Joumal of Classification 5:163-180 (1988) - UCLA...

Joumal of Classification 5:163-180 (1988) Convergence of the Majorization Method for Multidimen- sional Scaling Jan de Leeuw University of California Los Angeles Abstract: In this paper we study the convergence properties of an important class of multidimensional scaling algorithms. We unify and extend earlier qualitative results on convergence, which tell us when the algorithms are convergent. In order to prove global convergence results we use the majorization method. We also derive, for the first time, some quantitative convergence theorems, which give information about the speed of convergence. It turns out that in almost all cases convergence is linear, with a convergence rate close to unity. This has the practi- cal consequence that convergence will usually be very slow, and this makes tech- niques to speed up convergence very important. It is pointed out that step-size techniques will generally not succeed in producing marked improvements in this respect. Keywords: Multidimensional scaling; Convergence; Step size; Local minima. 1. Introduction Recent research in multidimensional scaling has moved in the direction of proposing more and more complicated models, often with a very large number of parameters, and sometimes even with severe discontinuities in the model. The emphasis has been on producing computer programs that work, and comparatively little attention has been paid to theoretical problems asso- ciated with the loss functions and the algorithms used to minimize them. We Author's Address: Jan de Leeuw, Departments of Psychology and Mathematics, Univer- sity of California Los Angeles, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA.

Transcript of Joumal of Classification 5:163-180 (1988) - UCLA...

Joumal of Classification 5:163-180 (1988)

C o n v e r g e n c e o f the M a j o r i z a t i o n M e t h o d for M u l t i d i m e n - s iona l Sca l ing

Jan de Leeuw

University of California Los Angeles

Abstract: In this paper we study the convergence properties of an important class of multidimensional scaling algorithms. We unify and extend earlier qualitative results on convergence, which tell us when the algorithms are convergent. In order to prove global convergence results we use the majorization method. We also derive, for the first time, some quantitative convergence theorems, which give information about the speed of convergence. It turns out that in almost all cases convergence is linear, with a convergence rate close to unity. This has the practi- cal consequence that convergence will usually be very slow, and this makes tech- niques to speed up convergence very important. It is pointed out that step-size techniques will generally not succeed in producing marked improvements in this respect.

Keywords: Multidimensional scaling; Convergence; Step size; Local minima.

1. Introduction

Recent research in multidimensional scaling has moved in the direction of proposing more and more complicated models, often with a very large number of parameters, and sometimes even with severe discontinuities in the model. The emphasis has been on producing computer programs that work, and comparatively little attention has been paid to theoretical problems asso- ciated with the loss functions and the algorithms used to minimize them. We

Author's Address: Jan de Leeuw, Departments of Psychology and Mathematics, Univer- sity of California Los Angeles, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA.

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think that such a more theoretical study is long overdue. In fact we think that at the moment an in-depth study of some of the more simple models and tech- niques is more urgent than the development of even more complicated ones. This paper is a contribution to the study of a simple algorithm for fitting the simplest of multidimensional scaling models.

Thus, our paper does not present a new algorithm or a new model. It also makes no claim about superiority of the algorithm studied here over other possible or actual algorithms. The model is chosen from a large spec- trum of possible models, and the loss function is one among many. The only reason for studying this particular model, loss function, and algorithm is that they are simple and direct. This choice makes the mathematical study of their properties relatively easy. It is also the reason why they have been around for quite some time now, and why they have been used in a majority of the appli- cations of multidimensional scaling.

The paper will mainly be about metric multidimensional scaling; towards the end we shall briefly discuss the nonmetric case. Results for non- metric scaling are often simple extensions of the metric results, and in this sense metric scaling is more basic.

2. Notation and Terminology

We introduce the notation and terminology more or less standard for metric multidimensional scaling (Kruskal and Wish 1978). The data in a classical multidimensional scaling problem are collected in a symmetric non-negative matrix A = { 8ij }. The elements of A are called dissimilarities; 8ij is the dissimilarity between objects i and j. There are n objects, and thus A is of order n. We suppose that self-dissimilarities are zero; as a conse- quence A has a zero diagonal. A common purpose of multidimensional scal- ing is to represent the objects as points in a low-dimensional Euclidean space, in such a way that the distance between points i and j is approximately equal to the given dissimilarity of objects i and j. The xi denote n points inp-space, with coordinates in the n × p matrix X, called the configuration. The matrix D(X), with dements d0(X), contains the Euclidean distances between the points xl. It follows that

d/~(X) = (xi - xj)" (Xl _ xj) (la) = (el - e j ) X X (ei - ej) (lb) = tr X Aij X . (lc)

In (lb) the ei are unit vectors (columns of the identity matrix of order n), and in (lc) we have Aij = (el - ej)(ei - e j ) . In order to find out how successful a representation is we compute the value of a loss function, defined to be

Convergence of the Majorization Method 165

o(X) = 1/2 Zi Z i wq (~)ij - dq(X)) 2 (2)

where W = {wij } is a symmetric, non-negative matrix of weights, with a zero diagonal.

