.JSslfj - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 1MPO K.TKKH AND V li OL.KS L.E Clotliiug. Boot, abora,...

THE, PAOiriO, A xa al a av a ak I jirmcrentl- - rocrttwr '.' , J.. :. ,,;..,t .JSslfj .?i)M;-- : u,vrri!;.!f;5 v!l flwjmntcrrial ' fritsti ; , PCBM9UKD AT , , . . Honolulu. Hwiiin Ilarl. ... lory Saturday .Miprrting.-- x BY BLACK & AULD. Space nrcoH in ou' lr. ra. I 2. 8 id. em. I It" , j ,UnI Subscriptions. 40.00 Tear. r il t j.e. , j f,3.0' ftr Six Month.. .$..' t f t alcriuiieaa..7 to.IO a,rnu( Liix-- i () inch). 1 00) M-- S CO, 4 014, oo io on j.m Ul.- - (1 IIH'll).. .... 1 to 3 00 4 00 00 SOU 12 01 Jjyjjjti m pri-- for iprf rwrK4 loay Nrtriiiw (i Inch-)- .. . . 2 00 4 t 9 tU 7 0, ! K 16 i t muit'tt, wixic t iieiair the Hawaiian Lines ( i i'tciir) . s liio 7 M 10 cm i m IN 01 EariurB port will t charge I Lini (4 iucliea).. 4 M oo 10 ou lrt 26 01 ..l-- i I'M t tT which variea (rum 4 t C olumn. .......... 6 00 10 tO 14 00 JH 001 On oo Ingle piper. t C.ilum" 8 00 12 00 16 00 2i 001 0 6t vu-t- i m 4 Col M mi 1M OU tl MHO 00 46 M 16 04 Plftll.1 UITH IVC. u i.i D .,lCirTI-- . tjniiicj'unn frwi i part of lb Partac will always Wliul Colomn. 1H 00 SO 00 46 00 7ft 00,100 0V1 16 0t O- - Advertisers residing Ja the fcast-r- n i nnen - i.rfis ' Bfirtf tfca ttititavt kiWvtlH ly W Iheir cards by endowing Oreenhacl or I i.iud j ua sbeeriptioQ due f.r this paper la Acueri- -. Slates Postage Stamps fr such amount as they wish ii pay, ..j maid' and their Cards will be inserted at par above bible, kr the tint paid for. '"- - , i PLU AMD FANCY tr Busiaeas Carls, whea raid for m fear, are alln ?0! AND JOB. PRINTING.- - J .rw ,vY-"N- TO -- ifF Tv I- - 7G5. a discount from these rates, which are for ' advertise, HAWAIIAN NO. IIONOLULTJ, ISLANDS, JANUARY 21, 1S7J. WHOLE meiils when paid or charged quarterly . ... jruu J in 'i-r- -r tJlf " fe art. l THS PACIPIO I- - ;t. Snsiirautt .Oris. Pomfslir )roi)iiff;. 1 I AWT imitfrct; U VJUUliiDli My Presents. Il Jid not purchmae tt mj bri'le j Bkri jrwclrd rUf mi coarly fit, .Hat ltU I thought would h her pri r eompk-t- e cf pu anJ prnn.. !4 jo:a net win awerl !" j Ui tfta cf mafic puwrr WoulJ 1 i If t"V 1 4he would prelcr oai bat of floor. t - ....-!- , wilh Jetiny' heart. ; I j;; sn play S Irj to Bs i "e ckle ' But nl d:truling oiiern art. 1 A sal of fo h' fif'- - 1 Iiil fiTe hrt rubie red, To lend bT ravea heir reifcf; , 4 Bat what wooi.1 ha -- hen were wed . " ,..'.'- - I ul ao wnoo with her love, 1 TVUpine-- 1 to netlaa r brem,l Jat Uk dioopinif, tii4 lo. j Bat Mut a coach where it could real. I v ' " ' "$ 4 4 Bot, wheWthe moon wu brlfM, - J Tike Jeooy out 6j Iracquli walk. Qat k her wtat would more del ghl . A wch tf koi'es aad f t ; . .' I dUI bo4 tead her fl jw'reta hrijhl. Wlwiae brulhtneaw, ah i as quirkljr nun, JT!j eoaitirl iu the darleat Diht," 5 a art gf kerta and CkHtoterpanoi. , f lik I ao at Ut oar lillle alore I Would furniah wU an ivied cot ; . Bnt thro I ahuold Bare aaul Deri 1 Bhe jilud m, aad kpt I ha lot. Steettd. Miscellaneous. ba h&Te t bW fr a liriog, rctocinlir ae hour io the tuornhig - fs Letter, ----- -- than two u: - - belicTe in goinj; to the bottom of thing" idctiotjl iB."ai tiJ whea bIhj laid a refrc-jup- il oer her kne?. " 5tsrr meo have diw-owe- il it, new remain j iixioatioa. wLich ctmUta in eiting raw jrt; an ordinary " Murphy " will euro the )! tinate ewe ia half an hour. ' ' . - -- ; ' ltcl swain epitefully 6ay : " Eve did not n mucH u her daughters of the present ilaJ they been in her place, instead of btfng i. they would Lave ueceirea toe aefil.' ew York politician, in writing letter of ?nee to the w idow of a " country member " ad been his friend, pays : I ain pained r that has gone to heaven. V e were friends, but now we e hall never meet I U not poverty, k much as pretence that 4e& a ruined man ihe struggle between a f .man and an empty purse the keeping up ..low nhow thai iouev boou come to an end. 3 die couracre to appear poor and vou disarm -- it ' r y of its oharjieet feting. i jhervant philosopher lately expressed bis 1 '' ' ifiat Kus.ia and the United States would t and whip out the reet of the. world ..f tli'u thej would turn their attention to each 1 ?, and make a Kilkenny cat-fig-ht of it. At jincture Gabriel would coaie in with bis et and give the appropriate finale to the places have claimed the champion man, bat Liwell, ilas., can take the belt, isn't Ben. neither. A man there, :npluvs lu's father in hia bop, lost a child, naturally, the grandfather of the child (1 to attend the funeral. The son permitted C h1 man t g to the grave, and when be got t he docked the poor old. fcJIoV ioc lialf a i It time. lha Indians cannot cet powder and shot ta hunt for supjort, they have ingo--t enough to derive substitutes whereby to meat lor their dinners. The Raw Indians arueidare undoubtedly highly susceptible of mion. iney salt the railroad tracks. This cattle in front of the trains ; the cattle are 'i and " Lj " gathers up the carcasea.and him an abundance of roasts, and (soup ;l" - i .'CJ. .1 aking of Artemas Ward recalls an incident St. ning him and Ralph Waldo Emer-o- n; which never been publibhed. The humorist and t advertised to hold forth on Thursday and jr evenings at the tame hall in New York - ? By niiatake a countryman who wished to ; Jf UanuV show, vretst to the hall on Thursday yl of frtd ty evening. - On coming out at ke of Emerson's lecture some one observed :ni, " how did ,ou like it?" " If that is sua ,ard, rep.,nded the countryman, h' ffjt wy is, he is a darned fool." r"? SAisww-Ue- nry Ward Deecher, while r . iieves in early conversion, docs not believe -- rly iuntships, thiaking there is nothin . mortroua than a Iitcl five-ye- ar old PuriUnt ijs : But thow that live and the save me from them. Deliver me froi pre- - saintship. I cannot endure to see a irl Jyear. old before Bhe is five ; nor a boy reeit- - !. ni?dnU! Whren "Jet hi. fets. ago grafted on to a young stalk te to aJ vertise their business : F' Bck and notes fell due, - merchant . lace grew long and blue ; hit 5. hroush tb with ' a-S in sight. At last his wife unto i Z J J"?' a anJ ad'tise to aU thT rU C dld, Li8 SrJod 'ied ; anl St oWiJ'tT'T?- - C& came or?of Dickens' read- - will bear 5 l ge, ? i feose, but who wafnot Tsor f eCeJlent : i novl,8fs L WU? nded one of the rSdmS an!? f haTe took a seat well in front. I 1 ,We? io not see a single miliar KndS-nU- y a man rushed on the staTnd ?ley was dead, to begin with ! U "' f upset me. I turned round to the vjeorJ una me, ana asked, What did uaa sat They, being of the haute nobUste t at me nstant, but answered not a word, i.Ueav. . pake, said I,. will JOU teU is - ko me. .M dead?' Eat !'d tl not 'a voucoeaie in resDoruw. Th:. ce inu - aVUVIl Ume I besooxht them. '(irm,,. i ' So!n.b"0Sy0JU teU ie "hat i. the . 4, jd m, frpm hJi Sr?th i .i AQtd I .fQ-- ld I i ;on from that quarter, so I looked ! I seeing no indications of general - 'T7 intently regarding the ' pwtly came to te rndu- - ; t anybody 41 al A. W. PIERCE & CO., (Succmxur to C. L. Jllchurd tfc Co.) CH tIM.KRS A M0 KKR A I. COM S' MISSION UEKCtlAMi. Uotiuluio, Hawaiian Inlands. AIXHK W. PDtCi. (J-l- 4 1y) I. it. PaTJO. J.-.- A ;;,M.;PHTT,TJP3 &, Co., tj K.TKKH AND V li OL.KS L.E 1MPO Clotliiug. Boot, a bora, lints, Mrn'a Kurnijhingr and, fane Uooda. (ua 6ui) No. 11 KaaLuuiauu SU lluuoiula. j ...,4M, DICKS01T, ARTIST. IMCTDUES PHOTOGUAIMIIC and work guaranteed. Fort Street, Kaat aide between Kioj akl Itiitel- - ' bj I J. : W. AUSTIN, TTORXEY AND COU'SKM.UK AT la A V. OUice over the Puet-Uf- fi je. Honolulu. . n . . i . . . E. 0.- - HALL & SON, DKALERS IV IMPflRtCRflJM) an) Ueucral Jiercuaudlae. o23 Cttott Fori and Kin; ita. ly Ui'. H. HAGKFELDi&.Co., . .. AG KXTS. GEXERAIaCo5tMI!SIOX JHtHeOLCJ.1T. THOS. G..THED1VPS; .- - V, CITLERV AXD NEWS STATIOXBRr, lii rary, (Ute lilac fc Auld'a sLaod.: tnjraviug, Cligrapliy, birncil Cutting, and Copying-- , aucudad to. . ol ly Meacbant Street. Ilonohaia THEOD. C. HETJCK, 'M PORTER A NO COMMISSION MER- - . CHANT, (1 lv) . Uoiiidulu, Oatiu, II. .1. W. L. GKEEN, 4noMMis5io.v merchant; VIRfc-PRO- OF lluilding, Queen tttreet, ol ly Honolulu, Hawaiian Inlands. A. S. CLEGHORN, . AXD WHOLESALE AND IMPORTER IS General Merchandise. r ComerQuen and Kaihuwaau Sts,-- - ' -- ol-l- y Xunann St., an-- ornor Fort ana Hotd F.a. JOHN EITSON: EAI.ER IX WISES..SP1RITS. ALE AND D POUTKri, ol ly HONoLLLC. DOWSETT & CO., XT.- - X I DEA LERS LOMBER'MERCIIA kinds. Corner Queen and -- Fjrt Streets, Honolulu. J7 ly ... ... -- LEWERS DICKSON. :... Dealers ia La mber nd Coiitilcg 3ItetIils, ' 739 Fr Sirrei. If 'Hi E. McIXTVRE tc BROTHER " -- Grocerf, Feed Store and Bakery, Corner of King and Fort Streets, Honolulu, U. J, - 743 ly - THOS. G. THRUM.. i Steaell Csttrr, EnrraTer, Copyist and Caligrapher. 740 No. 19 Merchant street. Honolulu. ly iA f; a. sciiaeker Aico. Importers and Commission Merchants, HONOLULU, 73a ly HAW. ISLANDS. JOH.NTHOS. WATER HQ USE,,. u Importer and Dealer in Generalllerehanaise, 723 Queen Street, Honolulu. ly FISCHER & ROTH, , .1,'. Merchant Tailors. Fort Street, apposite Odd Fellow's ilall. Honolulu, H. I. 724 ly ALEI. J.CARTVVRICHT,'' y' Csmmlssloa' Merchant and'Ceneral Shipping Agent, " : " 739 iUuslala. Oabn. 'ly v ? lCVS. BARTOW, fy .". . ; -- 4 iottloneert v v Salra Rana Q,eea Street, sue dwwr Ivai 733 Kaahumanu street. ly WM. XBWCOMB. -- Dentist, C OIBce corner of Fort and Hotel Streetl. 728 ly K. HOPfMAXX, M.D.. , . Physician and Surgeon, Oeraer Aterchantaad Kaahumana sts., near Puatofilo. 740 ly HENRY THOMPSON, Attorney and-- Counsellor at. Law. Oifice on Queen Street, opposite the 'Court House, up stairs. ' - r-- r r . . "9 ly , ., f - i j . j r 1 1 ' .' ' ' : "1 O. CBiLLaMKL. . A. BLCMB. tl? C II A L L A M EL CO.," Importers and De'alers la Wines, Spirits, Ales, etc., .11 i u I o jri g, JVtrJliVr aTAEBT,'- - J 729 Opposite Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. ly; . "KDWIX JOXES', ; Crscer and :fShl, Chandler, LAUAIN'A, MALI. Moner an.1 ltecrttlu furnUhed to Ships 'on Fsvorabto Terms. . - 7S0 ly S. B. DOLE t w Attornty aji Law i 4 t 0fte roer Rcrio' 5fore. corner Forf and ilerehant 717 I ,- - ' ttrettM, HfnoluU. - Sy . a tr- - 3 a 1 ED. HOFFSCHLIEGER t CO., Importersand Commission Jlercbants, -. CrriVs"JFsr. arwtl Merest siaif 5reefaT' . - -- - - 720 ly . R..-- - G - D A V. I S ' - Attorney at Law, Will Practiew Io all tba Coarts of th Kin-do- e, la both English and llawaiian'tanguages.. 74S OJte an Queen Street, oppotite the Cmurt Haute, ly CUU LAX Sc. BROTHER. " - J" " ntroBTBas or d dsalessTm"" China Gssdi of alt DcscMptlsBs, and la all Unas ef ' ' x - Dry lioods, Abo, constantly on hand,, superior quality of Hawailso atica. 747 IIUUAXU STREET, HONOLULU. ly J.' MV W U rTETi:D.' Ia: Dentist, Orrtca ovbb Db. HorrMAxa's Daco Stobb, CORNER OF KJAHUMANU AND MERCHANT STS. 747 Office hours trcm 9 A. at. tiU 2 f. M. ly I1FMAN Sc BROTHERS, IMrOBTESS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers la Drj Goads Clsthing, " ' HATS, FCRNISIIISQ OOOD3, ' I Ldiej' and Gents' Boots and Shoes, Yankee Motions, Ate., ate. Copt. Snoim's Building, N: 20 MERCHANT ST., t7i ly HONOLULU. MeCOLCAX JOHNSON, Jlertuant Tailors, 1 "FORT STREET, HONOLULU, H. I. 724 Opposite Thesd. C Ileack's. L. L. TORBERT, Dealer. In all. kinds f Bnlldlag Materials, : ' Paintt and OU, Wall Paper, Window and Picture Glaee, Sat. Blind, Hoot, 4tc, No. 20 Xnrisiv, (727 ly) Orroarrs Cocar Hocsa DILLINGHAM Ac CO., - - - UrOBTBBS AK9 DSaXEBS IB Hardware, Cntlery, Dry Goods, Taints and Oils, ana General Merchandise, 727" No. 9i KING STREET, HONOLULU. ly J. . .'IRA .RICHARDSOX. . J Iaiaorter and Dealer In Boats, Shoes, Fine Clsthing, Furnishing Goods,. Perfnmery, Jtc. , - Camer of Tort and I! tr chant Street, , . X - - HONOLULU, 11. I : , . .. ... . il " w. o. jtones, v - . Attsme n Law and Land, Agent. - Wnl praeflce la alt i .e Ooorta of the Klhrdoas. fie wil - attend the Circuit C ur &s ami. Haai awe. EMU, and isit tiih-- r of tl 1,'it.iis 00 ' " ' ' " " 7c al buiiL.. 7i ' O'e -- or th Cov . I lev st. U . SanmSHaBBa nMBWBWSBnnnWSBWnBBBBnBWnilWBWBWnBIWSiMBWa transient outof M. McINEENY, IMPORTER A.N1 UEtLER IX Hat. Caa, Jeweiry, Perfuauery, fucket Cutlery, and every acription of Geoff, tiu)erior Furntihiug Uoiida. fZT iienkert'a Pine Calf lreas Boou, alwaya ou band. N. E. CoksiK or Fot aao Mkbcdast Stbkets. a7 ly .rt4, : , .FALKPR .& ALLEN, , CJIIIPPIXO AXI COMMISSION M E R, 3 CHANTS. mum ri n u i Hawaiian Packet Une, I Buencer1 PianUtioo. Princeville Plantation. I Nnnlehu Hlantatin. Onooiea 4'laiiUiUoo. , . I Creouwell'a Coffee. fire Iflonriuiae Company lioniloa. i -- Mcrcliaiil' Mutual Marine Insurance Co., San Pranclico. . m' .i .. ..jaT. ly . - . 5 .E. P..ADAMS, UCTIONEKKANI )MMlSSJOX MER. I CHANT. Queen Street; HAnelula, H. I. ja ly : J. B. L4TTOB. JUDD & LAYTON, ' ' AXD I'ROV ISloX DEALERS, GROCERS Grocery and Feed Store, 52 Fort Street, Honolulu. 110 ly' . . r C, F. NICHOLS, M.D., f . MOM KOI' AT lilt; IMirsiClAN? CORNER and Mrrcliant Street. At Olbce, forenoon after 8 ; 8 tu P. M. House, PS Berrtania Street. dl7 6ui GEOrT; SHIPLEY, M. B. ' W ATR SrRI.KON II.S. NAVY. CAX BE UJ consulted Jtt his resi.lence. ou the ' lower corner of Fort i r . In .aui vuiuwn t . pirraa. - AFONG & ACHUCK, W M PORTERS, W IIOIjESA lE ASI RET Alia M. nu directs. dlO ly s - x., -- A". JUDD, - . , . . r s TtOKXET ASD t'OUXSKLLOR ATti.4 W. afm. Fort street, three dooohetow Merciiant St. nli ly JOHN SMcGREW, M. D., ATE STRGEOX U. S. ARM V. CA X BE lJ consulted at his resideuce on Hotel Street, between A la- keland fort Streets., ... -- .. -- nl3 & f. it s;. grinbjoim . asjLJo.V AXD WHOLESALE IIEAI IMPORTERS Clothing, Hals, t aps. Boots and Shoes, and every Variety of Oentletnen's Superior Furnishing Uoods. Store formerly occupied hy TV." A". AMrich, Makee t Bl2 - Block, Queen Street. ; . . . ly . - . . . F. HORN, ' ' " iv;'" NO. 4 HOTEL ST., COXFECTIOXER. Honolulu. .r dl7 .... u. C. BREWER Sc CO. Commission and Shipping Merchants, 743 I llswslulu. OhHu H. 1. . ly W. HCMPBRETS. , ' , VBASC BBOW. .HUMPHREYS .BROyjV,; , ; , (- - Importer and Wholesale Dealer In Wines, Spirits, , Ale and Porter, etc, etc., ' ' ' 729 MERCHANT STREET. HONOLVLC, 11. I. ly " J. a. WALCBB. B. C. ALLBS j . WALKER' Sc ALLEN, r . 1 r. "' Shipping audy Commission Merchants,'1 J35 r , HONOLULU, H.,1. . ly ' ' BOLLES i Si CO.,' " " . Ship Gltaadiers and CouiuU.-.io- Merchants, . . ; i ' Queen St rett. IltfmJulu.- - . j - . - . ..... . j . j, j. Bar brs to Meesr. C." A. WUHaois i Co. j Messrs. O. Brewer t Co., Mqacrs. Castle ti Cooke. I Messrs. H. Hackfeld fc Coy Messra. C. L. Richards fc Co. 1. C Waterman, Esq. 722 ly - ., - CHUNG IIOOXs . T Commission Merchant and General Agent, A Agent for the Faukaa and Ataanula Sugar Plantations Itn--. .. porter of Teas and other Chinese and Foreign Goods and wholesale dealer in Hawaiian Produce, . 1st New Stoue Store, XsssusSl., below Klata:. .l'i ..; v733 lyw - in;-- : ;it .. ''V -. ,- PERRY; ;.' '(.- -: Dealer in General Merchandise, ' FIRE-PROO- F STORe, f- - ' Corner of Hotel arid Xuuanu Streets, Honolulu, II. I. 'Ertall Eitabllshment o;Nnnaii Street. 722 Above the Fire-pro-of Store. ly , ALLEN A CH1LLIXGWORTII, . ill. Kawalhae7, Hawaii vi -- v " Will continue the General Merchandrse and Shipping business at the above port, where they are prepared to furnish the justly celebrated Kawathae Potatoes, and such other recruit as are required by whale ships, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. 'j, ,,4 ;' r , D. W. FUTKERt Ci ' J Continues his bid business In the fireproof building,' Kaafaiiuaau Street,.. Chronometers rated by' observations of the tun and stare . with a traneU tastrunient accurately adjasted te the Vt. aaeridlaa Ot Honolulu. I Partfcalar attention given te' fine watch repairing. Sextant and quadrant " glasses silvered and 'adjusted Charts and '. t'saotiesl instruments ooostDUy sn. 1 739 hand and for sale. ly ... . . . ; : j ; 11 ' ' 1 - c. AVATERIAN &. CO.;' i :. . i Commission Merchants. :' " sr.rJi.l .inHnn raid to the interests of the Whaling Fleet by . , the tnrnisfiinK o(unds, parehaae and sale otExchanHC,OU, j Baa. wnrat atercnanaise, sn'i'.ai; pxuoariuK s . REFERENCES, ktestra. Isaac Howiasd, Ja. . Co., New Bedford W. G. K. Por a, Esq.; ' " do. - - j. o. H ubill & ajo., Bon jrraunaw, - - - T3S iy BISHOP tc- - COH Bsakerti ,1:1 Office In the Vast corner of Mkee's Block, Kaahuraanu street, Honolulu. Draw Bill ef Exchaag on ;) - ' u San Francisco . The Babk or Califobhia, Messrs Lsbs A- - Wallbb. : - New York, . Taaaorr Natiobai. Babk, -- Oriental Boston. - Bask CoaroaATios London, and Its n - 1 .. j.j n.. mwiA t .lhoarne. Basc or New Zealabd, . - - u ,k.Und v- - " tiABCOAan, Abb fc Co.. . - Agiu TTc. Co. and Mashattas Urn Ica- - 1 ABCB CO. THOMAS SPENCER, ShlpChandleri Dealer In (neiMrebABdls,Islaai rrodace, Jte., and Ccmmlssion Merchant. BrreBBay, UIIsh .8. It . .'- Will keep constantly on hand an extaivea.sortraet of every description of roods required by shipsand othera. 1 he highest price given for Island Produce. tT Money advanced fie Bill, of Exchange at reasonable rate, THEO. H. DA VIES, , (LafJwian, Green. A-- C.) r- - ' " Importer and "Commission Merchant, Zif'eRPOoL UNDERWRITERS, LLOTDS 4r THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, and BRITISH I, FOREIGN MARINE INSURANCE CO. Tire Proof Buildings, Kaahumana and Qneen Streets til ly ' BATBBBTOS. - A. S. COO KB. U Ill-- L B. OABTLa. " ' CASTLE &L COOKE. Importers and General Merchants, Kiak slrrel,' eppealle Hve Scameu's Chi pel. ALSO. AGENTS FOR Dr. Jaynes Celebrated Family Medicines, Wheeler e Wilson's Sewing Machines, The New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, Toe Kobala Sugar Company, Hawaii. The Haiku Sugar Company, MauL . - ' - ! The Hawaiian Sugar Mills, Maui. - The Walalua Sugai Plantation, Oahn. The Lamahat Rice PtanUtion. Kauai 7 18 ly ' Offices to JLet. a VERY COOL AND PLEASANT MTWO the Post-Offic- e. If taken for a term of years, at a very moderate rent. Apply to " Je7Sre H. M. WHITNEY. J. T. CHAYTER, J ' Ship and General Blacksmith, " on' m'.wy Shop on the Esplanade, near the fas. r tonl Hons.- - ! Where he U preprel to exretite all order in hia line. with promptness uJ iut workmanlike manner ' Horn-ihotin- g done with ntatnes and dispatch. jal4 ly R. WHITMAN, , j I II S OP:XEI A NEW ESTAB' lishment and will give Li attention tu ; t s - .. ; . l - I Carriage Trimming, Saddle and. IJarness MdKWQ jtSL RPAIR1.U In all (ta branchra. Kv-r- Ucscription of Articles omoected .i ' with Ute Busiaesa coustaiitly on band, at j . ' .; 31 ode rule Prices. - iivp II im a, Trial. Port Street, next dmir to Government lluiiditigs. dlOSin " 1 : WIIilalA.TI CfaAISff, ; wBOOT AND. SHOE MAKER, NO. 44 FORT ST., LOITER DOOR) 716 ly .':' t'PP08''8 Lewer & Dickson's. ;;, : tailor,' ; 1 William' Cabinet r - "!Hi ' i ff .- - ly S A ill. U li L ;M . C A II T E It , COOPER AND CAUCER, ' ' ; ' ' ' ESPLANADE, - - l SfvuJ BEXT DOOR ABOVE L. I. TORBERTS: 715 ly JOI.IV AYIKTT, MERCHANT TAILOn.ai HOTEL STREET, 712 ly Opposite C K..Willims. ",1V.? . BliX tlf liTT,': ; BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, f 1:Klng Street, aet ts Bethel Vestry; Honolulu. H. I. 727 ly jDVIVCAIV & OKOCIiETT, BLACKSMITHS, SHOP ON THE ESP LA N A D E, '& where all work from Ship or Shore will be attT'led to in a manner to warrant satisfaction. - d28 ly" : J. H. WICKE, C A -- 51 r "13 T; ill A li K R , ALAKBA' aTBBKT BELOW TUB THBATkB. .. Furnituro mad and repaired at reasonable prices. 723 ly KOlSIl.aT LKTT, Root antl SSlioo . IVJCsxlcer. .i. al Manufacturing and Repairinir done in a Workmanlike Manner. :'y Ilotel st, opposite Bell Tower. ly W1LHAM WUIGilT, CE N E & AL BLACK SW1 I T H , Ti " King Street,' opposite tlic Station Hohsc. . Part.cular attention given to Horse shoeing. 745 6m D ALTON 6c BLAUVELT, S.nldle mid Harness "Iflakerti, ... ,. r. , riHG STREET! HONOLULU. v m wm Carriage Trimming in all Its . . branrhes. Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. 735 ly J. A. BURDICK, Cooper & Ganger, Cooperage on Esplanade. HE IS' PREPARED TO: ATTEND to all "work in his line at his old stand on the Eapla-nad- e. i,. Hi hopes by tntion business to erit a continuance of the patronage which be has heretofore enjoyed, and for which he now returns his thanks. o29 ly E. O . A Di 1. 1 Ij fi. Y, SADDLE & HARNESS MAKER, 0 -- CORNER - Fort and Ilotel Streets, Honolnln. trr Carriages Trimmed with neatness and dispatch. Island J Order attended to pionitly. "x 74J ly OO King etroot, OO III a T a I O Us E la 1- - , IMrOBTEB ASD MASCrACTOJCEB Of ALL' KINDS OF FURNITURE ! Suitable to this market. . : icy Old Furniture repaired, and Mattrasses. of all de-- scrintions made to order. - . . Before buying elsewhere call at 86 and 88 King street. bw mj - 9 - i -- W. FISCHER, ... Cabinet Maker and-Frenc- h. Polisher, h S i JVf HOTEL: STREET 727 Near the Drag Store of E. Strehs 4- - Co. iy MR.1 ALFRED SINGER, TEACHER OF THE PIAXO FORTE AND SINGING. ... a - m Ballsi Parties, &c:, Attended WITH ALL THE LATEST DAXCE MUSIC. Lessons Given at Private Residences, or at Sir. S.'s StMtia, next Door o- - Mr. Adderley's, Nuaant Avenne AppHcatiooa by letter can iaft at Mr.ThrmnZaBook Store d24 FORT STREET, NO. 80. TS;:! C11AR EES WIlirf3? J 33 RETAIL DEALER IJI DRY GOODS, CL0THIXG, HE OrrERS, FOR.' SALE AT WHICH: price. Also, a very good assortment of Jewelry, Clocks, Gold and Silver "Watches I jjutcy. ,:v tub . xiiexih:s i Br LOUlS,GOLD AND SILVERSMITH, Accord eons, Melodeons and other Musical Instruments re- paired. Jewelry; made and pc paired ta order. Gildi g and Silver Plating done and guaranteed. d3 3m CooLinff. Stoves,., n i -- ri'J. Ships' Cabin Stoves, w " ' Charcoal Furnaces, 3.PLT' RUBBER IIOSB.' . ' BESr Iron WashsUnda. Farmers' Cauldrons, Cast Jrea Sinks, . Douglass Pumfis, No. 0 to Japanned Tin for Signs, Marble Wash Basins, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, . Dixon's best Stove Polish, Sfce Copper,' 4x& TtJ-'Z- O tm 6f a. "J J ." H HOTSEKEKPERS i . " A ,-- f Will also find every description of JAPANNED WARE, and many other things useful in the Kitchen, at the Store of J. NOTT & CO., ctical-BrarierpVCopp- and Tinsmiths, Where they are ready to furnish Planters and others with every description of Copper and Tin Work. irr Work on Boildiags, Gutters. Spouts, Water-pipe- s, Roof-fln- g, or any thing in our line will be attended to with prompt ness. 7t' At s, 9 KBshamBBB Street. ' The merchant's iTXaimal, THE HAWAIIAN TARIFF CONTAINING treaties with foreign powers, and other useful Information to foreign correspondents. Price 60 cents. ach. For sale by- - . - . ,,r JOHN FREDERICK KENYON, MILITARY, XAVAL AXf) CIVIL ' . T -- A. X Xj CXH - J. 4 f Hotel Street, Honolulu. " ol C. E. WILLIAMS, MaiiBfarturtr, Importer and Dealer la Faraltnre Of Every Description. j. ' Lv'orniture Ware Iloom on Fort street; Workshop at the old stand. Hotel street, near Fort. L M. S Orjarafrvxa uUvm iwlamla pram pt tjr. attdl to. 742-- 1 JAS. L. LfeWIS, ' ' Cooper and Ganger at the Old Stand, CORXER OF KIXG AXD BETHEL Streets. A Urge stock or OIL SHOCKS aod ail kinds of Coopering Materials constantly on hand. Also, Shop en the Esplanade near the Custom Ilonse. He hopes by attention to business tu merit a continuance 6f the patronage which tie has hitherto enjoyed, and for which he now returns his thanks. u5 6m ' J. H. THOMPSON, General Blacksmith. Q,neen St., Honolulu. HAS COXSTAXTLY OX IIAXO A " D For Sale ntr the Lowest Market Prices, a good assort m.-n-t of the Best Refined Bar' Iron, and the Best lLscluinith's Coal. 't n ly J . AL FRED ROD AN ET, W atolim alter. . M HAVING RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF y Watchmakers' Tools and Materials, is prepared to - - CJLEAX AS D REPAIR WATCHES AXD CLOCKS At Ihe Sfaorteat Natle- - . d3 Sm . FORT STREET, NO. 80. , - ; ; ti r Hard Bread Baker) & Coffee Saloon. 'llll E UXDERS1GNEO WILLCOXTIXUE at the old atand. near the Boat Landing in Uilo, the busi-n- cs lately conducted by Sebastian y Kaiser. , Fresh Bread and Cukes oj every description Daily, ' ... - And orders AUed on shortest notice. - COFFEE FROM 4 A. M., UNTIL IO P. M. Arrangements are being made for the manufacture of Hard Bread. . . . C'44 6m) - . . . . F. KAISER. F. H. fit C. SECELKEN, Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron Workers, Xanana Street, bet. Merchant and Qneen, HAVE COXSTANTLY, OX HAXD Stovrs, Lead Hi tie, Galv. Iron Pipe, Plain and Hose ItHg Kihhs, Mop Cocks, India RoWer Hose best in J " lengths of 25 and 60 fret, alb Coupling and Pipa com plete. Alto, a very larite stock of Tinware of every descrip- tion. Jobbing and Repairing done to order promptly and war- ranted. Particulur attention given to Ship Work. Thankful to the cit xens of Honolulu, and the Islands or their liberal patronage in the past, we hope by sliict attention to busiuess to merit the same for the future. ' ' Xr Orders from the other Islands will be carefully attended to - 08 ly , , , PACIFIC BRASS FOUNDRY. THE UNOERSIGXED WOULD RE snectfullv inform the public that be is'prepared to cast Vf 'J and ftnlfh all kinds of brass and composition work with dispatch and-a-t reasonable raxes. 17 All kinds of ship and plantation worV furnished on short notice. . .... (CT Constantly on hand, hose couplings of the following, sires : i, i. 1, lL t and 2J. Also, oil cups and gauge cocks. ,. r... JAMES A: HOPPER, , 748 ly ' King street. 'and - Sign ' rrviIE UXDERSIGXED HAVING PRO- - B enred the services of a competent workman in the line of Carriage and Sign Painting, is now prepared to carry on that branch of trade in connection with his other business. Sign-writin- g, Gilding an i Ornamental Painting of every description xecuted in the best manner, and on reamnahle terms. in.- - ... i M. BEN FIELD, .: J : 7i2 6m ,74 and 76 King Street, Honolulu. . ' II. TOSS, ' ' IVo. 5 Merchant street, opposite Sailor's Home, GENERAL UPHOLSTERER ' ALL ITS BRANCHES, ' ' HAS COXSTAXTLY ON HAND iJa . a large variety of HOME-MAD- E FTJENITXJEE Which he offers for sale at the lowest market prices. Consisting of Seta of best Black Walnut Parlor Furniture, ' " '' r Spring back Easy Caairs, Lounges, Mattrasses. ' X7 Hair and Spring Mattrasses, Window Shades and Slip Covers made to order. Old Furniture repaired and varnished with warranted satisfaction. Carl and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. iryTersM ReasaaablcXI .it'. All orders from Ship-maste- rs and the other Islands will be promptly attended to. ' - ' 714 ly ' J OHN N E I LL , Machinist, has Removed to the Premises, NO. 40 FORT STREET, jT where he will auend to aU orders - ' in the ' ' ny LOCK, GO GENERAL REPAIR LIE He will give special attention to cleaning, repairing and reg-- nla ting Sewing Machines, and ail other kinds of Light Machinery and Metal Vt ork of every description. ' ' ALSOT ON HAND AND FOR BALE CHEAP, - A : Variety of Sewing Machines, Cons, Pistols, Shot, Ammnnltlon, - " MACHINE OIL', NEEDLES, &c., Vc. Sewing Machine Tuckers, Binders, and all other- - extra and duplicate parts af Machines supplied on short notice.. ; COXB AGBBT IB THIS KIBODOM VOB The Celebrated Florence Sewing Machines. n27 ly . ; : . ... THE CONNECTICUT Life Insurance ; Company IIARTFOUD," CiONN. ORGiMZED IX 1 S46.; CHARTER PJPETijAL. A PURELY MUTUAL COMPANY ! ' Nnnafcerlas ever 60,000 Member a. ': Assets Jan. 1, 1870,, over $27,500,000! r. Snrplus, over $9,600,000. Total Claims by Death, (paid to dale,) Over , .. $9,500,000. Total Dividends (paid io dale,) Over $8,000,000. Current Dividend from Forty to Seventy per - - - .'Cent. .... ... Current Income, over $10,000,000 per Annum. Its ' Income from Interest alone More than Pay its Claims by Death. ' There being no stockholders lu 8orpins belongs exclusively to the members, and ia equitably divided among them in ANN DAL DIVIDENDS, which may be applied ia reduction of premi ums, or may be accumulated at interest for the benefit ol the Assured, or may be received by them In Cash. Paid-u- p Policies- - are granted after two or more years Pre- miums have been paid, thus practically making All Policies Non-Forfeiti- ng. It Issues Policies opon all desirable plans of Insurance, and has adopted in Us workings several SPECIAL FEATURES, original with this Company and offered by ne other. , LAST TEAR'S PROSPEROCS BCSI5ESS. 11,940 Policies issued, insuring about.. .... 139,000,000 00 Income received and accrued.......... .... 9,064,068 S3 Daring Ra last fiscal year this Company paid ta dividends to the living and oo the policies of its deceased members, Two Millions Two Hundred and Forty-Fiv- e Thonasnd Two Hundred and Fifty-Tw- o Dollars, and at the same time added more than Five Millions Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars to lis accumulated capital. ' ICT The whole record of this Company has been one of prudent management and prosperous advancement. ' Among the older and Leading Life Insurance Companies its average ratio of expenses to income has, through its entire history, been the lowest of any. Farther Information concerning thia old and reliable Com- pany given by HENRY M. WHITNEY, ' , Agent tor the Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu, OctoV-er- , 1869. ia7 Sos THE BRITISH AXD FOREIGN' MARINE INSURANCE COMP'Y, (LIMITED,) .. , RISKS AT THE LOWEST ACCEPTS clauses in the folieies of this Company arc specially advantageous TUtO. 11. DA V IKS, ' . Agent. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMFY . lasses lire and Life Pellcica !- - THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. ALL OX .or Losses settled with roaiptitudi. aiaiy I'll SO. II. DA VIES, Agent.- - " F. A. SCHAEFER, EXT Breusess Beard mf U adrr writera. AG Dread est Beard f L'ndrrwrllrrs, ' Agtal Vlruua liaurd r I'adrrwrllrrs. Claims against lnaurance Companies witbiu the JurUdUrtioa of the alove Hoards of L'nderwriters, will have to be certified to by Ihe Agent to make them valid. d28 Iy ' .' IIAMBUKCII-IinEME- N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. T1UE . UNDERSIGNED, IIAVIKG BEEX .' Agents of the above Cotupany, are prepared to insure risks against Fire "on Stone aad Brick Buildraga, and on Merchandise stored therein, ou most favorable terms. For particular apply at the office of 743 ly , - j F. A. SCHAEFER cr CO. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE ; INSURANCE CO.,' ' OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. 5 ' . : ESTABLISHED, 1809. .... CAPITA L.... ..,i..........;...000.000 AecBusulated and Invested Fuad, 2,838,118 CflMIB UXDERSIGXED II AVE BEEN AP-- 1. lOINTED AGENTS lor the Sandwich Isla-ids- , and are authorised to Insure against Fire upon favorable terms. ' ,. Risks takeo in any pert of the Islands ea Wooden Buildings, and Merchandise stored therein, Dwelling Houses and Furni- ture, Tiaiber, Coals, Ships in harbor with or without cargoes or under repair. 723 ly) ED. H JFFaCHLAEOER ti CO ;' SAN FRANCISCO ' BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. t T'HE UNDERSIGNED HAVIXO BEEN Agents- for the San Francisco Board of Un- derwriters, ..... . i comprising the C lifaraia Issanrastee Couipaay, M rrcbaau' M atsul Marine I uisraace L'a. Pacific Insurance Cempany, California Llayd'a, and Heme Mntnnl Insurance Ceupnny. Beg leave to Inform Masters of Vessels and the public gen- erally, that all Losses of Vessels and Cargoes, insured by either of the above Companies, against perils of the seas and other risks, at or near the Sandwich Islands will have to be verified by tUt iu. oS 3m ' 11. IIACKFKLD k CO. BOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. i TII K UXDERSIGXED. AGENTS OF THE Board of L'nderwriters, notify Masters of Vekaels and others that all bills for Repairs on Vessels, and all bills (or General Average purposes, mast be approved by the Agent of the Boston Underwriters, who must also be represented on all surveys, or such bills will not be allowed.: 08 ly C. BREWER It CO., Agents. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE. COMPANY. TVlfE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE Company, have been authorised to iosure risks ou Cargo, Freight and Treasure, ' from Honolulu to all ports of the world, ana viee versa. o8 ly . . 11. HACKFELD Ai Co. I 51 P, ER I A . . FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, i ; OF LONDON. ' ' ' (Instituted 1803.) ! CAPITAL. 8 ,0 0 0,0 00 IN G OLD! raiHE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPARED M. to issue policies on Fire niskt(with or wittiout the aver age clause), on Plantation Buildings and Mschuiery, Private Dwellings, Brick. Stone and Wooden Stores, Merchandise, Coals, Lumber, Ships iu Port, Ac, on the most favorable terms. , (CT All losses adjusted and paid for here. .CS . For particulars apply at the office of :. WALKER at ALLEN, - 743 ly A genu for the Hawaiian Islands. ' THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, j . r C T Z3osto X c as a 3L ix 1040. Cash Assets, January 1, 1870 ,.....i.$S,43a,tSl Gross Income for 1869....... : 2.9S3.657 Dividends for 1869. ....... . . 780,000 Premium Collected from 1843 to 1868 ..$11,098,694 Losses paid from 1843 to 1868 S.236,800 READ WHAT OTHERS SAY OF US I 'From the "Spectator" of Near York City we 'extract as fol- lows tu The New England Mutual stands forth aa a Suing type of what a company should be in regard to its method of basfnesa. Seeking rather to establish a reputation or stability and soundness, than to present novel and promising, but un- tried and nnapproved features In underwriting ( conducting all the company's affairs with the strictest economy and adopting only those measures proved by experience to be the wisest, the directors of the company have suocerdnd Im establishing for It a reputation for reliability second to no other similar or- ganisation iir the country. Yet, great as Is the degree of caution manifested In the adoption of every new measure, the company is conducted lu a manner fully in unison with the progressive) spirit of the age. Aa regards Its dealinga with policy holders, few companies are more liberal aod holiest.' M The business of the New England Mutual Is conducted n the most economical aod able manner? its terms are liberal and Just V Ps success lias been uniform aad extended and Its perfect retiabilitg and fet, the natural eon sequences at- tendant upon the possession of such features, and which should be the great dertdratam with an insurance oompsny, ore in ma int lance excelled " A' or further particulars please call opon ' ' t . CASTLE If COCKE, - dlO 3m - - Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OP NEW YORK. CASH ASSETS, OYER $30,000,000 ! Cish Dividends in 1868, . : i. - 3 , 22 a 9T jl37 12L The Largest . Life Insurance , Company .World.- - : ;: in the Premlias JHJ be Paid Senl-Jsaaa- llj or Qaarterij. ADAMS & WILDER,- - ' ' oi if Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.' S. COODFEtLOWS Ice Cream Saloon : . .. AND CONFECTIONEKY ESTABLISHMENT, 19 KING STREET. U. I. : . PRIVATE FAMILIES AND :p.a.:rti:es! Supplied on the shortest notice and reasonable terms. LEMONADE, ' . GINGER BEER, SODA WATER. Jke.; ICE Constantly on hand. ol Tin sonic Hotel, King Street, HONOLULU, El. I. 8. A. WOOD, PROPRIETOR, LATE 1ST of Auckland, Mrw Zealand. Fanlfihed Apartaeat aid Detached fet-- 131 AaK Tes laat. mm No. 4 Ilotel Stroot. ROBERT LETT BEGS tu inform the pnulio that lis has r IAJ i9 opened the above market, aud thai S rf he has procured the servioea o a "a I JFir.st 'Class Ilntclicr !., He trusts, that by ' only the Ilcst Cattle ! An4 paying every attention to the business 'to atMfrt. a snafe of the public atronage. ' "' tettt Pork Sausages, BoIo?o k HUod ruddlacR, T eaade Is order. '' . . I XT TE R M S C II E A J . FOR CASH! nooolulu,Dcc:31,1870. ' .d81L ' A. S. CLEGHOKN, - A GENT FOR THE ' WAIM rA TANNERY. J 74n ly ifawafi. FORTST7T FAMILY" MARKET.' . . , - E.'Hj rioYI).1' 1 Choicest Bleats from finest herds. Poultry, Fish, Vegetables ., furnished to order. ' TA 1 DUFFINS MARKET, ; . G. WALLER, i KING STREET, HONOLULU.' 740 ly WASHINGTON MARKET, M EKSRS. BORN HOLT At DL'NN, Butchers. Nasaoa Street, Tl YI next to Love's bu-a- Bakery, srw prepared to supply Beef. MaslteMS, Veal and Lamb, at all hours, on the eummt reasonable terms. A snare or pat- ronage solicited. Ja7 Sm (; lVIAITEE PLANTATION. lLUPALAKIJA, MAUI. i i i i .. i SDRIR fc MOLASSES, CROP-OP-18- 71 Fur Sale by . C. UKkWfcR Co., Agents. WEST MAUI SU0AR ASSOCIATION, ! Lahaina, Maui, ROP OF 1871. ror-Sa- ls by c Sin C. BREWER Co., Agents.' WAILUKU PLANTATION) MAUI. CROP OF 18 7 1. WA1LUKU, by C. BREWER Co., 424 3m Agents. ''.' i 'Waikapu Plaiitatioii . II. Cora well. Proprietor. ... ' SUGAR AND MOLASSES E1ROM THIS PLANTATION FOI4 HALE ' in lots to suit purchasers. Apply to 748 ly UKO. V. MCLEAN, Agent, PIUNCEVILLE PLANTATION Sugar and MOlaseett Crop IS TO. COMIKG IX, FOR SALE IN Q.UANTI . purchasers, by d28 0m WALKER ALLEN, Ar nt.' O NO ME A PLANTATION. (JjCCAR INI) MOLASSES CROP T8TO, 3 coming in, for tale In qnaathlea to suit purchasers, ol On By WALKER ft ALLEN, Agfnia. 1870 NCER--tf- To .AS& ty II I L () , , II a I. I. SUGA R AND MOLASSES.CROP COM1MJ for ssle io quantities to suit purchasers by '. ol 6m WALKER St ALLENj Agent I. SOLE AND SADDLE LEATtttR, ' Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins ! CONSTANTLY ON II AND AND FOR ," SALE, WALiUEA TANNBRY-- C,' NOT ta5Y.: By (722 ly) A. B. CLKOIIORN, Ar - HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY ! R. LOVE & BROTHERS, Prpprietorf, . NUUANO STREET. i ,i FIILOT, MEDIUM AND NAVY BREAD, hatnd and made trordeT. - Also, Water,.. Soda and'iButler Cracktru, JENNY UHD CAKES. Jte. SHIP BREAD REBAKED on the shortest 1 1 v.. FAMILY BRKADj made of the Beat Flour, baked daT j always on hand. N. B BROWN BREAD OF THE BEST QUAr.lTr . I4'J ly !. i. .i I SUGAR PLANTATION FOR LEASH In Honoipu, District of Kotala, AT HAWAII, , , and Terms, . Fifty Acres under Cane ! Witii- more Land around It for Cultivation,' tot4 ' Mill, Cart, Cattle, Borghum-Pa-- y an3 "every "requisite lo'carry on growing and 'grinding vm& . The Mill is drawn by horae-tow- for particulars apply to - .. i ' ' : .9. CHRUTANEIN, Henotpa stVe ( JOHN THOMAS WATERnOtSE, 417 Sm Uaooloks.' TVJC U SIC ! F. A. MAYNARD, PROPttilOR trim-L- . 1'' I of Music and Band Msster, lata froot 8t, Via. . m II etnl Cotuiga. Los angeies, uw, negs u ifiuiaw IT I 1 1 the InhabitauU ef Hooolola tltat he te ww pro pared to make engagements for classes In Piano fori., Ouiter, Violin, te.- - Conrmu tries ttoos addressed to ftlm tBroogti lh Post Offic will receive immediate attention. Plane forleo Carefally Taned. Terms made known on appheauoa at the Book Stare ef li. M. Whitney. ...'-- , aWAoi " .CHELSEA LAUNDRY, Coraer df Qaeeo aad Richardg ftreetr. .;! tlio XlsAdloNa t . ::. v FLITI5C ! FLCTI5G t Al'D TEIMPIXC D0XR ' TO ORDER. Bedding. Towels, Napkins, and all Unstarched Clothing do j.i. 7. .. . ; st Reduoed Rates. . . ... . . , Geats' aad Ships Wark 8olleltd. '. , . ' g7 wagon la attendance,. 8. U. L70W, I T46 6m Proprietor. -- r OPEN TO ALL, EVERY DAT IN THE WEEK. , ' Iioarafroa9A.ir.tolOP.il., 1 Up-stnl- rs, la the Sailors Hoaae. The last Friday evening of each month reserved for the asset, logs of the Y. M. C. A. oA ly FUST RECEIVED FX SCHR. URANIA, . , . .' froat Tahiti, .., - s. . ,j 200 SACKS SUPERIOR ' ARROWROOT I f ' '.' Fifty Pounds each, "'.v And Fifteen Casks of Rum. For Sale Cheap In quantities to suit. Is or out of Bond, aU ' ' ' By THEOD. 0. HECCK.' Fire, Fire, Fire Z . 14 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FKOK BOETU3, via aaa f rsncuoo tot tale hy v 0. BREWER ft CO. .?;Z??lf"1i b- - rolled izu.zix: . mi!, -- m be Ajt u. a. ca v M If I

