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    A Collaborative Brain-Computer Interface for ImprovingHuman Performance

    Yijun Wang*, Tzyy-Ping Jung*

    Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience, Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego, San Diego, California, United States of America


    Electroencephalogram (EEG) based brain-computer interfaces (BCI) have been studied since the 1970s. Currently, the mainfocus of BCI research lies on the clinical use, which aims to provide a new communication channel to patients with motordisabilities to improve their quality of life. However, the BCI technology can also be used to improve human performancefor normal healthy users. Although this application has been proposed for a long time, little progress has been made in real-world practices due to technical limits of EEG. To overcome the bottleneck of low single-user BCI performance, this studyproposes a collaborative paradigm to improve overall BCI performance by integrating information from multiple users. Totest the feasibility of a collaborative BCI, this study quantitatively compares the classification accuracies of collaborative andsingle-user BCI applied to the EEG data collected from 20 subjects in a movement-planning experiment. This study alsoexplores three different methods for fusing and analyzing EEG data from multiple subjects: (1) Event-related potentials (ERP)averaging, (2) Feature concatenating, and (3) Voting. In a demonstration system using the Voting method, the classificationaccuracy of predicting movement directions (reachingleftvs. reachingright) was enhanced substantially from 66% to 80%,88%, 93%, and 95% as the numbers of subjects increased from 1 to 5, 10, 15, and 20, respectively. Furthermore, the decisionof reaching direction could be made around 100250 ms earlier than the subjects actual motor response by decoding the

    ERP activities arising mainly from the posterior parietal cortex (PPC), which are related to the processing of visuomotortransmission. Taken together, these results suggest that a collaborative BCI can effectively fuse brain activities of a group ofpeople to improve the overall performance of natural human behavior.

    Citation: Wang Y, Jung T-P (2011) A Collaborative Brain-Computer Interface for Improving Human Performance. PLoS ONE 6(5): e20422. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020422

    Editor:Pedro Antonio Valdes-Sosa, Cuban Neuroscience Center, Cuba

    ReceivedFebruary 8, 2011; Accepted April 28, 2011; Published May 31, 2011

    Copyright: 2011 Wang, Jung. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permitsunrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

    Funding: This work is supported by a gift fund from Abraxis Bioscience Inc. Research is also sponsored in part by the Army Research Laboratory and wasaccomplished under Cooperative Agreement Number W911NF-10-2-0022. The views and the conclusions contained in this document are those of the authorsand should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the Army Research Laboratory or the U. S. Government. The U. S.Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation herein. The funders had no rolein study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

    Competing Interests: I have read the journals policy and have the following conflicts: Funding was received from Abraxis Bioscience Inc., but is notaccompanied by any other relevant declarations relating to employment, consultancy, patents, products in development or marketed products and does not alterthe authors adherence to all the PLoS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.

    * E-mail: [email protected] (YW); [email protected] (T-PJ)


    Electroencephalogram (EEG) based brain-computer interfaces

    (BCI) in human studies have been demonstrated as a new tool to

    people with severe motor disabilities to communicate with their

    environments [13]. In recent years, the BCI community has

    devoted great effort to translating the BCI technology from

    laboratory demonstrations to daily-life applications [46].

    Besides successes in the clinical research and practices in the

    past, researchers have been interested in applying the BCItechnology to improving human performance [7,8]. The concept

    of using BCIs for augmented cognition and action was first

    proposed in the early 1970s, and consequently led to different

    research topics. On one hand, some researchers sought to develop

    biofeedback techniques that would improve performance of

    military personnel engaged in tasks involving high mental loads

    [7]. On the other hand, some studies aimed to augment human-

    motor performance by sending control commands decoded from

    the brain without the delay for muscle activation [8]. Several

    recent studies have further demonstrated the feasibility of using

    BCIs to enhance human performance [920]. These studies can

    be categorized into four paradigms according to experiment

    designs and applications:

    (1) Motor action paradigm: Because a BCI establishes a direct

    link between the brain and the output device, the conven-

    tional pathway of peripheral nerves and muscles in motor

    control can be bypassed. Furthermore, delays between early

    stages of sensory information processing in other brain

    cortices (e.g., the visual cortex and the parietal cortex) and

    the stage of motor control in the motor cortex could beeliminated as well. Using this paradigm, motor behaviors canbe predicted more rapidly than the actual motor reaction time

    (RT). For example, in the motor cortex, spatial patterns ofmovement-related cortical potentials (MRCPs) could be

    extracted to identify the body side of an upcoming movement

    (e.g., left hand or right hand) [9]. In our recent study, we

    showed that evoked EEG potentials in the posterior parietal

    cortex (PPC) could be used to predict directions of subsequent

    reaching or gazing movements [10].

