Julian Pencilliah Book Preview


Transcript of Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

Page 1: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

ldquoThere are only two ways to live your life

One is as though nothing is a miracleThe other is as though everything is a

miraclerdquo- Albert Einstein ndash


Julian Pencilliah News

Copyright copy2013 by Julian Pencilliah First published in Santa Clara CA United States ofAmerica by Jetstream Publishing Inc All rights reserved This publication is protected underInternational and Federal Copyright Laws and TreatiesAny unauthorized reprint or use of this material isprohibited No part of this book may be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means electronic ormechanical including photocopying recording or byany information storage and retrieval system withoutexpress written permission from the authorpublisher The author of this book does not dispense medicaladvice or prescribe the use of any technique as a formof treatment for physical or medical problems withoutthe advice of a physician either directly or indirectly Theintent of the author is only to offer information of ageneral nature to help you in your quest for personaldevelopment In the event you use any of theinformation in this book for yourself which is yourconstitutional right the author and the publisher assume

no responsibility for your actions You may not circulate this book in any format Thisbook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only Thisbook may not be resold or given away to other peopleIf you would like to share this book with anotherperson please purchase an additional copy for eachrecipient Thank you for respecting the hard work of theauthor

Preface I was fortunate enough to realize that liferequires more than a whisper of wisdomIt seems as though it unfolds like atapestry of magic that orchestrates itsopulent wonder People have always beenmy source of inspiration which hasallowed me to discover a world withinmyself and beyond my world Irsquove beenprivileged to have incredible adventuresacross the world all of which have trulyopened my eyes to a wealth of knowledgeand broadened my perspective in waysthat were both humbling andenlightening Irsquove experienced acts of kindness in themost improbable places and

circumstances that would have movedeven the most jaded of souls Irsquovewitnessed the human spiritrsquos willingnessto challenge and rise above the mostseemingly impossible odds We all journey through life experiencinghighs and lows and at times we may feelas though the cards are stacked against us But irrespective of the hand wersquove beendealt we should never allow ourselves theluxury of self-defeating mentalities Irsquovewritten The Jetstream of Success in gratitudeto the thousands of people who haveinspired me The design of the chapters will offer youthe insight necessary for you to avoid

major setbacks It will also provide youwith the emotional intellectual andanalytical disciplines to frame greatersuccesses I live by three simple words compassionlove and gratitude We need to act onthese three words daily Doing so willirrevocably change your world

The Pinnacle of Success Irrevocably change your world

A journey that causes you to irrevocablychange your world Imagine a journeythat ignites the magic of you leaving youin awe of your sheer magnificence It isone that can piece together an ever-fullerunderstanding of yourself articulating a

quest to define and re-define monumentaldiscoveries within your potentialallowing you to become more acutelyaware as time passes

A journey that will expand your thoughtinto uncharted dimensions one that willtake you to a place where heavenembraces the earth where your soultouches your humanity There are eternal truths that have beenapparent from lifetimes before and willbe apparent for lifetimes to come Thesetruths oscillate as jet streams pulsatingthroughout every culture across theworld I invite you to embark on a journey withme a journey of self-discovery Thisjourney will reveal infinite truths throughthe illusiveness of your psyche truths thatare even unknown to the author and can

only be discovered through you frommoment to moment The text is meant to be an oscillatingtransparency revealing you to yourselfand bringing about monumental changewhile awakening your greatest instinct toprogress exponentially through multi-dimensional time frames Itrsquos based on therealization that the richest awakening ofyourself will unveil lifersquos deepestmysteries When your back is up against the walland your thought is all yoursquove got thatthought becomes your journey and thatjourney can become the story of your life So we begin this unveiling of your destiny

with recognition of the legend within you Legends create history everyday Thestatus of being a Legend is reserved forthe chosen few who believe they aredestined for greatness The Jetstream of Success was written to offeryou the intellectual insight that willenable you to brave opportunity

The Jetstream of Success is an acceleratedexperience of life It is living on the edgeof possibility living through a pulsationand a passion Its a place of wonder inthe discovery that truth is infinite Itrsquosbeing in focused motion and a master of

the speed of intention Anyone who has reached the pinnacle intheir arena of success has slipped intothat Jetstream which established theirmiraculous rate of achievement Considerthe rate of achievement of a person wholiterally goes from rags to billionaire in alifetime And then again there are thosewho become self-made billionaires in lessthan a decade Whether itrsquos in the arena ofsport entertainment business or anyother success the constant factor withthese super achievers is always the rate ofachievement When we stand afar and look at thesesuper achievers we see their efforts wesee their strategies and we see their

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 2: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview


Julian Pencilliah News

Copyright copy2013 by Julian Pencilliah First published in Santa Clara CA United States ofAmerica by Jetstream Publishing Inc All rights reserved This publication is protected underInternational and Federal Copyright Laws and TreatiesAny unauthorized reprint or use of this material isprohibited No part of this book may be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means electronic ormechanical including photocopying recording or byany information storage and retrieval system withoutexpress written permission from the authorpublisher The author of this book does not dispense medicaladvice or prescribe the use of any technique as a formof treatment for physical or medical problems withoutthe advice of a physician either directly or indirectly Theintent of the author is only to offer information of ageneral nature to help you in your quest for personaldevelopment In the event you use any of theinformation in this book for yourself which is yourconstitutional right the author and the publisher assume

no responsibility for your actions You may not circulate this book in any format Thisbook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only Thisbook may not be resold or given away to other peopleIf you would like to share this book with anotherperson please purchase an additional copy for eachrecipient Thank you for respecting the hard work of theauthor

