JOUHCIL Us. tat the u*u\i •on t o t h o Is o( Hilton, iamage 11 ik pd, and aU-i isurviyor) low, and was nation. the County let with him, he making of ar-macadam. in the roads ! r, and he was Meats i n t h e dangerous, been carried lestone when ared to give •le surface.— Iwas time the Jt was a shame ptn t h e roads i of making, rtainly not fit ate of affairs 3astle, (or he Inge the road ss *ry to have fen miles. Mr ouU ba roada §nnd ha moved to obtain all j a a w system, fsxpeases. lets. m no farther fcivate streets That being so, namely, the rivate Streets Bridge (olerk) iy ooald not Jhnetfl unless 0k the streets G. Linsley re wonld be the entoroe- Aot.—It was already been •souths to see nythlag.—Mr |l she Council Act, 1882.— I the CjckQold tasked for the Jpvoi'. The , and now they i matter might is at le»a?, and lie who wanted I them in order Tats was km work, nor to |e matter stand L—The Clerk il a commit tea kfiald owners, rreoommended |>n make the | Surveyor, and B 'jmplying, the pplieation w n fife's proposal idlam. _|nested by the Mala an aliened Staff in datliu'; raleh c implicit I Dr. A . C. H « d - II sent explant- fal GoVdCO.71 JO- of ojnflJenoj kA copy ot Dt. Idnaa adicassed 1, WAS read by suasion i t w n no action, and beading farther Brnmoat Board. •he Forces. ONllaNT.] Statement of t i e . the Teesdale j Issued to tha ttotal output of jealisiug £9,207 1*1,047 16a. 5 d , . In the pouau, : to next ye»r's |decrease of 607 J year, but the (8s. Ofi, acd the inoreased by jrfy statement of J bee» submitted, [to£6,444 16s. 4d, "8a. 8\i. on the •t year. The the pound ou ud on buioaer'J [on coals. The one, and now are capital is orkinglin these _ory, amounting an increase of are holding a tea, whioh oom- miuister (the »1 friends aro Society have sir new traveller (was a previous liddleton Parian |Town Hall last obson (chairman) aitted by the ferenoe to the of repairing . left over. A sal Relief Fund was instructed nation from the i town, so that a Used for We' be recorded. - r the annual rate' xing, to be held at recommended era were made attended la*° > exceptionally inoul" and B Tb« There worn ilea, especially LOCAL AND OTHER MOTES. THE TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, JANIZARY 13, 191 Mrs Arthur Fitzgerald has bad a little son, born on Christmas Day. The Dowager Lady Milbank, of Barninghsm Kirk, is, therefore, now a great, groat-grandmother, as M r s Kitzperald was, before her marriage, in Kebrnary last, Miss Mary Forrester, daughter of th<" M»eter of the Quorn, and grand-daughter of Sir Powlott Milbank. The D iwagrr Lady Milb»ck, besiden contributing to various fnods, w been actively n:gag*d in knitting scarves tre soldiers acd sailors, and tvr thrir children. She has sent l»rgo *od generous parcels of olothirg for tbe Red Cress, AS well toys for the Sailors' and Soldiers' Families' Association children ard Belgian refugees. The local military were engaged in night route marches last week. o Lieutenant the HOD. Ian Maitland, nf the Cameron Highlanders, acd Mrs Maitland, having secured brief leave of absence, spent a few days at Rokeby Park last week, aad were at Barnard Castle on Thursday. o The old church at Egglestun —a structure of the last century—is within the grounds of Eggleston Hall—quite olose to the mansion. o—— Mrs Elizabeth Boldron Brown, of 22, Alma- square, Scarborough, who left estate of the gross value of £19,772 6s. 3d., has bequeathed £200 upon trust to distribute the income at Christmas time to a poor person of the parish of St. Mary, Barnard Castle. a. few fragments of *ao old church at Middleton-in-Teesdale have be»n preserved and incorporated with the existing building. These include a two-ligbt window of Doc. rated date, now built into the wall of the organ obamber, and a oioquefoil-headed piscina built into the new vestry. o—— Mr Willie Parkinson, son of Mr T. Parkins >r, Park-terrace, Barnard Castle, has been spending a short furlough in his native town, he being attaohed to the Royal Engineers. St. Jerome in the Wilderness, by Cesaro da Sesto ; and St. Jerome adorning the Crucifix, by Van Eyck, are pictures in oil at Raby Castle. Mr Charles Nevisoo, caretaker of the Barnard CsRtle aud Startforth Working-men'* Club, and for sametirco cfaargeman of local platelayers, fcss ji-t secured tho more important post of permanent way inspector nf the Crook Division of tho North-Eastern Railway, and commenced bis new dui ies iast week. This will render vaconthis appointment ot caretaker at the club. o There is probably no piece of ground in Britain that produces so mauy rare plat ts within a limited space as Wirldy Bank Fell. The Rav. W, Dvrwent, of Bogaor, has agtin composed a New Year's hymn, which the Rev C. S. Darwont, his eldest sou, has once more made the vaaic'o ot bis rood wishes and greetings to tho mMOibars of Ualoc Church and coDgregatiShanghai, of which M r C. E. Darwent u pastor. o A stairway leads down in a turret from tbo guard-room to the level of the ohapel 11 jar, and it probably communicated with the leads of the destroyed barbic^a at Raby Castle. Besides a large and interesting collection of family portraits, including one of Sir George Bowes, the loyal adversary of the rebellious earls, and one of K•••r Mary Bjwes, the uoforfcuuaSe '.'ountes-i el S rathmore, are many fine and valuable pictures iuStreatlam Castle, . Seoond Lieutetiaut Charles Wilbraham Watsun Ford, only son of the Vicar of Bagshot, Surrey, writes to a-y tfcut ro i i on the unattached list for the Indian Army, and although ha sails next Saturday, he has uo idea to what re^imonii he will be appointed. Mr Ford is eighteen, not ninetoon years cf agas stated in our last issue. Theodore Parker said that work is tho only unlveiBal currency which God accepts. Staindrop church is the <>c ly ohnrch in tho county in whioh the pre-reformation chancel sorecn still exists. Sergeant G .11, of the 7th Battalion King's Royal Rifles—the first battalion termed in Lord Kitchauer's Army—has been on a short visit to Barnard Cistle. He came here frcm Qreyshot, Hindhea4, Surrey. Mr Gail, whose parents reside at B trees, and who was much esteemed in this towc, has loyally adopted the profession of arms, and, nrior to his enlistment, he was in Messrs Barclay's branch bank, at Barnard Castle. Curiously enough another locally popular soldier—SecoDd-Lieutenant Cherry, who wa?, prior to the outbreak of hostilities, serving on the staff of onr own regiment at Barnard Castle —has also been here on a faw daya' leave ot absence. He is only three miles distant from Sergeant Gail. o No part of Raby Castle is of earlier date than the time of Ralph Lord Neville, the hero of the battlo ot Neville's Cross, and who was the lord of Raby Ucm his father's death in 1331 to bis own death in 13b7. An Admiralty notification reached Barnard Castle on Thursday annon.;oing the faot that Seaman John Ramsden, son of the late Mr Jnbn Kamsdeo, of Well-yard, Barnard Castle, had been drowned when tho battleship, *' Formid- able," sank in the Channel. Ramsdec, who had six or seven years' scrvioe in the Navy, was former'y a railway po: ter at Bowes station Much sympathy is felt with his mother acd other relatives, who are ie !l known in the tow 0 . jjrs Ramsden bss for sometime resided with a daughter at Darlington. Mrs Qeorge Thompson, ot the Bay Horse Inn, Barnard Castle, is B sister of tt.o deceased, who was twenty-eight jears of age last birthday and w *s a first-class stoker. . The ol-i ohnrch tower at Barnard Castle, judging from the representation given of it in Suttees' engraving, was probabiv built in the second quarter of the fifteenth century. Tho Kleg of tb* Belgians has protested by 'olegram to His HoUnees the Pope against the irrest of Cardinal Meroier, a Prince of the Church, and the-heart ot the Holy Kath«r is most grievously ajffected. The explanation of Germany is awaited with curiosity. Lientenant-Colinel H . 0 , Wttaoo, ot the Wount, who is cbmran r :ding the 6th Battalion "arbam Territorial?, aad Lieutenant Bernard P, Hes'op, of Startforth Villa, of the same rogiment, fast week-end paid a visit to their Monies. The Earl of Strathmura and Kinghoroe has "fmt a quantity [of rabbits for the Belgian Refugees now residing at Barnard Castle. When curling arsr bad its origin is not •ecisely knowd. I t has been played in Scotland for three centuries at least, and if it •'id not originate) tbere, it certainly owes its .-iavelopment to that country. Tho g»me is iindoubtodi? inw twatsa; in popularity, there being at t h e pr< ne:>t moment ?-.Dout 650 clubs iu Scotland, and 50 in England. I t i s days also very < xtetsKi ^ely plr.yed in Canada, Switzerland, and other countries where he abounds. Mr Gerald Hoa Ham left Gainford.on Monday for Alnwick. 'i The Zetland fofxbounds will meet at Clifle, to-morrow; and a'; Winston Bridge on Saturday, each morning at eleven o'clock. r— o— h The widow oJ B"or^e du Miurior, who has just died, outlived her celebrated husb.tod eighteen years. [Being a friend of the into Mr John Hunt's family, all of whom are now dead, tho late Mr dp Maurier and his brother occasionally visited Barnard Castle in the good days ot the late Mr John Smith and other well-known local men. Mr du Mauri*; was, as is well known, on the staff of " Punch." About seveuty recruits of the Seventeenth Durham Light Infantry arrived at Barnard Castle, on Wednesday night. o Mr Edieston, wholeft Oainford •>» Friday, returned from F^roDorough on Saturday. Mr Charles Appleby has baen appointed rs-.nteou steward at the Barracks, Barnard Castle, Wo learn fr.-m the Civrou>c!es ot Lamircost that in the year 1312, about t- o feast ot the Assumption (August I5lh), Robert de Brns entered England, and after buruiug the town cf Hexnani aud Cor bridge, acd committ- ing much .-iov:stetion iu Cbo west, sens pert ot his :rmy t6 Durham. The detachment arrived suddonCy on tho markot-day, and carried eff evorjjthisg they found in the town, and set the grekter pari of it on fire, cruelly killing those who resisted them. Yet, says the chronicler, shay made no attack upon tho Castle and tho apboy. Another disappointment for the dermics. Failure to rosea Calais was bid, enough. 8 ill gloomier is the prospect of taking Button. Halt the male population of tho town hav;> enrolled to protact the looal brews. o Many of the! soldiers ia the Seventeenth Battalion Durham Light Infantry—a new regiment iu coirse of formation at Barnard CasUe~~&ro excellent .vocalists. The Rev. Paitjp Crick left Whorlton vicarigo on MoDd.iy for Kilmalcolm, Renfrewshire, N.B. •| o On Sa'uruay last, Smith's R'-.vers played the Mill Do'.igera in t*ie Damtsoes groOM, and, after a very plMsaut gaW, ratal ted in a win for tho former Hy 2 goal* t f > 1. o Miss Siobart,bf Stsr'f >r'.h Half, has paid to the trc'^urii" of the Balgidn Refcgee Fund (Mr 3. 8. tlftiri'.r) tho sum of £16 123., being the proportiuii itf ton proceeds ati i ;titert*in- ment given rf-cently iu the Victoria H»H, allotted to the [RatOgee Food, ST. MAHY'S CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Colon*-Sergeant A. Hr>wo has transf^rf&d from tho 1st Du •:• T.-S RM has b^en made 8e!?cnd-Lionte(ca'ii in i,l>o Qooea's Owa Rojal Went Ke it Regiment wtioh is BOW at Nasirabad, Ksjpute'.a, ir.di.. o Mr BeruJird; Smi*:';, 3 >n of M r a:.d Mrs C. J. Smith, G»'RY°' Biroard Castle, hao b«on prom. ,It.. to the rank of s^rgvar-i in th<. Sixth Battalio.t Durham Light Infsutrv (Territorial Hc'orvt; stationed at Bishop Auckl&nd. Our toxt story, which will commar.ce tho first week in February, is entitled ' The Siiver Dagger, " by A. J. Walliog. At the Noweastle-on-Tyne Dog Show, held last New Year's Day, in addition to their youog, Bmuoth coliie dog being a priza-winner, as stated i J our columns last weelr, Messrs W. and H. Porter, nt Cotherstoc, via "Our Dogs' Paper, hava won the first prize in the open fiald spaniel class (dog or bitch, any colour) with their beautiful bhek •> B a r u m Belle.' She also won the Wakefield silver cup given for the best ^porting spaniel in the show, and at.- has annexed tho Feti 'Kick silver cup for the best bitch in the show. Altogether there weie 600 outsits, including both sexes. Mrs J. W.Raine. Sridgtgate, Bernard Castle, has received a notificatioi. from the War Offise, stating that jeer brother, Lance-Corporal G. S. Connell,of the King's Own Scottish Borderers, ttas bean misting since November 18 th. This young man went to the front at the commence' ment of hostilities- Ho formerly resided at tho Railway Hoto', Bank, Barnard Castle, aud has been in; the army about two years. During the {Christmas holidays Lord Barnard very generously senc a paroel of books for the children attending Langleydaie sohool, and at the same tioia the Lady Barnard very kindly forwarded a box containing various articles suitable for tho children. The presents were distributed on Monday :.ftarnooc, when the scholars were presented with a suitable gift. Indigestion and Dyspepsia. ANNUAL PRIZE DISTRISUTI0N. On Monday night the prizes r-ecurod by ihe achoHrs attending the Pariah Church Sunday ••tiiools were distributed by Mrs J. J. Bell-. Irving, of Rokeby Park, yiho wns occompaniod by ber unmarried daughter (Miss Marda Bs!!- Irviug). Address by the Vicar. The Rev. H..W. H. Bircbaro, i n a short address, warmly welcomed the lady who was about to present the prizes, and remarked thai; generally t.bey had had a more important, ceremony in cocrmction with their priz^ distribution that they were to have that night. But the larger building iu which they usually assembled ha<' been engaged by tho soldiers, and they were all sorry for tho terrible war which was raging in Europe, .•sort wbioh T-T.H causing tens of thousands pueh Md heartn, Ho hoped none had stayrrf ?->iy because he or the had pot won a p»iz». hut, on the contrary, trusted tli »r, a stood f i - d generous nature would be aroused within them that would grow as they grrw H statur Eaoh gift b'-ok really meant a c e r t i f i c a t e >-f character. Work •well begun wan work half- done, and good boyn often made good mni;. Regular attendance at school enjoined habits of punctuality acd obedience. (Applause). Tha Gsrmiin Doctrine : Vi et Armis Mrs Bell-Irving thanked them all very much for their very kind and warm re cepfciob, acd remarked that she always had pleasure in being amongst young people. 8as was gratified lo see so u w > rosy cheeks and healthy and h»ppy f i c f*, atid to cote also that the obtldre»)'s lunge were very sound 88 shown in 'to Isst bjto'* vthioh thoy sang. She hoped when they grew up that many of them would join the church choir. Children ir tima bad disp«>r8t», which was regrc'.tsulc, but, c;n le-vicg th9 old homr, snd wherever they migh? be.nho counselled her yonthfal auditory sake an ioteresfc in their oharoh. The iistake which the German empire had made wns in thu-kinf- thai a big State had MO time for religion, and that tisny muss rule every- thing ruthlessly, Alt muat ba accomplished by force, ar.i?. thus they witnessed all this cruelty and inia going ou-- Belgium wiped out —and all bucanse they had thrown over their christian principles. Whatever they did she implored the children t~> e»k God to help them, and they wciildassusediy BUQOeed, (Applause), The Distribution. Mrs BeiMrviog then presented tho prizes as follows t—j Parish Church Sunday school^.