    (2) Mental-state monitoring paradigm: Many studies have shown

    that signal changes related to alertness, arousal, and cognition

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    are presented in EEG [11,12]. Through capturing this kind of

    information in real time, the BCI technology can provide

    characterizations and understandings of human cognitive

    states, thereby improving human performance through

    sending warning feedbacks or controlling commands. Spec-

    trum fluctuation is one of the EEG phenomena that have

    been widely used in EEG-based monitoring studies. In [13],

    changes of EEG power spectrum during a realistic driving task

    were used as a counter measure of alertness, which could beused to trigger auditory arousing feedback to effectively

    improve the drivers attention level. Error-related negativity

    (ERN) is another EEG signal, which has been successfully

    applied in BCI studies. In these systems, occurrences of ERN

    were considered as error indicators for correcting or

    cancelling incorrect manual/mental operations [1415].

    (3) Visual target detection paradigm: Generally, target detection

    tasks need manual responses to confirm detections of targets.

    In practice, a target can also be indicated by brain activities

    such as a P300 event-related potential (ERP), which is elicited

    by a rare target event [16]. Therefore, only using a mental

    response arising from the brain can fulfill target detection. In

    an image based target detection task where mental response

    was employed, a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP)

    paradigm could be used to improve human performance[17,18]. For example, in [17], a real-time BCI system was

    developed to detect target images within enormous amount of

    images through detecting neural signatures of visual recogni-

    tion events.

    (4) Additional input paradigms: Combined with traditional input

    devices, a BCI can provide an additional method to improve

    the speed of inputting. For example, when playing a video

    game, BCI-based controls combined with traditional input

    modalities (e.g., joystick, mouse, keyboard, etc.) could make

    operations faster [19]. Besides, in some specific conditions

    where conventional input methods are not accessible, a BCI

    can be used as an alternative approach. For example, in space

    applications, BCIs can provide hands-free interfaces for

    astronauts to facilitate operations in the condition withabsence of gravity [20].

    The concept of using BCIs to augment human performance is

    quite straightforward; however, this topic has not attracted much

    attention in real-life applications for normal healthy populations

    due to technical limits of the EEG measurement and processing in

    real-world environments. One of the most challenging problems

    comes from the poor BCI performance caused by low signal-to-

    noise ratio (SNR) of EEG signals, making a BCI a frustrating

    alternative to other input modalities. For instance, the accuracies

    of a single-trial EEG classification using a binary finger-tapping

    task (left hand vs. right hand) in BCI Competition II ranged from

    51% to 84% from 15 research groups [21]. Currently, the low

    accuracy of single-trial classification cannot satisfy performance

    requirements in many applications. To enhance the SNR,averaging methods have been widely used not only across multiple

    trials, but also across multiple subjects [22]. In ERP-based BCI

    systems, trial-based averaging is commonly used to improve system

    performance [23,24]. In these systems, stimulus presentations were

    repeated many times, thereby producing multiple trials for the

    averaging process. However, in specific environments where real-

    time operations are necessary, the access to multiple trials from a

    single subject is not practical. Under these circumstances, fusing

    trials from multiple subjects can be used as an alternative. In

    human performance studies, it is a common sense that a team of

    individuals always outperforms individuals especially when

    performance requires multiple diverse skills, judgments, and

    experiences under time constraints [25]. Similarly, if single-trial

    EEG data from a group of people can be obtained and integrated,

    a better BCI performance could be expected. Based on this

    hypothesis, we propose a collaborative method for brain-computer

    interfacing, aiming to improve BCI performance through assessing

    collaborative brain activities from multiple users.

    This study presents and discusses many issues in hardware/

    software designs and data processing for a collaborative BCI. First,it proposes a centralized paradigm and a distributed paradigm for

    system designs. Next, implementation of a collaborative BCI using

    a motor action paradigm is introduced. After that, three different

    data processing methods: (1) ERP averaging, (2) Feature

    concatenating, and (3) Voting, are proposed and compared in

    detail. Finally, this study demonstrates the efficacy of the

    collaborative BCI method in improving human performance.


    1 Ethics statementThe study was approved by the Human Research Protections

    Program of the University of California San Diego. All

    participants were asked to read and sign an informed consent

    form before participating in the study.

    2 System diagrams for a collaborative BCIA collaborative BCI and a conventional BCI differ in many

    respects. A conventional BCI mainly aims to help the individual

    with motor disability to communication with the environment,

    whereas a collaborative BCI is specifically designed for improving

    human performance of healthy users. The basic design and

    operation of a collaborative BCI is shown in Figure 1. Similar to a

    conventional BCI [1], a collaborative BCI consists of three major

    parts: a data-recording module, a signal processing module, and a

    command translation module. Consequently, there are three

    major procedures in system operations. First, brain signals from a

    group of users are acquired by multiple EEG recording devices,

    and then are synchronized with common environmental events.

    Second, integrated EEG and event data are processed for

    extracting features for decoding users intentions. Third, extracted

    features are directly translated to operation commands, which can

    also be used to provide sensory feedbacks to the users. Compared

    to a single-subject BCI, the complexity of system input from

    multiple users will lead to technical challenges in both data

    recording and signal processing procedures.