Preface I was fortunate enough to realize that liferequires more than a whisper of wisdomIt seems as though it unfolds like atapestry of magic that orchestrates itsopulent wonder People have always beenmy source of inspiration which hasallowed me to discover a world withinmyself and beyond my world Irsquove beenprivileged to have incredible adventuresacross the world all of which have trulyopened my eyes to a wealth of knowledgeand broadened my perspective in waysthat were both humbling andenlightening Irsquove experienced acts of kindness in themost improbable places and

circumstances that would have movedeven the most jaded of souls Irsquovewitnessed the human spiritrsquos willingnessto challenge and rise above the mostseemingly impossible odds We all journey through life experiencinghighs and lows and at times we may feelas though the cards are stacked against us But irrespective of the hand wersquove beendealt we should never allow ourselves theluxury of self-defeating mentalities Irsquovewritten The Jetstream of Success in gratitudeto the thousands of people who haveinspired me The design of the chapters will offer youthe insight necessary for you to avoid

major setbacks It will also provide youwith the emotional intellectual andanalytical disciplines to frame greatersuccesses I live by three simple words compassionlove and gratitude We need to act onthese three words daily Doing so willirrevocably change your world

The Pinnacle of Success Irrevocably change your world

A journey that causes you to irrevocablychange your world Imagine a journeythat ignites the magic of you leaving youin awe of your sheer magnificence It isone that can piece together an ever-fullerunderstanding of yourself articulating a

quest to define and re-define monumentaldiscoveries within your potentialallowing you to become more acutelyaware as time passes

A journey that will expand your thoughtinto uncharted dimensions one that willtake you to a place where heavenembraces the earth where your soultouches your humanity There are eternal truths that have beenapparent from lifetimes before and willbe apparent for lifetimes to come Thesetruths oscillate as jet streams pulsatingthroughout every culture across theworld I invite you to embark on a journey withme a journey of self-discovery Thisjourney will reveal infinite truths throughthe illusiveness of your psyche truths thatare even unknown to the author and can

only be discovered through you frommoment to moment The text is meant to be an oscillatingtransparency revealing you to yourselfand bringing about monumental changewhile awakening your greatest instinct toprogress exponentially through multi-dimensional time frames Itrsquos based on therealization that the richest awakening ofyourself will unveil lifersquos deepestmysteries When your back is up against the walland your thought is all yoursquove got thatthought becomes your journey and thatjourney can become the story of your life So we begin this unveiling of your destiny

with recognition of the legend within you Legends create history everyday Thestatus of being a Legend is reserved forthe chosen few who believe they aredestined for greatness The Jetstream of Success was written to offeryou the intellectual insight that willenable you to brave opportunity

The Jetstream of Success is an acceleratedexperience of life It is living on the edgeof possibility living through a pulsationand a passion Its a place of wonder inthe discovery that truth is infinite Itrsquosbeing in focused motion and a master of

the speed of intention Anyone who has reached the pinnacle intheir arena of success has slipped intothat Jetstream which established theirmiraculous rate of achievement Considerthe rate of achievement of a person wholiterally goes from rags to billionaire in alifetime And then again there are thosewho become self-made billionaires in lessthan a decade Whether itrsquos in the arena ofsport entertainment business or anyother success the constant factor withthese super achievers is always the rate ofachievement When we stand afar and look at thesesuper achievers we see their efforts wesee their strategies and we see their

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 3: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

Copyright copy2013 by Julian Pencilliah First published in Santa Clara CA United States ofAmerica by Jetstream Publishing Inc All rights reserved This publication is protected underInternational and Federal Copyright Laws and TreatiesAny unauthorized reprint or use of this material isprohibited No part of this book may be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means electronic ormechanical including photocopying recording or byany information storage and retrieval system withoutexpress written permission from the authorpublisher The author of this book does not dispense medicaladvice or prescribe the use of any technique as a formof treatment for physical or medical problems withoutthe advice of a physician either directly or indirectly Theintent of the author is only to offer information of ageneral nature to help you in your quest for personaldevelopment In the event you use any of theinformation in this book for yourself which is yourconstitutional right the author and the publisher assume

no responsibility for your actions You may not circulate this book in any format Thisbook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only Thisbook may not be resold or given away to other peopleIf you would like to share this book with anotherperson please purchase an additional copy for eachrecipient Thank you for respecting the hard work of theauthor

Preface I was fortunate enough to realize that liferequires more than a whisper of wisdomIt seems as though it unfolds like atapestry of magic that orchestrates itsopulent wonder People have always beenmy source of inspiration which hasallowed me to discover a world withinmyself and beyond my world Irsquove beenprivileged to have incredible adventuresacross the world all of which have trulyopened my eyes to a wealth of knowledgeand broadened my perspective in waysthat were both humbling andenlightening Irsquove experienced acts of kindness in themost improbable places and

circumstances that would have movedeven the most jaded of souls Irsquovewitnessed the human spiritrsquos willingnessto challenge and rise above the mostseemingly impossible odds We all journey through life experiencinghighs and lows and at times we may feelas though the cards are stacked against us But irrespective of the hand wersquove beendealt we should never allow ourselves theluxury of self-defeating mentalities Irsquovewritten The Jetstream of Success in gratitudeto the thousands of people who haveinspired me The design of the chapters will offer youthe insight necessary for you to avoid

major setbacks It will also provide youwith the emotional intellectual andanalytical disciplines to frame greatersuccesses I live by three simple words compassionlove and gratitude We need to act onthese three words daily Doing so willirrevocably change your world

The Pinnacle of Success Irrevocably change your world

A journey that causes you to irrevocablychange your world Imagine a journeythat ignites the magic of you leaving youin awe of your sheer magnificence It isone that can piece together an ever-fullerunderstanding of yourself articulating a

quest to define and re-define monumentaldiscoveries within your potentialallowing you to become more acutelyaware as time passes