Transcript of .JSslfj - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 1MPO K.TKKH AND V li OL.KS L.E Clotliiug. Boot, abora,...

Page 1: .JSslfj - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 1MPO K.TKKH AND V li OL.KS L.E Clotliiug. Boot, abora, lints, Mrn'a Kurnijhingr and, fane Uooda. (ua 6ui) No. 11 KaaLuuiauu SU lluuoiula.

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. Honolulu. Hwiiin Ilarl. ...lory Saturday .Miprrting.-- x

BY BLACK & AULD.Space nrcoH in ou' lr. ra. I 2. 8 id. em. I It", j ,UnI Subscriptions. 40.00 Tear. r il t j.e. ,

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HAWAIIAN NO.IIONOLULTJ, ISLANDS, JANUARY 21, 1S7J. WHOLE meiils when paid or charged quarterly . ...jruu J in 'i-r- -r tJlf " fe art.

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To lend bT ravea heir reifcf; , 4

Bat what wooi.1 ha -- hen were wed

. " ,..'.'- -

I ul ao wnoo with her love,1 TVUpine-- 1 to netlaa r brem,lJat Uk dioopinif, tii4 lo.j Bat Mut a coach where it could real.I v ' " '

"$ 4 4 Bot, wheWthe moon wu brlfM, -

J Tike Jeooy out 6j Iracquli walk.Qat k her wtat would more del ghl .

A wch tf koi'es aad f t ; . .'

I dUI bo4 tead her fl jw'reta hrijhl.Wlwiae brulhtneaw, ah i as quirkljr nun,

JT!j eoaitirl iu the darleat Diht,"5 a art gf kerta and CkHtoterpanoi. ,

f lik I ao at Ut oar lillle aloreI Would furniah wU an ivied cot ; .

Bnt thro I ahuold Bare aaul Deri1 Bhe jilud m, aad kpt Iha lot. Steettd.


ba h&Te t bW fr a liriog, rctocinlirae hour io the tuornhig

-fs Letter,

----- --

than twou: - -belicTe in goinj; to the bottom of thing"idctiotjl iB."ai tiJ whea bIhj laid a refrc-jup- il

oer her kne?. "5tsrr meo have diw-owe- il it, new remainjiixioatioa. wLich ctmUta in eiting rawjrt; an ordinary " Murphy " will euro the)! tinate ewe ia half an hour. ' ' .




ltcl swain epitefully 6ay : " Eve did notn mucH u her daughters of the presentilaJ they been in her place, instead of btfngi. they would Lave ueceirea toe aefil.'ew York politician, in writing letter of?nee to the w idow of a " country member "ad been his friend, pays : I ain painedr that has gone to heaven. V e werefriends, but now we e hall never meet

IU not poverty, k much as pretence that4e& a ruined man ihe struggle between af .man and an empty purse the keeping up..low nhow thai iouev boou come to an end.3 die couracre to appear poor and vou disarm

-- it ' r y of its oharjieet feting.

i jhervant philosopher lately expressed bis1 '' ' ifiat Kus.ia and the United States wouldt and whip out the reet of the. world

..f tli'u thej would turn their attention to each1 ?, and make a Kilkenny cat-fig-ht of it. At

jincture Gabriel would coaie in with biset and give the appropriate finale to the

places have claimed the championman, bat Liwell, ilas., can take the belt,isn't Ben. neither. A man there,

:npluvs lu's father in hia bop, lost a child,naturally, the grandfather of the child(1 to attend the funeral. The son permitted C

h1 man t g to the grave, and when be gott he docked the poor old. fcJIoV ioc lialf ai It time.

lha Indians cannot cet powder and shotta hunt for supjort, they have ingo--t

enough to derive substitutes whereby tomeat lor their dinners. The Raw Indians

arueidare undoubtedly highly susceptible ofmion. iney salt the railroad tracks. This

cattle in front of the trains ; the cattle are'i and " Lj " gathers up the carcasea.and

him an abundance of roasts, and (soup;l" - i .'CJ. .1aking of Artemas Ward recalls an incident St.ning him and Ralph Waldo Emer-o- n; which

never been publibhed. The humorist andt advertised to hold forth on Thursday and

jr evenings at the tame hall in New York- ? By niiatake a countryman who wished to ;

Jf UanuV show, vretst to the hall on Thursdayyl of frtd ty evening. - On coming out atke of Emerson's lecture some one observed:ni, " how did ,ou like it?" " If that issua ,ard, rep.,nded the countryman,h' ffjt wy is, he is a darned fool." r"?