—Girl.".—Select class (teach, era : Misses Drummoml aud mourn).—Greta Willis, A sister f the red eros^; Margaret Hunter, My Lady Bellamy; Annie hiuitli, Daphne's decision ; Kliziibcth Nicholson, Dewdrops nd diamonds ; Dorothy M.Wood, I n tho flower of her youth ; Claes I. (teachers : Misses Drumuiond and Patterson).— Klizabeth Clarkson, prayer book ; Grefci Parkinson, Climbing the hill; Ferguson, prayer book. Class Ila. (teacher : Miss Drummond).—Ethel Clarkson. bilile ; Annie hleukinsopp. Grace. Clans lib. (teachcis : Miss Drummond and Jackson).—Annie Longstail, School girl honour. Class 111. (teachers : Misses Peirse aud Boardman).—Mary Stod- dart. The two school girls ; Grace Jopling. Love's lesson ; Kdith Wood, The cottage on the Downs ; Kathleen Evans, Given. Class lVa. (teachers : Misses Boardman and Wood). Hilda Bienkinsopp, John's victory ; Beatrice Brownless, Three little ones. Class IVb. (teachers : Misses Brass aud Nicholson).—Jenny Longstaic. Granny ; Uoris Pounder, The power of kindness. Class V. (teachers : Misses Brass aud Nicholson).—Gladys Lamb, Molly. Class Via. Ueachere : Misses Gibsun aud Nevisou),— ilarrietma Longstait", bible; Aucte lledley, A credit to the colours ; Dorothy Gregory, Getting and giving. Class Vlb. (teachers : Misses Gibson ud Stappard).—Nelly Craig. Mary Cheesebrough, Nelly Craiu". Cia-ss VII. (teachers : Misses McDonald and Ludgatej. Kitty Stcddart. Maggie's name ; Hettie Wood, Without nd within : Eliza Jewmesou, Tht; lisberman's grandchildren ; Margaret Walkor, Purring when you're pleased. Infants teachers: Misses M. Watsun au:l A. Brass)—Frances Gregory, The friend of the children ; Aiinio ^iulllson. The story of the sower ; Mary Simpson, The stjry, of the sower ; Doris Walker, Tho wonderful deeds of Jesus ; Edith Simpson, The little child ; Bertha Parkinson—The story of tho sower, ioys.—Select class (Uaehcr : Rev. A. Morrison).—Fred. Hunter, '.it stories of the British Navy ; Roger Wojdhams, joys of Beechwood ; oeo., hi ic, or Little by little ; W. Stoddart, Peter Simple ; G. Jcmmesou, Nicholas Niekleby. Class I. (te:icuors : Messrs H. and it. Wood).— Harold Jones, Tom Brown's school-days ; ltobert Poumicr. Midshipman Easy; Hector Macdoual.i, Doiubey aud Son; Alfrcil^Huiitcr, Old curiosity Bboe ; Fred. lilenkinsopp. Peeps t Koyal Navy. Class II. (teachers : Messrs A . U , Allen and Walker).—Wi:f. II. Uobinson, David Coppertield ; Uonald Morton, Cuban Treasure Island. Class 111. (teacher*, Miss Hogg aud Mr J. H. Waium).— Liouel Morton, Young I traders ; Bertram L. Craig, Gorilla huutets. Class IV. (teacher : Mr il. Walker, junior).—Tom Brownie.-.--, Master- man Heady ; Noiluan Jones, Doctor's birthday ; John Blenkinsopp, Gulliver's IruvcK Class V. (teachers: Messrs J. Blcukinsopp aud II. Lowe).—ltobt. Bleuk iusvpp, l< xpelled ; Wilfred Coaies, The heroes. Class Yt—Robert Lamb, Winning his laurels ; H. Parkinson, Scottish chiefs. Class VII.— K, Thompson, Wild man of the west ; T. Addison, Erie. Infants (teachur : Mr It. Biowu).—Albert Nicholson. Friend of child] en ; Herbert Harland, Wonderful deeds of Jesus; Willie LougstalV, The souer; Bertie Koluusou, Wonderful boy. St. Mary's Church Missiou Sunday school. —Girls.—Class I. (teacher, Mrs Buehain).—Annie WU-haui, Sister ; Wiuil'red Key, Doris Uarulyu ; Annie Hilary, Uncle Tom's Cabin ; Lily Stout, Preston towers ; Violet Uniuhart, Piucherton Farm. Class 11. (teacher.: Miss Ullathorne).— Kuiina Wilkiiijon, Cliinbiug tho hill ; Beatrice Carter, bible Gertrude Oaiter, Aunt Jaue's hero. Class HI. (teacher Miss Brass).—Evelyn Metham, Eric; Klsio Brass, Janet's boys; Mabel Hilary., Rahefl in the baskot. Class IV. (teacher: Miss Silk).—Freda Harwood, Tho angel's charge ; Isabel Wilkiusou, Tho pink tash ; Gladys Walker, pieturo bo ik ; Mary Brass, picture book. Boys.—Class 1. (teacher : Miss Kirtley).—Albert Koy, Held to ransom ; Fred. Wright, Boys of Westoubury ; James Sanderson, Boys of St. Klino. Class II. (teacher : Miss Watsou).—Goo. Wilson, Captain Curley's boy ; Fred. Taylor, Willis, the pilot ; Joseph John- son, The academy boys in camp. Class HI. (teacher : Miss Wheatley).—Fred. Chatt, Harry Bertram ; henry Minnikin, The earpeutor's snuti-box ; George Carter, picture book. The Vicar thucked the Sunday school i.ilioials and teacheis.—Us Robert Wood, who is about to become superintendent, after forty years' work in the sohojl, moved a cordial vote of thanks to Mrs Beil-Irviog for her services, acd incidentally remarked that a lady who had reoetitly died at Scarborough, and who much appreciated their Sunday sohool efforts, bad left £200, the interest from which was annually to be given to poor in the parish.—The Rev. Spencer Wade, the newly-appointed curate, seconded tho proposition i n an encouraging speech. — Mrs Bell-Irving, in replying, said she had a oonfesnion to make, She was not a " Yorkehiremau," but Welsh. (Applause). Presentation to lha Rev. A. Morrison. On Friday evening last the superintendents and teacher3 ot the Parish Church Sunday schools presented to the Rev. A. Morrison two volumes ot Bishop Lightfoat's " Work on the Epistles," and 4 volumes ot Dr. Adam Smith's " Book of the Twelve Prophets," and " Book of Isaiah," as a .'souvenir and token of esteem on his leavi. g the parish, Mr Morrison h&s acted as boys' superintendent, aud taken great interest in the Sunday sohools, as ia other work amongst the youc: of the parish Correct N -itii of tha Product Prescribed by Leading Specialist now Ascertainsd. Although so mnoh h-s been said and written concerning the new treatment for indigestion ...„ . and dyspepsia—the treatment which was license procured from Biehjp Hatfield by Jjhn I originally employed by a specialist in his private practice, a>xl proved so successful as The only document extant which throws any j'ght on the erection of R»by Castle is the Lord Neville, which quaintly grants h i m I permission " that he may of bis manor Raby, which is within onr bishopric of Durham, "•ate a castle freely at his own will, and may embattle and credelate all the towers, houses, and walla thereof, without being hindered, molested, grieved, or disturbed by us or any I, "f our officers, ministers, or other one 8uhJ30t, I that the product emplo. uwelliDg within our said royal seigniory. known to physicians and c o Amateur athletics were not looked upon SS if *3 y o n * n n t i l * B O J*" !864, prior to J »nioh time sports were entirely monopolised D y professional exponents, and frequently "Tershadowed by pugilism and ita attendant Wffiaoiam. It was, therefore, difficult to induce men of any social status to identify themselves ™ith athletic meetings. In the year mentioned 'he first inter-university sports were arranged, »Ed this laid the foundation for a new era in athletics. 0 A«W asked by the Rev. A. H. Ford to state jnat the announcement made in this column, •ast week, that His Royal Highness the Duke °» Counaaght had been ohurchwarden to tho v i Q u of Bagshot ia Dot correct. to warrant its adoption by hospitals through' out the country— there areutiil a large number of sufferers who are doubtful as to the name and nature uf the preparation which is giving such v-'.'i Jotlul results. We are, therefore, glad to bo i u » position to state definitely iyed is an antacid chemists as bisurated magnesia, arid the quantity usually advised in the treatment of moss forme of stomach trouble is half a-teaSpocnful i n a little warm or cold water immediately after meals. Tnis has the effect of neutralising the harmful aoids in the stomach, and preventing fermentation of the food, thus ensuring normal digestion and tree* dom from pain and discomfort. We learn that largo supplies uf the genuine bisurated magnesia have now been secured by Messrs Q Clarkson Harker, the Baliol Pharmaoy; T. B. lllsley, M atket-place; Mason's Cash Drug Stores, 8, Horse-market; and Mr R. W. Raine, Market-place; and Middleton-lu-Teesdale and we are sure that mauy readers will appreciate the fact that they can obtaiu this excellent preparation looally. GAMEKEEPERS' DIMMER AT iPiHXi irlFPHFHDS' CITHERST0H, Ihi Wai- Curtailed ftii Shooting D«ys. The beaters ard shepierds of Cothorcto 'i Moor wero.agaiu eaterniied to a substantia! 'linter, Ut;t Friday nighr, at tho Red Lion Hotel. In addition to t! e taany good thing" provided, a nice display if flowers ami plans adorned tho table, aud, a though the weathf." was far from favourab: >, a good number trended:—After the rppjst, Coucr.illor Dant, of Naby View, preaidad, !\nd proposed " The Health of the Kirn,'," vhii ih was responded t.< by all singing the na'.1 onal anthem—" The Army and Navy " weredu hoaouted, i.ui 'Men followed the toast of She evening, " Tho Dinors," whioh aehtinMMi t, vraa abiy proposod from the chair. Mrvjient made pleasiug eferecce to Mr Adam Dn^dale, acd tikowiss :> his son, Mr Gilbert Dugdalo, the latter gentleman having vc'ut -.eered for the front, haviiunj loft home ao'm i months ago to figh; Br his country.—Tho tea: t was heartily drunk with musicr.i honours! v.d amidsii ringing eheera. Mi W. Porteri-w ioi>ccapitd tho vice- ebalr, respo' ded. ard 1 reily thanked all on bciiaif nt Mi- Qilbort Dugdfiif, vrhom bo described as a fin? sportsman mti P- thorougii gE -,tlemcn, He had know a tha Du»dals family or *bout tvv<3utj -fi?o Ip tre, j»r.d fromfebeold gentleman to tho youD{;est they were nice ecplo, and' hard 'equal. tf>s wished Mr Ov.Rdale tho beat ofshe alth, sad a s^fe asd petdy rotari:. (App!a.uf"' Serious Accident to Or. Leishman. Injured by Motor-Car at the Town Head. We regret to state that a somewhat serious accident betel the esteemed Dr. Leishman about three minutes past one o'olook on Monday afternoon, iu Victoria-terrace East, Dr. Iieishmr.ii was goicg out ot the town On a professional round, and had gain*d Victoria' terrace Bast by way of S'juth View, in bis motor-oar. The accident happened near the monumental exhibition ut Messrs Wilson Brothers-, and not far from tho junction of the road. Tbe engine stopped, and Dr. Leistim&o was turning tho handle to start the machine again, whtn, happening to be in gear, immediately ran away. Being in front, t-.t the starting lever, Mr Leishman was unfortunately driven forward underneath the car, ho being unable to regain his fret, tor about live yards, In fact he saja himself „i:,.t the maehi&«j ,,.uud upon his head. The car was stopped, after travelling abi.ui fifteen yards, presumably by the kerbing. The Doctor d injuries are ohiefiy in the region ot the bead, and, although he never lost consciousness, h» ia sufforing from shuck. Dr. Welford and Muvse Dickec were immediately called in on Dr. Leishman beiDg taken into a friend's house close by, where he now lies. P.C. Henderson, a mounted Oouuty constable, happened to be on duty in thn close vioinity, and, together with a railway official who resides in the locality, and others rendered prompt assistance, was Shao of '' Tee Betters and :Shepherds," which wss appropriately proposed by Mr J. W. Dent, who is one of the fle'd t.«ov"8, and w{,s suitably r »ckuow!ed(;ed by Kt Qe^rgo KitJd, who stated that the beaters wsrtt SP much ioterealod in the rucoess 61 the drives * tbe gentlemen in the butts were to shoot !•« birds. (Cfceeis).-'*t h o Health of Messrs Wfge, T. TurnbuU, ar.d C. T. Rait,.,, the Koepersi" waa ODtnushaiieally honoured, iud replied to by each,—IVfr Raise, beirt; the "he npxt t'^53^ War Items. keapar-in-charge, exteedi The ?RCt of this ciroums '-aLce of Mr (li bei i Dugdsie having joined i.he colours, suggested an evening spent in good taste. The war, the shooting days, aHb. on Cotherston Moor 1 a quiet welcoi tlerribi'i w>;, aati tiie he s*,id, had curUilcd ;ugh th«. pact cieison held the record.— Appropriate songs weM interspersed curing a loyal f»od patrlotu d by Messrs Pago, (un.5 J. Oowlatu*. R. SmUh. W. Dent and Com " favourad tiie th". evapiop, mostly typo, and v/wio c -,'rK.-.' Q. ividd, 15. Faweett, Btteson, J. TurnbuU, W. Porter.-" Cbarloy company with a step d'anclB, whilst youog " Ned' from up-daio mar.ipulatis^ the old frvourittt aocurdioD. iJoth turns greatly appreciated A w?.s accorded to Mr aji excellent dinner provii which had been glv,.. exprapesd his indebtc-. tiv> remarks, and trus! - lie last occasion on were pltftsieg and e!\rfcy of th»it.k8 i Mrs Oaster for t!io sd, and i.he attention —The worthy Host BBS for the appsc eta' th\x, it would net -M whioi 1 . thoy wi .u!d similarly meet.—The Cb-iirman nod Vice chalrm&n were thsckc-3 and tho singing oft cot eluded . most plo r. The Divers and the lll-tated £mpro$s Letter Received in Teusdale L>st F>iday. Missive From the for their services, Aulri* L*>ng SjD.e " and qaiit cv«ei-g. Wreck of .of Ireland. the Deep Sue Sea. An extraordinary cjrcumsijftnea h&e just taken place in ishn de'>ivi>ry of a letter to Miss M. Ha*tej, Reservoir H aso, Midiltton-fa- Tessdaie, Which hal » [pare .r,!y been ot the bottpin of the sea turso| |s months!. The facft ^ako voium-.s for ptst-fffije organization. There wero two envelopes deUvorod. One envelope, the larger, eiij.1 aed a om*ili.-: . r .e, which iu reality contained tbo lett.-:• now M hand, safe, readable, iLd fuiiy preboeiable, though written in iesd^p:ncil, acd wiiicii is cvmmnnication from $»;e sistes to ^Dother. It bears tho Montreal ;esi-mark of y 2Gth, p.m. Tbe action of Ike water, iu cro&ting damptiesij, has resulted in the (emovai of mi stamp, and the gum originally fasteoiag tho envelope ra« disftppenr.;:!, pMaiunab!/ frohi the sara;: CAUSJ . I n a; j event the cnelosed ooveicpo was open, and a'oi g thntupjiart it WM the tjpe-written mecs;tge, iofiuee i;:'.:: 'Recovered by divers from wreck of s!a. Empress of lr«'l»nt'." C.i the back is »a ut:!- rimmed ••. -t- TK besi>i'iug tUeso wo.-de: " Brscoh Dead Letter C ffice, Ottowa, Oatarlo, October 6th, 1914." Thn larger or enciusisg envelope is altogether Dfficiai. Th? followipg matter is piloted upon i«: "O.H.VJ.S R, M . Coulter, Deputy Bootmai iter-Qenerai. Recover- ed by dive>s from wr >c.k of as. Empress of Ireland. Post- Office Department, Canada. Dead Letter Office at Oi towa." The post-mark is " Ottows, December i i, 5 p m. ( 1914. Cauadj." The caligraphy, as vre h&vesaid, is in lead pencil, and is perfectly legible, while ihe p-?per used is foroigu note. Cotherston Branch of the British Women's Temperance Association Never has tho Temperance Ha!', Cotuevston, looked m'.-ve f e s t i ) , aaa yes home-like, than it did cu Thurad&y evoding, when the B:'U:sh Women's Temper»cct> Association held t'uair annual " at borne." The committee, an usual, had worked hard to nuke the [gathering a success, ar>d their «ftoft* mot witu sr. ample reward. Old and young aiike seemed bent on enjriyment, Hbd had c o i : up their minds that for that one uigat,&t ;e:.f,t. all thoughts oi war and sadness should be set aside. Tbe ' ??.