Matrix W is known and fixed throughout the computations. Its nondi- agonal elements can be used to code various forms of supplementary informa- tion. If there are missing data, for instance, we can set wij corresponding to missing dissimilarities equal to zero. If there are replications of the dissimi- larities in a cell we can estimate their variability, and use this information to choose weights. It sometimes also makes sense to set wq equal to a fixed function of the dissimilarity values, such as the square or the inverse square, in order to differentially weight errors. This strategy can be used to simulate the behavior of other multidimensional scaling loss functions.

The purpose of the particular form of multidimensional scaling we have presented can now be stated more precisely: given weights, dissimilarities, and a dimensionality p, we want to find X that minimizes c(X).

3. Basic Algorithm

The algorithm we discuss in this paper was first given by Guttman (1968). He derived it by setting the stationary equations for the minimization of o(X) equal to zero, and he observed that the algorithm could be interpreted as a gradient algorithm with constant step-size. Compare also Lingoes and Roskam (1973, p. 8-10), Hartman (1979, p. 74-82), Borg (1981, p. 88-92). In de Leeuw (1977) the very same algorithm was derived in a somewhat more general context from convex analysis as a subgradient method. It was observed that in the simple Euclidean case, which is the one we are interested in here, the algorithm could be derived from the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, without using either differentiation or subdifferentiation. This is the deriva- tion we present here. It is a much simplified version of the one given in de Leeuw and Heiser (1980).

In order to describe the algorithm efficiently we need some additional notation. First let


~X(x) = 1/2 E i Zj wij d~j(X) ,

p(x) = 1/2 zj d j(X).



If we assume, without loss of generality that

166 J. de Leeuw


1/2 ~'i ~j wij ~2 = 1 ,

o(X) = 1 - 2 p ( X ) + ~2(X).



It is clear that rl2(X) is a convex quadratic function of X. From (lc) and (3) we have


rl2(X) = tr X" V X ,

V = 1/2 Zi Zy wq Aq .



Throughout the paper we assume that V has rank n - 1, an assumption which can be made without any loss of generality (de Leeuw 1977). It also follows from (8) that V is positive semidefinite, and that its (one-dimensional) null space consists of all vectors with constant elements.

The function p(X) is somewhat more complicated than rl2(X). We know that dq(X) is a convex and positively homogeneous function of X. Thus, by (4), the same claim holds for 9(X). It is convenient to write p(X) as



p(X) = tr X 'B(X)X,

B(X) = 1/2 Zi Ej wij 8 6 sij(X)A 0 ,



sij(X) = 1/dij(X) if dij(X) sO ( l la)

so(X) = 0 otherwise (1 lb)

It is obvious that the difference between (7) and (9) is that in (7) V is a con- stant matrix,while in (9), B(X) varies with X. Thus, rl2(X) is quadratic in X, while p(X) is not.

With the notation developed so far it is easy to explain the algorithm. Clearly the partial derivatives of rl2(X) are given by V rl2(X) = 2VX. Using the definitions it is also not difficult to see that V p(X) = B(X)X, provided that p(X) is differentiable at X. Thus, V ~(X)= 2(VX-B(X)X). In de Leeuw and Heiser (1980), the Guttman transform F(Y) of a configuration Y is defined as

Convergence of the Majorization Method 167

F(Y) = V + B ( Y ) Y , (12)

with V + the Moore-Penrose inverse of V. Observe that the Guttman transform depends on weights and dissimilarities, and is consequently defined relative to a particular metric multidimensional scaling problem. Using the Guttman transform makes it possible to rewrite the gradient as V o(X) = 2V(X - F(X)), and thus V (~(X) = 0 if and only if X = F(X). As a consequence, a configuration X is called stationary for a particular metric multidimensional scaling problem if it is equal to its Guttman transform. The result also immediately suggests the algorithm Xk+l = F(Xk), or more expli- citly,