A journey that will expand your thoughtinto uncharted dimensions one that willtake you to a place where heavenembraces the earth where your soultouches your humanity There are eternal truths that have beenapparent from lifetimes before and willbe apparent for lifetimes to come Thesetruths oscillate as jet streams pulsatingthroughout every culture across theworld I invite you to embark on a journey withme a journey of self-discovery Thisjourney will reveal infinite truths throughthe illusiveness of your psyche truths thatare even unknown to the author and can

only be discovered through you frommoment to moment The text is meant to be an oscillatingtransparency revealing you to yourselfand bringing about monumental changewhile awakening your greatest instinct toprogress exponentially through multi-dimensional time frames Itrsquos based on therealization that the richest awakening ofyourself will unveil lifersquos deepestmysteries When your back is up against the walland your thought is all yoursquove got thatthought becomes your journey and thatjourney can become the story of your life So we begin this unveiling of your destiny

with recognition of the legend within you Legends create history everyday Thestatus of being a Legend is reserved forthe chosen few who believe they aredestined for greatness The Jetstream of Success was written to offeryou the intellectual insight that willenable you to brave opportunity

The Jetstream of Success is an acceleratedexperience of life It is living on the edgeof possibility living through a pulsationand a passion Its a place of wonder inthe discovery that truth is infinite Itrsquosbeing in focused motion and a master of

the speed of intention Anyone who has reached the pinnacle intheir arena of success has slipped intothat Jetstream which established theirmiraculous rate of achievement Considerthe rate of achievement of a person wholiterally goes from rags to billionaire in alifetime And then again there are thosewho become self-made billionaires in lessthan a decade Whether itrsquos in the arena ofsport entertainment business or anyother success the constant factor withthese super achievers is always the rate ofachievement When we stand afar and look at thesesuper achievers we see their efforts wesee their strategies and we see their

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 4: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

no responsibility for your actions You may not circulate this book in any format Thisbook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only Thisbook may not be resold or given away to other peopleIf you would like to share this book with anotherperson please purchase an additional copy for eachrecipient Thank you for respecting the hard work of theauthor

Preface I was fortunate enough to realize that liferequires more than a whisper of wisdomIt seems as though it unfolds like atapestry of magic that orchestrates itsopulent wonder People have always beenmy source of inspiration which hasallowed me to discover a world withinmyself and beyond my world Irsquove beenprivileged to have incredible adventuresacross the world all of which have trulyopened my eyes to a wealth of knowledgeand broadened my perspective in waysthat were both humbling andenlightening Irsquove experienced acts of kindness in themost improbable places and

circumstances that would have movedeven the most jaded of souls Irsquovewitnessed the human spiritrsquos willingnessto challenge and rise above the mostseemingly impossible odds We all journey through life experiencinghighs and lows and at times we may feelas though the cards are stacked against us But irrespective of the hand wersquove beendealt we should never allow ourselves theluxury of self-defeating mentalities Irsquovewritten The Jetstream of Success in gratitudeto the thousands of people who haveinspired me The design of the chapters will offer youthe insight necessary for you to avoid

major setbacks It will also provide youwith the emotional intellectual andanalytical disciplines to frame greatersuccesses I live by three simple words compassionlove and gratitude We need to act onthese three words daily Doing so willirrevocably change your world

The Pinnacle of Success Irrevocably change your world

A journey that causes you to irrevocablychange your world Imagine a journeythat ignites the magic of you leaving youin awe of your sheer magnificence It isone that can piece together an ever-fullerunderstanding of yourself articulating a

quest to define and re-define monumentaldiscoveries within your potentialallowing you to become more acutelyaware as time passes

A journey that will expand your thoughtinto uncharted dimensions one that willtake you to a place where heavenembraces the earth where your soultouches your humanity There are eternal truths that have beenapparent from lifetimes before and willbe apparent for lifetimes to come Thesetruths oscillate as jet streams pulsatingthroughout every culture across theworld I invite you to embark on a journey withme a journey of self-discovery Thisjourney will reveal infinite truths throughthe illusiveness of your psyche truths thatare even unknown to the author and can

only be discovered through you frommoment to moment The text is meant to be an oscillatingtransparency revealing you to yourselfand bringing about monumental changewhile awakening your greatest instinct toprogress exponentially through multi-dimensional time frames Itrsquos based on therealization that the richest awakening ofyourself will unveil lifersquos deepestmysteries When your back is up against the walland your thought is all yoursquove got thatthought becomes your journey and thatjourney can become the story of your life So we begin this unveiling of your destiny

with recognition of the legend within you Legends create history everyday Thestatus of being a Legend is reserved forthe chosen few who believe they aredestined for greatness The Jetstream of Success was written to offeryou the intellectual insight that willenable you to brave opportunity

The Jetstream of Success is an acceleratedexperience of life It is living on the edgeof possibility living through a pulsationand a passion Its a place of wonder inthe discovery that truth is infinite Itrsquosbeing in focused motion and a master of

the speed of intention Anyone who has reached the pinnacle intheir arena of success has slipped intothat Jetstream which established theirmiraculous rate of achievement Considerthe rate of achievement of a person wholiterally goes from rags to billionaire in alifetime And then again there are thosewho become self-made billionaires in lessthan a decade Whether itrsquos in the arena ofsport entertainment business or anyother success the constant factor withthese super achievers is always the rate ofachievement When we stand afar and look at thesesuper achievers we see their efforts wesee their strategies and we see their

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 5: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

Preface I was fortunate enough to realize that liferequires more than a whisper of wisdomIt seems as though it unfolds like atapestry of magic that orchestrates itsopulent wonder People have always beenmy source of inspiration which hasallowed me to discover a world withinmyself and beyond my world Irsquove beenprivileged to have incredible adventuresacross the world all of which have trulyopened my eyes to a wealth of knowledgeand broadened my perspective in waysthat were both humbling andenlightening Irsquove experienced acts of kindness in themost improbable places and

circumstances that would have movedeven the most jaded of souls Irsquovewitnessed the human spiritrsquos willingnessto challenge and rise above the mostseemingly impossible odds We all journey through life experiencinghighs and lows and at times we may feelas though the cards are stacked against us But irrespective of the hand wersquove beendealt we should never allow ourselves theluxury of self-defeating mentalities Irsquovewritten The Jetstream of Success in gratitudeto the thousands of people who haveinspired me The design of the chapters will offer youthe insight necessary for you to avoid

major setbacks It will also provide youwith the emotional intellectual andanalytical disciplines to frame greatersuccesses I live by three simple words compassionlove and gratitude We need to act onthese three words daily Doing so willirrevocably change your world