- tables looked most inviting, being decorated with plants and ftoweil kiudly lent by M r Howard, and literally covered with a most varied collection of etckw, sandwiches, sad pies. Aftor allowing tim:» for •» chat iicd games the eutortaUim: ntcmoiouceil, aad thla also went \,i!h ovec. m >re than Lin usual awing, perhaps owing to tlie help given by s,ho Belgians who are at brooorit stt>yiui; in the village, and who kkidfr ssr.g three songs. The other gingers were hfm Woed, vho received a WArm wr<icomo ; Mis* J x Lcng, Mios Ella Jex Long, Misa Ho/.aid, Mr Htugiey, and tig Sidney Hodgson. Uev.-.;i.'g8. which oauaod much amuaetaent, wene given by ii r Liogf\»ru and Mr HU'gley, which were followed Jby pianoforte solos by Mj-s if- slop ftcd Miss Ling- ford. Then thero were recitations by Ms -er Walton, Master Diioaid Storey, and .ra Bernard Storey. Mrs 1 Storey is an old favour ita in Cotherstou, and , when it became known a guest at tho "at home,' dight she w;ji to be everyone was -flight*-•• , for;no ontortaiDmeut could be dull where & Irs Storey is. and her little son, Donald, is idmcst as good a reciter There was also >>a atausin: ' Ji.ckets," in which toe low&rd, Alderson, atd the close Mr Tyermau as his K thir. sketch, entitled Misses Jev Long, Parker took part.—At proposed a vote of thank-; in tho ladies, which w«s seconded by tbe Rev. i. W. Brent, and an enjoyable evening was brought to a close by the singing of the national anthem.—Tho followingevc;>iug tee ;h«!drea'.,f both tbo bauds ot hope were ..nterii tneii to te», t,sn bad i royal timo with gauaht, recitaMuua. nod Sunga. (should send two stamps coutaiQiug valuable infor: suppressions may be entire] y meaus. Recom mended bj sat'et sure, and ^euuiiiL' remj testimonials. BLANCH/ RD, HR PAUL ^JLABKMONT HOU8K. Heat Kitcheu or —W. Hunton York, 25 Castle, atiy Anne Lambton's Durham County Work Depot. Thirteenth List. Tho Honorary Secretary bega to eoknowledge with thanks the receipt of tho foUowtng garments, eto, furwsrderl by s!.*ff and eehoiaiT of Coekfield school (por i*Ir Wdthereil); tliw K. Emerson, The r>cVoi,Den f -or>; >:'rs Pio>'«"D, Catbrlck, Piercob»-idgo; -a'td rcfcolars ot Cockfield scbooi (per M r N . W. Chf-mV-ers) —The commitrr-e solicit further Cootribntloi ;-ud, in particular, woollen shirts, niofll?rp, woollen caps aad holoieU, fiigerleas g- v " . mittens, and body twits, which are urgently Deeded by tho Durham regiment, ?*? A. J. Dawoon is the hencrnry c^cruta.-y. Memories of the Hoyal Fusiiiers. Private G. W. Gerry &cngr«tu'*ted. To the ESito.* of tho " Teesuaie Mercury." DKAR SIR ,— I cote thst G. W. Berry, of Barnard CAttlo, has joined tee 4th BaUaiio?] n| tho Royal B'mtillara. I vt'wb Lira success in I i I military I'te, and hop.-j lhat ho ra».y b.> as pr.->nd bf hia regiment as I was ^vhen I had rb<?ho:.cnr to serve in r.ho 2cd B-ittali in of ".he same rigir-.e -I;. The femativn dr .tfS b-ck to th«; time '.f tUe Armvia. A Mend of mine, 6Jergi?a«6-Mbjor Tyler-, of }Se 4:n BattnttaOJ, )w at she fron'u, h"S been mei ,J ioned in <i«}8pv.crses, rvad P.civnta S. Gosley. -A tfeosam" battrtHTO,:r-: ,? roed the Victoria Cress for nttokicg to his maohine gun at Mons under '.erve-strai'iing oonditioHk Tbo fusiliers h*vj done we'l at tbs fwni-, t u t thsy fc:tve lost a :umr?ei' i-f nets, fl.idley is now reported r.3 wounded and mis-iiug. I wxoae to Gedley n letter of c togratulatioo on sia bravery, bn- the letter n*s bef;i :?ctnrned to mo. I enclose. eopy of a letter Iroa Colonel Bbdiok'. If you CM> Aid space for it and we a-b.'ve in your nex^ itsua you will favour me very muci?.— T^askirg you in antioipatioc, 1 am, years very trul>. WIL,LI\iI COATES Rokribv Vii.!<i, Startfof^t, Barnard Ctstie, Uth J*!iur.ry, 191a. LCoi'v.l Hoyal Fusiiiers* Association. DEAR MR COATES ,—I havo tu acknowiodgr, with sincere vhatka the receipt of pvcai as 'otluiated in your letter of the 22uai iaeaant. Will y.-n rery kindly oonvey tj iadiem who »er«-. •octramental iu pcovi^.isg rae camfjils an expression of grateful thin a.i io tue came of the regiment|or tueir exCremciy kiad acd thoughtful action, acd ala-; please aesepii a •hnilar expreoaiou of thanks for tho great lowest ss«s you yoaraelf have t..kc.i? Tho gifts so very kindly scat will bo forwarded rfi'ect to the front, nmi will, I am quite aurr, bt much appreeiatad.—Toura aincoraly, It. P I i RODI'.K, tlBUT .-COLOSEL, Secretary, K >yal Pnoiiiasa' Aaaooiatten.. Binshtvy Barrackf?, fjondon, EC, "29ill Deeambsr, 1914. Mr n. Ooatee, Rokeby Villa, Startforth) Barnafd Caotle. i.-loves for Our Gunners. WOMAN our o2-pagu illustrated Book iou how till Irregularities and avoided or removed by simple Qmineut Phveicians as tbe only "y. Nover fails. Tliousuuds of Established lStili. Ut mtdy. DAI.MTOM IJANK . UIXnON ng Coal, 17*. per ton, Horse Market, Baruard C>ok SIR,|—Tha ex-»ci-i*ig demand« and extra .-»ju ot >.jar, is r.-sponsiblo f..r mtay an unexpected need antongot r.eoge who serve, ion, not having h-c-L aBtieipated, hava not >t"3n providori fur. Thti tot of the gur .2< ra On His V.itjebty 's b».'.tius5ii'-.j supplioa a Bane iu point. Those brav^ feiiows whiln on duty art: compelled u> stacd by their gu».n the whole time, te&dy for actios, sad i t ia bitterly cold in viie North Sen. 1 have beon asko-J so undertake tbe celioction of suitable gloves, which msy ba mere or less worn—kit"^ ieacbor, frfr lined, motor of diiving gleves. •iuy of these forwarded to I will un iorcsko Go send t u M r E M. Kali, of3, Colonial v nop, Iflnorios, L'ID^OU, who wi'i Sue th>:» sre distributed ss piomptly as »•« ssible. Panels may aioo bn seat direct to Hr Uuli, if preferred. •You. a faithfali], G.J. UlViNG '.ON. B, .».'»;boy-street, Carlisle, January 12.'-, 1815 Belgian Hefugees. bio, -It ii> now genera'iy H'D.-U that uiae- tc>o refugees are she KIUH:S ot Barnard Castle and '.as snrronnding disttiot. Oo bebu'.f of the Jucal kefu^eo CimimUtau 1 beg to thank ail thjuse who have so kindly co-.ttributod, ucd bhose. who havo sent elotniitg aad fold since tho arrival of the refugees. I? ir.ay i-.tares": your roadors to kenw thut -.o Ijadiea "u the oomrjr : ttf?o uir -urrtak .-i the catering It cbe fi»e familiea from a *y to d«y. i'niu tskc-i up co.-,eisif'";.blo time, aad the luties would bejnade easier if those senii g od wouic (it p.;s<ible) lot the ladies know tho day beforehand what if* proposed to ba sent. The committee are alre:."3y obliged by gifts of rabbits, potatoes, butter, milk, meat, etc, Amocg tho party are six c'aildrc-n.wged no&r 14 years j f age, the yoangest being 2 ! moi Perhaps s .^aia mother, whose b.«by :s no lunger ^ baby, csn cpare a nradte ?.Ed a sarmerii v t ot two for the ii'.tle stronger. Tue men arc desiroas ot b-jviug employm-nt. if suck ca'i ba found. The oomtnittee wi'ii be glad of any iiuggeation o.^ tb:o hosd.-Yours liiitkfuiii, J, INGRAM DAWSON, H'.-t.:;rfiry Beeresasy lo tho Commlt;e .i. Oak B » k, Baroaid Oaatle, 12th January, 1915. " Press Sidelights of the War." Useful Hint to Ativerlisers. " Business as Usutl." U-tJes the first of tho above headings, '"Tito Nevcsp»por World" of ru-.oat issue contains act:i .< Interesting kf.-rmstku c.-...verniog the totkdbcrin wkioK the newspaper PreBS UUH a<ea aSecteC by ti,e war. OoeeooU'ibntot s&j:- Lut ovei: 200 Gerraau newep&pers have boor. oiijc^cUnutid "duo to ti»e want of a^viiriiae- ments,'' andadus: " A t t h e b o g i a a i r g ,w<j had a i-v .o ot similar etmditlnu at hom?, fcu adverf.itcrs are now slowly, but • ic returning to the busineey of advertising, anil at the end ot the fifth month's uostiluitis we are i n a surer positioa than at the beginning, •toother special contributor nays : " 1 was unite natural, iu the early stages of those stirring times, when panic seized tho most lov^lhe&ded, aad uo ono kcew she,; would happen next, that advertisers ceased from advertising, and withdjr<v«* their orders wlioloaalf, but this cutting down of expenses IU the m.kiter of advertising tur too (oug a i . ' . 'J ni-.y noii bo as economical sa •• , o appear o u sae t<ici.» tt it. . . r... •,• travels, who havo laiely :.C"oi^ .lit tlieii advertising,a»y that traco withtiiem is now a- bris's a* ovot very Lgr .oej,tiiy t> tueu uuiprise, and, having trkd the experiment of advertising on a iiioi.o extended seals, havo reaped th.> benefit by a letucu nearly double tutu usual, li all couid see things ti>ut way the nowhpaper proprietor's—who havo bho« spending mouey freely to give their readers the best of news would benefit, aad even in war dime we suottld find that' Business as usual' is a good workable motto." Another paragraph ui tho same journal says: "Ii deems to bo clearly established that firms who continue to advertise are doing tbe best business." Helpers of the Barnard Castie Ladies' Association Thanked. T i the Editcr nf tho " Teosdaie Mercnry." DEAR SIK,—Wili yea &iluw me again to trespass on your v<>iuab'e space and thank '.bo many helpers i f tho Barnard Cattle lodisaf Association for War Relief for tbe art! -.ius that h? v«.- so •: .Uu.c y been made from we. i aad material supplied fron tbe depot, !'• d also for gift? received ? C I Tuesday morning tbe Emergency Ccc/raiitee sssshuig was held at the Vicarage, and the following artleles were on view:—45 uein, 148 pairs of socks, 34 mofllsrs, 10 pairs of bee-less sroks, 48 pairs ot mittoos, 4 pairs ot blip.iu", 10 Cai'di. .a jackets aad jerseys, 6 bail iota, 1 fl.vouel jacket, 2 pairs of knee caps, 10 n tire of bed socks, and 38 flannel shirts. T.'iese articles ware forwcided the following day co the British Red C'oea Society, Lady Lon- doo'lorry. for Durhams at tiie f -< •; t; Major Done, for he 18 jb Field Company, Hoyal Eugineers, •\t Colchester, somo Baruarci C.-.ctle men being in that company ; and to the i*.ead of tbe Navy League Dapo;; aud also a consignment to Colt ael Watson, fur our own C.h Durham Light Infantry now at Beusham, G itosbead. I -ibonld like to add a Uttle inoideat that camb ks my knowledge, and whioh should give tbe women workers of o u ancient Uttle town fresh encouragement aud roaewed energy. One oi the Bth Durham's said to a comrade one morning, "I had given me from tbe store yester- day it flint-al shirt a id pair of socks which oame from :i*raard Cae.f . ->^u we;o made by some kind soul there, aad I have acver boon so comtortabio in m„' lite," N>w may I bo allowed to mako a little. ,<ppeal for thn drivers ot the transport waggons of tbe 6th Battalion Durh.*m Light Infantry, at Ben sham, Galestuftd ? I want 40 pairs of adttens, and, if poe&i'ale, 40 mufflers (any length of toufilor will ba occepts.bii>) to forward co the officer lo charge cf t^e transport, that he /lay fcopp-y each driver with a pair of mittens and -i comforter. It is very cold work driving, and khi m?a's har.ds get numbed. I do not wis. : i-.e io be & burden jn the fauds of our War Committee, sa 1 nuke thispersmal »Pi> nnd am myseil providing what 1 can. At I snail be most grateful t.) any kind friend w:. will f.nward to mo at the Vicarage as no ..ii £0 p siibh< oitoor ot these artioles.-T am, dear sir, j urs faitbtaily, SAitAli £. BIKCHAM. Vicai-ags, B jrn&rd C»stle, January 11th, 1815. Christmas and New Year's Eve in the Trenches. 'Jack J jhii.on '8 " 1915 Greeting. iir Walkev Waine, tee Bank, Barnard Castiei has received aj larorestiag letter from Private J. U Pecctd, of the 1st Leicester Regiment (machiae gun sectioo;, who is a relative by m&rriftge, ia wbico ruferoace is made to the late f-rativa saafcoii in «ne treuohes. Che writer uays t!.-ey nad a fairly deceit time ou Ccrisli- an.< ->ca New Year's Eve. On Caristmas Eve i.*-- Germans baouted. and wished tue English a " marry Christmas," and gave them a song. The briuisa troups also chaered, and iu turn ahfo reiiderei a ^oug— - Has anybody seen a German b»:;C V " Tte Hues ctitier andci' pptd nhofa hands, so tho English g^va tnem another ditty - *• 1 want to go home 1" Tba contending forces, in faot, were singicg and shouting to each other all night uni all Christmas Day. "On Nsw Yen's E?o t^c'r big guas—' Jack Johuooti's,' as wa nail thorn—started firing at eleven o'clock oy our «ime, and we all thought wo were ia for ir. Hut they first sent one .locll, then nine, thou one, i»nd finally five. Whan wo came lo think it ont, eleven o'elock by oar time is twelve o'clock by their time, sua they C, ia fact,sent over * 1815' to greet tie ticvr year, ,vjd (hey did tbe same with the rifles tram the • -•«•*, and then shouted over, wisaiog us' a tsppy new year.' We shouted aad ask a Lcia if they wore 'fed up,' and they eaid shey sua There was hardly a bhot fired by either Hide all Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. 1 h a m bad a to.v (.arrow oscapas, not 1th ikOcd dev. u;ly fr having broughc me Ihxosigb, so I ir, safely. There are five mrn in our regimsn. A'.O nave oarned the liisiinguished conduct iuuJ;i. tnd one got the Victoria Qtoiu. 8a J»a ha - . not done so badly. 1 shou'.d just like to get one o: the other of thorn, but nverybudy dues no: get the chance, as the things jr. ..-.i.;; are done either without ibinkicg of I he risk, or ou the spur f the momoat. Our wgjtsaent have beou praised to: the work tn^y oave done. 1 do uot tui.k it is the dusy of any married uau to como out here." Lar^e, trefih seeks of Homuoo^aUiio fdertiflrtm r o? C^ttlr Vpot Rot Lotion aud Ointment, ricour Cure, Sheep Dips of all makoe, 1'ar. Grease, Machine Oil, etc., at R. W. Raise'*, Cnemist, Barr.ard Castle. 3CATMS. Marriage. Kuis: CUAIT. -At A'I Suutb', Maucbestor, on the Ot'- January, 1315, Private J nines Bills, ot the 13th ManchestHr Regimeat, tu i -ia-ga ^ei. Btbnbeth Chatt, 12, Whitfield- Btaraet, Ardwick, Maaoucsler. Oeaths, UARKKII.-O.T Janusry 3vd, i' Glai'stone House, Oreuoback Hoao, ItariihgSon, joorge Barker, »;;ed 76 years. Waa iutorrcd at West Cemetery, Da:Uugi<on, ou. Janusry 6th. DONALI'.—At Thorngate, Barnard Castle, Hannah, beloved wife of the late Josoph Oanrild, aged 65 year*. Was interred at HaMtfiarth. on Uuaday, J , . 11th. FooTi-—At 8, Maikcc-place, Barnard Castle, on Tuesday, January Uth, laxty, belyvea wife ot the late J. b. Footi.aged 74 years. Ta bo interred < a Taure.ia.v, January 14th, at 3 p.m., cortega leaving 8, Market-place, at i. iinaitnr on thrnn o'clock. Ciiends please accept teis ialimatiou. ELRTKKS,—At 6, the Esplaeade, Suaderlaud, on tho 11th Instant, aged 88 years, Elizabeth, •• idaw of the late W. U. Surtees. Ioterment on Thursday, cortcga leaving residence at Vi o'clock coou, for HiaUopwearmouth Cemetery. in Usnioriam. t:L"ii.iii.NiiON. -la lovieg mbraory ot John, tbe dearlj boioved auuaua of Margarot liu'eaiaaoa, laic cf Sca.r r.,.l Houee,Etters- 5,11, who departed tais life on January 15th, 1313. 'ii 3 hard to part w u h i n . " ' w c lt>«.. ThuugU palling bourd will coUMl; Uut still KU hope to mutt u^aia in our etoruul hornu. Ever remembered b; his widow and family. jAfksoif.—To t'ae gontio memory of Jane J tcktioo, who died at Kom&idkirk, on January 1ltb, 1814. Wc uiLss tlieu al a tuouiauU turns Along life's weary track ; Not a sorrow or a joy, but wo Long to eaU thou back. WALKER Ia loving memory uf my dear father, Tu. u.'.a Wa '..>... Walker, who passed away i a January 10th, 1808.- Frcm his loving son aud daughter, and family, M r a n d M r s Bate man, Manchester. 'li - sweet to know we'll meet again. Where parting is no more; And that the one we lov'd so well lias only gone before.