Xk+l = V+B(Xk)Xt . (13)

Equivalently we can also write

Xk+l = Xk - 1/2 V + V c(Xk) , (14)

which shows the gradient interpretation of the algorithm. In this derivation of the algorithm we have made the provision that

o(X) had to be differentiable at X. This claim is true if and only i fdij(X) > 0 for all i, j for which wij 5ij > 0. Let us agree to call a configuration usable if this condition is true. Thus if X is not usable, then ~(X) is not differentiable at X, and interpretation (14) cannot be used. Using definition (10), however, the iteration (12) can still be canied out. In de Leeuw (1977) and de Leeuw and Heiser (1980) it is shown that in this case the algorithm still converges to a stationary point.

There are three reasons why we simply assume differentiability in the sequel. In the first place it was proved by de Leeuw (1984), that if ~ has a local minimum at X, then X is usable. Since we are interested in the behavior of our algorithm in the neighborhood of a local minimum in most of this paper, we might as well assume differentiability. In the second place, although we do not need differentiability for the qualitative study of conver- gence (i.e., for proving that the algorithm converges), we do need it for the quantitative study (i.e., for establishing the rate of convergence). And, finally, we shall base our convergence proof below directly on the Cauchy- Schwartz inequality, for which differentiability is not needed in the first place.

The convergence proof starts with a lemma, which is the foundation of our approach to the minimization of this particular multidimensional scaling loss function.

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Lemma 1: For all X and Y

o ( X ) < 1 - rlz(F(Y)) + n2fx- r(Y)).

Moreover for all X

o ( X ) = 1 - n2(r(x)) + n2(x- r(x)) .



Proof." By Cauchy-Schwartz

tr X'AqY < { tr X'A/jX} 1/2 { tr Y'AqY } u2 = dq(X)dij(Y) . (16)

Multiply both sides by wij ~ij sq(Y), and add over all i, j. This manipulation gives, using (4) and (10),

tr X ' B ( Y ) Y < p ( X ) , (17)

with equality i fY = X. We can also write (17) as

p(X) > tr X'VF(Y) , (18)

and substitution in (6) gives

o(X) < 1 - 2 tr X'VF(Y) + tr X ' V X . (19)

We can write (19) as

o(X) < 1 - tr F(Y)'VF(Y) + tr (X - F(Y))'V(X - F(Y)) , (20)

which is (15a). We have equality i fX = Y, which is (15b). Q.E.D.

Figure 1 provides a useful interpretation of Lemma 1, and also shows the algorithmic implications. If we use the abbreviation

o~(X) = 1 - ~2(F(Y)) + rl2(X - F(Y)) , (21)

then for each Y, the function roy is quadratic in X. Moreover, by Lemma I, c(X) < oAr(X) and c(Y) = roy(Y). Thus, for each Y, the function ohr major- izes the function a, and the two functions touch only for X = Y. Moreover, roy is minimized over X by setting X = F(Y) and thus we see that the Gutt- man transform decreases the loss function. We write this result as

o(F(Y)) < roy(F(Y)) < roy(Y) = o(Y) , (22)

Convergence of the Majorization Method 169

f irst value

first majorization

second majori:

second value


! tD



minimum I t first iteration second iteration

third iteration

Figm'e 1. Three iterations of the majorization algorithm. We have drawn a section of the stresg loss function, and two quadratic majorization functions. These touch the function at the current configuration, they are always above it, and their minimum provides the next


provided that Y # F(Y). These results are illustrated in Figure 1. Thus either Y = F(Y), in which case V o(Y) = 0 and we have found a solution o f the sta- tionary equations, or Y ~ F(Y) and we can decrease the loss by replacing Y by its Guttman transform. This procedure constitutes the basic algorithm. It also explains why we call it a majorization method: instead of local linear approximation we use global quadratic majorization in each iteration step.

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4. Sequences Generated by the Algorithm

The algorithm (13)generates a sequence Xk, and also sequences of real numbers ok = O(Xk), Pk = p(XD, rl 2 = rl2(Xt~). Also define the sequences 3. k = p(Xj:) / ri(Xk), and e~ = l~2(Xk- F(Xk) ). The symbols 1" and ,l. are used for convergence of monotone sequences which are, respectively, increasing and decreasing. The theorems in this section unify earlier results in de Leeuw (1977) and de Leeuw and Heiser (1980).

Theorem l: (a) Pk 1" po*, :

(c) 1" = (d) Ok ,l, ~3~ : 1 - poo, (e) o.

