Journey to the Centre of the Earth

by Jules Verne


powerpoint presentation on the chapters of the graphic novel (form 1)

Transcript of Journey to the Centre of the Earth


Jules Verne

Professor Lidenbrock found a mysterious way to the centre of the earth in a 300-year-old book. He and his nephew, Axel, then embarked on a journey to the centre of the earth after interpreted the message. The journey was through a volcano in Iceland, named Mount Sneffel. Together with their guide, Hans, they came across unusual rock formations, an underground sea, prehistoric monsters and plants, and all kinds of dangers.

Professor Otto Lidenbrock brought a 300-year-old book that belonged to the famous Icelandic explorer, Arne Saknussemm.While talking to his nephew Axel, a piece of paper fell out of the book.The professor and Axel worked hard to decode the strange characters. Axel accidentally solved it when he fanned himself with the paper.The note gave instructions to go to the centre of the earth.

Professor Otto LidenbrockOccupation: A professor

Nationality: German

Likes: To learn new things

Physical description:

Tall and thin Large eyes Long, thin nose Wears a pair of spectacles

Character traits: Determined Impulsive Clever EnergeticBold and adventurous

Axel LidenbrockOccupation: Assistant to his uncle, Professor Lidenbrock

Nationality: German

Physical description:

Tall Large eyes Young

Character traits: Clever Obedient Pessimistic Brave Interested to learn

Hans BjelkeOccupation: A guide

Nationality: Icelandic

Physical description:

Very tall Well built Strong Has long hair

Character traits: Quiet and serious Very capable Alert Loyal Brave

Arne SaknussemmOccupation: An explorer

Nationality: Icelandic

Physical description:


Character traits: Courageous Generous

GretchenOccupation: -

Nationality: German

Physical description:

Young Pretty

Character traits: Caring Encouraging Understanding Faithful

The end!