Transcript of JOUHCIL LOCAL AND OTHER War Items....

Page 1: JOUHCIL LOCAL AND OTHER War Items. value of £19,772 6s. 3d., has bequeathed £200 upon trust to distribute


Us. tat the u * u \ i

•on t o t h o I s o( H i l t o n , iamage 1 1 ik

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ar-macadam. i n t h e roads !

r , and he was Meats i n t h e

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•le surface.— Iwas t ime the Jt was a shame ptn the roads

i of making , r t a i n l y no t fit

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i y ooald not Jhnetfl unless 0 k the s t ree t s

G. L i n s l e y re w o n l d b e the entoroe-

A o t . — I t was a l ready been

• s o u t h s to see n y t h l a g . — M r

| l she Counc i l A c t , 1882.—

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Tats was km wo rk , nor t o |e mat te r s tand

L—The C l e r k i l a commit tea kfiald owners ,

rreoommended |>n make t h e

| Surveyor , and B ' jmplying, t h e ppl iea t ion w n fife's proposal

i d l a m .

_|nested by the Mala an al iened Staff i n d a t l i u ' ; raleh c i m p l i c i t I Dr. A. C. H « d -I I sent e x p l a n t -

fal GoVdCO . 71 J O -

of o jn f l Jeno j kA copy o t Dt. Idnaa adicassed

1, W A S read b y suasion i t w n

no action, and beading f a r t h e r Brnmoat Board.

•he Forces.

O N l l a N T . ]

Statement of t i e . t h e Teesdale

j Issued t o t h a t t o t a l o u t p u t of

j e a l i s i u g £9,207 1*1,047 16a. 5 d ,

. I n the pouau, : t o next ye»r ' s

|decrease of 607 J year, bu t t h e (8s. O f i , acd t h e • inoreased by

j r fy s ta tement of J bee» submi t t ed , [ to£6,444 16s. 4 d , " 8 a . 8 \ i . on the

• t year . T h e the pound ou

ud on bu ioae r ' J [ o n coals. T h e

one, and n o w are cap i t a l i s o r k i n g l i n these

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are ho ld ing a tea, whioh oom-

miuis te r ( the »1 fr iends aro

Society have s i r new t r ave l l e r

(was a previous

liddleton Parian |Town Hall last obson (chairman)

aitted by the ferenoe to the

of repairing . left over.—A sal Relief Fund was instructed

nation from the i town, so that a

Used for We' be recorded. -

r the annual rate ' xing, to be held at recommended era were made

attended la*° > exceptionally

i nou l " and B T b « There worn

ilea, especially

L O C A L A N D O T H E R M O T E S .

T H E T E E S D A L E M E R C U R Y — W E D N E S D A Y , J A N I Z A R Y 13, 191

Mrs A r t h u r F i t z g e r a l d has bad a l i t t l e son, born on Christmas Day. The Dowager Lady Milbank, of Barninghsm K i r k , i s , therefore , now a great , groat -grandmother , as M r s Kitzperald was, before her marr iage, i n Kebrnary last , Mi s s Mary Forrester , daughter of th<" M»eter of the Quorn, and grand-daughter of Sir Powlo t t M i l b a n k . The D i w a g r r Lady Milb»ck, besiden c o n t r i b u t i n g t o var ious fnods, „ w been a c t i v e l y n :gag*d i n k n i t t i n g scarves

t re soldiers a c d sai lors , and tvr t h r i r children. She has sent l» rgo *od generous parcels of o l o t h i r g for tbe Red Cress, AS w e l l

toys for the Sai lors ' and Soldiers ' Fami l i es ' Association c h i l d r e n a r d Belgian refugees.

The local m i l i t a r y were engaged i n n i g h t route marches last w e e k .

o Lieutenant t he H O D . I an M a i t l a n d , nf the

Cameron Highlanders , acd M r s M a i t l a n d , having secured b r i e f leave of absence, spent a few days a t Rokeby Park last week, aad were at Barnard Castle on Thursday .

o The o ld church a t Egglestun —a s t r u c t u r e of

the las t century—is w i t h i n the grounds of Eggleston H a l l — q u i t e olose to the mansion.

o—— M r s El izabe th Boldron B r o w n , of 22, Alma-

square, Scarborough, who l e f t estate of the gross value of £19,772 6s. 3d., has bequeathed £200 upon t r u s t t o d i s t r i b u t e t he income at Christmas t i m e t o a poor person of the par ish of St. M a r y , Barnard Castle.

a. few fragments of *ao o l d church a t Middleton-in-Teesdale have be»n preserved and incorporated w i t h t he e x i s t i n g b u i l d i n g . These inc lude a t w o - l i g b t w i n d o w of Doc. rated date, now b u i l t i n t o t he w a l l of the organ obamber, and a oioquefoil-headed piscina built i n to the new ves t ry .

o—— M r W i l l i e Parkinson, son of M r T . Park ins >r,

Park-terrace, Barnard Castle, has been spending a short fur lough i n his na t i ve t o w n , he be ing attaohed to the R o y a l Engineers .

St. Jerome i n the Wilderness , by Cesaro da Sesto ; and St. Jerome adorn ing the Crucif ix , by V a n Eyck , are pic tures i n o i l a t Raby Castle.

