
Joshua Type of the Kingdom of God The book of Joshua describes Israel’s preparation and entering into their promised land. This historical story is also symbolic of another people who are prepared to enter the Promised Land; those who by faith will inherit the kingdom of God. Let us consider some parallels of the Israelites inheritance of the Promised Land with the believer’s inheritance of the Kingdom of God on earth. Like Joshua who had the faith to enter the Promised Land when he was 40 but wandered with the unbelieving nation for another 40 years, many kingdom bound sojourners have the faith to enter, but because of the unbelief in their generation, they are wandering in the wilderness while their whole generation dies off. There will be some very old Joshua and Calebs among the generation who ushers in promised coming Kingdom on earth. This new kingdom nation, just as Joshua’s Israelite tribes, will have to follow the exact instructions, the Word proceeding out the mouth of God, to secure all the land for the Kingdom of God. Like Joshua, these new leaders will instruct the holy nation to prepare themselves to obey the word of the Lord. This is a life and death issue. Like Rahab, there will be new converts even among those who have been


A type of Christ leading His Church into the Kingdom of God

Transcript of Joshua

Page 1: Joshua


Type of the Kingdom of God

The book of Joshua describes Israel’s

preparation and entering into their

promised land. This historical story is also

symbolic of another people who are

prepared to enter the Promised Land;

those who by faith will inherit the

kingdom of God. Let us consider some

parallels of the Israelites inheritance of

the Promised Land with the believer’s

inheritance of the Kingdom of God on


Like Joshua who had the faith to enter the

Promised Land when he was 40 but

wandered with the unbelieving nation for

another 40 years, many kingdom bound

sojourners have the faith to enter, but

because of the unbelief in their

generation, they are wandering in the

wilderness while their whole generation

dies off. There will be some very old

Joshua and Calebs among the generation

who ushers in promised coming Kingdom

on earth.

This new kingdom nation, just as Joshua’s

Israelite tribes, will have to follow the

exact instructions, the Word proceeding

out the mouth of God, to secure all the

land for the Kingdom of God. Like

Joshua, these new leaders will instruct the

holy nation to prepare themselves to obey

the word of the Lord. This is a life and

death issue.

Like Rahab, there will be new converts

even among those who have been

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occupying the kingdoms of this world.

Just as Rahab was required to display a

scarlet cord, new believers will come

through the blood of Jesus. There is no

other way to inherit the Kingdom of God.

The Jordan River backed up all the way to

the city called Adam. Those who enter

into the promised land of God’s kingdom

on earth, will be baptized into the death

and resurrection of Christ, cancelling sin

all the way back to Adam.

Stepping into the flowing Jordan River

with the Ark of the Covenant pictures the

believer’s baptism in the death and

resurrection of Christ. Kingdom inheritors

have lost their own life and put on Christ.

The Ark of the Covenant, represents the

glory of God. The glory of God will fill

His living temple. Colossians 1:27 God

has chosen to make known among the

Gentiles the glorious riches of this

mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope

of glory.

Just as the 12 stone monument proclaimed

the power of God to bring the tribes

through the water of the Jordan, Kingdom

of God warriors have a Rock Who has

become a living witness to the power of

God to establish His Holy nation on earth.

1 Corinthians 10:4 for they drank from

the spiritual rock that accompanied them,

and that rock was Christ.

Like God magnified Joshua in the sight of

the people, the kingdom believers will

experience power and anointing that all

will see. 1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen

people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,

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God’s special possession, that you may

declare the praises of him who called you

out of darkness into his wonderful light.

John 14:12 I assure you, most solemnly I

tell you, if anyone steadfastly believes in

Me, he will himself be able to do the

things that I do; and he will do even

greater things than these, because I go to

the Father.

After crossing the Jordan (symbolizing

baptism from death into life), the nation

observed circumcision of all those born in

the wilderness. Circumcision is a picture

of a new heart, one that wants to obey

God. The citizens of the Kingdom of God

will have God’s heart. Romans 2:29

circumcision is circumcision of the heart,

by the Spirit, not by the written code.

Ezekiel 36:26 I will give you a new heart

and put a new spirit in you; I will remove

from you your heart of stone and give you

a heart of flesh.

The place of circumcision was Gilgal, or

the rolling away the reproach of Egypt

from the people. Our new heart likewise,

separates us forever from the kingdoms of

this world. We become dead to the world

and alive to God.

Colossians 2:20 you died with Christ to

the elemental spiritual forces of this


After crossing the Jordan, manna ceased

to fall every night. Instead they were to

eat the food from the Promised Land.

John 6:57 the one who feeds on me will

live because of me. 58 This is the bread

that came down from heaven. Your

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ancestors ate manna and died, but

whoever feeds on this bread will live

forever.” This bread which is our food is

to do the will of God. John 4: 34 “My

food is to do the will of him who sent me

and to finish his work.

Just as the Israelites did not plant the

fields, but were able to reap what they did

not plant, Kingdom of God workers have

the same benefits. John 4:38 I sent you to

reap what you have not worked for.

Others have done the hard work, and you

have reaped the benefits of their labor.”

Like the Israelites who were instructed to

utterly kill and destroy the inhabitants of

their promised land, this Kingdom of God

nation will minister the judgments of

God. Nothing unclean can inherit the

Kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:1 The

day is coming when the world is going to

stand before a jury made up of followers

of Jesus. Ephesians 5: 5 For of this you

can be sure: No immoral, impure or

greedy person for such a person is an

idolater—has any inheritance in the

kingdom of Christ and of God.

God’s irrevocable plan is accessed the

same for us as it was for Abraham: by

faith. God is looking for a generation who

will believe Him for the impossible. Is

this the generation?