SAisww-Ue- nry Ward Deecher, whiler

. iieves in early conversion, docs not believe--rly iuntships, thiaking there is nothin .mortroua than a Iitcl five-ye- ar old PuriUntijs : But thow that live and thesave me from them. Deliver me froi pre--

saintship. I cannot endure to see a irlJyear. old before Bhe is five ; nor a boy reeit- -!. ni?dnU! Whren "Jet hi.

fets. ago grafted on to a young stalk

te to aJ vertise their business :

F' Bck and notes fell due,- merchant . lace grew long and blue ; hit5. hroush tb with

'a-S in sight. At last his wife unto

i ZJ J"?' a anJ ad'tise to aUthT rU

C dld, Li8 SrJod 'ied ; anlSt oWiJ'tT'T?- - C& came

or?of Dickens' read--will bear 5l ge,

? i feose, but who wafnotTsor f eCeJlent: i novl,8fs L WU?nded one of the rSdmS an!? f


took a seat well in front. I1 ,We? io

not see a single miliar KndS-nU- y

a man rushed on the staTnd?ley was dead, to begin with ! U "'f upset me. I turned round to the vjeorJ

una me, ana asked, What diduaa sat They, being of the haute nobUstet at me nstant, but answered not a word,i.Ueav. . pake, said I,. will JOU teUis -kome. .M dead?' Eat!'d tl not 'avoucoeaie in resDoruw. Th:.ce inu - aVUVIl

Ume I besooxht them. '(irm,,.i ' So!n.b"0Sy0JU teU ie "hat i. the .

4, jd m, frpm hJi Sr?th

i .i AQtd I .fQ-- ldI i ;on from that quarter, so I looked! I seeing no indications of general

- 'T7 intently regarding the' pwtly came to te rndu--

; t anybody 41 al

A. W. PIERCE & CO.,(Succmxur to C. L. Jllchurd tfc Co.)

CH tIM.KRS A M0 KKR A I. COMS' MISSION UEKCtlAMi. Uotiuluio, Hawaiian Inlands.

AIXHK W. PDtCi. (J-l- 4 1y) I. it. PaTJO.J.-.-

A ;;,M.;PHTT,TJP3 &, Co., tjK.TKKH AND V li OL.KS L.E1MPO Clotliiug. Boot, a bora, lints, Mrn'a Kurnijhingr and,

fane Uooda. (ua 6ui) No. 11 KaaLuuiauu SU lluuoiula.

j ...,4M, DICKS01T,ARTIST. IMCTDUESPHOTOGUAIMIIC and work guaranteed.

Fort Street, Kaat aide between Kioj akl Itiitel- - ' bj I


OUice over the Puet-Uf- fi je. Honolulu.. n . . i . . .

E. 0.- - HALL & SON,DKALERS IVIMPflRtCRflJM) an) Ueucral Jiercuaudlae.

o23 Cttott Fori and Kin; ita. lyUi'.


THOS. G..THED1VPS; .- - V,CITLERV AXD NEWSSTATIOXBRr, lii rary, (Ute lilac fc Auld'a

sLaod.: tnjraviug, Cligrapliy, birncil Cutting, and Copying-- ,

aucudad to. .ol ly Meacbant Street. Ilonohaia

THEOD. C. HETJCK,'M PORTER A NO COMMISSION MER- -. CHANT, (1 lv) . Uoiiidulu, Oatiu, II. .1.

W. L. GKEEN,4noMMis5io.v merchant; VIRfc-PRO- OF

lluilding, Queen tttreet,ol ly Honolulu, Hawaiian Inlands.



General Merchandise. rComerQuen and Kaihuwaau Sts,-- - ' --

ol-l- y Xunann St., an-- ornor Fort ana Hotd F.a.



Corner Queen and --Fjrt Streets, Honolulu. J7 ly

... ... -- LEWERS DICKSON. :...Dealers ia La mber nd Coiitilcg 3ItetIils, '

739 Fr Sirrei. If'Hi E. McIXTVRE tc BROTHER " --

Grocerf, Feed Store and Bakery,Corner of King and Fort Streets, Honolulu, U. J,- 743 ly

- THOS. G. THRUM.. i

Steaell Csttrr, EnrraTer, Copyist and Caligrapher.740 No. 19 Merchant street. Honolulu. ly

iA f; a. sciiaeker Aico.Importers and Commission Merchants,


JOH.NTHOS. WATER HQ USE,,. uImporter and Dealer in Generalllerehanaise,

723 Queen Street, Honolulu. ly


.1,'. Merchant Tailors.Fort Street, apposite Odd Fellow's ilall. Honolulu, H. I.

724 ly


Csmmlssloa' Merchant and'Ceneral Shipping Agent," : "739 iUuslala. Oabn. 'ly

v ? lCVS. BARTOW, fy .".. ; -- 4 iottloneert v v

Salra Rana Q,eea Street, sue dwwr Ivai733 Kaahumanu street. ly


Dentist, COIBce corner of Fort and Hotel Streetl. 728 ly

K. HOPfMAXX, M.D.. ,. Physician and Surgeon,

Oeraer Aterchantaad Kaahumana sts., near Puatofilo. 740 ly

HENRY THOMPSON,Attorney and-- Counsellor at. Law.

Oifice on Queen Street, opposite the 'Court House, up stairs.' - r-- r r . . "9 ly , ., f -

i j . j r 1 1 ' .' ' ' : "1O. CBiLLaMKL. . A. BLCMB.

tl? C II A L L A M E L CO.,"Importers and De'alers la Wines, Spirits, Ales, etc.,

.11 i u I o jri g, JVtrJliVr aTAEBT,'-- J

729 Opposite Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. ly;. "KDWIX JOXES', ;

Crscer and :fShl, Chandler,LAUAIN'A, MALI.

Moner an.1 ltecrttlu furnUhed to Ships 'on Fsvorabto Terms.. - 7S0 ly

S. B. DOLE t w

Attornty aji Lawi 4 t0fte roer Rcrio' 5fore. corner Forf and ilerehant

717 I ,-- ' ttrettM, HfnoluU. - Sy. a tr- - 3 a 1

ED. HOFFSCHLIEGER t CO.,Importersand Commission Jlercbants,

-. CrriVs"JFsr. arwtl Merest siaif 5reefaT'. - -- -- 720 ly

. R..--- G - D A V. I S' - Attorney at Law,

Will Practiew Io all tba Coarts of th Kin-do- e, la both Englishand llawaiian'tanguages..

74S OJte an Queen Street, oppotite the Cmurt Haute, ly

CUU LAX Sc. BROTHER." - J"" ntroBTBas or d dsalessTm""

China Gssdi of alt DcscMptlsBs, and la all Unas ef' ' x -Dry lioods,

Abo, constantly on hand,, superior quality of Hawailso atica.


J.' MV W U rTETi:D.' Ia:Dentist,


747 Office hours trcm 9 A. at. tiU 2 f. M. ly


Wholesale and Retail Dealers la Drj Goads Clsthing," ' HATS, FCRNISIIISQ OOOD3, ' I

Ldiej' and Gents' Boots and Shoes, Yankee Motions, Ate., ate.Copt. Snoim's Building,


MeCOLCAX JOHNSON,Jlertuant Tailors,


"FORT STREET, HONOLULU, H. I.724 Opposite Thesd. C Ileack's.

L. L. TORBERT,Dealer. In all. kinds f Bnlldlag Materials, : '

Paintt and OU, Wall Paper, Window and Picture Glaee,Sat. Blind, Hoot, 4tc,

No. 20 Xnrisiv, (727 ly) Orroarrs Cocar Hocsa


Hardware, Cntlery, Dry Goods, Taints and Oils,ana General Merchandise,


J. . .'IRA .RICHARDSOX. . JIaiaorter and Dealer In Boats, Shoes, Fine Clsthing,

Furnishing Goods,. Perfnmery, Jtc., - Camer of Tort and I!trchant Street, , .

X - - HONOLULU, 11. I : , . .. ... . il" w. o. jtones, v

- . Attsme n Law and Land, Agent. -Wnl praeflce la alt i .e Ooorta of the Klhrdoas. fie wil

- attend the Circuit C ur &s ami. Haai awe. EMU,and isit tiih-- r of tl 1,'it.iis 00

' " ' ' " "7c al buiiL..7i ' O'e -- or th Cov . Ilevst. U .





Hat. Caa, Jeweiry, Perfuauery,fucket Cutlery, and every acription of Geoff, tiu)eriorFurntihiug Uoiida. fZT iienkert'a Pine Calf lreas Boou,alwaya ou band.

N. E. CoksiK or Fot aao Mkbcdast Stbkets. a7 ly

.rt4, :, .FALKPR .& ALLEN, ,


Hawaiian Packet Une, I Buencer1 PianUtioo.Princeville Plantation. I Nnnlehu Hlantatin.Onooiea 4'laiiUiUoo. , . I Creouwell'a Coffee.

fire Iflonriuiae Company lioniloa. i --

Mcrcliaiil' Mutual Marine Insurance Co., San Pranclico.. m' .i .. ..jaT. ly . - . 5


I CHANT.Queen Street; HAnelula, H. I. ja ly

: J. B. L4TTOB.


AXD I'ROV ISloX DEALERS,GROCERS Grocery and Feed Store,52 Fort Street, Honolulu. 110 ly'

. . r C, F. NICHOLS, M.D., f .

MOM KOI' AT lilt; IMirsiClAN? CORNERand Mrrcliant Street. At Olbce, forenoon after 8 ;

8 tu P. M. House, PS Berrtania Street. dl7 6ui

GEOrT; SHIPLEY, M. B. 'W ATR SrRI.KON II.S. NAVY. CAX BEUJ consulted Jtt his resi.lence. ou the 'lower corner of Fort

i r . In.aui vuiuwnt .pirraa. -


s- x., -- A". JUDD, - . , . . r

s TtOKXET ASD t'OUXSKLLOR ATti.4 W.afm. Fort street, three dooohetow Merciiant St. nli ly

JOHN SMcGREW, M. D.,ATE STRGEOX U. S. ARM V. CA X BElJ consulted at his resideuce on Hotel Street, between A la-

keland fort Streets., ... --.. -- nl3 &f.

it s;. grinbjoim .asjLJo.V

AXD WHOLESALE IIEAIIMPORTERS Clothing, Hals, t aps. Boots and Shoes,and every Variety of Oentletnen's Superior Furnishing Uoods.

Store formerly occupied hy TV." A". AMrich, Makee tBl2 - Block, Queen Street. ; . . . ly

. - . . . F. HORN, ' ' " iv;'"NO. 4 HOTEL ST.,COXFECTIOXER. Honolulu. .r dl7.... u.

C. BREWER Sc CO.Commission and Shipping Merchants,

743 I llswslulu. OhHu H. 1. . ly


.HUMPHREYS .BROyjV,; , ; , (--

Importer and Wholesale Dealer In Wines, Spirits,, Ale and Porter, etc, etc.,



j . WALKER' Sc ALLEN, r . 1 r."' Shipping audy Commission Merchants,'1J35 r , HONOLULU, H.,1. . ly

' ' BOLLES i Si CO.,' " "

. Ship Gltaadiers and CouiuU.-.io- Merchants, .

. ; i ' Queen Strett. IltfmJulu.- -. j - . - . ..... . j . j, j.Bar brs to

Meesr. C." A. WUHaois i Co. j Messrs. O. Brewer t Co.,Mqacrs. Castle ti Cooke. I Messrs. H. Hackfeld fc CoyMessra. C. L. Richards fc Co. 1. C Waterman, Esq.

722 ly

- ., - CHUNG IIOOXs .

T Commission Merchant and General Agent, AAgent for the Faukaa and Ataanula Sugar Plantations Itn--.

.. porter of Teas and other Chinese and Foreign Goodsand wholesale dealer in Hawaiian Produce, .

1st New Stoue Store, XsssusSl., below Klata:..l'i ..; v733 lyw - in;-- : ;it ..

''V -.,- PERRY; ;.' '(.- -:

Dealer in General Merchandise,' FIRE-PROO- F STORe, f- - '

Corner of Hotel arid Xuuanu Streets, Honolulu, II. I.

'Ertall Eitabllshment o;Nnnaii Street.722 Above the Fire-pro-of Store. ly

, ALLEN A CH1LLIXGWORTII,. ill. Kawalhae7, Hawaii vi -- v "

Will continue the General Merchandrse and Shipping businessat the above port, where they are prepared to furnish

the justly celebrated Kawathae Potatoes, andsuch other recruit as are required

by whale ships, at theshortest notice and on the most reasonable terms.

'j, ,,4 ;' r, D. W. FUTKERt Ci 'J

Continues his bid business In the fireproof building,'Kaafaiiuaau Street,..

Chronometers rated by' observations of the tun and stare. with a traneU tastrunient accurately adjasted te theVt. aaeridlaa Ot Honolulu. I Partfcalar attention given te'

fine watch repairing. Sextant and quadrant "glasses silvered and 'adjusted Charts and'. t'saotiesl instruments ooostDUy sn. 1

739 hand and for sale. ly... . . . ; : j ; 11 '

' 1- c. AVATERIAN &. CO.;'

i :. . i Commission Merchants. :' "sr.rJi.l .inHnn raid to the interests of the Whaling Fleet by. , the tnrnisfiinK o(unds, parehaae and sale otExchanHC,OU, j

Baa. wnrat atercnanaise, sn'i'.ai; pxuoariuK s .REFERENCES,

ktestra. Isaac Howiasd, Ja. . Co., New BedfordW. G. K. Por a, Esq.; ' " do.

- - j. o. H ubill & ajo., Bon jrraunaw,- - - T3S iy

BISHOP tc- - COH Bsakerti,1:1

Office In the Vast corner of Mkee's Block,Kaahuraanu street, Honolulu.

Draw Bill ef Exchaag on ;) - ' uSan Francisco

.The Babk or Califobhia,Messrs Lsbs A-- Wallbb. : - New York,

. Taaaorr Natiobai. Babk, --


Bask CoaroaATios London, and Itsn - 1 .. j.jn.. mwiA t .lhoarne.

Basc or New Zealabd, . - - u ,k.Und v--

" tiABCOAan, Abb fc Co.. . -Agiu TTc. Co. and Mashattas Urn Ica--


THOMAS SPENCER,ShlpChandleri Dealer In (neiMrebABdls,Islaai

rrodace, Jte., and Ccmmlssion Merchant.

BrreBBay, UIIsh .8. It . .'-

Will keep constantly on hand an extaivea.sortraet of every

description of roods required by shipsand othera.1 he highest price given for Island Produce.

tT Money advanced fie Bill, of Exchange at reasonable rate,


(LafJwian, Green. A-- C.) r- -

' " Importer and "Commission Merchant,


Tire Proof Buildings, Kaahumana and Qneen Streetstil ly '


Importers and General Merchants,

Kiak slrrel,' eppealle Hve Scameu's Chi pel.ALSO. AGENTS FOR

Dr. Jaynes Celebrated Family Medicines,Wheeler e Wilson's Sewing Machines,The New England Mutual Life Insurance Company,Toe Kobala Sugar Company, Hawaii.The Haiku Sugar Company, MauL . - ' - !

The Hawaiian Sugar Mills, Maui. -

The Walalua Sugai Plantation, Oahn.The Lamahat Rice PtanUtion. Kauai 7 18 ly

' Offices to JLet. a

VERY COOL AND PLEASANTMTWO the Post-Offic- e. If taken for a term of years,

at a very moderate rent. Apply to "



' Ship and General Blacksmith, "

on' m'.wy Shop on the Esplanade, near the fas.r tonl Hons.- - !

Where he U preprel to exretite all orderin hia line. with promptness uJ iut workmanlike manner' Horn-ihotin- g done with ntatnes and dispatch. jal4 ly


II S OP:XEI A NEW ESTAB'lishment and will give Li attention tu

; t s - .. ; . l -

I Carriage Trimming, Saddle and. IJarnessMdKWQ jtSL RPAIR1.U

In all (ta branchra. Kv-r- Ucscription of Articles omoected. i ' with Ute Busiaesa coustaiitly on band, at j . '.; 31 ode rule Prices. - iivp II im a, Trial.Port Street, next dmir to Government lluiiditigs. dlOSin

" 1 : WIIilalA.TI CfaAISff, ;


716 ly .':' t'PP08''8 Lewer & Dickson's.

;;, : tailor,' ; 1William' Cabinet

r - "!Hi ' i ff .- - lyS A ill. U li L ;M . C A II T E It ,




HOTEL STREET,712 ly Opposite C K..Willims.

",1V.?. BliX tlf liTT,': ;

BOOT AND SHOE MAKER,f 1:Klng Street, aet ts Bethel Vestry;

Honolulu. H. I. 727 ly


SHOP ON THE ESP LA N A D E,'& where all work from Ship or Shore will be attT'led toin a manner to warrant satisfaction. - d28 ly"

: J. H. WICKE,C A -- 51 r "13 T; ill A li K R ,


Furnituro mad and repaired at reasonable prices. 723 ly

KOlSIl.aT LKTT,Root antl SSlioo . IVJCsxlcer.

.i. al

Manufacturing and Repairinir done in a WorkmanlikeManner.

:'y Ilotel st, opposite Bell Tower. ly


Ti " King Street,' opposite tlic Station Hohsc. .

Part.cular attention given to Horse shoeing. 745 6m

DALTON 6c BLAUVELT,S.nldle mid Harness "Iflakerti,... ,.r. , riHG STREET! HONOLULU. v

m wm

Carriage Trimming in all Its. . branrhes.

Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. 735 ly

J. A. BURDICK,Cooper & Ganger, Cooperage on Esplanade.

HE IS' PREPARED TO: ATTENDto all "work in his line at his old stand on the Eapla-nad- e.

i,. Hi hopes by tntion business to erit acontinuance of the patronage which be has heretofore enjoyed,and for which he now returns his thanks. o29 ly

E. O . A Di 1. 1 Ij fi. Y,SADDLE & HARNESS MAKER,

0 -- CORNER -

Fort and Ilotel Streets, Honolnln.

trr Carriages Trimmed with neatness and dispatch. Island JOrder attended to pionitly. "x 74J ly

OO King etroot, OOIII a T a I O Us E la 1-- ,


ALL' KINDS OF FURNITURE !Suitable to this market. .

: icy Old Furniture repaired, and Mattrasses. of all de--

scrintions made to order. - . .Before buying elsewhere call at 86 and 88 King street.

bw mj - 9 -


--W. FISCHER,... Cabinet Maker and-Frenc-

h. Polisher,h S i JVf HOTEL: STREET

727 Near the Drag Store of E. Strehs 4-- Co. iy



Ballsi Parties, &c:, AttendedWITH ALL THE LATEST DAXCE MUSIC.

Lessons Given at Private Residences, or at Sir. S.'sStMtia, next Door o-- Mr. Adderley's, Nuaant AvenneAppHcatiooa by letter can iaft at Mr.ThrmnZaBook Store


FORT STREET, NO. 80.TS;:! C11AR EES WIlirf3? J 3 3


HE OrrERS, FOR.' SALE ATWHICH: price. Also, a very good assortment of

Jewelry, Clocks, Gold and Silver "Watches I

jjutcy. ,:v tub . xiiexih:s iBr LOUlS,GOLD AND SILVERSMITH,

Accord eons, Melodeons and other Musical Instruments re-

paired. Jewelry; made and pcpaired ta order. Gildi g andSilver Plating done and guaranteed. d3 3m

CooLinff. Stoves,., n i --ri'J.Ships' Cabin Stoves,

w " 'Charcoal Furnaces,3.PLT' RUBBER IIOSB.' . 'BESr Iron WashsUnda. Farmers' Cauldrons,

Cast Jrea Sinks, . Douglass Pumfis, No. 0 toJapanned Tin for Signs, Marble Wash Basins,Tin Plate, Sheet Iron,

. Dixon's best Stove Polish,

Sfce Copper,' 4x& TtJ-'Z- O tm 6f a."J J ." H HOTSEKEKPERS i .

" A ,-- fWill also find every description of JAPANNED WARE, and

many other things useful in the Kitchen, at the Store of

J. NOTT & CO.,ctical-BrarierpVCopp- and Tinsmiths,

Where they are ready to furnish Planters and others with everydescription of

Copper and Tin Work.irr Work on Boildiags, Gutters. Spouts, Water-pipe- s, Roof-fln- g,

or any thing in our line will be attended to with promptness.7t' At s, 9 KBshamBBB Street.' The merchant's iTXaimal,

THE HAWAIIAN TARIFFCONTAINING treaties with foreign powers, andother useful Information to foreign correspondents. Price 60cents. ach. For sale by- - . - . ,,r



. T --A. X Xj CXH - J.4 f Hotel Street, Honolulu.



C. E. WILLIAMS,MaiiBfarturtr, Importer and Dealer la Faraltnre

Of Every Description. j. '

Lv'orniture Ware Iloom on Fort street; Workshop at the oldstand. Hotel street, near Fort.

L M. S Orjarafrvxa uUvm iwlamla pram pt tjr. attdl to. 742--1

JAS. L. LfeWIS, ' '

Cooper and Ganger at the Old Stand,CORXER OF KIXG AXD BETHELStreets. A Urge stock or OIL SHOCKS aod ailkinds of Coopering Materials constantly on hand.

Also, Shop en the Esplanade near the Custom Ilonse.He hopes by attention to business tu merit a continuance

6f the patronage which tie has hitherto enjoyed, and for whichhe now returns his thanks. u5 6m

' J. H. THOMPSON,General Blacksmith. Q,neen St., Honolulu.

HAS COXSTAXTLY OX IIAXO A " DFor Sale ntr the Lowest Market Prices, a good assortm.-n-t of the Best Refined Bar' Iron, and the BestlLscluinith's Coal. 't n ly

J . AL FRED ROD AN ET,W atolimalter. .

M HAVING RECEIVED A SUPPLY OFy Watchmakers' Tools and Materials, is prepared to - -


At Ihe Sfaorteat Natle- -

. d3 Sm . FORT STREET, NO. 80., - ; ; ti rHard Bread Baker) & Coffee Saloon.

'llll E UXDERS1GNEO WILLCOXTIXUEat the old atand. near the Boat Landing in Uilo, the busi-n- cs

lately conducted by Sebastian y Kaiser. ,

Fresh Bread and Cukes oj every description Daily,' ... - And orders AUed on shortest notice. -

COFFEE FROM 4 A. M., UNTIL IO P. M.Arrangements are being made for the manufacture of Hard

Bread. . . . C'44 6m) - . . . . F. KAISER.

F. H. fit C. SECELKEN,Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron Workers,

Xanana Street, bet. Merchant and Qneen,

HAVE COXSTANTLY, OX HAXDStovrs, Lead Hi tie, Galv. Iron Pipe, Plain and Hose

ItHg Kihhs, Mop Cocks, India RoWer Hose best inJ " lengths of 25 and 60 fret, alb Coupling and Pipa complete. Alto, a very larite stock of Tinware of every descrip-tion. Jobbing and Repairing done to order promptly and war-ranted. Particulur attention given to Ship Work.

Thankful to the cit xens of Honolulu, and the Islands or

their liberal patronage in the past, we hope by sliictattention to busiuess to merit the same for the future. ' '

Xr Orders from the other Islands will be carefully attendedto - 08 ly

, , ,

PACIFIC BRASS FOUNDRY.THE UNOERSIGXED WOULD REsnectfullv inform the public that be is'prepared to cast

Vf 'J and ftnlfh all kinds of brass and composition work withdispatch and-a-t reasonable raxes.

17 All kinds of ship and plantation worV furnished on shortnotice. . ....

(CT Constantly on hand, hose couplings of the following,sires : i, i. 1, lL t and 2J. Also, oil cups and gauge cocks.

,. r... JAMES A: HOPPER, ,

748 ly ' King street.


B enred the services of a competent workman in the line ofCarriage and Sign Painting, is now prepared to carry on thatbranch of trade in connection with his other business. Sign-writin- g,

Gilding an i Ornamental Painting of every descriptionxecuted in the best manner, and on reamnahle terms.

in.- - ... i M. BEN FIELD, .: J: 7i2 6m ,74 and 76 King Street, Honolulu. .

' II. TOSS, '

' IVo. 5 Merchant street, opposite Sailor's Home,


' HAS COXSTAXTLY ON HANDiJa . a large variety of

HOME-MAD- E FTJENITXJEEWhich he offers for sale at the lowest market prices.

Consisting ofSeta of best Black Walnut Parlor Furniture, ' " ''

r Spring back Easy Caairs, Lounges, Mattrasses.'X7 Hair and Spring Mattrasses, Window Shades and Slip

Covers made to order. Old Furniture repairedand varnished with warranted satisfaction.

Carl and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere.iryTersM ReasaaablcXI .it'.

All orders from Ship-maste- rs and the other Islands will bepromptly attended to. ' - ' 714 ly'

J O H N N E I L L ,Machinist, has Removed to the Premises,

NO. 40 FORT STREET, jTwhere he will auend to aU orders

- ' in the ' ' nyLOCK, GO GENERAL REPAIR LIE

He will give special attention to cleaning, repairing and reg--nla ting Sewing Machines, and ail other kinds of Light Machineryand Metal Vt ork of every description.


A : Variety of Sewing Machines,Cons, Pistols, Shot, Ammnnltlon, - "

MACHINE OIL', NEEDLES, &c., Vc.Sewing Machine Tuckers, Binders, and all other-- extra and

duplicate parts af Machines supplied on short notice.. ;


The Celebrated Florence Sewing Machines.n27 ly . ; : . ...


Life Insurance ; CompanyIIARTFOUD," CiONN.


A PURELY MUTUAL COMPANY !' Nnnafcerlas ever 60,000 Member a. ':

Assets Jan. 1, 1870,, over $27,500,000!r. Snrplus, over $9,600,000.

Total Claims by Death, (paid to dale,) Over, .. $9,500,000.

Total Dividends (paid io dale,) Over $8,000,000.

Current Dividend from Forty to Seventy per- - - .'Cent. .... ...

Current Income, over $10,000,000 per Annum.Its

'Income from Interest alone More than Pay its

Claims by Death.' There being no stockholders lu 8orpins belongs exclusivelyto the members, and ia equitably divided among them inANN DAL DIVIDENDS, which may be applied ia reductionof premi ums, or may be accumulated at interest for the benefitol the Assured, or may be received by them In Cash.

Paid-u- p Policies- - are granted after two or more years Pre-miums have been paid, thus practically making

All Policies Non-Forfeiti- ng.

It Issues Policies opon all desirable plans of Insurance, andhas adopted in Us workings several SPECIAL FEATURES,original with this Company and offered by ne other.

, LAST TEAR'S PROSPEROCS BCSI5ESS.11,940 Policies issued, insuring about.. ....139,000,000 00Income received and accrued.......... .... 9,064,068 S3

Daring Ra last fiscal year this Company paid ta dividends tothe living and oo the policies of its deceased members, TwoMillions Two Hundred and Forty-Fiv- e Thonasnd Two Hundredand Fifty-Tw- o Dollars, and at the same time added more thanFive Millions Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars to lisaccumulated capital. '

ICT The whole record of this Company has been one ofprudentmanagement and prosperous advancement. ' Among the olderand Leading Life Insurance Companies its average ratio ofexpenses to income has, through its entire history, been thelowest of any.

Farther Information concerning thia old and reliable Com-pany given by HENRY M. WHITNEY, '

, Agent tor the Hawaiian Islands.Honolulu, OctoV-er- , 1869. ia7 Sos


(LIMITED,) .. ,

RISKS AT THE LOWESTACCEPTS clauses in the folieies of this Company arcspecially advantageous TUtO. 11. DA V IKS,

'. Agent.

THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMFY. lasses lire and Life Pellcica !- -

THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. ALLOX .or Losses settled with roaiptitudi.aiaiy I'll SO. II. DA VIES, Agent.- -

" F. A. SCHAEFER,EXT Breusess Beard mf U adrrwritera.AG Dread est Beard f L'ndrrwrllrrs,

' Agtal Vlruua liaurd r I'adrrwrllrrs.Claims against lnaurance Companies witbiu the JurUdUrtioa

of the alove Hoards of L'nderwriters, will have to be certifiedto by Ihe Agent to make them valid. d28 Iy



.' Agents of the above Cotupany, are preparedto insure risks against Fire "on Stone aad Brick Buildraga,and on Merchandise stored therein, ou most favorable terms.

For particular apply at the office of743 ly , - j F. A. SCHAEFER cr CO.



5 '

.: ESTABLISHED, 1809. ....

CAPITA L.... ..,i..........;...000.000AecBusulated and Invested Fuad, 2,838,118CflMIB UXDERSIGXED II AVE BEEN AP-- 1.

lOINTED AGENTS lor the Sandwich Isla-ids- , and areauthorised to Insure against Fire upon favorable terms. '

,. Risks takeo in any pert of the Islands ea Wooden Buildings,and Merchandise stored therein, Dwelling Houses and Furni-ture, Tiaiber, Coals, Ships in harbor with or without cargoes orunder repair. 723 ly) ED. H JFFaCHLAEOER ti CO



T'HE UNDERSIGNED HAVIXO BEENAgents- for the San Francisco Board of Un-

derwriters, ..... .icomprising theC lifaraia Issanrastee Couipaay,M rrcbaau' M atsul Marine I uisraace L'a.Pacific Insurance Cempany,California Llayd'a, andHeme Mntnnl Insurance Ceupnny.

Beg leave to Inform Masters of Vessels and the public gen-erally, that all Losses of Vessels and Cargoes, insured byeither of the above Companies, against perils of the seas andother risks, at or near the Sandwich Islands will have to beverified by tUt iu.

oS 3m ' 11. IIACKFKLD k CO.


TII K UXDERSIGXED. AGENTS OF THEBoard of L'nderwriters, notify Masters of Vekaels

and others that all bills for Repairs on Vessels, and all bills(or General Average purposes, mast be approved by the Agentof the Boston Underwriters, who must also be represented onall surveys, or such bills will not be allowed.:

08 ly C. BREWER It CO., Agents.


TVlfE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THECompany, have been authorised to iosure risks ou

Cargo, Freight and Treasure, '

from Honolulu to all ports of the world, ana viee versa.o8 ly . . 11. HACKFELD Ai Co.

I 51 P, E R I A . .


(Instituted 1803.) !


M. to issue policies on Fire niskt(with or wittiout the average clause), on Plantation Buildings and Mschuiery, PrivateDwellings, Brick. Stone and Wooden Stores, Merchandise, Coals,Lumber, Ships iu Port, Ac, on the most favorable terms. ,

(CT All losses adjusted and paid for here. .CS .

For particulars apply at the office of:. WALKER at ALLEN, -

743 ly A genu for the Hawaiian Islands.


j . r C T Z3ostoX c as a 3L ix 1040.

Cash Assets, January 1, 1870 ,.....i.$S,43a,tSlGross Income for 1869....... : 2.9S3.657Dividends for 1869. ....... . . 780,000

Premium Collected from 1843 to 1868 ..$11,098,694Losses paid from 1843 to 1868 S.236,800

READ WHAT OTHERS SAY OF US I'From the "Spectator" of Near York City we 'extract as fol-

lows tu The New England Mutual stands forth aa a Suingtype of what a company should be in regard to its method ofbasfnesa. Seeking rather to establish a reputation or stabilityand soundness, than to present novel and promising, but un-tried and nnapproved features In underwriting ( conducting allthe company's affairs with the strictest economy and adoptingonly those measures proved by experience to be the wisest,the directors of the company have suocerdnd Im establishingfor It a reputation for reliability second to no other similar or-ganisation iir the country. Yet, great as Is the degree ofcaution manifested In the adoption of every new measure, thecompany is conducted lu a manner fully in unison with theprogressive) spirit of the age. Aa regards Its dealinga withpolicy holders, few companies are more liberal aod holiest.'

M The business of the New England Mutual Is conducted nthe most economical aod able manner? its terms are liberaland Just V Ps success lias been uniform aad extended and Itsperfect retiabilitg and fet, the natural eon sequences at-tendant upon the possession of such features, and which shouldbe the great dertdratam with an insurance oompsny, ore in maint lance excelled "

A' or further particulars please call opon ' 't . CASTLE If COCKE, -

dlO 3m - - Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.



Cish Dividends in 1868, . : i. -

3 , 22 a 9T jl37 12LThe Largest . Life Insurance , Company

.World.- -: ; :in the

Premlias JHJ be Paid Senl-Jsaaa- llj or Qaarterij.

ADAMS & WILDER,- - ' '

oi if Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.'

S. COODFEtLOWSIce Cream Saloon

: . .. AND



:p.a.:rti:es!Supplied on the shortest notice and reasonable terms.



ICE Constantly on hand.ol

Tin sonic Hotel, King Street,HONOLULU, El. I.

8. A. WOOD, PROPRIETOR, LATE1ST of Auckland, Mrw Zealand.

Fanlfihed Apartaeat aid Detached fet--131 AaK Tes laat. mm

No. 4 Ilotel Stroot.ROBERT LETT BEGStu inform the pnulio that lis has r IAJ i9opened the above market, aud thai S rfhe has procured the servioea o a "a I

JFir.st 'Class Ilntclicr !.,He trusts, that by '

only the Ilcst Cattle !An4 paying every attention to the business 'to atMfrt. a snafe ofthe public atronage. ' "'tettt Pork Sausages, BoIo?o k HUod ruddlacR,

T eaade Is order. '' . . I

XT T E R M S C II E A J . FOR CASH!nooolulu,Dcc:31,1870. ' .d81L


A GENT FOR THE 'WAIM rA TANNERY.J74n ly ifawafi.

FORTST7T FAMILY" MARKET.'. . , - E.'Hj rioYI).1' 1

Choicest Bleats from finest herds. Poultry, Fish, Vegetables., furnished to order. ' TA 1


. G. WALLER, i



Tl YI next to Love's bu-a- Bakery, srwprepared to supply Beef. MaslteMS, Veal and Lamb,at all hours, on the eummt reasonable terms. A snare or pat-ronage solicited. Ja7 Sm (;


i i i i .. i


Fur Sale by . C. UKkWfcR Co., Agents.


Lahaina, Maui,ROP OF 1871. ror-Sa- ls byc Sin C. BREWER Co., Agents.'


424 3m Agents.''.' i

'Waikapu Plaiitatioii. II. Cora well. Proprietor. ...

'SUGAR AND MOLASSESE1ROM THIS PLANTATION FOI4 HALE' in lots to suit purchasers. Apply to

748 ly UKO. V. MCLEAN, Agent,


COMIKG IX, FOR SALE IN Q.UANTI .purchasers, by

d28 0m WALKER ALLEN, Ar nt.'

O NO ME A PLANTATION.(JjCCAR INI) MOLASSES CROP T8TO,3 coming in, for tale In qnaathlea to suit purchasers,ol On By WALKER ft ALLEN, Agfnia.

1870 NCER--tf- To

.AS&tyII I L () , , II a I.


SUGA R AND MOLASSES.CROP COM1MJfor ssle io quantities to suit purchasers by '.

ol 6m WALKER St ALLENj Agent I.

SOLE AND SADDLE LEATtttR,' Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins !



WALiUEA TANNBRY-- C,' NOT ta5Y.:By (722 ly) A. B. CLKOIIORN, Ar -


R. LOVE & BROTHERS, Prpprietorf,. NUUANO STREET. i ,i

FIILOT, MEDIUM AND NAVY BREAD,hatnd and made trordeT. -

Also, Water,.. Soda and'iButler Cracktru,JENNY UHD CAKES. Jte.

SHIP BREAD REBAKED on the shortest 1 1 v..FAMILY BRKADj made of the Beat Flour, baked daT jalways on hand.N. B BROWN BREAD OF THE BEST QUAr.lTr

. I4'J ly !. i. .i I


In Honoipu, District of Kotala,ATHAWAII, , , and Terms, .

Fifty Acres under Cane !Witii- more Land around It for Cultivation,' tot4

' Mill, Cart, Cattle, Borghum-Pa-- y

an3 "every "requisite lo'carry on growing and 'grinding vm& .

The Mill is drawn by horae-tow-

for particulars apply to-

.. i ' ' : .9. CHRUTANEIN, Henotpa stVe( JOHN THOMAS WATERnOtSE,

417 Sm Uaooloks.'


trim-L- . 1'' I of Music and Band Msster, lata froot 8t, Via.. m II etnl Cotuiga. Los angeies, uw, negs u ifiuiawIT I 1 1 the InhabitauU ef Hooolola tltat he te ww pro

pared to make engagements for classes In Piano fori., Ouiter,Violin, te.- - Conrmu tries ttoos addressed to ftlm tBroogti lhPost Offic will receive immediate attention.

Plane forleo Carefally Taned.Terms made known on appheauoa at the Book Stare ef li.

M. Whitney. ...'-- , aWAoi

".CHELSEA LAUNDRY,Coraer df Qaeeo aad Richardg ftreetr.

.;! tlio XlsAdloNa t .::. v



Bedding. Towels, Napkins, and all Unstarched Clothing doj.i. 7. .. . ; st Reduoed Rates. . . ... .

. , Geats' aad Ships Wark 8olleltd. '. , .' g7 wagon la attendance,. 8. U. L70W, IT46 6m Proprietor.




Up-stnl- rs, la the Sailors Hoaae.The last Friday evening of each month reserved for the asset,

logs of the Y. M. C. A. oA ly

FUST RECEIVED FX SCHR. URANIA,. , . .' froat Tahiti, .., -

s. . ,j


f ' '.' Fifty Pounds each, "'.vAnd Fifteen Casks of Rum.

For Sale Cheap In quantities to suit. Is or out of Bond,aU ' ' ' By THEOD. 0. HECCK.'

Fire, Fire, Fire Z .

14 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FKOKBOETU3, via aaa f rsncuoo tot tale hy

v 0. BREWER ft CO..?;Z??lf"1i b-- rolledizu.zix: . mi!, -- m be

Ajt u. a. ca




Page 2: .JSslfj - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 1MPO K.TKKH AND V li OL.KS L.E Clotliiug. Boot, abora, lints, Mrn'a Kurnijhingr and, fane Uooda. (ua 6ui) No. 11 KaaLuuiauu SU lluuoiula.



' V

f ,


i v


f - I t KIVAT, -- -

' - ... ' '- . i... .iThe tar creUU Mir, oa Wednesday ntl na""J " "

V.room of C. . Bartow, I account of Mr. Tbeo.

wrtl attended. Some $IS,000 or $20,000 worth of

,.U were a-- and the price, rtaliwd, comUIstocked market, BIbl be considered quite satislaetory.

n,, .teamr Jkfaw. Ta9t,r sod City Melbourne msy

both be linked for oo or about WedoeaJy next. - ing

l I.T'Ttl 7JZfcer. -

commercial items.The Mlowin are quotation of New York pricea per tete--

graph, Saturday.mm2c,


,2; wbq-je- t, ':c. , pun,.IT" '..i.. 1948-rfe-

.i txli-r- 13i.2 IOC. I

2i3Jc bil, California,rtorfc! nrofnise. lo bee"" hereaner a Y'TIU. 7'

eam.su.jar. The lb - year a ra ooc,

be more profiuble than cotton r uing. . .i. tluwuikl barrel of ers a nay. wc

W,be consumer, aboat $ 10.000,000 a year.1 -- ..n....... ;t- -

-.-' thiswb :U."bhoVougb., o,erb.uW

Francisco. 1 ' feuer....-- andbaa been brought down to ian..aa ar 1 r T T1 I II 1 "w eoo a uue. iv j - " in January,time jaomeher Unit tripShe wll probabl atart oo

itotalBrrtH Cotoaiea --The

'S!t, of "ool exported lr..n .the VJ1?uZ I 'ooain fm Aa.traiia-i- hat la.

r.Wf! SiUSK! i itiT?, 'i. r.nm Wetera Anatralia ? 6.13,42 pounda j the

5 IKS pounoa irf -- . i

UeVeVSW ro-H---, lH America, I.OOa.tUv j


a. OihCli8ctti.o The caae of the whaler Camnda,

r1".0!- - .SdSSi i rdSTu; ofTdMlinx nuuui

and capturedwuv

ber. la at wp to Ji?' of 1JaV--k Mlinua eorrevtiootienoe. Mr. Tbornton, the I

Brifiaja M.nitrr, waa appointed umpire in the raae. The J

.nation, omented weret Hrl. wneioer ne "'were 7 . ' . by of tiiue, ffiil proaecutlnf tae cia.m ,tSr theTel waa Hal, and the Toyafe deter-nio- ed

by toierfereoce of BraaUUn olBcera ; and, third, whatwaa the amount of iojuriea wbicb the ownera of the Teaaelwj.Uioe.1. The umpire hii cly examined the .aboctbaa dided that the GoTerwueut Uraid ia liable to thet'nited Siatea, aa com peculation to the owner or Che Canada,and for the cargo thereof, in the aum of $100,740, payable Ineoin iV. r"-- kip?9 '


Jan. 19 Srhr Odd Fellow. Makahi, from Hawaii.Be Lu IaOnaUlo, F0.ber, from Hawaii.

1 cbr Ilattie, Kale, rroot Kauai.21 tSchr Nettie MemlL, Craoe, from Maui.21 gchr Lata. Kai. from Hawaii. . .

if4 'A" " DEPiftTCRES - .; ,

Jam. IT Bchr Fairy Qawn, Kaaina, for Kaoai.IS fVrhr Kate Lee, Wert, for Hawaii-- --

JS riebr Kinao, Adama. for Maui.J Brit ahip Oracle, tferen, for19 Krhr Active, Melliah. for Hawaii.1 j 8!br Pauabi, Ballaatier, for Motukai.20 echr Annie, Nika, tor UawaU.

Skip Mail. . ,

Foa Wisdwud PoBTt Per K tlaaea, Monday.


V8gutv-boalf)ack,Claa- . , ,French gun-bo- ut Hajneiln, M Poathlef. -


Nor Ger ehfp Otto dc Antonie, Simooaen. - - 'Haw bk W'ilhelm I, Mimmea.liaw bk Eagle, Com lock. ' " T ' ".Haw bk Count I.an.arck, Daflman, for Krcmen. 'Haw bk A J Pope, Plaaae. . . i t ' . V

IS or Ger b k Courier. 8eU.Brit bk Caatlebow, Campbell, for Sydney.Am bkt'n Jane A Falkinhurf , Cathcart, for Portland.liaw brig Kan.ebanv.ha V. . " fBrit bri4 Kobert Cowan, Weeka, for Victoria.Am three-maal-ed achr A P Jordan, Perry, diachanring- -

Am achr Margaret Crockard. Hrey, for 6aa Franciaco.Am achr SoTeieign, Clumbers, for Tahiti.Haw achr KumaiU, Aery.Nor er bk FioVlitaa.Am bk D C Murray, Bennett, discharging. - -

Daw bk Maunakm, Brlgga. IHaw brig Kobola, Almy.brig Onward, orion. . . brig'n Wm H AUen, Vera.


The bark D.' C. Murray, N. T. Bennett, maater, left BaaT ranciaco oo the 4th of January, and arrived at Honolulu onWednesday, January 18h. 13 day paaexge. Light tavoimbU

.windaaod One pleaaant weather the whole way. ' '

IMPORTS." Fo Saw Faaacinco Per D. C. Murray, Jan-.I8i- h:

210 qr and 80 hf aka flour, 79 aka oata, 35 aka wbeat, CO tinacracker, 1 bbl ayrap, 116 aka bran, 1 c bread to II E Mcln-ty- re

; 12 pkga laaaware, 8 pkga window, 6,090 ft lumber,2.003 pnata to Lewer U Dlckaon ; 1 caae piano; 100 bale hay,100 M ahinirlea to Walker dc Allen ; 33 ca tobacco, 17 ca mer-chandise to M 8 Grinbaum Co; 7 pkgs opium to Along icAchuck ; i pkga aad 2 rolls merchandise, to E A Adderley ; 40bbl salmon. 2-- J es codflsh, 1.832 bndls hooks, 210 bbls heads

tM A-- f :o : 3 faalea merchandiae to F A Schaefer tc .

C cw merchandise to J! Hoffectilaeger tc Co;.l marblelab and alone to Capt D Smith j 1 case merchandiae to C C j

ttarna , i udls rooong uucmi w irtjiiumi v.Interior ; 25 a pilot bread to Geo C McLean i i fi merchandise, to C. Brewer A Co; 1 caae baaneaa to R Whitman J

.pka- - fcrnituas. to-- C S WiHiwnei 16 rlg merchandise-t- o

iMIIingham 4s Co j 4 ca merchandise to Caalle dc Cooke ; 4 cabooks an Board of .Education ? Id ca powder, lO pkgs merchan-dise to E O, Hall goo ; 81 fkg merchandise to J T Water-hou- se

; a tons hay to C P V'ard ; 2,000 ft lumber, 5 ca turpen-tine to L L Torbert ; IS baga wheat, 17 bxs candles, 3 doaenhronms. Id br apples, 2WH salmon, 75 pkg assorted mer-chandise to Order. ,


Fo HniuaroTtu Per Oracle.' Jan. 18th: ' "Copper, old, fta .1,405 Hpecie.; $,310Funrna, Iba 4.651

. VatnaDomeaUc....t510 95; ForeigTU".....$12 45. .


. Fco 8aa FaaciMJvi-Po- r D. C-- array. Jad. 18th Mr"

C B Morgan, Vr W W Howard. Capt J M Snow, Mrs J M' ftnow. Master Poow, Miaa S Brown, Mr II II Brown. Mr J

IIanna,Jr, Mr II Coulter. Mr J J Lyon, Mr Geo Mclntyre,Mr F &C Weed, Mr R C Ptewar, Mr A Yonng, Mr E Bower,Mr J S Garner, Mr J H Babbett, Mr J Waters, Mr G L

--DlTyple; Mr I PortiT 20. -

Fbo,84. Faaaciaco rer Oracle, Jan. lSlhW L WaU

ta.l. .1 j.--" - ,.' -- - i " i 'Tom. iloxotoia-P- er Oracle. Jan. 18th Kama. Tchang

A an, A man, Akuna, Asu.'Awai.

Afooa, Patyaaa, Moaea, Anoe,- a -falaia It -

MARRIED.Kiis-Wooi- siiia In Vallejo. Cal.. December 13th,at

. Hut reaidenee nt the bride's aaotber, by the Rer. Mr. TrtJ-t;,Hr.TnM.J- iii

Kiae.of OakUod, to MUs JosarnisaWtUDlIM, of Vallejo. .' i.-- a.


r 5Varas Ok Monday, January Otb, at Kainiliu, Kona, Ha-wi- li,

Haaar Wraas, a naiire of Porumouth, England.

' Com In Honohilti, Hawaiian Island. January Htlr,181, Etwiio R. Corns, a cilixen of the United State ofAmerica, aged 06 years. ' a i.. U tikis fity, Jannarj 17ik, to the wife of Mr. O. . Dart,of a son. , ..... . -

,. ., Carrr yaawMcc, .., j

. IIoKOLurv, Jan. 16th, 1871.Chas. N. SrcrCEK,

Ckitf Engineer Honolulu --Fire Department,'Six 5 I would' ask, through you, Ihe acceptance

by the Hocolula Fire Department of Benefit for. their Sick Fund to

(be given at the Royal Hawaiian

Theatre, on the evening of Wednesday, the 25thinaL, by the Minstrei Troupe now in my employ. . Ipropose to give a clear Benefit, the Department re-

ceiving the gross receipts of the bouse, land being atno expense whatever, and would merely ask the De-

partment to assist in the disposal of tickets. I shallbe happy to' meet you' at any time that may suityour convenience to make further arrangements.

Yours very trnly, . '

.Signed) , ... Chas. Dehbt, .. 7

Proprietor Royal Hawaiian Theatre.

H0501.ttt.tr,. Jan. 18th, 1871.-- Chas. De&bt, Eso.,

J PropHelor Royal Hawaiian TJuaire,Sn Your letter of the 16th inst. to the Chief

. Engineer of the Honolulu Fire. Department, tender-ing a clear Benefit to their Sick Fund, to be given

: at the Royal Hawaiian .Theatre on the evening .ofWednesday, the 25th inLt by the Minstrel Troupe "now. in your employ, was read at a special meetingof the Department last evening, and the Secretarywaa instructed to inform you that they most cordiallyaccepted your generous offer, and appointed the En-gineers pf the Department, Messrs. O. N. Spencer,Wm. Qaghes and E. IL Boyd, a committee to attendto the necessary arrangements. .

Very respectfully, j

, (Signed) Cms. T. Gcuck,V Secretary II. f, D.



Notice to Our Patrons.The circamstancs connected with the advertle- -'

department of the Commercial Advertiserwbich rsadc it ne.ry to issue semi-week- ly no.longer existing, this journal willfccreafter appear

Saturdays only: and we 6hall in the future, aa.q U(se OQJ. endeaVor8 to'

inform, interest and amuse our readers.

Trash Drviner..

From eeveral letters we have received, showingkindly appreciation ofour articles on trash drying,

select the following for publication," as it con-

tains a practical suggestion which we think ofTalue. Wc are assured that parties are giving

subject the attention its importance demands,that if the planters will nnite in offering a

suitable premium there will be several plans pro- -

posed -

A 8tD P108 m7 be T0?0 ich aEmail model will be inadeouate to ilWratfl fnllw.

might bo well to offer an extra premium' whenplans are accompanied by a model like that-

At all events, there should be immediate andnnited action taken by our planters to secure thegood results which would flow from the adoption

some plan which would save the time lost andmoney expe&ded in onr present wasteful systems.Cannot some Oi our leading mercantile houses orplanters take the initiative and invite the

of their neighbors and fellow planters?- IIixo, Jan. 17th, 1871. '

Editob . P. C. Adveb.tiseil Si a : I read withpleasure the interest manifested in your article of the24th of' December last on- - trash drying. ' - -- '!Excuse my suggesting that all those parties whohave given this branch of plantation any study andwish to compete for an order for a suitable andeffective machine, should be required to show withothers at an appointed 'time "and place, a. workingmodel, about the size required by the . patent office,(one foot square). A trash dryer "of these dimensions

carefully made and combining the correct princi-

ples of action, can practically and satisfactorily illus-

trate a aaccessful operation as well as a larger one.''As every inventor is likeTy to consider his improve-

ment the best, this appears to me to be the 'fairestest for a decision to bring before a meeting of plant-

ers,' who feel interested in the large profits arisingfrom the economy and saving of labor arising from anefficient trash dryer. .


Hoping to hear further from you on the subjectwhich you have made so good, a cojpraencement,


A Promising Journal.The Gaittlf of Wednesday last makes' its

seventh annual bow to the public in a verysmoothly written leader, in which it comfortablyflatters itself that it can say, without aiiy 'very

ostcntatious pretensions to perfection, that, itpresents to its readers " the promise of a usefulness and reliability not to be found in any otherjournal published in this Kingdom." The senfence reads well enousn. but the meaninz is

slightly tangled to our- - dull comprehension.Which, among the many journals published inthis Kingdom, has made a promise to be so veryuseful and reliable? But then, ngain, perhaps itmeans that none of those journals have evermade the promise ; in that case the Gazelle getsthe start," so fur as promising coes'."( It id to behoped that these promises are not like pie-cru- ot,

made to be broken, and that the organ s ambition to make itself the most reliable (a goodword and bears repetition) of any paper published here, will be amply satisfied. We did notlike to mention it' before; but "have all alongthought. that, there was some little inargin 3 forimprovement in our co temporary as to that onepoint reliability. 1 ..u.

. " Journalism.' savs the uazeile, "in acorn- -.. ... ir,mdnUJ Vj118 18 no eaej t neartliy

endorse that proposition. It is a bard task tomake bricks without straw, or to fill up a columnwith sensational items in a community which hasno murdere'or frightful accidents to be served upin " a reliable (asain) and detailed account."And what a pathetic picture is here drawn u

the dreadfully involved condition of hronio antagonism into which this coramunitv has trot :

, o ,. , -

' '"On nearly every question if importance whicharises, nearly every man differs from his neighborand the neighbor differs from every one else ; and ofcourse tbey all unite in differing with the views asexpressed by the journalist, who would have theright to be inconsolable if it were not for the factthat he is no more alone in his views than any oneelse."' It is consoling to think that the journalist isnot himself inconsolable in view of this dismal6tate of disagreement, but we confess that weeannot see bow he can help being " alone in hisviews" when everybody unites in di Bering withhim. ... ..' . .

Further along, the writer deprecates the makingof too many promisee, because few are carriedout except the honest ones and we may add,not always those and then again promises thttthe Gazelle will continue to be the most reliablepaper published in the country, and goes on witha string of promitw-s- , which, if fully carried out,ought to bring it up to that standard which itmodestly disclaimed making any pretensions toin the start perfection in journalism. '


As we said before, the article is very pleasantlyand smoothly worded, and perhaps, to U6e itsown words in another connection, ia the readingof. it " the public is very properly lulled and as-.Bii-Hd

bjB"feeUngr'frify!which.iaftl tnalmost no other spot on this earth."

For-ourselv- es, we care not to W lavish ofpromises, for fear of accidents ugly blunders infigures ' for instance, awhich might detract fromour "reliability." -- But we are firmly of theopinion and "we eay it boldly, without fear ofthe possible consequence of beiDg called upon to"mAke good our ' boastT-th- at, were we providedwith a fat subsidy, to draw on quarterly, and ahandsome concrete offioe in which to write edito-rials, we might possibly produce almost as 44 re-liable" leaders as the one in the last Gazette.In conclusion, - we suggest that the name bechanged, . and that- - henceforth ; the organ beknown as The Reliable.

Th o . Law.of Bell ige rents andNeutrals.

-- The recent arrival ofa French war vessel in ourharbor, and the presence here of two North Ger-man merchantmen, haa afforded opportunity forno small amount of gossip among our quid nuncs,who in these dull times which follow the fallhipping season, are glad of any topic upon which

'to air their views and pronounce their sage con-clusions. One would think, to bear some of thesesea-lawy- ers laying down their learned postulates,'that they had Vattel and Puffendorf at their fin-- W

ends,-a-s they look around with a triumphant

air on the gaping auditory. vl11 ,m od "tin th wonder grew,- How one atrial! head contained the whole he knew." . - .

But seriously, there id a good deal of misunder- -standing and ignorance as to the action of treatiesand the application of international law ha timeof war. The beet, text book extent is conceded

to be ' Wheaton s Uements of InternationalLaw.'! We quote a few sentences applicable.

" The progress of civilization has slowly, but constantly, tended to soften the extreme severity ofoperations of war by land ; but it still remains un--relaxed in respect to maritime warfare, in which theprivate property of the enemy taken at sea or afloatin port, (the enemy's) is indiscriminately liable tocapture and confiscation."