    To implement a collaborative BCI, there are several specific

    requirements for hardware and software designs due to the

    employment of multiple users. First, multiple EEG recording

    systems need to work independently and simultaneously. Second,

    multiple-subject data need to be received and synchronized with

    Figure 1. System paradigm of a collaborative BCI.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020422.g001

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    respect to the common environmental events. Third, multiple-

    subject data recording and data processing procedures have to be

    performed in (near) real time. Ideally, the system can be

    implemented using a centralized paradigm similar to a conven-

    tional BCI (Figure 2a). In this paradigm, EEG data from multiple

    subjects are received and recorded, then thrown into a

    conventional BCI module for signal processing and command

    translation using a data server. A centralized paradigm is optimal

    for designing a collaborative BCI system; however, practicality ofsystem implementation may be limited by heavy loads of data

    transmission and high computational costs caused by advanced

    signal processing and machine learning techniques [26,27,28], as

    well as low hardware/software robustness due to the involvement

    of multiple BCI subsystems.

    To find a remedy to these problems associated with the

    centralized paradigm, we propose a distributed paradigm to

    facilitate the implementation of a collaborative BCI. As shown in

    Figure 2b, the whole system consists of multiple distributed BCI

    subsystems and a simplified data server. For each subject, a BCI

    subsystem works independently; each subsystem has its capability

    in EEG data acquisition and processing. In this paradigm, the

    amount of data transmitted between subsystems and the data

    server, as well as the computational cost for data processing, are

    significantly reduced. Because the data server only functions as anensemble classifier for integrating classification results sent by the

    subsystems, the system robustness can be improved as well. The

    single-person BCI has been well studied in previous studies.

    Therefore this distributed paradigm is a more practical solution for

    implementing a collaborative BCI. The only disadvantage of the

    distributed paradigm is that costs of subsystem hardware might

    increase due to the employment of a data processing platform for

    each subject. In practice, portable data processing platforms such

    as a digital signal processor (DSP) platform can be integrated into

    the EEG recording device to reduce the overall system cost, and

    improve system practicality [29]. A collaborative BCI using the

    distributed regime can be considered a distributed computing

    system, in which each BCI subsystem solves the classification task

    independently in order to achieve a common goal (e.g., predictingmotor response). Details of data analysis approaches for both

    paradigms will be discussed in the data analysis section.

    3 BCI experimentThis BCI study adopted a motor action paradigm reported in

    [10]. In the experiment, a visually guided reaching or gazing was

    employed as a motor response task. For the purpose of improving

    human performance, brain activities in the PPC, which occurred

    before actual motor response, were extracted for predicting the

    directions of upcoming movements. As shown in Figure 3, the

    response time (RT) of a cue-guided reaching movement consists of

    five stages: target identification, visual-motor transmission, motor

    planning, motor execution, and motor control. These processes

    occur sequentially in the visual cortex, the PPC, the premotor

    cortex, the primary motor cortex, and the nerve-muscle pathways.

    Through directly extracting embedded information from the PPC

    and bypassing the motor related procedures, this BCI system could

    accelerate a motor response by using an artificial limb.

    3.1 Subjects. An EEG and a behavior experiments were run

    separately on two groups of subjects. Twenty right-handed

    Figure 2. System diagrams for a collaborative BCI. (A) a centralized paradigm; (B) a distributed paradigm.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020422.g002

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    participants (12 males and 8 females, mean age 25 years) with

    normal or corrected-to-normal vision participated in the EEG

    experiment. Another group of 18 subjects participated in the

    behavior experiment (12 males and 6 females, mean age 23 years).

    3.2 Stimuli and procedure. A delayed saccade-or-reach task

    was used in the EEG study, allowing us to look for direction

    information in the EEG during the phase of movement planning.

    The experiment was comprised of nine conditions differing by

    movement types (saccade to target, reach without eye movement,or visually guided reach) and movement directions (left, center, or

    right). Each task was indicated to the subject by, first, giving an

    effector cue telling the type of action to be performed, followed by

    a direction cue and, finally, by an imperative action cue. Subjects

    were seated comfortably in an armchair at a distance of 40 cm

    from a 19-inch touch screen. A chin rest was used to help them

    maintain head position.

    Subjects used their right hands to perform the reaching tasks. At

    the beginning of each trial, the subjects forearm rested on the table

    with an index finger holding down a key on a keypad placed 30 cm

    in front of screen center. The sequence of visual cues in each trial is

    shown in Figure 4a. At the beginning of a trial, a fixation cross

    (0.65u60.65u) was displayed at the center of the screen plus three

    red crosses (0.65u6

    0.65u) indicating potential target positions. Theleft and right targets had a vertical distance of 6u and a horizontal

    distance of 15ufrom the central fixation cross; the central target was

    12u upwards. After 500 ms, an effector cue (0.5u60.5u, rectangle,

    ellipse indicating hand and eye movements respectively, see

    Figure 4c) appeared at the screen center for 1000 ms. Next, a

    central direction cue (0.65u60.65u, x,H, w for left, center, and right

    respectively) was presented for 700 ms. Subjects were asked to

    maintain fixation on the central cue until they started their

    responses, to perform the indicated response as quickly as possible

    following the disappearance of the direction cue (and reappearance

    of the fixation cross), and finally to return to their initial (key-down)

    position. There was a 400600 ms interval for rest before the next

    trial started. Total trial duration amounted to 35004000 ms.