The Pinnacle of Success Irrevocably change your world

A journey that causes you to irrevocablychange your world Imagine a journeythat ignites the magic of you leaving youin awe of your sheer magnificence It isone that can piece together an ever-fullerunderstanding of yourself articulating a

quest to define and re-define monumentaldiscoveries within your potentialallowing you to become more acutelyaware as time passes

A journey that will expand your thoughtinto uncharted dimensions one that willtake you to a place where heavenembraces the earth where your soultouches your humanity There are eternal truths that have beenapparent from lifetimes before and willbe apparent for lifetimes to come Thesetruths oscillate as jet streams pulsatingthroughout every culture across theworld I invite you to embark on a journey withme a journey of self-discovery Thisjourney will reveal infinite truths throughthe illusiveness of your psyche truths thatare even unknown to the author and can

only be discovered through you frommoment to moment The text is meant to be an oscillatingtransparency revealing you to yourselfand bringing about monumental changewhile awakening your greatest instinct toprogress exponentially through multi-dimensional time frames Itrsquos based on therealization that the richest awakening ofyourself will unveil lifersquos deepestmysteries When your back is up against the walland your thought is all yoursquove got thatthought becomes your journey and thatjourney can become the story of your life So we begin this unveiling of your destiny

with recognition of the legend within you Legends create history everyday Thestatus of being a Legend is reserved forthe chosen few who believe they aredestined for greatness The Jetstream of Success was written to offeryou the intellectual insight that willenable you to brave opportunity

The Jetstream of Success is an acceleratedexperience of life It is living on the edgeof possibility living through a pulsationand a passion Its a place of wonder inthe discovery that truth is infinite Itrsquosbeing in focused motion and a master of

the speed of intention Anyone who has reached the pinnacle intheir arena of success has slipped intothat Jetstream which established theirmiraculous rate of achievement Considerthe rate of achievement of a person wholiterally goes from rags to billionaire in alifetime And then again there are thosewho become self-made billionaires in lessthan a decade Whether itrsquos in the arena ofsport entertainment business or anyother success the constant factor withthese super achievers is always the rate ofachievement When we stand afar and look at thesesuper achievers we see their efforts wesee their strategies and we see their

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 6: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

circumstances that would have movedeven the most jaded of souls Irsquovewitnessed the human spiritrsquos willingnessto challenge and rise above the mostseemingly impossible odds We all journey through life experiencinghighs and lows and at times we may feelas though the cards are stacked against us But irrespective of the hand wersquove beendealt we should never allow ourselves theluxury of self-defeating mentalities Irsquovewritten The Jetstream of Success in gratitudeto the thousands of people who haveinspired me The design of the chapters will offer youthe insight necessary for you to avoid

major setbacks It will also provide youwith the emotional intellectual andanalytical disciplines to frame greatersuccesses I live by three simple words compassionlove and gratitude We need to act onthese three words daily Doing so willirrevocably change your world

The Pinnacle of Success Irrevocably change your world

A journey that causes you to irrevocablychange your world Imagine a journeythat ignites the magic of you leaving youin awe of your sheer magnificence It isone that can piece together an ever-fullerunderstanding of yourself articulating a

quest to define and re-define monumentaldiscoveries within your potentialallowing you to become more acutelyaware as time passes

A journey that will expand your thoughtinto uncharted dimensions one that willtake you to a place where heavenembraces the earth where your soultouches your humanity There are eternal truths that have beenapparent from lifetimes before and willbe apparent for lifetimes to come Thesetruths oscillate as jet streams pulsatingthroughout every culture across theworld I invite you to embark on a journey withme a journey of self-discovery Thisjourney will reveal infinite truths throughthe illusiveness of your psyche truths thatare even unknown to the author and can

only be discovered through you frommoment to moment The text is meant to be an oscillatingtransparency revealing you to yourselfand bringing about monumental changewhile awakening your greatest instinct toprogress exponentially through multi-dimensional time frames Itrsquos based on therealization that the richest awakening ofyourself will unveil lifersquos deepestmysteries When your back is up against the walland your thought is all yoursquove got thatthought becomes your journey and thatjourney can become the story of your life So we begin this unveiling of your destiny

with recognition of the legend within you Legends create history everyday Thestatus of being a Legend is reserved forthe chosen few who believe they aredestined for greatness The Jetstream of Success was written to offeryou the intellectual insight that willenable you to brave opportunity

The Jetstream of Success is an acceleratedexperience of life It is living on the edgeof possibility living through a pulsationand a passion Its a place of wonder inthe discovery that truth is infinite Itrsquosbeing in focused motion and a master of

the speed of intention Anyone who has reached the pinnacle intheir arena of success has slipped intothat Jetstream which established theirmiraculous rate of achievement Considerthe rate of achievement of a person wholiterally goes from rags to billionaire in alifetime And then again there are thosewho become self-made billionaires in lessthan a decade Whether itrsquos in the arena ofsport entertainment business or anyother success the constant factor withthese super achievers is always the rate ofachievement When we stand afar and look at thesesuper achievers we see their efforts wesee their strategies and we see their

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 7: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

major setbacks It will also provide youwith the emotional intellectual andanalytical disciplines to frame greatersuccesses I live by three simple words compassionlove and gratitude We need to act onthese three words daily Doing so willirrevocably change your world

The Pinnacle of Success Irrevocably change your world

A journey that causes you to irrevocablychange your world Imagine a journeythat ignites the magic of you leaving youin awe of your sheer magnificence It isone that can piece together an ever-fullerunderstanding of yourself articulating a

quest to define and re-define monumentaldiscoveries within your potentialallowing you to become more acutelyaware as time passes

