Judo 1 - Final - Sept 11, 2009

Judo 1 PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5 Course Syllabus and Outline Department of Physical Education and Integrated Health Care


Judo Syllabus for FLCC students

Transcript of Judo 1 - Final - Sept 11, 2009

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5

Course Syllabus and Outline

Department of Physical Education and Integrated Health Care

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline


Traditional Martial Arts – Judo 1 – PE 103-90 is an introductory course requiring no previous martial arts experience. Students will receive introductory instruction and will train at the beginner level in the modern sport of Kodokan Judo. Judo related instruction includes un-balancing (Kuzushi), throwing (Nage-Waza), falling (Ukemi), and grappling techniques (Katame Waza) that include hold-down (Osaekomi Waza) techniques, elbow joint lock (Kansetsu Waza) techniques, and strangle (Shime Waza) techinques. There is no sparring (Randori) in this beginner’s curriculum. Students will also participate in Judo’s etiquette training, low-impact body conditioning, and breathing exercises.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5

Course Syllabus and Outline


• Provide introductory level instruction and opportunities to participate in beginner level training activities in the modern combat sport of Kodokan Judo.

• Provide instruction in the origins and theoretical concepts relating to Kodokan Judo, other traditional martial arts, various eastern meta-physical theories and self-improvement topics.

• Develop awareness of the benefits of traditional martial arts training as a health-promoting exercise activity that offers potential for life-long participation.

• Provide exposure to the activities and class etiquette standards that are typically encountered in many traditional martial arts classes to help remove barriers and increase student confidence and comfortlevels when contemplating future martial arts training opportunities.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5

Course Syllabus and Outline

Typical Class Activities - Summary

Typical class activities include: required sign-in, personal development topic, opening salutation, low-impact warm up, various conditioning drills, falling technique training, hydration break, martial arts theory topic, warm-up activity, Entry level Judo un-balance, throw, and hold-down techniques and theories, breathing exercises, cool down activity, closing salutation.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5

Course Syllabus and Outline

Student Participation Requirements

No previous martial arts experience is required. There are no additional costs or fees to participate in this program. Students should advise the instructor of any pre-existing health conditions, chronic injuries or physical disabilities pursuant to federal, state, and college disclosure policy and guidelines. Accommodations are most likelyavailable.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Student Clothing Requirements

Appropriate clothing includes any durable, loose fitting clothing such as T-shirts, gym shorts, sweat pants, and tops. Long sleeved sweats and pants that can be removed to lighter layers underneath are ideal for the falling and grappling portions of martial arts training. Marital Arts and/or Judo Gi’s are not required for this introductory coursework but are helpful and most welcome.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Mat Room Class Safety Practices

Our martial art training requires a no-shoes policy while using the matted floor surfaces. I strongly recommended that you participate bare-footed (without socks) to provide an extra measure of traction and safety for yourself and your training partners. For the personal protection of all students, jewelry and body-piercing should be removed or protected prior to training.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Grades (1 of 8)Students will be graded using a whole letter grade system. Criteria used to calculate these letter grades as fully described in the next pages include: • student attendance•Tardiness• final exam attendance• class etiquette.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Grades (2 of 8)Class Attendance and Final Exam Attendance

With the exception of the final exam class, students are allowedone(1) unexcused absence or missed class per semester. Failure to attend the final exam class or any unexcused absences (missed classes) other than the one(1) allowed per semester will lower the student’s final grade by one(1) letter grade.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Grades (3 of 8)Class Attendance and Final Exam Attendance

For major medical, legal, or personal events, students may at the sole discretion of the instructor, receive credit for a missed class if the student provides for consideration by the instructor, a signed excuse on an official form or letterhead from the student’s medical provider, agency representative, governmental official, or, in the case of a major personal event, written documentation from the student or other sources that provides the instructor with appropriate information relating to that major personal event. It is the instructor’s sole discretion to accept or reject any written excuse for the consideration of receiving credit for a missed class.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Grades (4 of 8)Class Attendance and Final Exam Attendance

Alternative learning activities are available in cases of minor injury or illness, please do not miss class for these reasons since you will miss a great deal of information and concepts that may result in future training disadvantages to yourself and to your classmates. In extraordinary circumstances and by special permission at the sole discretion of the instructor, students may be authorized to participate in other FLCC physical education classes of similar nature and time commitment to make-up a missed class. If authorized by the instructor, signed documentation of such attendance is required.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Grades (5 of 8)Tardiness

Tardiness as it relates to attendance is defined as arriving to the class more than five(5) minutes after the scheduled starting time of the class. Students that arrive tardy to class more than two(2) times per semester will receive a penalty of one(1) letter grade. The potential exceptions and written excuse requirements to remediate the assessment of tardy arrival penalties are the same as listed previously for a missed class.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Grades (6 of 8)Classroom Etiquette

Classroom etiquette as established by me as the instructor is an major component of your grade that requires your strict compliance at all times. Throughout the semester, I will monitor and subjectively evaluate the status of your adherence to my classroom etiquette standards on a “pass” or “fail” basis, with a “fail” basis lowering your grade by two(2) letter grades. In the event that you receive an etiquette status evaluation of “fail”, I will immediately provide you with a verbal warning, followed by a written warning if the “fail” status is not totally rectified to “pass” status in subsequent class sessions. If the “fail” status is not totally and permanently rectified to “pass” status subsequent to a written warning from me, I will lower your letter grade by two(2) letter grades and refer you to the department chair for potential disciplinary action up to and including permanent removal from the class section per college guidelines. Class etiquette is an important component of your grade, helps promote efficient training, and most importantly it is an absolutely critical health and safety issue for you and your training partners in a contact based martial arts training program.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Grades (7 of 8) Classroom Etiquette