    The behavior experiment was designed to measure the actual

    RT of a reaching movement using the same paradigm except that

    there was no delay after the direction cue, i.e., the direction cue

    was also used as the Go cue (see Figure 4b). In this experiment,subjects were instructed to response as fast as possible after the

    appearance of the direction cue.

    3.3 Data Recording. In the EEG experiments, EEG data

    were recorded using Ag/AgCl electrodes from 128 scalp positions

    distributed over the entire scalp using a BioSemi ActiveTwo EEG

    system (Biosemi, Inc.) referenced to the CMS-DRL ground. Eye

    movements were monitored by additional bipolar horizontal and

    vertical EOG electrodes. All signals were amplified and digitized at

    a sample rate of 256 Hz. Three cue presentation events and two

    manual response events (button release and screen touch)

    were recorded on an event channel synchronized to the EEG data

    by DataRiver software (A. Vankov). EEG and behavioral data

    were recorded from 20 subjects on different days using the exactly

    same target presentation sequences. Some practice blocks wererun before starting the EEG recording. For each subject, the

    experiment consisted of four blocks (with breaks in between) each

    including five runs of 45 trials. Within each block, there was a 20-

    second rest between runs. A total of 900 trials were equally

    distributed between the nine tasks, which were presented to the

    subject in a pseudorandom sequence.

    In the behavior experiment, only the events were recorded for

    obtaining the actual RT for a reaching response. For each subject,

    Figure 3. Information flow in a visuomotor control pathway and a BCI control pathway for a motor response.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020422.g003

    Figure 4. Time sequences of cue presentation and task-specific visual cues. (A) an EEG trial; (B) a behavior trial; (C) visual cues used toindicate effector and direction of a task.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020422.g004

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    the experiment consisted of three blocks with a total of 675 trials

    equally distributed among the nine tasks.

    3.4 Data preprocessing. This study focused on the

    estimations of planned direction of movement. For simplicity, we

    only used left and right conditions for hand tasks for further

    analysis. The same analysis could be applied to data under eye

    and both conditions. Epochs from the response delay period, 0

    to 700 ms following the onsets of direction cues, were extracted

    from the continuous data, and labeled by movement directions.The period [2100 ms 0 ms] was used as the baseline for each

    trial. Electrodes with poor skin contact were identified by their

    abnormal activity patterns and then removed from the data.

    We used independent component analysis (ICA) as an

    unsupervised spatial filtering technique to remove artifacts arising

    from eye and muscle movements. For each subject, all trials were

    band-pass filtered (130 Hz), concatenated, and then decomposed

    using the EEGLAB toolbox [30]. To retain the low-frequency

    EEG activities, ICA weights of the decomposition were applied to

    original unfiltered data before artifact removal. To extract the

    direction-specific activity of the ERPs, we compared the

    spatiotemporal patterns of EEG corresponding to different

    movement directions. As shown in Figure 5, we found a

    hemispheric asymmetry over the parietal cortex during the delay

    period (0700 ms) in which motor planning can be presumed tohave continued until the cued movement onset (appeared after

    700 ms). Two lateral electrodes representing PPC activities

    showed a significant contralateral negativity and ipsilateral

    positivity with respect to the intended movement direction

    (Figure 5b). Across all subjects, difference waves between reaching

    left and reaching right conditions showed two peaks located at

    210 ms and 320 ms after the direction cue. ERP scalp maps of two

    conditions and their difference at these two selected frames were

    illustrated in Figure 5a.

    3.5 Feature extraction and classification. The goal of this

    study is to demonstrate the efficacy of a collaborative BCI, ratherthan the EEG dynamics associated with all different task

    conditions. Therefore, the analysis below focuses only on the

    classification performance of predicting the intended movements

    based on the directional EEG information generated in the

    parietal cortex. To this end, two lateral electrodes over the PPC

    areas were selected for feature extraction based on the significance

    of ERP difference between left and right conditions. Figure 6

    shows ERP waveforms at two PPC electrodes for all subjects. The

    direction-related asymmetry in the PPC was highly reproducible

    across subjects. Through time-frequency analysis, we found that

    the ERP difference was mostly contributed by EEG components

    with a frequency band lower than 12 Hz. To reduce feature

    dimension, EEG signals were downsampled by calculating the

    mean of five continuous data points without overlapping. For

    feature extraction, within a selected time window, EEG amplitudeswere normalized at each time point to have a range of [21 1]

    across trials and conditions, and then normalized amplitudes from

    Figure 5. Scalp maps and temporal waveforms of ERP signals. (A) Grand average 128-channel scalp maps of ERPs and difference waves ( left-right) across all subjects at 210 ms and 320 ms. Black dots indicate positions of two selected electrodes near the PPC. (B) Average ERP waveformsacross all subjects on two PPC electrodes in left- and right-reaching conditions and their difference. Dash lines mark peaks of difference waves at210 ms and 320 ms. ERPs at two PPC electrodes show significant differences betweenleftand rightconditions using a paired t-test across subjects(left PPC: p,1025 at 210 ms and p,1026 at 320 ms, right PPC: p,1026 at 210 ms and p,1024 at 320 ms). The shaded intervals indicate areas wheredifferences between leftand rightconditions are significant (p,0.05).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020422.g005