Proof." From (3) and (4) we lind, by using Cauchy-Schwartz, that p(X) < ri(X) for all X. Thus Zk <-1 for all k. We can write (9) as p(X) = tr X VF(X), and again by Cauchy-Schwartz, p(X) < rl(X)q(F(X)) for all X. Thus Pt, < rlkrlk÷1, and also ~.k < rlk+l. Now write (17) as p(F(X)) > tr (F(X))'B(X)X = rl2(F(X)), which implies that Pk > rlk 2 and )~k > rlk. Sum- marizing the results so far gives

rl/c<~Lk<rlk+l <)~k+1 < 1 ,

1] 2 <-- Pk <- l~kTlk+l <- 112+1 <Pk+l < 1 .



These chains are sufficient to prove parts (a) (b) (c). We have already proved the decrease of ok in (22), the limit value follows trivially from ¢~k = 1 - 2pk + rl 2, together with po~ = rl 2. This proves (d). For (e) we write e 2 112 + rl2+1 - 2pk, and again use poo = rl 2. Q.E.D.

Observe that the theorem does not state that ek decreases monotonically to zero. In fact usually convergence of ek to zero is nonmonotonic. The theorem also does not say anything about the convergence of Xk. The sequence Xk is studied in a separate theorem. Remember that Xoo is an accu- mulation point of a sequence Xk if each neighborhood of X~ contains infinitely many points of the sequence.

Theorem 2: Suppose So. is the set of all accumulation points of the sequence Xk. Then:

(a) So. is nonempty,

Convergence of the Majorization Method 171

(b) i f X ~ E S.~ then a(X~) = c**, (c ) i f X~ ~ S~ and X** is usable, then X~ is stationary (i.e., equal to

its Guttman transform), (d) if S~. is not a singleton, then it is a continuum.

Proof." All Xk are column centered. In the p(n - 1) dimensional space of all column-centered n × p matrices, the function 11 defines a norm. Because rik -< 1 for all k, it follows that all Xk are in the unit ball of this normed space, and consequently they have at least one accumulation point. This implication proves (a).

Suppose X~ is a subsequence converging to Xo.. Then, by continuity of t~, the sequence t~(X~.) converges to c(Xo~). But the only accumulation point of C(Xk) is Co~. This argument proves (b).

In the neighborhood of a usable configuration the Guttman transform is continuous. Thus, by the same argument that proved (b), we find that e(X~.) = rl(X~. - F(X~,)) = rl(X~. - X~.+l) converges to rl(X** - F(X~)), which must be zero by Theorem 1, part (e). This reasoning proves (c).

For result (d), we remember that a continuum is a closed set, which cannot be written as the union of two or more disjoint closed sets. A proof of (d) is given by Ostrowski (1966, Theorem 28.1). Q.E.D.

Again Theorem 2 does not say that Xk converges. This fact is quite irrelevant from a practical point of view, however. If we define Ix-optimal configurations as those configurations for which rl(X - F(X)) < Ix, then for all Ix > 0, the algorithm finds a Ix-optimal configuration in a finite number of steps. This result is all the convergence we ever need in practice. In Theorem 2 there is a restriction in part (c), because we require that X~, is usable. This restriction can be removed by using subdifferentials (de Leeuw and Heiser 1980). But again, from a practical point of view, the restriction is not very important, because all local minima are usable (de Leeuw 1984).

The conclusion for Theorems 1 and 2 is that the sequences of loss and fit values generated by the algorithm converge monotonically. The difference between successive solutions converges to zero, which implies that the sequence of solutions converges. In a precise mathematical sense we have either convergence to a single point, or convergence to a continuum of sta- tionary points, with all these stationary points having the same value of the loss function. We have not been able to exclude this last possibility, and indeed a natural candidate for such a continuum is available in any multidi- mensional scaling problem. If X~. is a stationary point, then for any p x p rotation matrix K, the matrix XooK is also a stationary point, with the same loss function value. Thus there is the possibility that Xk converges to a

172 J. de Leeuw

continuum of the form S**= { X I X = X . o K } , in the sense that min {ri(Xk - X) I X e S** } converges to zero, but XI, does not converge to a point in So.. Again it is clear that this fact is irrelevant from a practical point of view.

