Julie Svancara – Cellular Cleansing

Julie Svancara – Cellular Cleansing

Transcript of Julie Svancara – Cellular Cleansing

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Julie Svancara – Cellular Cleansing

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The most efficacious way to encourage conductivity in the body is to restore the body to an unblocked state. This is the purpose of cellular cleansing, other wise referred to as deep tissue cleansing. We begin applying the principle of conductivity on the cellular level because blocked cells make up blocked tissues, which make up blocked organs, which make up blocked organism. The most protective way to cleanse is to hydrate and magnetize waste residues up and out of the cells with water containing, alkaline foods namely, organically produced raw fruits, vegetables and their juices.

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Most people have no idea how much impacted waste is lining the tissues of their organs. If they could see it, they would likely do everything in their power to remove it, especially if they realized that the waste was decaying them from within. The body is like a giant filter, trying to gather and expel anything that isn’t for it highest good. But as the rubbish of unfit substances ( in the form of corrupted food, drink, medication, air, water and radiation) is constantly being forced into the body, it cannot excrete the waste through the eliminative organs fast enough. Over the course of the decades of carrying around a overburdened filter, residue builds up in the cells, in the tissues of the intestine, and other organs. If you are brave enough to stand the thought, you will accept the fact that you are saturated with inorganic waste that is impacted like dry tar inside the body, creating multiple blockages in your system and prematurely aging you.

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There is wonderful news, though. That “tar” can be removed, and you can reverse this accumulation through a twofold “awaken and release” method. But restoring conductivity requires dedication to a cleansing lifestyle and vigilant choices and behaviors, in order to (a) prevent further accumulation of waste and more blockages as you me move the old ones, and (b) maintain a freely conducting system. If you want to experience real transformation, all blockages in all parts of your physical and energetic bodies must be dissolved. If you thought life was boring, try increasing your conductivity and you’ll never think so again! You may have a lot of obstructions to dissolve. It takes about ten years to clear up the pathways of optimal conductivity. But every blockage you dissolve is worth it’s weight in freedom, and enjoy the process of self liberation every step of the way. There

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isn’t any quick fix and it isn’t easy only that it works a whole lot better than anything you’ll find within the anti aging marketplace! Removing, obstruction is infinitely more effective than slathering on ” hope in a jar,” because most products just clog up your cells and accelerate aging. Just start applying this principle, and you’ll see results. The further you go, more apparent the regeneration will be. You have a lot of cells and it will show. The practical applications will help you remove the blockage of stagnant matter and its by products to reverse the calcification and decay that is decomposing yo body from the inside out. This must be done for regeneration to occur when the body is in decomposition mode, which is typically the third stage of life which is around age twenty five! You’ll be using the ” awaken

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and release” method to magnetize, hydrate, and eliminate these blockages through your colon and skin. As you do so, your liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, lungs and lymphatic system will also be detoxifying and moving these blockages out.