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    two PPC electrodes were concatenated into a feature vector:

    x~ xLPPC xRPPC T 1

    For classification, a support vector machine (SVM) classifier withan RBF kernel was implemented in the MATLABHBioinformatics

    Toolbox. The RBF kernel was optimized according to averageclassification performance across all subjects. To facilitate the

    training procedure, the scaling factor in the RBF kernel was fixed

    at 10 for all SVM classifiers. In this study, 10610-fold cross

    validation was run to estimate classification performance for all

    classification tasks.

    4 Collaborative BCI data analysisFor each subject, classification of left versus right trials was

    performed using a standard machine-learning paradigm. For a

    collaborative classification based on data from multiple subjects, we

    propose three approaches to fuse the information from multiple

    subjects: (1) ERP averaging across subjects, (2) feature combination

    (e.g., concatenating features from multiple subjects), and (3) voting

    using an ensemble classifier. All these approaches can beimplemented in the centralized paradigm, but for the distributed

    paradigm, only the voting approach is practical because data from

    each subject are processed separately in each of the BCI subsystems.

    4.1 ERP averaging. A widely used method for analyzing

    ERP has been to average EEG measurements over an ensemble of

    trials within a subject or across subjects [22]. Ensemble averaging

    can enhance the SNR of ERP given a linear mixing model:

    EEG(t)~ERP(t)zNoise(t) 2

    where ERP(t) is a constant signal (i.e., the evoked brain response)

    andNoise(t) is a random signal with zero mean (i.e., the background

    EEG activity) in different trials. In a collaborative BCI system,

    multiple trials can be obtained through collecting single-trial data

    from multiple subjects. Therefore, the ensemble averaging method

    can be implemented across subjects:




    ERP(t,i)zNoise(t,i) 3

    where iis subject index and m is the total number of subjects.

    4.2 Feature combination. According to ERP studies, the

    model in equation (2) is not true when considering a more

    complicated ERP model, which involves multiple components



    A(k,i)|ERP(t{t(k,i),k)zNoise(t,i) 4

    where ERP is assumed to consist of n components, with

    independent amplitude modulation indicated byA(k,i)and latency

    jitter indicated by t(k,i). Under this circumstance, ensemble

    averaging might lose information due to individual differences

    among subjects. For example, latency jitter might cancel out ERP

    signals when two adjacent components have different polarities.

    Therefore, to maintain intact information from all the subjects, the

    feature combination method might be more suitable for a

    collaborative system.

    In the machine learning theory, feature combination can

    improve overall classification accuracy due to independence

    Figure 6. Grand average ERPs at electrodes placed at the left and right sides of the PPC for 20 subjects.Solid lines indicate the reachingleft condition, and dash lines indicate the reaching rightcondition.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020422.g006

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    between features. Recently, following the wide employment of

    machine learning techniques in BCI studies, feature combination

    methods have been introduced in EEG classification [5,27]. For

    simplicity, we use a feature concatenating method, which is easy to


    EEGs(t)~ EEG(t,1) EEG(t,2) ::: EEG(t,m) 5

    where the combined feature vector is a concatenation of feature

    vectors from m subjects.

    Theoretically, feature combination is optimal for a collaborativeBCI. However, considering the fact of a BCI system that training

    data is always limited and feature combination will significantly

    increase the dimensionality of feature space, the feature combi-

    nation method might encounter an overfitting problem. For

    example, the dimension of features from a single subject is 50 in

    equation (1) when using the time window of [0 ms 500 ms], which

    will be increased to 1000 for 20 subjects. However, the number of

    the training samples remains the same as in the single subject

    condition (100 trials per condition). Therefore, the performance

    gain of feature combination will be weakened due to a small

    training-set size.

    4.3 Voting. Ensemble classifiers have been widely used in the

    area of machine learning [31]. An ensemble classifier consists of

    multiple sub-classifiers and a voting system. In the case of a binary

    classification where two classes are labeled as +1 and 21

    respectively, the procedure for a weighted voting can be

    described as follows:



    ! 6

    wherew, the subject specific weight and y, the output of a

    sub-classifier. In our study, an SVM classifier was trained as a sub-

    classifier for each subject, and the training accuracy was used asthe voting weight.

    As mentioned before, the voting method is the only solution for

    a collaborative BCI using the distributed paradigm. Ideally, if

    there is no interaction between subjects, the voting method is

    supposed not to lose useful information for classification.

