Journalism and Social Media

Journalism • a literary style and method of inquiry • practice of investigating and reporting issues, trends and events • aims to provide analysis of news and information to public


Journalism in regards to Social Media

Transcript of Journalism and Social Media

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• a literary style and method of inquiry

• practice of investigating and reporting issues, trends and


• aims to provide analysis of news and information to public

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• Over the years, with the enhancement in the methods and

ways of social media, journalism has undergone a great


• The ways of presenting and analyzing the news have

varied greatly.

• Social media sites play a major role in delivering the


• This has led to the introduction of a new term- Social


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What is Social Journalism?

• A media model consisting the hybrid of professional

journalism and reader content.

• makes use of the power of social media tools and

multimedia(Facebook, Twitter, blogs etc.) to spread

the information and news.

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The Changing Trend

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Ongoing trends of Journalism in regards to Social Media

From inspiration:

• find and cultivate story ideas as well as sources

• follow events and news in real time

To publication:

• find and reach readers where they are

• promote work

• attract traffic to the publication

• create an engaged and loyal reader community

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• the digital interface enables journalists to discover and analyse

facts more critically

• more reader feedback is being integrated; more voices are

being heard; more diverse perspectives on the same news are

being presented

• more stories are available, archived and searchable for longer

periods of time

• people are engaged more actively with the changes in the

world by taking photos or making videos of key moments, by

commenting on blogs and sharing stories of interest

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Networked journalism

• every journalist acts as node in the network that record

information, share and distribute it

• journalists can sail in the sea of information with the help of

programmers, designers, and hackers who are skilled at

revealing and uncovering digital information.

• faced with large data sets, journalists can include analysis,

connection, explanation, and storytelling.


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Visual journalism

• journalism is visual and text based at the same time

• text, video, and audio sources are increasingly integrated and

coordinated in narrating

• search engines based on visual matching rather than textual tags

are becoming more refined

• visual literacy is important for journalists

• better understanding and use of images as carriers of

information is needed

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Point of view journalism

• Multiple versions of the same story are a natural fact as

different accounts and camera angles of almost any news

coverage are available on platforms like YouTube or Flickr

• Because of the use of multiple sources of news on multiple

platforms, the presumed neutrality and objectivity of the

journalist is increasingly difficult to maintain

• For readers and viewers, it is easy to compare different stories

and photos of the same event and spot the differences

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Journalism at Internet speed • The Internet and other digital networks have transformed the

newsroom through global telecommunication networks with broadband capability, wireless communication, and permanent connectivity.

• There is a continuous flow of information/data that must be processed on the spot by constantly updating and rewriting the story

• The basic principles of journalism do not change while working at Internet speed but it does make the reflective practice more difficult

• The greater the volume of information to be examined and the faster its input is demanded for news production, the less time is left for analytical treatment and narrating

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A day in the life of a Wired Journalist

• Use crowdsourcing to get a story idea

• Follow up on leads and write the story

• Let tweeps know what you’re writing about, get comments

• Publish on magazine’s online site

• Tweet the link, share it on Facebook and put it up as your

LinkedIn profile note

• Follow up with reader comments and suggestions

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Social media sites enhance the work journalists do

• Social networking sites play a great role in delivering the news to

the world

• More than half of the social media users rely and depend on the

networking sites to get the latest updates on news and information

• For journalists and news organizations, social networks provide an

opportunity for connecting with people, distributing news stories

and complementing news coverage with feeds

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• Journalists can join the social networks, interact with people

and showcase their articles/stories

• News organizations can create their own pages on networking

sites such as a fan page on Facebook. These pages can be used

to alert people about important news stories the news

organization has published or post other items of interest to its


• Social networks are great for generating conversations among

people about stories. Many news media have found that the

number of reader comments on a story posted on Facebook

can exceed comments posted on the news organization's

official website

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• People are increasingly learning about news stories via social networks

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• According to the State of the News Media 2012 report by the Pew Research Centre, News websites got 9% of their traffic from social media such as Twitter and Facebook in 2011, about a 57% increase over 2009

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• News Use Across Social Media Platforms. (n.d.). Pew Research Centers Journalism Project RSS. Retrieved June 29, 2014, from

• the transition to digital journalism. (n.d.). Facebook and Social Media. Retrieved June 29, 2014, from

• Haak, B. V., Parks, M., & Castells, M. The Future of Journalism: Networked Journalism. , 2923-2938. Retrieved June 29, 2014, from

• Nieman Reports | What Is Journalism's Place in Social Media?. (n.d.). Nieman Reports. Retrieved June 29, 2014, from

• What is journalism? Definition and meaning of the craft. (n.d.). American Press Institute RSS. Retrieved June 30, 2014, from