M r Charles Nevisoo, caretaker of the Barnard CsRtle aud S ta r t fo r th Working-men '* Club, and for sametirco cfaargeman of loca l platelayers, fcss j i - t secured t ho more impor tan t post of permanent way inspector nf the Crook Div i s ion of t ho Nor th-Eas te rn Railway, and commenced bis new du i ies ias t week. This w i l l render v a c o n t h i s appointment ot caretaker at the c lub .

o There is probably no piece of g round i n

Britain t ha t produces so mauy ra re plat ts within a l i m i t e d space as Wir ldy Bank F e l l .

The Rav. W , Dvrwen t , of Bogaor, has a g t i n composed a New Year ' s hymn , w h i c h the Rev C. S. Darwont , his e ldest sou, has once more made the vaa ic ' o o t bis r o o d wishes and greetings to tho mMOibars of Ualoc Church and c o D g r e g a t i S h a n g h a i , of w h i c h M r C. E . Darwent u pastor.

o A s ta i rway leads down i n a t u r r e t f rom tbo

guard-room to the l eve l of the ohapel 11 jar , and i t probably communicated w i t h the leads of the destroyed barbic^a a t Raby Castle.

Besides a large and in te res t ing co l lec t ion of fami ly por t ra i t s , i nc lud ing one of Sir George Bowes, the loya l adversary of the rebell ious earls, and one of K•••r M a r y Bjwes , t he uoforfcuuaSe '.'ountes-i e l S ra thmore , are many fine and valuable p ic tures i u S t r e a t l a m Castle,

. Seoond Lieu te t i au t Charles Wi lbraham Watsun Ford, on ly son of the V i c a r of Bagshot, Surrey, wr i tes t o a-y tfcut r o i i on the unattached l i s t for the Ind ian A r m y , and although ha sai ls n e x t Saturday, he has uo idea to what re^imonii he w i l l be appointed. M r Ford is eighteen, no t n inetoon years c f a g a s stated in our las t issue.

Theodore Parker said t ha t w o r k is tho on ly unlveiBal currency w h i c h God accepts.

Staindrop church i s the <>c ly ohnrch i n tho county in whioh the pre-reformation chancel sorecn s t i l l exists.

Sergeant G .11, of the 7 th Ba t t a l ion K ing ' s Royal Rifles—the first ba t t a l i on termed i n L o r d Kitchauer 's Army—has been on a shor t v i s i t to Barnard C i s t l e . He came here f r cm Qreyshot, Hindhea4, Surrey. M r Gai l , whose parents reside at B trees, and who was much esteemed i n this t owc , has l oya l l y adopted the profession of arms, and, n r io r t o his en l i s tment , he was i n Messrs Barclay's b ranch bank, a t Barnard Castle.

Curiously enough another loca l ly popular soldier—SecoDd-Lieutenant Cher ry , who wa?, prior to the outbreak of hos t i l i t i es , se rv ing on the staff of onr own reg iment a t Barnard Castle —has also been here on a faw d a y a ' leave ot absence. He is on ly three miles d i s t an t f rom Sergeant Ga i l . o

No pa r t of Raby Castle is of ear l ie r date than the t ime of Ra lph L o r d Nev i l l e , the hero of the ba t t l o ot Nevi l le ' s Cross, and who was the l o rd of Raby Ucm his father 's death i n 1331 to bis own death i n 13b7.

An Admi ra l t y not i f ica t ion reached Barnard Castle on Thursday annon.;oing the faot t ha t Seaman John Ramsden, son of the la te M r Jnbn Kamsdeo, of Wel l -yard , Barnard Castle, had been drowned when tho ba t t l e sh ip , *' Formid­able," sank i n the Channel. Ramsdec, who had s ix or seven years ' scrvioe i n the Navy , was former 'y a r a i lway po: t e r a t Bowes s ta t ion Much sympathy is fe l t w i t h his mother acd other re la t ives , who are i e ! l k n o w n i n the tow 0 . j j r s Ramsden bss for sometime resided with a daughter a t D a r l i n g t o n . M r s Qeorge Thompson, ot the Bay Horse I n n , Barnard Castle, is B s is ter of tt .o deceased, who was twenty-eight j e a r s of age last b i r t hday and w*s a first-class s toker .

. The ol-i ohnrch t ower a t Barnard Castle, judging from the representat ion g iven of i t i n Suttees' engraving, was probabiv b u i l t i n the second quarter of the fifteenth cen tury .

T h o K l e g of t b * Belgians has protes ted by 'olegram to His HoUnees the Pope against the i r r e s t of Cardinal M e r o i e r , a Pr ince of the Church , and the -hear t ot the H o l y Kath«r is most g r i evous ly ajffected. The exp lana t ion of Germany is awa i t ed w i t h cu r io s i t y .

L i e n t e n a n t - C o l i n e l H . 0 , W t t a o o , ot the Wount, who is cbmran r :ding the 6 th Ba t t a l ion " a r b a m T e r r i t o r i a l ? , aad L ieu tenan t Bernard P, Hes'op, of S t a r t f o r t h V i l l a , of the same rogiment , fast week-end pa id a v i s i t t o t h e i r Monies.

The E a r l of St ra thmura and K i n g h o r o e has "fmt a q u a n t i t y [of r abb i t s for the Belg ian Refugees now res id ing a t Barnard Castle.

When c u r l i n g arsr bad i t s o r i g i n is no t •ecisely knowd . I t has been p layed i n

Scotland for three centur ies a t least, and i f i t •'id no t originate) tbere , i t c e r t a i n l y owes i t s .-iavelopment t o tha t coun t ry . Tho g»me is i indoubtodi? inw twatsa; i n popu la r i t y , the re be ing a t the pr< ne:>t m o m e n t ?-.Dout 650 clubs i u Scot land, and 50 i n England. I t is days also ve ry < x te tsKi^e ly plr.yed i n Canada, Swi tze r land , and other countr ies where he abounds.

M r Gerald Hoa Ham le f t Gainford.on Monday for A l n w i c k . ' i

The Zet land fofxbounds w i l l meet a t C l i f l e , t o - m o r r o w ; and a'; Wins ton Br idge on Sa turday , each morn ing a t eleven o 'clock.

r — o — h

The w i d o w oJ B " o r ^ e d u M i u r i o r , who has j u s t d i ed , o u t l i v e d her celebrated husb.tod eighteen years. [Being a f r i end of t h e into M r John Hunt ' s fami ly , a l l of whom are now dead, tho la te Mr dp M a u r i e r and his bro ther occasionally v i s i t e d Barnard Castle i n the good days ot the la te M r John Smi th and other w e l l - k n o w n loca l men. M r d u M a u r i * ; was, as is w e l l known, on the staff of " Punch."

A b o u t seveuty r e c r u i t s of the Seventeenth Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y a r r i v e d a t Barnard Castle, on Wednesday n i g h t .

o M r Edieston, w h o l e f t Oainford •>» F r i d a y ,

r e tu rned f rom F^roDorough on Saturday.

M r Charles Appleby has baen appoin ted rs-.nteou s t eward a t the Barracks, Barna rd Castle,

Wo learn fr.-m the Civrou>c!es ot Lami rcos t t h a t i n the year 1312, about t- o feast ot the Assumption (August I 5 l h ) , R o b e r t de Brns entered England, and after b u r u i u g the t o w n c f Hexnani aud Cor br idge , acd commit t ­i n g much .-iov:stetion i u Cbo west , sens pe r t ot his : r m y t 6 Durham. The detachment a r r i v e d suddonCy on tho markot-day, and car r ied eff e v o r j j t h i s g they found i n the t o w n , and set the grek ter p a r i of i t on fire, c rue l ly k i l l i n g those who res is ted them. Y e t , says the chronic le r , shay made no a t t ack u p o n t h o Castle and tho apboy.

Another disappointment for the d e r m i c s . Fa i lu re t o rosea Calais was b id , enough. 8 i l l gloomier i s the prospect of t a k i n g Bu t ton . Hal t t he male popula t ion of tho t o w n hav;> enrol led t o p ro tac t the looal brews.

o M a n y of the! soldiers i a t h e Seventeenth

Bat ta l ion Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y — a new reg iment i u c o i r s e of format ion a t Barnard CasUe~~&ro exce l len t .vocalists .

The Rev . Pait jp C r i c k l e f t Whor l ton v i c a r i g o on MoDd.iy for K i l m a l c o l m , Renfrewshire , N . B .

• | o On Sa 'uruay last , Smith's R'-.vers p layed the

M i l l Do'.igera i n t*ie Damtsoes g r o O M , and, after a ve ry p l M s a u t g a W , r a t a l ted i n a w i n for t ho former Hy 2 goal* tf> 1.

o Mis s S i o b a r t , b f S t s r ' f >r'.h Half, has paid t o

the t r c ' ^ u r i i " of the Balg idn Refcgee Fund ( M r 3. 8. t l f t i r i ' . r ) tho sum of £16 123., be ing the p ropor t i u i i itf ton proceeds ati i ; t i t e r t * i n -ment g iven rf-cently i u the V i c t o r i a H»H, a l l o t t ed to the [Rat Ogee Food ,


Colon*-Sergeant A . Hr>wo has t ransf^r f&d from tho 1st Du •:• T.-S R M has b^en made 8e!?cnd-Lionte(ca'ii i n i,l>o Qooea's Owa R o j a l Went Ke i t Regiment w t i o h is B O W a t Nasirabad, Ksjpute ' .a , i r . d i . .

o M r BeruJird; Smi*:';, 3 >n of M r a:.d M r s C. J.

Smith , G » ' R Y ° ' B i r o a r d Castle, hao b«on p r o m . , I t . . to the rank of s^rgvar-i in th<. S i x t h Bat tal io . t Durham L i g h t I n f s u t r v ( T e r r i t o r i a l H c ' o r v t ; s ta t ioned at Bishop Auckl&nd.

Our t o x t s tory , w h i c h w i l l commar.ce tho first week i n February , is e n t i t l e d ' The S i ive r Dagger, " by A. J . Wa l l i og .

A t the Noweastle-on-Tyne Dog Show, he ld last New Year 's Day, i n a d d i t i o n to the i r youog, Bmuoth co l i ie dog being a pr iza-winner , as stated i J our columns last weelr, Messrs W. and H. Porter , nt Cotherstoc, v i a " O u r Dogs' Paper, hava won the first pr ize i n the open fiald spaniel class (dog or b i t c h , any colour) w i t h t h e i r beaut i fu l b h e k •> Barum Belle. ' She a l s o won the Wakefield s i l ve r cup g iven for the best ^ p o r t i n g spaniel i n the show, and at.- has annexed tho Fe t i 'Kick s i lve r cup for the best b i t c h i n the show. A l toge the r there we ie 600 ou t s i t s , i n c l u d i n g bo th sexes.

M r s J . W.Ra ine . S r idg tga t e , Bernard Castle, has received a no t i f i ca t io i . f rom the War Offise, s t a t i n g tha t jeer brother , Lance-Corporal G. S. Connel l ,o f the King ' s Own Scot t ish Borderers, ttas bean m i s t i n g since November 18 th . T h i s young man went to the f ron t a t the commence' ment of host i l i t ies- Ho former ly resided at tho Ra i lway Hoto ' , Bank, Barnard Castle, aud has been i n ; the army about t w o years.

D u r i n g the {Christmas holidays L o r d Barnard very generously senc a paroel of books for the ch i ld ren a t t end ing Langleydaie sohool, and a t the same t io ia the Lady Barnard v e r y k i n d l y forwarded a box con ta in ing var ious a r t i c l e s sui table for tho ch i ld ren . The presents we re d i s t r i b u t e d on Monday :.ftarnooc, when t h e scholars were presented w i t h a sui table g i f t .

Indigestion and Dyspepsia.

ANNUAL PRIZE DISTRISUTI0N. On Monday n i g h t the prizes r-ecurod by i h e

achoHrs a t t end ing the Pariah Church Sunday • ••tiiools were d i s t r i b u t e d by M r s J . J . Be l l - . I r v i n g , of Rokeby Park, yiho wns occompaniod by ber unmar r ied daughter (Miss Marda Bs!!-I r v i u g ) .

Address by the Vicar. The Rev. H . . W . H . Bircbaro, i n a short

address, w a r m l y welcomed the lady who was about t o present the prizes, and remarked thai; genera l ly t.bey had had a more important, ceremony in cocrmct ion w i t h t he i r p r i z ^ d i s t r i b u t i o n t h a t they were t o have tha t n i g h t . Bu t the la rger b u i l d i n g i u w h i c h they usual ly assembled ha<' been engaged by tho soldiers, and they were a l l so r ry for tho t e r r i b l e war w h i c h was r a g i n g in Europe, .•sort wbioh T-T.H causing tens of thousands pueh M d heartn, Ho hoped none h a d stayrrf ?->iy because he or the had po t won a p»iz». hut , on the con t ra ry , t r u s t e d tli»r, a stood f i - d generous na ture w o u l d be aroused w i t h i n them tha t would g r o w as they g r r w H s ta tu r Eaoh g i f t b'-ok really meant a cer t i f ica te >-f character . Work •well begun wan w o r k half-done, and good boyn often made good mni;. Regular at tendance a t school enjoined habi ts of punc tua l i t y acd obedience. (Applause).