    4.4 Training and testing. Realization of training and testing

    procedures of a collaborative BCI depends on the method used in

    feature extraction. The ERP averaging and Feature concatenating

    methods have to be realized on a centralized computer

    infrastructure where original EEG data from different subjects

    can be collected and processed. The Voting method can be

    realized either on a centralized or a distributed system.

    In the collaborative BCI regime, a single-trial actually comprised

    multiple epochs from multiple subjects following the same task

    stimulus. A 10610-fold cross validation was used to assessclassification performance. For the ERP averaging method, features

    of each trial were obtained by averaging feature vectors (Equation (1))

    across subjects. An SVM classifier was then trained with the training

    set and applied to classification of the testing set. The Feature

    concatenating method used a similar way except that features were

    obtained by concatenating feature vectors from individuals (Equation

    (5)). In the Voting method, an SVM sub-classifier was used for

    training and testing for each subject separately. The collaborative

    classification was then performed using Equation (6).

    4.5 Number of subjects. The number of subjects is an

    important parameter for a collaborative BCI. In general, more

    subjects can provide more information for improving classification.

    Generally, when average performance is poor, any subject who

    has classification accuracy higher than the chance level can

    improve the overall performance of a collaborative BCI. However,

    the system costs (including hardware, software, and human

    resources) will also increase when more subjects are involved.

    Therefore, a tradeoff between the system performance and system

    cost should be made according to the specificity of the application.

    To answer the question of how many subjects are needed toimplement a satisfactory collaborative BCI, we evaluated system

    performance with respect to the number of subjects. For each

    number n (from 1 to 20), a random combination (n out of 20

    subjects) was repeated 500 times for calculating classification

    accuracy using cross validation. All of the three collaborative

    approaches were calculated for comparison using data within the

    time window of [0 ms 400 ms]. A one-way Analysis of Variance

    (ANOVA) was used to investigate the effect of number of subjects

    on classification performance. Furthermore, for each collaborative

    condition (n from 2 to 20), the two-sample T-test (500 samples for

    the collaborative method vs. 20 samples for the individual method)

    was used as a post-hoc test to evaluate if the performance of a

    collaborative BCI was significantly better than that of an

    individual BCI.

    4.6 Prediction time. In an application regime such as atarget detection task, response time is always a critical parameter

    for evaluating human behavioral performance. In the motor

    action paradigm used in this study, we aimed to improve human

    performance through accelerating a motor decision-making,

    compared to RT. Therefore, it would be interesting to find out

    how fast a collaborative BCI can predict the direction of an

    upcoming reaching movement.

    The actual mean RT for the hand reaching tasks measured in

    the behavior experiment was 464662 ms across 18 subjects. As

    discussed before, response direction can be determined through

    extracting brain activities related to the visuomotor transmission

    procedure. According to prediction time, the system improves the

    overall performance when response direction can be accurately

    predicted at any time point earlier than the RT. To explore thesystems capability of accelerating motor decision-making, we

    evaluated the system performance at different time durations used

    for feature extraction. Time windows with zero onset and different

    offsets starting from 100 ms and ending at 500 ms, incrementing

    with an interval of 10 ms, (i.e., 0100 ms, 0110 ms, , 0

    500 ms) were used to calculate accuracy-time curves. To show

    interaction between the prediction time and the number of

    subjects, different numbers of subjects (1, 5, 10, 15, and 20) were

    included for comparison.


    Figure 7 shows the accuracy of single-trial classification for all

    20 subjects using a single-subject classification paradigm. The

    classification accuracy increased in accordance to the increase ofthe time window length used for feature extraction. With window

    length shorter than 150 ms, the average accuracy was around the

    chance level (mean6standard deviation: 51.165.9%). After

    150 ms, the accuracy increased gradually and reached

    67.067.5% at 500 ms. The tendency of performance improve-

    ment is consistent with the differences in time courses of ERP

    waves between left and right conditions, which reflect temporal

    dynamics of the PPC activities during directional movement

    planning. There was a large individual variability in single-trial

    classification accuracy: ,60% in four subjects, 6070% in 10

    subjects, and .70% in six subjects. These results indicate that

    A Collaborative Brain-Computer Interface

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    EEG activities near the PPC can provide useful information for

    predicting the intended movement direction. Although single-trial

    classification performance for single subject is low, it provides a

    substantial basis for building a collaborative BCI.

    Theoretically, the collaborative classification is expected to

    achieve a significant gain in the overall system performance.

    Figure 8 illustrates the prediction accuracy for the three

    collaborative methods as a function of the number of subjects.