A journey that will expand your thoughtinto uncharted dimensions one that willtake you to a place where heavenembraces the earth where your soultouches your humanity There are eternal truths that have beenapparent from lifetimes before and willbe apparent for lifetimes to come Thesetruths oscillate as jet streams pulsatingthroughout every culture across theworld I invite you to embark on a journey withme a journey of self-discovery Thisjourney will reveal infinite truths throughthe illusiveness of your psyche truths thatare even unknown to the author and can

only be discovered through you frommoment to moment The text is meant to be an oscillatingtransparency revealing you to yourselfand bringing about monumental changewhile awakening your greatest instinct toprogress exponentially through multi-dimensional time frames Itrsquos based on therealization that the richest awakening ofyourself will unveil lifersquos deepestmysteries When your back is up against the walland your thought is all yoursquove got thatthought becomes your journey and thatjourney can become the story of your life So we begin this unveiling of your destiny

with recognition of the legend within you Legends create history everyday Thestatus of being a Legend is reserved forthe chosen few who believe they aredestined for greatness The Jetstream of Success was written to offeryou the intellectual insight that willenable you to brave opportunity

The Jetstream of Success is an acceleratedexperience of life It is living on the edgeof possibility living through a pulsationand a passion Its a place of wonder inthe discovery that truth is infinite Itrsquosbeing in focused motion and a master of

the speed of intention Anyone who has reached the pinnacle intheir arena of success has slipped intothat Jetstream which established theirmiraculous rate of achievement Considerthe rate of achievement of a person wholiterally goes from rags to billionaire in alifetime And then again there are thosewho become self-made billionaires in lessthan a decade Whether itrsquos in the arena ofsport entertainment business or anyother success the constant factor withthese super achievers is always the rate ofachievement When we stand afar and look at thesesuper achievers we see their efforts wesee their strategies and we see their

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 8: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

The Pinnacle of Success Irrevocably change your world

A journey that causes you to irrevocablychange your world Imagine a journeythat ignites the magic of you leaving youin awe of your sheer magnificence It isone that can piece together an ever-fullerunderstanding of yourself articulating a

quest to define and re-define monumentaldiscoveries within your potentialallowing you to become more acutelyaware as time passes

A journey that will expand your thoughtinto uncharted dimensions one that willtake you to a place where heavenembraces the earth where your soultouches your humanity There are eternal truths that have beenapparent from lifetimes before and willbe apparent for lifetimes to come Thesetruths oscillate as jet streams pulsatingthroughout every culture across theworld I invite you to embark on a journey withme a journey of self-discovery Thisjourney will reveal infinite truths throughthe illusiveness of your psyche truths thatare even unknown to the author and can

only be discovered through you frommoment to moment The text is meant to be an oscillatingtransparency revealing you to yourselfand bringing about monumental changewhile awakening your greatest instinct toprogress exponentially through multi-dimensional time frames Itrsquos based on therealization that the richest awakening ofyourself will unveil lifersquos deepestmysteries When your back is up against the walland your thought is all yoursquove got thatthought becomes your journey and thatjourney can become the story of your life So we begin this unveiling of your destiny

with recognition of the legend within you Legends create history everyday Thestatus of being a Legend is reserved forthe chosen few who believe they aredestined for greatness The Jetstream of Success was written to offeryou the intellectual insight that willenable you to brave opportunity

The Jetstream of Success is an acceleratedexperience of life It is living on the edgeof possibility living through a pulsationand a passion Its a place of wonder inthe discovery that truth is infinite Itrsquosbeing in focused motion and a master of

the speed of intention Anyone who has reached the pinnacle intheir arena of success has slipped intothat Jetstream which established theirmiraculous rate of achievement Considerthe rate of achievement of a person wholiterally goes from rags to billionaire in alifetime And then again there are thosewho become self-made billionaires in lessthan a decade Whether itrsquos in the arena ofsport entertainment business or anyother success the constant factor withthese super achievers is always the rate ofachievement When we stand afar and look at thesesuper achievers we see their efforts wesee their strategies and we see their

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 9: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

quest to define and re-define monumentaldiscoveries within your potentialallowing you to become more acutelyaware as time passes

A journey that will expand your thoughtinto uncharted dimensions one that willtake you to a place where heavenembraces the earth where your soultouches your humanity There are eternal truths that have beenapparent from lifetimes before and willbe apparent for lifetimes to come Thesetruths oscillate as jet streams pulsatingthroughout every culture across theworld I invite you to embark on a journey withme a journey of self-discovery Thisjourney will reveal infinite truths throughthe illusiveness of your psyche truths thatare even unknown to the author and can

only be discovered through you frommoment to moment The text is meant to be an oscillatingtransparency revealing you to yourselfand bringing about monumental changewhile awakening your greatest instinct toprogress exponentially through multi-dimensional time frames Itrsquos based on therealization that the richest awakening ofyourself will unveil lifersquos deepestmysteries When your back is up against the walland your thought is all yoursquove got thatthought becomes your journey and thatjourney can become the story of your life So we begin this unveiling of your destiny

with recognition of the legend within you Legends create history everyday Thestatus of being a Legend is reserved forthe chosen few who believe they aredestined for greatness The Jetstream of Success was written to offeryou the intellectual insight that willenable you to brave opportunity

The Jetstream of Success is an acceleratedexperience of life It is living on the edgeof possibility living through a pulsationand a passion Its a place of wonder inthe discovery that truth is infinite Itrsquosbeing in focused motion and a master of

the speed of intention Anyone who has reached the pinnacle intheir arena of success has slipped intothat Jetstream which established theirmiraculous rate of achievement Considerthe rate of achievement of a person wholiterally goes from rags to billionaire in alifetime And then again there are thosewho become self-made billionaires in lessthan a decade Whether itrsquos in the arena ofsport entertainment business or anyother success the constant factor withthese super achievers is always the rate ofachievement When we stand afar and look at thesesuper achievers we see their efforts wesee their strategies and we see their

