JSON TouchDevelop cloud service API JSON TouchDevelop cloud service API TouchDevelop cloud execution...

JSON TouchDevelop cloud service API TouchDevelop cloud execution API

Transcript of JSON TouchDevelop cloud service API JSON TouchDevelop cloud service API TouchDevelop cloud execution...

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JavaScript Object Notation – Based on a subset of JavaScript

Programming Language - Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999


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• “Lightweight data-interchange format.• Easy for humans to read and write.• Easy for machines to parse and generate.• Has a text format is completely independent

of any programming language.• Has conventions that is familiar to

programmers of basic languages (c, c++, java, Perl, Phyton, etc.)”[1]

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Its Structure

• JSON is built on two structures:• “A collection of name/value pairs. In various

languages, this is realized as an object, record, struct, dictionary, hash table, keyed list, or associative array.”[1]

• “An ordered list of values. In most languages, this is realized as an array, vector, list, or sequence.”[1]

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An Object

“Object an unordered set of name/value pairs.

An object begins with { (left brace) and ends with } (right brace). Each name is followed by : (colon) and the name/value pairs are separated by , (comma).”[1]

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• Examples of objects:myObject1 = {};

myObject2 = { "first": “Harry", "last": “Potter", "age": 17, "sex": "M“ };

myObject2.age returns 17myObject2[“age"] returns 17

myObject3 = { "first": “Harry", "last": “Potter", "age": 17, "sex": "M“, “favorites” : { “sports”: “Quiddich” ,

“class”: “Defense against the Dark arts”, “professor”: “Dumbledore” } };

myObject3. favorites.sports returns Quiddich myObject3[“favorites "][“sports"] returns Quiddich

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An Array

“Array is an ordered collection of values.

An array begins with [ (left bracket) and ends with ] (right bracket). Values are separated by , (comma).”[1]

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Example of JSON Arrays

• myArray1 = [];• myArray2 = [ [], {} ];• myArray3 = [ “Harry Potter", 17, true, null ]

myArray3[2] returns true

• myArray4 = [ { "name": “Harry", "age": 17 }, { "name": “Ron", "age": 17}, { "name": “Gini", "age": 16} ]

myArray4[0].name returns Harry

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“A value can be a string in double quotes, or a number, or true or false or null, or an object or an array..”[1]

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“A string is a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters, wrapped in double quotes, using backslash escapes.A character is represented as a single character string. A string is very much like a C or Java string.”[1]

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TouchDevelop cloud service API

• All TouchDevelop scripts are stored and analyzed in the cloud.

• TouchDevelop exposes a set of web services to query scripts, users, comments, screenshots, reviews, leaderboard scores, and tags.

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Conventions used..

• HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

• REST : Representational State Transfer– All APIs are REST based.

• JSON– APIs return either structured JSON objects or plain


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• All APIs are exposed via URLs of the form http://www.touchdevelop.com/api/....

• The results of all requests under the /api/ prefix return results which are not meant for direct human consumption.

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count, continuation

• While querying lists results are returned in batches.

• &count=[count] parameter can be added with value between 10 to 1000.

• &applyupdates=true to return latest updates.• Non-empty continuation token in JASON

response -> add query parameter &continuation=[continuation].

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Publication ids

• Each script, user, comment, screenshot, review, tag has a unique id, in general referred to as its publication id. Example of userid “id":"ahdg“Example of scriptid "id":"byxb“Example of commentid “id":"lqmhwzoh"

• Publication ids are sequences of lower-case latin letters, at least four letters long. The ids are randomly assigned by TouchDevelop.

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APIsThe following queries return lists that enumerate all available objects.