5. Derivatives of the Guttman Transform

A more detailed study into the convergence behavior of the algorithm is possible if we determine the derivative of the Guttman transform. This information makes it possible to investigate, for the first time, the rate of con- vergence of our basic algorithm. For a general discussion of the role of the derivative in one-step iterative processes, such as our (12), we refer to Ostrowski (1966, Chapter 22) or Ortega and Rheinboldt (1970, Chapter 10). For ease of reference we briefly summarize their key result here. If Xk+1 = ~(Xk) is any convergent iterative algorithm generating a sequence converging to Xoo, and if the largest eigenvalue "coo of the derivative of • at X~ satisfies 0 <'co. < 1, then ]]Xk+1-Xo.ll/]]Xk-Xoo]]-->"coo, i.e., we have linear convergence with rate "c.~.

The derivative is considered as a linear operator mapping the (n - 1)p dimensional space of column-centered configurations into itself. We can represent it computationally by an np x np matrix, but here we prefer to give it as a linear map which associates with each centered configuration Y another centered configuration Fx(Y). The map Fx is the derivative of the Guttman transform at the usable configuration X. Thus we have, for example,

r ( x + Y) = r ( x ) + Ix(Y) + o (nOr) ) , (24)

showing the local linear approximation provided by the derivative. Observe that in (24), we have chosen I"1 as the norm we are using in defining the derivative. This choice is not essential, of course, but it certainly is con- venient.

We now give the formula for the derivative. It is most usefully written as

Fx(Y) = V + {B(X)Y- U(X,Y)X} , (25)


U(X,Y) = 1/2 Xi Zj {wij~ijci j(X,Y) / d3(X)} Aij , (26)

and clj(X,Y) = tr X'A•Y. Thus U(X,X) = B(X). Next we are interested in the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of I x .

Observe that we have interpreted it as an operator on the (n - 1)p dimensional

Convergence of the Majorization Method 173

space of centered configurations. It consequently has (n - 1)p eigenvalues, not necessarily all distinct. If we consider Fx as an operator on the space of all np matrices, then it has p additional eigenvalues equal to zero. The corresponding eigensubspace contains the solutions ofrl(Y) = 0.

Before proceeding, we have to single out one special case. If p = 1, then UCK,Y)X = B(X)Y, and thus Fx(Y) = 0. It is shown in de Leeuw and Heiser (1977) that the Guttman transform iterations converge in a finite number of steps if p = 1. This special case was already singled out by Gutt- man (1968). Defays (1978), Heiser (1981), and Hubert and Arabie (1986) show that one-dimensional scaling is essentially a combinatorial problem. Because either the result Fx(Y) = 0 or the fact of finite convergence stops all considerations having to do with rate of convergence, we assume from now on tha tp > 1.

Result 1. X is an eigenvector of Fx with eigenvalue zero. This result follows directly from U(X,X) = B(X) and (24).

Result 2. Fx has simple structure, i.e., (n - 1)p linearly independent eigenvectors. This follows because Fx(Y) = ~Y can be written in the form (V2p(X))Y = ~,VY, where V2p is the operator corresponding with the second partial derivatives of p, which is consequently symmetric. Thus the eigen- values are real, and the eigenvectors Ys can be chosen such that they are orthogonal, i.e., such that tr Y~VYt = Sst, with 5 st the Kronecker delta.

Result 3. The eigenvalues of Fx are non-negative. This fact follows from the representation in the previous result. Because p is convex, the operator V2p is positive semidefmite.

Result 4. If X is a local minimum of ~, then all eigenvalues of Fx are less than or equal to one. This result follows because if X is a local minimum, then we must have that V2c(X) is positive semidefinite. And V2a(X) is positive semidefmite if and only if I - F x is positive semidefinite, i.e., if and only if all eigenvalues of Fx are less than or equal to one.

Result 5. If X is stationary, then Fx has 1/2p(p - 1) eigenvalues equal to one. To prove this result, choose Y = XS, with S anti-symmetric, i.e., S = - S'. Then c0(X,Y ) = tr X'AijXS = 0, and thus from (24) and (25) we have Fx(Y)= V+B(X)XS = XS = Y. The anti-symmetric matrix S can be chosen in 1/2pfp - 1) linearly independent ways.

