Name: Banegas, Gabriel Class: Cliff A Date: nov 14 th Teacher: LeoP What are the pros and cons of being proud in one’s culture and nation? Since memorial days, people have been trying to identify from the others. They started to do different things which could make them different and unique. Their culture was the most saint and important for them. In our days, many people have forgotten the meaning of the word ´´Culture´´. Maybe it is a consequence of the crazy world where we live or it just means that we do not care about our culture anymore. The most important fact of this situation is that the word culture has been forgotten. One of the good things of being proud of our culture is that we could fight for it. When I say fight I do not mean literally fight, I refer in a figural meaning . What I am trying to explain is that if you love your country, you can make it better. How? That is the difficult part. There is a lot of way of how to improvement our countries.


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Transcript of JTRSUJK


Name: Banegas, GabrielClass: Cliff ADate: nov 14th

Teacher: LeoP

What are the pros and cons of being proud in one’s culture and nation?

Since memorial days, people have been trying to identify from the others. They

started to do different things which could make them different and unique. Their culture

was the most saint and important for them. In our days, many people have forgotten the

meaning of the word ´´Culture´´. Maybe it is a consequence of the crazy world where

we live or it just means that we do not care about our culture anymore. The most

important fact of this situation is that the word culture has been forgotten.

One of the good things of being proud of our culture is that we could fight for it.

When I say fight I do not mean literally fight, I refer in a figural meaning . What I am

trying to explain is that if you love your country, you can make it better. How? That is

the difficult part. There is a lot of way of how to improvement our countries. Working

with honesty is maybe one of the most important actions that we could make a better

country. If every single worker worked with honesty, our economic would be better.

There fore, a lot of people won’t leave our country because here we will have exactly

what we need and a lot of families will not be separated because of the migration that

many people do looking for a better situation. As you can see with a simple action of

love to our country we can do amazing things. .


In the other hand, people who think that love too much their countries often go

crazy and start doing stupid and freaking things. A clear example is our all mighty Mrs.

President Evo Morales. He apparently loves our country culture, but as every one

knows, his actions are killing our country. He tried to conserve our natural and typical

ways to do the things like farming but he does not understand that with these old

costumes does not give the enough incomes to the farmers and they are in extremely

poor because of that. Another bad thing of his patriotism is his insistent intends to make

the Whipala, and another things like that, Bolivian national symbols. It could be good

but while he is trying to make this possible, a lot of people are screaming for a better

country which is, of course, more important. Finally, he believed that loves our country

means to kick away the foreign enterprise. That is a huge mistake because they give us a

lot of jobs that are for thousands of people that now do not have job.

Not all of patriotism is bad. If you love your country you can not sleep until you

something for it. After the Second World War, Germany was completely destroyed.

Now, Germany is one of the most important places in the world. After all the problems

that the War brought, every people in the country had the obligation to rebuild their

country. How did they do? People normally worked six days per week like in any

country, but on Sundays all the money that they won was for the government to fix their

country. Sixty years later, Germany is stronger and is vital to the economy not only in

Europe but it is also for the entire world. The Germany’s example of how we can love

and in the same time help to our country is one of the most representatives.


Being proud of our culture or nation is very complicated to do but is it very

important if we want to improve it. No matter how difficult it seems, we have to fight

until for it until our last breath. But we do not have to enter in a mistake of how to love

our country, because if we do that we will hurt it more than we imagine. Love, fight,

proud, all of these are synonyms that we have to bring always in our hearts. In

conclusion, there are thousands of pros and cons of being proud of our country, but the

most important reason is what we feel in our souls.

I’m sorry I just had the time to write one essay!!!!!!!