• /api/scripts queries all scripts;• optional parameters: ?count=[number]&continuation=[token]&etagsmode=[etagsmode]&q=[text]

• /api/users queries the list of users; • optional parameters:


• /api/comments queries the list of comments;• optional parameters:


• /api/screenshots queries the list of screenshots;• optional parameters:


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APIs condt…• /api/reviews queries the list of reviews; • optional parameters:


• /api/tags queries the list of all tags; • optional parameters:


• /api/art queries the list of all art; • optional parameters:


• /api/documents queries the list of all documents; optional parameters: ?count=[number]&continuation=[token]&etagsmode=[etagsmode]&q=[text]

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APIs condt…The following queries return lists that enumerate a particular subset of all available objects.• /api/search?q=[text] performs a full-text search over users, scripts, comments, tags,

features; pass the search text as a URL-encoded query parameter; • optional parameters:


• /api/new-scripts queries scripts ordered by time;• optional parameters:


• /api/top-scripts queries scripts ordered by popularity; • optional parameters:


• /api/featured-scripts queries list of featured scripts; • optional parameters:


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Example URIs• /api/scripts?count=20• /api/scripts?count=20&continuation=S2520837450019190298-oylo• /api/search?q=missile• /api/users?count=100• /api/users?q=samples• /api/comments?count=1000• /api/comments?q=awesome• /api/screenshots?count=1000• /api/reviews?count=1000• /api/tags?count=1000• /api/tags?count=1000&q=games

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JSON format

• Each JSON-formatted response contains a kind field that states the type of the response; depending on the kind, other fields are available.

• The following kinds and other fields may be returned

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• kind: "list"• items: array of items• continuation: continuation token (if non-

empty string)

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List example..

• {"kind":"list","items":[{"kind":"tag","time":1335530617,"id":"games","url":"http://www.touchdevelop.com/games","name":"games","category":"","description":"Any kind of games.","instances":308,"topscreenshotids":["lrqqerul","zvvyyfqh","lstx","mmrr","ansm"]},{"kind":"tag","time":1335565368,"id":"action","url":"http://www.touchdevelop.com/action","name":"action","category":"games","description":"Action games titles including side-scrollers, first-person shooters, fighting, and others.","instances":84,"topscreenshotids":["uasumlvm","aygja","stdn","auvfspbj","pqbv"]},{"kind":"tag","time":1335565548,"id":"board","url":"http://www.touchdevelop.com/board","name":"board","category":"games","description":"Chess, Roulette, and all other board and casino games.","instances":67,"topscreenshotids":["lgrzrzcj","ofmvdhlw","dynj","fzwokzbc","lyss"]} ],"continuation":null}

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script• kind: "script"• time: time when script was created• id: script id• url: script website for human consumption• name: script name• description: script description• userid: user id of user who published script• username: user name• userscore: user score• userhaspicture: whether the user has a picture• icon: script icon name• iconbackground: script icon background color• iconurl: script icon picture url• positivereviews: number of users who added to this script♥

• subscribers: number of users subscribed to this script• comments: number of discussion threads• screenshots: number of screenshots• capabilities: array of capabilities used by this script; each capability has two fields: name, iconurl• haserrors: whether this script has any compilation errors• rootid: refers to the earliest script along the chain of script bases• updateid: refers to the latest published successor (along any path) of that script with the same name and from the same user• ishidden: whether the user has indicated that this script should be hidden• islibrary: whether the user has indicated that this script is a reusable library• installations: an approximation of how many TouchDevelop users have currently installed this script• runs: an estimate of how often users have run this script• librarydependencyids: a list of script ids that are referenced as libraries• art: number of art used by this script• toptagids: ids of top tag given by most users

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Script example..

{"kind":"script","time":1359035344,"id":"mhmi","url":"http://www.touchdevelop.com/mhmi","name":"Ohm\u0027s law","description":"A classic Ohm\u0027s Law converter.","userid":"pboj","username":"TouchDevelop Samples","userscore":1265,"userhaspicture":true,"icon":"AlmostEqual","iconbackground":"#FFA500","iconurl":"http://cdn.touchdevelop.com/c04/frdz.png","positivereviews":1,"subscribers":0,"comments":0,"screenshots":0,"capabilities":[],"platforms":["webonly"],"flows":[],"haserrors":false,"rootid":"xtcbb","updateid":"pnwf","ishidden":false,"islibrary":false,"installations":0,"runs":0,"librarydependencyids":[],"art":0,"toptagids":[],"screenshotthumburl":null,"screenshoturl":null}

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user• kind: "user"• id: user id• url: user website for human consumption• name: user name• about: user's about-me text• features: number of features used by that user• receivedpositivereviews: number of given to this user's scripts ♥

and comments• subscribers: number of users subscribed to this user• score: overall score of this user• haspicture: whether this user has a picture

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User example..