    Three major findings are summarized as follows:

    (1) Classification performance for all three collaborative methods

    had been significantly improved when data from multiple

    subjects were combined and integrated. The ANOVA showed

    a highly significant effect of number of subjects on

    classification performance (Voting: F(19, 9980) = 3061.83,

    p = 0.00; ERP averaging: F(19, 9980) = 1634.06, p = 0.00;

    Feature concatenating: F(19, 9980) = 809.35, p = 0.00). When

    data of two subjects were combined, the T-test showed a

    significant difference between the individual performance and

    Figure 7. Time course of single-subject classification accuracy. Thin solid lines indicate classification results for 20 subjects, and the thick solidline shows the averaged accuracy. The dash line indicates the mean response time (RT) measured in the behavior experiment (464 ms).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020422.g007

    Figure 8. Classification accuracy of different collaborative classification methods as a function of the number of subjects. Solid linesindicate mean accuracy, and dashed lines indicate mean accuracy 6 standard deviation.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020422.g008

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    the collaborative performance when using the Voting method

    (p,0.01) and the Feature concatenating method (p,0.001)

    respectively. For the ERP averaging method, at least three

    subjects were required to reach a significant level (two

    subjects: p.0.05, three subjects: p,0.0001). A more prom-

    inent significance was obtained when the number of subjects

    increased. Although classification accuracy for single subject

    was low (mean across subjects: 66%), the collaborative

    method could still reach a high classification performance.For example, when using all 20 subjects, all three methods

    showed significantly improved accuracy (95% for the Voting

    method, 92% for the Averaging method, and 84% for the

    Feature Concatenating method).

    (2) The classification accuracy was enhanced substantially as well

    as the standard deviation decreased when the number of

    subjects increased. For example, using the Voting approach,

    the accuracy increased from 66% to 80%, 88%, 93%, and

    95% as the number of subjects increased from 1 to 5, 10, 15,

    and 20, respectively, meanwhile, the standard deviation

    reduced from 7.0% to 1.0% when the number of subjects

    increased from 1 to 20. These results proved the existence of

    independence between subjects, which made all subjects

    contribute to the improvement of system performance and


    (3) The Voting method is optimal for collaborative EEG

    classification. The Voting method always outperformed the

    ERP averaging method when multiple subjects were involved.

    Accuracy of the Feature concatenating method was obviously

    affected by the overfitting problem. As shown in Figure 8,

    when the number of subjects was small (,4), the Feature

    concatenating method and the Voting method showed similar

    results, both outperformed the ERP averaging method. When

    the number of subject increased above 4, the Voting method

    outperformed the Feature concatenating method. Further,

    when the number of subjects was above 6, the Feature

    concatenating method was even worse than the ERP

    averaging method. When using all 20 subjects, the ERP

    averaging method had accuracy much higher than the

    Feature concatenating method (92% vs. 84%).

    As mentioned before in the method section, time required to

    make a prediction is a very important parameter to evaluate the

    performance of a BCI system in a motor action paradigm. Figure 9

    shows the classification accuracy as a function of the length of time

    windows used for data analysis. Results for 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20

    subjects were put together to show the interaction between the

    number of subjects and the prediction time. The results clearly

    showed that the acceleration of decision-making depended on both

    the desired accuracy and the number of subjects involved in the

    collaborative system. For example, when an accuracy of 70% was

    required, decisions could be made at 200 ms by 20 subjects, which

    was around 250 ms ahead of subjects actual responses. If 95%

    was required, the prediction time had to be extended to 400 ms.

    Concerning the number of subjects, the decision could be made

    faster with more subjects when the same classification accuracy

    was required. For example, toward an accuracy of 70%, 280 ms

    and 200 ms were required for 5 and 20 subjects, respectively.


    1 System performanceThis study demonstrated that a collaborative BCI could

    significantly improve system performance through integrating useful

    information from a group of users. Obviously, system performance

    can be further improved if more subjects are involved in the system,

    however the system cost and complexity also increase accordingly.

    This study also explored three methods for fusing and analyzing

    collaborative EEG from multiple subjects. The results of this study

    showed that the Voting method was optimal for collaborative

    EEG classification, while all three collaborative BCI outperformed

    the single-subject BCI.

    Figure 9. Classification accuracy of different numbers of subjects as a fuction of the window length. The dash line indicates the meanresponse time (RT) measured in the behavior experiment (464 ms).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020422.g009

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    2 Online system implementationCurrently, there are several challenges that have to be resolved

    before an online collaborative BCI system can become a reality.

    First, a collaborative BCI needs multiple BCI hardware platforms,

    which consist of an EEG recording system and a real-time signal-

    processing platform. Because commercial EEG products used for

    EEG research are still expensive, the total cost for building a

    collaborative BCI will be high. In practice, low-cost and

    customized EEG recording devices and signal-processing plat-forms can be used for implementing a collaborative BCI. Second,

    a collaborative system requires specific software development. As

    mentioned in the method section, the system needs seamless

    communication between EEG systems and signal-processing

    platforms, and between the BCI subsystems and the data server.