Classroom Etiquette is defined as the customs, rules of conduct or behavior, and training safety standards established by the instructor to facilitate safe and effective martial arts training within the classroom. As detailed on the following page, the criteria the instructor will use to subjectively evaluate your strict adherence to the classroom etiquette standards include:

• observance of all safety rules.• class participation.• cooperation with the instructor and other students.• utilization of the all classroom procedures established by the instructor.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Grades (8 of 8)Classroom Etiquette

To maintain a passing classroom etiquette grade; in the subjective opinion of the instructor, students must display diligent and consistent efforts to observe without exception the following required classroom etiquette criteria and standards at all times:•Strictly observe all safety rules and procedures established by the instructor for individual and partner training within the classroom.• Fully participate to the best of their ability and level of physical preparation in all class exercise and martial arts training activities.• Remain fully cooperative with the instructor and work kindly, respectfully and cooperatively with other class members.• Demonstrate sincere and ongoing efforts to utilize the classroom rules and procedures, behavior standards and traditional martial arts customs established by the instructor.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Typical Class Activities 15-20 Minutes: Personal Development, Salutation, Warm-up

Classes begin promptly at the assigned time. Please sign-in and proceed to the seating area for a class meeting for questions and answers, administrative issues and information, etc. The instructor will provide a short personal development theme at this time followed by a traditional martial arts opening salutation and 15-20 minutes of low-impact exercises and drills specific to the traditional martial art being studied. The exercises provide a gradual increase in cardio-pulmonary activity while gently stretching and strengthening muscle groups and tendons, and lubricating the joints of the body. The physical activity level of the exercise regimen will increase moderately as the semester progresses.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Typical Class Activities10-12 Minutes: Personal Development, Salutation, Warm-up

SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: Students should tailor all of the physical activity portions of the class around their own physical conditioning level and athletic ability. Everyone is different physically and arrive at class at different levels of physical conditioning. Based on those realities, students should feel free at any time to “walk around” or “step out” of any exercise or training activity if they feel ill or are not totally comfortable with their ability to perform the exercise or activity safely.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Typical Class Activities7-12 Minutes: Falling Techniques (Ukemi)

Proper falling techniques is a skill critical to successful training in many traditional martial arts including Kodokan Judo. Training in proper falling techniques also provides the dual benefits of improving internal body tone, while at the same time making students aware of significant skills that may help them avoid serious injury from tripping or falls encountered outside the classroom in the course of daily activities. In learning how to correctly get to the ground without injuring yourself, you will also gain knowledge on how to help avoid injury to your training partner when practicing a throw or take-down technique with them.

Judo 101PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Typical Class Activities8-12 Minutes: Falling Techniques (Ukemi)

Ukemi includes various jumping, escape, recovery, and energy dissipation techniques that each student will learn at different rates of time according to their athletic ability. It is imperative that each student work only to their own perception of their athletic ability and comfort level when learning and/or practicing any falling technique. Students may at any time “walk around” or “step away” from any drill or activity they feel is inappropriate for their level of training, preparation or expertise.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Typical Class Activities5 (1) Minutes: Hydration Break

SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: Show up for class properly hydrated! Hydration breaks are an important part of any training regimen. Students are encouraged to bring water bottles to class. Fountains are available in the gym and locker room areas. The instructor will plan more water breaks during very warm conditions. Students should feel free at any time to individually request extra water breaks at any time they may need one. After any formal water break period the instructor will typically engage the class in a moderate warm-up activity.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5

Course Syllabus and OutlineTypical Class Activities

15-20 Min: Throws (Nage Waza) / Grappling ( Katame Waza)Hold Down Techniques (Osaekomi Waza)

Students will receive beginner’s level instruction in various Judo throwing, grappling and hold down techniques. Starting from their own personal level of athletic preparation, each student will progress at their own pace based upon their work ethic and training confidence. Everyone is expected to arrive at a different level of accomplishment in these training activities. Also bear in mind that your training partner may be at a different level of mastery than yourself and as a partner you are expected to respectfully and safely accommodate their skill level. Students will be requested to perform some of these basic Judo skills to their personal ability at the mandatory final examination class. PLEASE NOTE: The Judo throwing, grappling and hold down techniques taught in this class are intended to serve as introductory instruction only and are NOT intended to serve as or substitute for bonafide self-defense or combat training.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: Judo throws, grappling and hold-down techniques can cause significant injury to yourself or your partner if practiced or performed in a reckless or uncontrolled manner. Therefore, it is critical that at all times all students carefully follow all safety rules provided by the instructor. The instructor will remind you often on how to properly execute these techniques and how to avoid injury by following all the safety rules of partner training. These safety rules will be strictly enforced at all times. Your cooperation is required.

Failure to strictly adhere to all safety rules will result in disciplinary action up to and including permanent removal from the class section.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5Course Syllabus and Outline

Typical Class Activities 5-15 Minutes: Warm Up/Techniques and Theories/Cool Down Activity/Meditated

Breathing/Closing Salutation

Time permitting will have a chance to partner up and do light tomoderate grappling. There is an opportunity for student questions and comments prior to the closing salutation.

Judo 1PE 103-50 & PE 103-G5

Course Syllabus and Outline

Office Hours Contact Information - Personal Statement

Instructor’s Office Hours are available for up to one(1) hour after each class session at which time I will be available to meet with any students that have questions, concerns, or comments. Appointments are notrequired but are available upon request.

My cell # is 315.398.8354 and my e-mail checked every 24 hours is [email protected], FLCC e-mail is checked less frequently.

I look forward to training with you this semester and I consider it a great honor to assist your pursuit of martial arts training.