M Ihe maritime territory of every Btate extends tothe ports, harbors, bays, mouths of rivers, and adjacent parts of the sea inclosed . by headlands, be--onging to the same state. 1 be general usage or

nations superadds to this extent of territorial juris-diction, a distance of a marine league, (by Englishana American measurement three uiiles) or as ur asa cannon shot will reach from the shore, along thecoasts of the state. Within these limits, its rights ofproperty and territorial jurisdiction are absolute, andexclude those of every other nation." .

- -" lhe unlawfulness ot belligerent captures, made

within the territorial jurisdiction of a neutral, state,is iacontestably established on principle, usage, andauthority, ,

In regard to the national character of a shipcovering the goods which she carries, the generallyacknowledged rulo of international law, thatenemy's goods in neutral vessels are liable tocapture and confiscation, has been uniformlyenforced, except as to such powers with whomthe United States Government have treaty stipulations, establishing between the contractingpowers the' rule that free 6hip8 make free goods.But the generally received principle is, that if j

there is any. doubt aa to the real nationality of aship, the flag that she carries is to. be ceemedonly & prima facie evidence in deciding that nationality. ' Ar:icle 14 of the Treaty between thisGovernment and that of France, ratified Sept. 8,1858, is sufficiently .explicit and guarded on thispoint. , After' stating "what shall be requisitq tothe nationality of a French vessel, the Articlecontinues:

" In like manner all the vessels constructed withinthe territory of the Hawaiian Islands, or nationalizedagreeably to Hawaiian laws, shnll be considered Ha-waiian vessels, provided always that the captain andthree-fourt-hs of the crew be Hawaiian. The owneror the owners of said vessels shall have to prove thesame.



in the same proportionsi s

asloose required j tne Hawaiian laws.' It is besides agreed that every French or Ha-waiian vessel, in order to enjoy, under the aboveconditions, the privilege of its nationality, shall befurnished with a passport, license to sail, or register,the form of which shall be reciprocally communicated,and which being certified by the authorities' compe-tent to deliver the same shall show :

1. The name, the profession and the residence inFrance, or in the Hawaiian Islands, of the owner,expressing therein that be is the only owner, or . fthere are several Owners, stating their number andwhat share each of them possesses. ! t -

2. The name, the dimensions, the burden, andin short all the peculiarities of the vessel which maydistinguish her aa. well aa establishIn case of any doubt in regard to that nationality,that of. the- - owner, of the- - captain and of the crew,the consuls or consular agents of either of the twocountries to which the vessel may be destined shallhave the right to require authentic proofs beforevising the papers on board, but this to be without anyexpense to the vessel." " ; i s : r v

The Decadence of France.The events in Europe since July last have given

birth to an idea that is rapidly gaining groundin England, in Germany and America, and whichis now being dispussed by the grave minds ofthose nations. Aslounded by the events of thowar, following so fait upon one another, they aroconstrained to ask Is not France something morethan defeated, is she not in her decadence, herhistory over, and she doomed never to riie? Ger-

many openly expresses the affirmative of thisquestion, but it is only whispered elsewhere.The question ia Vserious one, and well worthy ofdiscussion. Says the London Spectator. ?

V If France is to cease to be, the history of thohuman race is modified foreven; and the worldhas lost one of its first advantages, the existencein Europe of an effective and propagandist intel-

lect radically different from the Teuton. Notonly the dominion of the world, though that ismuch, but he dominion of the tboughtsof theworld will have passed to a single bnnch of thehuman race, . for tie Anglo-Saxo- n is but theTeuton modified by centuries of freedom. ; Thismay be the best, as it is clearly the strongestbranch of the human stock, but still a branchwith no right and no capacity to supersedehumanity. Prinui facie, many of the events ofthe. war justify thobe who apprehend so frightfula calamity.i Fighting power, if not a high form of powerin a race, is an essential, form if the" race is tokeep .its independence, and France appears to su-

perficial observers to have lost its fighting power.We all, friends and enemies alike, ask withGeneral Blumentbai, in simple amazement, whatchange has come over the French? Why do theyrun away? The linesmen who in one placeMetis fight to the death, everywhere else run,or capitulate, or mu tiny, or do something "or otherfor which explanation seems as difficult as apol-

ogy. The citizens in many places give themselves

up on mere rumors of a German advance. Thedepartments seeni utterly unable to organize any-

thing, not only an army, but a regiment, a com-

pany, anything of any. value for defence. Noleaders, it is said, turn up even in civil matters,

and not only no leaders, bit no policies, nothingeven like the vague but triumphant thoughtexpressed in Lincoln's rude formula; We must

keep on pegging away." Vast regions full ofmen and . wealth and spirit sit apparently inert,doing 'nothing, while in the. occupied districtsFrenchmen seem cowed to sucha point that, theydare not even attempt to cut a railway. Whatcan it all mean, if it be not that France is indecay, , that the attack haa pot , jna.de. ruin, butonly revealed it ? JJ

41 It i8r horribly true, all that, 'and yet weilievejwi' iaayuiiwlutcly reject ..the. deductionpessimists are, inclined to . draw. We shouldreject it even if all the Tacts were unfavorable,believing thata people, Uke,an individual,; maybe temporarily paralyzed; tRat no concliftion-'Ca-

fairly be formed as to Cue condition of a nationfrom an experience of only six weeks;' but manyof the facts are favorable to' France iri a highdegree.. ; Take those, ret of allrjwhicl? affect thequestion of pailitary epirit. The army, as awhole, has shown want of discipline, "want of'staying power, ..and want of self-reli&n- ce ; ' but,till disheartened by the revelation of the incom-

petence of its chiefs, it fought fairly well, andone section of it," exactly 'like the rest in all butdiscipline,' has' displayed a courage, tenacity, andcarelessness of life 'worthy of the best dayi "ofFrance. It may be said that the soldiery oughtto be more stubborn' even' if badly led, but theanswer to that is that tbey never have been, thatall the triumphs or. France have been accom-plished with armies of highly nervous, excitablemen, of not very high physique, who make goodleadership their condition of victory. That isnot the English condition; and may not be theGerman ; but it has alwas been the French, atleast since the 'Revolution allowed the rank andfile to form . an opinion on their commanders.Outside the line, again, the people have revealedin the majority of instances a very high degree ofspirit. ' ' :

" France may be said in six weeks to haveproduced a hundred infantry regiments of 3,000men each by voluntary enlistment. They arebadly armed, equipped, and drilled; tbey havenew and therefore ignorant officers, and they aredeficient in subordination off parade ; but thoselamentable facts only show how strong the spiritmust be which brings them in such masses to thefront. One victory, one Found piece of evidence

that they can beat Germans, that the latter arefighting men and. not genii, and these men willbe formidable soldiers, unable, it may be, todefeat Prussians who are clearly the most tena-

cious fighters in the world but able to makevictory. worthless to them. The French, be itremembered, are not fighting for home and

hearth. They can have peace by

surrendering a strip of territory of which theyhave scarcely heard, but that surrender involves

humiliation for France, and they fight on, not

very confidently, for they see the regulars run,and not very ably, for they have no leader, butstill with resolute pluck. So far from thinkingthat France shows signs of martial decadence,

we think she shows signs" that her people have"

improved, that they are more ready to fight tfianthey have ever" been ," milch "mote ready than in1713 or 1815. .

Then, as to civil capacity, look to the wholerecord, instead of part of it. Look how swiftlyand strongly the National Guard of Paris not

the Mobiles, who ; were outside poured to theassistance of the Government when threatened

by the Reds, poured in an instant, with cleardetermination to put disorder down. Or readthe really wonderful account, by a most hostilecritic, of the way in which the Battallion CroixRous8e at Lyons, 3,000 workmen silk-weave- rs

who, two months ago, never saw a rifle sweptCluseret and bis followers into space on behalf ofa Prefect whom they disliked, but who repre-- ;

sented order. u ,

It may be very, silly, as some Englishmenmay' think, for France not to yield and confess

herself beaten; but the refusal itself, the cer-

tainty expressed by all travelers that any Govern-

ment which agreed to cede territory would bedestroyed, is of itself a proof that the nationalspirit has not decayed, that revival is not far off,and may be very near at hand. The State organ-

ization of France has perished, but not France.".

'Card.Hoholulu, Jan.-- 17tb, 1871.

t Editor Advertiser. Dear . Sir : We, the un-

dersigned, members of the Sub-Mari- ne Expeditionrecently engaged at Midway Island, desire to conveythrough your columns our sincere thanks to theofficers and crew of the Hawaiian steamer.' l2fiauea,not only for theiragtsncyn our removal from ourperilous situation at Ocean Island, but for theuniform kindness bestowed upon us during the voy-

age to this port. We also desire to express a gratefulsense of obligation to the authorities at this place forthe prompt and effective measures, taken by them onour behalf, feeling, as we do, that but for their im-

mediate and humane action, we, in common with allupon Ocean Island, must have endured very severesuffering and perhaps a lingering death.

,. !. Respectfully fyours, 1 ' -

Charles H. Mitchell, . Joseph Battebsbt, .' -

William G. Lorino, John Bbowx, , ;Edward Cauill, " John C. Toumey,Frank Quiglky, ;


'. E. P, Jcdd, r--

J. Henry Russell Charles Collins."

' - NOTICE.mUB OFFICERS AND M EMBERS OP1 the OKOK& OV KNIQHTS, GOOD TK.VI PLARS OFHAWAII are hereby notified that the Semi-annu- al meetingfor the Election of Officers will take place a' their Hall onKinjc Street, on WEDNESDAY EVKN1NU, January 25th, atSeven o'clock. .

N. B A full attendance of member is respectfully request.ed as business of importance will be transacted..

EDWAKD FKIEL, Keo.rding Secretary, .

It li. O., K. Q. T. II.

S EE THENew York Photographer !

k '. . JIJST OPEIVED ! . ,








A 1AT LLOYD'S.it a 1 ilv vi ... fall.!. ..''4- '

This Vessel will be Dae in arch


EXPRESSLY.., 'ai V Ik- -- - I.-- . - - --V a



Suitable for Double, and Single Harness. .

Ransome, Sims & os Heayjr Plows !

- ; One Trash Turner, ,

Etc., Etc.,- - Etc., i Etc..i" FINEST BRANDS OF


And Devenisti's Celebrated



:.? ; '" :


PJ1 fO MIES' COO LERS: .A.lso, on Hand !


j : . CA RBOM PANS.' ' FOR SALE BY " ' ' ''


Tfieo. Iff. Iavies.


North Pacific Transportation Company.

San Francisco and Honolulu Route.

The CPty"a Swleaislld A 1 Sleapnahlp

SViOSES TAYLOR!. B. S. FL.6rD, - - COMMANDER." Will Lrare Sam Fraacfae.

Oa or about... .January 15th

Will Leave IlemalutH.Do or about.. .January 26th

Cargo for San Francisco will be receired at all time In theSteamer's Warehouse and receipts for the same giren bj thennderaigned. No charjte for Storage or Cartage.

. FUre risks in Warehouse not taken by the Company.Insurance guaranteed at rate than by sailing reasels.

Particular care taken of shipments of fruit.S7 Shipments from Europe and the United States, Intended

for these IslaDtls, will be recti red by the Company in 8n Fran-cisco, if consigned to thcin, and be forwanled by their Steamersto llouolulu,ye of charge, except actual outlay.

XT Passenger are requested to take their Tickets before 12o'clock on the date of sailing, and to procure their Passports.

All Bills against the Steamer must be presented before 3o'clock on the day of sailing, or they will have to lay iovcr tillthe return of the Steamer for settlement. - .

o8 3m H." HACKPELD & CO., Ageuts.

STEAMTo Australia and New Zealand.

The California, New Zenlawdaa AuliBliaa Mail 7 Llae T

" 'Straus Packets." THE SPLENDID STEAMSHIPS..'


WOiVGA WOIVGA,1,450Tas J Stewart, Csm'r,


CITY of HIEflJBOUKlVE,l.ZOOTsas .......T. Graiager, Cooa'r,

Will run regularly between Honolulu and the above ports,eonnectinR at Honolulu with the North Pacific TransportationCompany's Steamers.

aobsts at -

Hosomjlc. ..WILLIAM U GREET.Auckland CKCICKSHANK, 8.MART CO.Svomet H. U. HALL, U. 8. Consul.

ol 3m

Hawaiian Packet JLinc

SAN FRANCISCO.The Vine Clipper Three-mast- ed Schooner


Will. Ilave Immediate Dispatch for the Abofe Port.

t For freight or passage, apply to ' ."Ji2l WALKER tt ALLEK, Agents.


Elawaiiah Packet JLaBic



' J ino Foltow ihe A. T. JOItDAK, in the LineS

Sailing on SATURDAY, February 11th !

y For freight or passage, having superior accommodation for

cabin and steerage passengers, apply toja2l . WALKER A ALLEN, Agents.


L unali lo,93 Tons Register. - n

Will Rdu 'as a Regular Packet lo Koa'

i v and Kan!"




SFR1NG'!$EA!S0IV 1871!


O I L Al! D B O f E !


rsr 'jEi. jaxr, SSLi. . . JOHNSON, Masier.

Due at tW, Port, March 15th, 1871, will load for New BedfordAliu. ' IT.a na t.AW kavrm AttivairMil ' '' "' 'Will Sail about May 10th,' 18T1.Shippers of Oil, Bsne, Wilf aad other merchandise,

, . Will find this a desirable opportunity.Cash AdraHCei oa Skipustrnta.d24 3m ,v C. BKKWER Co.. agents.

FOR VICTORIA, t B. C.- The British Brig

12. obert .Co Wan. !WEEKS, Masier. .w;

Having the. greater part of her Carao engaged will

have IMMED1A TE . LISP A TCII for'the above port. '

, ,. For Freight or Passage, apply to ,

dirtd " " : VTALKKR it XtLKV, Agents.



169 Taas Register,GODFREV. ...... ....... MASTER

Will haye Quick.Dispatch for above Port.Fnr freight or passage, apply to .

d3tf THEO. 11. DAVIK8, Agent.


A 1 ai Lloyds, H years,CAMP BE iLi '.

--Vrt . .'. . A .. . '. . . . MASTER,' " 'Has part of her cargo engaged, and 5

Will hare Quick Dispatch for the abye Part,,For freight or passage, apply tod3tf THEO. IL DAV1KS.

i FOR- '



. WM. CATHCART, MASTER.For Freight or Passage, haring Superior Accommodations for

Cahto Passengers, apply too29 CASTLE h COOKE, Agents,



Will Earn BegKlarlj between This Part aad Lahaina,' LEAVIKQ

Honolala erery Monday aad Lahaina eyery Thmrsday.dlO H. HACKFKLD k Co., Agents.

FOX. KOHAL.A.iwnTii.Irs Schooner iictive.

' MELL1SU, "Master.Will ran as Kegalar Packet to the above jjort. foe freightor Passage apply to ;

nia 6m . . WALKER ft ALLEN, Agent.

Regular Packet for Banalei, Kanai.THK CLIPPER SCHOONER


KAA1NA, MASTER.Will SaiiasReguldr Packet as above--' .

For Freight or passage apply tn.oi. .in ; WALKKR at ALLEN.


CASH ASSETS OP FORTY-OW- E 1HITliis Company Transicts Business entirely

And its $41,000-00- 0 include no FrcmJAUUibai AAA tig. .

inary or questionable Security.

,. Special Agent for the Sandwich Ial

P. ADAMS, Local .Agent, Queen Street, Honolulu, I

and others, Honolula.


Refers, byIII Ex. Uearr A. Peirce,

Besldent Minister of United States of America.

jali J 8. Walker, Esj.,

Graud Opportunity In Penmanship. O AND THE


Theoiy of General Principlei in Navigation, ! ILLUSTRATIONS ON 1UE

Revolntions of Different Planets, and thePortaRueee & SpabUh Laatruaees.'

J. O. WOOD I( AS REMOVED HISPROP. to Corner of Alakea and Hotel Btt at Mrs.Davis and Is no ready to offer hi services as teacher tothose who wish to acquire a knowledge of the bov mentioned

School will be In session three months from Jan. Sd, 17I,and will be held Kvery Evening, (.Saturdays excepted) com-

mencing at 7 o'clock.

COPY BOOKS, &c., Will be FURNISHEDOa MdrrMi Term a.

Scholars subscribing and entering the School will pay $2.M Inadvance, and will be required to attend their Lessons regularly,as they will be charged In full at the expiration of the Term,unless prevented by sickoes. The Professor, during eachweek, will pick out some claar evening for the purpose of explaining the theory of taking altitudes of the .Moon, Mara andPlanets, " as it Is one of the most pleasing branches of knowl.edge which baa ever engaged the human mind. The grandeurand suMitnity of the objects It prese.its elevate and improvethe mul. banish low and frivolous passions, and becoui ssource of never-ceasin- g pleasure."

Also, will offer bis services aa private teacher In Penman-shi- p,

and the above mentioned languages. If desired.Terms made known "on application lit person or by letter

through the Post Vffice, which will meet with prompt atten-tion. , . : il


Living Yet,' and haa been Living' ' ' . - i . - in ' -. - ,

Honolulu the Last Fourteen Years ITHE OLD KSTABLI3UED


Rawlins & Mitchell Manufacturers

ALL KINDS OF SOAPS!Buyers of Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow !

Aad i.ll kinds et 8sap Crease.We have received es late arrivals from tha United Stataa stul

Kurope soppUes ff tbe , t

Best HAterUls In onr Line for Manifittturing'

. Vnr psr,And will continue to be In receipt of fresh swppttes by steamand sailing vessels, we are prepared to give satisfaction to all

Dealers and Consumers of bar Speciality"' ' "'' 'Who will favor us with their trade.'

X. JJ.'AU Orders left at ihe Store of 3. Mclnerny,Importer and Dealer In Boots and Shoes, N. K. Corner

of fort and Merchant Street, will be thank-- .!, fully received and promptly

attended to.

RAWLINS fc. MITCHELL,Practical Soar Bailers.,

. jali ly Leleo, King 8tM Uoimiula.


n -- r- an an.aiv M-- J M. sj v , .

Manufacturers and Dealers111 ALL- - KINDS' OF' SOAPS!

.$. ,.-- ii: ...: , I '

Leleo, KiosT Street, Honolulu.

Beet Mutton and Goat, Tallow Wanted!Orders) Left at Ira Jtlcbard.aa'a Uaal ass

Sbae Stare will varft with gtrasHpt f

Jail Atlradaaee.

J US.T It E C E I V E DEx '"A. J. POPE I "

;illANDI 1

For Sale by th'e Undersigned !

SUPERIOR COTTAGE PIANOS!Direct from the celebrated Manutacturer. A. BOND, Paris.

SHALL WE SAY .MORE ? YES!Wa will aay they were ordered by A. II. II AVELL, Esq.,Who' waa well qualified to Judge of their superior qnalilies, b

being a first cUm musician, and having dealt tn these Pianosfor several years In Australia.

These PIANOS are in beaotiAiMuliaa walnut cas, andare lo splendid condition, having txo packed in sine lined

cases....... t . .. ,

TVO SUPERIOR PIANOSin Rosewood Cases, from the well-know- n house of

11 AL LETT & C U 31 P S T 0 --V, Mutton,' J' '

' '. ALSO


A fine assortment nt . ;


Such aa .

Harmoniums, Violins, Organ Concertinas. GuitarsViolin and Guitar Hiring, Banjos. 'Jorrwpeans,

Piano Strings and Felt, Musical Boxes, assortedOrgan Accordeons withi stands. Tamftot ines,

Jlegulalion Drums and Toy Drums.


A Large Assortment of ' ' ' i


1ST O "W" O I E 1ST I N a !Afl ef which wlUbesold CHEAP FOB CASH at say WartRooms on Fort Street. Particulars in advertisement next wee It

A v C. P.. WH

Permission, toMessrs. C. K. Blshp $l Cm B.nkni.E,,

J. Carlwrlsbi, H






Agents fur ths Uswallaa Iilsods, I

HAT.TS PA TP NT TRPlI f1adaptkd ron- -


rilllE IIAI.L. TRIKAIILR HAS Bf.HM Justed to many Pea ing Machines lo the tmi

with the greatest success.Dr. Did Lewis sieaklng at tits Woman's Costmthat two years steady work oo a V ins Utvfiiim, tgirl. ao1 n delicate woman will wonder at It Rut i

cation of II A I.L.H TKKtDI.K to ihefr-vm- i

entirely sa of all dilttcollies." aud makes srwiif toare rather tl.sn task. jo






Sell as Low as the lowWo Have on Hal r


For Sale on the Above Term1

AND DARK PRINTS OFLIGHTFinest Organdy Moulin, st S.1 Cla. r yard,rinrat Uiorliam Maslliw at If A I 'fa. Uf yard, v.Finest Hcotth Plaid (Ungbsms st 30 t.'la. rfinest Sootch Oliech UlnKhsios al to a oxa. IMBishop's and Via Laariis, naiusoufe..India, Book and tHriped Muslins,Clrcassisns, Colfurf,, AIRi:a, and MertnoS,Table Uamask, whits and IJtibiesrtied Ua.ii,liest and dwdiuio Quality Tabls Napkins.Fruit N kliis, Turkish Towels, llock.buek,Huuli Crash and Ulearhert Kuwia Ulsper,S 4 riald BreskUst Table Uauiakk,linen Pant Ktuffs, Inst colors, for children.W bite, all Wo. and ema aoa hm iiwh,Blsck k elct. Wool and fcllk ami Wmil bri

whllf Marseilles . loiis

a McNsaMit s and tirouk's Culto, . . j'bars. 00 yards, and not nUl stock.All Wool Water-proo- f Clolh, Uitbt W oli, lLioen LininK, Kitie White aud Printed LIiwim,

Paper Muslin, Corset Jesus, Heavy Ticki.

iFor XIouss KZccptBlaok Peoner. Durham Mnsurd, Jamaica OlnrT,

Runners, Mace, Cassia to rusts, Ysssl l'd'lirunet's rlavriiiir Kxtracla, Ihif alio

, i Purs Cidt--r VinKsr, tsardinei,Coru Btarch.

Crushed and Rrn. Carbonate loda, . Cream Tartar, Oil b.

All of the above warranted firitPure Castile Boap,

Kendall's Choice OH re Soda Soap.Toilet, Sharing wi

'- - ALSO

'' T TT TV W A "RlConsisting of

: Coffi-- and Tea Pots, Ci.ff- - and Tea Cad .11"

Covered Tin Pails frotn I pint to 12 qu.rtt,1 (uartnU 1 gallon Oil Cans. asortilPrrssed I'anf , from 1 to 10 ouarta,

" Pressed Bread Pans with side liantltrs,. " Pie Plate'. Bread Hans, Urtpping fans, atie

Hantllert Dippers, quart an i pint ('!'. Ut'

V.ttg Whips, ftralnera. Hash bowl,, lut l

Fry Pans, titm Pana,

Ansrricaai Brallrra, All fchauM H

ALSO, FOR THE T01! Fine Hair Oils, LuWa's fine Perfutnts,

knbs aud Hair brashes, all siaes au.1 aulHair and Toilet Pins. Crimpers.

"" '' ' ' ALSO


at :wuhi ftralIAasoskcac Ien.ins, aftd A O A Ticks,

. blusDrrills. (.'iHlons ar.d ftri, ' ,1ila:hed and Cnb.eaclml Colb-t- n

f 1.1.. aaH.t Ikaa.l. . -- aaa. .PrlllLL.aUlfUl a I aaaa. g f r 1

tf..LM. rVrm.mA. k -- I

' . Merinos,

Linen and Cotton Thread, 1 3liapr, Crash, Pant BtolT.. Hoairry, BotUsa ti: j. i Ptna,hiMdles, CrNrta Cottan, k g

t ttluearU WliiW rtaniH-l- , Cw't,

1 .; :. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ' ' "

Agricultural ImplenParis Plows with Kstra Points. Oa Yokes' and L

EauleC No. S ilnrse ..AtU. and hteel Plo.t. 1n.. a., a a. tytCultivators iiorse nun, no. j ;

. a. a .. . a a IU.1lMiovel,, pMies, nases, vm. njj

I to. nv ana. rww. " -

TZ-j3l- . XT D WA IINalU, Aaes, HatcheK Saws. Knives, Chia U.

ilea. Tacks. Kiveu. diu-tr--s- . Auter.KuUs, Screws, I'lacies, Plans In- - rr

Chest, Boa. Uoov ami Iws

. , ...t ... !(..lUwkt1. (

Aie- o- J t

. Coon'ter and Platform Scales, eVif ni" Jjf ,ile.tK Hammers. Btbne and Cob.s 1 1

: Trace ami Lrvg Chins.Tojasil eh Ch.!", i,. H.i'aiKl Hlalo Brass ijibl."'!" j

llM CooplinKS. i, 1 and J Inches, .

India Robber Hom, i, 1, 1 and I Inehrt."

: Paints, Oil, Glass, BrusD


i' Ui01"Far-lfor- a. Carrier. BrUht j

Polar OU, of tho Best I

HOOP IKON, 3--4 AT'"" t

moN ah WW' I


FLOUR! tlNo. 1 COOLi y i

White & Brown Susjoke --,

f att Cool,

, Sheep nw .;, j

.a j a--;

m.w; v.;

Page 3: .JSslfj - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 1MPO K.TKKH AND V li OL.KS L.E Clotliiug. Boot, abora, lints, Mrn'a Kurnijhingr and, fane Uooda. (ua 6ui) No. 11 KaaLuuiauu SU lluuoiula.

i I

J - -

E. p. ADAMS.


JAU. 25,



GOODS!White aad Bww Cotton.


on r od Colored Cobarrs,

Cui:ob Thread, Fancy PrtaU,Cloth.


o T bci rtf est Ir.iKl Coat. Hickory Shirts, . . , .

. -- . wk. Rumndtn. Undershirts.,a nui.--. ' ,


d CarranU, la tins ; Oysters, Cuuns, .'


Teast Powder, Pleklea,f.L, Tab Fruits,

fjppies,T.ucMers, Rowla. Etc, Rut, KXc!

I also, a f or1 PhntorraDli of Honolulu!

1 1 J5 -.'fil A od oA PVciares. - -

i .. vmiEARS. LOT OF" UA ---P A

j TOOL. Tf-- KTC.? E. P. ADAM3. Anet'K

Jliixislcs! Oats!

nr Srrels AND SHOOKS!

54V LUa.VACS FOR 1871.


60c...ticM7toi Atmanae

4 . TieIJ

f 3oe-1

n. m. wiirrjJtr.

cec: G. WOOD,ir.Ej! 1(;r.VT FOR THE

;y Life Insurance & Annuity CoeealJ 1 OK

aS"U ILCRA!N ENDOWMENT ANDVL itZ " Prtir, about to In--

j prflwi rtkuUr kind of polices which

U great Indoeemeota. to the payingCHiti m ewa. a. any to U enantry, at tba saaaa

of arailiag thrmaelrea af a ka.I i; tca ia pnieg


Mil1 -- 451



kia PttTiw. nrKMK tjies aud prices, ray kbimwea.u A.t4 CTICAJ.Vtrtwrs P!'rf W!ter. Flower StnJs and TaaeS, -- -

B ruil bair. Mirer Thimbles,a. tirroecope and aew additions to

Cbamelna Top,runM 9rAA iniiM. Rnbher Balls.

ion tine Hair Bnuhrs. Vokliac Screeaa,line Work Rukts, Petri BnUuns, -

I I MJeard Seedles, of I he flneat qnali- -towjf . tv. oat ap in new anrtecant

' . tma, rery best qnaTity in neat packaces. 1



I minr uu XIJJ II 1 " "J i 13 sj 3USANCE POLICY

-- 15-


i Waste your Money on Perisnableb

Jj py Things or Jap:ianese Ware !ir

r t jsir Wife aad Child T--mi)r wirar, aslUm .I mr -- ew irar-auir- t. aai Ia.a7 ley Is-T- ke New E.tUsc."