• {"kind":"user","id":"pboj","url":"http://www.touchdevelop.com/pboj","name":"TouchDevelop Samples","haspicture":true,"about":"Sample scripts written by the TouchDevelop team","features":667,"receivedpositivereviews":556,"subscribers":129,"score":1265}

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• kind: "comment"• time: time when comment was created• id: comment id• url: comment website for human consumption• text: comment text• userid: user id of user who published comment• username: user name• userscore: user score• userhaspicture: whether the user has a picture• publicationid: script id that is being commented on, or parent comment id if nestinglevel>0• publicationname: script name• publicationkind: "script"• nestinglevel: 0 or 1• positivereviews: number of users who added to this comment♥

• subscribers: number of users subscribed to this comment• comments: number of nested replies available for this comment

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{"kind":"comment","time":1353615800,"id":"rjykstvu","url":"http://www.touchdevelop.com/rjykstvu","text":"Awesome :)","userid":"pboj","username":"TouchDevelop Samples","userscore":1265,"userhaspicture":true,"publicationid":"bgxdjdlb","publicationname":"Draw3D","publicationkind":"script","nestinglevel":1,"positivereviews":0,"subscribers":0,"comments":0}

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• kind: "review"• time: time when review was created• id: review id• userid: user id of user who published review• username: user name• userscore: user score• userhaspicture: whether the user has a picture• publicationid: script id that is being reviewed• publicationname: script name• publicationkind: "script" or "comment"• ispositive: "true" indicates a ♥

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• kind: "tag"• time: time when tag was created• id: tag id• url: tag website for human consumption• name: tag name• category: tag category (if any)• description: tag description• instances: how often the tag was applied

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Other JSON objects…

• screenshot• art• leaderboardscore• document

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Using ETags in list queries

• &etagsmode=[etagsmode] for list queries can be used to reduce the data transfers required to perform queries and responses.

“The etagsmodecan be one of the following.

• includeetags: The list response will not only contain a items field, but also an ids field, containing an array of objects of the form { "id": $id, "ETag": $hash }, indicating the ETag value that a separate /api/$id request would have returned for each $id.

• etagsonly: The list response will contain an ids field, and items will be omitted.”[2]

Examples:• /api/scripts?etagsmode=includeetags• /api/scripts?etagsmode=etagsonly

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ETag/If-None-Match headers

• “Every successful response contains an ETag header representing a stable hash derived from the content of the response.

• This hash can be passed in as part of a future

request via a If-None-Match header. If the content matches the given hash, a 304 Not modified response status code is returned and the unchanged response content is omitted.”[2]

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Publications properties.With publication id, we can query certain properties.We can get the script text, or its compiled abstract syntax tree by querying /api/[scriptid]/text and/api/[scriptid]/ast.

• /api/[id] info about a script, user, comment, screenshot, review, tag or art

• /api/[scriptid]/text raw text of a script; optional parameters: ?original=[boolean]

• /api/[scriptid]/ast compiled abstract syntax tree of a script

• /api/[scriptid]/successors list of all successor scripts of a script; • optional parameters:


• /api/[scriptid]/base base script of a script

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Publication properties API..