6. A Small Example

The example we use has n = 4 objects, and has all dissimilarities ~ij, with i ~ j, equal to 1 / "~fff. The weights wij are all equal to one, and conse- quently normalization (5) is true. Of course this example does not constitute a realistic multidimensional scaling problem, because it is much too small. We use the example to illustrate what kind of stationary points we can expect

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in a metric scaling problem, and how our simple algorithm will behave in a neighborhood of these stationary points. We do not intend to prove, in any sense, that our algorithm is better than other existing algorithms. In fact we think that the other algorithms will behave quite similarly. It seems to us that the example can be used to illustrate the great difficulties multidimensional scaling methods can encounter if the iterations are started at unfommate places, and to illustrate the slow rate of convergence that seems to be typical for multidimensional scaling problems. Both the local minimum problem and the slow convergence problem will tend to become more serious if we increase the size of the problem.

We first make a small list of stationary points. This list may not be exhaustive, but it contains some of the more interesting types of stationary points.

Stationary point 1. Take four points equally spaced on a line. This actually defines a whole family of stationary points, because any permutation of four equally spaced points will do. Moreover we can think of this solution as embedded in one-dimensional space, in two-dimensional space, and so on. If p = 1 we know that Fx = 0, we also know that the equally spaced points define the global minimum (de Leeuw and Stoop 1983). But, as we said before, we are really only interested in p > 1. I f p = 2, i.e., if we have four points equally spaced on a line in two-space, then the eigenvalues of Fx are four zeros together with the eigenvalues of 1/4B(X), which are 0, 1, 1.5, and 1.8333. Thus for p = 2 the four points on a line are not a local minimum, in fact they define a saddle-point. The function value in this saddle-point is .1666666667.

Stationary point 2. Take three points in the comers of an equilateral tri- angle, and the fourth one in the centroid of the triangle. This is, again, a whole family of stationary points, all with loss function value

= .06698729811. F o r p = 2 the operator Fx has 8 eigenvalues. Three are equal to zero, three are equal to one, and two are equal to .2321. Thus the tri- angle plus centroid defines a local minimum, but not an isolated one. There are three eigenvalues equal to one and only one of them corresponds with the trivial eigenvalue equal to one of result (5) in the previous section. I f p = 3 we have the same 8 eigenvalues, plus the 4 eigenvalues of 1/2B(X), which are 0, 1, 1, and 1A641 in this case. Thus f o r p = 3 this stationary point is not a local minimum any more.

Stationary point 3. Take four points in the corners of a square. Loss is .02859547921. F o r p = 2 the eigenvalues of Fx are three zeros, .4142, three times .5858, and one trivial unit eigenvalue. Thus we have local minimum here that is isolated in the sense that the manifold of all rotations of the square is isolated from other stationary values. Again the square is not a local minimum forp = 3, although it remains stationary.

Convergence of the Majorization Method 175

Stationary point 4. Take four points in the comers of a regular tetrahedron. The loss function is now zero, which shows directly that this three-dimensional solution is certainly the global minimum. The eigenvalues of Fx are zero four times, 1/2 three times, 3/4 two times, and one three times. The unit eigenvalues correspond with the 1 /2p(p - 1) trivial eigenvalues defining the manifold of rotations.

7. Rate of Convergence

The discussion in the previous sections shows that at least part of the difficulty with proving actual convergence of our iterations comes from the rotational indeterminancy of multidimensional scaling. Because of this rota- tional indeterminancy, Fx has at least 1/2pfp - 1) unit eigenvalues at a sta- tionary point X. If we eliminate rotational indetenninancy, then we eliminate these difficulties. First, we call a regular stationary point isolated if F x has exactly 1/2p(p - 1) unit eigenvalues. We call it an isolated local minimum if all other eigenvalues are strictly less than one. In the small example in the previous section, the four points in the comer of a square are an isolated local minimum for p = 2. For p = 3 the solution is neither isolated nor a local minimum. The equilateral triangle with centroid is a local minimum for p = 2, but not an isolated local minimum. The regular tetrahedron is an iso- lated local minimum for p = 3. At an isolated local minimum, we use the symbol ~: for the largest eigenvalue less than one. We call it the level of the isolated local minimum.

Theorem 3: I f Xk has an accumulation point, which is an isolated local minimum, and has level ~c, then ek+l / ek --~ ~.

Proof." We want to apply the general theorems of Ostrowski and of Ortega and Rheinboldt referred to above. First, we eliminate rotational indeter- minancy by defining a new sequence X~. For each k the configuration X~ is a rotation of Xk; moreover it is a specific rotation which identifies the configuration uniquely in the manifold of rotations. We can rotate to princi- pal components, for example, with some special provision for equal eigen- values. Because X~ is a rotation of Xk, the sequences ak, Pk, rh, ~k generated by this modified algorithm are exactly the same. So is •2 = (~k+1)2 + ~2 -2Ok, although now ek ~:rl((Xk+l) ° -X~) . The transfor- mation which maps X~ to (Xk+l) ° has a derivative F~ at a stationary point with exactly the same eigenvalues as Fx, except for the 1 /2p (p - 1) unit eigenvalues, which are replaced by zeroes. Thus ~ < I is actually the largest eigenvalue of F~, so that X~ converges linearly, with rate K:. Q.E.D.