"fclL"y ? ,,oom,' "Ul S1.000

i iVsTiyl ao 2 3. "uuUr' w,a Care I .ooo



J England Mutual Life Insurance Co.," Of which - -(IJOSTLE ft COOKE, -- r- Ae... ,.r lfc.' I - Baeaijan Iabtnds.

i 1w Goods!New Goods !

M. T. DOMELL 88I a A


ln?ra?iL.JIMORTMEXT OF FIR.--daratCh.

fcteeywko.sa. -.WCane..

Oaaw llaM x

fea luaewnod . "


a, JWh L. 1.

"dback -


10 It o'" Tabfcr, W.lnat.li nI : 2 R S!ooo. TahW.

A and 31 ft - 'af(w. , e.lste!,.

iMifat,'"ulln Haircloth.1 - V R-- o.

" Wkera u-"va acd n.k

"""tChamnee...- rack-t- s, e.,e.

7laa4 , " OV HMD

aln..'."' r"h.tandfc '

.. .i CelMo o,i, --Tore, war-lro- ""tresses aiaJe to erderrj4 e. e. Uareaua. TaWes, Bedatemds, Meat

V; ei"iUp,old " chP aa the cheapest, and per.

N 'fr' and oo nUto

ods wiU receiea prompt aad

oself, ani "J" .. p


this jDJjyriSATURDAY, - JAH. 21,


X wttl Bell at Pablic Auction by order of Taj matter QZ0RG1I

M. READ, of the late C. 8. Saginaw,


Bach as


BIsnkets and Rrocana.. five Boxes Onion , One Iroo Safe. ;

LIQUORS! fQuarter Casks of Brarxty. .

Two half barrele of wbiakey,Tvoeaaeaot CaiiorsUPort WIik.

An assortment of Dry 'Coods!-- AT It O'CLOCK. M- -, AT ROBINSON'S WUARF,

Twa WaalckMlif Oaie Gig.' C. 8. BARTOW, Auctioneer.



Clothing, Etc., Etc., Etc.C. 8. BARTOW, Auctioneer. '






trt THE AUUPUAA OF HOltOULIULl,District of Kwa, otherwise known aa -

THE BIG TREE!For the.Term of Seven Years from Feb. 1, 1871 ! :

together with an and singular the BUILDINGS aadthereon situated,

At an Upset Price of $200 per Annum !

Payable Annually. '" - : . I C S. BARTOw",-AocOooe-


iA.t A-izctio-n.

The Endersigoed wiU offcr for sale at Pobllc Auction, by orderot the Assignees of the Catate of C. M. ifpeocer at Co.. . - at his tales Room, ia the City of Honolulu

On Saturday, February 11th, 1871,. . AT 12 O'CLOCK.' M, ALL THAT

CERTAIN PIECE OF LAND ISilaalrd laj Ijsaiwa kei Gwlrb,

District of lUlo. Island f Hawaii, coareyed to C. N. 5penrerby C. C. Uarris, by deed, dated July 20, 1863, and boundedaa follows j

CocnmeoctnF at the makai northeast corner of Kal awai's lot,and rauuing along his lot sooth, 41 9 west, 840 chains, to theschool hoose lot; thence aJoug said lot ,aMiih, 37 3 east, 678rfcaina. to the Dnrth enrner of Paapu's lot (No S;) thence north,3& 9 oast, 800 chains; thence north. 31 west. 50d chains tocuaDmeacement containing 4k acres, togetlier with all andaingalar

The ilnildiags thereon Sftnnted.C. 8. BARTOW, Auctioneer.

PIA1YOS ! ! !

flUVO OF THE BEST IIALI..KT St CUM.JL eTOX Piassws)d34 tor Sale by C. BRKTFER A CO.

STEAM THE PACIFIC!iS7i fe' isyj ' k


For the North Pacific.BEEN FOR TWENTY-YEAR-HAVING in tbia City aa Agent for the leading Amen-ca- n

and Koropeao - ,

DIagazines & Newspapers,And enjoying the beat facilities for supplying Subscrib-

ers at th Lowest Postible Cost,The Undersigned solicits the continaance of the patronatre ofhis friends and patrons, who will be' svrred with promptnessand entire satisfaction, even In the smallest matters.

As the STEAM LIN E is now established, connecting Ho-nolulu with San Francisco and the Colonies monthlyNew York, London ni Australian Poulkitlons

Will be furnished to (ulscrilersWltblsi Test ! Twrsir Day frwoa the Dayr PNblicalisis tAnd at prices that barely surer the cost of subscription andpostages thereon. , '

Paperb delivered frte of Postage or. other'. ChaTQta' in ar.y part of the Group.

Back cambers of the leading Monthlies and Weeklies alwayson band. .Files made ap at short not mm fur H balemen andTravelers. '

Subscriptions Payable Always in Advance.V r AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS .;"

Sew Tork Weekly Herald 00N. T. Weekly Tribune.. 6 00 N. T. Weekly Times.... A 00''- - ' Weekly Ledger, (a story paper) : 5 OO

The New York Weekly, (a story paper) 6 00The Kew Vork Irish American 6 00The Home Journal-- . .... 6 001 Boston Weetly Advertiser 5 00Scientific Amvricao.r.... 4 Ooj Huston Weekly Troe ITlag 6 00Boston Weekly Journal.. 6 Ooj The New York at ion 0 00The Citisea and Round Table. S 00New York Courier des felats I'nls (Prench) 8 00New Vork Weekly Zeitnng (Uerman)Mew York O Novo Mevdo (Portoguese, illustrated). ..;.. t 00


Harper's Illustrated Weekly 5 00- : Baaar......... ....... ........... 6 00

LesUe's - W eeklyZeituDg (Uerman). ................ 6 00

u Chimney Corner , 4 00Budget of Fun 6 00

Appleton's Illustrated Jowroal (moalhly pacta) 000Boston fc very 8.turday ; moo thly parts).... 00Hearth and Home (lor the family and term) 00London Illustrated News 14 00

- Oraphie.. $11 London Weekly Punch.. 8 00

MISCELLANEOUS PAPERSKevs of the World, 12 oombera, S cents each . Coohteasner BolieUn, 3 UO

Tbe American Agriculturalist (monthly).............. 2 64Leslie's Budget of FuniaMKtAy........44t. 60Tba Coomtry OenUeman (weekly) &0Rarai ffew Yorker (wee4y.........f ...... ........ 3Artsy aad Navy Journal... ...... i. Pp


Our Toong Folks (monthly) S 00Tbe Youth's Compaoion (weekly) 2 64fjctnorest's Yoaag America (monthly).. 8 CO

The ehicago LMtle Corporal wTh Boaum Noieerv (monthly). ......... ............... 2 60Meirr's jluseua. (monthly)....... . 2 60Caiidrea's Hour (monthly) . 3tt

sra nr n arvfTfi at aT i r U.CALIFORNIA rbaiuuivAui!Baa Francisco Weekly Bulletin....:. 00

Alts. ......... ... 6 00Sacramento raion.. ....... ... 6 00San Francisco Commercial Herald.... ...10 00... m WeekJv Pacific. ......San Francisco News Letter 8 0OaJrr Alta Calrfvrola ..jM 00Overland Monthly a oo uiy twnietin tow

. . RELIGIOUS PA PE1VNew Tork Independent (Coogreeationai organ) 4 00Christian Cnioo (U. W. Beecher's paper)....,. 4 0O

ChiesgO Advance (Coogregaliooai) OO

Kaitoo CoogiegaUooaliat 4 00New York Observer (Presbyterian) 4 00

- Kvangelist, " 4 00Tablet (Catholic)... .,..6 00

Boston Pilot (Catholic) ,.."4O0"LONDON PAPERS '

London Illustrated New.14 00' London Kxainer IS 00.n Ortte.l3 00l - Bell'a LUe 13 00

Evening Mail (trl-w-ek- Times). 30 00- Desnatch .... . 13 0' London Weekly Times... 10 00- STturdy Rerw..l3 00 - . Katnxe.... 8 00- Lloyd's Weekly Times 10 00

. LONDON MONTHLIESw i JrnaJ 1 00 Belgravia Magasins. 7 00

Society Maeasine.. 7 00 Temple Bar Mag.sine.... 7 00Owahlll Magsin. 7 OO) Knglisu Society 7 00

MaRaaine).... .... ...... 00All th. Year Koond, (IHcketw'M. -- . . 6 00IWe.tmim.trr Quarterly.. 4 00

iXamal'.... 6 00 fclinburgh Quarterly.... 4 00

Good Wncds.....;. piorth British Quarterly.. 400London Qoarteny.. ...... i

. AMERICAN MONTHLIESLmens Living tn, (wetkly) 10 00flunt's Sercbanfs Slagaaine 000Bolaa Waves Maaaaine 8 00, Decoorest's Uoothly 6 00Klectie Slimine 6 The ealaxy..: 6 00Harper's kaagaaioe...... 0veruind Monthly 6 00Attantie aVbly.. ...... 6 00 PeUTson's 61agasin....,- - 8 008orMsr,a KoatMy 6 00; Arthur's Lady's Hagusine 3 00LesttVa Magaaine 6 00 Our Toong Folks 3 00ttoweyi L(1y" Be.... 6 80! .:;- - '

Sabhalh ar Hs (Tract Society "a Monthly) 4 00: - AtTSTRALHN PAPERSAsstralcs'aB,(wekly)...e 00 Melbourne IllosWd News. 1 00

Iowa a U wtry Joarnai.lO 00, Weekly Sydney Herald.. 009EVOVEO EXCLUSIVELY TO MUSIC

Hitchcock. ' .'--ia c. 4 00 rater's Musical Monthly. . 4 00CT Any Perw-ai'a- l. not m this list, wUI be ordered at any

time, and sotplsew .t and charges.AM- - ' J -- Ti; M. WHITNEY.' .

JT .- - Jo,

"WANTED !. ' '"'

A BOY IX i STORE TO MAKE IIIM-8EL- Vgeneral' usefuL Address la haad writiuj of

applicant. - ...It BOX, No. 17, POST OTP ICR.


Company' Premises, aad not claimed within "evenDays Iron this date will be sold by aoetioa to defray expensesand tor the benefit of wbooa it may concern.

THEO. H. DA VIES,J'2 . Agent far tba Hadtoo Bay Company.


T1ILR&0AV, at 8 o'clock, P. 41., forMeajbers aaa Bay.Ja21 2t TDK LKADKR.


T,,i!?.aSrND"2RSIOMED HAVING PCJR.:m CHA8KDthe entire interest of AIT, KONUU and AHf.Known aa the firm of " il AV C HBO NO " in the Restaorant onAooana street, will cany on the said basineu under the name

fAtZ KOoStAl. aad will pay Lbe UabUitirs of the Utenma ia the said buaioeae. At AS,' KOOXSAI.Honolulu, Jaaoary 20th. 1871. j21 1m


Pbr Sale!JIPPLV TO ..JaU 4t . , W. DCNCAN, on tha Esplanade.

S5.00EEWAED!WILL BE GIVEV TO AST 0Ewho will inform me who POISOHED AIT DOG.whkb had a tag No. 27. .



T !LP.RKPRI!D TO I Y A FIVAL DI- -ciJfi U per erot- - CREDITORS OF THEfdiu BR!iARD' "rup, ho bare peered' ' B. B. DOLK, one of the Assignees of theHoooaltt,Jan.l4,l71.. fU4l : . .Kstate of . jWn.rT


OF E. B. HARPER, whohare prraeuted and proved their cUims before me, twenty,feren per cent, dividend,, at my office.

8. B. DOLE, Assignee of K. B. Harperlionclula. Jan. lUh, 1871. - Jal4 4t

FOR SALE THE COTTAGE ON TnBB.cb at WaikiiO, fiirmerly oeeupied by Miss MouURuaiery. AddIt to

tf - . W. L. UREEX.

FURNISHED COTTAGE TO LET ATWAIKIKI The Cottage recently Occupied by W. L.Green, at i be Beach. Wukiki. Rent. A in ru nwwMh

or by the year at $a per month.o9tf Apply to W. L. QRKEN.


Miiil No. lO Emma Street. Apply tow. iiLi.tiriJtiEiB, aiercnani 01.


d24 3t Apply to Da. WJI. HILLEBKAND.


SEVERAL COTT A G ES, P I.E .4 S A NTLYlocated, and suitable f.r Urge anil small families. Theyare entirely N W. handsomely finished, and supplied

rith all the necessary oulhoo.es and modem imprnrementa.d24 U Apply to HUGO bTAMOKJi WAU), hi. O.


TO JiET. .


THE HOUSE LATELY OCCCPIEDBYH. A. Widvmann, on Judd Street. Apply to



Kt5TAT. . . Apply to C. 8. BARTOW.Ja7

;: . NOTICE. .

JT. S. LITTON IS A UTIIORIZED TOMR. and receipt for money in my name aud pay alljust claims under special power ol attorney.

. . I. BARTLKTT.Bouolulu, Dec. 30, 1870. . J4

"!. ,: ' '

r. NOTICE..CO-P- A RTNERSHIPTHE, existing between the uml riigned, under the firm

of A D A M S Sc W I I.DKK . has this day lieen dissolvedby muisal consent. Mr. fcl P. ADAMS will continue the busuess, and Will settle all outstanding accounts., K. P. ADAMS.

-' 1 : SAM'L Q. WILDER.

Honolulu, December 81st, 1870. - . Ja4 4t


AT KAL IIAKO.Sout'j Rous, Hawaii. . H .

Apply toJal8 3t H. N. OREENWELL, Kealakeakna.

NOTICE.THE INTERNATION AL4IOTEL ISnow open to Boarders by the Day or Week, andertbe supervision of Mr. Chapman

Tbe Table will be supplied with the beet the market afforda,' and no pains will be spared to make it attractive

" - -to visitors:ICT There are also Rooms no the premises.jal8 , O. W ALL ER, Proprietor.

WM. L. ROSE,Tin & Sheet Iron Worker,

ON BUILDINGS, GUTTERS,WORK Roofing, or any tbiug in my line, will beAtteadeat ( with PrsaplarH. .

J3yrontj3iy, TTllo, JS. XOrders from any part of this Island will be attended

ja!8 to with promptness. 3m

LAND AIVD REAL ESTATE.Islands for sale, apply to

ol W. L. GREEN.


T1EE PARINERSniPcunder tbe name andntyl


A Co. ia this day dissolved by limitation." Mr. P. C. JONES, Jr will liaiUaie the affairs of thelate firm.


By his Attorney in fact V. C. Jones, jr. '


Honolulu, Dee. 31, 1870. ja 4t--r

NOTICE.rapiIK INTEREST OF I. B. PETERSON INM our house ceases This Day by mutual consent.

December 81st, 1870. C. BREWER A Co.

Pl R. P. C. JONES. JR IS A PARTNER INa.A'Wai hoose front this date. - - - - - - -

C. BREWER fc Co.January 1, 187L. i


Ta the Buiness Stock and Uood Wilt of the late firmof C. U RICHARDS if CO- -, have entered into a

tor the purpose of carrying on a

Ship Chandler! d, General ComaOssLaAi EaOs!Under the name and style of


I. B. PETERSON.Honolulu, January 1, 1871. ja4 3t


Comfortable Furnished Apartments To Let"



ALSO ....

Bremen Cloven for New Year's Day !

d31 Hotel Street, west Fort.

MARIES FOB 1871.Y THE MOSES TAYLOR, I SHALL REB' reive my usual assortment of

CHOICE DIABIESFOR 1871 M!'Comprising all the various sixes and'pattems, 1, 2 and 3 daysto a page, in plain and costly biuUnrs,

FROM SO CENTS TO 5.00 EACH.Besides the usual assortment of Pocket Diaries, I shall have

alro,Lett's (London) Office Diaries, 3 days to a page,timer's Physicians Diaries and Visiting Liat,Long and Quarto Office Diaries,Cap Office Diaries. - ... :; : "

No one should be without one of these asefol remembranoes,which often save to the purchaser more than the cos. " '-- "

dl7 lm For Sale by H. M. WHITNET.


OALLKRY oa Fort Street, nearly oppositemy old stand,' next dour to Ornnwald 4-- Sehntte. A Shalt behippy to see my old patrons, and any others who wish ffirst-clas- s picture. All styles taken upon the roost reasonableterms. Having made arrangealients with a good artist in SanFrancisco, I shall pay particular attention to eopyirg and en-

larging pictures (or retouching or painting.By attention to the tastes of my customers, I hope to receive

a share of patronage.Also for sale a variety of Pbotographic.Viewa, Portraits, v.

PANORAMIC VIEW OF HONOLULU,The only one ever taken of the City.

dS . 11. L. CD ASK.

: .. the - pacific : :

Commercial btritscr.SATURDAY, JANUARY 21.

Phascs or TH Moo.t roa'JASciaY 1871 Honolulu

Mean Time As prepared by Capt. Daniel Bmilb.

J.i. Rth Fnll MoonJau. 13th Laat Uuarter 8 26.4r. M.

Jan.2uth New Moon... 5 00 6. m.

Jan. 2Sth First Quarter 2 43 3 a. m.


The Moses Taylor, will be due next Wednesday,

from San Francisco. . . . .

Kilacea leaves on Monday far Hilo and intenne-dia- te

porta. -

t" The new eoaater, the Lunalilo, was 24 hours

hence to Kailua, and showed herself a good sea-bo- at

Submarine. Yesterday afternoon, one of thediyers

recently employed at Midway Island, went under theKilauea3 A& she lays at the wharf, and examined herbottom thoroughly to ascertain if any copper wasloose. Some gheeta of lead were found lacking on thekeel, where the boat touched bottom near Honoipu,gome time ago.1 The 'diver goes down again to-d- ay

to complete the job.' ; : , '

Re' rrcino. The bark Fideleitu, which came intoport lost summer dismasted and was sold at auction,

is now being fitted with new masts and will be put insea-goi-ng order by her present owners, Messrs. Fos-

ter '& Emmes. .

y&ZATa or ax old Residest. Last Saturday even

ing. Capt. E. R. Coffin, who has resided in Honolulu

for the "past fifteen years, and who was sixty-si- x

years of Age, died at his residence in this city ofinflammatory rheumatism. Captain Coffin was fromHudson, N. Y., out of which port he at one .timecommanded a whale-shi- p, and where he has a sisternow living. '



Covghs, Colds, etc. The continued cold andblustering weather ' experienced this month, withoccasional sudden changes from wet to dry, is begin-

ning to bear its fruits in the shape of coughs andcolds. There is besides a good deal of a species ofcholera morbus about among both children andadults, attributable principally to the unsettled stateof the weather. .

' LirE Insurance. Mr. J. E. Helen, Special Agentof the Mutual Life Insusance Co,, informs us thatparties desirous of insuring in that company, become i

participators in all profits, dttKtends, etc, accruingfor the fiscal year commencing January 1871. Thosecontemplating insuring will do well by making ap-

plication previous to the departure of the nextsteamer for San Francisco. Mr. Helen will be at theoffice of Mr. E. P. Adams, Queen; street, Honolulu,each day between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock. Nocharge for medical examinations. ...

A Good - AppotNTMKNT.-i-Fro- m the SacramentoUnion, we learn that Miss Ounn, daughter of Dr.Gunn, late editor of the San 'Francisco Times, hasbeen appointed Assistant Librarian of the MercantileLibrary Association. ' Some of our . readers myremember Miss Gunn, who visited the island in 1869as a correspondent of a San Francisco journal, andwrote an interesting account of a visit to the volcano.She is a lady of acknowledged "talent among 'theliterati, and we are glad to see the appointment sowell conferred. , ...

Comet os the Brain. The Gazette appears to. beconsiderably exercised 'all about a" comet," forthere are no less than three allusions in its last issueto the imaginary vagrant of the skies for the accountof whose expected coming we were indebted to awaggish correspondent. When we feel inclined toregret the admission of that sensational story, we

are consoled by the reflection that it has done somegood, inasmuch as it has provided the .Gazette withtwo i tenia and a communication, and it is said, hasprompted some to pray who never prayed before.Vive Humbug ! . ;.

j i-

A real Comet this Time We clip tne followingfrom a late number of the San Francisco Bulletin,which in its turn copies tbe item from the Providence

1Journal. Its record coming thus from responsiblesources, the new comet may fairly be considered areality, and worth lookine for by oar amateurastronomers, if visible here : ,

"A Const. At last we have a 'sensation in the skies,Wtnneeke has discovered another comet I ' He already rejoicesin one which bears his name, and which the epeclroscopUtssay is a mass of burning carbon ! We cannot tell much newsof the new coiner just at present, for it has not even beenchristened. But it was discovered at Carlsruhe, and waasound near a alar in the constellation of the Virgin. If itcomes nearer to the earth, increases in sise, or sweeps tbeheavens with a majestic tail, it will be a grand tid-b- it for thephysicists." . 'J"-- : i . ': jj't Kilauea tert Active. By gentleman recentlyfrom Kau, who was at the volcano bouse on the 13thinstant, we learn that the crater was more active thanit had been for years. He represents the entire sur-

face of the old northern lake as presenting a magni-

ficent Bight, being one mass of boiling lava envelopedin lambent flame. Those who have never seen KiUauea in a state of action have missed a grand sensa-

tion, one to be remembered through life. The steamersails on Monday for Hilo, and a- - good opportunityoccurs to visit the great natural wonder of the Pa-

cific. We would like to go, but belong to the can'club. s"

Weather Warnings. The British Board of Trade

has published, for the benefit of seafaring men, the j

following remarks on the appearance of the sky : A

rosy sunset presages fair weather, and a bright yel-

lowish sky in the evening indicates wind, and a paleyellow, wet.weather. A neutral gray is a favorablesign in tbe evening, and an unfavorable one in themorning. If the forms of the clGuds are soft, unde-

fined and feathery, the weather will be fine but ifthe edges are hard, sharp and well-define- d, it will befoul. Any deep unusual lines bounding the cloudsbetoken wind or rain, while quiet and delicate tintsbespeak fair weather.

Stkicken from the Roll. On Thursday last, inthe Supreme Court, on a complaint filed by the DeputyAttorney General, F. IL Harris, Esq., the name jofJ. B. Maboe.js native practitioner was at ricken fromthe roll of Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. The

--charge s was for malpractice, in having receivedvarious sums as fees for clients, whose business heutterly neglected to attend to, refusing also to refundthe fees.1. We are --informed that there has been agood deal of this fleecing of native clients by theircountrymen who are privileged to write 44 Ioio aftertheir names, and it is quite time that the Hawaiianbar should be purged of this-clas- s of imposters,whose ignorance of the principles and practice of lawis only equalled by their powers .of suction.

, Flower, Vegetable 'and '.Teb? SntD$.t-W- e; havereceived from Messrs. C. Plata1 & Son, of Erfurt,Prussia, a printed catalogue, with prices annexed,of some 8,000 different varieties of seeds, comprisingassortments of German asters, stocks, balsams, wall-

flowers, etc., and . all novelties in. summer plants,green-hous- e, hot-hou-se, "and perennial plants. TheMessrs. Platx & Son have been established as seed-grow-ers

and nurserymen since 1808, and have gained

a high reputation in their line, and are furnishers to

His Majesty the King f Prussia. Their bouquetsand ornaments of dried 'natural flowers "are "verybeautiful. Orders can doubtless be sent from theislands through some of our merchants trading toGermany. The prices appear quite reasonable.


Topographical Scrvet. The old saying to theeffect that one must go abroad in order to find outwhat-i- s going on at home,' is exemplified in the fol-

lowing paragraph, whicn we find in the',44AnUxican

Journal of Science and Arts," for January. Prof.

Alexander is. eminently qualified for the service, and

mi antifti'nate valuable results :44 A Topographical Survey of the Hawaiian Island j

has been ordered ry tne iiegwiature oi tue isiaitua.and an appropriation of 5.U00 made for procuringinstruments and meeting the expenses of the firstyear. Prof. WD. Alexander of Oahu has been ap-

pointed Surveyor General, and ia making arrange-ments for commencing the work. He proposes to

the sandy isthmus betweenmeasure a base line onEast and West Maui, which is six or seven mileswide, and to carry forward the survey as nearly aspossible after the methods of the U. S. Survey.Geological and Botanical collections and observationswill be made in connection with tbe survey."

' It was an Earthquake. In our bsue of tbe 14th

inst, we mentioned the fact that on the previous day,(Friday) the weight of an astronomical clock in thiscity was observed to vibrate sensibly, between thehours of 12 and 1 o'clock, the motion being fromN. E. to S. W. By passengers on the jfaai from-Kon- a,

Hawaii, we learn that quite a number of lightearth tremors had been experienced there of late,and one was noted on Friday, the 13th the precisehour not however being remembered. .

'- -

Fine Paid. In the case of J- - Q. Peavy, who wasconvicted at the present term of the Supreme Court

f selling spirits without a license, and was fined$500, we learn that the fine has been paid and theprisoner discharged. The amount was raised ' bysubscription by the exertions of friends. A good

deal of sympathy was felt for Peavy, mostly from thefact that the informer and principal witness againsthim was a person whom P. had befriended whendestitute, and human instinct always rebels againstthat particular form of showing gratitude. '

Wounded before Paris. By recent advices fromEurope we learn that Mons. Beranger, late FrenchCommissioner and Consul of France at these Islands,was wounded in a sortie from Paris. The wound wasnot a dangerous one, being in the fleshy part of theleg. It has also been reported that Captain von.Gosoitz, who it will be remembered was MilitaryInstructor to the King's troops, and who left ' forGermany shortly after the commencment of the war,had been killed in front of Paris. We cannot how-

ever trace this' report to any reliable source.- -

Supreme Court. The Court has been occupiedduring the past week in hearing cases in banco. . Thefollowing were argued and. submitted : . J. A. Bur-di- ck

vs. estate of Wm. Wond, deceased ; Forbes vs.