• /api/[scriptid or userid or tagid]/screenshots list of all screenshots for a script or from a user or associated with a tag; optional parameters:

• ?count=[number]&continuation=[token]&etagsmode=[etagsmode]

• /api/[commentid or scriptid or userid]/reviews list of all reviews for a comment or script or from a user; optional parameters: ?count=[number]&continuation=[token]&etagsmode=[etagsmode]

• /api/[scriptid or userid]/leaderboardscores list of all leaderboard scores for a script or from a user; optional parameters: ?count=[number]&continuation=[token]&etagsmode=[etagsmode]&recent=true

• /api/[scriptid or userid or commentid or tagid]/subscribers list of all subscribers of a script or user or comment or tag; optional parameters: ?count=[number]&continuation=[token]&etagsmode=[etagsmode]

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Examples:• /api/ecvs for the info about script with id /ecvs; status code 404 if no such script id• /api/ecvs/text for the raw text of the script with id /ecvs; status code 404 if no such script

id• /api/ecvs/ast for the compiled abstract syntax tree of /ecvs; status code 404 if no such

script id

• /api/fhxu/base for the base script of /fhxu; status code 404 if no base exists

• /api/pboj/scripts for a list of all scripts by the user /pboj• /api/pboj/comments for a list of all comments by the user /pboj• /api/pboj/screenshots for a list of all screenshots by the user /pboj• /api/pboj/reviews for a list of all reviews by the user /pboj• /api/pboj/leaderboardscores for a list of all leaderboard scores by the user /pboj

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batch requests

• “Bundling involves encoding HTTP requests and responses in JSON form.

• POST request to /api, with a JSON body containing a batch of requests.

• A batch request may include at most 50 individual requests.”[2]

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Batch request example..

• HTTP Request:• GET http://touchdevelop.com/api/$path If-None-Match: $hash

• Encoded JSON as:

• { "method": "GET", "relative_url": "$path", "If-None-Match": "$hash" }

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Batch request example..

• Bundling an array of requests• [ $request1, $request2, ..., $requestN ]

• JSON-encoded form, as follows.• { "array": [ $request1, $request2, ..., $requestN ], "If-None-Match": "$hash" }

• Responses come in array form as well.• { "code": 200, "array": [ $response1, $response2, ..., $responseN ],

"ETag": "$hash" }

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TouchDevelop cloud execution API

“Cloud execution enables us to access scripts remotely and run them in the cloud.”[3]

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experimental research features.under heavy development.No access restrictions.

• http, rest, jsonAll APIs are exposed as REST services; the APIs

return structured JSON objects.

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• Format:• /api/[scriptid]/run/[actionname]?$


’$’ must be included Named action must not be a private or must

not be an event.

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• “Arguments when not supplied takes corresponding default values.

• Parameter kinds supported are:BooleanNumberStringDateTime• If any other kind, the execution engine assigns

the corresponding default values.”[3]

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Response format

• If successful:{ "success": true, "result": [result1, result2, …] }

• If unsuccessful:{ "success": false, "error": errorMsg }

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Action request to the cloud:• /api/irdk/run/get%20rates?$from=JPY&$to=RUB

Successful response returned:• { success: true, result: [true, 0.4066356021376903] }

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Action request to the cloud:• /api/irdk/run/get%20rate?$from=JPY&$to=RUB yields

Failed response with error message:• { success: false, error: "Cannot find action get rate in script

irdk" }

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global state

• “Scripts that use global state are also supported via cloud execution.

• The current model assigns a separate global state on a per-script/per-user basis and stores it in the cloud. It is persisted between separate calls to the cloud execution API.

• Execution is done starting from a default global state, and the final state is not persisted at the end of execution if the user is not logged in.

• Concurrent access to the same script by the same user is managed using “last-update-wins” policy.”[3]

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• “Not all TouchDevelop APIs are supported.

• If a script invokes an unsupported API, then script execution will continue using the result value invalid.

• The list of encountered unsupported APIs is returned as part of the JSON response in a field called unsupported.

• Maximum execution time is limited and depends on system load.”[3]

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[1] http://www.json.org/

[2] https://www.touchdevelop.com/help/cloudservices

[3] https://www.touchdevelop.com/help/cloudexecution