.Long hair fell down past his shoulders. The pride inthe eyes, the cynical smile, and the ambitious facelooked all-too-familiar.

Again the image in the mirror changed and wasreplaced with another scene. It was a house filledwith college students. The students were laughingand dancing. Some smoked marijuana and mostdrank. Then he saw the longhaired man with tearsstreaking down his cheeks in a downstairs room. Theman in the mirror held on to some pipes hangingfrom the ceiling in the room to keep from falling. Hewas too drunk and stoned to stand. Friends of the

man in the mirror asked what was wrong, but he justshook his head, unable to explain.

The vision in the mirror ended in a flash. Onceagain Michael saw the reflection of a young man in asuit. A young woman walked into the room, straight-ening her skirt. She smiled at her husband and said,“Well, Michael, are you ready to give your sermon?”

He remembered all he had been through. Hethought about the years he spent on this long andhard road: the parties of college, the life as a rock ’n’roll deejay, and falling in love. He realized thatthrough it all, Jesus loved him and had always beenthere to help him. Looking up at Jeanette, hiscrooked smile instantly appeared.

“Yeah, I’m ready.”

EPILOGUE:Today Michael Halfhill is studying theology at

Union College so he can be a Sabbathkeeping pastor.“I am not telling this story to glorify any of the

things I have done in the past,” he says.“Rather, I tellit in hopes that others will learn from what I did andsee how Jesus worked in my life. God can speak to usin many ways. He reached me through a videotape, acaring pastor, and many other people. Had my dadnot ordered those videotapes by Doug Batchelor, I donot know where I would be today. If God can do allthis for someone like me, then He can save anyonewho asks Him. All you have to say is,‘Yeah, I’mready.’”

A young nurse named Jeanette watched with amazement as dramatic changestook place in her fiancé. Just weeks after his baptism, Michael asked her to behis wife and to accompany him to Nebraska so he could go back to school andbecome a pastor. They were married in October of 1999, and two months laterJeanette responded to the Lord’s hand in her own life by getting baptized.



Photos courtesy of Michael Halfhill


John BradshawJuly 22 - August 6Scranton Church1407 Wyoming AvenueScranton, Pennsylvania

Jaime JorgeJuly 1 at 6:30 p.m. in the Sky DomeGeneral Conference Session1 Blue Jays W.Toronto, Ontario, Canada

You are invited to meet the members of our Amazing Facts team at any one of the following locations. This schedule is subject to change without notice, so please call Amazing Facts to confirm appointments or get more information.


Dennis PriebeJuly 7-8Bristol Church571 Highway 26Bristol, Tennessee

July 15-29South Brooklyn Church1313-17 Bedford AvenueBrooklyn, New York

July 29Linthicum Heights & Brooklyn Churches901 Andover RoadBaltimore, Maryland

Doug BatchelorJune 25 - July 8General Conference SessionAmazing Facts booth #513, level 800Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building255 Front Street W.Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Lowell HargreavesJuly 12-16Cowboy Camp MeetingRocky Mountain Conferencein Uncompahgre Forest below Silver Jack ReservoirCimarron, Colorado

July 29 - August 27Clarksville Church782 N. 2nd StreetClarksville, Tennessee

Ray HouseJuly 22 - August 26Hilo Church162 Kapiolani StreetBig Island, Hawaii

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Rich CavanessJuly 28 - August 26Coudersport Church1004 S. Main StreetCoudersport, Pennsylvania

Steve DeLongJuly 29-August 28Hereford Church711 W. Park AvenueHereford, Texas

Paul Saint-VillersJuly 3 at 12:35 p.m. in John Bassette TheatreJuly 8 at 2:30 p.m. in the Sky DomeGeneral Conference Session1 Blue Jays W.Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jack PefleyJuly 28 - August 25Cedar City Church1840 W. Harding AvenueCedar City, Utah