Tha Gsrmiin Doctrine : Vi et Armi s M r s B e l l - I r v i n g thanked them a l l v e r y much

for t h e i r ve ry k i n d and warm re cepfciob, acd remarked that she always had pleasure i n being amongst young people. 8as was gra t i f ied l o see so u w > rosy cheeks and hea l thy and h»ppy f i c f*, atid to cote also t h a t the obtldre»)'s lunge were ve ry sound 88 shown i n

'to Isst bj to '* vthioh t hoy sang. She hoped when they grew up tha t many of them wou ld join t he church choi r . Ch i ld ren i r t ima bad

disp«>r8t», wh ich was regrc ' . t su lc , but , c;n l e - v i c g t h 9 o ld homr , snd wherever they migh? be.nho counselled her y o n t h f a l aud i to ry

sake an ioteresfc i n t h e i r oharoh. The i is take w h i c h the German empire had made

wns in thu-kinf- t h a i a b i g State had MO time for r e l ig ion , and tha t tisny muss ru l e every­t h i n g ru th less ly , A l t muat ba accomplished by force, ar.i?. thus they witnessed all t h i s c rue l ty and i n i a go ing ou- - Belgium wiped ou t —and a l l bucanse they had t h r o w n over t h e i r ch r i s t i an p r inc ip les . Whatever they did she implored the ch i ld ren t~> e»k God to help them, and they wci i ldassusediy BUQOeed, (Applause),

The Distribution. M r s B e i M r v i o g then presented tho prizes as

fol lows t—j P a r i s h C h u r c h Sunday school^.—Girl.".—Select class (teach,

era : Misses D r u m m o m l aud m o u r n ) . — G r e t a Wi l l i s , A sister f the red eros^; Margaret Hunter , My L a d y Be l l amy; Annie

hiuitli , Daphne's decision ; Kl iz i ibcth Nicholson, Dewdrops nd diamonds ; Dorothy M.Wood, I n tho flower of her youth ;

Claes I . (teachers : Misses Drumuiond and Patterson) .— Kl izabeth Clarkson , prayer book ; Grefci Park inson , Cl imbing the h i l l ; Ferguson, prayer book. Class I l a . (teacher : Miss D r u m m o n d ) . — E t h e l C l a r k s o n . bilile ; Annie hleukinsopp. G r a c e . Clans l i b . ( teachcis : Miss Drummond a n d J a c k s o n ) . — A n n i e L o n g s t a i l , School g i r l honour. Class 111. (teachers : Misses Peirse a u d B o a r d m a n ) . — M a r y Stod-dart . T h e two school girls ; G r a c e Jop l ing . Love's lesson ; K d i t h Wood, T h e cottage on the Downs ; K a t h l e e n E v a n s , G iven . C l a s s l V a . (teachers : Misses B o a r d m a n a n d Wood).

H i l d a Bienkinsopp, John's victory ; Beatr ice Brownless , Three l i tt le ones. C las s I V b . (teachers : Misses B r a s s aud Nicholson) .—Jenny Longsta ic . G r a n n y ; Uoris Pounder, T h e power of kindness . C las s V . (teachers : Misses Brass aud Nicholson) .—Gladys L a m b , Mol ly . C las s V i a . Ueachere : Misses Gibsun aud Nevisou),— i l a r r i e t m a Longstait", b ib l e ; Aucte l ledley , A credit to the colours ; Dorothy Gregory, Get t ing and giving. Class V l b . (teachers : Misses Gibson

ud Stappard) .—Nel ly Cra ig . M a r y Cheesebrough, Ne l ly Craiu". Cia-ss V I I . (teachers : Misses McDona ld and L u d g a t e j .

K i t t y Stcddart . Maggie's name ; Hett ie Wood, Without nd wi th in : E l i z a Jewmesou, Tht; l isberman's grandchi ldren ;

Margaret Walkor , P u r r i n g when you're pleased. In fant s teachers: Misses M. Watsun au:l A . Brass)—Frances Gregory ,

T h e friend of the chi ldren ; Aiinio ^iulllson. T h e story of the sower ; Mary S impson, T h e s t j r y , of the sower ; Dor i s Walker , Tho wonderful deeds of Jesus ; E d i t h Simpson, T h e l itt le chi ld ; B e r t h a P a r k i n s o n — T h e story of tho sower,

ioys.—Select class (Uaehcr : Rev. A . Morr i son) .—Fred . Hunter , '.it stories of the B r i t i s h N a v y ; Roger W o j d h a m s , joys of Beechwood ; oeo., h i ic, or L i t t l e by little ;

W . Stoddart , Peter Simple ; G . Jcmmesou, Nicholas Niekleby. C l a s s I . (te:icuors : Messrs H . l ioaiuiu. in and it . Wood).— H a r o l d Jones, T o m Brown's school-days ; ltobert Poumicr. Midsh ipman E a s y ; Hector Macdoual. i , Doiubey a u d S o n ; Alfrci l^Huiitcr, O ld curiosity Bboe ; F r e d . l i lenkinsopp. Peeps

t K o y a l Navy . Class I I . (teachers : Messrs A . U , Al len and Walker ) .—Wi: f . I I . Uobinson, David Coppertield ; Uonald Morton, C u b a n Treasure I s land . Class 111. (teacher*, Miss Hogg aud M r J . H . Waium) .— Liouel Morton, Y o u n g I traders ; B e r t r a m L . C r a i g , G o r i l l a huutets. C las s I V . (teacher : Mr il. W a l k e r , j u n i o r ) . — T o m Brownie.-.--, Master-man Heady ; Noi luan Jones, Doctor's birthday ; J o h n Blenkinsopp, Gul l iver ' s I r u v c K Class V . ( t eachers : Messrs J . Blcukinsopp aud I I . Lowe) .—ltobt . Bleuk iusvpp, l< xpelled ; Wilfred Coaies , T h e heroes. C las s Y t — R o b e r t L a m b , W i n n i n g his laurels ; H. Park inson , Scott ish chiefs. Class V I I . — K , Thompson, W i l d man of the west ; T . Addison, E r i e . In fants (teachur : M r I t . B iowu) .—Alber t Nicholson. F r i e n d of child] en ; Herbert H a r l a n d , Wonderful deeds of J e s u s ; Wil l i e LougstalV, T h e s o u e r ; Bert ie Koluusou, Wonderful boy. St . Mary's C h u r c h Missiou Sunday school. — G i r l s . — C l a s s I . (teacher, Mrs Bueha in ) .—Annie WU-haui, Sister ; Wiuil'red K e y , Doris U a r u l y u ; Annie H i l a r y , Uncle Tom's C a b i n ; L i l y Stout, Preston towers ; Violet U n i u h a r t , P iucherton F a r m . C las s 11. ( teacher.: Miss Ul lathorne) .— Kui ina Wi lk i i i j on , Cl i inbiug tho h i l l ; Beatr ice Carter , bible Gertrude Oaiter , A u n t Jaue ' s hero. Class H I . (teacher Miss B r a s s ) . — E v e l y n Metham, E r i c ; Klsio Brass , Janet ' s b o y s ; Mabel Hilary. , Rahefl in the baskot. Class I V . ( teacher: Miss S i l k ) . — F r e d a Harwood, T h o angel's charge ; Isabe l Wilkiusou, T h o pink tash ; Gladys W a l k e r , pieturo bo ik ; Mary Brass , picture book. Boys .—Class 1. (teacher : Miss K i r t l e y ) . — A l b e r t Koy , He ld to ransom ; F r e d . W r i g h t , Boys of Westoubury ; J a m e s Sanderson, Boys of S t . Kl ino . Class I I . (teacher : Miss Watsou).—Goo. Wilson, Capta in Cur ley ' s boy ; F r e d . T a y l o r , Wi l l i s , the pilot ; Joseph John­son, T h e academy boys in camp. Class H I . (teacher : Miss Wheat ley) .—Fred. C h a t t , H a r r y B e r t r a m ; h e n r y Minnikin , T h e earpeutor's snuti-box ; George C a r t e r , picture book.

The V i c a r thucked the Sunday school i . i l ioials and teacheis .—Us Rober t Wood, who is about to become superintendent , after f o r t y years ' work i n the sohoj l , moved a cord ia l vo te of thanks to M r s B e i l - I r v i o g for her services, acd inc iden ta l ly remarked tha t a lady who had reoet i t ly d ied a t Scarborough, and who much appreciated t h e i r Sunday sohool efforts, bad lef t £200, the in te res t f rom wh ich was annually to be g iven t o poor i n the parish.—The Rev. Spencer Wade, the newly-appointed curate , seconded tho proposi t ion i n an encouraging speech. — M r s B e l l - I r v i n g , i n rep ly ing , said she had a oonfesnion t o make, She was not a " Yorkehi remau," bu t Welsh. (Applause).

Presentation to lha Rev. A. Morrison. On F r i d a y evening last the super intendents

and teacher3 ot the Parish Church Sunday schools presented to the Rev. A . Mor r i son t w o volumes ot Bishop L igh t foa t ' s " Work on the Epistles," and 4 volumes ot Dr . Adam Smith's " Book of the Twe lve Prophets," and " Book of Isaiah," as a .'souvenir and token of esteem on his leavi . g the parish, M r Mor r i son h&s acted as boys' superintendent , aud taken grea t in te res t i n the Sunday sohools, as i a other work amongst the y o u c : of the parish

Correct N - i t i i of tha Product Prescribed by Leading Specialist now Ascertainsd.

Although so mnoh h-s been said and written concerning the new treatment for indigestion

. . . „ — . and dyspepsia—the treatment which was license procured from Biehjp Hatfield by Jjhn I originally employed by a specialist in his

private practice, a>xl proved so successful as

The only document ex tan t wh ich th rows any j ' gh t on the erect ion of R » b y Castle is the

Lord Nevi l le , w h i c h q u a i n t l y grants h i m I permission " tha t he may of bis manor Raby, which is w i t h i n onr bishopr ic of Durham, "•ate a castle freely a t his o w n w i l l , and may embattle and credelate a l l the towers , houses, and walla thereof, w i t h o u t being hindered, molested, gr ieved, or d is turbed by us or any I, " f our officers, minis ters , or o ther one 8uhJ30t , I t h a t t he produc t emplo. uwelliDg w i t h i n our said roya l seigniory. known to physicians and c

o Amateur a th le t ics were no t looked upon

SS i f*3 ' » y o n * n n t i l * B O J * " !864, p r i o r t o J»nioh time sports were en t i r e ly monopolised D y professional exponents, and frequent ly "Tershadowed by pugi l i sm and i t a a t tendant Wffiaoiam. I t was, therefore, diff icul t to induce men of any social s tatus to iden t i fy themselves ™ith athlet ic meetings. I n the year mentioned 'he first in te r -un ivers i ty sports were arranged, »Ed this la id the foundation for a new era i n athletics. 0

A«W asked by the R e v . A . H . F o r d to s ta te jnat the announcement made i n th i s column, •ast week, t ha t His Roya l Highness the Duke °» Counaaght had been ohurchwarden to tho v i Q u of Bagshot ia Dot correct .

to war ran t its adoption by hospitals through' ou t the country— there a r e u t i i l a large number of sufferers who are doub t fu l as to the name and nature uf the preparat ion w h i c h is g i v i n g such v-'.'i J o t l u l resul ts . We are, therefore, g l ad t o bo i u » pos i t ion t o s ta te def in i te ly

iyed is an antac id chemists as bisurated

magnesia, arid the q u a n t i t y usual ly advised i n the t r ea tment of moss forme of stomach t rouble is hal f a-teaSpocnful i n a l i t t l e warm or cold water immedia te ly after meals. Tn is has the effect of neu t ra l i s ing the harmful aoids i n the stomach, and p reven t ing fermenta t ion of the food, thus ensur ing normal d iges t ion and tree* dom from pain and discomfort . We learn t h a t largo supplies uf the genuine bisurated magnesia have now been secured by Messrs Q Clarkson Harker , the Ba l io l Pharmaoy; T. B. l l l s l e y , M a tke t -p l ace ; Mason's Cash D r u g Stores, 8, Horse-market ; and M r R. W. Raine, Marke t -p l ace ; and Middleton- lu-Teesdale and we are sure that mauy readers w i l l appreciate the fact that they can obtaiu this excel lent preparation looal ly .



I h i Wai- Curtailed ftii Shooting D«ys. The beaters a r d shepie rds of Cothorcto ' i

Moor wero.agaiu e a t e r n i i e d to a subs tant ia! ' l i n t e r , Ut ; t F r i d a y n ighr , a t tho Red L i o n Hote l . I n add i t ion t o t ! e taany good t h i n g " provided, a nice display i f flowers a m i p l a n s adorned tho table, aud, a though the weathf." was far from favourab: >, a good number

t rended:—After the r p p j s t , Coucr. i l lor Dant, of Naby V i e w , preaidad, !\nd proposed " The Heal th of the Kirn , ' , " v h i i ih was responded t.< by a l l s ing ing the na'.1 onal a n t h e m — " The Army and Navy " w e r e d u • hoaouted , i .u i 'Men fo l lowed the toast of She evening, " Tho D i n o r s , " wh ioh aehtinMMit, vraa abiy proposod from the chair . M r v j i e n t made pleasiug

eferecce to M r Adam Dn^dale , acd t ikowiss :> his son, M r G i l b e r t Dugdalo, the l a t t e r

gentleman having v c ' u t -.eered for the f r o n t , haviiunj lo f t home ao'm i months ago to figh;

Br his country .—Tho tea: t was hea r t i l y drunk w i t h musicr.i honours! v.d amidsii r i n g i n g eheera.—Mi W. Por ter i -w io i>ccapi td tho v ice-ebalr, respo' d e d . a r d 1 r e i ly thanked a l l on bciiaif nt M i - Q i l b o r t Dugdf i i f , vrhom bo described as a fin? sportsman mti P- thorougi i gE - , t l emcn , He had know a tha Du»dals fami ly

or *bout tvv<3utj-fi?o I p tre, j»r.d from febe o ld gentleman to tho youD{;est t hey were nice

ecplo, and' hard 'equal. tf>s wished M r Ov.Rdale tho beat ofshe a l t h , s ad a s^fe asd pe tdy r o t a r i : . (App!a.uf"'

Serious Accident to Or. Leishman.