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 10: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

A journey that will expand your thoughtinto uncharted dimensions one that willtake you to a place where heavenembraces the earth where your soultouches your humanity There are eternal truths that have beenapparent from lifetimes before and willbe apparent for lifetimes to come Thesetruths oscillate as jet streams pulsatingthroughout every culture across theworld I invite you to embark on a journey withme a journey of self-discovery Thisjourney will reveal infinite truths throughthe illusiveness of your psyche truths thatare even unknown to the author and can

only be discovered through you frommoment to moment The text is meant to be an oscillatingtransparency revealing you to yourselfand bringing about monumental changewhile awakening your greatest instinct toprogress exponentially through multi-dimensional time frames Itrsquos based on therealization that the richest awakening ofyourself will unveil lifersquos deepestmysteries When your back is up against the walland your thought is all yoursquove got thatthought becomes your journey and thatjourney can become the story of your life So we begin this unveiling of your destiny

with recognition of the legend within you Legends create history everyday Thestatus of being a Legend is reserved forthe chosen few who believe they aredestined for greatness The Jetstream of Success was written to offeryou the intellectual insight that willenable you to brave opportunity

The Jetstream of Success is an acceleratedexperience of life It is living on the edgeof possibility living through a pulsationand a passion Its a place of wonder inthe discovery that truth is infinite Itrsquosbeing in focused motion and a master of

the speed of intention Anyone who has reached the pinnacle intheir arena of success has slipped intothat Jetstream which established theirmiraculous rate of achievement Considerthe rate of achievement of a person wholiterally goes from rags to billionaire in alifetime And then again there are thosewho become self-made billionaires in lessthan a decade Whether itrsquos in the arena ofsport entertainment business or anyother success the constant factor withthese super achievers is always the rate ofachievement When we stand afar and look at thesesuper achievers we see their efforts wesee their strategies and we see their

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 11: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

only be discovered through you frommoment to moment The text is meant to be an oscillatingtransparency revealing you to yourselfand bringing about monumental changewhile awakening your greatest instinct toprogress exponentially through multi-dimensional time frames Itrsquos based on therealization that the richest awakening ofyourself will unveil lifersquos deepestmysteries When your back is up against the walland your thought is all yoursquove got thatthought becomes your journey and thatjourney can become the story of your life So we begin this unveiling of your destiny

with recognition of the legend within you Legends create history everyday Thestatus of being a Legend is reserved forthe chosen few who believe they aredestined for greatness The Jetstream of Success was written to offeryou the intellectual insight that willenable you to brave opportunity

The Jetstream of Success is an acceleratedexperience of life It is living on the edgeof possibility living through a pulsationand a passion Its a place of wonder inthe discovery that truth is infinite Itrsquosbeing in focused motion and a master of

the speed of intention Anyone who has reached the pinnacle intheir arena of success has slipped intothat Jetstream which established theirmiraculous rate of achievement Considerthe rate of achievement of a person wholiterally goes from rags to billionaire in alifetime And then again there are thosewho become self-made billionaires in lessthan a decade Whether itrsquos in the arena ofsport entertainment business or anyother success the constant factor withthese super achievers is always the rate ofachievement When we stand afar and look at thesesuper achievers we see their efforts wesee their strategies and we see their

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 12: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

with recognition of the legend within you Legends create history everyday Thestatus of being a Legend is reserved forthe chosen few who believe they aredestined for greatness The Jetstream of Success was written to offeryou the intellectual insight that willenable you to brave opportunity

The Jetstream of Success is an acceleratedexperience of life It is living on the edgeof possibility living through a pulsationand a passion Its a place of wonder inthe discovery that truth is infinite Itrsquosbeing in focused motion and a master of

the speed of intention Anyone who has reached the pinnacle intheir arena of success has slipped intothat Jetstream which established theirmiraculous rate of achievement Considerthe rate of achievement of a person wholiterally goes from rags to billionaire in alifetime And then again there are thosewho become self-made billionaires in lessthan a decade Whether itrsquos in the arena ofsport entertainment business or anyother success the constant factor withthese super achievers is always the rate ofachievement When we stand afar and look at thesesuper achievers we see their efforts wesee their strategies and we see their

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 13: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

The Jetstream of Success is an acceleratedexperience of life It is living on the edgeof possibility living through a pulsationand a passion Its a place of wonder inthe discovery that truth is infinite Itrsquosbeing in focused motion and a master of

the speed of intention Anyone who has reached the pinnacle intheir arena of success has slipped intothat Jetstream which established theirmiraculous rate of achievement Considerthe rate of achievement of a person wholiterally goes from rags to billionaire in alifetime And then again there are thosewho become self-made billionaires in lessthan a decade Whether itrsquos in the arena ofsport entertainment business or anyother success the constant factor withthese super achievers is always the rate ofachievement When we stand afar and look at thesesuper achievers we see their efforts wesee their strategies and we see their

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 14: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

the speed of intention Anyone who has reached the pinnacle intheir arena of success has slipped intothat Jetstream which established theirmiraculous rate of achievement Considerthe rate of achievement of a person wholiterally goes from rags to billionaire in alifetime And then again there are thosewho become self-made billionaires in lessthan a decade Whether itrsquos in the arena ofsport entertainment business or anyother success the constant factor withthese super achievers is always the rate ofachievement When we stand afar and look at thesesuper achievers we see their efforts wesee their strategies and we see their

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 15: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

talents However what we dont see is therelationship that the achievers have withthemselves and that quality is the fabricof this rate of achievement The performance of these super achieversis directly relative to their psychology

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 16: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

The Jetstream of Success has been designedto navigate you through the dynamics ofyour performance psychology so that youwill engage the legend within you

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 17: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