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If the stationary point is a non-isolated local minimum, or not even a local minimum, then Theorem 3 does not say anything about the rate of con- vergence. This fact does not seem to be a very important restriction of gen- erality in practice, because it seems difficult to get our algorithm to converge to a non-isolated local optimum. We illustrate this finding with the small example from the previous section.

The equilateral triangle with centroid is a non-isolated local minimum for p = 2. Start the iterations from a small perturbation of this stationary point. With a very close start (o = .0669873151), we have convergence to the stationary value with 10-decimal precision within 5 iterations. The ratio (ek+l) 2 / e 2 continues to increase, however, although extremely slowly. It is .99 at iteration 8, and .999 at iteration 10. We have stopped the process at iteration 30, at which point we are still equally close to the stationary value, and the ratio is still increasing.

We have restarted the iterations somewhat further away from the sta- tionary point ( o = .0669895385). After 10 iterations t~ is down to .0669877606 and e 2 is 7 × 10 -9. The ratio (ek+l) 2 / e 2 is .9739919946. At iteration 50 we have t~ = .0669873813, e 2 = 36 x 10 -1°, and (ek÷l) 2 / e 2 = .9926593514. Around iteration 60 the value of o drops below .066987298 (equilateral triangle with centroid) and e 2 begins to rise, causing a ratio ek+l / ek larger than one. This situation continues for a very long time. At iteration 200, for instance, we have o = .0669757275 and e 2 = 3413 x 10 -1°. The ratio of successive epsilons is still larger than one. This continues until iteration 250. In the meantime e 2 has increased to .0026904972, and o, which started dropping rapidly at iteration 225, is down to .0368738809. Convergence now becomes rapid, and within 20 iterations the configuration converges to the four comers of the square, which is an iso- lated local minimum (in fact the global minimum) forp = 2. At iteration 270 we have o = .0285954792, e 2 < 10 -1°, and (ek+l) 2 / e 2 = .3431684733, which is for all practical purposes equal to ~: 2. Thus we have started close to a non-isolated local minimum. The algorithm has great difficulty in getting away from it, but ultimately succeeds.

With a restart even further away (o = .0675512622) the algorithm has difficulty escaping only until iteration 30. The e 2 decreases rapidly again, and we have convergence to the square in 55 iterations. It is now not difficult to conjecture that in the first start, in which we seemed to converge on the equi- lateral triangle, we merely did not continue long enough. After hundreds or perhaps thousands of iterations we would converge on the square again, i f we continued.

Convergence of the Majorization Method 177

8. Nonmetric Scaling

We now introduce some additional terminology in order to define non- metr ic scaling. T h e loss function for a nonmetric scaling problem can be written as

t~(X,A) = 1/2 Ei Ej w O (~ij - d i j (X)) 2 , (27)

where all symbols have the same meaning as before, except for A = {~ilj }, which now contains the dispari t ies and no longer the dissimilarities. In non- metric scaling the loss function (27) must be minimized over both the configuration X and the disparities A, where the disparities are restricted by the ordinal information in the data. Thus the disparities are additional param- eters in the nonmetric scaling problem over which we minimize, in contrast to the metric scaling problem in which the dissimilarities are fixed numbers. Thus we can choose A freely, provided it is feas ib le , which means in this case mono tone with the given dissimilarities. In this sense nonmetric scaling gen- eralizes metric scaling, in which A must not only be monotone but in fact ident ical to the dissimilarities. In order to prevent trivial solutions, we must also impose a normalization condition on the disparities, for instance that their sum of squares is unity, or that their variance is unity.

As indicated in de Leeuw (1977) we can think of nonmetric scaling algorithms in two different ways. First, we interpret them as alternating least squares methods, which alternate one gradient step (or Guttman-transform) with a monotone regression step. In the gradient step, the loss function (27) is minimized (or rather decreased) by choosing a new X; in the monotone regression step (27) is decreased by choosing a new A, consistent with the ordinal constraints. Of course it is possible, and perhaps sometimes advis- able, to introduce some obvious modifications of this algorithm. Instead of alternating one Gutlman transform with one monotone regression we can per- form more Guttman transforms between monotone regressions. These Gutt- man steps have a rate of convergence which is described by our results above. In the alternating least squares interpretation, the loss function (27) is dearly interpreted as a function of two sets of parameters, the coordinates and the disparities.