    Furthermore, data processing in BCI subsystems and the data

    server has to be implemented in (near) real time. Third, the

    complexity of a collaborative BCI needs to be further reduced to

    reality. When using conventional wet electrodes, capping and user

    training will be very labor intensive and time consuming. In a

    collaborative BCI regime, these procedures need to be simplified


    Although the system demonstrated in the current study was

    implemented in an offline manner, it can be directly transferred to

    an online system if the hardware and software requirements can be

    met. With advances in biomedical electronics and telecommuni-

    cation technology, it will soon be possible to implement an online

    collaborative BCI system. Recently, Wang et al. [32] have

    designed and implemented a mobile wireless BCI platform using

    a wearable EEG recording device and a Bluetooth enabled cell-

    phone. This platform can provide a practical solution for

    implementing a collaborative BCI system. A pilot study of a

    collaborative BCI system using the cell-phone based BCI platform

    is currently undertaken. Furthermore, several recent studies have

    demonstrated the possibility of using dry electrodes and zero-

    training methods to facilitate the use of a BCI system [33,34].

    These new technologies can also be employed into an online

    collaborative BCI system.

    3 Potential applicationsThis study demonstrated an application of the collaborative BCI

    to accelerate motor decision-making of a reaching movement.

    Moreover, a collaborative BCI can be applied to many other

    applications in which the overall human-system performance is

    critical. It will be especially useful for real-time situations where

    classification accuracy is critical, but performance of single-user

    BCI is poor.

    A collaborative BCI system can also be used as a platform for

    studying the human brain in naturalistic environments. For

    example, using a collaborative BCI system, social interaction

    involving a group of people can be studied with real-time

    monitoring of brain activities to explore the underlying brain

    mechanisms.In addition, other emerging applications of BCIs such as

    classroom education, neuroeconomics, and video gaming might

    also benefit from a collaborative BCI. A collaborative BCI might

    enhance the effectiveness of training and educational programs

    through monitoring either the students attention/concentration

    or ability to participate effectively. Similarly, it can be applied to

    the field of neuroeconomics to evaluate the effects of designs of

    advertisements on the brain activities. Recently, the BCI

    technology has also been introduced into video gaming [19]. It

    is foreseeable that the employment of a collaborative BCI will

    make multiple-role games more attractive for players.

    4. Future directionsFuture directions to improve single-subject performance


    (1) Using more electrodes: Despite that all 128 channels were

    used in the procedure of ICA-based artifact removal, two

    electrodes placed near the PPC areas were selected for feature

    extraction. The system performance might be improved if

    more electrodes are employed. Firstly, for more electrodesover the PPC area, spatial filtering techniques can be applied

    to improve the SNR through removing task irrelevant

    activities [35,36]. Secondly, electrodes located over other

    brain areas might provide additional information for decoding

    movement intention. For example, movement intention could

    also be decoded based on EEG activity in the premotor and

    the motor cortices, which are known to play important roles in

    movement planning and execution.

    (2) Using subject-specific parameters: For simplicity, this study

    used the same time-frequency parameters for different

    subjects, which might not be optimal due to individual

    variability. It has been shown in previous studies that subject-

    specific parameters can significantly improve classification

    accuracy of a BCI [37]. Through optimizing parameters in

    the time, frequency, and space domains, classificationperformance for each subject might be improved.

    (3) Adding additional EEG features: This study only used ERP

    amplitudes as the features for classification. Other features

    such as spectral modulation might be a complementary

    feature for improving the classification performance. For

    example, Thut et al. [38] showed that the direction of visuo-

    spatial attention could be predicted by measuring alpha-band

    power over the two posterior hemispheres.

    Future directions for improving the overall collaborative BCI

    system include:

    (1) To improve the ERP averaging method, weighted averaging

    methods might be helpful for enhancing the SNR of EEG

    signals [39].

    (2) Improvement of the Feature concatenating method might beachieved from several directions, aiming to reduce overfitting.

    First, the dimension of the features can be reduced usingfeature selection methods. Second, generalization ability can

    be improved through increasing the size of training data.

    Third, classifiers specifically designed for high-dimensional

    data with a small training set might be helpful.

    (3) To improve the Voting method, the effort should be put on

    using other ensemble classifiers with better performance.

    Besides, some other ensemble learning techniques, such as the

    boosting and the bagging methods [31], might be useful to

    improve the robustness of the collaborative classification.

    ConclusionThis study proposed a collaborative BCI paradigm, which fused

    single-trial EEGs from multiple subjects to improve the overall

    BCI system performance. By comparing system designs and data

    analysis methods, this study showed that a distributed paradigm

    combined with a Voting classifier is a practical solution for

    implementing a collaborative BCI system. The feasibility and

    efficacy of the proposed BCI system was demonstrated through a

    collaborative BCI that could accelerate motor decision-making of

    a cue-guided reaching movement. The classification accuracy of

    the system showed a significant improvement over that of the

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    single-subject BCI. Furthermore, the collaborative BCI allowed

    the subjects reaching direction to be estimated much earlier thanhis/her actual motor response. In summary, this study designed

    and demonstrated the use of the collaborative BCI technology toimprove human performance in natural environments.


    Melody Jung is appreciated for editorial assistance.

    Author Contributions

    Conceived and designed the experiments: YW. Performed the experi-

    ments: YW. Analyzed the data: YW T-PJ. Contributed reagents/

    materials/analysis tools: YW T-PJ. Wrote the paper: YW T-PJ.


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