Legends have the capacity to employ theirgenius and awaken their brilliance Theyexhibit a conscious clarity and focustowards the recognition of theirintentions and the refinement of theiraptitude Your potential to awaken thesequalities is infinite as is your potential tounveil the experience of your greatestsuccess In fact your legend may be in thevastness of the eternal continuum of thenow but its also a passage Its yourprime rite of passage a passage ofdiscovery and achievement A passagethrough a sequence of rhythms of life Apassage through choreography ofopportunity and a symphony ofcircumstances thatrsquos meant to be

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 18: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

orchestrated like magic

The magic of you is in your capacity totranscend lifes most erratic terrain and toassociate with the value of celebration

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 19: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

Imagine for a boundless second a journeythrough your celebrations A stitching ofinsights into intentions of focus anunveiling of experience To irrevocably change your world is togain the flexibility to see the moment as itpresents itself Its establishing a positionon your awareness This is achieved by ameditative interpretation of your lifewhich is a crystallization of yourawareness from the depth of your being To awaken this mental faculty TheJetstream of Success will take you into thelargeness of opportunity within thedimension of humor Its within thedimension of humor that the generosityto indulge in the lighter side of life is


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 20: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview


So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 21: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

So now let us journey into some of themost compromising analogies and get agrip on the process of interpretationLetrsquos take a magic carpet ride to a placewithin your awareness where the vastnessof the potential within you is realized

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 22: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

Take The Reins Place a rein on your intentions We all learn our lessons in life I learnedone of my most valuable lessons when Iwas a teenager taking my girlfriendhorseback riding I can smile at thehumor of it now but on that particularday I was left speechless withembarrassment I find a hidden treasure of a place to gohorseback riding a nature reserveoverlooking the Indian Ocean As wearrive our guides welcome us with widefriendly smiles They proudly tell us wersquoreabout to ride ex-July horses - theRothmans July was one of the biggest

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 23: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

horse racing events in the world Announcing himself one of the stallionssnorts as he pounds the ground with hishoof ldquoThat onersquos yoursrdquo says my guidegrinning and nodding at me

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 24: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

A knot begins to form in my stomachand my knees buckle a little as I realizewhat Irsquove got myself into We are introduced to our horses Myhorsersquos name is Chester hersquos white andgrey standing tall with distinct pride Mygirlfriendrsquos horse is Blackjack seeminglythe more playful one neighing andnudging at Chester from time to time Ifeel my mouth become strangely dry as Inotice Chester glancing at me with acontemptuous pleasure Nevertheless I turn around to mygirlfriend and give her a reassuring smileMy smile weakens as I feel the damp heatof the horsersquos breath on my neck I swiftly

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 25: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

turn around Chester looks somewhatamused Reluctantly I draw a deep breathand mount the horse my girlfriendobserves and follows my lead Firmly seated upon Chester I heave asigh of relief as we start to trot at acomfortable pace I glance around and begin to appreciatethe beauty of my surroundings Theocean a cool azure glistens in thesunlight The horsersquos hooves gently splashin the waves as they sink into the goldensand

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 26: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

Then as we approach a bend we come insight of a grassy plain Thispsychologically triggers the horses intothinking they are in training instantlyboth stallions take off into a full gallopracing through the field The guide

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 27: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

instinctively goes after my girlfriendrsquoshorse and manages to grab hold of thereins assuming that I being the confidentrider I said I was would take care ofmyself Despite my efforts I lose all control ofthe horse Irsquom overwhelmed with fear andcouldnrsquot be in a more compromisingposition ldquoWhoa Chester Take it easy wersquore ateam work with merdquo I plead Ignoring me as though he has selectivehearing Chester gallops harder withtremendous speed and power My fists tighten as I pull harder on the

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 28: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

reins in a desperate attempt to bring himto a halt my efforts totally in vain My mind screams in a manner that couldmove the foundations of hell My voiceconstricts with emotion as it shifts fromcoaxing to screams of terror My egospirals downwards to the very core of theearth I ask myself ldquoWhat could this horsepossibly have against merdquo Was this karmarsquos way of getting me to payfor the sum of all my sins for a hundredlifetimes What have I done to offend thishorse or more so the gods of crudehumor As Chester races on defiantly Ifeel my face turn a deep shade of red The

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 29: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

horse is now running into a valley where Iam still in full view of my girlfriendEventually to my relief he begins to slowdown to a controllable pace It is thenthat I feel the full impact of myhumiliation I feel a strained smile creep onto my faceas I try to salvage the pieces of mycrushed ego My mind begins racing as tohow I can overcome the embarrassmentof being caught out It is then thatChester decides to take one final dig atmy pride he bends over to have a drinkof water and since the human tendency isto lean backwards which I do But indoing so I lose my balance and grasponto the horsersquos rear

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 30: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

Okay So I may have exaggerated thestory a little for the purpose of making anentertaining read however there is a veryvaluable lesson that comes out of it

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 31: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

You see the mind is not a noun it ismerely a process a process of trains ofthoughts that direct your life It is thenature of the mind to experience thoughtbe it intended or unintended the problembeing that not all thoughts support yourefforts to materialize your dreams

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 32: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

Even as I now realize the importance ofthe technique of manipulating the reins todirect and control a horse in the samefashion we need to realize that there is atechnique behind harnessing the power ofthe mind Just as the horse is kept on apath by the reins likewise we need tointroduce or create reins for the mindWe need to ensure that it is tamed andtrained We will therefore never diluteour intentions with thoughts of a weak ordestructive nature So if to live successfully just requiredmind auditing between negative andpositive thoughts then why do we act asthough we and our loved ones are goingto live forever Why does most of society

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 33: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

get caught up sometimes for years inanger jealousy sadness and hurt Honestly who has the time for these self-defeating mentalities To the best of myknowledge we are only here for onelifetime Donrsquot eclipse your sun by notunderstanding the value of time The skill of applying intellect to everyaspect of your life is a bridge thateveryone has to cross and that bridge iscalled awareness Yogis spend a lifetimeachieving this elevation of grandawareness and this is the journey that Iam suggesting we take daily

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 34: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