Gibson, motion for new trial ; estate of H. Manghan,(a question of adoption); estate of Nakuapa,-(anothe- r

phase of the adoption question). In thematter of the West Maui Sugar Co. vs. Campbell &

Turton, involving the'squestion of right to a certainpatch of sugar cane, judgment was given for . theplaintiffs, with 860 damages. On --Thursday, theCourt adjourned over until Monday next. ,

' Benefit for the Firemen's Sick Fund.. By thecorrespondence in to-da- y's paper between the pro-

prietor of the Hawaiian Theatre and the Secretary ofthe Fire Department, it will be seen that the formergentleman has tendered a full benefit in aid of theFund for the relief of sick firemen, which very gen-

erous offer has been accepted by the DepartmentWednesday evening is fixed for the benefit, on whichoccasion we expect to see our citizens show their ap-

preciation of our Firemen, who are always readywhen duty calls, by rolling up a house full to over-

flowing. There will be an unusually attractive bill pre-

sented aside from which, remember the praise- -'; ' ' 'worthy object.' ;

No Burclart. It is amusing, as well as seriouslyalarming oftentimes, to note what strange adventuresand mishaps a man will fall into after too free an in-

dulgence in tangle-le- g whisky. One night this week,a young man had become oblivious from a too frequentelevating of his little finger, and in this state openeda door in a private residence, and entering a bed-

room, quietly snoozed off the fumes on the floor. Theair getting cool towards morning, enough 1 of con-

sciousness returned to enable him to get on to a bed,which however, was occupied: by another .party.Said party awaking, with perhaps visions of burglaryand murder in his mind's eye, gave an alarm andaroused the other inmates of the house. The supposedburglar could give no account of how he came there,and was still half-muddl- ed when he was taken off bya constable. ' In the Police Court, the Magistratecould find no evidence of criminal intent, and thecase was discharged- - Beware of tangle-le- g.


Assault and Battebt on a .Wife. --Yesterdaymorning, a tall, rawboned man named Richard L.Lloyd, a sugar boiler by trade, was brought beforethe Police Court on a charge of beating his wife-jtn-d

threatening her life. Mrs. Lloyd, who is a .smalland delicate woman, testified to repeated and violent-assault-

by her husband, and threats that he wo)ild

kill her. He was always violent and abusive whendrunk, which was pretty often, this last spree having .

lasted five days. Lloyd had no evidence to offer, butdeclared that the charge was false and that his wife

was possessed with a number of evil spirits, who .

caused all the trouble. This not being the first timein which the prisoner had been before the Court on alike charge, he was adjudged twenty days imprison- -ment at hard labor, and to give a bond in the penalsum of $500 to keep the peace, towards his wife forone year. ', v

' ' j . j v.' CjConducting Newspapers. It is impossible In the

conduct of a newspaper, where many persons mustbe concerned in making it up, and which aims togive all the current news of the day, never to fallinto any errors of statement. No human foresightcan prevent them at all times. A hundred particularsmay be thrown out because they are doubted, andone of a score admitted may contain the error. Themore enterprise the greater the danger of sometimesbeing misled by statements which have all the ap-

pearance of truth. Very much of the freshest andbest news which appears in the paper, will admit ofnone of the ordinary tests which could be made bydelay. It must either go in or be rejected at once.And if the latter of the alternatives is adopted, thereia an end of anything worthy of a newspaper. Thevery fact that a journal of leading influence some-

times crosses private interest and exposes schemes ofcorruption with fearless independence, constitutes itshighest value. -- .

The Honolulu Oltmpic Club. This institutionhas taken a fresh start, as may be seen by the adver-tisement in another column from the New Leader.Every young man ought to take advantage of thisopportunity for physical improvement and join theolub' remembering that a sound body is indispensa-ble to a sound mind. For boys, a special class willbe formed, and as they cannot become members, theirmonthly contribution is fixed at one-ha- lf that of theregular dues. Those for members are $1 per month,$5 initiation fee. Old members may-- , rejoin withe iagain paying the fee, but we advise them to do so atonce, as after the 20th of March the fee will be re-

quired of all who-ente- r. , We learn that every gym-

nast upon, joining a class, is required to give certainproofs of his. strength. This is noted down, and isrepeated every month. By I this, means ' everybodycan ascertain as to how much be has increased instrength,- - Aside from tbe gymnasium, .there areother modes of entertainment provided at the 'club.There is an- - A 1 billiard table, and A 1 players, andoccasionally there is a' match game on the chessboard.Fer smokers, there is "the hall, and a cool veranda.For readers, there are books and newspapers amongthe latter the English, and American illustratedjournals by every maiL We learn a'so that a weeklydancing party is shortly to be organized at the UalLWth all these attraction; where can our young menfind a more pleasant place for recreation and rationalenjoyment than at the Honolulu Olympic ?

,;A Protest from the Parquette.Mr. Editor: I was one of a good many, who

went to the theatre last Monday night, on 'the occa-

sion of Miss Maggie Knight's benefit. Not beingvery flush in funds, I could only afford half dollarfor, a parquette ticket. ' So I and my companionsbought each a ticket, on which was printed 44 Par-quette, 50 cents." But going inside we were refusedadmittance to the parquette, and were shoved Ja thehole they call tbe pit. I saw a good many served thesame way. Now I call that shabby-- . - Not onlyshabby, but an imposition, to put 50 cents on tbebills and tickets, and then charge a dollar after opegets inside the bouse. It may be a nice little gamefor the manager, but it won't pay in the long ran.

" Toursi " A Reoulak Customer.

The Washington PutrUd says : 44 Mr. Bre't Harte.tbe autlRir ot - The Lu-- of Roaring Camp,1 andothrr characteristic Kketclws ol California' miners'life, and tbe present editor of tbe Overland Monthly,baa be-- n successful enough to bring tbe shabbypublishers to bis fet. Two magazines have beencompeting ot late to secure his undivided laborsas a contributor, and 'one ot them baa succeeded,-Mr- .

Harte, bt-i-n under engagement, it ia said, tofnrnisb it with twelve contributions for five thou-sand dollars," ;

Tbe Early liawaimsTTCaMaUjtai.' ""

To the Editor of the Pacific Commercial Advertiser:Dear Sir: With your permission; T wiah to offer

a few words of explanation upon one or two points

of your editorial in the issue of Saturday, January14th. You have referred to the state of things in

sentiment of lin- -

civilisation, not less than by th,K ,.. ;',,.,.,

these islands in the first years of the establishmentof the American Mission, and. you" lightly say tnat,in those days, the wishes of Kaahumanu, or, youshould have said, of her and all the high chiefs ofthe nation, amounting to twenty, or thirty in all,were law. Why should it net have, been soT forthese high chiefs owned all the lands in the islands ;

they owned the people. The people had uo rights.Of course,' the subjection' of the people to- - thesechiefs was of the most abject kind. I have lived in

the islands forty years, was personally acquaintedwith Kaahumanu" and all the' high chief, and well

remember tbe doings of those days. Kaahumanuwas converted in 1824. , Other chiefs, one afteranother, followed her example until nearly all be-

came members of the church. They .united in for-

bidding all kinds of idolatry, established schools inevery part of the islands as fast as teachers could befound who were able to read, and they encouragedthe people to throng the places of worship. ' Nearlyall the adults of .the nation were in the schools. , Themissionaries rejoined to have the- - influence of thechiefs on the side of religion, because it brought thepeople under instruction. Everywhere they preachedto large congregations. It was their sowing time,not their harvest for they; gathered comparativelyfew into the churches not by thousands, as you in-

timate. Indeed, their greatest labor in those dayswas to keep men out of the church. That the mis--'

aionaries did not greatly misunderstand the motivesand character of the natives, that they did not consider the turning of Kaahumana's day true conver-

sion, in fact, that they esteemed only a few at thatperiod sincerely pious, is clearly shown from the factthat they admitted so few to membership. Up toJune, 1832, when Kaahumanu died, only, five, hun-

dred and seventy-seve- n had been admitted into allthe churches of these islands. Some have doubtlessbeen misled, on this subject, by supposing that theturning of Kaahunianu's time was called 44 thegreat revival" We have never applied that term tothe period of Kaahumanu, but only to tbe three or .

four years beginning in 1838 and ending in 1842, aperiod which did not begin until more than six yearsafter Kaahumanu's death.

During those four years there was a great reli-

gious excitement in the islands which extendedto every part even of the most remote districts.Wherever we traveled, it was difficult to find anywho were not awake to their immortal interests, andeager to hear the preaching of the Gospel. So faras we could see; this excitement bad do particular tconnection with the aatnority of chiefs. . Certainlyno such influence had anything to do with its begin-ning. It began in the district of Waimea, Hawaiiwhere no high chief then resided. Many thousandsthere were soon after received to the church. " Thespread of that excitement from place to place overthat large island was certainly not lees marked thanon other islands, though no other island was so des-

titute of religious influence from chiefs. '

On all the other islands, there were no chiefs sostrong and powerful as was Kaahumanu, while shelived, none who worked so untiringly, to elevate andenlighten the people; while, on the other hand,,eighteen years' attention to schools had raised up'many strong-minde- d men among the common peo-ple. But whether strong or weak men were at work,'this revival did not seem to be produced by them,but rather by a power higher than that of man.

This periodof four years is the only time intendedby religious writers when they speak of" the greatrevival" of the Sandwich Islands, and it was agreat revival. It changed the face of society, thoughmany of course deceived our hopes and returned totheir old ways when the excitement was over. Twoor three churches did admit new members literallyby thousands ; all others by hundreds, and whoeverwill" take the pains to sum up the yearly reports ofthe Hawaiian churches will probably find that, ofthe 55,300 received to them in these fifty years, farthe greater part were received during this periodand a few years immediately following.

A (rrpat. work hAa matiifpstlv heen done in theSandwich Islands; in-wh- at sense, it can belledj" completed " - 6 6ed I have as muchdifficulty of understanding as you. . k; .

So much by way of explanation.i . . Yours truly, ', r IS--

Th Trip of tho " Kllauea."."We" copy from the Gazelle, the following ac

count of the trip of the Kilaea ', as furnished' oyiCapt. Long. In our next issue, we propose togive a full account of life oo a Pacifiq Atoll, as,

gleaned from tbe returned members of the expedi-tion to Midway Island, illustrated by engravedplans. We shall issue an extra number of theCommercial to go forward by the steamer, to sailabout the 30th : ." - t -'- T- y- -

Mr. Editor : At your request I take pleasure iugiving a brief account of the trip of the Kilaxua toOcean Island, for tbe relief of the crew of tbe U. S. S.Saginaw, wrecked on that Island. By direction ofthe Minister of the Interior, I assumed charge of theexpedition on Monday the 25th of December, and asyou are' aware, sailed on the afternoon of that day.During the first four days we experienced very lightwinds, so light in fact that the speed of the vesselwas considerably retarded for the want of properdraft in the furnaces. Ou the night of 81st Decem-ber, we took strong trades which freshened by Sun-day, January 1st into a severe N. E. gale, with thickweather and rain. On the night of January 2d thevessel was hove to for twelve hours with the view ofsighting Midway Island. I had been unable on ac-

count of tbe thick weather to obtain meridian observ-ations for the two days previous, and therefore.although aware by reckoning that we could not bea great distance from the island,, was unable tofine its exact position. On the morning of the 8d,the weather being favorable, I found by observationthat I was to the leeward of Midway Island, andbeing anxious to reach Ocean Island that day, thevessel was immediately headed for the latter island.We were, ou this day, unfortunate as to be unable toobtain a meridian altitude, and at o'clock p. x. bydouble altitude, found ourselves twelve miles to theNorthward of the island. The course was at oncechanged for the iialand, at 3:45-- vJ u. sighted thebreakers on the reef which surrounds the island. Thenext object sighted was the flag-sta- ff which had beenerected by the crew of the Saginaw, the island beingso low that it was not visible from the masthead untillong after the surf and flag-sta- ff were seen.. At halfpast 4 we had reached sutfioiently near (hi island,as the ar.chorage was some five miles along the reeffrom where the Vessel Approached, I thought it pru-dent to lay off until morning having in the mean-time communicated with those on the island by dip-ping tbe flag and firing rockets o assure- - tbm hatwe had come to their relief. On the morning of thenext day, (4th of January) we anchored at thezoouth.of the lagoon, (a boat from the Island Jkavingpreviously come off to the vessel.)

After sounding for some: distance around hs ves-

sel, from a boat, to assure,myself of the. safety of Jbeanchorage, I went on shore, fiading every one therefortunately well, and rejoiced is hardly tbe expres-sion for the state of their feelings for the timelyrelief. I found them on rations of one ounce' of flouror beans, and seal-me- at, or sea-fo- wl aloatrossbesides the few fish they; were able to catch ja thelagoon. During the 4th and 5th w. were engsged Intaking the crew and their baggage, stores, &o., onboard. The articles saved from the wiwk of thevessel were not considered by Capt-- Sicard or myselfas of eafficient.valae to warrant tbe detention whichwould be necessary in shipping them.. , On the 5th, as tbe last boats were coming off fromthe island,- - the schooner - kont 'Packet 'arrived.None of the stores were transferred from her, asthere was amply sufficient on board of the steamer.Capt. Sicard directed the Captain to return to Hono-

lulu.On the evening of the 5th we got underway from

Ocean Island,' and being Uncertain- - of. the quantityof coal necessary for the return trip, thought itexpedient to take a quantity on board at MidwayIsland, where we arrived on the morning of the 6th.During that day and the following, with the assist-ance of the Saginaw's crew, we were enabled to getforty tons of coal on board. Fortunately we wereable to leave on the evening of the 7tb, as I wasassured by those who had lived on the island thattbe strong westerly wind- - which we experienced tbenext morning, would have kept us there for st leasta week. .Our passage from Midway Island wasextremely pleasant, having had favorable, winds andgood weather. We sighted Kauai at 11 A. m., on the13th, aud reached Honolulu at 4:30 p. m., on the14th, having made the passage from Midway Islandin seven days, and the whole voyage in nineteen,passing ever a distance of 2,350 miles, and beingdetained at Ocean and Midway Islands four days.The average speed on the voyage waa six and halfknots. Tbe best day's run was 220 miles.

. .: 's " Yours; truly, i Thou. Lono.

The PruKsians are fortifying their liars pf f ti1betweeu Versailles nnd Mota. . i . .i

" A DorrtiK Furprmk. All the world was rYsurprised and bewl!dtred a few me-nt- h aroiti"utter inability of France, with mJiBineiiM army,

to resist the assault of Pruwfci.' Now I-- no

surprise and ptiwM oi V .voqdr rjkjl

and success with which unarmed France m .tliAsalu

herself agunet the power and douiioatwm ot Herosteosib'y Tiumphuut foe, ;;f i. v7-- - I

Stubborn IJesistaxch or the Fbexch. JfonadV

nock " writes to the New York Tunes :KiiMwll write ire in the headquarters Ot ibw

William the resistance of Paris causes dixsatisfHsv-tio-n

in Germany." It is a grievous disappointment.The whole German army, from the Kipgr to tinlowest Vubalterrt, were sure 'thai' In !es than awoek tbey wuuld make a triumphal onlry .iiiloParw.-- i If they had mode p4"' ' Sedn wfjcould have inarched home wilb honor and ijlory.Two weary months have gone by. and Puns isstronger than ever and more resolved to reatst.Germany is full of weeping wives nnd children whomay Boon be orphans; for four-fifth- s of the Lan-wel- ir

regiment are men with fauillien.' Those regi-

ments are wasting with disease : their "mall lossesfrouiilbe xinlpreHent FrancavTireurs.-ma- k Plarge uggregate, and .there are bloody battles onthe Somuie uud on the Lolie. Paris is not taken,mod If it were there aro still two millions of French-men armed with breech-loader- s, and tho war wouldnot ended. There would still be two-thir- ds ofFrance to overrun aud conquer.

The Pall Matt Gazette warns Englishmen t thatthey cannot do worse than to perfiHt,ln the Ideathat tha people of tbe United States are friendly loEngland, for the fact is diametrically otherwise,and at any'moment the Americans may inflict anintolerable insult upon the British people.

&r:-.- iatiowana law





CrLosnos. Dec. 27. Information has just been fe- -

ceived here of a dastaidly outrage wuich Has lau'iybeen perpetrated by Prussian troops upon a nnn-ber- of

English subjects. ( Sir English ships whichwere lying at auciior ui Diitiiuu . .nun

on the Seine were fired upon by' the-Prussia-n

troops, and the crews, being unable;. tooffer a formidable or prolonged resistance, were ntlast compelled to surrender. The Prussians thenboarded tbe vessels, and. after securing the crewsby biuding them, they proceeded to ransack theship for valuables and other plunder. ' What prop-erty of value was found was rapaciously seized bythe Prussians. After their appetite for mptiw hadbeen satisfied, and everything that could be dis-

covered of any value had been seized, they turnedthe ships out from tbe wharf into mid wtreaat. andscuttled them. This was done with the view ofImpeding the navigation of the river, which. If fritundisturbed, might have proved advantageous tothe French forces in the transportation of war ma-

terial to tbe. front. This outrage was committed,notwithstanding the fact that these vessels had dis-

charged their cargoes or eoal undetithe prorecBonrrof Prussian permits. This fact, establishing aa itdoes a seribus charge of breach of treaty againstPrussian authorities, but aggravates the intensityot leeling agitating this city and country on thematter. j ; C. . ! U x 1 lr

New York. Dec 28. Every fresh detail confirmsto , culpability" of the officers in Bterloadieg-tbs-steame- r

Mick Wall, which snagged last week lu theMississippi river.4 'It seems that when she reachedMemphis, she was laden beyond her capacity butthe officers consented to the addition of sixtylecltpassengers with their freight and baggage. As a

the boat was inanuirt'd with the greatest 'dliliwlty,' and several times narrowlyiescatedldisaster Deiore sue ran on tue suag wuicu run a uer.So heavily' was she laden, and so Conscious were-th-

officers of danger, that whenever anolberboatapproached the Sick H 'all remained motlai' aothat tbe return waves might not jar the vessel nomuch. About 8 o'clock in tbe evening tbe steamersnagged, and in a few njnutfa thereafter eiOik,drowning at least 100 people, and seriously Innir-lo'- g.

a largo' number of others. Very many ' .miirht have been saved, leaned front Ah . lXv

the frightful uncertainty of the shock,The total amount of the January interest, wbtcb

the Government commenced to pay to-da- y, la $3'V000,008 in gold ...

Amendments op the Maritime Code. The Cham-ber of Commerce of the city of New York banagain under consideration proposition pointingto the amendment of the code of Maritime law,through tbe intervention of the United States Gov-ernment UK Marcy --objected to the'l'Wl treatyor 1856, that in simply abolishing privateering itdid not go far enftttgb,- - and the Chamber Is nowasked to sustain that view and at the aarsuv timeaffirm a beneficent principle, by doclarirufl .thattbe perfect immunity from capture of private, pro--

iioiiai n, i aula ui suo urea su u- - a nan vs ittiu us. vs.d'he time is propitious for the friendly ctaAlJwrafftof this subject by European Powers. Englandwhich demurred to Mr. Marcy's argument, anay beInclined to ehttTUdu it ia the pres-tDC- ftf

growing out of the Eastern question. Andthis country, whicn baa airueu at Ictusiug JusticeMd.wlsdonvinto the maritime code, may not fan- -nronerlw renew lis flTort.

. ' -,..r:rJ a .,. .,,- A new atep ia about to be takon In tbe utaltert

the settlement of tbe Alabama claims. Tbe SenateCommittee on Foreign Relations held a meetingto-d- ay at tbe State Department to discuss He pro-position made by the President to Congress )u hisannual Message for the appointment of Commis-sioners to receive, examine and audit all claims ofAmerican citizens arising from tbe depredations oftbe corsairs Alabama, bbenandoah, eto. " Theseclaims are in a rough state, unsupported by de-tailed evidence, at the Iepartmeiit of State; andamount to $15,000,000. It is thought that, througha proper examination, the aggregate as claimedmay be reduced one-bai- t. The Commissioners willSrobably frame a bill for the action of Congresa.

of such a Commission, however,will have uotbiog to do with negotiations txiirgcontinued at London for tbe payment of the claimsby Great Britain. ; : '.ns . ..Mi)

. The difference between the San Domingo resolu-tion which passed tbe Senate lately and that nowbefore the House Foreign Affairs Committee, isthat tho one provides for the appointment ot threeGommisHioners. the other for lour. There is notmuch probability that the Senate' resolucioxi can betaken out of its order on the calendar, so that ifthe House resolution be passed Mr. Sumner will

Lhave another opportunity ol showing bcpi f c"ticable and how ugly he can be if be has a iniud to.

4; Everybody knows,"-relateatfa- e Lloyd, bf J'estb,in Hungary. how terrible is tbe hatred entertainedfor Bismarck in tbe occupied portions of France.He has been exposed to all sorts ot indirect insults,and nearly every morning he can read ou bis doorthe inscription : A baa Bismarck I' ( Down withBismarck P) - Bismarck always smiled at these4 little attentions,' as he called them, only on the5th of October be was evidently annoyed by onof tbem. On that day tbe headquarters of tbe Kingof Prussia were removed from Kerrieres to Ver-ailic- s.

Tbe day before, two adjutants bad takenpossession of the palace and selected rooms for theKing, lor Binsflarck and Moltke. On' tbe inorainjror the 5tb the King, Bismarck and Moltke arrivedat Versailles, and l'uimarck iuteuded to withdrawto hi" room. When the door, was opened he ar.dbis companions started back full ot surprise ; thewhole room was draped in black cloth, and in tbecenter of the room stood a table on which twoblack tapers were, burning--, and a well-know- n picture, representing Count Bismarck suspended frontthe gallows, was placed In an upright position."

.' t

Debts op the German Empire. A. statintlciaufoots up the debts of the new German empire asfollows: ' ' ' . r

Prussia...... X ......... 434,669,121 Uutlers.Other (Mates of the North German Con

federation : 187,000,000War JJebt... 800,000,000Bavaria ..... 1,H6,14HWurtumburg... ....... 76,000,000Baden, ... Vlieaae-.- .. 8,640,000

Total ....1,314,16, ,22 thaiers.The' German thaler Is worth about 87J cents.When the war expenses come to be added, Ger-

many will probably have a debt nearly equal tothat of tbe Uoited States at the close of tbe latecivil war. Tbe. debt no deubt will be funded at aJow rate of Interest. It is now settled that, ourproject of effecting a foreiirn loan at leant in Ger-many, will not succeed. The Germans will have aplace for most of their spare cash ; and patriotismwill snggeet the duty or looking after their ownloan before taking a foreign one, even at a higherrate of interest; ' " fi - ";'Tbe small-po- x in Salem, Oregon, is reported aathe decrease ; there are only 17 oases there now.It, baa reached the -- country, ead appears to bemore fatal there thau in the city. Seven deathsoccurred recently ia one family. ...

A San Francisco diana's-- .... Th.A I . m&wl a r ,, .-- A . . . . . . ...v vuiuut urn sugar were mauf In tfilSmarket lo-da- y Thirty tons sold at 13$ cents per

pound to grocers.-- It is lighter thau reflruvl anesujrar; ten per cent sweeter, and almost' purwhite. It is retailing at six pounds for one dollar I

WitMn fourteen daya after Rome gained bertliberty, fourteen new iournals-.varvtn-a. i- - i.ifrom a half-penn- y to three half-penc- e, were started

Mrs. Luella Gross has died la Maine from iij,. " -m- -o nv tvi j ears I and to aKa.the terribly insidious nature ot the nolaon it III

stated that she apparently enjoyed hWu" 'all the while her constitntlnn-vJ?:c-

mined. ." Mf- l-


Page 4: .JSslfj - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 1MPO K.TKKH AND V li OL.KS L.E Clotliiug. Boot, abora, lints, Mrn'a Kurnijhingr and, fane Uooda. (ua 6ui) No. 11 KaaLuuiauu SU lluuoiula.






'JI1 t


ii i

!i !





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GEOKGC TlToUIVE, JR.,2VIorolin.ntf

SHIPPING ISO CORRAL COMMISSION '1GOT.XT All descriptions of Mercantile Interests attended to.9r A rent for the Pacific In.urmnoe Co. of 8ydaey, N. 8. W.



J. C MERRILL & Co;,Commission Merchants and Auctioneers,

204 and 206 CaliforniA Street, ,


San 7rancisco and Honolulu Packets. .

PerUenteratuntlon to the and purchase of aner- - .Vomer O Cheapaide.)thandise, ships business, sappl In J 1843.ich.nre, , ' INVITE THE ATTENTION OF

' " f abroad, to their Illustrated--JT of Packets, willbe forwarded n OMMisaos. particularsB7 Exchange on and of every deacription.

c. l. 'j 2i,":M- - "-,'ry- -cio;-

H. Ilackfekl A Co........ ................ f fee.C. Brewer as Co.Bi.thop 4 Co

Dr. R. W. Wood...H00.B.U. AllenP. C. Waiernao. Esq

: o37

saar b. willsa.ua, hbsbt t. blaicukd, chas. . moboas:



Commission Merchants,No. 213 California Street,


JANION, RHODES & CO.,Commission iTIercliahts,

Victoria, Yaaesarer'. Islaiad.; .:

S. B. Particular paid to consignments ofSand wickIsland Prsdaee--

Victoria, V. January 1.163. 733 ly


Commission Ilcrcliants,--JT i ' . , '

, .. t ..i

. AND At '; OF

J PACIFIC BARREL A M KEG COMPANYKrm prj. ArtrJ t i famish Kr(

Usnt:y reju.rra. and respet .

CM and Issasxl Pr .daoe.

lmn. B''hnp A Co...


nd Barrel Sbksiailly solicit consignments of

.Ilonolala- - U. HackfcUi 4r CoCastle A w

'- : OrPICElHa 403 California Street. San Francisco.

. . . r. .74 OOB .

BAIIROA & AUSTIN,'.. Zl'erchants & General CoBunission Agents,

t- - : N. 8. . .

, . .

XT. A fneral assortment of Ship Chandlery, Ships' Stores' Sad alt kinds o W baliag Oear 00 Iwnd.tOT Orders swpplied at the shortest noticav' sod lowest rates,

.- -.t p Wwssasay stills of Excnaiia-- e oegotiatad os th most fn.oc--,ftbie Ursa-s- . , , . . . 736 ly '

McCllACKEN. MERRILL, & Co.,t"' roRWARDijic and;''.c&dmssiorv iIierciiaivts,

Portland, Oregon. ''V' '.. - . ' j -

: (f tVlHO BEE.VEMUACGD IN ODRPROJE sent bosiaesa for upwards of seven yea,ra,. and keiog

located In a lire proof brick building, we are prepared to receive' Bad liswose of Island staples, such as Sugar, Rice, Puln,

CeoW, Aa., to ftdTattiaLgaw Coo sign meats espesbtlly solicited. tor tbs pregoa market, to which personal attention, will be paid,

and apoo wLich cash advances wiU be made when required.' ' Sabt Fbabcuco Rbvsssjicss:

' Bs-ljc- r k J as. Patrick A Co., 'Fred. Iken, W . T. ft Co.,rtereaa, BtXer A Co.

'1 POBTLAjrO XsrBMBCBSlAttta U Levi. . Ladd A Tiltoo. Leonard A Greea '

Hosolcxc RaruBscas:714 , Walker A Allen. . ly

q. mail... ...... ..a. a. wischcstbc..........t. . butss.

MAIN & WINCHESTER,ataacrACTcaaBa aid iMPoaTams or .

llarness, Saddles-'- , Bridles, Whips,SIDDLERY WIRE, ., '

NwS 14 staid 816 Battery S(.,Ssisi Fraaelac.' X. B. Qood assortmeiit Concord Stsge Harness const ntlyon hand. -- - 721 ly


Celebrated Oilmen's StoresALL OF SUPERIOR QUALITY.







, - '. PICKLED SALMO-- f.

racsa and locoftse berrixgs.frikd soles.












Fretk euppfiei Ue mbete mag alwmyt be had rem evertStorekeeper throughout World.