Injured by Motor-Car at the Town Head. We regre t to state t ha t a somewhat serious

accident betel the esteemed Dr . Leishman about three minutes past one o'olook on Monday afternoon, i u Vic to r i a - t e r race East, Dr . Iieishmr.ii was go icg ou t ot the town On a professional round, and had gain*d Vic to r i a ' terrace Bast by way of S'juth V i e w , i n b i s motor-oar. The accident happened near the monumental e x h i b i t i o n u t Messrs Wilson Brothers-, and no t far from tho j u n c t i o n of the road. Tbe engine stopped, and Dr . Leistim&o was t u r n i n g tho handle to start the machine again, w h t n , happening t o be i n gear, immediate ly ran away. Being in f ront , t-.t the s t a r t i n g lever , M r Leishman was unfor tunate ly driven fo rward underneath the car, ho being unable t o regain his f re t , tor about l ive yards, I n fact he saja himself „i:,.t the maehi&«j , , . u u d upon his head. The car was stopped, after t r a v e l l i n g abi .u i fifteen yards, presumably by the ke rb ing . The Doctor d injur ies are ohiefiy i n the region o t the bead, and, a l though he never los t consciousness, h» ia sufforing from shuck. Dr. Wel ford and Muvse Dickec were immediately cal led i n on Dr . Leishman beiDg taken i n t o a friend's house close by, where he now lies. P.C. Henderson, a mounted Oouuty constable, happened to be on du ty i n t h n close vioinity, and, together with a r a i l w a y official who resides in the locality, and others rendered prompt assistance,

was Shao of ' ' Tee Bet te r s and :Shepherds," wh ich w s s a p p r o p r i a t e l y proposed by M r J. W. Dent , w h o i s one of the fle'd t.«ov"8, and w{,s s u i t a b l y r»ckuow!ed(;ed by Kt Qe^rgo KitJd, who s ta ted t h a t the beaters wsrt t SP m u c h i o t e r e a l o d i n t h e r u c o e s s 61 the d r ives * tbe g e n t l e m e n i n t h e b u t t s were to shoot !•« b i rds . ( C f c e e i s ) . - ' * t h o Hea l th of Messrs

Wfge, T . TurnbuU, ar.d C. T . Rait,.,, t h e Koepers i" waa O D t n u s h a i i e a l l y honoured, i u d r e p l i e d to b y each,—IVfr Raise, be i r t ; the

"he npx t t'^53^

W a r I tems .

keapar-in-charge, exteedi The ?RCt of t h i s

ciroums'-aLce of M r ( l i b e i i Dugdsie hav ing jo ined i.he colours, suggested an evening spent i n good taste. The war, the shoot ing days, aHb. on Cotherston Moor

1 a qu ie t welcoi t l e r r ib i ' i w > ; , aati t i i e

he s*,id, had c u r U i l c d ;ugh th«. pact cieison held t he record.—

Approp r i a t e songs weM interspersed c u r i n g a l oya l f»od p a t r l o t u

d by Messrs Pago, (un.5 J . Oowlatu*. R.

SmUh. W. Dent and Com " favourad t i i e

th". evapiop, mostly typo , and v/wio c -,'rK.-.' Q. iv idd , 15. Faweet t , Bt teson , J. TurnbuU, W. P o r t e r . - " Cbarloy company w i t h a step d'anclB, w h i l s t youog " Ned' from up-daio mar.ipulatis^ t he o ld f r v o u r i t t t aocurd ioD. iJoth tu rns grea t ly appreciated —A w?.s accorded to M r aji excel lent d i n n e r p r o v i i w h i c h had been glv , . . exprapesd his indeb tc - . t i v > remarks, and t rus ! -l i e las t occasion on

were p l t f t s ieg and e!\rfcy v i . to of th»it.k8

i M r s Oaster for t!io sd, and i.he a t t en t i on —The w o r t h y Host BBS for the appsc eta'

th\x, i t would net -M whioi 1 . t hoy wi.u!d

s i m i l a r l y meet.—The Cb-iirman n o d V i c e chalrm&n were thsckc-3 and tho s ing ing oft cot eluded . most plo r.

The Divers and the lll-tated £mpro$s

Letter Received in Teusdale L>st F>iday.

Missive From the

for t h e i r services, Au l r i* L*>ng SjD.e " and q a i i t c v « e i - g .

Wreck of .of Ireland.


Deep Sue Sea. A n ex t r ao rd ina ry cjrcumsijftnea h&e j u s t

taken place i n ishn de'>ivi>ry of a l e t t e r to Miss M . H a * t e j , Reservoi r H aso, M i d i l t t o n - f a -Tessdaie, Which h a l » [pare .r,!y b e e n ot the bot tp in of t h e sea t u r s o | |s months!. The facft

^ako voium-.s for p t s t - f f f i j e organizat ion. There wero t w o envelopes deUvorod. One envelope, the larger , eiij.1 aed a om*ili.-: . r.e, w h i c h i u r e a l i t y contained tbo lett.-:• now M hand, safe, readable, i L d f u i i y preboeiable, though w r i t t e n i n i e sd^p :nc i l , acd w i i i c i i is

cvmmnnica t ion from $»;e sistes to ^Dother . I t bears tho M o n t r e a l ; e s i -mark of y 2Gth,

p.m. Tbe ac t ion of Ike water , i u cro&t ing damptiesij, has resul ted i n the (emovai of mi stamp, and the gum o r i g i n a l l y fasteoiag tho envelope ra« disftppenr.;:!, pMaiunab!/ frohi the sara;: C A U S J . I n a; j event the cnelosed ooveicpo was open, and a'oi g t h n t u p j i a r t i t W M t h e t j p e - w r i t t e n mecs;tge, iof iuee i ; : ' . : : 'Recovered by divers from wreck of s!a. Empress of lr«'l»nt'." C. i the back is »a u t : ! -r immed ••. -t- T K besi>i'iug tUeso wo.-de: " Brscoh Dead L e t t e r C ffice, O t towa , Oatar lo , October 6th , 1914." Thn larger or enciusisg envelope is a l together Dfficiai. Th? f o l l o w i p g mat ter is p i l o t e d upon i « : "O.H.VJ.S R, M . Coulter , Deputy Bootmai iter-Qenerai. Recover­ed by dive>s from w r >c.k of as . Empress of I r e l and . Post- Office Department , Canada. Dead L e t t e r Office a t Oi towa ." The post-mark is " Ot tows , December i i, 5 p m. ( 1914. Cauadj." The cal igraphy, as vre h&vesaid, is i n lead penci l , and is per fec t ly legible, w h i l e ihe p-?per used is foroigu note.

Cotherston Branch of the British Women's Temperance Association

Never has tho Temperance Ha! ' , Cotuevston, looked m'.-ve f e s t i ) , aaa yes home-like, than i t d id cu Thurad&y evoding, when the B:'U:sh Women's Temper»cct> Association held t 'uair annual " a t borne." The committee, an usual, had worked hard to n u k e the [ga the r ing a success, ar>d t h e i r «ftoft* mot w i t u sr. ample reward . O ld and young a i ike seemed bent on enjriyment, H b d had c o i : up the i r minds t h a t for tha t one u i g a t , & t ;e:.f,t. a l l thoughts o i war and sadness should be set aside. Tbe ' ??.-tables looked most i n v i t i n g , be ing decorated w i t h plants and f t o w e i l k i u d l y l en t by M r Howard , and l i t e r a l l y covered w i t h a most var ied co l lec t ion of etckw, sandwiches, sad pies. Af to r a l l owing tim:» for •» chat i i cd games the eutor taUim: n t c m o i o u c e i l , aad thla also wen t \ , i ! h ovec. m >re than Lin usual awing, perhaps o wi n g to t l i e help g iven by s,ho Belgians who are at brooorit stt>yiui; in the vi l lage , and who k k i d f r ssr.g three songs. The other gingers were hfm Woed, vho received a WArm wr<icomo ; M i s * J x L c n g , Mios E l l a Jex Long , Misa H o / . a i d , M r Htugiey , and tig Sidney Hodgson. Uev.-.;i.'g8. wh ich oauaod much amuaetaent, wene g iven by ii r Liogf\»ru and M r HU'gley, wh ich were fo l lowed Jby pianoforte solos by Mj-s if- slop ftcd Miss L i n g -ford . Then thero were rec i ta t ions by M s -er Walton, Master Diioaid Storey, and .ra Bernard Storey. Mrs 1 Storey is an o ld favour

i t a i n Cotherstou, and , when i t became known a guest at tho " a t home,'

d igh t she w ; j i t o be everyone was -flight*-•• , fo r ;no o n t o r t a i D m e u t could be d u l l where & Irs Storey is. and her l i t t l e son, Donald, i s idmcst as good a rec i t e r

There w a s also >>a atausin: ' Ji .ckets," i n w h i c h toe

l o w & r d , Alderson, a t d the close M r Tyermau

as h is K t h i r . sketch, e n t i t l e d Misses Jev Long , Parker took par t .—At proposed a vote of thank-; in tho ladies, w h i c h w«s seconded by tbe Rev. i. W. Brent , and an enjoyable evening was brought to a close by the s ing ing of the nat ional anthem.—Tho fol lowingevc;>iug tee ;h«!drea'.,f both tbo bauds ot hope were . . n t e r i i tneii to te», t,sn bad i r o y a l t imo w i t h gauaht, recitaMuua. nod Sunga.

(should send two stamps coutaiQiug valuable infor: suppressions may be entire] y meaus. Recom mended b j sat'e t sure, a n d ^euui i iL ' remj



Heat K i t c h e u or — W . Hun ton Y o r k , 25 Castle,

atiy Anne Lambton's Durham County Work Depot.

Thirteenth List. Tho Honorary Secretary bega to eoknowledge

w i t h thanks the rece ip t of t ho foUowtng garments, e t o , furwsrder l by s!.*ff and e e h o i a i T of Coekfield school (por i*Ir W d t h e r e i l ) ; t l i w K. Emerson, The r>cVoi,Den f -or>; >:'rs Pio>'«"D, Catbr lck , Piercob»-idgo; -a'td rcfcolars ot Cockfield scbooi (per M r N . W. Chf-mV-ers) —The commitrr-e s o l i c i t fu r the r Coo t r i bn t l o i ;-ud, i n particular, woollen sh i r t s , niofll?rp, woollen caps aad ho lo ieU, fiigerleas g- v " . mi t tens , and body t w i t s , which are u r g e n t l y D e e d e d by tho Durham regiment , — ?*? A. J . Dawoon is the hencrnry c^cruta.-y.

Memories of the Hoyal Fusiiiers.

Private G. W. Gerry &cngr«tu'*ted.

To the ESito.* of tho " Teesuaie M e r c u r y . " D K A R S I R , — I co te t h s t G. W. Ber ry , of

Barnard CAt t lo , has jo ined tee 4 th BaUaiio?] n | tho Roya l B'mtillara. I vt'wb Lira success in I i I m i l i t a r y I ' te , and hop.-j l h a t ho ra».y b.> as pr.->nd bf hia reg iment as I was ^vhen I had rb<?ho:.cnr to serve i n r.ho 2cd B- i t t a l i in of ".he same r i g i r - . e - I ; . The f e m a t i v n dr . t fS b - c k t o th«; t ime ' . f tUe A r m v i a . A Mend of mine, 6Jergi?a«6-Mbjor Tyler-, of }Se 4 :n BattnttaOJ,

)w a t she fron'u, h"S been me i , J i oned i n <i«}8pv.crses, rvad P.civnta S. Gosley. -A tfeosam" battrtH TO, : r - : ,? roed the V i c t o r i a Cress for n t tok icg to his maohine gun a t Mons under ' .erve-strai ' i ing oondi t ioHk Tbo f u s i l i e r s h * v j done w e ' l at tbs fwn i - , t u t thsy fc:tve los t a :umr?ei' i -f nets, fl.idley is now repor ted r.3 wounded and mis-iiug. I wxoae to Gedley n l e t t e r of c togra tu la t ioo on s ia b rave ry , bn-the letter n*s bef ; i :?ctnrned t o mo. I enclose. eopy of a letter I r o a Colonel Bbdiok' . I f you CM> A i d space for i t and w e a-b.'ve i n your nex^ i t sua you w i l l favour me v e r y muci?.— T ^ a s k i r g you i n an t io ipa t ioc , 1 am, years v e r y t r u l > .

W I L , L I \ i I COATES Rokribv Vii.!<i, S t a r t f o f ^ t , Barnard C t s t i e ,

U t h J*!iur.ry, 191a.


Hoyal Fusiiiers* Association.

D E A R M R C O A T E S , — I havo t u acknowiodgr, w i t h sincere vhatka the rece ip t of p v c a i as 'o t lu ia t ed in your l e t t e r of the 22uai iaeaant. Will y.-n rery k i n d l y oonvey t j i . ie iadiem who »er«-. •octramental i u pcovi^. isg rae c a m f j i l s an expression of g ra te fu l t h i n a. i i o tue came of the r e g i m e n t | o r t u e i r exCremciy k i a d acd t hough t fu l action, acd ala-; please aesepii a •hn i la r expreoaiou of thanks for tho great l o w e s t ss«s you yoaraelf have t . . kc . i ? Tho gi f t s so ve ry k i n d l y scat w i l l bo forwarded rfi'ect t o the f ron t , nmi w i l l , I am q u i t e aurr , b t much appreeiatad.—Toura aincoraly,

I t . P I i R O D I ' . K , t l B U T . - C O L O S E L , Secretary, K >yal Pnoiiiasa' Aaaooiatten..

Binshtvy Barrackf?, fjondon, E C , "29ill Deeambsr, 1914.

M r n. Ooatee, Rokeby V i l l a , S t a r t fo r th ) Barnafd Caotle.

i.-loves for Our Gunners.

W O M A N our o2-pagu i l lus tra ted Book

iou how till Irregulari t ies and avoided or removed by simple

Qmineut Phveic ians as tbe only "y. Nover fails. Tliousuuds of Establ i shed lStil i .



D A I . M T O M I J A N K . U I X n O N

ng Coal, 17*. per ton , Horse M a r k e t , Baruard


SIR, |—Tha ex-»ci-i*ig demand« and ex t r a .-»ju ot >.jar, is r.-sponsiblo f . . r m t a y an

unexpected need antongot r.eoge who serve, ion , n o t hav ing h-c-L aBtieipated, hava n o t

>t"3n providori fur. Tht i to t of t h e gur .2< ra O n His V . itjebty ' s b».'.tius5ii'-.j supplioa a Bane i u point . Those b rav^ fe i iows w h i l n on du ty art: compelled u> s t acd by the i r gu».n the whole t ime , te&dy for ac t ios , sad i t ia b i t t e r l y co ld i n viie N o r t h Sen. 1 have beon asko-J so undertake tbe ce l ioc t ion of sui table gloves, w h i c h msy ba mere or less worn—kit"^ ieacbor, frfr l i n e d , motor o f d i i v i n g gleves. • iuy of t h e s e forwarded to m« I w i l l un iorcsko Go send t u M r E M . K a l i , o f3 , Colonial v nop, I f l no r io s , L ' I D ^ O U , who w i ' i Sue th>:» sre d i s t r i bu t ed ss p i o m p t l y as »•« ssible. P a n e l s may aioo bn s e a t d i r e c t to H r U u l i , i f preferred.

