JUC Europe 2015: Plugin Development with Gradle and Groovy

Plugin Development with Gradle and Groovy Daniel Spilker – CoreMedia AG

Transcript of JUC Europe 2015: Plugin Development with Gradle and Groovy

Plugin Development with Gradle and Groovy Daniel Spilker – CoreMedia AG


Plugin Development – It‘s Your Choice

•  Build Tool –  Maven, Gradle, …

•  Programming Language –  Java, Groovy, Ruby, Python, …

•  Testing –  JUnit, Spock, …


Plugin Development – It‘s Your Choice

•  Build Tool –  Maven, Gradle, …

•  Programming Language –  Java, Groovy, Ruby, Python, …

•  Testing –  JUnit, Spock, …


Gradle JPI Plugin


Gradle JPI Plugin

•  Builds the Jenkins plugin file (HPI / JPI) •  Can be combined with other Gradle plugins •  Hooks into the standard Gradle tasks •  Recommended prerequisites

–  Java 7 –  Gradle 2.3



buildscript { … } apply plugin: 'org.jenkins-ci.jpi' group = 'org.jenkins-ci.plugins' version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT' description = 'A description of your plugin' jenkinsPlugin { coreVersion = '1.580' displayName = 'Hello World' url = 'http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Hello+World' gitHubUrl = 'https://github.com/jenkinsci/hello-world-plugin' developers { … }



Directory Structure

hello-world-plugin +---build.gradle \---src +---main | +---groovy | \---resources \---test +---groovy \---resources


Gradle Tasks

•  gradle server –  Start a Jenkins instance with the plugin installed for

manual testing •  gradle jpi

–  Build the Jenkins plugin file •  gradle publish

–  Deploy your plugin to the Jenkins Maven repository to be included in the Update Center


Further Information

•  Documentation https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gradle+JPI+Plugin

•  Issue Tracker https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS/component/16321

•  Jenkins Developer Mailing List https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/jenkinsci-dev

•  Example https://github.com/jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin





•  All documentation and examples about plugin development with Java also apply to Groovy

•  Jenkins comes with Groovy 1.8



class HelloWorldBuilder extends Builder { final String name

@DataBoundConstructor HelloWorldBuilder(String name) { … } @Override boolean perform(…) { listener.logger.println("Hello, ${name}!")

true } }


Further Information

•  Groovy http://www.groovy-lang.org/ http://www.groovy-lang.org/groovy-weekly.html http://glaforge.appspot.com/article/groovy-presentations-at-conferences

•  Developing Plugins https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Extend+Jenkins

•  Example https://github.com/jenkinsci/hello-world-groovy-plugin


Spock Framework


Spock Framework

•  Spock 0.7 must be used due to Groovy 1.8 constraint • Gradle dependency declaration

dependencies { testCompile 'org.spockframework:spock-core:0.7-groovy-1.8' }

•  The Jenkins test harness can be used @Rule JenkinsRule jenkinsRule = new JenkinsRule()



class ExampleSpec extends Specification { @Rule JenkinsRule jenkinsRule = new JenkinsRule() def 'some example test'() { setup: FreeStyleProject job = jenkinsRule.createFreeStyleProject('seed') when: FreeStyleBuild freeStyleBuild = job.scheduleBuild2(0).get() then: freeStyleBuild.result == SUCCESS } }


Further Information

•  Documentation http://docs.spockframework.org/

•  Testing plugins https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Unit+Test


Summary – It‘s Your Choice

•  Build Tool –  Maven, Gradle, …

•  Programming Language –  Java, Groovy, Ruby, Python, …

•  Views –  Jelly, Groovy

•  Testing –  JUnit, Spock, …


Thank You

Daniel Spilker [email protected] @daspilker

We‘re hiring www.coremedia.com @CoreMediaMinds