CAUTION.! prevent the fraud of teflflins; the bottles er Jars with native

pvuaocuons, wey anoom iiMnsN jr dettrofed. . ; when empty.

Goods should always be examined open delivery, to detect aayattempt at substitution of articles of inferior brands.

CROSSE & BLACKWELL,FCBTbTORS TO THE QUEEN, THE EMPEROR OF THBssf o aV r rt a war wv swvi v 4 -vu, m.hu mi Matt OF THK BELGIANS,

At th Pmrta ExhibUton of 1S8T, THREE Prise Medals wereawarded to CROSSE A 8 L AC & W K L L for markedsvperiortty wf their prodactions. 73 ij


Wlntcr'sr Metallic Paint J

As a protection for aR kinds of Sheds. Bofldinfr. Roofs, Boners,Iroa or Wood-wor- k exposed so the chsoges Incideat to a tropi-e- sl

elianatec It Is aali corrosive, resisu and dei.es4scay, and is the only armor which protects from all vicissitude.

t For Sale Wholesale fcy C. Brewer Co.,a4 at rsua by an enterprislnf dealers ia Paints. 744 6m


TODL, , .





White Goods, Perfumery, Pocket Cutlery,'HOSIERY, ZEPHYR WOOL, 4c, 4c.

HAVINR KESIDEST BCVERS IN THEin Europe, and being in direct cnnmonioitoi)

with (he manufactures, ire are enabled to get Uuoda on thebest terms and to sell accordingly.

Our'. Stock is the Largest on. the Pacific' Coast, and are invite the

Especial attention of Honolulu Merchantsto an examination of Hie same. '

Particular attention Klven to Orders.! .... - i . .!: ... .)


Corner Sutter 4 Sansome Streets,

,' Sow Fraactf, Cala.


--A-t: Cheapest Rates;'ID. NICHOLSON & CQ.,

Silk, Woolen & Manchester Warehousemen, (Wholesale and Retail)

: India, . Colonial and Foreign Outfitters, '


riven salewhaleshlps, Entabliabede. ! FAMILIES.r J- - reaidros; 120Line j containing full to Woolen, Silk ami lotion uJadi

Ilooolala bought sold. JCZ

Kohrs.!!!n.....;;.....HoBioi.' IIibernkerr, Jewellery,












Contractors Tor MiKtarr and Police Aeoontremxnts.Houaehold Musical Instruments, IrooAongery,

I'lre arms. Arriculturar Implements, Cutlery, Carriages,Saddlery and liaroess. Boots and Shoes, Wines. . ;

. Ales, Beers, Preserved butionery,.Books, Toys, 4c, Ac. . .. .

. fculpped at Lowest Export Prices.Sole Agents forthe Warner" and the " Briunnia" Sewing

ilacfaines (or the City of London. '.

ForeiKB Produce disposed of for ft Commission ol lr cent.Price List post fiee.

D. MCIIOL80X & Crt., '

--. AO, S 1 and 52 St. Paul's Churchyard, Loudon.

TERMS : Not lees than 60 per cent, to accompany Indentsand Balance against Bills of Lading. ' o29 8m

; W. K. LKVERIDGE,A. P.' ' ' " San. Francisco.




Forwarding &Comcii.ssioo Merchants3 1 S FROST STREET, CORNER COMMERCIAL, r

Particafaur attention paid to ConalKnmeBta ef Island Produce.022 ly



Sold by all Dealers thromhont the World.


finii" s?-- LEBRBTED :


" TQ BE THE ,' ',


CAUTION AGAINST FRAUD.soccess uf this most delicious snd nnriralled Condiment

having caased eenain dealers to apply the name of Worcestershire Sauce" to their own inferior compounds, the Public ishereby informed that the enly way to secure the geouina, is to

ASK FOR LEA & PERKINS' SAUCE.and to see that their names are upon the wrapper, label,Mtopper and bottle . ...,-;-...-


um of the forefrn markets having been sapplled with aspurious Worcestershire Sauce, upon the wrapper and lube Is ofwnleb Che assaes fcf Ln na Perrins have been forged, L. andP. five notice that they bare furnished their correspondentswith power of attorney to take instant proceedings againstManufacturers and vendors of such, or any outer invitationsby which their right may be infringed.


Ask for LEA A PERRINS SAL'CK ani see Name on Wrsp.per, Lnei, uottle, ana stopper.

Wholesale and for Export by the Worcester;Crosse and BlackweO,' London, &, Ac- - nd by Grocers andvtimen universally. 'd6 ly TBEO. U. PA VIES. Agent, Honolulu.



Tor pDlder-Knfie- ld of 677 bore, and forthe Henry, and .Martini-Henr- y Kifles ofAoO bore, adopted by Her WartJ , Department, also ofRifles.,,


4. j


600 bore for Military

CENTKAL-FIR-E METALLIC CARTRIDUK3 with enlargedEsse for small bores, adopted by ForeinuGovernments tor . converted - Chassepot,Berdan, aemios-ton-

, and other Rifle. ; alsoCartridges foi Balliird, the Spencer, andAmerican uenry itepeaung KiUes.


The "If.KY BOXER" are the cheapest!uartrldges known, carry ing their own Iirn!-- "




SI whi U uX o0 O



Uon.and beinK made wholly of meUI, are and imperiih&hie ia any climate. ..(,:,.



The above Cartridge (empty) of all sises. and for thedifferent systems of Breech-loadin- g Rifles, can. be had with orwithout the suitable Ballets and Machines the Cartridges.

BOXER CARTRIDGES of ISO bore for Rerolrtao- - Pistols.used in Her Majesty's Nary.











' COPPER RIM-FIR- E CARTRIDGES of stl slees, for Smithil Wessoos. Trauter's, and other Pocket Revolvers.

fur Lafaacheax Revolvers of 12-m- r. 9--

and l'. bore., . . ., -

CKNTRAL-FIR-B aad PIN-FIR- E CARTRIDGES for all sisesand systems of Gans, Rifles, and Revolvers. . . . . v

I voooje w sterproof ana a. i. ;sps, rscent Wire Cartridges,felt ban, wanaings lor ureecn ana jjuzxle leaders, and everydescription of Sporting and Military Ammunition.


CRAV'S TNN ROAD. LONDON.1; .1 . "' "73tf VfHOLESALK ONLYi eowly

j;iioT7& cd i

JCST RECEIVED DIRECT. FROM THEvia an Francisco, a full assortment of

CO OKI fS C STOVES!' PIhU and Extension Tops, all sizes and prices.'



-, 1-- 2, 3-- 4, Ji 1 l-- 2i :.:..- -


.. ;.. :. .... akd ' ; .

2Ianj; Otliejr Articles in Oar ' Line- : WHICH TO! 5;-.;!- ;

Offer, at the Lowest Market Prices. "",



A FEW OF THE A1IERICAU' BE0ILEB,- An erpel Wit article for broiling meat, may be nsed '

.;j - - . .; 00 any Stove, .

We hope hereafter to keep a full and well assorted, - stock of L," '

Coolcingr Stoves, &c; &c.Now having a very large invoice Just shipping per.

M SYREN, via Boston. 2m



AKD WARRANTED. . . . ' ,,C3T The above Beef is packed by an experienced Butcher

eared la Liverpool Salt, and packed in Turk's Island Salt.The west reference eaa be given. For sale In quantities tosuit by





f Standing Treat; A traveler may go all overtlio continents' of lluropo, Asia and friea, with-

out seeing any man, except an American, ofi'er to"treat";'' and the French are quite Bocial enough kbut When they turn into a cafe to'sip their wineand brnndied cofleJ together,' each man pays forhis own. '..When two Germans, long separated,tnect,,tuey will Le very, likely tu embrace andthen to turn into an adjacent beer cellar, Bit downand drink lager .and eat pretzels and chat; butwhen they part again' each man settles his ownscore independently.'- - So in .Italy. The Italiansare proverbially merry and generous, but everyman pays for his own wine,' macaroni and cigars.They never go into each other's pocket books intho sacred name o friendship. - They wuukl assoon think of transferring to eauil other theirwasher-woma- n' bill.. : : lf

The prepoctexou8 fashion of " treating ' is re-

sponsible for the terrible drunkenness in America.There would be as little need 'of temperance so-

cieties and like work for the Good Templars asthere is in Germany, France and Italy, if thispernicious and insidious habit was abolished. . Itis, take it all in all, the most ridiculous, the mostunreasonable, and .the most pestilent custom thatever laid its tyrannical hand on civilized humanbeings!

. ;, ....... ;

The TIevival of Cider Drixkixg.' Iu the courseof an editorial on the rise, progress, decline and re-

vival of cider-drinkin-g in' Maine, the PortlandPrtss says: - -

'This vear theauantitv of annles is bo treat that'


it inis as

or barrels, atis regaled it is I - ..r01

in 10 1 " " 1 '01 aa



ut. I nn iii







; : .




" I '' "&

: . : , .

Clarets'. ' if '

. ,



WATER. .; '

y.-- t '.

and and- ' ' 'of

' ' : "vi .

of tmsorpaased in'

i of ' ;







. ( jA . -

. .

Cheap ."







ia di'.

. ; in' '"' in

for :



; i


The Friends in England, faithfulcharity which

become ainutog them, underrto collect a for.

beneiBti sufferersFrench War, as

libera!in direction sufficed

rartial.! distress districts

on of almot tof people

upon them, noforeign

also, extremeas advances of

destitute bitterness jaction, Society Friends into

A central of twentychosen

sits Loudon,formed in


similar to formed by English Friendsduring The amountsalready or. reachSeveral Friends have already

prices have compelled farmers o I orgent and others will follow.them to ine mill. V megar coratnandd a good f out documents from tnerrench andFrussianprice, but the most of gets nipped the ambassadors in London, copies of we sub-a- s

It were, and intercepted a while j,,,-,,-.

One of is stationed atit in a transition state,; ,Tbcre is cider ?very: nrilBaftT hi BnrwPlntnV) tne nA r..where. Every has one twoleast, and every guest wiiu.ll, while

warding eentlemauIt a J i: J j: l j.to steady r. uiepoii x and formations

mat iriguiiui see. j . j - lactones iiiruugnoui civiuzeu wurju.stage stops to change hut the passengers ensrge, a central oepoi lor eiotn- -drink In the all who are able ing materials, latter of will.bethis year sent out all their orders to the country up by women inenda.for cider,' Its unusual abundance makes it so cheap I Other denominations placethat new are opened for it never contributions disposal, giting notice

before. The whole land been ransacked pulpits, and in some instancesuuv cuuuu iu u 11 appeals publicly. Jiut the Friends that, in aaccident burst the wholo k 't. - nnAV..uAn

"ld be 8ubtaeret'd several feet nee(f he benevolent in other






Selected with the Greatest Care








Saddlery, Groceries, j

Paints nnd Oils,' Wall Paper,

GERMAN ALE & PORTER...V ;.'...!In quarts and pints Schroeder's Star brand.j'.'.i- - r: r; , v, ..,Best Trench and Brandy

:( Iu and cases.

...BJiine Wine, Gennine Holland Gin; In cases and bulk.



.i f)

f..j "..- i s

Ladies, Genfs Boots Shoes--.1 the best makeaud manufticture.

Cascs ofToys and BoIls,TWO SPLENDID !.".....

B0SEW00D COTTAGE PIANOS,the newest pattern, and brilliincy

i .'. .'' tone.-- ,

Larse and FI re-pro- of Iron Safe-a-,


numeroas mention,

Suitable for Town & Country Trade,


'A. 1 H


s --at. 33

Fresh Oysters, No. 1 Hawaiian Rioe,

Best Island Paddy, Manila and 9 In.

Havana' Cigars, best in the Market.California and Cbeese,

Boxes Salad Oil, Forest, Rose Tobacco,

Occt's Famishing Goods American', etc.

For Sale nt the Store of! , C.

6m ' Fort Street.

"J'il lra

WRITINGHand and For Sale

MATNARD Sc. REST BLACK INK,quarts, pints and cones.

Davids' best Black Ink. pints and oon-- s.

Davids' best Ink, quarts and pints.Msynard Noyea best Copying Ink, quarts and pints.Bank London best Copying; Ink, quarts and pints.

Writing Fluid quarts and pints, receivedrect from London. ;

Arnold's Copying Fluid, ...David's best Blue Ink, cones;David's best Carmine Ink, glass stands;Indelible Ink, marking linen.

None but the Best of Writing Ink kept saleBy H. M.


Movement iorrthe I oV Sufferers bythe European War The Friends

'iyi;t't''-i'-h 111 the FieltLsffifffn )Society of to.

the Bentiments of humanity andtraditional have

taken and administer subscriptionthe of the non-combat- by the

and German distinguished fromsoldiers relieved by the funds for the 6ick andwounded. The efforts already made in.England this have not formore thou and temporary, relief, for the

is' vast and immensethe coast Franco being devabtated,

and thousands' left penniless'nrid home-

less, with winter close and pros-pect.- of

help tbut from benevolence. InGerbiatiy, many cases of' sufferingoccur, and the season the sufferingthe must increase-- in The

taken by the of Englandobtain relief is characteristically wise and

practical. committee ofmembers, from the and

provinces, permanently in and .localcommittees have been connection withthem all over the kingdom. This organization is

that thethe Irish famine of 1847.

promised subscribed $20,000,'gone to the suffering

districts, to investigate and relieve speciallythe low carry cases', Those going

still bearbud,' which

beverage the committeesis ,;f.!;nn.

farmer of A Hebrew indaily uw rieuusrrBouiogne, the- - of.

mmiiy qnueborses all

cider. city, have and the whichmade the

are tochannels where their

flowed has their reading 'theirvarrt-- tue-j- r suomu feel

by. any simultaneously, rhr!Q; cider ag0 tbe aid of "coun- -









theSwiss, Limberg







of the principal cities of the United States. ineluding our own, to organize and solicit subscrip-tions and assistance here for the same benevolentpurpose. ' There .ia no doubt a yearning in thehearts of the .'people, of this country to render as-sistance to the unhappy sufferers by this greatwar, whose calamities . experience has enabledmany of us to realize. This large and prevalentsympathy has to a large extent been passivehitherto, waiting the best way to be offered forits exercise, and that want is now met. The in-tegrity and activity, the , business, habits, the

t sound judgment, the order and system of theV--: .'J.r iT ,i iicuue, m c no yiuveruitii no iueir iiuinaniiy, anahence they are at once recognized as reliable andefficient agents in such a work. J In the year ofthe Irish iamine, the benevolent of this countryavailed themselves of the agency of the Friends touibiriouie tneir conmouttons. menow proposed from this side, without respect todenominations, can perhaps be more effectuallycarried out in than any other manner. Wetrust that their appeals will meet response which,in connection with that of other nations, will besufficient to relieve the immense and bitter suffer-ings of our afflicted European fellowmen. ' Afterthe battle of Leipsic, in 1813, 300,000 wereraised the United Kingdom for the distressedpeasantry and ; others in . (bermony. :; Wo doubtLireat Britain will do even more now, for the ne-cessity is greater. Let it be our ambition to rivalher in such good deeds rather than in war.

Subjoined are the documents of the French andPrussian ambassadors referred to above, withwhich, in addition to passports, each of theFriends going to the scene ofsuffering is furnished ;

From the French Ambassador. I

: We, the. charge d'affaires of France at Londonbeg the military and civil authorities of the Frenchrepublic to allow to pass Messrs.' William Jonesand Henry J.. Allen, English subjects, and mem-bers of the religions society called Quakers, goingto France in order to relieve those suffering underthe present war...- - .. . . ; .

;?' : From the Prussian Ambassador,We, the undersigned, minister of state and am-

bassador for the King- - of the North GermanConfederation at the Court of Great Britain, re-quest humbly tlio German ' military und civilauthorities to assist the bearers of. this, Messrs.William. Jones and Henry J. Allen,, in their mission. They go in the name of a religious society j ;



l.a: i




called Quakers jtq relieve, tli ts whohave suffered through this War. .Doing so in thoFrench tfilttfcts; they :ore acting wtti the perfectKnowledge and understanding of the.,. Germanauthorities. -- j4m: Paper.

The .National' Capital , Question Letterii om iiir.. utreeiey.1. iU-


Horace preeley wrote a letter to the' NationalCapital Convention at Cincinnati in response to;an invitation to be present. Tt was rather difficult io 'decipher ; ulUe editor of the Cincinnatilimes, lifter, tfiarrv 1 lioui-- a of i hard ftudr. mado. T a.out that Horace waKh't com ing.4,The Times says:: ; We are not quite certain regarding his winti-- j,

ments on the question, of removing tho Capital:As near as we 'can gather, however, from hishieroglyphics-- , fie taees- - his butterresisting- - the codfish encumbers of Cincinnati at25 cents a pound. t -

Ic is not possible (continues Horace) that 1

should ever stole them again. " As' pudding is a'reprotich to conic sections, the. very gayest con- -vcyaucos of our, cemeteries, are tintrue, ana --pur- L . - t-- rl Treserves nre oanKrupc. owui your nicest ran te-op- es

in Washington: un til if s wims in an unfor-tunate location. All the McCartys are'sure tobe veneered unless they accept moral polecats. Ibought four of the earliest, and suffered fearfully uudeffnable croftecut-baw- s

bought all the nuts and lozenges of theEcumenical .Council? - Tne - babe tt - rederalparentace is the bearer of its own 'two-hor- re

lumber wagon;. It pquealedwheri jurrounded by'a dose of. Widow Cliquot. s. Experimented on bythe population of repeating voters in myraids totne ueieut 01 tue nuuticat anciiovies unu tuuiaweo.It swelled to. a forest of artichokes, and amid thesolitude of rosin barrels thus inviting the Bois de

draughts of consumption accommodatingine are i.o , - cueese ine









The above may appear a little obscure bn jhrst"reading, but a little attention will convince thomost skeptical that Horace is right.

Bismarck ox thk Situation. An observant man.writine from Europe, reads as. follows:

I have bt-e- n quite entertained by some of Bismarck 8 supposed sayiugs, but tne following is socharacteristic lbat.it ,is very likely it is real: Ona certain, day Ji8uiarc was iu goou Humor,' although it is well known that he ia subject te sppllsof muteness accompanied with a savageness ; whichnothing can disarm, sometimes, however, he hasfits of frankness sand, of plain talk which take pigtail !( 'diplomats of the old- - school, all tmack. In one ofthese pleasant humors and in conversation with anknglisb diplomatist, the latter remarked in regardto the present contest :

" This is truly; a terrible war." Bismarck replied "It mure than a war it is an historicalphase of which; all we see is only an expression.The old (f. e. existing) European society is in thecourse of - crumbling or passing away, and newfoci or eermiualive develonments of civilizationare fu" process or formation. ' Unhappily to, bringthis about force (or the exertion of violence) isnecessary war tor every bringiag forth (of anew existence) as of a child, is a tearinir to pieces "

referring to the pains of labor whose excessiveseverity constitutes one of the most frequent bib-lical families.

"Now, said the great Prime Minister. Voltaire declared be loved Germany and that he found butone fault wilb it there were too many Germans.Now. without being as" great a man as he was. Iwould remark that it was German v's misfortunethat she 'did not possess enorb 'Frenehmei.-'arlitd- -

ing to the German claims and intention of annexingloose portions 01 t ranee of which Germany hadbeen gradually robbed, including Alsace. Lorraine,.

jxi xi-- - : 1we mrre uisuupncs, an 01 wmcQ nave oeen

s:. i j ' - .' ; i .1 .(. . jr r, r; In a Bavarian camp before Metz a sudden shot

whas heard on a very dark night, and rumors ofa French sortie were, rife. The officer of thepickets visited the outpoBt wlio had fired, andasked him the cause.' -- " A Frenchmari ' wascrawling up to me on his. hands and knees."Did you challenge him before firing,-an- whatanswer did he make?" " Yes.-- did. but hoonly said,' Oui ! Oui ! ' and kept on ; so I fired ! " I

l'U J : 1 1 ; . j. . . mAlio jiuuiiu vicinity wsui imuieuiaieiy anacarefully patrolled, and before long the unfortu-nate " Ouij "Oui,"-!'- ' was discovered, mortallywounded. He was raised on his bind legs amidshouts of laughter, and proved to be at very finewild boar, and was nt .once handed oyer to themess.

. The pigeon ruail from, Paris suggests to athe fulfiliraent of the Scripture proph--

esv : 44 1 or a bird of too air shall carrv the voiee.and that which hath wings shall tell the matter."

S PA' R K LI N O II O C K , In quarts and pints. J' "15 U G IZ- S IS IP ES S1









. . . . ..: .X'ilO CtCli j .xC ? C.t? TttroO--.'. Of

r " ! . ,az--i :i T f 1 : .'. :'U? r" 'im!'; jr

swai... Jv .. 1.

.', as a a s a9 I' .. ; v. .: : . . " : : ...

, , . .... . .



t -:--, )








. . a. - . v - - s t




Well Known Good Quality of Cakes and PastriesIS PREPARED FROM

" -

. i.Ji .Vi


O N HAND, Tliis ay toSell aU;Plaiadf.;:rop Sticlc Candiesh : .:



Prom '10 Lbs. upwards at 25 cents per pound Cash.'

New styles ladies' trimmed aTs. CrXTITl. I BO P S , made of Iure' CriiKi Arabic,


At Fifty Cents per Lb, Retail.


Snch as, Fpndans, Chocolate, Eose, Vanilla, Lemon, and other Creams, at same rate..... . . ;.."!..; : . ;?.ul :.' u: j'Oi: -- ay . :::..:: j


Farcliasers of my Good ' miay'Vest. assured: ,. THAT ALL; . ;r , ,

k.rtloleo bl 3L o ,strict x y; - - As all Goods are Manufactured by Myself or 'under my supervision.

r I I r ; 1 .:?



f --17,


..: '.





.T- - ' ' '. ' '' : '. : - - ;

, ' j - s .' ' Delivered to any Part of Honolulu. . . . - ,

All kinds of the Finest German j. Milk, Butter and FancyBread,. ' " ''' " ' 'l .'' '

- v '' ', . -

, , . .FOR COFFEE,


' M'-.- i '- : i ; V !. - V ....",' ' ' ' ' . . .... .1 ' v.

" ' r-- ' 1 - ' ;

7 .'r 'li-F- m HORUT, Hotel St.! lTd. --SSKXT DOOR TO C. E. WILLIAMS, HOJiOLCLlT.





i t O T

mrsfA.i:E-O- N AND TIlE.UeiTTAWSORTMKM. ered Honolulu snmug whii h may be fouod sisalard

i h, "'

. 1 1 t v . f wT'"" .. j,.'.

TIfle i?at.t:rjv cookNow. Beantitsil Fniully Store.

.' ' ' 1 ' - f


r s ,

i .. U 'l . a.

: ,

well pattern j No. a Urge House, llestaursnt sr MoM

' 2 :; l:'Z 'U - ' ' --" '

TTS'v-'t- i





'' r i.

. . - t




S, Boarding


K';h, mKvru


17 ' ' "" '"4',W j .. .iv. ..... ; - i

!'. V''--'- 1 K!i-:- i :.Lf-- 'v-rv- i -.r .".

.l.t,.-- i


iMiliiisflBFROM- BOSTON.


Cases .White Cotton Tii read j, i Bales India Rubber Uose,, .

Cases Americas Blacking, i

Cases IIun:'s Handled 'Axes, '

. Cases Charcoal Irons,Cases MeMurray's Oysters, .V.'. :

; Kegs Saltpeter (comle sain lire), . , j .

V.. ..V.'lrrels Tork'e aland BA', elc., 'etc. , .

' . 1











ff 1

.1.. v- - -- ' 4LBtT !..CASES OF. LADIES!! GAITERS!' Balmorals, Kid Slippers.

Cases' Men'sfBdots;;aiid; S'hoes.


- Cases ' 'CIiUdren'8 ' Slioes;1 '"': - ....... v . . .....



r n


$ fi






New and Desirable Goods !

j. sele'cedViti'i tiie ,

Greatest Care Expressly for' this Maiket.

.' .. ; -- tcu as--. r-'- ,'( ' ' ' '



. &c.'

&c.',. , - &c.'..


For Sal to Arrivenl9 3m it Br TIIEOD. Cm IIEUCK.

UUW lilAP OP tusxIlawaiian Islands and North' Pa tific.

JUST RECEIVED, A MAP Of TRC IlaIslands and Islands Northweei of this Group- as Airae Midway .Island, with alt the Reefs, Av Ieed by theHydro graphic Bureau, Washington, and for sale ty

..;..U.Jw,. V lilt ;

Plymooth Collection.HAND AND FOR SALE. TME V- -

Collection of Hymns and Tunes.

f . I 'i- r t I

u. M.wnrrsiY

OF COO KINO &familr 7! 8'0t,


' ( t -

THE --BAR.ST0V7 t '

, ', 2 i 4, fwr S.uall La,'I



A known durabU for




" f. .J

1 V " ; . K ..

THE SAMrUi COOK,, . for a Medium Family.

ririao O r - A H ti ,11m , Fur a fJl Fsntily BIHj.'s CaUu

-- ALbO-


" " cost.1

Also, Farmer' CnlFor Wood, 21, 30 and 30 Oallora;

A very osefulboller, with furuaoej lor lirtes u

'Ail' the above STOVES wita 7


At. Prices to Suit: thetil9

THE; HOWllll! II10.

--LlH l . i.NAKB ALL KIN 1)8 OF..


SUtiAR MILLS, WINl) MlLl-S- ,' ' ' " " Vacuum tans, clarifii. . , centrifugal' maci;

' ' BOILERS, lt)0LD


. i ; ; TAa'KI,


CASTINGS IN IRON, BHASS il.L,, y$lm&spo Ordurand purtioulm

S laip SmithiiAnthracite, UumbGrlanJCJ Oa hand and lor SU Al'

Valves, Cotis, and Bras Work of all kinds.

ft Jpnttif ii4 Wire Clirls, ef rerioiwr.UJ A rikxlocUnK, Rnl,irpi.kr(it;!''i.' t JHil'taKl Wbqwa, lee J!d,

Suam and watwUoilcr tuljing,

hafling, Bar. plate and anuria Iron,biJlMMt. rtersplron,

Bolta, Waahers,!--


..'i.AtW-- .i.m TTt rITT


Small sisod Hugar MUl, JHina.ll sized Butfar MiU for cattle pow. ""Horisontal Steam Enpne, 1018, senond hawV

Turbine Wheels for running omiUixbk"

head water,Boiling down apparal us, ,

Horse rower for oentriuKal machine,

Upriffut Boiler, home power,Small Tubular Boih.-r- , h'irse pow,Centrifuifal .Machines siul engine dri"k

second hand. . '. .

4N. B.' Sawlncand Wooo'











8 in




t i rf.



For which the Works havo imnsual facilili


n t fi

I f 1





ofII a1 6

I ttoj


j7 .Aliliiui:5JLi,Hi1'




Sonerior to an.by

vlnthe ir.srfca.aoJ for ! I Jw '





Iiauios For S.il

"riorKd ricb-tone- d W ,,(ftjOne fin. 7-- cUr. re- -


.VAsilegs, a very .uprlor j,


Chart of the XforUj

. or sale by U-'- )


1sr MISPiMjtys. ' sr - .w-- 4