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In Loving MemoryArlene Andersen by Harriet R. BosMary Aylsworth by M. Juel HollandDaren Booth by Richard Booth, his brotherRoy Bowes by Kent & Dee DickinsonBetty A. Casey by William OpincarDerwood Chappell by Jean Chappell, his wifeJohn Christian by Patricia ReynoldsToni Roach Cole by Don & Cuppy Callaghan and family; by Dave &Jerilyn Henry; by Carol J. ReynoldsJoe Crews by Gwendolyn M. KnightMr. & Mrs. Cring by Harold & Barbara IhrigIda May Davis by Hugh & Margaret CampbellRichard Burton Davis by Reba HargroveMarjorie E. Dickinson by Kent & Dee DickinsonC.O. Dockery by Mildred Dockery, his wifeBarbara Ann Drury by June Schmidt, her mother; by Gail, her sister;by Michael Schmidt, her brotherHarvey Eifert by Dorothy Robinson, his sister; by Charlene Rogers,his nieceEdward H. Flower by M. Florence Flower, his wifePastor Sylvester Francisco by Margie Francisco, his wifeLecil Fullbright by Maryetta J. Fullbright, his sister-in-lawMcVernon Fullbright by Maryetta J. Fullbright, his wifeCatherine Gab by Esther R. Henderson, her sisterKristie Gettys by Ruby Darnell; by Norwood & Leda SmithVirginia Gerne by Justine M. SlackMarjorie C. Gilbert by Virginia GladdenJohn N. Grosboll by Ann M. Borris, his sisterDavid E. Haines by Ollie Haines, his wifePastor Alex R. Hall by Alyce Hall, his wifeWarren Halversen by Evelyn S. Halversen, his wifeLisa Lungu Heldenbrand by Mr. & Mrs. John Lungu, her parentsJoseph Herzberg by Mrs. Thelma Herzberg, his wife; by Mr. & Mrs.Michael Fechik, his children; by Kathy J. Woodhall, his daughterJudith L. Prelog Herzel by Ann Simpson KerrJulius Hiles by Jewel Cook, his sisterMr. & Mrs. Ted Hoffman by Mr. & Mrs. Steve DickieVerna Johnson by Francis Johnson, her husbandBenton Johnson by Mr. & Mrs. Steve DickieVryl Hayford by Patricia L. JonesAdolf Kiehlbauch by Clara R. KiehlbauchGlenn E. Kingery by Nellie Kingery; by Cynthia Kingery & SandyFulton, his daughtersPastor Heinz Kowash by Corinne KingRobert Laue by Frances BrashearsLowell Linten by Lola GentonElsa Lonergan by Ann Simpson KerrAlan Dean Long by Pauline B. Long, his motherHazel Long by Pat & Darryl Bivens, her niece and nephewPastor J. Murray Long by Pauline B. Long, his wifeEdwin B. Low by Vyvyan M. Low, his wifeMedford Lynd by Mr. & Mrs. Homer R. LyndIda Belle Malone by Reba Hargrove, her granddaughterFredericka Maples by J. Wayne MaplesHugh A. Marlin by Helen Marlin, his wife; by Ronald & VergieMarlin, his son & daughter-in-lawPriscilla Maurice by Aurile Maurice, her husbandWilliam R. May by Kent & Dee Dickinson; by Alma May, his motherMr. & Mrs. Jacob Meyer by Paul KrallMary Ethel Meyer by Paul KrallJohn G. McConnell by Mr. & Mrs. Charles McConnellDr. Anetta Truman McGuffin by Violet Brayshaw, her sisterVerda McLain by Edna Drury, her cousinFred McReynolds by Esther LorenzA.J. Minor by Margaret E. Minor, his wifeEsther & Clarence Moore by Stanley H. Reesman


Jay Morteson by Ruth Morteson, his wifeGus & Julia Nichols by the Baxley SDA Church; by G.L. & MaryGoodwin; by Joe & Carol McKenney; by Mac & Lillian McKinney; byMarge Merchant; by Tom & Helen Nichols; by H.L. & Mildred TuckerPastor Earnest Oliver by Dorothy J. Oliver, his wifeCarolyn Palmer by Ann Simpson KerrLeonard Palmer by Z. Evalena PembertonVictor Penner by Shirley Cavin JohnsonRalph M. Pitcher by Mary Pitcher, his wifeFrank R. Pollack by Mary T. Pollack, his sisterPauline H. Pollack by Mary T. Pollack, her sisterRuth Portney by Mr. & Mrs. Steve DickieWoodrow Portney by Mr. & Mrs. Steve DickieZora Belle Prelog by Ann Simpson KerrDennis L. Ras by Mr. & Mrs. George Ras, his parentsSam Renk by Helen Renk, his wife; by his childrenGrace Reuss by Barbara Qualley, her daughterH.M.S. Richards, Sr. by Ann Simpson KerrH.M.S. Richards, Jr. by Ann Simpson KerrTodd Rimer by Fred & Joyce Rimer, his parentsEmil Roesler by Esther Henderson, his sisterLurene Roper by Winnell Hoatson, her sisterDale Sanjenko by Alyce Hall, his auntWilma Schaeffer by Russell Schaeffer, her husbandClaude Burton Shook by Reba HargroveSam & Leah Smick by Barbara Stewart, their daughterStan, Clifford & Duane Smick by Barbara Stewart, their sisterDr. & Mrs. Ronald Spaulding by Paul & Pearl GenstlerLeslie W. Steinbarger by Eva Steinbarger, his wifeBob Stewart by Barbara Stewart, his wifeDr. Frederic Strahle by Dr. & Mrs. John Strahle, his son & daughter-in-lawAllan Stuart by Amy Stuart, his wifeM.E. Betty Swartz by Ann Simpson KerrJeff Tachenko by Matt & Olga TachenkoJoe Tachenko by Matt & Olga TachenkoPaul Tachenko by Matt & Olga Tachenko, his parentsRoy Tattrie by Jennie Tattrie, his wifeSamuel Thornton, Jr. by Samuel & Donna Thornton, his parentsErma Todd by Virginia S. SeveyAlta Troutman by Pastor Francis RuddleE.E. Virgin by Miriam B. Virgin, his wifeHarley Vixie by Barbara Vories; by Patricia ReynoldsEldon L. Vories by Barbara Vories, his wifeA.E. Wells by Edith Wells, his wifeBerna J. White by Mrs. Melvin JudkinsPastor Tom Willey by Mary Willey, his wifeJohn Woodhall by Kathy J. Woodhall, his wifeJesse Wooten by the Wooten FamilyRedith Wright by Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Chaput

Happy BirthdayCharles & Marissa McConnellEsther R. Inman (99th)Ruth Keller (85th) by Dorraine Schermerhorn, her sister

For EngagementByron Corbett to Constance Strahle by Dr. & Mrs. John Strahle, herparents

For a Speedy RecoveryEvelyn Ingraham by Cindy & Ken Lawson; by Betty & Ray CrawfordLynda Pendleton by Cindy & Ken Lawson; by Betty & Ray CrawfordDebbie Pipkin by Cindy & Ken Lawson; by Betty & Ray Crawford

CorrectionJody Stimpel by Virginia S. Sevey


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