•You. a f a i t h f a l i ] , G . J . U l V i N G ' .ON. B, .».'»;boy-street, Carl isle, January 12.'-, 1815

Belgian Hefugees.

b i o , - I t ii> now genera'iy H ' D . - U t ha t uiae-tc>o refugees are she K I U H : S ot Barnard Castle and '.as snr ronnding d i s t t i o t . Oo bebu'.f of the Jucal kefu^eo CimimUtau 1 beg t o thank a i l thjuse who have so kindly co-.t tr ibutod, ucd bhose. who havo sent e lo tn i i tg aad f o l d s ince tho a r r i v a l of the refugees.

I? ir.ay i-.tares": your roadors to kenw t h u t -.o Ijadiea "u the oomrjr :ttf?o uir-urrtak .-i the

ca te r ing It cbe fi»e familiea from a*y to d«y . i'niu tskc-i up co.-,eisif'";.blo t ime , aad the l u t i e s would bejnade easier i f those s e n i i g

od wouic ( i t p.;s<ible) lot the ladies k n o w tho day beforehand wha t if* proposed to ba sent. The commit tee a re alre:."3y obl iged by g i f t s of rabbi ts , potatoes, bu t te r , m i l k , meat, etc,

Amocg tho pa r ty are s ix c'aildrc-n.wged n o & r 14 years j f age, the yoangest being 2! moi Perhaps s .^aia mother, whose b.«by :s no lunger ^ baby, csn cpare a nradte ? .Ed a sa rmer i i v t

ot t w o for the i i ' . t l e s t ronger . Tue men arc desiroas ot b- jviug employm-nt .

i f suck ca ' i ba found. The oomtnittee wi ' i i be glad of any iiuggeation o.̂ tb:o h o s d . - Y o u r s l i i i t k f u i i i , J, I N G R A M DAWSON,

H'.-t.:;rfiry Beeresasy lo tho Commlt;e . i . Oak B » k, Baroaid Oaatle, 12th January, 1915.

" Press Sidelights of the War."

Useful Hint to Ativerlisers.

" Business as Usutl ." U-tJes the f i rs t of tho above headings, ' "Ti to

Nevcsp»por W o r l d " of ru-.oat issue contains act:i.< In te res t ing k f . - r m s t k u c.-...verniog the totkdbcrin wkioK the newspaper PreBS UUH a<ea aSecteC by t i ,e war . OoeeooU'ibntot s&j:- Lut ovei: 200 Gerraau newep&pers have boor. oi i jc^cUnutid " d u o to ti»e want of a^vi i r i iae-ments,' ' a n d a d u s : " A t the bog i aa i rg ,w<j had a i-v .o ot s imi la r e t m d i t l n u a t hom?, fcu adverf . i tcrs are now slowly , but • ic r e t u r n i n g t o the busineey of adver t i s ing , ani l a t the end ot the f i f th month's uos t i l u i t i s we are i n a surer posi t ioa than at the beginning, •toother special con t r i bu to r nays : " 1 was un i t e na tura l , iu the ear ly stages of those s t i r r i n g t imes, when panic seized t ho most l ov^ lhe&ded , aad uo ono kcew she,; would happen next , that advert isers ceased from adver t i s ing , and withdjr<v«* the i r orders wlioloaalf , but th is c u t t i n g down of expenses I U the m.kiter of adver t i s ing tur too (oug a i . ' . 'J ni-.y noii bo as economical sa •• , • o appear ou sae t<ici.» t t it. . . r... • , • t rave ls , who havo l a i e ly : . C " o i ^ . l i t t l i e i i advertising,a»y tha t t r aco w i t h t i i e m is now a-bris's a* ovo t very Lgr .oej,tiiy t> tueu uu ipr i se , and, having t r k d the exper iment of adver t i s ing on a iiioi.o extended seals, havo reaped th.> benefit by a l e tucu nearly double t u t u usual, l i a l l couid see th ings ti>ut way the nowhpaper proprietor's—who havo bho« spending mouey freely to g ive the i r readers the best of news would benefit, aad even i n war dime we suottld find t h a t ' Business as usual' is a good workable mot to ." Another paragraph u i tho same journa l says : " I i deems to bo c lear ly established tha t firms who continue to advertise are doing tbe best business."

Helpers of the Barnard Castie Ladies' Association Thanked.

T i the E d i t c r nf tho " Teosdaie M e r c n r y . " DEAR S I K , — W i l i yea &i luw me again t o

trespass on your v<>iuab'e space and thank '.bo many helpers i f t ho Barnard Ca t t l e l o d i s a f Associat ion for War Re l i e f for t b e ar t ! -.ius t h a t h? v«.- so • : .Uu.c y been made f rom w e . i aad mate r i a l suppl ied f r o n t b e depot , !'• d also for g i f t? received ?

C I Tuesday morn ing tbe Emergency Ccc/rai i tee sssshuig was he ld a t the Vicarage , and the f o l l o w i n g ar t le les were on v iew:—45 u e i n , 148 pairs of socks, 34 mofllsrs, 10 pairs of bee-less sroks, 48 pai rs ot mi t toos , 4 pai rs ot b l i p . i u " , 10 Cai 'd i . .a jacke ts aad jerseys, 6 bai l iota, 1 fl.vouel j acke t , 2 pairs of knee caps, 10 n t i r e of bed socks, and 38 flannel sh i r t s .

T.'iese a r t i c les ware f o r w c i d e d the f o l l o w i n g day co the B r i t i s h Red C'oea Society, Lady L o n -doo ' lo r ry . for Durhams a t t i i e f -< • ; t ; Major Done, for he 18 jb F ie ld Company, Hoya l Eugineers, •\t Colchester, somo Baruarci C.-.ctle men be ing i n t h a t company ; and t o the i*.ead of tbe Navy League D a p o ; ; aud also a consignment t o Colt ael Watson, fur our own C.h Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y now a t Beusham, G itosbead.

I -ibonld l i k e to add a U t t l e ino idea t t h a t camb ks my knowledge, and whioh should g i v e tbe women workers of o u ancient U t t l e t o w n fresh encouragement aud roaewed energy. One o i the Bth Durham's said to a comrade one morn ing , " I had g i v e n me from tbe s tore yester­day it f l i n t - a l s h i r t a i d pai r of socks w h i c h oame from : i*raard Cae. f . ->^u we;o made by some k i n d soul there , aad I have acver boon so comtor tabio i n m„' l i t e , "

N>w may I bo a l lowed to mako a l i t t l e . ,<ppeal for thn d r i v e r s ot the t r anspor t waggons of t b e 6 t h Ba t t a l ion Durh.*m L i g h t I n f a n t r y , a t Ben sham, Galestuftd ? I wan t 40 pairs of adttens, and, i f poe&i'ale, 40 mufflers (any leng th of toufilor w i l l ba occepts.bii>) t o fo rward co the officer l o charge cf t^e t ranspor t , t ha t he /lay fcopp-y each d r i v e r w i t h a pa i r of mi t tens and -i comforter . I t is ve ry c o l d w o r k d r i v i n g , and khi m?a's har.ds ge t numbed. I do no t wis. : i-.e io be & burden j n the fauds of our War Ro l i . i t Committee, sa 1 n u k e t h i s p e r s m a l »Pi> nnd am myse i l p r o v i d i n g wha t 1 can. At I snai l be most g r a t e fu l t.) any k i n d f r i e n d w:. w i l l f . n w a r d t o mo a t the Vicarage as no . . i i £0 p siibh< o i t oo r ot these a r t i o l e s . - T am, dear s i r , j urs f a i t b t a i l y ,

S A i t A l i £ . B I K C H A M . Vicai-ags, B j r n & r d C»stle, January 11th, 1815.

Christmas and New Year's Eve in the Trenches.

' J a c k J jhii.on'8 " 1915 Greeting. i i r Walkev Waine, tee Bank, Barnard Cas t i e i

has received a j l a ro res t i ag l e t t e r f rom P r i v a t e J . U Pecctd, of the 1st Leices ter Regiment (machiae gun sectioo;, who i s a r e l a t i v e by m&rriftge, i a wb ico ruferoace is made to the la te f-rativa saafcoii i n «ne treuohes. Che w r i t e r uays t!.-ey nad a f a i r l y d e c e i t t ime ou Ccr is l i -an.< ->ca New Year 's Eve. On Caris tmas Eve i . * - - Germans baouted. and wished tue Eng l i sh a " mar ry Chris tmas," and gave them a song. The br iu i sa t roups also chaered, and i u t u r n ahfo r e i i d e r e i a ^oug— - Has anybody seen a German b»:;C V " T t e Hues c t i t i e r a n d c i ' p p t d nhofa hands, so tho Eng l i sh g^va tnem another d i t t y - *• 1 want t o go home 1 " Tba contending forces, i n faot, were s i n g i c g and shout ing t o each o ther a l l n i g h t uni a l l Christmas Day. " O n Nsw Y e n ' s E?o t ^ c ' r b i g guas—' Jack Johuooti's,' as wa na i l thorn— s tar ted firing a t eleven o 'clock oy our «ime, and we a l l t h o u g h t wo were i a for i r . Hut they first sent one . l o c l l , then nine, t hou one, i»nd finally f ive. Whan wo came l o t h i n k i t ont , eleven o'elock by oar t ime is t w e l v e o'clock by t h e i r t i m e , sua they C, i a fac t , sent over * 1815' to g ree t t i e ticvr year, ,v jd (hey d i d tbe same w i t h t h e rifles t r a m the • -•«•*, and then shouted over, w i s a i o g u s ' a t s p p y new year. ' We shouted aad ask a Lcia i f they wore ' f e d up, ' and they eaid shey s u a There was ha rd ly a bhot fired by e i the r Hide a l l Christmas Eve or Chris tmas Day. 1 h a m bad a to.v ( .arrow oscapas, no t 1 t h i k O c d dev. u ; l y f r hav ing broughc me Ihxosigb, so I i r , safely. There are five m r n i n our r e g i m s n . A ' . O nave oarned the l i i s i ingu i shed conduct i u u J ; i . t n d one go t the V i c t o r i a Qtoiu. 8a J»a ha - . not done so badly . 1 shou'.d j u s t l i k e to ge t one o : the other o f thorn, bu t nverybudy dues n o : ge t the chance, as t he th ings jr. . . - . i . ; ; are done e i ther w i t h o u t i b i n k i c g of I h e r i sk , or ou the spur

f the momoat. Our wgjtsaent have beou praised t o : the w o r k tn^y oave done. 1 do uot t u i . k i t is the dusy of any mar r i ed u a u t o como ou t here."

La r^e , trefih s e e k s of Homuoo^aUiio fder t i f l r tm r o? C ^ t t l r Vpot R o t L o t i o n aud Ointment , ricour Cure, Sheep Dips of a l l makoe, 1'ar. Grease, Mach ine O i l , etc., a t R . W . Raise'*, Cnemist , Barr.ard Castle.



K u i s : C U A I T . - A t A ' I Suu tb ' , Maucbes tor , on the Ot'- January, 1315, P r iva t e J nines Bills, ot the 13th ManchestHr Regimeat , t u i-ia-ga^ei. Btbnbeth Chat t , 12, W h i t f i e l d -Btaraet, A r d w i c k , Maaoucsler .


U A R K K I I . - O . T Janusry 3vd, i' Glai 's tone House, Oreuoback Hoao, I tar i ihgSon, j o o r g e Barker , »;;ed 76 years. Waa i u t o r r c d a t West Cemetery, Da:Uugi<on, ou. Janusry 6 th .

D O N A L I ' . — A t Thorngate , Barnard Cast le , Hannah, beloved wife of t he la te Josoph Oanrild, aged 65 year*. Was i n t e r r e d a t HaMtfiarth. on Uuaday, J , . 11th.

FooTi-—At 8, Maikcc-place, Barnard Cast le , on Tuesday, January U t h , laxty, belyvea wife ot the la te J . b. F o o t i . a g e d 74 years. Ta bo i n t e r r e d < a Taure.ia.v, January 14th, a t 3 p.m., cortega leaving 8, Marke t -p lace , a t i. i i n a i t n r on t h r n n o'clock. Ci iends please accept t e i s i a l i m a t i o u .

E L R T K K S , — A t 6, the Esplaeade, Suaderlaud, on tho 11th Instant , aged 88 years, E l i z a b e t h , •• idaw of the la te W. U . Surtees. I o t e r m e n t on Thursday, cor tcga leaving residence a t Vi o 'clock coou, for HiaUopwearmouth Cemetery.

i n U s n i o r i a m .

t : L " i i . i i i . N i i O N . - l a l o v i e g mbraory ot John, tbe d e a r l j boioved a u u a u a of M a r g a r o t l iu 'ea iaaoa , l a i c cf Sca.r r . , . l Houee ,Et te rs -5,11, who depar ted ta i s l i f e on January 15th , 1313.

' i i 3 h a r d to par t w u h i n . " ' wc lt>«.. ThuugU p a l l i n g bourd w i l l c o U M l ;

Uut st i l l K U hope to mutt u ^ a i a i n our etoruul hornu.

Ever remembered b ; his w idow and f ami ly .

j A f k s o i f . — T o t'ae gont io memory of Jane J tcktioo, who d ied a t Kom&idk i rk , on January 1 l t b , 1814.

W c u i L s s t l i e u a l a tuouiauU turns Along life's weary t r a c k ;

Not a sorrow or a joy, but wo L o n g to eaU thou back.

W A L K E R — I a l o v i n g memory uf my dear father , T u . u.'.a Wa '..>... Walker, who passed away i a January 10th, 1808.- F r c m his l ov ing son aud daughter , and fami ly , M r and M r s Bate man, Manchester.

' l i - sweet to know we' l l meet aga in . Where part ing is no more;

A n d that the one we lov'd so wel l l i a s only gone before.