journal Publish MAHDALENA - UNIMED

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Yuvita Rama Yeni, Hendra Syarifuddin, RiskaAhmad. "The effect of contextual teaching andlearning approach and motivation of learning onthe ability of understanding the mathematicsconcepts of grade V student", IOP ConferenceSeries: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019Publication

Lavenia Ulandari, Zul Amry, Sahat Saragih."Development of Learning Materials Based onRealistic Mathematics Education Approach toImprove Students’ Mathematical ProblemSolving Ability and Self-Efficacy", InternationalElectronic Journal of Mathematics Education,2019Publication

Ainul Marhamah Hasibuan, Sahat Saragih, ZulAmry. "Development of Learning MaterialsBased on Realistic Mathematics Education toImprove Problem Solving Ability and StudentLearning Independence", InternationalElectronic Journal of Mathematics Education,

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A A Rahman. "Development Of Devices InLearning Based On Realistic Approaches ToImprove Emotional Intelligence Of First MiddleStudents", Journal of Physics: ConferenceSeries, 2019Publication

Siska Apulina Peranginangin, Sahat Saragih,Pargaulan Siagian. "Development of LearningMaterials through PBL with Karo CultureContext to Improve Students’ Problem SolvingAbility and Self-Efficacy", InternationalElectronic Journal of Mathematics Education,2019Publication

Meryance V. Siagian, Sahat Saragih, BornokSinaga. "Development of Learning MaterialsOriented on Problem-Based Learning Model toImprove Students’ Mathematical ProblemSolving Ability and Metacognition Ability",International Electronic Journal of MathematicsEducation, 2019Publication

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Marabangun Harahap. "DevelopmentInstrument’s Learning of Physics ThroughScientific Inquiry Model Based Batak Culture toImprove Science Process Skill and Student’sCuriosity", Journal of Physics: ConferenceSeries, 2018Publication

Submitted to Arab Open UniversityStudent Paper

A H Inda, D B Widjajanti. "Modifying a discoverylearning model with an aptitude-treatmentinteraction strategy for teaching senior highschool mathematics", Journal of Physics:Conference Series, 2019Publication

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Submitted to Universitas Negeri JakartaStudent Paper

N Anriani, A S Pamungkas, K Iskandar, AIstiandaru. "Improving logical thinking skillsusing HOTS-based mathematics teachingmaterial", Journal of Physics: ConferenceSeries, 2019Publication

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State University of SurabayaStudent Paper

S Hendri, A K Kenedi, Y Anita, M Habibi, A UAkmal. "Validation of discovery learning-basedto increase the ability of elementary studentsproblem solving skills", Journal of Physics:Conference Series, 2019Publication

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Submitted to Jamia Milia Islamia UniversityStudent Paper Source

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Submitted to Program Pascasarjana UniversitasNegeri YogyakartaStudent Paper

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Fikri Mukasyaf, Kms. M. Amin Fauzi, MukhtarMukhtar. "Building Learning TrajectoryMathematical Problem Solving Ability in CircleTangent Topic by Applying MetacognitionApproach", International Education Studies,2019Publication

Submitted to Western Governors UniversityStudent Paper

F Febryanti, H Ahmad, Nurhasanah, AKamaruddin. "Effectiveness of model numberedhead type integrated structure of islamic valueagainst understanding mathematical conceptability", Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2020Publication

M Zainil, R C I Prahmana, Y Helsa, S Hendri."ICT media design for higher grade ofelementary school mathematics learning usingCS6 program", Journal of Physics: ConferenceSeries, 2017Publication

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Andriyani, M Maulana. "Cubaritme in thetrajectory learning of multiplication concept",Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019Publication

U Lu’luilmaknun, D U Wutsqa. "Does the use ofe-learning media with guided discovery methodaffect students’ understanding of mathematicsconcept?", Journal of Physics: ConferenceSeries, 2019Publication

Submitted to University of Southern MississippiStudent Paper

L N Pamungkas, T A Kusmayadi, L Fitriana."Functional thinking profile of mathematicsproblems based on gender in senior highschool", Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2019Publication

R Widyastuti, WA Lestari, U Fadhilah, RNurfarida, Rosidin. "The Ability to UnderstandStudents’ Mathematical Concepts Through thePDEODE Cooperative Learning Model Basedon Assessment for Learning (AFL)", Journal ofPhysics: Conference Series, 2019Publication

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Inquiry Oriented Discovery", Journal of Physics:Conference Series, 2019Publication Source

Siti Aisyah Hasibuan, KMS. M. Amin Fauzi,Mukhtar Mukhtar. "Development of PISAMathematical Problem Model on the Content ofChange and Relationship to Measure StudentsMathematical Problem-Solving Ability",International Electronic Journal of MathematicsEducation, 2019Publication

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A Winarti, Sarbain, M Yamin. "Designing anintegrated learning strategy to develop students’awareness of river environment and scienceprocess skills", Journal of Physics: ConferenceSeries, 2018Publication

H Erwinsyah, Andayani, Sumarwati. "Animation– Based Legendary Stories Materials fromBanjarnegara to Teach Javanese in Junior HighSchool", Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2019Publication

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Submitted to Universitas RiauStudent Paper Source Source

Shulha Kynanda Putri, HasratuddinHasratuddin, Edi Syahputra. "Development ofLearning Devices Based on RealisticMathematics Education to Improve Students’Spatial Ability and Motivation", InternationalElectronic Journal of Mathematics Education,2019Publication

Submitted to Universitas PGRI SemarangStudent Paper

A Murni, R D Anggraini, Sakur. "Thedevelopment of student worksheets based onmetacognitive approach to improve students’mathematical representation ability", Journal ofPhysics: Conference Series, 2018Publication

Submitted to Nottingham Trent UniversityStudent Paper

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devices on photosynthesis and respirationmatter to train science literacy skills", IOPConference Series: Materials Science andEngineering, 2018Publication

Meilana Sapta Dityawati, Wuryadi. "TheInfluence of Learning Motivation, Ability ofTeachers to Teach, Parental Attention andLearning Facilities in Understanding Material ofRegulatory System in Senior High School",Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019Publication

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O Dermawan, Defriyanto, Junaidah, S M Ayu,Busmayaril, Meisuri, M.J Muhtari. "MicrosoftVisual Basic 6.0 Software to DevelopMathematics Teaching Materials", Journal ofPhysics: Conference Series, 2019Publication

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E Zuliana, E Retnowati, D B Widjajanti. "Howshould elementary school students constructtheir knowledge in mathematics based onBruner’s theory?", Journal of Physics:Conference Series, 2019Publication

M Munawwarah, S Anwar, Y Sunarya. "How toDevelop Electrochemistry SETS-BasedInteractive E-Book?", Journal of Physics:Conference Series, 2017Publication

H Yanti, I W Distrik, U Rosidin. "TheEffectiveness of Students’ Worksheets Basedon Multi-Representation in Improving Students’Metacognition Skills in Static Electricity", Journalof Physics: Conference Series, 2019Publication