Second, it is also possible to view the loss function in nonmetfic scal- ing as a function of X alone. This is the original definition of stress as pro- posed by Kruskal (1964a, 1964b). If c(X,A) is the "stress" used in the first approach, then Kruskal's stress is the minimum of c(X,A) over all feasible disparities A. Thus A is "projected out," and the remaining function depends only on X. This elementary fact has caused a great deal of confusion in the early days of multidimensional scaling. The confusion was made even bigger

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by the fact that the derivative of t~(X) is the same as the partial derivatives of c~(X,A) with respect to X, evaluated at the optimal A(X). Thus a(X) = c(X,A(X)), but also V c(X) = Vxt~(X,A(X)). This last result is due to Kruskal (1971), who used it to show that t~(X) is differentiable (whenever o(X,A) is differentiable). It is also used by de Leeuw (1977) to show that the iteration Xk+l = V÷B(Xk)Xk is still a convergent algorithm if we define B(X) as in (10) but with A(X) substituted for A. Thus, our qualitative convergence results remain true without modification, both in the alternating least squares and in the (sub)differential interpretation.

Unfortunately the transformation X-->A(X) is generally not differentiable. In fact, to find A(X) we have to project D(X) orthogonally on a polyhedral convex cone, which implies that the transformation is piecewise linear in the distances. The linear pieces are joined in a continuous but non- smooth way (compare Kruskal 1971). If we have convergence of the non- metric scaling algorithm to a point where the cone-projection is locally a con- stant linear map, then our convergence results apply. In monotone regression terms this means that for all points in an open neighborhood of the solution we are converging to, monotone regression finds the same partitioning into blocks in its computation of the disparities, i.e., for all these points it projects on the same face of the cone. In general, however, we cannot exclude the possibility that the convergence is to a point in the boundary of two regions with different projection maps. These linear maps again correspond to the partitioning into blocks found by the monotone regression algorithm. In this case our results do not apply, and they must be adapted.

9. Summary and Conclusions

We have shown in this paper that our basic majorization algorithm for multidimensional scaling converges to a stationary point, if convergence is defined using the asymptotic regularity of the generated sequence, i.e., in terms of the fact that the distance between two consecutive members of the sequence converges to zero. We have also shown that if one of the accumula- tion points of the sequence is an isolated local minimum, then convergence is linear. This condition seems to be all that is needed for practical applications. It follows from our small numerical example that it is possible for actual com- puter programs to stop at saddle points which are not local minima, and that in the neighborhood of such saddle points convergence may look sublinear. Our experience with many practical examples indicates that the level of iso- lated local minima (i.e., the convergence rate of the algorithm we have described) in multidimensional scaling is very often close to unity. Thus although convergence is theoretically linear, it can be extremely slow.

Convergence of the Majorization Method 179

Consequently it becomes very important, at least in some cases, to look for ways to speed up linear convergence, or even for ways to attain supralinear convergence. These acceleration devices will be investigated in subsequent publications. Simple ways to speed up linear convergence were already investigated by de Leeuw and Heiser (1980); more complicated ones were studied by Stoop and de Leeuw (1983). In both papers the basic conver- gence of the Gutmaan-transform iterations is preserved, but a specially developed step-size procedure is added to the algorithm. Both on theoretical and on empirical grounds one can argue that stepsize procedures in MDS, including the ones devised by Kruskal (1964), will generally double the speed of convergence, i.e., half the number of iterations required for a given preci- sion. In the case of very slow linear convergence, this does not really help very much. Of course the formulae derived in Section 5 can be used quite easily to derive the exact form of Newton's method applicable to multidimen- sional scaling, but our numerical experience so far suggests that Newton's method must also be used with much care in this context.

Our main conclusion is that the majorization method is reliable and very simple, but that it is generally slow, and sometimes intolerably slow. It seems to us that an additional conclusion is that one should always study the second derivatives of the loss function at the stopping point of the algorithm. This information indicates if we have stopped at a local minimum, and how much improvement we can expect in various directions. Such information on improvement can be used either to try to make one or more Newton-steps, or to derive information on the stability of the solution.


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