Inevitably you will go through life onlyto discover that you are your own greatestenemy The evidence of which can befound in the following Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology suggests that we haveno conscious experience of the variousmental processes that constitute our day

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 35: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

Our thinking should be a part of a mentalprocess that is more consciouslyconducive to our intentions When weexperience thoughts that are random ordisorderly then we become severed fromthe mental processes that are conduciveto our intentions We have to bring anorder structure and dimension into oureveryday awareness

Our actions range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence To live successfully weshould always mitigate our risks

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 36: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

comprehensively and for this reasonevaluating our risk should always be ourfirst priority We need to evaluate the merits of the riskassociated to the action or inaction beforeseeking any returns We should neverhave a confident approach if we areunaware of our level of competence Mostpeople are unrealistic about theirunconscious incompetence and as aresult tend to be bull-headed in theirtendency to pursue opportunities thatdonrsquot make sense from a process andorexecution perspective We need tobecome more realistic in the way wedefine the range between our consciouscompetence and unconsciousincompetence in each situation

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 37: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

will reduce our odds of experiencinglosses Character

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 38: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

Does your intellect employ yourcharacter or does your character employyour intellect The natural order of yourbeing is innocence as it is framed in lovethen contribution compassion andgratitude The problem being when wefactor ourselves in the outer world weexperience conflicts of psychologiesbetween our intentions anticipatedresults and our expectations of people inthe world Those conflicts of interest willas a result quicken our reaction intoanger jealousy hurt or fear If yourcharacter exhibits these poor qualitiesthen the results you seek will becomesynchronistic with these qualities Makeevery effort to keep at the forefront ofyour awareness that your character alwaysemploys your intellect Your intellect is

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 39: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

only an engine that executes theresonance of your character so introduceinto your life acts and thoughts of lovecompassion gratitude and contribution asdaily rituals Engineering Change Living is really about engineering changethrough the exhilaration of possibilityWe need to shape our circumstance andinfluence the outcomes bringing theminto a dynamic coherence launching theseideas into exponential achievementHowever we all have biases in our mentalprocesses that can distort and tarnish ourintentions Negative biases are generally aresult of a limited insight a weak mentalmuscle fear and any thoughts that

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 40: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

prevent us from investigating potentialWe need to place our emphasis ondefining the result we wish to achieve andits execution Value of Life One of the greatest difficulties thatsociety faces is that we donrsquot know how toplace a value on the things that mattermost We are so preoccupied in our dailylives with trivial acquisitions that arenormally associated with price tags thatwe tend not to recognize and value thethings that really matter Typical examplesof these are your health relationshipsspiritual development and sophisticatedthinking processes just to mention a fewWe need to define what matters most

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 41: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

When you consider your lifersquos path andthe decades before you you will find thatlife is going to demand a lot of you interms of your capabilities to moveforward incrementally You will not beallowed the luxury of any self-defeatingmentality In fact on the contrary you have to beconstantly thinking on your feet andwhen you do experience a setback youhave to hit the ground running

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 42: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

You will need to demonstrate the courageto overcome even your most woundingcritics But most importantly you will need totake the definitive intelligent action to

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 43: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

create the composition of your lifersquossuccesses without placing self-inflictedexcuses such as lack of expertiseeducation or financial backing or anyother excuse that stands between you andyour successes It sounds like a tall order but you have tobe sure to deliver The question is do youthink that your mind is capable ofholding all of this information with theawareness that warrants intelligent actionLegends create history everyday and thereturns they seek are directly relative tothe acquired intelligence that underpinstheir actions We all start off in life withminds that are quite fragile and weak inmental activity until we reach thatturning point where we become schooled

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 44: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

to the predictive intelligence andspontaneous nature of our successes This chapter is intended to help youengineer a life of greater progress byraising your awareness to the power ofintelligence It seems that in this fast-paced world ourpresent day intentions lack the shelf lifeto create future successes and due to thecomplex nature of awareness itrsquos hard todistil and hold the relevancy of our goalsHow do we become more wakeful andpresent to our lives The last century has been a culminationof cutting edge science Tens ofthousands of scientists from Russia

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 45: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

America and India have mobilized in aglobal effort to rush towards thediscovery of an instrument thatrsquos meantto serve as a space-time continuum tomake us more present in our lives TheJetstream has employed the theories ofrelativity astrophysics and quantummechanics We beat the scientists outtherewersquove discovered ithellipthe diary Jokes aside whether it takes the form of a21st century smart device or a commonnotebook and pen the diary is somethingthat can bridge the gap between theawareness of your intelligence and itsmobilization towards your intentions The diary used as a tool simply allows

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 46: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

you to become more present to whatrsquosrequired of you and the process of itsachievement However if the diary alone were theanswer anyone who had one would beextremely successful but this is not thecase Your diary has to be structured as aschematic of intelligence that will allowyou to interpret your goals You need tobe working with your diary every dayensuring that you are focusing on thefollowing areas as minimum criteria -

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 47: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

These points that we referred to will beexpanded upon in the following chaptersand the Jetstream challenge is for you toread with a definite intent to identify theintellectual dynamics needed to engineeryour greatest successes

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 48: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

The success you achieve in life willbecome directly relative to the initiativeintelligence and commitment that youapply to life and a diary should serve asyour tool in this regard Getting schooled in the process of usingyour diary correctly over a lifetime iswhat will allow you to have greater accessto the blueprint of your consciousness Itbrings immense structure awareness andmindful intelligence that will over alifetime add inconceivable value Life requires more than a whisper ofwisdom Life actually requires the use of adiary and when used correctly yourentries will reveal the following formula

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 49: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

PROCESSING POWER XSTRENGTH OF EXECUTION= THE JETSTREAM OFSUCCESS Engineer change through the exhilarationof possibility

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 50: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview

Julian Pencilliah News


  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins
Page 51: Julian Pencilliah Book Preview
  • Preface
  • The Pinnacle of Success
  • Take The Reins