Josselyn's Book online




Transcript of Josselyn's Book online




I dedicate this book to my brother Bryan and my family, to Mrs. Mattson, Mrs. Graves and to my friends Helen, Nina, Ashley, Anna, Juliette, Lakshmi, Delaine, Izzy and Henry.

Hidden underneath the tall mountains of the Arctic, Arctic Fox sleeps. Her bushy tail curls over to keep her warm. The freezing cold wind whooshes across the mountains and ruffles Arctic Fox’s fur. As the sun wakes up, the peach-orange sky turns to a cool watermelon-red. Arctic Fox is beginning to wake up for a new day.    


As the day goes by, Arctic Fox gets hungrier and searches for food. She starts to follow Polar Bear to scavenge leftovers of its kills. Arctic Fox walks for a long time and gets hungrier each second. Just then, she steps on an icy crack and Polar Bear hears it! Polar Bear turns around and sees Arctic Fox. Both of the animals are really hungry after their long walk without any food. Because it’s so cold and harsh they have to find food quickly otherwise they will die.  



All of a sudden, Polar Bear starts to chase Arctic Fox. Polar Bear comes closer and closer. Polar Bear is so close enough to grab its tail but he misses! Freezing stormy weather makes the chase more challenging but the thick fur keeps Arctic Fox warm. Arctic Fox tries to get in the den but the snow is too deep.  


Finally, Arctic Fox digs up in the den. Polar Bear is trying to catch her but he is too big to climb into the den. Layers of heavy snow are piling up around Polar Bear. At last Arctic Fox is safe!  


About the Author

Josselyn Gonzalez is 9 years old. She goes to the Hosmer School in Watertown. She has an older brother named Bryan Gonzalez. She likes to play soccer.